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Configuration Report Downloaded on: 02/15/2020 17:28:04

Device/Meter Name: GLK GGS3-FUEL ModWorX Pro: 4.1.0

Company Name: ELLISON OIL FIELD Device Type: Scanner 2000
Site/Well Name: GLK GGS3 Firmware: 4.26
Field/Lease Name: GLK GGS-3 Board ID: 3
Location Name: ONGC - ASSAM ASSET
Legal Description:

Description Value Units

System Details
Device Type Scanner 2000
Product Code $00C0
Product ID 192
Register Table Version 16
Firmware Version 4.26
Manufacture Date 08-2016
Sales Date 08-2016
Main Board Serial Number 3
Device Serial Number 14312
Connected Device Port 1
Expansion Board Information
Board Type No Expansion Board
Internal System Sample Period 1 min
Communication - Port 1
Port Usage Modbus Slave
Port Settings
Slave Address 3
Baud Rate 9600 baud
Bus Delay 10 msec
Bus Timeout 50 msec
Communication - Port 2
Port Usage Modbus Slave
Port Settings
Slave Address 1
Baud Rate 9600 baud
Bus Delay 10 msec
Bus Timeout 50 msec
Flow Run #1
Flow Run Name GLK GGS3-FUEL
Calculation Period 2 sec

ModWorX Pro - Configuration Report 1 of 9 Printed: 15-02-2020 05:29 PM

Configuration Report Downloaded on: 02/15/2020 17:28:04

Device/Meter Name: GLK GGS3-FUEL ModWorX Pro: 4.1.0

Company Name: ELLISON OIL FIELD Device Type: Scanner 2000
Site/Well Name: GLK GGS3 Firmware: 4.26
Field/Lease Name: GLK GGS-3 Board ID: 3
Location Name: ONGC - ASSAM ASSET
Legal Description:

Description Value Units

Rate Damping Factor Settling time: 4 sec
Flow Rate: Calculation Method Orifice, AGA-3 (1992)
Wet Correction No wet correction
Flow Run Accumulation Gas Phase Only
Fluid Properties
Calculation Method AGA-8 Detail
Calculation Interval 2 sec
Input Assignments
Static Pressure Source Integrated Static Pressure
Differential Pressure Source Integrated Differential Pressure
Temperature Source Integrated RTD
Base Conditions
Base Temperature 60 Deg F
Base Pressure 14.73 psi
Atmospheric Pressure 14.73 psi
Pipe Size 1.939 inches
Pipe Material Carbon Steel
Tap Type Flange Tapped
Orifice Plate
Plate Size 0.925 inches
Plate Material Carbon Steel
Plate Model Number Delta Engg. puna
Plate Serial Number DE-10392
Reference Temperature 66 Deg F
Low Pressure Cutoff 1 In H2O
Reference Conditions United States (14.73 psi, 60 F)
Isentropic Exponent 1.3
Viscosity 0.010268 cP
Specific Gravity 0.7536
Heating Value Calculated
Gas Fraction No wet correction

ModWorX Pro - Configuration Report 2 of 9 Printed: 15-02-2020 05:29 PM

Configuration Report Downloaded on: 02/15/2020 17:28:04

Device/Meter Name: GLK GGS3-FUEL ModWorX Pro: 4.1.0

Company Name: ELLISON OIL FIELD Device Type: Scanner 2000
Site/Well Name: GLK GGS3 Firmware: 4.26
Field/Lease Name: GLK GGS-3 Board ID: 3
Location Name: ONGC - ASSAM ASSET
Legal Description:

Description Value Units

Gas Composition
Analysis Ref. No.
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 0.75 %
Nitrogen (N2) 0.3 %
Methane (C1) 79.29 %
Ethane (C2) 8.57 %
Propane (C3) 5.85 %
n-Butane (n-C4) 1.88 %
i-Butane (i-C4) 1.28 %
n-Pentane (n-C5) 0.43 %
i-Pentane (i-C5) 0.8 %
n-Hexane (n-C6) 0.85 %
n-Heptane (n-C7) 0 %
n-Octane (n-C8) 0 %
n-Nonane (n-C9) 0 %
n-Decane (n-C10) 0 %
Oxygen (O2) 0 %
Carbon Monoxide (CO) 0 %
Hydrogren (H2) 0 %
Hydrogren Sulfide (H2S) 0 %
Water (H2O) 0 %
Helium (He) 0 %
Argon (Ar) 0 %
Display Units
Volumetric Units M3/hour
Mass Units LBM
Energy Units MMBTU
Flow Run #1 Maintenance
Plate Change
Change Date/Time 05/05/2017 16:57:06
Change Operator <Port 1 Default>

