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MOM AND SONWell my name is Parth and I came accross many Mom fantasy stories and I

always wanted to share mine real story but was hasitant. Some how I got courage to write.
Let me first tell you something about my mom. Her name is Varsha and is a very homely
lady.She is 48 years old now but looks like 30 only because of day to day household work
and morning routine exercise. My Dad was an aircraft engineer who died of an accident
when I was 19 years old. My mom was then 38 years. She still looked young as she got
married at very early age We had enough to survive and mom banked on my education to
fulfill future. I never thaught about my mom otherwise at that time and we started living our
life. But after 6 months of my dads marriage I started noticing that my mom was feeling
lonely as there was no one to share as I was always busy with my friends. One day while
having dinner I started talking to her about what made her feel so sad and lonely and what
Ican do. She told me nothing much except concentrate on studies. I asked her if she could
join some classes but she told she was fine at home.One day I was talking to my frined about
my mom and told him how sad she felt. He advised me to take her out whenever possible
and spend some time with her. That day I got back home and asked my mom if she was
interested going out for a movie. But she told no she was fine. Suddenly she recalled about a
drama (Guj Play) which she loved watching. I told her we can go on Sunday and I will book
tickets for her. She got very happy and I saw smile on her face. That day we sat and chatted
for almost an hour and that day i realized how lonely she was. We chatted about everything
about family, relatives etc. Sunday evening we got ready for the drama and we reached the
auditorium. It was pack and trust all were stunningly dressed. My mom was really looking
like a widow. People were starring at her beauty and she was feeling more helpless. As we
were getting in some one pushed her accidentally and she caught my hand. That was first
ime I felt like a grown up man and she caught it till we got seated. I thought she was feeling
secured. We came home that night and I told her to start dressing normal and not to worry
about the world. As days passed we started getting more closer as we discussed many
things. Year passed and I was in my final year studying engineering. I started fantasizing
about girls and I loved them dressed in different dresses all skimpy. I felt I was grown up.One
day me and mom went for a movie and now we were like friends talking everything she was
also getting out of loneliness. As usual she was wearing a saree though not white now. As we
were about to go in the hall someone started touching her shoulder with myand she got
irritated and looked at me. I realized that man was trying to touch her and Ijust pushed him
bit away. We entered into an argument and it was really heated. People interfered and
asked us to calm down. I saw some sense of security in my moms eyes and she was very
happy. As we sat she leaned a bit towards me and our shoulders were touching each other.
She asked me to get some popcorns and cold drink and we shared from one. Somehow I also
started feeling close to her. As we were driving back home she thanked me for what I did
today and told she was feeling secured now. We went home and went to our bedrooms.
Mom normally wore sarees at night. I was not getting sleep and went to our living room and
was sitting busy watching TV. Mom came out because of TV noise and asked me why I was
not sleeping. I told her that I was thinking about that guy and getting angry. She smiled and
came and kissed on my cheek. First time I felt warmth of her lips and a wave moved through
my body. She gave me a smile and went to herroom. First time I saw her with a lustful eyes
and trust me she was looking like a babe. White with 5`6`` height, well structured body I
guess she had 35 size boobs with 37 hips and 28 was heaven.Entire night I didnt
sleep. Next day morning as it was Sunday I got up and went to kitchen where she was
cooking. I sat on the platform and started talking to her:Me: Mom how did you feel
yesterday night.Mom: Secured. I have someone to protect me.Me: U dont feel like having
another relation with a man?Mom: Well never thought off but yes I feel lonely at times.Me: I
can help you to find someone.Mom: No need, I am worried about you.Me: Dont worry I am
not asking you to get married to him but you can always have him special.Mom: I dont think
so.Me: Ok if u are ready let me know I will find someone for sure for you.Mom: Ok....Parth
you are there to protect me right why do I need someone.Me: But I am your son...and I
know you feel more secured with YOUR Man.Mom: Ok....let us see.I started getting some
ideas and my hearth starting throbing hard. I was getting idea of proposing my mom and hey
I was thinking what am I thinking this...but some how it cameoutMe: Mom, do you see man
in me.Mom: ofcourse you are grown up now arent you?Me: Man as in MANMom:
Means...Me: as your man who can protect you.Mom: Yes you did it yesterday...Me: and I
want to do it forever.Mom: yes you will you are my son and I am sure you will even after
your marriage.Me: No I want to protect you as your MANMom: Parth...Me: Mom listen, we
both have got very close,we share things, I want to protect you and whats wrong in that?
