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Recetas SOE mccoy acon tara ON Maen ter ee OOo ae BC ae eon om CPL Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, School of Philology, eeteaeaoni ey RGR CUaun ast sma ec iT AY EV cer eA0L EL) Nee Citeactan FTNY Cou Cola Ui Wes OL Ta are Cree Ie axle AN SANAPA KAPOVEOY H oxéon tev povqTiKey napayaywv TNS MPOAEKTIKHS MEpIodoU He THY avdduen Tew npuTov AcEcwy ota Ma1dIG Abstract “The emergence of frst words is traditionally considered 2 landmark in the language ac quisition proces, sgjalling the beginning uf the “linguistic period” as opposed tothe so called “peelinguistic period” of communicative development. However, recent empiri studies on che development of early phonological, communicative and symbolic abilities Ihave show at th seem to be gradually constructed on the hasis of knowledge progressively acquired Gir- ing the pre-word stage. The minute developmental analysis of these carly vacal produc tions can therefore contribute to an explanation of the processes underlving eariy lan guage development. Empirical results are presented on the early vocalizations of a Greek child, longinudinally video recorded in weekly intervals from age 8 to 16 months, Analy- ses of various formal and functional aspects were underraksa on the basis of acoding cem plate constructed for ths parncular data and purpose. Preliminary results on the fart of these productions (articulatory quality, number of segments, intonation, rhythm) are ar- sued Lo support the cin that the ability to use words is & gradual, continuous with pre Vivus developments and malcidimensional achievement ne clearcut boundary beewoen these ro phases. Intead, words 1, Eloayoyti Ta madd ord oh usp maui nen orptig mot mpiv and wig mpEbees TODS aurysg Yooouds napaye xpiires Bhady hears, pbddRoy covg uEsta Bue@pipoy eroorveavtedLy 4 ox, Motirpares feat Eupaay arqy zepingo x ce THY omoiae RoC MaTOR aor ard vy “npoyhasauy” ety “yhwooteh” emroueovien, Lioyruenpysdrer Epeuves Beizvavy jun oygor, ovy ae S sry awidvoy eg Yahoos. (7.4 Acredolo & Goodwin 1988" Bates x4, 1979" 1988: Camaioni 1993+ Capirci a. 1996: Caselli 1990" Thal & Tobias 1992). @epznxivony avers coy yxprneenproUS toy APOLLO awrdy exppsozan Jouy Tor 5 mem ume mg yaaa" Lon pn To épyo ourzpquatoborsicn: and 10 Eupuanints Keven Tain mt El (NTA Th TV@STOPAS I. Hemera uments a7 01 “pce to sn AEs Livy A. karornoy vocalizations), 5yAady or puntxés rapaymyes Rov RponyobvtaL THs aver ravEng 7m Ying, Modaertat via roAwdikazaces repaytoyes Tou tT (tiv fe aurBsiv re okie ereeda. Oni exon“ 10019 TONE, TONE Exouy everyuepienier tumyarea, bag