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Following correlations are calculated for: N60=93 @ 35.6 m; Corrected SPT N1(60)~37 after Liao and Whitman, 1986
Table i : Input data and assumptions. Table ii : Soil layers from existing ground.
Input Parameter Value Thickness (m) Unit Weight Soil Type D50 OCR
(kN/m3) (mm)
Footing B (m): 35.6 18 Silt 0.033 1
Footing L (m):
Footing Df (m):
Footing P (kPa):
Safety Factor FoS 3
Apply Groundwater Cor No
Groundwater Level (m) -
Pile Length 35.6
Pile Diameter (m): 0.3
S P T B l o w C o u n ts S P T C o r r e c ti o n F a c to r s

NovoSPT 3.0.2019.1208
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 0 .5 1 1 .5 2
Table iii : In-situ SPT test results.
0 0
Depth (m) SPT Blow N60 Cn C N1(60)
Counts (N) 2 2
1.05 1 1 1.7 0.75 2
4 4
2.5 5 4 1.48 0.75 6
3.05 2 2 1.34 0.75 3 6 6
4.5 6 5 1.1 0.83 6
8 8
5.15 5 4 1.03 0.87 4
6.6 6 6 0.91 0.92 5 10 10
7.15 4 4 0.87 0.93 3 12 12
8.6 5 5 0.8 0.95 4
9.05 16 15 0.78 0.96 12 14
10.5 17 17 0.72 0.97 12 16
Depth (m)


D epth (m)
11.15 23 22 0.7 0.98 15
12.6 29 29 0.66 0.98 19 18
13.15 33 33 0.64 0.99 21 20
14.6 36 36 0.61 0.99 22 22
16.15 41 41 0.58 0.99 24 22
18.6 46 46 0.54 1 25 24
20.15 50 50 0.52 1 26 26
22.6 54 54 0.49 1 26 26
24.25 52 52 0.47 1 24
26.7 55 55 0.45 1 25 30
27.25 59 59 0.45 1 27 30
28.7 62 62 0.44 1 27
29.15 65 65 0.43 1.01 28 34
30.6 64 64 0.42 1.01 27 34
31.3 67 67 0.42 1.01 28 36
33.75 77 77 0.4 1.01 31
S P T N 6 0 = N .C e .C s .C r.C b Cn
34.15 80 81 0.4 1.01 32
S P T N 1 ( 6 0 ) = N 6 0 .C n C = C r .C s .C b .C e
35.6 92 93 0.4 1.01 37
Project: Quiz No. 9 | Job No.: 9 | Location: Medellín | Client: Estabilidad de Laderas | Borehole:BH1{0,0,0} Page 2

Overburden Correction Factor (Cn) Clay Silt Sand Grvl Comments Ref# Var.
Canadian Foundation Engineering Manual, 2006 0.4 * 4th Edition 17 N60
Gibbs and Holtz, 1957 0.49 * equation by Teng, 1962 N60
Liao and Whitman, 1986 0.4 * 51 N60
Peck and Bazaraa, 1969 0.4 * N60
Peck, Hanson and Thornburn, 1974 0.4 * 51 N60
Samson et al., 1986 0.4 * N60
Seed, 1976 0.4 * 51 N60
Skempton, 1986 0.4 * 51 N60
Tokimatsu and Yoshimi, 1983 0.4 * N60

List of 43 correlations for ::Young's Modulus (Es)::