Mom: I know but darling I dont want to spoil your life.Me: We can be goods friends, say
special friends right.Mom: So are we.Me: Iwant to give other definition to it then mother -
Son.Mom: What definition?Me: Say we are couples.Mom: Smiled dear with tmyage
difference?Me: so what? We can be a bf and gf, a healthy relation right.Mom: Ok I am fine
but you are still my son.Me: No I am your Parth from now and you my Varsha, can I call you
that?Mom: Parth I am liking what you are saying but my concious doesnt allow it.Me:
Comon Mom you can....lets try to be if we find it is not healthy we discuss it.Mom: OK as you
say....I was in heaven but still thinking what I told. I got erection and I was feeling so
happy.Me: Mom...Mom: hmmm...not mom ...Varsha,Me: hey Varsha Can we go for date
today?Varsha: Sure... But where we have too many relatives to see us.Me: Ok Varsha let us
drive to Lonavala.Varhsa: Ok but it is already 10:30.Me: Let us start fast.Varsha: Ok let me
keep food in fridge and will get ready.Me: Hurray....For first time I felt happy and went and
huggedher...she felt happy but told meVarsha: We have healthy relation but we cant get
physical.Me: Ok.....Part II:Varsha Got ready in a saree though it was better tmytime and I was
in shorts and T-shirt. As she came out I told:Me: Varsha what is tmywe are going for
date.Varsha: But I do not have anthing else dear..Me: Oh ok...We will buy somethingVarsha:
No need...comon.Me: Ok...but...We started driving and we took take away to eat on the
way...We reached Lonavala and got down at Triger was too breezy there because of
which Mom`s saree pallu was flying away... I smiled at her and told her...Me: Varsha had u
been in western dress tmywould have not happened.Varsha: You are right...all are looking at
me... I feel like any hindi film heroine and she laughed...Me: Mom, you look betther then
them...But I didnt like people starring at you so we will buy stuff for you.Varsha: So sweet ok
we will.I felt like heaven when she told so sweet....We got down and went to the market for
some shopping. I saw some couples moving around holding hands...I gathered courage and
told her..Me: Varsha can we atleast hold hands...Varsha: No...Me: Comon MomVarsha: I told
you it has to be just healthy..Me: But whats wrong in holding..Varsha: People will think ek
buddhi itne gabru Jawan ke saath kys gum rahi hain..Me: Let them think...but had you worn
western dress u would have never looked buddhi..Varsha: Is it... Iwould have looked like Hot
sizzling Filmy heroine and she laughed.First time I realized how naughty she was from
inside....I told herMe: Ok Varsha please let us hold...Varsha: Hmmm Man doesnt ask they
hold...I realized what she meant and how idiot I was...I caught her hand and felt in 7th sky.
Me holding my mom`s hand in crowd as a couple Inever thought.... Then I saw a shop and I
asked my mom if she wants to shop some stuff to wear right away..She told she was Ok in
what she waswearing...but I forced her inside....There I saw lovely pair of jeans and asked
her to try it... She told no we will get cheaper in Mumbai and that she had never wore jeans
after marriage... I told her to atleastwear once...Varsha: But I dont know my waist size
nowwhich jeans will fit... So forget it.Me: we will get it measured.Varsha: so you want other
man to touch me..I realized what she meant and told her....Me: No I will do it.Mom smiled at
me and just blinked her eyes....Wow it was so sweet I fell in Love...Love with her for first
time I got that deep sense... I called for Measure tape and forfirst time I touched my mom
though little on her god she was just 27 even less then todays fat girls... I called
for 26 jeans as udont get 27... She was not aware of all that and went to try. As she wore I
was waiting outside the trial room..I called for her and she told She cant comeout as it is too
tight and she doesnt have anything on Top. I called for aT-shirt with some words written on
it and gave it to her. She wore it and she just opened the a babe..I was
feeling as if she was a college going girl and looking stunning. T-shirt was just reaching her
waist and jeans was hugging her body like skin... I told her she was looking like a baby...Then
I realized words written on her T-shirt...Heaven is Here...And surely it was...Her boobs
looked like a firm water melon hanging...waiting for T-shirt to tear apart to make them free.
She told me:Varsha: Parth tmyis tooooo tight...i cant breathMe: Varsha tmyis fashion and u
look stunning.Varhsa: But it shows my body..Me: No Varsha it shows your figure... And its
hot..Varsha: Shut up Parth....mind what u say.Me: Mom trust meVarsha: But Parth it shows
tooo much of me.Me: Its makes you look younger and I asked her to turn around.As
she turned I was Mad for what I say...her ass was poping out cause Jeans was too tightand I
was able to see her panty strip as jeans was low waist and T-shirt was short...I was notable
to move my eyes...I looked up and I could see her bra strip as T-shirt was tight and it was
single strip...I was aroused. I now knew what made her so fit and sexy. Her dialy routine
morning exercise. I somehow convienced her to buy it and told her not to remove and we
will get saree packed...she finally agreed. I realized she was liking what she was wearing and
she always wanted to wear. As she came out of trial room she was looking like a newly wed
girl trying to hide her assets...I told her to be relaxed and be normal..I was getting more
aroused with people starring at her body..oh my god..she was looking Bomb. We bought
new pair of sandals to suit her...As we moved on road all were looking at her assets. Her
Panty strips were visible but I never told her that...I hold herhands and she smiled. We were
chatting and as usual she was cracking jokes...suddenly somehow my hand didnt stop and I
