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Form no: F1020110

Issue date:
Assessment Coversheet 10/12/2015
Review date:
Qualification details
Training Package code
and title:

National Qualification BSB50215 Diploma of State

Code & Title: code
The learners are to complete tasks that are similar to tasks they would complete when
actually working in the position of frontline Managers on a day to day basis. Learners are
provided scenarios, case studies or videos that will simulate the work environment. They
should investigate a range of strategies to develop personal competence. They should
demonstrate how their own role contribute to organisational goals. They should know how
to plan for own career development and which interpersonal skills to develop in order to
establish and build positive working relationships with others.
They have to demonstrate how to plan and prioritise tasks in order to meet deadlines,
manage role responsibilities and manage own personal welfare
Discussions in pair or in group should be encouraged in class as it can help to introduce
students to alternative viewpoints, to challenge them to think critically & to develop
Assessment Task collaborative reflective skills. However, Facilitators should first create an environment that
is psychologically safe by fostering trust and mutual respect. It may be helpful to agree
upon ground rules early in the course, be sensitive to power issues in the group and
establish boundaries and frame the context for learning to take place in a manner that
corresponds with the topic at hand. Full Time & Part Time students will be engaged in a
Mentoring Relationship. They will discuss these Activities together before individual
attempt (Activities - 1A Last part, 1 B, 3 A, 3C).

BSBWOR501 Manage Personal Work Priorities and Professional

National Code & Title Development

Date Due Week 5

Student Name
I declare that the evidence submitted is my own work:
Student Declaration

Assessor Name Assessor Name

Assessment Decision ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory

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reassessment (Re-sit)?
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Form no: F1020110
Issue date:
Assessment Coversheet 10/12/2015
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Feedback to student

Feedback from student

Student signature Date

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Form no: F1020110
Issue date:
Assessment Coversheet 10/12/2015
Review date:

SIN AUK69 BSBWOR501 Manage Personal Work Priorities and Professional

Assessment 1 (Group)


Knowledge Evidence & EL 1 PC 1.2, EL 2 PC 2.1 & 2.2, EL 3 PC 3.2
Developing understanding of personality typology, personality traits, thinking styles and learning
styles theories is also a very useful way to improve your knowledge of motivation and behaviour of
self and others, in the workplace and beyond.
Understanding personality types is helpful for appreciating that while people are different, everyone
has a value, and special strengths and qualities, and that everyone should be treated with care and
respect. The relevance of love and spirituality - especially at work - is easier to see and explain
when we understand that differences in people are usually personality-based. People very rarely set
out to cause upset - they just behave differently because they are different.

 Go online and take one free Personality Test.

 Go to the following website on Learning Styles Assessment. Complete the


 TASK: Discuss the following In about 200 words:

What did you learn about :Your Personality, your strengths & weaknesses & Your Learning
My personality type is described as a Mediator, often perceived as being imaginative and
idealistic. I would characterize myself as a calm and moderately introvert person, I do prefer
to spend time alone mostly in order to recharge and reflex on myself. Moreover, I think it’s
always better to focus on the positives rather than the negative aspects of most situations.

Furthermore, I am considered as a flexible as well as a very open-minded person, I believe

everyone has their own way of thinking, and everyone should be given the opportunity to
present their point of views, therefore considering this traits I often do not have a fixed
opinion on things in general. . One of my shortcomings is initiation rather than shyness.
However, I do try my best to interact with new people, for instance by befriending people
who have the same hobbies as me as a way to overcome panic and accept more challenges.
Maintaining a good relationship with coworkers results in more ration decisions in a
workplace. Moreover, I am considered a visual and auditory learner. That is I can follow

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Form no: F1020110
Issue date:
Assessment Coversheet 10/12/2015
Review date:
through both verbal and written instructions.

 One Part Time Learner will be assigned to work on this part with 2 Full Time Learners
so that the Full time Learner is acquainted with how things are done in the workplace
(Mail address or other will be exchanged between the Mentor & Mentees and the Assessor
will monitor Minutes of Meeting)

TASK: Discuss in about 100 words how understanding personality types and Learning
styles can help a Manager in his interaction with team members

Firstly, this will help the manager to know each of his employees better, by taking in
account that everyone is different and unique, hence cannot be managed/ approached in the
same way, therefore knowing what type of leadership styles to adopt depending on the
employee’s character. Secondly, this will help to initiate good communication, therefore
better conflict resolutions amongst each other. Moreover, it will help in fostering a good
relationship, the manager should be able to make his employees feel at ease and motivated
to work. This will also help the manager to determine the incentive of each employee which
could be work recognition, personal satisfaction or a raise in salary

(NOTE: The handout Myerrs & Briggs ‘Understanding how we relate to the World’ might
also be helpful)

