Compare Doing Research at The Library Wi

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Compare doing research at the library with doing research on the Internet

The library and the internet constitute place for student to get information and
doing research for their assignment. As we know that the definition of library is a
collection of the documents, books, journal and records kept for references or
borrowing (Eddy, 2008). While internet can defined as a global computer network
providing a variety of information and communication facilities (Eddy,2008). In
general before the Internet was introduced, all students will go to the library to get
information but after internet has introduced many students prefer to use the internet
to search for information than searching in the library. Now we will discuss about the
different research in internet between in library. The different use the internet
between in library is about time, flexibility time to get information, and reliability for
the source of information.

As we know before internet was introduced, researcher or student need to

stay at library for whole day of to complete their assignments, journal or research
(Credaro, 2002). From here, we can see that researcher and students need to spend
a lot of time in order to get the information from library (Eddy, 2008). Libraries at the
university are large and big, when we need the information we must go floor to floor
and rack to rack to get books that we need. After get the book we need to sit and
read page by page to understand and get information what we want. However, when
we use the internet it is faster and immediately. We just to ‘write’ the term, ‘click’ and
use the powerful search engine then we can get the information what we want
(Credaro, 2002). Therefore, use the internet as sources of information can save time
and obtain a variety of information.

Apart from that, flexibility time to get information is also one of the different
use the internet for research between research at the library. Libraries usually have
limited time use and visit also have own time operation (Credaro, 2002). When we
want the information we must drive or walk and go to libraries get the information. If
delayed we will miss the time of libraries operation and we will did not get information
(Eddy,2008). We need to plan and think wisely before we go to libraries so we can
avoid wasted of time (Eddy,2008). From here, we can see that the time for use
libraries is not flexibility. However, the internet offers the flexibility of time to use
(Credaro,2002). So when we use the internet to get information we can complete


assignment, journal and research getting in anytime and everywhere we want
(Eddy,2008). This is because, the internet is available 24 hours in day compare to
libraries just open for operation time not 24 hours (Eddy,2008).

The reliability source of information for the internet and library are different
(Credaro, 2002). For student, when we doing research or assignments, our lecturers
will ask our reliable sources stating that fact can be proved (Eddy,2008). Although
internet has great diversity of information, but resource of internet is uncertain. This
is because information in internet potential for encountering incorrect statistic and
other wrong information is high (Credaro,2008). For example is Wikipedia one of the
popular website to get information and also the articles on it can be edited or rewrite
easily with others. But the information in libraries are different, because the
information in libraries are usually not edited or changes by others (Credaro,2008).
As we know, all resources in libraries are selected by trained professional to fit the
programs at the school or universities (Credaro,2008). That’s why all resources in
libraries is reliable and available.

In conclusion, the internet and library are two different place to get information
and different resources. We can see that comparisons doing research in internet and
in library is limited time to get information, compliance time and trustworthiness
information. As a student we must use the internet and libraries to get more
information and get the constancy information for complete the assignment.


References :

Credaro, A.B. (2001-2002). "Now we've got the Internet, why do we still need
libraries?" The Relationship between School Libraries and Academic Achievement.
Retrieved from

Eddy. (2008, 05). The Internet and the Library (Compare and
Contrast) Retrieved 05, 2008, from

Heng MingChin. (2013, February 17). Compare and contrast libraries and the
Internet as the two major sources of information for use in academic written work.
[Blog message]. Retrieved from

Pakhare Jayashree. (2013 July 10). Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet.
Retrieved from


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