Instructional Design The Development of Narrative Text Using Picture Series Media

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Arranged by:

1. Fujiana Santoso

2. Miftakhul Jannah

3. Nita Asdiyatma

4. Putri Mustika

5. Zandra Yolanda d.p



A. Background of the Study

(By: Fujiana Kurnia Santoso)
Instructional design is the creation of learning experiences and
materials in a manner that results in the acquisition and application of
knowledge and skills. The discipline follows a system of assessing needs,
designing a process, developing materials and evaluating its effectiveness.
In the context of workplace learning, Instructional Design provides a
practical and systematic process for effectively designing effective
Writing is one of the most essential skills that should be mastered by
students in learning English. Through the learning of writing, students are
expected to be able to express their ideas and thoughts to improve their

communication skill. According to Winch et al. (2006 cited in Handayani, 2013: 2) writing is a great collector of ideas, a clarifier of thinking,
and a major aspect of learning. This means that by mastering writing skill,
students will gain a great deal of benefit to put their ideas and thoughts in
a clear, systematic manner.
Despite such a benefit, writing is regarded as one of the language
skills that is very difficult for students to master. This is in line with
Richards and Renandya’s (2002) observation, which concludes that
writing is the most difficult skill for foreign language learners to acquire.
There are some language components that students should master
beforehand in writing. Those components are vocabulary, grammar,
organization and mechanic. Moreover, these students are also required to
follow some processes such as drafting, revising, and writing the final
draft (Oshima and Hogue, 1999). However, generally not all students can
master all of those aspects and processes due to some reasons. In many
instances, many of them find it hard to organize sentences as they have
poor grammar and lack vocabulary, and little knowledge about correct
punctuation. As a result, their writing is unintelligible.
To deal with such problems, teachers should seek and develop
teaching techniques and strategies that facilitate students to gain the
writing skill more systematically. According to Whitetaker (1998, cited in
Setyawan, 2014) English teachers must think carefully about the teaching
approach, technique and/or strategy that they will use in writing classes.
However, in many cases, those teachers still use the traditional approaches
in teaching writing. Usually they stand in front of the class, explain briefly
about the text sample that students should write. Then, they ask students to
write their own text individually. Rarely do English teachers apply a good
teaching technique or strategy to engage students in the teaching of
writing. The result is predictable: the teaching and learning process of
writing becomes boring and discourages students to produce writing work.
The application of appropriate learning methods in terms of mastery
of material and skills in choosing the right learning method, media and

learning resources are also important to play a role in achieving an
effective teaching and learning process. The use of media in the learning
process in schools is related to the level of psychological development and
the ability of students who follow the learning process and adapted to the
interests and talents of students who can arouse student motivation
towards learning. In conducting learning, each teacher should have
learning media. Learning media is a component of learning that includes
materials and equipment. With the inclusion of various theories and
technologies, learning media continue to experience and appear in various
Some practical uses of the use of learning media are learning media
that can clarify the presentation of messages and information so as to
facilitate and improve learning processes and outcomes. Besides learning
media can increase and direct students' attention so that it can lead to
motivation to learn, more direct interaction between students and their
environment, and the possibility of students to learn independently
according to their abilities and interests. Learning media can also
overcome sensory limitations, space and time. The use of media in the
learning process can attract interest and motivate student learning. This is
in line with the opinion of Nana Sudjana and Ahmad Rivai (1991: 2) that
the benefits of media in learning are: "First, learning will be more
attractive to students so that it can foster student motivation. Second, the
learning material will be more clearly defined so that it can be better
understood by students and enable students to achieve better learning
goals. Third, students have more learning activities because they not only
listen to the teacher's description but also other activities such as observe,
demonstrating, etc.
So, based on the explanation above I want to discuss more deep about
the development narrative text using picture series media.

