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1 1IIImllllllllllllllnlllllili



DHAKA - 1000, IlAN(,LADESI-]


Md. Saidur Rahman

Project report sllbrnill~d to the

Department of Naval Archllccllllc and Marine Eogin~crjng
in partial fulfillrncn( of Ihe requirements for the tlcgree of
Master of Engin~ering

Nawl Architecture and Marine Engineering

October 2005

Department of1\'ov;11An;hj(eclurc and Marille Engineering

Bangladesh University of Engineering ~nd Teclmology
Dhaka - 1000, Bangladesh
, . ~ - -



A Project Report

Approv~d lo th~ slyl~ and content

Dr. KHO. SHAI-IRIAR IQBAL (Supervisor) Chairmiln
As,istant Professor
Department of Naval Architecture and Manne Engine~ring
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Dhaka - 1000, Bangladesh

" J!"",TM",,~'
~I'.MlR~ Member
Assi~tilnt Professor
Department of Naval Architeetllre and Marine Engineering
13angJadesh University of Engineering ami Technology
Dhaka - I 000, Banglade~h

3. AA-t.. ••.•.
D~pilrtmelll of Civil Engineering
Banglad~sh University of Engineering and Technology
Dhaka - 1000, Bangladesh

Oclllb~r 2005

Department llJ"Navill Architeelure illld Manne Engillc~rillg

Untlgladcsh Un ivcrsily of LnLdnccl'ing and Tedmology
Dhakn - 1UOO.lJangladcsh "


Certi(y that the candidate has done this work and it was not submitted elsewhere for the
award of any degree or diploma.

Supervisor Candidate

Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Dhaka - 1000, Bangladesh


I do hereby declare that the candidate has done this work and it was not sllbmilled
elsewhere for the award of any degree 01' diploma or for Publication.

October 2005


The entire ineeption, th~ author bows to the grnc~ and mercy of the Almighty Allah. the
~tLpremeruler of the universe, without whose desire he could nOlmuterialize his project

fir~t, I 'would like to ~xpre:;s my sincere gratitude, proround re~pect Jnd imll1cn~e
indebtedness to m) project report supervisor. Dr. Kho. Shahriar Iqbal, Assistant
prores~or, Department of Naval Architcdure ~nd Marine Engineering, BanglaJesh
University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, BanglaJesh lor his untiring
inspiration, scholastic and ~y~tematic supervision, invaluable udvice and generous help
for the completion or the project work. Without hi~ help anJ supervision, it would not
have been pos8ible to complete the di.<,sertutiOIlwithin the stipulated period.

I am grateful to Professor Dr. S. M. Nw,rul islam, Dean, Mechanical Faealty and

Professor Dr. A. S. W. Kurny, Dean, Engineering Facally, Bangladesh University of
Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh, I am also grateful to Professor Dr.
Sadiqul Satee; Profes~or Dr. Gazi Md, Khalil; Mr. Khabirul Hoque Chowdhtuy,
Associate Professor; Dr. Abdur Rahim, As,oeiatc Prores~or; Dr. Md. Masud Karim,
Associate Profes~or; Dr. Mir 'Iarequc Ali, A~si~!ant Professor; Dr. Md, Rafiqul Islum,
Assistant Professor & other teachers ami staffs of Department of Naval Architecture
and Marine Engineering, Bangladesh lJllivc~ity of Engineering and Tcehnology,
Dhaka, Bangladesh. I would like to express my gratefulness to Proressor Dr. M.
Habibur Rahman, Depaltment of Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of
]"ngincering and Technology, Dhaka, Banglade~h.

Boundless gratitude is expressed to Dr. Rcaz Hasan Kondoker, Chairman, Bangl~desh

Inland Water Transport Authority, Motijheel Conunereial Area, Dhaka & Ex. Head or
the Department of Nayal Architecture and Marine Engineering, Bangbde,h University
of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, nangladesh for his assistance & in.<,piration
dul'ing the admission.

Writing \\iords in black is not enough to expl'C,S my profound gratitude and deepcst
aspiration to my wife, daughter & son, the departed soul ormy lather, mother, father-
in-law & mother-in-law, brother, sister, brother-in-law and ~ister-in-law for their
countless sacrifice, moral support, endle~s inspiration and prayer throughout my life,

finally, I express my heartiest gratefulness to Mr. J. M Akbar, ex. Director (Production

& Engineering) and Sy~d Shalll~lli Alam, General Manager (Shipbuilding), Bangladesh
Sted & Engineering Corporation, 102, Kazi Nazrullslam Avenue, Dhaka, Bunglade,h
[0 provide constant inspiration to bring it (0 a ML~ce~8IiJl

The Author

.- CbNTEN'r'S ~.

Page No

CONTENTS ,.......... . , ,. 11-111
LIST OF FIGURES _._.................................... VII


ABSTRACT ,......... x



2.1 Briefl-listory of Shipbuilding in Bangladesh , ,.. 5
2.2 Existing shipbuilding infrastructure, in Bungladesh , , . 5
2,2.1 BSEC Owned dockyard., , , ,.. , . 5
2.2.2 Bangladesh Navy owneJ dockyard . 6
2.2.3 Other public sedor facilities , , , . 7
2.2.4 Privale ,ector faciIities : , , , .. , . 7
2.3 Shipbuilding process and work sequences at a yard............. 9
2.4 Problem areas in the shipbuilding process............................ 9
- d
3. I What is LCA , , ,' , , ,.. 12
3.2 Concept or tool., ," " ,' , ,... 12
3.3 What is product's life cycle.... 13
3.4 The LeA tool ...,.... ,.....,.....,'... ., '0" •••••••• , ••• , ••• , ••• 13
3.5 Goal and scope definition ..".... ...."..."................... 14
3,6 The diiTerenlneeds arc described in detail below n... 14
3,6. I Goal ,' , , , , , 14
3.0.2 Scope ," , , , , , , ,... 15
3.6.3 Inventory analysis 15
3.6.4 Impael a~~es'ment 16
3.6,5 Category Jefinilioll 18
3.6,6 Classification.. , ".... 19
3.6.7 Clwracterizatioll 20
3,6.8 Valuation/weighting.... . 21

3.7 The al='plic'Ition ofLCA to ship ..,~' ".. 22
3.8 S~ope of the ~tudies and precondition~ "...... 22
3.8.1 Life ~yele of a ve,;sel .." .... ,.... ,.... ,.. . ,... ,'... 22
3.8,2 Inputs/oulputs of malcrials and energie~ to the yard.. 2J
3.9 Requirements in conducting the LeI on vessels 24
3.10 Limitations . " "....... 24


4.1 General " " " ".... 25
4.2 The tmnspOlt routc " "... 25
4.3 Principal dimcnsion ofthc vessel 25
4.4 The Material " "... .. __ 30
4.5 Sleel Material weight 31
4.6 ConsllITluble material 32
4.7 Paim estimation "... 33
4,8 Total man-hOllr estimation . 3]
4.9 Cost estimation of the ve~sel " " " . ]8


5.1 General , , , " , , " , , , 41
5,2 Lire Cycle Impact As,essment and the Environmental
Destmetion Index .... " .... ,', ... ,..... ,.... ,..... ,... ,.... ,.. '''', ... ,... ,... " .... , 41


6.1 General. ..., , " , , ,... 47
6.2 Calculation ofEconomi~ Index " 47
6.3 C",!cnlation of Economic Index for vessel made or
New M.S Plate & M.S Angle " " " "........ 48
6.4 Calculation of Economic Index for vessel made of
Ship breaking M.S Plate & New M,S Angle 51


REFFERENCES , , , , 59 -61

Page No.
I Table 2.01 Private Ship11l1ildcl's-Oblained 'NOC' from Mercantile
Marine Deparlment (MMD), Valid till December 31, 2003. 8

2. Table 2.02 Building pro~e8s and ll1f!jor WOIk/job sequences .... ,.... ,..... 9

3. Table 4.01 The main fe,ltUl'cs of the vessel __,._ " ,

4. Table 4.02 Scantl ing of all inbnd pu~~ellgerve5sel "'_.._ , . 30

5. Table 4,03 Steel maleri"l weight of ,In inland passenger vessel 31
G. Table 4,04 Consumable material for ship ma<.leof new M.S plate and
M,S angle " " , ,' ,.. 32

7. Table 4,05 Consumable material lor ship made of ship breaking

M.S plate and new M,S angle....................... 32

8. Tablc4.06 Paint used for new M,S plate and M S .mgle

(surface "r~<1750 nl) " " ..".... 33

9. Table 4,07 P<lintused for ship breaking M.S plate and new M.S angle
(surra~e area 750 m") 33

10, Table40S Marl-hours required for new M,S plale and M.S angle, 34

11. Tahk 4.09 Man-hour required for ship hreaking M.S plate and
new M.S angle ".... . , , , , , ,... 35

12. Table 4.10 Cost eslimation of using new M-S plate and M.S angle 38

13. Tahle 4.11 Cosl estimation of u,ing ship hreaking M.S plate and
new M,S angle , 39

14. T<lble4.12 Comparison of ~ost involvcmeot.. 40

15. Table 5.01 Emissions to air for lhe production of I ton e!ectl'Olylic
chrome coaled stcel (HUW AL 250) " 41

10. Table 5,02 Total emis!,H)l]sto air for the production of eleelrolyli~
chromc cO<lledslcel (13UWAL 250) , , , ,' ,... 42

17. Table 5.03 Emissions to air ror thc production uf I-kg

dicscl (B liW AL 132) ." " " .."... 42

1R. Table 5.04 Total emissions to air for the production of diesel
(BliW AL 132) , " " __ , , , , . 42
• 19. 1able5.05 Emissions through burning of l-kg diesel (3% sulphcr
cOlllcnl) by a ship engine (Chalmers 1991) ... ,.. ,.... 42

20. Table 5.06 T oml emissions through bUl'lling of diesel (3% ~ulpher
content) by a ship engine (Chalme~ 1991).... 43

21. Tuble 5.07 Emissions during production of I kw-hr electricity

(13UWAL 132)." " , , " , , " , , 43
22, Table5.0S Total emissions during production of electricity that
used lor construction work (8 lJW AL 132) " .. 43

23. Table 5.09 Total ~missions to air for eonstruelion phase (lif~ time)
of Un inland passenger vessel , , , , 43

24. Table 5.10 Tutal emission~ to air for operation phase (Ii Fetime)
of an inland passenger v~,;sel , . , , , , 44

25. Tuble 5.11 Tolal emissions to air for one year of an Inland passenger
yessel , ,' , , , , , . 44
26. Table5.12 Characterization lactors for variOLisimpact caleguries 45
27. Table 5,13 Weighting factors for various environmenlll! impact
categorie~ ".... .. , , , , , , , , ". 46

28. Table 6.01 Particulars for ealeulating <allllialearning for made of new
M. S plme & M.S angle , , , , , .. 48

29. Table 6.02 Arumal fare earning for vc~sel made of new M.S plate
& M.S angle in different passenger fare rate , , ".. 4R

30. Table 6.03 Annual fuel oil and lube-oil expenses for vessel made of
new M.S platc & M.S ungle . " 49

31. Tuble 6.04 Repi.l.ymemealeuli.l.tionfor vessel made of new M.S plate

& M.S angle , ,..... . , , ,... 50

32. Table 6.05 Particulars for calculating arumal earning for vessel made of
ship breaking M,S platc & M.S angle ".. 51

34. Tablc 6.06 Annual eaming for vessel mJde of ship breuking M,S platc
& ncw M.S angle ' " ,' , , , 51

35. Table 6.07 Annual f'Lleloil and lubc-oil expenses for ve~seJ made of ship
breaking M.S plate & new M.S angle 52

~ ..
36. Tuble6.08 Repayment ealeu1ativll for vessel made of ship breaking
M,S plate & new M.S angle _,. , " " .. 53

39, Table 7.01 The eompamtive I;,atures of an inland passenger ves~el 54

40. Table 7.02 Repair and insllmnee, regislration & others cost for
different operating year ., , , , , _. .., , 55

41. Table 7.03 Net pre."ent value ~t 12 % rate of retum ,mu alillual
fare eaming for different pas~enger fare and operaling year.. 56

42, Table 7.04 The indices for different pas~enger fare mtc and operating
year , ,.... . , , , _.,,_ 56
Page No.

