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© IJARW | ISSN (O) - 2582-1008

April 2020 | Vol. 1 Issue. 10


Eva Mukurunge 1, Tawanda Mukurunge 2, Takura Bhila 3
1ParaySchool of Nursing, maseru, Lesotho
2Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, maseru, Lesotho
3Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, maseru, Lesotho

Health communication is a challenge for third world countries under normal circumstances and can
be the disaster in emergency situations. Lesotho, like her neighbours and compatriots on the African
continent, watched the initial unfolding of the COVID-19 pandemic like it was an outbreak ravaging
some other planet remote from mother earth. This study is therefore going to explore the best
communication methods in times of health crisis in Lesotho. The focus of the study is going to be on
how best to execute communications timeously and without causing chaos, confusion, and without
withholding crucial information to the nation. The study is going to carry out interviews with
communications students, communications professionals and lecturers, as well as with health
providers in Lesotho to establish their perspectives on how best to communicate health crisis situations
in the country. Findings are going to be presented and analysed thematically.
Keyword: health communication, disaster, pandemic, COVID-19, outbreak
1. INTRODUCTION the country. Findings were presented and
analysed qualitatively.
Communication of health related issues should be
given utmost importance by authorities of any 2. BACKGROUND OF STUDY
country as disaster can be averted and lives saved
if the communications are executed well and on At the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the
time. Health authorities should be strategic in World Health Organization and governments of
times of health crises such as disease outbreaks in developed economies took this health disaster
order to contain situations that can cause seriously and went into over drive disseminating
confusion and chaos. It is particularly important in all requisite information about the virus. However,
the social media era where any citizen can be a this did not seem to be the case with Lesotho
producer and disseminator of news content which looking at the case of how the COVID-19 pandemic
can prove to be disastrous through the spread of was communicated by the authorities in the
fake news therefore causing panic. This study country. The ministry of health took time to make
explored how best to communicate pandemic any official announcements and when the minister
situations in the context of Lesotho in the face of of health made a statement, only on the 18th of
the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The study March, it was immediately contradicted by the
looked at how the Lesotho authorities have been prime minister on the same day. The minister
handling the situation since the initial announced that the situation in Lesotho was
announcement of the outbreak of COVID-19 in under control and that the nation ought to stay
China in November 2019 by global media outlets. calm. A few hours later of the same day, the prime
The study carried out the exploration of how best minister went on national television to announce
Lesotho should communicate this disaster that the country was regarding the situation to be
through interviews of health professionals and dire and appealed to the nation to take the
communication specialists. The study is pandemic seriously. He went on to officially order
qualitative in nature as the focus was on the closure of all schools from 20 March till 20
answering how best to handle the situation April 2020. This was after the minister of Home
through communications by health authorities in Affairs had announced in an interview that
Lesotho was safe from the virus and that to
international visitors, Lesotho was a safe travel

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© IJARW | ISSN (O) - 2582-1008
April 2020 | Vol. 1 Issue. 10

