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owe. 73.

Patrouized by HER MAJESTY and the ROYAL FAMILY, their

Imperial Majesties the EMPEROR ami EMPRESS of RUSSIA,
and the EMl'ERORS of A U STRIA and CHINA.

THEiNOREUiESTs/have enabled
and happy
extraonliuary efficacy,
triumphantly it
anialiramation of its pirei.t vegetable
to pass through every medical
and Pll^sloIOClCAI. test, until it has now become justly renowned throughout the
world for its remarkable virtues in notirishing, preserving, and brautiji/ing the
Hi MAN Hair. To enter here into any thing like a full detail of its several tran-
sceiidiint properties, would be an act of supererogation of the Proprietors, who have
already more fully treated on the subject in the little Pamphlet which accompanies
each bottle of tlieir Macassar Oil, and wherein useful hints and advice will be found
on the subjects of Boldness, Grey Hair, and on the early culture of Children's
Hair, Ac. Ac. Ac. At present it will be merely sufficient to briefly notice some of
its principal virtues, as a raild stimulative, corrective, and preservative agent to the

It is the only article that produces and restores HAIR; also WHISKERS,
Ml'STACHlOS, and EYF^UROWS; prevents Ha<> from falling oft", or turning
grey to the latest period of life ; changes grey hair to its original colol'r frees it —
from scurf, and makes it beautifully SOFT, CURLY, and GLOSSY. In dressing
HAIR, It keeps it firm in the curl, uninjured by dump weather, crowded Assemblies,
the dance, or in the exercise of riding. To Children it is invaluable, as it lays a
foundation for a
CAUTION.— Ask for " ROWLAND'S MACASSAR OIL," and observe their
NAME Sc ADDRESS, in Red, on the Wrapper, thus
Countersigned ALE.X. ROWLAND.
The lowest price is 3s. 6d. — the next prices are — lOs. 6d. and 21s. per
7s. bottle.

(Some Impostors call their trash the " GENUINE," and omit the "&" in the
Signature, offering it for sale under the lure of being cheap.)
ROWLAND'S MACASSAR OIL is sold by the Proprietors, as above, and by

respectable Perfimers and MEPiriNr VrNDrns.

A VEGETABLE WHITE POWDER, prepared from OrUntal Herbs of the
most Delicious odour and steeetness it eradicates the Tartar from the Teeth, re-

moves decayed Spots, preserves the Enamel, and fixes the teeth firmly in their
sockets, rendering them beautifully White. Being an Anti-Scorbutic, it eradicates
the Scurvy from the Gums, strengthens, fcraas, and renders them of a healthy red;
also imparts a delightful fragrance to the breath.
Price 2s. 9d. per box, duty included.
*,* NoTK E. —The Name and Address of the Proprietors,
are engraved on the Government Stamp which is pasted on the two latter Articles;
also printed in red, on the Wrapper in which each is inclosed.
Many Shopkeepers offer for sale Counterfeits of the above, composed of the most
pernicious ingredients. They call their trash the "GENUINE," and sign A. Row-
tandSon, omitting the "6f," recommending them as being cheap.
Be sure to ask for " ROWLAND'S."
Sold by them, and by respectable Perfumers and Medicine Venders.


THIS novel and useful Invention
secures an instantaneous supply of
of the Filter, which can be returned
into the Inkstand at any moment,
where it is secured from injury, and
not affected by the atmosphere. The
Ink, thus protected, never thickens or
moulds, and remains good for any
length of time in any climate. The
process of filtration causes the colouring
matter to be held in suspension ; hence
the trouble and inconvenience occa-
sioned by unsuitable Ink, generally
found in ordinary Inkstands, are com-
pletely obviated by the use of the
derate size will contain sufficient Ink
for six or twelve months' writing.


One Shilling per Card.


rosion, and will be found excellent for the use of the Counting House, and for
general purposes.

Manufactured and sold by JAMES PERRY and Co., Patentees, 37, Red Lion
Square, London also by all Stationers and other dealers in such articles.

A higlily fashionable and peculiar Handkerchief Scent, possessing extracts from
flowers, and forming a Perfume at once sweel, durable, and refresJiing. In bottles, at 2s.6d., 4s. (Id., 8s.,
and in elegant Toilet Bottles, Hs. each


iving in crowded rooms. In


These Powders possessing absorbent as well as aperient properties, are Buperior to all others in Heart-
bum, Indigestion, Bile, or Acidity of the Stomach, arising from a too free uae of winea, spirits, or highly
(©) seasoned viands; they may be had recourse to as an agreeable and efficient saline remedy, the fixed air
tliey contain rendering them as refreshing as Soda Water. In red boxes, lined with tin-foil, 39. each,
(warranted to keep in any climate.)
The above prepared only by THOMAS WBXTB, Chemist, 24, Cornhill, London.
N. B. The Essence o*" Eglantine, and the Aromatic Pungent Essence, can bo obtained of any respectable
(®) chemist or perfuniLT in the kingdom.
Medicine Chests, fitted up with the best dnigs suitable for any climate, varying in price from £2 to £20



JAMES A. B. PUXTON, 13, Piccadilly, near


T TAS the pleasure to apprise Military Officers, that the Historical Records Or

the British Army, by Ricuard Cannon, Esq., of the Adjutant-General's

Office, are now in course of publication, and that he has on sale tlie Records of the
following Regiments, viz. :

Life Guards. Second Edition £o 12
Royal Horse Guards, or Blues 10

First, or King's Dragoon Guards 8

Second, or Queen's Dragoon Guards 8

Third Dragoon Guards 8

Fourth Dragoon Guards 8

Fifth Dragoon Guards 8

Sixth Dragoon Guards 8
Seventh Dragoon Guards 8
First, or Royal Dragoons 8

Second Dragoons, or Scots Greys 8

First, or Royal Regiment of Foot 12
Second, or Queen's Foot 8
Third Foot, or the Buffs 12
Fourtli Foot, or the King's Own 8
Fifth Foot, or Northumberland Fusiliers 8
Sixth Foot, or Royal First Warwickshire 8
Eighty-eighth Foot, or Connaught Rangers 6


LADIES and Gentlemen prooeed^ngtoIndiaNa^^^^^^^^^^^

utility with economy

and despatch, by
a manner combining real


the satling of Ships for
India or else-
^ B -Every' information given respecting



out with
CADETs/and assistant surgeons, maybe
Liters most Reasonable Terms, at
the best description of Goods on the



Passage, &c.



the celebrated Professor of
Penmanship, has made the
'following communication to the Proprietors :
account of their almost
u T f»„^ vnnr Rr ^cK Pens with two holes much, on
being superior to that of the generality of
pe fecf rtin^rof^ffec '; *eir vibration
large hand writing.
Cl Pens, allowing great boldness
of character in
well adapted for Countmg-
T^T7Aivru'<! o Hn,P Rlack Pens are pafticularly
ly"^ and Banking
e'^rnVoyeS .n the Lst Mercantile
Establishments in London.

Monument, 46, King William Street,

DEANE'S, Opening to tlie
London Bridge.


For Assurances, Loans, Immediate and Deferred Annuities, the Purchase of
Annuities, Reversionary Interests, and Assuring Pensions to Ofticers of her Majesty's
and the Honourable East India Company's Service, their Widows and Children.
CAPITAL, .€500,000, IN 20,000 shares of ,€25 each.
F.S.A., F.L.S. DcTonihirc-streal,
Leiih Hark, Haala ; and Clydaeh H ac, t>alway, Ireland.
PunUiid place ;

Virt- Admiral Sir PATRICK CAMPBELL, K.C.B., P.ill Mall; and Lcaraingt Warwlckahirc.

JOHN RALPH ORMSHY GORE, Esq., M.P., Portland plai

SIK HERBERT COMPTON, York-place, Portman aqnare.
George Bicknell, Ea^, Blooinsbury-squ; John Eraser, Esq., York-terrace, Regent's Park.
James Brine, Esq. Elon. John Uaimllon, Esq., Oxford-lerrace, Hyde Park.
UeuL-ColoncI H. D. Campbell, Whitehall. Richard Langslow, Esq., Hatton, Middlesex.
Thoniu Carvick, Esq., Hlghwood Hill, Middlesex. James Mackillop, Esq. King's Arms Yard.
Charles Forbes, Esq., King William street. Joseph Phillimure, Esq., D.C.L., Pall Mall East.
Standing Counsel — S\i Frederick Pollock, M.P.
Ba«*frJ— Messrs. Conns and Co.
P*»»ifloii— Dr. Theodore Gordon, Dochess-slreel, Portland pla(

Surgeon John Proper!, Esq., New Cavendish street.

StlicUors Messrs. Capron, Weld, Dawson, and Brabant, SavUle-

Actuary Alexander Jamieson, LL.D.
dry i;rnr—James Barber, Esq. 04, Comhill, London.
India J^rn/l— Calcnlla, Messrs. Mackillop, Stewart, and Co. Madri Messrs. Arbutbnot and Co
Bombay, Messrs. Forbes and Co.
The option to the assured on whole life policies of allowing one half of the premiums to
remain unpaid at interest for seven years ; the arrears to continue at interest as a debt agaitut
the policy until it becomes a claim.
The graoting of pensions to civilians, officers of the army and navy, and the Hon. East
India Company's Ser>ice, their widows and children.
Besides the usual premiums, a general rate to cover the risk of all climates and warfare.
The assured, on the mutual or participating scale, receive the whole profits arising from this
branch of the business.

SIR FREDERIC SMITH, K.H., Royal Engineers. Chairman.
Colonel SIR WILLIAM COSSET, C.B., K.C.H., Royal Engineers. Deputy-Chairman.
Capt. The Rt. Honourable Lord Adolphus Fitzcla- Major-General Sir John Gardiner, K.C.B., Deputy
Adjutant General.
Adm. The Rt. Hon. Sir George Cockburn, G.C.B., Major-General Sir J. F. Bnrgoyne, K.C.B.
Major General of Marines. Colonel Sir Jeremiah Bryant, C.B East India

Major Gen. Sir James Cockburn, Bart., G.C.H. Company's Service.

Capt. Sir Thos. Tronbridge, Bart., R.N., M.P., Col. Edw. Wynyard, C B., A.D.C., to the Queen.
Lord of the Admiralty. 1Powe|l, M.P., Commanding Cardiganshire
Vice-Adm. Sir Chas. Rowley, Bt., K.C.B., G.C.H. Militia and Lord-Lieutenant of thi
Major-General Sir Alexander Dickson, G.C.B., Lieut.-Col. Henry Hanmer, late U.H.G., K.H.
K.C.H., Direct. General Field Train Dep. and Lieut.-Col. Purchas, East India Company's Service.
Depnty Adjutant General Royal Artillery. Major Shadwell Gierke, K.H., F.R.S.
MajorGeneral Sir Patrick Ross, G.C.M.G., K.C.H. Archibald Hair, Esq., M.D., R.H.G.
Lieut.-Gcn. Sir Frederick Wm. Mulcaster, K.C.H., Capt. Melville Grindlay, East India Army Agent.
Inspector General of Fortifications. William Chard, Esq., Navy Agent.
Bankers —
Messrs. Cockburns & Co. 4, Whitehall. Hessrs. Smith, Payne & Smith, 1, Lombard Street.
Plii/sician—Joha Robert Hume, Esq. M.D., Inspector General of Hospitals.
Surgeon and Secretary— Vfm. Daniell Watson, M.R.C.S.E., late of the Army Medical Staff.
Solicitors — Messrs. Bicknell, Roberts, Finch and Neate, 57, Lincoln's-Inu Fields.
Actuary —John Finlaison, Esq. the Government Calculator.


1. Assurances granted upon the lives of persons in EVERY station in life, and for every part
of the world, from £"5000. to
2. Piemiums calculated for NON-participation as well as PARTICIPATION of profits.
3. Persons assured, by paying; a slight increase upon the ordinary rate (see table V. of the
Prospectus) may THEMSELVES receive the amount assured on attaining the age of
sixty-five years; or dying before that age, it will be paid to their representatives.
4. Fraud ONLY to vitiate a Policy.
5. No additional expense but the stamp.
Royal Navy assured on particularly favourable terms.
6. Officers serving in the
7. Rates of Premium constructed upon SOUND PRINCIPLES with reference to every
British Colony.
8. NOARBITRARY imposition of extra premium.
9. Persons assured in this office may change from one degree of risk lo another without
forfeiting their Policies.
10. Officers and others assured at the Indian rate, on returning to this country, are required to
pay a Home Premium ONLY.
11. Antiuities provided to the widows of officers and others upon advantageous terms.
12. IMMEDIATE Annuities granted upon liberal terms.
13. Assurances in favour of children, after the death of BOTH
parents, provided by an
extremely low scale of premiums.
14. A dividend of £4 per cent, has been and continues to be paid upon the Shareholders'
15. Board-days every Thursday at one o'clock ; and every facility afforded for effecting Assur-
ances on other days of business.




H. (i. HART, LiF.iT. 49th Regt.


K.G Knight of the Order of the Garter.

K.T. Kniglit of the Order of the Thistle.

K.P. Knight of the Order of St. Patrick.

G.C.B. Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath.

K.C.B. Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath.

C.B. Companion of the Order of the Bath.

G.C.M.G. Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St. Michael and St. George.
K.C.M.G. Knight Commander of ditto ditto
C.M.G. Companion of ditti, ditto
G.C.H. Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Hanoverian Guelphic Order.
K.C.H. Knight Commander of ditto ditto
K.H. Knight of tlitto ditto

K.C. Knight of the Crescent.

C Before the Name, denotes that the Officer

was at the Battle of Trafalgar.
P Before the Name, denotes that the Officer served in the Peninsula, or the

South of France.

aSa Waterloo Medal /

C>'''<^ers actually present in either of the actions of the
I 16th, 17th, or 18th June, 1815.*
P Before the Date, indicates that the Commission
was Purchased.^
Before the Name, or date of Commission, denotes Temporary Rank only.

N. B. In the List of General and Field Officers, the

Names printed in italic are those of
Officers retired from the Army, who have been
specially aUowed to retain their Rank, but
without receivmg Pay or progressive Promotion.

• Officers preiient in either of these actions are

allowed two years' additional service,
t This bears reference to the commissions of Ofiicers
on Full-pay only.



>*<? Gibraltar Garrison 444
Actions or Battles
*n4 Gravesenil and Tilbury Fort 444
Adjutant-Cicneral's Ucpartiuent
Great Britain Staff *1 14
Adjiitiuits of Hecruitiii;! Districts 'UJ, ^6:3
Guernsey, Island of 444
African Coluiuul Corps •-JS9

l**^ Half-pay List 315

Aidi's-de-Camp to tl>e Qiiecn
-t-*^ Hibernian Military School 447
Aldcrncv, Island of
*1 \5 Honorary Uistmctions 448
American Staff 120
Artiller>-, Roval 2^ Horse Guards, Royal Kegiment of
Order of 4b3 Hull Garrison ^444
Batli, Officers of tlie
Jamaica Staff l^''
Battles or Actions ***
+*3 Jersey, Island of 444
Bilfast Garrison
Index 47t*
Ik nvick liarrison '**^
'l** Inspecting Field Officers 263
Bri^dier Generals
Inverness Garrison 444
Cadets, Company of Gentlemen 271
*115 Ionian Islands, Staff *l\i>
Canada Staff
4-^ Ireland, Staff in
Cape Breton Garrison 443
260 Kinsale Garrison
Cape Mounted Riflemen
*1 K! Land-Guard Fort 444
Cape of Good Hope Staff
Lieutenant-Ocnerals 10
Captains Local Rank 'LI
Lieutenant-Colonels 53
Carlisle Garrison *-^'f
-443 Life-Guards 118, lU)
Carrickfenrus Garrison
-'>'! Light Dragoons 1^0
Ceylon Rifle Regiment
Ceylon Staff *• If Local Rank "5
416 Londonderry and Cuhnore Garrison . . 444
Chaplains Department *1 1 +
Chatham Depot Staff •114 Maidstone Depot Staff
Chelsea Hospital '»<5 Major Generals 1''
Chester Garrison 'W3 Majors
"i Malta Fencibles 262
SOo, 40ii Malta Garrison 444
Commissariat Department
443 Marines, Royal 292
Dartmouth Garrison
*ll-t Mauritius Staff *11''
Dep<:>t Staff
I'-l Medical Department 309, 407
Dragoon Guards
^"-^ Medical Department of Ordnance .... 287
443 Milford Haven Garrison 444
Dublin Garrisim
443 Military Departments 305, 405
Dumbarton Castle
Duncannon Fort 443 Military- College 446
Edinburgh Castle 444 Mllitiiry- Asylum 447
282 .Montreal Garrison 444
Engineers, Royal
S New Brunswick Garrison 445
Field Marshals
Foot Guartls 1^ Newfoundland Veteran Companies . . 161
151 New Geneva Garrison 445
Foot (Numbered Regiments)
432 North America Staff •! 15
Foreign Corps on Half-pay
4(i8 Nova Scotia Staff *116
Foreign Orders
Foreign Stations, Staff on *no Order of the Garter 402
Fort William 440 Thistle 462
444 St. Patrick 462
Galway Garrison
Garrisons 44:3 Bath 463
402 St. MichaelandSt.George 468
Garter, Order of
Generals C Orders, Foreign 468
General Officers receiving Rewards for Ordnance Department 264
DistinguishiHl Services 447 Paymasters of Recruiting Districts
*1 15, 263
German Legion 432


page page
Permanent Assistant Quarter - Mas- St. Mawe's Garrison 445
ters-General *114 St. Michael and St. George, Order of 468
Placentia Garrison 445 St. Patrick, Order of 462
Plymouth Garrison 445 Sappers and Miners 286
Portsmouth Garrison 445 Scarborough Castle 445
Prince Edward's Island *116, 445 Sheemess Garrison 445
Provisional Battalion at Chatliam .. 2(il Staff at Head Quarters H7
Quarter-Master-General's Department * 1 1 Staif and Miscellaneous Appoint-
Quebec Garrison 445 ments [fieldhy Commission) *114
Recruiting Staff *115, 263 Stirling Castle 445
Hetired Officers on Full Pay 315 Thistle, Order of '.
Rewards for Distinguished Services, Tower of London 446
Officers receiving 108 Tynemouth and Cliff Fort 446
Rifle Brigade 252 Western Australia, Staff of *H6
Riding Establishment, Ordnance .... 273 West India Regiments 254
St.Helena Garrison 445 West India Staff *116
St. John's Newfoundland 445 Wight, Isle of 446





Entign, 7 Marcli, 1787 ; Lieut. 2o Dec. 87; Captain, 30 June, 91 ; Major,
30 .tpril, 93; Lieut. -Colonel, 30 Sept. 93; Colonel, 3 May, 96; Major-
General, 29 April, 02 ; Lieut.-General, 25 April, 08 ; General (in Spain
and Portugal), 31 July, 11 ; Field Marshal, 21 June, 13. Colonel of the
Grenadier Regiment of Foot Guards, 22 Jan. 1827 ; Colonel-in-Chief of the
Rifle Brigade, 19th Feb. 1820 ; Constable of the Tower of London, 29 Dec.
18-26; and Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, 27 Dec. 1828.


18 May, 1798 ; General, 25 Sept 1803 ; Field Marshal, 26 Nov. 1813.


BRIDGE, KG. GCB. GCMO. GCH. Lieut.-General, 24 Aug. 1798 ;

General, 23 Sept. 1803; Field Marshal, 26 Nov. 1813. Colonel of the

Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards, o Sept. 1805; and Colonel-in-Chief of
the 60th (or the King's Royal Rifle Corps), 22 Jan. 1827.


General, 2 May, 1816 ; FUld Marshal, 24 May, 1816.


AND GOTHA, KG. 8 Feb. 1840.

« 'fe^'^ 55 ^ f^ 2 O '

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Notrs to Geiurul Ojficers, not beimj Colonels of

rebellion in Ireland >" l'^8.

1 Gener«l Hon. Fred. St. John scned throughout the
as second .n command under Lord
Served .l-.o the t,vo campaign, against the Mahrattas.
Lake, including seven sieges and two general actions. „ from isn

2 His Roval Highness the Prince of Orange

the Pcmnsu a, f,„„,
tn the
81 to
for C.udad
end of the war, and has received a cross and two clasps R<»'"f °' «"; "^' ° "I
musket-ball f ,f the
manca. Vittoria, Pyrenees, and Nivelle. Severely wounded
by a

aide-de-camp to
''"aliTGrge Cockburn served at Gibraltar during the siege in 1782, as
Lord Hcathfirld. ,^ „
i -na
served in Ireland during the rebellion in
4 General Dunne
tl.e expedition to the relief of
Mackenzie served with Lord Moira's army
.5 Sir .\le.v.
command the capture ot the Cape of Good Hope m
O.tend in 1793. Was second in at
afterwards the arm)
1 795. Commanded a division of the expedition against Naples, and
at the sieges of Valenciennes
""Vrordtork^^rved in Flanders in 179.3, and «as present
In 1 94 he accompanied
and Dunkirk, former of which hewas in the storming party
at the ,

the battle of .^lost, and made prisoner at

the expedition under Lord Moira; was present at

the capitulation of Ber-en-op-Zoom. Served with the Guards in Holland in 1, 99. Com-
Egypt in 1801, and -s preseijt at
manZ the firrbattalion of 'the Coldstream Guards in
the taking of .Mexandria, and in the different
engagements with the army under Sir Lvre
Coote to the westward of Alexandria. .,,.,,
«i„ „f R.,..b»r'=
.\mencan war, including the battles of Bunke'- s
7 Sir Martin Hunter served in the first
storming the heights of Fort \^ as^h.ngton and the
Hill. Brooklvn, and Brand j-.«ine

where he was wounded Served afterwards n the La t

.tuck on General Warne's brigade, (commanded a corps
Indies, and commanded the 52nd regiment at
the sieges of Cannanore
of light infantrr that stormed the breach), f'f/f^S?'"^'' Tippoo in-
the mght attack on Vinnno' » in
Serineanatam. ind storming of the fort of Savandroog ;
U^enched camp under the w.rils of Seringapatam,
and was wounded in the body and arm
of Trinidad, and at the siege of Porto Rico
In 1707 he commanded a brigade at the capture

48th regiment.
and at the blockade of Malta in 1800 he commanded the
Sir George Rodney, which ship, in
8 Sir John Frascr served on board the V.-j;^ce, under -^dmrals
the general action of the Kith Jan. 1780, engaged and made prize the Spanish
ship PAa;«,>, of superior force. Served afterwards at Gibraltar during the siege of
and the other by a cannon
l.rnd2, and received two severe wounds, one by a splinter,
of Africa he
shot which carried off his right leg. In 1804, when in command on the coast
the enemy s loss in kille.l
was attacked by a very superior force, and obliged to capitulate :

of the action.
on this occasion exceeded the British force at the commencement
served at the siege of Dunkirk in Sept l,Ji; and in
9 General Hon. John Brodriek
of Fort St. Andre. Served
1794 in the actions of the 17th and 18th May, and at the Uking
in the Peninsula in 1808 and the eariy part of 1809.
under Pnnce r..„i;„,„,l of
Ferdinand „f
10 General Scotfs services ^-Campaign of 1702 in Germany
Brunswick and carried the colours of the 24th regiment
• m
the action of \\ illimstall. ami

the attack of the Brilish piquets on the Fulda. First American war 1/ m
/ (> and . / ,
period he was frequently engaged
General Burgovne and Sir Henry Clinton, during whieli
with the enemv'. and was in danger of being hanged as a spy.
Campaigns of 1 / 9J and 4 m
Handers, undjr the Duke of York, including the action at Famars ; sieges of ^alenc.ennes
and action of the 24 h Maj at
Dunkirk and Newport ; attack on the village of Fremont :
Commanded a biigade
which last be was wounded in the right thigh b, a musket-ball.
at the siege and capture of Sering-
during the camp.aign of 1799 in Mysore, and was present
apaUm, for which he has received a medal. . » .i.

11 General Hon. \Vm. M. Maitland served in the

East Indies, and was present at the
w-hich last he was wounded
rtorming of Tippoo's lines, and siege of Seringapatam. at was
Lucia, and Guadaloupe, and
12 I^rd Lorton served at the Uking of Martinique. St.
contusion at 1 oint-a-
eng»eed in the different actions of that campaign, and received a
Pet re"
including tbe^action.*
{"'General George Mitchell served in FUnders in 1793, 4, and 5,
Notes to the General Officers.

from Tournay to Bremen sieges of Valenciennes and Dunkirk and tlie actions at Faraars,
; ;

Cateau, Thuyl, and Geldermalsen.

14 General M'Kenzie served the campains of 1794 on the Continent, including the several
actions between the Wael and Rhine forcing the enemy from St. Audro
; sortie from Ni-

meguen and the actions at Thuyl and Geldermalsen. Served also on the eastern coast of

Spain under Sir Wm. Henry Clinton.

15 General John Michel served at the siege of Fort St. Philip, in Minorca, and was taken
prisoner on its surrender.
16 Sir Wm. Wilkinson served in South Carolina at the latter end of the first American
war. At the commencement of the French Revolution he served in the Mediterranean as a
marine officer, landed at Toulon, where he acted as Town Major. Served also in Corsica ;

in the rebellion in Ireland in Malta; in Egypt (under Sir Ralph Abercromby)

; and in the;

East Indies.
17 General Robertson's services : —
Taking of Goree. In every action in India under Sir
Eyre Coote and Lord Cornwallis. W^ith the storming parties at Nundy Droog, Bangalore,
and Savandroog. Siege and capture of Pondicherry in 1793. Storming of the French
lines before Cuddalore.
18 General Wood served as a Major-General on the staff in the East Indies, and was
actively employed in the Nepaul war.
19 General White served the campaigns in Flanders, including the sieges of Valenciennes
and Dunkirk and the action and storming of Lincelles.

20 General Dilkes's services: Campaigns of 17915, 4, and 5 on the Continent, including
the different actions. Rebellion in Ireland in 1798. Expedition to the Helder in 1799, in-
cluding the different actions. Served in the Peninsula during 1810 and part of 1811, and
was second in command at the battle of Barrosa, for which he has received a medal.
21 General Bonham served upwards of 22 years in the West Indies, and acted as chief of
the Quarter-Master-General's department on the two expeditions against St. Lucie and
Tobago, and Demerara and Berbice on the latter he was second in command. He was

also present at the storming of Morne Fortunee, St. Lucie, on the night of the 2nd
June, 1803.
22 Sir Thomas Saumarez served in the first American war from 1775 to its tei'mination,
and was present in several of the principal actions, and at the sieges of Charlestown, and
Yorktown, at which last he was made prisoner.
23 General Saunders has seen a great deal of service in the West Indies, and was
actively employed against Demerara, St. Eustatia, and St. Vincent. During two years'
service in Martinique and St. Lucie he was present in the engagements of the Vigie, Gros
Islet, Cul de Sac, and Carnagie. Accompanied General Baird's army to Egypt in 1801.
Proceeded to the Peninsula in June, 1809, and commanded the Gist regiment at the battle
of Talavera, for which he has received a medal.
24 Sir Warren M. Peacocke served during the rebellion in Ireland, and was present at the
affair at Antrim, and at the battle of Ballynahinch. Served in Egypt in 1801. Accom-
panied the expedition to Hanover in 1805 and that to Copenhagen in 1807. Embarked

for the Peninsula, Dec. 1808; and in June, 1809, he was appointed by Lord Wellington to
command a brigade, and subsequently to the command of Lisbon.
25 General Goldie served during the rebellion in Ireland in 1798. Served also in the
Peninsula for a few months in 1812.
26 General Eden served in Flanders in 1794, and in Holland in 1795. Served also at the
capture of Java in 1811, for which he has received a medal.
27 Lieut. -General Tliornton served with the Guards in Flanders, Holland, and Ger-
many, in 1794 and 5.
28 Lieut. -General Thomas served in the first American war, and was present at the
several landings on Staten, Long, and York Islands the battle of the 27th Aug. 1776 on

Long Island capture of Forts Lee and Washington battles of Brandywine and German-
; ;

town, at which last he received two balls in his head. Proceeded to the West Indies in
1778, and was present at the capture of St. Lucie, and in the battle of the Vigie. Served
on board the Cornwall in the action off Grenada, between Admiral Byron and the Comte
d'Estaignes ^th July, 1779 also on board the Conqueror in the action between Admiral

Parker and La Mot'te Picquet, in Fort Royal Bay, Martinique, 19th Dec. 1779 ; and in the
successive actions between Rear Admiral Rowley with the Comte de Guichen off Martinique,
17th April following. Present at the capture of Port-au-Prince, 4th June, 1794. Served
also in Ireland during the Rebellion in 1798.
29 Lieut. -General O'Loghlin served the campaign of 1794, in Flanders, and was wounded
at the battle near Tournay. Commanded the brigade of Life Guards in the Peninsula.
30 Lieut, -General Rebow was at the taking of Martinique, St. Lucia and Guadaloupe
in 1794, at which last he was severely wounded through both thighs. Served in the Penin-
sula in 1812.
A'otes to the Gtiteral Officers.

31 Lieat.-Genenl Gotselin sened in the expedition agsiust Genoa under Lord \Vm.
Bentinck, and subsequently in the American war.
32 Lieut.-General Dillon sened in Ireland during the rebellion in 17118.
33 Lieut.-General Uarroch's services: —
Rebellion in Ireland, 1798. Expedition to
Hanover, 1S05. Ei|>edition to South America, 1807. Peninsular campaigns of 1808, 3, 10,
and 11, including the aflair near Carvalhos, passage of the Douro, and attack of Soult's
rear-guard at Salamoiide.
31 Sir Thomas Muljrneui served at the taking of Martinique, St. Lucia, and Guadaloupe
in i;!M.
3j Lieut.-General Benj. Gordon served in India for twenty years, between 1788 and 1811,
and wa.s present in most of the battles, sieges, and assaults which took place, including the
storming of Scringnpatam.
36 Sir \\'m. Hutchinson was actively employed in the West Indies in 1793 and 4, including
the taking of Jeronomie, Cape St. Nichola Slolc, Cape Tiberoun, and storming of Kort
L'.\cul, at which last he was wounded. Served in the expedition to the 1 1 elder in 17yU,
and was severely wounded at the battle of Egmont-op-Zee. .\ccompanied the expedition
to Copenhagen, under Lord Nelson, 1801. Served a short period on the staff in the Penin-
sula in 1812.
37 Sir -Alexander Halkett's services :

Capture of Martinique, St. Lucia, and Guadaloupe,
1/94. Ostend, under Sir Eyre Coote, where he was taken prisoner. Expedition to the
Helder in I I'J'J. where he was twice wounded. Capture of the Cape of Good Hope in 1806.
38 Lieut. -Cicn. BuUer served the campaigns of 1 793 and 94 in Flanders, and subsequently
in the West Indies^, including the siege of St. Lucia, and reduction of Grenada.
39 General Clay was at the taking of Martiniijue and St. Lucia in 1794, including the
stormiug of Morne de Pierre ^led the forlorn hope), siege and reduction of Forts Louis and
Bourlwn. .\ecompaiiieil the ex|)edition under Sir James Pulteney to Belle Isle, Ferrol, and
Vigo Bay. Served in Egypt in 1801, and was present in the actions of the 13th and 21st
March, the siege of .\lexandria, and other aifairs of less importance. Medal for services in
40 Lieut.-General T. L'Estrange served in the first American war.
41 Lieut.-General Glegg served at the taking of Martinique, St. Lucia, and Guadaloupe
in 1794.
42 Sir Charles Phillips was at the taking of Martinique, St. Lucia, and Guadaloupe in
1794, including the siege of Fort Bourbon. Served in Egypt in 1801, and has received the
Egyptian medal.
43 Lieut.-General Reynardson served in Egypt in 1801, and at Walcheren in 1809.
Medal for .services in Egypt.
44 Lord Carysfort's serv ices Campaign of 1 796 in Germany under the .\rchduke Charles,

including the siege of Kehl. Rebellion in Ireland, 1 798. Employed afterwards on the
Continent, and was present with the Russian army at the battle of Zurich. Campaign in
Egypt, as .\ide-de-camp to Sir Ralph .\bercromby and Lord Hutchinson. Expedition to
Sweden, and afterwards to Spain under Sir John Sloore, including the battle of Corunna.
Embarked for Walcheren July 1809, and served in the reserve in South Beveland. Accom-
panied the Guards to Spain in 1811, and served there nntil 1H13, including the defence of
Tarifa. Campaign of 1814, in Holland, including the attack on Bergen-op-Zoom, on which
occa.<inn he commanded a brigade of Guards.
45 Lieut.-General Hon. T. E. Capel served the campaigns in Flanders under the Duke of
York. Employed on the staff at Cadiz in 1811.
46 Lieut.-General Mundy served in Ireland during the rebellion in 1798.
46* Sir Henry Edw. Bunbury served in Holland in 1799, including the battles of the
19th Sept., 2d and 6th October. !»erved also in the expedition to Naples and Calabria in
180j and 6, and was present at the battle of Maida. for which he has received a medal.
47 (jeneral M'Nair served on the coast of France and in the Me<literranean in 1795;
captureof Malta, 1798; expedition to Cadiz. 1800; Egyptian campaign, 1801 (medal);
captnre of Martinique in 1809, for wliich he has also received a med;il.
48 Lieut.-General Mawby served at Toulon in 1793, and at Corsica in 1794, including
the siege of (^alvi. and storming of the Mozelle Fort.
49 Lieut.-General Mainwaring served at the reduction of Martinique in 1794. Accom-
panied the 5l>t regiment to Corunna in 1808. Expedition to Walcheren, 1809, where he
took two eight pounders, and many prisoners. Served in the Peninsula in 1811, and was
present at the battle of Fuentes d'Onor and the second siege of Badajoz.
50 Lieut.-General Hon. John Meade served in Holland under the Duke of York. Ac-
com|>*nied the esi>editions to the Ferrol and to Portugal. 1800. Served also in the Peninsula,
and cnmmandcd the 4otb regiment at the battle of Busaco, for which he has received a
Notes to the General Officers.