I Figure 1 Flow chall of shipbuilding process and work/job sequence

considering new M.$ pialI' and M.S angle , _. ,_ 10

2. Figure 2 Flow clwrl of shipbuilding proces~ and work/job sequence

considering ship breaking M.S pialI' and new M.S angle__ 11

3. Fig",re 3 Life Cycle Assessment Jramework - phase of an LCA24 . 13

4. Figllre 4 Exmnplc of a simple Ill'" sheet to be used as support in the

data collection. __ 17

5 Figure 5 General outline of a life cycle of a vessel 23

6. Figllre 6 flow of inputs / outputs of materials and energies, etc, for

building an inland passenger vessel " 23

7. Figure 7 General Arr~ngemcllt plan .... " " 27

8. Figllrl,8 Lines plnn 28

9. figufC 9 Mid ships ,ection . . ,' 29

10. Figure 10 Flow chart of required man-hour as per shipbuilding

process and work/job sequt'nce considering new M.S
phlte and M.S angle. . , ,.. 36

II. Figurel! flow chart of required mun-hour as per shipbuilding process

and work(job sequence considering ship breaking M.S
plate and new M.S angk ,". '............................ 37

12. Figure 12 Pic chart of cost involvement in percentage with new

M.S plate & M.S angle . ".,".",................... 40

13. Figure 13 Pic chart of cost involvement in percentage with ship

breaking M.S plate & ne,v M.S ,mgle............................ 40

14. Figure 14 Variation ofNPV of the passenger vessel with fare for
di rfcr~nt operating lives using ship breaking steel sand
nt'w steel." " "... ' '........ 57

15, Figure 14 Variation or NI'V Lndcxof the passcnger vcssel with fare
rute for dillhent operating lives ,... 57

" I

1. GOP Owss Domestic Product

2. MS Mild Steel
3. LeA Life Cycle A,ses~men(
4. NPV Net Present Value
5. IRR rnl~mul Rate (,I' Return
6. BSEC l3angladcsh Steel and Engineering Corporation
7. OWT Dead Weight in Tonnage
8. eDDL Chitlagong Dry Dock Limited
9. ISO International Organization for Standardi7.ation
10. DEW DockyarJ and ~.nginccrillg Works
11. Ro-Ro Roll on Roll olT
12.l3}.l B;lllg1ad~~hi'bvy
13.KSY Khu!na Shipyard Limited
14. BIWTC Bangladesh Inland Water Tnmsport Corporation
15. BIWTA Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority

16. BFDC Bangladesh Fisheries Development Corporation

17,CPA Chitlagong PorI Authority

18. MMD Mercantile Marine J)",parlmcnt
19.Noe No Objection Certificate
20. LeI Life eye!", ]mcntory
21. JJJ-Il) Bulkhe<ld
22. LelA Life Cyd", Impact Asscssment
23. CO2 Carbon dioxidc
24. CO Carbon monoxide
25. so, Sulphel' dioxide
26, N20 Nilrou~ oxidc
27. NO, Nitric oxide
28. HI' Hydronuoric <Ic,d
29. Hel Hydrochloric acid
30, C,I-I, Methane, Ethanc, Propane etc.

31.Kg Kilogram

32, K",-hr. Kilowatt hour
33. LPO) Slim orthe potential contribution from thc impact
catcgory j
34. Q, Emis,iollS of compound i,
35. EFO), Characterization factor of compound i relatcd to thc
impacl category j
36. w, Weighting factor [or impacl cal~gory j

37. IE Dcstruction Inuex

38. AHP Analytic hicrarchy process
39.PW Prcscnt worth 1aclor
40.CA Compolind amount factor
41. P Present somc of moncy
42. F Flillire som of money
43. i Rale ofretul"n (compound imcrcst)
44. N Nlimber o[yeJr in operation
45. ~pw Series ple,ellt worth [actor

The waler tran~port owners in Bangladesh like to have their vessel;"bnilt by old steel
plale collecled from scrap ships instead of using new steel plate to reduce the initial
co,t. This rep0l1 presents a compamtive study of using new steel and ship breaking
steel as shipbuilding material. The comparisons were made from the environmental us
weJl as economic point of view, A transportation model considered for this comparison
thal a ~mall \\'ater twnsport designed by the author which is suitable for carrying
pas~engers in Teknar - St. Martin Island route. Comparalive environmental ,IS well as
economIC projection for the performances of the alternative vessc1s have been
pre,ented in the presen~ work. Different operating lives for the ship built with ship
breaking sleel have been con~idered, Environmental evaluation is based on life cycle
impact asses~mellt (LCIA) method where environmental destruction index were
calculated for dilTcrenl secnario~. The projeded ee()n()mi~ performance me based On
~ompari~()n of th~ ~stimalcd nel pr~senl valucs (NPV~). Thc analysis rC\eals although
ships buill with ship brC,lking ~tccl bns somewhat lowcr initinl cost, but the ultimate
cost is inerensed becausc of higher materini consumption, higher mnintcnunec and
inercase fuel requirement. The Nl'V is ~ignij"jeantly le~s for sueh ships compared to
ship~ built with new steel materials. The environmental destruction caused by a ship
built with ship breaking Sled is higher because of more material requirem~nt, more
energy consumed during buildiog ami more fuel ~onsumption in operation. However,
these finding are based on il series of us,umption~ based On the prevailing situation in
lhe country and will require evaluation for application orthe results presented.




rhe c1imale of lhe earth is changing frequently.

coastal area undel' wntel', occurrence of fiel'cc hurric~ne, and l}phool1s and heat "a vc"
melting of polar ice caps, shifting of agl'icullural Lones, and coral bleaching al'e some or
lhe evidences tlwt show the certainties of c1imalc ehangc, Scientists believe thallhe laic
of change of c1imale in pre,enl d~ys ~s much faster lhall an} olhcl' timc helore, Thcl'c
arc m~IlYrea,OIl, for thi, change, SOmCof thcm are nalural and some of lhem arC
human induced I. Ever incl'e~,ing human activity is having a negative elfccl on the

rhe lramporl ~y,lel1l is a mojor ,oul'ce of greenhouse and oth~r harmful emissions 10
the enVLronment.Special a!lcnlioll i" being paid to the 1ransporl seclor to I'educe lhe
emlSSlon,. Mca,ores being cOllsider<::dincludc enhancement of e~cise dulies,
cn(iJrCClllent01',lrider law,; and I'cduclioll of Ihc ilmOl'llt of nmtcriub u,ed. Finding
belter tran'porl modc and impl"Ovedtechnology muy he very u,cful 10 uel in luvor of
the developing enVil'Olll11ent.Some L"c,""rchel~howcd lhat tile morine trJnsporls wilh
conventional speed are environmenlally fricndlier, les, costly and commer<::iallymore
viable lhan (he ",ad lransport 1-4.

Banglade,h is a riverine country Approximale 140.00 million people arc liVing in 1he
counll)'. Though the maio truo'porlatioo ~y,lel1l~here are road, rail ~nd water ba,ed. A
large number 0(' people arc uSing watcr tran,port everyday. With lhe growth of
population, e~onomic alld commercial activili~, arc rapidly increasing and so is the
movemenl of lhe people. Moreov~r, l:lal1glade,;hgovernment is going to develop lhe
touri,m industry 10ml1kea good slwre from this sector in the (;DP. 'lherefore, therc is a
good opporlllnity 10 devclop watcr trJn,ports ill the roul~s thul are inlcr~,ting from lhe
,icwpoiol of lourism,

Most of the ship-owncrs in Bangladesh arc inlerested to usc ,hip breaking M. S. plale
in,lead of nCW M, S. plate for bllilding their ships because lhis is app~renlly less
~xpensivc. There i" a commo~ lrend among the ship ow~ers to ",e ship breaking sleel
plate from protit poi~t of vic". They ,c1dom think abOlll the environmenlal impact 01'
"sing sueh plale.

In lhis sludy, il wos aimed to compare the environmental impa~t of building ship" using
ship breaking M. S. plale Hnd new M, S. plale available in Our counlry. CompariSOll~
betwe~n lhese two different impacts are made to find oul the beller one. Life cycle
impael assessmenl, the mO~llyused 1001for assessing envirolll\1Cnlalperformance, wa,
used here.

Since acceptabilily of any project largely depends OJ] the commercial viability of the
s~me, it has been considered u,efui to evaluate the projected economic performance of
the ve"eis buill wilh both ship breaking M. S, ptate and new M. S, plate as well. The
analys~s are based Olla reali,tic fare ralc ill the prevailing environment. The analyse,
are performed taking inlo accounl routinc a, wdl a, major overhauling and repuir cosls.
A reali,lie scrap value has bcen taken into considcmtion at the end of lifelime. The
perlormanccs are measllred in lerms of Rate 0 r Return and NI'V.

This reporl, ill'st, d~scribes a brief hislory of shipbuilding In Bangladesh. 'then lhe
currcnl scenarios of shipbuilding ind",ll'ies in Bangladesh are discussed, in Chapter 3
the tool "Life Cycle Asse"ment (LCA)" is described. A model transportalion system
that wa~ considered for lhe comparison is lhen (Ie~~rihedin Chapler 4. Chapter 5 give,
the resul!s found from lhe LCA. Economic performance analysi.' of the projects i,
given in Chapter 6. Charier 7 is for Jimlings and discussion. Conclusions and
recommendations arc made in Ch~pter 8.

Ecological impael and eeonomic benefil are lwo importanl [[,elo", that should be
focused during eompari'on of any projec!. Some 0r the I'esearchers working in this area
considered both Or one of these factor> for comparing two differellt tran;port Illodes,

From a number of alternative transporlalion syslem; avollablc, chOOSingthe most

Suilable one wilh the consideration of above mcnlioncd three faclors is not all ea~y t~sk


for the plullncrs. Th~ most dilliclIll problem is 10 inler-relate the factors. Tiler<::arc lOb
of works those compared one lran'portation system with other taking only one or (wo
Ofllic;c factors in the comparison proc~".'

Works arc available Oll the inv~,(igatiGn of inllllcnce of emissions. including ship
emi'sions, on the atmospheric concentruliOIlSof pollutants and their ~lTects. The
influence of ship emiss;alls on the atmospheric poilulalll' ccmccntmlion in,estigoting
the emissions from ships, industries and other vehicles in OSAka bay area'. This paper

claimed that the SO" NO,. und t\O cl\1i~;ionofrom sllip nfkClcd the concentration not
only in [h~ bay urea, bu!a];o in 40 km inland.

Among the best w",h comporing (wo Jiflerent transporl chains (or tran,portation
sy,l~m) from the viewpoint of imposing environmental burdcn'.". Tile second One "as
u,ed os an input work to (he fL"t one. In th~,e papers the authors used various
mcthodologies to compare the environm~lltal hurden impo,cd by two nlt~rnalive
trall'por( chains and compared the re,uil, found by tlio,c methodologics, lhillg life
cycle a"cssment (LeA), the burdens impo,ed in a number of environmcntal impact
emcgoric, by the ~itcrnativc lransport ch~in, were shown in llic,>cpapers to compare
their perfonnanee.

Another very interesting work was prescnted by', This p~per analyzed thc
environmentai and econom ie a,peel' of rail; ro~d and inland water transports operated
to and from the pori Jtottel'dam in the Netherlands and conducted a compari,on amollg
tlie,c modes. It was showll that llie inland water transport was most attra~tiv~
ccollomi~aily and environmentally. But this study has not taken the scrvicc quality in
eOll;ideration while ~omparing,

In most of thc work.' where thc cn,iromllenlai pcrforman~es of lran'pon, were

analyzed, the external costs or extcrnalities were takcn as the baSiSof compari,on"".
BlLtthc external cost>, (hose ~onsidcrc<l by difkrcnt rc;carchc,-" varied signifLculltly.
Th~," differen~es showed the uncel1llinty invoJved in ~uch valuation approach.

Modellilc cycle inventory analy,i, of transpori' 10establish a ~ommon tool to provide

.Iliventory 't'
ata 0 tr:m'porl, 13-15
. n t \c,~ papel'S,reaIt.,.,
11 manlLuctunng an OpcrullOn ata
was used for tbc analy,i"


An ea,y method to forccasllh~ rcgu;rcd allcmaliv_c Ro-Ro fcrry fleet si7e based On the
e,timated future cargo flow for inland shipping16-" was used to project economical
analysis and traffic mOv~l1lel11s for transporl planning in Wrne inJund waterway' in
Llnngladcsh. But in these papers, the author; IhlVC not laken il110 account any
c~(}l()gical impact, cillier local or regional.



2.1 Briefl-Iistory' of Shipbuilding in Bangladesh

rhe history of ~hippil1g and shiphuilding in Bangladesh is quite old. which revolves
around Chiltagollg. The history of Chi Itagong as a scap0r! dales hack ill 4lh eenlur)'
Be. Outing the period of 9th to 15th emlury. Chittagong was kno"n a.<'SHETGANG',
had slLffjcient "ea trade and wa, important enough to allra~1 nee! from Middlc Ea,l,
Chilla and other SOllth Eastern countries. In 161hcentury, tbe Portuguesc look great
interest in thc locality around Cilittagong'",

During Mughal lime, Chittagong grcw iLllo importance as a centre of shipbuilding

industry. the of ships in war and traLlspOltatiollincreased ~ignifi~alltly when Europeans
came in lhi, ,ub-continent. At that time "ooden ships for Mughal, Bl'itisil ~nJ
Porlugue,e navy u,ed lo be built 111iili, regi,,,,. I" I~I~, Ihe woodcn hull frigate
DEUTSCHLAND was built in Chittagong and delivered to German Navy.
l1Lli<)rtunately,in Ihe illdu>trial age, ihe cOllLltrywas Ollt of thc raCe in world
shipbu iIding and the irend continued throughoul colon ial IUles.

