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My Educational Philosophy 1

My Educational Philosophy
Leslie Hudson

Texas A&M University - Commerce

Robert Wolfe, Instructor

ETEC 424

January 9, 2020
My Educational Philosophy 2

My Educational Philosophy

Nelson Mandela - an advocate for proper schooling conditions and a sustainable world -

once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

Educators have an obligation to aid students toward success and I believe that teaching them to

appreciate learning can boost their academic and personal success both now and futuristically.

Learning is a process we experience in our daily lives, but how will one apply and understand

knowledge if the learning process feels like a burden? Educators have the opportunity to help

their students appreciate learning by engaging them, integrating their diverse learning styles,

and making them feel significant.

Learning should be interactive, direct, and applicable. Therefore, it must be flexible

according to each students’ needs and experiences to help them learn in a way that will

produce meaning. Educators should commit to learning each of their students’ needs to create

an environment that enhances and encourages their learning, knowledge, and application. This

can be accomplished best by integrating a hands-on approach to learning with an environment

that allows students to ‘learn by doing’.

My goal as an educator is to prepare students for the world before them - I want to

show them all that the world offers and that they can attain their desires if they work hard and

apply themselves. I aim to make a positive impression on each student in and out of my

classroom. I have an objective to prepare my students with more than the essentials to pass a

test and to build their confidence when facing any obstacle. My desire is to see my students

become successful both through academics and the real world – where they can pass a test, but

also overcome real life situations.

My Educational Philosophy 3

My hope is that my students will walk into my classroom and be encapsulated in a joyful

environment where they can freely participate and feel valued. I hope to teach my students to

find joy in expressing their thoughts and beliefs both in writing and in speaking - knowing that I

will always provide a listening ear and a hopeful heart. This type of environment models

enthusiastic learning and values students for their diversity which builds upon their

appreciation for learning.

I plan to accomplish my educational ambitions by integrating hands-on and collaborative

activities, educational field trips, and class discussions. I want my students to walk into a

classroom that opens their mind to possibility and adventure. I will construct knowledge and

learning through experiences, building on my students’ prior knowledge. My classroom will be

structured in such a way that routines and procedures will be set in place and valued, and

respect will be reciprocated both in and out of the classroom.

As a current employee in an educational field, I have seen firsthand where valuing

students impacts their learning. I have personally experienced the shout for joy when a student

makes sense of what they are learning, and I have experienced the satisfaction in being the one

to impact a student’s day for the better. Value and respect can be reciprocated if enforced

through the classroom, and welcoming/encouraging words can revamp student motivation.

Students should be taught that paying attention, performing their best, and diligent work will

yield successful results that will benefit them both now and later.

I have witnessed students speak negatively to themselves about their academic

capabilities, yet seen how a teacher’s constant reminder that they are capable and that they

are smart has built the students confidence and proved them successful. I have watched as
My Educational Philosophy 4

students breath relief as educators strive to give them the accommodations that they need, or

discover the accommodations a student has needed and promotes their success. When valued,

students will walk the halls with pride and embrace these experiences elsewhere. Students

should be able to see their own success through gaining new knowledge and applying it in their

daily lives.

This positive environment allows a student to acquire appreciation for learning. Through

a welcoming and encouraging atmosphere, students will be able to associate value, respect,

and success with education and learning. Teachers who demonstrate positive reinforcement

and hard work will set great examples that students will look back on and value. Such an

environment will help students master skills that will benefit them academically and through

real world application. Students will not associate themselves with failure, but with merit and

self-confidence. Therefore, creating in them, without any force, a desire and appreciation for

the daily activity of learning.

Overall, my goal is to be an educator that makes an impact in each of my students lives,

and to have a classroom environment that creates possibility and capability inside their hearts. I

hope I can give my students something to look forward to as we learn throughout our daily lives

and encourage them to always give their best and work diligently. Through engaging lessons,

hands-on learning, collaborative discussions, and higher order thinking my students will create

a desire in themselves to appreciate learning and all that it offers. If I can aid my students to fall

in love with learning, I will have accomplished much more than good grades and quality

teacher-student relationships, and I will have fulfilled far more than 180 school days.

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