Principles and Practices of Software Risk Management

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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications

Vol. IX, No.IV, 2018

Principles and Practices of Software Risk

Zawar Hussain
Department of Software Engineering
Azib Mahmood University of Management and technology
Department of Software Engineering Lahore, Pakistan
University of Management and technology
Lahore, Pakistan

Abstract— In this paper, risk management principles are analyzing those risks, and building up plans to mitigate those
presented; we also elaborate the notable risk management risks [2].
approaches, and compress some imperative ideas of each In the first section, there is a little bit of introduction, further
approach. Each approach include the fundamental strides of risk there is brief description of Risk, Risk Management and Risk
management, for example, identify the risk, examining or
analyzing the risk, prioritizing, planning, risk mitigation or risk
Management in Software Engineering is defined. After that
resolution and at last controlling risk. The approaches depend on Risk management approaches are provided as they fully
seven management principles and that principles are explained explain the risk management practices. In the fourth section
further. Risk based approaches and their practices for Software principles are explained. At last there is a conclusion of the
Risk Management are discussed. Software Risk Management paper and future work.
approaches assumes imperative part of the whole life cycle of
software acquisition, improvement and maintenance of software.
Approaches that are developed for maintaining the product are II. WHAT IS RISK?
essential for overseeing software successfully.
According to dictionary of Merriam Webster, word Risk has
been defined as the loss or kind of damage. In Latin this has
Keywords— Risk, Risk Management, Software been defined as “to cut-off”. [18] In another place Risk has
risk management, Risk Management principles,
been defined in terms of Unpredictability.
Risk Management practices.
The word risk is utilized all around in various relevant areas.
I. INTRODUCTION For instance, it is utilized as a part of the budgetary area to
mean the likelihood of acquiring money related misfortune.
For a long time, risk management has been well known inside
Moreover, in therapeutic division representing likelihood of
different customary areas, for example, Business,
physical misfortune. For software market, Risk no doubt is a
Manufacturing, medical services, warfare, human sciences,
serious problem which is causing serious threats to the success
and so forth. It has been thought to be an empowering
of all projects.
influence of risk-taking. [22] Risk management helps
developers to identify the risk in an efficient way. It allow the
Risk is characterized as “Hazard, danger; exposure to
development team to see analyze the severity of risk and helps
mischance or peril”. Risk is defined as: “Occurrence of loss,
to remove it. By distinguishing furthermore, controlling the
disadvantage or destruction”. Zarderi et al (2009). Risk is
risks, one may improve and make extra bold choices when
concerned with vulnerability. This normally incorporates
going up against complex testing projects or while
vulnerability about the happening of known events, yet also
investigating new obscure grounds. As of late, it has turned
events that are not first distinguished as affecting the project.
out to be perceived as a best practice in the software Industry.
In this way, Risk management is an advancing and learning
Reasons are numerous. Some of them are expanded Business
process, adjusting to new and varying information as the task
unpredictably, continually evolving innovations, enhanced
goes on. Hell et al (1998)
consumer loyalty, globalization, significant effect on business
Some standard definitions of risk presented in the literature are
disturbance [1].
as follows:
Software’s are being compiled all over the world. It has
“A possible future event that, if it occurs, will
become the largest production in all industries. Billion dollars
lead to an undesirable outcome” (Leishman and
worth software’s are being made around the world in every
VanBuren, 2003).
year and most of them are used again by changing a bit in
them and are sold again. Risk Management is a speculation;
“Risk is a combination of an abnormal event or
that is, there are expenditures related to identifying risk,
failure, and the consequences of that event or

(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications
Vol. IX, No.IV, 2018

