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The Independence Blueprint™
The Independence Blueprint™

The Independence Blueprint™

Hello, my name is Damian Papworth and I help digital agencies and online
marketers transition their businesses from time and money hungry machines
which trap them behind their PCs, to awesome businesses that support them,
their families and the lifestyles they dream of.
The Independence Blueprint ™ has been written to help you plan and implement
5 real strategies which can take your fledgling digital marketing business (or even
your paid job as a digital marketing or SEO Consultant) to a business that is large
enough and successful enough that it supports your dream lifestyle with both
time and money.

Here is your 5 step plan:

1. You need to understand your numbers in respect of your ideal lifestyle

– both in terms of money and in terms of time. In respects of money,
what is the minimum pre-tax wage you need to pay yourself to live your
ideal lifestyle? How much tax do you need to pay? In terms of time, how
much time away from work do you need for your life? What is your ideal
MAXIMUM amount of time you want to give to running the business?
2. You need to filter these lifestyle figures into your business figures. Start at
the bottom and work up. Three part process here. Work out
i. How much money your business costs each month before
you start working (IE – What are your fixed costs?)
ii. Add your ideal gross wage worked out to Step 1 to your fixed
costs above.
The Independence Blueprint™

iii. Now work out how much NET money you make for each
client AFTER all costs associated with that client are paid. IE
iv. From here you can calculate how many clients you need to
pay for your business and ideal wage – which you calculated
in point 2 a. ii. (IE to work this out, divide your answer to ii.
above by your answer to iii. above
i. Work out how much time it will take you to personally provide
service to the number of clients you calculated in need in
point 2 a. iv above
ii. If you are spending more time on the work of your business
than your dream, you need to work out how to reduce your
time without losing the money you need to enjoy your time.
In business this is called Leverage and these are your options:
i. Can you put a higher value on your time without impacting
your ability to hit your client sales targets? If so, put up your
prices as far as you can and reduce the number of clients you
need to service and free up time. Can this strategy take you
to your ideal lifestyle itself? If not, keep readiing:
ii. Outsource the repetitive systemised elements of your
business as far as you can with a company like www. You will be amazed how
much further you can stretch your business with offshore
support. For example, with the systemised services with SEO
Resellers Australia, your SEO clients should be able to make
you a minimum of $400 per month each, and only cost you 1
hour work per month to manage. So 20 clients serviced with
SEO Resellers Australia White Label service should make you
$8,000 per month for only half a week work.
iii. Employ staff to help you. An expensive but worthwhile
iv. NOTE – with outsourcing and employment options, you need
to work through the additional costs to your business in part
2 a. i. above and go through the process of working out how
many more clients you need to pay for the additional costs
The Independence Blueprint™

3. Create your “Ultimate Goal” from your work in points 1 and 2 above. Draw
it up BIG, post it somewhere where you will see it every day and tell every-
one who will both encourage you and keep you accountable to your goals.
Put it out there!
4. Once you have worked out how many clients you need to support your
lifestyle in both money and time – and expressed this as a specific goal
and put it out there, you need to work out how to win those clients. You
need to work out how to grow your business to that point. There are 101
ways to win clients in our industry. The best resource I have ever found in
regards to building leads and sales (and business profitability) is a book
called Instant Cashflow written by Brad Sugars. You can get a copy on
Amazon or at most quality book shops. So Step 4 is to go and buy this book
and read it.
5. There are 5 “business improvement” areas in Instant Cashflow and each
section has many, many quality and simple strategies that will specifically
improve your business in these 5 critical areas. So immediately after you
finish reading Instant Cashflow, pick 2 specific strategies for each of the 5
areas and implement them into your business. Give yourself 3 months to
properly implement them all and at the end of the 3 months, have a look
at how much better your business now, compared to what it is when you
started. You will be amazed at how far you have come

BONUS STRATEGY: I know I said this was a 5 step strategy, but here is a bonus
idea for you. Step 5 above is NOT a one off idea. Every 3 months, take a step out
of your business and plan and repeat step 5 for the next 3 months. If you do this
for a full year you will have implemented 40 strategies specifically designed to
mould your business into a super profitable machine that will support the life
you specifically dream about.
Free Next Step: To help you get the most out of these 5 steps and to take
your Digital Marketing Business to the next level, I am currently offering FREE
15 minute strategy sessions with a Digital Business Specialist at SEO Resellers
Australia. These business specialists can offer both sales and operations strategic
support, so can help you with the real underlying challenges you face today.
Please click through to
strategy-session/ and book your FREE 15 minute strategy session with an
accomplished digital business specialist today.

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