TP 2

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1. Look at the given example of a 1st conditional sentence (2 mins)

If clause Consequence clause

If you set short-term goals, your progress will be measurable.

Then look at the variations (2 mins)

You get better results when you set achievable goals.
If you have two different goals, they may be in conflict.
If you want to make progress, don’t set one big objective.

Answer the questions in pairs,

1.Underline the if clause in the variations. Does it….(3 mins)
a. Always come first?
b. Always begin with if?
c. Contain the will future?

2. Can the consequence clause contain a verb (3 mins)

a. in the present simple?

b. in the imperative?
c. which is less certain than will?

Feedback- on the board, whole class discussion (5 mins)

Elicit meaning through discussion and CCQ’s down
1. Is the first conditional used to talk about a situation that we see as
possible in the future? (yes)
2. Can it be used to express a consequence?(yes)
3. Are we talking about the present or the future? (Future)
4. Is it possible this will happen in the future? (may be)
If you set short-term goals, your progress will be measurable.
Elicit the meaning:
This sentence highlights that the progress will be measurable only if we
set measurable goals. It also shows that the progress getting measured is
dependent on setting short term goals.
Ask CCQ’s:
1. Is progress measurable with long term goals? (No)
2. Is it most likely to measure progress with short term goals? (yes)
3. Are we talking about the present or the future? (Future)
4. Is it possible this will happen in the future? (may be)

Drill 3 times chorally

Individually post that

If you have two different goals, they may be in conflict.

This sentence highlights that there may be a conflict if you have two
different goals. Having two different goals can lead to a conflict.
1. Can two similar goals create conflict? (yes)
2. Is it most likely to for two different goals to create conflict? (no)
3. Are we talking about the present or the future? (Future)
4. Is it possible this will happen in the future? (may be)

Drill 3 times chorally

Individually post that

present simple modal verb
If you set short-term goals, your progress will be measurable.
If you have two different goals, they may be in conflict.

Bare infinitive
Exercise 11: Underline examples of 1st conditionals and variations in Go
for it!
Give Instructions
Students do the task
Feedback - Project the answers
Exercise 3.3- match 1-8 with a-h.
Instructions in the board.
Students attempt task.
1. You have more chance of success h
2. If you work harder,
3. If you don’t train,
4. Try not to be disappointed
5. You could get a better job
6. If you set yourself realistic goals
7. If you’re always working
8. You meet lots of different people

a. You may get a promotion sooner

b. How will you improve?
c. When you got to the university
d. You may find it difficult to make friends
e. If you improve your computer skills
f. If you don’t succeed straightaway
g. You might find them easier to achieve
h. If you stay motivated.

Feedback- project answers

Answers: 1h , 2a,3b, 4f, 5e, 6g, 7d, 8c.

Exercise 13 and 14: work with a partner.

Student A: think of a problem or take the role of one of the people in
exercise 12. Explain your problem.

Student B: talk through your partner’s problem and explain the

consequences of their attitude.

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