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Analytical chemistry
Rashid Ali

Prepare 0.1 N Nitric acid solution.

Calculate the amount in grams of oxalic acid, which is taken to make
the solution (100ml), which further standardized against base (NaOH).
Amount = Molarity × Molar mass × volume in dm3
Molarity of nitric acid = Normality / active mass
Molarity = 0.1/2
Molarity =0.05 mol/dm3
Molar mass of Nitric Acid= 63.01 g/mol
Volume = 100ml × 1 dm3 / 1000ml
Volume = 0.1 dm3
Put the values in the above formula:
Amount = 0.05 × 63.01× 0.1
Amount = 0.32g
Take 0.32g of nitric acid in conical flask and Add water uptil mark to
make the solution
Take 10 ml of unknown solution and titrate it against the base whose molarity is known. After
starting the experiment add some amount of indicator in it so that we can get the exact endpoint.I
will use phenolphthalein as an indicator. Currently acid is in the beaker so the colour of
phenophthalene will be colourless at the end. It will indicate a pink colour. We can write down the
volume used of the base and then put it into the formula of M1V1 = M2V2

By this method we can find the molarity of the unknown acid solution.



a) Diagrammatic representation of apparatus:

Acid base titration

b) Calculation (Base with 0.1 normality):

Sr.No. Initial reading Final reading Volume(ml)

(ml) (ml)
1 0.0 5.6 5.6
2 5.6 11.4 5.8
3 11.4 17.2 5.6
Concordant Volume=5.66cm3

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