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Liewenz Joy I.




In your respective off campus activity, what was the big challenge for you as a practice teacher?
Are you already equipped to face the challenge?


Teaching students with different learning abilities is a big challenge for me. As a practice
teacher I still have to adjust myself the basic strategies in dealing with their learning styles as it
is also the most frequent challenges of teacher nowadays. This is the most challenging aspect
of teaching. The approach I found best in dealing with this is to communicate this at the very
beginning of the class. I began my class by talking to them and laying a good foundation of free

The students, who grasp things faster, are free to let their attention wander anywhere
and focus again when we start a new topic. They can read something, or do whatever pleases
them, as long as they don't disturb others. The students who want more explaining can ask me
later after the class and I can explain with personal attention. In this method I encourage them
to analyze and be attentive in class and the most important is I encourage “THINKING”. I also
make it clear to them that I am not their practice teacher because I’m there just to have the
experience in teaching.

I am their practice teacher because they want to learn. So, spending more time on
teaching to them isn't an effort to me. It is my passion and I take it very seriously. With the
knowledge and learning’s I gained in the past few months in educating myself in the SSCT
campus I think I’m already equipped to face that challenge. And it’s nice to know that teachers
are the noblest profession because it encourages students to develop their skills and ability just
to be able to provide good individuals in the future.

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