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Writing Lesson Plan Template

CAEP K-6 Standards

Name: Sarah Jackson

It is important for students to identify and recognize the various types of voice that can be used
by authors because voice is used in all types of writing. By learning how to identify various
voices, students will be able to use these skills and use emotions to grab the reader’s attention in
their own writing.

A. Goal: Students will be able to add emotion to their writing by incorporating voice.
B. Objectives:
 After completing this lesson students will understand how to use different types of
voice when writing on their own.
 At the conclusion of this lesson, students will know how to identify different uses
of voice in various readings and passages.
C. Standards:
 2.W.4: Apply the writing process to- Generate a draft by developing, selecting
and organizing ideas relevant to topic, purpose, and genre; revise writing, using
appropriate reference materials, by adding details; edit writing for format and
conventions, and provide feedback to other writers. Use available technology to
produce and publish legible documents.
II. Management Plan-
a. Time: 65minutes for whole lesson
i. Anticipatory set: 5minutes
ii. Whole group instruction: 20minutes
iii. Writing time: 30 minutes
iv. Closure/ sharing time: 10minutes
b. Use of space
i. The anticipatory set and whole group lesson will be on the carpet as we
review the use of voice in writing and have them practice it by
understanding different voices in examples. During their writing time the
student will go back to their desks to work on their writing while some will
get called up to the front to discuss their writing and things that they could
work on as well as things they have done right in their writing. For their
closure the students will come back on the carpet and be able to share the
things they wrote or ideas for their writing.
c. List of materials
i. Kahoot
ii. Emotion cards (different one for each student)
iii. White boards

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iv. Three books/ the sections of the book printed off


III. Adaptation to Individual Differences and Diverse Learner
 There are 7 students with IEPS in class and are not always capable of writing long
sentences. These students would be able to use their I Pad’s and speak into the
keyboard to write for them. This would help them with spelling as well and have
them take more time to write what they want.
 While walking around I will help the students start their thought process and get
them thinking about ideas on what to write. For students who have trouble getting
started I could write down the ideas they verbalize and have them write their
paragraph from there.
IV.Lesson Presentation (Input/Output)
 Minilesson (Whole Group)
 Anticipatory Set
 Okay class, can you please come to the front carpet and bring
your I Pads with. We will be doing a Kahoot! So, go into the app
and type in the class code, and then your name.
 The students have done Kahoot’s before and know the rules are to
be quiet, not to help others and touch their screens, put their names
down, and to not gloat about winning or doing better than others.
 During the Kahoot there will be a set of sentences portraying a
certain type of emotion. They will have to guess what emotion is
being portrayed.
 Happiness: I am delighted to see the sun shining and the flowers
 Fear: She trembled as she walked through the haunted house.
 Anger: My sister took my favorite shirt and spilt spaghetti sauce on
 Nervous: My hands feel clammy and my heart is racing as I wait
for my tests results to come back from the doctor.
 Embarrassed: My face turned red and hot as everyone turned their
attention on me and laughed.
 Love: As I stared into his eyes, I felt my heart grow
 Relief: After looking for 2 hours, flipping the house upside down, I
finally found my car keys!
 Sadness: As tears started falling to the floor, she looked up to see
her dog eating her homework.
 Curiosity: The cat saw the red dot on the floor and wondered what
would happen if he pounced on it.
 Boredom: The teachers monotone voice made the student
daydream about his after-school plans.
 After each sentence I will pause and ask Why was it this emotion
and not one of the others? Or How did you know it was that

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 When the game is over the students will put their I pad down and
face me at the front.
 Purpose Statement: Today we will be learning how to use different
voices while we write. Everything we read and write has a voice behind it,
and that is what causes readers to hear the various emotions being used.
We learn how to use our voice in writing in order to bring those emotions
out and grab the readers attention.
 Introduce Trait
 Voice is a way to grab the reader’s attention, but it is also the
attitude the writer has for the topic he or she is writing about. Can
someone give me an example of different emotions used in
writing? (give students time to answer)
 Share Examples
 By splitting them up into three groups on the carpet (not in any
specific groups) I will hand out three different passages from three
different books.
 I am going to split you into groups on the carpet and give you
three different sections of a book from three different books. Each
group will read through these passages and write on the white
board what emotions and what type of voice you hear in the
authors writing.
 From Cat in the Hat:
o Then our fish said, “Look! Look!” and our fish shook with
fear. “Your mother is on her way home! Do you hear? Oh,
what will she do to us? What will she say? Oh, she will not
like it to find it this way!” “So, do something! Fast!” said
the fish. “Do you hear! I saw her. Your mother! Your
mother is near! So, as fast as you can, think of something to
do! You will have to get rid of Thing One and Thing Two!”
 From Junie B., first grader cheater pants:
o It’s still dumb Monday, Dear first-grade journal, right now
it is recess. I am not playing on the playground. Instead I
am sitting at my desk. And I’m waiting to get yelled at. I
wish I could disappear into thin hair. If I could disappear, I
would run outside. And I would find May. And I would
clunk her on the head. I wish I didn’t even sit next to that
girl. Cause people should never leave homework on their
desk for other people to barrow. That is just asking for
trouble mister.
 From The Tale of Despereaux:
o Despereaux’s dire situation suddenly became quite clear to
him. He was a two-ounce mouse alone in the dark, twisting
dungeon full of rats. He had nothing but a sewing needle
with which to defend himself. he had to find a princess.
And he had to save her once he found her. “It’s
impossible,” he said to the darkness. “I can’t do it.” He