oka popes 7p =, Rapier pss epi conv Bapoporunges tay uRcp tannery nposuducey Burry iMoiy sé a coweuos, puluod xth.). Og ex tabs0U, UROpODY Yor Hel io. Eraheov, tar reasuce ocd Tyr wacix6 Goo KaL OF UREpTUTBaTES Ext ont BExpE yonoworUady pIoviaEc Yo. vex ExeprtCODY covaLathccre, Ex! tuyuize xe xpotiéreis (Halliday 1975: D’Odorico & Franco 1991+ Marcos 1987 Montgomery 1979: Papacliow, Minadakis & Cavouras 2002: Stark, Bernstein & Demorest 1993). Hodxerran yate nesporycoyes ayy cipyh acxovorec, Ts OxvIee ov yovels aumrmqustacc xe 076 Todd wapis exhaUBdvoNy ios aRdreIpEC ERLAO- moving, tis eoUvetony, xa xo” aUz6 tov zp4r0 auverapgoony oradiocec aray Skotos Rap|yboyy TOs eau aT aHSVO7 TH = Foi eng. Yoveriog, y entihva tove a& extxonanared exinedo umopei va aervdpst emiong onucevsins Sedousv ide ue Ty ereoweavunne, rere mpMTERETO RO “yor! evden tov nawdudr. Teh, or proving aeaduastde yonemuerowsvic, and va nawdud oiveva nas mn avo ey pOrUAl Kg E00 avMupopmes DE OUYA=p ve geste. No ik Naan nprayyaoneysica te ope mpi LOTE(NE ET 2x6 wovzcha wopome-oruaoia: o AOHETH TpdEpaTE EUAATO on rasnvey ei weraEh cay RawNoy pOVIE poceorig ME Deore avz%g, 0 Roman Jakobson (1941+ 1968), 07% oXeusvos oc drones quepohoywaxte Raparnprrers toy RpoyAwamveiy Ree Eine ov ovnrgoaopm mag autés Bev ayerioveou Ue Ty Us hedroms, ahi amcoTEhoby aTAgs “poutives fo- Jee SuORO TEA CTL Te Roast ReEpCYODY HE nog orcvicns ctven“ckicixol nat Bev say motiriay he eT iuavons. Yrei eUKORG woo Tovadin Yay apeeol a oyeriovea: ur ty Yhehonee ron repfddhoveos. Oc ex zobzou, Bewoprfines 6 8 Figo: avz0! dev uxopotn va eouce ular. Kareroyobvece, wi or, acdzoqe we otous Krone tong Tov xapaxenoiowy mm YhOaan amy o7oin ta rendre. Avery qumdlieay “ye covve a6 dikhoug. Fvbeverved, o Velten (194 Bio ong unoo ripe en eypimoy fxplouaros! oe nai Us xispwor, xara TY vee ar.07: 3) winos yee wx “Repindo ovorie conencimgg ot mg hextinis nepidBou, O Lenncbers (1957) Tienes oudiaants seers avethaatinveieny, ee mom ani eine a 11724 (PONETIRS FASE OES THE FIPOMERTIXHE HEIOR07 cxcmmoneivere RowBit, evurpvoveag Ex cy event Ot OL Gen bat outzheun. udilinarye GEAG fhokmy eo) ZOO ORATION, cu on YonswoTo‘TAAV aii~yoOVeS TEyyO}OY Zeaasomtanes yan aviners s pengrinsn apres (xs pax oeeig noe 21g) Bev xartigepay va exahrfeiorony = yxpi0t 9689 xactadEaniony TE 7dEt) OnE Opto» UETaEL sey din eEzheerwain gancary (ale Boysson-Bardhes, Sagart & Durand 1984 de Boysson-Gardies &¢ Vihman 1991: Elbers 1982+ Stark 1980). Apevds Suara: Sour Tas ok RapANdEVO! H/o} OT Thy oO Ream TeNi0d too flapiauertog coneweTotiy zo TeLBree yee yee ReapMegON 1c (ry, Oller, Wieman, Doyle & Ross 