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Microsoft Excel Shortcut Key

1. Ctrl+a = select all

2. Ctrl+b = bold
3. Ctrl+c = copy
4. Ctrl+v = paste
5. Ctrl+d = copy the text in cell above the selected cell
6. Ctrl+e = to open google search
7. Ctrl+f = find and replace
8. Ctrl+g = goto
9. Ctrl+h = find and replace
10.Ctrl+I = make text italic
11.Ctrl+j = search a particular file in a download section
12.Ctrl+k = insert hyperlink (to place links and documents)
13. Ctrl+l = to make tabulare column for given rough data
14.Ctrl+n = new sheet
15.Ctrl+o = to open recent documents
16.Ctrl+p = print
17.Ctrl+r = duplicates the data on left hand side of the selected cell
18.Ctrl+u = underline
19.Ctrl+x = cut
20.Ctrl+y = redo
21.Ctrl+z = undo
22.Fn+F1 = open excel help menu
23.F2 = edit menu
24.F3 = nil
25.F4 = repeat any action
26.F5 = goto
27.F6 = activation of shortcut keys on ribbon (above control panel)
28.F7 = spell check
29.F8 = extend selection
30.F9 = nil
31.F10 = F6
32.F11 = instant charts from given data
33.F12 = save and close
34. Ctrl+f1 = maximise and minimise the excel ribbon
35.Ctrl+f2 = print screen
36.Ctrl+f3 = name manager
37.Ctrl+f7 = movement of sheet
38.Ctrl+f9 = closing of sheet
39.Ctrl+f12 = open file menu
40.Alt+f1 = chart
41.Alt+f2 = save as
42.Shift+f2 = insert comment
43.Shift+f3 = insert functions
44.Shift+f5 = find and replace
45. Shift+f10 = customise status bar

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