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c) Seeondary

d) Tcniary
[Ref Park 21ic p39, 40,Parle 22/c p39,40)
2. Cbrmogroph"ta 1g 11nrcycgtteg a) Disease
b) Disability
tmrJl c) lmpainnent
u1 rnmal)· d) Handicap
b) Secondary (Ref Park 21/e p4 1, Park 22/e 1>411
c) ren1al)
cl ) Quatcmury 32. Prim 1rv paycgtiog pCgbq!b::ft
[Ref Pnrk 21 'e p39. 40, Park 22/e p39,40) a) Low fiber diet
bl High fiber diet
26. Chem!!prophyl11is of Malaria Is c) High cholusterol diet
prevention: g d) High inlake of protein
n) Pnmordinl [Ref. Park 21/e p39,40, Park 22/e p39, 40)
b) Pri mnry
c) Secondury 33. Prjn1ordjgl prevrntipn Jn c:prpqen '
d) Tert1nry !CD - LO dise..e: c....,. Cit!
[Ref Park 21fe p39. 40, Park 22/c p39, 40] a) Exercise in high risk area
b) BP mo111toring
27. Df ease rl!mipaUop refers: to; j) c) Salt restriction
a) Extinction of disease ageoc d) Stalins
b) TcnumaJion of all dl>ease e) TMT
c) Glbal removal of disease agent [Ref Park 2 1/e p39, 341-42, Park 22/c pJ9,
d) Regional removal of dlseaso ngen1 341-42]
[Ref P3rk 2 I le p38, Park 22/e p38]
34. Priman· prevention oC dcnbl sll1g
28. According to Ul\JCEE the best includes: I>
single indicator of social development i•:.D a) Fluondlltion
a) Perinatal monalny ra1c b) Dental health educa1ion
b) l\eonatnl monalny rote c) Mass s-creening
c) GNP per capita d) A&B
d) Under 5 mortality rate
[Ref Park 2 1/c p577, Park 22/e p579)
29 Wbjcb one of rhe Collo"''iog jnd jcators are 35. .Prima ry oreien lion of dental carmi§a;
not used for t he calculation of Human
a) Dental screening
Development lndu-CUO!); J?,
a) infant monnlity rote b) Health educauon
b) Mean years of scltoolmg c) Denuorinallon of water
c) Adult htcrncy role d) Denial li U mg
d) Gm•s dornesllc products [Ref. Park 21 le p577, Parle 22 'e pS79)

