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State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness

Raw Scale

~ R
Stale of Texas
Assessments of 2 1287 0 285Q
Academic Readiness 3 1336 0 360Q
4 1372 0 415Q
Raw Score Conversion Table 5 1400 1 460Q
6 1425 2 500Q

Grade 7 Mathematics
. 7 1446 3 530Q
Did Not Meet
Spring 2018 8 1465 6 560Q

9 1483 9 590Q
10 1499 13 610Q
11 1514 16 635Q
12 1528 21 660Q
13 1542 25 680Q
14 1555 29 700Q
15 1568 33 720Q
16 1575 36 730Q
17 1593 40 755Q
18 1605 43 780Q
19 1617 47 795Q
Each of the minimum scores required to hit Approaches, 20 1629 Approaches 50 815Q
Meets, and Masters respectively is circled in red on 21 1641 53 835Q
this document.
22 1653 56 855Q
23 1665 59 870Q
24 1677 62 890Q
25 1688 65 905Q
26 1702 68 930Q
27 1715 71 950Q
28 1729 Meets 74 970Q
29 1743 77 995Q
30 1758 80 1015Q
31 1774 82 1040Q
32 1798 87 1080Q
33 1810 88 1095Q
34 1830 90 1130Q
35 1854 92 1165Q
36 1882 Masters 95 1210Q
37 1917 97 1265Q
38 1964 98 1325Q
39 2043 99 1325Q
40 2175 100 1325Q

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