removed her hand from mine and patted her ass...I thought she will get angry and she
was...she told meVarsha: I told you not to get so physical what is this?Me: You told me Man
dont askVarsha: But gentleman do..Me: OK Varsha can I pat your ass....and we both bursted
laughing...I thought she was coming out from that Mother-Son relation and enjoying
me..suddenly her sandal strip came out and she bend down to put she bend I say
herass crack from top and I was aroused hard....As she got up I clinched her ass and move
my hand to her waist...She looked at me with angry face and I gave her smile...she triedto
release it but I requested her and she then gave a naughty smile...I was happy I tought I have
got her now.. All were looking at us and I was enjoying.. I pulled her close and asked..Me:
hey Mom...sorry Varsha whats ur ass size...Varsha: Naughty...I dont know you should have
measured it...and she laughed.Me: Ok lets go home and I will...Varsha: ShutupMe: Varsha
cant we be real couples enjoying everything..Varsha: What you mean everything?Me:
Everything which Every couples do.Varsha: Ok we be good couples not like college
going...Me: Means...Varsha: We can be couples doing everything other then sex.Me: You
mean intercourseVarsha: yes Intercourse.Me: When can I do Intercourse.Varsha: only after
marriage..Me: So you are proposing me..Varsha: Shut up Parth be serious, with your wife
when you get married.Me: OK..but rest all we can.Varsha: Yes we can limits.Me: have too many limitations.Varsha: Parth I am liking all tmybut truth still remains
that I am your mother.Me: yeah its OK but soon I will get you out of tmythoughtsAnd she
just smiled. As it was getting late in evening we thought to start back to Mumbai. We got in
the car and reached home at 10:00 PM. As Mom was dressed in western outfit she ran into
the house so that no one can see her. She changed into her routine saree and came out. We
sat with some coffee and were discussing day. She told meVarsha: It was enough for the day
and you should start studying hard for your exams as they are 2 months away.Me: Ok Varsha
but what do I get after that.Varsha: Lovely holidays for sure.Me: Ok Varsha but I want some
motivation to study.Varsha: What?Me: Daily outing for 2 hours with you and long weekends
as now Iam not planning to go to college.Varsha: OK but only for next 1 month.Me:
Ok....Varsha why dont you wear some night suits?Varsha: I dont have any your dad never
shopped for me as he was busy on aircrafts travelling. Nor he was into it.Me: But I like
it.Varsha: Ok I will think.Me: Can we go to shop that tomorrow evening?Varsha: I think you
should concentrate on studyingMe: That will motivate me...Varsha: Ok lets see.Then we
wished good night and went to sleep. I thought of kissing her but I was afraid. I got up in the
morning early to study at 5:00 and 6:30 I heard some music from Moms room. I use to listen
that everytime but never botheredto see. I went to her room and knocked. My Mom opened
and I was shocked to see her in long tight truncks and T-shirt old types and she was
exercising. That was her daily routine. I told her:Me: you told me you never wore such
stuff.Varsha: tmyis for exercising...quite old and tmyis only I haveMe: you look hot but t-shirt
is long..and I smiled.Varsha: Go inside and study OKI was not able to forget that scene but I
continued studying for whole day at evening 5.00 I went to mom who was watching tv and
told herMe: Mom I am tired can we go out for some shopping and food.Varsha: Ok but we
should be back by 7:30. So that you can eat and sleep early for morning.We got ready and
Mom wore a saree but tmytime bit colorful. I smiled at her and sat in car. I told her we will
go today and buy some night dress for her. She opposed in begining but later agreed. We
drove to shoppers as it is free for anyone to shop andthere is no one who shows stuffs you
have to select. As we entered she was first hasitant to enter lingerie section and was
roaming looking for other stuffs. I pushed her a bit and she went. I was waiting on a side like
a husband and she was pointing at night wears and I was giving yes orno. Suddenly I looked
at a transperant gown and pointed at it. She told no and showed eyesbut I begged and she
finally went and tried. She came out with smile. It was black bit transperant. I asked her to
buy one more and I got courage and went inside and picked a sleeveless low neck short till
knees gown.We took both and reached home by 7:00 I had still 30 mins. I told Mom to wear
and show me but she told she will wear at night. An d she went to change. As she was going I
asked her:Me: Whats your size VarshaVarsha: What?????Me: Size of your boobs and
assVarsha: Some one was to measure it and she laughed...As she went to her room I
searched for a measure tape and rushed to her room. I knocked and she told me to wait for
2 mins as she was changing. I kept on knocking as I wasnot in control. She was forced to
open the doorin her blouse and Petticoat with saree loosely held over her shoulders. She
looked at me andshouted.Varsha: What is it Parth!!!Me: Varsha I want to measureVarsha:
Go away ParthMe: NoAnd I banged the door open. She was stunned but knowing what I
wanted. I threw away her saree and OH MY GOD I saw her big boobs hanging out of her
blouse and her petticoat was loosely tied and I could see panty from the part open near the
strings. It was white in color cotton I guess. Her belly had some fat but it was flat. I was not
able to control and I hugged her. She pushed me and told to do for what I had come. I took
Tape around her breast as she moved her hands up. Her boobs touched my hand and I got
massive erection. After adjusting tape she moved her hands down. She knew to give
measures. I measuredand it was 36...and she asked me to keep bit down and it came 35...