1876 Viluman xc {p00 noasBevevivouy me a8 pbro cudihoryo se9y wo toy tov Yhudaty nov watiaivony (de Boysson-ardies, Sagart & Durand 1984 de Boysson-Bardies, Sayart, Halle & Durand 1986), Emmigoy, duamurratyes 1 OL pera Abang ro: groves ouMUcgyoUv pe apreerée wey Ade Buy, tug mprotee cong 1985). Age pewnc yhaoaeinc mepiBeehnunate Berpe pony ter 0: pon von Louw a Bireo ka: (mz. de Boysson-Bardies 2001 Elbers 8 Ton 1985: ouanjean | 'Antoéne 1994- Vihman & Miller 1988). Ot Viliman .é (1985. 483) dy ouateais “Or Eas coaBnaveon pe ver pono Eee ah TH aerERCE OY rauBi ovanciaast us to faé(fou.” Te oye Buczuniyne moog 80 rapéeyour nae myv Repiodo zou flafieryectog ah- ci eq covediven, emg othlag (re avagepe: 6 Oller (2000), % Zen% puuyrom avddnen). Oras 5 reapiadermecert LEpOY LOPLI NTTIAGIY KOHL TAY RVEET cxeby aidRocyiov TOU Yxperx tp Lou 736 coHsure “TEM QES Kew: POVOAOY KL by oBncKes napaywyES. O Wing avertike Eva cxdiocd uovisho, 10 hi ew uropovahoyixd fintraphonological), 70 aroio wathava BuvaTy THY cre nom tov Tpeuay owe: corm) cov zations wae deta: araBtOV. 0 ing Yorupe: (2000, 67): “ae xe wrkem ca radi ooo eb aBiverry try xecorypapy ray By oryares ia woo apg (enewsahrnoey oimaat este ame Tn Huey Arps ice i731 A. KAROY2OY Wiéry7a nov coroblete ovonoyur uovada dpBlpamans, thy xavovory awhkafn". Adyo tne raoaBomoons Eupaays ™¢ Povodaryias ose TERjEKELAr ype expiant Kats ua exryensy ustloBohcryextov Buczotin, 0 oswves WELD" tw rhelazoy exiKevtp.0) “sunereabionnaeiined eines. Mah hiyes ueherec agony te URZO TENA -mrTovigyid wate 79 Bio: atv vrdere Ouppeovin i 0 EmROMOUs ARTI quviaeig tong Eva [Piya eo xoved ovr OPI, 0g tBuieqreg 2a oy irocivoveen avo eeu, Earynengyieren, po Etat ROAD MLO woe cred THe UREH mporotoby anor: ete r0Ug RON Mpty xatawpeponv wa TapaYEyELY GOTT Caron & MacLean 1988: Lewkowicz 1988: Papaeliou, Minadakis & Cavouras 2002: Stern, Spieker & McKain 1982). Exixhgov, tar npoawdiaxe apne trp: roid tay geoviiozioy elven TH poO%| THE Ysera ov owe onl aexqudloven ares yaoeocenouatvads ms (De Boyssen-Bardies, Sagart & Durand OBA. Kene & Murray 1982. Whalen, Levier 8¢ Wang, 1991), Pairs ce SvoKokios yevinctionce oonysiar nexpsyovren yuse tov pufus tov mporerte) geovjaee (Davis, MacNalige, Mare & Powell 2000 Karusou 2003). (5 nos avn i £O% 10% (hye es 8g 1 nov RapAY YOY xa: ne onus ig ryGes gusete HE ices eptoveron exbexdzepe oe aTOTeAEOUATE TOL! TPO: vebrcovy and 7 RORDBLaOTaETH aveduKTN THs HoROS TOV GovAasov? 