Competency Four Narrative

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Competency Four Narrative—Think Critically and Reflectively

In completing the instructional materials assignments, I have learned to be more intentional in how I
plan for the differing language proficiency of my students. I believe that my students learn more when I
reflect on their needs and current abilities throughout my planning for their lessons.
Develop a Personal Vision of Inclusive Educational Practice
Throughout several of the courses for the ELL concentration, we had multiple opportunities to explore
ways to plan for differentiation in instruction. Differentiation of materials, ways of presenting information
and planning for individual needs ensure that students have equal access to curriculum. The assignment I
have included for this competency came from EDCI 559, and it shows how I planned for the various
language needs my students have by scripting questions that helped them participate and that helped me
assess their learning. My students have definitely benefitted from what I learned about the careful crafting
of questions. I continue to plan different ways to ask the same question so that my students can all engage in
the work we are doing together.
Identify the Relationship of Discipline to the Broader Field of Education
English Language Development is a discipline within the broader field of education. It is often easy to
become too narrowly focused on the day-to-day work of helping students learn vocabulary and language
structure without thinking of their greater need to use the skills in other settings. The case study I am
submitting from EDCI 557 shows that I can step outside of my specific discipline to assess and analyze
students’ progress. Being able to analyze and talk about students’ current levels of learning helps me
advocate for their needs in conversations with classroom teachers. The case study assignment required me
to learn about some new assessments. My analysis of the student’s assessment data was used in
conversation with his parents and classroom teacher during a conference. The teacher was grateful for the
information that helped her plan more targeted instruction for him. His parents were glad to know how he
functions in the classroom.
Critically Evaluate Theory and Practice
As a teacher I have to make many decisions daily about how to instruct my students. My decisions are
based on what I have learned about how children learn and what I know about each student’s current and
developing understanding of the topics we are studying. Through the case study, I critically viewed the
traditional ways we instruct students and found that there is a heavy focus on learning content with little
regard to the differing language needs of the students. I thought about teachers sometimes assume that
good instruction is good enough for ELLs without consideration for their specific needs. I analyzed the data
that I gathered about my student, and I made very specific recommendations about how we can alter our
instructional practices based on what the student needs. In order to assist ELLs, language objectives and
scaffolds that support the individual learner’s proficiencies need to be included when instruction is planned.

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