Thcre wa, a little developmcnl ill this sectol' in Bangladesh during British pcriod "hen
Narayanganj Dockyard wa, built in 1926, In P"kisian period, KlllIina Shipyard was
built "nd "tarted its commercial operation ill 1957. After the independence, thc ollly
,ignitlcant developmenl in this sector was the Chiltagong Dry Dock Limited, which
started operating in July 1985. Many private ;hipbuilding industries have groomed up
in these times but except few, most of lhem arc small yards and riverbank facil ities with
Iimitcd capocity to bu ild/rcpair small river.crall, krric, and c<Ja,ters.

2.2 E:listing Shiphuilding Infrustructurcs in Bangladesh

2.2.1 nSEC Owned dockyard
Two of our largesl shipbuilding industries arc ,late oWl1ed and managed lInder lhe
gowrnment enterprise called Bal1glade,h Steel and Engin~cring Corporation (BSEC).
These are:

a, Chittagong Dry Dock Limited (CDDL)
CDDL is situnted On lhc bank ofril'er Kamafuli at Easl Patenga, Chittagong.1l is lhc
only ISO 9002 ccrlified dockyard in Bangladesh.1l has a graving dock to accommodale
,hips of maximum 570' (L) x 75' (8) x 20,000 DWT'". It also has lwo fitting_OUIjelly
which can accommodate lwo 16500 DWT ,essels for repair. Ycl, CDDI, do not
con,lrucl a new vessel. Th~y do only the repair work of,ea going and other> vc;scl.

b. Doel.yard and l';ngincering Wurks (l)J<:W)Limited

The DEW Limited is siluatcd at Sonakanda, Narayanganj. It contains a slip"ay, a
basin, ditkrenl lype of shops, design section, lofting floor ele. The ,lipway measure;
29R x 290 ft with a eapacily to dock vc,lds up to 300 ft in lenglh Or 2500 DWT or
lankers/coaslers of I500 DWT."
h has a large lofting floor and some modern leehnology like Optical Flame Cutter,
Automalic Culling Maeiline ele. Funhermore, the yard has a shipbuild ing hall of aboul
500 x 100.f[ size, which can be u",d for fabl'ieating sub-a~,clllbies ofvesscls and block
conslruclion"l, Thcrc are some tine shipbuilding works in DEW's credit like RO-RO
Ferries plying bClween Ariella and NagUlbari, eN Tug BNT SElJAK, LCT for
Bangladesh Arm} elc. lJut due to numerou; managerial and a,sociate problems, this
fine indust!) was mJking huge loss every year since long. Therefol'e, gownlmcnt
closed down il ~n December 31, 2002.

2.2.2 Bangladesh Navy Owned Dncl'yanb

Bangladesh Navy (HN) has slowly buill up its OWn infrastl'ucture for repair and
maintenance or "Imost all kind of shipo and machinery in ils inventory, The RN
Dockyard in Cililtagong i; the key organi~.alion for the job. Khulna Shipyard Limited
(KSY) is handed over 10 BN in 1999 and it is conlinuing its commercial opel'alion
undcr BN management. Parliculal's of these Iwo organi7.ations arc as foll[)ws:

a. BN I)ockyard, Chittagong
B" Dockyard is the key ship rep"ir urganinlion for BN. II h"s a flouting dock, which
can dock ships of m""imulll 3500 DWT. II has numerous shops to carry our most hulls,
machinery and electrical repair 01' all BN ships. However, the dockyal'd remains
occupied in repairing RN ships only.

_............ . ..
b. Khulna Shipyard Limited (KSY)
KSY is situated at Laban Chara ill Khulna and has a slipway of 275 feet length. Th~
slipway can carry ~hi)ls upto 700 Ions Lighl Weigh!. It has eight ~idetracks in lhe dock
arco, each pf which is 320 fceLIpng. Tlli, means. lotal eight ,hip_, cun be docked or
eon,trllcted in the yard at the Same lime. Thi, ,hipyard also has SOlllcfLnecon;lruclions
in its credit.
in add ilion to these, BN also runs a smJll ,Iipway in Chillagong, which ;s used to repJir
small ships, boal~, pontoon, etc.

2.2.3 Other Puhlic Sedor Facilities

Apart from USEC and fiN few other pubiic enterprises also operale some yards_ These
a. BIWTC Dockyards: Bangbdesll Inland Waler "l"ransport Corporation (13IWTC)
ow", four ,mali dClCkyard,in Narayanganj for repair and maintenance of their Own
small vessels,

b. llI\'iT A Dockyard: l3angbdesh Inbnd Watcr Transport Authority (Bl WT1\)

owns One floating dock in Narayanganj for repair and maintcnance of thcir ,mall

c. BFDC ()ock: There is a ,mall dry-docks at Fi,hery Ghat in Chittogong, operated

by Bangladesh Fi,heries Dcvelopmcnt Corporation (BFDC). Repair and maintenancc
of tishing trawlcr:; and small crafts owned by BFDC and olher privatc owners arC
carricd out there.

d. CPA Slipw"y: ChiUagong PorLAuthority (CPA) has a Slipway at Sadarghal,

Chiltagong, Howevcr, due to siIt derositioll, lhi, ,I ipway co"ld nevcr bc used since

2.2.4 Private Sector Facilities

In Ballgladc,h, most of illiand v~ssd, are bllilL in the private docky~rds in Dlwka,
Naruyanganj and ChiHagong, As pcr Bangladcsh Shipbuilders Association, therc arc
total 148 privale owned shipbllilding industries in Bangladesh, But after a survcy ill

..- ..
2003 by Mercantile Marine Department (MMD), ChiUagong, out of those 148 yards,
only eight privatu yards arc found with reasonable capabilily of quality shipbuilding
and i>sued with the No Objection Ccrtific;,le (NOe) to undcrtakc differenl public ship
repair jobs, The'li'l prepared by M!\lD, Chitta.gong contains name Qf 38 different
technical firms rdaled 10 ship rcpair and oul of those eight are .,hip buil<ling/r~pair

It is evidenl that lhere are only eight privale yards, which have minimum f..1cililic, 10 be

designated as capable shipyard or dockyard, Other prlvatc industries may be called

riverbank facilities with no substanlial thed cstablishm~nl. Lm'ger yards have a
throughpul in the range of 300-5 00 ton.' of sleel per year whereas the smaller One, have
the same in the mnge of 75- 150 Ion,. High Speed Shipbuilding & 1.leavy lnduslrie.'
Engineering, Co. LtJ, Dhaka is the largest private yard. Il ha, lhree sl irways each 122m
long having litling capacity of 250 tons, This ymJ as "ell as Ananda Shipbuilders
Limited, Kamaphuli Slipway (D(>ckyard) & Marine Workshop (Pvt.) Ltd, Chiltagong
and I"cw ulher Dockyard; arc capahle of con,;lrueling and repairing river and coostal

nal1s unto 1200 DWT, Privates yard.1 obtained NOC from MMD are listed below:

Table 2.01: Private ShipbuilJers_Obtained 'NOC' from Mercantile Marine

Departmcnt (MMJ), Valid till Decemher 31, 2003.

51. Name of tile Shipbuilder Address Remarks

I. Western Marine Shipyard Limited Kolagaon NQ.4, Kolagaon
Union, Chittagong.
2. MIS Fishers Shipyard Ltd. CPA Complex (lsa Nagar),
S"dar hat, Chilta ong.
3. MIS High!>pceJ SlJipbuildinl; & K~otail KQncla,

,. Ileav ' En 'ineerin" CQ Ltd.

MIS Anal\da Shipyard & Slipways
Kernni 'onj, Dhaka.
MeghnJ Ghat, SunargaQn,
Ltd. NaraXanganj.
5. MIS Karnaphlili Slipway (Dockyard) lchanagar, Banda.,
& Marine Worksho~ (l'vt) Ltd, ChiUagong.
6. MIS NQor-A-Madina Dockyard lakhara, I'atiya,
7. MIS Begllln Dockyard & Engineering Jalilgonj, ChiUagong.
8. MIS Kaptai Boat Building & Fa,t Kalurghal, Boalkhali,
Industrial Cor oration Ltd, ChitmgoLlg,

(Source: MMD Cllillag<lllg Leiter 'W. M 12!7(PI.14)/496I1(fI}) d(llcil July 15, 2003)

It is profoundly important th~l, lhough smaller in ,ize, poor in equipmenl and b"ilding
material and off course, ,,,ITcring trom dearlh of skilled, qualified and e>..perienced
lechnical personnel, privale shipbuilding yards build more lhan 90% of our iniand
passenger and cargo vessels,

2,3 Shipbuilding Process and Worl, Sequcnces at a Yard

To build a vessel, a shipyard generally eSlablishes about 9 major buiiding processes
eaeh of which eonsi,ls of various and detolleJ work/job ,equences. Fig. I & 2 is a /low
charI ,howing the work/Job scquence,_ Tabie 2,02 show, basic and essential building
process and work/job sequenccs,

TABLE 2.02: Building pro~css uud major wOl'kljob scquenees

Shipbuilding Proecs, l'rincipal work/job

Engineering or labour lest Engineering/design
Orders ofMatcriai, TrnnSpoL'talion/logistics
Malcrial fabrication Reference work CO drawings, shearing, bending,
fabrication ufpipes Shearing, bending, wdding coating/paiming
Assembl ing or members In,lal blioll, welding, lran,portation
Shipbuilding Onthe ~lip way Inslalialion, weld ing, coating/p"inting,
Lalillching T ran'portalion
Fining up Installalion, welding, coating/painting,
Tesl operation on the river Test and inspcction

2.4 Problem Areas ill thc Building Process

(I) Wide range (,fvariances in working data. Data regarding shipbuiiding worh
and pro~e~, vary by each ~liipyard.

(2) Data regarding manufacturing oj" l~n, or thousands of parts incorporated in lhc
shipbuilding are not avaiiabie.

(3) There are difficullie, to measure and ,~aie energy consumplion and emissions
to air cach building procc".

(4) No practical databasc;, which retlect the act"al and current situation of
TIangiadesh', ,hipbuilding induslry. arc available.

(5) There are nQ datahoses regarding lhe thick steel plates. No dala are anilabk
either on thc pmcc" of engineering/de,;ign, drafting of working drawing.'.
coaling/painting, inspection, etc.

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3.1 Whal is LeA

Life cycle assessment (LeA) involves [he evaluation of some aspects-ottcn tile
environmental aspects 01' a product system through all ,tages of its life cycle.
Sometimes also called "life cycle analysis", "lite cycle approach", "cradle 10 grave
analysis" or "Ecobalancc", i( rcprcscnls a rapidly emerging family of tools and
techniques designed (0 help in environmental management and, longer term, in
"ustainable development.

During the work funded by lhe Nordic Council of Millisters to prcpan:: a Nordic
guideline for lite cycle as,cssll1e~t,the SE'[ AC definition to LeA l1 was modified 23,

"A process 10 evaillate {he ('nvirolllllclllai burdens <L\',I'ociuled with a product .,y"lclJ1. or

aClivity by JdenliJying and quanlilalirely describing Ihe ener>i}' and malerlal.I' ""cd. and
wa,wes released /0 Ihe environment, and to acc~ss the impacts of lhu,e enerK;' and
Jlm/eriai use,' and ,eiea.,es 10 the envirollJIICiII. Tile os,'e,'smenl illcl"des the elltire life
cycle of the product or octivity. <,n(,ulllpa.,siligalracting and prfJcessing raw materials;

dlslrihuliOIl: use: lIIaiwent/nce; rccyding alld final disposal: and all trampo,-twiol1
involved. LeA "ddrcs,'e,' environmental iwpGclS of Ihe ,Iyst,'m WIder st"dy in the w"e""
of ccological systems, IlUmml heallh and resource deplelion, II does 1I0t addrcsj
ccollOmic or .\'Ocwl e.UeC!,\'

3.2 Concept or 'rools

Some pcople lind LeA u.,eliJl a,>a conceptual framework, othcrs as a sci ofpmetieal
tools: both views arc ~"rL'ect,depcnding on thc context. Even scientists and engineer:<.
can find "lite cycle thinking", a lremendous .'pur 10 their crealivity and ability 10 see
lhe wider dimensions ora problem.

3.3 WILat is a Product's Life Cycle
Simply 'tated, tile life eyele "f a product embraces all of thc aclivilies lhm go into
making, tramporling. ",ing and dispusing "r thai product. The typical Iii" cydc
consists of a series "f ,tage, rllnning from eXlraeli"n of raw materials, re-u~e, rceyding
and, ultimalCly, waste disposal.

3.4 The LeA Tool

A typieal LCA -sludy collsists of the following ,tages:
I. Goal and ,~ope definition.
2, A ddailed life eycle inventory (LCI) analy,is, with compilation of data bl1lh
about energy and resource lIse and on emis,ion~ to the environmenl, throughout
lhe life cyele.
3, An a"es>meot of the potential impa~b a"ociated with the ideillilled ronns of
re~OurceU.'"and environmental emi"io""
4, The interpretalion of the re.,ults from the previous phases of the study in relation
to the objectives 01'the study.
A, ,h""n in Fig. 3 the life cycle as,~""ment frumework is describ~d by four phases:
- g"al and scope delinition
- in~entory analysis
- impact as,essmcot
- interpretation

Direct appl ications

Goal and - Product
Scope development and
De ,n'tiOIl improvemcnl
- Strategic planning
- Puhlic policy making
- Markeling
Inlerpretation - Other

Other aspect
iii i
A"essmel1 - E~o"omic
- Market
- Social etc,

Fig, 3: Life ~ycle assessment framework -pha,c, of an LCA24

TJw double arrow, between
. ,,
the phases indicate the interactive
illustraled by [he following examples: when doin!; the impact a~;c"mel\l
naLure of LeA as
it cun become
clear thaI certain intorlllalion is mi;sing which means tlml [be inventory analysis llIu,l
be 1mproved, or the interpretation of the reo"l!s Illight he insu rlicient 10 fa Ifill the needs
required by the udall I application which meanS ihal the goal and ;cope dclinitiOIl must
be revised.

