2-Save Our Earth Justin PDF

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Start From Ourselves

What can we do to
save our earth?
We should work together to help our earth.
There are six ways
we can help our
First, we can throw our litter(垃圾) in the
proper place.

When we throw away our litter in the

trash bin(垃圾桶), it keeps our
streets clean.
Second, we can reuse(再利用) things in
a different way.

Reusing old things can be fun! Also, we can be

creative(有创造力的) and find new ways to use
things around the house.
Third, we can ride bikes, take the bus or
walk instead of using a car.

When we ride our bikes to work or school, for

example, we can lessen(减少) air pollution(污染)
and save gas.
Fourth, we can turn off(关掉) the light
when we don’t need it.

Turning off the light can save energy(能源)

and money.
Fifth, we can turn off the water
while we are brushing our teeth or washing
the dishes.

When we turn on(打开) the tap(水龙头)

only when we need to, we can save water.
Sixth, we can recycle(回收) our
materials by putting them in proper
(合适的) bins.

We can recycle plastic, metal(金属), paper and glass.

So what are those six
ways we can help our
Don’t litter. Save gas.

Reuse old things.

Save energy.

Save water.
What are other ways you
can think of?
Please write down the answers for the following questions.

What can we do to save our earth?

What will happen if we don’t save the earth?

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