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Name_______________________ Assignment in PSC 425 Course/Section_________

I. Since physical exposure to the political party, interest group or social movement you
have chosen is no longer feasible because of the ECQ, your option is digital research.
II. The format is standard research
A. Title
B. Statement of the problem
C. Hypothesis
D. Areas to be considered
1. History
2. Vision and mission
3. Organizational structure
4. Activities and issues
E. Areas of accomplishments and success
1. Based on their mission
2. Based on their vision
F. Conclusion
G. Recommendations
III. You can submit this research via email so I can make, if any, suggestions to improve
a graduation-worthy paper
IV. You have a lot of time, manage it and other resources so you will not cram.
V. The final paper will be submitted on the FIRST day we get back to class
VI. This semester has been beset with so many unfortunate events but we can choose
to make the best out of it

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