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Setting of Paralaxic

Paralaxic takes place in the near future, 2056, after an unknown disease spread across
the face of the earth. Scavengers were forced to flee the planet in attempt to survive and
rebuild the human race elsewhere. This first person, looter shooter positions you as one
of the scavengers trying to overcome the difficulties faced on varying planets in three
unique game modes.

Personal Player Inventory (PPI):

All items found across both game-modes will be accessible via the PPI. Items such as
weapons and medical supplies along with extra items can be used by players across the
varying game-modes. However, if you die with these items, they are lost from the
player’s PPI. Instead of utilising these weapons in combat, you may choose to trade
them with other players on the Black Market as well as sell them for Paragons (our in-
game currency). The Black Market will be an option available on the main menu.

Game Mode 1: Plant and Escape

After being forced to flee the plagued planet Earth, players awake on a vast terrain that
is currently a mystery to them. Little do they know; it is infected by unforgiving
creatures roaming the landscape. 12 players are split between 2 teams; the Ground
Specialist Team and the Air Force Team (in a quadcopter). These 2 teams must co-
operate as they embark on their mission to complete a common goal - destroy and
escape the mutant infested island. After both teams have had their designated time to
prepare for battle, the ground team will begin fighting against constant waves of enemy
creatures while the air team provide support from above; while also facing their own
challenges. The ground team must plant 3 bombs at the sites indicated via beacons on
the map. Once these bombs have been planted, the quadcopter will land at a designated
point on the map. From here, the ground team must embark on their journey to reach
the quadcopter.
Once all remaining players enter the quadcopter, it will take off and the game will have
been won. If either the entirety of the Ground Specialist Team or the Air Force Team die,
the game will have been lost. If an individual player does not survive the game, they will
instantly be re-directed to the main menu. (Note: Weapons from each player’s global
inventory can be used in this game mode)

Game Mode 2: Survival

This game-mode will be available for players to use every 25 minutes from when the
previous game has ended. Within this game-mode, players will arrive on an unknown
island with another challenging terrain. This game-mode requires a team of a minimum
of 2 player’s due to difficulty levels. They will arrive at this landscape through the use of
the quadcopter and must face AI creatures as well as other enemy teams competing for
loot. Players will be able to explore this island by utilising vehicles such as cars and
small space crafts. Player’s are given 15 minutes take on enemies in an attempt to
obtain loot. Any loot found that fits within the player inventory is transferred to the
player’s PPI and can be used across all other game-modes. However, this is considering
they survive the challenges faced across the terrain. If a player dies, their loot is lost,
and they must wait 25 minutes to replay this specific game-mode. Once the 15-minute
loot timer is complete, players will have a 1-minute timer to return to the quadcopter to
escape the island and if they do not reach the quadcopter in this time limit, they will be
killed in battle, therefore losing their loot. However, if they return to the quadcopter in
the designated time limit, the players would have successfully completed this game-
mode and are able to retain their loot in their PPI’s.

Game Mode 3: Battle-Royale

This game-mode contains unique weapons that can only be used within this game-mode
and are not accessible in PPI’s across all game-modes. 70 players are trapped within a
vessel travelling through the depths of space when suddenly, a wormhole engulfs the
ship and all players on board. Players awaken to an unknown mysterious island which
holds many secrets. Players will traverse across the landscape engaging in combat
battles with any other players they encounter (whether it be as a solo or within a team).
Portals will begin to open in various locations across the map in which players must
make their way towards. Once entered, these portals teleport the player to a new, yet
smaller map with a completely new terrain for remaining fighters to traverse. This
scenario occurs once more until players teleport onto the final map which is the
smallest of the three. If these portals are not entered within the time limit, the begin to
lose health. Continuous PVP combat occurs until eventually (if players are remaining) a
thick poisonous gas closes into the middle of the island, pushing remaining players
together. The last man / team standing takes the victory.
On top of this, the victors are rewarded by being able to keep any of the loot they
obtained throughout the game in their PPI’s which can be (ONLY) used within this
game-mode. Moreover, victors will also be rewarded with a crystal that contains a
random item inside. These crystals vary in rarity and are rewarded to players based
upon their kills within that game. There are 4 different rarities in which more kills
results in a rarer crystal. These crystals ‘crack’ over a 30-minute period and when
unlocked, reveal a cosmetic item.

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