destination. This was despite the fact that South responses to official dissemination of information
Africa and other countries were closing their by communities. The magic bullet/hypodermic
borders to international visitors; placing their needle theory was introduced by Harold Lasswell
countries under lockdown. in the 1920s. The theory, Wroblewski writes
(2018), assumes that the media create messages
Lesotho was not adequately prepared to combat with a specific purpose- that is, to elicit a specific
the pandemic starting with detection of the virus response. People react in the same manner to a
itself. For instance, a visitor of note came to message. The effects of the media’s “bullets” or
Lesotho, conducted business with the Central “syringes” are immediate and powerful, often
Bank of Lesotho and went back to her country resulting in swift behavioural changes. This is a
only to test positive of COVID-19 and be theory that can best inform the formulation of a
quarantined there. It was only after that incident communication model by Lesotho authorities that
that the authorities in Lesotho started taking can facilitate quick dissemination and quick
action: screening the personnel who were in responses to health communications in dire
contact with the lady at the central bank and situations such as the outbreak of the COVID-19
placing them in quarantine. Such information got pandemic.
to the nation through the social media grapevine
and caused some trepidation in some sections of 6. LITERATURE REVIEW
Health communication is defined by Feeley and
All this while the authorities in Lesotho were quiet Chen (2013) citing the U.S. Department of health
about the pandemic, citizens were either and Human Services (2000) as the art and
wallowing in innocent ignorance or gobbling up all technique of informing, influencing, and
the information they came across on social media motivating individual, institutional, and public
platforms; exaggerations, myths, misinformation, audiences about important health issues. The crux
outright lies and all; leading to total confusion of of health communication is to disseminate
the masses. information on disease prevention, health
promotion, health care policy, and the essentials
3. STATEMENT OF PROBLEM of health care and enhancement of the quality of
Health communication is handled more in the life and health of individuals within communities.
realm of reaction rather than as something to be Health communication is crucial in disease
executed from a proactive angle in societies such prevention. Rimal and Lapinski (2015) say that
as Lesotho. Rumour serves as a forerunner to communication is the core of who we are as
sensitise citizens, and government and ministry human beings as it, apart from being our way of
spokes personnel react to thwart rumours and exchanging information, signifies our symbolic
misinformation rather than being proactive in capability. In relation to the transmission view,
informing citizens in forewarning and which this study perceives as the best suited for
empowering citizens with information on the communication of COVID-19 information to
preventive measures in the face of disease Basotho in the 2020 health crisis, Rimal and
outbreaks. In most cases, it will be too late for Lapinski emphasise that careful thought ought to
hapless poorer sections of society who are always be invested into the channels through which
at the receiving end of such disasters. intervention messages are disseminated, to whom
4. STUDY AIM the message is attributed, how audience members
respond and the features of messages that have
The study goal is to establish the best way to the greatest impact.
inform society on the causes and effects of COVID-
19 timeously and truthfully so that they are In multilayered African societies, marked by
empowered enough to combat the spread and linguistic, socio-economic, and cultural diversity,
effects of the pandemic in Lesotho. health communication messages have to take into
account the possible different ways in which
5. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK messages will be interpreted and understood
within given contexts (Lagerwerf, Boer and
The study is framed and informed by the magic
Wasserman, 2009) caution. They also add that
bullet theory of communication; its merits in crisis
communication that requires immediate

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© IJARW | ISSN (O) - 2582-1008
April 2020 | Vol. 1 Issue. 10