3.5 Goal and Scope Definition

Go~l and scope definilion is the first phu", in a life cycle a'SC;,mCll! containing the
following main ;"ues:
- goal
- scope
• fUllctional unit

- system boundaries
• data quality
- crilicall'evicw procc"

The definition of the !l0al and 'cope is the critical p~rl, of an LeA dlle to the st'ong

inl1uence On lhe re,uil of the LCA. III the Nordic guidelines on life cyclc assessment
the following mininlll111decisions and dclinitiotlO tlmlneed to be made are listed»:
-the purpo,e .md intended application

-lhe functions of the studied ,ystcm,(s) and a defincd funclional unit

- the studied product groLLpand chusen allc'll'ltivcl, if rclevant

- thc system boundmies applied
- lhe data quality needed

- the validation or criticol review process needed

3.6 The Different Needs are descrihed ill Delailllelow

3.6.1 Goal

The definition of the purpose of the life cyclc a,;sessmcnt is an important part of the
goal dctinition

']he goal of an LCA ,tudy ,hall onambigllomly Slate the intended application,
incillding the reaSOns fo, carrying out [he stu<ly and lhc intended alldience, i.e. to whom
the re,"lls ofthe study are illtended 10 be communicated.

3.6.2 Scope

rho definition of the scope of the lifo cycle assessment set, the borders of the
assessment -what is included in the system ilnd what detailed "sseSSlncnt melhod, are
to be u;ed.
[n defining lhe scope of an LeA stlldy, tlie following items ,hall he considered and
clearly described:
- the function of the 'ysleITI, or in the ca,c ofcompmative studies, ~y;lcl11";
- lhe functional "n;l;
-[he system 10 be ,lmjieci;
• the system boundari.,;
- allocation procedure,;
- the types of impact <lnd tile I\1dhotlology of impact U8se5smcnt and
MLbsequent interpretation to be used;
- data requirement;
- u"umplions;

- tile initial claw quality requirements:

- the type of critical review, jf "ny;
- the type and rorl11~tofllle report for the sludy

The scope ,hould be sufficiently well defined to ensure thallhe breadth, lhe depth and
the detail of lhc ,tudy are compatihle and sufflcienl 10 addrcss lhc ,laled goal.

3.6.3 Inventory Am,lysi,

Inventory analysis i, tile second phase in a life cycle conlaining [he following main

- data collcction

- relining systcm boundaries

- calculation

- vulidalion of data

- relating dala to the specific sy,lem

- allocation
The inventory analy;is and the tush [0 be fultlllcd Can obviously bc supported by a
flow ,heel for thc considcrcd product an example of now shect Cnn be ,"en in l'ig. 4.
Each of the ditkrcnl phases e~n be mnde up Irom differenl singlc proee"e<; e.g.
productioll of ditlcrcnt kinds of raw malerial to bc combined in the matcrial production
phase. The different phases me often eOJlnecledby trnnsport-proeeSoes. Re-usc do ollen
involve ~ c1cnning proce.%.

Compilation ofa proper process diagram i, crucial to succccd the LCA study i,c, to be
surc 10 include all relevant process elc. n\C process diagram does abo have a function
in the reporting "ftbe LCA while it improves the tran,parency ofthc study,

3.6.4 hnp.d Assessmenl

Impact assessmcnt;,; the third pllnsCin a life cycle asscssmellt containing the foliowing
main lSSlIC;:
- catcgory dellnition
- c1a,~iliealion
- charaelerization
- v~lllmion / weighting
The clements arc cxplained in relation to th" Draft ISO stnndmd CD 14042,1'\

The impact asscs,menl call be cxpre"cd as a '.quanlilative and/or qualitative process to

charaetcri1.e and assess the effects of the cLlvir<mmentalinlcrvcnlion identiflcd in the
inventory mble"". According to the,e authors, "lh~ impact assessmcnl ~omponent
~ol1sists in prill~iple of the following three Or four elemcnls: c1a"ification,
characterization, (normaiizalion.) and valuation'.; normali7otion and valualion are
sometimes l1l~rged. Vaiuation is proposed eh"~ged 10 weighling by" and this
terminoiog)' has bcen adapled by the SETAC-Europe working groupll.



Raw Material

Material production

Production of tinal



Fig. 4: Example ora simple fiow sheet to be lIsed as support in the data collection.

The frJlllC"Ol'k for Iife cycle il1lpa~l u.«eS'ment is detined as follow> 25.

The life cycl~ impact assessment framework and its procedure should be transparent
ami pr(wide the flexibility and praCli~ally fi" this wide range of application. A large
range in the levels of effort and inlen,ily of the analysis are possible with life cycle
aS5essment lor diff~rcnl applications. In addition, impacl a<,s~.,;ment sllCluld be
effective in terms of CO,l and resources used.

Life cycle impact a,;essment is composed of sevu",l individual elements. These arc
category definition, cim;sificatiQn, characterization, and weighing. The di.'linction into
different elemcnts is ne~~"ar)' for several reasons:
Each element represcnts n di[fcr~nl 'pccillc procedure;
All e1emenls are not rcq\lircJ lor ull "pplieation,;
Method" "ssumplions and valuc-choiccs cnn bc mude morc lmn'porenl and
cun be documentcd and reviewed;

Tile cffeet, of metllods, ''',Olllnption, and Valllc-choiees Oll tbe results can bc
Depending olltbc goal and scopc ortlle ,[udy and on the applicatioll orthe study all or
part> orthe elements c~n be lI!>ed.

3.6.5 Category Definitioll

TI,e life c}e1e impact assessment involve, as a tirst clcment the definition of tile impact
c~lcgorie, to be considered". TIlis i, a follow-up of the decisions made in the goal and
scope phasc. Ba,ed on the type of information collected in thc invenlory phase thc
boundaries defined in the goal and scope may bc redelincd.

The aim of this section is to provide guidance for selccling and defLning tile
environmenlal categories. N\lmcrous environmental categories have been proposed for
lifc cyelc impact as,essmen1. Most ,tudied will from tbese previous effor!> and will not
define their own categories .. j he ~electiOIlof categories should be consistent with the
goal and ,cope of the study. This ,elee[ion ,hnuld nnt be u;cd to avoid or disguise
ellvironmental issues or COnCern,. The completeness and extent of the survey of
eatcg(lries is goal scope ucpcndent.

The imp~ct e~tegories are ,elected in order [0 describe the impacts eall,cd by the
considered pmdllcts or product systems. A nUlnber of questions have to be cnnsidered
when selecting impact cotegories2J:
Compic[enes., - all environmental problems of relevance should be eovcred by
the list
Practicality ~ the li,t should not contain 100lllany categories
Independence - double counting should be avoided by cboosing mUlually
independent impact ealegories
Relation to (he c~tegoriwtion SICp- the chosen impaet eatcgoric,; ,;hould be
relnted to available cimraeteri7.lltiOJlIllelhou,;,
Tbe imp~et categories usually considered arc:
A biotic rc,ource,
Biotic re"ources
Land usc

Global warming

Stratospheric OZOneclerlctloll
ECOlOxicological impacts
Human toxicological inJp~cts
Photochemical o~idallt formation
Work environment

3.6.6 Classification

The life cycle impact assessment includes as a second clement c1as~iJiculioll on the
.Inventory mpu!
. ilnu, output d"
ala .

The classification element aims to assign inventol)' input and output to categoric;. The
assignment of inventory data i., the simplest or minimum level of life cycle impact
a>sc"menl. This can be used to identify am] Ilag i,~ues associated with inventory input

and o~llpul dalil. At this stugc, Ihere i, nll implicit assumption of 'Ics~ is heller' and
excludes severnl imporlan! consi<Jcl1lliol1;such as diftcrcnccs in potency or
environmental pcrsistencc.

Classification is a qualitative step based on scientific analysis of reievan I environmental

processes. The cia<;sification bas to assign thc inventory input and output dala to
potenlial environmental impact i.e. impacl catq;ories. Some outputs eOtltrlbute to
dHTerenl impael categories and thetcfotc, they have to be mentioned twice. The
resulting double counting is acceptable if the effects arc independent of each other

whctcas double cOllnting of differcnt cI"lcCl chain (e.g. ;tratospheric oZOnC dcplc!ian

and human toxicological cftCcts as c.g. skin cancer) is not allowed.

Thc impact categories can be placed on a <,caledividing the categories into thtce (four)
different space groups: global impacts, (continental impacts,) regional impacts and
local impacts. The grOllplng b not unequivocal for all the impact categories
cxcmplifLed by e,g. environmental loxicity, which can be global, contincntal, and
regional as well as local. The impael categories arc oftcn rclatcd dircctly 10 cxpo,,",c
i.e. global cxpo,me is leading \0 global impacts; contincnlal exposure i.' leading Ie>

continenlal impacts. Some of the impact catcgorie, are strongly correlated with
continental, regional and local conditions i.e. some localities are more prcdi'po,ed 10
certain impacts lhan other localities. Cerlain lake:. ill Scandinavia Can be mentioned as
e~amples of localities that arc mOre predisposed 10 acidification than lakes in other
parts of Europe. The time asp~ct is also imporlant when considering cerlain impact
categories e,g. global warming and stratospheric ozone depiction with time horizon, on
20 to 500 years.

To date, consensus has not been reached for onc single dclauillisl of impact categoric"
Thcrcf(Jre, the relevant impact categories may be selected from a preliminary list of

3.6.7 Ch'lradcr;zation
The life cycle as,cssment includes, a~ a lhird clement, eharacterialtioll oflhe invenlory

The main aim ofcharaclcri7AlliOil i, 10 model categoric, irr term, of Inuieators, anu, if
possible, have 10 provide a baSIS for lhe uggregation of the inventory input anu output

within thc culegory. rhis is abo dune ill terms of the indicator to rcprc,cnl un overall

change or lo~ding to that category. The rc,ull of characterlLatloll is that the

combination or category indicators represents inilial loading and reSOurCe depletion
p",fLle. Each calcgory shoutd havc a specific model tor lhe relationship belween the
input and outplll dula and the indicator. 'fhe model should be based on scientific
knowledge, where pos.,ihle, but may have ,Impllfying assumptions and value.choice5.
'j he representative nC5, und uccuracy of cach modcl depends on several factors, ~LLehas

,patial and temporal compatibility of the category, with thc inventory. The relationship
between lhe inventory Input and uutpUl data and the cutegory indicator i, normally

,trOllg (or within reuch). The rclatlon,hip between the Indieutor and endpoint(s) Is
usually weaker and may be mainly qu~litalive.

Chame!crizalion Is mainly a qUantitative stcp based on scientific anuiysis of the

relevant environmental processc,. The characterization ha, assigned the rdatlve
contribution of each input and output to the selected impuct categories. The pOlenlial

conlribution of each i~pLLtund outPllt to the cLwironluental impacts has to be eslimoted.

For ,Orne of the environmenlill 1mpact categorics them Is consensus about equi valcncy


• ~t,
taelOrs to be u~ed in the estimation of the total impact (e.g:. global warming, ozone
dcpletion potentials ete.) wherea~ equivalence factor~ for other environmental impact!,
are 110tavailable at consensus level (e.g. biotic resourec;, IUl1duse ete.).

3.6.8 Vu!uation/Wcightillg
The previous elemcnt, characterization, re,ults in q"antitative statemcnt on ditkre~t
impact categories e.g. global warming, stratospheric ozone depletion and
ecotoxicological effeets. Comparison of lhe'e categoric; i, not immcdiately possible.
Therefore, the life cycle impact a\sessment inchldes as a fourth element a valuation I
weighing of the impact categories again,t each otherl1.

Weighting aims to rank, weight, or possible, aggregate the result, of different life eyelc
impact assessment categories in order to arri,'c at the relativc importanec of these
ditlcrcnt rc,ults. The weighting proce,~ is not teehnical, sciemitle, Or objectives the~c
various life eyele a~sessment rc,,,ils e.g., indicators for greenhouse gases or resource
depletion, ~re not directly comparable. How~ver, "eighting l11~y be assi,ted by
applying scientifically baoed analytical techniques. Weighting muy be considered to
addre~~ three basic aspects:

to express the relative preference of an organization or group of stakeholders

based on policies, goals, Or aims, and per,onai or group opinions or beliefs
COmmonto the group;
to ensure thm process is visible, documentable, and reportable, and
to establish the relative Importance of thc rc~ult5 is ba~ed on tbe state of
knowle'dge about these issues.
Weighting is a qllalilative step Or quantitative ,tep not neee~,arily based On nat"ral
science but often On political or ethical values. Weighting has previously been referred
to as valuation. Weighting method, have been developed by different institution; ba.,ed
on dilTerent principles '":
"Technology abatement approach"
"M iniatllrization"
"Authorized gouls or standards"("Distanec to large!'")
"Authoritative panels" ("Societal approach")

3.7 The "pplic<Ltiull "fLCA to Ship
To quantify the aJTcctiollto environment by the life cycles of vessels, it is necess~ry to
analyze the life cycle inventory (Lei) to gra,p in terms of quantity eonslImption of
cncrgy and rcsource, and various emi"iun, and disposals to the environment "t each
phase of a life a vessel.

