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1/KL/2011/ Coordination And Response

Diagram 4 shows the regulation of blood glucose level in the human body.
Rajah 4 menunjukkan pengawalan aras gula dalam darah menusia.

Diagram 4 / Rajah 4

(a) State one activity which causes the followings:

Nyatakan satu aktiviti yang menyebabkan peristiwa berikut:

(i) Blood glucose level rises: / Aras glukosa darah meningkat

[1 mark]

(ii) Blood glucose level drops: / Aras glukosa darah menurun

[1 mark]

(b) What is Y and X? / Apakah Y dan X?

X: _______________________________________________
Y: _______________________________________________
[2 marks]

(c) Y is released as a result of an increase in glucose level while X is released as a result

of a decrease in glucose level. Explain both mechanisms.
Y dibebaskan hasil daripada peningkatan aras glukosa manakala X dibebaskan hasil
daripada penurunan aras glukosa. Terangkan kedua-dua mekanismetersebut ?


[4 marks]

(d) (i) Explain what happen to an individual whose pancreas has defects in the
production of Y?
Terangkan apa akan berlaku kepada individu yang pankreasnya tidak dapat
rnenghasilkan X?
[4 marks]

(ii) Suggest one way to overcome the problem stated in (d)(i)

Cadangkan satu cara untuk mengatasi masalah yang dinyatakan di (d) (i)
[1 mark]

2/SABAH/2011/ Coordination And Response

Diagram 4(a) shows gland X and organ Y which in the osmoregulation in human. Diagram
4(b) shows nephron and blood vessels found in organ Y.
Rajah 4(a) menunjukkan kelenjar X dan organ Y yang terlibat dalam proses osmoregulasi
dalam manusia. Rajah 4(b) menunjukkan nefron dan salur darah yang terdapat dalam
(a Name gland X and organ Y. / Namakan kelenjar X dan organ Y.
X: ………………………………………………………………………………….

Y: …………………………………………………………………………………
(2 marks) / (2 markah )

(b Explain the process which causes the movement of certain blood component from P into
) Q.
Terangkan proses yang menyebabkan pergerakan komponen darah tertentu dari P ke




(2 marks)/ (2 markah)

(c Solute concentration in R and Q are different.Explain why.

) Kepekatan bahan larut dalam R dan Q berbeza.Terangkan mengapa.



(2 marks)/ ( 2 markah)

(d The concentration of urine which passes through the collecting duct, T, are influenced
) by various factors.Gland X involves in the formation of urine.
Describe how gland X involves in the formation of urine in the body of an athlete
running 10 km race.
Kepekatan air kencing dalam tiub pengumpul ,T ,dipengaruhi oleh beberapa
faktor.Kelenjar X terlibat dalam pembentuk air kencing.
Huraikan bagaimana kelenjar X terlibat dalam pembentukan air kencing seorang atlit
yang berlari sejauh 10 km.




(3 marks) / ( 3 markah)

(e In a healthy person the concentration of urea in renal artery is higher than in renal vein.
) Explain the changes in urea concentration in the renal vein after eating meat and egg.
Dalam badan seorang yang sihat kepekatan urea dalam arteri renal adalah lebih
tinggi daripada dalam vena renal.
Nyatakan perubahan kepekatan urea dalam vena renal selepas makan daging dan telur.



(3 marks) / ( 3 markah)

3/Selangor/2011/Coordination & Response

Diagram 8.1 shows the role of skin in regulating of body temperature in human.
Rajah 8.1 menunjukkan peranan kulit dalam pengawalaturan suhu badan manusia.

Condition and Temperature of Condition of the Blood Capillary in the Skin

the Surrounding Keadaan Salur Darah Dalam Kulit
Keadaan dan Suhu

Heat lost from skin surface

Kehilangan haba dari permukaan kulit

Cold skin

10 º C


Heat lost from skin surface

Kehilangan haba dari permukaan kulit

Panas Kulit

38 º C Blood capillary

Kapilari darah

Diagram 8.1 / Rajah 8.1

(a) Explain the action of the blood vessels in regulating the body temperature at the two
different conditions of the surrounding.
[10 marks]

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