2 Trigonometry Problems

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0C2 Exercise Sheet 2


1. Complete the following sentences using: sin(θ) and cos(θ)

The point on the unit circle corresponding to the angle θ has x-co-ordinate equal to ,
and y-co-ordinate equal to . For all angles θ, we also define:
tan(θ) = ÷ ,
cosec(θ) = 1 ÷ ,
sec(θ) = 1 ÷ , and
cot(θ) = 1 ÷ .

2. Convert each angle to radians, and find the (x, y) co-ordinates of the marked points.

(0, 1)

120◦ 60◦
150◦ 30◦
(−1, 0) (1, 0)
180◦ 0◦ ◦
360 x

210◦ 330◦
240◦ 300◦

(0, −1)

sec(x) tan(x) + sec2 (x)

3. Use the substitution u = sec(x) + tan(x) to find dx.
sec(x) + tan(x)

cosec2 (x) − cosec(x) cot(x)

4. Use the substitution u = cosec(x) − cot(x) to find dx.
cosec(x) − cot(x)

5. Find:
(i) sec(x) dx (ii) cosec(x) dx (iii) cot(x) dx
(Hint: Simplifying the expressions in questions 3 and 4 may be helpful.)
6. Use trigonmetric identities to find:
sin2 (x) + cos2 (x)
(i) dx (ii) tan2 (x) dx
Z cos2 (x) Z
(iii) cos(x + π) cos(x) + sin(x + π) sin(x) dx . (iv) sin2 (x) dx
(v) (cos(x) − sin(x))2 dx (vi) (cos(x) + sec(x))2 dx .

7. (i) Show that

Z sin(3x) = 3 sin(x) − 4 sin3 (x).
7. (ii) Find sin3 (x) dx.

8. (i) ExpressZ cos(4x) as a polynomial in cos(x).

8. (iii) Find cos4 (x) dx

9. Complete the following sentences using: sin−1 (c), cos−1 (c), tan−1 (c), Arctan(c), Arccos(c),
Arcsin(c), π, 2π, x-co-ordinate, y-co-ordinate.

We write to denote the angles θ such that cos(θ) = c. These angles can be
found by first identifying the points on the unit circle with equal to c. The
corresponding angles are ± . The remaining solutions can be found by adding
multiples of to these two values.

We write to denote the angles θ such that sin(θ) = c. These angles can be
found by first identifying the points on the unit circle with equal to c. The
corresponding angles are and π − . The remaining solutions
can be found by adding multiples of to these two values.

We write to denote the angles θ such that sin(θ) = c. One such value is
. The remaining solutions can be found by adding multiples of
to this value.
10. Solve the following for all values of θ:
(i) sin(θ) = 2
(ii) cos(2θ) = 1 (iii) sec(θ) = 10
(iv) tan(θ) = 3 (v) 2 cos (θ) − 3 cos(θ) + 1 = 0 (vi) sin(8θ) = 8

11. Find all solutions in the range 0 ≤ θ < 2π:

(i) sin(θ) = cos(θ) (ii) sin(5θ) = 0 (iii) cos2 (θ) = 4

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