Then I moved to her ass I bend in front of her pussy and I smelled a deligt. I put my hand
around her ass with tape and pulled her closure to me giving me better view of her panty
and I was just inch away of her pussy. I wanted to kiss it but I wasafraid. I measured it and it
came to almost 37 wow.... I was tight like rock but smooth like water...I got up and kissed
her on cheek..she reacted back and I moved my hand on her belly. She hold it and
told...Varsha: No I told u not to do anything till exams are over.Me: But I want yuo.Varsha:
You will get me after the exam is over.Me: Sure?Varsha: Yes but no intercourse...Rest
whatever u want.Me: I want you to be my Grilfriend...I love youVarsha: I love you too but
you need to study now and not distract...I will wear your night gowns after exams.Me: Ok I
will study hard.I studied hard for entrie 2 months waiting for day to come.. We use to go out
just catch hands and mom use to always be in sarees..days passed we catching hands me
cuddling her, patting her ass at times, kissing her cheeks etc but not beyond that. My final
exam was over and I was not able to wait for last 5 mins. I gave my papers and I rushed
home. I met my friends on way and they told me they were going to disc that night Enigma
and if I wanted to join..I told I will try but I dont have gf to come...they asked me to call if I
canmanage. At 2:00 PM I was at home ringing bellhard..As soon as Varsha opened I pulled
her hand and kissed her lips...she shouted and asked me to come inside as someone might
see...I kissed her lips only for a second.. As I entered I told her:Me: You hubby is going to
rank topVarsha: What my HUBBY? Who???Me: Me, VarshaVarsha: Shut up you idiot we are
friends close or gf and bf thats all.Me: Ok Babes but I have started thinking of you more then
that...Varsha: Shut up and changeMe: Today is my day and exams are over now I get what I
want.Varsha: You remeber that..lets seeMe: Comon be a sport...Varsha: Ok lets see first
have your lunchAt lunch I told her all my friends are going for Disc and I wanted to go but
didnt have a girl...She told if mothers are allowed I can come...and laughed..I thought she
was hinting me..I told herMe: Not a bad idea I will make u my babe for day get ready after
lunch and wear stuff we got from Lonavala.Varsha: OK, where do we go?Me: Just come with
me and do as I say.Varsha: ok, I hope you are not going to take me to Disc and she laughed.I
got she wanted to come and was giving all hints... As we finished lunch my sex bomb
wasready tmytime her jeans and Tshirt were more tight. She came and complained it was
tight I told her u look more hot. I purposely asked herto turn to know her panty..she was
wearing black as I could see strip and I threw my hanky in front of her so that she can bend
to pick it and I saw her ass crack from she was white. As she gotup I put my hand
on her ass Like a MAN and kept it long...she didntsay anything cause she had promised. I
pressed her hard and asked her to follow me. She asked me to get car near to building door
so that she can run in...I got and she just entered I am sure someone saw atleast our
watchman but I didnt care. I drove her to Bandra and got her into a shop for ladies. I ordered
Man at desk to show minis...Mom wasshocked to hear and as she was about to say Iput my
finger on her lips and told YOU HAD PROMISED...She was now in my control she smiled and
caught my hand and whispered I love you. Man asked which type they were looking and I
told anything micro or thigh height...Mom was no one to say and I was feeling like a MAN...
He got few and I asked Varsha to select she left on me..I selected a white micro mini which
was not tight but free flowing which can flow in air...I asked her to try...she went in and tried
and came out without showing me...I asked her what happenedVarsha: It fits meMe: Are
you sure of heightVarsha: Yeah but are u sure you want to buy tmyas it is tooo shoortMe:
Yes..I am more keen nowVarsha: OkThen we looked for Tops as I was going through it I saw
halter top open from up which fits from shoulders upto just below breasts....I asked her to
wear it...she was hasitant and I ordered like her husband to go and try..All were looking at
us...I am sure they might be thinking.. As she went in same way she came out and like a
obedient gf told it fits but its too tight....She whispered in my ears I need over shirt and a
strapless bra to wear it...I got an erection thinking of it... We selected a white shirt
transperant as top was black and she gota bra strapless.Me: Do you need to wear it at
allVarsha: Yes dumbo...and gave naughty smileMe: I wish you dontVarsha: It depends where
are u taking meMe: It will be darkVarsha: I hope I am not your babe for Disc tonight...and I
saw smile on her face.Me: Yes you are and today I am going to makeyou more 10 years
young.Varsha: How?Me: Wait and watch...Then I took her to a corner and asked which panty
are you wearingVarsha: ShutupMe: No more shut up reply to all I ask baby you have
prmisedVarsha: BlackMe: TypeVarsha: CottonMe: NO babe you need something special I
know your size.After buying Shirt top and Mini We went out and I asked her:Me: Why ddnt
you show the skirt to meVarsha: I am not waxedMe: Ohhh, where are you not waxedVarsha:
Legs dumboMe: And down and I patted her ass backVarsha: Not even thereShe was getting
into my tune and enjoying all talking as well as holding...Me: Ok you need to get it off
rightVarsha: YesMe: Ok we will go to a salonVarsha: OkMe; You like bushy downVarsha: No
Clean bit I didnt get time or was getting boredMe: I like trim so ge it doneVarsha: But when
you are going to see thatMe: Now you shut up and do as I say..She smiled and she was liking
me ordering her.. I drove to beauty parlour and got her she was talking to lady there I
told lady she needs to be a babe and I give you 2 hours...She smiled and asked who was she
her elder sister? As she looked bit young of her age I told her No she is my gf...she gave
another smile dont worry you both make nice pair...Me and Varsha looked at each other and
smiled..we were happy someone complimented. I asked her if I can see what they do but
she told no as other ladies might object...As she went inside I sat out reading
magazines...Suddenly I got idea...First I called my friends saying that I will be joining them..