‘one-size-fits-all’ messages may not reach all of geographical proximity, availability at a given
the diverse societal groups adequately. time, or the willingness to participate are included
for the purpose of the study. The sample was ten
In the context of Lesotho, it would be ideal for a media students, ten lecturers and communication
variety of approaches to be utilised at different professionals, and ten health professionals. The
levels in order to communicate COVID-19 related health professionals were from the ten districts of
information adequately. Lagerwerf et al (2009) Lesotho with the communications professionals,
suggest that the communication strategy should lecturers and students from Maseru and the
include research at the individual, community, and districts. This was done in an effort to get opinions
societal level. Individual psychological on the government communications’ effectiveness
approaches, mass media campaigns, and group- on a nationwide scale.
based communal activities may go hand in hand
and reinforce each other, Lagerwerf et al say. 8.FINDINGS
The World Health Organization (2020) writes that 8.1. From journalism students
on 30 December 2019, three bronchoalveolar
lavage samples were collected from a patient with Journalism students opined that communication
pneumonia of unknown etiology – a surveillance in Lesotho is complex and has failed in many
definition established following the SARS instances due to what appears to be lack of a clear
outbreak of 2002-2003 – in Wuhan Jinyintan communication policy and strategy by the
Hospital. Real-time PCR (RT-PCR) assays on these government. One student said that the focus of the
samples were positive for pan-Betacoronavirus. government when it comes to communications
Using Illumina and nanopore sequencing, the that are meant to address the whole nation seem
whole genome sequences of the virus were to be confined to Maseru city only. The example
acquired. Bioinformatic analyses indicated that that the student cited is that of the prime
the virus had features typical of the coronavirus minister’s address to the nation concerning the
family and belonged to the Betacoronavirus 2B perilous danger that the nation faced from the
lineage. Alignment of the full-length genome COVID-19 pandemic. The prime minister
sequence of the COVID-19 virus and other addressed the nation on Lesotho Television whose
available genomes of Betacoronavirus showed the coverage is minimal as it does not reach all of the
closest relationship was with the bat SARS-like country’s ten districts. The students were
coronavirus strain BatCov RaTG13, identity 96% unanimous in that the address by the prime
(WHO, 2020). minister was too long in coming because a lot of
human traffic had long been transiting in and out
7.METHODOLOGY of Lesotho unchecked and considering lack of
proper equipment for screening of the virus in the
The study sought to establish perceptions of country, the nation could already be infected at
health and communications specialists on the way rates the health authorities might not have the
the government of Lesotho communicated the slightest idea about.
COVID-19 related information to the nation in a
bid to combat the pandemic. Qualitative methods The students expressed shock at the minister of
for gathering, presentation and analysis of the tourism, Joang Molapo’s announcement that
findings were therefore used. For this study, Lesotho was a safe tourism destination in mid
qualitative research was adopted because it takes March 2020 when other countries, including
place in the natural setting, is interactive, South Africa, were preparing for lockdown or
humanistic and fundamentally interpretive were already in that state. They said it was
(Cresswell, 2007). The researchers carried out evidence of a government devoid of a clear
interviews telephonically with different sources communication strategy on informing and
with WhatsApp being used primarily for the educating society of the dire threat of the virus.
interviews. Convenience sampling was used to One student went on to say Nkaku Kabi, minister
select interviews. Etikan, Musa and Alkassim of health, tried to do damage control after the
(2015) explain that convenience sampling is a Joang Molapo communication showing further
type of nonprobability or non-random sampling evidence of a government totally unaware of the
where members of the target population that meet depth of the danger of the virus to society at large.
certain practical criteria, such as easy accessibility, It was only the prime minister who at least gave

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© IJARW | ISSN (O) - 2582-1008
April 2020 | Vol. 1 Issue. 10

