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ImagineH2O’s Water Energy Nexus Prize Competition

YouNoodle Registration Questions

Part I. Demographic Questions

Name & Email (automatically populated by YouNoodle user account info)

Contact Phone (XXX-XXX-XXXX):

Please enter the full names of all members in your team (list in format First, Last):

Please provide a secondary contact for your team (Name: First, Last / Telephone Number: xxx-
xxx-xxxx / Email)

I. Demographic Questions:

1. In which country is your business incorporated, or if you do not yet have a business, in
which country is the majority of your team located? (SHORT TEXT FIELD)

2. What primary market sector does your business serve?

(Options: Sourcing, Treating, Distributing, Energy Recovery, Other) (DROP DOWN

3. What is the corporate structure of your business (e.g. S-Corporation, C-Corporation,

LLC)? (Please enter N.A. if you do not have an incorporated business yet.) (DROP

4. When was your business formed? (Please enter N.A. if you do not have an incorporated
business yet.) (SHORT TEXT FIELD)

5. What is your business’s current annual revenue in USD? (Enter “None” if your business
is not yet operating).

PART II. Eligibility Questions:

6. Specify your total financing to date. Break down your total financing to show funding
from: debt, equity, grants and other sources. Debt – 0

7. Is the total equity (and convertible equity) investment to date under $1.5 million? (DROP

8. Please describe how your business fits the definition of a Water Energy Nexus Business
in the Official Competition Rules. (TEXT FIELD; 100 word maximum)

Cost effective WRMc sensors run on harvested energy to gather and

continuously communicate data for energy management in water
distribution systems. By harvesting energy from the pressure of the
water being delivered, battery recharged is continuous. WRMc devices
can constantly control flow, communicate, measure volume, rate of
flow and system pressure under severe long term environmental
conditions. Constant feedback information provides immediate
response capabilities for modern variable speed pumps to manage
unstable conditions. Finite control lowers energy use by reducing over
pressure conditions. Lower pressure also means less leakage
benefiting water conservation and operating cost.which further
reduces energy use. required to treat and pump water that is lost
through leakage. Utilities benefit through lower energy costs, the
conservation of water resources, unprecedented ability to respond to
security threats and an immediate return on investment

10. Please provide an analysis of the annual energy savings your business would create five
years from now if you achieve your business plan. (TEXT FIELD; 100 word maximum)

Constant feedback provided by WRMc sensor networks to manage water

distribution systems, can reduce energy use by 75kWh per person per year. We
expect to capture 10% of the US residential water meter market in year 5 by
selling 750K units that year which would lead to a total deployment of over 1.5 M
residential units. Assuming an average of 2.2 persons per household,
1.5x2.2=3.3M people will be serviced. Thus WRMc products and services will
save some 3.3x75=247.5 GWh by the 5th year of business for residential
demand alone. Agriculture, landscape irrigation and industry deployement could
increase that to a total of 300GWh.

11. Assuming your business is successfully implemented and scaled, what are the positive
and negative social and environmental impacts of your business? Please discuss the
tradeoffs you foresee in maintaining / mitigating these impacts. (TEXT FIELD; 150 word

Our technology reduces leakage, reduces the cost to locate leaks and can provide
immediate shutdown at the point of connection in case there is a breach of security. Real
time control can facilitate differentiated pricing to manage water use during droughts. It
can identify fire flows and irrigation use which can be priced accordingly. The technology
is cost effective enough to be depoloyed in underserved communities in emerging
economies. It can be adapted for use as a community enterprise based system to
managing revenue collection through pre-payment. Poor revenue collection has been
identified by the World Bank as the single most important faliure in the sustainable
development of piped water supply systems in the developing world.

Most connections in the system will have to be fitted with the devices. This will take time
and the change in operations may require workforce reduction and possibly, re-training.

PART III. Logistical Questions:

12. Do you have access to web conference services? (DROP DOWN MENU: Yes, No)

13. How did you hear about this business plan competition? (DROP DOWN MENU: Imagine
H2O website, Student Campus, Professional Organization, Media Outlet, Other)

Please provide the confirmation code for your entry fee. If you have not yet paid your entry fee,
you may do so at (SHORT TEXT FIELD)
14. Please confirm that you have read the following:
The above questions will not be used by the Selection Committee to judge, score, or rank
your business plan. Answers are used to assess eligibility and to help manage the
competition. (CHECK BOX)

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