Pep 1mc1r tqt for dftrctjog or CIC(lno'DJ 36. \Vbjsb

.lo. o( Che followigr ii pd....
or crnir ,, which Jc\ el o( prevcntjon? (., RCfvegtioq (Qr NCp Cgop-co•••nk't#
a) Pnrnordial . d sua): 6
bl Pnmary a) Salt l'CSll'lct1on m high NCO area
b) Smoking cessation 10 high NCE uca
I) Tertiary c) l're.ervation of tradn1ooal diel in law
Ref Park 21/e p39-4 J, Park 22/c p39-41) NCI>
d) Early diagnosis and ln:afmea
e) AAC
. ·-··-···-- . m..
a) Disease
b) Disability
25. Cbemopropbylaxis is preyeptiop c) Impairment
type* d) Handicap
a) Primary [Ref. Park 21/e p41 , Park 22/e P41)
b) Secondary
c) Tertiary 32. Prima ry PYCQtiop of obt.1
d) Quaternary a) Low fiber diet
[Ref. Park 21/e p39, 40, Park 22/e p39, 40] b) High fiber diet
c) High cholesterol diet
26. Chemoproph ylax js of Malaria js d) High inta ke of protein
prevention: g [Ref. Pa rk 21/e p39, 40, Park 22/e p39, 40]
a) Primordial
b) Pri mary 33. Primordial preyeption in comuan h
c) Secondary disease: c_,, dCIU
d) Tertiary lCD - I 0 a) Exercise in high risk area
[Ref. Park 21/e p39, 40, Park 22/e p39, 40] b) BP monitoring
c) Salt restriction
27. Disease elimjnat ion refers toi .]) d) Statins
a) Extinction of disease agent e) TMT
b) Termina tion of all disease [Ref Park 21/e p39, 341-42, Park 22/e p39,
c) Global removal of disease agent 341-42]
d) Regional removal of disease
agent [Ref. Park 21/e p38, Park 22/e 34. Prim ary prevention of dental nrjc1
p38] includes: t>
a) Fluoridation
28. According to UNICEF. the best b) Dental health education
single Indicator of social development is: " c) Mass screening
a Perinatal mortality rate . d) A&B
b) Neonatal mortality .
) rate GNP per capita (Ref. Park 21/e p577, Park 22/e p579]
dc Under 5 mortality rate
35. Prima ry prevention of dental cardJire;
a) Dental screening
29. \Yhich one of the foJlowing indicators ar
not used for the calcu lation of Human b) Health educa tion
Develooment lndex-CHDI): & c) Defluorination of water
a) Tnfant mortal ity rate d) Dental filling
b) Mea n years of schooling [Ref. Park 21/e p577, Park 22/e p579]
c) Ad ult literacy rate
d) Gross domestic products 36. Which of the foUowJpg is grimonllll
.Rrevention fQr NCD (gop-commgW<•lt
30. Pa s.mear test for detection of cardnoma disease): E-
of cerv11H which level of prevention? (.., a) Salt restriction in high NCO area
a) Primordial
b) Smoking cessation in high NCE area
b) Primary
c) Preservation of traditional diet in low NCO
c) Secondary area
d) Tertiary
d) Early diagnosis and treatment
(Ref. Park 21/e p39-41, Park 22/e p39-41) e) A&C
• - . >U l , 863)
18. ''1••n pmgllop amppg f+pl•11;[)
a) D1sab1hty lumtat1on
(id h!Pk giYes loaps for; JI- b) Early d1agnos1s
U. for economic gro" th c) Treatment
• cobalt therapy of radiotherapy d) lmmumzation
b department Ref Park 21/e p39, 40, Park 22/e p39, 40)
Putthase of microscope for tuberculosis
19. \Vblch of the fol!owigg is a primacy
To change of the social .iusllce pre\•ention In polio: (_
a) Good sanitary measures
f cf Park 21 'e p 857. Park 22 e p86 ] b) Rehab11ita t1on
c) Provision of 3 doses of OPV
13. Ail of t h e folio" j ng actjv jt je s of J u n jor mfancy
Rrd Cross ucept: A d) Co!lcct1on of stool sample f0l'dlagnos1s
;j" \hhtal! hospnal \\.Orker • [Ref. Park 21 e p39, 40. Park'22fe p39, 40]
b \'tllagl! uphft
Prc,ent epidemic work d
Any of the aboYe ha t f) oe of ore\ ention are you doing: c....
\\ hen 'ou jmm uoize a child for measles n

Ret Park 21 e p858-59, Park 22/e p864, 865) a) Pnmord1a r}Kev on

' b) Health prorao&A
14, Headquarters of UNICEF Is at; B i:) Specl ' ;ctfon .
a) Geneva d) sa,,, evention
b) !'.ew York [Ref. P.ark p39, 40, Park 22/e p39, 40]
cl Rome
cl New Delhi 21. Qst \p seq u ence;
[Ref Park 21/e p856, Park 22 1e p862) ltnpairrnent
Ii} Disease
15. t:'-i PP \\ orl<s as: A t"j D1sab1hty
a The main source of funds d) Rehabihtauon
[Ref Park 21 c p41. Park 22 e p41]
c) 22. All are prim ary leyels of
preyention except : C,
a) Health promotion
b) Spec1l1c protc\:llOn
c) Early d1agno • and treatment
d) lmmumation
[Ref Park 21 c p39, 40, Park 22 e p39. 40]

23 Sot allo"jog the emergence or

de,·elooment of t he risk factor itself is which
level of pre\ ention? A
a) Pnmordial
b) Pnmary
c) Secondary
d) Tertiary
[Ref. Park 21 e p39, Parle 22/e p39]

- --1
.... "k
1. \\'hich is incorrect about socratic c) Flannclgraph
method? d) Slide-tape combination
a) Two way commun ication L [Ref. Park 21/c p801, Park 22/c p805]
Audience can ra ise question
Active and
7. AJJ are true for a 2roup d jscussjon
d) democratic e1c4}
[Ref. Park can take
2 l/e p794. Park 22/c p798] a) Not a very effecti ve method of health
communicat ion
2. A tool for increasing consensus among a b) Ideal l y a group should compnse of 6-
large no. of people is: _f:, 12
a) Chalk and talk (lecture) mem bers
b) Delphi method c) Can lead to change in health attitudes
c) Television and behavior
d) Interpersonal communication (IPC) d) Allows free exchange of ideas and
3. GATHER Approach Is useful focjS [Ref. Park 21/e p803, Pa.rk 22/e p807]
a) Chlori nation of waer
b) Counselling 8. Best method of teachl pg ap urban 1lum
c) Refuse disposal about ORS Is; c_
d) )Data analysis a) Lecture
b) Role pl ay
4. A series of speeches is given by experts but c) Demon stration
there is no discussion among speakers. This is d) Flash cards
seen in: flt Demonstration [Ref. Park 22/e p807]
a) symposium
b) lecture 9. r. a ·v a
c) panel discussion system for com m unication is:
d) workshop a) Jnter-persona l Com mun ication
[Ref. Park 21/e p804, Park 22/e p808] b) Mass Med ia {TV, Radio)
c) Folk Media
5. The most effective method for motjyatipg d) Pri nted Media
a couple for adopting family plan ning [Ref. Park 21/e p794, Park 22/e p798]
practices is: ]:)
(a) Printed material 10. Counselor must have all e1ccpt; P,
(b) Films and television a) Sensitivity
(c) Group discussion b) Sympathy
(d) Interpersonal Communication c) Understanding
[Ref. Park 2 Ile p794, Park 22/e d) Patience
p798] [Ref. Park 18/e p656]