2, MeBodohoyia To peyouig ni or npees nap Oh dice WE TURLALT.XE O1 poirot Yu Try cevethban woe Ty Hoe deity aning wefiododoyi vennh, Urq anveyera rapovardtovent ot ucBndodoud: v Suaxpivoytat an supports} nop: 0 eyeipe: onward, uonolyay tous, OTws ano: ve xplousy at. oyu yun my nemihovs Tie xan cov OILY “ Avanpontpioyn sucrzettn mute apn 18 2 epee ac Yai (hit 7 20 18 ure) (Rareses 2003) (i741 PONHTIEA HAPATOTA THE MIPOAPKTIBIY FEPIOSOY 2.1 Ynoneiuevo xa SeryparoAnyia Aéyta tg ToPERTAS Ue THY OTViA Gov hobyrat 1 anhayes Kata Ty pK Yen ever evEr, 1 SiazpovoM) uebodohoyia. roxtmay naparypyoewy Hewpei sont tuo evBeBerynérn wéllodoc Yio Ty, AERTOUEON xaTaYOEY avareTvE Ie vei oddaxyty. E hth ukons mhvelcs eivon, ovmina tee adivary, 4 nepayesve) exuaicven ~osanxin reiparyeoy tiv. O wove zpimos oviaoyig avimpoowne! 070 omelo tong neplidaddov. Te otis Yedun ZoMMavixonx0vOLE avicyees 1 0 KOp ni exenéBov Tov excilleva wow azyy kiy, ‘RoOfArL 0 wilinze pbKapaLOUTE “oy Yves, Hoey acorn ec és p< Bvteonxoryaeis zav naudiod, ax sy ruxies reav 8 urvesy uéypr cove 16 payes.! OF yor yheiaom. Mev Eye xa.r aici tov ae reps ace aulldpuNens ue Ty omoyéverd von, Tia 2% uaryyntooKernan yone!uo~ onillnne ule dmguoceh dovsecxducper (Sony, DCR-IIC96E). H auvonver Bid0- etn 0s wore mzome a 21 woes 2.2 EmtAoyh deBopEvov once aL Reapery yy, OD 8x 2 Evy avaVENETILG WixhD, YE kon Sra ce pracediBonoyrKd doin drs xalopTorem and rg Rabo ov Rpoxohoivias an6 Try SOREN, xat exrvoH apa (D’Odorico & Franco 199T- Hou, Fogel & Cooper 2000: Koopmans-Van licinum & Van der Stele 1986- Lynch, Olller & Steflens 1989 Stark 1980). Auto to xowe¥o ong toy govt opi atciayn Saiperind aF:or:0t0 (Nathani & Oller 2001). See Szdoucue anrcprimpOnray dkes o1 peovmride rapayeyés a 6g and Tong xallapd Gono - Brina8), Axoug Bvapopiag (pure By napaverty yapaxmomern 05 yerpivic, wheels 3078 mB. ctys Keio. To exivohn tay «pin nek contigs aun= 4.082, 2.8 Avéduan Kat kadixonoinen Sedouévwy avéiuon mg wopers un RpdYAY Qravaacor A. KAPOYEOY aryua avr6 reprhauBdver mohhée nupayexpons avitnvons (uetalsinrés) Kaile puwrre nanny availines ue 20 FOSYOaLUA proLatovprepzes avchverne puri PRAAT (Boersma 2001) xa xartéree nniuearcomniin 360 aveBreprnzang Sept pa onppeve 0 aHATHIAL LOETMYOOUIY ROY Tee san oH OEY SIE A. Ze tpnparxs eninedo to: SeBopeve evahibineay we myo wig axdrovles apayerpuns: (1) Howie 1 GNpeaens vor qeamnize Tepleyéqieve: H rowenta dotlpwan 2 1 zon) Oller (2000). Or Vendoqaviey: beaver us sy gavyT44n O85 v= aver cavanios Oger oe 1) 080 avo ¢ ipuverng Ton MAST TOY ORO PY haath Ber oF win a0 atoeneme Tow pes vn Bean ae aioe 5 yhor Buco Ayn on raprigovzon a6 Hy euppaky THE GovrtUErs OBO aco tre Yeo 471 Yheicrace, Kodocoontirzay as evsoobygiovtr, Wht, 70 B59 Bhsfipay ac meoepavodoryLe oovidier, 2ve Udvor a: geovonarrxd Spyies payeayés (xevowete avihofiés xox pavievec) cvehilnxay Ker. QOM (2) Apiiuds turpdcaviontaabiy xov xepitys: agate" B, Avaisiacte a nmcptumnatixé exineBu og mong 71 axdhoulles napm ustpone (1) Exiroviopés: H avéiiuoy, cov xpnryuacoronitin uéow 2 yero( thse (ai Kazarypaerne 0 aortic by cxendBow (omeptunuderoy) TE Te fic. Shady, 0 aplluds tov uEtafiodsy zg Aewchuddous uxvdrn Tas aie anvamvavarrih wtsehe 5 (3) Keadoxorona ie roves sane xe ro entrdvmua, dmhady xareslovan Ty: painnd ninhov we aves 7 GeoMONS rig sow evar 16, KebloBix6 ¥ erineBo. () Ketlon cevndieh, xaboBu6, ix ower weceriody (anpomo) ay narecpge sees (1761 (PONUTIRA PAPAPRPA THE HPOAEK TIKES EBIOSOY edo, avnds d-reattodx6 (U-shape), zahodix6-avodixo (inverted U-shape), oe: auyasoeidés (simuscid), (2) Pobuse: H plus} Sour me napaywrhe xudue0: ra axéhovba Boor (Orxe obupeove covnti wéxpai ‘lauoe (~-), Teoyatiog (=~), Ave az0g (~~~), Aupibioarus (- =), Me ~~~), Kontundig (~~). O1 ceroves eavhaets ¥ autés Tov tovitovra ojoruopon xoSieororHneay “Movocoves”. Ta oivlleze uétpa Tov Rpoxirtony and evrBucayose Sibo % Booed uésox nodixonoiminxav ug "Maura". Téhos, extie and oy avihoon ms LOpErs TY pevRzIy Bua xepuao: un over Qiovi geo xn ONG ZOU aTOTEROKY OUBOR yee, Opa i piorondies, Og potencies opiarazay ox wouipes Zon yyMoyLOTOAbV=N oyetiucs arabian a6 va madi, whic Bev Eyony exxdun ccuph criger, we Hy ovyBarix% uowdda: woppg-onacins 77s yadanas (Vihman 1996). Qe he Eat opiotnnay ot aoa orang civ aralenés nou ayeriLovren angie ue ts ovBarinds Ae unzouris ykdooag (Vihman & McCune 1994). AeBoudve PéBeac tov Wueu- s¢pwy puwhoyuaiv yapaxryplaTmey nov éovy o1 Rpsues Rapayorse (orunacaorders, napaivijes, usraléoess xh), axohovleivan a a0 5 Opn UO ™ oon umm Yoo, Heapavtag ing aROdENTH RANE BOK FOV wR: “ 1 woop Eoupaver us are e100 eet eparerin, agilngxe urapantcr ae sao Zoysia aipepet 75 mnozoncEers. H a&omorin: onc xodvconoinons unokoviornpe us tn Aeon ys xB ree zenyion wera civ dedousvo.. Ah 0s, Agon ohoxdnpalyee % covdchuay x necrecxopnqne 3¢ Bion "uf tovg avaiRuor, we co RPS yomuue SPSS 12.0. SeSoydvor Ka! 3. AnfoteAgouata, Tax Burgypowxe SeBoueva. 71S 1 ig maf seaetiypnve tos ROE Ap xesoonendovene aise yur 7 rosiud toy Tuqudcoy, tw onEOTUNETIOY x08 THD CHAU, THD TOY Seen. vewara | magi icepe ces vere ee Low puowieratav Orro vas tow mpLaTtOY i Lote oy man rye genriacioy acqy angen nea, Teint grkory THs Sertuerwrgbiang rea Ep F Lappy tov npr» (177) A. KAPOYEOY Mpdues puvgacig Mpdireg Ab eIG Bprives 16 wives ROIOTHTA —|Weudogevijev Kavovinés OUANGBEG | KavoviKeG GUAADBEG APGPOEHE 22.2% 446% 87.3% APIOMOZ 1 2 2 TMHMATON 67.5% 42% 285% ‘APIONOZ 1 2 | 2 YMEPTMHMATON | 42% 40% 86% Movaroves Tpoxaiog ‘lopBog Tpoxaleg tapos Byene 29.4% 218% 246% 233% 616% Hisoxag 1: Moppy toy rpcK lov @aviiaceay xa Tea ApErTOY AE 3.1 Mlowmra apspwong ny ao ens Seryaroinbiag (8 prives) repair y RAO ypevtoy (QV) ue auvepizteds zoana7% (88,26), Seovg 16 yrives wars e dvr cet ker pices. Emmparoby magov oF oukkalleés sbrepa aurés nov nepdyovy xavovacds aurhefiés (S) (44,690). Or 5 to Fpconecr 1,3 adhe aus, RooeyLaLvoncoHe aw oradiaxs. Mapdr 0: xavouxés aubhafi rowers avaBerewier muy Rerreomegis veecaunsyOUN pongo, wovepmrtacd, Me dhher Kot, UO: potpe ve RapacnonoUnE Oc. a2 KANE avarcuEuaAy, poor, KoppaAAr AA THY RapEyOyy “GpUEN og ROO Ty dollptwAm goviaEiNy, cowREpYOD THO! axon arcicig, FyBingspov apovardte: enionsy EEkEN wor dlevdoorMayses car via usraBarixés wanes ron yom orovs 1-14 urves elves ¢ (31-A4LI0, Kucérem, 20 noaoat6 tons p 1,20 FOGOGTO TOVE Bey eivat oh aD eeSuaneie zane Focipnya 1: Avert} ropsice me Mesorm rac dptiptaans tiv povnosioy (178 OONHTIKA TAPATOPA THY: HPOAFKTIRHS HEPIOSOY comiCovten an0 OAo WAL Repladdrepes xavovixes aUARapEs. Ct TPL 0) Rapéeyovten cxdum We To “cevspxoUe’ FLU Ta anote gouaca cei raraBeotioy un ova td Ov HILON = Ho pte an iy wee mone ound 2. apbPOONS. eos RpOg TY 8.2 ApiGuiée TinuéTwy Kal UNepTHNUdTOY coy Agutind rarudroy xa azoy Hiverxa. 1, gai: (76,5%) ruy ponigeuy nepidyss nhéoy 2- sunurse (4280) 9 2 spencer (46%) Av 5 ton ree a e 9 Ww on 2 4 Bw sundry tov peovjozov. A. KAPOYSOY a Fpapruasa 2 2a 3. Lapeer Eicon. Ue UEyanirepn adroryh, 7 onoIM outeheirar Ue TH6 wopgr Rov 001 a1 08 spmsactix6 eximedo yripta azoue 15 4 vapitepa, ozous U1 uryes. Hapa y ayy avyehan tay Qermacay tes heats, 1 onoin xpreyyertonot ¢ Kon. OF UREPTLNMOETUAS Op: ic EmupaCTABY OF pan}! 008). Av boty xen. oes Bie etper nepausvony usyoe v0 eh pdwMeNS 15 READE Tov UDO (21,89 2h REpi00 > oratiep cnn pe TOY pLY;deWy We “YEDELA” publuG (MIN cov 120 wiva, rou mponeyyown to 13%, Tortepnuo 4: Avo suites, mupcia top PoBuod tov pevioeioy Ay afew vrdibn Rus, obupioe us tov Miva 1, on moh Des! (61.6%) % spoyrtize: cadneny yf TOU IUYTER ya Vecagricreny 005 10% ay egy xorceithiva, ameotehet le arcu, HED peoviiozeay wot TPC) 4 Zunepdoyara ne, Averhillyees eden) mon prea 11801 UNH LIKA HAPALGEA THO: HIPOAERTIKHD HEFIOQOY Smo, ard toe 8 & Réoe. evic nohwdsdiotarcov a rueerac row Boutique eve yin Tuc avicyce THs Eounnts xexdwxoroNht- Exbvedzepet, xocesey 80 waren corso beret xerceryonepn tng RowbemTe Mghlo«ans, oH mOLOH TN éeriow se0u ome yep Hay Toa D1 avIAE!E O50 ZOL OL FUTES TOV 1, ner, von pallens tow pavizreeo. 