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SINCE 1932



must remain our focus, Modi tells States vital for corona fight: Chief Ministers to PM with nation at 9 a.m. today

Calls for a common National death count

strategy, underlines from Tabligh meeting
grim global numbers, now 15 — and almost
possible second wave a fifth of total cases
UNDERLININGTHAT“inthenext tion in Delhi last month has
few weeks, testing, tracing, iso- emerged as the biggest hotspot,
lation and quarantine should re- accountingforaboutone-fifthof THE EDITORIAL PAGE
main the areas of focus” in the the COVID-19 positive cases
country’s war against the coro-
navirus threat, Prime Minister
across the country so far. Of the
total 53 deaths, 15 have been
Narendra Modi told Chief linked to the gathering. The criminal negligence by
Ministers of all states Thursday In Delhi, the number of pos- Tablighi Jamaat organisers
to “formulate a common exit itive cases almost doubled on undermines fight against the
strategy to ensure staggered re- Thursday, fuelled largely by virus, hurts people of all faiths
emergence of the population Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacts with CMs via video-conference Thursday. ANI those evacuated from Markaz PAGE 8
once the lockdown ends” on Nizamuddin on Tuesday and
April 14. INSIDE Wednesday testing positive.
He,however,warnedthatthe Of the 141 new cases in the the congregation, the Delhi gov-
global situation remains “far
from satisfactory” and there was Option gaining ground: Rapid antibody tests Capital, 129 are people evacu-
ated from Markaz Nizamuddin,
ernment is bracing for rigorous
testing in the coming days.

After 21 days, easing of in hotspots advised,

speculationof a“possiblesecond the headquarters of the Tablighi Across the country, the total
wave of spread of the virus in Jamaat, where a congregation of number of positive cases is now
some countries”. over 4,000 was held last month. 2,069 (155 recovered, 53 dead),

curbs, in select areas decision left to states

Interacting with the Chief The samples of two persons with 235 new cases being re-
Ministers via video-conference who died last month — a person ported in the last 24 hours. Of
from New Delhi, the Prime whowasatMarkazNizamuddin these, 400 positive cases have
Minister, according to an official
TRUMP DOUBTS tant to formulate a common exit and a resident of Nizamuddin been linked to the Tablighi
statement,said“consideringthat CHINA NUMBERS, UK ABANTIKA GHOSH strategy to ensure staggered re- West — tested positive, taking Jamaat congregation.
this is the time to harvest crops, TO RAMP UP TESTS NEW DELHI, APRIL 2 emergence of the population ABANTIKA GHOSH EXPLAINED the death toll in the city to four. Of the 53 deaths, at least 15
the government has given some once the lockdown ends”. NEW DELHI, APRIL 2 Officials said they are still verify- have been linked to the Delhi
relaxation from lockdown, but it
PAK LOCKS DOWN NINE DAYS into the national He asked the states to brain- SIMPLY PUT ing if the latter was in contact meet — nine in Telangana, and
is necessary to continuously TABLIGH CENTRE, 40 coronavirus lockdown, with storm and send suggestions for HOURS AFTER it advised “rapid TO DO RAPID TESTS with the Markaz gathering. one each in Delhi, Gujarat,
monitorandmaintainsocialdis- CLERICS POSITIVE looming economic the strategy. Within antibody tests” in “hotspot ar- OR NOT With 182 of the 293 cases in Karnataka, Mumbai, Kashmir
tancing as much as possible”. PAGES 3-7, 11 distress across sec- his government, eas” in an interim advisory on PAGE 10 the Capital so far being linked to CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
He asked the states to “think tors, discussions meanwhile, a “lim- Thursday, the Indian Council of
of other platforms for procuring have commenced in ited lockdown” in MedicalResearch(ICMR)leftthe
tural produce market commit-
tee), and explore the possibility
On the need to maintain so-
cial distancing even after the
the government on
the way forward at
the end of the 21-
some areas is an op-
gaining ground, at
decision to the states, and put
out a list of such tests that had
been approved earlier.
It said the recommendation
would be finalised at the meet-
After first two cases,
of creating pooling platforms for
rural areas, like that in ride shar-
lockdown, Modi, one of the
meeting participants said,
day period, includ-
ing an exit strategy.
this point.
But what forms
In its interim advisory earlier
in the day, the ICMR said:
ing of the national task force in
the evening. Maharashtra cancelled
go-ahead for Tabligh
ing apps, which can be used for warned that people should not Giving a glimpse of one pos- these “limits” would take de- “Populationinhotspotareasmay But this advisory was pulled
this purpose”. come out in hundreds on the sible option, Prime Minister pends on a host of factors, the be tested using rapid antibody downatnight.Instead,theICMR,
In a tweet later in the day, roads. He suggested that the lift- Narendra Modi told Chief key being the nature of the test, and antibody positives to be put out a list of antibody-based

meet timed with Delhi

Modi said: “At 9 AM tomorrow ingof thelockdownbestaggered, Ministersduringavideo-confer- spread of the virus. confirmed by RT-PCR using (IgM, IgG) rapid tests that have
morning, I’ll share a small video CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 ence Thursday that it is “impor- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 throat/nasalswab.Antibodyneg- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

Govt pushes speedy sourcing of Hours after she tests positive,

protective gear, medical items 50-year-old woman dies in Pune
infected persons to 60.
The woman had come to
away. She did not have any co-
morbid conditions and was not
CHANDIGARH, APRIL 2 PUNE, APRIL 2 SassoonHospitalonWednesday on ventilator support,” said Dr
VENTILATORS N95MASKS with severe symptoms of respi- Ajay Chandanwale, dean of the
AvailableforCovidbeds 16,435 Availablewithstates 14.98lakh
THE GOVERNMENT is trying to A 50-YEAR-OLD woman, who ratory distress, and had not pro- BJ Medical College and Sassoon
Ordersplaced 47,187 Ordersplaced 1.1crore
rapidly source ventilators, per- was admitted in the ICU at vided details of any visit to a lo- General Hospital.
Suppliedsofar 316 Alreadysupplied 12.34lakh
sonal protection equipment Sassoon Hospital, became the caldoctor.“Wedirectlyadmitted Earlier, a 52-year old man
(PPE),N95masksandmedicines INTHEOFFING: INTHEOFFING: second person in the city to die her to the Intensive Care Unit had died at the Deenanath
— hydroxychloroquine and April30:10,500,May30:18,000, April7:26lakh,thereafter7lakh duetonovelcoronavirus(COVID- and she was put under observa- Mangeshkar Hospital on
azithromycin, to equip itself and thereafter10,000permonth perweek 19) infection. Nine more people tion.Herthroatswabtestedpos- Monday in the city’s first death Outside the police quarters in Worli, Mumbai on Thursday
all states in the fight against the in the city tested positive for the itive for COVID-19 on Thursday. from COVID-19. after a positive case was detected. Prashant Nadkar
spread of Covid-19.
PERSONALPROTECTIONEQUIPMENT virus, taking the total number of But by 8 pm, she had passed CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
Availablewithstates 3.98lakh
The government shared in-
Ordersplaced 1.6crore
formation on the number of iso- congregation “expecting atten-

As growth slows, demand for work

Suppliedsofar 93,000
lation beds and ventilators in MOHAMED THAVER, dance of 50,000 people” was
Covid-19 dedicated hospitals INTHEOFFING:April4:3lakh,April15:15lakh,thereafter10lakhperweek SADAF MODAK, planned at Suncity in Vasai on
during Prime Minister Narendra MANOJ MORE March 12-13. The organisers had

under MNREGA shoots to 9-yr high

Modi’s video conference with
Hydroxychloroquine (200mg) 11.45crore
MUMBAI, PUNE, APRIL 2 receivedpermissionforthesame
Chief Ministers Thursday morn- earlier in the year. However, on
Azithromycin(500mg) 25lakh
ing. The Centre and states, to- AROUND THE same time mem- March 6, four days after
HCQtabletsreceivedanddistributed 65lakh
gether, have 47,483 isolation loadedontheMGNREGAofficial is the highest since 2012-13, bers of the Tablighi Jamaat gath- Maharashtra registered its first
beds and 4,809 ICU beds in 258 INTHEOFFING:April7:2crore,April15:1crore,balancebyMayfirstweek HARIKISHAN SHARMA portal, 5.47 crore households when 7.97 crore individuals ered at the Nizamuddin dargah twoCovid-19cases,thestategov-
Covid-19 hospitals. It was NEW DELHI, APRIL 2 sought MGNREGA works, the worked under this programme. in Delhi, a congregation was ernment realised it would be
pointed out that only 17 states highest since 2010-11, when the The national job guarantee scheduled in Vasai, 50 km from wise to cancel the event. The or-
have notified dedicated hospi- the existing stock of masks, encenotedthatinsixstates/UTs, AS THE economy slows down, number was 5.5 crore. It was scheme was launched in 2006 Mumbai. The Maharashtra gov- ganisersalsoagreed,officialssaid.
tals so far. medicines, PPEs and ventilators the number of confirmed cases the demand for work by house- 5.27 crore in 2018-19. from 200 districts. ernment, however, cancelled “On January 22, the Tablighi
Information shared with may not be sufficient for a worse wasdoublingataratefasterthan holds under the MGNREGA pro- Moreindividualstooworked The new MGNREGA figures permission for the event, pre- Jamaat had sought permission
states (see chart) suggests that case scenario. theall-Indiaaverageof fourdays. gramme surged to a nine-year under MGNREGA in 2019-20, coincide with the sharp fall in ventingwhatcouldhavebecome for holding the congregation in
theCentrehasalreadyinitiateda The presentation made to These are Andhra Pradesh, high in 2019-20. with 7.86 crore employed at var- GDP growth rate to 5 per cent in a Delhi-like Covid-19 hotspot. Vasai. The permission was given
major sourcing push given that states during the video confer- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 According to figures up- ioussitesacrossthecountry.This CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 A Tablighi Jamaat ijtema or CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

ANCHOR Doing good to do well: Holding on to migrant labour workforce
` 45 per kilo When lockdown lifts, will need trained, skilled labour pool, says 22,000 workers. That includes
Coimbatore-based KPR Mill which has 17,500 workers on premises allbeinghousedinhostelswithin
the premises of its factories.
` 73 per kilo the uncertain road ahead. districts of western Tamil Nadu. “About 5,000 of them are
HARISH DAMODARAN But there are some stories of Since March 25, the com- fromOdisha,while2,500belong
` 87 per kilo NEW DELHI, APRIL 2 manufacturing companies pany’s mills, with a combined to Bihar, Assam and Himachal
choosingnottoleavetheirwork- 3.54 lakh spindles capacity, Pradesh, 2,000 to Kerala,
` 55 per Dozen IN MOST industrial centres ers in the lurch — a decision hav- haven’t produced a single kilo of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh,
acrossIndia,factorieswerecom- ing elements of large-hearted- yarn. The same goes for its gar- and8,000tootherdistrictsof TN.
pelled to let go their workers, ness as well as taking a more menting units, which can man- We are continuing to give food
INSIDE mostly migrants, when the gov- long-term business view. ufacture up to 9.5 crore of knit- and accommodation to all the
ernment imposed a 21-day na- Oneillustrativeexampleisthe ted inner and outerwear 17,500. The remaining 4,500 are
tionwide lockdown from March Coimbatore-based KPR Mill Ltd, annually for supplying to the locals coming from within 1-2
22 DEAD, 423 25 to combat the novel coron- which employs around 22,000 likes of H&M, Primark, Kmart hours of travelling distance and
POSITIVE CASES IN avirus. For most factory owners, workers, 90 per cent of them and Marks & Spencer. who preferred to be with their
MAHARASHTRA, it was a knee-jerk reaction, women, at four spinning mills Yet, the company, which families,” said K P Ramasamy,
PAGE 5 prompted both by the sudden- andthreegarmentingfactoriesin recordedsalesofRs3,264.22crore At the KPR Mill, before the lockdown chairman of KPR Mill.
ness of the announcement and Coimbatore, Tiruppur and Erode in 2019-20, hasn’t shed any of its CONTINUED ON PAGE 2



■ CUSTOMIZABLE Currently,thereareseveralcoronavirustrackerwebsitesandappsavailableonlinebutwhicharethereliable
Why the financial crisis
Indian Express
after coronavirus will
★★★★★ ■4.6
be unlike no other
AFTER TAGHLIBH LOCKDOWN BRINGS Today on the 3 Things podcast, we talk
GATHERING FAMILIES CLOSER about the financial crisis that will arise out
Drones used to sanitise Maybe we will learn of this pandemic and the measures that the
SCANTHISQRCODETO Nizamuddin in wake of valuable lessons government would need to take for it
spike in cases from it

Weather to FROM PAGE ONE

remain cool in Antibody tests Nicobar 9, Delhi 47, Puducherry panchayats was 11,789 in 2017-

Maharashtra been approved and validated. 2,Telangana

PM asks CMs to form strategy
Jammu and Kashmir 22, 18; 19,451 in 2016-17; 39,469 in
33, Andhra Pradesh 2015-16; and 39,531 in 2014-15.

till April 16
“Approved kits can be used di- 67 and Assam 16,” he said. There are a total 2.63 lakh
rectly after due approval from Confirming two COVID-19 gram panchayats in India. The
DCGI and intimation to ICMR,” deaths, Delhi Chief Minister decline in the number of pan-
it said. Arvind Kejriwal said: “Of those earmarking some days for ve- data must be taken from ac- abilityof rawmaterialforman- sources, financial as well as chayats with zero expenditure
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Sources said the decision on admitted to the hospitals, one hicles, other days for cyclists, creditedlaboratoriesfortesting ufacture of medicines and medical, to mitigate the crisis. shows that more and more pan-
PUNE, APRIL 2 whether to use the tests or not patient remains on ventilator and that fewer people should — this will ensure congruence medical equipment. According to the official chayats are using MGNREGA to
has now been left to the states. and five are receiving oxygen be in offices. indataof district,stateandcen- He said “it is imperative to statement, they “appreciated provide unskilled work to the
THE COMING fortnight will be While Kerala, which was support. The rest are stable.” He told the Chief Ministers tre. He said it is “necessary to work on war footing, identify the Prime Minister for taking unemployed.
cooleroverMaharashtraandad- among the earliest to report More than 2,300 were evac- that the country may need to ensure staggered release of hotspots of the virus, encircle the bold and timely decision” This is despite the fact that
joiningstatesinwestandcentral COVID-19 cases and has at least uatedfromMarkazNizamuddin enforce social distancing at funds” to beneficiaries under them and ensure that the virus on the lockdown to check the wages have been flattening. In
India, state the latest extended two of these hotspots, has al- in an operation that began least until Diwali. There was the PM Garib Kalyan Yojana to does not spread out”. It is per- spread of the virus. 2019-20, average MGNREGA
range forecasts issued by the ready started using these rapid Tuesday and lasted until 4 am speculation that a second avoid crowding at banks. tinent, her said, to maintain “They mentioned their ef- wage per day per person was Rs
India Meteorological tests, other states like Tamil Wednesday.Morethan500who phase of the virus may start To increase the availability peaceandlawandorderacross forts of maintaining social dis- 182.09, barely Rs 3 higher than
Department on Thursday. The Nadu and Chhattisgarh have were symptomatic were taken and, therefore, social distanc- of doctors, he asked states to the country. He said “COVID- tancing,trackingsuspectcases, Rs 179.13 in 2018-19. The aver-
maximum temperature is likely been pushing for it. tohospitals,andtheresttoquar- ing must be followed as a safe- “tap into the resource pool of 19 has attacked our faith and identifying and quarantining age cost per day per person un-
to remain two to four degrees The rapid test, which uses antine facilities. guard. He cited the example of AYUSH doctors, organize on- belief and is threatening our suspect cases arising from der the MGNREGA (on materi-
below normal, making it a cool blood samples instead of swabs, According to health officials, Japan where people wear line training and utilize para- way of life”. He appealed to the Nizamuddin Markaz, contain- alsetc),meanwhile,increasedto
period lasting till April 16. checksfor the novel coronavirus a 64-year-old man from Tamil masks, keep sanitising their medicalstaff,NCCandNSSvol- leaderstoreachouttocommu- ing community transmission, Rs 263.3 in 2019-20 from Rs
On Thursday, many cities in (SARS-CoV2) by ascertaining Nadu who was at the Markaz hands through the year. unteers”.Hesaid“thecommon nity leaders and social welfare boosting up of medical infra- 247.19 in 2018-19.
Maharashtra experienced hot whether the person has devel- died on March 29, and his test Underscoring the impor- goalforthecountryistoensure organisations at state, district, structure, strengthening med- The data also showed that
and humid conditions, with oped antibodies against it. It reports came back positive for tanceof coordinatedactionand minimum loss of life” and “in town and block levels to build ical workforce, provision of 263.73 crore person days were
many in Madhya Maharashtra takes less than 30 minutes. The COVID-19. He had been admit- theneedtoavoidoverlapsinef- the next few weeks, testing, up a united front based on tele-medicine, provision of generated during 2019-20,
and Vidarbha reporting temper- swab test, on the other hand, ted to Lok Nayak hospital. The fortsof stakeholders,Modisaid tracing, isolation and quaran- community-approach in the mentalhealthcounselling,dis- slightly lower than 267.96 crore
atures near 40 degrees Celsius. comprises two steps — a screen- other deceased is a 73-year-old there was need to form crisis tineshouldremaintheareasof battle against the pandemic. tribution of food and other es- in 2018-19 but significantly
At 41.1 degrees Celsius, ing test and a confirmatory test man from Nizamuddin West, managementgroupsatthedis- focus”. He highlighted the The Chief Ministers, on sentials to those in need and higherthanthetotalpersondays
Solapurwasthehottestcityinthe — and takes 8-9 hours. Though who was brought to the hospi- trict level and appoint district need to maintain supply of es- their part, underlined the im- taking care of migrant work- generated during each financial
state on Thursday, followed by itisafastertest,theantibodytest tal by relatives, health officials surveillance officers. He said sentialmedicalproducts,avail- portance of mobilising re- ers,” the statement said. year from 2012-13 to 2017-18.
Akola (41 degrees Celsius), does not come positive until af- said, adding that he died on Theseareprovisionalfigures,
Parbhani (39.5 degrees Celsius), ter a few days of infection. March 31. and the final data will be settled
Sangli (39.4 degrees Celsius),
Satara (38.6 degrees Celsius).
That is why the ICMR posi-
tion has been that serological
testing is good for the epidemi-
Kejriwal also said that apart
from those evacuated from the
Markaz, “51 patients have a
After 21 days, an option that is gaining ground by the end of April. Going by the
daily person days’ work genera-
tion, the final numbers are likely
“The temperature will in- ological purpose of testing pop- travel history and 29 are cases of One opinion currently on these areas, with rigorous tinue? Two, should it be remission at the end of the pe- to only increase.
crease overthenexttwotothree ulation level exposure, but may local transmission”. within the government seems and foolproof surveillance and throughout the country or, riod. If we are lucky, we would “In all likelihood, the person
days. After that, we expect a fall notbethebestoptionfordetect- “We have quarantined 2,346 to be that while it may not be follow-up action. three, (should) there be a havecontaineditinsomeareas, days generated will cross last
in Madhya Maharashtra, ing cases. people from the Markaz out of possible to reach a zero-new- What complicates this, graded lifting of the lockdown if not, it’s another fight,” said a year’stallybyadecentnumber,”
Marathwada and Vidarbha. While positive samples in which 536 have been hospi- case situation by April 14, the sources said, is a sudden surge in certain areas? That is de- government functionary. In his said a source in the Ministry of
However, in some pockets of theserologicalteststoowillhave talised. We are trying to get all of best option would be to focus like the one over the last few pendent on the data that meeting with chief ministers, Rural Development. The disrup-
Konkan,warmdaysareinstore,” to be sent for confirmatorytests, them tested together so we can onspecific"pockets"tocontain days from the Tablighi Jamaat emerges, in terms of the num- the Prime Minister is learnt to tion caused by the coronavirus
said an IMD official. using the lengthier DNA testing have a clear picture in a day or the spread. meeting in Delhi -- about 400 ber of cases, hotspots, and ar- have said that the fight is only lockdown,however,mayimpact
In Pune, day temperatures process,thosewhotestnegative two. There is a possibility that a “If we can identify pockets cases so far from nine different eas in our country which are just beginning. the final figure of the person
areexpectedtoremainbelow38 will be quarantined. number of people from this like these across the country - states have been linked to that safe, are protected because of Theoptionof extendingthe days generated in March 2020.
degrees Celsus till April 8. Some states, however, have group might test positive in the -theremaybeseveralhundred gathering. the lockdown, and don’t have lockdown by two weeks has Sources further said that during
“Cloudy sky conditions will pre- been pushing for this “mass- next few days, which can shoot of them -- and if I am reason- In an interview to The a significant number of cases,” also come up in discussions. “It 2019-20, the Centre released Rs
vail over the city and neighbour- scale” testing. up our Delhi data of COVID-19 ably satisfied that the rest of IndianExpressWednesday,AI- he had said. is an emerging situation, a call 72,162.13 crore for the MGN-
ing areas from April 4 to April 6,” On Wednesday, cases,” Kejriwal said. the country can go about their IMS director Dr Randeep Cabinet Secretary Rajiv has to be taken depending on REGA, the highest ever amount,
said a Met official. Chhattisgarh Minister T S Singh Onthepossibilityof commu- business, then these pockets Guleria, who is a member of Gauba has denied reports that the situation then, this is not and substantially higher than
DeohadwrittentoUnionHealth nity transmission, where the in- will remain the only ones left the high-level technical com- the lockdown would be ex- something one can base only the Rs 62,125.07 crore released
Minister Harsh Vardhan in this fection cannot be traced to a with restrictions,” a highly mitteeof PublicHealthExperts tended. But sources said the on modelling. But medical ex- in 2018-19.
Need to add new connection. “Requesting the source, the CM said: “There are placed government source forCOVID-19,explainedtheis- option of a return to normalcy perts across the board have
Central Govt & @drharshvard- two things to worry about. First, said. sues at stake. across the country after April been advocating a lockdown
test & quarantine hantoensurethat@ICMRDELHI isthevirusspreadingamongthe The added advantage of “There are two or three 14 “is on the table but remote”. verystrongly.Theissueistosee Woman dies
plan to lockdown: formulates comprehensive
guidelines for use and purchase
masses, and second, how many
people have died so far. The fig-
this approach would be that
resources can be concentrated
should the lockdown con-
virus will not suddenly go into
how much the economy can
take,” said sources. in Pune
ICMR research of Rapid Tests for #COVID19 as
ure of 29 -- those who con-
tracted it from those carrying
Dr Chandanwale said the
body of the woman would be
tively across the world and are the virus from abroad -- has re- Jamaatis for gathering at a attempt to give a communal paidtoallthe22,000workerson lets are beginning to get fresh wrapped in a leak-proof plastic
KARISHMA MEHROTRA needed for expanding testing mained unchanged for some mosque for prayers in violation colourtotheoutbreak,whenwe April 1”. The free food and ac- stocks from distributors, who bag as per protocol and her rela-
NEW DELHI, APRIL 2 capacities,” he had tweeted. days now. This means coron- of the lockdown orders. needpeopletoshowhumanity.” commodation is over and above are delivering through Tata 407 tives would be counselled to re-
“Mass-scale testing will ex- avirus has not started spreading “TheyarefromVasaiandhad The 25 continue to remain in this.Arethesecostsworthincur- and other light commercial ve- strict the number of people at-
A soon-to-be-published mathe- pedite the state’s screening pro- in Delhi, which is something to come here for prayers. Since home quarantine in Mumbra. ring in the present scenario? hicles. But movement from the tending the funeral in order to
matical model by the Indian cedure. Within five minutes of feel good about.” they had violated section 144, Meanwhile, Shoeb Shaikh, a “The lockdown cannot continue company’s C&F (carrying and minimise the risks of infection.
Council of Medical Research collection of blood sample, the Meanwhile, 7,900 samples we registered an FIR against resident of Jogeshwari East, had forever and my units will have forwarding) depots to distribu- Meanwhile, nine more posi-
(ICMR)suggeststhatwhilethe21- government will come to know from across the country have them for not following the con- attended the Tablighi Jamaat to re-start at some point. tors,whichisinter-cityandtakes tive cases were detected in the
daylockdowntocheckthespread whether the person has devel- been tested so far. dition laid down by a public ser- congregation in Delhi for a day Besides, they are all skilled and place in larger trucks, remains city. Four of them, two each in
of COVID-19 is expected to bring oped some antibodies or not," vant. They were released on and returned on March 17. trained workers. I have to obvi- choked for want of drivers. My the twin cities of Pune and
down daily new cases, instead of Maharashtra Health Minister bail,” said Rabodi police senior “When we came to know about ously take care of them,” says bigger worry, however, is facto- Pimpri-Chinchwad, were those
extendingit,thelockdownneeds Rajesh Tope said in Mumbai on Maharashtra inspector Rajendra Shirtode. so many positive cases, we Ramasamy. ries.If theydon’tstartproducing who had attended the Tablighi
to be combined with enhanced Thursday. on February 6,” Maharashtra Those arrested had, however, reached out to the local police,” He has sought permission now, we are going to have major Jamaat meeting in Delhi last
test-and-quarantine measures. The ICMR has also advised Home Minister Anil Deshmukh not visited the Nizamuddin he said. He said several from from district authorities problems post lockdown,” he month.
The study, led by Sandip enhancedtestingin20hotspots, told The Indian Express. With headquarters of Tablighi Jamaat Jogeshwari East were part of the concernedtoresumeworkathis warns. Thirty nine of the 60 positive
Mandal of the ICMR’s upfrom10onMonday.Thesear- coronavirus spreading world- in Delhi. event.Theyhadtraveledbytrain facilities. “I will engage only the India, according to the last cases have so far been reported
Department of Health Research, eas include Nizamuddin and wide and in India too, the gov- In Mumbra area of Thane, to and from Mumbai and Delhi. 17,500 workers being put up in Annual Survey of Industries for from Pune municipal limits,
estimatesthatthecurrent21-day Dilshad Garden in Delhi, ernment cancelled the permis- the police registered two FIRs Shaikh and his three friends our spacious hostel rooms, each 2017-18, had 195,584 registered while 14 have come from
lockdown will reduce epidemic Pathanamthitta district in sion. against two separate groups of were asked to get admitted in accommodating 7-8 persons. operatingfactoriesthatengaged Pimpri-Chinchwad.Theremain-
peak (or the highest number of Kerala, Mumbai and Pune in Home Minister Deshmukh Tablighi Jamaatis for assembly Jogeshwari Trauma hospital on There should be no issues of so- 1.56 crore people and distrib- ing seven are from rural areas.
new COVID-19 cases in a single Maharashtra, Mysuru and said the organisation initially on Wednesday. Police inspector Thursday for a test. Four of his cial distancing even in the man- utedRs418,357.16croreof emol- The fresh cases in Pimpri-
day) by 43 per cent and total Chikkaballapur in Karnataka, said they would go ahead with R Valatakar said one FIR was other friends had already tested ufacturing units, more so when uments. These factories are the Chinchwad, both Tablighis, are
mortality (COVID-19-related Meerut in Uttar Pradesh, thecongregation.“Wetoldthem against trustees of a mosque negative on Wednesday. “None I don’t intend calling any out- ones using power and employ- the first ones to have tested pos-
deaths) by 19 per cent. And that Bhilwara in Rajasthan, and if they went ahead, we will have which had not followed proper of us have developed any symp- siders,includinglocalswhohave ing 10 or more workers or those itive in the area in the last 11
the lockdown, when combined Ahmedabad in Gujarat. to take legal action,” he said. procedureswhileallowingeight toms till now,” he said. left,” he adds. without power and engaging a days. A total of 136 people in
with an aggressive test-and- Niket Kaushik, Inspector Malaysian nationals to stay at a (with inputs from Tabassum Hatsun Agro Product Ltd, minimum of 20 people. Pune were identified as those
quarantine strategy, can bring General (Konkan range) said the local mosque. The Malaysians Barnagarwala) India’s largest private sector Being registered and organ- having attended the Tablighi
down epidemic peak by 71 per Delhi deaths state government felt it would had visited Delhi in February, dairy company, engages a total ised, they are amenable to mon- Jamaat in New Delhi. Seventy
centandmortalityby40percent. and Tamil Nadu. not be wise to let so many peo- wellbeforetheMarchcongrega- Govt gears up of 8,000 workers at its 18 plants itoring, which can also extend to two of them were traced and
Mandal was also the lead au- At the daily briefing, Lav ple gather at a place when the tionattheNizamuddinmosque. Tamil Nadu, Delhi, Uttar across TN, Karnataka, AP and theirobservingsocialdistancing tested. Twenty three of them
thor of a February mathematical Agarwal, Joint Secretary, virus was spreading. Another FIR was filed in con- Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir and Telangana.Thenumberincludes rules. As of now, though, practi- wereinPimpri-Chinchwadarea.
model of the ICMR, which has Ministry of Health and Family “Accordingly, we revoked the nection with a group of 15 Rajasthan. 1,500 migrant labourers from callyallof themareshutoroper- “Of the 23 throat swab sam-
largely informed the govern- Welfare, said about 9,000 peo- permission on March 6 and in- Bangladeshis residing in the Further, while cases have Bihar and other eastern states. ating at very low capacity. ples which were sent to NIV for
ment’sCOVID-19strategythusfar. ple — those who attended the formed them about the same,” Almas Colony area of Mumbra. been reported from 26 states, in All of them are being provided “Getting factory approvals to testing, 21 have tested negative,
TheFebruarystudy,conductedby meet and their contacts — had he said. This group of Bangladeshi na- as many as 11 states, the case food and housing. re-openmaynotbedifficult.But while two are positive,” Pimpri-
eight scientists, had recom- been quarantined, including A member of the Tablighi tionals had visited the load was more than 50. These “There’s little work right even if the government allows Chinchwad Municipal
mended an approach of quaran- 1,306 foreigners. Jamaatsaidatwo-dayeventwas Nizamuddin mosque in Delhi are Maharashtra, Kerala, Tamil now, but throwing them out to (that), mobilising labourers, in- Commissioner Shravan
tine and random testing instead “Yesterday the Cabinet planned in Vasai. There were and had come to Mumbra on Nadu, Delhi, UP, Karnataka, save one month’s cost isn’t cludingarrangingfortheirtrans- Hardikar said about the fresh
of a focus on border screenings. Secretary had a video confer- planstotaketheeventtoseveral March 10. The 15 Bangladeshi Telangana, Rajasthan, Andhra, worth it. When the lockdown is port from home to plant and casesinhisarea.Incidentally,the
Talking to The Indian Express, ence with DGPs and Chief parts of the state including and eight Malaysian nationals Gujarat and J&K. lifted, getting back labour won’t back, will be a challenge. At twohadbeenunderhomequar-
Mandalsaidtheresultsof the21- Secretariesof statestotalkabout Raigad, Ratnagiri and Pune. “We alongwithtwolocalguidesfrom The Prime Minister re- be easy. Even if you get, it will be some stage, even invoking the antine since March 22.
day lockdown, which began on intensive contact tracing and approached Health Minister Madhya Pradesh and West quested states to increase sur- new labour that has to be Essential Services Maintenance “Both of them had attended
March 25, are expected to be vis- containment in war-footing on Rajesh Tope and told him that a Bengal were put through Covid- veillance on international pas- trained all over again. Act for trucks might be re- the meeting in New Delhi after
ibleinthenext“sixtosevendays, cases linked to Tablighi Jamaat. large congregation was ex- 19 tests on Wednesday. The lab sengers and migrant workers, Recruitment and training in- quired,” points out the FMCG returning from foreign coun-
withadeclineindailynewcases", Wegottoknowaboutthismeet- pected. He asked us to postpone test results on Thursday turned emphasise on contact tracing volve both additional cost and company official. tries.Whenwehadmadeanap-
even though he does believe that ing through Telangana, and as it. Considering the circum- outtobenegativeforallof them. and management and focus on time, which would make it dif- peal to citizens asking them to
therearemorepositivecasesthan people spread out, more cases stances, we also decided to can- Housing Minister and MLA survey, and sample testing of in- ficult to boost production when inform us about their travel his-
what is currently being reported. came to light. About 400 posi- celit.Weinformedeveryonenot from Mumbra Jitendra Awhad fluenzaandrespiratoryillnesses. demand returns,” says RG MNREGA tories, these two people had
Callinganextendedlockdown tivecaseshavebeenfoundsofar to congregate here,” the mem- said there was a lot of misinfor- Chandramogan, managing di- 2019-20, the lowest in a decade. come forward and told us about
“not feasible at all”, Mandal said, that are epidemiologically ber said. mation being spread about the rector of the Rs 4,760.30-crore Other data shows that the their foreign trips. Therefore, we
“A lockdown is not the final solu- linked to the cluster. Additional Over the last two days, some number of jamaat members Doing good sales company. number of gram panchayats not hadputthemunderhomequar-
tiontoalleviatetheepidemic.Itre- testing is on,” he said. Tablighis have been booked by present in Mumbra who had For KPR, the average Makingthesamepointisthe recording any MGNREGA ex- antine,” Hardikar said.
ducespeakepidemicbutweneed “Asperinformationreceived thepoliceinThaneandMumbra visited the Delhi mosque. He monthly cost-to-company per director of a large FMCG multi- penditure has also declined. It The two have now been ad-
additional interventions.” so far, Tamil Nadu has 173 cases for violating lockdown orders. said there were 25 persons, in- worker is roughly Rs 13,500. national.“Distributionproblems stood at 9,144 in the last finan- mitted to the civic-run
FULL REPORT ON (linked to the congregation), The Rabodi police station in cluding the Bangladeshi and That works out to a wage bill of are being gradually sorted out. cialyear,fromlowerthan10,978 Yeshwantrao Chavan Memorial Rajasthan 11, Andaman and Thane arrested 12 Tablighi Malaysiannationals.“Thereisan nearly Rs 30 crore, “which we The kirana stores and retail out- in 2018-19. The number of such hospital in Sant Tukaram Nagar.