ModWorX Pro - Configuration Report 3 of 9 Printed: 15-02-2020 05:29 PM

Configuration Report Downloaded on: 02/15/2020 17:28:04

Device/Meter Name: GLK GGS3-FUEL ModWorX Pro: 4.1.0

Company Name: ELLISON OIL FIELD Device Type: Scanner 2000
Site/Well Name: GLK GGS3 Firmware: 4.26
Field/Lease Name: GLK GGS-3 Board ID: 3
Location Name: ONGC - ASSAM ASSET
Legal Description:

Description Value Units

Gas Composition
Change Date/Time 11/24/2018 16:13:13
Change Operator <Port 1 Default>
Input: Differential Pressure
Sensor Name
Sensor Model Number
Sensor Serial Number MV21M0920B
Sampling Period 2 sec
Damping Factor No damping
Enable Override No
Override Value 0 In H2O
Failure Value 0 In H2O
Low Pressure Cutoff 0.1 In H2O
Sensor Range Low 0 In H2O
Sensor Range High 400 In H2O
Input: Process Temperature
Sensor Name
Sensor Model Number
Sensor Serial Number
Sampling Period 2 sec
Damping Factor No damping
Enable Override No
Override Value -2.20801E-011 Deg C
Failure Value 15.5556 Deg C
Low Temperature Cutoff -101.111 Deg C
Sensor Range Low -40 Deg C
Sensor Range High 426.667 Deg C
Input: Static Pressure
Sensor Name
Sensor Model Number
Sensor Serial Number MV21M0920B

ModWorX Pro - Configuration Report 4 of 9 Printed: 15-02-2020 05:29 PM

Configuration Report Downloaded on: 02/15/2020 17:28:04

Device/Meter Name: GLK GGS3-FUEL ModWorX Pro: 4.1.0

Company Name: ELLISON OIL FIELD Device Type: Scanner 2000
Site/Well Name: GLK GGS3 Firmware: 4.26
Field/Lease Name: GLK GGS-3 Board ID: 3
Location Name: ONGC - ASSAM ASSET
Legal Description:

Description Value Units

Sampling Period 2 sec
Damping Factor No damping
Enable Override No
Override Value 0 KG/CM2
Failure Value 0 KG/CM2
Low Pressure Cutoff 0.0352 KG/CM2
Sensor Range Low 0 KG/CM2
Sensor Range High 105.46 KG/CM2
Input: sgtest
Meter Name sgtest
Model Number
Serial Number
Nominal K-Factor 0.0000 pulses/GAL
Sampling Period 1 sec
Damping Factor No damping
Input Threshold Low (20mV)
Enable Override No
Override Value 200 M3/day
Low Input Freq Cutoff 0 Hz
Low Flow Rate Cutoff 0 M3/day
Output: Digital 1
Output Mode Disabled
Contract Hour 5:00 AM
Interval Period 1 hour
Enable Partial Records No
Number of Daily Records 768 Total
Number of Interval Records 2304 Total (96 days, 0.0 hrs)
Number of Event Records 1152 Total
Number of Parameters 11
Parameter #1 Real Date

ModWorX Pro - Configuration Report 5 of 9 Printed: 15-02-2020 05:29 PM

Configuration Report Downloaded on: 02/15/2020 17:28:04

Device/Meter Name: GLK GGS3-FUEL ModWorX Pro: 4.1.0

Company Name: ELLISON OIL FIELD Device Type: Scanner 2000
Site/Well Name: GLK GGS3 Firmware: 4.26
Field/Lease Name: GLK GGS-3 Board ID: 3
Location Name: ONGC - ASSAM ASSET
Legal Description:

Description Value Units

Parameter #2 Real Time
Parameter #3 Static Pressure (Absolute) KG/CM2
Parameter #4 Flow Run 1 Volume M3
Parameter #5 Flow Run 1 Mass Total LBM
Parameter #6 Flow Run 1 Flow Time sec
Parameter #7 Flow Run 1 Energy Total MMBTU
Parameter #8 Differential Pressure In H2O
Parameter #9 Process Temperature Deg C
Parameter #10 sgtest Volume M3
Parameter #11 sgtest Flow Time sec
Device Display
LCD Settings
Display Contrast 64.5 %
Display Toggle Period 5 sec
Display #1
Display Item Real Date
Description DATE
Decimal Places 0
Update Rate 5 sec
Display Text Format Description & Units
Display #2
Display Item Real Time
Description TIME
Decimal Places 0
Update Rate 5 sec
Display Text Format Description & Units
Display #3
Display Item Static Pressure (Gauge) KG/CM2
Description SP
Decimal Places 2
Update Rate 3 sec