51 Lieut. -General Elliot served at the taking of the French colonies in the West Indies in
1794, and of the Danish colonies in 1808.
52 Sir Loftus W. Otway served in Ireland during the rebellion in 1798, and was present in
the action at Vinegar Hill. Proceeded to the Peninsula in 1808 as a Major in the 18th
Hussars, and on the \M\\ of Dec., at Rueda, he surprised and captured the wliole of the
French Cavah-y out-lying piquet. On the 16th following, near to Valladolid, whilst en de-
couvert, he encountered Colonel Antignac, commandant of the 22d Chasseurs a Cheval. at
the head of a strong force; charged and routed him ;took the Colonel prisoner, and more
of his Chasseurs than he had Dragoons to guard them, and brought them all into Head
Quarters, horses, men, arms, and baggage. At Benevente, whilst commanding the out-lying
piquet, he was opposed to Lieut. -General Le Fevre (for nearly an hour) at the head of six
squadrons of the Imperial Guard charged and broke his advanced-guard, whose commanding

officer was killed, and whose sword he took. In the affair of Campo Mayor he gained the
rear of the enemy, and captured between five and six hundred men and their entire batter-
ing train (sixteen 24-pounders), and brought them part of the way back, but was obliged to
abandon his capture with the exception of sixteen prisoners and one tumbril, the enemy
being in possession of the road by which he was to return. At Albuhera he commanded the
three regiments of Portuguese Cavalry, which covered the left flank of the army.
53 Sir Robert Barton served the campaign of 1799 in Holland, and was present in the
actions of the 8th, 10th, and 19th September. Accompanied the Life Guards to the Penin-
sula, where he served for a short period.
54 Sir \Vm. Paterson served at the taking of the French West India Islands in 1794.
Served also in the last American war, and was present at several operations in the Chesapeak,
and with the expedition against New Orleans, where he w-as severely wounded.
55 Sir John W, Guise served in Egypt in 1801, and has received the Egyptian medal.
Proceeded with the expedition to Hanover in 1805. Served afterwards in the Peninsula,
and commanded the 3d Foot Guards at the battles of Fuentes d'Onor, Salamanca, Vittoria,
and the Nive, for which he has received a cross.
56 Sir Charles Wm. Doyle served in Holland in 1793 and 94, including the actions at
Famars and Lannoy. Expedition to the Texel, 1706. Actively employed in the West
Indies in 1796, 97, and 98. Egyptian campaign of 1801 wounded in the action of the

2lst March. Employed in the Peninsula with the Spanish armies, and was wounded in the
shoulder at the siege of Tarragona. Medal for services in Egypt.
57 Sir James Bathurst w-as at the capture of Surinam under Sir The. Trigge. Egyptian
campaign of 1801 (medal). Expedition to Hanover, 1805. Served in Poland with the
Russian and Prussian armies, and was present in several of the principal actions. Sieges of
Stralsund and Copenhagen, 1807. Proceeded to the Peninsula in 1808, and was present at
the battles of Roleia, Yimiera, Corunna, Talavera, and Busaco, for which he has received
a cross.
58 Lieut. -General Hon. H. O. Trevor commanded the Coldstream Guards at the battle
of Salamanca, for which he has received a medal.
59 Sir Howard Douglas served in Portugal and Spain in 1808 and 9, and was present at
the battle of Corunna. Served afterwards at Walcheren, including the siege and bombard-
ment of Flushing.
60 Lieut.- General A. P.Upton served in the Peninsula as an Assistant Quarter-Master
General, and has received a medal and one clasp for the battles of Vittoria and the Nive.
61 Lieut. -General Huskisson served in the field in India under Lord Lake, and subse-
quently at the siege of Ryghur, and at the capture of several towns and forts. In October,
1818, commanded at Candeish, at the taking of Behauderpore and Amulneir,
62 Lieut. -General Maister served with the expedition to the Helder in 1799, and was pre-
sent in the actions of the 10th Sept., 2nd and 6th Oct. at which last he received four wounds.
63 Lieut. -General Hon. George Murray served the Peninsular campaigns of 1813 and 14
in command of the 2nd Life Guards.
64 Sir Henry Askew served in Holland and Flanders in 1794 and 95. Expedition to
Walcheren, 1809. Peninsula from Sept. 1812, to the end of the war (medal for the battle
of the Nive). Campaign of 1815, and wounded at Quatre Bras.
65 Lieut.-General S, Browa served in Egypt in 1801, Employed in Portugal in 1801,
and was present as a volunteer at the battle of Roleia.
f)(j Lieut.-General Herbert served on the Continent with the army under Lord Moira,
and the Duke of York. Engaged during the Carib war in St. Vincent's at Port-au-Prince

in St, Domingo ; and at Fort Ir\'is during the siege. Served also at the siege of Copen-
hagen in 1807.
67 Lieut.-General Salvin served in the first American war, and was present at the battles
of Brandywine and German Town, siege of Charlestown, battle of Guilford Court House
(wounded), and siege of York Town, in Virginia.
P8 Lieut.-General Newljcry served in Ireland durinc; the rebeUion in 1798.
-' I

Notes to the Genenil Officers.

and OrtliM. , Mnnh 17S2. to the termination of

itself in the bone, and oeeas.oned

ttJot 'h\ 4ht wl-by a „n,.ket.baU, which buried
•miratation of the right leg. i :„ c. nnminirn in 179:!. 91. and !)5,^cn^^^^^ "
4 >'»io-Oenora, Brads.,.v th'e enen,y'.
^T^^ ^ . .'"tl'^r 'a^tta" ked 'by
.ndcommandedatSt. Ma .ami r^^^^^^^ ,

^,^^ p^^^_^,_ jg„„_ ^^^

S'h. nth, and 21st March. Medal for
X^'i^ o7';S«l':T:efud;:j"^^^^^^^
clasp for the battles of Talavera
"7l"taro.^'Lt has received a medal and one

^~L Alten served on the Continent during

the --paigns of 1 793 94 a d ^5

attacK oi roim i
Fortune, the storming of Fleur U tji.t, ,, Lj ^th the expe-
mounded «•=" ^'^""^;-
Str>ed in Holland, and was severely .
V',"^^; f„'"X,h he has
as present^
ditionto Naples and Cabbria. and.
at the capture of
rrrTaVar^^'tde/l^e'coimLnf CWNugent, was present

^^'^^:::^:^^Jf^blf = t^fl:;.^:.

^99 ,

., ^am -n-^ j;^^-- ^oore

command of Lord Hill s brigade

48th regiment, and in
l-enin^ula as l.ieut.-tolon.l of the
of llritijh Infantry ^^i'"" including the
„j^^, ^_St. Domingo in 1794 and 95,
near Bizot^n Campaign
en ,\e''r at' T bi^n; ^^fliVn'oV Prrlau-Prince. afd action
in Holland, including the actions
of '»- '"j''
:?TA.9 .^.^Uie '^ast J Me .a. dria af.S Ihc
capture of tl. island
S-!-^^rine:?n:^al''S:" "uj;;: o/S!'!^^'
Notes to tlie General Officers.

of Ischia, June, 1809. Peninsula, from 1812 to the end of the war, including the battle of
Castella, at which he commanded a brigade.
84 Major-General Palmer served in the Peninsula with the 10th Hussars.
8o Major-General EUice served with the expedition to South America, and was present
at the capture of Buenos Ayres.
"S-^ Sir Maurice O'Connell served at Dominica, and commanded the Light Company of

the 46th regiment at Roseau, 22nd Feb. 1805, and successfully resisted the repeated attacks
of a very superior French force.
87 Major-General Gordon was at the siege of PondicheriT', battle of Argaum, sieges of
Asseerghur, Gawilghur, and various other hill forts. Served also at Walcheren, 1809.
88 Sir James MacdoneU served with the expedition to Naples and Calabria in 1805 and (I,
including the battle of Maida, for which he has received a medal. Served afterwards in
Portugal, Spain, France, and Flanders.
89 Sir Andrew Pilkington served on board the Channel Fleet in 1793 and 94 ; com-
manded a company of the Queen's Royals on board the Royal George^ in Lord Howe's
action of 1st June, 1794, and received two splinter wounds. Employed in the West Indies
in 1795, G, and 7, including the capture of Trinidad. Rebellion in Ireland, 1798. Expe-
ditions to the Helder, 1799, and 1805. In 1814, commanded a brigade at the reduction
of the islands in Passamaquoddy Bay. On passage to India in 1800, he was severely
wounded in the defence of the Kent East Indiamau against a large French privateer.
90 Major-General Bethune served in Holland in 1799, and was severely wounded in the
lungs at the battle of Alkmaar. Served on board the Bellona at Copenhagen, under Lord
Nelson, and received a wound from a cannon-shot, which lacerated his lower jaw.
91 Sir John Gardiner served in Lord Moira's expedition in Flanders and Holland in
1794 and 95. Actively employed in the West Indies, from 1795 to 1802. Accompanied
the expedition to Walcheren in 1809. Served in the Peninsula during 1813 and 14, and
commanded a brigade at the battles of the Nivelle and Orthes, for w^hich he has received a
medal and a clasp. Commanded the Infantry Brigade that took possession of Bourdeaux,
and in the various operations which took place in the neighbourhood of that town, until
the embarkation of the army for America.
92 Major-General Middlemore served in the Peninsula with the 48th regiment, and has
received a medal for the battle of Talavera.
93 Sir Wm. G. Davy commanded the 5th battalion of the 60th regiment at the battles of
Roleia, Vimiera, and Talavera, and has received a medal and a clasjj.
94 Sir Charles Wm. Maxwell served on the Western Coast of Africa in 1809, and reduced
the French colony of Senegal.
95 Major-General Mai'k Napier served on the coast of France in 1794 and 95. Six
years in the Mediterranean ; at Minorca and in Egypt present with his regiment in action.
In the West Indies several years, and commanded the 90th regiment at the capture of
Guadaloupe, for which he has received a medal,
90 Major-General M'^ardlaw commanded the 76th regiment at the battle of the Nive, for
which he has received a medal.
97 Major-General Yates served in Egypt in 1801, and has received the Egyptian
98 Sir James Kearney served at Walcheren in 1809.
99 Major-General Owen's services: — Capture of Martinique, St. Lucia, and Guada-
loupe in 1794; at the repulse of the enemy's attack at Berville, in Guadaloupe, he was
severely wounded. Rebellion in Ireland, 1798. Campaign of 1799 in Holland.
100 Sir John F. Fitz Gerald commanded a light battalion and a brigade in the Peninsula,
and has received a cross for Badajoz, Salamanca, Vittoria, and the Pyrenees.
101 Major-General Shortall served on the Continent under the Duke of York, in
1794 and 95.
102 Major-General Wm. Stewart served in the Peninsula, and has received a medal for
the battle of Albuhera.
103 Sir Wm. C. Eustace commanded the Chasseurs Brittaniques at the battles of Fuentes
d'Onor and Salamanca, and has received a medal and a clasp.
104 Lord Greenock served in the Helder expedition, 1799 in Naples and Sicily, 1805

and 6 at Walcheren, including the siege of Flushing, 1809 ; in the Peninsula, including

the battles of Barrosa, Salamanca, and Vittoria, for which he has received a medal and two
clasps and in the Netherlands and France, in 1815, including the battle of Waterloo.

105 Major-General Effingham Lindsay was actively employed at St. Domingo in 1793
and 94. Served the campaigns of 1803, 4, and 5 in India under Lord Lake ; commanded
the column which captured by assault the fort of Deig, where he was wounded ; and com-
manded the right column of attack against Bhurtpore, and was severely wounded.
106 Sir Alexander LeitU served in Holland in 1799, and was severely wounded and lost
A'»/c.< to the (riiimil Officers.

an eye. Commandefl the ;Ust rocinu-nt in llie bnttirs of Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive,
anil Orlliis, for whiih he hns received ii cross nml a clasp.
107 Sir John Browne served in the Peninsula with the Portuguese army, and received
fire wounds in action with the enemy on the IHth Feb. 1811.
108 The Hon. SirR. L. Duudas served in the Peninsula with the Royal Staff CoV])s, and
has received a cross and three clasps for the battles of Talavcra, Salamanca, Vittoria, Pyre-
nees, Nivelle, Nive, and Toulouse.
109 Major-Oeneral lion, llueh .\rbuthnott serred at the Helder, 1799.' Expedition to
the Baltic, and battle of Copenhagen, 1801 ; and again with the second expedition in 1807.
Served with the expedition to Sweden, and in Portugal and Spain under Sir John Moore,
and subse(|uently in the Peninsula under the Duke of Wellington. Medal for the battle of
Busuco, where he conunanded the 52nd Foot.
110 Sir Robert .\rbuthnot served in Ireland during the rebellion in 1798, including the
battle of Ballynahinch. Capture of the Cape of (iood Hope, 1806. Expedition to South
America, 1807 (taken prisoner). Served in the Peninsula, from 1808 to the end of the
war (with the e.\cei)tion of the first part of 181.11, and has received a cross and three clasps
for Bu.saco, .Vlbuhera, Badajoz, Nivelle, Nive, Orthes, and Toulouse. Independent of the
above, he was personally engaged at the battle of Corunna, the siege and storming of
Ciudad Rodrigo, and in a great many operations of less importajice. Served also the cam-
paign of 181.i, and was present at the battle of Waterloo.
111 M.ijor-General L'Estrange commanded the 31st regiment at the battle of Albuhera,
and has received a medal.
112 Sir Thomaj Pearson served at the Helder in 1799, including the actions of the 27th
Aug., 2nd and Gth t')ctober. Expedition to the Ferrol, 1800. Egyptian campaign of 1801,
iDcludiug the storming of the heights of Aboukir (severely wounded in the thigh), and
actions of the Kith and 21st March. Siege and capture of Copenhagen, 1807. Capture of
Martinique, 1809. Peninsular campaigns during the latter part of 1810 and 1811, including
the first siege of Badajoz, battle of Albuhera, and action at Fuentes Guinaldo, at which last
he received a severe wound which shattered the thigh-bone. Served also throughout the
American war, including the action at Cljrystler's Farm, attack and capture of Oswego,
actions at Chippewa and Lundy's Lane (wounded in the arm). Siege of Fort Erie, where
he was dangerously wounded by a ritle-ball in the head, in an attack made by the Americans
on the British position. Medal and a clasp for the battles of Albuhera and Chrystler's
113 Sir Dugald Gilmour's services: —Expedition to Quiberon Bay, I79S. Taking of the
colonies of Demerara. Esecpiibo and Berbice. 1796. Campaign of 1799 in Holland, under
the Duke of York, including the battles of Bcreen, and on the 2nd and 6th Oct. at Cas-
tricum, where he was severely wounded in the head, and taken prisoner. In May, 180.5, he
was promoted to a Majority in the 93th (Rifle Brigade), and served with it at the invest-
ment of Copenhagen, the battle of Keog, and the march through Zealand, until the sur-
render of the town. Went in command of three companies of the 1st battalion Rifle
Brigade under Sir John Moore, to Sweden ; from whence he joined Sir .\rthur Welle.sley's
army near Vimiera, shortly after the battle. On the retreat from Salamanca he was on the
rear-guard the whole way, almost constantly engaged with the enemy, and at Calcavellas
lost out of a pic<|uet of 300 men one oflicer and one serjeant-major killed, and nearly ninety
men taken prisoners or killed. At the battle of Corunna he commanded the left wing of
his regiment on the right of our line. In June, 1809, he returned to Portugal with the 1st
battalion of the Rifle Brigade, and arrived at Talavera early in the morning of the day the
enemy retired, and was engaged with his skirmishers. In 1810 marched to .\lmeida, and
was with the advanced guard on the Coa and Agueda, during the siege of Ciud,ad Rodrigo
by Ma.<sena, from which period he commanded his regiment. On the rear-guard at the
passage of the Coa near .\lmeida, on the retreat, when the regiment suflcred a severe loss in
defending the bridge. Skirmishes before and battle of Busaco, and from thence to the
Lines. In the retreat of Massena in 1811, he was engaged in the different skirmishes at
Pomhal, Redinha, Sabugal, Foz d'.\ronee, battle of Fuentes d'On*)r, and Guinaldo. Re-
joined his regiment in .\ug. 1813 at Lesacca, in the Pyrenees (having been sent to England
by a board of healths, and was engaged in the different skirmishes in the mountains the ;

passages of the Bidassoa, Nivelle, Nive, and the vicinity of Bayonne actions at Vic Bi-

gorre, and Tarbes, anil, finally, at the battle of Toulouse. Sir Dugald liss received a cross
for the battles of Busaco, Fuentes d'Onor, Nive, and Touloiise.
114 Sir Gregory Way embarked with the expedition to Hanover in 1805; was ship-
wrecked on the Dutch coast and taken prisoner. Proceeded with the expedition to South
America, and commanded the right wing of the Infantry Brigade at the storming of Buenos
Ayres. Served under Sir Brent Spencer off Cadiz, and from thence joined the army under
the Duke of Wellington present at the battle of Roleia, actions of tlie lOth, Uth, and 12th

Notes to the General Officers.

May, and near Oporto, passage of the Douro, battles of Talavera, and Albuhera, at whicli
last he commanded the 29th regiment, and has received a medal.
115 Sir James Douglas served in the Peninsula with the Portuguese army, and ha^^
received a cross and three clasps for the battles of Busaco, Salamanca, Pyrenees, Nivelle,
Nive, Orthes, and Toulouse.
IHJ Sir John Waters has received a medal and a clasp for Badajoz and Salamanca.
Served the campaign of 1815, and was slightly wounded at Waterloo.
117 Sir Wm. Macbean served in Ireland during the rebellion in 1798, including the
action at Vinegar Hill and capture of Wexford. Landed with the army in Portugal in Aug.
180S, and served throughout the Peninsular war, including the battles of Roleia, Vimiera,
Corunna, Busaco, and Salamanca, Siege, assault, and capture of San Sebastian, passages
of the Bidassoa, Nivelle, and Nive, and investment of Bayonne, at which last he was
severely wounded, as also in opposing a French division on its advance to Lamego in 1810.
Sir William has received a cross for Busaco, Salamanca, San Sebastian, and the Nive.
lis Sir Wm. Parker Carrol served in Holland in 17y(J and with the expedition to South

America in 1807, including the storming of Buenos Ay res. Served with the Spanish army
from 1808 to the end of the war was personally engaged in twenty-four actions, and

wounded at Durango, 31st Oct. 1808, and again on the 28th Nov. 1809 in action with the
enemy's cavali^ on the Tormes. Medal for the battle of Albuhera.
liy Sir Henry W. Rooke served in Holland in 1799, including the actions of the 27th
Aug., 10th and 19th Sept., 2nd and 6'th October. Served also the campaigns of 1814 and
15 in Holland, Flanders, and France, including the bombardment of the French fleet at
Antwerp, attack on Bergen-op-Zoom, and actions at Quatre Bras and Waterloo.
120 Major-General Clitherow served at Walcheren in 1809 proceeded to the Peninsula

in 1810, and was severely wounded at the battle of Fueutes d'Onor, and again at the siege
of Burgos.
121 Major-General the Hon. Henry B. Lygon served in the Peninsula, from March,
1809 to Sept. 1810, and again from Feb. 1814 to the end of the war, including the capture
of Oporto, battle of Talavera, and passage of the Coa. Severely wounded in the neck, 28th
Aug. 1810, in Massena's advance to the battle of Busaco.
122 Major-General the Hon. Edward P. Lygon served in the Peninsula, from Nov. 1812,
to the end of the war, including the battle of Vittoria. Served also the campaign of 1815,
and was present at the battle of Waterloo.
123 Sir John Geo. Woodford served in the Peninsula as an Assistant-Quarter-Master-
General, and has received a cross for the battles of Nivelle, Nive, Orthes, and Toulouse.
Served also the campaign of 1815, including the battle of Waterloo.
124 Major-General Hamilton served on the Continent under the Duke of York in 1794.
Embarked for the West Indies in 1795, and was at the capture of St. Lucia the following
year. Served in Egypt in 1801. Commanded the 44th regiment at the battle of Waterloo,
and was wounded.
125 Sir David Ximenes commanded the 62nd regiment at the capture of Genoa, under
Lord Wm. Bentinck, in 1814 and afterwards at Castine, in America, under Sir John

12f) Major-General Colquhoun served in Flanders under the Duke of York, and was
wounded and taken prisoner in 1795. Employed in Ireland during the rebellion, 1798.
Served also, for a short period, in Portugal.
127 Major-General Nicol has received a med:il for the battle of the Nive.
128 Sir Wm. Tuyll served at the H elder in 1799 and in Portugal, Spain, and Walcheren,

in 1808 and 9, as aide-de-camp to the present Marquis of Anglesey.

129 Sir George H. F. Berkeley served iu Egypt in 1807. In 1809 he was appointed
Assistant-Adjutant-General to the army in Portugal, and was present in the actions of the
10th, nth, and 12th May. 1809, passage of the Douro, battles of Talavera, Busaco, Fuentes
d'Onor, Salamanca, Vittoria, and the Nive ; and sieges of Badajoz and San Sebastian.
Served also the campaign of 1815, including the battle of Waterloo. He has received a
cross and three clasps.
130 Major-General S. H. Berkeley served at the capture of Surinam, 1804; the Danish
Islands of St. John, and St. Croix, 1807; and of Martinique in 1809, including the siege of
Fort Bourbon.
131 Sir Charles Napier has a medal for the battle of Corunna, where he was made pri-
soner, after receiving hve wounds. Also severely wounded at the battle of Busaco.
132 Sir Jeremiah Dickson served in the Peninsula as an Assistant-Quarter-Master-
General, and has received a cross and a clasp for the battles of Vittoria, the Pyrenees,
Nivelle, Orthes, and Toulouse. Served also the campaign of 1815, including the battle of
133 Sir Charles Wade Thornton served on the Continent under the Duke of York, and
lost an arm by a cnnnon-shot at Lnnnoi.
Notes to the General Offirer.i.

134 Sir Henry King wna at the siege of Porto Rico, and capture of TrinidaJ in I'll?.
Whilst c|uartcre<l at Marin, to windward of Mariini<|ue, lie was ordered to (irocced in a
small vessel to St. Pierre, witli a detachment of twenty-six men, to form a i;uard for the
governor, Sir W'm. Keppel encountered a French privateer off the Diamond Ruck, mount-

ing four long nines, with seventy men on board, which after a sharp action of twenty
minutes, was beaten off with a loss of ten men killed and fifteen wounded, Sir Henry having
only one man killed, and hiniaelf wounded in the shoulder. Served the Kgyptian cnmp.iign
of isui, including the action at the landing at ,\boukir Bay, siege of the castle, and actions
of the 'Jlst March, and "Jlh May at Rahmanie, at which latter he commanded a sijuadron
of the 26th Light Dragoons, and lost bis right leg. Expedition to Walcheren, and siege of
Flushing, IHUU. Appointed Commandant of Tarifii in 181U, and for his services at its
defence his commission as Lieut. -Col. was antedated to the day of the assault, 31 Dec.
ISll. Joined Lord Wellington's anny a few days after the battle of Salamanca; com-
manded the S2nd at the battle of Yittiiria, and towards the close of the action the command
of the brigade devolved on him. Sir Henry has received the Egyjitiaa medal, and a medal
for the battle of Vittoria.
LID Sir Evan J. M. MacGregor served at Cadiz, the latter part of 1810 and beginning of
1811, OS Assistant- Adjutant-General, and subsequently in the East Indies in the same dc-
partment, and was severely wounded in the operations of the army under SirThos. Hislop,
2;th Feb. 181H.
Liti Sir Edward Gibbs comm.-inded the 52nd regiment at Ciudad Rodrigo, Badajoz, and
Vittoria, and has received a medal and two clasps.
\M Sir George Naiiier has received a medal and a clasp for Martinique and Ciudad
Rodrigo, at which latter he led the storming party of the Light Division, and was severely
wounded right arm amputated) in ascending the breach. Also severely wounded at Cazal

Nova, and slightly at IJusaco.

138 Sir Charles Broke Vere served at the Helder, 1799 with the expedition to Hanover,

1805; to South .\merica, 1807, including the attack on Buenos .\yres ; and subsequently in
the Peninsula, and has received a cross and five clasps for Albuhera, Badajoz, Salamanca,
Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, Orthes, and Toulouse. Served also the campaign of
1815, including the battle of Waterloo.
139 The Hon. Sir Hercules Pakenham served in the Peninsula as an .\ssistant-Adjutant-
General, and has received a cross for Busaeo, Fuentes d'Onor, Ciudad Rodrigo, and Badajoz.
HO Sir John Harvey served in Holland in 1794 and 95 at the capture of the Cape of

Good Hope, 1796 in Egypt, 1801 ; campaigns in India, under Lord Lake, including the

siege of Bhurtpore, and the subsequent operations against the Mahratta chief, Holkar.
Served in the American war during the campaigns of 181^ and 14, and was wounded before
Fort Erie, lith Aug. 1814. Medal for Chrystler's Farm.
141 Sir Leonard Greenwell accompanied the expedition to South America, and was
present at the attack on Buenos .\yres, where he was severely wounded. Landed in Por-
tugal, .\ug. 1808, and served throughout the Peninsular war (except on two occasions when
absent in consequence of wounds) including the battle of Fuentes d'Onor, storm and cap-
ture of Badajoz, battles of Salamanca, and Orthes. Sir Leonard has been shot through the
neck, the body, both arms, and wounded in one leg. Medal and two clasps.
142 Sir George Scovell served in the Peninsula as an Assistant-Quarter-Master-General,
and from 1813 in command of the Staff Corps of Cavalry. Served also the campaign of
1815, and was present at the battle of Waterloo. Sir George has received a cross and
one cUsp for the battles of Vittoria. the Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, and Toulouse.
143 Lord Downes sen-ed throughout the Peninsular war as an aide-de-camp to Sir John
Cradnck, and afterwards to the Duke of Wellington. His lordship has received a cross and
a clasp for the battles of Vittoria, the Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, and Toulouse ; and was
wounded at Talavera.
144 Sir Robert Henry Dick commanded the 42nd Highlanders in the battles of Busaeo,
Fuentes d'Onor, and Salamanca, for which he has received a medal and two clasps. Served
also the campaign of 1815, and was severely wounded at Quatre Bras.
145 Sir Neil Douglas served at the siege of Copenhagen in 1807 ; expedition to Sweden
in 1808, and subsequently to Portugal and Spain, including the battle of Cornnna; expe-
dition to Walcheren, and siege of Flushing, 1809 in the Peninsula from Dec. 1809 to Jan.

1811, and again from April, 1813, to the end of the war, including the siege of Cadiz, and
battles of Busaeo (wounded through the left shoulder-joint by a ball, ami by another in the
left arm J, the Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, and Toulouse. Ser^cd also the campaign of 1815,
and was severely wounded through the knee by a ball, and contused from a ball hitting a
button, at Quatre Bras. Sir Neil has received a cross for the battles of the Pyrenees,
Nivelle, Nive. and Toulouse.
14l> l,ord Tweeddale served in the Peninsula as an As.sistant-Quarter-Master-General,
and has received a medal for the battle of Vittoria, and was slightly wounded at Busaeo.
Served also in the American war, and was wounded.
•J!! E
^ofes to the General Officers,

147 Sir Fred. \Vm. Trench served at Walcberen, 180y ; in the Peninsula in 1811 ; and in
HoUandin 1814.
148 Major-General Wyndham
served the Peninsular campaigns of 1808, 1*, 11, and 13,
including the actions of Roli^a, Viniiera, Benevente, Albuhera, Usagne, Morales de Toro,
Vittoria, and the Pyrenees. Served also the campaign of 1815, and was severely wounded
at Waterloo.
14J) Sir John B. Savage joined H.M. S. Bedford in 1780, and sailed with the Channel
Fleet under the command of Sir George Rodney to the relief of Gibraltar; on the passage
captured a Spanish 64, and a frigate with a convoy. Engaged the Spanish fleet under Don
Laugaro captured six sail of the line, and drove two on shore. On return to England

captured one French ship of the line and two frigates. In 1795 embarked in H.M.S.
Orion, and joined the squadron under the command of Sir John Jarvis. On the 14th Feb.
17y7, engaged the Spanish fleet off" Cape St. Vincent, and captured four sail of the line.
Blockaded Cadiz until June, 1798 then went up the Mediterranean with Sir Horatio

Nelson engaged the French squadron off the mouth of the Nile ; took and destroyed

eleven sail of the line and two frigates —

in this action he was severely wounded. In 1801
joined H.M.S. Ganges,- went with the fleet to the Baltic was in the next ship to Lord

Nelson in the action of Copenhagen, 2nd April, 1801 took and destroyed six sail of the

line, aud all the vessels- opposed to our squadron.

