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Exercise 1 Read each sentence, and summarize it as shown in the example E.g.: Some people go to college to learn a trade, some go to enter a profession, and others, having no immediate career goals, go for the love of learning. Key words go to college / learn a trade / enter a profession / the love of learning Summary People attend college for different reasons. 1. The microwave oven allows one to cook food without using the power needed for a gas or electric oven, and it enables one to prepare food quickly and without using as many pots, pans, and utensils. Key words Summary... 2, Studies show that watching violence on TV and playing violent video games can lead to increased violent behavior. Key words Summary... 3. Universities justify spending a lot of money on sports by saying that good sports programs attract better students and faculty. Key words Summary... 4.A good system of public transportation in a large city reduces traffic, saves money on road construction, and lessens harm to the ozone layer. Key words Summary... 5. Bicyclists have long complained about the lack of bike paths and sidewalk access in American cities. Key words Summary. 6. Eighty percent of all college students in the U.S. have at least one part-time job, and some work full-time, which takes their focus away from school and gives them little time for academics. Key words Summary... 7. Cell phone usage and noise have caused a decline in the quality of our civic life and led to.a more self-centered outlook on the world. Key words 8. The rise in Earth's temperature over the last century has triggered the melting of glaciers, increased hurricane activity, and the erosion of the beaches. Key words Summary. 9. As more and more people reach retirement age in America, there will be a greater demand for hospital care, assisted-living centers, and nursing homes. Key words Summary. 10. While computers have made many tasks easier and quicker, they have also made social interaction less personal by encouraging communication by e-mail or instant messaging. Key words Summary. 11. Rising tuition costs and the cost of living are turning many potential students away from college campuses. Key words Summary. 12, The space program has increased man's knowledge of Earth with regards to meteorology, cartography, geology, and communications. Key words Summary. Exercise 2 Read each passage, and summarize it in one sentence. 1. A national park is public land protected by law from overdevelopment and pollution. The world's first national park, Yellowstone National Park in the state of Wyoming, was established in 1872. The U.S. Congress continued to pass laws creating many national parks, and, in 1916, an agency, the National Park Service, was formed to govern the parks. Today there are 360 national parks, costing US. taxpayers about $2.2 billion each year. Summary. 2. People are living a lot longer now than in the past. Hospitals have very advanced equipment that helps doctors diagnose and remedy health problems. Doctors are getting state-of-the-art training throughout the world. Also, doctors are able to prescribe many new medications to help people treat and avoid health concerns. Summary... 3. Embryonic stem cells are cells that appear in human embryos a few days after fertilization. Because they can grow into any kind of tissue in the body, they may make medical breakthroughs, such as regenerating spinal cords, possible. Their use has triggered ethical objections, however, as some believe the cells are forms of human life and thus should not be destroyed for use in medical experiments. Summary... 4. The cost of housing in big cities is very expensive. In addition, almost everything costs more than it would in smaller towns. Food, gasoline, and basic living supplies are substantially more expensive in the cities. Many people are choosing to live outside of the cities and drive to work. They can often buy homes for half of the price that they could in the city. Summary... 5. Modern movies are amazing. They show marvelous special effects created by computers. Computers allow special effects artists lots of freedom. They are able to make monsters, edit backgrounds, and modify scenes. In addition, many modern blockbusters cost over 100 million dollars when directors create them. is huge amount of money allows them to get famous actors and travel to lots of locations. Summary. 6. The US. expanded differently than the European powers. England, France, and Spain fought wars with each other in attempts to acquire new territory. They also colonized other lands throughout the world. They used military forces to obtain land. The U.S, on the other hand, gained most of its land peacefullly. The country purchased Florida, the Louisiana Purchase, and Alaska. Texas voluntarily joined the country, and the U.S. acquired the southwest after Mexico attacked America. Summary. 7. Computers are becoming more and more powerful. During the 1990s, the memory and processing speeds of computers were doubling every year or two. This growth has slowed a bit, but they are still growing very quickly. The size of the hardware needed to store information is also shrinking. 40 years ago, NASA needed a computer the size of a room to do calculus equations. Now that power can be held in someone's hand with a calculator. Summary... 8 Divorces are becoming more frequent in industrialized countries. As countries become wealthier, the status of women often increases. Women are usually added to the workforce. They gain solid jobs and become more economically independent. An independent woman is more likely to seek a divorce since she can sustain herself without a husband. Also, the rights of women usually increase as a country industrializes. In many poor, conservative societies, women do not even have the right to divorce; only men can. Summary, 9. Entertainment is changing society's perception of what is acceptable behavior. Many movies are becoming more violent and sexual in nature. Most popular movies contain many explosions, deaths, and questionable behavior by women. Pop singers are also following this trend, Popular music videos are highlighted by scantily clad women dancing provocatively. Summary. 10. Many cities are expanding their mass transit systems. As people learn more about the dangers of the greenhouse effect, more cities want to reduce pollution. This means making more bus routes, adding train tracks, and, most importantly, expanding subways. Subways are becoming larger in terms of new lines being added, and, when possible, they add more trains per line. This effort helps to get more cars off of the streets and puts less pollution in the air. Summary... 11. Just 20 years ago, almost no one had a video game console or a personal computer at home. Now, most households have a few of each. Many children are spending much of their instead of playing outside. This is causing problems like children being overweight and out of shape. Summary. 12, Biologists have found that constant commercial fishing can be very harmful to the ecosystems from which they take fish. Some of the problems surrounding the overfishing of commercial waters have to do with the irreversible alteration of the ecosystem by removing important fish species. By removing these important species, other dependent life forms, such as plankton and algae, might become overabundant and block out sunlight, which lead to the death of fragile coral and sponge species. Summary... 13. The zebra mussel was originally found in freshwater lakes in Russia, but it now has spread to the lakes of North America. This creature is a nuisance to humans and is deadly to other aquatic life. First, the zebra mussel is so aggressive that it threatens native populations of freshwater mussels by taking all of the food and blocking the freshwater mussels’ air valves. Second, the zebra mussel releases phosphorus into the water, causing ‘aquatic plants to grow too rapidly, and it blocks out sunlight, which endangers many local species. Third, it can clog pipes that feed water into city water supplies. Summary. 14, Over the last century, the type of people typically attending college has changed in America. In the past, college educations were too expensive for regular people. Only society's elite classes could afford to obtain a college education. New financial aid sources plus a rise in the income levels of the middle class have made college more affordable. People from many classes can now afford to get a college education. Summary... 15. The Internet is changing the English language. When people send email or instant messages, they are using new words and expressions. When they chat online, there is a desire {for speed that was not needed when they wrote handwritten letters. This means many new words are created, often by abbreviating other words or phrases. One example of this is “LOL,” which means “laughs out loud” or “lots of laughs.” Summary,

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