B. Problem Formulation
(By: Miftakhul Jannah)

1. What Is The Definition of Writing?
2. What Are Characteristic of Written Language?
3. What Is The Definition of Teaching Writing?
4. What Is The Definition of Narrative Text?
5. How to Use Media in Teaching?
6. What Is The Strategy for Using Pictures Series as a Media?
7. How The Implementation Teaching Writing By Using Picture Series
As Media?

A. Objectives
(By: Putri Mustika)
1. To Know The Definition of Writing.
2. To Know Characteristic of Written Language.
3. To Know The Definition of Teaching Writing.
4. To Know The Definition of Narrative Text.
5. To Know The Use of Media in Teaching.
6. To Know The Strategy for Using Pictures Series as a Media.
7. To Know The Implementation of Teaching Writing by Using Picture
Series As Media.



A. Definition of Writing
(By: Fujiana Santoso)
Brown (2001: 335) explained that writing is the representation of
spoken language, written language is almost same with spoken language,
and the difference is the performance of written language is conveyed in
graphical. Besides Brown also mentioned that written products are the
result of thinking, drafting, and revising procedures, specialized skills is
required in written language, and that not every speaker develops
The conclusion based on statements above that writing is a process of
expressing the idea into a written form, and it needs specialized skills that
not every students can develop it naturally, it needs the teacher who is able
to motive and encourage the students to develop their writing skills, and
they are expected to be able to develop their writing skills and make a
good composition.

B. Characteristic of Written Language

(By: Nita Asdiyatma)

There are Five characteristics of written language based on Brown

(2001:341-342), they are:
1. Permanence: Written language should have the powder to correcting
the text, to clarify, and to withdraw, therefore the teacher is expected
to be able to guide, to facilitate, and help the students to revise and
refine their work, and thus the students feel confidence when they
2. Production time: The efficient time in writing process, the goal is to
train the students to make the best possible use of limitation time.

3. Distance: The student’s perspective, general knowledge, cultural and
literary schemata and specific subject matter knowledge about what
they write.
4. Orthography: The differences between our native languages with
5. Complexity :
a. How to remove redundancy
b. How combine sentences
c. How to make references
d. How to create syntactical and lexical variety.
e. Vocabulary: the students’ mastery of vocabulary.
f. Formality: The students have to learn how to describe, explain,
compare, contrast, illustrate, defend, criticize, and argue.

C. The Definition of Teaching Writing

(By: Zandra Yolanda)

Harmer (1998:261-262) stated that “The teacher not only needs to

deploy some or all of the usual roles when they ask students to write, but
also they should have the ones of these important roles when they are
teaching writing, the roles are: motivator, resource, and feedback
Based on Harmer, when teaching writing teachers are expected to act
1. Motivator: teacher will be able to motivate the students, the students,
create the right conditions for the generation of ideas, persuade them
of the usefulness of the activity, and encourage them to make as
much effort as possible for maximum benefit. And also help them to
generate their ideas.
2. Resource: teacher should be ready to supply information and
language where necessary. Teachers need to tell the students that
they are available and be prepared to look the students’ work as it

progress, offer advice and suggestions in a constructive and tactful
3. Feedback provider: teachers should respond positively and
encouragingly to the content of what students have written.

D. The Definition of Narrative Text

(By: Miftakhul Jannah)

Rebecca (2003) defined “A narrative text is a text which relates a

series of logically, and chronologically related events that are caused or
experienced by factors. It is a kind of text to amuse, entertain, and to deal
the readers with actual or vicarious experience in deferent ways”.
Anderson, M. & Anderson, K (2003) explained three steps in
constructing a narrative text. They are orientation, complication, and
1. Orientation, the writer tells the audience who is in the story, when it
is happening, where it is happening, and what is happening.
2. Complication, the writer tells about something that will begin a chain
of events.
3. Resolution, is the ending of the story, it shows how the characters
deal with the problem.

