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Ethical Aspects of HRM

2. Leadership
3. Motivation
4. T&D
5. Performance Management
6. CP&D
7. Collective Bargaining
8. Transactional Analysis and Johari Window
9. Team Building
10. Managing work place stress

1.According to the Five Factor model, 'extraversion' as a personality type is characterised by what
type of people?

a) Good natured

b) Calm and self-confident

c) Sensitive and curious

d) Assertive and sociable

2.What does situational theory of leadership emphasise?

a) Personality traits

b) Events

c) Environment

d) Political situation

3.What do you call a style of leadership that takes account of others' views, opinions and ideas?

a) Laissez-faire

b) People-oriented

c) Democratic
d) Autocratic

4.How can you describe the thinking and outlook of transformational leaders?

a) Strategic

b) Operational

c) Functional

d) Developmental

5.According to Lewin, Lippet and White's 1939 experiment, which form of leadership produced the
most work from participants?

a) Laissez-faire

b) Democratic

c) Authoritarian

d) A mix of laissez-faire and democratic

6.What are the two main dimensions of the Ohio Studies into leadership?

a) Starting position and end position

b) Initial environment and changed environment

c) Organisational structure and conditioning

d) Initiating structure and considerations

7.Who of the following is a leading writer on contingency theory of leadership?

a) Rosabeth Kanter

b) Joan Woodward

c) Rensis Likert
d) Fred Fiedler

8.Which one of the following political leaders could not be termed a 'transformational' leader?

a) Margaret Thatcher

b) Mikhail Gorbachov

c) Nelson Mandela

d) Bill Clinton

9.What are the key characteristics of transactional leaders?

a) Guiding, mentoring and motivating

b) Guiding, commanding and motivating

c) Guiding, demonstrating and motivating

d) Guiding, mentoring and demonstrating

10.What is the term for power derived from status or position in an organisation?

a) Referent

b) Expert

c) Reward

d) Legitimate

11.Rearrange the steps of Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory in Descending order.

A. Self - Actualisation Needs

B. Physiological needs
C. Belongingness and love needs
D. Self - esteem needs
E. Safety needs

12.The two factor theory is based on which factors?

a. Hygiene and behavioural

b. Safety and self - esteem
c. Self - actualisation and status quotient
d. None of the above

13.What does "E", "R" and "G" stand for in the ERG theory?

a. Export, Risk and Guarantee

b. Exponential, Reliability and Growth
c. Existence, Relatedness and Growth
d. None of the above

14._____ theory is an extension of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

a. Two-factor
b. Theory Y
c. Theory X
d. ERG

15.When an employee compares their inputs and outcomes with another employee within their
organization, they are making a(n) _____ comparison.

a. self-outside
b. self-inside
c. other-inside
d. other-outside

16.Which of the following comments was made by a Theory X manager?

a. Employees dislike work.

b. Employees will exercise discretion.
c. The average person will seek responsibility.
d. Employees can view work as natural as rest or play.

17.Which of the following is a motivational factor, according to Herzberg's two-factor theory?

a. quality of supervisions
b. recognition
c. pay
d. relations with others

18.Which of the following is not an internal motivational force

a. goals 

b. needs

c. attitudes

d. feedback

19.According to Frederic Herzberg, _____ are elements associated with conditions surrounding the

a. hygiene factors

 b. motivating factors

c. economic factors

d. environmental factors

20._____ involves increasing the complexity of a job to provide a greater sense of responsibility,
accomplishment, and achievement.

a. Goal setting 

b. Job enrichment

c. Job enhancement

d. Positive reinforcement

21. __________ refers to the learning opportunities designed to help employees grow.

a. Training
b. Development
c. Education
d. All of the above

22. Which of the following is a method used in group or organisational training needs assessment?

a. Consideration of current and projected changes

b. Rating scales
c. Interviews
d. Questionnaires

23. Rearrange the steps in training programme.

A. What should be the level of training
B. What principles of learning
C. Who are the trainees?
D. What methods and techniques?
E. Where to conduct the programme?
F. Who are the trainers?


24. Which of these is an off - the - job training method?

a. Television
b. Job rotation
c. Orientation training
d. Coaching

25. Which of these is a hindrance to effective training?

a. Career planning workshop

b. Aggregate spending on training is inadequate
c. Mentoring
d. Career counseling

26-_____ is widely used for human relations and leadership training

(A) Business games

(B) Role playing

(C) Case study method

(D) Job rotation

27-The following is not a on the job training method

(A) Understudies

(B) Job rotation

(C) Management by objectives (MBO)

(D) Case study method

28-The following method is used to give to trainees the important information in permanent form
for immediate of future use
(A) Lecture methods

(B) Conference

(C) Written instructional method

(D) Training within the industry (TWI)

29-The following training aims to provide broad training to enable the trainee to take up a wide
variety of tasks within his field of specialisation

(A) Demonstration

(B) On-the-job training

(C) Apprenticeship

(D) All of the above

30. Training refers to the process of imparting _______________ skills

A Specific

B General

C Important

D Over all

31. The primary purpose of providing employees with feedback during a performance appraisal is
to motivate employees to _

a) apply for managerial positions

b) remove any performance deficiencies

c) revise their performance standards

d) enroll in work-related training programs

32. SMART goals are best described as _

a) specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely

b) straight forward, meaningful, accessible, real, and tested

c) strategic, moderate, achievable, relevant, and timely

d) specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and tested

33. All of the following are reasons for appraising an employee's performance EXCEPT _

a) assisting with career planning

b) correcting any work-related deficiencies

c) creating an organizational strategy map

d) determining appropriate salary and bonuses

34. All of the following are usually measured by a graphic rating scale EXCEPT_,

a) generic dimensions of performance

b) performance of 'actual duties

c) performance of co-workers

d) achievement of Objectives

35. What is another term for 360-degree feedback?

a) feedback loop

b) multi-source assessment

c) upward feedback

d) circle feedback

36. Who is in the best position to observe and evaluate an employee's performance for the

purposes of a performance appraisal?

a) peers

b) customers

c) rating committees

d) immediate supervisor

37. Jason is generally considered unfriendly at work. His supervisor rates him low on the trait

"gets along well with others" but also rates him lower on other traits unrelated to socialization at

work. Jason's performance appraisal may be unfair due to __

a) impression management
b) bias

c) stereotyping

d) halo effects

38. Which of the following measurement methods rates employee performance relative to other


a) graphic rating scale

b) forced distribution

c) likert scale

d) constant sums rating

39. Which performance appraisal technique lists traits and a range of performance?

a) alternation ranking

b) graphic rating scale

c) Likert

d) constant sum rating scale

40. The problem with self-ratings is that:

a) Supervisors rate employees too highly.

b) Supervisors accentuate differences and rigidify positions.

c) Employees rate themselves higher than do supervisors.

d) All of the above.

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