English Test

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1)a)Norway’s success depends on natural thrift and strong work ethic.

b)Norway has registered the highest quality of life among the world’s
c)Norway is sitting pretty, because their savings are put in pension fund
that now is the world’s biggest one- worth over $200 billion.

3)a)False. because they were emigrating to USA in search
of a better life.
b)True. because they can get a good education, find a job
they want, enjoy good health and live a long life.
4) a)to highlight- to emphasize
5) “Working Hard and Saving”
6) The author has a high opinion of working
together is a key to success. There are hard times
that unite human beings to overcome troubles. Also,
people should keep under control their savings for a
better future.
2)would be
4)the most
5)didn’t win

USA is rich with a variety of wonderful
monuments. As for me, “Cloud Gate” is
unique. Firstly, it catches your attention
because of its uncommon shape. Furthermore,
it was created by using computer technology
to cut into precise shape 168 giant steel
plates. In addition, the monument aims to
evoke immateriality and the spiritual through
the shine and reflectivity of its surface.
Even today, I believe, “Cloud Gate” remains
one of the most popular monument to visit in
Throughout the world’s history teamwork has been showing
unbelievable results that improved humanity’s life to another and
another level. The purpose of the essay is to explain, using
suitable arguments, the importance of working together and
keeping in touch.
At the first, people have to go through different stages of
development. Thus, learning how to work together, and making
decisions based on what everyone has agreed to. For example,
Steve Jobs accentuate that the Apple’s most important function is
the interaction of its employees. He created an open area for
people to always be talking to each other.
At the second, literally everyone benefits from working in
team, because it is the most effective and efficient way to fulfill a
task. As an example, the Black Power Revolution, in 1970,
showed that everything is possible if people will act in conjuction.
So, every black human benefited from the social-political change
they requested.
In my opinion, everything we have now and we pretend to
gain in near future is the significant result of teamwork.
Moreover, I believe that is the only way world could see progress
it desires.
In conclusion, I wish human beings stopped working for their
own interests, and finally try to reach world's wonders in group.
1. This thing is not so ridiculous. Such a blessing in
disguise (a good thing that seemed bad at first).
2. -Charlie, stop beating around the bush (avoid saying
what you mean, usually because it is uncomfortable)! Say
what you want!
3. The students get out of hand (get out of control) when
the teacher went out of the class.
4. It's not rocket science (it's not complicated). Let’s
make it fast!
5. -You miss the boat (it's too late), Jimmy. Don’t worry.
Tomorrow you’ll have another chance.
6. At the midnight he let the cat out of the bag (give
away a secret). That was so creepy.
7. Drake threw caution to the wind (take a risk) and
made it so gently. I’m proud of him.
8. -You have took it with a grain of salt (don’t take it too
seriously). But don’t forget about I told you.
9. Finally, I burned bridges (destroy relationships) with all
of them. They don't deserve to be my friends acting so bad like
10. Jane has her head in the clouds (not be concentrating)
right now. She’s listening to the music from outside.

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