3 Te ar ues. eee hen oy meapoarcives Eeic okad. H acpetoes Ty Lagann vr 08 40S n “rg abu ducapeipens fatacin “Bere suiyxkone om UOEIPY, Tov AEEEOY, ce nore Ty oro! TpaywacorEe!ean v aliyxhean exch elves Ba hia x euprusver, dipflvenns onnexivovran xavournde ouddabise Non ar p02 yy roub- iY 0x4 TS , axonovllody ov wveeg (8 prives)y av nowt YELos avoduey Topeion nae Thc woo ov0Ug 15 ures UREpLOLbOUY Eva cov dihioy maporyenyciy. PEivoy apy za osxB.00% eat an 1 ob yHAON WS RpOg TOV ApHAUA Tov TUMEHTAY oUAAafhiOv Avtibera, 7a amorehéapera xaradcumiiony ewe my romysn 2 enrovioyod. O: gavigeis pc diio towed exinedea elven Lops cto. © 49405 mocoar6, Sey ou 6, Hae 4n and tove LI wives uRepiaziovy »y poovocioy. H Buserierteaay uth auprinte: ue ta nopiouata ZoonvoNevew epenvGy ZOD vToaTTOOWN. to aoooatenis, = iro: Jat a6 Ta TpLATA yoLOMA KOH ovens yy enteper mY grarssie wg (De Boysson-Bardies, 1982+ Whalers Levit Wang 1990, Te ves onan ooaas xu Rooapyatovtes ove 721 agart & Durand 1984+ Kent & Marray ang TPO pitas ocx oaredccrtee orcioncugrytzepee te ree Biot, Bydady tov tayo, ov too onussalie! ning ca 120% Deans Ye 200: 1978 1980) Sowohvd te an pn tov aupifipayn, A Eoucrrer aura Bev aTypiovw 2%y vRdREam kod jporyenyés ~ “trochaic bias hypothesis” (Allen & Hawkins ‘auara arypitow 7 eysoy, ove, Efi cov Box mens Mar purviacmy xa raw mptitew AéEewv os dhe tH ert HOnKay xou enozboov 29 Oedpnon row RPUTOY og, H avaduan annoy xa RpOROpROY © Amand Rep pahhov paix JoadapuOTH T tat La LQOTE Nevo Depyamoy uctNONs TOU UE T 100V0 DOTYODY UE PaO TPOTO aTWY TapAyOYy tiny TATA yy. Ter fiat) A. KNPOYEOY evoréon anorehgounrte, waréo0, RooKir tony and avakuay, Tov punt ney maparyinyiny Evie uve uoxewsévon. Oc ormorehtayersa Biayoovinre Ta parhenons UROpowN va Rapeyoow anponrLide Rinpowoples y!e 70 wera ‘rie, array neu ouveneg ustapahroueve. yapaenpatink Ins REpLoSoo ab ans nat vee Vdoouy xa Deushux yun neparrépo diepevvfves. Qotdao, av ev emiBepauslody Ue oouTnpMpaUXés avarionc guvAveur akrww ReBicy, onoadynote Yevixevay) sous Tpéret ve yiveTat Ue EeRUPUREN, BiBAloypagia Actedolo,L. 8S. Goldwyn. 1988, “Symbolic Gesturiniin Normal Infants”, Child Deel- opment 59. 450-66, Allen, G. D. 8. Hawkins. 1978. *The Development of Phonological Rhythm”, 020 A. Bell & J.B. Hooper (er), Spllabes and Segments, Auoreuvts, North Holland 1980. “Phonological Faythm: Definition and Development” oo G. H. Yeni-Komshi an, J. F. Kavanagh & C. A. Ferguson (er), Child Phonolegy. og zt. Praduetion. Nei Yoon, Aculemic Pres, Bates, E.,L. Benign! I. Brotherton, L. Camaiont &¢ V. Volterra. 1979. The Emergence of Syrubolse Cogntiion and Conummanication in Infancy. 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