Child Development & Pedagogy - English Part - pdf-25

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1. Which among the following is a 9. Which one of the following is not a

instructional material used in modern ductless gland?
language teaching? A. Adrenal gland B. Pituitary gland
A. Film strip and slide projector C. Salivary gland D. Thyroid gland
B. Episcope 10. Which among the following is a type
C. Language laboratory of speaking situation?
D. None of the above A. Interactive
2. Identify an inappropriate B. Non- interactive
characteristic of Instructional C. Partially interactive
Material: D. All of the above
A. Instructional materials 11. According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of
supplement oral teaching Needs the two basic needs of
B. Instructional material provides motivation are –
indirect experience A. Esteem and Aesthetics
C. Instructional materials aids as B. Esteem and psychological
C. Psychological and safety
motivator to the students
D. Psychological and self-
D. Instructional materials save time
and energy
12. Identify an inappropriate option
3. Identify an inappropriate
among four stages of memory:
characteristic of textbook: A. Repel B. Recognition
A. More and more difficult words C. Retention D. Recall
should be used in the textbook so 13. Teachers are advised to involve their
that vocabulary of the students learners in group activities because
should be increased. besides facilitating learning they also
B. A list of the related book should be help in
given at the end of the chapter A. Socialization B. Value conflicts
should be given in the text book. C. Aggression D. Anxiety
C. Textbook should cover whole 14. Which of the following describes the
syllabus traditional approach to development?
D. The size of the textbook should be A. Substantial change from birth to
handy adulthood and then little change in
4. Identify an inappropriate factor the rest time span of life
affecting emotional development. B. Extensive changes from birth to
A. Better schooling adolescence to adulthood and old
B. Physical health age
C. Mental abilities C. Little changes from birth through
D. Fatigue old age
5. Select an inappropriate tool of ICT. D. Extensive change from birth to
A. Computer B. Books adolescence, little changes in
C. Cell phones D. Newspaper adulthood, then decline in late old
6. According to McDougall, every age.
instinct is associated with 15. The sudden reappearance of a
A. cognition B. emotion response after a period of extinction
is known as:
C. sensation D. thinking
A. Stimulus generalization
7. Which among the following is not a
B. Extinction
principle of teaching-learning
C. Stimulus discrimination
D. Spontaneous recovery
A. Correlation B. Reinforcement
16. A week is left for teachers’ day and
C. Stimulation D. Scolding
you are given the task of organizing
8. The science which deals with the a play. Which problem solving mental
methods of collecting, classifying, operation will be followed here?
presenting, comparing and A. Represent the problem
interpreting numerical data is called B. Identifying the problem
A. statistics B. mathematics C. Evaluate the outcome
C. geometry D. probability D. Plan the solution


17. Which of the following does NOT someone offers Sophie a cigarette at
illustrate social learning theory? a party. Although Sophie knows that
A. Six year-old Amanda observes her smoking is bad for her health and she
older brother Sam receiving a treat would get in trouble if her parents
after he does the dishes. The next caught her, she decides to give it a
day, Amanda jumps up from the try.
table immediately after lunch and 18. Which of the following is true for
insists on washing the dishes. Social learning theory?
B. Four year-old Johnny frequently A. Children learn through
gets in trouble at pre-school for Observation
hitting his classmates. When the B. Children imitate their role models
teacher talks to his mother, she C. Learning does not necessarily
learns that there has been a history need to change in behaviour
of abuse between his mother and D. All the above
father and Johnny has witnessed his 19. At which stage of childhood best
father hitting his mother. friends are important?
C. Angie brings home a report card A. Infancy stage
with two A's and two B's. Her parents B. Early childhood or toy stage
give her three dollars, one for every C. Late childhood stage
A. During the next grading period, D. Adolescence stage
Angie spends more time studying and
20. Pavlov showed the existence of the
puts extra effort into her
unconditioned response by
presenting a –
D. Fourteen-year-old Sophie looks up
A. Chimpanzee B. Cat
to her classmate Maria because she
C. Dog D. Rat
is pretty and popular. One day after
school, Sophie sees Maria smoking a
cigarette. A few weeks later,