Young's Modulus (Es) MPa Clay Silt Sand Grvl Comments Ref# Var.
AASHTO, 1996 14.8 * Silts, sandy silts, slightly cohesive mixtures 55 N1(60)
AASHTO, 1996 25.9 * Clean fine to medium sands and slightly silty sands 55 N1(60)
AASHTO, 1996 37 * Coarse sands and sands with little gravel 55 N1(60)
AASHTO, 1996 44.5 * Sandy gravels 55 N1(60)
Begemann, 1974 29.4 * Silt with sand (C=3) 74 N60
Begemann, 1974 105.9 * Gravel with sand (C=12) 74 N60
Bowles, 1996 555.7 * Sand (normally consolidated) 25 N60
Bowles, 1996 83.8 * Sand (normally consolidated) 25 N60
Bowles, 1996 26.9 * Sand (saturated) 25 N60
Bowles, 1996 254.7 * Sands (all normally consolidated): average value 25 N60
Bowles, 1996 137.3 * Sand (over consolidated) OCR=1 25 N60
Bowles, 1996 118.3 * Gravelly sand 25 N60
Bowles, 1996 and Denver, 1982 67.4 * Sand (normally consolidated) 25 N60
Chaplin, 1963 48.8 * Sand 74 N60
Clayton et al., 1980 ~ 324.2 to 3704.9 * Sand 74 N60
D'Appolonia et al., 1970 62.8 * Sand (normally consolidated) 41 N1(60)
D'Appolonia et al., 1970 16.3 * Sand (normally consolidated) 66 N(ave)
D'Appolonia et al., 1970 35.3 * Sand (over consolidated) 66 N(ave)
Denver, 1982 67.4 * Sand 74 N60
Farrent, 1963 59.1 * Based on Terzaghi & Peck loading curves 74 N60
Ghahramani and Behpoor, 1989 4.2 * Saturated clays, N60<25 7 N60
Kulhawy and Mayne, 1990 46.3 * Sands with fines N60
Kulhawy and Mayne, 1990 92.6 * Clean sands (normally consolidated) N60
Kulhawy and Mayne, 1990 138.9 * Clean sands (over consolidated) N60
Mezenbach, 1961 35.8 * Fine-grained sand (above water level) 25 N60

NovoSPT 3.0.2019.1208; Licensed to: () printed on 2020-03-31 , 16:02:23.9852874

correlations are calculated for: N60=93 @ 35.6 m; Corrected SPT N1(60)~37 after Liao and Whitman, 1986
Project: Quiz No. 9 | Job No.: 9 | Location: Medellín | Client: Estabilidad de Laderas | Borehole:BH1{0,0,0} Page 3

List of 43 correlations for ::Young's Modulus (Es):: (... continued)

Young's Modulus (Es) MPa Clay Silt Sand Grvl Comments Ref# Var.
Mezenbach, 1961 52.5 * Fine-grained sand (below water level) 25 N60
Mezenbach, 1961 45.6 * Sand (medium) 25 N60
Mezenbach, 1961 101.1 * Coarse-grained sand 25 N60
Mezenbach, 1961 113.6 * Sand and gravel 25 N60
Mezenbach, 1961 51.5 * Silty sand 25 N60
Mezenbach, 1961 54.9 * Silt 25 N60
Papadopoulos, 1992 81.6 * Sands 25 N60
Schultze and Muhs, 1967 73.2 * Sand 41 N1(60)
Skempton, 1986 120.6 ~ ~ ~ ~ N60
Stroud, 1988 ~ 46.3 to 185.2 ~ ~ ~ ~ Weak rocks 47 N60
Tan et al., 1991 53.8 * Sand (normally consolidated) N60
Tan et al., 1991 61.2 * Gravelly sand N60
Tan et al., 1991 34.4 * Clayey sand N60
Tan et al., 1991 29.6 * Silts, sandy silt, or clayey silt N60
Trofimenkov, 1974 ~ 67.5 to 96.4 * Sand (USSR practice) 74 N60
Webb, 1969 51.5 * Sand, below water table 74 N60
Webb, 1969 31.1 * Clayey Sand, below water table 74 N60
Webb, 1969 40.1 * Average profile, below water table 74 N60

List of 31 correlations for ::Friction Angle::

Friction Angle deg Clay Silt Sand Grvl Comments Ref# Var.
Ayuthaya 45 ~ ~ ~ ~ 24 N60
Ayuthaya 43.5 ~ ~ ~ ~ 24 N1(60)
Chonburi 45 ~ ~ ~ ~ 24 N60
Chonburi 44.5 ~ ~ ~ ~ 24 N1(60)
Duncan, 2004 45 * Gravel, Cu>4 45 Dr
Duncan, 2004 39.1 * Sand, Cu<6 45 Dr
Duncan, 2004 44.1 * Sand, Cu>6 45 Dr
Dunham, 1954 45 * Angular and well-graded soils 4 N60
Dunham, 1954 45 * Round and well-graded OR Angular and uniform-graded soils 4 N60
Dunham, 1954 45 * Round and uniform-garded soils 4 N60
Hatanaka and Uchida, 1996 43.6 ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 N1(60)
Hatanaka and Uchida, 1996 45 ~ ~ ~ ~ 30,51 N1(60)
Hatanaka and Uchida, 1996 44.2 ~ ~ ~ ~ 25 N1(60)
Hettiarachchi and Brown, 2009 25.1 * for loose sand 63 N60
Hettiarachchi and Brown, 2009 30.6 * for dense sand 63 N60
JRA, 1990 45 ~ ~ ~ ~ for N60>5 , Fi<=45 4 N60
Kampengsen 45 ~ ~ ~ ~ 24 N60
Kampengsen 45 ~ ~ ~ ~ 24 N1(60)
Meyerhof, 1959 41.9 ~ ~ ~ ~ Dr from Yoshida, 1988 N60