ModWorX Pro - Configuration Report 6 of 9 Printed: 15-02-2020 05:29 PM

Configuration Report Downloaded on: 02/15/2020 17:28:04

Device/Meter Name: GLK GGS3-FUEL ModWorX Pro: 4.1.0

Company Name: ELLISON OIL FIELD Device Type: Scanner 2000
Site/Well Name: GLK GGS3 Firmware: 4.26
Field/Lease Name: GLK GGS-3 Board ID: 3
Location Name: ONGC - ASSAM ASSET
Legal Description:

Description Value Units

Display Text Format Description & Units
Display #4
Display Item Flow Run 1 Flow Rate M3/hour
Description RATE
Decimal Places 0
Update Rate 3 sec
Display Text Format Description & Units
Display #5
Display Item Flow Run 1 Current Day Volume M3
Description TTOTAL
Decimal Places 0
Update Rate 4 sec
Display Text Format Description & Units
Display #6
Display Item Differential Pressure In H2O
Description DP
Decimal Places 2
Update Rate 3 sec
Display Text Format Description & Units
Display #7
Display Item Process Temperature Deg C
Description TEMP
Decimal Places 2
Update Rate 3 sec
Display Text Format Description & Units
Display #8
Display Item Flow Run 1 Previous Day Volume M3
Description YTOTAL
Decimal Places 0
Update Rate 3 sec
Display Text Format Description & Units
Display #9

ModWorX Pro - Configuration Report 7 of 9 Printed: 15-02-2020 05:29 PM

Configuration Report Downloaded on: 02/15/2020 17:28:04

Device/Meter Name: GLK GGS3-FUEL ModWorX Pro: 4.1.0

Company Name: ELLISON OIL FIELD Device Type: Scanner 2000
Site/Well Name: GLK GGS3 Firmware: 4.26
Field/Lease Name: GLK GGS-3 Board ID: 3
Location Name: ONGC - ASSAM ASSET
Legal Description:

Description Value Units

Display Item Flow Run 1 Grand Total M3
Description GRAND TOTAL
Decimal Places 0
Update Rate 3 sec
Display Text Format Description & Units
Display #10
Display Item Battery Voltage
Description BATT VOLT
Decimal Places 2
Update Rate 3 sec
Display Text Format Description & Units
User Modbus Configuration
Source Type
Register 1 [Address: 9100] 8026 Flow Run 1 Grand Total
Register 2 [Address: 9102] 8028 Flow Run 1 Flow Rate
Register 3 [Address: 9104] 8030 Flow Run 1 Current Day Volume
Register 4 [Address: 9106] 8036 Flow Run 1 Previous Day Volume
Register 5 [Address: 9108] 8058 Flow Run 1 Grand Energy Total
Register 6 [Address: 9110] 8060 Flow Run 1 Energy Flow Rate
Register 7 [Address: 9112] 8062 Flow Run 1 Current Day Energy Total
Register 8 [Address: 9114] 8068 Flow Run 1 Previous Day Energy Total
Register 9 [Address: 9116] 8336 Static Pressure (Gauge)
Register 10 [Address: 9118] 8380 Differential Pressure
Register 11 [Address: 9120] 8424 Process Temperature
Register 12 [Address: 9122] 8216 sgtest Grand Total Volume
Register 13 [Address: 9124] 8218 sgtest Flow Rate
Register 14 [Address: 9126] 8220 sgtest Current Day Volume
Register 15 [Address: 9128] 8226 sgtest Previous Day Volume
Register 16 [Address: 9130] 8558 Supply Voltage
Register 17 [Address: 9132] 8560 Battery Voltage
Register 18 [Address: 9134] 8276 sgl Grand Total Volume

ModWorX Pro - Configuration Report 8 of 9 Printed: 15-02-2020 05:29 PM

Configuration Report Downloaded on: 02/15/2020 17:28:04

Device/Meter Name: GLK GGS3-FUEL ModWorX Pro: 4.1.0

Company Name: ELLISON OIL FIELD Device Type: Scanner 2000
Site/Well Name: GLK GGS3 Firmware: 4.26
Field/Lease Name: GLK GGS-3 Board ID: 3
Location Name: ONGC - ASSAM ASSET
Legal Description:

Description Value Units

Register 19 [Address: 9136] 8278 sgl Flow Rate
Register 20 [Address: 9138] 8280 sgl Current Day Volume
Register 21 [Address: 9140] 8286 sgl Previous Day Volume
Register 22 [Address: 9142] 8468 Analog Input 1
Register 23 [Address: 9144] 8512 Analog Input 2
Register 24 [Address: 9146] 8006 Real Date
Register 25 [Address: 9148] 8008 Real Time

ModWorX Pro - Configuration Report 9 of 9 Printed: 15-02-2020 05:29 PM

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