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The Heavy Log

Once upon a time a rider came across a few soldiers who were trying to move a heavy log of
wood without success.
The corporal was standing by just watching as the men struggled.
The rider couldn’t believe it. He finally asked the corporal why he wasn’t helping.
The corporal replied: “I am the corporal. I give orders.“
The rider said nothing in response. Instead he dismounted his horse. He went up and stood by
the soldiers and as they tried to lift the wood and he helped them.
With his help, the task was finally able to be carried out.
Who was this kind rider?
The rider was George Washington, the Commander-in-chief.
He quietly mounted his horse and went to the corporal and said, “The next time your men
need help, send for the commander-in-chief.”

Let's face it; humility isn't a very popular word. Yet, all throughout the Bible, the Lord instructs us to be humble and he tells
us clearly the benefit s of being humble.

I must admit that I am not a humble person. It is not hard to show humility at all times but God knows I’m trying my
hardest to have a humble heart.

Now, people around you are telling you that you need to have confidence or PD like what the Indonesians say. But be
careful, you also don’t want to be overconfident that people dislike you and you turn out to be a jerk. You want to be
confident but at the same time, you are not arrogant. You want to be confident and still humble.

So, what does it mean being humble? SLIDE 1

I believe humility is often misunderstood and even viewed as a weakness. But it’s the exact opposite. Humility places us
in a position to receive God's grace and become everything He's called us to be.


SLIDE 3: Why do we need to be humble?

A humble person is also a happy person. They have joy in their lives because they know they live according to God’s plan.

The proud person always wants to do something they think the world will admire…something others see as "important."
The truth is we don't have to do something important to be important. We are important because God loves and values
us. Our worth comes from him.

SLIDE 4: bible verse

What are the characters of a humble person?/ How do you recognize a humble person? SLIDE 5

What are some other character traits

1. The humble can always ask for help, and they don't insist on everything being done their way.
2. They are quick to forgive others, slow to anger when they are wronged.

3. They are patient and don't get frustrated with the weaknesses of others (Galatians 6:2). KEEP CALM and stay HUMBLE

4. A humble person knows when to be quiet. It's certainly not wrong to talk, but a humble person is comfortable allowing
others to have center stage and doesn't feel the need to speak their mind in every situation. Eg: athlete in a team.

6. A humble person sees their own weaknesses/faults and can readily admit them. Eg: the Emperor’s New Clothes

7. A humble person happily serves other people, and they don't do it to be seen. They do it unto God, knowing their
reward will come from God.

 Mother Teresa was a teacher in a school in India, and all her needs were met
in the convent where she lived. However, she chose to give up her life in that
convent in order to live with the poorest of the poor on the streets of Calcutta,
taking care of the very sick and dying. She took care of people with whom no
one else wanted to bother.
 Though he was God, Jesus Christ came to the Earth as a baby, being born in
the humble environment of a stable. During his public ministry, even though he
was a king, he owned nothing and did not have a home to live in. He was a
servant leader. During the last supper, he washed the disciple’s feet as a sign
of love, service and respect.
 Being a parent can be a very humble job, wiping noses, changing diapers, and
meeting a child’s every need for years.

8. A humble person is very thankful. This is one reason why they're usually so happy. When we live with an attitude of
gratitude, it releases joy and power into our lives.

10. A leader who is truly humble treats everyone with respect. How a leader treats people is the quickest way to find out
their level of humility.

Three words I leave you before we end this assembly:

 Humble people are selfless. They think about others. Humble people are generous people and they are more likely to
offer help and get help.
 Kill them with kindness. A little act of kindness no matter how small is always appreciated. It doesn’t kill to be kind
once in a while.
 Calmness. Remain calm when you face big challenges. Remember, if it doesn’t kill you, it makes you stronger. Do not
get stressed. Stress is the source of all disease. When you are calm, you can accomplish more things and make you
more likeable.

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