150 Sir Edward Bowater served at the siege and taking of Copenhagen in 1807, and sub-
sequently in the Peninsula, from Dec. 1808 to Nov. 1809, and again from Dec. 1811, to the
end of the war, including the passage of the Douro and taking of Oporto, battles of Tala-
vera and Salamanca, capture of Madrid, siege of Burgos, battle of Vittoria, siege of San
Sebastian, passage of the Bidassoa, and battle of the Nive, (Mayor's house.) Served also
the campaign of 1815, including the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. Wounded at
Talavera, and again at Waterloo.
151 Major-General Hill landed in Portugal, Aug. 1808, and served throughout the Penin-
sular war as aide-de-camp to Lord Hill. Served also the campaign of 1815. Slightly
wounded at Oporto on the passage of the Douro, and severely at Waterloo.
152 Sir Wm. M. Gomm served in the Peninsula as an Assistant-Quarter-Master-General,
and has received a cross and a clasp for Badajoz, Salamanca, Vittoria, San Sebastian, and
Nive. Served also the campaign of 1815, including the battle of Waterloo.
153 Major-General D'Oyly served in the Peninsula as an Assistant-Adjutant-General.
Served also the campaign of 1815, and was severely wounded at Waterloo.
154 Major-General Wm. Gray commanded a detachment on board the Fortitude, in
Lord Howe's action after the relief of Gibraltar, 20th Oct. 1782. Served with his com-
pany as marines under Admiral Milbank, in the North Sea removed with detachment on ;

board the Boyne, and served in the Channel Fleet under Lord Howe on this service the

Boyne captured a French 20-gun ship. Proceeded on board the Boyne to the West Indies,
and was present at the taking of Martinique, St. Lucia, aud Guadaloupe, where he was
wounded in the knee. Served the campaign of 1799 in Holland. Wounded in the arm in
the action of the 2nd Oct., and on the 6th following he led the left wing of his regiment (the
2nd Foot) into action. Served the Egyptian campaign of 1801, and was present in the
several engagements. Medal for services in Egypt.
155 Major-General Darley was at the sieges of Port-au-Prince, in St. Domingo, and of
Morne Fortunee, in St. Lucia. Served in Egypt in 1807 ; and in the Peninsula, from Aug.
1813 to the end of the war, including the battle of the Nivelle, and before Bayonne, 9th,
10th, and 11th Dec 1813.
156 Major-General Hamilton served in Holland in 1799, and was severely wounded at
the battle of Crabbenham on the Zuyper Sluis, 10th Sept. 1799 (leg amputated). Served
also in the American war commanded the 100th regiment at the capture of Fort George,

and at the capture by assault of Fort Niagara aud commanded the militia of Upper

Canada at the battle of Lundy's Lane.

157 Major-General Reeves was at the capture of the French West India Islands, under
Sir Charles Grey, and was wounded. Rebellion in Ireland, 1798, including the battle of
Vinegar Hill. Commanded the 8th regiment during the Egj'ptian campaign of 1801, and
present at the taking of Ischia and Procida, 1809 and served afterwards in the Peninsula,

from 1811 to 1813, including the taking of Alcoy, and the battles of Biar (in command of
division), Castalla, and Ordal ; severely wounded, and sent home for recovery. Medal for
services in Egypt.
158 Major-General the Hon. Lincoln Stanhope commanded the 16th Light Dragoons at
the battle of Talavera, for which he has received a medal.
159 Major-General John Grey served in the East Indies in the campaign against Tippoo
Sultan, including tbe battle of Mallavelly, the attack of the Toap and Sultan pettah before
Seringapatam, siege of Seringapatam, and on tlie storming party at the assault (medal for
this Rer\-ice.) Served in the PcninsiUa with the 5th regiment, and was a major in the 2nd
Notes tu the Geiurul Officers.

battalion when the French ami Polish Lancers attacked that regiment at El BoJon ; present
nt the siepr of Ciudad Rodrigo, also at the scaling of the fautse braye on the night of the
storm, and at the storming of the great breach, which was carried by the 2nd battalion
of the .'tth regiment. Twice wounded during the siege of Ciudad Rodrigo.
100 Sir Alexander Cameron ser\cd the campaign of 17'.i'J in Holland. E.xpedition to the
Ferrol, ISOO. Egyptian campaign of IHOl ;severely wounded in the arm and side at the
battle of Alexandria. Expedition to Germany under Lord Cathcart, 1801 ; and to Copen-
hagen, 1H07, including the battle of Keog. Landed in Portugal in 1808, and was present at
the battle nf Vimiera, with the rear-gunrd during the retreat, affair of Calcavellas, and
battle of Corunna. Proceeded again to the Peninsula in May, IHOy, and was present at the
battle of Fuentes d'Unor, sieges and assaults of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badujoz, battles of
Salamanca and Vittoria, besides a great many minor actions and other desultory services,
until obliged to return to England, owing to a severe wouud received at Vittoria. Servsd
also the campaigns of lSl-1 and 1.^ in Holland, Flanders, and France, including the action
at Menem, operations before .\ntwerp, and battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo, at which
last he was severely wounded. Sir .\lexander has received a medal for services in Egypt,
and a medal and two clasps for Ciudad Rodrigo, Badajoz. and Salamanca.
l(il Sir James Wilson has received a cross and a clasp for^lbuhera, Badajoz, Salamanca,
Vittoria. and Toulouse.
162 Major-Geuoml Dalmer commanded a light battalion at the battles of Salamanca and
Vittoria. and has received a medal and a clasp. Served the campaign of 181."), including
the battle of Waterloo.
li;:t Sir Henry Watson commanded the 1st Portuguese cavalry at the battle of Sala-

manca, and has received a medal.

KM Major-General Thomas Evans served in Egypt in 1801, and has received the medal.
Served also in the .\merican war. and was wounded in three places at Sackett's Harbour ;
conlused at Fort Erie, and horse killed.
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Notes to the Colonels.

1 Sir David Cunjrnghame served the campaign of 1793, including the actions at Famars,
St. Amand, and Lincelles (severely wounded), and the siege of Valenciennes. Taken pri-
soner in tlic action at Ostend, May, 1798.
2 Colonel Tucker served at the taking of the Cape of Good Hope in l7'Jo ; in South
America, in 1807, and received a bayonet wound in the arm at the assault of Monte
3 Colonel the Hon. Alex. Abercromby ser\ed in Holland in \'99 ; with the expedition
to the Fcrrol, 1800 ; and subsequently in the Peninsula, including the battles of Albuhera,
Vittoria, Pyrenees, and Orthes, for which he has received a cross. Served also the cam-
paign of 1815. including the battle of Waterloo.
4 Colonel Sherlock served the campaigns of 1794 and 95 in Holland.
5 Colonel Ottley was actively employed in the Carib war of 1795 and 96 in St. Vincent.
Served in Portugal and Spain in 1808 and 9, including the battles of Roleia, Vimiera, and
Corunna; in the exjiedition to the Scheldt, 1S09 campaigns of 1813 and 14 in Germany

and Holland, including the storming of Bergen-op-Zoom, where he led one of the columns
of attack and was severely wounded.

6 Lord Portarlington served in Holland in 1799 ; with the expedition to Hanover, 1805
Peninsular campaign of 1809, including the battle of Talavera ; campaign of 1815, in-
cluding tlu- .ictions at Quatre Bras and Waterloo.
7 Sir Rotwrt Cbambre Hill sened in the Peninsula, and commanded a brigade of cavalry
at the battle of Vittoria, for which he has received a medal. Served also the campaign of
1815, and was severely wounded at Waterloo.
8 Sir Wm. Cox was at the retaking of Grenada in 1796. Sened in Egypt in 1801.
Employed on a particular service in Spain in IS08, and was present in the action at Lugo,
and battle of Corunna. Commanded the fortress of Almeida, from April, 1809 to the 27th
Aug. 1810, when, by the unfortunate explosion of its magazines, he was obliged to surrender
it to the army under Massena.

9 Sir Horatio G. P. Townshend served in the Peninsula, France, and Flanders, with the
Grenadier Guards, and was severely wounded at Quatre Bras.
10 Colonel John Fred. Browne served in Flanders in 1793,94, and 95, including the
iege of Nimeguen, and sortie from thence. Present at the taking of St. Lucia in 1796.
Served in Egypt in 1801, including the actions of the 8th, 13th, and 3l5t March with the

expedition to Hanover, 1805; campaign in Zealand, 1807; expedition to Sweden, 1808;

ud to Walcheren, 1809. Served afterwards in the Peninsula, and commanded the 28th
regiment at the battle of Barrosa, for which he has received a medal.
11 Colonel Burslem served at the capture of the Isle of France, and at the attack and
conquest of Java, for which latter he has received a medal.
ri Colonel Gauntlett was actively employed against the Maroons in the West Indies.
Served also in Egypt.
13 Colonel Woodgate has received a medal for the battle of Fuentes d'Onor, and was
14 Colonel Patrickson served in the Peninsula with the 43d Light Infantry-, and has
received a medid for the battle of Toulouse, on which occasion he commanded the
15 Colonel David Campbell was actively employed in the West Indies, and was present
at the siege of Fort Bourbon. Served at the Helder in 1799, and afterwards at the Ferrol.
Proceeded to Portugal in 1808, and was present at the battle of Vimiera.
Irt Colonel Thornton served in the Peninsula, and commanded the 40th regiment at the

battles of Talavtra, Nivelle, Orthes, and Toulouse, for wliich he has received a cross.
17 Sir John Milley Doyle served the Egyptian campaign of 1801, including the actions
of the 8th, I3ch, and 21st March. Served also in the Peninsula, and commanded the I9th
Portuguese at Fuentes d'Onor, Cindad Rodrigo, Vittoria, the Pyrenees, and Orthes, for
which he haa received a cross and a clasp. He has also received a medal for services
in Egypt.
18 Colonel Keate served in the Peninsula from Dec. 1808, to Jan. 1813, including the
passage of the Douro, battle of Busaco, siege of Ciudad Rodrigo, battle of Salamanca, and
fliege of Burgos.
Notes to the Colonels.

19 Colonel Wai'd served in the Peninsula, and has received a medal and two clasps for
Salamanca, Badajoz, and the Pyrenees.
20 Colonel Wm. W. Blake served at the taking of the Cape of Good Hope in 180G ; asd
afterwards in South America, includine: the affair of San Carlos, and siege of Monte \ideo.
Served also in tlie Peninsula, including the battles of Roleia, and Vimiera ; the passage of
the Douro battle of Castalla, and tlie affair of Villa Franca.
; Medal for Roleia and
21 Sir Edward Miles served on the Continent in 1794 and 95, including the battle of
Lincelles, action at the bridge of Wallam, storming of Fort Nook, siege of Nimeguen, and
defence of the Emms River. Actively employed in the West Indies in 1796 and 97, and was
present at the sieges of .St. Lucia and Grenada, and capture of Trinidad. Served in Ireland
during the rebellion in 1798. Embarked for the Peninsula in 1808, and was present at the
battles of Roleia, Vimiera, action at Lugo, and battle of Corunna. Proceeded with the
expedition to Walcheren, 1809. Served afterwards in the Peninsula, from June, 1812, to
the end of the war, including the battle of Salamanca (severely and dangerously wounded),
action at Villa Moriel, battles of Vittoria and the Pyrenees, siege and storming of San
Sebastian (dangerously wounded at the assault), passage of the Bidassoa, battles of Nivelle,
and Nive (9th to 13th Dec.) Proceeded to Ava in command of a brigade, and w^as en-
gaged in all the operations against the enemy in that country from June to 17th Aug. 1824 ;
embarked for the eastward, and commanded the force at the storm and capture of Mergui,
6th Oct. returned to Rangoon in Nov. and served there during its investment in Dec.

1824, and commanded the Madras force in several assaults on the enemy. Sir Edward has
received a medal and a clasp for Salamanca and San Sebastian.
22 Colonel Knight Erskine commanded the 27th regt. at Badajoz, and has received a medal.
2'6 Sir Archibald Maclaine's services : —
Mysore campaign of 1799 against Tippoo Sultan,
including the battle of Mallavelly, siege and storming of Seringapatam, where be received
three wounds, from the effects of which he was confined in hospital for upwards of a year.
Capture of the Danish settlement of Tranquebar and the Paligarwar in 1801, including the

battle of Ardingy, and affair of Serungapore, where he was wounded. Mahratta war of
1802, 3, and 4 against Scindia, Holcar, and the Bera Rajah, including the storm of Jal-
Haghur, siege and storming of Gawilghur, siege of Asseerghur (wounded), and battle of
Argaura. Ordered home in 1804 m
consequence of severe wounds received in the different
actions from 1799 to 1804. Peninsular campaigns 1810, 11, 12, including the siege of
Cadiz ; the defence of Matagorda (an outwork of Cadiz, and a ruined redoubt when taken
possession of from the enemy) from 22nd Feb. to 22nd April, 1810, during which long
period Sir Archibald (then a captain in the old 94th regiment) with a very small force under
Ills command, most gallantly kept at bay 8,000 of the enemy under Marshal Soult, who

conducted the siege, and did not evacuate until ordered to do so by Lieut. -General Sir
T^os. Graham, his men being nearly all either killed or wounded. Served also at the battle
of Barrosa (dangerously wounded, and his horse killed), and capture of Seville.
24 Colonel James Hay served in the Peninsula, France, and Flanders, with the 16th
Light Dragoons, and was severely wounded at Waterloo. Medal and a clasp for the battles
of Vittoria and the Nive.
25 Sir William Warre served in the Peninsula from 1808 to 1813, including the battles of
Roleia, Vimiera, and Corunna; the passage of the Douro ist siege of Badajoz, sieges and

assaults of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz and battle of Salamanca, besides various minor

26 Colonel D'Aguilar served in India under Lord Lake, and was present at the reduc-
tion of several forts, and at the assault on Bhurtpore. Proceeded to Walcheren, June,
1809. Served also on the eastern coast of Spain imder Sir John Murray and Sir Henry
27 Colonel O'Malley served in Ireland during the rebellion in 1798 with the expedition

to the Ferrol, 1800 ; the Egyptian campaign of 1801, wounded in the action of the 13th
March. Served also the campaign of 1815, including the actions at Quatre Bras and
Waterloo, at which latter he was twice wounded, and had two horses shot under him, but
did not quit the field.
28 Colonel Cotton served at the Helder, including the actions of the 2nd and 6th Oct.
1799. Proceeded to the Peninsula in 1808, and served with the Spanish army.
29 Colonel Charles Turner served the Egyptian campaign of 1801, including the actions
of the 8th and 13th March, and was taken prisoner in a skirmish near Lake Mareotis, 18th
March. Served also at the capture of Martinique in 1809. Medal for services in Egypt.
30 Colonel Ogilvie served in the American war, and was severely wounded at Stoney
.'.1 Colonel Aylmer served at the Helder in 1799, including the action of the 18th Sept.
Egyptian campaign of 1801 in Spain and Portugal in 1808 and 9, including the battles of

Roleia, Vimiera, and Corunna :with the expedition to Walcheren. 1809.

Xuti's to Ihf Culuncls.

32 Colonel Veriion served in the Peninsula, and was pri-sent at the battle of Talarera,
liege of the forts at and battle of Salamanca (severely wounded), and siege of Burgos.
'S'S Colonel Vigoureux's services : —
-Campaigns in Holland in 1794, 95, and 99 besieged ;

in Nimeguen, !/"9-l, and was present at the battle of the 19th Sept. 1"99. Peninsular cam-
paigns of ISIO, 11, li, and 13, including the battles of Fuentes d'Onor, Salauiauia, and
Viitoria. Campaigns of 18U and 15 in HolUnd and Flanders, and severely wounded at
Waterloo. Medal and a clasp for the battles of Fuentes d'Onor and Vittoria.
M Sir James A. Hope served with the expedition to Hanover, in 1805 to Zealand, 1807, ;

including the siege of Copenhagen :to Sweden, 1808 Portugal and Spain, 1808 and 9,

including the action at Lugo and battle of Corunna expedition to Walcheren, 1809
; and ;

in the Peninsula from 1810 to the end of the war, including the battle of Barrosa, siege of
Ciudad Rodrigo, covering the siege of Uadajoz, alTairs in front of Salamanca atid at Osma,
battle of Vittoria, siege of San Sebastian, passages of the Bidassoa, Gave d'Oleron, and
Gave de Pau, and battles of the Nivellc, Nive, Orthcs, and Toulouse. Sir James has
received a cross and a clasp for the battles of Vittoria, Nivclle, Nive, Orthes and
35 Sir Robert John Harvey served in the Peninsula as an .\ssistant-Quarter-Master-
General to the Pprtuguese army, and has received a medal for the battle of Orthes.
36 .Sir Dudley Hill served with the expedition to South .\mcrira in 1806, including the
storming of Monte Video (with the Forlorn Hope\ battle of Colonia, and attack on Buenos
Avres, where he was wounded in the thigh, and taken prisoner. Served afterwards in
the Peninsula, and was present at the battle of Roleia (wounded in the leg;, action at Be-
nevente, retreat to Corunna, battle of Talavera, action of the Coa, battles of Busaco
and Fuentes d'Onor, siege and storming of Badajoz, battle of Salamanca (severely wounded in
the breast and through the arm), siege of Burgos, defence of the river Carrion (wounded and
taken prisoner), siege of San Sebastian (twice wounded), investment of Bayonne, and re-
pulse of the sortie from thence. Sir Dudley has received a cross and a clasp for Fuentes
d'Onor, Badajoz, Salamanca, ^'ittoria, and San Sebastian.
37 Sir Richard Armstrong served in the Peninsula from August, 1808, to the end of the
war, including the capture of Oporto ; battle of Busaco ; actions at Pombal, and Redinha ;
defence of .Alba de Tonnes ; battles of Vittoria, the Pyrenees, (severely wounded through
the arm>, and Toulouse, besides a great many minor actions and skirmishes. Served also
the campaigns of 1825 and 26 in Burmah, as a brigadier stormed and carried stockades

near Prome, on the 1st and 5th Dec. 1825 Sir Richard has received a medal and two
clasps for the battles of Busaco. Vittoria, and the Pyrenees.
38 Sir Frederick Stovin served at the Ferrol in 1800 in Germany, 1805 ; at the siege

and c-ipture of Copenh,icen, 1807; with the expedition to Sweden, 1808; in Spain and
Portugal in 1808 and 9. including the retreat to, and battle of Corunna expedition to ;

Walcheren and capture of Flushing, 1809 and subsequently in the Peninsula, including

the sieges and captures of Ciudad Rodrigo, and Badajoz, battles of Salamanca, Vittoria,
Pyrenees, Niv lie. Orthes, and Toulouse. Served also at New Orleans, where he was
wounded. Sir Frederick has received a cross and two clasps for the six above-mentioned
;i9 Sir Guy Campbell commanded theregiment at the battle of the Pyrenees, for
which he has received a medal. Served also the campaign of 1815, including the battle of
40 Colonel Richard G. Hare served in the Peninsula as an Assistant-Adjutant-General.
and has received a medal and a clasp for the battles of Nivelie. and Nive.
41 Colonel Alexander Thomson served as an assistant engineer at San Sebastian, and has
received a medal.
42 Colonel Heriot served in the American war, and commanded the Canadian Volti-
geurs in the action at Chrystler's Farm, for which he has received a medal.
4.5 Colonel Wm. Crosse accompanied the expedition to Hanover in 1805 to South ;

America in 1806, and was present at the storming of Buenos Ayres. Served also in the
Peninsula with the 36th regiment, and was present at the battles of Roleia, Vimiera,
Fuentes d'Onor. Nivelle. Nive. Orthes, and Toulouse, besides various minor actions and
skirmishes. He has received a cross for the four last-mentioned battles.
41 Colonel Rice served in Corsica in 1794, and was present at the sieges of Bastia and
Calvi :the attack upon Elba by Lord NeUou. Served also in Portugal, Spain, France,
and Flanders, including the battles of Corunna, Fuentes d'Onor, Salamanca, Nivelle (in-
cluding the heights of St. Pi ;, Orthes, and Waterloo. Medal for the battle of Nivelle.
45 Colonel Wm. F. I*. Napier was an actor in many of the soul-stirring scenes which he
has described with so much ability in his admirable history of the Peninsular war. and wa.s
severely wounded in the action of Casal Nova, 1 Ith March. 1811. He commanded the 43rd
Light Infantry at the battles of Salamanca, Nivelle, and Nive, for which he has received i

medal and two clasps.

Nutes to the Colonels,

46 Colonel Duffy served ia the Peninsula with the 43rd Light Infantry ; the command of
the regiment devolved on him at the assault and capture of Badajoz after Colonel Macleod
was killed ; he has received the medal.
47 Colonel Martin Lindsay served the campaign in Java in 1811, including the actions of
the 22nd August and ItJth Sept., in which latter he commanded eight companies of the 78th
Highlanders, and has received the medal. Served also the campaign of 1814 in Holland,
including the actions at Merxem, and bombardment of Antwerp.
48 Colonel Daubeney served at Walcheren in 1809.
49 Colonel Mercer accompanied the expedition to Hanover in 1805, and that to Wal-
cheren in 1809. Served in the Peninsula from March, 1810, to May, 1811, and again from
July, 1811, to March, 1814, including the affair at Sobral (wounded), battle of Barrosa
(wounded), siege of Ciudad Rodrigo, battle of Salamanca, capture of Madrid, siege of
Burgos, passage of the Bidassoa, and battle of the Nivelle. Served also the campaign of
1815, including the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo, and capture of Paris.
50 Colonel Milman served in the Peninsula with the Coldstream Guards, and was
wounded at the battle of Talavera.
51 Colonel Tonson served at the capture of Martinique in 1794 ; and was wounded and
taken prisoner at St. Vincent's the following year. Actively employed in Ireland during
the rebellion in 1798 ; and in Holland in 1799 ; and at Walcheren in 1809. Served in the
Peninsula from July, 1813, including the battle of the Nive, for which he has received
a medal.
52 Colonel Wm. Alex. Gordon served in Holland in 1799 at Walcheren in 1809 and in
; ;

the Peninsula from 1810 to the end of the war, including the battle of Fuentes d'Onor,
action at Aroya de Molino, battles of Vittoria and the Nive, besides various minor affairs.
Severely wounded in the left arm at Vittoria, and again in the right foot in forcing the
enemy's lines at Haspaine, 14th Feb. 1814. Medal for the Nive.
53 Colonel Fremantle served in Germany under Lord Cathcart in 1806; in South
America under General Whitelock, 1807 ; afterwards throughout the Peninsular war.
Served also the campaign of 1815, including the battle of Waterloo. Medal for the battle
of Orthes.
54 Lord George Wm. Russell served at the siege of Copenhagen in 1807, and subse-
quently in the Peninsula, including the battles of Talavera (wounded), Barrosa, and Tou-
louse, for which last he has received a medal.
55 Colonel James Fergusson's services : —
Campaigns in Portugal and Spain in 1808 and
9, including the battles of Vimiera and Corunna. Expedition to Walcheren, 1809. Penin-
sular campaigns, from March 1810 to the end of the war, including the passage of the Coa
near Almeida, battle of Busaco, actions at Pombal, Redinha, Miranda de Corva, Foz
d'Aronce, Sabugal, battle of Fuentes d'Onor, sieges and assaults of Ciudad Rodrigo and
Badajoz, battle of Salamanca, affair of San Munos, passage of the Bidassoa, battles of the
Nivelle and Nive, and investment of Bayonne. Col. Fergusson has received five vrounds,
viz.: at Vimiera, slightly ; at the storming of Ciudad Rodrigo, severely in the body, and
slightly in the foot; at Badajoz, slightly in the side by a splinter of a shell in the trenches,
and in the head at the assault. Medal for Badajoz.
56 Sir James H. Reynett was on the expedition against Ferrol in 1800, and was present
at the action before that place. Appointed to the Quarter-Master-General's staff upon the
army entering Spain in Nov. 1808, and was present at Lugo, the affairs upon the retreat to,
and at the battle of Corunna. Re-appointed to the Quarter-Master-Generai's staff in Por-
tugal, in April, 1809 ; present at the affairs previous to, and at the passage of the Douro,
and capture of Oporto affair of Salamonde battles of Talavera, and Busaco ; afiairs upon
; ;

the retreat to the lines before Lisbon, and subsequently in 1811 at those upon the advance
from thence, at Pombal, Redinha, Sabugal, and Foz d'Aronce and ai the battle of Fuentes

57 Colonel Creagh was actively employed in St. Domingo in 1797 and 98 in Holland in

1799, including the actions of the 27th Aug., 19th Sept., 2nd and 6th Oct. Served in Por-
tugal and Spain in 1808, and was present at the battles of Roleia and Vimiera, for which he
has received a medal. Served also at New Orleans, including the engagements of the 25th
Dec. 1814, and 1st and 8th Jan. 1815. Severely wounded at Vimiera.
58 Lord Munster served in the Peninsula, and was severely wounded at the battle of
59 Colonel Archibald Campbell was at Dominica when it was attacked by the French,
22nd Feb. 1805. Served also in the Peninsula, from Sept. 1811 to 1814, including the
battles of Salamanca, and Vittoria (severely wounded) ; capture of San Sebastian crossing

the Bidassoa forcing the enemy's lines, 10th Nov. ; battle of the Nive, 9th, 10th, and 11th

Dec. 1813. Medal for the Nive.

60 Colonel John Bell served in the Peninsula as an Assistant-Quarter-Master-General,
and has received a cross for the battles of the Pyrenees, Nivelle, Orthes, and Toulouse.
Notes to the CuloneU.

61 ColoDcl Anchmuty senred in the Peninsula, and has received a nicdul and a clasp for
the battles of Orthrs and Toulouse.
fi'i Colonel Ligbtfoot served in the Peninsula with the 4oth regiment, and was present,
at the battles of Roleia, Viniiera, Talavera, Busaco, and Fucntes d'Onur ; first siege of
Badajoi; sieges and ai^saults of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz (slightly wounded), including
the storming of Furt Pieurina (slightly wounded) ; battles of Salamanca, Vittoria, Pyrenees,
Orthes and Toulouse (severely wounded), besides various minor actions and skirmishes.
Medal and two clasps for Vittoria, Pyrenees, and Toulouse.
IJ3 Colonel Wiugrove served at the taking of the Cape of Good Hope in 1795 ; battle of
Trafalgar; taking of Genoa, 18U ; on board the Boyne when that ship singly engaged
three French ships of the line and three frigates otf Toulon in 1814 ; and on board the
Hrrcule in a single action off Cape Nichola Mole.
t>4 Colonel Conyers served in the Peninsula, and has received a medal for Orthes.
65 Colonel Henderson served in Ireland during the rebellion in 1 7;(8 ; at the Helder in
17i»y, and was present at the first landing, and battles of the liUh Sept., 2nd and (itb Oct.
Et|iedition to Eirypt under Sir Ralph .\bercromby. 1801. Lauded iu Portueal in 1808, and
was present at tbe battle of Vimiera, retreat to, and battle of Corunna. Expedition to the
Scheldt and siege of Flushing, 1801). Served afterwards in the Peninsula, from 1811 to the
end of the war, and commanded the Queen's at the battle of Toulouse.
66 (.'olonel Roger Parke served in the Peninsula with the 39th regiment, and was present
at the battles of Albuhera, and Barrosa.
C7 Colonel Macpherson commanded the S8th regiment at the battles of Vittoria and
Orthes, for which be has received a medal and a clasp.
68 Colonel C. P. de Bosset served with the expedition to Hanover in 1805 ; expedition to
Zealand, siege and surrender of Copenhagen, 1807 ; expedition to Sweden, and subsequently
to Portugal, 1808 ; siege of Santa Maura, 1810.
6y Colonel Torrens was actively employed in the East Indies, from 1801 to 1807, in-
cluding the assault and capture of the city of Ahmednuggnr, battles of Assaye, and Argaum^
and various other minor operations. Served in the Peninsula from Nov. 1813, to the end of
the war ; and also the campaign of 1815, including the battle of Waterloo.
70 Colonel Henry Dawkins scned in the Peninsula, from Jan. 1810, to the end of the
war, including the sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo, and Burgos ; battles of Fueutes d'Onor, Sala-
manca, Vittoria, Nivelle, and Nive ; passage of the Adour ; blockade of Bayonne, and
repolse of the sortie from thence, on which occasion be was severely wounded. Served also
tie campaign of 1815, including the battle of Waterloo.
71 Colonel Forbes has received a medal for the capture of Java.
72 Colonel Proctor served with the expedition to Walcheren, 1809, and was present at
the siege of Flushing. At Gibraltar, Tarifa, and in the Peninsula, from 1810 to Dec. 1812,
and subsequently in the Peninsula and South of France, from April to July, 1814, including
the affair of Posts near Malaga, battle of Barrosa (contusion on the body), and retreat from
Madrid. Embarked from Bourdeaux for Canada, and commanded the 82nd regiment before
Fort Erie, from 2nd Sept., and throughout the successive operations of the war.
73 Colonel Wm. Riddall was actively employed with the 62nd regiment in Sicily, Egypt,
Calabria, Italy, Spain, and America, from 1806 to the end of the war.
74 Colonel Addison served in the American war, on the stalT of Sir J. Sherbrooke.
75 Colonel C. J. Doyle served in the Peninsula, and was present at the passage of the
Douro, capture of Oportu, battle of Talavera, action at Campo Mayor, and battle of
Fuentes d'Onor.
76 Colonel Charretie served in the Peninsnla, from 1812 to the end of the war, including
the battles of Vittoria and Toulouse.
77 Colonel Parkinson served at the capture of the Island of Bourbon, on the stalT of Sir
H. .S. Keating. Served also the campaigns of 1814 and 15 in the Netherlands and France,
including the attack on Merxem, operations before Antwerp and Bergen-op-Zoom, and
battle of Qaatre Bras, where he was slightly wounded.
78 Col >nel Tho. Hunter Blair served in Portugal and Spain, from August, 1808, to Jan.
1809, including the affair of Obidos, battles of Roleia and Vimiera, action at Lugo, and
battle of Corunna. Proceeded again to the Peninsula in .\ugust, 1809, and was present at
the capture of Oporto, affair of Salamonde, and battle of Talavera, at which last he was
•everely wounded, and made prisoner in hospital. Served also the campaign of 1815, and
was severely wounded at Waterloo. Commanded a brigade in Ava, including the capture
of Melltton.
79 Colonel Lluellyn served in the Peninsula with the 28th regiment, from 1809 to the
end of the war: also the campaign of 1815, including the battles of Quatre Bras and
Waterloo, at which Utter he was severely wounded.
8U Colonel Wade sened in the Peninsula as aide-de-camp to Sir Lowry Cole, and was
tetcrcly wounded at the battle of .\lbuhen.
Notes to the Colonels,

81 Colonel Wm. Chalmers served ia Sicily, in 1807. The campaigns of 1808 and 9 in
Portugal and Spain. Expedition to Walcheren, 1809. At Cadiz in 1810 and 11, and the
subsequent campaigns, including the battle of Barrosa, attack of the enemy on the heights
near Moresco, battles of Salamanca, Vittoria, attack at Maya, battle of Pampeluna, and a
great many minor actions and skirmishes. Served also in the Netherlands in 1814 and 15,
including the battle of Waterloo, and subsequent operations in France. He was severely
wounded in the Pyrenees, and has had nine horses killed or wounded under him in action,
three of them at Waterloo.
82 Colonel Miller served iu the Peninsula, France, and Flanders, with the Rifle Brigade,
and has received a medal for the battle of the Nivelle.
83 Colonel Beckwith served in the Peninsula, France, and Flanders, and has received a
medal for the battle of Toulouse. Severely wounded at Waterloo.
84 Colonel John Campbell served in the Peninsula, France, and Flanders, and has re-
ceived a medal and a clasp for the battles of Orthes and Toulouse.
85 Colonel Fielding Browne served in the Peninsula with the 40th regiment, and has
received a medal for the assault and capture of Badajoz.
80 Colonel T. W. Taylor served at the capture of Java, including the attack of the out-
post near Weltevreden, and the storming of the lines of Cornielis. Served also the campaign
of 1815, including the battle of Waterloo.
87 Colonel Arguimbau served in the Peninsular with the 3rd battalion of the Royals, and
lost an arm at San Sebastian. Served also the campaign of 1815, and was slightly wounded
at Quatre Bras, and also at Waterloo.
88 Colonel Childers served at the Helder in 1799; and in the Peninsula, France, and
Flanders, from May, 1811, to the end of the war. Commanded a brigade of cavalry at the
siege of Bhurtpore, under Lord Combermere.
89 Colonel H. G. Smith served in the Peninsula with the Rifle Brigade, and on the staff
of IMajor-General Skerrett and at New Orleans and the subsequent campaign in Flanders

and France on the staff of Major-General Lambert.