Family members: 6 Family members: 6
Profession: Works at a sugar factory Profession: Housewife, tailor
Earning: Rs 15,000 a month Earning: Rs 3,000 a month
Headed towards: Shirpur, Dhule
WHY HE LEFT: “I was asked to resign from work. Ran out of
Headed towards: Shirpur, Dhule
WHY SHE LEFT: “No work, hard to survive in the city without
money, no point in staying in the city. No transport available” money. Everything is being sold at high prices.” A Shiv Bhojan Thali centre at Gultekdi Market in Pune on Thursday. Pavan Khengre

Procuring supplies, building FIGHT AGAINST PANDEMIC

MoD mobilises NCC cadets

16 relatives violate home
capacity on ‘war footing’, quarantine in Osmanabad,
says Southern Command caught on way to Mumbai

Southern Command said
Thursday that as part of the
and ex-servicemen groups college-levelarerespectivelycat-

AS MANY as 16 members
Mumbai, they were ordered
to remain in home quaran-
tine and were also stamped
accordingly on the hands.
An officer from Pune
Rural Police said, “On
Indian Army’s ‘Operation SUSHANT KULKARNI egorised as Junior and Senior from a family in Mumbai, Wednesday,oneof ourteams
Namaste’,itwasprocuringequip- PUNE, APRIL 2 Division Cadets. The NCC cadets who were ordered to remain at a check post in Vadgaon
ment, supplies and building ca- ofArmy,NavyandAirForcecome in home quarantine in Maval on Pune-Mumbai
pacity of medical formations on THE MINISTRY of Defence under regional Battalions, Units Osmanabad district, were Highway stopped their SUV
‘war footing’ for extending assis- Officials from the Command (MoD) said on Thursday it was and Squadrons, respectively. caught in Pune while head- forroutineinquiryandfound
tance to state governments for said it has undertaken mobilisingcadetsof theNational MoD officials said for the de- ing for Mumbai on thattheyhadstampsontheir
the fight against COVID-19. Operation Namaste to Cadet Corps as well as ex-ser- ployment of volunteer cadets, Wednesday. They have now hands. The driver of the SUV,
Officials from the Command mitigate spread of COVID-19 vicemenbodiesacrossthecoun- thestategovernmentsordistrict been quarantined in a gov- who is also a member of the
saidithasundertakenOperation in the southern states. try to assist in various relief ef- administration has to send the ernment facility in Vadgaon family, has been booked for
Namaste to mitigate spread of forts during the coronavirus requisition through state NCC Maval in Pune. disobeying the public order
COVID-19inthesouthernstates, (COVID-19) pandemic. Directorates. Details will be co- Officials from Pune Rural of lockdownandhomequar-
which are emerging as the whichmayoccurandtoaugment Various entities under the ordinated at Directorate, Group Police said three men, four antine. They have now been
hotspots for the spread of the civilian medical and other facili- purview of the MoD — including Headquarters or Unit level, with women and nine children quarantinedatagovernment
disease. Operation Namaste ties. Procurement of medical all three armed forces, the Coast state government or local civil fromafamilyinAndheriEast facility in Vadgaon Maval.
refers to the practice of greeting equipmentholdingsandpersonal Guard,variousestablishmentsof authority. Before the cadets are hadgonetoUmargatalukain None of them showed any
namaste instead of handshake protectiveequipmentarealsoun- the Ordnance Factory Board deployed for duty, ground con- Osmanabaddistricttoattend symptoms. We are now
to avoid physical contact. derway on a war footing. The (OFB), Defence Research and ditions and laid-down require- a funeral few days ago. On probing how they managed
Apart from quarantine facili- medical personnel and units are Development Organisation ments are to be ensured. Tuesday, when local author- to get past the district bor-
ties set up earlier, the Southern buildingtheircapacitiesandpara- (DRDO) and various Defence TheMoDalsosaidthatvarious ities in Osmanabad got to ders of Osmanabad, Solapur
Command has more facilities in medicalpersonnelarebeingpre- Public Sector Undertakings The cadets will not be deployed in handling law and order various state-level and district know that they are from and Pune.”
Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, paredtoassistciviladministration (DPSUs) — are currently extend- situations, active military duties or at hot spots. File bodies of ex-servicemen, called
Telangana and Tamil Nadu. The of various states to contribute to ing relief efforts. On the Rajya Sainik Boards or Zila
Command is also creating addi- thecareofpatients,”theSouthern Wednesday,Union Defence SainikBoards,havealreadystarted
other states. Both the quarantine
as well as isolation facilities have
Command said in a statement.
Various units under the
Minister Rajnath Singh held a
video-conference of top officials
from all these MoD establish-
Yogdan, a set of guidelines have
been issued for temporary em-
fic management,” said an official
communication from the MoD.
According to the guidelines,
identifying and mobilising the
man volunteers to assist the state
Over 100 counsellors
been provided with dedicated
medical and administrative staff
to take care of the patients.
are undertaking initiatives like
distribution of cooked food, es-
sential groceries and necessities
ments and reviewed the min-
istry’s efforts against COVID-19.
The MoD on Thursday said it
ployment of NCC cadets to aug-
ment relief efforts and function-
ing of various agencies involved
the cadets will not be deployed
in handling law and order situa-
tions, active military duties or at
such as contact tracing, commu-
to help deal with
the Southern Command said
that ‘Army Corona Warriors’
inthevicinityof militarystations
under the Command. Blood do-
nation camps have also been or-
was also mobilising senior divi-
sion cadets of the NCC and vari-
ous state and district-level bod-
“The tasks envisaged for NCC
cadets include manning of
hot spots. Only senior division
volunteer cadets above 18 years
of age should be mobilised in
quarantine facilities and other
tasks assigned to them by local
anxiety, panic, fear
comprising doctors, nurses and ganised to recoup blood stock at iesof formerservicementoassist helpline or call centres, distribu- smallcohesivegroupsof eightto bodies.Theseex-servicemenbod- Theprivateprofessionalsenlisted
other support staff are in the the blood banks and this may be in the ongoing efforts, including tionof relief material,medicines, 20 under the supervision of iesarealsoassistingindatacollec- AJAY JADHAV bythestategovernmentwilloffer
forefront in this ‘atypical battle.’ undertaken at other locations as those of state governments and food or essential commodities, Permanent Instructor Staff or tion,awarenesscampaignsandac- PUNE, APRIL 2 free counselling to anyone on the
“All efforts are underway to well based on the requirement district administrations. community assistance, data their Associate NCC Officer. tivities connected to setting up phone,” said Deshbhratar.
prepare for any contingency, of the civil health agencies. MoD officials said that under managementandqueueandtraf- The NCC cadets at school and quarantinefacilities. APRIVATEcounsellorrecentlygot Thedepartmenthasapprised
a call from a woman in Nagpur, districtadministrationsaboutthe
who said she was very scared as availability of these counsellors.

Made in India, polyester swab for DISCHARGED FROM YCM HOSPITAL

the “world was going to end and
everyone was going to die in the
pandemic”. Psychologists and
“We have also taken to Facebook

test kits ready for clinical trial

Student fights COVID-19
counsellorshavebeengettingnu- volunteers are invited to join the
merous such calls from worried, initiative,” said Deshbhratar.
and sometimes panicky, people Thecounsellorshavetobeaf-
during the coronavirus (COVID- filiated to the Indian Psychiatric

and pneumonia, recovers

ANJALI MARAR 19) pandemic. Society, or the state chapter of
PUNE, APRIL 2 To deal with the increasing IndianPsychologicalAssociation,
number of such cases, a group of or the All India Psychological
AT A time when India is facing professional counsellors from Association.
severe shortage of testing kits to The student said initially, he acrossMaharashtrahascomefor- Chetan Dewan, secretary of
screen patients and confirm MANOJ MORE was scared. “When my test re- ward to cater to those suffering the Maharashtra State Mental
casesof coronavirus(COVID-19), PUNE, APRIL 2 portswerepositiveIwasworried, from mental problems, and they Health Public Awareness
a team of doctors and re- as any patient would have been. I areofferingtheircounsellingserv- Committee,saidtheinitiativehad
searchers has developed a cost- THE 11TH “coronavirus-free” hadmildsymptomsinitially.Then icesforfree.Thesecounsellorscan 130 volunteers, including profes-
effective polymer swab used to patient in Pimpri-Chinchwad, a Idevelopedpneumoniabutsoon communicate in Marathi, Hindi sional counsellors, psychiatrists,
collect samples from patients. 21-year-old student, was dis- my condition stabilised through and English, among other lan- psychologistsandsocialworkers.
Led by Milind Kulkarni of charged from civic-run YCM proper medication,” he said. guages,andwillreachouttothose “People are suffering from anxi-
Centre of Materials for Hospital on Thursday. During his hospital stay, the in need to help via the phone. ety, stress, phobia of staying at
Electronics Technology (CMET) “The patient had developed student spent most of his time “The coronavirus outbreak homeforalongtime,restlessness
in Pune, these polymer swabs breathing problems and subse- onsocialmedia.However,unlike has led to lot of panic among cit- and emotional disturbances due
were designed and readied quentlydevelopedpneumonia... some other patients who put izens, including fear of contract- to the outbreak,” he said.
within a week in collaboration but through proper medication their pictures and videos on so- ing the disease. The lockdown “Currently, most of the ex-
with teams from Rangadore as per government protocol, the The 21-year-old student had cial media, he avoided doing has also affected the mental sta- perts are from Mumbai and
Hospital and Indian Institute of patient recovered and was dis- returned from a foreign anything like that. “Only a cou- tus of citizens... the issue needs Pune. Deliberate efforts are be-
Sciences (IISc) in Bengaluru, charged on Thursday,” said Dr country on March 17. pleof myfriendsknewaboutmy immediate attention,” said ingmadetogettheminvolvedin
along with a 3D printing society ‘A testing kit is incomplete without these polymer swabs’ Rajendra Wable, in-charge of condition and they were very Prerna Deshbhratar, the initiative, as several coron-
based in Mumbai. YCM Hospital. supportive...I spent my time on Commissioner for Persons with avirus infections have been re-
As per the guidelines of the But of the 12 coronavirus pa- the protocol for such patients,” social media. With the help of Disablities department. portedfromthesecities,”hesaid.
Centre for Disease Control and government has set the maxi- million such testing kits in the tients admitted till Thursday in saidDrWable.“...Thepatientwas themedicalstaff andpositiveap- “Themobilityof citizensisre- Thecounsellorsarealsoreadyto
Prevention, the swab is used for mumpriceforthiskitatRs4,500. coming months. “A testing kit is thecivichospital,thestudentwas stable and did not require venti- proach, I overcome the difficult stricted during the lockdown pe- extend their services to hospitals,
collecting a sample from the up- However, the polymer incomplete without these poly- theonlyonewhohaddeveloped lator support”. phase,” he said. riod. Teenagers, senior citizens whose staff are under a lot of pres-
per respiratory tract. swabs are imported from merswabs,”saidDrSridhar,who pneumonia, which leads to seri- While all other patients had Thanking the medicalstaff at andphysicallyunfitpeoplearenot sure,andtodealwiththeissuesaris-
“The fibres are made of com- European countries like Italy added that once the prototype is ous complications, doctors said. to undergo two tests, three tests YCMH, the student appreciated able to cope with the stress, lead- inginhousingsocietieswherecoro-
pounds from the polyester fam- and Germany, making it both delivered to his team, it would The 21-year-old student had were conducted on this particu- the moral support and treat- ing to changes in their behaviour. naviruscaseshavebeendiagnosed.
ily whereas the stick is made of costlier and in the present situ- need no time to validate the effi- returned from a foreign country lar patient. “...After the first two ment the staff extended to him.
polypropylene material. If this ation, difficult to procure. cacy of the polymer swab. onMarch17.Uponarrival,heim- tests were negative, the patient “Thank you for taking care of me
succeeds, the cost could be “We have demonstrated Oncereceived,theBengaluru mediately came to YCM still did not look completely and helping me overcome this
made one-third of the current prototypes of 10 to 12 polymer teamatCancyteTechPvtLtdwill Hospital, where his throat swab comfortable. Therefore, we con- challenge,” he told the medical
cost,” said Kulkarni, group head swabs and they will undergo use the samples to verify if this samples were collected and sent ducted the third test which was staff after being discharged.
of the nanocomposite labora- clinical trials. With the help of indigeneously-built swab can to the National Institute of also negative,” said Dr Wable. Hehasbeentoldtospendthe
tory at CMET. an automated machine, one pick the virus like the swabs that Virology, and found to be posi- The student told The Indian next14daysinhomequarantine.
As per prescribed norms, a can manufacture upto 2,000 are presently in use. This lab is tive. He was initially admitted to Express he was studying medi- Till Wednesday, Pimpri-
COVID-19 test kit comprises a polymer swabs in a minute,” among the handful of private Bhosari Hospital, but shifted to cine abroad. “When I landed in Chinchwad had 12 positive pa-
tube of Universal Transport added Kulkarni. testinglaboratoriesinKarnataka YCMH a few days later when he Pimpri-Chinchwad, I had fever tients, of whom, 11 have been
Media(UTM),aNasopharyngeal According to Dr KN Sridhar, that has been approved by developedrespiratoryproblems. and therefore I went to YCM discharged. On Thursday, two
swab, a Ziplock specimen bag urologist and director of Sri Indian Council for Medical “Subsequently, we detected Hospital, where my throat swab more COVID-19 cases related to
and an ice pack, along with the Research for Tissue Engineering Research to perform COVID-19 a patch of pneumonia. He was samplewascollectedandsentto those who attended the
lab requisite form. The Union in Bengaluru, India will need a related tests. then put on medication as per the NIV,” he said. Nizamuddin Markaz surfaced.

