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21,600 breaths dedicated to the divinity

Every day we take 21,600 breaths. as soon as we wake up in the morning,

while still on the bed, we open our eyes into our palm and pray for the
blessings of trishakthis who r situated in our palm like " karagre vasathe
lakshmi, karamadhye saraswathi, karamule tu mahagouri, prabhathe kara
Visualize the muladhar chakra, a square of yellow background, with the
prithvi tathwa the earth element's syllable lam in cinnabar colour , the
image of ganesha with his consorts sidhi and budhi, and resolve that you
offer 600 breaths in worship , that you may ascend from the consciousness
of the earth element, in those 600 breaths.
Inhale as though you are inhaling from the muladhar chakra and your
breath is elevating you upwards, to the divinity. let the image of the lam with
the lam remain.
Now ascend to the swadishtana chakra which forms a field between the
spine and the root of the genital. here in a white background observe a
crescent yantra and in that syllable vam in vermilion. it contains the power
brahma the god as creater and his consort saraswathi,the feminine power
of knowledge, music and intuition and inspiration. keeping the image of the
syllable vam make an fluidity element, your breath ascend from the
swadisthana and surrender offering of 6000 breaths. here in the vam
syllable aapastathwa the to the divinity.
Then ascend to the naval the manipura chakra which is a field which is
between the naval and the spine. here u find an upward triangle with a red
background and in that the syllable of the fire beeja, ram where dwells the
god the preserver with his feminine power in a blueish hue, observe the
letter ram and here make an offering of 6000 breaths by way of
surrendering those 6000 breaths to divinity as though your breath is
ascending from this center to the divinity upwards,
Now ascend to the anahatha chakra , an upward and a downward triangles
interlinked, with other many more interlinked triangles within, with greyish
backward, here observe the syllable of the air and prana as a yam, here
dwells shiva the lord doer of diversities with his feminine shakthi,
observing yam the representative of the divinity you have to make an
offering of 6000 breaths.
our prana and the breath flows upwards as an offering to the divinity.
keeping your mantra at the background, the subltle soham, ascend to the
vishuddhi chakra.a blue background, the yantra in the form of a circle
representing the akasha tathwa, is called space and the light, with the
beeja of the akasha tathwa hum. here invoke the presence of a moon the
individuated spiritual self, jeeva together with prana shakthi, non descript
and undefinable. all of your individuated life force, jeeva and prana shakthi.
observe hum in crystalline colour, resolve here to make an offering of 1000
your breath in worship ascending to the divinity brings you to tht center
between your eyebrow. in the ajna chakra, with two petals over the left and
the right eyebrows and in the center the flame like like an an eye. here

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