NovoSPT 3.0.2019.1208; Licensed to: () printed on 2020-03-31 , 16:02:24.1883982

correlations are calculated for: N60=93 @ 35.6 m; Corrected SPT N1(60)~37 after Liao and Whitman, 1986
Project: Quiz No. 9 | Job No.: 9 | Location: Medellín | Client: Estabilidad de Laderas | Borehole:BH1{0,0,0} Page 4

List of 31 correlations for ::Friction Angle:: (... continued)

Friction Angle deg Clay Silt Sand Grvl Comments Ref# Var.
Moh, Chin, Lin and Woo, 1989 35.6 * granular soils in Taipei 33 N1(60)
Ohsaki et al., 1959 and Kishida, 1967 45 ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 N60
Peck et al., 1953 32.3 ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 N60
Peck, Hanson and Thornburn, 1974 45 ~ ~ ~ ~ is not recommended for shallow depths (less than 1 to 2 metres)
12,51 N1(60)
Schmertmann, 1975 40.8 ~ ~ ~ ~ also recommended by Kulhawy and Mayne, 1990 51 N60
Shioi and Fukui, 1954 45 ~ ~ ~ ~ in general 1 N70
Shioi and Fukui, 1954 45 ~ ~ ~ ~ for roads and bridges 1 N70
Shioi and Fukui, 1954 45 ~ ~ ~ ~ for buildings 1 N70
Terzaghi, Peck and Mesri, 1996 45 * Fine-grained sands 23,27 N60
Terzaghi, Peck and Mesri, 1996 45 * Coarse-grained sands 23,27 N60
Wolff, 1989 37.5 ~ ~ ~ ~ an approximation based on Peck et al., 1974 30 N1(60)
Wolff, 1989 45 ~ ~ ~ ~ an approximation based on Peck et al., 1974 63 N60

List of 25 correlations for ::Undrained Shear Strength (Su) of Clay/Silt::

Undrained Shear Strength (Su) of Clay/Silt kPa Clay Silt Sand Grvl Comments Ref# Var.
Ajayi and Balogun, 1988 202.9 * 39 N60
Bowles, 1988 231.6 * 54 N60
Decourt, 1989 972.5 * from triaxial UU tests 47 N60
Ghahramani and Behpoor, 1989 187.5 * based on over 100 data in Iran, N60<25 7 N60
Hara et al., 1974 755.9 * 30,51 N60
Hatef and Keshavarz, 2004 421.8 * based on 482 SPT and unconfined compression tests in Shiraz 39
city (Iran) N60
Hettiarachchi and Brown, 2009 379.8 * based on several SPT test in US 63,72 N60
Japanese Road Association - * valid for N60<5 9 N60
Kulhawy and Mayne, 1990 555.7 * 30 N60
Meyerhof, 1956 1852.5 * 8 N60
Nixon, 1982 1111.5 * 72 N60
Peck et al., 1974 222.3 * N1(60)
Reese, Touma and O'Neill, 1976 648.4 * 8 N60
Sanglerat, 1972 1157.8 * 72 N60
Sanglerat, 1972 926.2 * 72 N60
Sowers, 1979 ~ 231.56 to 424.53 * Clayey sands (SC) and Silts (ML) N60
Sowers, 1979 ~ 424.53 to 926.24 * Lean clays (CL) N60
Sowers, 1979 ~ 926.24 to 1596.96 * Fat clays (CH) N60
Stroud and Butler, 1975 ~ 370.49 to 555.74 * valid for N60>5 8 N60
Stroud, 1974 416.8 * Insensitive overconsolidated clays 47 N60
Stroud, 1989 416.8 * PI=15 % 55 N60
Stroud, 1989 509.4 * PI=50 % 55 N60
Stroud, 1989 463.1 ~ ~ ~ ~ for insensitive weak rock with N60<200 N60
Tavares, 1988 - * for clays in Brazil 39 N60
Terzaghi and Peck, 1967 583.5 * 8 N60

List of 79 correlations for ::Shear Wave Velocity (Vs)::

Shear Wave Velocity (Vs) m/s Clay Silt Sand Grvl Comments Ref# Var.