90 Sir De Lacy Evans served in the Peninsula from 1812 to the end of the war, and sub-
sequently in the American war, including the operations against Washington, Baltimore,
and New Orleans. Served also the campaign of 1815, including the battle of Waterloo.
Wounded at New Orleans.
91 Colonel Wm. H. Scott proceeded to the Peninsula in 1809, and was present at the
capture of Oporto, subsequent pursuit of Soult's army, and battle of Talavera, where he was
wounded through the body, and afterwards made prisoner, being left in hospital upon the
retreat of the army.
92 Sir Thomas Reade served in Sicily as an Assistant-Quarter-Master-General, and com-
manded a flotilla of gun-boats in and near the straits of Messina during the attempted in-
vasion of Sicily by the French forces in 1810.
93 Sir John Morillyon Wilson prior to entering the army served six years in the Royal
Navy, including the expedition to the Helder in 1799 (womided), and that j Egypt in
1801, and received the thanks of the Captain Pacha, and a medal for saving the lives of the
crew of a Turkish man-of-war's boat. Accompanied the expedition to Walcheren in 1809,
and was twice wounded at the siege of Flushing, one ball having passed through his body.
Served in the Peninsula, from the latter end of 1809 to 1812, including the battles of Busaco,
and Fuentes d'Onor, and all the various actions which were fought during that period. Joined
the 1st battalion of the Royal Scots in Canada in the winter of 1812, and in 1813 and 14
he was in the various attacks made on Sackett's Harbour, Great Sodus (received a severe
bayonet wound dm-ing a night attack), Fort Niagara, Black Rock, and Buffaloe, and battle
of Chippewa, on which occasion he was left for dead on the field of battle, and fell into the
hands of the enemy, having received seven wounds, viz. three in the left arm, in which

one ball is still lodged, a fourth ball passed through his left thigh, a fifth entered his left
thigh and was extracted, a sixth fractured and greatly injured his hip-bone, and the seventh
ball penetrated his left groin, passing upwards and backwards to the region of the spinal
column, where it is still lodged. Sir John has thus received tliirteen wounds during his
professional career in the navy and the army, and he has two musket-balls stili lodged in
his body.
94 Sir Alexander Anderson commanded the 11th Portuguese regiment in the Peninsular
war, and has received a cross and three clasps for the assault and capture of Badajoz, and
the battles of Salamanca, Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Orthes, and Toulouse.
95 Colonel Rolt served in Egypt in 1801, and was wounded through the body in the
action at the landing (medal"). Served also in the Peninsula, from 1809 to the end of- the
war, and commanded the 17th Portuguese regiment at the battles of Vittoria, Nivelle, Nive,
Orthes, and Toulouse.
90 Sir Charles Webb Dance served in the Peninsula, France, and Flanders, and was
slightly wounded at Waterloo.
Notes to the Colonels.

9* Colonel Hughes scned in Portugal anil Spain under Sir John Moore, anil wa< present
in the cavalry actions at Mnyorgaand Bencventc. Served afterwards in the Peninsula, from
Feb. l!*13, to the end of the war, indludini; the action at Morales, and battles of Vittoria,
Orthes, and Toulouse, for which he has received a medal and two clasps. Severely wounded
near Ellite in the south of France.
98 Colonel Bainbris^e served in the Peninsula from 1810 to the end of the war, as an
99 Colonel Kenneth Snodgrass served in Portugal and Spain under Sir John Moore,
including the retreat to and battle of Corunna. Served afterwards in the Peninsula, including
the assaults and captures of Badajoz and San Sebastian ;and battles of Fuentes d'Onor,
Vittoria, Nivelle, Nive. and Orthes, besides various minor actions and other desultory
services. Wounded at San Sebastian, the Nive, and at Orthes very severely in the head.
Colonel Snodgrass has received a cross for San Sebastian, Nivelle, Nive, and Orthes.
100 Colonel Balvoird served in the Peninsula with the Rifle Brigade, and has received a
medal and a clasp for the battles of Nivelle and Nive.
101 Colonel Stretton served in the Peninsula from 1812 to the end of the war, including
the battles of Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, Orthes, and Toulouse, besides various minor
actions and skirmishes. Served afterwards at New Orleans, and the subsequent campaign
of ISl.'V, including the battle of Waterloo. Medal for the battle of Toulouse.
lOJ Colonel Darling served at the reduction of Guadalonpc in IHIO, and was severely
wounded in the left knee by a musket-shot in storming the heights of Matauba. Proceeded
to the Peninsula, and joined the 51st Light Infantry in May 1812 at Castello Branco ;
engaged on the heights of San Christoval the battle of Salamanca surrender of the Retire,
; ;

Madrid and siege of Burgos after the retreat from thence he was attacked by typhus fever,
; ;

and sent to England for recovery in May 1812. Rejoined the army on the heights of
Echellarin September following, and was present at the battle of Nivelle, and the subsequent
attack of the heights of St. Pc. .Appointed Major of Brigade Dec. 1813, and attached to
Major-General Hay's brigade in the .')th division, and was employed throughout the blockade
and operations before Bayonne. Appointed .\ssistant-.\djutant-General to the 5th division
in April 1814, and remained in charge of that department until the embarkation of the
division in .\ugust 1814. On the renewal of the war in 181.5, he was re-appointed to the
staff as .\ssist—Adjt. -General and attached to the 4th division, under Sir Charles Colville ;
employed with his division in the operations connected with the battle of Waterloo, the
storming of Cambray, and capitulation of Paris.
103 SirWm. Lewis Herries proceeded with the expedition to South America in 1807 ; to
Walcheren in 1809, including the siege and capture of Flushing. Served in the Peninsula
from 1812 to the end of the war, and was severely wounded (leg amputated) and taken prisoner
at the repulse of the sortie from Bayonne.
104 Colonel St. Clair served at Walcheren in 1809, and in the Peninsula from March
1810 to the end of the war, including the battles of Busaco and Fuentes d'Onor, first siege
of Badajoz, battle of the Nive, and investment of Bayonne. Medal for the Nive.
105 Colonel Zuhlcke served throughout the whole of the Peninsular war, including the bat-
tles of Roleia and Vimiera ; capture of Oporto battles of Talavera (severely wounded), and

Fuentes d'Onor ; sieges of Badajoz and Ciudad Rodrigo ; battles of Salam.anca, Vittoria, the
Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, and Orthes, besides various minor actions and skirmishes. Medal
and two clasps.
106 Colonel Wm. Rowan served in Portugal and Spain under Sir John Moore with the ;

expedition to Walcheren 1809 in the Peninsula from January to June 1811, and again

from January 1813 to the end of the war, including the battles of Vittoria, the Bidassoa,
Nirelle, Nive, Orthes, and Toulouse. Served also the campaign of 1815, including the
battle of Waterloo.
107 Lord Sandys served in the Peninsula, France, and Flanders, from 1812 to the end of
the war, including the action at Morales, and battles of Vittoria, Pampeluna, and
108 Sir Thomas Henry Browne served at the siege of Copenhagen in 1807 at the cap-

ture of Martinique, 1809 (wounded). Served afterwards in the Peninsula as a Deputy-

Assistant-.\djatant-General at the head-quarters of the Duke of Wellington ; and, sub-
sequently, at the head-quarters of the .\ustrian, Russian, and Prussian armies, as aide-de-
camp to Lord Stewart. During the Peninsular war he was present at every action, from
the battle of Salamanca to that of Toulouse, and received a sabre cut on the head at the
battle of Vittoria.
1U9 Colonel Tho. W. Forster acted as major of brigade at the capture of the Cape of Good
Hope in 1806. Senior officer on board the Atte/l, Indiaman, when that ship and two
others were for some hours engaged with two French frigates and a corvette in July, 1810.
110 Colonel Howard served on the Continent in 1793 and 94 ;in St Domingo and the
West India Islands, fnim 1795 to 1799. Served also in the Peninsula, and was most
Kverely wounded at the battle of Talavera, 27tb July, 1809, and made prisoner.
Notes to the Colofieh.

111 Colonel Whethara served with the expedition to South America, and was severely
wounded (right leg amputated) at the assault of Monte Video.
112 Colonel Thomas Wildman served with the 7th Hussars in the campaign of 1808 and
9 under Sir John Moore, and was present in the cavalry engagements at Mayorga, Bene-
vente, and throughout the retreat to Corunna. Served also the Peninsular campaigns of
1813 and 14, including the investment and surrender of Pampeluna, the battle of Orthes.
and intermediate affairs. Served the campaign of 1815 as aide-de-camp to the Earl of
Usbridge, including the action at Quatre Bras, retreat on the 17th, and battle of Waterloo,
at which last he was slightly wounded.
113 Colonel Robbins served in the Peninsula, France, and Flanders with the 7th
Hussars, and was severely wounded at "Waterloo.
114 Colonel George Lewis served in Sir Richard Strachan's action 4th Nov, 1805. Com-
manded a Battalion of Marines in the American war, including the action at Bladensburg,
attack on Baltimore, and various skirmishes in the Chesapeak.
115 Colonel Dumas served at the blockade of Malta in 1799, in Egypt in 1801, and again
in 1807 and at the battle of Maida. Medal for services in Egypt.

116 Colonel Edward Wildman served in the Peninsula, from April, 1809, to Sept. 1811,
and again from July, 1812, to the end of the war, including the battles of Talavera and
Busaco, action at Redinha, battle of Albuhera, retreat from Salamanca to Portugal, battles
of Vittoria, Pyrenees, Tarbes and Toulouse. Served also the campaign of 1815, and had
three horses killed under him at Waterloo. Received two severe sabre wounds in the
head and arm, and made prisoner at the battle of Albuhera.
117 Colonel the Hon. John Finch served in the Peninsula, from Nov. 1812 to the end of
the war, and received a sabre wound at the battle of Vittoria.
118 Sir Augustus d'Este served at New Orleans on the staff of Sir John Lambert, and
behaved with great gallantry.
119 Colonel Cochrane landed with the first army in Portugal on the 3d Aug. 1808, and
served in the Peninsula during the campaigns of 1808, 9, 10, 11, and part of 1812, including
the battles and sieges of RoHca, Vimiera, Talavera, Busaco, Redinha, Olivenca, Badajoz
(1st siege), and Ciudad Rodrigo. Served nearly two years in Canada during the American
war, as aide-de-camp to the Governor-General and Commander of the Forces, Lieut. -General
Sir George Prevost.
120 Colonel Hector Maclaine served in the Peninsula, and has received a medal for the
battle of Nivelle.
121 Colonel Simpson seiwed in the Peninsula from May 1812 to May 1813, including the
latter part of the siege of Cadiz,and the attack on Seville. Served also the campaign of
1815, and was severely wounded at Quatre Bras.
122 Colonel Duncan M'Gregor was actively employed in Sicily and Italy in 1806, includ-
ing the skirmish at St, Eupheraie, battle of Maida, attack on Seylla Castle, and capture of
Catrone. Campaign of 1807 in Egypt, including the attacks in the Desert, and siege of
Rosetta. Campaign in Holland in 1809, including the attacks and captures of Ter Vere,
and Flushing. Campaigns in the Peninsula during part of 1813 and 14. Capture of Cor-
sica in May 1814. Wounded through the right shoulder by a musket-shot at the battle of
123 Colonel Seton sensed the Egyptian campaign of 1801 (medal) in South America in

1807 ;and subsequently in the Peninsula, including the battles and sieges of Talavera,
Busaco, Fuentes d'Onor, Ciudad Rodrigo, Badajoz, and Salamanca. Wounded at the attack
on Buenos Ayres. Medal and a clasp for the assault and capture of Badajoz, and battle of
124 Colonel Nickle served in South America in 1807, including the actions of the 2nd and
5th July, and was severely wounded. In the Peninsula from 1808 to the end of the
war, including the battles of Talavera, Busaco, Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, Orthes,
and Toulouse (severely wounded) and the second siege of Badajoz. Served subsequently

in the American war, and was present at the action at Plattsburg (wounded), and various
other affairs.
125 Colonel Middleton sei'ved at the capture of Java, 1811; throughout the Mahratta
war in 1817 and 18, and was severely wounded in the battle of Challapore.
126 Colonel Macintosh served in the Peninsula, from August, 1812, to the end of the
war, including the actions at Alba de Tormes, and San Munos passage of the Tormes above

Salamanca, and attack on the French rear-guard under General Villate ; battle of Vittoria,
investment of Pampeluna ; affair at Tarbes, and battle of Toulouse.
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Notes to Lieutenant' Colonels.

1 Lieut. -Colonel Drinkwater Bethune served at Gibraltar during the memorable siege.
2 Lieut. -Col. John Grey has seen a great deal of active service in the West Indies, in-
cluding the battles of the 26th and 27th May, 1782, between the British and French fleets
under Sir Samuel Hood and Count De Grasse the captures of Martinique and St. Lucia

in 1794, and subsequent campaign in St. Domingo, where he was wounded in the right arm
in storming the enemy's camp near Fort Bigolon.
3 Lieut. -Col. West served in Holland from Nov., 1794, to May, 1796, and was present
when the French attacked the British after crossing the Waal also the campaign of 1799

in Holland, including the actions of the 27th Aug., 10th and 19th Sept. and 2d October,
storming of Oude Carspel bayonet-wound in the thigh at Castacum, and again severely

wounded in action on falling back upon Limma. Proceeded with the expedition to Hanover,
1805 to Zealaud, 1807, and was present at the siege of Copenhagen. Embarked for the

Peninsula in 1808, and was present at the passage of the Douro, capture of Oporto, action
at Salamonde, and battle of Talavera.
4 Baron Bulow served in the Peninsula, France, and Flanders, and has received a medal
and two clasps for the battles of Salamanca, Vittoria, and Toulouse.
5 Lieut. -Col. Luke Alen served at the captures of Martinique and the Saintes in 1809,
and Guadaloupe in 1810.
6 Lieut. -Col. R. H. Cooke served in the Peninsula, France, and Flanders, and was
severely wounded at Waterloo. Medal for the assault and capture of San Sebastian.
7 Lieut. -Col. John Mansel has seen a great deal of active service in the West Indies,
including the captures of St. Lucia and Trinidad. Served in the Peninsula from Aug.,
1811, to Nov., 1812, and again from March, 1814, to the end of the war, including the
reduction of the Forts at Salamanca, and battles of Salamanca and Toulouse, for which he
has received a medal and a clasp.
8 Lieut. -Col. Halkett served in the Peninsula, France, and Flanders, and has received a
medal and a clasp for the battles of Albuhera and Salamanca.
y Lieut. -Col. Russell Manners served the second Mysore campaign, including Se-
ringapatam and siege of Pondicherry. Served also in the Peninsula and has received a

cross for Fuentes d'Onor, Ciudad Rodrigo, Badajos, and Orthes.

10 Lieut. -Col. Pelly served the Egyptian campaign of 1801, including the 8th, 13th,
and 21st March. Served also in the Peninsula during the campaigns of 1809, 10, 11, and
12, including the battles of Oporto, Talavera, Busaco, and Fuentes d'Onor, besides various
skirmishes. Wounded and taken prisoner on the retreat from Burgos.
11 Lieut. -Col. J. P. Hunt served with the expedition to the Ferrol ia 1800; and in
Sweden, Portugal, and Spain in 1808 and 9, under Sir John Moore. Expedition to
Walcheren, 1809. Served in the Peninsula from Jan., 1811, until disabled by severe
wounds at the assault of San Sebastian and was present in the action of Sabugal, battle

of Fuentes d'Onor, siege and assault of Badajoz, battle of Salamanca, action at San Munos,
and in the Pyrenees, and siege and assault of San Sebastian, where he received two severe
wounds. Medal and two clasps for Badajoz, Salamanca, aad San Sebastian.
1"2 Lieut. -Col. Charles Rowan served in the Peninsula, France, and Flanders, and was

slightly wounded at Waterloo. Medal and two clasps for Ciudad Rodrigo, Badajoz, and
13 Lieut.-Col. Holcorabe served in the Peninsula, and has received a medal for the
assault and capture of Badajoz.
14 Lieut.-Col. J. B. Harrison served in the Peninsula, and has received a medal and two
jasps for the battles of the Pyrenees, Nive, and Orthes.
15 Lieut.-Col. Cother served at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope in 1806, and the
subsequent campaign in South America. Served afterwards in the Peninsula, including the
battles of Roleia, Vimiera, Corunna, and Vittoria, for which last he has received a
16 Sir Julius Hartmann served in the Peninsula, France, and Flanders ; and has received
a cross and two clasps for Talavera, Albuhera, Salamanca, Vittoria, San Sebastian, and the
17 Lieut.-Col. Gustavus Brown has seen a great deal of active service in the West
Indies from 1796 to 1804 inclusive, and was present at the attacks and captures of several
A^vtfs tu Lieutenant- Colonels.

islands. Served also in the Peninsula from 1809 to the end of the war, and has received a
cross for the battles of Salamanca, Pyrenees, Nivelle, and Nive.
18 Sir Richard Church served at ttie Ferrol in IHOO; the Egyptian campaign of 1801,
including the actions of the ^th, l;Uh. and '21st March, and taking of Alexandria. Present
at the battle of Maida, and defence of Capri, at which last he was wounded in the head ;

present aUo at tlu- capture of Ischia, 18011; in the expedition to the Ionian UIcs, and at
the taking of Zante and Cephalonia. Severely wounded in the arm in an attack on
ly Lieut. -Col. Plenderleatb serxed with the 4'Jth Regiment in the American war, and
was severely wounded in action with the enemy near Lake Ontario, Cth June, 1813.
Medal for the action at Cbrystler's farm.
20 Lieut. -Col. J. P. Hawkins served in the Peninsula with the 68th regiment, and has
received a medal and two clasps for the battles of Vittoria, the Pyrenees, and Nivelle.
21 Lieut.. Col. Wni. G. White served in the Peninsula with the ISth regiment, and has
received a medal and a clasp for the battles of Vittoria and the Pyrenees.
22 Lieut. -Col. George Macdonell served in the .\merican war, and has received a medal
for the action at Chateauguay.
23 Lieut. -Col. Galilfe served in the Peninsula ; was slightly wounded at the battle of Tala-
vera, and has received a cross for the battles of Vittoria, Nivelle, Orthes, and Toulouse.
24 Lieut. -Col. \Vm. Cowell served the Egyptian campaign of 1801, and has received the
medal. Served also in the Peninsula, and has received a medal and a clasp for the battles
of Nivelle and Orthes.
2o Lieut. -Col. Herford served in (he Peninsula with the 23rd Fusiliers, and has received
a medal and a clasp for the battles of Orthes and Toulouse.
2(j Lieut. -Col. Newhousc served at Toulon in l/"y4 ; at Corsica, in l"y5, including the
several operations at St. Fiorenzo, Bastia, and Calvi. Commanded a detachment of artillery
in the successful operation against the Isle of Caprarjo. Served also the Egyptian campaign
of 1801 and with the expedition to Copenhagen in 1807, and was present in the battle of

Kiog. Medal for services in Egypt.

27 Lieut.-Col. Wilkins served in the Peninsula, France, and Flanders, with the Rifle
Brigade, and was severely wounded at Waterloo. Medal for the battle of Salamanca.
28 Lieut.-Col. M. Wm. Bailey was severely wounded at Waterloo.
29 Lieut.-Col. F. S. Miller was severely wounded at Waterloo.
30 Sir Henry Pynn served in the Peninsula, and was severely wounded in the Pyrenees,
Medal and two clasps for the battles of Fuentes d'Onor, the Pyrenees, and Orthes.
31 Lieut.-Col. Patrick Campbell ( R. Artillery) was at the capture of St. Lucia in 1796,
and subsequently in the Carib war in St. Vincent. Served also in the Peninsula from Jan.
1809 to the end of the war, including the battles of Tilavera and Ca.<talla.
32 Lieut.-Col. Von Robertson was severely wounded at Waterloo.
33 Lieat.-Col. G. D. Wilson served in Holland in 1 799 at the siege of Copenhagen in

1807 ; expedition to Sweden, and afterwards to Portugal and Spain under Sir John Moore ;
expedition to Walcheren, 1809; Peninsular campaigns from 1810 to the end of the war;
also the campaign of I81.i. Slightly wounded at Corunna, severely at Badajoz, and slightly
at Waterloo. Medal for the assault and capture of Badajoz.
34 Lieut.-Col. Leslie Walker served with the 7 1st regiment in the Peninsula, France, and
Plunders, and was wounded in the Pyrenees.
J'i* Lieut.-Col. Nathan Wilson served the campaign of 1799 in Mysore, including the
battle of Malavelly and siege of Seringapatam. Campaign of 1800, in pursuit of Dhoondia
Waugh campaign of 1803, against the Mahrattas. Present at the quelling of the mutiny

at \'ellore. Severely wounded at the battle of Assaye, right arm shattered by a grape-shot,
and two slighter wounds. Medal for Seringapatam.
36 Lieut.-Col. Edward Nicolls has served in every quarter of the globe, and has been
•ereral times severely wounded.
37 Lieat.-Col. John Wm. O'Donoghne was at the attack on Ferrol, 2Cth Aug. 1800; at
the siege and capture of Monte Video, in 1807 at the defence of Cadiz, and Tarifa, in 1810

and 11, including the defeat of the French in the assanit on Tarifa in Dec. 1811. Served
the M.ihratta campaigns of 1817 and 18 ; and in the Burmese war in 1824 and 25. Slightly
wounded at Tarifa.
38 Lieut.-Col. Payler served in the Peninsula under Sir John Moore in 1808 and 1809,
and subsequently under the Duke of Wellington, including the battle of Fuentes d'Onor,
siege of Ciudad Rodrigo, and battles of Nivelle and Nive.
39 Lieut.-Col. Barlow served in India under l.ord Lake during the campaigns of 1803,
4 and 5, and was present at the siege of Deig, battle of J'uttyghur, siege of Bhurtporc, and
battle of Afzalghur. Served also at the captures of Bourbon and the Isle of France,
in 1810.
40 Lieut.-Col. the Hon. Robert Moore was severely wounded at Waterloo.
Notes to Lltfute)uint- Colonels,

41 Lieut.-Col. Edward Keane sei*ved with the expedition to the north of Germany in
1805 ; in Portugal and Spain under Sir John Moore, including the retreat to and battle of
Corunna and subsequently under the Duke of Wellington, from Nov. 1813 to the end of

the war, including the battles of Orthes and Toulouse. Served also the campaign of 1815,
and was present at the battle of Waterloo.
42 Lieut.-Col. Purvis served in the Peninsula with the Royal Dragoons, and has received
a medal for the battle of Vittoria,
43 Lieut.-Col. Robert Macdonald has received a medal for the battle of Salamanca.
44 Lieut.-Col. Madox served the campaign of 1815, and was present at the battle of Wa-
45 Lieut.-Col. Fuller served at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope in 1806. Penin-
sular campaigns from Dec. 1812 to Feb. 1814, including the battle of Vittoria, siege of San
Sebastian, and battle of the Nive, where he was wounded in the shoulder and thigh. Cam-
paign of 1815, including the battle of Waterloo, storming of Cambray, and capture of Paris.
Served also at Bhurtpore under Lord Combermere in 1826, and was slightly wounded in
the arm.
46 Lieut.-Col. C. P. Ellis served the campaigns of 1813, 14, and 15, including the pas-
sage of the Bidassoa, and battles of Nivelle, Nive, before Bayonne, and Waterloo, at which
last he was slightly wounded.
47 Sir Wm. Robert Clayton accompanied his regiment (the Royal Horse Guards) to the
Peninsula in Oct. 1812, and commanded a squadron at the battles of Vittoria, the Pyrenees,
and at the period when Marshal Soult attempted to relieve Pampeluna. In 1815 again
accompanied his regiment to the Netherlands, and was at the battles of Quatre Bras,
Genappe, and Waterloo.
48 Lieut.-Col. Macadam landed in Portugal 1st Aug. 1808. with the 9th Regiment, and
served throughout the whole of the Peninsular war, including the battles of Roleia, and
Vimiera passage of the Douro defence of Tarifa affairs on the retreat from Burgos in
; ; ;

1812; siege and storming of San Sebastian (twice wounded, and commanded the false
attack on the breach on the 31st Aug. the day of the capture) ;
passages of the Bidassoa
(shot through the body), and Adour ; several affairs connected with the investment of
Bayonne, and also the repulse of the sortie from thence ; besides a variety of minor affairs,
and other desultory services during the Peninsular war.
49 Lieut.-Col. Spink served with the Light Company of the 12th Regiment in several
actions in the Travancore war, East Indies. Severely wounded through the leg when lead-
ing a night attack against the enemy's position at St. Mary's, Bourbon. Present also at
the capture of the Isle of France, his company forming the advance on landing, and repeat-
edly engaged previous to its capture.
50 Lieut.-Col. R. F. Melville Browne served as Aide-de-Camp to Sir Brent Spencer in
the battles of RoliQa, Vimiera, Busaco, Fuentes d'Onor, and the different affairs during the
retreat of Massena from Portugal. Also at the siege of Flushing in 1801), as Aide-de-camp
to General Gore Browne.
51 Lieut.-Col. Byam served the campaigns of 1812, 13, 14, and 15, including the battles
of Salamanca, Vittoria, Orthes, Toulouse, and Waterloo, besides minor affairs. Severely
wounded by a grape-shot when carrying the regimental colour of the 38th at Salamanca, and
slightly wounded at Waterloo.
52 Lieut.-Col. Prendergast served in the Peninsula from Dec. 1811 to March 1814,
including the battles of Salamanca and Vittoria, and sieges of Badajoz and San Sebastian.
53 Lieut.-Col. Drake served with the army on the Elbe, under Lord Cathcart, in 1805
and 6 in Portugal and Spain, under Sir John Moore, in 1808 and 9 with the expedition
; ;

to Walcheren, 1809; in the Peninsula in 1810 and 11, as Aide-de-camp to Sir Brent
Spencer and in 1812 and 13 on the staff of the Quarter-Master General in the Peninsula.

54 Lieut.-Col. J. J. Snodgrass served in the Peninsula, France, and Flanders, from June
1812 to the end of the war, including the battles and affairs of Vittoria, the Pyrenees, Vera,
Nivelle, Nive, Orthes, Tarbes, Toulouse, and Waterloo. Served also during the whole of
the Burmese war.
55 Lieut.-Col. Gurwood served in the Peninsula, Finance, and Flanders, and was slightly
wounded at the assault of Ciudad Rodrigo, and severely at Waterloo.
56 Lieut.-Col. Jeremiah Taylor served in the Peninsula from Aug. 1808 to Feb, 1813,
and again from Oct. 1813 to the end of the war, including the battles of Vimiera (wounded) ;

Busaco, and Salamanca, retreat from Burgos, combat at Villa Murial (wounded), and
repulse of the sortie from Bayonne.
57 Sir Henry R. Wyatt served the campaign of 1814, including the battle of Toulouse.
58 Major John Eraser served in the Peninsula from June 1809 to June 1813, including
the battles of Busaco and Fuentes d'Onor, siege of Ciudad Rodrigo, battle of Salamanca,
and siege of Burgos, where he was at the taking of the Horn Work 19th Sept., and led the

Nuti'S to the Lifutfiiant- Ci'loiiels.

storming party to the breitcli formed by the mine on the Ulh Oct. 1812. Employed ia the
field througliout the whole of the Kaiidyan rebellion in Ceylon, in 1817 and 18.
5y Lieut.-Col. \Vm. Roberta served in the Peninsula from May 1810 to Oct. 1812, and
again from Mar 1813 to Sept. 1814, including the defence of Cadiz, battle of Barrosa, and
capture of Seville. Medal for Barrosa.
60 Lord Howden served as .\ to his Grace the Duke of Wellington during
the years 181" and 18, to the close of the occupation in Krancc. Employed by Government
on a special mission, and present at the battle of Navarin in 182" (wounded and mentioned
in Commander-in-Chief's despatch) siege of .\ntwerp in 1832 (wounded); campaign in

Spain, in Navarre and Basijue Provinces, in 1834.

fil Lieut.-Col. Robert Douglas served at the capture of the Danish and Swedish West
India Islands in 1801 ; expedition to the north of Germany in 1805 and G. Peninsular
campaigns from Feb. 1812 to March 1814, including the battles of Salamanca, Vittoria, and
the Pyrenees (2rth to 3Ut July\ siege of San Sebastian (24th .\ug. to 8th Sept.), and
battle of Nivelle. He has received a cross for Salamanca. Vittoria, Pyrenees, and Nivclle.
62 Lieut.-Col. Chas. Stuart Campbell served in Egypt in 1801 ; in Portugal and Spain ia
1808 and 'J, including the battle of Corunna expedition to Walcheren, and siege of Flush-

ing, 180y ; Peninsular campaigns from 1811 to 1814, including the battle of Vittoria, siege
and assault of San Sebastian, at which latter he was severely wounded in the thigh, and
where the ball still remains. Medal and a clasp.
63 Lieut.-Col. Thornhill served in Egypt in 1801 ; at the captures of Martinique and
Guadaloupe in 1809 and 10 ; and in the Burmese war under Sir Archibald Campbell. Se-
verely wounded in the attack on the Burmese lines 25th Dec. 1824, and at the assault of the
island of Cbcduba.
64 Lieut.-Col. Dugald Campbell served at the Ferrol in 1800; in Egypt in 1801, includ-
ing the battles of the 8th, 13th, and 21 st March and again in 180", including the bom-

bartlment of Rosetta. Present at the battle of Maida, 4th July, 1806 and at the capture of

the islands of Ischia and Procida in 1809. Severely wouuded in the battle of the 21st March
1801, in Egypt. Medal for services in Egypt.
65 Lieut.-Col. Considine served in the Peninsula from May 1810 to Feb. 1814, including
the combat of the Coa ; battle of Busaco combats of Redinha, Condei.\a, and Sabugal

sieges and as.eaults of Ciudad Rodrigo, and Badajoz battle of Salamanca ; passage of the

Biiiassoa. and battle of Nivelle, besides various skirmishes. Served also at the attack on
New Orleans 8th Jan. 1815. Severely wounded at the assault of Badajoz, and again at the
battle of Nivelle.
66 Lieut.-Col. St. John .Xngnstus Gierke served with the old 94th regiment at the defence
of Cadiz, and also until the retreat from Santarem was closed at Fuentes d'Onor, having
been present in the actions at Redinha, Foz d'Aronce, and Sabugal. Joined the "7th regi-
ment (also in the Peninsula) on promotion, and served with it in the action at El Bodon,
sieges and assaults of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz, including the storming of Fort Picurina.
Severely wounded in the leg at the storming of the castle of Badajoz.
67 Lieut.-Col. Brock served in the Peninsula with the 43rd Light Infantry from Aug. to
Not. 1808, June to Dec. 1811, and from Nov. 1812 to the end of the war, including the
following battles and atfairs, viz. :

Vimiera, Vittoria, Vera, Nivelle, Nive, Tarbes, Arcan-
gues, and Toulouse, besides various skirmishes and affairs of out-posts. .\Jso in the attack
on New Orleans, and the capture of Paris. Served in the Coorg campaign in India, where
a portion of his regiment (the 48th) bore a conspicuous and distinguished part.
68 Lieut.-Col. John Moore served at the capture of Martinique in 1809, and Guadaloupe
in 1810.
69 Lieut.-Col. Phillott served at the Helder in 1799; at the blockade and capture of
Malta. 1800 battle of Maida, 1806
; expedition to Egypt in 1807, including the siege and

capture of .\lexandria. blockade of Rosetta, and subsequent retreat. Served also with the
expedition from Sicily to the bay of Naples, and was present at the capture of Ischia and
70 Lieut.-Col. Patrick Campbell (h. p. 52nd regiment) served with the 52nd regiment in
the eipe<lition to Ferrol and Cadiz, 1800; expedition to Gottenburg, 1808, and subse-
quently in the Peninsula, France, and Flanders, during the whole of the war, including the
retreat to Corunna, action of the Coa, battle of Busaco, retreat to the lines of Torres Vedras,
and all the actions in the advance to Sabugal, where he was severely wounded, and sent to
England for recovery. Rejoined the army in the advance to Madrid, and served in the sub-
sequent retreat ti> Portugal, battle of Vittoria, attack on the heights of Vera (twice wounded
at the head of his regiment, the 52nd), battles of the Pyrenees, Nivelle (the 88th French
regiment surrendered to the 52nd on this occasion), Nive, Orthes (wounded), Toulouse, and
Waterloo. Medal and a clasp for the battles of Nivelle and Nive.
71 Lieut -Col. Stone has received a medal for the battle of Nivelle.
72 Lieut. Col. Trafford served in the Peninsula, and was present at the battles of Tala-
77 \.
Notes to the Lieutenant- Colonels.

vera (woundeJ), Albuhera, Busaco, Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, Orthes, anit
1?> Lieut. -Col. Oates, during eight years' active service in the West Indies, was fre-
quently engaged with the enemy, and twice severely wounded, viz., in the right side by a
musket-ball at Cote de Far, and in the left ankle in an attack near Port au Prince. Served
also five years in the East Indies and in Egygt, and crossed the Desert under Sir David
Baird. Expedition to South America in 1807 and subsequently throughout the whole of

the Peninsular war, including the battles of Talavera (severely wounded on the head by the
bursting of a shell), Busaco, Fuentes d'Onor 2nd and 3rd sieges of Badajoz (severely

wounded at the storming of Fort Picurina) battles of Vittoria, Nivelle, and Orthes, where

lie was severely wounded through the right thigh. Medal for services in Egypt.
74 Lieut. -Col, Edw. Thos. Fitzgerald served the campaign of 1815 on the staff of the
Quarter-Master General, and was slightly wounded at Waterloo.
7'» Lieut. -Col. George Tovey served in Calabria, and was present at the battle of Maida.