20-yr-old student found

hanging in hostel room Two arrested Gurudwara restarts suspended langar,

EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Samidha, who was from for killing man makes thousands of food packets daily
ferrying pulses
PUNE, APRIL 2 Gadchiroli, was residing
A 20-YEAR-OLD woman iden- at her college hostel.
tified as Samidha Kalidas Raut, She was absent for
who studied mass communica-
the night attendance
tion at a college in Viman Nagar,
was found hanging in her hos- taken by hostel
tel room on Wednesday night. officials on Wednesday Police posed as medical staff in bid to
Samidha, who was from
Gadchiroli, was residing at her catch duo unawares, used ambulance
college hostel. She was absent College authorities then in-
for the night attendance taken formed the Pune City Police
by hostel officials on and doctors. After doctors pro- EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE The deceased,
Wednesday. At 10 pm, hostel nounced her dead, the police PUNE, APRIL 2
management found that her took Samidha’s body to hospi-
Kashinath Rambhau
room was locked from the in- tal for post-mortem. TWO MEN were arrested Kadam (55), was
side and she was not respond- Her body was later handed Thursday for the murder of a transporting pulses
ing to any of the calls. over to her family members. truck driver who was transport-
When they looked inside Police suspect that Samidha ing pulses on March 30. The ac- on Monday from
from a panel in the balcony of committed suicide, but no sui- cused had stolen the man’s Latur to the Market
the room, she was found hang- cide note was found and so in- money and mobile phone after Yard in Pune
ing from the ceiling fan. vestigation is underway. killing him, police said.
The deceased, Kashinath
Rambhau Kadam (55), was location of the two accused.
transporting pulses on Monday Since movement of private
Martyrs of CISF on 03rd April from Latur to the Market Yard in vehiclesisstrictlycontrolleddue
Pune,whenhestoppedhistruck to the lockdown, the police de-
near the railway flyover in cided to disguise themselves as
Daund at 1.30 am and stepped medical personnel and use an In the kitchen of Gurudwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha on Thursday. Arul Horizon
out to relieve himself. ambulance to catch the accused
He was then attacked by six unawares.
unidentified persons with The police then went to the hasrestartedthelangartofeedthe tinued trying,” he said. over,” said Hora.
knives,policesaid.Theassailants location in Daund where the ac- RUCHIKA GOSWAMY hungry. Each day, food is cooked Horasaidaftertheydecidedto Gurmeet Kaur Virdi, another
CT/GD A P YADAV L/NK D C DEY CT/GD EUGIN MINZ also attacked Shakil Shaikh (35), cused were expected to come. PUNE, APRIL 2 for nearly 3,000 to 4,000 people, prepare langar for those in need, sevadar, said while the initiative
ONGC TRIPURA ONGC TRIPURA BCCL DHANBAD the truck’s cleaner and But after arriving, the accused packed by the sevadars (volun- they circulated a message and a has witnessed several people
03-04-1996 03-04-1996 03-04-1996
Mohammed Pathan, a tempo started running away from the THENATIONWIDElockdownhas teers)anddistributedamongpeo- contact number so people could coming together to help those in
driver who was also present at spot, so the police chased them affected lakhs of people and left plewiththehelpofwelfareorgan- reach out to them. “Initially, we need,shewishedthatpeoplecon-
the spot. The assailants stole Rs in the ambulance and managed them without any income, any isationsandNGOsaroundthecity. distributedrationitemstopeople tributed food from their own
5,000 cash from Kadam and to catch them. The accused, place to stay and most impor- Sumit Hora, a sevadar at the forsevendaysandlater,webegan homesaswell.“Ihavebeendoing
Shaikh and their cellphones, po- GaneshChavan(22)andSameer tantly, anything to eat. Gurudwara Guru Singh Sabha, langar services. We received help seva by putting together food
lice said. Pathan, Kadam and Bhosale (19), have committed To help thousands of such said every morning, five to six in- from several relief groups, disas- packetsforafewdays...Ihopethat
Shaikh sustained injuries in the robberiesindifferentpartsof the people stranded in Pune without dividualscometothegurudwara ter management bodies and the situation does not get worse
incident. Kadam succumbed to districtinthelast15daysdespite any income or food, the topreparethefoodwhile10to12 NGOs which are helping us dis- and we can continue to go out to
CT/GD H MONDAL CT/GD ALAM ALI his injuries while being taken to therestrictionslaiddownforthe Gurudwara Guru Singh Sabha sevadarshelpmakefoodpackets. tributethefoodpackets.Theycol- prepare the langar... but those of
BCCL DHANBAD BCCL DHANBAD a hospital. Shaikh lodged the FIR lockdown, police said. Ganeshpeth is using its langar “The complete lockdown has af- lectthepacketsfromusandtheir us who can help as much as they
03-04-1996 03-04-1996
of murder and robbery in this The previous crimes of the services to feed the homeless, fectedthedailywageearners,the volunteers distribute them. We canfromhome,shouldcomefor-
CISF proudly remembers the supreme sacrifice of these brave hearts.
case at Daund police station. duo include cases of robbing a daily wage earners and migrant poor, homeless and migrant make sure that the food packets ward and do so,” she said.
On this day, they laid down their lives at the altar of duty while fighting
with militants. Their courage and bravery would remain an abiding
A team led by Inspector watchman at a government of- workers. The langar is also open workers the most. It became es- reach the right place,” he said. Hora also highlighted that as
source of inspiration for the force.The force will remain eternally Padmakar Ghanwat and fice, looting ornaments from a formedicalstaff,policepersonnel sential for us to start the langar So far, the langar service has April13isthespringharvestfesti-
indebted to them for their noblest deeds. Assistant Inspector Dattatraya woman, attacking pedestrians and civic workers. services for those in need. A few distributed thousands of food val of Baisakhi, some volunteers
Gund of local crime branch and and stealing a motorcycle, the Earlier this month, a unani- of us took permission from au- packetstodailywageearners,mi- willcelebrateitbydrawingcircles
Inspector Sunil Mahadik of police said on Thursday. Chavan mous decision was taken by all thoritiessothatwecancomehere grantworkers,thehomeless,slum outside shops and medicals to
VISVESVARAYA JALA NIGAMA LIMITED Daund police station started was also wanted in previous the gurudwaras in Pune to sus- and prepare the food in bulk. dwellers and women in red light maintainsocialdistancing.“Since
(A Government of Karnataka Enterprise) searching for the suspects. cases of robbery lodged at pend public langars in order to There were times when we were areas. “We receive more require- we cannot go out and celebrate,
Office of the Executive Engineer, Visvesvaraya During investigation, police Daund and Yavat police stations, containthespreadofcoronavirus. unabletodosoduetotherestric- ments each day and we wish to we might as well celebrate this
Jala Nigam Limited, Upper Bhadra Project Division received information about the police said. ButGurudwaraGuruSinghSabha tions but we made sure we con- continue till the pandemic gets way,” he said.
No.9, Sira - 572137 Ph: 08135-276101
SPPU files FIR against unknown
No. EE/VJNL/UBP/Div-9/Sira/Tank filling/Corri/2019-20/707
Date: 01.04.2020
APSSDC Regd. Office : Door No.4-150, Prasadampadu, Ramavarapadu post, Vijayawada-521108. 10 lakh tonne
of unharvested
CORRIGENDUM -3 (Through e-Procurement only)
Reference: This Office Tender notification No. EE/VJNL/UBP/
Tenders are invited from reputed Manufacturers / Authorized Suppliers /
Dealers for certain works through E-procurement market platform and date of
opening of tenders from 3-4-2020 @ 11.00 AM and Last date for
Submission of Bids on 16-4-2020 up to 4.00 PM. For further details please visit
persons over forged exam timetable cane, state
D-9/Sira/Tank/tender-noti/ 11 /2019-20 Dt : 19-02-2020. and for information please aforgedtimetablestartedcirculat- that the university has had to
Addendum-1,2,3 & 4 and Following corrections are made in
contact mail: & Phone No. 6309265455 and
website T.N.No.APSSDC/ENGG/SMSP-RKVY/2020-2,
Date:27-03-2020 Sd/- VC & MANAGING DIRECTOR
ing on social media. According to
suffer over the last fortnight.
On March 15, an unknown
millers worry
the Calendar of Events of tender notification are published in
will be conducted after April 5. person had forged a letter misus-
THE SAVITRIBAI Phule Pune Exam controller Mahesh ing the logo of International PARTHA SARATHI
(1) As appeared in the tender notification Dated: University (SPPU) has been the Kakde, who was alerted about Student Centre, saying SPPU has BISWAS
19-02-2020 Calendar of Events Sl. No. (D) The last date victim of quite a few fake ru- the same, has now lodged an FIR cancelledalllecturesandaffiliated PUNE, APRIL 2
for submission of completed tender documents (Cover-1 & mours, the latest being a forged at the Chaturshringi police sta- colleges have been asked to de-
cover-2) through e-portal. Date: 30.03.2020 To be read as timetable for exams circulated tion against unknown persons. clareholidaysfromMarch20to30. SUGAR MILLS in Maharashtra
by fraudsters on social media, TheFIRfiledonApril2citesIPC This came a day before the have expressed concerns over
Date: 20-04-2020 (E) Date & time of opening of Technical
which created an uproar. sectionspertainingtocheating,for- state government’s directive to the fate of 10 lakh tonne of cane
Bid (Cover –I) by Executive Engineer, V.J.N.L, UBP, Division Even as the university issued gery, statements creating or pro- universitiestocancellectures.As still standing on the fields.
No.9, Sira, Date: 01.04.2020 after 4.30 pm To be read as a circular on March 27, postpon- motingenmity,hatredorillwillbe- lectures were still being con- As most cane harvesters
Date: 22.04.2020 after 4.30 pm ing all exams until after April 14 tweenclasses,andpublicnuisance. ducted, officials had to issue a have stopped work or left for
Sd/- Executive Engineer,VJNL,UBP, Division No.9 Sira whenthelockdownperiodisover, This is the second such issue clarification. their homes in Beed and other
districts of Marathwada, many
DEENDAYAL PORT TRUST mills have asked farmers to
Request for Qualification harvest and transport cane on
(Regd. Office: PSEB Head Office, The Mall Patiala, Website: Tender No. 03/CE their own.
OFFICE OF CHIEF ENGINEER/ PP&R, Global Invitation for Qualification for "DEVELOPMENT, MAINTENANCE AND The nationwide lockdown
# D-3, Shakti Vihar, PATIALA -147001
Tele Fax: 0175-2200872 email: OPERATION OF OIL JETTIES 09 & 10 AT DPT, ON BOT BASIS UNDER PPP amid the spread of COVID-19
Corporate Identification Number (CIN): U40109PB2010SGC033813 Registration Number: 33813 MODE", for a concession period of thirty (30) years. has cast a shadow on the 2019-
PRESS NOTICE INVITING TENDER FOR SHORT TERM PURCHASE Deendayal Port Trust invites Applications from Interested parties (the 20 sugarcane crushing season.
OF ENERGY TENDER SPECIFICATION NO. PPR- 6 /2020 "Applicants") in accordance with the Request far Qualification (RFQ) Concerned over their safety,
PSPCL invites tender under three part bid system for supply of Document in order to pre-qualify Applicants who can subsequently bid for
POULTRY AUNDH- C/o Sandeep Book Stall, labourers have started leaving
Electrical Energy from interstate/intrastate sources viz. Generators, the Project as per Request for Proposal. Estimated cost of the Project is
Suyog Enterprises, Swajas Complex, Traders having valid Inter State Trading License issued by CERC for inter- their places of work while in
NECC suggested farm- Parihar Chowk, INR.123.40 Crores for Oil Jetty 09 and INR.123.12 Crores for Oil Jetty 10.
C/o Sandeep Book Stall, state trading of energy, intrastate trading license issued by PSERC for The RFQ Documents of both the OJ 09 & OJ 10 may be obtained from the some mills in western
gate price for 100eggs Aundhgaon, Pune-7. intrastate trading of energy, State Electricity Boards, State Electricity Maharashtra, they have gone on
Swajas Complex, office of the A.O. (Cash), Deendayal Port Trust at Gandhidham on submis-
on 03.04.2020 in Pune Mob. 9422011181. Utilities, States, IPPs & CPPs as per table given below:
Parihar Chowk, sion of a demand draft (non-refundable) of INR.20,OOO/- (Rupees Twenty strike.
without tray is Rs. 410 Chordia
Aundhgaon, Pune-7. Period Timings Quantum in Minimum bid Delivery
Thousand only) (Plus INR.200/- for dispatch by courier/speed post) for each Sugar Commissioner
/- ( ) Phone:NECC Communications, MW quantum MW Point
Mob. 9422011181.
24270724, 26336377, Arshad Ajit Chordia. 10th June 2020 to 00:00 to upto 1500 20 Punjab RFQ document, for domestic as well as foreign applicants, to be issued by Saurabh Rao had issued in-
Dealer: 24332689,
17/18, Aundh Gaon, opp. 30th September, 2020 24:00 Periphery any scheduled bank drawn in favour of Financial Adviser & Chief Accounts structions to mills to ensure
24455130, 24265787. Communications, (RTC)
Arshad Ajit Chordia.
lane of Cosmos Bank, Officer (FA&CAO), Deendayal Port Trust, payable at Gandhidham. workers did not leave the dis-
0090272256-3 Aundh, Pune-7. Tel: Last date & time of Submission of bid – 20.04.2020 upto 13.00 hrs. The RFQ Documents for Oil Jetties 9 & 10 can be downloaded from website trict and are quarantined in
17/18, Aundh Gaon, opp.
25886118, 9960111123.
lane of Cosmos Bank, Bidding will be done as per the revised guidelines for short term procure- their area.
Shraddha Ads, ment of power notified by the Ministry of Power vide resolution dated The schedule of different activities till Submission of the applications is as under:
Vencobb today’s ex- Aundh, Pune-7. Tel: With nearly 10 lakh tonne of
Mrs.Ujwala Kotbagi, 'A' 30.03.2016 , through e-Bidding Portal (DEEP) only. The link for the
shop delivery rate at 25886118, 9960111123. 1 Sale of RFQ Document 27/03/2020 to 13/05/2020 cane remaining on the fields,
Shraddha Ads, wing, Vastu-sunder, e–Bidding portal is and is also available on
Pune Rs.45/- per kg. 2 Last date of receiving queries regarding RFQ 20/04/2020
Near Kumar Classic, the website of Ministry of Power ( ) and PFC sugar mills are now concerned
Contact (9522) Mrs.Ujwala Kotbagi, 'A'
22872417, Pune (9520) wing, Vastu-sunder,
Pune-7. Tel. 9371055799. Consultancy Limited ( .Bidders are requested to famil- 3 Pre-Application Conference 27/04/2020 about their harvest. Some mills,
San Ads, iarize with the applicable guidelines notified by the Ministry of Power on like Kranti Agrani GD Bapu Lad
24269414. Near Kumar Classic, 4 Last date of submission of Applications i.e. 13/05/2020
Anurag, Plot No. 10, near 30.03.2016 carefully before submitting the offer.
0090272255-1 Pune-7. Tel. 9371055799. Note: It is informed that in case tender process is not completed due to Application Due Date upto 11:00 Hrs. Cooperative Sugar Mill in Sangli
San Ads, Kobe Silzler Cave,
Aundh-411007. Tel: any reason, no corrigendum will be published in newspaper. Details FAX: +91-2836-220050 district, have issued advertise-
Sheetal Agro Traders Anurag, Plot No. 10, near
Simra Trading rates for 25881302/3/4. regarding corrigendum may be seen on and
Tele: +91-2836-233192 ments urging farmers to har-
Today’sEx-Shop Kobe Silzler Cave, official website of PSPCL .i.e.
delivery for live small 100 eggs. Selling price APPA BALWANT CHOWK Chief Engineer vest and transport cane on their
Aundh-411007. Tel: C114/2020 Sd/- Dy. CE/PR
birds size between1.3 Rs. 395/-. Contact
C-704/Pb. PSPCL, Patiala. Deendayal Port Trust Delivering Maritime Excellence own. In some other cases, mills
to 1.5 rate at PuneRs. 9922117736. M/s V. V. Medhi, are taking the help of mecha-
47/- per Kg. 0090269086-1 - Varun Medhi, 153, nised harvesters to finish the
7776024132, Budhwar Peth, Near
M/s V. V. Medhi, last bit of harvesting before the
7588532184 Pune Broilers Traders’ Jogeshwari Temple,
Varun Medhi, 153, season comes to a close.
Association Rate on Opp. Ganraj Books,
0090270545-2 Budhwar Peth, Near According to industry insid-
03.04.2020 For Live Big Above DTDC Courier,
Jogeshwari Temple,
Birds Rs70/- Live Small 2nd floor, Pune-2. Ph. No. ers, in case canes remain on
Pimpri-Chinchwad Opp. Ganraj Books,
Broilers Traders’
Birds Rs75/-Momin Above DTDC Courier,
9028967505, 8793647505, field and mills closed, the state
Poultry(Asif Momin) (020) 24492149. government is expected to pay
Association “Rate On 2nd floor, Pune-2. Ph. No.
26336349 BIBVEWADI - compensation for the same.
03.04.2020 For Live Big 9028967505, 8793647505,
Ad Services,
Birds Rs74/-Live Small 0090267633-93 (020) 24492149. Estimates have shown that the
Birds Rs75/-Al- BIBVEWADI - Amol Nalawade,
Sr. No.659/28, Rajiv amount could be anything be-
Taqdeer Broiler(Siraj Ad Services,
NAVI PETH - Gandhi Nagar, Upper tween Rs 150-200 crore.
Shaikh)9822931357, Amol Nalawade,
Vijaydeep Services, Last Bus Stop, Earlier this week, sugar
9767869302 Sr. No.659/28, Rajiv
Deepali Vijay Sonawane, Bibvewadi, Pune-17. commissioner had written to
0090267452-97 315, Navi Peth, Gururaj Gandhi Nagar, Upper
Mobile 9420729914, Kolhapur district collector
Apt., Shop No-C, Ground Last Bus Stop,
9021851460 Daulat Desai to file a complain
Floor, Near Vitthal Bibvewadi, Pune-17.
''IMPORTANT'' Akash Advtg,
Mandir, Pune-30. Mobile 9420729914, against the managing director
C. S. Sawar, 645/1, Shop
Whilst care is taken prior to NIGDI- 9021851460 of the Sharad Cooperative
acceptance of advertising Akash Advtg, No.4, Rasakar Campus,
Dinesh Advertising, Bibawewadi Main Road, Sugar Mill in Hatkanagle taluka,
copy, it is not possible to verify
Mr. Dinesh, 3/6 LIC C. S. Sawar, 645/1, Shop
its contents. The Indian
No.4, Rasakar Campus,
Bibawewadi, Pune-37. who had apparently signed a
Express (P) Limited cannot be Colony, Sector 25, Tel: 9922221261.
held responsible for such Sindhunagar, Bibawewadi Main Road, letter authorising labourers to
Ganesh Advertising, return to their native villages
contents, nor for any loss or Pradhikaran. Bibawewadi, Pune-37.
damage incurred as a result of Mr. Vijay Deshmukh,
Ph. No. 27657582. Tel: 9922221261. despite the lockdown. The mill
transactions with companies,
Ganesh Advertising, 672/2a /2b, Ganesh
associations or individuals PAUD PHATA -
Complex, Shop No.3, is managed by Minister of State
advertising in its newspapers Pari Advertising, Mr. Vijay Deshmukh, for Health Rajendra Patil
Bibvewadi, Pune-37.
or Publications. We therefore Mr. Sunil Kalsekar, 13-14 672/2a /2b, Ganesh
recommend that readers 24219660, Yedravkar.
Gopal Park, Karanjkar Complex, Shop No.3,
make necessary inquiries
Road, Opp. Dindayal Bibvewadi, Pune-37.
9822841930. Reports have come in of
before sending any monies or BAJIRAO ROAD - labourers being roughened up
entering into any agreements School, Paud Phata, 24219660,
Sri Ganesh Advertising, at various places with the po-
with advertisers or otherwise Pune-38. Ph.No. 9822841930.
BAJIRAO ROAD - R. Nirmala, R. Ravi,
acting on an advertisement in 25469492/ 9422512640.
'Remedy', 1929, Bajirao
lice trying to prevent their in-
any manner whatsoever. PAUD ROAD - Sri Ganesh Advertising, ter-district migrations.




Devotees pray at Ramji Sansthan temple on Ram Navami at Tulshibaug in Pune on Thursday. Pavan Khengre

22 dead, 423 infected in state Maharashtra


sets up mass
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE quarantine camp in Mumbai
for Tablighi Jamaat contacts

AS 88 people tested positive for

COVID-19 on Thursday, the
number of cases in the state rose the public health department is
to 423 with 22 deaths being re- SANDEEP ASHAR nowinthemidstof thechalleng-
ported so far. MUMBAI, APRIL 2 ingprocessof identifyingallwho
While Mumbai saw 54 cases, came into contact with each of
Pune reported 11, Ahmednagar AS THE COVID-19 count in the them. In Mumbai alone, the
9, Thane, Navi Mumbai and state touched 423 on Thursday, number of contacts is expected
Vasai-Virar 9, Aurangabad two with 88 fresh cases and 22 to run into thousands. Sources
and Satara, Osmanabad and deaths so far, authorities in said, the mass quarantining of
Buldhana one each. Maharashtra began the process thecontactswilltakeplaceatthe
The new cases included nine of setting up a mass quarantine Goregaon (East) facility, which is
fromAhmednagarandfourfrom facility in Mumbai for the con- We have so far been able spread over 60,000 sq m.
Pune, who had attended the tacts of those who had in mid- to trace 1,300 people, Forthispurpose,atemporary
Tablighi Jamaat meet in Delhi. In March attended the and the process of shelter set up for the homeless
Pune, five more persons, unre- Nizamuddin Tablighi Jamaat quarantining them has and stranded migrant workers
latedtotheTablighiJamaat,tested congregation in New Delhi, started with the help of attheNESCOgroundwasshifted
positive, taking the total number which has become one of the to another site in Bandra in the
ofinfectedpeopleinthecityto60. biggest hotspots for cluster
NGOs, National Service afternoon. At the time of shift-
Of the total number of cases, transmissions in India. Scheme and police ing, 12 homeless people, includ-
Mumbai now accounts for 235. Six persons, including two RAJESH TOPE ing 10 men and two women,
Thursday saw a 63-year-old Police personnel check vehicles for curfew passes at Swargate Chowk in Pune on Thursday. Pavan Khengre foreignnationalsinAhmednagar
were at the facility. “We shifted
man passing away in Mumbai’s and four in Pune, tested positive theminaBESTbustoanewsite,”
Kasturba Hospital. A 68-year-old for the novel coronavirus on said a senior official, who is in
man,whosufferedfromischemic tined in Kasturba hospital and up on Thursday. Of them, 105 the Jamaat meeting, while the Thursday, adding to the increas- processofquarantiningthemhas charge of the temporary shelter.
their two children, a 24-year-old
CORONA COUNT suspectedof beinginfectedwere
seven others in the city are be-
lieved to have been infected by
ing number of cases across the
country linked to the Tablighi
started with the help of NGOs,
The government staff tasked
with running and monitoring
portedthedeathof a50-year-old
woman. On Wednesday night, a
in the quarantine ward of Seven
Hills hospital. They have been 60
On Thursday, at least 40
Kandivali Shatabdi hospital em-
tal number of infected people in
Jamaat meeting in Delhi.
Acting on the Union Home
lice,” Tope said.
According to numbers offi-
work of the shelter was also
moved to the new location.
58-year-old man, admitted at a testedandthereportsareawaited. ployees, including 10 doctors, Ahmednagar to 17, including Ministry’sdirective,thestatehas cially released by the public “We needed a designated
private hospital in Mumbai on A doctor from Wockhardt PUNE werequarantinedintheresiden- four foreign nationals. so far identified around 1,400 health department late quarantining facility for contacts
March 23, died. In Mumbai, a 42- hospital also tested positive in tial hostel and ESIS hospital after AhmednagarDistrictCollector people across Maharashtra who Thursday, 1,026 people from of those who had attended the
year-old constable posted with Dharavi. The 35-year-old’s test a patient who visited the hospi- Rahul Dwivedi said that samples had attended the congregation, Maharashtra who had attended congregation. It had to be a spa-
theprotectionbranchofMumbai was conducted by a private lab- tive for both. Officials said a sec- tal’s out patient department from 112 suspected persons had said Public Health Minister the Delhi congregation have ciousfacilityconsideringthescale
PolicetestedpositiveonThursday. oratory. The building where he ond test will be conducted on tested positive. The hospital, beensenttotheNationalInstitute Rajesh Tope. beentraced.Acrossthestate,576 of the exercise. NESCO ground
“HisbrotherwasadmittedatSion resides has been quarantined. Friday. The woman had deliv- which has four infected patients of Virology in Pune, of which 51 The facility will come up at people who visited Delhi for the was found to be the most suit-
hospital on March 19. The 42- Meanwhile, a day after a ered in Sai hospital and was admitted, has not been sealed. results had come. In neighbour- Bombay Exhibition Centre Jamaat have so far been quaran- able,” a senior civic official said.
year-old stayed overnight at the three-day-old boy and his given a bed previously occupied In Mumbai, 126 people who ingdistrictofSangli,CivilSurgeon (NESCOGround)atGoregaonEast tined for testing. From Mumbai Of thetotalnumberof people
hospitalanditissuspectedthathe mother were admitted to by a COVID-19 patient. The hos- attended the Tablighi Jamaat in SanjaySalunkhesaidthat11peo- forquarantiningthosewhocame alone,126peoplehadvisitedthe who have tested positive in the
caught the infected there,” said a Kasturba Hospital after a private pital was sealed by BMC on Delhi are being tested. Two for- ple, who had attended the event in contact with the 442 Tablighis Nizamuddin mosque and have state, 235 are from Mumbai. In
friend of the constable. laboratory test confirmed that March 31 after the woman and eign nationals in Ahmednagar in New Delhi, have been identi- traced so far in Mumbai and the been quarantined. Pune,fivemorepeople,unrelated
Theconstablewasadmittedin they had contracted the virus, her newborn tested positive. whotestedpositiveonThursday fied.Theirsampleshavebeensent surrounding satellite townships, Those who have been traced totheTablighiJamaat,testedpos-
Seven Hills hospital on the preliminary test conducted In Mumbai, 317 people vis- – one from Dijbouti and another fortestingandresultsareawaited, officialssaid.“Wehavesofarbeen have been quarantined in hotels itive, taking the total number of
Wednesday.Hiswifewasquaran- atKasturba Hospital came nega- ited various hospitals for check- from Indonesia -- had attended he added. abletotrace1,300people,andthe and lodges in each district, and infected people in the city to 60.


84-year-old innovator’s portable ventilator draws industry’s attention, a network of andgoingaboutmyworkbyrid- snakebite, scorpion bite and who are making ventilators and villages to nearby hospitals”.
ANURADHA doctorsandengineersacrossthe ing a bicycle... this made people other poisoning cases,” he said. this is a tricky process... There are Industrial firms have con-
MASCARENHAS world, says in the in the fore- wonder how I could have de- With the number of cororon- lot of members who are actually nected with Captain Bharucha.
PUNE, APRIL 2 word of Bharucha’s manual signed a ventilator,” he said, avirus cases crossing 1,000 in employing whatever they can to “Baba Kalyani -- chairman and
‘Introduction to Ventilator adding that he was nominated India, an effort -- called COVID 19 finaliseaperfectdesign.Everyone MD of Bharat Forge - did ask me
AT HIS tiny workshop on Pune- Therapy’thattheywantedtoun- foralifetimeachievementaward Ventilator project - is being coor- isontheplatform–wearetaking whether the ventilator can help
Ahmednagar Road, 84-year-old derstand more about his work. in medical instrumentation by dinatedbytheMahrattaChamber help from any source – Captain COVID-19 patients. I have said
CaptainRustomBharuchaisget- “Humanity is facing a big chal- theDRDObutwaslaterrejected. of Commerce, Industries and Bharucha’s ventilator is a very that it is a noiseless, genuine and
ting ready to attend a 2 pm con- lengebutmanyideascomefrom In the late 1970s, Dr Ashok Agriculture – where several in- good starting point and will have innovative product but cannot
ferencecallwithofficialsatHella everywhere across the world. Kanetkar, a cardiac surgeon in dustrial houses are joining hands to be upgraded before use”. generate pressure of more than
India, after which he will be This manual and the machines Pune, urgently requested togeteveryoneonthesamepage. Dr Arvind Bhome, a pulmo- 20 cm of water and hence the
meeting Bharat Forge officials built by Captain Bharucha are Bharucha to go to the Aundh Prakash Chhabria, chairman nologist and intensivist for the motor would not be sufficient to
who have shown an interest in packed with ideas and can in- Chest Hospital where a patient’s of Finolex Industries Limited, past 40 years who had started ventilate patients with Acute
his design of a portable ventila- spire you to help others breathe chest was open and the ventila- told The Indian Express thatthere India’sfirstevermechanicalven- Respiratory Distress Syndrome.
tor. A team of scientists from again,” writes Booker. tor had stopped working. “I re- weresomebrilliantmindsinthe tilation workshop as the then Themotorshouldbeabletogen-
someinstitutionsinthecityhave Bharucha, who has a BSc de- member,within10minutes,Ihad city and his role was to bring to- chairmanof theIndianSocietyof erate pressure in the range of 5
already digitised his design, gree from Gujarat University in fixed the fault,” Bharucha says. gether this group of doctors and Critical Care Medicine, told The to 60 and the patient should not
while small manufacturers have 1955, used to spend his spare Since then, he has been en- engineers. “I have interacted Indian Express that he has be delivered pressure of more
been incessantly calling him at time at the Physical Research gaged in making ventilators, with pulmonologists like Dr known Captain Bharucha for than 40. To increase the motor’s
the workshop number. The Laboratory at Ahmedabad and some of which he sold to indi- ArvindBhomeandscientistslike over30years.“CaptainBharucha capacity, it would need multiple
‘Bharucha ventilator’, as he worked for India Radio and vidual doctors and hospitals at Prof L S Shashidhara who have a isanhonestandexcellenthuman valves, metatronics to make it
terms it, has been sold since the Electronics Corporation, assem- Latur and Aurangabad. studied approach on the issue. being. He is not trying to sell the safe for the patient,” Dr Bhome
1990s to nearly 150 individual bling wireless sets for the police, Dr Sanjeev Deshpande, an These doctors and scientists ventilator but wants to share his told The Indian Express.
doctors and hospitals. and then at Century Rayon as an Captain Rustom Bharucha anaesthetistwhoworksatmulti- guiding our engineers was the knowledgeof whatgoesintothe He,however,pointedoutthat
Bharucha, who cycles 20 km electrical apprentice. He joined ple hospitals in Aurangabad, said aim,” said Chabbria. making of a ventilator with any- the model is safe to run at pri-
to the city’s interior to pick up the Territorial Army and was in thatdespitelimitations,theventi- At MCCIA, Vice President oneandeveryone.TheBharucha maryhealthcarecentresandcan
raw materials like aluminum charge of the wireless detach- Pervez to quickly design a pulse file, and then an anaesthetic ven- lator was useful during surgery. DeepakKarandikarsaid,“Thereis Ventilator is a robust model that ventilate people with healthy
sheets, iron bars and 80 other ment supporting the first monitorthatcandetectcardiacar- tilator and advanced portable In2003,theTataConsultancy alsolikelytobeashortageof per- can work on a simple electric lungs.“Modernelectronicventi-
components, and then assem- Maratha Inf battalion during the restduringsurgery.Hisworkwas ventilator for critical patients. Services sent a German team to sonal protective equipment and connection and can be operated latorsarenotcheapbutsincewe
bles them at his tiny workshop, Goa operation. recognised soon, and he devel- His work was appreciated by visit his workshop and he re- ventilators and we are hoping to manually. However, this model aredealingwithafast-spreading
has also caught the attention of He left at the age of 29 and opedatelethermometerwithrec- the faculty at IIT Mumbai and ceivedanorderfor49ventilators put our might together and work is more suited for peripheral ar- infectiousdisease,thereisaneed
Dr Prashant Jha, who is treating started his own outfit to repair tal, skin and myocardial probes, Department of Instrumentation for rural Maharashtra. “The ven- onadesignthatiscompliantwith eas and in desperate situations todesignasafeventilatorssothat
coronavirus patients in London. medical devices. In 1965, he was apnea monitor for neonates and ScienceatPuneUniversity.“With tilator became popular and was what the medical fraternity’s can be used to ventilate patients healthcareprovidersdonotcatch
Nick Booker, co-founder of persuaded by his late brother Dr micronephelometerforlipidpro- noformaldegreeinengineering, used during the treatment of needs. There are various persons while transporting them from the infection”.




Extend lockdown, need more PPEs: officers on ground

them answered all 23 questions.
So the survey has taken into ac-
and 60 per cent said district hos-
pitals did not have adequate ICU
way” to contain the outbreak,
the need to test more people to
CORONA NEW DELHI, APRIL 2 count the 266 different forms. beds. Around 71 per cent said in the districts and villagers are find more positive cases. “The
MAHARASHTRA: Some districts report lack
The ‘National Preparedness there were not enough ventila- “alarmed and panicking”. survey highlighted the need for
WATCH THERE IS a massive shortage of
key personal protective equip-
Survey on COVID-19’ says in its
prelude to one of the questions
tors in the battle against COVID-
19. As many as 34 per cent of re-
Asked what is the one thing
the government should do, the
quick redressal of under-re-
ported cases...on account of un-
Availability of medical
supplies such as PPEs,
of basic medical
accessories such as masks,
masks, sanitisers, sanitisers
ment (PPEs) at the district and that the government’s aim was spondentsfeltthelocalhospitals replieswerecompiledinto21re- der-testingpeopleduetovarious
village levels, and the 21-day to “evade further community were “not equipped” to face the sponses. Chief among them was challengeslikepaucityof testing ventilators, etc; lack of DELHI: Inadequate testing
lockdown period should be ex- transmission” and chalk out a outbreak. thatthelockdownperiodshould kits, no data on travel history, trained staff of suspected cases; need
tendedtopreventfurtherspread strategy in case community Thesurvey,conductedbythe be extended “till Covid-19 is not suddenmigrationof wagework- MADHYA PRADESH: for better hospital
of the COVID-19 outbreak. transmission takes place. Department of Administrative controlled”. ers across states; as this may ac- Poor infrastructure, low equipment
These are the two key take- The numbers threw up a Reforms and Public Grievances, “Furthermore”, the survey tuallyendupinfurthertransmis- availability of PPEs, CHHATTISGARH: Lack of
aways from a government sur- grim picture for the Centre. under the Ministry of Personnel, stated, “any instances of non-ad- sion,” said one key action point. ventilators medical facilities, staff;
vey of 410 district collectors and As many as 47 per cent of the included IAS officers from herence to curfew/ lockdown Information collection re- GUJARAT: High migrant shortage of PPEs
district magistrates leading the officers “felt that inadequate batches 2014-18 who did stints shouldbedealtwithharshlypar- garding foreign travel history of inflow, risky slum areas JHARKHAND: Lack of an
country’s efforts in dealing with availability of Personal in Union ministries as Assistant ticularlywheregatheringofmore people in the district and states and lack of PPEs for anesthetic in Dumka
whatthegovernmentinthesur- Protection Equipment (masks, Secretaries before being posted than 50 people.” In a similar vein, wasemphasised,asmostpeople hospital staff; internal means ventilators can't be
Nurses in Assam vey described as the “greatest gloves etc.) in District/ Sub- in their respective cadres. anotherresponsesaidthe21-day hid their travel history, thereby
migration operated.
arrive for a training to health crisis India faced since District Hospitals is an area of In an endorsement of the lockdownshouldbecautiouslyre- resulting in delay of contact-
deal with coronavirus. Independence”. concern,” the survey said. Centre’sstrategy,anoverwhelm- viewed, “as it may as it may lead tracing and prevention of hu- BIHAR: Lack of PPEs and FULLTABLEON
Dasarath Deka While 410 officers registered Around28percentsaidthere ing96percentrespondentsnoted to wider spread of the virus.” man-to-human transmission, medical facilities.
online for the survey, not all of were not enough isolation beds, thatthelockdownis“aneffective Among key actions recom- said one of the findings.