1. Ans. C. Instructional materials save time and

The language laboratory is an audio energy & makes learning permanent.
or audio-visual installation used as an 3. Ans. A.
aid in modern language teaching. It The other characteristics of a good
is a place where the learners have to textbook are as under:
listen on headphone. The language - No difficult words should be used in
labs are set up with a view to provide the textbook.
listening activities in order to make - Clear and ambiguous instruction
them developing good speech habit. should be given alongside the
The learning material is recorded on textbook and practice exercises
audio tapes which are played back by - The word and structure should be
teacher is to be drilled and the same carefully graded.
is monitored by the mentor. - The binding should be proper and
In this lab learner himself records his strong.
practice and listens of it. 4. Ans. A.
2. Ans. B. Physical health, mental abilities,
Instructional material has the fatigue are the factors that affects
following characteristics: the emotional development of a
Instructional material provides direct child.
experience. Emotional development is the ability
Instructional materials supplement to control and manage one’s own
oral teaching and prevents monotony emotions. So, it is necessary that
in the class children in their early childhood is
Instructional materials aids as surrounded by people who are
motivator to the students emotionally mature and stable.


5. Ans. B. Partially interactive – it is a type of

ICT tools – these are the objects used public speech where public doesn’t
in information and communication interrupt.
technology ex;- computer, cell Partially interactive – these are the
phones, cell phone towers, video speaking skills which are totally
conferencing, software, radio, interactive such as radio broadcast.
television, laptop etc. and newspaper 11. Ans. C.
is the most important tool of ICT. The two basic needs according to
6. Ans. B. Maslow are psychological and safety
According to him an emotional Psychological – it includes the needs
excitement does accompany an for sleep and rest, food, drink,
instinctive act. He defines an instinct shelter, sex and oxygen.
as “an inherited or innate psycho- Safety needs – this includes the
physical disposition which needs to be safe from harm, for a
determines its possessor to perceive, predictable world with consistency,
and to pay attention to, objects of a fairness, routine, for a sense of
certain class, to experience an stability and security.
emotional excitement of a particular 12. Ans. A.
quality upon perceiving such an The four stages of memory are:
object, and to act with regard to it, in A. Learning
a particular manner, or at least, to B. Recognition
experience an impulse to such an C. Retention
action. D. Recall.
7. Ans. D. The process memorization begins
The various principles of teaching- with learning or experiencing
something and ends with its revival
learning process are: -
and reproduction.
1) Definite purpose
13. Ans. A.
2) Correlation
3) Motivation In group activities children learn from
each other. They learn by observing
4) Reinforcement
others. They also learn how to work
5) Stimulation
in a group, how to understand
6) Revision and practice
different opinions etc. So overall, this
8. Ans. A.
helps in socialization
Statistics is a mathematical body of
14. Ans. D.
science that pertains to the
Traditionally it used to believe that
collection, analysis, interpretation or
most changes occur in the early
explanation, and presentation of
years of our life which are responsible
data, or as a branch of mathematics.
for the learning skills like motor
Some consider statistics to be a
skills, psycho-social skills etc and
distinct mathematical science rather
habit and character formation,
than a branch of mathematics.
adulthood involves very little
9. Ans. C. changes such as personal
Exocrine glands are glands that attachments and development
produce and secrete substances onto process declines in the old age
an epithelial surface by way of a duct. because old age is the stage of
Examples of exocrine glands include satisfaction and people become
sweat, salivary, mammary, mentally and physically weak.
ceruminous, lamrim, sebaceous, and 15. Ans. D.
mucous. Whenever the response comes back
10. Ans. D. after a rest period it is called
There are three types of speaking spontaneous recovery
skills. 16. Ans. B.
Interactive – it refers to the face to Here in the given situation, the child
face conversation and telephone calls got to know for what she/he has to
which we alternate between listening act. Out of eight mental operations,
and speaking. this action depicts the identification


of a problem. As the child just got to tremendous growth across all areas
know for what she/he has to act for, of development. By the age of of six,
so it is the situation where most children demonstrate the fine-
identification took place. motor skills. A child learns to identify
17. Ans. C. members of family and gets involved
Angie is getting rewards for her in his surroundings.
getting good grades. So this is 20. Ans. C.
reinforcement and not Learning Pavlov showed the existence of the
through Observational Learning unconditioned response by
18. Ans. D. presenting a dog with a bowl of food
All the above statements are true for and measuring its salivary
Social learning theory secretions. When Pavlov discovered
19. Ans. B. that any object or event which the
Early childhood stage or toy stage (2 dog learnt to associate with food
to 6 years)– it is the stage of would shows some response.


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