Served also in the Peninsula from July 1808 to Nov. 1809, and again from Oct. 1812 to the
end of the war, including the battles of Vimiera, Talavera, Vittoria, Pyrenees (25th July to
2nd Aug.) siege of San Sebastian and battles of Nivelle, Nive, and Orthes.
; ;

7f) Lieut. -Col. Bunce served on board H.M.S. Bedford at the battle of Camperdown,

under Lord Duncan, and capture of the Dutch fleet, 11th Oct. 17H7. In 1791* landed from
the tleet under Lord Nelson at the siege and capitulation of St. Elmo at Naples, surrender
of the castles of Uovo and Nuovo, and the siege and fall of Capua. Served in Egypt in
1801. In May 1806 he commanded the seamen and marines landed from the squadron
under Sir Sydney Smith, at the attack and capture of the island of Capri, and was after-
wards at the fall of Gaeta. Commanded the battalion of marines, landed from the fleet
under Sir Robert Stopford during the attack and capture of Java in 1811, including the
storming the intrenched lines and fortifications of Corneilis, the fall of Gresil andSaurabaya.
Independent of the above, he has been frequently engaged in boat actions. Medal for Java.
77 Lieut. -Col. Charles Stisted served the Peninsular campaign of 1810, with the 13th
Light Dragoons.
78 Lieut. -Col. Linton served the campaign of 1815, and was present at the battle of
79 Lieut.-Col. C. B. Turner served in the Peninsula from Aug. 1809 to Jan. I8I4,
including the battles of Busaco, and Fuentes d"Onor ; second siege of Badajoz siege and ;

storming of Ciudad Rodrigo battle of Salamanca siege of Burgos

; investment of Pam-
; ;

peluna ; battles of the Pyrenees (28th, 29th, and 30th July), and Nivelle, besides being
engaged in twenty-eight different affairs and skirmishes. Severely wounded in the shoulder
by a musket-shot whilst pressing the rear-guard of the enemy after the battle of Nivelle.
80 Lieut.-Col. Coles served in South America in 1807, including the operations previous
to, and storming of Monte Video. Served afterwards in the Peninsula from Aug. 1808 to
Nov. 1811, and again from April 1813 to the end of the war, including the battles of Roleia,
Vimiera, Talavera, Busaco, and Albuhera cavalry action at Usagre
; and passages of the ;

Bidassoa, Nive, and Adour.

81 Lieut.-Col. John Eden served the campaign in Java in 1811, including the actions on
the 10th and 26th Aug. Present also at the battle of Maheidpore, in the East Indies, 21st
Dec. 1817.
82 Lieut.-Col. Story served in the Peninsula from Aug. 1809 to the end of the war,
including the following battles, sieges, &c., viz. :

Busaco, Redinha, Campo Mayor, Los
Santos, Albuhera, Usagre, Ciudad Rodrigo, Badajoz (2 operations), Vittoria, Pampeluna,
and Toulouse.
83 Lieut.-Col. Wm. Eraser served the campaign of 1815, and was slightly wounded at
Quatre Bras.
84 Lieut.-Col. Shee served the early part of the compaign of 1809 in Portugal and the ;

latter end of 1809 and the years 1810 and 11 with the Sicilian army. Served also the
Peninsular campaigns of 1812, 13, and 14, with the Portuguese army.
85 Lieut.-Col. Hartley served in the Peninsula from Dec. 1813 to the end of the war, and
was present at the battle of Nivelle.
86 Lieut. Col. James Campbell served at the capture of Kandy in Ceylon in 1803 cam- ;

paign in Spain, and battle of Cornnna campaigns of 1811, 12, 13, 14, and 15, under the

Duke of Wellington, including the second siege of Badajoz. battles of Vittoria, the Pyre-
nees, Nivelle and St. Pe, Orthes, and Waterloo, and storming of Cambray.
87 Lieut.-Col. Chester served in Holland in 1799, and was present in the action near
Bergen, 2nd Oct. Served also the campaign in Spain from Sept. 1808 to Jan. 1809, includ-
ing the actions at Benevente, Villa Franca, and Lugo, and retreat to Corunna.
88 Lieut.-Col. Mauley Dixon served at the capture of various islands in the West Indies,
in 1801, under Sir Thomas Trigge.
8y Lieut. -Coi. Geddes served in Calabria in 1806 ; capture of Procida 1809 ; in Sicily in
Nofet to the Lkittinunt- Colonels.

1810 and subsoqufntly in the Peninsula, including the

battles of Nivelle, Nive, Orlhi'S
"*"'*'^'""'''' » '"-'"™ """'"'• »'"'='> '^'0'"=
near tne nip-joiitt- "»= l<.ftthiKh-bone

^"''" "'" l'""''^"'«- ""J was present at the battles of

vimiera, lalavera, liusaco, luidrin"'.'"
Vimie™"T„l„'^!.t';.^\';"' Albuhcra.
^''"""^, »"«>'»' the capture of Is.hia. Zante, and Cephalonia,
in 1809,
of Santa Maura 1810. m
Served afterwards on the eastern coast of Spain and
p«^sent at the battle o Custalia en.-a.ed with the enemy on several oceasio.^'
eo veri 5 The
"^""'" ''"™^""^- '^»""« ^--' -"' '»
CraVuntrtK„',",lt:tiner ' "^^"^^ -"^

"nd Spain from Aug. 1808 to Jan. 1809

,'*"'''' '° ^'""'"S'J
inn"!"^'''*",!'^^"'' ,™*r.?
Lt"ur o'fTe
he enpture VV:
of Ter \ «t^'\'"""-'™p'""'
ere and Flushing
'^?^''"""= *'''^'""°" '" Waleheren inclidin,
Peninsular campaigns from Nov. 1812 to the
end of
Orthes. 'a',?^
Ortir;', and Ton
T fouse '',""?
"f ^'"°"'' (^''«''"^ woJndtd), the Pyrenees,
besides various other alTairs of less importance.
lie N ve nL

campaign of I8I0, and was present at the battle Served also the
of Waterloo.

at the battle,
b^t'tle'^'nf r'T'"and
'•'"''' '"
''f\v'imieia, capture of
''-^-'i-'^"'" «' various periods, and
was present
of Roleia Oporto, battle of Talavera, first sieee of
Badajo^, and battle of Albuhera, besides
skirmishes and atfrays at ont-post. \t the battle
of Tajavera he was severely wounded in the
right leg, where the ball still remains
"?' '""'^"' "' ""•' ""«'='' o" -'"«"• Orleans, 8th Jan. 181,i
94 xt^'f-
9J Lieut.-Col. n .
M served P
at the siege of Copenhagen in 180?
e.vped tion to Sweden ;
and afterwards to the Peninsula, including the battle of
cheren; Peninsular campaigns from 1811 to the exneSn to WaJ
Coruuu; ;

end of the war, in'elud i'ng the foUowit

battles sieges, «cc„ VIZ :-liarrosa (slightly
wounded), Cadiz, Arrova de Molino, A Inmref
reduction of forts), \ ittoria, Pyrenees ^2oth
to 31st July), Nivelle, Nive St "dais
'' ^""'^ "^'^ "'" ''""'""°'' "^ '^^'" """^ ^'^ P'^^^"' "' the battle of
95 Lieut.-Col. Wm. Beckwith served in the Peninsula from July 1813 to the end of the

^' ^'' '*°''"''"° ^""""^ " ">« '^='P'"'-e of Guadaloupe in 1810, and again

Tyler served in the Peninsula from Aug. 1808 to

^l '-'f"*-:'^''!- the end of the war in-

" °''°^^°' T»'-eraLd Busaeo (wounded in Th^' left
Shoulder) in'hrii';
in es"f t'
the lines at '"'T'^
Torres Vedras and pursuit of the enemy from thence- battle of
Inrcr, "''V
r^^ r^.
"''"J"^ =
"•^''""^ «'

^l Bodon and^AWea de
''""''^^ of Vittoria,
"egel Se ;

Pyrenees, Nivefle
Orhes'lmrTf. '"''"''s'^''^"^? '"'t =

98 Lieut.-Col. CJawler served in the Peninsula from Nov. 1811

to the end of the war in- the siege and assault of Badajoz battles of Vittoria, NiveUe, Orthes, an 1
.^"""'^ "^'^ ""^ campaign of 1815, and was present at the
hi f /v'r''"'"^-'"^'"^':.
Badio" "^
' '" ^""^
"«'",''"''« ''>• " ""-^ket shot at tile sto mt
"*'='' ^^ " ""^''et-shot, at San Munos, 17 N«v.
g of

"""' "' Copenhagen in 1807; and in Ceylon during the

100 Lieut.-Col. George Marshall served at the battle
of Copenhagen.
101 Lieut.-Col Firman served in the Peninsula
in 1812 and 13, including the retreat

I™2 Lfe"ut' ColV'^r""''' ":! ""r.''"" °/ ''»>"' "' "'"'^'' '-' >« tw°fe wounde" "-
"' '" •""' ''""' *" "'« Peninsula from June
jI! i180
1808 to Jan. KimI, \f yZiT't
.May 1809 to Sept. STT'"'^""
1810, and again from Sept. 1812 to May

eluding the battles of Roleia, Vimiera, Talavera, 18U in!

Vittoria, Nivelle, Nive, and Orthes and
in ini. lett siJe

at .Nivelle
Lieut.-ColWm. Tumor
'"''"?'!?'' •'?".?''
and through the '!"i
^?'" ''-"•'" ^y " musket'-shotat Vittorial
right leg at Tarbes.
served in Hanover in 1805 and 06; battle of
"' ""*•'"«• '''' ^"'"P'^^' °f '«'^- i-'udrnTthe
L'e»t-Col. John Ross served in the Peninsula under Sir John Moore,
.Ji"^ including the
»"> '^*".''= of Corunna. E.,pedition to Waleh;ren, and f
of Hu'hing, 1809. ""..""^V
Flu,hin.'^r«09 Peninsular campaigns from Jan. 181 1 to the end
of the war, including
™verin ,h
'"7 ''e^e of Badajoz and storming of fort St. Christovd in
; 18 ^
«e/.r<, a Madnd M TT
siege ^"'^"^"•r'^
of Burgos,
; and retreat from thence: action at
"'J-Jo-; b^'leof Salamanca; capture of th^
SanMunos- battle
of N.vellc, «,d carrying the heights of St. Pe,
and battle of Orthes. Served also the 4m-
Notes to the Lieutenant- Colonels,

paign of 1815, including the battle of Waterloo, and taking of Cambray. Wounded in
action at Lasaca, 31st Aug. 1813.
105 Lieut. -Col. Austen was at the landing at the Helder in Aug. 1799, and severely
wounded at the battle of Egraont-op-Zee, 2ud Oct. following. Served in Egypt in 1801,
including the surrender of Alexandria. Present at the capture of Guadaloupe in 1810, and
again in 1815.
106 Lieut. -Col. Briggs served at the siege and capture of Copenhagen in 1807 after- ;

wards to Sweden under Sir John Moore ; and subsequently to Portugal, where he landed
with his regiment (the 28th) immediately after the battle of Vimiera, and was present at the
passage of the Douro, battles of Talavera, Busaco, Albuhera, the Nivelle, Nive, Orthes, and
Toulouse; the siege of Badajoz and Lord Hill's action before Bayonne, 13 Dec. 1813,

besides all the minor affairs connected with the above mentioned actions.
107 Lieut.-Col. Edward Knight commanded the Uth Portuguese regiment at the battle
of Vittoria, and has received the medal.
108 Lieut.-Col. Clanchy served in Hanover under Lord Cathcart in 1805 and 6. Expe-
dition to Madeira, 1807, and capture of the lines of Funchal. Peninsular campaigns from
Sept. 1808 to the end of the war, including the battle of Busaco ; retreat to the lines at
Torres Vedras, and the subsequent advance pursuit of the French army under Massena ;

actions at Pombal, Redinha, and Condeixa ; scaling the heights of the Echellar ;action at
Sabugal first siege of Almeida, and its subsequent blockade battle of Fuentes d'Ouor ;
; ;

and retreat from Burgos.

109 Lieut.-Col. Diggle was severely wounded at Waterloo.
110 Sir John Scott Lillie served in the (Jth Regt., with the first expedition to Portugal
in 1808, and was present at the battle of Vimiera, and capture of Lisbon. In 1809, as cap-
tain in the Lusitanian Legion, in various engagements for the defence of Portugal during the
important interval between the embarkation at Corunna and the return of the second expe-
dition to Lisbon. —
Campaign of 1810 battle of Busaco, and retreat to the lines of Torres
Vedras. —
1811 actions of Redinha and Pombal, capture of Campo Mayor, sieges of Oli-

ven9a and Badajoz. 1812 battle of Salamanca, capture of Madrid, and retreat from Burgos.

1813 actions at Aldea de Ponte, Osma, and bridge of Subijana de Morellas (wounded),
battle of Vittoria, blockade of Pampeluna, actions in the Pyrenees (24th, 25th, 26th, 2Sth,
and 30th July), Irun and St. Martial, capture of San Sebastian, passage of the Bidassoa,
battles of Nivelle (wounded) and Nive. —
1814 battles of Orthes and Toulouse, at which
last he was severely wounded and left for forty-eight hours on the field of battle, supposed
to have been killed. Cross for the battles of the Pyrenees, Nivelle, Orthes, and Toulouse.
111 Lieut.-Col. B. Orlando Jones served in Hanover in 1805 and 6 ; and afterwards in
the Peninsula from 1808 to the end of the war, including the battles of Roli^a, Vimiera,
Busaco, (lines of Lisbon), Fuentes d'Onor, Vittoria, Nivelle, near Bayonne 9th Dec, St.
Jean de Luz 11th, 12ih, and 13th Dec, investment of Bayonne, and repulse of the sortie ;
besides about thirteen other affairs of less note. Slightly wounded at the attack on Fort St.
Gaitano, at Salamanca and severely in the action of Tolosa in Biscay.

112 Lieut.-Col. De Lancey served at Walcheren in 1809; and in the Peninsula during
parts of 1811, 12, and 13.
113 Lieut.-Col. Baynes served the campaign in Naples in 1805. Peninsular campaign
from Jan. 1809 to Jan. 1813, and was wounded in the head at the battle of Talavera. Served
also in Holland, the Netherlands, and France from Dec. 1813 to Nov. 1818, including the
bombardment of the French fleet at Antwerp, and battle of Waterloo, where he was slightly
wounded in the face and body. Medal for Talavera.
114 Lieut.-Col. Webber was employed in the expedition to, and in the capture of the
colony of Surinam 1804. Campaign in the Peninsula under Sir John Moore and subse- ;

quently under the Duke of Wellington, from May 1812 to the end of the war, including the
battles of Vittoria, the Pyrenees, St. Palais, Orthes, and Toulouse, besides affairs of out-
posts. Campaign of 1814 in Canada under Sir George Prevost; and that of 1815 under the
Duke of Wellington, including the battle of Waterloo, where he was wounded. Wounded
also during the operations against the forts in the River Surinam, by the falling of a building
in consequence of the explosion of a magazine.
115 Lieut.-Col. John Browne served in the Peninsula with the 4th Regt., including the
lines at Torres Vedras, pursuit of Massena, action at Redinha, battle of Fuentes d'Onor, siege
of Badajoz (wounded), siege and capture of Ciudad Rodrigo. Served also the campaign of
1815, including the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo, at which latter he was severely
llti Lieut.-Col. Crowe served in the Peninsula from July 1811 to the end of the war, in-
cluding the support of the siege of Ciudad Rodrigo, and covering the siege of Badajoz, ac-
tion at Usagre, siege and storming the fort at, and battle of Salamanca, siege of Burgos,
actions before Bayonne, and battle of Orthes. Served also the campaign of 1815, and was
severely wounded at Quatre Bras.
JNo/M tu the Liciitciuiiit- Culoiwls

117 Lirat.-Col. T. C. Kirby serrcd at the Ferrol in ISOO. Egyptian campaign of 1801,
indudiag the actions of the 8th and Kfth March (wounded>, and 15th October. Served
also in the campaigns in Holland, France, and Flanders, including the action at Mcrxem,
bombardment of Anlweri>, battle of Waterloo, taking of Cambray, and capture of I'aris.
118 Lieut. -Col. Bateman serred with the eipedition to South .\merica under General
Crawford, and was in the attack on Buenos .\yres. .><crved in the Peninsula in 1810, 11,
and 13, and was severely wounded at the battle of Vittoria. Served also in the Americaa
war in 18U, and was present at Plattsburg.
lly Lieut. Col. Quill served at tlie capture of the French West India Islands in 1815,

under Sir James Leith.

120 Lieut. -Col. W. H. Davies served in South America in 1806; and subsequently in
the IVninsula, including the sieges of Cadiz, Tarragona, and Tarifa.
121 Lieut. -Col. James Thomson was severely wounded at the battle of Orthes.
I2'2 Lieut. -Col. Norclitfe served in the Peninsula with the 4th Dragoons, and was present at
the battles of Talavera, Busaco, and Salamanca, in which lu:$t he was severely wounded and
taken prisoner.
ilH Lieut. -Col. Sherburne Williams served at the capture of Guadaloupe in 1815.
124 Lieut-Col. John Cox, with the exception of a few months, served throughout the
whole of the Peninsular war with the y5th (Ritle Brigade) commencing with the first affair,
when his company formed part of the detachment which dislodged the French from the post
of Obidos, 15th .\ug. 1808. He was also engaged with the enemy in the following battles,
sieges, affairs, Stc. vix. Roleia, Yimiera, bridge of Benevente, in front of Talavera, Barba
del Puerca, Galligos, Barquillo, .\lmeida. Mora Morta, Sista, Busaco, .\lenquier, Arada,
Santcrim, Pombal, Redinha, Condeua. Caxal Nova, Foz d'.\ronce, Truxadas, Sabugal,
.\lmeida OOth to 14tb .\pril 1811) Marcalva Bridge, Fuentes d'Onor, Nava d'.\var, For-
caylos, Ciudad Rodrigo (siege and storming), San Milan, Vittoria, Echarrianos, Pami)eluna,
heights of Santa Barbara, pass of Echellar, Vera, pass of Vera, Nivelle, Arcangues, and
Tarbes. Served also the campaign of 1815, including the affairs of out-post on the ITth
June, and the battle of Waterloo, ISth June. Wounded in the right shoulder by a musket-
ball at Vimiera; compound fracture of the left arm by a musket-shot at the stomiing of
Ciudad Rodrigo ; left leg badly fractured by a musket-shot at Tarbes, ball still lodged.
125 Ijeut.-Col. Greaves was present in the attack on New Orleans, 8th Jan. 1815.
126 Lieut. -Col. Charleton served in the Peninsula, and has received a medal for the battle
of Toulouse, where he was severely wounded.
127 Lieut. -Col. Cartwright served the campaigns of 181.3, 14, and 15, including the battles
of the Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, Orthes, Toulouse, and Waterloo.
128 Lieut. -Col. Garland was severely wounded at Waterloo.
129 Lieut. -Col. Yale has received a medal for the battle of .Albuhera.
l.'iO Lieut. -Col. .Arthur Gore was slightly wounded at Waterloo.

131 Lieot.-Col. Pringle Taylor served the campaigns in the Deccan of 1817, IS, and 19,
including the actions at Bucktowlie, Nagpore, and -Ashta ; siege and capture of Capaul-
droog, where he led the Forlorn Hope, and was shot through the lungs and body.
132 Lieut.-Col. Schreiber was slightly wounded at AVaterloo.
133 Lieut.-Col. Carmichael served in the Peninsula, France, and Flanders, from Aug.
1812 to the end of the war, including the battle of Vittoria, siege and assault of San Sebas-
tian, and battles of the Nivelle, Nive. and Waterloo. Received three wounds at the storm-
ing of San Sebastian, and at the battle of the Nive ; served also in the Kandyan rebellion
in Ceylon ; and at Bhurtpore, under Lord Combermere.
134 Lieut.-Col. NichoUon served the campaign of 1814 in Holland, including the bom-
bardment of -Antwerp, and storming of Bergen-op-Zoom, where he was severely wounded.
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1 —

iVo/M to the Majors.

1 Major FlJnarJ Wood served the Egyptian campaign of 1801, and has received the
I* Major Wolfe served the Egyptian campaign of 1801, and has received the medal.
2 Major l^-inglauds served in the Peninsula with the Tlth regiment, and has received a
medal and a clxsp for the assaults and captures of C'iudad Rodrigo and Badajoz : slightly
wounded at the former, and severely at the latter.
;t -Major Onslow served the campaign of 1 7'J'J in Holland, including the actions of the
lOth and 19th Sept., 2nd and Glh October. Served also in the Peninsula from 1809 to the
end of the war, including the battles of Talavera, .Mbuhera, Usagre, Busaco, Salamanca, Vit-
toria. and Toulouse, besides various skirmishes.
4 Major Wm. Campbell served in the Peninsnla, and has received a medal and a clasp for
the battles of the Pyrenees and Nivclle.
5 Sir \'ictor Von .\rentsschildt served in the Peninsula, and has received a medal and two
clasps for the battles of Busaco, Fuentes d'Onor, and Toulouse.
6 Major Robyns served in the .\merican war.
/ Major Thome servc*l in the .\merican war, and was present at the attack and capture of
the fort and town of C'astine, Bangor, and Machias, on the river Penobscot.
8 Major Christopher Wilkinson served the campaign of 1791* in Holland under the Duke
of ^orL. .\ccompaitied the expedition to the north of Germany in 1805, under Lord
9 Major Sandham's services: —
Campaign of 1799 in Holland, including the actions of
the 27th Aug., 10th and 19th Sept., and 2nd Oct. Expedition to Copenhagen in 1807 to ;

Sweden, and afterwards to Portugal and Spain, under Sir John Moore. 1808 and9 and to ;

Walchcren, 1809. Campaign in Holland, 1814 and in Flanders and France in 1815,

including the battle of Waterloo.

10 Major Gore served in the American war, including the actions at Chrystler's Farm,
and Niagara Served also throughout the Burmese war, and commanded the 89th regiment
five limes in action during the war.
1 Major .\nnesley's services —
Campaign in Egypt, 1801 ; in Italy and Calabria, 1805

and 6, including the battle of Maida, and siege of ScyUa Castle ; in the Peninsula from Aug.
1811 to Feb. 1814, including the siege of the forts at, and battle of Salamanca, siege of
Burgos, battles of the Pyrenees (2hth July to 2nd Aug."), and Nivelle, at which last he was
wounded in the ankle. Medal for the battle of Salamanca.
12 Major Hutton served in the Peninsula with the 4th Dragoons, from .\ug. 1811 to
May 181.t.
1.1 Major Sweeny w*as severely wounded at Waterloo.
14 Major Greatly served in South .\merica, under General Whitelock, in 1807 ; in Por-
tugal and Spain in 1808 and 9, including the cavalry action at Benevente, and battle of
Corunna. Served also at the alUck and capture of Guadaloupe in 1810.
l.'i Major George Hall served in the Peninsula from Jan. 1811 to June 1812, and again
from Oct. 1813 to the end of the war, including the following battles and sieges, viz. :

Fuentes d'Onor, Ciudad Rodrigo, Badajoz (severely wounded i, Nive, Orthes. and Toulouse.
Served also the campaign of 1815, and was present at the battle of Waterloo.
IG Major C. C. Michell served in the Peninsula, and has received a medal and a clasp for
the battles of Vittoria, and Toulouse.
17 Major James Mill was slightly wounded at Waterloo.
18 Major Goldsmid served in the Peninsula from 1812 to the end of the war, including
the cavalry affairs at Castrajon, Quintara de Puerta, and Monasterio, battles of Salamanca,
and ^'ittoria, and siege of San Sebastian. Served also the campaign of 1815, and was pre-
sent at the battle of Waterloo.
19 Major Edward Jones served at Walcheren in 1809; and in the Peninsnla from July
1811 to the end of the war, including the action at El Bodon. and sieges and assaults of
Ciudad Rodrigo, and Badajoz. Severely wounded at the storming of Ciudad Rodrigo.
20 Major Bowers was slightly wounded at Waterloo.
21 Major Gcoree Browne served in Portugal and Spain in 1808 and 9, including the
retreat to,and battle of Corunna. Expedition to Walcheren, 1809. Peninsular campaigns
of 1810, 11, 12. and 1.1, including the siege of Oliven^a, first investment of Badajoz. battle
of Alhnhera, affairs of Fuenle Guinaldo and .Mdca de Ponte, siege of Ciudad Rodrigo, siege
Notes to the Mcijors.

and assault of Badajoz, battle of Salamanca, retreat from Madrid, affair at Osma, and battles
of Vittoria and the Pyrenees. Severely wounded at the assault of Badajoz, slightly at Sala-
manca, and severely at tiie Pass of Roncesvalles.
22 Major Percy Pratt joined the 2nd battalion of the 47th regiment in the Peninsula shortly
after the fall of San Sebastian.
23 Major Alexander Fraser served atWalcheren in 1809, and afterwards in the Peninsula,
including the following battles, sieges, &c. viz. Busaco, Salamanca, Vittoria, San. Sebastian,

Bidassoa, Nivelle, and Nive.

24 Sir T. Livingston Mitchell served with his regiment the 95th (Rifle Brigade), at the
sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz ; and on the Quarter-Master-General's stafif until
the termination of the Peninsular war, when he was sent back to Spain and Portugal on a
special mission to make surveys of the fields of battle and positions of the armies.
25 Major Felix was slightly wounded at Quatre Bras.
26 Major Trevor accompanied 'the 33rd regiment to the North of Germany in 1813;
served with it in Holland in 1814, and was present at both attacks on Merxem, and the
stonning of Bergen-op-Zoom. Served also the campaign of 1815, including the actions at
Quatre Bras and Waterloo, 16th, 17th, and 18th June.
27 Major T. H. Elliot served in the Peninsula from 1811 to Nov. 1813.
28 Major Thomas Seward was at the battle of Copenhagen in 1801 and at Navarin Iq

29 Major Wm. Bruce served in the Peninsula from 1812 to the end of the war, including
the battles of the Pyrenees 28th, 29th, and 30th July, blockade of Pampeluna, battles of
Nivelle 10th Nov., Nive 10th, 11th, 12th, and I3th Dec, investment of Bayonne, and battle
of Toulouse. Served also the campaign of 1815, and was severely wounded at Waterloo.
30 Sir Trevor W^heler served in the Peninsula from June 1810 to the end of the war, in-
cluding the actions of Pombal, Redinha, Foz d'Aronce, and Sabugal battle of Fuentes

d'Onor affairs of Llerena, and Castrejon battle of Salamanca

; ; ; retreat from Burgos ;
battles of Vittoria, Nivelle, and near Bayonne on the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th Dec. 1813.
Served also the campaign of 1815, including the battle of Waterloo.
31 Major H. A. Fraser served in Portugal and Spain in 1808 and 9, under Sir John
Moore, including the battle of Corunna. Expedition to Walcheren 1809. Peninsular cam-
paigns from 7th Aug. 1810 to Dec. 1812, and again from Feb. 1814 to the end of the war, in-
cluding the battles of Busaco and Fuentes d'Onor, siege of Ciudad Rodrigo, battle of Sala-
manca, siege of Burgos (severely wounded through the body), and battle of Toulouse, where
he was again severely wounded, a musket-ball having entered the right thigh. Served also
the campaign of 1815, including the actions at Quatre Bras and Waterloo, at which latter
he was slightly wounded.
32 Major Thomas Wright was slightly wounded at Waterloo.
33 Major Barralier served at the capture of Martinique in 1809, and of Guadaloupe in
1810, and again in 1H15.
34 Major James Henderson served at the siege of Copenhagen and action at Keog in
1807. Expedition to Sweden, and afterwards to Portugal and Spain under Sir John Moore,
1808 and 9, including the action at Lugo and battle of Corunna. Expedition to Walcheren,
1809. Campaigns of 1814 and 15 in France and Flanders, including the affair at Tarbes,
and battles of Toulouse and Waterloo, at which last he was severely wounded in the thigh by
a grape-shot.
35 Major Wm, Smith served at the capture of Martinique in 1809.
36 Major Workman served at the capture of Martinique and the Saintes in 1809, and of
Gaudaloupe in 1810, and again in 1815.
37 Major Sweetman served in Ireland during the rebellion in 1798 at the siege of Co-

penhagen in 1807 and aftenvards in Portugal aud Spain, including the battles of Roleia,

Vimiera, Corunna, capture of Oporto, and battle of Talavera.

