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1. Research Strategy
The research held with respect to this topic was an applied one, but not new. Rather, numerous
pieces of previous academic research exist regarding the Impact of ODD EVEN SCHEME on
Travel Behavior. As such, the proposed research took the form of a new research but on an
existing research subject.

2. Research Method
For this project Qualitative Research was held. The main characteristic of qualitative research is
that it is appropriate for small samples, while its outcomes are not measurable and quantifiable.

3. Research Approach
The research approach that was followed for the purposes of this research was the inductive
one. According to this approach, researchers begin with specific observation, which are used to
produce generalized theories and conclusions drawn from the research.

4. Data collection
Questionnaires were chosen for this research because they are a reliable and quick method to
collect information from multiple respondents in an efficient and timely manner. This study was
no exception and questionnaires were a quick and effective way for the researcher to reach
multiple respondents.
Some sample questions that were included in the questionnaire were the following:
1. How many vehicles do your family own?
2. Which vehicle do you use for commute?
3. Do you use public vehicle for daily commute?
4. Which public vehicle(s) do you use for commute?
5. Modes(s) used for travelling before/during the Implementation of Odd Even Scheme.
6. Would u resume using the mode of transport you use during the Odd Even Scheme, after it
7. Which mode of transport do you think is better?
8. During the Odd even Scheme, if you are using public transport, then what are your first and
last mile vehicles?
9. In your opinion, what are the benefits of the Odd Even Scheme?
10. In your view, what are the barriers/inconveniences that you face because of the Odd Even

5. Methods of Data Analysis

The analysis of the questionnaire results took place via thematic analysis. Because of the small
number of respondents and the diverse design and answer sets of the questions, and because of
the qualitative research approach of the study, the researcher did not use any of the statistical
software available such as SPSS or STRATA.
The results from the questionnaires were presented in the format of tables and charts.

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