6. All are a tYPe of audio-y(sual aids 11. un &Lg.r orn"•..- - -)

except; a)
a) Television V b) . ·- -
b) Cinema c) tmrnu.. -
d) a and b -•JW........ a' 01nn a) Mean and sample size
' biosbemlcal test giye1 the same
1 2.
f' P g
- for a sample on repeatesl is
b) Mean and standard deviation
c) Ra..., "!'Id sample size
n erred that the measu rement ii:Ir d) Range and standard deviation
a) Prec1 e e) Mean and range
b) Accurate
c) Specific 19. Soclo-ccogomlc •tahs (poor.•k&lh
d .ensnh e upper class) Is ap example of: D .....
a) Nominal variable
b) Numerical variable
1.3. "lean.'ledjan and lode are; D
c) Binary varia ble
a) tea-,ures of d1spers1on
d) Ordinal variable
b Measures assoc1a1ton t
\ anables
20. Receiver Operator Characteristic <BQQ
c Te t of s1gmficance
curve is usu ally drawn between :(_
d Measure' of central tendency a) Sens11tv1ty & Specificity
) b) (I - Sens1hv1ty) & Specificity
U. If a 95° 0 Confidence Interval for pre' c) Sens11t v1ty & (I - Specificity J
alence of Cancer in Smokers aged >65 d) (I - Sensitivity) & (I - Spec1fic1ty)
\ ears is 56°'0 to 76o/o. the cha n ce that the
pr"alence could be less tha n 56"/o is:G 21. lf copfidence limjt js increased. then iB
a) Practtcally NIL a) Previously ins1gmficant data becomes
b) 44o., signi ficant
c) 2 5°0 b) Previously significant d'ata becomes
d) 5°0 insignifica nt
c) No effed on significance
15. \\ h ich one of the folio\\ ing data is not measu d) Any change can happen
ra ble? A
a) ommal 22. In medical statistics the P ulue is set at;
b) Ordinal a) P< l 00 C
c) Interval b) P<0.01
d) Conlln uous c) P<0.05
d) P<O 5
t 6. \\ h jch one of the foltow jng djagram
rep re\en ts a ho mogen eou s data? B 23. The mode of the fol!owjng data la
a) M ulti modal curve c2.3.5. 2.1 . 2.9.4.J>: D
b) ormal d1stnbuuoo cun c a) 4
c) left -,kewed cune b) 5
d) Bimodal curve c) I
d) 2
17. \\ bkh one of the fol owjpg
measu re of central tendency. C js pot a
24. Tb e pro ba b1'l1'tv of makiae MK 1 •
a) Mean
b) 1ed1an
alpha error Is called; O
a) Sampling error
c) Mean de' iatton d
b) Odds rario
Geometric mean e c) Standard error
Mode e) P Value

t 8. Sbanc of ormal
---- distdbytiop
- sync
n- is
b.udmainly on: e,
t . Sensith it\ for a test 'X' .
- ·fi · · · 1 O 90 and 3) Corrclat1 ocfric1 nt
pec 1 1c1h. .50.
• Pre' alenceo d "t'\eas.e '\ n lph
'' f ' • b) Cr nba h
CJ P (llue
d} Odd ratio

3. Thy usfAln e.
u p on its: \
:p1fic1cy 9. \ accine that is created by altering the
c Reh.abihcy disease organic;m In such a wa' that their
Pred ..u-. e antigenicih is retained but thev are no longer
value pat h ogenic is ca lled: ,&
a Inacuvated vaccme
b) Live attenuated
bu specific1 )c vaccine
Plasma denved
t t; ) ...accme
· d Recombinant vaccine
but sensnivity
10. High rjsk groups for Hepatitis C
"li nsith it;·and spec1fictty increase transmission are:
a) Intravenou s drug addicts.
BOat seruiti'< icy and specific1cy decrease b) Recipients of multiple blood transfusions
sa.Mean.. \.f e<fium and l\Jode are; D c) Those involved in unprotected casual sex
d) a and c
Measure of dispersion
ea.sure association betv. een m o variables
est of significance
'.Mtasurc of central tendency .!l.,:..;..
a) Mat -
...... trans1erred through
Park 1 e p785-86, Park 22 e p789-
90] plat. t
l tq du;- i) b) Breast UUIA uauaUVUIC:S
e1ee$1>be measured by all