In practice, however, none of lCI analysis of stundard nature has been carried out
becausc of wide variety of constnlction" materials and parts uscd in vessels in addition
to tbe diversity in tbe building proec", to fit the di,'Crs of vessel types and the variety of
;hipbuilding meth(lds that as a matter of t;1etdiffer by each ship-building yard,

Under such circumstanccs, we have attcmpted explicitly identify thc~is to be dcal with
in tbe life cycie assessment (LCA) by conducting trial analysis oflCA in the building
process of a pas>enger vessel at ,hipyard.

Vessel, and ship; are in many type, and forms built with lcn~ of thousand, of members,
parIs and equipment. Furthermorc, no anal)';i, ill a real sense of LeA on vessels has
been earricd out because of wide variety in design, engineering and building process,
which eventually differ by each yard.

Therefore, we believe it is necessary 10 conduct, as a preliminary, as the very fi"t

anempt in the industry relating: to the shipbuilding, and finally for linding clues in
tuckling with dimellil tasks of eSlabli,hing a gcnlline leA of ve~,eb, a trial analysi, of
LCA of a passenger ves;cl, specifically on the welding work in the total shipbuilding
proccs~ at a yard. Through this trial anulysis, we identify problem areas in conducting
lCA analysis itsclf and possible thesi~, wbleh ,bould be deal in lhe LeA of ves;eL, to
be conducted in the fulure.

3.8 Seupe of the Studies and Preconditions

3.8.1 Life Cycle of a Vl"'cl
Properly 'peaking, the LCA on vessel; ,hould be carried out on tile enlire life cycle ora
ves;cl indicated in the l'ig. 5 below. Ilut we picked up the building proces~ at a
,hipyard al lhi, time for lhe fLr,1step ol'the trial analysis and limited our sludic, and
researebc, in that range29-J',
.' ~,
ENhR<,Y :>-1 INCIN~,RATIO [""


I LNG[Nr r I [([(LA'.'ATIO~ I


MA'[ EltIA..!...J-


fig. S: General outline ora life cycle ofa ve~,el

'j 0 gra,p energy con,umptioo, lypcs and quanlilie~ of wastes durIng the shipbuildiog
work, it may be necessary to record such itcm, al each work/job process and pursue for
[he sum total. In these studies, we tried to each as accurate as possible the total energy
and output, (lfraw materials u,ed for the pa"enger vessel from the sum total u;age\ of
those items in lhe shipy~rd >ubjected to our study,

3,8.2 Inputs/Oul puts of Matcrials and Encrgics to the Yard

Fig.6 shows lhe now of male rials, parts and energies necessary to build one passenger
vessel at a dock ~nd di.\posals of wasks to the environmenl during the ,hipbuilding

RllW Material,
o SlOel plalo, 29.43131.4:>
o Engillo
• Stool pipes 0.5010.67
o Goar box
o Welding rod, 291.43/320.43 p~l
o Equipmcill's and
• Cootingipainl;"gI46.421162.27g,1
o Timbo", rower ",ble>, olc,
o Olher> materiah

-l Soiid "',,",'
. Encl'pie" etc
Elcclric power ;326/6690
Building pmo""
l ngi "0"" ngi dc, Igil, '[',""spor", Iion!
kw_h 10gl>llc" .,"caring, bending, "cldi"g, ~ E""",,,,, to""
o CO, 1.9" I 0' / I 8x 10' kg instatlalion ,nd ooolingipoiming olc.
•0, 524J4/~I1.7J mJ
o Acelylene I ?4, 71\1203,91 m'
Finall'roducL !lcl';"at;"c
On" Pa»cogcr S""P 112Lon

Fig, 6: Flow of inputs / outputs of malerials and energie" clc. for building an inland
passenger vessel


3.9 Requirements in Conducting the LeI on Vessels
(I) Data is neccssm)' regarding lhick sleel plales used for shipbuilding (using
approx. 20% scrap slceL,)

(2) Need to compile LeI dala for p~rl, used for vessel>
(3) A passenger vessel is estimated 10 conSUme about 433.81325.35 Ions offucL\, if

it is operated lor 10/15 years at a rate of 320 dal's a year. As far as the cmi"ion
of carhon dioxide (0 the air (~ir pollution) is concerned, it is sigl1itic~n[ly
dependent to the ship's operating: stages. It is necessary 10 lake into account of
the vo",,[', 0rerating conditions and circum,tance [nchlding mainlenance

(4) No research has been conducted ahout lhe dismantling or scrapping of vessels.
Researches in the fillnre on recycling "f scrapped stecl material:; as well a, other
parts, including:the methods of disposab are required.

3.10 Limitations

With lne trial analysis ,,1 this lime. We believe we have found clues for the melhod of
Lei analysi~ 011 the vessels and "'e have pinpointed several problem areas for
implementJtion of a full-scale LCA, In summary, such problems include:
(I) Poor availability of Lei data about inputs, i. e., energy, raw materials and parts.
(2) Some of available LCI dara about inputs arc based On the EuropeJIl condition,
and the eontenlS are not necessari 11'applicable to properly reflect lhc situation in

(3) Solely the respective shipbuilding or marine transportation industries cannOI

uchievc compilalion of database.

The LCA for vessels has just sturtcd. With close liaisons and coopermion of all ,clevunl
indllstries, We wisl] 10 call for joint works among: marine transportation, shipbuilding
and other industrb for shipping aecessoric~, etc. in order to tackle problems in a steady




4.1 General
There are different types oftransportatlOn system present in Bangladesh sueh a~ road,
rail, air and water transportation systcm. Road is the main mode of transport that
~Ollnect5 most par( of the country. The ruilways effcetively cover about 32% of total
area of Bangladesh through a railway track of 2076 lan. About two-third of
Bangladesh's wetland lanced \\,ith densc network of rivers, canals and creeks. Watcr
transport is the only mcans available in nearly 10% of the total area, The navigable
waterv"ays vary between 8372 km during monsoon to 5200 km during dry season,

I3anglade~h is a natural! y b"autif ul country. Th~r~ are many pla~cs that attract pcople as
int"resting tourist spot. Among thcm Cox'~ Bazar sca beach; Patenga sca beach; Sl.
Mmtine Coral Island (probal dceb); Kuakata etc. Water transport is the only means to
re~ch the St. Martine Island from th" mainland of Hanglooesh. But the exiMing facility
is not good cnongh to ilUract t(JUriststo this pl~ce.

4.2 The Transport Route

The coastal water transport route rrom Teknaf to 51. Martine Island with thc rolLt~
distance or 48 km is chosen for thi~ study us shown in appendix A. This is one of the
mo~t i10urishing routes ror future tourism.
4.3 Principal J>imension of the Vessel
A watercraft suitable for the Teknaf - St. Martine route was designed by the author.
The principal dimcnsion>; of the \\iatercrafl nrc given below:
Length 0 A 18.30 meter
Length LWL 16.40 meter
Breadth MLL> 5.49 mctcr
Depth MLJ) 2.00 mdcr
Draught lo,ded 1.05 meler
Engine power 70 HP (2 nos. second hand engine)
RPM 1200 rpm

'lhe vessel wa.>considered 10 be built by lwo different materials _ new mild steel and a
combination of ship breaking mild sleel with new stiffening members, The main
features of the vessel eonstmcted with two dilTer~nl material combinations are shown
in the Table 4.01. A general anangement plan, Lin~s plan and Mid ship section of the
vessel arc given in lh~ Fig, 7 to 9 re'pedively.

Table 4.01; The main fea!urc~ Qf the vessel

51. Description Consider made of Consider made of Ship
No. new M.S& M.S breaking M.S plate &
an • new M.S aD•...
01 Passenger Capacity 60 persons 58 persons
02 Cargo capacity 10 tons 7 Ions
OJ Vessels spced 12 knot 12 knot
04 Steel material used 29.13 ton 33.45 ton
05 AnnUlll days oj"op~m!ion 320 days 318 day~
06 Electricity eon~L1mption 5~26 kw-hr 6690 kw-hr
07 Annual fare earning 16,41,446.00 (aka 15,76,~ 14.39 taka

Annual fuel oil e)o.p~n~es 2,51,174.00 taka

Annual fuel consumption 9,660.53 tons

2,49,604.00 taka

9,600.16 tons
10 No, of trip per year 475 nos. 472 nos.

• _ ..;. .

,, " •,


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4.4 The Materinl

Two different combinations of material, were considered to be used for the

construction of the proposed vessel, The tirsl One was aU ncw mild stcel plnle und new

mild ,teel ungle as stiflening members, The othcr wa~ u combination of ship-breaking

steel plate with 8% new platc and new mild ~leel angle. The ~calltJings of the plate and

,tiffening members for both type of con~tructjon are given ill Table 4.02.

Table 4.02 : Scantling of an Inland Passenger Vessel

SI. Dcscription Considering new M.S plate O,",idering ,hil' breakiug
No. and M.S angle M.S plate & new M.S "nl:le

, Keel Plate I.x500x9mm

, J3oUom Plate Lx 1200x6mm
11 mm

3 llilge Plale Lx 120()x7mm LxllOOx8mm

, Side Shell Plate LxlOOOx6mm
Lx 1000x7mm
5 Main Deck PI"te I. x 1100 x 5mm Lx 1100x6mm
6 Bridge Deck Pink Lx 110Ox5mm Lx 1200 x 6 IlIIl1
7 Keelson T 250 x 100 x 6 mill "r250x 100x7mnl
8 Floor T250x75x6mm T250x75x7mm
9 Web Frame Tl50x75x6mm TI50x75x7mm

'" Main Frame L65x65x6mm L65x65x6mm

I " Deck Girder TI50x75x61nm T150>.75x7mm

" Deck Beam TI50x75x6mm TISOx75x7mm

" Deck Hou,e Sidc Frame L65x65:1.6mm L65>.65x6mm

" R[)[)f Plate J mm J mm

" Engine Fmll1dation Plale 10 mm 12 mm

" Face Plat~

I 150x1Omml'1l 150xl2mmFB

" Super Situelu," Roof lJeam LJ8x38x6mm L3SxJ8x6mm

'" BHD & Stiffcn~r L 50 x 50 >.6 mill L50x50x6mm

4.5 Steel Material Weight

Table 4.03 : Steel Material Weight of an Inland Passenger Vessel

SI. No. Description Coosi<!cri"l: new M.S

lnte 'In<11\l.S a-~oJe ton
I Con,idering ,hip breaking MS
plate & new M.S .nglc (Ion)
I Keel Plate 1.20
2 Bottom Plate 2.00
2 Bilge Plnte
, Side Shell Plale
; Main Deck Plate 4.03 4.84
6 Ilridge Deck Plate 4.38 5.26
7 Bridge Deck Frame 0.80 0,80
8 Stem 0040 0040
9 Accommodation 1.20 1.20
10 Keelson 0, ~O 1.05
II Floor
12 Web Fntme
I 2,36
0.26 0,30
D Main Frame 0.30 0,30

Deck Girder

Deck Ileam


I "17 Deck !-louse Side Frame 0.80 0.80

I RoofPlalc 0,12 0.12

II Engine Foundalion PI"te 0,50 0.60
19 IFace Plate 0.20 0.24
'" S"per Slructure Roof
0040 OAO

BHO. & StilTene,
T"nk wall & Chain locker'
Fender OAI 0.53

" Ilollards 0.20 0,25

SljjTene, Main Deck

Po,t. pillar elc,

Grand total 29.13 33.45



4.6 COllsumable Material

Table 4,04 reveals con~umable material for ship made of new MS plate and MS angle.
Pcr:;ollally data gathered Irom Chittagollg Dry Dock Ltd., Dockyard anu Engineering
Worh Ltd. and others private dock yal'd at Dhaka and ChiUagollg. In case or electrode
COOL, dockyard and Engineering Works Ltd. and others private dock use 9-12 packet
per (on, On an average, in this repun the materials were llscd 10 packets per tOll. Again
tor Ox}gen the above organi/alion, use 15-21 m) per ton. But here used 18 ml per Ion.:
Similarly lor Acetylene CDDL, dockyard and Engg. Ltd. and others private docks use
5-8 m] per ton. On an average it was used 6 ml per l(lll.
Table 4.04 : Consumable Material for Ship made of New M. S Plate and M.5

51. No DeseriptiOlI of Materials Quantity Unit

, Electrode 10 Packet perton) to 29.13 1011 291.30 packet

Oxygcn (13 m"pCI'ton) 18,,29,13ton 524.34 m

3 Aeetykne(6m pel'ton)6x29.1310 174.78 ~,-
4 Grinding stonc, hand glovc, ctc 60 Nos.

'1able 4,05 reveals consumable material for ship made of ship breaking MS plate and
MS angle, Personally, data gathered dilTercnt private dockyard at Dhaka and
Chittagong. In case of electrode private dock usc 1()-12 packet per ton. all an average
II packets per ton was used in this report Again 2\ Ill] per ton Oxygen WaSused in this
report though the above organizalilms use 18-24 Ill' per ton, Similarly for Acetylene
they use 6-8
, "
ill per ton where on an average 7 m' per ton was used.