38 Major More served in Egypt in 1801, and has received the medal.
39 Major Lawrence served in Egypt in 1801, and has received the medal.
40 Major Robert Kelly served in the Peninsula with the 5th battalion of the 60th regi-
ment, and was severely wounded in action with the enemy 19th March 1814.
41 Major Wilkinson served on board H.M.S, Dromeda in Lord Duncan's fleet off Cam-
perdown, blockading the Dutch fleet in the Texel in 1798; after which proceeded to India
and fell in with a large body of Malay pirates off Batavia, which were completely destroyed.
On board the Leander at the capture of the Vilfc de Milan, French frigate, and recapture of
the Cleopatra, off Bermuda. Served also in the expedition on the north coast of Spain,
under Sir James Malcolm, and Captain (now Colonel) Parke. Major Wilkinson has served
in every quarter of the globe, and was taken prisoner by the Americans near Norfolk in
Virginia while carrying despatches. Medal for services in Egypt.
42 Major Thomas Kelly served the Egyptian campaign of 1801, and has received the
Notes to the Majors.

an,f p" "

i^'°/hl '^'•"'"^'"*
'!""r *^'Y'' •' "»"»«>• i" 1805 and 6; at Copeuhagen in 1S07-
'""° '^'=- "*'« "»y 1«>2, including
R<:!lri;,."" •" tl'e siefe ofCiudad
"""^ PeninsuUr campaigns of 1808,
nnrt of^rirr, ^'"i"!" '^'t'''l 'T^^ 9, 10, and first

\?",''"""S he siege and battle of Almeida, battle

th^UneTof T,r of Busaco, retreat to

ser^ed at Copenhagen in 180r and in

47 AUior Samuel
S^mn^Tl'"''"^ the Peninsula in 1808

aflir ;. r Thor,.e served in the Peninsula under Sir John

Moore, includiue the

war, and waTp^e'ent a? VUuZ^ """'^ """"'"' """'' ^''^^'^^^ - ">« America,!

.ur?o?oir:r,'otirb^7i:''of"Tt '::^:°^"''' '™" ^"^- ^^''^

^'°^- !««'- -^""^-^ the cap-

"'"'<' '" Hanover in 1805 and 6 at Buenos

in tv,i'''^'j'""''i''e^'"''p-''"'°° ; Avres in 1807
'™™ ''"*' •° •'"""^ "*"»• '-'"di^g the battlefof
Vimrr^^ Ro?e a a^d
V^ri° '."'J
^^°' '"J*^"'iS °^ ^°™""''- Expedition tS Walcheren and iege of
'^^'^ " I'- 1812, including the'^ttrj
51 \uZ r'""""^ ''"*^/'"t Walcheren and «-as present at the siege of Flushin-r
5" \uZ ^"""'^'^ *!7'^f
f' the capture of^H^edition
the Isle of France in 1810.

of HasZe ""o"""^.^ to '•*'" Walcheren, and at the capture

, ''"k'* "v."

54 Major James kerr Ross was slightly wounded

at Waterloo.

?fiM^i « n™^ '*'"!'' *' ""* "P'^"'^ of Gaudaloupe in 1809.

""""^ '^^ campaign of 1815, including^ of Paris. the battle of Waterloo and
F,tz Maurice served in the Peninsula
from April 1811 to the end of the war

58 Mai^r J»n,!rrt Z i '" ""^ ""«'' ^y * musket-baU at Quatre Bras,

sent .t'lr^t'orn^o-ffcn'^rZor'' '"^ '^''"^° "^ '''' '° """-<'• ^^ ^^ P-
Urr Hall was
M m'^" S""^I severely wounded at Waterloo.

U.e Lm'pr;?^,'„^:."s™.^ ^^^.-'^ "«= «P<=1^t- to the southern states of America, and

""' *"^- "'"« "> ""* -"^ "^ ••>« ^"'

inc*l!dil!g 'Jhe''\",'des"o''f"R^e7a\-"
OrfW J V,
Roleia, \imiera, ^tT'^
Busaco. Vittoria, Pvrenees Kivpli/
^tVs atlttrv^mir ^' """"Tj"-'
""j^"^"' ^"•'^'' Ro'dnio ^dBX::

'"•-' '' '"""*"e the investment of

in 1^8i3'I^"urof1)«t"T'^'//-
1»1J, t«tUe of Onhes, action at
Aire, and.""L'
battle of Toulouse, where he was
Notes to the Majors.
regimental colour of
a musket-ball while carrying the
severely wounded near the groin by

''eSM'^rtSre served in the retreat to Corunna under Sir John Moor. E.peditH>n
Peninsula from June 1811 to Aug. 1812.
to Walclieren and siege of Flushing, 1809.

in the Peninsula from Aug. 1808 to

Jan. 1809,
'"^;?'lr°"fofn CrtfoTYoung"servfd
battks of Role,a Vimiera, Calcavellas,
and Corunna. Expedition to Wal-

tL of the war, includhig the
from Oct. 1812 to the end
ihtn"! 8o'! 'peiTnsulaf Campaigns and Toulouse.
Viatt-lp^'nf Nivelle, Nive, Orthes, Tarbes, ,
and subse-
7 Maim- Durng served in
the Peninsula during the Corunna camraign,
the war, including the battles of Corunna,
nuentW from The lafter part of 1812 to .J>e end of

K 68 f'J"'

^'f''?",.7.„';ij„ „na of the war, including the
Ati\ mland balfof
the'actions of the 16th, 17th, and 18th
covering of the siege of Badajoz
and Nive. Served also the campaign of 1815
at Quatre Bras and ^^ aterloo, at

of Good Hope and was

nth^0thand8th Jan. 1806. Proceed^ with the
expedition rom thence to Buenc.
en ageJ

25th, 30th, and 31st ^Mt^^d^lt^Vtori:

Served also the campaign °f l^l.:,'' '"f^^.^/^^S ' ^

^i^^^ ^„„„j,d.
^;r'Ma/or"Romt7r;edri;/rtCmprgrof f 8l;;including the affair at Jubble-

and capture
1815, including the battle of Waterloo,
oTs ™erv'd aSl the cam';^^^^^^^

served >" the Peninsula^om Sept^

1810 to Oet^ 18U „n^the
"'^r^; Meade
battle of Fuentes ^ O-r, and oth r affairs^^ On t^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ -,."---;
moden m 181.5, at ''^^
^™™; ^^ ,, by the Swedes, where his horse was
killed and

Holland, in 18U, including the attack on

rSf a?m"di:'ab'ed.'t"rred1hf
of Ant«-erp,
attack on Bergen-op-Zoom.

Travancore, East Indies, in 1809 and the cam-

Ma!!; Walch served the campaign in

•'T^Pmmf^^'h; south America 1«^ V-''^^^

tl^^^ th^ in ^^
J^l-^K^lei^^^i::: IS^'^rrt^M^^-
"e^^—ed between the
shoulders. Lord Cathcart in 1805
under |^°"
expedition to Hitinver
j;f;„„ tn ;

80 Major Charters served with the "/"°7/^ '{^

,^^]^ in jgu.

-^rMi;^:^irsS:i:;^^rKrri^^^ - st.

'=^^^:]rS K^d*s^::^tS^ Z 'MjJjif mlfti^Jh; end of the war.


campaigns of 18Ua,nl 15 in
Notes to till' Afojufi.

Ilollnnd, FInmlers, ami France, inclutlini; the action at Merjcm, bomlmnlment of Ant«ci'|i,
niul battle of Waterloo.
HJ Major Win. Long served the campaigns from .Sept. 1813 to the end of the war,
including the following battles and atfairs. viz. Cambo, Nivc, before Buyonnc (wounded),
: —
Orthes, .\ire, Tarbes, Toulouse, and Waterloo.
85 Major Wentworth served in Ceylon during the Kandyan rebellion in 1817 and 18.
8(5 Major Gcorgi Simmons served in the Peninsula with the U5th regiment (Rifle Bri-
gaded from May 18011 to the end of the war. On piijuet at Barba-del-Puerco when the enemy
attncked at midnight and were repulsed. Present in the action of the Light Division at the
bridgi of Almeida; lines at Torres Vedras ; actions of Pombnl, Rcdinhn, Casal Nova, Foz
d'.Vroncc, and Sabugal ; battle of Fuentes d'Onor sieges and assaults of Ciudad Rodrigo, ;

and Uadajoi ; battle of Salamanca advance to, and capture of Madrid affair of San
; ;

Muuos on the retreat from it ; action at San Milan ; battles of Vittoria, and Echellar pas- ;

sage of the Bidnssoa, and heights of Vera actions of the Nivelle, Orthes, and Tarbes,

besides various atT:iirs of out-i>osts. Served also the campaign of 181.1 including the actions
of the IKth, 17th, and 18th June at Quatre Bras and Waterloo. Severely wounded through
the thigh, at Almeida, by a musketshot which injured the bone, and bruised in the leg by
anotlur ball right knee-pan fractured by a musket-ball at Tarbes and received a gun-
; ;

shot wound in the right side at Waterloo, the ball in its course broke two ribs, passed
through the liver, and wa.s afterwards cut out of his breast.
87 Captain Barton Parker Browne served the campaign of 1815, and was present at the
battle of Waterloo.
88 Major Lewis S. B. Robertson served with the expedition to Walcheren, and was
present at the siege of Flushing. Served also at the taking of the Kandyan country in
Ceylon under Sir Robert Brownrigg.
8S Major Buohan served the campaign of 181-1 in Holland, including the reconnoitring
of the position before .Antwerp, action of Mer.xem, and bombardment of Antwerp.
yO Major Rutherford served in the Peninsula, and was present at the siege of Cadiz,
action at Sahugal, battle of Fuentes d'Onor, first siege of Badajoz, and battles of Nivelle,
Orthes and Toulouse. Served afterwards in the .\merican war.
91 Major Gibson served in the Peninsula from Aug. 1813 to the end of the war, includ-
ing the battles of the Pyrenees, siege of San Sebastian, passage of the Bidassoa (wounded),
and the subsequent actions in which the left wing of the army was engaged. Served also
the campaign of 18l.">, including the battle of Waterloo.
'J2 M^or Macready ser\cd the campaigns of 1814 and 13 in Holland, Flanders, and
France, and was engaged at Fort Frederick Hendrick, and at the actions of the IGth, 17th,
and 18th Juue at Uu.atre Bras and Waterloo. Served afterwards in the East Indies and
was present at the siege of .\sseerghur, March and April 1819.
93 Major L- Morse-Cooper served the campaign of 1811, including the investment of
Bayonne, and repulse of the sortie from thence. .\lso the campaign of 1815, including the
battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. Served also at the siege and capture of Bhurtpore.
Slightly wounded at Bayonne, and severely at Waterloo, where he received live wounds.
94 Major Walter Ogilvy served in the Burmese war, and was present at the taking of


R.t.. li.ird.ii.T. KCn.Jt KCn. R. Art. Hi Emcxt Kitrlof Mount Edgcumb, Duke of Coniwall's
ril. <-oliL<l. «<!>. Riincrrs.
l\ ui Kr. ni,ii,ll.s
J <; ... Wm. Rti>*'IJ, licn. t'Mll. Tlim. K„rl ,\e On-r. York IIuMar Yeo. Car.
»;ir.l Wtntanl, CII. do. Edwnrd Itaker, R.' Wilts Yw). Cav.
!!,•• K.rvTiMu.n. CB.
h.p. r..M«l. Od». a t'^loni'l Thn«. AJanis Piirko, CO. R. Mar.
intiu Win. BmllHTInii. C/l. l« Dr.
A.J. Ualrrmplr. lit. h.p. 4 fJ«r. Bn.
C Colonel John Owen, CB. .y KU. R. Mar.

J. II. Rim. It,

-- • '!. X- p.
h.p. 52 F.

• i!.l. Kir. R. Ens. Colonel John Bell, CB. h.p. StalT

U3 F. S. B. AurhmulT, CB. h.p. 8 On. Bn
V .-l,-r, l^nalt. Tho.. I.lGhir<K>l, CB. h.p. 43 P.
.. . ,-; o/ n'inrf»or CMfte. * I>. Paunre, CB. Iiuji. F. O.of Bcc. Uul.
W. \V.Wnm, /;.•. li. .:.i:^h Mil. i rivirsi- ,y KU. RiHi' BriptJe.
Brown, CB.
If. ..( Hun'tlT. srr. Ah I...n Mil. I/.rd F. PiticUinnrr, (lll{. Unalt.
V...I, Rot. EiUI MirlclLvi Mil. P£a rha. U. o/' Richmonil, A«. Susi..i Mil.
Juhii I.,- Cottlcur, JerM-T Militi William, .Varo. (^Tliomond, KF. Cork City Mil.
John (iullk, Gucni>«j ilililiii. Colonel Cfao. Rich. Puk, Unatt.


GENERALS. Sir H. Worsley, Sir John Doveton, E. Millian GuUi-

W. Earl Cathcart, AT. OCB. 22 July, SO E. Ind. KCB. 10 Jan. 87. E. Jild. fer Showers
T3 Nov. 05 Continent Sir HughEraser, Alex. Fair, CB. do. do. 28 June 88 1
JJ T. Lord Lynedoch, KCB. do. do. Sir David Foulis, W. Woodhouse do.
GCB.^- OCMO. Sir Hopetoun Stratford KCB. do. do. Hen. Faithful do.
7 Dec. 18 Holland, ^e. Scott, KCB. do. do. D. M'Pherson do. do. F.W.Wilson,
^ Bon. Sir E. Paget, BOB. Sir J.SinclairiJi. do. do. Wm. Hopper do. do. John Tombs do.
29 Nov. 20 East Ind. 39 Sir S. R. Chapman, CB. ^ Sir Thos. Anburev, John H. Collett lo.
19 S. Vise. Corabeiinere, KCH. 28 Oct. 31 KCB. do. da. Geo. L. Wahah do.
O.C.B. ^- G.C.B. do. do. Bernfuda Sir J. L. Lushington, Patrick Cameron do.
IS Sir Hen. Fane, GCB. OCB. do. do. John Carfrae do.
30 Jan. 35 do. B. W. D. Sealy do. do. 1. West do.
Robert Bell 10 Jan. 37 do. Wm. C. Fraser do. do. Geo. Jackson do.
Bennet Marley 28 June 88 do
H.S.OsbomelO Jan. 37 Wm. Gilbert do. do. Goodfellow do.
Samuel Bradshaw do. E.Ind. Sir George Arthur, Cha. A. Walker do.
Sir H. Maclean, Sir Jas. L. Caldwell, i'Ci/^. 22 Dec. Rich. A. Willis do.
KCB. do. do. KCB. do. do. Upper Canada. Fred. Bowes do.
5 Sir Jasper Nicolls, G. Carpenter do. do. Jas. Considine, KH. Jas. S. Fraser do.
KCB. 18 Oct. 39 do. Sir Alex. Caldwell, 25 May 3S Isaac Kinnersley do.
GOB. do. do. Africa P. De la Motte,
Wm. Roome do. do. Brackley Kennett CB. do.
J.L.Richardson do. do. 28 June E.Ind. Hen.Huthwaite do.
Count Walmoden, KCB. Sir Dav. Leighton, Wm. Innes do. do. T. Wilson, CB. do.
81 Jan. 13 Continent. KCB. do. do. John P. Dunbar do. do. F. Vine. Raper do.
^3 St. Hon. Sir G. Murray, ir Chas. Deacon, And. Aitcheson do. do. Geo. Swiney do.
eCB.^BCH. 19 Dec. 14 KCB. do. do. Adam Hogg do. do. G. Pollock CB. do.
N. Amer. Jas. Welsh do. do. Christ. Hodgson do. do. A. Lindsay, CB. do.
33 Rt. Hon. Sir G. Murray, Sir Thos. Corsellis, Rich. Whish do. do. Jas. Alexander, do.
GCB..5-eCfl". 25 Junel5 KCB. do. do. A. Andrews, CB. do. do. Vans Kennedy do.
Continent John N. Smith 10 Jan. 37 Gab. R. Penny do. do. W. R. Gilbert do.
Sir H. Lowe, KCB. * E. Ind. James Ahmuty do. do. Tho. P. Smith do.
GCMG. 9 Nov. St. Helena Chas. Farran do. do. James Cock do. do.
^SStRt.Hon. Sir J. Kempt, ir Jas. Russell, Wm. Hull, CB. do. do. Geo. B. Brooks do.
GCB.^-BCH.iS Oct. 19 KCB. do. do. Sir Jas. Limond, Arch. Robertson do.
N. Amer. Sir Don. Macleod, CB. do. do. W. Clinton Bad-
^aB Bi.S'on.SirF.Adam, KCB. do. do. C. M'Leod, CB. do. do. deley, CB. do.
ATCa.iS-GCJfS. Sir Jos. O'Halloran, Thos. Garner do. do. Hen. Bowdler do.
10 Feb. 24. Joii. /57. KCB. do. (fo. R. Pitman, CB. do. do. Peter Lodwick do.
Ales. Cuppage do. E. Ind. Martin White do. do. C.SulI.Fagan.CS. do. do. Jas. F. Dundas
Cha!!. Rumley do. do. E. Boardman do. do. E.W.Shuklham do. do. Ja.s. Morse do.
Tredway Clarke do. do. Geo. Wahab do. rfo. W. S. Heathcote do. do. Ed. H. Simpson do.
W.H.Blachford do. do. Dav. C. Kenny do. do. Rich. H. Yates do. do. Jas. Hackett do.
Sir H. Lowe, KCB. ^ Josiah Marshall do. do. J. Mayne, OS. do. do. Tho. Newton do.
GCMG. 29 Sept. Rich. Podmore do. do. do. John A. Biggs do.
Continent Sir Rob. Houstoun, Mossem Boyd do. do. Ed. H. Bellasis do.
33 i32a Sir James Lyon, KCB. do. do. John M'Innes do. do. Wm. Nott do.
KCB. i5- GCff. A. Molesworth do. do. J.F.Salter, CjB. do. do. Geo. Cooper do.
1 May 28 Windw. cj- Jn. Greenstreet do. do. Sir Eph.G.StannuB Sueton. H.Todd do.
Christ. Fagan do. do. CB. do. do. John Briggs do.
33 aa Sir P.Maitland,SrCS. Sir Wra. Casement, Patrick Byers do. do. Harry Thomson do.
21 Au?. N. Amer. KCB. do. do. Wm. Burgh do. do. Sir Robt. Henry Sale,
St. Geo. Ashe 22 July 30 Wm. Croxton do. do. E. Carlwright do. do. 23 July SO Iffalm
E. Ind. Jas. R Lumley do. do. H. G. A. Taylor,
^3 aSI John. Lord Seaton, William Comyn do. do. CB. do. do.
OCB. .§ aCH. 8 July, 36M. L. Pereira do. do. .4.. Richards, CB. do. do. BRIGADIER-GENERAL.
Upper and Lower T. Pollok, CB. do. do. ,^r J. Sutherland do. do.
Canada. Sir John Rose, Cha. Dallas, 14
Her. Bowen, do.
Feb. 28 St. Helena
^nt.Hon Sir Ed. Blakeney,
ffCB. do. do. Arch. Watson do. do.
KCB. ^- GCH. 26 Aug. 36 Wm. Monro Lord Geo. Wra.
do. do. W.Dickson, CB. do. do.
Russell, GCB.
Geo. R. Kemp do. do. JohnWellsFastdo. do.
27 May 32 Portugal
33Sir S. Ford Whittingham, Hen. Roome do. do. Wm. P. Price do. do.
KCB.IfKCH. 30 Sept. 86 John Munro do. do. Jas.Durant do, do.
Wiiidw. (5" iccn\ J57. J. Cunningham do. do. Rob. Hampton do. do. COLONELS.
J.Dishton, lOJan. 37 £./!!<«. C. T. G. Bishop do. do. Brook Bridges Parlby, CB. .i.Dis«f;/25JulylO E.Ind.
Lambert Loveday do. do. J. A. P. Macgregor 2«June38.JS./;K;. Strickl. Ki'ioston6o. do.
Sir John Doveton, OCB. do. do. Hen. Hodgson do. do. Sir Jas.H.Reynett,
do. do. Alex. Limond do. do. Fretcheville Dykes KCH. Continent
Nath. Forbes do. do. J. D. Oreenhill, Ballantine do. do. Fran. Cockburn
John W. Morris do. do. CB. do. do. F. J. T. John- 3 Sept. 20 Honduras
Tho. Marriott do. rfo.
.Sir J.Prendergast do. do. stone, CB. do. do. A. Findlav, KH.
John Skelton do. do. Sir Wm. Richards, Wm. G. Pearse do. do. 26 Oct. 30 W. Const
George Dick do. do. KCB. do. do. Sir R.Hen.Cun- o/Africa
J. Cuninghame 28 June 88 Ales. Duncan do. do. liffe, CB. Bt. do. do. Fra. Raw. Chesney
Sir T. Whitehead, Wni. Clapham do. do. 27 Nov. 34 Asia
KCB. do. do. John Truscott do. do. ajlA.Miudonald
Rob. J. Latter do. do. John Woulfc do. do. 28 Oct. 36 Honduras
MAJOR-GENERALS. Thos. Stewart do. Edw. Edwards do. W.WvldelOFeb.37 Spain
do. do.
James Price 22 July 30 Jerry F. Dyson do. do. TIio. Webster do. do. R. Do'herlySMay W. Coast
E. Ind. W. D. Cleiland do. do. Gilbert Waugh do. do. of Africa
Thomas Boles do. do. W. H. Perkins do. do. Tho. Hat. Smith do. do. 33 E T. Michcll, CB. Spain
Offictrs with Local Hank.
i.iKirr.-coi.oxKi-s. a. Fuller aijui) 10 i\y„. Tho. I D.Moulgoinerle
J.r^i'llip^on\ltLa.Vl^ lloiid H.iberlton do. do. 20 June 31 E.Ind 28June38 E.Iiii
f. Init. J.hnidJanr, IJuil. l2do. G.J. B. Johnston do. do. .1. .V. Campbell do.
K I.Il.iniW/ do. R. II. Fotlieringhnm do. Uen.H.Ililehensdo. do. Luc. Hor. Smith do.
John Cratdtll, Cll. J. V. Brown 4 June 13 do. Hugh R. Murray do. do. Jn. Farquharson do. do.
4 JuDc 13 tfo, .•iir n: Dieli, Bl. do. do. Jas. R. Colnett do. do. John Wortlty do. do,
Wni. Sicholl do. do. Hen.Ynrde 4Junel4do. Peter Johnston do. do. John Forbes do. do.
II. rrifirrRrau Charles Marriott do. da. Charles Snell do, do. Frederick Bond do. do,
30Brt.\a Coiilitiritt Major B. Conrt do. do. Cha. Edw. Davis Jo. do. Thomas Middle do. da.
A.#li<lK<<rlllMii;U ili: IK.-1. B. Hiehardt do. do. Rich. Gardner do. do. Win. .Mnctler
»'. yraitMlin 4 J unv E. hid.
do. do.
n'. J. MatthtKt do. do. A. Maoinlosh do. do. H. .Macfarquhur do, do.
J.Jokiuon,CB. ii\>. do. Skf/f. Lutntidge do. do. Theoph. Bolton do, do. John Howlson do. do,
t%a.Uatultcilt«iXo. do. Emeaf, Baron do Hen. Pr». Caley do. do.
Thumu JohnWooddo. do,
Lystvr Sehiuledt'm, KB. Hich. Baiililon do. do. (ieorge Dods do. do,
laSov. MSI.Htlrna SO Sept. Conlintnt Charles Ru^er^ do. do. Jn. Morgan Ley do. do,
I' John Norlon, u/iuj Tf y- fi A.Keinplandio. do. H. a. Polwhele do. do,
litbrallar oninhokaruwen, Capl. W. Henderson do. do. John Clilsholm do. do,
ls..,.llHarv.7,A-//. and Leaderof Iho In- T.Timbndl,,
do. Wm. Foijuett do. do,
dians of the Five Nations. Robert Butler do. do. E. Parry Gowan do. do,
C. R. O. Hudu>u U
Auk. ID IS Feb. 18 Canada Wiltiam Stohoe do. do. James Allen do, do,
»•(. llelriin .i/id Eattirard Tho.Ball UAug.lBA'./nd. est. Jn. Grant do. do. John Hen, Irwin
of the Cnpr of Good Hopt B.E.SoMerrilU 28Scpt.20 James .Malton do, do,
EJ. lUy 5S«'pt.« t'onim.iit JohnCartwrightdo, do,
£. I. Drp. at Chatham n'm. Macleod do, do. Fras, Frunkland
<*< E. I. Or/t. Chatham a. C. W. Smyth J. U. n-ornum do. do. Whinyates do, da,
. Ttiom. A//. 10 July 21 E.Ind. Benjamin Ashe do. do. Wm,HillWaterfleld do,
1 3 Oc 1 '.fa C 'on / 1 n«Ti f
. ir E. A. Cuinp- James Steel do. do. GeorRe Fryer do, do.
J.F.Pullon.A-W.»IN. do. Iwll, CB. do. do. John Darelay do. do. Rich. Budd do. do,
F. Uo Bursh R. W. Poirson do. do. Fni. Farrant 2 June Persia Pat. Thomson do. do,
l-iJtui.26 Continent Arthur Wight do. do. Elliott D. Todd do. do. George Barker do.
W.L. Watwn, VB. do,
D. D.Anderson Ao. do, H.C. Rawllnson do. do. Fras. Plowden do.
18 do. £. /nd. do,
R. Nich, Penny do. do. John Lnughten do. do.
E. lUwlshaw John Fitzgerald do. do,
T.C.OrahamSApr. Contin. Ed, Put, Lynch 3do, do. James Oliphant do,
IS June V<>ntinen1 do.
Sa. Sankey IO.\uf:. do. •T,Rilherdon I8F,38 E.I.
Anlh.S.KIiic3Aui;. do. Francis Strnton do. do.
l^ha. Irvine 21 Sept. do. Sem. at Addiscmnhe J.J. Underwood do. do.
J.M.A.Sk.'rn'lt<lo. do. Cha.M.Grahatn do. do. J.Wilson 2»June38 E.Ind.
Sir H. Whialloj-, J.MonsnnBoyesdo. do.
M.M'PhersonSOct. do. T. R.Macqueen do. do. Wm.Fred.Sleerdo.
OCff. US.>pl. Conlintnt do.
C. Bayley, CMO. Francis Hugh M.
HotH-rt Nlii.n O. W. Bonliam do. do.
do. do. 5 Oct. Medilerr. Wheeler **" **"
i.Rul»rl» 3 Oct. Tho. Wilkinson do. do.
do. A.M.Bennett l2do. Contin. John Wilson do. O. H. Robinson
Andrew Till 12do. do. do.
do. West. Hames lUdo. ilo. Geo. Hicks
0. Fiti (irrald Henry LiBht 2B rio.
Hugh C. Cotton do. do.
do. Jas. W. Doug] Cha. Sinclair do. do.
IS do. do. (i.TiloBrice 9 Nov. do. Jas.Manson do. Alex. Lawe do.
AoK- Voade do. do. Thomas Dent do. do. John Ward do.
do. Charles Hosmer do. do.
tSim. J. Walpnio D. MacGregor do. do. Stratford Powell do. R. SomnerSetondo. do.
28 do.
onmld Macka.r do.
do. B. Lutyens do. do. Wm. Burlton do. Alei.Moi-Arthurdo. do,
do. T. H. Morice. KB. do. S. L. Tlioroton do.
UHlkiriin 2Nov. do.
Wm. Prescott do. do,
E.H.Garthwuitedo. do. Hope Dick do. JohnThos.Croftdo.
Ulb.RumplerSdo. do. Tho. Pipon 18 do. do. David Hepburn do.
[fl».D'Arcr 16 do. C. Waddington do. do.
do. Charles Wayth do. do. W. Simonds do. W. H Terraneau do.
Wm. Inckhy do. do. Robert Abbey do. do. J.H.Stmmonds do.
. do.
udrew Otils do. do. P. D. Fellowes do. do. H.Fislier Salter do.
Fred. Blundell do. do.
1. Thornhill
Charles Wahob do. do.
do. do. Cha.Hames 30 do. do. John .4ngelo do.
Vi. EipinaMe Stuart Corbett do. do.
O.J.Wolseley I4D. do. J.G.Drummonddo.
SOdo. do. J. Rainey
G.Fred. Penley do. do.
do. do. Tho. Williams do. J. S. H. Weston do.
Fbtchrr Wilki.' do. do. W. Phipps do.
do. dn. L. Saunders Bird do.
V- 8. Hawkshaw John Wynch do. do.
H'.D.Sp»»oner28do. do. Geo. Blake do.
Dec. U do. Wm. Thomson do. do. R. L. .Inslruther do.
W.J.Thompson do.
Humphrey Hay do.
A. Xorthey do. do. Ab. James do,
30 do. do. Edm. Herring do.
u Omubf 28 do. do John Gordon .Male. Nicolson do. do.
do. Rodk. Roberts do.
do. Hen. Monke
. J. Br.i< do. Tho. Shaw do. do.
do. Geo.G.Denniss do.
r do. do. Wm.W.Swainedo. do Henry Barkley
Alex. Davidson do.
C»rr. Smith d.>. do Fra. B. Eliot Henderson do. do.
do. do. Eyre Ev. Bruce do. Tho.BistJorvis do.
Sir T. S. Sorfll, R. Alford, ISOct.SO Ree.for John Hall do.
t^B. do. Fred.S..Snthebydo.
30 do. do. E. In. Comp. at Lirerpool John Hailes do.
Macphprjon do. do. Henry Liddell do.
do. Arch. Irri,ie, CH. do.
J.Sam. Marshalldo.
R. Udorjr di>. do. 2KJune3l B. lad. Dan. A. Penning do. Edw.Huthwaitedo. do.
H. Lord Howden, KB. W.0Kilvlel0Jan..S7 G. R. Crawfurd do. do.
do. a. B. Ailcheson do.
SI Jul; 27 spteiat UittionGeo. W.Gibson do.
Hen. Delafosse do. do.
do. Christ. Newport do.
mbroad. John Laurie J.R. Woodhousedo. do.
do, do. Geo. Chapman do.
\ Oeonr^ Baker James Cocke Robert Leech 7 Aug. AJf-
do. do. John Hicks do.
31 Aur.SS Orrfct Cha. Andrews I
ijhtuiistau & Persia
do. do, J. l.anilon Jones do.
I. Bonner IS.piJI
Kind. Edw. Pellinitnl do. NielCanipbcll 23 July 30 E.I.
do. Griffiths Holmes do.
I.8h<« a
\ft.3a Ptrtia John W.WniKinda. do.

John Rawlins do.

O.Thnmson, r7*. do. do,
^Nbb.Colqulioiin Robert Ibcher do. do.
I Wm. Garden do. do.
G.H.W.x»lr.)ofredo. John Hay
10 Frb. 37 Spain John Brandon do. do. do.
do. RIch.n. Merilondo.
MnShrll2Junp37 i'<-r< John Cowslade do.
John Lloyd do. do.
do J. H..Ma<'klnlay do.
LSloddart do. do. Wm. Ilnurh
Patrick Craigie do. do.
k.Wllhrah« ndo.
do. do. I Owen Phillips do. Aloi. C. Peat
do. Freil.G.-o. Llslerd". do. Wm. lloltonGir- I
do, do.
P. Camrron do. do. do. HenCflamard do.