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stood very still. “I’ll go back,” he said. But he didn’t move.
“I have to go back.” He took a step backward. “But I can’t
go back. I don’t have a choice. I have no choice.”
 Give them the time they need to read through the passage and work
as a group to discuss the voice or voices being used in the text.
 After they find their voice, they will share with the whole class
what they found and why they think it was that voice and emotion
being used.
 Provide Information (model)
 Can someone give me a type of voice that they see being used in
other books or passages?
 If they said nervous, I would write that on the board and begin with
asking questions about this emotion
 How do you feel when you are nervous? What does someone look
like when they are nervous? Does something happen to you or
other people when you get nervous?
 I will write these questions on the board for them to look at when
they need help thinking of things to write about for their voice.
 Then I will write a quick two or three sentences giving the readers
the impression that the character was feeling nervous without
actually saying they were nervous.
 Example: My palms started to sweat, and my heart raced when I
reached the edge of the cliff. I could see myself or someone else
accidently tripping and falling and that made my heart race even
 Supervise Practice (Shared Writing)
 The students will then be given the word happy and all of them
will write one or two sentences making it seem like the character is
happy. Have them look at the questions and have them ask
themselves what people look like or feel when they are happy.
 For example: I came home from school and my mom had a present
waiting for me at the table. When I opened it, it was a puppy! The
puppy was so cute, and it made me smile so much that my cheeks
 Check for Understanding
 I will walk around and help the students make a unique sentence to
the emotion of happy. I will see if they understand that readers can
still recognize that the voice of happiness is being used without the
word happy being stated in the sentence.
o Writing
 Now that we have a better understanding of how to write with a certain
voice, I am going to pass out cards with different emotions on them. Do
not let anyone see them because we will be guessing some of the voices
from each other at the end of the lesson. I want you to write a paragraph
using this voice but without using the word. You can make it about
another person or yourself but have fun with it and be creative!

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Sad, Excited, Scared, Hungry, Angry, Worried, Impatient, Shy, Tired,
Embarrassed, Confident, Joyful, Greedy, Bored, Cheerful, Confused,
Jealous, Anxious, Surprised, Amazed, Lonely, Horrified, Guilty.
 I will be calling some of you to the front during your writing time to see
how you guys are doing and if you need any help with writing I will help
 During the conferencing I will have them share with me their ideas for
their writing and answer any questions they might have about it. I will try
to meet with six students and make them five minutes each.
o Sharing (Whole Group)
 Come back to the carpet with your finished product and your emotion
card in your hand. We will be getting into pairs and I want you to share
your paragraphs with the person on your right. Don’t show your cards
until your partner has guessed the right voice that you used. If we have
time we will switch, and you can read your paragraph to the person on
your left.
 Have them share with each other and listen into their writings. See if they
used their voice correctly and are able to portray it in the right way.

V. Check for understanding.

 If students do not meet the goals for this lesson, I will meet with them individually and go
over where they went wrong or what things need to be fixed in their writing. By
conferencing with them to look at what they need to fix will help them build on that for
the next writing assignment. I will also encourage them with positive feedback on things
that stood out in their writing.
 If student understanding has gone well, students are ready to complete a task with less
teacher support.
 I will check for understanding throughout the lesson by asking them questions that get
them thinking. I will also check their work and their sentences while writing about
happiness. This will give them the practice they need to find the right voice but also give
me a good idea of their understanding.

VIII. Review learning outcomes / Closure

 After the students share their paragraphs with each other I will have them turn their
attention towards me for the next instruction and closure.
 Okay guys, I had a lot of fun listening to everyone’s paragraphs and use of voice. You
did a great job using the different emotions to guide your writings and thoughts. I hope
you guys can see how important it is to use the right voice and will use it in the future!


Now that the students have a better understanding of what voice is and how to use it, they could
have a summative assessment on voice. By having them decipher different passages and see
what voice is being used will help see their understanding of how voice is used in reading.
Throughout the lesson the students will have a formative assessment that is their prewriting
about happiness. This will check to see if they are ready to take on the paragraph assignment.

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1. How many students achieved the lessons objectives and goals? For those who didn’t, why
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
3. How did the students respond to sharing their paragraphs with one another?
4. How should I alter the lesson?
5. How would I pace it differently?
6. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
7. Were all students able to effectively use their voice as an emotion in their writing?
8. What adjustments did I make during the lesson to reach the varied learning styles?
9. Did the skills they learned during the lesson transfer into the closure?

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