Table 4.05: Consumable Material for Ship made of Ship Breaking M. S. Plate
nnd New M.S. Angle

SI. No Deseri tion of Materials Quantity Unit

1 Electrode II Packet rel'ton) It x29.13ton 320.43 packet
2 Oxygen (21 m perlon)21 x 29.1J ton 611.13 m
3 Acetylene (7 m' pCI'ton) 7" 29, 13 to 203.91 m
4 Gril'ding 'IOllC,hand gloves etc Nos.

4.7}'aint Estimation
As ~hOWIlin Table 4.06 the painting materials for new MS plate and MS angle varied
from dockyard to dockyard. 1n case of primer it was considcred 20 m' pcr gallon per eo"t
and 21 ml per gall"n pel"coat [or Anti-colTosivc & Anti-foiling respcctiwly for surface
area 750 ml

Table 4.06 Paint used for New M. S Plate and M.S Angle (Su..raee Area 750 m')

51.No T Descl'iption Of Materials Quantity jUnit

, Primer 2 coalS(20 m per gallon pel' coal) 75.00 gallons
2 Anti-corrosivc Ico"1 (2 t m per gallon per coat) 35,71 gallons
3 Anti-foiling leoal (21 m pcr gallon per coat) 35.71 gallons

Similarly, in Table 4.07 the paint used fol' ship breaking MS plate and New MS angle
varied from dockyard to dockyard. In this I'Cport 2 coalS primer were used whel'e I gallon
covered 18 m' surface and Anti.eorrosive & Anti-foiling 19 m' per gallon per coat for
surface area 750 m2

Tablc 4.07: Paint uscd for Ship Breaking M. S Plate & Ncw M.s Anglc
(Surface Area 750 M')

lSI. No.
Descriplion of Materials
Primer 2 eoat~ (I ~ m por gallon per coal)
Anti-cOI'rosiveleoat (19 Ill' per gallon per coat)
IAnti-foill1lgI~O"I(19 111'pel' gallon per coat)
I gallo""

4JI Total Man-Hour Estimation

The information regarding the estimation of man-hour as shovvTIin Table 4.08, rcveal
thaI a IOtm 14198 mall-hours required for preparing new MS plate and MS angle. Total
252 man-hour~ estimated for design and drawing work; 112 mall-hours for material
transport, 1008 for shot blust, primcr coal, lofting and cutting wOl'k; 11652 milll-holll'~
estimated for Bcnding, Welding of Steel matel'ial, Members, Installation oj" Member~,
Welding of Members, Coating and painting, welding of steel pipes etc pipe bcnding
illld pipe welding etc. includes all \vclding, Wood works, Engine inslallalion, fitting,
fixing and others @400 mall-iJrs per ton; 360 l11an-hOLIfS
for painting works; 600 man-

hours for fitting and auxilial)' machinery worh; 144 mnn-hours for launching; 64 l11an-
hours for Olilfitting and finishing work and 6 man-hours for ~ea trial.

Table 4.08: Man-Hours rC1luircd for Ncw 1't1.S Plate and M.S Allglc

51. Work Description [ Totall't1an-

, I
De3ign & Drawing 7 days x 3 persons x 12 hrs 252

17 days x 2 persons x 8 he<

2 Malerial Transport
3 Shot bla,t, Primer coat, Lolling & CulliLlg 7 days x 12person3xl2hr3 1008

B~nding, Welding of Sleel malerial,

Members, 1l1,tallation ,f Mcmbers,
Welding ,f Memhers, Coating 000
painting, welding of sleel pipes etc pipe
4 bendi"g "I\d pipe welding etc. includes "II 4001I1<m-lm,
x 29.13 Ion 11652
welding , Wood works, Eng",e
installation, fitling, fixing and othe" @I
400 man-hr, pcr 1011

5 P"inling works (4 coalS painting) 5 d"Y3x 6 per,ons x 121m 360

6 fitting and Auxiliary machinery 5 days x 10 per30ns xl2 h" 600

7 Launching I days x 18 pen;ons x 8 h" f44

6 Oulfitting and fLnishil\gwor~ 2 days x 4 persons x 8 hrs

" I
9 Sea tri"1 1 d"y' x 3 person, x 2 hrs
" I
Gruml10tal mall_ltr'l 14198

Similarly, in ease of ship breaking, Table 4,09 reveals that a total 16214 man-hours
required for preparing new MS plate and MS ungle_ Total 252 man-hours estimated for
design and drav"ing work; 112 man-hoUl's for material transport, 1296 for shot bla5t,
primer coat, lofting and culling v'iork; 13380 man-hours estimated for Bending,
Welding of Sleel material, Members, Installation of Members, Welding of Members,
Coating and painting, welding of steel pipes etc pipe bending and pipe wclding elc.
includes all welding, Wood works, Engine insl<l!lation, fitting, fixing and others @400

man-hr~ per ton; 360 man-hOll'" f()r painting works; 600 man-hollr~ for fitting and

auxiliary machinery works; 144 man-hours for launching; 64 man-hours fOT oulfitting

and finishing work and 6 man-hour, for sea trial.

Table 4.09 : Man-Hours required for Shill breaking M. S Ph.te and New
M.S Angle

SI. No. Work Descriptioll ITotal mali-lin

I De,ign & Drawing 7 day' x 3 persons x 12 252

I hrs

I 2 Material Transport 7 day.' x 2 persotls X 811r, 112

3 Grinding, shot blast, Primer coal, Lolling 9 days x 12 persons X 1296

& CuUing 12hrs
Grinding, Bending, Welding of Sleel
material, Members, lnstallntioll 0
Member" Welding [If Membel's, Coating

, ,md painting, welding of steel pipe, etc

pipc bCIlJillll ,,,,J pIpe WeldLl1g ele. 400man-hrs x 33.45 lOll 133S0
includes oil welding , Wood works,
Engine inslallation, titling, fixing and
others @400man-hrsperton

5 Painling works (4 coalS painting.) 5 days x 6 persons x 12 360


6 Fitting and Au;,iliUl,.' machinel)' 5 days x IOpcrsoll,xl2

J Launching I days x 18 pcr>on, x 8 I"

8 OUlfLtting and filllShillg work 2 days x 4 persons x 8 hrs M

0 Sea trial I days x 3 persons x 2 hrs 6

Gnnd totallllan-hr. 16214


II '"''""-<
~ L;"7 ~
c::. -


,,,',' ~

r------------ ~---~

• "



• ••

:1 ofA=ml~.
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4.9 Cost Estimation of the Vessel

The eo~t estimation is one of the mOM crilical aspects (Jf successful implementation of a
project. These aspecl~ were estimaled including all ilems as shown in Tuble 4.10 ,md
Table 4.11.
Table 4.10 : Cost E.timation ofllsing New M.S Plal~ und M.S Anglo

SI. uo. DcsCrll,tion Quantity Unit I Rutc (tk) TOlul co.t (tk)
1 Sleel material 29.13 ton 38,000,00
I 1.106,940.00
2 Consltmable matcrial
Electrodc 291.30 Ok< 410,00 119,433.00
Oxygcn 524.34 m 65JlO 34,082.10
Acclylcne 174.78 m' 24000 41,947.20
Grindiag stone, hand gloves L.S 8,000.00
; Wood 5.50 eft 950.00 5,225.00
4 Painls ~
Primer 75.00 gal. 350.00 26,250.00
I Anli-corrosive 35.71 gal. 475.00 16,%2.25
Anli- fouling 35.71 gal. 475.00 16,%2,25
5 ELlgine(70-80 )hp 2 nos 250,000.00 500,00000
Engine gear box(2: 1) ~
S Propeller 2 nos 50,000.00 100,000,00
9 Pltmp (safety and lire) 2 10,000.00 20,000.00
10 Capstan 1 ""
I 20,000.00 20,000.00
11 Anchor with chain 1 15,000,00 15,000.00
Search light
Navigalion light

I " Life buoy"
I 15 Electric fan '"18 I

16 Slecl frame "ith Cushion c1mir 00 nos 800,00 48,000.00
to Window (glass) IS 110< 2,000,001 36,000.00
18 Fuel for trail 30 gal. 120,00 3,600.00
19 Gas burner 1 PO 750.00! 750.00
I 20 Basin(.,ink) for galley 1 100 2,500.00 2,500.00;
I " WIC 2 nos J ,500.00 ],000.00
22 Basin (sink) for washing 1 PO 2,000.00 2,000.00

Tot"l for allmalerial cost 2,236,751.80
Overhead 5% on material eO,1 111,837.59
Tolal material including o\'crhead "A" 2,3411,589,39
L~bour hour 141981man-hrl 30.00 425,940.00
Overliead 50% on laboltr eO,l 212,970.00
Total labour cost including onrheatl "8" r 638,910.00
Gnlnd total cost (A+D) 2,987,499.39

Table 4.11 :Cost cstimation of using Ship breaking M.S Plate and No" M.S Angle

lSI. No. DeseriptiO'l Quantity Unit Rate (tk)

, "
, Steel material
Consumable malcrial
'"0 23,500,001


Electrode 320.43 pkt 410.00 131,376.30

Oxygen 611.73 m] 65.00 39,762.45
Acetylene 203.91 m 240,00 48,938.401
Grinding stone, hand gloves L.S 8,000.00
3 Wood
5.50 950,00 5,225.00
Primer 83.33 gal. 350.00 29,165.50
Anti-corrosive 39.47 "L 475.00 18,748.25

Anti- fouling
Engine (70-80 )hp ,
39.47 gal.
IEng;ne gear box(2: I) -
• Propeller
2 nos 50,000.00 100,000,00
9 Pump (safety and fire)
, IlOS W,OOO.OO 20,000,00

'" Capstan
, 00 20,000.00 20,000,00

Anchor with chain
Search light , 00 15,000.00 15,000,00

, 00

5,SOO.OO 5,500,00

" Navigation light 3,000.00 3,000,00

" Life buoya

'" "m 1,000.00 20,000,00

" Electric fan

" nos 1,200.00 21,600,00

" Steel framc with Cushion chair 60 "m 800.00 48,000,00

" Window (glass)

" nos 2,000.00 36,000,00

" Fuel for trail

l" gal. 120.00 3,600,00

Gas bumers
Ba,in(sink) for galley , 00 750.00
21 WIC 2
'" 1,500.00 3,000,00
n ""'
Ilasin (sink) for washing
IUtensil ,

" lathers

rotal for all material co,t
Ovcrhead 5% on material cost 97,349.46
Total material including uvcrhcad "A" 2,044,338,61
23 Total labour cost
Labom hour 16214man-hr 30.00 486,420,00
Ov~rhead 50% on Iahour cost 243,210,00
Total labour cost includin o\'erhcad "fi" 729,630.00
Grand total eosU~ 2,773,968.61

Table 4.12: Comparison of cost Involvemenl

Considering new M.5 Considering ship brtaking

plate and M.5 angle M.S plate and new M.S Description
Total cost (Tk.) Total cost (fk.l
1 Steel Material cost 1,162,287.00 825,37875

2 Consumable matcrial cost
Painting eost
4 Others material cost 3&4,483.75 384,483.75
5 Engine and gear OOXcost 525,000 00 525,000 00
6 Labour cost 638,910,00 729,630,00
Grand total cost 2,987,499 39 2,773,968.61

-, ,
I3Coosumoblc material _
[]Painhng ooJl
[]Olh<r< makriol "",,'

.Enl'in" ond grnr box """


13% 2%

Fi~..., 12: Pie ch~rt of cost involvement ia peruntage willi IICW M.S plate
and M.S angle

D S,<cl.Molori,,] cos,
eeoo.wmblc material00",
[]I'>mting cost
[]0It<;-, tmteriol ""'"
• hngire am g"'" box "",I

Filt. tJ: PIe thart of root i•••

olvement in pe=at~
willi ship b..,aki"l: M.S plate and ••••• M_~~



5.1 Genefal

The concept of the life cycle assessment simply means that the inputs (energy.
Materials, etc) and outputs (energy, wa,te materials, products, etc) from the cycle arc
evaluated for each step of a product or proce,s lire. The swndard generally u~ed for thi~
evaluation is as ISO 14040. Lili:: cycle impact assessment (LelA) i~a tool to evaluate
impacl uf inputs and outputs on the environment. Thi~ method has employed in the
pre,ent work

5.2 Life Cycle Impact As~cssmcnt and the EnvinmmcntaiDcstruction Index

Eleven compounds and substances, among those released during the production and usc
of the transports, were considered here. The amount of sleel materiul used and the
electricity consumption for lhe eon~!ruetion of vessel is given in Tahle 4.01. Other
materials and energy \'ere not considered, as the dam was not available. The amount of
emissions showed that ill Table 5.02 (taken from BUWAL 250 of J5) is for steel
production, The emissions during diesel oil production arc shown in T~blc 5.04 (taken
from BUWAL 132 of J\ The emis,iolls for the prodLletion and use of unit amount of
some materials/energy arc sho\\'n in Table 5.06 and Table 5.08. Here only the available
emission data that were u,ed in thi~ analysis were given. The estimated tOI~1annual
emissions from the vessel arc shown in Tuble 5.10.