Wm. .Alexander do. do.
* Woodfill
Irk Carr Aldrrvon

WilU.m Cuhitt do. do Xiel Campbell do.
Eldred Pottinger, C.B.
«S July 30 AjTghanutan.
Robert Stewart do. do. Riihert Kent do,
22JiinoS8 Spain Robert Hawkes do.
•AIM. Bum™ do. Wm.Hen.Earledo. CAPTAINS
7Auc. John Martenile do. do. A. M-Kinnon do.
Aet>>amuan 4c Pcriia G. Holrhlnw.n do. Rterailing for the E. India
C. Dn plal, KB.
do. Wm. Sjge do. Company's Army.
Oro. F. Hollnnd do. do. Andrew Ooldie do.
lO Au». 3a Spain Hueh Sibbahl
do. do. Henry Carter do. James .Murray London
Stephen Moody do. Tho. Otho Trovers Cork
M.UORS. do. Wm. Ramu'T do. Richard Geo.Grangc Dublin
J. J. Farrincton do.
do. Cha. Thomby do.
H. Vlbart Gleirg Edinburgh
Hen. Mnberley do. do. James Bedford do.
.•;<:.«* 1,1,. Geo. Brooke do. do. —m. Edw. Blalr Ml O. D. Drummond
'»Apr.n«jtr./,. Fred. H. Sandys 22D.C.23 Cheitham
do. do. Leadbeater do.
'ford do do. Brown lOJan.34. E.I.
do. i
Jtr. B. Notlidga do.
kail do. Depot nt Charham
J.OraraClarkscndo. do. George Lee do.
. EKev 2 n.T. ME. I.
V'j<.-„! Cn'hnm.
{Held by Conwiission.)

X, ,. 1 „iri K-r-R 27 July 18301 Lt.-Gen. 28 June 1838
July 1830
Deput, ^fo^i^t^^^:KCB. 4 ^J. 1830lM.-Gen.22


^ , Tit nrn nCH 10 Auo-. 1811|Lt.-Gen.27 May 1825
nJu.; 182G|Lt..Col. 11 July 1826
7^. 3 July 1823|Col. 22 July 1830
rP Heu,.y Jau^es Riddel.

Chatham. {Infantry.)

Superintendent | q^^^. Cranstoun Dixon 24 Mar. 1837 Lt.-Col. 10 Jan. 1837

of Hospitals . S
31 Mar. 1837 12 Feb. 1830

Paymaster of )
james Macdonald 1 May ]832|
Indian Depots 5

Maidstone. [Cavalry.) „U 16 Fell. 1829

19 Fe''- l^^^ 1826
William Castle ^ p^^_ jq June
.,„,„,.„„ Mayy 1836* C«jrf. 1 May 1826
Riding Master Lewis C has Aug Meyer
Me^^cr 1
. .
±^J^^^^ ^^ ^p,. jggg
Acting Adjutant . . Fran. L Estrange bhaw ^^^^

^ ^1^^^
1"'^':;" Bla'cU ^8 Aug. 1838|l0 Nov. 1814
r.''s';::geoT. ; :

Capt. Anderson served the ^^^^^^^^1^1^^^^^^" ^^.^^'^^^
lands, including «^^, Severely wounded at
^^''^f^t QuX Bras a^^^^^^
shoulder, passed through the lungs,
^iKC-urlMuTwhil tot; tr left

-f,^y:i?jr^i::.:"S;^r^-rS^^3^ -. - ^-- --^-'

Served also in the Burmese war.
undlr Sroeorge Prevost. ^,^^^

Staff Appointments.


Francis Wemys 2.5 May 1811

Nicholas Maiinscll 21 Aug. 13
II. Bt'nj. Hriscoc Adanis Hi Feb. 19
Kilwaril Eilmonds 10 Oct. 28 5 Sept. 1803
9 Richanl Jdlicoe do |24 Feb. U
; ft Joliii Woodsate 25 June 29Capt. 20 Feb. 1812
Iloiiry Boltliaser .^ilams 19 Feb. gjj 30 Oct. 1828
IdCapt. 17 Sept. 25
|) Francis Mward Leech 26 do. 19 Xov. 1807
I Hugh Percy Forstcr 30 June 37 (
10 June 24
I Lieut. 14 Dec. 15
rThomas Shields 28 July 1803 Lieut. 3 Aug. 1801
John Macuire 4 Aug. 9 Oct.
Henrj- Bertles 3 June 3 June
5 Sa William Graham 25 Dec. 28 Mar.
Adjutant «^
?® •'"""^ ""P*
8 James 29 Jan. 7 Jan.
{) White 10 Feb. 7 Oct.
Philip Henr\- Despard 24 do. 22 Nov.
Rc.lKTt M'.Vair 14 Jul 24 Mar.
9 ^^illiam O'Neill 1.5 Nov. 22 May
LThonias Dagg 31 Dec. 31 Dec.
Principal Vcteri- ( _ ^-^ „ . „, „
nan,- Surgeon { »'
*•» ^''"^- Clifford Cherrj* 17 Sept. 1839

Dep. Adjutant Gen...
5 Geo. Chas.D'Aguilar,C£. 22 July 1•»>"
830 <-oi.
Col 22 1 810
Jul v 1830
.j Joiy
Dep. Quart.-Master ) « Sa
Sir Guv C^pbeU,
General .. ^ Dt. CB. ' o.,
j„k- 18.30 Col. 22 July 1830
Provost Marshal .... Lieut. Robert Speedy
May 1804 u

Dep. Qr.-Mast. )„,,,„
^V Hi Francis
titaenl .... Ilenrj- Dawkins 13 Jan. 1837[Lt.-Col. 8 Apr.

Commander of > P Sir Richanl Downes Jack-

De^Xr-en.- .SohirV^^. }«
^^ 28 June 1838
9 m
Dep. Qr.-Master Hon. ^ l«3-,Lt.-CoI. 31 Dec. 1830
) Cl.arles Gore
GencnU ....i CB.KH. 20 ^^p,. igoe'col. lo Jan. .837
• Mr. Cherry served Sir John Moore's campaiim
in Snain incliiHii.<r .i,„ i,„«i <
C^runna. Expedition to Walcheren, 1809.
Peninsula f^m' Jan ISlltl th^»H f
the war. Also the campaign of 1815, including the battle ' ""* "^
oT Waterier
Staff Appointments.

Dep. Qr.-Master ^ „ j„,,„ j^g. Snodgrass 12 Sept. 1834JLt.-CoI. 25 Dec. 1826

General S

Prince Edward's Island.

,„„,U Lieut. 7 Mar. 1811
and^ Ambrose Laue 2 Aug. 18dl *(.^^^ 2 Aug. 1831
Sub. Insp. ^P ^

District Adj. > S 2 Nov.

Lieut. 1811
of Mililia J Coun Douly Rankin |
^ *capt o Aug. 1831


23 Dec. 18361Lt.-Col. 23 Dec.
Dep. Adj. Gen. .Thomas Falls

Dep. Qr.-Master ) „ jjjg j^j^^ ^yler, KH. 12 Aug. 1834lLt.-Col. 12 Aug. 1834
General i

..^m William Turnor 22 Nov. 1836|Lt.-Col. 22 Nov. 1836
Dep. Adj.-Gen.
Dep. Qr.-Master } g^^^^j Robinson Warren 20 Dec. 1830JLt.-Col. 20 Dec. 1839
General .... J

1 rLt.-G. 10 Jan. 1837
Commander-in- )„ 5,;^ j ^ Nicolls, KCB. 13 Aug. 1839 <! Genera) in India
Chief S^ I 18 Oct. 1839

X^ mi Chatham Horace Churchill,
Quarter-Master 10 Jan. 1837
CB. 24 Feb. 1828 Col. 10 Jan. 1837
Depu°Y™o ...^ William Henry Sewell,
Lt.-Col. 13 July 1838


) ™
Dep. Qr.-Master 24 July 1828lcol. 10 Jan. 1837
jjjg ^^^^ Geo. Smith, C5.
General S

KH. .17 Nov. 1837jLt.-Col. 17 Nov. 1837
Dep. Adj. Gen. .^ Edward Charleton,

Dep. Qr.-Master ) j» jgjj^ pj.jjggj 24 May 1827 Lt.-Col. 24 May 1827

General S

Dep. Qr.-Master ) „ jugi William Stavelev, '
CB. 29 Sept. 1825lCol. 10 Jan. 1837
General i^ <

Commandant . .^ Frederick Chidley Irwin, A'H. 28 Junel836 jMajor 28 June 1836

Oeneral Commanoixo in Chief.

P Ja Right Hon. General Lord Hill, G.C.B., G.C.H., and K.C., Colonel of tlie Royal
Regiment of Horse Guards.

Military Secniary.

9 t® Lieut-General Lord FiUroy Somerset, K.C.B., Colonel of tlie 53rd Regiment.

Assistant MUitary Secretarij.

Licut.-Colonel Malincr, 2ud West India Regiment.

A ides-de- Camp.
9 <r.a Colonel Richard Egerton, Half-pay Unattached.
9 Colonel George Powell Higginson, ditto.
Captain .-ilfrcd Edward Hill, 68th Regiment.
Captain E<lward Charles Fletcher, 1st Life Guards,

9 Lieut.-General Sir John Macdonald, K.C.B., Colonel of the 67th Regiment.

Deputy A({jutant-Gcneral.

9 Major-General 5ir John Gardiner, K.C.B.

Assistant Adjutants-General.

Colonel Lord Frederick Fitzclarence, G.C.H., Half-pay Unattached.

9 Colonel William Cochrane, Half-pay Unattached.

Deputy Assistant Adjutant-General.

9 Major Roche Meade, K.H., Half-pay Unattached.

Inspecting Field Officer.

9 Colonel Wm. Gordon Macgregor.

Qcarteb-Master General.
9 Lieut.-General Sir James Willoughby Gordon, Bart., G.C.B., and G.C.H.,
of the iMrd Royal Welsh Fusilier*.

Assistant Quarter-Master General.

9 Licut.-Colonel James Frceth, K.H., Half-pay Royal Staff Corps.

Deputy Assistant Quarter-Master General

9 fa Captain John Eoocb, 23rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

1st Regiment of Life Guards.


Years' Serv.
2(/ Retfiment of Life Guards.


Royal Regiment of Horse Guards,

— .
.. — .

StrTiVt^'iowJ 1st (or the Kiiiy's) Regiment of Dragoon Guards. \^P^il"

Sir llinn- Fane,' IJ.C.B. Conut. 31 Mav, 1792 ; Lieut. 29 Sept. 92 Capt. ;

3 .\pril, 9;) Mnjor, 24 .\^xf. 9.1 Lifia.'-Cul. 1 Jan. 97

; Col. 1 Jan. 1803 ;
; ;

MnJor-Uiii. 2^ July, 10; Lieut.-Um. 12 Aug. 19; Gen. 10 Jan. 37 ; Col.

\st Dragoon Guards, 24 Feb. 27.

Lieut. Colonel.
Sa Hon. George Cuthcart,' Corii^* 4- Suh- Lieutenant, 10 .Mav, 10 ; Lieut. I
July, 11 ; Capt. 24 Dec. 18; -Vnjor, P6 April, 20; iuru/.-CoM' 13 May, 20.
16ft SB John Henry Slaile, Comet, 7 May, 12 ; Lieut. P2j Feb. 13 ; Capt. t-li Oct.
21 ; Mi\jor, i'5 June, 27.

John Spencer Manning.. 25 Oct. 1.1 P 7 Sept. 20 P 3 April 28
Riehanl Martin 5 Oct. 15 P 2 Jan. 23 P31 Dec. 28
James Smith Sehon«war P 5 Mar. 29 PI/ Dec. 30 P Mav 30
Hastings David Sands P 18 June 31 (24 . Dec. 33 P18 Mav 38
.\lfredVcott P27 Sept. 31 P 1 1 Julv 34 P 8 Mar. 39
Burrell Fuller P 6 Apr. 32 P17 Oct. 34 P29 Mar. 39
Heurj- Martin Tumor P 20 Aug. 29 P31 . Dec. 33 P 14 June 39
B. O'Xeale Vise. Amiens P24 Dec. 33 P 6 May 36 P27 Sept. 39
9 F. Hammersley,' R.M. P23 Jan. 12 P 9 April 12
Stephen P. Groves P12JuIv 33 P23 Dec. 36
Tho. Onimaney Pipon 34 P24 Feb. 37 . p 17 Oct".
Edmund James Power Aug. 37. P 6 .Mav 30 i'22
Manaton Pipon Dec. 37 P20 Ma>- 3(! P29
lia Richard lloUis .Jan. 38
. . 1 JnlV 36 12
\\m. Chas. Grant Mav 38 P 23 Dec. 30 P 18
Tht'inas Richard Mills Mar. 39. P30 June37 P 8
Henry Keown Mar. 39 P 22 Aug. 37 P29
Bingham Xewland P 29 Dec. 37 P 14 June 39
John Blackburn Hawkes 2 Mar. 38 P27 Sept. 39
Cornelius Powell P 28 Oct. 30
Geo. Wm. C. Jackson . P29Mar. 39
Wm. Steele Wilkinson,. 1 June 39

John Borla.-'c .Maunsell... P 17 Nov. 37

James Peach Cleaver. PloJu 39 . .

.\rth.Cccil Crewe Fleming Pll Oct. 39

4^ Paynuuter. ^ David Scott Kin. Maclaurin,* 18 Sept. 2:J Deputy Assittant ;

Commissary General, 7 .March, 14.

Adjutant.—ij^ Richard Hollis, (Lieut.) 8 Jaly, 36.
(iuarlrr-Ma.-ter. —
Joseph Missett, 30 March,' 38.
^ur,jeon.—1fi Tliomas Ltwis,^ MJ). 19 Nov. 30; Auist.-Surg. 9 Sept. 13 Uosp.- ;

8 July 11.
.<Mi»fan/.-5urffM»n.— Alex. Smith, M.D. 28 Sept. 20; Hosp.-Aitti3t.i\ March,26.
24 l+(^ —
Veterinary Surgeon. John Mellows, 6 Nov. 01
Scarlet Facings Blue. Agent, Messrs. Cox Sc Co.
1 SirUrnrj Fmne has received m CroM and one Clmsp for Roteia und Tuntera, Corunna, Talavera, Vil-
loru, OrtbM.
i Colonel Som. G. CaUic«n i^rred the emmpalens of If^lS and 14 in Oermany as ald-de-camp to Lord
Cathcart, and was ens«ie.l at Liititn Srd llaj, BouU> d ailh and 21st May, Dmdrn i»th August, Leipsic
I«th, iHth, and lOlh Oolobrr, l!>14, Hriiniie I>| F. bnjjiry, Bar-cur-.iubc, Arcii ^l>t March, and Pcre
CbajDp 26th March, 14 served at Waterloo on the 16(h and 16th June.

3 Lieut. Hamm»'nli-y waj pn-sent at the haltle* of Vittoria and Toulouse, and the UiTestmrnt of, and the
Heichta hefure Pampeluna shot thniugh the shoulder whilst prutectiog a house in the neighbourhood of

Dublin, on dulT. when in the Militia.

4 Paymaster Maclaunn served in the Peninsula during the campaign of 1813, and thai in Holland in 1814,
and subi^-quently at Waterloo, and with the armv of occupation as Deputj Atlitftanl Commissary GelwraL
5 Dorliir Lewis served m Hit Peninsula from Juljr Ifll 10 June 1813.
2nd {or The Queen's) Regiment of Dragoon Guards,


Sir Tho9. Gage Montrcsor," K.C.H. Em. 12 March, 1783 ; Limit. 4 April, 83;
Capt. 17 June, 94; Major, 12 April, 99 ; Lieut.-Col. 27 June, 1801 Col. 25

July, 10; il/rt/or-Gen. 4 June,13 ; Lieut.- Gen. 'il May,25; Coi. 2nd Dragoon
Guards, 20 Feb. 37.

Charles Kearney, Cornet, r 10 Sept. 12 ; Liait. P 8 Sept. 14 ; Capt. p 19 June,

17 ; Mnjor, P30 Dec. 26; Lieut.-Col. p28 Oct. 37.


Henry Wilmot Charlton, Cornet, p23 June 25; Lieut. p30 Dec. 20; Capt.
P13 Nov. 32; aiajor, p13 Dec. 39.

William Campbell P 6 Jan. 32
Rich. Duckworth Dunn. P 9 Jlar. 33
Power Le Poer Trench . P12 Aug. 24
Hen. St. John Mildmay . P 20 Nov. 28

Geo. Henry Elliott P 27 July 32

Sir Hen. Chas. Paulet, Bt. P13 Nov. 32

Egerton Leigh P 12 April 33

John Chichester Knox P 13 Sept. 33


Hylton Briscoe Pll Oct. 31

Edw. Lovett Robertson P 11 Jan. 33

George Arthur Ede P 14 Aug. 35

William Wcrnham, R.M. 4 Dec. 32
Francis Haviland 24 Nov. 35
William Persse P 13 Sept. 33

Jackson V. Tuthill P 30 Apr. 36

Robt. Wm. Dallas p 6 Oct. 37

R. Dudley Ackland P22 June 38
Fred. James Ibbetson
James Ley
— p17 May 39
P13 Dec. 39
3n/ or ( The I'rince of H'ale.i's) Regt. of Dragoon Guards.

ith (or Royal Irish) Regiment of Dragoon Guards.

On the Standards and Appointments the HARP and CROWN, (ind the
Star of St. PATRICK, with the motto " Quis Separabit"

Years' Sen-.
— .. .
. . —

5th {or Priiirens Clunlottt: of Wales's) Regt. of Draijuon (Jitan/s.

The motto " Vealiijla nulla retrorsum" — " SALAMANCA" — " VITTUHI A"—

Ynn' S«rT
J^Sir John Sialic, flf-'CCH., Cornet, 11 Mav, 1790; Lieut. 2i» April, 83 •

Ciipt. 2AOct. K7; Mqjor, 1 March, 94; Lle'ut.-Col. 29 April, 9i; tW. 29
April, 1802; .V<i>r-r;<ii. 26 Oct. 09 ; I,ic«/.-(7cH. 4 June, 14 ««!. 10 Jan. ;

37 ('«/. 0th Dni^'oon (juanls, 20 July 31.


•^ CiB 5ii- James MaxwclUVallacc,' K.H. Comet, I'UAug.Oj; Lieut. ri June,
06 ; C(ipt.22 ( )ct. 07 M(yor, P 1 Jan. 17 Lieut.-Col. v 26 Sept. 23 Col.
; ; ;

2S June, 38.
1ft Hon. James Yorke Scarlett, Conie^,P 26 March, 18; /.iei/f. p 24 Oct. 21 ; Capt.
P 9 June, 25 .Major, P 1 1 June, 30.

Francis Westenra . . P 31 July 17 P 24 Oct. 21 P 31 Dec. 26
John \\'alliK-c King. 24 Mar. 26
. P P 14 Feb. 28 P 28 Dec. 32
.\braham Kolton 12 Oct. 25 P P 20 June 27 P 8 Mar. 33
Francis Parncll Hovenden P 12 Nov. 29 P 13 July 32 P 6 Mav 30
Robert Meade P2COct. 30 P 14 Dec. 32 P 30 Dec. 36
Robert Bell P 16 Nov. 32 P 27 June 34 P 9 Mar. 38
fiocxlwin C. Colquitt . . . P 2 Aug. 33 P 2 Oct. 36
W. Beaumaris Knipe. . . P 23 Jan. 35 p 6 Mav 30
J. IrelandBlarkburne . P 3 April 35 P 17 June 30
.Vorman Cowley P 20 April 33 P 19 June 36
.Arch. Howan Hamilton. P 13 Jlay 3r! P 30 June 37
James ConoUy p 17 June 3(i P 28 Nov. 37
James Charles Yorke. . P 13 Jan. 37 P 10 Aug. 38
.\rthnr Prime p 30 June 37 P 5 April 39
16 9 J. Henlev, R. .M.> . 6 Jan. 26
Henry Ash" 18 Oct. 31
3 I Oeorje Llovd Robson . P 28 Nov. 37
\V. Noel .Vi.'enion Hill P10Au£r. 38
William Banictt P 5 April 39

34 lA Paymiuter. — Henry
Aue. Jackson, 15 Dec. 37; Ens. 27 Aug. 15; Lieut. 8
April, 25
Cnpt. 18 Dec. 36.

.l<<;u/an/.— Henry.\!\\, (Comet,) 18 Oct. 31.

Quarter-Master. Jamc9 Brand, 17 July, 35.
^ —
Surgeon. James Barlow,* M.D. 29 July, 13; ylMwf .-Si/rj. 5 March, 07 Ilusp.- ;

Aaiit. 26 June, 03.

Auistnnt-Surgeon. Charles Hay Camepy, JI.D. 14 March, 34.
8S Veterinary Surgeon. John Constant,' 3 March, 14.—
Scarlet Faeingt Green. Agent, Messrs. Cox & Co.

[Returned from Spain, July, 1814.]

1 Sir John SUdefcnre<1 in Portiiiral and Spain, under Sir Jolin Mourr. In command of the Hussar
Brifadi', tiicludinK tht- ditTt-rvnl i)|Jcralions ti'rminaUog with the t/ultle t>I Curuniia. Placed a^in un Ihe
•Uir I'cninsuU, in Aug. tS(iO, wherv he served until June, Isl.*}, in coHiniund or a briicade of eaialrv.
Id tha
Sir John hu
n^tived a Mrdal and une Claap fur Ihe batl'ea of (Virunna. and Fuenlei d'Onor.
i Sir J. M. Wallaee senid al Walrrloo on Ihe lODi, I7lb, and Iflh June.
3 Conivl Henley aericd llie canipuisn of 1814 in Ihe Peninsula, including Ihe bailie of Toulou»e.
4 Dr. Oarlow's fcenrices - Exiw-ditlon to Copenliancn in 1S07: capture of Hartiniqne in 1808; caiupaiffV

n the Idlh, I'lh, and 18lh June.

Qth Regiment of Dragoon Guards {or Carabineers.')

Years' Serv.
Ith {or the Princess RvyaCs) Regiment of Dragoon Guards.

1st (or Royal) Regiment of Dragoons.

On the Standard an Eagle.—" PENINSULA"—" WATERLOO.'


JP ffiSaRt. Hon. Sir Rich. Hussey Vivian,' Bt. G.C.B. and G.C.H. Ens. 31
July, 1793 ; Lieut. 20 Oct. 93 Captain, 7 May, 94 Mnjor, 9 March, 1803 ;
; ;

iieW.-Co/. 28 Sept. 04 Col. 20 Feb. 12; Jtf'fyor-Cren.4 June, 14; Lieut.-Gen.


22 July, 30 iCol. 1st Dragoons, 20 Jan. 37.


13 ass Tliomas Marten,^ K.H. Cornet ^ Sub-Lieut. 22 Nov. 13; Lieut. p23
June, 17 ; Capt.viUay, 22; Major, v 12 Dec. 26; Lieut.-Col. 29 May, 35.

11? Benjamin Everard, ' Ens. 25 Feb. 13 ; Lieut. 10 Sept. 18 ; Capt. P 16 June, 25 ;
Major, P 21 Sept. 30.

Wm. Mostyn Owen P 25 Sept. 23 P 26
1 Dec. P 14 Nov. 26
Charles P. Ainslie . 10 April 25 28 Jan.
P 26 P 16 Mar. 30
Williaiu R. Sands . P17 Aug. 26 P 30
21 Sept. P 5 Dec. 34
Edward Littledale . P 24 Dec. 29 P21 Dec.
32 P 1 May 35
John Dalton P21 Sept. 30 p 30 May 34 P 4 Sept. 35
Thos. Jolm Burke . P 27 Jan. 32 P31 Oct. 34 P 20 July 38
John Yorke P21 Dec. 32 p 5 Dec. 34
William Charles Yates P 30 May 34 . P 1 May 35
John Chamberlain, R.M. 1 June 32 P 10 July 35
Charles Field ••
18 July 34 10 July 36
Robt. Manners Croft . . . P 7 Nov. 34 P 4 Sept. 36
William Peel P 3 Nov. 37 P 12 Jan. 39
Lawrence Palk p 1 May 35 P 6 Sept. 39
Cornets. 2 Col. Marten served the campaign of IS14,
in the Peninsulii, witii the houseliold brigade.
Robert Wardlaw P 5 June 35 Present at Waterloo.
Evan n. Lloyd P 4 Sept. 35 4 Quarter-master, 9th November, 1830, from
Chas. C. Waldo Sibthorp P 28 Oct. 36 whioh date the period of service has been com-
Walter B. Barttelot P 1 Mar. 39
5 Dr. Bartley served in the Peninsula, and
Jonas Morris P 23 April 30 was present at the battle of Salamanca.
Aubrey Rickets 6 Sept. 39
Paymaster.—Wm. Thos. W^odehouse, 5 April, 39 ; En.i. 8 Oct. 29 ; Lieut. 31
Dec. 33.
.Irljiifanf.—Churhi Field, (Lieut.) 18 July, 34.
Qu,irl,r-.M,ixti'i:~i';^il Joliu Partridge, 18 July, 34.
Su,-yivn.—}>) Jolm Mrtgc Bartley,'^ M.D. 31 Aug. 26 ; Assist.-Surg. 27 Dec. 10.
/l,svs-M<.-,S'«;</coH.—William Reimy, M.D. 29 Juiie, 32.
Veterinary Surgeon. — Matthew Poett, 21 April, 37.
»Ciir\et— Facings Bhie.— Agent, Messrs. Cox & Co.
[Returned from France, January, 1816.]
Sir Hussey Vivian served in Flanders and Holland, under the Duke
York, from
-T of the British army in 179S. Present in the sortie from Nimeguen,ofand nas left rith i
281h 1 conjunction with other picquets, to hold it after the retreat of the army. Present in the affair
at Geldermalsi hich his regt. (the 28th) suffered severely, and in other skirmishes. Also present in
nil the difTerent battles which took'pla during the expeditio
the Helder, excepting on the landing.
Commanded the 71h Hussars in the campaigns under Sir John Moore, in 1808 and 9. Commanded a bri-
gade of cavalry in the Peninsula, from Sept. 1813, until the return of the army, including the battles of
Orthes, Nive, and Toulouse. Severely wounded in carrying the
bridge of Croix d'Orade, near Toulouse.
Served at the battle of Waterloo. Sir Hussey has received a medal and one clasp for Sahagun and
and Orthes.
S Major Eve rved in the JIahralla 1817. > 1

— . — " —

2itil {or Royal North British) Reijl. of Dragoons.

On the Staudard an Eagle.—'' WATERLOO.

Sir Wm. Kicr Grant,' K.C.B. G.C.H. Em. 30 Mav, 17!)-2 ; Lieut. 18 Feb. 93;
Capt. 6 Julv, 04 Mi\jor, 6 Jan. 96 ; LieiU.-Col. 3 Dec. 1800 ; Col. 25 July,

10; Major-'Uen. 4 June, 13 ; Lirut.-Gen. 27 May, 25 ; Col. 2d Dr. 24 .•Vug.39

Lieut. -Colonel.
IB Charles W\-n(lham,' Ccmct, PIS May, 13; Lieut. 4 May, 15; Co/)*. p24
June, 19 ; 12 Dec. 26 ; Lieut.-Col. v 30 Dec. 37.
3l'<{jor, v
•'A\Jo\m Fred. Sales Clarke, Comrt, P 19 Feb. 18 ; iieuM" 11 Oct. 21 ; Capt.r\i
July, 25 M<^or, P :)0 Dec. 37.

2A Georce Hobart 9 Julv 18 21 July 25 PP 30 July 29
Francis Charles Forde . V 10 June 2(! 8 June 30 P 10 July 35
St. Vincent W. Rickett^ P 13 July 26 P 5 April 31 P 6 Nov. 35
lAchlan Macquarie . . P 18 Jan. 31 6 Nov. 35 P 23 Feb. 38
Michael GooUl .\danis . P 21 July 25 p ;«) July 29 P 28 Dec. 38
Hcnrv Darbv Uritfitli . 25 Nov. 28 25 Nov. 31 P 1 Aug. 34

21 Nov. 28
Robert Stein Forlong 22 .May 35
i Win. Trafford
Tlio9. 21 Feb. 34 P 10 Nov. 37
Lord Glcniyon P21 Not. 34
fi. .\. F. J. p 30 Dec. 37

Donald John .M. Macleod P 10 July 35 P 2:1 Feb. 38

John Campbell 6 Nov. 35 P 28 Dec. 38
\LordW. F. .\. M. Hill.. P 8 April 34 P 21 Oct. 36
I Craven
Cliarles P 22 Jan. 36
G. Aup. Filmer Sulivan. P 29 July 36
' -Mark W. Vane .Milbank. P 30 Deo. 3'

I Edwanl Baniett P 23 Feb. 38

(leoree Reid 10 Aug. 38
Iluijh Mont. Campbell . P 1 Feb.
Frederick Philips, R.M. P 11 Mav 39
Paymaster. —C® William Crawford, 24 March, 29 ; Cornel, 17 .\ug. 15; Lieut.
25 June, 19.

.4<(?"u^an<.—George Reid, (Come/,) 10 Aug. 38.

Quarter-Ma.'ier. —J® Michael Nelson, 25 Dec. 35 ; Ens. 4 Dec. 35.

i Surgeon. — SB Jfi
John Winterscalc, ' 12 J , 28; Assist.-Sarg. 8 Feb. 10;
Hotp.-AaUt. 17 Sept. 09.

Astittant- Surgeon. —James Munro, M.D. 2 Nov. 32.

Veterinary Surgeon. —Thomas Jcx, 4 Oct. .19.

Scarlet Facings Blue. Agent, Messrs. Hopkinson, Barton, k Knyvett.

Irish Agent, Messrs. Borough, Armit i Co.

[Returned from France, January, 1816.]

1 Sir Wm. Kier Grunt fcrrcd In Flandpn, and wu present at Famart. •icf^c of TaJeDciennea, ke. in 1783.
la inM he was pm«Dt and teih of A| ril, the loth, ITIh, 18lh, and iSnd of
in the aclioix of the I'Oi, '.Mlh,
May. Joined the Ri2Mlan and Austrian arnij In lulyearljr in 17V9, anj serred thecarapai^sof that and the
two followinc Jtnn, Indudinc the battle* of Novi, Rivoli, MomluTi, Saviliano. Uareneo. &c. thi- s n-^es of :

Aieaandha, Sarranal. Tortona, Cunio, Sarona, Genoa, ice. Sir Win. servM aa Adjulant-Ueneral in lit East I

Indlea from I-<1 Ij 1*1.1 rommancl.J a body of tm:\» in the tVr.ian Gulf.

i Co). Wyndham received two severe wounda at Waterloo, on the li^lh June.
» Dr. Winteracale served at Walcheren, in IKW, and in the FeninauU, fmtn SopU 1610, to Dec. I

etuduf the hattia of Foentea d'Onor. PreienI at Waterloo.

fj""] 3rd (or King's Own) Regt. Lt. Dragoons. tSerrinp; in the
East Indies.
The WTiite Horse, within the Garter on the ind and 3rd Standards, with the Motto, " Nee

asperu terrent."—" SALAMANCA"-" VI TTORIA" " TOULOUSE"—" PENINSULA."

Years' Serv.
}| Lord Chas. Somerset Manners, K.C.B.' Cornet, 7 Feb. 98 ; Lle^tt. 1 June, 99
C«p*. 21 Aug;. 1800; il/(7;or, 1 3 Oct. 08 ; Lieut.-Col.l Aug. U ; Co?. 6 Nov.
17; Mtijor-Oen. 27 May, 35; Lieui.-Gen. 28 June, 38; Col. 3rd Dra-
goons, 8 Not. 39.
Lieut. -Colonels.—}^ 5523 Sir Joseph Thaeliwell,^ K.C.B. & K.H. Cornet, p23 Apr.

