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Do you enjoy being famous? What is the best part of your job?

What do you find difficult about acting? How many films have you starred in?

What is your favourite film? Have you met any famous people?

Where would you most like to make a film? Are you happy with your life?

Shall we go out for dinner? I’m starting a new job next week.

I got my exam results last week. I can’t afford to buy this dress.

You ought to make a decision soon. I used to have long hair.

I’ve been training hard recently. We must go home now.

Those are the boys who chased me. I’m going to a party tonight.

I may be a little late this evening. Oranges grow in hot countries.

If I had more time, I would take up a hobby. We might go to the cinema tonight.

Paris is the capital of France. I found this note under the sofa.

If I finish work early, I’ll call you. You needn’t work late this evening.

I have to tidy my bedroom now. It is raining hard today.

I’ve finished the letters you asked me to If I hadn’t parked my car on a line, I wouldn’t
write. have got a ticket.

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