Dry Wet 1 PDF

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JAN-MAY 2020


Date of Experiment - 27 January 2020

Date of Submission - 3 February 2020
Group 5


CH17B020 Shivanath Mahalingam

CH17B021 Sooraj Jaisankar

CH17B022 Sourabh Thakur

1. To use the wet bulb thermometer to measure Relative Humidity (RH) and compare with commercial
2. Measure the rate of wet bulb temperature depression as a function of air flow rate.
3. Estimate the Lewis Number (Le) and compare with literature.


Flow rate = 4 lpm,
T = 26ºC
RH = 59.6%

Time(sec) Wet bulb temp. (C) Dry bulb temp. (C) (Tw-Tg)/4.2 d(Tw)/d(time) (C/sec)
12 26 26 0.0000
30 25 26 -0.2381 -0.0556
65 24 26 -0.4762 -0.0286
113 23 26 -0.7143 -0.0208
423 22 26 -0.9524 -0.0032
600 22 26 -0.9524 0.0000
Flow rate = 6 lpm,
T = 27.4ºC
RH = 67%

Time(sec) Wet bulb temp. (C) Dry bulb temp. (C) (Tw-Tg)/4.2 d(Tw)/d(time) (C/sec)
8 26 27.4 -0.3333
19 25 27.4 -0.5714 -0.0909
39 24 27.4 -0.8095 -0.0500
332 23 27.4 -1.0476 -0.0034
600 23 27.4 -1.0476 0.0000
Flow rate = 8 lpm,
T = 27.7ºC
RH = 64.9%

Time(sec) Wet bulb temp. (C) Dry bulb temp. (C) (Tw-Tg)/4.2 d(Tw)/d(time)(C/sec)
5 26 27.7 -0.4048
13 25 27.7 -0.6429 -0.1250
28 24 27.7 -0.8810 -0.0667
85 23 27.7 -1.1190 -0.0175
600 23 27.7 -1.1190 0.0000
The unsteady state heat balance equation for the air-water system is given by
mCp*dTw/dt = hA(Tw-Tg)
From the charts the hA/m values can be found out as:
4lpm = -0.0709
6lpm= - 0.1887
8lpm = - 0.244

Cross section Area = 4 x 10-4 m2

RH = 66%
Diameter of pipe=0.02 m
ρ=1.17 kg/m3
μ(T=22 C) = 18.22*10-5 Pas
μs(T=27 C)= 18.46*10-5 Pas
λw = 2256000 J/Kg
Cp = 1000 J/Kg
For 4 lpm:

Q1=0.66×10−5 m3/s
v1=0.0165 m/s
Sh = 0.43Re^(0.56)Sc^(1/3) = kyd/DAB = 2.114
Ky = Sh*DAB/d = 2.325*10-3
Pr = Cp*μ/k = 0.707
From NuD,avg = hd/kY = 2+(0.4Re^(0.5)+0.06Re^(0.667))Pr^(0.4)(μ/μs)^0.25 = 15.05
We get hG,1 = 1.75
hG(TG−Tw) = λwkY(Yw′ −Y′)
Yw′ = 0.00133+0.015 = 0.0163

For 6 lpm:

Q1=1×10−5 m3/s
v1=0.02475 m/s
Sh = 0.43Re^(0.56)Sc^(1/3) = kyd/DAB = 2.6556
Ky = Sh*DAB/d = 2.921*10-3
Pr = Cp*μ/k = 0.707
From NuD,avg = hd/kY = 2+(0.4Re^(0.5)+0.06Re^(0.667))Pr^(0.4)(μ/μs)^0.25 = 15.05
We get hG,1 = 2.199
hG(TG−Tw) = λwkY(Yw′ −Y′)
Yw′ = 0.00247+0.022 = 0.02447

For 8 lpm:

Q1=1.32×10−5 m3/s
v1=0.0330 m/s
Sh = 0.43Re^(0.56)Sc^(1/3) = kyd/DAB = 3.116
Ky = Sh*DAB/d = 3.427*10-3
Pr = Cp*μ/k = 78.36 = 0.707
From NuD,avg = hd/kY = 2+(0.4Re^(0.5)+0.06Re^(0.667))Pr^(0.4)(μ/μs)^0.25 = 15.05
We get hG,1 = 2.57
hG(TG−Tw) = λwkY(Yw′ −Y′)
Yw′ = 0.00156+0.015 = 0.01656

Y’ vs RH is obtained from pschrometric chart

0.015 59.6
0.022 67
0.015 64.9

Lewis Relation Proof:

Cs = Cb+Y′×Ca (J for mixture/(kg air} . C)
4 lpm - 1033.26
6 lpm - 1046.44
8 lpm - 1033.26

4 lpm - 0.728
6 lpm - 0.719
8 lpm - 0.725

Le=Sc/Pr=0.7148/0.707 = 1.011

1. Sudden pressure build-ups in the air pumps have significantly affected the rate of change of Tw. . This
also leads to deviation of the Reynold’s number from the calculated one, hence affecting the values of RH
and Le. Since the alignment of the wick has not been the same in different measurements, the rate of cooling
may be biased in some cases.Hence, certain deviations from expected trends were observed
2. The absorption of mositure by the cloth wrapped around the thermocouple might have been improper
preventing the whole cloth to be moist.
3. The temperature could have been precisely noted if the least count would have been better.
4. There were differences in the measurements of temperatures in the two devices.


• We see that as flow rate increases, the wet bulb temperature drops faster to the steady state temperature
from the graphs.
The drop of wet bulb temperature was observed to be faster when air flow rates are increased.
• We have used correlations to find the values of Heat Transfer and Mass transfer coefficients, hG and k.
Using these values, we obtained the value of Yw and Relative humidity. The values show a decent
agreement with the value measured by the instrument.
• Using the values of hG,kY and Yw, we calculated the value of Lewis number and compared it with the
literature value. We see that they are of the same order but we do find a deviation from the theoretical
value whose reasons may be due to the experimental errors mentioned beforehand.
• We modelled the unsteady process and plotted a straight line between dTw/dt and the deviation (Tw-Tb)
to obtain the value of hA/m for all the three flow rates.

• Correlation of mass transfer coefficient and heat transfer :- Perry’s Chemical Engineering Handbook 8th
Edition 2008
• Correlation for Lewis Number and values of C ​
A ​ , C ​ B Mass Transfer operations by Robert E Treybal –
Chapter 7 : Humidification Operations

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