Powerball Day 2 Grade 9

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Course: PE 9 Date

Instructor: Erin McFadden Thursday March 12, 2020

Stage 1: Desired Results

Students will:
General  A: Acquire skills through a variety of developmentally appropriate movement activities
Learning  B: Understand, experience, and appreciate the health benefits that result from physical activity
Outcome(s)  C: Interact positively with others
 D: Assume responsibility to lead an active way of life
Students will:
 A9-5: apply and refine ways to receive, retain and send an object with increased speed,
Specific accuracy, and distance in skills specific to an activity
 A9-6: apply and refine manipulative skills by using elements of space awareness, effort, and
Learning relationships, with and without objects, to improve performance
Outcome(s)  C9-3: demonstrate etiquette and fair play
 C9-5: develop practices that contribute to teamwork
 D9-1: participate regularly in, and realize the benefit of, an active lifestyle
Learning 1. Students will maintain a moderate to vigorous activity level throughout the lesson
Objective(s) 2. Students will develop skills related to Powerball, including teamwork skills

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Summative  Observation/Inter Formative
 Observation/interaction
Assessment action (scale of 5) Assessment

Stage 3: Learning Experience

 Mic on
 Timer on screen  One pretty bouncy dodgeball
 Pinnies
counting up
Tech Resources  Team List Printed Out
 Phone plugged in for  Phone (music)
 Keys
to Do music during warm- to Bring
 Scoreclock
up, workout, and  4 large cones
Time Content/Description Notes
8 Rounds/3 Exercises
Prep: have workout written on the board. Push Ups
Duotangs and Pens on the floor Plank
Have the main rules of Powerball written on the board Squats
 3 steps 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest
 3 seconds AMRAP
 Must hit the floor and then the wall Score = 6/20/10
 Teams switch when a point is scored
Clock on screen counting Down
from 12 minutes
8:05 am Warm Up Game – Ladder Tag Exercises
10 minutes  THOROUGHLY explain the game.  10 sit-ups
 There will be eight sets of partners lying next to each other.  10 toe touches
Your feet need to touch your partner’s feet. You need to decide  10 squats
which number you and your partner are (numbers 1-8).  5 push-ups
Designate which direction is the top. When I call a number, you
must run to the top of your ladder by standing up and running
over top of the rest of the partners. After you have reached the
Topic Page 1
Course: PE 9 Date
Instructor: Erin McFadden Thursday March 12, 2020

top you must loop around your side of the ladder to the
bottom and then climb back to your spot and lie down. You are
racing against your partner.
 To get groups ready: have students find a partner. Once that is
done each partner set must find another set of partners. After
that have 2 groups of 4 to combine to make 8. Have the groups
of 8 spread out around the gym, but all aligned the same way.
TOP of the ladder should be facing the doors, bottom of the
ladder should be towards the benches where we do
Work Out – Red: Tabata
 Go through each exercise. Explain that we will be doing each
exercise 8 times. We will be doing them for 20 seconds and
then taking a 10 second rest. I will let you know when it is the Take your time and go through
last round, and when that happens you should record in your each point SLOWLY and
8:15 am books how many you were able to do that round. THOROUGHLY. There is no rush
15 minutes  Explain that Tabata workouts are all about the timing. The 
point is that you work your hardest for 20 seconds and then get Timer: 12 minutes counting
to enjoy 10 seconds of rest. If you stop working in that 20 down
seconds you are not going to get the full effects of the workout,
so make sure you keep going.
 Walk around and correct form & offer encouragement.
Powerball - Review
 This is a very COMPLEX explanation, so be sure not to talk over
anyone at any point. Move students if they are constantly
chatting or being a distraction.
 Important Rules to Review:
8:30 am  NO contact
15 minutes  ANY touch is ‘no goal’
 The ball must bounce behind the white line and hit the
wall. Today Tammy and I are both going to stand at a line
so that we can referee and see more calls.
 Check understanding with a fist of five. 1 means I have no clue
and 5 means I’ve got it, let’s go. I’m looking for 4s and 5s.
Game Time!
8:45 am  3 9-minute games. Switch up the teams in the break so
30 minutes that teams are working with new teams each game.
 Keep score of each game and add up totals at the end.
REMEMBER to have them clean
Clean Up! up about five minutes before the
9:15  Pinnies must be brought back to the bag. IN the bag, not bell. Don’t keep them too late.
5 minutes ON the bag. Cones and pinnies should be put away by
students before unlocking the change rooms.

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