UP: Separate
fund for
PM to give
CWC picks
colleges, labs
Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh
states more
financial room
holes in govt’s
corona response
Chief Minister Yogi
tion of a separate fund just MANOJ C G
tofightcoronavirus,which NEW DELHI, APRIL 2
would be used to enhance
thecapacityof medicalcol- ARGUING THAT state govern- MANOJ C G
leges, testing laboratories, ments are facing a severe finan- NEW DELHI, APRIL 2
Personal Protection kits, cial crunch because of the lock-
triple layer masks and also down, Rajasthan Chief Minister WHILEPLEDGINGtocontinueits
establishment of isolation AshokGehlotonThursdayasked “unstinted support” to the gov-
and quarantine wards PrimeMinisterNarendraModito ernment, the Congress on
across the state. He also in- give states more financial room Thursday strongly criticised the
structed officials to en- byrelaxingtheirborrowinglimit Narendra Modi administration’s
hancethetele-medicinefa- and announcing a moratorium response to the COVID-19 out-
cilities in the state. on payment of their dues to fi- break. The Congress Working
Adityanth has also called nancialinstitutionsundertheRBI Committee (CWC) said the gov- Sonia Gandhi
on all DMs and divisional and other Central agencies. ernment’sstrategyoflimitedtest-
commissionerstomonitor HealsoaskedtheCentretoput ing was “flawed”, its financial ac-
the situation at old-age in place an inter-state supply tionplan“hopelesslyinadequate” thatthepartyshoulddesistfrom
homes in the state. ENS chain protocol to ensure unhin- andclaimedthatitwentinforthe criticisingthegovernmentatthis
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other ministers during the interaction with Chief Ministers via video conference. ANI deredoperationofessentialserv- 21-day lockdown “unplanned”. juncture and some like P
2 held for ices and smooth supply of medi- The CWC, which met for the Chidambaram favoured a nu-

Medical supply, PPE, safety of

hiding travel cines, equipment and other
essential commodities for the
first time through video confer-
encing, said supply chains to
anced approach of supporting it
while pointing out the short-
history in J&K people during the lockdown. crores of people have been se- comings. It is learnt that former
Speaking to The Indian Express, verely disrupted due to “poor partychief RahulGandhitoldthe

Indians abroad: What CMs want

Jammu: A man from UP, Gehlot said the Central govern- preparation” and “thoughtless meeting that he saw no reason
who did not share his ment should also set up an addi- orders”.Itarguedthatthe“tragic why the Congress should not
travel history with the tional fund of one lakh crore to spectacle” of thousands of mi- criticise the government. The
authorities and a help states. grant workers “desperately try- CWC resolution, released after
preacher who gave him “I have suggested to the ing to go back to their villages” thefour-hourmeeting,wasfairly
shelter in a mosque have Prime Minister that the Centre will “forever remain” a “blot” on critical of the government.
been apprehended in told reporters that “one thing is creased from 3 per cent to 5 per Edappadi K Palaniswami sought relax the borrowing limit of this government. Rahul is also learnt to have
Jammu and Kashmir's EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE clear that he has mentioned cent. allocation of Rs 3,000 crore for states from 3 per cent of Gross The Congress asked the gov- said that the 21-day lockdown is
Samba district, officials THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, about how we should end lock- Andhra Pradesh Chief procuring personal protective State Domestic Product to 5 per ernment to gofor extensive test- not sufficient to serve the in-
said on Thursday. Acting HYDERABAD, CHENNAI, downstepbystep,notabruptly.” Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy equipment (PPE), N-95 masks cent.Also,theCentreshouldstep ing, announce a second financial tended objective. According to
on a tip-off, police raided APRIL 2 Vijayan said the Prime requested Prime Minister and ventilators to manage the in and announce a moratorium action plan for the poor, restore sources, he said that interna-
the Chak Doulat mosque Ministerhassoughtstates’ opin- Narendra Modi to send neces- COVID-19pandemic.Healsode- onthepaymentof states’duesto supply chains, take preparatory tional experts have told him that
and held the two men on DURING A video conference in- ions on removing the lockdown. sarymedicalsuppliesandequip- manded the Centre to increase financial institutions under the steps to deal with the economy the shutdown, if it has to be ef-
Wednesday night, they teraction held by Prime Minister States were asked to form an ex- menttocurbcoronavirusspread. thesupplyof testkitstothestate. RBI. These payments should be to ensure that current levels of fective, should be more than
said. A case has been Narendra Modi and all Chief pert task force in this regard and “The CM told the PM that the Chief minister E deferred,” he said. employment and wages are twice the incubation period.
registered against the Ministers, the CMs have called submitsuggestionswithinthree state is implementing the clus- Palaniswami, in a letter to PM, Gehlot said his government maintainedandbusinessfailures Sources said Punjab Chief
man from Uttar Pradesh for various measures to check or four days. Kerala would form tercontainmentstrategytohave sought an allocation of Rs 9,000 is doing all it can to contain the of MSMEsareaverted,announce MinisterAmarinderSinghdidnot
and the preacher. PTI thespreadof thecoronavirus,in- an expert committee in this re- controloverthesituationandre- crore, and as a one-time meas- pandemic. “But the main prob- a cut in GST rates on goods of ruleoutthepossibilityof COVID-
cluding more medical supplies gard, he said. Vijayan said he quested the PM to send the re- ure, easing the fiscal deficit limit lemisthefinancialstressthatwe mass consumption and make 19 cases in his state touching
Fatwa calls for andequipment,morefunds,and sought the Centre’s intervention quired equipment to the state as of 3 per cent of GSDP for finan- are facing.” preparationsforimmediatehar- 30,000inthecomingmonths.All
Muslims to establishment of quarantine
centres in countries where
to ensure the safety of Keralites
in various countries.
Jagan also informed the
cial years 2019-20 and 2020-21.
According to an official release,
the Central government should
vesting and procurement of
get tested Indians have been stranded. Quarantine centres should Prime Minister that his govern- the CM requested the PM to re- grant an additional Rs 1 lakh The Congress asked the gov- asevereresourcecrunchbecause
Kerala Chief Minister be established in countries with ment will pay only 50 per cent lease in advance “grants due to crore to states to tackle the pan- ernment to earmark Rs 5-6 lakh of the shutdown.
Lucknow:A leading Islamic Pinarayi Vijayan on Thursday the help of Indian embassies for salary to employees as the fight States in 2020-21”. demic. This will help states cope crore and appoint an Economic “Thefightagainstcoronavirus
clericonThursdayissueda said that Prime Minister lodging Indians with symptoms. against coronavirus has put a Herequestedforreleaseof 50 upwiththefinancialstress...Itold Task Force comprising must be unitedly fought by cen-
fatwa(religiousedict),ask- Narendra Modi said: “We have He said Kerala is going to begin huge financial burden on the per cent of the Finance him that the fund can be distrib- renowned economists to sug- tral and state governments.
ing Muslims to get tested to compulsorily continue social rapidtestforCovid-19.“Wehave state government. “The CM also Commission grants to the Urban uted on the basis of either the gest an emergency plan within Majority of the state govern-
for coronavirus if they distancing even after ending the alsosoughtthehelpof theUnion requested the PM to take into and Rural Local bodies and 50 number of corona patients in one week, a short to medium- mentshavecomplainedof inad-
showsymptomsof COVID- lockdown step by step.’’ Government to bring kits for consideration the state’s finan- per cent of the revenue deficit each state, on the basis of popu- termplanwithinonemonthand equate financial resources in ab-
19andundergotreatment. ReferringtothePrimeMinister’s rapid test from Hong Kong every cial situation as the expenditure grant, the GST compensation lation or the guidelines devised a medium to long-term plan sence of central government not
“It is not permissible to interaction with Chief Ministers day.’’ has skyrocketed due to COVID- amount due for the December- by the GST council,” he said. within three months to protect releasingstate’sshareintheGST,”
hide it (disease). If people via video conferencing on meas- He also demanded that 19,’’ the official said. January 2019-20 and grants un- FULLREPORTON and revive the economy. the CWC resolution said.
do not get their treatment urestocombatCovid-19,Vijayan state’s borrowing limit be in- Tamil Nadu Chief Minister der the National Health Mission. Inherspeech,Congresspres- The Congress said the gov-
and tests done... it is ab- ident Sonia Gandhi asked the ernment has erred in adopting a

Padma-winning Gurbani
solutely against Sharia governmenttoprepareandpub- strategy of limited testing and
law,” according to the
fatwa issued by Maulana
Khalid Rashid Farangi
Rise in domestic lish a Common Minimum Relief
Programme, arguing that it will
help alleviate several concerns
demanded its reversal. It asked
ical infrastructure - like isolation
Mahali of the Darul Uloom
Farangi Mahal. PTI violence during maestro dies of COVID-19
currently afflicting people.
Sources said the CWC meet-
ing saw some members arguing
wards, hospital beds, testing
labs, and quarantine facilities —
on a war footing.

Govt nod to 5 lockdown: NCW KAMALDEEP SINGH BRAR

“We have found that 16 VIP
families attended the event on
Cong playing petty
this woman is unable to travel & HINA ROHTAKI March 19. A total of 86 people
politics, should think of
out and her husband is beating have been quarantined by us,”
NEW DELHI, APRIL 2 and abusing her... She wants APRIL 2 Garg said.
projects to refuge in some hostel where she The final rites of the Golden

national interest: BJP

THE NATIONAL Commission for canstayduringtheremainderof HE ROSE from humble begin- Temple’s former Hazoori Raagi
tackle COVID-19 Women (NCW) on Thursday the lockdown. She doesn’t even nings to the pinnacle of Gurmat were performed late in the
said there was an increase in the want to go to the police because Sangeet. Born in a Dalit family of evening. A medical team in pro-
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE number of cases of domestic vi- she says that even if they take Lohian village near Amritsar, tective suits carried out the last Working Committee meeting.
NEW DELHI, APRIL 2 olence and abuse during the her husband away, she will have Giani Nirmal Singh Khalsa, 67, rites, while Akal Takht head EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE AddressingtheCWCinavideo
lockdown. to stay with her in-laws... cametodefinethegenrewith80 Giani Nirmal Singh Khalsa priest Giani Malkeet Singh per- NEW DELHI, APRIL 2 conference, Congress president
THE DEPARTMENT of Science NCW Chairperson Rekha Women are not being able to albums and two books that are formed ‘ardas’ at the cremation. Sonia Gandhi said: “The 21-day
and Technology has sanctioned Sharma said the Commission reach the police if they want to, part of university syllabus. In His son, Amiteshwar Singh, was THE RULING BJP hit back at the National Lockdown may have
five technological research proj- has been receiving complaints and in many cases they don’t 2009, he was awarded the could have been infected by him in attendance. Congress after it criticised the beennecessarybuttheunplanned
ects to address several issues via emails, with some of the want to approach the police...” Padma Shri for his contribution during his public interactions. Butthecremationwasmired governmentforthe“unplanned” manner in which it has been im-
such as the manufacture of other forms of registering com- “Earlier, the women would to Gurmat Sangeet. According to sources, he had incontroversyaftertheAmritsar announcementof thelockdown, plemented has caused chaos and
emergency ventilators and im- plaints not being available to the go to their parents’ home but The man, who considered attended a wedding at Dhudike administration decided to cre- saying the Opposition party was pain in the lives of millions of mi-
proved personal protection victims at this point of time. now they are no longer able to Pakistani maestro Ghulam Ali a village in Moga on March 15. He mate Khalsa outside the city at playing “petty politics”. grantworkersalloverIndia.”
equipment to tackle COVID-19. FromMarch2toMarch8,the do so,” she said, adding that the close friend, and supported the had also performed a ‘kirtan’ at Verka village. Harpal Singh, a lo- Union Home Minister Amit BJP president J P Nadda, too,
The projects have been sanc- NCW received 116 complaints of NCWhasbeeninconstanttouch movement for women raagis in a house in Chandigarh on March cal Congress leader from Verka Shah said that the Congress slammed the Congress presi-
tioned under the Science and crimes against women from with the victims. theGoldenTemple,waspenning 19 that was attended by many and husband of a party council- should think of “national inter- dent. Inatweet,hesaidwhenthe
Engineering Board division with across the country. There were The NCW support mecha- his autobiography when he died prominent people. lor, objected saying, “Smoke est”. “Under PM @naren- entire country is united under
an annual grant of Rs 25 lakh, 257 complaints during the lock- nism through which victims can of COVID-19 on Thursday. Additional Commissioner raised during the cremation can dramodi’s leadership, India’s ef- PMModi,thestatementbySonia
which may increase depending down between March 23 and register complaints includes The Gurbani maestro, who Anil Garg, who is the officer in- infect villagers.” forts to fight Coronavirus are is “insensitive and indecent”.
on the success of the projects. March 31. physical visits to the was being treated at Amritsar’s chargeforhomequarantine,said After administration’s at- being lauded domestically and “This is the time to serve the
Meanwhile, the Sree Chitra “FromMarch24toApril1,the Commission offices in different Government Medical College that 86 VIPs who attended that tempt to persuade him and oth- globally. 130 crore Indians are country, not to do politics. We
Tirunal Institute of Medical NCW received 69 complaints of states, postal communication, Hospital, died at 4.30 am event have been quarantined. ers accompanying him failed, united to defeat COVID 19. Yet, have to fight in unison...The
Sciences and Technology, under domestic violence, and it is in- phone calls, online complaint Thursday while being on venti- Intriguingly, while the several individuals - even the Congressisplayingpettypolitics. Prime Minister is fighting this
the DST, Thursday tied up with creasing by the day. I myself am registration, emails and through lator support. His death sent au- Chandigarh administration was SGPC - came forward to offer High time they think of national battle with all the state govern-
Wipro 3D, Bengaluru to manu- getting emails. One or two com- social media. Under lockdown thorities across Punjab and the informed by Amritsar authori- land for cremation. The body interest and stop misleading ments as Team India. The
facture automated ventilators. plaints I receive everyday,” conditions, only three — social UnionTerritoryof Chandigarhon ties about the case on March 30, was finally cremated on sham- people,” Shah tweeted hours af- Congressshouldfunctionasare-
FULLREPORTON Sharma said. “Today I received a media, email and online regis- a frantic search for the source of the quarantine process only be- lat land of Shukar Chak village in ter Congress president Sonia sponsible political party in diffi- complaint from Nainital where tration — are available. his infection and also those who gan on Thursday. Amritsar at around 9 pm. Gandhi addressed the Congress cult times,” he said.




MHA blacklists 960

WATCH Tablighi foreigners official said. gettingthemmedicallyscreened
DEEPTIMAN TIWARY Beginning the first week of and quarantining them,” an
NEW DELHI, APRIL 2 March, thousands of Tablighi MHA statement had said earlier.
Jamaat activists had gathered at It added that as on March 21,
THE MINISTRY of Home Affairs AlamiMarkazatNizamuddinfor there were about 1,746 people
(MHA) on Thursday blacklisted a religious event that continued staying in Hazrat Nizamuddin
960 foreigners associated with for days. More than 2,000 of Markaz. According to MHA fig-
the Tablighi Jamaat for violating them were foreigners and after ures as on March 21, among the
visarulesevenasithascancelled theevent,over800of themwent Tablighi foreigners who fanned
the tourist visas of all such visi- to various parts of the country out across the country, most
tors to India. and engaged in proselytising ac- (125) went to Tamil Nadu, fol-
Railway police officers “MHAhasalsodirectedDGPs tivities, the MHA has claimed. lowed by Uttar Pradesh (132),
donate blood at a of all concerned States/UTs and Many of them came from Haryana (115), Maharashtra
camp in Kolkata. Reuters CP,DelhiPolicetotakenecessary COVID-19-affected countries (115) and Telangana (82).
legal action against all such vio- such as Thailand, China, According to a March 28 let-
lators,onpriority,underrelevant Malaysia and Indonesia and the ter of MHA to all states, about
sections of the Foreigners Act, infection spread among those 2,000 foreigners of Tabligh asso-
CRPF doctor 1946 and Disaster Management staying at the Markaz. As they ciation from 70 countries were
tests positive, DISTANCING: Outside a ration shop in Juhapura area of Ahmedabad on Thursday. Javed Raja
Act, 2005,” a statement from
MHA said.
hundreds of people, the infec-
in different parts of India on
tourist visas. Their visas are valid
10 quarantined Sourcessaidthattheforeign- tion spread further, the MHA forsixmonths.Mostof thesefor-
ers associated with Tablighi said. Nizamuddin Markaz has eigners are from Bangladesh

‘Disruption in economy by
New Delhi: A doctor Jamaat came on tourist visas but nowbeennotifiedasaCOVID-19 (493), Indonesia (472), Malaysia
posted with the CRPF has had been engaging in “mission- hotspot. (150) and Thaliland (142).
tested positive for the ary and proselytising” activities According to the MHA, more “Usually, all the foreign na-
coronavirus in Delhi. acrossthecountry.“Thisisaclear than 1,000 Tablighi workers of tionals visiting India as a part of

lockdown can be catastrophic’

Senior CRPF officials violation of visa rules and so foreignnationalitieswereinvar- Tabligh team come on the
confirmed that the doctor their visas have been cancelled. ious parts of India on March 21. strengthof touristvisa.MHAhad
was staying at the They have also been blacklisted Of these, 216 were staying in already issued guidelines that
officers’ mess, and was which means they will not get Nizamuddin Markaz. they should not indulge in mis-
attached to ADG Indian visa henceforth. A visitor “Additionally,about824foreign- sionary work on tourist visa.
(Medical)’s office. A more than 1.8 lakh people. worst case scenarios for unin- to India on a tourist visa can at ershadbeen,asonMarch21,do- StatePolicewouldbeexamining
senior CRPF official said, SHUBHAJIT ROY In a conversation with The tended costs, Fauci said, “Well, bestattendareligiouscongrega- ing Chilla activities in various categories of visas of all these
“He is now isolated in NEW DELHI, APRIL 2 New York Times podcast, Daily, so many people need medica- tion but the person cannot en- parts of the country ... Details of foreign TJ workers and take fur-
AIIMS Jhajjhar... He was in Fauci said, “I had a very interest- tions, many people are depend- gage in proselytising activities. these 824 foreigners had been ther action in case of violation of
Delhi when he tested THEMANleadingtheUSadmin- ing conversation just this morn- ent on supply chains for nutri- For that one would need a mis- shared on March 21 with the visa conditions,” an MHA state-
positive.” The official also istration’s fight against COVID- ing, with colleagues from liter- tion, for food, that they might sionary visa,” a Home Ministry StatePoliceforidentifyingthem, ment said.
said that ten others 19 on Thursday cautioned that ally all over the world on weekly starve, that people who have ill-

170 fresh COVID-19 cases

including staff and guests there had been “cogent con- telephone conference call that nesses... if you dramatically in-
living there, who had also cerns” among public health ex- WHO sponsors. terrupt that to the point where it
been residing at the perts that lockdowns can cause “Anditwasinterestingtome, no longer exists, the disruption
officers mess have been disruption in the economy and that some of the most cogent of society can be really quite cat-

linked to Tabligh event

quarantined, and contacts society which can be “cata- concerns of people from differ- astrophic.
are being traced. ENS strophic”. ent countries. was that, we need “I mean that’s the one of the
India is on a national lock- Anthony Fauci, director of to make sure (that) we keep our things you want to avoid and
down for three weeks till April the US’s National Institute of eye on the balance of, if you’re that’s one of the pushbacks you
Pune police 14,whileintheUS,37stateshave Allergy and Infectious too stringent in things like lock- have, when you have people
raids outlet given orders or directives to stay
at home.
Diseases Courtesy: NIAID downs and keeping people un-
der wraps for a long period of
who say we really need to lock
down everything and lock it
WITH 170 new COVID-19 cases
testing. The govt has tracked
down at least 510 tablighis who
Goregaon for contacts of 442
hoarding Fauci, the director of the US’s time, you may have the unin- down indefinitely,” he said. Tablighi Jamaat gathering in attended the congregation. and surrounding areas. The state
National Institute of Allergy and viruses, including HIV, SARS, the tended consequences of trigger- Faucifurthersaid,“Youmight Delhi, states are now racing to hassofaridentifiedaround1,300
cylinders, 1 Infectious Diseases since 1984, 2009 swine flu pandemic, MERS ing-fromaneconomicandsoci- get an extra mile or two out of track contacts and test them. UTTAR PRADESH people who attended the meet,
booked has worked with six presidents,
and has declined multiple re-
and Ebola.
etal standpoint - such a
disruption that to get things like
suppressing the virus, then but
you got to make sure that you TAMIL NADU
Seven people, including one
said Maharashtra Public Health
Minister Rajesh Tope. On Thurs-
Pune: The Crime Branch of quests to lead his agency’s par- the Donald Trump administra- poverty and health issues, unre- look at what the ultimate issue, On Thursday, 74 more people ipated in the meet have tested day,10peoplelinkedtothemeet
Pune City Police on ent organisation, the National tion’s fight against the novel lated to the coronavirus, and it isI’vealwaysbeenonethatleans who attended the congregation positive. The state government tested positive in the state. Six of
Thursday raided a LPG out- Institutes of Health. He has led coronavirus pandemic, which was really a serious concern,” much more heavily, that it’s the tested positive, taking the total hasputinquarantine883people themattendedthemeetandfour
letinChandannagar,which federal efforts to combat dis- has claimed more than 3,900 Fauci said. public health. That’s the most number of cases to 309. State who attended the meet and and came in contact with them.
wasallegedlyhoardingand eases caused by emerging lives in the US and has infected When asked what are the important thing.” HealthSecretaryBeelaRajeshsaid sent over 400 samples for test-
selling gas cylinders at 264 of these were those who at- ing. KERALA
higher prices. The Crime tendedthecongregation.Around Two participants of the
ders and two empty ones.
Police have booked the 30-
Seed industry fears disruption in 1,103 people who attended the
meet have been tested and some
A total of 16 people who at-
the 21 fresh COVID-19 cases re-

supplies, production due to lockdown

year-proprietor under rele- itive in Assam. Manipur and positive cases in the state soaring
vant sections of the Indian ANDHRA PRADESH ArunachalPradeshhavereported to 286, seven out of 14 districts in
PenalCodeandtheEssential The number of positive cases one positive case each linked to Kerala have emerged as hotspots.
Commodities Act. ENS rosefrom111to143,with32new the meet. Chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan
are manually pollinated. After sureof roadsideeateriesandun- rious concerns over the quality cases linked to the congregation. said 157 people from Kerala had
PARTHA SARATHI seeds are formed, they are sent certainty about their meals. of seeds. The disruption of port Swab samples of 1,800 people RAJASTHAN attended Tablighi Jamaat confer-
Khadki BISWAS to factories for further process- “District collectors have been is- services and suspension of have been taken — 143 tested The state reported 13 new ence and those who have sus-
Ammunition PUNE, APRIL 2 ing and packing.
“Cotton growers from North
suing special passes for workers
and drivers... However given the
flights have also halted the im-
port of vegetable seeds like cab-
positive, 1,321 negative and re-
sults of 409 are awaited. “A ma-
ple who attended the congrega-
pected symptoms of COVID-19
Factory staff THEONGOINGnationwidelock- India start their planting early unprecedentednatureof thesit- bage, cauliflower and red chill- jority of them attended the tion. The number of positive
down in the wake of spread of and for that seed packets should uation,thingsareabitslow,”said ies. While the quantity of seeds Jamaat meeting and a few are casesinthestatereached133,14 KARNATAKA
give Rs 1.15 cr COVID-19 has affected the seed reach their districts by April 15. Kaundniya. was likely to be low, the supply their family members or those of them from Tablighi Jamaat. With 11 people linked to the
to PM-CARES industry,withinsidersmaintain-
ing that availability of quality
Around 300 tonne or 90 lakh
packets of seeds are required for
In case of cotton, the new
MRP was declared only on
constriction might also impact
their supplies in near future.
who came in close contact with
On Wednesday, police traced
183 people who visited Markaz
itive for COVID-19 along with
Pune: The employees of seedswasgoingtobeachallenge North India, but this lockdown March 23, which delayed the “Unfortunately, this comes at a Srinivas said. The state govern- Nizamuddin. Among them, 11 threeothers,Karnatakarecorded
Ammunition Factory, for farmers for the upcoming has put a question on the trans- process of printing of labels and time when vegetable acreage is menthasquarantined1,085peo- tested positive for coronavirus. 14 fresh cases on Thursday, tak-
Khadki, have voluntarily kharif season. Dr Ram portation of seeds,” Kaundniya sticking them on seed packets. set to grow, with more people ple who attended the meet. ing the total number of cases re-
contributed a cumulative Kaundniya, director general of said. While all work related to Production of maize seeds shifting towards vegetarian GUJARAT ported in the state to 124.
amount of Rs. 1.15 crore to Federation of Seed Industry of seed manufacturing and trans- has also been affected, diet,” he said. TELANGANA Twelve more Tablighi Jamaat TheMarkaz-linkedinfections
the PM-CARES Fund. The India (FSII), said timely availabil- portation have been deemed as Kaundniyasaid,addingthat pro- Kaundniya said the ongoing The number of positive cases members who attended the in the state grew to 13 on
contribution, deducted ity of seeds of cotton and maize essential services and so are ex- duction has stopped in lockdown has affected work in inTelanganawentupto154with Markaz gathering in Delhi were Thursday, including one death
from their salaries, will be wouldbeamajorconcernforthe empted from the lockdown, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. most seed-producing states, in- 27 new cases — all linked to peo- tracked down in Gujarat, taking that occurred on March 27.
remitted to the said fund country in the months to come. labour and transport pains have Farmers in these states pick the cluding Andhra Pradesh, Tamil ple who attended the Tablighi the total to 84 . Of them, 83 have The state health and family
Friday.The150-year-oldin- The lockdown has come at a brought the work in seed plants corncob and send the same to Nadu, Telangana, Maharashtra Jamaat meeting in Delhi. been home-quarantined and a welfaredepartmenthasaskedall
stitutionhasalreadycreated time when the Rs 18,000-crore to a grinding halt. seed manufacturing facilities in and Karnataka. 70-year-old COVID-19 positive persons “with history of attend-
a 30-bed isolation ward for seed industry had started Seed manufacturers said Hyderabad for drying. “...This Industry estimates suggest HARYANA manfromBhavnagar,whovisited ing the Tablighi Jamaat
COVID-19 patients in Pune. preparing for the upcoming their factories are facing severe supply chain is broken, which that of the Rs 18,000-crore seed Threeof 12Tablighisfoundin Nizamuddin from March 9- Congregation”whoareasympto-
The isolation ward in kharif season. Seed companies shortage of workers as villages has resulted in cobs deteriorat- industry, cotton accounts for Huchpuri Masjid on March 31 March 11, died on March 26. matic to be quarantined at gov-
Ordnance Factory Hospital enter into contracts with small are not allowing entry of labour- inginquality,”hesaid.India’san- around Rs 4,000 crore while have tested positive. All 12 are in ernment centres within 14 days
is equipped with all requi- ormediumholdingfarmerswho ers from outside. They also said nualrequirementformaizeseed maize and vegetable seeds are isolation. The government has MAHARASHTRA of their return. Those beyond 14
site facilities. ENS grow specific hybrid seeds for truck drivers were reluctant to is around 1 lakh tonne, but the valued at Rs 2,500 crore and Rs put 66 others in isolation. Swab The state has started setting days should be home quaran-
them. In case of cotton, flowers travel long distance due to clo- present condition has raised se- 5,000 crore, respectively. samples of 31 have been sent for up a mass quarantine facility in tined, it has said.

3 cemeteries denied nod Dharavi housing society sealed, BMC suspects Tabligh link
for burial: Kin of Muslim contact with one of them. through Thursday as local resi- of people. “No one from these
man who was cremated LAXMAN SINGH
“We are checking if the man
hadmetanyof them.Allthefour
dents preferred to stay away
from the building precincts that
building is stepping out unless
daughter and her two children persons have been sent to a teemed with healthcare work- take the lockdown seriously,”
SANJANA BHALERAO — were hospitalised and are be- DHARAVI, THE 630-acre urban quarantine facility in Sion,” ers, screening residents with Mobin Matwale, a resident of a
MUMBAI, APRIL 2 ing tested. sprawl in the heart of Mumbai, Assistant Municipal coronavirus-like symptoms. nearby building, said.
According to guidelines on stood paralysed with fear after Commissioner, G-north (Dadar, Meanwhile, Anthony said An acquaintance of the de-
A 65-YEAR-OLD Muslim man, handling COVID-19 deaths, the first COVID-19 death was re- Sion), Kiran Dighavkar said. residents of the housing society ceasedmansaidheusedtoruna
who died a few hours after test- Ministry of Health and Family ported from the area “Wewereshockedafternews were gearing up for life under factory in Dharavi and had taken
ing positive for COVID-19 early Welfare as well as WHO allow Wednesday. Authorities came that the Dharavi resident complete lockdown. “The daily a flat on rent in the society just
on Wednesday, was cremated burial while setting out certain Thursday sealed off and re- had tested coronavirus positive. supply of essentials like milk, two years ago. “We did not have
after a 10-hour wait as three procedures to be followed. stricted the entry and exit of the Our biggest concern is that the vegetables,medicinesandgrains much interaction with him. We
cemeteries in Malad, Kandivali Accordingtodirectionsissued 2,500 residents the housing virus should not spread to other will be affected with the lock- only know that he was unwell
and Borivali denied permission by the BMC, the burial ground complex where the 56-year-old members of the society, and down. Everybody is scared. We since March 23 and did not have
for burial. The senior citizen's should be large enough so as to deceased lived to ensure com- more importantly in other parts have requested members of the any travel history. He was being
family members have alleged not create a possibility of the in- plete containment, even as BMC of Dharavi. Just imagine how society to make a list of goods treated by a local doctor initially,
that they were unable to con- fection spreading in the neigh- launched a probe to find if the muchdamageitwillcauseasthis theywantandthenanyoneper- butafterhisconditionworsened,
vincetheauthoritiesatanyof the bouring area. “The Malwani virus transmission had any link isaverydenselypopulatedarea,” sonfromthecomplexwillgiveit he was admitted to Sion hospi-
cemeteries to give the man a kabrastan is not small. Why was to the Tablighi Jamaat gathering CharlesAnthony,secretaryof the Dharavi reported its first COVID-19 death on Wednesday. File to the civic officials and accord- tal,” R Gopal Yadav, president of
proper Muslim burial as their my father denied last rites?” al- in New Delhi. housing complex where the de- inglyarrangementwillbemade. the society, said.
pleas were rejected due to fear leged the 40-year-old son. The civic body said they have ceased resided, said. We don't want to spread this There are more than 20,000
of infection. Mumbai Guardian Minister traced at least four persons from There are eight buildings reached complex and sanitised and collected their nasal swab virus further so we are ready to small-scale units in Dharavi that
An hour after the man’s cre- and Malad legislator Aslam Dharavi who had attended the with 338 flats and 93 shops in- its garden and the building samples for test. cooperatewiththeBMC,”hesaid. operate cheek by jowl. BMC is
mation,eightof hisfamilymem- Shaikh said, “It is sad what hap- Tablighi meet in Delhi. The 56- side the housing complex which wherethevictimstayed.Civicof- The Matunga Labour Camp Two neighbouring housing nowtracingthepeoplewhomay
bers — his wife, son, daughter- pened, but this was a result of year-old man who died, civic of- was constructed in 1976. On ficials have also identified 15 lane, which leads to the housing complexes have also imposed have interacted with the de-
in-law, their two kids, his confusion.” ficials suspect, may have had Thursday,ateamof BMCofficials close contacts of the deceased complex, wore a deserted look restrictionsontheentryandexit ceased in the last few days.