It was difficult to find reli~ble data for this amlysis. For the construction phase of such
transports 2 used dala collecting Irom various Internet resources. Here ~II the dala for
both construction anJ operalion pha~es wcre tuken from Jatabase of J5 a life cycle
assessment (LeA) ~oftware.
Table 5.01: Emissions to air for the production of 1 ton electrolytic chrmne coated
~tecl (lIUWAL 250)

CO, NOx so, 1\',0 IIF lIel Metltane Ammouia C,II, SPM
(gUl) (gUl) (gm) (gm) (gm) (gUl) (gm) (gm) (gm) (gm)
2.95 xW" 4540 6180 9,52
" 86.3 1.08 x 10' 1.97 5.23 1410

Table 5.02 ;Totat emissions to air for the production of electrolytic chrome coated
steel (BUW AL 250)

T)'pe of used Q•• co, NO, sos N,O HF HCI Methane AnIIllO"C,H,I S}'M
steel Material
(Ion) (kg) 'k~ (kg) (kg) 'k~ ,kg' (kg) (kg) (k~ (kl:)
new MS plate
29.1385934 132,25 180.02 0.28 0.32 2.51 314,60 0.06 0.15 41.07
33.45198678 151.86 206.72 0.32 0.37 2.89 361.26 0.07 0.17 47.16
MS plat" &
ew MS Angle

Table 5.03 ; Emissions to air for the production of 1 kg diesel (BUW AL 132)
Alde- Ammo- ])ust
hydes nia (SI'M)
(I:lll) (gill) (I:lll ) (gm) (I:lll) (gnl) (1:111) (gm) (gm)
m 1,902 3.863 0.048 0.252 0.04 0.02 6.786 0.219

Table 5.04 : Total Emissions to llir for the production of diesel (BUW AL 132)

Type of used Qty. Aide- Dust

CO, NO, SO, 0'1,0 CO Ammo- C,II,
Year hydes (SPM)
steel Material (kg) (kg) (kg) 'k~ 'kg' (kg) Dia (kg) (kg)
'k" kg
MSplate& Ne , 16422 51239.4 312.36 634.4 7,88 4l.3 •., 3,2! 1114,: 35,9

1512240 38189,42232.81 472.84 5.88 30,85 '.0 2.45830.62 26 g 1

latc&N.w MS
1814688 45827.30279.3 567.4 I ,.• 37.01 5.88 2.94 96.7~ 32.17

3.2611107,4 35.7
'" 163203f0919.n 310.411630.45 U3 41.l3 6.53

Table 5.05; Emissions through burning of 1 kg diesel (3% sulpher COntellt) by 1I

ship engine (Chllimers 1991)

CO, NO, SO, C,H, Dust (SI'M)

(gm) (gm) (gill) (gm) (gm)
322.55 ].15 5.45 4.26 0.468

Table 5.06 ; Total emissions througb buring nf diesel (3% sulpbcr content) by a
ship engine (Chalmers 1991)

Type of used steel Quantity C,H, Dust

CO, (kg) NO~ (kg) SO, (kg)
('. (SPM) kg

omiciering neW MS 52972.087 517.322 895,048 699,616 76,859

20 164229
plate & New MS Angle
IS 122402 39480,759 385.566 667.091 521.432 57.284
onsidering Ship
18 146882 47376.908 462.679 800,509 625,719 68.741
breakittg MS plate &
'ew MS Angle 889.454 695.243 76.379
2 163203 52641.012 514.088

Table 5.07: Elllissions during the production of ll,w"br electricity (lJuwal-131)

NO, N,O C,H,

(gm) {gm} (gm)
201,9600 06840 0,0180 0.0216

Table 5.08: Tutal Emi"ions during the production of electricity whieb used for
construction work (Buwal-132)

Quaotit)' CO, NO, N,O C,H,

Tyl'c of used stcel Material
(kw_hr) (kg) (kg)
'kg' (i'g)

onsiciering new MS plate & 1176.619 3.985 0.105 0.126

, 5826
ew MS Angle
on,iciering Ship breaking 1351,112 0.924 0.120 0.145
MS plare & New MS Angle

Table 5.09 ; Total Emission, to air for construction phase (life time) of an inland
passenger ~'csscl.

onsidcring neW MS plate & Considering old MS plate

lImpound or sllbstanc Unlt & New MS Angle
New MSAngle
87110.1 100028.61
0, Kg
136.24 152.79
0, Kg
Kg 180.02 206.1"
Kg 0.3 0.44
K, 0.3 0.3
I.ICI Kg 2.51 2.'
0,28 0.32
,1-1, Kg
314.6 361.26
Methane Kg
Kg 0.0 0.0
41.07 4731
Du,( (SPM) , Kg

Table 5.10 : Total Emi"i{ln, 't{l a'ir f{lr opcration phasc (life timc) of all inland
passenger vessel

Con,iderin~ Ship breakin~ MS plate &

Considering "ew MS New MSAngie
COllipound {II'
Unit piale & Io."ewMS Angle
(20 years) 15 years 18 yea •.•• 20 yeHs

0, kg 104211,5 77670.1 93204,21103560.24

, 0, 'g 829,6 618.3 742,05 824.50

SO, kg 1529.4 1139.93 1]679 1519.91

,0 kg ,g 5,88 7.05 7.83






Aldehydes kg 6.57 4.9 5.8 6.53

llImotlla kg 3' 2.45 '.9 3.3

D"'I (SPM) kg 111,83, 84.09 10001 112.12

Table 5.11 : Total Emissions to air for one year of an inland passenger vessel

Considering Ship breaking MS plate &

Considering new
New MSAngie
omponnd 0 MS plate & New
substance MSAngie
(20 year) lSyear 18 year 20 year

0, kg 95660 11&46.5 10735.16 10179.44

0, kg 48.30' 51.41 49.71 48.8
0, kg 9.00 13.78 11048 10.3
0, 'g 7604 76.0 76.00 76.0
,0 kg 0041 0042 0.4 0041
kg 2.0 2.0 I 2.06
HI' kg
0.0 0.02 0.0 0.02
Hel kg 0.13 O. , 0.16 0.14
,11, kg 90.72 90.1 90.15 90.15
Methane kg 15.73 24.08 20.07 18.0
mlllollln 'g 0.17' 0.17 0.17 0.'
Dust (SPM)
7.69 ..,
0.' 0.16
0.1 (

Calculating the total amount of substances and compounds relcased for the inland
passenger vessel, the envirorunenta! impact of the transportation system in 4 different
impact categories (global wamling, acid rain, eutmphic[]tion, air pollution) were
~slimated by multiplying (he total amount of emissions by resp~ctiv~ characterization
factors according to the equation (l) 4.

lD'(j) = L W, x t,"F(j),) (I)

Where, EP(j) is the sum of the potential contribution from thc impact catcgory, Q, is thc
emissions of compound i, and EF(j), is the characterization factor of compound I
rdatcd to thc impact catcgory)
Thc valncs of thc characterization factors arc givcn in Tablc 5, II. Thcsc values were
according to lOco-indicator '95)'

Table 5.12 ; Char.lctcrization factors for various impact categories

Considering Considcring Ship brc"king

Responsiblc Ch,,,'''cl_ ncw MS MS plnfc & Ncw MS Anglc
s"b,t~nces or crization Unit plate & New
eompoullds factor MS Angle
15 yc~r 18 ycar 20 ycar
(20 year)

0, 1.0


---T 9,850,70 12,225.16 11,068.26 10,489.82

mmoma US k
Hel 0.88 k
cid rai" 43,23 50,25 46,74 44,98
, '0, 0.' k
SO, 1.0 k
Eotrophicatio 0, 0.13 k
6.33 6.74 6.52 6.41
" Ammonia 0.33 k
Particulate matlel' I 01 k
ocal air
0, 1.0 k 52.g0 58.42 55,60 4.19

,H" 04 k

The environmental destruction index was ealeulal~d by multiplying Ihe ratio of the
amount of potcntial impact using new M.S plate & M.S angle systcm to that of using
ship breaking M.S plate & new M.S angle system with somc specific weighting factors
for each impact category according to equation (2).

{Ii = L>J (EP(J)).,.,,, (2)

,I (EP(j)L"J~,cal"""

Where, wj is the wdghting factor for impact category.i-

The values of the weighting laelor:; for various impact categorics arc given in Table
5.122. These values were calculated by analytic hierarchy proees~ (AHP)J6 from the
data gathered through ~urvey. AHP is widely accepted method of establishing hierarchy
among the parameters those are not directly related to each other.

Table 5.13 ; Weightiog factors for varions environmental impact categories

Weighting IS years III years 20 years

iml'Jlet categories

labal warming


0.806 0,290
'. (EP);
0.939 0.33

Acid raill 0.2194 0.860 0,t~9 0.925 0.203 O.96t 0.2t I

Eutrophication 0.1277 0.940 0,120 0.972 0.124 0.989 0.12
Local air poliutiol1 0.2926 0.904 0.264 0.950 0.278 0.974 0.285
iEnvironmental destrnction index I" 0.864 0.926 0.961



6.1 Gcncral
The provisions for routine renovation of the vessel for new M.s. plate & M.S angle
have been made Ollthe ]"', 6'h, 9[h, 12tl.,ISu,and 18th year with the dry docking and 6Lh,
12Lh and IS,h for maehiner)' maintenance of the operation. On the other hand, the
provisions for routine renovation of the vessel with ship breaking M.S. plate & new
M.S angle (approximately S% new of total used material) have been made on the 3m,
6L1" 9'10 and 12thyear for the dry docking and 6Lh and Ii" for maehinel)' maintenance of
the operation. It was assumed that the ves,el acquisition was 100% covered by
commercial loan and annual earning & expenses are shown in table below.

6.2 Clliculation of Economic Index

To find the economic superiority, Nel Present Vulue (NPV) at 12% rale or return on the
investment to the vessels used ne\\i MS plate & MS angle and ship breaking MS plate
& new MS angle as ship building materials calculated and compared. The general form
of calculating NPV for these vessels is:

NPV = :L[PW(annual load passenger x freight rate)

- PW (Annual operating costs)
- PW (ship acquisition eo~ts)l

The Present Worth factor (PW) is a multiplier to convert a future sum into a present
sum. It is also called the discount faelOl)).

PW = PlF = (l +i)"ol

Where, P = Principal (investment), or a present some of money.

F = A future sum of money
i = Rate of return (compound interest),
N =Number of year in operation

The e~ealation rates considered for the projected economic analysis are shown in the
Tahle 6.05.

In both eases the vessels with new M.S plute & M.S angle and ship breaking MS plate
& new MS angle as ship building materials, 100% of the direct crew/labour cost was
cOllsidered as overhead cost while calculating !he total annual eosl, The insurance and
other overhead was taken as 1% of the vessel's price.

6.3 Calculation or Economic Index ror Vessel made or New M.S Plate & M.S Angle

Table 6.01: Particulars for clllculatiug anUUlll ellruiug for vessel

made of new M.S plate & M.S angle
Total Passenger capacity 60 persons
Cargo capacity (Tons) 10 tons
No. of commercial round trips/year 475 Nos.
Annlllil Load passenger 28,497 persons
Pa.>senger share ludor 60%
Cargo share raetor 50%
Vessel Speed (Knot) 12 knot
Farelpassenger/km 2.00 taka
Route length 48Km
Working hour per day 12.00 hours
Voyage time 2.04 Hours
Port time 2.00 Hours
No. orVoyage per day 1.50 Nos.
Annual days of operation 320 days

Table 6.02: Annual fare ellrning for vessel made of new M.S plate & M.S
angle il) diITerent passenger fare rate

Passcngcr NPV
Di~tance Passcngcr Annual Fare
R(lute (t1.)
(km) Fll~~I~ate Fare (tk) Earning (til.)
48 1.80 86.40 1477302.00 1752000.00

T'eknaph"Sentmurtine '"'" 2,00

48 2.40 115.20 1969736.00 6852000.00
48 2,60 124.80 2133880.00 8551000.00

Table 6.03: Annual fuel oilaud lube-oil expeuscs for vessel
made of new M.S plate & M.S angle

Hull cost 2,451,999 Tk.

Machinery cost 535,500 Tk.

Total cost 2,987,499 Tk.

Hourly fuel consumption during voyage 8.00 litre

Hourly fuel consumption at port 2.00 litre

Hourly lube oil consumption during voyage 0.16 litre

Hourly Inbc oil consumption at port 0.04 litre

Fuel price/liter 25 Tk.

Lube oil price/litcr 50Tk.

Speed of vessel 12 Knots

No. of commercial trip per year 475 nos.

Route length 48km

Voyage timc 2.04 houn;

Port time 2.00 hours

No. ofVoyagc pcrday 1.50 nos.