You may also consult this link :

ACTIVITY 1 B PC 1.1 & 1.2

Activity 1 B will be discussed by the same Team (1 Part Time Learner with 2 Full Time
learners) – The Assessor will monitor Minutes of Meeting

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Issue date:
Assessment Coversheet 10/12/2015
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As a manager, you want to create an environment where you are trusted both by your
superiors and by your team members.
The Chosen Mentor will discuss with the 2 Mentees on how they gain credibility and trust of Team
members and Management in the workplace through integrity, commitment and transparency. (To
provide real life examples)

The Learners are to develop a scenario of about 100 words to demonstrate that they know how to
gain credibility and trust of both team members and Management in the Workplace. (Real life
examples may help)

Tiffany works in the accounting department for a liquor company. She always shows motivation to
work by always arriving 5-10 minutes earlier than normal starting hours. She was given a
responsibility to enter several accounting transaction which was done during the day, she was said
to prepare a maximum 10 by day. However, tiffany knew she could do more than 10 document by
anticipating her manager’s needs, so she worked an hour more after working hours to finish 10
more accounting documents. This shows dedication and motivation to work for the company. Her
manager, Mr Andrew was impressed by her and showed appreciation by appraising Tiffany’s work
in front of the staff and encouraging her to do better.

ACTIVITY 1 C (Individual)
PC 1.3 Just the action of tracking your work time will help you work more efficiently.
Knowing that you are tracking your time will give you an awareness of where your time is
going, and help you to avoid wasting it. You can either do this on a computer, or create a
simple document to use as a time log
Create a personal time log sheet to record your daily activities over the period of a week.
 Focus on the everyday tasks and activities you do – any special activities would
normally be conducted in free time but could be classified into categories (e.g.
Social activities)
 Include your classroom sessions, course study time, assessment time.
 Start from your usual waking time and finish your day with when you fall asleep.
 Each activity should be scheduled by day, time and duration.
 Your hour component can be by the hour or half hour or both.
 NB: this activity is designed to help you become more time effective – and
improve your planning. It should be a true representation of you and your life not
what you think the trainer/assessor would want to see.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

6 Wake up

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Assessment Coversheet 10/12/2015
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7 Wake up Wake up

8 Be at uni for 1st Breakfast breakfast Wake up Wake up Wake up Wake up

am class 1.4
Break fast
Manage People

10 Meet up Meeting up Shopping Swimming Family Swimming

am friends friends in with sister session day out session

11 Be in class Brunch Shopping Social

am 1.6 Manage activities
Priorities and

12 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch


1 Be in class 1.4 Be in class Lt Social Book- Book-

pm Plan e- 1.1 Identify activities chap 7 chap 10
Marketing and Evaluate
Communication Marketing

3 Be in class tea snack Driving nap time

pm 1.3 English lesson
Success 3
skills for

7 Social activities Social Social

pm activities activities

8 Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner


9 Tv Social Assignments Tv shows Social Social Book –

pm activities * research activities activities chap 11

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In a short Paragraph discuss whether you were really time effective. If not, how do you
suggest to improve your planning.

ACTIVITY 2 A EL 2 PC 2.1 (Individual)

Take initiative to prioritize and facilitate competing demands to achieve personal, team and
organizational goals and objectives

In any responsible position in any company that you ever have, it is a given fact that there will be
more work to do than there are hours in the day. You could kill yourself, trying to do everything
that needs to be done, and still not manage to complete it all. As a manager, your most important
task is to determine priorities, so that the things that need to be worked on are those that receive
your time and attention and that of your department.
Priorities have to be established based upon what is best going to meet your company’s needs. But,
that’s not always easy to determine. What often looks like the best possible solution may not
actually be so. Properly determining priorities requires understanding the various tasks that need to
be done, how they relate to your company’s goals and how they compare to other tasks that also
appear important.
Question: Below are 3 suggested SMART goals for each of your Company. Each group of students
are to choose one:
1. Reduce overall budget costs by 10% by Oct 2018
2. Increase market share by 5% by Jan 2019
3. Increase revenues by 20% by Dec 2018

Suggest together with Members of your Team how you will prioritize in order to achieve
organizational goals and objectives. You may base yourself on table below or suggest any

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ACTIVITY 2 B (Individual Attempt)

Modern electronic technology has come to the aid of the manager in creating a number of tools to
help manage time, tasks and priorities. Utilization of these tools cannot only help you work more
efficiently, but have a better idea of how your time and the time of your staff are being utilized. Just
like any other time spent in organizing and planning your time, time spent investing in learning to
use these tools and putting them to work for you is time well spent.