Power is of two kinds: one is obtained by
the fear of punishment and the other
by acts of love — MAHATMA GANDHI

Policing a lockdown

We are learning new tactics, protocols on the fly. Every
day brings challenges, heartbreaks, acts of inspiration

LIFE AND DEATH Abhinav Kumar

The criminal negligence by Tablighi Jamaat organisers
MAY YOU LIVE in interesting times. Though Equally, there have been more than a few in- thing. We will not hesitate to repeatedly ex-
undermines fight against the virus, hurts people — of all faiths this oft-repeated English expression is per- stances of high-handedness by the police. pose ourselves to this sinister menace, if it

haps wrongly attributed to the Chinese, But, by and large, the lockdown has become can ensure your safety. We will ensure that
VER 400 COVID-19 positive cases, almost a fifth of the national count, at these are certainly interesting times — with a reality for 1.3 billion Indians. Not by force, the elderly and the sick receive due assis-
least 15 dead, and counting — this has been wrought by the coronavirus a controversial Chinese connection. At the but primarily by consent. tance.Wewillensurethattherearenoshort-
and the criminal negligence of those who helped organise a gathering of time of writing, the COVID-19 virus, widely Frankly, nothing in our training and our ages of critical items of food and medicines.
theTablighiJamaatinmid-MarchinNewDelhi.TheJamaatisnolocalneigh- believed to have originated in China, has in- practical experience as police officers has However,wecan’tdoitalone.Werequire
bourhood residents’ group, it has a well-established organisational infrastructure, a fected more than 7,75,000 people across the preparedusforataskof thismagnitude.How unprecedented levels of forbearance, trust
world and killed more than 37,000. In India, do you begin to protect others, when the air and support from our citizens. We require
sprawling international membership and a reach across over 100 countries. Many of the
it has mercifully had a slow start, with more you breathe, the hands you shake, the loved them to listen and follow instructions. We
estimated 3,000 participants came from countries that had, weeks earlier, already be- than 1,600 infections and less than 50 casu- ones you hug, all become a potentially lethal require them to stop hoarding essential
comeCOVID-19hotspots—mostnotably,IndonesiaandMalaysia,whereanearlierTabligh alties till April 2, despite the first case being source of infection for yourself? And vice items.Werequirethemtostopspreadingru-
meet was linked to more than 600 cases. The WHO, on March 11, had declared the out- detected two months ago on January 30. versa, how do we know that we aren’t al- mours, because the fear and panic they cre-
break as a pandemic. Yet, the Tablighi Jamaat’s organisers went ahead with their three- Quiterightly,thegovernmentof Indiahas readyinfected,andinsteadof helping,weare ate will be as deadly as the virus. We require
day meet, on March 13, disregarding a Delhi government order issued the same day pro- paidheed tothe devastationabroad,andim- in fact harming all those who come into them to stop seeking frivolous exemptions
posed a 21-day lockdown across the coun- proximity seeking our help? The psycholog- from the lockdown. We require them to put
hibiting the assembly of more than 200 people. They also flouted a Delhi government
trybeginningMarch23.Nothingof thisscale ical impact of the virus is as insidious as its onholdthemanymurderousfaultlinesof re-
notification on March 12 asking people with a travel history from COVID-19-affected haseverbeenattemptedinhumanhistory.In biological impact. We are having to learn ligion, region and caste. We require elite seg-
countries to self-isolate. The local police station, within shouting distance of the venue, the second week of the lockdown, it is hard completely alientacticsandprotocols onthe ments of our society in business and indus-
merrily looked on as hundreds poured in. The Jamaat’s representatives say that their to predict its effect on arresting the impact Our police forces have fly. Every day brings new challenges, new try to work in close partnership with us to
meeting was held days before the janata curfew and that the Delhi Government itself of the COVID-19 by April 14. For all those en- seldom enjoyed high levels of heartbreaks and new acts of inspiration. ensure that wherever there are gaps in our
trusted with enforcing the lockdown, and The lockdown has, of course, eased some capabilities, they step up to shoulder some
didn’t seem serious about social distancing norms. That’s little more than an excuse. trust and support from civil
cateringtotheinfectedpatients,thenexttwo of the daily challenges of policing India. of our responsibilities.
WhattheNizamuddinspreadunderlines,tragically,ishoweasyitistounravelandun- society — largely due to our
weeks are sure to stretch and challenge us in Crime is down, of course. As are daily chal- Thisvirusisdeadlyandinfectiousenough.
dermine any multi-pronged, public health campaign against a virus that has no antidote. unimaginable ways. There was never a own failings. However, now lenges of law and order. But these have been We don’t need to add to its lethal prowess by
While the government’s role cannot be overstressed, it is incumbent upon civil society to scarier time to be in uniform. There was replaced by larger challenges. Ensuring that holding onto our past legacy of mutual dis-
is not the time to remind us
follow the norms of responsible behaviour. The flouting of protocols by communities, neveramoreinspiringtimetobeinuniform. our citizens stay indoors as required is the trust. For all the threat it represents, this epi-
Today, the health and well being of our
of all these things. It is the biggest task. No less difficult is ensuring the demicisalsoanopportunityforpoliceforces
even individuals, hobbles the entire country’s battle. The Jamaat’s organisers aren’t the
only violators — even as, so far, their violation certainly is the most egregious. But their ac- 1.3 billion citizens literally depend on how time to appreciate that even uninterrupted supplies of a host of essential in India to redeem themselves in the eyes of
tions, in particular, threaten to fuel another spectre — as attempts are made by some, well we in the police forces work with our though the COVID-19 can’t services. Add to that the task of tracing the their fellow citizens by exemplary standards
colleaguesinhealthcare,civiladministration tell a uniformed Indian from contacts of all positive cases and ensuring of courage, professionalism and service. You
amid this shared crisis, to use their example to deepen mistrust, taint and tarnish an en-
and other essential services to ensure that that they observe strict quarantine guide- havecheeredenoughformenwearingkhaki
tire community. this lockdown achieves its intended goal.
a civilian, we are not turning lines. However, all these have been dwarfed on celluloid. We want to earn your applause
It must be recognised that the collective battle against COVID-19 — as AIIMS Delhi’s Namely, to arrest the rate of transmission, our backs on what is by the migration of over 10 million citizens, this time. This lockdown is only the begin-
director, Randeep Guleria, underlined in an interview to this newspaper on Thursday — and the number of infections and keep the expected of us. We want you largely from the cow belt, most of whom ning of a long struggle. There will be many
“has to be won at the community level, rather than the hospital level”. Religious leaders number of casualties tothe minimum possi- to trust us to do the right worked as daily wage labour across most of unknown challenges that will surely follow.
should use their social clout, an invaluable resource in times of fear and anxiety, to em- ble till April 14. These are truly morbid pa- our major cities and states. The recent acts of Despite our best efforts to protect our
rameters to judge the performance of any thing. We will not hesitate to theTablighiJamaatthathavefedanewwave men and womeninuniformfrom gettingin-
powertheircommunityand,thus,thenation.InIndoreonThursday, for instance,Muslim repeatedly expose ourselves
state agency. Interesting times, indeed. of infections across the country are a grim fected by the virus, it would be foolish to ex-
clerics appealed to residents of a neighbourhood to cooperate with health officials after The experience of the last one week has to this sinister menace, if it reminder of the challenges we face. pectthatnoneof uswillfallilldoingourduty,
a mob allegedly pelted stones and chased them away. The Tablighi Jamaat’s organisers, been a steeplearning curvefor all of us, apart Our police forces have seldom enjoyed orevenworse.Wewilldoallwecanforthose
can ensure your safety. We
in contrast, endangered the lives of hundreds — of all faiths. The least they can do is to use from also being a deeply stressful and hum- high levels of trust and support from civil so- unfortunate colleagues, even as we will sol-
their formidable network to cooperate with those who are now working to heal the dam- bling experience. To take credit for anything will ensure that the elderly ciety - largely due to our own failings. dier on. This epidemic is an hour of collec-
age they helped inflict. at this stage would be sheer hubris. It is and the sick receive due However, now is not the time to remind us tive reckoning and we can only survive it by
largely the support and cooperation that we assistance. We will ensure of all these things. It is the time to appreci- coming together. Even if some of us fall by
have received from our citizens in enforcing ate that even though the COVID-19 can’t tell the wayside, we will not let you down.
that there are no shortages of
this lockdown that has got us this far. True, a uniformed Indian from a civilian, we are
critical items of food and
there have been stray instances of reckless not turning our backs on what is expected of The writer is a serving IPS officer. Views are
non-compliance with lockdown guidelines. medicines. us. We want you to trust us to do the right personal

New domicile rules introduced by Centre for Jammu and

Kashmir are a let-down — both in substance and timing


HE RULES SETTING out new domicile criteria in Jammu & Kashmir have done
nothing to reassure the people of the erstwhile state on the issue of demo-
graphic change. Only last month, both Prime Minister Narendra Modi and
Union Home Minister Amit Shah had assured a delegation of the newly-cre-
atedAltaf Bokhari-ledJ&KApniPartythattheUnionTerritorywouldhave“abetterdomi-
There is need for a calibrated approach to end the lockdown, testing will be key
cile policy than other states”. It says something about how the policy, notified earlier this
week,isbeingseeninJ&KthatevenBokharifeelsletdown.TheCentremayhaveexpected Bina Agarwal
him to help it sell the new policy to the people. Instead, Bokhari has called it an attempt to
“hoodwink”thepeopleof J&K,andsaiditwas“totallyunacceptable”toJKAP.TheNational WE KNOW THAT in the coming months, this alreadytrainedtotakebloodsamplesinlabs, nurses, if those with immunity undertake
Conference called it “an insult upon injury”. Others, too, have criticised it in similar vein. pandemic will hit an already ailing economy hospitalsandfromhomes(unlikenasalswab the more risky end of care. As our antibody
Under the new rules — which replace the pre-August 5 rules for defining “permanent even harder and devastate the poor, the un- tests which require training). But we do lack test kits increase we can broaden the param-
residents” who can own property and are eligible for government jobs — the categories employedandthehungry.Itwilltakeaheavy enough testing kits for largescale serological eters of testing. Basically by such strategic
are made more expansive: Those who have lived in the state for 15 years; those who have toll on lives and livelihoods. But in the im- testing. testing we can gradually begin to open up
mediate short term, we need ways of main- So here is what I suggest we do. We production units and facilitate re-employ-
studied seven years in the state and written their Class 10 or Class 12 examinations; the
taining essential production and other serv- should identify workers in each essential ment in both the formal and the informal
children of such people; the children of a whole range of central government officials ices, such as food supply chains (from service and production supply chains and sector workers.
who have served 10 years in J&K; and such official themselves. As if this was not alarm- harvesting standing rabi crops to transport- test them for antibodies, each state conduct- Apartfromthis,Isuggestweconvertlarge
ing enough for even a Bokhari to raise a rebellious voice, there is outrage that the only ing these to markets, to households and to ing its own. (Even among essential services spaces like stadiums and conventional halls
government employment reserved for those with domicile are “level 4” jobs. These ac- the hungry and homeless); production sup- we need a priority list, given the scarcity of into temporary hospitals and quarantine
count for a majority of government jobs and, very soon, non-J&K aspirants who meet the ply chains for protective gear, ventilators, kits.) The workers who have antibodies, and spaces. Stadiums have multiple showers,
domicile requirements under the new policy would also be in the running. masks,medicines;deliveryservices;govern- hence immunity, can go back to work. This bathrooms,andenoughspaceforlargenum-
mentemployeesmaintainingpublicutilities, will be easiest in factory-based production bers, setting up testing units, and for med-
The timing of the order is equally disquieting. At a moment when the entire nation,
and so on. units,suchasthosemanufacturinganddeliv- ical staff, food preparation, etc. At present, in
including J&K, is focussed on the fight against COVID, it was inappropriate and insensi- We are trying to break the COVID-19 ering hospital equipment, gear, medicines, Delhi, we are scattering people across guest
tive to push in new rules that will directly impact the lives of the people of the former transmission chains with a total lockdown etc.sincetheyhaveidentifiableworkerswho houses, schools, etc. That is fine, but it would
state. Upon his release from detention under the J&K Public Safety Act, former Chief but in the process, we are also breaking es- Strategic testing can better can be reached. be more efficient and save on personnel and
Minister Omar Abdullah had said that despite his views on what the Centre had done in sentialservicesupplychains.Wearecreating Food supply chains are more of a chal- resources if we concentrated efforts inlarger
an ocean of joblessness. Is there a way out? I protect our health carers, lenge, especially for harvesting the current spaces. Also while creating railway make-
J&K on August 5, he would desist from commenting on it for the moment, in order to sup-
believe so, through strategic easing of the doctors and nurses, if those rabicrop.Butlargenumbersof migrantsthat shift hospitals is an excellentidea, we should
port the government fully in the anti-coronavirus effort. The government should have
lockdown. How? with immunity undertake are at present under quarantine on the bor- also use these mobile hospital units to take
acted in the same spirit. Instead, it has done the opposite by bringing in a politically con- Scientists say that 80 per cent of the in- ders of states, and are being tested anyway. patients from remote areas with few med-
tentious measure.
the more risky end of care.
fected population will recover without hos- Instead of keeping everyone on a 14-day ical facilities to areas with facilities.
pitalisation. This includes both those who As our antibody test kits quarantine, those who pass the antibodies The complete lockdown, while needed
have symptoms and the asymptomatic. All increase we can broaden the test can be identified straightaway and of- as a first step, is also causing huge hardships


of them will develop immunity — we don’t parameters of testing. fered work for harvesting, loading, or other to people, especially those without jobs and
know for how long, but at least in the imme- jobs in their own state, or elsewhere if they food, due to lack of warning and very little
Basically by such strategic
diate future. And there is an antibody test wish. Those harvesting foodgrains, vegeta- planning. But lifting the lockdown fully and
(serological test) which is easy to administer testing we can gradually bles or fruit can be paid in kind, if they wish, suddenlywillleadtonewoutbreaks.Iwould
Will they come back to play at and can tell us within minutes whether begin to open up production so that they have food. Transporting the pro- suggestwegoforstrategiceasingof thelock-
someonehasalreadyrecoveredfromCOVID- units and facilitate re- ducetomarketswillstillbedifficult.Herethe down in a calibrated way.
Wimbledon — that’s a question 19. It only needs a blood sample, where the government needs to mobilise the trucks
employment in both the

blood goes into a cartridge alongside chem- currently lying idle for farm-gate pickup. The writer is Professor of Development
NLYTHE MOSTextraordinaryof eventshas seen thetraditionalists at the All icals called buffers, and produces a reading. formal and the informal In addition, strategic testing can better Economics and Environment, University of
England Club cancel Wimbledon. Since the first edition in 1877, only 10 edi- India has hundreds of technicians who are sector workers. protect our health carers, doctors and Manchester, UK
tionshaven’ttakenplace, andeachtimeitwasaWorldWartoblame.When
the tournament that has obsessively resisted change decides to pull the
plug, you know the COVID-19 outbreak has triggered war-like panic in the UK.
Shedding tears over the scrapping of a tennis tournament, however popular, in this
time of pandemic, would be insensitive. Yet, the fans are entitled to feel disappointed, as APRIL 3, 1980, FORTY YEARS AGO
they wonder if they will ever see two ageing legends of the game on the celebrated cen-
trecourtagain.BothRogerFedererandSerenaWilliamswillbeayearshortof 40nextyear. NARAIN SPEAKS Assam Students Union (AASU) is expected that they had “persuaded their colleagues
Their reactions on 2020 becoming a “grassless” year suggested that they are not sure RAJ NARAIN SAID in Delhi that he was confi- to meet in Gauhati to review the outcome of with great difficulty to accept 1961”.
about their plans for 2021. Federer tweeted he was “devastated” and Serena Williams dent that socialists left behind in the Lok Dal the talks between the governor, L P Singh,
was “shooked”. With advancing years, athletes don’t have the luxury of long-term plans.
would join him, sooner or later. Addressing and a four-member AASU delegation at LEFT PROTESTS ARRESTS
newsmen on the eve of his requisitioned Shillong yesterday. A Raj Bhawan release is- THE LEADERS OF the CPM and the CPI have
Federer, father of two sets of twins, and Serena, mother of a two-year-old daughter, Janata-S executive meeting, the expelled sued in Gauhati said the governor had indi- voicedvehementprotestagainstthearrestof
whilelockedathome,wouldhavegotanideaof theirpost-retirementdays.Foryears,their vice-president of the Lok Dal seemed to sug- catedtotherepresentatives of theAASUthat communistsinJammuandKashmir.TheCPM
bodies would have ached for a break and now they are getting one. Looking ahead, will gest that it was the “ destiny” of the social- he would be willing to recommend to the politburo alleged that the arrests had been
Federer and Serena retain the hunger, and the drive, to pick themselves up, hit the road ists to follow him, primarily because they Centre “on his own” that 1967 should be madeonthebasisof reportsconcoctedbythe
again? They might be old by tennis standards, but aren’t have-beens yet. Both were final- could not be happy with Charan Singh. treated as the base year for detection and for Jamaat-e-Islami which had “infiltrated” into
ists last year and Federer lost a final that went on for nearly five hours — the longest Naraindidnotnameanybodybutitwasclear deletion of names from electoral rolls, 1971 the J&K administration and established
that he had in mind Madhu Limaye, George being the acknowledged year for deporta- “strong links” with the National Conference.
Wimbledon has seen. All through their careers, Federer and Serena have defied odds,
Fernandes and Karpoori Thakur. tion purposes. But the AASU representatives Thepolitburothoughtthatthechargethatthe
stayedincontentionandpackedawayyoungerchallengers.Theirbodiesmightnotbewill- had indicated that though they would place arrestedpersonshadbeenplanningviolence
ing but the whiff of freshly cut Wimbledon grass might be too strong to resist for these ASSAM 1967 CUT-OFF the proposal before their executive, it would on the first anniversary of the hanging of Z A
evergreen stars. THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE of the All- be difficult to get them to accept 1957 now Bhutto will not deceive anyone.



“Excessive cultural confidence has hindered the US and European countries
from giving due attention to the experience of their Asian counterparts.”

Opportunity in the crisis Carte blanche and

a blind eye
vulnerable.ThisrequirescooperationbetweentheCentreandstates SCorderonmigrantlabourispremisedon
should have known the peculiar nature of
Indian society and the precarious life of its
citizens. Even by March 11, when the WHO
had declared a pandemic, the Indian gov-
ernment did not stir into action.
Devesh Kapur and When the prime minister called for a
Arvind Subramanian janatacurfewonMarch20,governmentof-
Dushyant Dave If thegovernmenthaddirectedbythenthat
THECURRENTCRISISissoterribleinitstollof all the employers should pay advance
life and livelihoods that the need of the hour salaries for March and April and all land-
must be minimising the health, humanitar- ON MARCH 31, the Supreme Court of India lordswereprohibitedtocollectrentfortwo
ianandeconomiccosts,especiallyforthemost (SC), entertaining a writ petition under months and all ration shops were kept
vulnerable.Risingpublicexpenditurestohelp Article 32, passed an order which raises open for those below the poverty line, the
tens of millions of workers and their families morequestionsthanitseekstoanswer.The crisis could have been mitigated. Even as a
alongside plummeting resources will in- writ petition was purportedly filed in the layman, I could have foreseen the suffering
evitably force hard choices. Appropriately, public interest, “for redressal of grievances of the people and thought of a few steps to
muchofthepolicydiscussionandthegovern- of migrant workers in different parts of the ameliorate it. So, why could the experts in
ment’s first response have focussed on ad- country”. However, the Court has pro- the government not do so? They have a
dressing the immediate imperatives. But this C R Sasikumar ceeded to issue several directions which constitutional responsibility to look after
crisis is also an opportunity to do things that are clearly in favour of the respondent, the the people. The Court should have chal-
arenotonlygoodfornowbutforthemedium can access money either because of difficult years in India has been weakest in the areas Unionof India.Amongstothers,thefollow- lenged the Union of India on all these
term as well. We discuss a few. geographyorbecausebankfunctionariesgive of education and health. The COVID-19 pan- ing three directions were uncalled for: grounds. Instead, it has allowed the Union
Revamp macro-fiscal framework: If the incomplete or misleading information. This demicmustleadtoaseriousstrengtheningof One, that under section 54 of the of India to get away under the premise of
pandemic follows the exponential trajectory crisisisanopportunitynotjusttoleverageJAM the health infrastructure for dealing with Disaster Management Act, 2005, persons “fake news and social media”.
seen in other countries, the crisis is going to toenhancecashtransfers,buttoempowercit- pandemics.Tostartwith,Indianeedsanapex can be punished with imprisonment, Citizens have the right to freedom of
entail massive fiscal expenditures, perhaps izens. This will require the government to institution like the US’ Centers for Disease which may extend to one year, or with a speech and expression. Press freedom is a
up to 4-5 per cent of GDP, much more than identifyremainingweaknessesonawarfoot- Control with a network across all the states. fine for making or circulating a false alarm part of this. Citizens have the right to re-
what the government has announced. ing and fix them. They should invest in disease surveillance or warning. Disobedience of the order in- ceive information as well. Article 13 (2) of
Consequently, the basic macro-fiscal frame- Re-shape Indian agriculture: The need to systems, set up diagnostics labs, be able to cluding an advisory by a public servant the Constitution says that the state cannot
work—forexample,theCentre’sFRBMtarget preservesupplychainsinagricultureintimes gather real-time data and analyse them etc. would result in punishment under section makeanylawwhichtakesawayorabridges
of 3.5 per cent of GDP, and the revenue and of crisis reinforces the need to create one The Taiwan model, which has been so suc- 188 of the IPC. Two, all concerned, that is the fundamental rights. If Parliament can-
deficitestimatesfor2020-21—hasbeenfun- market for agriculture across India. This re- cessful in this pandemic, could be studied. the state government, public authorities not do so, the Supreme Court — the up-
damentally overtaken by events. The Centre quires eliminating legislation like the More fundamentally, the crisis is a wake-up and citizens, will faithfully comply with di- holder of the constitutional rights — surely
should immediately announce that even the Essential Commodities Act and the panoply call to address India’s severe limitations in rectives, advisory and orders issued by the cannot do so.
stateswillbeallowedtoexceedtheirfiscalre- of resultingrestrictions.Second,thecrisishas theprovisionof basichealth.Creatingtertiary Union of India in letter and spirit in the in- The SC has itself held in M Nagraj
sponsibility legislation targets because they shown the possibilities created by JAM and health facilities must be subservient to terest of public safety. Three, the media (2006): “A right becomes a fundamental
willbeinthefrontlineof takingactionagainst direct transfers. Building on PM-Kisan and strengthening basic public health and early should only refer to and publish the official right because it has foundational value.
the pandemic. The crisis is an opportunity to various state level schemes, pernicious sub- childhood care. version of the Government of India, pub- Fundamental right is a limitation on the
revisittheentireframework.Thefocusonun- sidies, especially for fertilisers and power, Build National Solidarity Fund: The severe lishing a daily bulletin. power of the State. A Constitution, and in
attainable targets, the fact that the FRBM has couldbephasedoutover5-6cropcycles.This downturnineconomicactivityaheadwillsav- After giving substantial reliefs to the particularthat part of it whichprotects and
been honoured only in the breach, and the couldbedonethroughsmallbutfrequentin- agely hit the informal poor. But it will also re- Union of India, the SC proceeded to make which entrenches fundamental rights and
consequences in terms of loss in budgetary creasesinfertiliserprices(thetechniqueused veal how much they are central to the com- mereobservationsaboutmigrantlabourers freedoms to which all persons in the State
integrity and transparency need serious re- to eliminate fuel subsidies). Advance com- fortable lives of the salaried classes and by directing that they should be dealt with are to be entitled, is to be given a generous
view, even overhaul. Once the crisis ebbs, munication to farmers along with compen- wealthy.If therewaseveratimeforthelatter “in a humane manner” and that “trained and purposive construction.”
Indiamightbelookingatoveralldeficitswell sating cash transfers can help build trust and to demonstrate their solidarity with those counsellors,communityleadersandvolun- One wonders why despite disowning
in excess of 10 per cent and debt levels much confidence. providing the essential services they so de- teersmustbeengagedalongwiththepolice the majority judgment in the infamous
greater than those today. If the starting point Make in India: A macabre joke referring to pendon—frommaidstodriversandfarmers to supervise the welfare activities of mi- ADM Jabalpur, the Court has not been
isgoingtobesodifferent,dotheoldgoalsand theoriginsof thecoronaviruswasthatevery- to construction workers — it is now. grants”. The SC has virtually absolved the mindful of Justice H R Khanna’s powerful
targets retain meaning? thing,evendeath,wasMadeinChina.Butthe The government should consider a governmentforitshandlingofthesituation. dissent. He said: “The greatest danger to
Remake finance: Going into the crisis, criticalsourceforalmostalltheessentialActive Solidarity Fund with a one-time annual con- Thebasisof thedirectionsisastatement liberty lies in insidious encroachment by
India’scorporateandfinancialsectorwereun- Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) used to tribution coming from the wealthy and the made by the Solicitor General of India and men of zeal, well-meaning but lacking in
derseverestress—theso-calledFourBalance manufacture drugs, the ability also to fight employees in the organised sector. This some status reports to the effect that “the due deference for the rule of law...
Sheet problem. This crisis will unfortunately death,islargelymadeinChina.Indiawasonce contribution can take the form of taxes or exodus of migrant labourers was triggered Extraordinary powers are always assumed
addconsumersandsmallandmediumenter- amajorproducerof suchAPIsbutlostground elimination of middle-class subsidies iden- duetopaniccreatedbysomefake/mislead- by the government in all countries in times
prises to that list. This will be an extremely toChina.Thecrisisshouldbetheopportunity tified in the Economic Survey of 2016. The ingnewsandsocialmedia”.TheSChaspro- of emergencybecauseof theextraordinary
hard — but critical — problem to address. To togoonwarfootingtodointelligentindustrial wealthy could contribute via a wealth tax ceeded on assumptions and surmises nature of emergency. More is at stake in
allowbankstoreverttonormalcy,alargescale policy—incentives,regulatoryhelp,tradepol- with thresholds set by property values say which were untested and unchallenged. In these cases than the liberty of a few indi-
takeover of their bad loans will be unavoid- icy — that would resurrect India’s manufac- above Rs 5 crore. Salaried employees in the a matter of such seriousness, the least it vidualsorthecorrectconstructionof word-
ablenotleastbecausethecurrentbankruptcy turing capability. Previous Make in India at- public and private sectors could contribute should have done was to have appointed ing of an order. What is at stake is the Rule
process will be severely tempts have shown lackadaisical results. The via a small, progressive tax on salaries an amicus curiae (a friend of the court) to of Law.”
inadequate. In addition, this crisis opens the crisis creates the momentum to focus the ef- and pensions. Middle class subsides that assist it rather than simply accept the self- The SC has given a carte blanche to the
door for the new lending model proposed by fort on one sector, pharmaceuticals. As a re- could be eliminated include interest serving status reports and statements authorities, and citizens appear to have no
Nandan Nilekani — technology-driven lend- sult, the ability to save lives could be Made in and tax deductions for small savers, made before it. avenues of redress. Most of all, by con-
ingthatusesdataratherthancollateral,allow- India, again. The severe downturn in favourable taxation of gold and other luxu- The Court overlooked the fact that in demningthemediaandsocialmedia,hold-
ing the 10 million-odd businesses with deep Establish migrants as full citizens: The crisis ries. Wealth taxes and elimination of subsi- India, hundreds of millions of people work ing them responsible for fake news, the SC
digital footprints (for example, based on GST has highlighted the travails of migrant labour
economic activity ahead will dies for the rich should in any event be part during the day and are paid at the end of has done a great disservice to the institu-
invoices),togetloansfromthethrivingecosys- and their second-class status. It reflects a savagely hit the informal of the long run reform agenda to reduce the day and then go and buy their food- tionwhichprovidesinformationtocitizens
tem of new financial players. broaderchasmbetweenthefewsecurelyem- poor. But it will also reveal growing inequality. stuffs. They have no savings, nor do they and upholds democracy.
Complete JAM: One of the major achieve- ployedintheorganisedsectorandthevastma- how much they are central to These examples illustrate how crisis can have foodgrains stored. It is surprising that The SC should not have made all media
ments of this government was to create the jority subject to the vicissitudes of the unor- be converted to opportunity to fundamen- the Court, the custodian of fundamental subservient to the government by direct-
plumbing — Jan Dhan, Aadhaar, and Mobile ganisedsector.Differencesnotjustinthelevels the comfortable lives of the tallystrengthentheIndianeconomy,andpro- rights, should be oblivious to this reality. ingthattheformer“refertoandpublishthe
(JAM) — to augment weak state capacity. The ofincomebutintheirvolatilityaswellasdiffer- salaried classes and wealthy. tect the vulnerable. A common thread to Evenworkersinthemanufacturingorserv- official version about the developments”.
state could now make cash transfers swiftly, ential access to social insurance (heathcare, If there was ever a time for manyof theseactions—indeedprerequisites ice sectors do not have sufficient means to Suchanordercouldbejustifiedonlyduring
with reduced leakages, whether as income pensions) distinguish these two classes. the latter to demonstrate fortheirsuccess—iscooperationbetweenthe survive beyond a short period. an emergency and that too by the execu-
support,scholarshipsorpensions,andpoten- The plight of migrant workers reinforces Centreandstates.Centraldirectioncombined The Court should have been mindful tive, subject to challenge before the courts.
tially eventually implementing a Universal theneedtomovefromimmobileplace-based their solidarity with those with flexibility and nimbleness in the states that the government should have taken ef-
Basic Income. In the current crisis, it is prov- benefits to mobile person-based benefits, providing the essential andlocalbodiesisIndia’swaythroughthecri- fective measures to prevent this human The writer, a senior advocate, is currently
ingtobeanimportantpartof thesocialsafety which is possible as the JAM infrastructure is services that they so depend sis and beyond. tragedy since January when China had re- president of the Supreme Court bar
net that is helping to cushion the most ad- strengthened. This will require portability of ported the epidemic. Those in power association. Views are personal
on, from maids to drivers,
verselyaffectedgroups.ButtheJAMplumbing benefits, including access to the PDS, Ujjwala Kapur is professor, Johns Hopkins University
isstillincompletebecausethereisa“lastmile and Ayushman Bharat. from farmers to construction and Subramanian is former chief economic
problem”. Not all those with bank accounts Upgrade Health: State capacity over 70 workers, it is now. adviser to government of India