E. Using Media In Teaching

(By: Fujiana Kurnia Santoso)

According to Hart and Hicks, media in the classroom are appropriate

for triggering ideas, making difficult subjects more understandable, and for
holding attention on important ideas. It should lead students to remember
ideas by becoming more involved with them. What is not always obvious
is that students should first know what media is and ways to think about it.
Critical skills in understanding media are extremely important, without

them the film, video, record or slide presented in relation to a subject is
only one dimensional.
In teaching and using various media in the classroom are somewhat
skewed in that teaching art or media or some combination. The nature of
the classes dictated that the teachers may demonstrate most of the
expressive media that we use to communicate with – print, books,
drawing, slides, film, video, and audio, computer screens (Hart and Hicks,

F. Pictures Series
(By: Putri Mustika)
The following is the general strategies for using any pictures
according to Rimes:
1. Whole-class discussion which then leads to writing, can be generated
by many types of pictures.
2. To provide a student audience for the students writers, give a half the
class one picture, and the other half another.
3. With students working in pairs of small group, give each student of
pair or each group a different pictures to work with, it can make
teacher frees of obtaining class sets of pictures, and also provides
students with a be real communicative task. When the students have
the only copy of a picture, they should be able to inform the rest of
the class about it.
4. Real communicative tats can be developed by using in the classroom
pictures that the students themselves provide. The advantages are:
the teacher can relieved of the task of finding a picture and the
students have something to write about in the classroom. The other
advantage is students can be asked to provide their own favorite
picture, they can choose the picture that they like therefore, and they
will be interested to participate the lesson.
5. Teacher can ask the students to use their imagination to visualize
what happened just before the moment in the picture and what will

happen next, it will easier for the students to predict the event that
might be happened when they see it in the picture, they will be able
to express write their idea easily.

G. The Implementation in Teaching

(By: Nita Asdiyatma)
Some steps in teaching writing narrative text such as:
1. Firstly, the teacher asks the students to comprehend the picture series
and interpret the picture series.
2. Next, the teacher gave explanation about the picture series related to
composing narrative text from its generic structure and language
features. The teacher explains the points leading to events in the
pictures series. It is aimed in order that the students get some ideas
related to the generic structure. Such as where the story happened
and when the action happened, problem raised and describe how the
end of the story in the picture is.
3. Afterwards, the teachers explains the use of language features in
writing narrative text based on the picture series. Such as, the story
character in the picture, setting, the use of action verbs (past tense)
as well as linking verbs shown by the picture series in order that the
students are easier to some ideas.
4. At last, the teacher asks the students to compose narrative into a
good paragraph based on the generic structures and language
features of narrative text from the picture series.



A. Conclusion
(By: Zandra Yolanda)

Writing is an activity which almost done by people in their daily

activities. Simply, writing defines as an activity in making alphabetical
sign which is known as letters in certain media such as papers. Further
writing can be explained as a process to share ideas, thought, opinion,
and so on and put it through writing form.
Generally, writing is also a part of lesson in education. Children
are taught to write, when they come in elementary school. They start to
write sentences, until they are in higher level of education they learn to
compose text or essay. Nowadays, various teaching style are tried to be
applied in increasing learning outcomes and it is aimed to overcome
learning difficulties.

B. Suggestion
(By: Zandra Yolanda)

I am as the writer wants to apologize for the shortage of this

paper. I know that this paper is still far from perfect. So that we need
suggest from the reader for the perfection of this paper. Thank you very
much for the reader.


Caroline, C. et al. (2003). Teaching Academic Writing. London: Centre of

Language and Communication, Routledge, Falmer.
Hart, A and Hicks, A. (2002). Teaching Media in English Curriculum. Published
article in the media education journal. Trentham Books Limited.
Kusumaningsih. 2002. The Teaching of Writing at Secondary School.
Banjarmasin: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.
Riosa E. Silitonga. “Using Picture series as a Media in Narrative Text Writing”.
State University of Medan.


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