a. Suggest and briefly describe at least 4 of these tools from Modern electronic technology that
Managers may use to manage time, tasks and priorities

b. Discuss the advantages or any limits or constraints of using these


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Form no: F1020110
Issue date:
Assessment Coversheet 10/12/2015
Review date:

1. Construct an assessment plan using the Online Calendar

 Include assessment tasks for all units undertaken in this compulsory study period
 Incorporate duration to completion and submission of task requirements to
identify starting points in your plan
 Use the task submission dates provided at the start of each unit to determine when
each task must be completed and submitted by.
 Colour-code the different units to help with visually identifying what you need to
 You will need to include each week of the term from Monday to Friday

EL 2 PC 2.3 stress in the workplace How to deal with stress at work My Job is killing me

The Learners are to watch the following videos then answer questions that follow (Individual) after
group discussion:


 How would you ensure that as a Manager you are getting proper rest in order to get rid of
stress and continue to be efficient and productive?

 What are the signs of unhealthy work life balance for the employees?

 Discuss what may be the consequences of employees having stress at work or at home.
Which initiatives can Management take to show that they care for the work life balance of
the employees? How will it benefit the employee? The Organization?

As a manager, you are also responsible for checking on the stress level and work-life balance
of your team members.

 Provide 6 examples of how you would track the health condition of your employees

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ACTIVITY 3 A PC 2.1 & PC 3.1, 3.3 & 3.5 (Example of PDP to be provided in class -
Individual Attempt)

Students are to prepare individually a PDP Personal Development Plan

The aim of creating a personal development plan is to document a process of self-analysis,

personal reflection and honest appraisal of your strengths and weaknesses. This should
enable you to evaluate the value of the training you have received, and to consider your
future career development.

You are to do your PDP in 3 stages:

Stage 1: Personal Analysis
Stage 2: Setting Goals
Stage 3: Personal Objectives

You may base yourself on the following:

Stage 1 – Personal Analysis. The first stage is designed to analyse your strengths and
weaknesses. You will be able to draw heavily upon your career and the outcomes of
courses that you may have attended. These should be supplemented by the perceived
opportunities that will have been derived from your experience and any threats to your
continued success.

Stage 2 – Setting Goals. This involves setting new and clearly definable goals for yourself
which are measurable. The example PDP (to be shown in class) provides clear guidance on
identifying these. You will need to consult your immediate superior (your first reporting
officer/line manager) during your Placement or your Mentor

Stage 3 – Personal Objectives. This stage involves setting out your personal objectives.
These can also be set in context within your Placement as shown in the example.
You may do Stage 3 Personal Objectives in 3 columns:
Short Term Goals (next 12 months)/ Medium Term Goals (next 2 – 3 years)/ Longer Term
Goals (beyond 3 years)

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ACTIVITY 3 B EL 3 PC 3.1-3.5 (Individual Attempt)

Read the Extract below and then answer questions which follow individually after Group Discussion


Gaining a title or degree doesn’t mean that we’ve arrived; all it means is that we’ve passed another
checkpoint on the road of learning. Professional development is an ongoing task, one in which true
professionals constantly engage, working to improve their knowledge and competency.
Moreover, in today’s global economy, the more skills and talent you can bring into a job, the more
marketable you as an individual become. Even skills that have no clear connection with your job
can enhance your ability to complete it, making you more valuable to both your current employer
and any future employers.
Companies desire multi-talented, highly skilled employees, because those are the people who help
them become more competitive in the marketplace. Considering that competition is the driving
force behind the free-market system, any competitive edge a company can create is worth the time
and effort to create it.


 Why is it important for an Employee/Manager to do a self assessment about his


 How can Feedback from employees, clients and colleagues help to identify and develop
ways to improve competence?

 How to identify, evaluate, select and use Development opportunities suitable to

personal learning styles to develop and maintain professional competence?

 Students are to discuss and provide specific examples on how these skills: Hard skills,
soft skills and work habit skills can help to achieve and maintain a competitive edge

 What is the importance of Networking in enhancing personal knowledge, skills and

work relationships?

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ACTIVITY 3 C EL 3 PC 3.1-3.5

Anyone and everyone who can help you achieve your objectives is a potential
ally. Some are natural: They are people who share a common interest with you.
The colleague who's been around for years and can offer an invaluable voice of
experience, the team member who is always happy to be a sounding board for
your ideas, or the vendor who is ready to accept seemingly-impossible
deadlines; these people are your natural allies, but there are others external
with whom you could network.

This Part is to be discussed first between Mentors and Mentees and

followed by Individual attempt by both.

The table below shows how the following can be an ally to you and what
he/she could do for you and what he/she might be expecting in return. You
need then to complete this table individually:

Potential Ally What He/She could do What He/She might be

for you expecting in return
Team Members
Boss & Senior
Management Members
Support Staff
Gateway People
More Experienced
Networking Allies

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