Pandemic and the community

THIS REFERS TO the editorial, ‘Facts LETTER OF THE
mours are spreading during the corona
crisis. The media, at such times, has a To encourage quality reader
Organisersof TablighiJamaathavehurtthefightagainstthecoronavirus broader role to play than merely to dis- intervention, The Indian
Express offers the Letter of
Firoz Bakht Ahmed unbiased media coverage can go a long
way in calming frayed nerves.
the Week award. The letter
adjudged the best for the
Vipul Pande, Nainital.
LAST WEEK, I was asked by Prasar Bharati to What is more shocking is that this has prayed in the mosques even under the hai!” Only when we survive, will we be able week is published every
send a one-minute clip asking my co-reli- come after Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s threat of the enemy’s swords. Why are they to do anything else in the world. THIS REFERS TO the editorial, ‘Facts Saturday. Letters may be
gionists to desist from congregational address to the nation. He, like a concerned getting scared of this petty enemy, coron- I faced brickbats for pointing this out in fightfear’(IE,April2).Inthewaragainst e-mailed to
prayers, since these were still being held in member of a family, requested everyone avirus? a time of crisis, by those who have perhaps COVID-19, truth and information are
many villages and smaller towns. I duly withfoldedhandstostayathomeandmain- These people don’t remember that Allah missed the point that PM Modi was not de- the greatest weapons. The Supreme or sent to The Indian
obliged. This is in the context of the tain social distance to break this deadly has also said that “He helps those who help livering this lifesaving dose only for the BJP, Court directed the government to ver- Express, B-1/B, Sector 10,
Nizamuddin Tablighi Jamaat gathering at COVID-19 chain of transmission. themselves”. RSS or non-Muslims, but for all. He was hop- ifyfactsthroughitsownmachinery. We Noida-UP 201301.
Banglewali masjid — which can accommo- The spate of infections of coronavirus The Muslim community, not only in ingthatthelockdownmaybreaktheCOVID- must make sure that the pandemic
dateupto12,000devotees—thatisfearedto also highlights how the Muslim community India but across the world, must know that 19 chain of transmission and, in the process, does not become an “infodemic”.
haveinfectedmanyacrossseveralstates.This has been woefully misled by their so-called the Prophet (peace be upon him) in- save millions of lives. Tapomoy Ghosh, Katwa
is deeply disappointing. representatives. structed the community to stay at home in The tragedy of the already beleaguered spending and wasteful expenditure. It
The organisation, established by
Maulana Ilyas of Mewat in 1926 for “puri-
More often than not, community leaders
are interested in feathering their own nests
case of emergencies such as this. In the case
of epidemics and pandemics, the Prophet
Indian Muslim community has been the
way they have been taken for a ride —
MANAGE CRISIS needs to focus on supply chains.
Ravi Jain, Zirakpur
tanical” Islam, is under the scanner for while the poor are pushed towards igno- (PBUH) clearly stated that nobody should treated as a vote-bank by their leaders, the THIS REFERS TO the editorial, ‘Spend
something that is un-Islamic. Islam is a re-
ligion of caring and for sharing the bless-
rance because of the obscurantist attitude of
their “netas” who think they are account-
either go to somebody else’s house or in-
vite anyone.
Congress and the so-called secular parties.
This has resulted in the state of affairs they
wisely’ (IE, April 2). Like the rest of the
world, the Indian economy is suffering
ings of Allah, not spreading disease. It is able to no one. In this case, the residents of Oneday, when it was raining heavily, and find themselves in today. They are far from due to the coronavirus. Those suffering THIS REFERS TO the article, ‘How to
an irresponsible act on the part of the Zakir Nagar West area were sensible it was the time of azaan, the Prophet (PBUH) the mainstream, with the begging bowl of the damage today could also face a pre- make lockdown succeed’ (IE, April 1).
Tablighi Jamaat’s authorities. A social me- enough to complain to the police about the had said, as-salatu-fi-buyutikum (pray in the Sachar Committee and some other carious existence for years to come, be- It’s wise to track and enforce quaran-
dia clip, allegedly of Maulana Saad, who residents in this mosque from Nizamuddin your homes). Not only this, once when a commissions that have proved futile in ad- cause of the long-term consequences tines using GPS tracking. South Korea
hosted the Jamaat, claimed that the gov- Markaz. deadly and contagious disease broke out dressing their social, economic and educa- of the pandemic. Moreover, the crisis has contained the spread through the
ernment has tried to lock mosques and was Despite three major imams of India — among the camels, he instructed that the tional needs. has exposed the global health system. timely leveraging of the technology. On
trying to divide the community by not let- Imam Syed Ahmed Bukhari, Imam Mufti healthy camelsshouldnot beallowed to mix It is time for us, Muslims, to cooperate India, now, must focus on the well-be- the same lines, Karnataka has devel-
ting Muslims sit together to pray. Now, a Mukarram Ahmed and Imam Umer Ahmed with the affected ones. with the government to fight the deadly ing of its citizens and reviving its econ- opedtheCoronaWatchapp.R&Dteams
community that is constantly under the Ilyasi — and a decree from the Darul Uloom But there is always a backlash against coronavirus and follow Islam in letter and omy rather than waiting for globalisa- from other states should also find tech-
scanner could be further sidelined and so- Deoband, and many other mosques an- suchanopinion.Throughsocialmedia,when spirit. tion to revive and rescue it. The nological solutions on an urgent basis.
cially distanced by their non-Muslim nouncing that congregations may cause the I urged people to maintain social distancing government must curb non-essential Dimpy Bhatia, New Delhi
brethren. The Maulana, meanwhile, is re- spread of COVID-19, several gatherings con- and pray at home, I was targeted with abuse. The writer is chancellor, Maulana Azad
portedly absconding. tinued. The argument was, our sahabas had PM Modi has rightly said: Jaan hai, to jahan National Urdu University, Hyderabad


The Outbreak


To do rapid tests, or not to
States have been pushing for rapid tests on plasma; ICMR has resisted, yielded and qualified its stance.
United Kingdom
Italy 15,679
How are such tests different from PCR tests on swab, and what are the arguments for and against each?

cial testing strategy remains that only symp-

ABANTIKA GHOSH tomaticcontactsof confirmedcasesorsymp-
57,807 NEW DELHI, APRIL 2 tomatic people with travel history may be
France tested.Asymptomaticpeoplewithcontactare
82,432 AMID THE growth of cases of novel coron- tested once between 5-14 days of exposure.
217,263 China
avirus disease (COVID-19), states have
started to look at “rapid tests” — serological What has the ICMR stance been so far?
50,468 or blood tests — as an alternative to the As recently as on March 28, the ICMR’s
110,238 Iran
longer, swab-based tests routinely being guidance document on these tests said that
used.Keralahasalreadyrolledoutsuchtests, they “can be done on blood/serum/plasma
18,267 Maharashtra appears set to do so, while samples; Test result is available within 30
Chhattisgarh has sought permission. minutes; Test comes positive after 7-10 days
On Thursday, the Indian Council of of infection;Thetestremainspositiveforsev-
TOTAL CONFIRMED: 965,246 DEATH COUNT: 50,230 Medical Research (ICMR) issued an interim eral weeks after infection; Positive test indi-
advisory on the use of serological tests in cates exposure to SARS-CoV-2; Negative test
Source: Johns Hopkins University, updated at 11pm on April 2 “hotspots”,beforepullingitdownhourslater. doesnotruleoutCOVID-19infection”butare
There are currently about 20-odd hotspots not to recommended for diagnosis of
in the country, up from an earlier 10. COVID19 infection. “These tests are not rec-
Can you fight or prevent What is a serological test?
A blood sample collected for COVID-19 test in Lviv, Ukraine, earlier this week. Reuters ommended for diagnosis of COVID-19 infec-
tion,” read a line in bold, before going on to

infection by drinking alcohol? According to the Johns Hopkins

BloombergSchoolof PublicHealth,“Serology
tests are blood-based tests that can be used
Only after the antibodies have developed,
ing population exposure in epidemiological
list the 12 approved serological testing kits.
The ICMR’s contention that it is not a di-
ALCOHOL-BASED sanitisers to wash Whilethenovelcoronavirusisstill to identify whether people have been ex- which takes several days, can the serological the ICMR issued an interim advisory on the antibodies and not the virus, which
your hands are one thing, but drink- beingstudied,researchonothervirus posed to a particular pathogen. Serology- testcomein.Andevenforserologicaltests,the Thursday, before pulling it down. means the virus needs to have spent some
ingalcoholisquiteanother.Eversince outbreaks has shown that excessive based tests analyse the serum component of positiveswillhavetogothroughthePCRfilter. It said: “Population in hotspot areas may time in the body. For that duration, the per-
the outbreak of COVID-19, “advice” alcohol affects immune function. whole blood. The serum includes antibodies be tested using rapid antibody test, and son would continue to spread the disease to
and theories have been circulating Excessive drinkers have been seen to to specific components of pathogens, called Which states have been pushing for it? ■ Antibody positives to be confirmed by others. That is not an ideal situation.
around social media that drinking al- be vulnerable to, in particular, respi- antigens. These antigens are recognized by Kerala has started using the test, with ap- RT-PCR using throat/nasal swab The dynamics change in hotspots where
cohol offers protection against the ratory illness and pneumonia. They the immune system as foreign and are tar- provalfromtheICMR.Duringvideoconferenc- ■ Antibody negatives to be quarantined everypersonispotentiallyacarrier;thefaster
novel coronavirus; in Iran, media has alsotakelongertorecoverfrominfec- geted by the immune response.” ing on Thursday, Chief Minister Pinarayi at home”. thepersonisquarantined,thelessthespread.
reported how this led to a binge tion.Infact,excessivealcoholcanalso Blood has two components, a matrix Vijayan urged the Prime Minister for central It added that an emergency meeting of
drinking session that eventually left damage the lungs, which are one of calledplasmaandthebloodcells.Theplasma assistance for bringing test kits from Hong the National Task Force will finalise the rec- What is the South Korea model that
dozens dead. the areas the novel coronavirus af- minus the components of whole blood that Kong. Haryana CM M L Khattar too called for ommendation. Later in the night, the advi- Tamil Nadu referred to?
“No, drinking alcohol does not fects. Not just COVID-19, even those cause it to clot is known as serum. rapidtests,whileMaharashtrahasgotpermis- sory was pulled down but there was no offi- South Korea, which had shot up to the top
protect you from coronavirus infec- who have caught the common flu or sion to conduct these, reports from Mumbai cial word why. Sources said the task force of the COVID-19 chart in February, has
tion,” the World Health Organization a cold should avoid excessive alcohol How is it different from the tests being saidquotingstateHealthMinisterRajeshTope. could not agree on the recommendation. emergedasasuccessstoryinitscontainment
makesitclear.“Alcoholshouldalways consumption. done more widely? On Wednesday, Chhattisgarh Health OnThursdaynight,theICMRputupalistof aggressivelyusingmasstesting,includingwith
beconsumedinmoderationandpeo- There is an argument against The standard test for COVID-19 so far has Minister TSSinghDeo tweeted:“Requesting approved and validated antibody testing kits. serologicalkits,toreducethenumberofcases.
ple who do not drink alcohol should drinkingtoomuchtofightdepression beenthePolymeraseChainReaction(PCR).It the Central Govt & @drharshvardhan to en- Itsays:“...Approvedkitscanbeuseddirectlyaf- The country has had 9,976 cases and 169
not start drinking in an attempt to too. Whilealcohol’seffect on the cen- is done after taking nasal or throat swabs of sure that @ICMRDELHI formulates compre- ter due approval from DCGI (Drug Controller deathsbutmanagedtocontaintheviruswith-
prevent the infection.” tral nervous system has been ob- thepatient,fromwhichRNAisextractedand hensive guidelines for use and purchase of General of India) and intimation to ICMR”. out the kind of lockdown that several coun-
Alcohol releases chemicals that served as leading to a reduction of converted to DNA, which is then amplified Rapid Tests for #COVID19 as these tests have triesincludingIndiahavenowgoneinto.While
reduce anxiety, so it may not be anxiety, this lasts only as long as the before being checked for confirmation of the been used effectively across the world and Did the ICMR specify who would be itistestingthathasgotitglobalpraise,itisalso
harmful to drink in moderation - one alcohol lasts in the blood. Later, when virus. The PCR test takes up to nine hours. areneededforexpandingtestingcapacities.” subjected to such tests? a fact that South Korea’s success was as much
or two a day - to relieve stress and the level of alcohol in the blood re- Thelongtime is also becausethe swab isfirst Earlier, the Tamil Nadu government had Sources said there are now at least 20 becauseof itshospitalinfrastructurethatwas
boredom, especially for those con- turns to zero, the nervous system be- screened to decide the family of the virus; if approached ICMR for permission to follow places where several clusters of cases have ramped up during the earlier outbreaks of
fined to their homes. Drinking in ex- comesoveractivetryingtorestorethe thatconfirmsitisacoronavirus,asecondtest the‘SouthKorea-Chinamodel”of rapidtests, been detected, needing them to be locked off SARS and MERS. Even in Daegu, where the
cess, however,can end up weakening chemicals in the blood to the earlier is done to ascertain if it is indeed the novel butthe ICMRhadsaidthereal-time PCR (RT- even in the middle of a lockdown — a country’s 31st patient became an index for
the body against a coronavirus, or concentrations. That can leave the coronavirus SARS-CoV2. PCR) test is more foolproof. “hotspot”. In these areas, serological tests (if some 1,100 contacts, hospitals were clogged
evenkillingthedrinker,asitdidinthe drinker anxious as ever. Theserologicaltestscreenstheplasmafor approved) would be conducted on people but hospitalisation rates remained high.
Iran binge. EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE antibodiesthatthebodydevelopsagainstthe What did the ICMR say now? showing COVID-19-like symptoms , even if Though South Korea has become the
virus.Ittakeslessthan30minutes.Itisimpor- After weeks of resisting the states on the theyhadnoestablishedhistoryoftravelorcon- benchmark, it was Singapore that first
tant to note, however, that the PCR test is ca- ground that serological tests are for estimat- tactwithconfirmedCOVID-19cases.Theoffi- started using such tests.
Kerala’s vulnerability test: age, morbidity
Islands 10
Assam 5
Bihar 24
219 Delhi Chandigarh 16
Chhattisgarh 9 healthcare system earned it the rating of a state. Three primary contacts who tested diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases,
113 UP Goa 5 SHAJU PHILIP top-performing state in NITI Aayog’s recent positive in the district are above 60. stroke and cancer are prevalent in Kerala.
108 Rajasthan Haryana 43
HimachalPradesh 3 THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, APRIL 2 annual health index (based on indicators The 71st National Sample Survey on In Kerala, 27% of adult males have dia-
JammuandKashmir 62 such as mortality rate, fertility rate and sex Morbidity in 2016 showed that while 89 out betes mellitus compared to 15% nationally,
99 MP A HIGH prevalence of disease and a large ratio), experts believe the state’s age profile of every1,000persons surveyedreportedill- while19% of the adult female population are
Jharkhand 1
87 Gujarat 335 Maharashtra Ladakh 13 share of elderly people in the population and morbidity will challenge the system. ness during the 15-day period of survey diabetic compared to 11% in India. Genetic
Manipur 1 have been concerns for Kerala during the “Kerala is exposed to a community out- across India, this proportion was 310 out of predisposition, dietary habits and sedentary
107 Telangana Mizoram 1 COVID-19 outbbreak. The number of con- break because of high prevalence of lifestyle 1,000. Among the 60-plus population,it was lifestyle are considered to be among the rea-
Odisha 4 firmed cases in Kerala is now between 250- diseases, a larger share of 60-plus and a high 276 per 1,000 for India and 646 per 1,000 for sons for this trend. Again, 40.6% of adult
234 Tamil Nadu Puducherry 3
110 Karnataka 300 (state and central numbers differ). population density,” said Dr N Sulphi, vice- Kerala. Broken up by residence, 19% of males and 38.5% of adult females are hyper-
Punjab 46
265 Kerala Uttarakhand 7 While a couple aged 93 and 88, suffering president of the Kerala chapter of the Indian Kerala’s rural population and 22% of its ur- tensive in Kerala, compared to 30.7% and
WestBengal 53 from age-related illnesses and underlying Medical Association. “In Italy, we have seen banpopulationreportedailmentsduringthe 31.9% nationally. Cancer mortality is ex-
diseases, tested negative recently after hav- that COVID-19 turned fatal for the elderly. 15-day reference period, as compared to 9% tremely high in males in Kerala compared to
ing contracted the infection, and raised The higher share of the elderly population in of India’s urban population and 12% of the the national average.
Union Health Ministry update at 11 pm, April 2. Some states may have hopes that the virus can be fought back by thestate, coupledwith high populationden- rural population. A survey by Achutha Menon Centre for
reported higher numbers. Only states with most cases are listed above. theelderlytoo,thetwodeathsinKeralawere sity, is a matter of concern in the emerging Kerala has the largest incidence of non- HealthScienceStudies,Thiruvananthapuram,
156 PATIENTS DISCHARGED IN 19 STATES ACROSS THE COUNTRY of patients above age 60 and both had un- stagesof thefightagainstCOVID-19,’’hesaid. communicable diseases in India. The state is in 2017 found that prevalence in Kerala had
derlying medical conditions. The evidence While the share of the elderly in India’s often described as the diabetes capital of the increasedtooneoutofthreeforhypertension,
worldwide so far has indicated that people population is 8.6% as per Census 2011, their country.TheRegistrarGeneralofIndia’sReport and one out of five for diabetes. The State
Have a question on the COVID-19 outbreak and what you should/should not do? over that age, and with conditions such as share in Kerala is 12.7%. In Kerala’s onMedicalCertificationofCauseofDeath2015 Economic Review, 2019 found Kerala has an
Write to cardiovasculardisease,diabetes,chronicres- Pathanamthitta district, which is on high revealed that while in India 3.4% people died estimated 5,30,000 cases of Chronic
piratorydisease,cancer,arelikelytobemore alert with 13 cases, the share of the elderly is due to diabetes in 2015, it was 9.6% for Kerala, Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and
vulnerable. And while Kerala’s excellent 17.9% of the population, the highest in the the highest among the states. Hypertension, 4,80,000 asthma patients among adults.


‘Perhaps the exodus will spotlight migrants’ key role in cities’ functioning’
pel them to move without their families. selves; yet, too often this work is not re- term’ migrant as one who stays away for up were uniformly poor, but diverse in caste such hardships: work in the city.
Instead, they circulatebetweencity andvil- ceived with gratitude by municipal author- tosixmonthsduringthelastyear,butmany andfaith.27%wereSCs,44%wereOBCs,18% Moreover, given the nature of the novel
lageseveraltimesayear,andremaindeeply ities or more privileged urbanites. The mi- circular migrants spend most of the year were upper castes, and 12% were Muslims. coronavirus, it would be completely plau-
rooted within the sending villages. grants I have spoken to repeatedly offer labouring in cities, returning home for fes- Yettheaverageincomewithineachof these sible for migrants to be unsure about when
Each of these factors is important in un- examplesof theirharassmentandmistreat- tivals, harvests, or to see family. Further, the groups was practically identical - and 75% work opportunities might actually resume
derstanding why migrant workers have ment by urban employers, middle-class fact that these migrants live and work in in- earned less than $2 per day. Also, 77% had in cities.Whythenwould theystay inharsh
beensoeagertoreturnhomesincethelock- shopkeepersandresidents,andlocalpolice. formalconditionsincities,andcirculatebe- no secondary education, and over half of conditions away from their families?
down was announced. Perhaps one silver lining of the lockdown tween village and city, makes them espe- themhadongoingdebtstheyhadtopayoff. A more effective and humane response
Tariq Thachil Has the migrants’ contribution to the
will be that the exodus of migrants renders
visible the essential role they play in the
cially difficult to access through standard
residence-based surveys. Could the exodus after the lockdown
would have first considered how an abrupt
Indian economy been recorded functioning of Indian cities. Alternative data sources suggest India’s announcement have been prevented? It would also have decided whether to pri-
What is unique about the migrant accurately? circular migrant population is substantial. I disagree with the Supreme Court’s ob- oritisekeepingmigrantsinplaceindestina-
labour in India’s cities, compared to The informal nature of employment What are your estimates about their According to the 2011 Census, more than servation that the exodus was caused by ir- tioncitiesorhelpingthemsafelyreachhome.
other countries and societies? makes it hard to collect reliable data even numbers and socio-economic and half of all rural residents live off the earn- rationalpanictriggeredbymisinformation. If the goal was to get migrants safely home,
Migrant labour in Indian cities are on the size of this population, let alone its educational status? ings they make through unskilled labour, Observersareunawareof howrootedcircu- resources should have been targeted to en-
marked by three traits: internal migration, economic contributions. But fine-grained Welackaconsensusestimateof thesize many of whom are likely to do so in cities. lar migrants are in their sending villages, as suring safe and clean passage, and a feasible
informality, and circularity. studies have revealed circular migrants are of our circular migrant population. Many Some scholars have drawn on employ- wellashowinhospitabletheconditionsare localquarantinestrategyformigrantsintheir
First, they come from within India, un- influential, and in some cases, the predom- official data sources use definitions of mi- mentfiguresfrommigrant-dominatedsec- under which they must live and work in homeregions.Ifthegoalwastokeepthemin
likeinternationalmigrantswhooftendom- inant forms of labour in industries ranging gration that failtocapturethe transient and tors like construction to estimate the num- their destination cities. My own surveys the city, resources should have targeted
inate the study of migration. Second, they from construction, brick manufacturing, itinerant patterns observed by circular mi- ber of circular migrants at nearly 120 foundmostmigrantworkersliveincramped keeping them healthy, housed, and fed, in-
are low-income workers who lack formal mining and quarrying, hotels and restau- grants. For example, the National Sample million.Thetruthmay lie in the middle,but rentedroomsormustsleeponthefootpath, cluding by enabling them to pay or pause
contracts. Many perform daily wage labour rants,andstreetvending.Manyof thesesec- Survey collected specific data on migration either way we are talkingabout tens of mil- lackdocumentswithwhichtoaccessbene- rent, and access PDS benefits in cities.
or are self-employed. Such employment is tors are integral to the Indian economy and inits64throundandfoundtheall-Indiarate lions of people. fits such as rations in the city, do not have
precarious and day-to-day in nature, with comprise a significant share of our GDP. of ‘short-term migration’ to be between 1% Most studies agree the vast majority of family members in the city, and have few Dr Tariq Thachil is Associate Professorin
noprotectionsintheeventof anabruptcan- There is a broad societal reluctance to and 2%. This rate would roughly suggest a circular migrants are economically disad- savingstodrawupon.Theyalsofaceconsid- Political Science at Vanderbilt University, and
cellation, as has happened with the lock- acknowledge the contributions of circular population of between 13 million and 26 vantaged. My own survey of 3,018 circular erableharassmentfrompoliceandmiddle- a researcher on urbanisation and internal
down. Third, most of these migrants do not migrants. They perform essential labour million short-term migrants. migrants working as daily wage labourers classelites,whoviewthemvariouslyasun- migrationin India. He spoke to SushantSingh.
permanently relocate to the city. Expensive and provide services that many people Yet, the figure is likely to be a dramatic and 1,200 migrants working as street ven- clean,nuisances,orcriminal.Thelockdown (EDITED EXCERPTS. FULL INTERVIEW
andinhospitableurbanenvironmentscom- want but are unwilling to provide them- underestimate. The NSS defines a ‘short- dorsacrossDelhiandLucknowshowedthey takes away their only reason for enduring ON WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM)


The World

WATCH 6.6mnfileforUSjoblessbenefits;
People wear masks
in Pyongyang. AP
THE TENDRILS of the coron-
avirus pandemic reached
NORTH KOREA deeper into the American econ- Washington: A Russian cargo Russia to NATO on Thursday An elderly woman in Barcelona, Spain. Reuters
omy last week, leaving millions plane carrying 60 tonnes of tweeted a video of the cargo
Spain’s deaths top
more people out of work as the medical supplies, including aircraft Ruslan AN-124-100
insistsofficial damage spread to jobs and in-
dustries that were spared at the
ventilators, masks and other
protection gear, needed to
arriving at the John F Kennedy
airport in New York.
inPyongyang outset of the crisis. treatthepatientswithCOVID- The move comes after a

Seoul: North Korea re-

mains totally free of the
filed new claims for unemploy-
ment benefits last week, the
19 landed in the US as the
country wrestles with the
coronavirus pandemic that
telephonic conversation be-
tween US President Donald
Trump and Vladimir Putin on
10,000; officials see
‘glimpse of hope’
coronavirus, a senior Labor Department said US President Donald Trump addresses the daily coronavirus the White House has warned March 30. US Secretary of
health official in Thursday, setting a grim record response briefing in Washington. Reuters could kill up to two lakh peo- StateMikePompeosaidthatit
Pyongyang has insisted, for the second straight week. ple during the next fortnight. wasatimetowork togetherto
despite mounting scepti- The latest claimsbroughtthe The Permanent Mission of overcome a common enemy.