failure to a system’s operators, users, or In every company, all the members need to be sure of the
environment. A risk can range from catastrophic techniques and the methods they are going to apply for risk
(loss of an entire system, loss of life, or management (Smith and Pichler, 2005)
permanent disability) to negligible (no system Mentioned below are some kinds of risks which occur[4]:
damage or injury)” (Glutch, 1994).  If risk happens, it could affect your project in certain
ways. Like: income, piece of overall industry, and
“Risk refers to a possibility of loss, the loss client generosity.
itself, or any characteristic, object, or action  The seriousness of misfortune.
that is associated with that possibility” (Kontio,  The period of the risk.
2001). [4] SRM is a process which includes different procedures,
strategies and instruments for risk in any project. The
A. What is Risk Management? objective of Risk Management is to identify the risks which
occur in previous projects and plan their resolving or
[8] Organizing risk in the production of any software has mitigation in a way so that they cannot occur again. While
become a need, rather than a choice.[9] Risk management is doing this we should keep in mind the future of our project.
characterized as how we can distinguish, evaluate, and Moreover, this process needs to be started from the beginning
organize dangers and afterward manage these dangers of the project to the end of the project [2].
appropriately to dodge or moderate them. [4] Basically, there
is an approach to manage risk is risk management. In other III. RISK MANAGEMENT APPROACHES
terms, it is related to all exercises that are carried out to
In previous times, different SRM approaches have
diminish the vulnerabilities related to specific events or tasks.
been anticipated. The majority of them evaluate
(Different techniques for risk management :a review). [16]
risk amid every one of the periods of
One of the positive ways to deal with system failure is risk
development of software, by coordinating risk
management practices alongside the process of
[4] The fundamental principle of risk management is to know
software development. Subsequently, restricted
every single conceivable risk to software, evaluate their
procedure has been taken after risk management
seriousness, and significance, and after that decide
model in them [3]. Mentioned below are the
determination steps relying upon the idea of the risks. The
thought is to limit any unanticipated and surprising issues
emerging throughout the software by legitimately getting
ready for outcomes. Proper Planning leads to minimize  Boehm’s Risk management model
uncertainties. [17] Risk management basically is taking  SEI’s Software Risk management Model
appropriate decisions by predicting future and gravity of
collision. IV. PRACTICES
From a long time risk identification and mitigation have been
under study. A lot researcher presents their view about it. It
B. Risk Management in Software Engineering: has been studied in industry as well as in universities at high
For a long time risk management has its presence in software. level. [23]
But a few years back it has become an important part of [4] In figure 1, Risk management practices are shown, which
software industry. In beginning of this century, the software consists of two foremost steps with three secondary steps,
development project directed risk management utilizing which are risk assessment and risk control.
diverse specially appointed methodologies, without following Risk assessment is foremost steps of risk management. This
any orderly procedures. [21] Risk management is used as includes following steps:
remembrance, estimations and ordering of risk in software  Risk Identification
engineering. Be that as it may, with the expanding intricacy of  Risk Analysis
development of software, enterprises have understood the  Risk Prioritization
significance of risk administration, since it helps in Risk Identification: is known as the process in which we find
diminishing the vulnerabilities associated with creating out the possible risks which could affect our project’s success.
software, and diminishing the odds of the product breakdown. [10] Risks remain un seen at all levels, thus including clients
[20] Risk plays an vital role in software engineering. While and other active members is vital for development group with
creating a project if you face a risk whose priority is high its a specific end goal to recognize and oversee potential risks
reward will also be high. proactively. [4] Risk identification have further four steps
which are considered important in order to identify risk. These
steps are:
1. Checklists

(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications
Vol. IX, No.IV, 2018

2. Examination of decision drivers 5. Staffing

3. Assumption Analysis
4. Decomposition Risk Monitoring: is the process in which the whole software
is being watched at every step. Whether all the occurring risks
Risk Analysis: is the process which shows the possibility and are removed or resolved? What is the progress of the
distinction of loss identified by risk identification. [11]The software? Does it facing any other problems? Is the
way towards analyzing distinguished risks is proceeding with management working properly on it? All such things are
process, which evaluate the probability of risk events and their watched by this process. It consists of:
effect.[4] It also shows the complex risks from the identified 1. Milestone tracking
list. Risk analysis have further five steps which are mentioned 2. Top 10 tracking
below: 3. Risk assessment
1. Performance models 4. Corrective action
2. Cost models Moreover, the efficient way of handing and managing the
3. Network analysis process is explained by risk management. Spiral model of the
4. Statistical decision analysis project which is an approach of risk-driven approaches works
5. Quality factor analysis efficient enough and skips all the problems occurred in old
Risk prioritization:[4] is the process in which all the working models just like waterfall model and evolutionary
identified and analyzed risks are displayed in a order. [14] development model. This kind of approaches further explains
This step is used to indicate the order in which that how and where to combine latest technologies: e.g.
the risks are to be managed. The risk with high fourth-generation languages, commercial software product,
priority is on the top of the list and the risk with low priority is etc. into the process.
at the bottom of the list. These priorities are based on the how
much a risk can affect the project success. Risk prioritization
have further three steps. Which are?
1. Risk exposure
2. Risk leverage
3. Compound risk reduction