Annual days of operation 320 days

Daily fuel consumption 30,19 litre

Annual fuel consumption 9,660.53 litre

Annual ruel cost offuel 2,41,513.00taka

Daily lube oil consumption 1 litre

Annual lube oil consumption 193.21 litre

Annual cost of lube oil 9,661.00taka

Annual cost offuelanu lube oil combined 2,51,174.00 taka

Table 6.04: Repayment caicuh.tion for vessel made of new M.S plate and
M.S angle

(Taka in thonsand)
Half-yearly in~tallment 124.479125
Half-year Principal Principal repaid Out~tanding Interest
"rind )31
I 2,987.50 124.48 2,863.02 179.25
2 2,863.02 124.48 2,738.54 171.78
3 2,738.54 124.48 2,614,06 164.31
4 2,614.06 124.48 2,489.58 156,84
5 2,489.58 124.48 2,365.10 149.37
6 2,365.10 124.48 2,240.62 141.91
7 2,240.62 124.48 2,116.15 134.44
8 2,116.15 124.48 1,991.67 126.97
9 1,991.67 124.48 1,867.19 119.50
10 1,867.19 124.48 1,742.71 112.03
I1 1,742.71 124.48 1,618.23 104.56
12 1,618.23 124.48 1,493.75 97.09
13 1,493,75 124.48 1,369.27 89.62
I' 1,369.27 124.48 1,244.79 82.16
15 1,244.79 124.48 1,120.31 74.69
16 1,120.31 124,48 995.83 67.22
17 995.83 124.48 871.35 59.75
18 871.35 124.48 746.87 52,28
19 746.87 124,48 622.40 44.81
20 622.40 124.48 497.92 37.34
21 497.92 124.48 373.44 29.87
22 373.44 124.48 248.96 22.41
23 248.96 124.48 124.48 14,94
24 124.48 124.48 0.00 7.47


6.4 Calculation of Economic Judex for Vessel made of Ship breaking M.S
Ph.te & New M.S Angle

Table 6.05: Particulars fur calculating annual earning for vessel

made of ship breaking M.S plate & new M.S angle


Total Passenger capacity 58 persons

Cargo capacity Crans) 7 tons

No. of commercial round trips/year * 472 Nos.

Annual Load passenger 27375 persons

Passenger share factor 60%

Cargo share factor 50%

Vessel Speed (Knot) 12 knot

Farel pas~engerlklll 2.00 !.aka

Route length 48Km

Working hour per day 12.00 hours

Voyage time 2,04 Hours

Port time 2.00 Hours

No. of Voyage per day 1.50Nos.

Annual days of operation 318day~

Table 6.06: Annnal earning for vessel made of ship breaking M.S plate &
new M.S angle in dilIerent passenger fare rate

Passcngcr NPV ('OOlltk) for

Distance P;lssenger Ilnual11are diffcrent ycar
Route Fare Ratc
(km) Fare (tk) Earning (tk)
(tk) 15 20
48 1.80 86.40 1419133 798 483 754

48 2,00 96.0 1641446 2195 2031 2387

48 2.20 105.6 1805591 3593 3578 4020
48 2.40 115.2 1969736 4990 5126 5653
. 124,8 6387 6674 7286
48 2.60 2133880

Table 6.07: Anuual fuel oil and lube-oil expenses for vessel made of
Ship breaking M.S plate & new M.S angle


Hull cost 2,238,469 Tk.

Machinery cosl 535,500 Tk.

Tolnl cost 2,773,969 Tk.

Hourly fuel consumption during voyage 8.00 litre

Hourly rud consumption at pOl1 2,00 litre

Hourly lube oil consumption dming voyage 0.16 litre

Hourly lube oil consumption at pOrL 0.04 litre

Fuel pricelliler 25 Tk.

Lube oil price/liter 50 Tk.

Speed of Ye~sel 12 Knots

No. of commercial trip per year 472 nos.

Roule length 48 km

Voyage time 2.04 hours

Port time 2.00 hours

No. of Voyage per day 1.50 nos.

Annual days of operation 318 days

Daily fnel consLlmption 30,19 litre

Annual fuel consumption 9,600.16 litre

Annual fuel cosl of fuel 2,40,004.00 taka

Daily li.lbeoil consumption 1 litre

Annl1allube oil consumption 192 litre

Annual cost onl1be oil 9,600.00 taka

Annual cost of fuel and lube oil combined 2,49,604.00 taka

Table 6.08: RepaYI'1en! ealeulatiOIl for vessel made of ship
breaking M.S plate & new M.S angle
(Taka in thousand
Half-yearly installment 115.582025
Half-year Principal Principal repaid Outstanding principal Interest
1 2,773.97 115,58 2,658.39 166.44
2 2,658.39 115.58 2,542.80 159.50
3 2,542.80 115.58 2,427.22 152.57
4 2,427.22 115.58 2,311.64 145.63
5 2,311.64 115.58 2,196.06 138.70
6 2,196.06 115.58 2,080.48 131.76
7 2,080.48 115.58 1,964.89 124.83
8 1,964.89 115.58 1,849.31 117,89
9 1,849.31 115.58 1,733.73 110.96
10 1,733.73 115.58 1,618.15 104.02
11 1,618.15 115.58 1,502.57 97.09
12 1,502.57 115.58 1,386.98 90.15
1] 1,386.98 115.58 1,271.40 83.22
14 1.271.40 115.58 1,155,82 76,28
15 1,155.82 115.58 1,040.24 69.35
16 1,040.24 115.58 924.66 62.41
17 924.66 115.58 809.07 55.48
18 809,07 115.58 693.49 48.54
19 693.49 115.58 577.91 41.61
20 577.91 115.58 462,33 34.67
21 462.33 115.58 346.75 27,74

22 346.75 115.58 231.16 20.80

2J 231.16 115.58 115.58 13.87
24 115.58 115.53 0.00 6,93

The economic index:

II-' '" (Nl'V)",.•
(/liP V ),',,"',m~m"



The main par;lmeters, which have inl1l1ence on the impact of environment and
cconomi~ index of the passenger vessel are ~hown in the Table 7.01.

Table 7.01: The comparative features of the passenger vessels

SI. Description Considering used Considering Ship

No. new M.S Plate & brcai,illg M.S plate
M.S angle & new M.S angle
01 Total material used 29.13 tun 33.45 ton
02 Total material cost 2,348,589.39 taka 2,044,338.6Ituka
02 Tutaliabour hour 14,198hn; lG,214hrs
04 TOlallaboClr co~t 2,48,S89.391aka 2,044,335.61 taka
05 Annual fuel consumption 9,660.531ons 9,600.16 tons
06 Annual fuel oil exp~nses 2,51,174.00 taka 2,49,604.00 lilka

07 Grand tolal cost 2,987,499.39 l<lka 2,773,968.61 taka

08 Electricity consumption 5826 kw-hr 6690 k",-hr
09 Life lime orthe vessel 20 years 15,18&20ye<lr~
10 Annual days of operation 320 days 318 days
II No. of trip per year 475 nos. 472 nos.

It i~ seen from Table 7.01 that the sted consumption requirement by 14,83%
percent if the vessel is built with ~hjp breaking steel compared to new steel materials.
This figure is dictated mainly by the relevant slalLllory regulation. There is <lconsequent
increase in labor time und co~t. Because of increase in the hull wcight, a ship built with
breaking steel would consume more fuel for same operating life. 13eeause of
complexity in the building process, the electricity C<.ll1~umptionwill ulso increase
14.83% percent. At the end, ship built with ship breaking steel cost 7.7% percent less
compared to a vessel built with new steel materials. In fael, !his economic consideration
drives the owners in making their decision in favor of ship built with steel from ship

A ship built with new steel is expected to have an economic life of 20 years. On the
other hand, ships built with steel from ship scrap, the operating life of a ship dcpends
largely upon the proper maintcilllllce of this ship. Thus a flcxible operating life has been
assumed for the analysis: 15 years, 18 years and 20 years.

Since ships built with steel from ship scrap is likely to require more maintcnanee. it is
assumed that the annual hire days for such ships will be 318 days against 320 days for
ships built with new sted nl<lteriuls. There \'1i11be a proportionate reduction in the
annual number of trips.

Table 7.02: Repair and Insnranee, registration & othen cost for different
operating year

CUllsidering new Considering Ship brealung MS

MS plate & New plate & New MS Angle (Tk '000)
MS Angle (Tk '000)
(20 years) 15 years 18 )'cars 20 years

Repair cost 1015 704 1227 1889

Insunmce, regi~tration
988 599 1561 1834
& Others cost

As far as economic projceted pcrformances of the alternatives under consideration arc

c'1ncerned, lhe annual [are earning is proportional to the number of anJluul lrips and the
fare rale. In the present work, the rare rate has been assumed from Tk. 1.8 to Tk. 2.6 per
passcngcr-knl. The range repre,enl'> the fares charged presently by different operators.
Irrespective of the fare rate, ship, built with new steel shows higher NPV C'1mp<lredt'1
the alternative considered. The difference depcnds upon the '1perating life of (he vessel.
The diil"erellce reduces with an increase in the fare rate. For a fare rate ofTk. 1.8 per
passenger-km, a ship built with new ~teel will have a 120% higher NPV eomp<lred to <l
ship built with scrap steel and with an operating life of 15 years. This difference
reduces to 17% for a fare r~te of Tk. 2.6 per passenger-km and an operating lifc of 20
years f'1r the ship built with ship scrap steel.

" '
Table 7.03: Net Present Yalue at 12'Y. rate of return & Annual fare earning for
different passenger fare and operating year

Fare rate l'assen- Considering new MS COllsidering Ship breaking MS plate

Tk/passen ger fare plate & r-."ewMS & New MS Angle
-ger-klll (Tl.) An 'Ie
Annual Nd Annual Net Present Yalue at 12%
fare I'resent fare rate of return '000)
Earning Value (20 Earning
(Tk) year) (Tk) 15 year 18 year 20 year
1.8 86.40 1477302 1752 1419133 798 ,"J 754
20 96.00 1641446 3452 1576814 2195 2031 2387

2.2 105,60 1805591 5152 1734496 3593 3674 4020

2.4 115.20 1969736 6852 1892177 4990 5126 5653

2.6 124.80 2133880 8551 2049859 6347 6674 7286

As far as environmental index is concerned, a ship built with new steel materiab is
lound to cause less damage to the environment compared to a ship built with ship
breaking steel irrespective of [he operating lif" of the later. The environmental
destruction indices were found 0.864. 0.926 ~ml 0.961 for operating lives of 15 years,
18 years and 20 years respectively. Th" findings showed that the vessel with new mild
steel plate were environmentally 0.14, 0.07 and 0,04 tim"s less detrimental [0 tile
environment respectively.

Table 7.04: The Indices for different passenger farc rate and operating year

Environlllcntal NPV index at different farc rate Tklpassenger-km

index 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.60

15 0.864 -0.086 2.2 1.57 1.43 1.37 1.34

18 0.926 -0.049 3,63 1.7 1.4 1.34 1.28

20 0.961 -0.059 2.32 1.45 1.28 1.21 1.17


'000 years (New)

.'_0"_' 20

8000 -~-15 years (Snip br.)

~ --+- 18 years (Ship br.)
~ <000
to -lO- 20 years (Snip br.)

0 6000

~ ~OO





M 95 100 105 110 115 1£0 1£5 130
Fare (Tk.)

Fig. 14 Vari3tion ofNPY ofthc passcngcr vessel with fMe for different operating
lives using ship brcllldng stecls llIld new steel

• ,
015 Years
~ -/:>.-18 Years
-c- 20 Years

• ,


" ,


1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75
Fare Rale (TkJpasserlger/km)

Fig. 15 Variation ofNPV index oflhe passenger vessel with fare rale for different
operating lives



The environmental indices presented in the present work show that building a ship with
ship breaking steel may be 0.14 lime~ more detrimental 10 environment compared to a
ship built new steel materials, In the best available scenario, the ratio reduces to 0.04.
The probable rcason behind this may be that more materials are required, more energy
us well as fuel are consumed during the building process of a ship using SC"'P steels.

Most or the ship-owners of Bangladesh arc interested to build their ships by ship
breaking materials rather thall new steel because of low initial investment. However,
results presented in the present study show that the economic benefit falls under the
shadow due to the increa~e in fuel Clln~umpti<Jn,higher maintenance cost, increased
fuel cost. The final economics is strongly in favor of ~hip built with new steel materials.
The NPV of the later vessel is found to be up to 17- 120% higher.

Though llangladesh is not among the signatories ofthe38 lhe ~teps towards reducing the
emission will help the national and international community to improve the quality of
the environment. TIle findings are expected 10 as~i~1 the owners/decision makers in
deciding what material they should promote to be used in the ship eonstwetion 10
preserve environment maintaining commercial viability.

The results found in this study aTe highly uncertain because of the uncertainty involved
in the data used. One should be aware oflhese uncertainties while using these results.

The following unsolved problems arc still left for further re~earch ill thi~ area.

• The erfect of power required for vanous speed of ships made or ship-
breaking M.S plate & new M.S angle imlead or new M.S plate & M.S

• The environmental impact should he analyzed more detail eon~idering more

impact categories.

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