cism. The North quickly two-week total to nearly 10 mil- avirus stood at 214,000, and close to President Xi Jinping.
shut down its borders af-
ter the virus was first de-
lion. The speed and scale of the
job losses is without precedent.
5,093 had lost their lives by
Wednesday night.
tectedinChinainJanuary, Untillastmonth,theworstweek Globally, more than 930,000 strained ties, adding to bad feel- MADRID, APRIL 2
and imposed strict con- for unemployment filings was people have been infected and ings triggered by a conspiracy New York: A six-week-old youngest person ever to die of
tainment measures. Pak 695,000 in 1982. 46,809 people have died. theory in China that the US mili- baby girl has died of coron- COVID here in Connecticut. SPAIN’S DEATH toll from the ■ More than 95% of those who
Myong Su, director of the Meanwhile, America contin- TrumpcastdoubtWednesday tary was to blame for the virus. avirus in the US state of That baby was a less than coronavirus rose above 10,000 have died of coronavirus in
anti-epidemic depart- ues to wage an all-out war to de- ontheaccuracyofofficialChinese Republicans,pointingtoare- Connecticut, Governor Ned seven weeks old. And it just is on Thursday after a record 950 Europe have been over 60 but
ment of the North's feat the "horrible" coronavirus, figures on its coronavirus out- port by Bloomberg citing US in- Lamont said on Thursday, areminder thatnobodyis safe people died overnight, but young people should not be
Central Emergency Anti- President Donald Trump has break after US lawmakers, citing telligence, expressed outrage stressingthat the deathis are- with this virus,” Lamont said. health officials saw a glimmer of complacent, the head of the
epidemic Headquarters, said, as the US reported over an intelligence report, accused that Beijing apparently misled minder that "nobody is safe "Testing confirmed last hope with the epidemic slowing WHO's office in Europe said
insisted the efforts had 5,000 deaths and more than Beijingof acoverup."Howdowe the international community on with this virus" as the COVID- night that the newborn was intermsof proportional dailyin- Thursday. Dr Hans Kluge said
been successful. "Not one 200,000 infections, the highest know"iftheyareaccurate,Trump China's infections and deaths. 19 cases there crossed 3,500. COVID-19 positive. This is ab- creases in infections and deaths. age is not the only risk factor
singlepersonhasbeenin- in the world. askedatapressconference."Their China's reporting has been A report quoted officials as solutelyheartbreaking.Webe- Spain has the world’s sec- for getting a severe case of the
fected with the novel According to Johns Hopkins numbersseemtobealittlebiton intentionally incomplete, with sayingthattheinfantarrivedat lievethisisoneof theyoungest ond-highest death toll after Italy virus. “The very notion that
coronavirus in our coun- Coronavirus Resource Center, thelightside."Trumpinsistedthat some intelligence officials de- the hospital unresponsive and lives lost anywhere due at 10,003. The number of regis- COVID-19 only affects older
try so far," Pak told AFP. the number of Americans to "the relationship with China's a scribing Beijing's numbers as tested positive. “Probably the to...COVID-19," he said. tered coronavirus cases rose people is factually wrong,” he
have been infected by coron- good one" and that he remained fake, reported Bloomberg. about 8% from Wednesday to said in Copenhagen. “Young
110,238, the ministry said. The people are not invincible.”
GREECE UK set to about the same rate as the pre-
vious day. been slowing gradually since
Govtsealsoff massively “There’slightattheendof the March 25, when reported cases
migrantcamp tunnel,”HealthMinisterSalvador rose by just over 20%.

ramp up
Illa told parliament. “A glimpse Laying bare the scale of the
withcases of hope:thecurvehasstabilised.
We have reached ... the peak of
outbreak’s economic impact,
Athens: Greece on
Thursday sealed off a mi-
testing: Boris the curve and we have started
the slowdown phase.”
an unprecedented 900,000 jobs
since it went into lockdown,
grantcampnearAthensaf- Spain has been in a lockdown with temporary layoffs affecting
ter21ofitsresidentstested ADITI KHANNA sinceMarch14,allowingresidents at least a further 620,000.
positiveforthecoronavirus LONDON, APRIL 2 to leave their homes only for es- Social security data also
— beginning with a new sential trips. This week it tight- showedthataround80,000work-
mother at an Athens hos- BORIS JOHNSON, who remains enedthemeasures,withonlyem- ers are off sick with coronavirus,
pital."Fromtodaythefacil- in self-isolation after his COVID- ployees in key sectors permitted while another 170,000 are on sick
ityisplacedundersanitary 19 diagnosis last week, posted a to travel to and from work. leavebecausetheyareisolatedaf-
isolation for two weeks," new video message on social The daily increase in infec- tercomingintocontactwithsome-
themigrationministrysaid media as a health update and tions in percentage terms has onewiththevirus. REUTERS
in a statement. Hours be- also to stress that he was deter-
fore the cases were an- mined to “massively ramp up”
nounced, Prime Minister
Kyriakos Mitsotakis had
the government's testing for
coronavirus. Pak locks down Raiwind
after Tablighi Jamaat
praised safeguards at In his message posted on
Greekcamps."Ithinkwe're Twitter in the wake of the UK
prettygoodatcontacttrac- logginga563day-on-dayleapin
contact tracing at the very
death toll to hit 2,352 on
Wednesday, the British Prime
Minister described it as a “sad,
members test positive

ON THE JOB, WITH A PRAYER sad day” with a record number
of deaths in a single day.
“I want to say a special word
Jamaat) and locked up in the po-
lice stations in connection with
violation of the lockdown.

COVID-19cases Workers in protective suits pray before a disinfection operation in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Reuters about testing because… this is
how we will unlock the coron- PAKISTAN AUTHORITIES have
in March the Tablighi Jamaat
top1,000 avirus puzzle,” said Johnson,
seen dressed slightly less for-
placed the entire city of Raiwind
under quarantine, shutting
went ahead with its annual con-
gregation in Raiwind, Lahore
Brussels: The number of
deaths attributed to the
epidemic in Belgium
EU chief apologises to Italy, balks at joint debt mally without a tie and looking
visibly unwell.
“This is how we will defeat it
down all general and medical
the mobility of people within or
against its ‘advice' that the gath-
ering might spread the virus.
Pakistani authorities had urged
passed the 1,000 mark on "willallocateupto100billioneu- intheend.Whatweneedtodois outside the city after at least 40 the cancellation of the five-day
Thursday, health officials
said. The official toll in the
ROME, APRIL 2 Concerns over time ros($1.1billion)tothehardesthit
countries, starting from Italy, to
massively ramp up not just tests
so that you can know whether
TablighiJamaat preacherstested
positive, officials said Thursday.
attendedbythousandsof people
doubled in three days, in EUROPEAN COMMISSION chief
delay in taking decision compensate for the reduction in
the wages of those working on
you have had the disease in the
past, the so-called antibody
Similarly, some 50 members
of the Jamaat, including five
from several countries.
"The government's appre-
part because figures have Ursula von der Leyen told Italy shorter hours." She said the test… [also] to know whether Nigerianwomen,suspectedtobe hensions stood true as several
beenupdatedwithaback- on Thursday that European na- ATTHElastEUmeeting,leadersfailedtoagreeonacourseofac- newly agreed initiative provides they haven't got it, rather than carriers of coronavirus, are ad- Tablighi Jamaat activists have
logoffatalitiesfromretire- tions were ready to help it deal tion regarding the sharing of debt in the fight against the virus. "loansguaranteedbyallmember isolatingthemselvesathomefor mitted to a quarantine centre in tested positive for coronavirus
ment homes. There have with the coronavirus after ini- They pushed the discussion to two weeks later, though even states — thus demonstrating no reason, and that's very, very Kasur, some 50 km from Lahore. and they caused spread of it,”
now been 1,011 deaths tially focusing on "their own then,thereisnoguaranteeof anagreementbeingreached.This European solidarity". important above all for our NHS In Hyderabad city of Sindh Lahore Deputy Commissioner
and15,348recordedcases home problems". is seen as cause for concern by some member nations and ana- Von der Leyen concluded by staff,” he said. province, 38 coronavirus cases DanishAfzaalsaidinastatement.
since the start of the out- But the EU leader stopped lysts, as two weeks is considered a long time given that some proposing that "every euro still The focus on testing came as of local transmission among He said the Raiwind Tablighi
break, officials said. short of agreeing to Rome's re- countries are seen exponential jumps in their virus figures. available in the EU's annual the government has come un- members of the Tablighi Jamaat Jamaat Markez is presently
"Ninety-three percent of quest for the bloc to start issuing budget be spent on tackling the der increasing pressure over were reported on Thursday. housing approximately 600
deaths involve an elderly joint debt — dubbed "coron- crisis". "In the past month, the the low levels of tests being There are reports that the preachers. "The health teams
person of more than 65," abonds"—thatcouldletcountries case," von der Leyen wrote in European response, too many European Commission has left conducted, especially to Sindh and Punjab police have have so far sent samples of
saidDrEmmanuelAndre, address the crisis more cheaply. Italy's La Repubblica newspaper. have thought only of their own no stone unturned to help Italy," National Health Service (NHS) picked some members of the around110of themforlabanaly-
the government health "Today Europe is mobilising "Itmustberecognisedthatin home problems." Von der shewrote.SpainandFrancehave workers required on the front- Jamaatfromthemosquesandits sis and of them 41 preachers
spokesman. alongside Italy. Unfortunately, the early days of the crisis, in the Leyen's letter read. backed Italy's plea for the new line of the pandemic in hospi- Raiwind Markaz (headquarters have been tested positive for
this has not always been the face of the need for a common Von der Leyen said the EU common debt instrument. tals and clinics. PTI of the Pakistani faction of COVID-19," he said. PTI


2002 killing of Daniel Pearl: Pak court overturns Trump warns Iran against
conviction of top Al-Qaeda leader, three others attacking US troops in Iraq
headed by Justice Mohammad Pakistan’s government, then led September11,2001,hadperson-
SALMAN MASOOD Karim Khan Agha, found that by President Pervez Musharraf, ally carried out Pearl’s murder.
ISLAMABAD, APRIL 2 there had been sufficient evi-
dence to convict Sheikh of kid-
moved quickly to arrest Sheikh
Sheikh, a British national
who was trained in camps in
A PAKISTANI court on Thursday napping, but not of murder, said outcry and pressure from the Pakistan and Afghanistan, be- Tehran: Iran said on Thursday tweeted. "Don't be misled by
overturned the murder convic- Sheikh’s lawyer, Khawaja United States. longed to the militant group PRESIDENT DONALD Trump has it"onlyactsinself-defence"af- usual warmongers, AGAIN,"
tion and death sentence of NaveedAhmed.“Thecourtruled But a 2011 report, based on Jaish-e-Muhammad at the time said that Tehran should expect a ter President Donald Trump hewrote,alsocautioning"Iran
Ahmed Omar Sheikh, a British- thatthechargeof abductionwas investigative work by students of his 2002 arrest. Pakistani in- bold US response if Iran or warned it and its allies against startsnowars,butteachesles-
bornmilitantwhohadbeencon- proven,” he said. and faculty at the journalism vestigators said Sheikh lured Iranian-backed groups attack attacking US troops in Iraq. sons to those who do".
victed of masterminding the The court reduced Sheikh’s program of Georgetown Pearl by offering him an inter- AmericanforcesorassetsinIraq. "Unlike the US — which IranandtheUSareinatense
2002abductionandkillingof the sentencetosevenyears.Because University and the International view with an Islamic cleric who US-Iran tensions soared fol- surreptitiously lies, cheats & battle for influence in Iraq,
AmericanjournalistDanielPearl, Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh he has been imprisoned for 18 Consortium of Investigative hadtiestoRichardCReid,theso- lowingtheJanuary3Washington- assassinates—Iranonlyactsin where Tehran has powerful al-
lawyers said. was found guilty on a lesser years, he was expected to go free Journalists, cast doubt on the called shoe bomber. directed strike that killed Iranian self-defence,"ForeignMinister lies and Washington has close
The court also overturned charge of kidnapping. AP along with Fahad Saleem, Syed four men’s convictions. It found Sheikh has made headlines GeneralQassimSoleimanioutside Mohammad Javad Zarif ties to the government. AFP
the convictions of three other Salman Saqib and Sheikh that Sheikh and the three other from his cell over the years. In Baghdadairport. Trump said at a
men who had been serving life Muhammad Adil, the three men had been involved in the 2008, soon after Pakistani mili- briefing that his administration
sentences in the case. All four Karachi, while working onanar- other men whose convictions plot to abduct Pearl butwere not tants carried out terror attacks in has received intelligence that troops. Three separate attacks in tweeted:"Uponinformationand
men were expected to be freed ticle about Pakistani militant were overturned, Ahmed said. responsible for his murder. Mumbai, Sheikh managed to Iran is planning a strike, but did a week struck Camp Taji and belief,Iranoritsproxiesareplan-
soon, lawyers said. groupswithlinkstoAlQaeda.He Lawyers said the court had American officials have said placeacalltothen-PresidentAsif not provide additional details. Basmaya bases, killed three ning a sneak attack on US troops
Pearl, a reporter for The Wall was later beheaded. not yet issued a detailed ruling, thatthey believed Khalid Shaikh Ali Zardari, pretending to be the Iran has been blamed for an coalition servicemen, including and/or assets in Iraq. If this hap-
Street Journal, was abducted in A two-member bench of the only a brief order. Mohammed, the accused mas- Indianforeignministerandwarn- uptickinrocketattackstargeting two Americans. pens, Iran will pay a very heavy
January 2002 in the city of Sindh High Court in Karachi, Soon after Pearl’s killing, termind of the attacks of ing of an attack by India. NYT Iraqi military bases hosting US Earlier in the day, Trump price, indeed!"



`41,705 `75.59 $26.15 `38,100
*Indian basket as on March 19, 2020

SENSEX: 28,265.31 ▼1203.18 NIFTY: 8,253.80 ▼ 343.95 NIKKEI: 17,818.72 ▼ 246.69 HANG SENG: 23,280.06 ▲ 194.27 FTSE: 5,486.86 ▲ 32.29 DAX: 9,577.80 ▲ 33.05
Note: Stock, currency and bullion markets were closed on account of Ram Navami; *International market data till 1900 IST

Legal experts raise
DespiteRBIliquiditypush,banksstareatfreshNPAs ery.”ItsaidwhileRBI’spermission onealsoneedstobearinmindthat other52percentdebtistosectors

concerns, seek more SUNNYVERMA

&SANDEEPSINGH Buildupof bad to banks to offer moratorium on
servicing of bank loans until May
the Indian economy has lot of re-
silience. The three-month mora-
with moderate resilience such as

clarity from Aarogya

loanslooks 2020comesasabigbreatherinthe
immediate term, it pointed that
generators, roads and construc-
tion. Around 4 per cent of debt is
BANKS ARE bracing up for a fresh
inevitable over the near to medium term, ensurethatwetraversethisphase in sectors that are least resilient,

Setu’s privacy policy bout of non-performing assets

business operations and supply BANKSAREconcernedabouta freshwaveof non-
credit quality trends would be
to rebound from the near-stand-
with least possible disruption,” a
finance ministry official said, ask-
such as airlines, gems and jew-
given the discretionary nature of
those you have come in con- chains during the 21-day lock- performingassetsthatmay hitthemasaresultof the stilldemandsituation. to the finance ministry and the goodsandservices,andweakbal-
PRANAVMUKUL& tactwith,ofpossibleinfection. down period will take time to re- lockdown.Whilea prolongedshutdownof theeconomyis Evenbankerssayinmostofthe Reserve Bank of India seeking ancesheets,theratingagencysaid.
AASHISHAARYAN Such personal information pair. Even as the Reserve Bank of expectedtohitthemhard,the21-dayperiodisenoughto businesseswhereshopfloorfunc- comments on the story did not Edelweiss said the most vul-
NEWDELHI,APRIL2 may also be shared with such India has injected fresh liquidity causepaintolenders,especially in loanaccountsfrom tionisinvolved,suchassteel,heavy elicitanyresponse. nerablebusinesses“areobviously
other necessary and relevant intothebankingsystemandgiven sectorsincludingMSMEs,airlines,realestate, autodealers, engineering,auto,andtheirancil- GurpreetChhatwal,president, those that have borrowed or lent
FLAGGING CONCERNS over personsasmayberequiredin banks leeway to deal with poten- gemsandjewellery,metals amongothers.Araftof measures laryunits,thereisaperceptibleim- CRISIL Ratings, “We foresee India money,havehighfixedcostsorare
the privacy policy of Aarogya order to carry out necessary tialstressinloanaccounts,bankers bytheRBIwillprovidethemsomerelief duringthenext pact. Renewable power is strug- Inc’screditqualitydeterioratingin dependentonheavyhumaninter-
Setuapp,launchedbythegov- medical and administrative have discussed with the govern- threemonths,buta buildupof badloanslooksinevitable. gling because of complete thenear-term.Ourstudyof35sec- action.” While MSMEs may be a
ernment Thursday to allow reasons”. menttheirconcernsaboutMSME disruption of supply chains from tors,bothfrommanufacturingand concernforbankers,itis,however,
peopletoassessiftheyareata “There isn’t enough infor- loansandthoseextendedtoman- China,asaresultofwhichtheyare services, however, shows sharp important to note that according
risk of contracting COVID-19, mationavailableonwhatdata ufacturing sectors, such as auto, way behind on project schedules variation in resilience in a post- to the RBI’s financial stability re-
legal experts are of the view willbecollected,howlongwill steel, renewable energy, as those fore there is a demand revival. changed the outlook for Indian and could face payment issues COVID-19 landscape. Strong bal- port, the share of large borrowers
that there was a need for fur- it be stored and what uses it wherefreshNPAsarelooming. Whilemoratoriumprovidestem- banking system to negative from from their customers, the power ancesheetsorcontinuingdemand in scheduled commercial banks’
ther clarity on how the data will be put to. If the data gets Itislearnttherewasaconcern porary relief to borrowers and stable, as it expects deterioration discoms.MSMEsarethemostim- will support some sectors during totalloanportfoliosandtheirshare
collected by the app be stored shared with the government among bankers that even if the helps check the NPAs during that in banks’ asset quality due to dis- pacted,especiallyfromthelabour thecurrentlockdown.” Excluding inGNPAswasat51.8percentand
andusedbythegovernment. ofIndia,whatthegovernment lockdownisliftedonApril14, op- period, an extended lockdown is ruptionineconomicactivity. exodus.Inthesecases,what’sbeen financial sector, these 35 sectors 79.3 per cent, respectively, in
According to a statement canuseitforneedstobespec- erationsofanumberofcompanies expected to have a significant ad- In a report released Thursday, flagged is that even months after comprise 71percentofthedebtin September2019.
by the Ministry of Electronics ified.Otherwise,itwillbeavi- inspecificsectorswillnotseebusi- verseeffectontheeconomy. CRISILsaidpost-lockdown,“asset the lockdown is lifted, operations theagency’sratedportfolio. The top 100 large borrowers
&IT,theappwilltrackitsusers’ olation of the notice and con- nessgettingbacktonormalasthe Leading analysts and rating classes such as microfinance, un- maynotreturntonormalbecause Pharmaceuticals, telecom, accounted for 16.4 per cent of
“interaction with others”, and sentprinciples,”saidPrasanna labourhasmovedoutandthepro- agencies have flagged these con- secured loans, and SME borrow- of thelabourmigrationissue FMCG, fertiliser, oil refineries, SCBs’grossadvancesand16.3per
willalerttheauthoritiesifthere S,aDelhi-basedlawyer. ductionmaynotbeabletorestart. cernsintheirreports,andthestock ers (including the LAP segment) Government officials, how- power & gas distribution and cent of GNPAs. It has come down
was any suspicion of the user Onthedataretentionpart, Apartfromthese,capitalinten- markethaspunishedfinancialsec- will see continuing pressures on ever, continue to be optimistic. transmission are among the sec- since March 2019 when the top
having been in contact with the app’s privacy policy men- sive sectors such as aviation, real tor and bank stocks much more asset quality due to weaker pro- “Wedon’tthinkthelockdownwill tors — comprising nearly 44 per 100largeborrowersaccountedfor
anyinfectedperson.“Oncein- tions that all information pro- estate, consumer durables, and thansayFMCGstocks. filesofborrowersandexpectation persist beyond 21 days. While cent of the debt — which are in 16.5 per cent of SCBs’ gross ad-
stalled in a smart phone vided at the time of registra- jewellerymaytakealongtimebe- Moody’sInvestorsServicehas ofonlyagradualeconomicrecov- bankersmayhavetheirconcerns, highresiliencecategory,whilean- vancesand18.6percentofGNPAs.
through an easy and user- tionwillberetainedforaslong
friendly process, the app de- as the user’s account remains
tects other devices with in existence “and for such pe- INTERVIEW WITH BANK OF BARODA MD & CEO
Aarogya Setu installed that
come in the proximity of that
phone. The app can then cal-
riod thereafter as required for
formation may lawfully be
Pandemic may
shave almost Pressure on individual
borrowers should be less
culate the risk of infection used…”.
etersif anyof thesecontactsis
“This is only the app-side
data. What about the server
1% off global
tested positive,” the govern- side data? How long the economy: UN
after 3 months: Chadha
mentsaid. GovernmentofIndiaretainsit
The app detects other de- also needs to be specified,” The global economy may
vices with Aarogya Setu in- Prasannaargued. shrink by up to 1 per cent in
stalled that have come in the Additionally, there was 2020 due to the coronavirus
BluetoothorGPSproximityof alsoaquestionof proportion- pandemic, a reversal from SANJIV CHADHA, MD & CEO, because of the recent
one’s phone and captures this ality with the app and the forecast of 2.5 per cent Bank of Baroda, spoke to developments?
information. It recommends whetheritwillbeaseffective GEORGE MATHEW on the situ- TheRBIhasproactivelytaken
users to keep the Bluetooth as envisaged in containing
growth, the UN has said ationinthebankingsectorinthe steps anticipating likely pres-
and location sharing settings the COVID-19 outbreak. “We wake of the coronavirus out- sures which are likely tocomein
ofthedeviceswitchedonatall understandthattheseareex- Supplychaindisruption Worst-casescenario Best-casescenario break and the lockdown in the to the system. For three months,
times. The statement added traordinary times and some The analysis by the UN The world economy could With moderate declines country. Edited excerpts: we are not raising any demands
that the app’s design ensured level of data collection is re- Department of Economic and contract by 0.9 per cent in in private consumption, in terms of installments. We be-
“privacy-first”. It said that the quired but the question is Social Affairs said the 2020 investment and exports How is the banking sector lieve that as long as we return to
personal data collected by the howeffectiveisthis.Oursitu- pandemic is disrupting supply and offsetting increases proceeding on the issue normalcy within the three-
app was encrypted using ation is different than chains and international trade 1.7% in government spending of the three-month month period which we antici-
“state-of-the-art technology Singapore, where a good The world economy had in the G7 countries moratorium on term loans? pate as of now, these pressures
andstayssecureonthephone number of people would Millions of workers are facing contracted by 1.7 per cent and China, global growth We’re now living in difficult shouldbeless,particularlyonin-
till it is needed for facilitating havesmartphones.Thisraises the bleak prospect of during the global financial would fall to 1.2 per cent times. There are physical chal- dividuals. When it comes to cor-
medicalintervention”. a concern of proportionality. losing their jobs crisis in 2009 in 2020 lenges in terms of people trans- porates, there are different sec-
However,theapp’sprivacy Thereareothermeansfortry- acting in their accounts, coming tors which are likely to be
policyreads:“Anypersonalin- ingtoachieve thisfor acoun- to the branches and the lock- impacted. I think an assessment
formation uploaded to the try like ours,” said Prasanth Situation prior to the outbreak: The analysis noted that before the outbreak of Source: down. We have implemented of what the impact is likely to be
cloudwillonlybeusedforthe Sugathan, volunteer legal di- the COVID-19, world output was expected to expand at a modest pace of 2.5 per UN/PTI moratorium across the board, and any sector specific solution
purpose of informing you, or rector, cent in 2020, as reported in the World Economic Situation and Prospects 2020 as has been allowed by the RBI. are also incentivising them is required can be done once the
We have told customers that if every day, so that they do five lockdown is lifted on April 14.
there are some debits, we will transactions daily. In a week or Airlines, hotels, cinema halls etc
reverse the transactions. We ten days, once money starts are sectors that could be im-
BRIEFLYInternational flights will be ‘Manufacturing activity have not raised demands but
very often customers have
coming in, all our branches,
ATMs and BCs will be open and
pacted as of today.

HDFCGroup permitted after April 15 on weakens in March, biz given instructions that please
debit from the account. In these
function fully so that money
which is sent is received in the
Do you expect more
measures from the RBI or the
pledges`150cr cases also, we have given the accounts and disbursed. government for the banking

toPM-CARES case-by-case basis: Puri sentiment at record low’

option of reversing the transac- sector?
tions and crediting back money Has banking business come Given the current situation,
to the customers. down because of the theRBIhasdoneeverythingthat
New Delhi: HDFC Group on PRESSTRUSTOFINDIA Indiahasallowed PMI has remained above the 50- lockdown and virus? was possible. The challenge for
Thursdaysaidithascommit- NEWDELHI,APRIL2 countriesliketheUS,UK PRESS TRUST OF INDIA point mark. Have you curtailed the All thecustomerswill getthe the industry may be beyond
ted Rs 150 crore to the PM- NEW DELHI, APRIL 2 InPMIparlance,aprintabove services in the wake of minimumserviceswhicharere- what a bank can do. For that, a
CARES Fund to support the THEGOVERNMENTonThursday andGermanytoconduct 50 means expansion, while a coronavirus and lockdown? quired. This means they will be sector-specific solution may be
government in its relief and said resumption of international specialflightsduringthe THE COUNTRY’S manufacturing score below that denotes con- We have something like 3 able to operate their accounts, required.
rehabilitationmeasures. flights will be considered on a sector activity grew at the slow- traction. crore accounts. The government deposit cash, receive cash, make
case-by-casebasis,dependingon est rate in four months during Moreover,theconfidenceto- is now sending money to these transfers… there are limited Do you think credit offtake
PetronetLNG which countries they are coming
from, after April 15 when the 21-
March, hampered by softer rises
in new business as international
wards the business outlook
accounts and all these people
would want to access their ac-
services which are offered at the
branches. When it comes to dig-
will improve in the wake of
the reduction in Repo rate
contributes day lockdown to fight the coron-
avirus ends in India.
lockdown to take their citizens
back home.
demand faltered owing to the
coronavirus pandemic, a
positivity tapered by COVID-19
concerns, the survey said.
counts. We are making sure that
all our branches are open, all our
ital channels like ATM, they are
working exactly as normal.
and other measures by the
`100crore Civil Aviation Minister
Hardeep Singh Puri said Indians
services to countries such as
monthly survey said on
“Should the trajectory of in-
jections continue in the same
ATMs are open and business
correspondents (BC) are work-
We’re not focusing on opening
of new accounts.
As far as we’re concerned,
even before these measures
NewDelhi:PetronetLNGhas who are stranded in several for- Germany,UKandFrancetofacili- The headline seasonally ad- vein, the Indian manufacturing ing. As of today, despite restric- came in, our credit resources
contributed Rs 100 crore to eigncountrieswillhavetowaittill tate return of their citizens. justed IHS Markit India sectorcanexpectamuchsharper tions, 99 per cent of our Have you come across cash were almost fully deployed. We
thePM-CARESFund.PLLbe- April15toreturntoIndia,suggest- AirIndiahasalsogotapproval ManufacturingPMIfellto51.8in negative impact in the coming branches are open and more shortage in part of the did not have surplus funds to
ing a responsible corporate, ing flights taking foreign nation- from Indian and Chinese author- March,from54.5inFebruary,sig- months,similartothescaleseen than 90 per cent of the ATMs are country? park with the RBI. However, as a
said MD & CEO Prabhat alstotheirnationsfromIndiawill ities for operating cargo flights to nallingtheslowestimprovement in other countries,” Kerr said. functional. We have also got Not really. As I said our ATMs result of new measures like CRR
Singh, will ensure seamless not bring back any passengers. Shanghai and Hong Kong to get in business conditions since According to the survey, the money to BCs so that they can are working above normal. reduction and MSF facility being
supplyof LNG. India has allowed countries medical supplies, Chairman and November 2019. sentiment towards the 12- buy sanitisers, masks and other There’s no shortage of cash. expanded,moreliquidity willbe
like the US, UK and Germany to Managing Director Rajiv Bansal This is the 32nd consecutive month business outlook weak- safeguards so that they can con- available. This will be made
NHIDCL conductspecialflightsduringthe said on Thursday. month that the manufacturing ened in March. duct the transactions safely. We Do you see a spike in NPAs available to our borrowers.

