Media Bulletin 06042020evening

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Website: Email : d hs.idqo.d,

Media Bulletin az COVID-19, Datecl- 06/04/2020, Evening

World Health Organization (WHO) has recently declared tlre Novel Corona virLrs, COVID-19 as Pandemic. Till now it
has affected 208 countries, infecting 1,133,758 people and caused 62,184 deaths. Most severely affected countries are
the U.S.A, China, Italy, Iran, Soutlr Korea, Spain, Gerrnany and U.K. Till date in lndia, it lras infected 406l people
including 109 deaths.

In order to contain the spread of the virus, Haryana Government has strengthened
the surveillance and control measures against the disease.

The Detailed status of Surveillance Activity for covlD-l9 as on 06th A

No. of Passengers returned from foreign countries till date t7402

No. of Person in contact with COVID 19 Positive cases 812
Cumulative number of passengers/ persons put on surveillance till date 18214
I'otal no. of passengers/persons who are currently under surveillance 13399
Total number of passengers/persons currently hospitalized/isolated 548
Total Number of Samples Sent 2194*
Total Number of Samples found Negative r639
Total Number of Samples - Result Awaited 459

Total positive COVID-19 patients discharged till date
Total active COVID-I 9 patients 79
No. of Deaths
* Two samples taken
at Delhi

o Tilldate 96 confirmed cases of COVID-I9 has been reported.

o Out of total 96 confirmed cases 6 are from Sri Lanka, I each from Nepal, Thailand, Indonesia &
South Africa and29 are from other States (6 Uttar Pradesh , 5 Tamilnadu, 4 West Bengal, 3 Kerala,
3Bihar,2Telangana, I Punjab, I Karnataka, l Chennai, I Assam, I Maharashtraand l Jammu&
One death is reported from Ambala, at pGIMER, Chandigarh.
Today's Update (06th April 2020, Evening)

o Tilldate total 96 cases have been reported Positive and out of that
l5 got discharged, district wise
detail is as follows:
Sr. Name of the No of new Cumulative Total No. of No. of Deaths Total No. of Active
no. District Cases No. of positive discharged cases
registered ceses cases
I Ambala 0 3 0 0 3

2 Bhiwani 0 2 0 0 2
3 Charkhi Dadri I I 0 0 I

4 Faridabad 0 14 I 0 l3
5 Curugram 0 l8 9 0 9
6 Hisar 0 I 0 0 I

7 Karnal 4 5 0 I 4
8 Kaithal 0 I 0 0 I

9 Nuh 6 t4 0 0 14
t0 Palwal 9 26 I 0 25
ll Panipat 0 4 ;J 0 I

t2 Panchkula 0 2 0 0 2
l3 Rohtak 0 I 0 I 0
t4 Sirsa 0 J 0 0 3
l5 Sonepat 0 I I 0 0
Total 20 ,
96 l5 79

Major Activities undertaken by the State of Haryana to control the

spread of CovID-19

o State Helpline no. 8558893911(Panchkula, and

Faridabad district), 1075 (other districts) and l0g
for 24*7 days.' 'l
(Ambulance services) launched which are available '

The State Government notified 'The Haryana Government

Epidemic, CovlD-19 Regulations,
2020' under the Epidemic Disease Act I g97 on 1 I rr, Murl"i
MHA GoI has issued orders vide no.: 4o-3l2o2o-DM-l(A) dared:
24.o3.2o2oto take lockdown
measures to prevent the spread of covrD r9 in the
Two labs, one each at PGIMS, Rohtak and BPS Khanpur Kalan,
are already functiolal for
testing of covlD-19. Five private labs at Gurugram (Modern
Diagnostics and Research Lab,
MolQ Lab , SRL, CORE and Strand life Sciences; approved by ICMR
for CSVID-19 testing.
Establishment of five more Government I-abs in District Nuh, Hisar,
Karnal, Rohtak and
Panchkula is in process.
Rohtak' BPSGMC' Khanpur Kalan'
. 6 Government/ Aided Medical colleges namely PGIMS, will
Karnal, MAMC, Agroha and 27 Hospitals
Sonepat, SHKMGMC, Nalhar, Nuh, [.CGMC,
patients only' ESIC Medical college'
have dedicated exclusive wards/blocks for covlD-19
Faridabad is under process for COVID-19 hospital'
asked to
o All Government/ Government aided/ private Medical colleges in the State have been
reserve at least 25% of the beds.
o Isolation wards and Quarantine facilities are established as given below:
,/ 7344 Isolation beds identified in 373 government and private facilities.
,/ 13,366 persons Quarantine facility identified in 3696 rooms/dormitories.
o Advisories issued:
,/ For identification of isolation, quarantine and ventilator facilities.
,/ For Sample collection and patient management, infection prevention, dead body
management. ^ , o.
,/ For Slcial distancing like to stay at home for children <10 years of age and

,/ For disinfection of offices and work from home for employees.
./ Elective surgeries including dental procedures postponed
,/ OpD of Deimatology (Ski"n) Eye, Orthopedics, Surgery, Physiotherapy, Psychiatry

Dental etc. have been susPended'

State Nodal Officer - IDSP

24x7 State Control Room-nCoV number: 8558893911(Panchkula, Gurugram and Faridabad
1075 & 108

MoHFW, Gol24x7 Control Room Number:


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