They were all very happy. Then I rushed to a lingerie stall and asked for Thongs..I luckily got
as shop was big and at Bandra...I selecte asexy black thong as I knew Varshas size. ThenI
called for 4 pairs of bra and panties all different colors and sexy satin..I purchased blue, Pink,
One rosey and one White...All were hot. As I reached parlour I asked if Varsha wasready and
she told 5 mins...As I waited I say a Damsel coming and wow she was Varsha...Sexy haircut
like Kareena and straight eyebrows done..She go some black spots away and was looking
bomb...I wa happy and as we moved out I caught her by her waist..We then bought Blue lens
for her...and went home...As i reached home I didnt believe i blew my card off and money
toobut anyways we had enough and I am oing to earn soon...We reached home at 8:00 PM
and told her we need to leave by 9:30. Iasked her..Me: Did you got all out?Varsha: what?Me:
Mean your hair?Varsha: not all I kept bit for someone who likes that wayShe gave naughty
smile and tmytime she patted my ass...I pulled her close and Kissed her hard on lips...we
kissed for 5 mins like dogs putting each oter tongue inside and we were in heaven...I moved
my hands all over her hair down to her bums which I pressed hard...she moved away and
told it was time to get ready...Now I wanted her forever I wanted her to be my wife...m love
I wanted to enter mybirth place and give birth to our c***d... And I am sure she also was all
for me...Then I gave her a box and told her to open when she startsdressing she smiled
naughty and I was ure she knew from bag what it is...Rest all boxes of lingerie I kept in my
cupboard...A 9:15 I shouted for her and asked her o come fast and here she came a sexy girl
in Micro minis which barely covered her ass..and showing her flat naval...her thighs were like
a milky wave and her stomach was like a flat table..Her breasts were like mountains wih
lovelypick firm and out and hands were like handle of love... As she came nearer I got lovely
smile of perfume which she got from parlour and lens were making her eyes look like
angel...she was looking like 25 years old girl a bomb...I was sure she was exercising hard for
last 2 months I could see her stomach more flat boobs more firm and grownand ass as
heaven... As she came near I hold her hands and kissed her. I kissed her lips carefully so that
her lipstick is intact and then her eyes... I was in a blazer and she told me i looked like greek
god and I told her you look like Blonde beauty...We got over arms in and started moving..I
told her not to worry about people around as I am sure no one will recognize and we went
to our car... As she sat in the car her skirt came up toher panty as it was very short and I
could see her ass cheeks sticking to seat...I pressed her thighs and she moaned...We reached
the Hoteland as she was getting out I saw her panty a lovely thong and her white ass cheeks
out...I am sure others too saw as skirt was flowing..Attendent took keys and I took her on by
waistand moved inside...suddenly strong breeze flew and her skirt started flowing up. She
tried covering it but was helpless...all the guards and people were staring at her and first
time I enjoyed that sight..people looking at my sex gf, my sexy mom and surely wanting her.
I put hand onto her Ass to hide and pull skirt down and pressed her Ass cheeks they were
soft like pillow and I was erected doing that to my mom a babe in public...I pressed hard and
she looked at me and moaned a bit...I pulled her string and as it hit back it gave a
slassssssshhh sound...she gave a naughty smile and pressed her lips between her teeth...As
we reached disc she had 100 admirers all aproaching her..our friends were waiting and all
were stunned looking at her...Only some knew my mom actually 2 one my best friend and
her gf...I introduced her as Ridhi my gf..she looked at me when I gave her new name and we
shook hands and moved in.As we moved in it was too dark with disco light on it was
crowded but no one was as sexy as Varsha. I played with her ass cheeks putting her skirt up
as we were towards wall...Iasked her if she wanted to dance...she told I dontknow much but
i pulled was all shit she was dancing like a babe a gujju aunty dancing like babe
yes....cause she was from rich family well educated and high society andI was sure she had
done tmybefore she changed for my they had love marriage and my father was
too conservative but smart and intelligent...People were brushing her hand on to her and
trying to get close...Tmytime I was not getting angry as earlier like episode that happened in
theatre but i was enjoing...she was not m mom but a transformed babe...after some time we
went off the floor and she was sweating because ofciggratte smoke and dance... We went to
Sofa and saw couple kissing smooching and enjoying....we took a corner and sat..her legs
were wet so was her neck and she was shinning...I opened her top button and asked her
open shirt for a while she smiled and opened she opened I saw her breasts out
showing her black tits in black transperanttop..I realized she was not wearing a bra I
wasknocked outVarsha: You told me not to wearMe: I want that Mom..VarshaVarsha: I am
all yoursMe: I want to open it nowVarsha: In publicMe: Yes I had a fantasyVarsha: What if I
say noMe: Man dont ask.......And I put my hand in it and pressed hard....shemoaned loudly
and I pressed her black tits as if i was tightening a screw she screamed and all looked at us
but I didnt it was dark no one cared...I lifted her and asked her sit on my lap seeing
other couple...oh my her ass cheeks were wet and she was smelling heaven..I played with
her boobs kissing all over..I made her turned towards me and she sat on my lap like riding
horse... I could feel warmth of her Cunt we kissed each other as I was plaing with her breasts
half naked.. We realized we were in public and she got up and rushed in the loo..she
adjusted herself and came...She told me she wanted to go home... I took her out as we took
permission from friends and drove home...we didnt speak to each other nor we looked dont
know why? As we reached home....she locked the door removed her sandals removed her
top and came to me and hugged hard...she started kissing me all over and unbuttoned me...
