TP - Lesson Plan

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NAME: Vidhulika Bhola TP NUMBER: 5 LENGTH OF LESSON: 45 mins

LEVEL: Upper intermediate DATE: 1st October 2019
CONTEXT: tips for success

MAIN AIM: By the end of the lesson the students will have understood and used the target language (If
you set short-term goals, your progress will be measurable, If you have two different goals, they may be
in conflict) in the context of tips for success.

SECONDARY AIM: The students will also have developed their speaking skills in the same context.

What are your developmental aims as a teacher? Consider feedback from peers and your tutor from previous feedback
 Successfully do MPF for the target langauge
 Meet the lesson aims

Write what you think the students already know and which you will therefore not be teaching in your lesson.

 Students will have a background knowledge of conditionals


Write any problems you anticipate with timing, tasks, Write the solutions you have to these problems. What will you do in
student participation, the topic, student motivation class or in planning to solve your anticipated problems?
and interests, level, etc.

1. The lesson might take long to finish. i. I will drop off exercise 3.3 on page 136.

Write your target language here – the key language you will be teaching in your lesson.

If you have two different goals, they may be in conflict.

If you set short-term goals, your progress will be measurable.

Write the key concepts (essential Write the problems you anticipate Write the solutions to your anticipated problems
meaning) of your target language. with the meaning from your (e.g. CCQs, timelines). Please include the answers
Remember to use exactly the same analysis. Give specific examples: to your CCQs. This should reflect what you do in
target language as above. the lesson.

1. If you set short-term goals, If you set short-term goals, If you set short-term goals, your progress
your progress will be your progress will be will be measurable.
measurable. measurable.
Elicit the meaning:
This sentence highlights that the
progress will be measurable only if Problem 1: Some students may not Solution 1: The guided discovery can help them
we set measurable goals. It also know the if conditional. understand the if conditional and later in MPF
shows that the progress getting there’ll be more clarification.
measured is dependent on setting
short term goals. Problem 2: Some students may not Solution 2: students will be able to link the if
be able to link the if clause and the clause and the consequence clause clearly in the
CCQ’s: Is progress measurable with consequence clause. pronunciation.
long term goals? (No)
1. Is it most likely to measure
progress with short term
goals? (yes)
2. Are we talking about the
present or the future?
3. Is it possible this will happen
in the future? (may be)
If you have two different goals, If you have two different goals, they may be
2. If you have two different they may be in conflict in conflict.
goals, they may be in
conflict. Problem 1: some students may not Solution: I will ensure that the use of ‘may
be able to get the meaning of the
be’ is clarified during the meaning part and
This sentence highlights that two sentence because of the use of
while eliciting the meaning.
different goals might contradict each ‘may be’.
other. Two different goals might be in
conflict with each other.
1. Can two similar goals create
conflict? (yes)
2. Is it most likely to for two
different goals to create
conflict? (no)
3. Are we talking about the
present or the future?
4. Is it possible this will happen
in the future? (may be)


Write any important phonological Write the problems you anticipate Write the solutions to your anticipated problems
features of the language. (e.g. word with phonology from your analysis. (e.g. elicit from SS, model, drill and correct as
stress, sentence stress, weak forms, Give specific examples: necessary).
difficult phonemes, connected speech,
linking) Use http://www.e-
ml for phonemics (Lucida Sans Unicode
1. If you set short-term goals, If you set short-term goals, If you set short-term goals, your progress
your progress will be your progress will be will be measurable.
measurable. measurable.

Problem 1: some students may not Solution 1: I will ensure that the enough pause is
pause at the comma while saying realized at the comma while drilling.
the sentence.

If you have two different goals, If you have two different goals, they may be
2. If you have two different they may be in conflict. in conflict.
goals, they may be in
conflict. Problem 1: some students may Solution 1: I will ensure that the enough pause is
not pause at the comma while realized at the comma while drilling.
saying the sentence.


Write the grammatical form of grammar, Write the problems you anticipate Write the solutions to your anticipated problems
the word form of lexis, or the form after with the form from your analysis. (e.g. elicit from SS and highlight on board).
functional exponents here. Be specific.

1. If you set short-term goals, If you set short-term goals, If you set short-term goals, your progress
your progress will be your progress will be will be measurable.
measurable. measurable.

Problem 1: some students may Solution 1: I will ensure I state some example of
not know modal verbs. modal verbs during MPF.

If you have two different goals, they may be

2. If you have two different If you have two different goals,
in conflict.
goals, they may be in they may be in conflict.
Solution 1: I will ensure I share some example of
Problem 1: students may not know
modal verbs during MPF.
Modal verbs.


Write here what you will write on the board during the lesson
(e.g. marker sentences; a list of pre-taught vocabulary items).

present simple modal verb

If you set short-term goals, your progress will be
MATERIALS Supply a copy of handouts to the tutor with your plan.
List all materials, handouts and resources to be used. Add the source to all handouts used

1. Page 36 of New Headway 4th Edition Students Book

2. Page 37 of New Headway 4th Edition Teachers Book

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