Oil jumps 23% on likely Saudi Arabia-Russia deal
New Delhi: The National
Highways & Infrastructure
Development Corporation
Jan Dhan accounts from today EU announces REUTERS
work scheme,
salary of its staff, to the PM-
Women PMJD* Date**
and April 9 in order to maintain
OIL PRICES jumped over 20 per
cent on Thursday after US aid for farmers
STARTING FRIDAY, banks will a/c ending with derlywithdrawalofmoneybythe President Donald Trump said he
All-timehigh start depositing Rs 500 per
month into Jan Dhan account of
0 or 1 Apr 3
beneficiaries. IBA said account
holders can withdraw money as
outputofbauxite, eachof thewomenbeneficiaries.
A total of three monthly instal-
2 or 3
4 or 5
Apr 4
Apr 7
per their convenience and need
not rush for withdrawals.
$30.54abarrelby12:23p.m.EDT THE EUROPEAN Commission
alumina:NALCO ments will be credited in these
accounts under the Pradhan
6 or 7 Apr 8 Theaccountsarebeingsched-
uled for disbursement based on
Intermediate (WTI) crude rose ApassengeratGuarulhosInternationalAirportinBraziI. Reuters
proposed on Thursday a package
of measures to soften the impact
New Delhi: National Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana, as 8 or 9 Apr 9 thelastdigitof theaccountnum- $4.91, or 24.2 per cent, to $25.22. of the coronavirus pandemic on
Aluminium Company Ltd part of relief measures an- *Women PMJD account bersofthebeneficiaries.Atotalof US stock indices fell at the the EU economy, including a
(NALCO) has recorded over nounced by the government last holders having account 20.40 crore women account- openonThursdayafterUSjobless BA temporarily lays off 28K; Boeing may follow short-timeworkschemeandeas-
100percentcapacityutilisa- month to help the poor during number with last digit as ... holders are expected to benefit claims blew past a record 6 mil- Seattle/London:IAG-ownedBritish atheadoffice. ieraccesstofundsforfarmersand
tion,asperarelease.NALCO’s the lockdown that is in place to *Date on which amount could from government’s move. The lion. The Dow Jones Industrial Airways has temporarily laid off Meanwhile, Boeing Chief fishermen.
Panchpatmali Mines has combat spread of COVID-19. be withdrawn by the government would spend Rs Averagefell124.05points,or0.59 28,000 of its employees, AFP re- Executive Officer Dave Calhoun To prevent firms from laying
achieved bauxite output of “UnderPradhanMantriGarib beneficiaries 31,000croreforthispurpose.The percent,attheopento20,819.46. portedonWednesday. outlined a plan of voluntary lay- off workers when there is not
73.02lakhMT,whichishigh- KalyanPackage,asumof·500per Source: IBA government had also said it will In Japan, the Nikkei ended down The airline reached a broad offs for employees on Thursday, enough work, the Commission
est ever. Bauxite transporta- monthisbeingdepositedintothe transfer Rs 2,000 into the ac- 1.37 per cent. European stocks dealwithUniteunionthatwillin- while warning that the coron- proposed that all EU countries
tionhasgoneupto73.02lakh accounts of Women Jan Dhan counts of farmers under the PM made tentative gains, with the cludesuspensionofjobsof80per avirus pandemic would have a adopt a German scheme under
MT,alsohighestever. ENS Yojana beneficiaries by all Banks. ments,”IndianBanks’Association KISANschemeinthefirstweekof pan-European STOXX 600 gain- cent of BA’s cabin crew, ground lastingimpactontheglobalaero- which employers cut working
This is first of the monthly instal- said in a statement on Thursday. April, covering 8.7 crore farmers. ing 0.5 per cent. staff,engineersandthoseworking space industry. AGENCIES hours, not jobs.

The Getty Museum’s challenge, where it asked people to
recreate a work of art with objects and people in their
homes, has gone viral. One user has recreated Francis
Barraud’s His Master’s Voice, while another has depicted
Art, Music, Style, Food The Astronomer by Johannes Vermeer (pictured).

SNAPSHOTS Nowhere to Ride

With most restaurants closed, delivery riders are
finding it hard to make ends meet

Colours of Hope Restaurants across India are shut

BRITISH ARTIST David Hockney, 82, Amit Mehra; (above) food being
hasunveiledacollectionof worksthat prepared at one of Zorawar Kalra’s
he has created during isolation at his outlets for the underprivileged
Normandy home. The ten new im-

Not Much on Their Plate

ages created on his iPad capture the
arrival of spring, in a bid to offer peo-
ple “a respite from the news”. One of
the paintings, titled Do Remember
They Can’t Cancel the Spring, features
bright yellow daffodils in front of a
gloomy, grey mass, depicting a splash Finding it difficult to survive the lockdown, restaurants petition for bailout
of colour being added to the dark
timesduetotheCOVID-19pandemic. packages and reach out to their patrons with food delivery options Riders waiting for food delivery orders in Delhi Surbhi Gupta
He had captured the spring in a simi-
lar fashion in East Yorkshire around a diners. In the meantime, he is channelising
decade ago. DIVYAA his resources for charity. “Currently, we are thought it was better to return home than
We have sought concessions cookinginGurgaonandMumbaifortheun- SURBHI GUPTA tobebeatenup,”says Jaiprakash.“Thenext
IN 1996, when American fast food chain from tax authorities, statutory derprivileged,” he adds. day,whenIwasonmywaytopickanorder,
McDonald’smadeitsforayintoIndiawithan bodies and financial institutions Anahita Dhondy, Chef-Partner at ZOMATO DELIVERY rider Tanay Roy, 28, a police officer abused me and said that
outlet in Delhi, it was eagerly welcomed by so that our limited cash flows are SodaBottleOpenerWala, has started sharing has been waiting to collect an order for the while the world is dying,I onlycared about
Indians,mostofwhomhadlimitedexposure deployed towards the well-being live cooking videos on her social media ac- last 40 minutes, in south Delhi's Vasant food deliveries. I felt bad, so I returned
to international cuisines till then. Over the counts. She is also using this time to restruc- Kunj, but hard luck. "A siren will ring when home again,” he adds. While the police is
of our employees tureoperationsandplanmenuitemsthatcan a new order is assigned, so you'll know," he no longer stopping the riders, customers
inIndia,buildingnotjustawarenessaboutin- ANURAG KATRIAR be easily delivered. “Our restaurants are not says. As several other riders drive past him, can also be rude and several colonies do
ternational flavours but also prompting PRESIDENT, NRAI evenlocatedatisolatedplacessothatwecan he comments how everyone is having a not allow them to enter. “We can sit at
Indians to discover fine dining. open up and use the kitchens for deliveries. hardtime.“If theyhadorderstodeliver,you home and not work, but we have children
Withthegrowthof therestaurantindus- We can only wait,” says Dhondy. would not find them driving so slowly,” to feed,” says another rider on condition
try coinciding with the growth of the great India (NRAI), which according to its website Amit Bagga, Co-founder and CEO of says he. Working with Zomato for a year of anonymity.
Indianmiddleclass,theIndianrestaurantin- “represents5,00,000+restaurants,anindus- Daryaganj,ayear-oldbrandwithfouroutlets now, he adds, “Usually, if I work for 12 Most companies have instructed their
Rest in Peace dustry was pegged at Rs 45,000 crore at
theturnof thecentury,growingat15-20per
try valued Rs 4 lakh crore”, has approached
in Delhi, says, “Our newest restaurant in
hours, I earn about Rs 1,000. I would make
20 to 30 deliveries a day; now there are not
employees to wear gloves and use masks
and sanitisers. “We prefer to buy them on
AWARD-WINNINGsinger-songwriter cent annually. Katriar, NRAI President, says, “The biggest down. For any fine diner, new or old, over- more than two to three.” our own than go to the company’s office.
Adam Schlesinger (pictured) died in The COVID-19 outbreak, however, has worry right now is more human than com- headcostsaremassive.Whileouroperations Heisnotalone.Severalridersfromfood TheZomatooutletisinMadangir(inDelhi)
New York after being diagnosed with broughtthatmomentumtoascreechinghalt. mercial. We have sought concessions from teams are working from home, trying to delivery companies Zomato and Swiggy and it takes a lot of time and petrol to go
COVID-19. He was best known as the Whileseveralrestaurantsclosedevenbefore taxauthorities,statutorybodiesandfinancial streamline operations and replan the menu, canbeseen parkedalong theroadsincities there, which we cannot afford, as we are
bass player and co-songwriter of the nationwide lockdown was announced institutionssothatourlimitedcashflowsare we are paying full salaries to our restaurant across India. With eateries in the malls daily wagers,” says Brajesh Kumar, 30.
Fountains Of Wayne, the power pop fromMarch25,theonesthatareopendonot deployedtowardsthewell-beingof ourem- staff who can’t be engaged at the moment.” shut, there are only a handful standalone Contactlessdeliveriesarealsobeingen-
band whose hits include Stacy’s mom allowsit-downdiners.Thesectorisnowcal- ployees.”NRAIisencouragingrestaurantstaff Several restaurants, meanwhile, are also restaurantsthataresendingouttakeaways. couraged. “We suggest people who have
and Hey julie. In 2019, he won the culating how to survive. toseekworkwithonlinegrocerystores,such considering switching to deliveries. While Most riders are reportedly earning Rs 200 ordered cash on delivery to make pay-
Emmy for outstanding original music Dining out platform Dineout has filed a asBigBasketandGrofers,whoarestruggling Kalra is still toying with the idea, a day, a steep decline from the usual in- ments through e-wallets,” says Roy.
andlyricsforAntidepressantsaresonot to keep up with the increase in orders. Padmanabhan, a South Indian restaurant in come of Rs 900 to 1,000. While Zomato co-founder Deepinder
a big deal, and won a Grammy in 2009 to Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman. It Zorawar Kalra, Managing Director, Delhi, has created a limited delivery menu, Jaiprakash, father of three, shares that Singh tweeted on March 25 that he would
forAColbertChristmas:TheGreatestGift reads:“TheF&Bindustryemploysmorethan MassiveRestaurants,thatruns25restaurants and delivers free of cost in a five-km radius. he has made 40 deliveries in the last one start a “fund to cover up the lost earnings
Of All. Meanwhile, in New Jersey, 7.3 million people. If this shutdown contin- in nine cities, including Farzi Cafe, Masala “We call our chefs on rotation to cater to 30- week, earning around Rs 2,000, with zero for thousands of their delivery partners”,
Grammy-winning jazz trumpeter, ues, 20 to 25 per cent of the employee base LibraryandPaPaYa,says,“Therestaurantin- 35 orders a day, and send our own boys for income on March 24, and Rs 20 on March over 12 riders, who The Indian Express
Wallace Roney, who is celebrated for couldlosetheirjobs.”Theyhavesoughtanin- dustry,whichisanon-essentialservice,isgo- contactless delivery,” says Vidur Kanodia, 25, when the nationwide lockdown was spoke to, said they were yet to hear of any
his interpretations of Miles Davis’s troductionof employeeunemploymentpay ing to suffer a major setback due to the Partner at Padmanabhan. He plans to con- followed by reports of delivery personnel compensation. On Tuesday, Swiggy also
compositions,alsodiedaftercontract- cover,defermentofrentandutilitypayments, COVID-19 outbreak.” He warns that even af- tinuewithhomedeliveryafterthelockdown being assaulted by the police. “When the announced a relief fund called Swiggy
ing COVID-19. He had won a Grammy and a moratorium for the upcoming statu- ter things start opening, it will take long for ends. “The industry will take a long time to policestoppedme,Icalledmyteam leader, Hunger Saviour Covid Relief Fund for “the
in1994forthealbumATributetoMiles. tory dues. premiumrestaurantstogetbackclienteleas bounceback.Intheinterim,wewillcontinue who was busy in a meeting and told me to safety and welfare of delivery partners and
The National Restaurant Association of foreigntravellersformamajorchunkoftheir with whatever keeps us going,” he adds. call later. Since he did not respond, I their families”.

OVER THE HEDGE by Michael Fry & T Lewis

ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 20) LIBRA (Sep 24 - Oct 23)
In spite of the fact What comes to light
that everyone over the next few
appears determined days should
to pick up the wrong strengthen your
end of the stick, this does seem bargaining power. You should
to be a good time to at least check out any legal, ethical or
attempt to communicate. There longterm issues today, so that
is bound to be some when an opportunity does
considerable exaggeration, but come along, you are well
if you take big promises with a primed — and can do your best
pinch of salt, then you should by other people.
protect yourself against
major blunders. SCORPIO (Oct 24 - Nov 23)
You do have a sense
TAURUS (Apr 21 - May 21) of humour, even if
The next forty-eight some people don’t
hours should raise believe it. The
CALVIN & HOBBES by Bill Watterson the financial moment has come for you to
temperature. Do lead others a merry dance -
concentrate on your own which is just what they
interests, in spite of the fact the deserve. Do keep a very careful
others may have their own eye on the financial situation,
rather complex demands. partly because a partner is
ACROSS DOWN Partners could still be rather liable to take up a rather
1 Two male animals bound for 1 To live well is right fractious, and a loved one may extreme position.
cover (7) (5) need placating.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 24 - Dec 22)
5 One with no faith in father 2 One hundred and two rings to GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) Now that one series
backing a horse (5) make one call (3) The Moon is now of intensely personal
8 Inflowing currency (5,4) 3 Went on the right lines offering you a great planetary aspects is
9 It has a strong pull in the port (4) deal of on the wane, you
trade (3) 4 A girl to help people out encouragement and should begin to feel slightly less
(6) you may right hassled. Yet don’t expect
10 Such a fuss getting to the party
wrongs, make up for injustices genuine relaxation until after
(2-2) 5 Cleaning down (8)
and generally correct a serious another few days have passed.
12 No occasion for generosity in 6 Well past one’s prime, yet still personal imbalance. Don’t Actually, you’re most relaxed
the interim? (8) making progress (7,2) imagine that you can get away when you’re busy.
14 These teeth are our last (6) 7 Slight oversight (7) with half-measures, though. It’s
CAPRICORN (Dec 23 - Jan 20)
15 Think back about the capital of
Germany, sir (6)
11 A dog’s upset the paint (9) MARVIN by Tom Armstrong time to go the whole way.
You should spend a
13 The answer to a mix-up CANCER (June 22 - July 23) little time tuning
17 Dead estate agent (8) (8) Make the fullest your body up, with
18 Photographwithoutwarning(4) 14 Breathes with difficulty and possible advantage special attention to
21 Energy with which an opening gags (7) of a series of exercise and diet. You are
may be closed (3) 16 Cooperate with Italian splendid planetary slightly sensitive at the
scoundrel (6) aspects. Probably the prime moment, and any emotional
22 Careless way to get into debt (9)
consideration is to see that you stress could leave you feeling
24 Fascinating lady may stop 19 Sat when asked (5)
take a little time off by under the weather. That’s why
people working (5) 20 It’s usually beaten in time yourself. Also, please don’t partners should be nice to you. I
25 Unkempt politician is ruled (4) believe unfounded rumours or know it, and you know it, but I
out (7) 23 Low form of night-life (3) imagine that others are hope they know it.
undermining you.
AQUARIUS (Jan 21- Feb 19)
SolutionsCrossword4081:Across:1Category,5Cafe,9Lorna,10Craving,11 LEO (July 24 - Aug 23) You may leave
Personagrata,13Putoff,14Writhe,17Preparations,20Entreat,21Niece,22Yard, You’ve got more yourself enough
23Idolatry.Down:1Calf,2Torment,3Glassofwater,4Racing,6Anita,7Engraved, personal choices time for a spot of
coming up. The self-indulgence,
question is whether but should realise that
you would rather certain planets are tipping
spend time with friends who you into excess. That would
JUMBLED WORDS DifficultyLevel3s
may be pleasant but dull, or
with intimate partners who
never do. Remember the
dangers of swinging to

Instructions may be highly stimulating but emotional extremes or of

Givenbelowarefourjumbledwords.Solvethejumblestomakeproperwordsandmovethemto TosolveaSudokupuzzle, also rather complicated putting too many demands
therespectivesquaresbelow.Selectthelettersintheshadedsquaresandjumblethemtoget everydigitfrom1to9 and unpredictable. on partners.

theanswerforthegivenquip. mustappearineachofthe
____isnotaonetimeevent-AudreLorde(10) VIRGO (Aug 24 - Sep 23) PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20)
nineverticalcolumns,in If you have not There is still a
eachoftheninehorizontal already had some considerable
ATEOR IISTLN rowsandineachofthe sort of completely amount of tension,
nineboxes. random and ill- but life could be
considered argument, extremely exciting if you
whether with a close partner have a private goal that
FSIOT AELUUV DifficultyLevel
or a complete stranger, it may you are determined to
yet happen. Mind you, achieve. Only Pisceans
1s=Veryeasy;2s=Easy; sometimes it does you good to who are totally dedicated to a
3s=Medium;4s=Hard; blow your top. It’s just that passive lifestyle will resent all
5s=VeryHard;6s= you have to clear up the those mounting personal
Answer: Revolution is not a onetime event - Audre Lorde Genius mess afterwards. pressures.

THE INDIAN EXPRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 2020 Here’s a thought .. The IPL is played for the 5
weeks leading up to the T20 World Cup in Oz ..
all players use it as the great warm up for the WC
.. then the WC happens .. So important for the
game that the IPL takes place but also the WC.”

India was supposed to start its four-month countdown to the Olympics this moment. But forced into an unprecedented, grim lockdown as the
world battles the Covid-19 outbreak, sport is staring at unfathomable despair. Indian athletes though have given the country reasons to rejoice in
the past. The Indian Express looks back at a bunch of these memories.

‘Vajpayee called me Bharat ki beti’

Malleswari regrets
missing the gold but
still relishes talking
about the PM’s call and
his shaayari that she THOSE MONTHS
couldn’t understand THOSE MINUTES
TO THIS day, former weightlifter Karnam
Malleswari remains an underappreciated
Olympic medallist in Indian history. It’s six
months shy of the 20th anniversary of her
She was the first Indian woman to win an
Olympic medal. Add to that two World
Championship golds and two bronze
medals apart from two silver at the Asian
Games – the 1990s saw the five-feet-four
weightlifter from Voosavanipeta, Andhra
Pradesh dominate the international scene -
culminating in her greatest moment at the
beginning of this century in Sydney.
Her greatest moment for everyone, ex-
cept her. When one is really good at some-
ing third is a disappointment that refuses to 19/09
fade away. ‘Mycoachescouldhaveaskedme
“My immediate reaction was that I had toliftmore...2.5-5kgmore’
never gonethere for bronze and I always felt
I deserved a gold. I had worked that hard. If
I thought my capacity was to just win In her 20s, Malleswari had to go through
bronze, I would have been fine with it. But more hoops and roadblocks than any aver-
because of someone else’s fault (more on ageIndianOlympicathletehas togothrough
that later), I came down to bronze,” today.Andafteralltheseyears,shedescribes
Malleswari recalls. the struggle that ended up shaping her.
“But the next day, I realised that the “The support that was truly required, like
whole of India was celebrating my win. This going to a foreign country to train before the
medal didn’t feel my own, but the whole Olympics, was never there for me. In Patiala,
country’s. That made me feel a little better. the temperature can soar up to 45 degrees.
Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee called Today, the training centre over there is fully
me later that day. He congratulated me and air-conditioned. When we trained, we had
called me ‘Bharat ki beti’. He was also recit- to open a window – no fans, no coolers.
ing some shaayari – main sun rahi thi but Afternoon sessions meant changing t-shirts
samajh kuch nahi aa raha tha,” she laughs. atleast6-7times.Anddespiteallthefacilities
The conversation with former Prime in the world, the sad part is that my records,
Minister is one of her happier memories of my performances, have still not been over-
the Sydney experience. On the night of taken or beaten in the country,” says the 44-
September 18, the eve of her event, year old, who now runs her own weightlift-
Malleswari was anxious, and like most ing centre along with her husband.
nights before any competition, couldn’t eat Even before the 2000 Olympics,
anything. Malleswari was one of the best in the world.
“I had won medals everywhere by then Her last major medal was the Olympic
andwhenyoubecomeanathleteof thatcal- bronze. She had already won two golds, two
ibre, the expectations of people take on an- bronze and two silvers at the Worlds and the
other level. The Olympics is a big dream for Asian Gamesfrom1993-1999beforeSydney
every player. If we miss one Olympics, there happened. But the talent she possessed and
is noguaranteethatfour yearslater you’llget three of my lifts very cleanly and easily. I had ● ● ● her coaches made, is an unending blame the grit she showcased was never appreci-
that same opportunity — especially in the capacity to lift 2.5-5 kilos more in that game. Malleswari would lift 137.5kgs from ated in her prime and that’s a grudge she still
The next morning, Malleswari plucked
category,” she claims.
In the clean and jerk, things didn’t pan
“In 1994, there were three the ground, but couldn’t complete the jerk,
possibly letting go of the gold medal. Her fi-
some flowers from nearby and after a pooja
with an idol of Ganesha that she carried
out as she had hoped.
“For the last lift, normally the procedure
world champions. Me, nal total weight lifted after both events
would be 240 kgs, 2.5 kgs short of the gold
ons from India. Me, Sushmita Sen and
Aishwarya Rai. I did it in sports, they became
around with her for all competitions, left for is to increase the weight by a maximum of Sushmita Sen and and silver medal positions. She believes a Miss Universe and Miss World. The whole
the Sydney Convention and Exhibition 2.5 kgs. This is done because this is your last successful clean-and-jerk lift of 132.5kg world came to receive them at the airport
Centre. chance and if you miss it, the competition is Aishwarya Rai. The world would have put her right in the mix for the when they returned to India. They got huge
WeightliftingcontestsattheOlympicsin- over right there and then. If you have to take topspotonthepodium,nottomentionabig- sponsors, became film stars… hum log auto
cludetwoevents–snatchandcleanandjerk. a risk, it has to be in the first lift or second lift came to receive them at the ger lift in snatch. rickshaw dhoond dhoond ke Nehru Stadium
That day, in the 69 kg snatch category, – because if you can’t lift your weight in the Malleswari has, on multiple occasions, gaye.” She adds, “In 1995, I became World
Malleswari’s first lift was 105 kg, followed by firsttry,thereisachancetofindyourbalance airport ... hum log auto talked about how lifting 137.5 kg was possi- Champion, broke records. In 1999, Iwas con-
107.5 kg and then 110 kg. She was successful and try again. My coaches asked me to lift ble for her but on that day, she couldn’t pull ferred the Padma Shri. I was the first Indian
on all three attempts and, according to her, 137.5 kg in the final lift, a jump of 7.5 kg from rickshaw dhoond dhoond ke off the play that would have likely changed woman to win an Olympic medal, breaking
did it with ease. my previous lift. I still don’t understand why the colour of her medal. But even after al- 100 years of history. But the central govern-
“My coaches could have asked me to lift they did it when it wasn’t required.” Nehru Stadium gaye.” most20years,nooneinIndiahascomeclose ment never gave me another award. No
a bit more than what I did. I had picked all Whether it was her own call or one that to her record and performances. Padma Bhushan or Padma Vibhushan.”

‘Global football could emerge better after crisis’ BRIEFLY

Meanwhile, lessons may also be learned
Nationalcommittees statementonThursday.Thedecisionisset
to be validated at a General Assembly on
AGENCEFRANCE-PRESSE Boateng fined for visiting son without permission abouthowTVrevenueisdistributedinfuture. havefinalsayon April 15, meaning that Club Brugge would
Paris:BayernMunichhavefineddefender "These guidelines govern the behav- Fewer games qualifiedathletes bedeclaredchampionsastheycurrentlysit
FOOTBALL HAS ground to a halt due to the JeromeBoatengforleavingthecity"with- iour of the FC Bayern players in the cur- It may also be time to rework the fixture Inastatement,theleaguesaiditwas"very
coronavirus pandemic, and the immediate out permission", an act in breach of the rentsituationinlinewithgovernmentdi- calendar. The fashion for expanding existing Athens: Athletes already qualified for the unlikely"tobeabletoholdmatchesbefore
concern is the simple survival of many clubs strict rules of confinement imposed due rectivesonrestrictionsonmovementand tournaments -- like staging a 48-team World Tokyo 2020 Olympics will need to be June 30 and that it had "unanimously de-
because of the financial impact, but there is to the coronavirus outbreak. the recommendations of the health au- Cup and 24-team Club World Cup -- is surely picked again by their respective National cidedthatitwasnotdesirable...tocontinue
hope that the global game could ultimately According to TVO television, the 31- thorities." not sustainable. "It is now high time that we Olympic Committees to compete at the the competition" after that date. Belgium
emerge better from this crisis. year-old had left the city in order to visit Bayern did not specify the amount of find some rules to say ok, let's get out of this postponed Games in 2021, the wouldbecomethefirstEuropeanleagueto
"Wearelivingthroughsomethingnoneof his son who suffered minor injuries in a the fine which was being donated to lo- crisis as well as we can, but let's also put safe- InternationalOlympicCommitteesaidon takesuchameasure.
uswereusedtoandwhichwillchangeuspro- road traffic accident on Tuesday. cal hospitals. guards in that manage player loads success- Thursday. "All of the qualifications that
Corriere dello Sport.
Munich yesterday without permission
"I know it was certainly a mistake not
to inform the club of my journey, but at
fully moving forward," warned Jonas Baer-
have been achieved by National Olympic
Committees and individual athletes re- D/Lmethodco-inventor
Not since World War II has the sport been
forced to stop across Europe. The sudden in-
from the club," said the German champi-
ons in a statement.
the time, I was only thinking about my
son,"Boateng told Bild newspaper.
union FIFPro, as he called for "a much health-
ier set-up than we what have had lately."
main in place," IOC Sports director Kit
McConnell said in a conference call. "Any
terruption has exposed the deficiencies of a "Boateng has transgressed the guide- "He was not in good health. If a son FIFA president Gianni Infantino has ac- athlete needs to be individually selected London: Tony Lewis, co-inventor of the
system intoxicated by huge sums of money. lines issued by the club by being too far calls his father, then of course I will go, knowledged the calls for change, telling La because they represent their NOC. In all Duckworth-Lewis method for settling
Cutbacks are inevitable in the short term. away from his home. whatever the time of day." AFP Gazzetta dello Sport that "we can perhaps re- sports the NOC retains the right to select weather-affected cricket matches, has
"TV money will go down, players and formworldfootballbytakingastepback.With the athletes." Some 57% of the 11,000 ath- died aged 78. Former university lecturer
coacheswillearnless.Ticketswillcostlessbe- differentformats.Fewertournaments,maybe letes had already qualified for the Tokyo Lewis,togetherwithmathematicianFrank
cause people will have less money. The econ- game." Atthemomentthefinancialpowerbe- club in the world -- have agreed a 70 percent fewer teams, but more balanced." Games before qualification tournaments Duckworth,devisedtheformulathatwas
omy will be different and so will football. longstotheluckyfewatthetop,buteventhey pay cut. Clubs across Europe are taking simi- Goldblatt,meanwhile,believesFIFAneedto were scrapped as the virus spread. first used in match between Zimbabwe
Maybe it will be better," said Ancelotti. arebeinghurt.Thatislikelytoaffectthetrans- lar measures. It is evidence that clubs, even in look again at plans to stage a 48-team World and England in 1997 and adopted by the
"As with most things, crisis is an opportu-
nity," football historian and academic David
ers could become a thing of the past.
the elite, have been living on the edge, and it
raises the question of whether salary caps
Cup in 2026 all across North America.
That,andtheEuropeanChampionshipthat ClubBruggedeclared InternationalCricketCouncil(ICC)in1999.
"It is with much sadness that the ECB has
Goldblatt, author of recent book The Age of
Football, told AFP, before sounding a warning.
"In two or three years, it will not be possi-
the difficulties presented by EU rules.
tinent, are being planned in ways which ap-
Belgianleaguechamps learnedof thepassingof TonyLewisMBE.
Our thoughts are with Tony's family," the
causeeverycountrywillbeaffected.Inalllike- In Germany, the Bundesliga's four pear at odds with the need to face up to an- Paris: The Belgian football league has rec- England and Wales Cricket Board said on
Fairer distribution of money? lihood a new footballing world will emerge Champions League representatives this sea- other imminent threat: climate change. ommendedthatthecurrentseasonbede- Twitter."Cricketisdeeplyindebtedtoboth
"Itcouldactuallygetworse.Fortheretobe from this," insisted former Bayern Munich son have pledged 20 million euros ($22 mil- "If we have learned anything from the last clared finished early due with the present Tony and Frank's contributions to the
realchangetherehastobeachangeintheway president Uli Hoeness. lion)tohelpcrisis-hitclubsinanencouraging couple of months it is that we should listen to league table accepted as final, it said in a sport." AGENCIES
power and ownership is distributed in the Already players at Barcelona -- the richest sign of solidarity. the scientists," Goldblatt says.

Vol XX : No. 969 Regd. No. RNI 46944/87, Registration No. PR/RNP/PNE/D/11/2000. Printed and published by Vaidehi Thakar on behalf of The Indian Express (P) Limited and Printed at The Indian Express (P) Limited Press, Survey No. 288, Plot No. 1 and 2, Raisoni Industrial Park, Village Maan, Taluka Mulshi, District Pune 411027 and Published at
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