I pressed her ass and pulled her skirt down and is my mom in front of me in
thongs and transperant top I could see her trimmed pussy and I started careesing her..I
moved my hand down and entered her panty...she gave a shock she undid my shirt and
trouser and nowI was in my undie whole erected and waiting for her..she looked at me and
pressed my tool and asked:Varsha: Whats the sizeMe: Its yor time to measureVarsha: oh
smart how do I measure it?Me: your choiceVarsha: with tape or mouth?Me: BothShe went
to get tape as she went I saw her ass cheeks and ass moving like a storm her waist flowing
like water oh wow what a babe who can say she is 40 years old? She came with tape and I
was standing there caressing my tool..she pulled it out and was stunned to measure it
8''Varsha: My god it is bigger then your dadMe: Is it? But u didnt measure with
mouthVarsha: I am afraidMe: Comon My love Then your cunt has ot measure itVarsha: I told
you no for intercourseMe: but I want youVarsha: You can only do to your wifeMe: will you
be oneShe just smiled and bend down and took my tool in her mouth I know she was doing
for first time as she didnt look expert but she was doing good..she kissed it and moved her
tongue over it and sucked it hard...I started moving in and out and as I was about to cum she
moved it out and i came all over the floor...she got up and went to sofa I follwed her and
pulled her panties she wastrimmed like heaven and my birth place was inviting
me...I bent down and started she was tight like a virgin and shescreamed as i
put my one finger, I tried to push another as she opened her legs and sudenly I saw her cum
flowing like fountain waiting to erupt after years. We both were naked and she was cleaning
our cum as she bent her I got view of her ass as if it was inviting me to ride her and I got
erection..I went behind her and put my dick to her ass crack she told no and pushed me
away...we went for our bath in our rooms kissing each other and came out in 30 mins...she
was dressed in the transperant black nighty without bra and i was in shorts..we came out
and sat on sofa she in my lap..I was playing with her boobs and thighsMe: Varsha you look
hot in tmyVarsha: Yeah...thanks honeyMe: Varsha I love you and want to marry youVarsha:
No parth I am old for you and you have better futureMe: No I want only you and cant think
of anyone elseVarsha: I am also liking tmyrelation is not possibleMe: I want to be
your hubbyVarsha: We will talk later...Me: Ok tell me mom, Do you finger?Varsha:
Means..Me: you finger my birth place?Varsha: No ways...I realized that as she was too tight
down...Me: You are sooo tight downVarsha: yeah We hardly use to have sex as your dad was
busy and I neverl iked to play alone..As we were talking I started playing with her thighs and
lifted gown to top...she was wearing a cotton panty.Me: Waht shit you wear insideVarsha:
What?? It is goodMe: From tomorrow i want you to wear only satin Lingerieor silk.Varsha:
OkMe: Remove that now...I ordered like a husbandVarsha: But I dont have satinMe: Darling
dont worry I have few bought for youVarsha: you naughtyMe: Remove it right awayShe
obeyed like wife and moved it out...I started playing with her clit and she started moaning...I
got erection and she felt it as she was sitting on my lap....Me: Lets do it...Varsha: What?Me: I
wanna F*** youVarsha: I told you honey no intercourseMe: But why?Varsha: It has to be
with your wifeMe: But I think you as my wifeVarsha: But it is difference in thinking and
beingMe: so lets beVarsha: I dont want to marry a old ladyMe: You are not old Varsha, you
still look like 30 years babe and today you looked like 25Varsha: Are you sure?Me:
Yes....Varsha: Prove it...I was hard like rock and she was hot like bubbleMe: Ok will you do as
I say?Varsha: YeahMe: I will dress you tomorrow and take you to some college, if someone
approaches you youare young and if not then...Varsha: Which college?Me: Some
management college you surely dont look like a Graduate studentVarsha: But not in thatm
iniskirt of yoursMe: no we will shop something new tomorrow morning.Varsha: Why to
waste money?Me: Comon I will earn and as I have already got selected from campus it just
question of a month.Varsha: Ok as you wishMe: and if someone approaches you?Varsha: I
go with himAs she told tmyI inserted my finger in her fronthole with anger and she
screamedMe: Tell me what? Do I put anotherVarsha: No Please dont I will do as you
say..Me: Then you marry meVarsha: But...And I forced it hard more inside...and go second
finger now I knew how to control herVarsha: okkkkkkk plssssssssssss I will doMe: Good girlI
started fingering her and she fountained all over my shorts and legsMe; Baby what you did?