the nation some assurance by saying the virus had unfortunate that nothing was done to enforce all
the potential to wipe out the whole population if the suggested precautionary measures. It was also
not taken seriously and prepared the nation for unfortunate that the government took its time to
lockdown by announcing closure of institutions of declare the fight against the virus. The
learning for four weeks. communicator went on to say that two weeks
prior to the statement by the prime minister,
8.2. From communications lecturers opposition parliamentarians had called for the
One communications lecturer said that the suspension of all parliamentary business so as to
government was not doing enough to combat the launch a sustained campaign against the virus but
COVID-19 pandemic. He gave the example of laxity the deputy speaker of parliament shot down the
with which the screening process of travellers idea. He went on to say lack of informative and
entering Lesotho from the Republic of South Africa educative communications on the virus leaves
was done. The same lecturer went on to say rural citizens with no choice apart from reliance on
communities were poorly informed about the social media for crucial information about the
pandemic and that some government officials virus. He also pointed out that no efforts were
were making jokes about it all. The lecturer also made to train journalists on proper ways of
observed that the communications about the virus information dissemination and that health centres
from the ministers of tourism and health as well and their personnel were unfortunately not well
as by the prime minister betrayed evidence that informed about the virus. The communicator also
they all were not well informed about how the said that the mixed views aired by cabinet
virus was spread as well as how one could avoid ministers were a clear indication that the country
getting contaminated. The lecturer urged the was not ready to fight the virus. He suggested that
ministry of health to send health workers to the government should have set aside an
different villages to inform communities about the emergency budget for the following as a
virus. He opined that relying on the media alone precautionary measure: (i) all requisite
for information dissemination was not enough as equipment for health personnel, (ii) provision of
interpersonal communication can be more free medical and hygiene equipment for
effective in the context of remote rural Lesotho. communities, (iii) embarking on information
He also proposed the involvement of social dissemination workshops for the media and Non
institutions such as churches in playing a part in Government Organizations, (iv) use of all media
promoting awareness of the virus. platforms for educational purposes to empower
citizens with all the knowledge on how to take
Another communications lecturer suggested that care of themselves in the face of the pandemic, (v)
the government should identify and make use of enforcement of all proposed changes on social
opinion leaders, educate them on the virus in interaction through the engagement of law
different communities and work with them to enforcement agencies, (vi) setting up a local
disseminate information about the virus. Health national testing centre and laboratory rather than
specialists can also be tasked to go into relying a hundred percent on the Republic of
communities and educate citizens on what the South Africa.
virus is, how it is spread and how to minimise the
spread. Flyers with information can be distributed One journalist however said that the government
on public transport and word of mouth can be of Lesotho was doing enough communication in
utilised at taxi ranks. Social marketing can be used the face of the pandemic considering that this was
by government ministries working with partners the first time the authorities were dealing with
in the private sector and the civil society to such a phenomenon. She said a number of press
educate society about the virus. conferences have been held and that the
government collaborated with Econet (one of the
8.3. From communication professionals country’s two mobile phone network providers)
where people could send COVID19 and they would
A communications professional from the private
receive latest updates about the virus. She went
sector opined that even though the government of
on to say the response by the government was
Lesotho made a declaration through the statement
timely because any earlier pronouncements on the
issued by the prime minister and the ministry of
way forward could have caused unnecessary panic
health on the fight against the spread of COVID-19
considering that not even a single case had been
and declared a state of emergency, it was

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© IJARW | ISSN (O) - 2582-1008
April 2020 | Vol. 1 Issue. 10

reported in Lesotho by the 18th of March. She also better to err on the side of caution rather than
expressed that she felt minister Molapo was reacting inadequately when it will be too late
misinterpreted. She however went on to say more already as was witnessed with the case of Italy.
of the government’s work should be on Many communicators observed that it looked like
preparations for places of quarantine and the government of Lesotho was playing a wait and
construction of more hospitals in the event that see game. It is very dangerous. They could have
cases started breaking out in Lesotho. started rolling out information campaigns to
sensitise society at large by bombarding the
Another journalist said there is no coordinated nation with all relevant information from
communication within government and that education on the nature of the virus, how it
ministries are giving diverse versions on the spreads, its symptoms, and how to avoid it
covid-19 situation because of that. She went on to coupled with practically enforcing people to stay
say parliament should not have closed but rather at home and prevent public gatherings. The
should have been the centre for the coordinated government of Lesotho should have set up a
fight against the pandemic. She said Lesotho had sustained e-health platform: defined by the World
not reported any cases of infections up to the 23rd Health Organization (WHO) as “the combined use
of March simply because screenings were not of electronic communication and information
done not because cases did not exist. She said the technology in the health sector” (Zimbabwe
nation was sitting on a time bomb due to Ministry of Health and Child Welfare, 2010). This
ignorance and lack of capacity to carry out tests, platform could have been used for dissemination
no provision of sanitizers especially in public of the official government position on the COVID-
service complexes where business went on as 19 pandemic that all government officials,
usual. including the two ministers and prime minister
8.4. From health professionals criticised by interviewees for this study for lack of
knowledge, and health officials could have tapped
Health professionals pointed out that the into in order to inform society correctly. The
government announced the closure of institutions government, through the ministry of health,
of learning including nurse training schools which should be more alert and engage society through
was a mistake. They suggest that student nurses timeous and transparent communications
should have been roped in to assist in the fight restricted to just either government or ministry of
against the virus by going into communities to health spokespersons only because letting every
educate citizens on hygiene and methods on how other government minister to address the media
to combat the virus. Instead the students were may lead to controversial statements that will
sent home and the message by the government confuse the nation. A variety of nonstop
seems to mean in the face of danger, health information dissemination methods could be
practitioners should run for cover. harnessed beyond modern and post modern
media by augmentation with traditional methods
One hospital superintendent with one of the
such as orature for communicating the virus to far
district hospitals said he observed that there was
flung mountain communities who are always at
a marked decrease in the number of patients
the periphery of Lesotho society. These are the
visiting his hospital since the outbreak of the
communities who do not have access to
COVID-19 virus. He attributed that to the rumours
newspapers, radio, television and the Internet and
that patients were being screened for the virus
therefore cannot benefit from government press
and if positive, they would be isolated away from
statements or the Econet free dial in platform.
home after being placed in quarantine.
The study established that health
From the findings above, evidently, the
communication’s focus is on educating and
government of Lesotho did not communicate the
informing society on health related issues. The
COVID-19 threat to the nation properly. Pandemic
study also informs that the best communication
times should be met with aggressive
theory to inform strategy for communicating
communication strategies by those in power
disease outbreaks of the magnitude of COVID-19
without dilly dallying and dithering on whether
by societies like Lesotho is the magic
the pandemic will reach our shores or not. It is

