Describe Each One of Them (Personality, Appearance, Clothes )

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Describe each one of them (personality, appearance, clothes…).

you can see in the image a group of friends who are very happy who
come out to give a weight.
Jeison is a man with short hair and brown skin who works as an
accountant in the municipality of yondo, he is a kind and very respectful
man, the inhabitants of the municipality of yondo love and respect him a
today he is dressed in a pink buso and gray t-shirt, his pants are black,
he is wearing black sunglasses.

Andrea is a 30-year-old woman who works as a teacher, her skin color

is white and her hair is blond, Andrea is a beautiful, charismatic, friendly
woman, wearing a white buso and light green sleeves and jeans Blue
color, wear only glasses with white rims and dark lenses.

Felipe, a well-known lawyer in the municipality, is a man with a thin

texture, white skin, wears beards, his hair color is light brown with a
charming smile, he wears sunglasses with dark glasses, today he wears
a jeans jacket, his shirt is gray and he wears a brown bermuda shorts.

Zulay, who studied business administration, at twenty-eight years old, is

a young businesswoman who owns a boutique in the municipality's
shop. today she wears dark glasses and is wearing a black checkered
blouse with a blaca and her pants are black.

you can see that this group of friends look very happy

Where is that place? (Place, city…)

The group of friends is in La Guajira visiting the desert of Cabo de la
What can you do there?
at the end of the sail you can enjoy its beaches, learn about the customs
of the guayuus who are the indigenous people who live in that area,
shop for the handicrafts they make themselves, sleep in hammocks and
enjoy a beautiful sunset at the lighthouse

What are they doing? (present progressive)

This group of friends are enjoying a nice vacation, they are mobilizing in
a car making a tour of the desert and enjoying the beautiful places that
La Guajira has.

What did they do yesterday?

Yesterday this group of friends made a tour of the places that the
guayus conserve, they were able to observe how they live, they got to
know a little about their customs, their dances and the crafts they
enjoy. and they were able to make purchases of the crafts that this
group of indigenous people carry out to take gifts to their relatives.

What are they planning to do tomorrow?

for tomorrow they plan to visit a beach called the eye of the needle walk
and observe its beautiful landscape and take photos that will serve as
memories, bathe on the beach and when the sunset comes sit in the
lighthouse and watch a beautiful sunset together.
Stage 2- Collaborative work

In group choose a movie and each student must complete the following chart:

Movie  Cinderella
Director  Kenneth Branagh
Producer  David Barron

Simon Kinberg

 Allison Shearmur
Who is (are) the protagonist(s)?  Lili James (cinderella)

 Richard Madden (charming prince)

Who is (are) the antagonist(s)?  Cate Blanchett (the stepmother)

 Helena Bonham Carter (Fairy Godmother)

Holliday Grainger (stepsister)

Sophie McShera (stepsister)

Chronological time of the movie  Twenty years
Plot: Beginning: There was a very beautiful young woman
named Cinderella, she had no parents and only had an
evil stepmother and 2 bad stepsisters, she dreamed of
finding her prince charming, her evil stepmother forced
her to clean the whole house, and to serve her stepsisters
and of course to her.

Body: Cinderella had 2 little mouse friends they were

very good and did not agree with what her stepmother
did to her.

There was a castle where a prince lived, he had to marry

and find his princess, but he was looking for a very good
young woman, and different from the others. His father
the king organized a party where all the beautiful
maidens of the kingdom were invited. Cinderella's
stepsisters decide to go to the dance because they believe
that the prince is going to notice them, but since they
know that Cinderella is very beautiful they do everything
possible so that she does not go.

When Cinderella's evil stepmother arrives, she doesn't let

her go to the dance, Cinderella cries and gets sad, but all
that is in vain. That night a fairy appears and tells her to
help her go to the dance, so with her magic wand she
turns a pumpkin into a beautiful carriage and her 2 little
mice into beautiful horses for the carriage, Cinderella
went to the dance, at the moment When she arrived,
everyone was amazed at how beautiful she looked, the
prince fell in love with her. When they were dancing, it
was twelve o'clock so Cinderella had to stop the spell
from breaking.

End: When Cinderella ran away, she left a shoe lying on

the ground, the prince picked it up and ordered that all
the maidens of the kingdom try it on and that whoever
was left with her would marry, search and search and
could not find the owner of the The moment came when
I play in Cinderella's house, her sisters tried to put it on
but they did not try to hide Cinderella, but when they
found her and tried on the shoe, it was perfect for her, so
the prince found Cinderella, they married and lived
happily ever after.
Link of a trailer  
What did you learn about the  Thanks to this story I learned that no matter what
movie? obstacles arise in life, we must always strive to make our
dreams come true. Because the barnacle arrives.

How does the movie relate to the  This movie is made with the career I study since
academic program you are psychologists are always ready to listen to people with
studying? their problems and guide them that regardless of the
adversities that come their way in life they should always
fight for what they want.
How did the film make you feel?  This movie made me feel many emotions of sadness and
happiness, but when I saw that Cinderella fought for
what I wanted until I got it, I was filled with emotion
Another ending for the movie  The end that I would give this movie would be that
could be… Cinderella would not have had so many problems of
envy if on the contrary she was lived happily next to her
stepsisters and stepmothers since they were the only
people she had close in life.

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