Varsha: Its you who did..let me clean itMe: HowVarsha: I will get a napkin..Me: No some
other wayVarsha: HowMe: Lick it offVarsha: Oh it is you to lick mineMe: I want you to suck
my hard cock and lick bothVarsha: you mean drink your cum?Me: YesVarsha: I have never
done itMe: I know it is always first time and I am sureyou wanted toVarsha: Yeah and I want
many more thingsMe: Like...Varsha: I have many fantasies which I always hidedMe: me toooVarsha: LikeMe: You need to drink all my cum lick yours and we share
it....She pounced like a hungry dog and got on ground on knees...she pulled my pants down
and my rod was up as I was not wearing underwear inside...she took my tool in her mouth
and tmytime she was better..she played with my balls and licked precums like awhore.... I
pulled her gown from top and now she was all naked....she circled her cum on mythighs and
licked her fingers...I was red hard...she started sucking hard making noise and tmytime to my
surprise took completely inside till her throat...she started coughing but I caught hold of her
mouth and pushed it back in...oh my she was toooo good and in few strokes I exploded in
her mouth...oh my god what a sensation I making my mom drink all my cum...bubles started
coming of her moth and she was mouthful...she spitted some on my thighs and mixed with
hers...she gulped balance...and her tongue was sticky and full ofmy cum...she then startedl
icking my thinghs like a dog and cleaned it completely and then she cleaned my balls and tip
of my tool dry...She was like a whore and i Started imaginimg how thirsty she was... She
llicked even single drop on her lips dry...Me: How was it?Varsha: was hot and
saltyMe: and yoursVarsha: Sweet and delicious and she smiled....She got up and turned
around to go and get some water as she was thirsty as she turned I spanked her ass hard and
her ass cheeks moved like water...she didnt say anything and I spanked it more harder...and
I saw it getting redVarsha: It hurting meMe: But I enjoyedVarsha: let me atleast have
waterMe: Nope my whore...And as I said that she looked at me and with naughty smile she
opened her eyes wide as if in anger...Me: SorryVarsha: You want a whore or wife?Me:
BothVarsha: You cant have both if you win bet tomorrow and i have to marry youMe: Why?
Varsha: You can have only one womanMe: yeah its youVarsha: then where you will get
whore?Me: You are there for me I will have both in youVarsha: So you want me to be a
whore...right and she smiled and went away for waterI was caught thinking I thought
whether she had tmyfantasy....Or she was joking...I will ask when she comes...she came in 5
mins..and sat next tome bit away with legs stretched...weboth were naked with clothes
down on floorMe: Why you took so much timeVarsha: Went for peeMe: Oh i wish I could
see you doing itVarsha: Comon you fool akhir teri maa hoonMe: So what its my fantasy and
you told we will share each others fantasy.Varsha: Ok....What else is your fantasy..Me: To
make you wear skimpy stuff exposing your assetsVarsha: That I saw at discMe: More of it
take you around in public that wayVarsha: naughtyWe both were getting excited againMe:
Now your turnVarsha: No I am feeling shy but I always wanted lot to do but it all died when I
married your father who was serious gentleman not like you a DOGMe: Ok but your new to
be husband is a dog and you can tellVarsha: You are not still to be..remember tomorrow par
hain puraMe: I am sure i will win...but tell me what you want your fantasy..Varsha: (After
feeling bit shy and looking down) I want to get gang bangedI was shocked and my mouth
openedMe: What are you sayingVarsha: Yes, I am sorry but I always had that fantasy..Me:
Ganged banged by whomVarsha: AnyoneMe: how many at a timeVarsha: As much as my
hubby wantsMe: Oh you are so obedient I am sure why you never had sex with someone
else inspite of being desperate.. You are faithful I love you more.She got courage to look in
my eyes now she smiled and got her eyes down again..She was perfect lady I thought
kinky..yet shy...raunchy yet obedient...whore yet faithful.Varsha: now its your turnMe: I can
say but you dont get angryVarsha: Do you think so..i will notMe: Iwant to F*** you in public
placeVarsha: Isi t?She was liking it...then we made to speak our fantasy one after
anotherVarsha: hmmm....I want to get old onceMe: Only once my whore and I pinched her
pussyShe smiled back with bit painVarsha: it all on my hubbyMe: I want you to try with
a****l onceVarsha: Only once and she pinched my ball and it hurted me...I was semi
hardMe: Its all on your hubbyVarsha...Naughty which a****ls?Me: Dog? Or a horse?Varsha:
Dog is ok but horse is too bigMe: Its fantasy....Varsha: What you want me to do with
themMe: we will its your turnVarsha: I dont have much moreMe: I have one
more ...Golden showersVarsha: Whats that?Me: peeing on youVarsha: What?????? She was
notl iking itMe: Yes its fun...Varsha: We will seeBy tmywe shared alll our fantasies and I was
hard again. She kissed my tool goodnight and went in her room taking her clothes she told
me to sleep and get ready for tomorrow as it was big day for me...I dont know whether I will
get my mom as my wife? I went to her room and knocked it...she was still naked cleaning her
body I kissed her lips and told her to sleep early as she should be fresh and asked her to be
ready in normal saree by 9:00 Am..Varsha: Saree?????? I will look old and you looseMe:
Dont worry we will shop and you wear what I select and then we go to college...dont worry I
will not let you go I kissed her lips and told good night I went to my roon and I was not able
to sleep entire night thinking it I was making plans for her clothes and how she should
look...My The day was coming....Part IIII got up early in the morning as iwas not able to sleep