NovoSPT 3.0.2019.1208; Licensed to: () printed on 2020-03-31 , 16:02:24.3785453

correlations are calculated for: N60=93 @ 35.6 m; Corrected SPT N1(60)~37 after Liao and Whitman, 1986
Project: Quiz No. 9 | Job No.: 9 | Location: Medellín | Client: Estabilidad de Laderas | Borehole:BH1{0,0,0} Page 5

List of 79 correlations for ::Shear Wave Velocity (Vs):: (... continued)

Shear Wave Velocity (Vs) m/s Clay Silt Sand Grvl Comments Ref# Var.
Akin, Kramer and Topal, 2011 446 * for all alluvial soils 71 N60
Akin, Kramer and Topal, 2011 461 * for all alluvial clays 71 N60
Akin, Kramer and Topal, 2011 477 * for all alluvial sands 71 N60
Akin, Kramer and Topal, 2011 416 * for all Pliocene soils 71 N60
Akin, Kramer and Topal, 2011 402 * for all Pliocene clays 71 N60
Akin, Kramer and Topal, 2011 498 * for all Pliocene sands 71 N60
Anbazhagan and Sitharam, 2008 331 ~ ~ ~ ~ based on 162 data points in Bangalore 43,50 N1(60)
Andrés Alfaro, 2007 398 ~ ~ ~ ~ function of N60 49 N60
Andrés Alfaro, 2007 759 ~ ~ ~ ~ function of N60 and depth 49 N60
Athanasopoulos, 1995 395 * for all soils 57 N60
Athanasopoulos, 1995 382 * for clays 57 N60
Baziar, Fallah, Razeghi and Khorasani, 1998 806 * for all soils in Iran (function of depth) 58 N1(60)
Fujiwara, 1972 311 * for all soils 57 N60
Hasancebi and Ulusay, 2007 275 * for all soils 57 N60
Hasancebi and Ulusay, 2007 287 * for sands 57 N60
Hasancebi and Ulusay, 2007 259 * for clays 57 N60
Imai and Tonouchi, 1982 356 * for gravels N67
Imai and Tonouchi, 1982 388 * for all soils 57,69 N67
Imai and Yoshimura, 1970 339 * for all soils 57,49 N60
Imai and Yoshimura, 1975 409 ~ ~ ~ ~ from 192 samples 31 N60
Imai et al., 1975 421 * for all soils 57 N60
Imai, 1977 419 * for Quaternary and Pleistocene alluvium 57,69 N60
Imai, 1977 361 * for sands 57 N60
Imai, 1977 301 * for clays 57 N60
Iyisan 533 * for all soils 13,57 N60
Jafari et al., 1997 1033 * for all soils 57,35 N60
Jafari, Shafiee and Razmkhah, 2002 736 * Clayey soils in Tehran (uses N60) 35 N60
Jafari, Shafiee and Razmkhah, 2002 719 * Silty soils in Tehran (uses N60) 35 N60
Jafari, Shafiee and Razmkhah, 2002 892 * Fine-grained soils in Tehran (uses N60) 35 N60
Jinan, 1987 290 * for soft Holocene deposits 57,69 N60
JRA, 1980 452 * for clays 40 N60
JRA, 1980 362 * for sands 40 N60
Kanai et al., 1966 288 * for all soils 57 N60
Kiku et al., 2001 183 * for all soils 57,69 N60
Lee, 1990 588 * for clays 57 N60
Lee, 1990 450 * for silts 57 N60
Lee, 1990 528 * for sands 57 N60

NovoSPT 3.0.2019.1208; Licensed to: () printed on 2020-03-31 , 16:02:24.5720870

correlations are calculated for: N60=93 @ 35.6 m; Corrected SPT N1(60)~37 after Liao and Whitman, 1986
Project: Quiz No. 9 | Job No.: 9 | Location: Medellín | Client: Estabilidad de Laderas | Borehole:BH1{0,0,0} Page 6