IJARW1165 International Journal of All Research Writings 24

© IJARW | ISSN (O) - 2582-1008
April 2020 | Vol. 1 Issue. 10

bullet/hypodermic needle theory in order to [3] Feeley, T. H. & Chen, Y. 2013. An

channel out as much useful information to the introduction to health communication
whole country as fast as possible. The study [4] Lagerwerf, L., Boer, H. & Wasserman, H.
established that the Lesotho government did not (eds). 2009. Health communication in
have any clear cut communication strategy in the southern Africa: engaging with social and
face of the pandemic and that confusing and cultural diversity. Rosenberg
incoherent communications emanated from the Publishers/UNISA Press.
government which did not help to properly inform [5] Ministry of Health and Child Welfare.
society about the pandemic. 2010. Zimbabwe’s E- Health Strategy
2012- 2017
11. RECOMMENDATIONS [6] Rimal, R. N. & Lapinski, M. K. 2015. Why
➢ The study recommends that the Lesotho health communication is important in
government through the ministry of health in public health. Bulletin of the World Health
the face of the COVID-19 pandemic should roll Organization
out a communication campaign aggressively [7] World Health Organization (2020) Report
on all media platforms: mainstream of the WHO-China Joint Mission on
(television, radio and newspapers), social Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
media (whatsapp, facebook, twitter, etc) and [8] Wroblewski, M. T. (2018). What is the
by distribution of flyers, stickers, billboards, magic bullet theory of mass media.
on t-shirts, hats all over the country. Jingles
could be used for playing on all radio stations
and on television on regular intervals
emphasizing cleanliness and measures to be
taken to stop the spread repeatedly.
➢ The study also recommends the use of door to
door campaigns by health workers teaching
citizens about the virus; that is what it is, its
symptoms, how it is spread, how to minimise
its spread and what to do when suspected
cases are encountered.
➢ Music and poetry competitions could be
sponsored for diverse communities in order to
spread important messages.
➢ Rural communities to be targeted by health
personnel through distribution of flyers from
the air, door to door campaigns by health
personnel on horseback or with cars with
public address systems blasting the messages
to the citizens day and night for a sustained
[1] Cresswell, J. M. 2007. Qualitative inquiry &
research design: choosing among five
approaches. SAGE Publications.
[2] Etikan, I., Musa, S. A., & Alkassim, R. S.
2015. Comparison of convenience
sampling and purposive sampling.
American Journal of Theoretical and
Applied Statistics.

IJARW1165 International Journal of All Research Writings 25

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