that entire night..Mom was as routine doing her exercise I knocked the door and she opened
sweating with same old dress.Varsha: You didnt sleep it seemsMe: No I was worriedVarsha:
You love me so muchMe: Yeah I do...cant we not do tmytestVarsha: hmmm... Iwas also didnt
get sleep entire night and was thinking how stupid I was.Me: Wow......Come close to me.She
came and hugged me...We decided not to have test and I was on my sky-hiMe: So you are ok
with me as your hubbyVarsha: I am still not sure..lets give time to tmyMe: But Iwant to f*** I
cant forget yesterday fun we had...Varsha: I am sorry my dude...Me:
Lets talk tonight....Me: Are you sure?Varsha: Give me a day to think...Me: Wow you are so
swee... But shopping is still on do away with your tmyold jogging stuff...Varsha: Ok I dont
know how much more money you will blow..Thank god your dad was wealthy.I went for my
morning routine and came at breakfast at 8:00 am...Mom was ready in her saree...I went
from behind and hugged her hard throwing her on platform...I started lifting her saree and
pulled her panty down..Me: I told you I dont want tmycotton pantiesVarsha: I dont have any
other...satinI pulled her with her hand and took her to my bed room..First time she was in
my bedroom as a gf oh my god..I started thinking when she will be my wife..and be
permanant with me here... I removed lingerie stock I had got and gave it to her..Me: Here it
is my love..all for youShe smiled at me and went and sat on bed...she opened all one by one
and kepy pair on bed.Varsha: Sexy...which do I wearMe: That Blue dark will look on your
white skin...She picked all and was above to leave room..Me: Varsha can you please wear it
hereVarsha: No I will wear and comeMe: I told you wear it here in front of me let
meseeVarsha: Ok..I realized she liked when I ordered like her hubby.She started stripping
her self in front of me...first she removed her saree and first time I was seeing her in day
light...Curtains were closed but beam of morning sun was coming from small opening.she
was white as milk...then she opened her blouse and her boobs poped out in her white bra....
As she was about to open her petticoat I got up and opened the curtains for the entire rays
to come...oh my god she was an angel...she just turned around hiding her body from
someone seeing as her petticoat was also out...but her ass was completely visible as I had
removed her panty in the kitchen...We were staying on the first floor and there were tall
buildings around..I peeped out and there were few people reading paper in balcony...she
was about to hide but I went to her and pulled her out and toldMe: Comon my babes no one
is seeingVarsha: Please people are...please close the curtains..Me; Ok but what about my
fantasy...Varsha: I will fulfill all if we marry but spare me tmytime.I obeyed her and closed
curtains...when I was closing I saw few people watching desperatelyand I got hard....She
thanked me and rushed inside my bathroom..I didnt follow her as I knew she has left her
clothes outside...She came out in a blue lingerie...Bra and Panty...Wow what she was looking
blue on hermilky white skin was looking amazing...Panty was like a net giving her pussy view
and bra showed her black tits...I was hard like rock andas she came near I pushed on the bed
and opened her leg....I was dominating her and shewas trying to rush kicking me...Varsha:
Please leave me Parth tmyis not correctI went to her pussy and started linking,, pressing her
boobs hard she was moaning and crying....I then tied her hands to bed with saree and she
was looking like fish out of water trying to survive...I immediately undid my clothes
completely naked and stood near her pussy though she had panty on... I opened her legs
wide and moved her panty bit on side so that I can enter my birth place...She
screamedVarsha: No parth tmyis not correct please dont so tmyto me I am your mother
still.Me: Yes Mom but you are my gf and to be my wife...will you beVarsha: I want a day I
told you and tmywill hurt me my heart...Listening tmyI left her legs went to her mouth and
pressed her nose as she opened her mouth I enter her mouth..she was helpless and tied...I
moved few strokes and came in hermouth...she gulped obediently but was crying with
pain... I untied her hands which gave red marks as she was milky white and went to my
bathroom for I came out she was sitting in the corner of the bed with her legs folded
to her chest..hairs messed and cryingI came to her and told:Me: What are you crying for I
have not ****d youVarsha: You were about toMe: But I didntVarsha: It hurt me alotMe; I am
sorry but I was out of control you dont allow me and tmyis what happens..I left you cause I
love youVarsha: Thanks and she smiled..She licked her lips as it had cum and went to
bathroom..she came out and told I need to change bra and panty as it was all wet....I asked
her to keep it and its OK.Varsha: But we are going out rightMe: Yes so what wetness will
keep on remining you of me and I love that smellVarsha: Ok you naughty I never thought you
are so grown up at age of 23...She took saree and other stuffed to her room.. In 30 mins she
came out dressed in the miniskirt which we bought for disc and Top which we bought from
Lonavala..she was looking damsel well combed hair and fresh with make up and gave me a
naughty smile....Me: Are you going to wer tmyin day time and day light?Varsha: So what isint
it looing nice?Me: Yes it is will trouble you if wind flows and you will e
exposed.Varsha: You like exposing me in public right? So lets go.....Me: But people in our
colony will see you in day time..Varsha; I dont care you have anyways exposed me by
opening the window..I thought morning episode made her more raunchy..She caught my
hand and came out...Ifelt she has accepted me Please send your comments to

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