List of 79 correlations for ::Shear Wave Velocity (Vs):: (... continued)

Shear Wave Velocity (Vs) m/s Clay Silt Sand Grvl Comments Ref# Var.
Lee, 1992 474 * for silts 69 N60
Lee, 1992 415 * for clays 69 N60
Maheswari, Boominathan and Dodagoudar, 2008 374 * for all soils 73 N60
Naresh Bellana, 2009 347 * for all soils 70 N60
Naresh Bellana, 2009 399 * for clays 70 N60
Naresh Bellana, 2009 402 * for all soils 70 N60
Naresh Bellana, 2009 330 * for all soils 70 N60
National Center for Research on Earthquake Eng. (NCREE)
360 ~ ~ ~ ~ 200 boreholes in Taiwan, function of Z and N 56 N1(60)
Ohba and Toriuma, 1970 342 ~ ~ ~ ~ for all soils 49,57,70 N60
Ohsaki and Iwazaki, 1973 496 * for coarse-grained soils N60
Ohsaki and Iwazaki, 1973 476 * for all soils 57 N60
Ohta and Goto, 1978 116 * for Holocene clays 34 N60
Ohta and Goto, 1978 124 * for Holocene sands 34 N60
Ohta and Goto, 1978 133 * for Holocene sands and gravels 34 N60
Ohta and Goto, 1978 168 * for Holocene gravels 34 N60
Ohta and Goto, 1978 150 * for Pleistocene clays 34 N60
Ohta and Goto, 1978 161 * for Pleistocene sands 34 N60
Ohta and Goto, 1978 173 * for Pleistocene sands and gravels 34 N60
Ohta and Goto, 1978 218 * for Pleistocene gravels 34 N60
Ohta et al., 1972 445 * for sands 57 N60
Okamoto et al., 1989 486 * for Pleistocene sand 49,57 N60
Pitilakis, 1999 325 * for alluvium material 69 N60
Pitilakis, 1999 450 * for alluvium material 69 N60
Schmertmann, 1978 1389 * for sands 57 N60
Seed and Idriss, 1981 591 * for all soils 57 N60
Seed et al., 1983 539 * for sands N60
Shibata, 1970 366 * for sands 57,70 N60
Sisman, 1995 207 * for all soils 57,69 N1(60)
Sykora and Stokoe, 1983 374 * for sands 57 N60
Tamura and Yamazaki, 2002 394 ~ ~ ~ ~ function of depth N1(60)
Tomio Inazaki, 2006 475 ~ ~ ~ ~ Public Works Research Institute of Japan 36 N60
Ulugergerli and Uyanik, 2004 ~ 147 to 511 * * Clay, slit and gravel in western Turkey 31 N60
Unal Dikmen (Ankara University), 2008 237 * for all soils 57 N60
Unal Dikmen (Ankara University), 2008 240 * for sands 57 N60
Unal Dikmen (Ankara University), 2008 220 * for silts 57 N60
Unal Dikmen (Ankara University), 2008 249 * for clays 57 N60
Wair and DeJong, PEER 2012/08 470 * for all soils 76 N60

NovoSPT 3.0.2019.1208; Licensed to: () printed on 2020-03-31 , 16:02:24.7623471

correlations are calculated for: N60=93 @ 35.6 m; Corrected SPT N1(60)~37 after Liao and Whitman, 1986
Project: Quiz No. 9 | Job No.: 9 | Location: Medellín | Client: Estabilidad de Laderas | Borehole:BH1{0,0,0} Page 7

List of 79 correlations for ::Shear Wave Velocity (Vs):: (... continued)

Shear Wave Velocity (Vs) m/s Clay Silt Sand Grvl Comments Ref# Var.
Wair and DeJong, PEER 2012/08 444 * for clays and silts 76 N60
Wair and DeJong, PEER 2012/08 401 * for Holocene gravels 76 N60
Wair and DeJong, PEER 2012/08 539 * for Pliestocene gravels 76 N60
Wair and DeJong, PEER 2012/08 376 * for sands 76 N60
Yokota et al., 1991 411 * for all soils N60

NovoSPT 3.0.2019.1208; Licensed to: () printed on 2020-03-31 , 16:02:24.9383347

correlations are calculated for: N60=93 @ 35.6 m; Corrected SPT N1(60)~37 after Liao and Whitman, 1986

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