Week 6 Lesson 1 - The Romantic Era

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Week 6 Lesson 1 - The Romantic Era

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Teacher:​ _______________________________

The Romantic Era

Beethoven’s final compositions marked the beginning of a new era: the Romantic Era.
Composers were no longer employed by only the court, Church, or opera House (as In The
Baroque Era) and were free to express their emotIons through their own compositions.
Orchestras became larger as new instruments were invented and composers wrote more difficult
and complex music. Nationalism (pride in ones country) Was An important trend during this era.
Composers used folk music from their homelands in their compositions.

Composer To know:
Franz Liszt
(1811-​-1886) The Rockstar Of The Romantic Era. Virtuosic Pianist And Composer, Liszt Used
traditional Hungarian folk Music in His works

Important people and world events during the Romantic Era

Vincent Van Gogh- ​ Dutch post-impressionist painter who is among the most famous and
influential figures in the history of Western art.

Charles Dickens -​ Was a British novelist, journalist, editor, illustrator and social commentator.

Lewis Caroll -​ English writer of children's fiction, wrote ​Alice in Wonderland and sequel
Through the Looking Glass

Thomas Edison- Inventor, businessman

First Railroad- Baltimore & Ohio Railroad (1st US) 1827 England Wales 1804

American Civil War 1861-1865 Emancipation Proclamation 1863

First Photography 1826-27

Week 6 Lesson 1 - The Romantic Era

Question 1: What era of music do you think we are currently in and what musicians in
your opinion are making a big influence in the music world?







Question 2: What inventions that we have today are things that you didn’t believe would

exist? What inventions do you see being invented in the next couple of years?









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