The other part of risk management is risk control which

 Risk Management Planning
 Risk Resolution
 Risk Monitoring

Risk Management Planning: [12] after determination of risk

priorities, there is a need to build up an agreement for the risk
needed treatment to lessen or limit the likelihood of risk
events and additionally the effects of risks. [4]Risk
Management plan allows you to handle all kinds of risk. It
includes some plans in itself which cooperate with each other
and as a whole. The plans it includes are:
1. Buying Information
2. Risk avoidance
3. Risk transfer
4. Risk Reduction
5. Risk element planning Figure 1. Software Risk Management Process by
6. Risk plan integration Boehm

Risk Resolution: is the process in which all the risks [5] In 1990, SEI built up the Risk Program to enhance the risk
identified are removed from the software or managed in an management in software frameworks. In spite of the fact that
efficient way so that they cannot occur again. This process around then risk management had been widely tended in
contains the following steps: different controls, minute had been expounded on software
1. Prototypes risk management. [4] Risk assessment describes different
2. Simulations kinds of models. In this paper, the models which are explained
3. Benchmarks are prescribed by Software Engineering Institute (SEI) as
4. Analysis displayed in figure 2:

(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications
Vol. IX, No.IV, 2018

Identify: In order to build a successful software and remove

risk from it you have to identify it before it exist and make
trouble to the success of your product. Every head in a team
need to make a system which allows people to check the
progress of the project at every stage. This is an efficient way
to determine risk. [19] Identification of risk can be made
easier by making a list of risks.

Analyze: Analyzing is the second step in risk management. It

confirms the presence of risk in software after identifying it. It
is a process in which risk are watched and assembled in a
queue according to their priority and are managed in an
efficient way. Software Risk Evaluation (SRE) team checks on
risks in all aspects regarding project’s budget, plan, progress
and its quality.

Plan: Planning is a phase where you take some decisions

about present and future of your product. In planning you Figure 2. Software Risk Management Cycle by SEI
decide about the identified risks, make a queue for it in order
to prioritize it and plans to resolve these risks or remove them. [7] SEI’s goal includes the enhancement of procedure for
The best practice of planning is to think about future of your obtaining advancement of software concentrated frameworks,
product when you make a decision today. Specifically, points are: empower collection, improvement
chiefs, architects to settle on effective choices (by
Track: Tracking is a process in which you look after for the distinguishing hazard preliminary progress toward becoming
identified risks. You checks on the activity in order to resolve issues) delivering risk in a good, less important route and form
those risk or to remove them to protect the success of your exclusive risk in a savvy way.

Control: [13] Risk control pass to the exercises that diminish

both the occurrence and seriousness of the misfortune. [4] V. PRINCIPLES
This part of process depends on procedure to control actions
applied for resolving or removing identified risks. It also [15] For successful risk management, principles give direction
controls the overall procedure of the software. All then events on justification for overseeing risk and attributes. They outline
occurred during the making of the software is controlled by plan and arrangement of association’s risk management
this section. Operations performed in this section are written administration system which helps with evaluating adequacy
in the risk management plan. and nature of risk management. [6] Developed software risk
methods have three different, unique, compatible goals. Which
Communicate: This is one the important section of the whole are mentioned below?
process. Without good communication no team can make 1. Risk prevention
successful software. This takes part from beginning to end of 2. Risk mitigation and correction
the project. Whether asking for customer demands or telling 3. Ensuring safe system failure
your team to do some job, good communication is necessary.
Mentioned below are seven principles which are necessary in
order to attain those goals:

i. Product Vision
The basic purpose of product vision is to concentrate on final
product. It depends on common purposes, proprietorship and
mutual understanding.

ii. Teamwork
Teamwork means you should have a team which can
collaborate with each other in order to attain goals. In order to
fulfill this principle good communication skills are necessary.

(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications
Vol. IX, No.IV, 2018

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