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2ais2019 Reading comprehension and management students Reading comprehension and management students This questionnaire is a part of a research we are conducting on the teaching /leaming of reading comprehension and it's effect of your proficiency. Its questions are devoted to collect data about your abilities and problems you may face while reading in English. We would highly appreciate if you could answer it. “Required Learning English 1. Do you like to have English module in your schedule? * ‘Mark only one oval. Yes No 2. Do you think that learning English Mark only one oval. portant for management students? * Yes No 3. Do you think that the time assigned for English module is sufficient? * ‘Mark only one oval. Yes No 4, For what specific purpose do you study English? * Tick all that apply. To use it for reading technical materials related to your field of study For sitting for exams and formal writings To understand lectures in English or any professional conversations For further studies and travelling abroad 5. Which language skill do you thin! Mark only one oval. is more important for you? * Writing Reading Listening ‘Speaking hiips:idocs.gangle.conformsi P8545 1SHIIN/ENW!jgDBSNSAXLOIOrCBDPmz_wENset Ws zaszna Ready carerenension and management tasers Reading in English 6. Do you read in English? * Mark only one oval. Yes No Sometimes 7, How often do you read? * ‘Mark only one oval. Always Sometimes Rarely Never 8. What do you prefer to read? * ‘Mark only one oval. (_) Basic academic texts Journals and articles () Books and magazines Other: 9. How do you find reading in English? * Mark only one oval Easy little dificult Difficult very difficult 10. when you read, what do you find most difficult? * Tick all that apply. pronunciation difficulties phrases and sentences structures understanding meaning vocabulary Grammar The way you read hiips:idocs.gangle.conformsi P8545 1SHIIN/ENW!jgDBSNSAXLOIOrCBDPmz_wENset zarsan19 Reading comprehension and management students 11, Do you read with a purpose? * ‘Mark only one oval. 13. when facing reading problems, what do you usually do? * ‘Mark only one oval. —) Try to sohe it using some techniques (>) Ask for others’ help do nothing other 14. while reading, How do you get information? * Tick all that apply. Reading the whole text Reading the important parts ( title, subtitles, topic sentences...) Reading the introduction and the conclusion using the supporting visuals ( pictures, charts, diagrams...) Other: 15. what you usually do when you do not understand a sentence? * Mark only one oval. reading the text again reading the sentence repeatedly until you understand it reading what is before and after the sentence breaking it into parts Other: hiips:idocs.gangle.conformsi P8545 1SHIIN/ENW!jgDBSNSAXLOIOrCBDPmz_wENset a5 zarsan19 Reading comprehension and management students 16. what to do if you face an unfamiliar word in your text’ Mark only one oval. Ignore the word and try to get the general meaning Guess its meaning from the context Use English dictionary Translate the word into Arabic or French Ask the teacher or your classmates Other: The course content 17. How does your teacher motivate you ?* Tick all that apply. Asking challenging questions Opening conversations a discussions Encouragements and advice Other: 18. How do you evaluate English reading sessions * Mark only one oval. Attractive and fruitful Hard and uninteresting Good but too long Other 19. If they are hard, what do you think the factors are ?* Tick all that apply. Your teacher methodoligy Materials are not suitable to your level you are de-motivated Other: 20. How do you think the course content can be improved? * hiips:idocs.gangle.conformsi P8545 1SHIIN/ENW!jgDBSNSAXLOIOrCBDPmz_wENset 2ais2019 Reading comprehension and management students Pow orad by Bi Google Forms hiips:idocs.gangle.conformsi P8545 1SHIIN/ENW!jgDBSNSAXLOIOrCBDPmz_wENset

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