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a. What new ideas about math did you learn?

I learned that mathematics is useful in different ways in our life. It plays a

huge part in our lives as without it, we won’t have the things we have now.

Building a house needs measurement which means mathematics is involved.

Even in simple acts like buying things, we use mathematics by counting.

Mathematics is always present in different aspects of our life. In any means

like baking, sewing, managing our finances etc. Mathematics makes us to

have better reasoning abilities. It makes us to think analytically

b. What is it about math that might have changed your thoughts about it?

To be frank, I really hate math before. I thought that mathematics is difficult as

I can’t understand what the teacher is teaching as there are many variables,

concepts involved that’s why I didn’t payed much attention before as it just

makes my life difficult and tire me out. But when I started grade 10, my

teacher made me realized that mathematics is a good subject. With her way

of teaching, I learned to appreciate mathematics even though I realized it too

late. With the right mindset, I entered senior high school without much fear

and doubt unlike before as I took Accountancy, Business and Management

strand because I thought that most of my subjects will be about mathematics.

It’s good to overcome that kind of feeling and being confident now that I will

be able to make it.

c. What is most useful about mathematics for humankind?

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