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Philosophy of Librarianship

“To build up a library is to create a life. It’s never just a random collection of books”

-Carlos Maria Dominguez

Libraries are places in the community that allow for the spread of information as well as a

safe place for those who need it. The library should be active in the community to draw patrons

into its welcoming embrace. It is a librarian’s role to assist patrons in their quest for information

and to foster safe spaces for anyone who seeks them.

As a community hub the library needs to create a bridge between itself and the people.

This can be done by putting on programs that people in the community would be interested in

attending. A more effective way to integrate the library into the community is working with local

businesses and artists to put on events. In my hometown, Princeton, West Virginia, we have

street fairs several times throughout the year along our main street. The library almost always

had events set up in the parking lot for younger children to do, and inside the library, there is a

book sale for all the weeded books. By participating in a community event the library imbeds

itself into the community. By participating in the community the library shows that it is a

welcoming and friendly place for people to visit.

In order for a librarian to foster a safe space a librarian has to be there to serve their

patrons to the best of their abilities. A librarian who I greatly look up to told me it is important to

put the patrons first. By putting the patron first they feel important and that their questions are

valid. I believe that it is important to try and greet every person that comes into the library. It is

also effective for a librarian to learn the names of as many patrons as they can remember. By
learning a patrons name it creates a welcoming and friendly atmosphere that will encourage

people to return. It makes people feel special when they are recognized by a friendly face.

Librarians are guardians of information, distributing it to those who seek it. A library is

filled with information and materials that would overwhelm anyone who wasn’t familiar with it.

A librarian should know their collection well enough to guide a patron to what they seek. I

believe it is helpful for a librarian to have a bit of knowledge of everything as they can be helpful

to almost anyone. It is good to familiarize with popular subject matters as well as the more niche

subjects. The information a librarian distributes isn’t just the knowledge within books, it's also

knowledge in how to help a patron with their computer or giving them directions to a nearby

restaurant. A librarian should try and be as helpful as a book in their stacks.

A library isn’t just a source for books, it is also a place for technology and noise. With

makerspaces on the rise, libraries are an ideal place to house them. It allows people to

experiment with new tools and technologies with the satisfaction of creating a product that they

can keep. Libraries should have a balance between quiet areas and louder areas. The louder areas

allow for conversations and laughter for people. The quiet areas are for patrons who are used to a

traditional library where they are meant to be quiet. It is important to have both of these in order

to appease both types of patrons.

I grew up in libraries and grew up as an active reader. When I became old enough I

started volunteering at my local library. While in the beginning of my university career I worked

as a desk clerk in the university’s library. After talking with the librarians about how I want to

help people get information and learn things, but not wanting to become a teacher, they

encouraged me to attend library school. After transferring universities I began my library studies,
and at this new university I worked in Inter-Library Loan. The more skills I learned through

working in libraries and the more I learned through my classes solidified my decision to become

a librarian. In order to further my career as a librarian I plan on obtaining my master’s in library

science after I have been out of academia for a bit. I plan on taking this short break so I am able

to give myself a rest, and experience the “real world” before returning to academia. Even outside

of academia I am sure I will learn new skills as I work in new libraries.

A librarian should be a pillar in the community, actively participating and working with

local businesses and artists. As a librarian I plan to create a welcoming and friendly environment

for all members of the community. It's good practice to greet everyone that comes into the

library and learn as many patrons’ names as possible, emphasising the welcoming environment. I

also plan to be a provider of information for the patrons of the library. With these ideals I will

hopefully be an effective librarian.

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