------11111111111 341
1. fopulatjon {OWt h is sajd to be less than
f!!rguate requirement when !'JRR is: A
a) < I 7. \ Vb jc h of
b) 1 t he rate in it ?
c) >I C.
d) ... 0 a) TFR
!Ref. Park 2 1/e p452, Park 22/e p45 l ] b) GFR
c) NRR
lpdlcaton lpyolyc d) GRR
[Ref. K. Parle, 2

,, the cad o

ti. Ftr NBR ta be I. m plc prptcgtlga

'"""' lpe••••• • c,
a) 20%
b) 40%
c) 60%
d) 80%
(Ref. K. Pmt 22Je p4S4]
_ _, ..............

b) Defining the population ot nsk
c) Rapid car " for all ca es nnd their
d) Venficat1on of d1agno is

nt. Addiction oScyn due to 11! of the drug1

(xcEPI; (.,
a) Alcohol

118. M1Jlmym rllk of co•ealtal

m1llorm1tlop " rtlated to metcrpa!rub!
ll• lp(ectlog dydpl grcs11psy of; '
a) Less than 11 weeks
b) 11-16 weeks
c) 17-26 weeks
d) 27-36 weeks

119. »)kll tC tits followjng 1tatgmspt1 la

hW 11 gl•tiot tt st••1Wbllity of mymp1?
a) Maxunum infecbousness occurs about 48
hours before onset of Illness
b) Exposed non-nnmunc penons arc infectious
from I2-2S daya after exposure
and c) 3()..400.!cases are sub-chmcal
d) jnapparent infections are not communicable

11stS1M ti• • •11;e,._

cl .. 11 i r I I
b) 'I
'"' I ti \ nr ' II 11

anti 4 IA V8 II It I
u) n 111I I Yll 111 ,
11ppc.11ar1c '
( Rd l'ar k 2 ' c p l 1(,1

I MW 41• M''IM If Nth

J. \\'blcb of the (ollonlp• h the rcacnplr ) Ott med 1
lgr d) MMllnlllUpha
a) Man
b) Soll I) 70%
c) Fomttes b) IO%
d) Monkey e) 8'%
(Ref Park 21le p1 37, Park 22/e p l 37 39) d) 9'%
(Ref Park 21fc pll9 Put 22/c p 4
4. True aboyt mc11lc1;
a) Kophk spot appears 1n Prodromal ...,.
b) Fever stops after onset of Rub It.M • Y=d= IIMC ma Wm;
c) Vaccme given at 9 monthl Tl a) 9 muadll
d) It 1s not diagnosed when coryll llld..,.. ii b) 12 moadll
absent c) 15mo1llbl
c) A,B&C d) II ..........
( Ref Park 2 1/e pl36-40,Put 22/e plJ7-39) [W M 21/cpl 39,Plflc 22/c pl.f l]

s. M1Jc Y.l'l;sl'i ltl!lMJ

- JM11&•1•L•1:.•1· 11. w- r

·,,..,.,.• Wfrrta.
yt1n aee for eNrf p:S!e II; 'a) ln•"MJ ro dipbdllria
a) Keep up b) .._.,libiJily IO diphlbltll
b) Follow up c) 11),.u n 111Vil)' todiplldllnl
c) Mop up cl) Wtull•wida cliplilheria
d) catch up (W.LPirie 19/epU7]
[Ref. K Park JO/e pl3.5-l31)
Epidemiology ,
creening, amplin g
& Immu nology
7. Hrtl!b 111111 yf 1 11
so• p•rcd bl ;
a) Sandard1zcd mortal 1y
b) Ca e fatality rate
c) Survival rate
d) Secondary attack rate
{Ref Part 21 e pSS, S6.Park 22/e pS' 57)

A- I.Qdd• ratio la D nlimatr or.

•) Rdauve nsk
a scasc m a ume b) Attnbuable n k
a d1seasie 1h no tune c) PrevtJcncc
d) ntel
(W hrk 21c p69 Part 22/c p70)

2" d dln .. "' pmill

ARI W. rilk
Pxt'llll C9 fll lliHFIC
I '1rre el dl11 rr
IWJll*Jllep8,Pllk 22/e p70)

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