00; Lieut. 13 June, 01 ; Co;rf. p9 April, 07 ; Major, 18 June, 15; Brevet-
Lieut.-Col. 21 June, 17 ; Segtl.-Lieut.-Col. 15 June, 20 ; Col. 10 Jan. 37.
Michael White,' Co™ef,P 15 Aug. 04; iie«^. P 14 May, 05 ; Capt. P7 Nov.l5;
Brevet-Major, 10 Jan. 37 ; Eegtl.-Major, 4 Jan. 39; Lieut.-Col. V 13 Dee. 39.

Majors. Geo. Henry Lockwood, Cornet, P 10 Mar. 26; Lieut. PIO Aug. 26;
dipt P 7Sept. 32; Major, 6 March, 39.
lA Geo. Alex. Malcolm, Cornet, p 31 Dec. 25 ; Lieut. P 7 June 27 ; Capt. P 30 Dec.
31 ; Major, P 13 Dec. 39.


.. 1 ;

StrriM, IMI
4^^ (^^ Queen's (hen) Regt. Light Dragoons.
"Talavbba"" Albcheka" "Salamanca •
Vittoria""Toclou8e" "Peninsula.'
9 €CI Lord Roht. Edw. Henry Somersot,' G.C.B. Cornet, 4 Feb. 1793 ; Lieut.
4 Dec. ai Capt. '28 .\ue. 1)4
; Mi\jur,-i\ Nov. 99 Lieut. -Col. Ho Dec. 18(K)
; ;

Colonel, 2o July, 10 Mnjor-Oen. 4 June, 13 ; Lieut.-Gen. 27 May, 35 ; Vol.


4th Drajfoous, 31 Mar. 3ti.

Lieut. -Colonels.— ^
William Fendall,' Comet, 29 Sept. 08 ; Lieut. 3 Oct. 09 ;
Capt. P 3 Feb. 20 Mnjor, 2 June, 25 ; Lieut.-Col. P 24 Dec. 32.

John Scott, C.B. Comet, P 4 Mav, 15 ; Lieut. P26 Oct. 15 ; Capt. P 28 June, 21 ;
Mr{jor, Pt) Xov. 2(; : Lieut.-Col. 31 .\ug. 3t».
MtOors.—^ Sa
William Havelock,' K. H. Ens. 12 July, 10; Lieut. 12 Mav,
12 ; Capt. P 1!) Feb. 18 ; Major, P31 Dec. 30.
9 Fra. Derniot Dalv,' £rw. 5 Dec. 1 1 ; Lieut. 2C Nov. 13 ; Capt. 26 June, 24 ;
Mqjor, P27 Oct. 35; Brev.-Lieut.-Col. 23 Julv 39.

Oaptaixs KOKXKT. captaix. ibrev.-maj.

Harcourt Master 30 jP Julv 18 p 6 Mar. 23 P17 Sept. 26 28 June 38
William I'arlby 3 p Oct. 10 P C May 24 P 28 Sept. 26

.\lex. Houstoun p 4 Dec. 23 p 19 Nov. 25 P12 Dec. 26

A'irKeith A. Jackson, B/. P 2 Dec. 19 p 19 Dec. 22 P31 Dec. 30
Bertram Newton Ople p 10 . Aug. 25 p 14 Dec. 26 P 24 Dec. 32
Cbas. Lush. Cumberlege p 12 Dec. IC P29 July 19 3 Oct. 34
John Harrison 25 June 24 13 A P 27 Oct. 35

Edward Scott P 28 Dec. 2fi p 8 June 30 P31 Aug. 38!

Georjire Gardinc Shaw* .. p 30 May 11 21 Dec. 13 31 .May 39
Arch. Edm. Bromn-ich 17 Feb. 20 12 Aug. 25 . .

Richard Fra. Poore 22 July 24 p 3 Dec. 25 p

f Col. FradAll MrTMl in tbr Vn.
Tliomas Llovd Mar. 27 p 12 Oct. 30 P 15 , insiiU rrotn 1^)09 to th« toA of ths
George Chaj. Dalbiac 31 Julv 28 10 Mav 31 1
war, iocludins tht t»(Uei of Albu-
hera, Uufrf, Vittoria. and Toa-
J. H. T. Wanle, R.M.... !p21 June 33;P 22 Ma"y 35
Rob.DennistownCampbell p 22 Oct. 33 P 27 Mar. 35 3 M^or liavclock serrrd in Uie
Philip Kemp P22 Aue. 34 P 2 Sept. 3C Peninsula ttom 3u\j 1810 to thr rad
of the «1r, including thr battle* of
Francis Fred. Janvrin P23 Mar. 32 3 June 35 .
Busaeo, Sabu^al. Salamaoea. and
Thomas Wm. Geils P 28 Nov. 34 P 28 AprU 37 Vittoris ; crouin$ the Bidaaioa ;
battle ofNiTellr ; affair* near
J. T. Douglas Halkett P 23 Jan. 35 GJuly 37 .
Bayoone battles of Orthet and
.\rthur Scudamore P 29 Mav 35 18 Feb. 38 Toulouae; wounded at Quatre Bras.
•»A Edward In<:e 11 Mar. 13 10 Mar. 14 4 CoL Dalj served the cam.
paigns of 1S13 and 14 in the Penia-
Alexander Low P 2 Oct. 35 6 July 38 tula. and was wounded at Bayonne ;
William Dr\sdale P29Dec. 35 P31 Aug. 38
W. W. W. ilumblcy .. .. 27 Mar. 35 15 Dec. 38 and was engaged at the siege and
battle of Platlsbureh.
Jos. Rogers J. Coles P 2 Sept. 36 P 22 Jlar. 39
. . .
6 Capt. Sbaw served at the iitgt
John F. Fitz Gerald P 24 Mar. 37 31 Mav 39 1 of Uattrass, and in the Mahratta
John August. Todd P 28 April 37 P 14 June 39 !
campaigns of 1817 and 18.
€ Lieut. (Quarter- Master) Croad
R. Buckley Prettejohn 1 23 Feb. 38|P18 0ct. 39 . . serred in the American war.
Wm. .\iig. Hyder P 6 July 38 7 Dr. Pentoo terred in the Peninsula frtan Jan.
IS09 to Apiil 1$1« ineluding Uie battle of Salamanca,
Hen. Fred. Ilo<lson p 14 Sept. 38
. . .
and lieg* of Burgos present at Quaire Bras and V/m- i
Martin Kirwan P 23 Xov. 38
Geo. Edw. Campion P 22 Mar. 30
. . .

.Algernon G. Brcnchlcy p 29 Mar. 39 .

Tlio. John Francis p 14 June 39

Fre<lerick Pipon P 15 June 39
William Kingston Fraser pldOct. 39

Paymaster. Henrv Heyman, 30 Aug. 33 Comet, 20 Aug. 07 ; Lieut. 1 Julv, ;

01); Capt. 24 June, 23.

—Thomas Lloyd, {LieiM.) Sept.
.\(ijutant. fi 36.
Quarter-Matter. —Ge<i.'H.Croad,'8 JBn.29; iToJ. 30 Nov. 09 ii«/^.14Nov. 11. ;

Surgeon.— Ifi UJ David Perston,' M.D. 17 Feb. 25 ; Assist.-Surg. 1 Feb. 10

//(Wp.-Xwij/. 19 Oct. 08.
.issist.-Surgs. —
John Stewart Graves, 28 Sept. 20 ; Hosp.-Assist. 22 Feb. 26.
Xelson Dartnell, 4 Dec. 32.
2 ' —
Veterinary Surgeon. John Byrne, 14 Dec. 38.

Scarlet —
Faring Green. Agent, Messrs. Hopkinsoa, Barton i Knyvett.
Lort Edwai4 l liwiill i lerrvd oo tb« ejprdlUoo to the fielder In IJW, as«amp to H. R. *H. the Duke of
Twek. and was yei aaia al tbe bntllM aT the I9tfi Sept.. ted and fth <Vt. served in the campaigns In the Peninsula in rom-
aaad of Ika <lk !>» «11 . (k>elBU>( tk* butle of Talaiera. the earalrj action at liagre. and Ule baules of SaUmanea and
Vltterla.) «Btfl bo obtained the rank of Major-General to 1-13: from that period UU the end of the war,
be cma-
Maaded the Hqamr BrWnde. with which be was present al Orthet altd Toulouse. Served at the battle of Waterloo In eoa.
maad of the Booavhcid Brigade vf Cavalrv. and •ubae^oenlly upon the Staff of the Army of Occupation in Prance oaUl tu
Ttam to England. His lot4afaip has received a erou and one clajp for Talavtra, SalatsaiKa, Vlltoila. Orthes and Teulovss
Gth (or Inniskilling) Regiment of Dragoons.

"."ice" S.': J
"'/'('"• Queen s uirn) Lt. Dni(/oo>is { /lussnr.t.)
[ ^;;;"f,


8^/( {or King's Royal Irish) Reyinient of Light Dragoons — {Jlussurs.)

Harp antl Crown. *

Pr'tstuKS xnrtut'ts memores.* LESWARREE" —
pSlJia S«r Joseph Straton,' C.B. & K.C.H. Cornet, Dec. 1794 ; iwirf. 3 Dee.
95 ; Capt. 2 March, 97 ; Major, 14 Aug. 1801 ; Lleut.-Col. 25 Feb. 08 Col. ;

4 June, 14; Major-Gen. 27 May, 25; Lieut.-Gen. 28 June, 38; Col. 8th
Hussars, 24 Aug. 1839.
i?o». George Berkeley Molyneux, Cornet, p3 May, 15; Lieut. p12 Sept. 16;
Capt. P 11 April, 22 ; Major, p 28 Sept. 26 ; Lieut.-Col. p 31 Dec. 27.

James MacCall, Cornet, p 23 June 25 Lieut,
: p 17 Oct. 26 ; Capt. p 3 Aug. 30
Major, P31 Jan. 40.

Jas. Harrison Cholmeley 23 P Aug. 27 P17 Dec. 30 P 13 Feb. 35
Freflerick Geo. Shewell. P 28 Aug. 27 6 Sept. 31 P 28 Apr. 37
Rodolph (le Salis P17 Dec. 30 P 28 June 33 P 13 July 38
Tlios. Wm. Selby Lowndei P15 June 32 P 12 July 33 p 2 Mar. 39
Hon. Rich. Howe Browne P 6 Nov. 27 P 10 Aug. 32 P15 Nov. 39
Magnus G. Laing Meason P 28 June 33 P13 Feb. 35 P 31 Jan. 40

Joseph Reilly, R.M 26 Apr. 33 27 Mar. 34

Edward Mostyn 12 July 33 P 3 Apr. 35


George J. Huband 9 Aug. 31 P 3 Oct. 34

George Brown P 28 Mar. 34 31 Mar. 37
Henry Rowles P 9 Sept. 28 P 9 Aug. 33
Carrington Smythe .... P 3 Apr. 35 P 13 July 38
Clia. Joseph Longmore P30 May 34 P17 Aug. 38

Fleet. Thos. Hugh Wilson P 5 May 37 Pl7 Sept. 39

J. Craven Carden p 13 July 38 P 15 Nov. 39
Hon. Jas. Sandilands .... P 2 Mar. 39 P31 Jan. 40

Arth. Jas.Lord Killcen P17 Sept. 39
Wm. Henry Cooper .... P15 Nov. 39
Alex.Cruikshank Lindsav P31 Jan. 40
Pai/ntaster. —John Gibson Whitaker, 9 Jan. 17 ; Comet, March. 05; Lieut. 31
i')ct. 05.

Ailjiifant.— George Brown, {Lieut.) 3 Feb. 37.

Quarter-Master. —James Landers, 29 Nov. 39.
Surgeon. —John Squair, M.D. 3 March, 37 ; As.wt.-Surg. SO June, -25 ; Hosp.-
Agslst. 16 June, 15.
—Tho. Coke Gaulter, M.D. 29
As.sistant-Surgemi. July. 30 ; Hosp.-Assist. 22
Mar. 27.
Veterinary Surgeon. — Lawrence Bird, 29 June, 09.

Blue.— yj (/CTiii, Messrs. Cox & Co.; IrishAgcnts, Borough, Ar lit & Co.
[Returned from the East Indies, May, 1823.]

1 Sir Joaeph Straton accomiianied hia rcciraent, the 1.3th Draeoona, to the Peninsula, in
served three years. Sir Joseph was wounded at Waterloo, where he commanded tin; Cth Dn
Wm. Ponsonhy fell, when the command of a Brigade devolved on him.
. . . — — ;

'Jt/i {or the Queen's Royal) Regiment of Light Dragoons —(Lancers).


9 la James Wallace Sleigh,' C.B., Comet, Feb. 95 ; Lieut. 20 Apr. 95
dipt, i) IKt. !»8 ; Mii/or, 14 June, 0.5 ; Lieiit.-Col. Dec. 09; Col. 12 Aug. U
19 ; Mti)or-Gen. 22 July, 30; Col. 9th Laiicere, 24 Au,'. 39.

Ifi James Alex. £nW o/ Rosslvn, Cornet, 2o Feb. 19 ; Lieut, r 9 July, 20
i' ; Capt.
P 25 March, 23 ; MaJor,'r 12 Dec. 26 ; Lieut.-Col. f 31 Dec. 27.

Alejuuider Campliell,' K.H., Comet, 24 Aug. 00; Lieut. P4 Sept. OC; Capt.
P 13 Aug. 12 ; Mfjor, ' 9 Aug. 21 ; Brecet-Lieut.-Col. 16 July. 30.

James .\lex. Fullerton . Aug. 22
1 30 Dec. 24 p 19
p Sept. 26
Arthur Clias. WUlituus . Pir. Jmie 2.^ P 29 Aug. 26 P 5 Julv 31
'j. Hope Crant r 29 Aug. 26 p 26 Feb. -ii P29 Mav 35
ArchilmM Uttle P 4 Oct. 31 P 31 Aug. 32 P 24 Feb. 37
Thiw. I'ttluier Whallcy . p 4 May 32 Pl2 April 33 P 17 Aug. 38
.\iidrcw Spottiswoode . P 10 Mav 33 P29 April 36 Pll Oct. 39

Robert Cooke ' P27 April 27 5 April 31
J. X. Macartney, R.M. p 10 May 31 Pll April 34
John Anstruthcr Thomson P12 Feb. 36 P24 Feb. 37
jjulm \Vm. Gooch Spieer P 29 April 36 p 5 Mav 37
Frcfkrick Jiimes Isaeke. 2 Sept. 36 1' P17 Nov. 37
Fra. Uiiiby Willnughby. P16 Sept. 36 P 9 Feb. 38
Kingstnill Mauley I'ower P24 Feb. 3/ P17 Aug. 38
Phillip Haughton Clarke p o May 37 Pll Oct. 39
John Sutherland . p 17 Nov. 37 P31 Jan. 40

Gilbert T. p 9 Feb. 38 .

J.Edward Madocks Pl7 Aug. 38 .

Hon. Brownlow C. Berbie PlI Oct. 39

Eustace Arkwright. P 31 Jan. 40

3K Pnynuuter. — () JB Henry Knight, 2 July, 05.

.lf(;u/<7«/.— Robert Cooke, {Lieut.) 27 April, 27.

Quarter-Master. — J. C. Williamson, 17 Aug. 38.

Surgeon. — .\nth. Cirsar Colclough,' 14 .April, 13; Aisitt.-Surg. 11 Nov. 02.
.itsistant-Surg. —Wm. Invin Breslin, 8 March, 27; Hmp.-Auist. 9 Feb. 26.
in I
Veterinary Surgeon. — James Robertson, 24 Sept. 29.
Scarlet Facings Blue. Agent, Mr. CoUyer.
[Returned from Portugal, May, 1813.]

Ti .torrid in FUnd«'i Ui 1795; in the actions in North Holland and the HeJdrr. 10th and
: r^th Oct. ITOO. In thf IVointulain Isll and I-J. Cominaodtd tlie Uth Drafroons at
I^>«*.cf which the roniiiiand i>f tht- 4tfa Brieade dcTuIved on him. In IHIU he ac-
(••ludia, and commanded thi- Cavalry diviAii>n at the »ii-ee of Hhurtpore in Ii<'iA&6.
n^scnt at the takius uf the Cape of Good Hope, in IbOti, and Mfn'ed subse.iuentlj

re« ; —
expedition to South America, and tie^e of Buenoa Ayret. Exiwdilion to

'wd in the Ualiratta war from Auc. 1A12 to Dee. IHIS; Kandian rampaipi of 181A,
L'lre >-r KanilT in th« island of Cejrion. Dcccan campaigns of lt}18 and 19, mctuding the
r of Caput] Drvof.
10/A {ur Prince uf Wales s own) Royal Rvcjt. of Light Drugoons (Hussars.)


Years' Serv.
1 1 th Rc</iinent of Light Druijoons.


12th (or the Prince of Wales's) Royal Regt. of Lancers.

The Sphinx, with the words, " EGYPT"— " PENINSULA" — " WATERLOO."
'P 5tr Henry John Cumming,' K.C.H. Cornet, 12 May, 1790; Lieut. 9 Feb.
93 Capt. 21 Feb. 94 Major, 25 Oct. 98 ; Lieut-Col. 17 Feb. 1803 Col. 1
; ; ;

Jan. 12; Major-Gen. 4 June, 14; Lieut.-Gen. 22 July, 30; Col. 12th Lancers,
20 Jan. 37.
Robert Browne Clayton,' K.C. :Ens. 1 Sept. 84 Lieut. 30 April, 90 ; Capf. 31 ;

March, 93 ; Major, 1 March, 94 Lieut.-Col. 1 Jan. 98 ; Col. 25 April, 1808 ; :

Major-Gen. 4 June, 11 ; Lieut.-Gen. 19 Julv, 21 ; Gen. 28 June, 38.

13 ffM Sampson Stawell,^ Ens. 15 Jan. 01 ; Lieut. P9 July, 02 ; Capt. 28 Feb. i'

05; Brevet-Major, 18 June, 15; Reg.-Major, 16 Sept. 19 ; Lieut.-Col. PI

Oct. 25 ; Col. 28 June, 28.
IPJM Alexander Barton,^ K.H. Cornet, f 1 Aug. 05 : Lieut, p 7 May, 07 ; Capt.
P 17 Jan. 11 ; Brevet-Major, 21 Jan. 19 ; Reg.-Major, P 19 Feb. 24 ; Brevet-
Lieut.-Col. 10 Jan. 37.

Edward Vandeleur 22 Sept. 5 23 Jan. 26 P 3 Aug. 30
Edward Pole P 7 July P 19 25 Sept. 26 P 18 Nov. 31
Edward Sivewright . . .
P 9 Aug. 27 P 12 Mar. 29 P 3 Aug. 32
Baskerville Glegg P 3 Jan. 28 P 30 Apr. 29 P 2 Nov. 32
Hon. C. E. W. Forester Pl8 Dec. 27 P 3 Aug. 30 V 23 Aug. 33
Jonathan Childe P 30 April 29 P 4 Jan. 31 P 24 Apr. 35

Thomas W. D. Willan . P 8 June 30 P 17 Feb.
J. FitzR. H. L. Wellesley P 3 Aug. 32 ? 20 Sept.
Joseph Phihps, R.M. 18 Aug. 25 13 Dec. '

Hon. Robt. Needham P 23 Aug. 3312 Dec. '

Edward Morant P 20 33
Sep"!. 24 Apr. '

W. Heatlicote Tottenham P 13 > 23 Oct.

Dec. 33
Thomas Bernard . . . P 24 ' 20 Apr.
Apr. 35
Howard J. St. George P 23 ' 24 May
Oct. 35
Sydney Aug. Capel ^ . 7 July 37 25 May

Henry Arthur Scott .... P 25 May 38
Arthur Munro P 28 Dec. 38 ,

Thos. Henry Clifton .... P26 Apr. 39

Francis Delaval Gray .. P 11 Jan. 39

Pai/masfer.—L. M. M. Prior,« 6 July, 20; JEns. 12 Sept. 11 ; Lieiit. 9 Dec. 13

Adjutant.Sjdaey Augiistus Capel, 7 July, 37 (Lieut.) 7 July 3l
Quarter-Master. —Charles Armstrong, 7 July, ;

i& \) M.D. 17 Jan. 28 Jas. Moffitt,'
Surg. 24 Oct. 11.
iargeon. —Thomas Hunter, M.D. 18 April,

Veteriniirg Surgeon.— Brett, 8 March, C\ia.T\es 33.
Scarlet — Facings Blue. — Agent, Mr. Collyer.

IMeturned from Purtia/a/^ March 1828.1

."'"!"' humming
served in Flanders and IlLllind in 1793,4, and 5; and
affain in Holland in
nag. served the Peninsula, and commanded the 11th Liftht Dragoons at Salamanca
for which ho
has received a medal. He wounded by a sabre cut in tlie arm in the action of the 25tli Sept. 1611

<^^'"P"S" of 1801. includins the actions 'of Vhe'stl,

Walchcren in 1800, and was present at the siege of Flushing. Medal
for SOTil,- fn E"'"'''t

""? *^P"'^"°"' """> subsequently in the Peninsula from 18U to

mcluding the sieges of Cmdad Rodrigo, and Bad^oz ; the cavalry affair of La Hena : destruction
the bridge of Almoras of
battle of Yittoria
siege and capture of San Sebastian.
Served also arwaterloo
» Lm. ii.irloj, s s.rv s : — (.xpeclilKin

to Walcheren ; Peninsula from April, 1812, to the end

of the war
iiic Hiiinu ihi njii . ,, .,,. -
Quintana de Puenta, and Monastero: battles of Salamanca and

>^';'"" '

^rved also at Waterloo. ,1

"' ''"' "Iiich date the period of service has been computed.


. ';','',,,
' '

•""[•''^n „t 1817 in the East Indies against the Pindarrees.

"'"',.,'." '," l''"'"^"l" ''""> Aug. 1813 to the end of the war. inchiding the
;'. battles of (he
Pyrenees I
Orthes, and loulouse. Present on the lOlh, 17th and 18th June at Waterloo.
I'.lfh Rtvjiiiieitt of Light Dragoons.

Od IIj« rhacoM and appolntinentt, Uie Motto, " Virtt in jEtfrnuiH,'*


Him. Sir H. O. Or O.C.B. Ci.C.II. Ent. 17 Oct.
, 177!): Lieut. 28 July, 81;
Capt.31 Mav, 87-, M,iJ. 23 Oct. U3 Lirut.-Col.
; 21 .\pril, 94 ; Col. 1 Jan.
98; .V(y.-GVH. Jan. 18*)3; ii«i*.-G'ra. 4 Jtuie, 11 ; (.Vn. 27 May, .'.j; Col.

I;Uh Uvc. 11.

Lieiit.-Coh.— J^iiX K. Brunton,' Eits. 10 Nov. 08: Lieut. 12 Dec. 09; Capt.
Id.Nov. l:j; .1/,y. i'2 March, it!; Lieut.-Col. » 31 Dec. 30.
D ffgl .Allan T. MacU>an,= £;i...4Jnn. 10; ttViiM' 11 July, 1 1 ; Cnpt.f23 Dec.
18: -Vn/. 2!) Oct. :<0 ii>«/.-Co/. 11 July,34.

.Vryor.«.— Hiur\- Atones, Cornet, f 28 D«. 15; Lieut. 7 Nov. 18; Capt. i' 25
Doc. il ; .Vm}. f 19 Feb. 36.
2ft William Hake,' Ens. 35 June, 1807 ; Lieut. 1 Not. 10; Capt. 7 May, 27 ; ^f^j.
23 Xov. 38.

I4th (or the Kind's) Regt. of Light Dragoons.



Iffa Sir Edward Kerrison, Bart.^ C.B. & G.C.H. Cornet, 23 June, 1796;
Lieut. 1 Feb. 98; Capt. 18 Oct. 98; Major. 13 May, 1803; Lleut.-Col.
4 April, 05; CoZ. 4 June, 13 Major-Oen. 12 Aug. 19; Lieut.-Gen. 10 Jan. :

37 ; Col. 14th Dragoons, 18 June, 30.

IJohn Townsend,- Cornet, i'24 Jan. 05; Lieut. 8 Mar. 06 Cnpt. 6 June, 11 ; ;

Brevet-Major. 21 Jan. 19; Rerjtl.-Major, P 13 Sept. 21; Lieut.-Col. PIG

April, 29.
Charles Barton, Come*, P 10 Dec. 25; Lieut. f\i Feb. 28; Capt. p22 March, 33;
Major. P 1 June, 38.

con NET.
Edward Harvey ^ .... P 24 Mar. 25p 4 May 26 P12 Oct. 30
Fran. H. Stephens .... P23 Feb. 26 31 July 28 P17 July 35
John Henderson P 25 Jan. 31 P31 Dec. 33 P 4 Aug. 37
Win. Henry Archer . P 28 Dec. 32 P17 July 35 P 1 June 38
John B. Culpeper .... P 13 Sept. 33 P 29 April 36 P 27 July 38
Henry Edw. Doherty . P 31 Dee. 33 P 15 July 36 PI7 May 39
Charles E. Doherty . P 24 April 35 P 6 Jan. 37
Geo. Main FuUerton . P 14 Dec. 32 P 30 Oct. 35
Isaac Cornock P 17 July 85 P 4 Aug. 37
John Henry Tonge .... P 29 April 36 P 1 June 38
Charles T. Griffis R.M. P 5 Feb. 36 r 27 July 38
Archibald Robert Miller . 6 Jan. 37 P 13 Dec. 39
William Faber P 4 Aug-.
. 37
G. K. M. Dawson P 30 July 36
William, Clarke • 24 April 38
Rob. Hugh Smith Barry.. PI7 May
John Hesketh Goddard. P 26 July 39
Wm. Warner Allen p29 Nov. . 39
M. G. Hughes Pl3 Dec. . 39
Pmimnster.—}^ Samuel Rofe,=^ 3 Sept. 12.
AiIjutniit.—WiWiAm Clarke, (Cornei,) 24 Apr. 38.
QiinrfiT-Ma.^ter.—^ SiaS Samuel Brodrihli," 15 Jan. 29.
30 ir,irvii.—\i (Fija Patrick Henry Lavens,' 3 Aug. 26 Assist.- Surq. 24 Oct. : 11 ;

Ho-yL-Assist. 28 June, 10.

A.^sMant-Surgeon. Jas. W. MoiFat, 8 Feb. 27 ; Hosp.-Assist. 2S Sept. 26.

Veterinary Surgeon. J. G. Pliilips, 28 Aug. 38.
Scarlet Facings Blue. Agent, Messrs. Cox. & Co.
[^Returned from Spain, July, 1814.]
1 Sir Edwaril Kerrison served at the Helder in 1799 ; with Sir John Moore's army in Spain in 1808, and
at Ciiruniia. SiM-ved suhsequently in the Peninsula, and commanded the 7th Hussars at Orthes, and at Wa-
terloo, for whicll he lias received medals. Sir Edward was severely wounded (his arm having been broken
ill two places) in Spain, 25 Dec. 1803, and slightly wounded at 'Waterloo.
2 Col. Townsend served in tlie Peninsula from Dec. 180S, until taken prisoner near the city of Pan in
France, »th March 1814, including the ditferent affairs of the lOtli and 11th, in crossing the Douro on the
12tli May 1809; battle of Talavera; affair with the enemy's advanced posts 11th July 1910 in front of
Ciudad Rodrigo under the command of Col. Talbot who was killed; passage of the Coa skirmishe'S of the ;

r guard from Almeida to the lines of To in 1810 ; affairs in the enemy's retreat from Santarem
to the frontiers of Spain from eth Man' Kll; battle of Fnentes d'Onor (wounded); affair
with the enemy's lancers 25th Sept. 181 1 li'/, ; affairs with
^ the enemy's cavalry at Usagre,
Llerena, in front of Salamanca, and n.-:it lie of Salamanca; affair with the enemy's rear

guard near Panerandos ; several skirmish' - to near Ciudad Rodrigo, and from the 26th May

near Salamanca to the battle of Vittoria ; gun from the enemy near Pampeluna; and severpl

engagements and skirmishes from the entrance the British army into France, until the battle of Orthes.

Embarked for America I Oct. 1814, and was present at the attack < New Orleans 8th Jan. 1815.
.) rapt. Harvey servcfl at the vestment of Kolapnrc in the Er Indies in Sept. 1827. !

4 Quarter-Mn^t'--- I', ^r, v l^-t ;-\ has been computed. i

.0 PaymiisliT i;..' ..,,.,. h,. \:^„.„ .,• ,:-. ;!

, li! of the war. .• <

I) Quart.-M.i I
: .

ii Hi ofthewar; present at Waterloo. '

7 Dr. Lavh- ,.. i ,

,i, ,,,_
,,i i-:;
, l;i, and was attached to the light

troops which all.iLl.i d Lli. r.„;i; i,i M.i,,luii n ,,.^hi ,1 ihe lOlh Mav, 1«!2. Preient at
the battles of Vittoria, the Pyrenees, .Nivolle ights of fJarris; anii bullle of Orlhes.
't-resent at Waterloo on the loth and IStll June
. . — .. ;

'5M {or the King's) Light Dragoons. -{Hussars). [^:;:;"K,^';


|) Sir Rotjcrt Thomas Wilson,' Cornet, Apr. 17!)4 Lieut. 31 Oct. 94 ; Capt. ;

Si-pt. W, Mn/ur, •2« Juiii-, 180()

•-'1 : Licut.Col. 27 Feb. 02 ; Col. 'li, Julv, 10 ;

Mnjor-Gen. Mum. 13 Lieut.-Gen. 27 .May. 2j ; Cul. 15tli Hussars 2'J Dec. X).

Lieut. -Colonel.— \^ UnvW Ijtiijaiiiiii Uadcock,' K. II. Cornet, v\% Dec. O.")
Lietit. V 1!) Mav, 08 Capt. vVi Dec. 1 1 Brei-et-MaJor,'2\ Jan. 13 ; Reijtl.-
; ;

Miyor, 1'28 Oct. 24; Litut.-Col. v->l Nov. 28.

Sir Walter Scott, Bnrf. Cornet, P 10 June, 19 ; Lieut. P24 Oct. 21 ; Capt. P IG
June, 20 ; .Vfyor, P2G Feb. 28 ; Lieut.-Col. 31 May, 39.

MiQors. Courtenav Phillipps, Cornet ^- Sub.-Lieut. P26 Dec. 18; Lieut. 18
May, 22 ; Capt. p 14 Jan. 20 ; Major, Po Apr. 33.
AusTistus Watlicn, Comet, p9 Julv, 20; Lieut. i'24 June, 23; C/ipt. P26 Sept.
2li ; Miyor, 31 Mav, 39.

Cai'tains. lOU.NET. JKEV.-MAJ.

4^^ James M'Quivu 31 .Mar. 14 Feb. 19 P21 Julv PU 28 June 38
John P. Hickman.. 19 Oct. 2(i P25 Feb. 31 P 1 Apr. 30

r.eorv'c Wni. Kev.... p 5 Julv 31 25 Aug. 33 PIG Sept. 37

E. Tho. Harley Chambers. P14 Dec. 32 P 2 Aug. 33 P28 Nov. 37
Michael Wm. Smith.. 19 Nov. 30 P21 Feb. 34 P23 Apr. 39
Robt. Kollo Uillespie' 31 Aug. 15 P 9 Apr. 18 G July 37
William Penn P 1 Sei)t. 20 29 June 20 5 Oct. 38
?Sil The. Coven. Braniler 27 June II P30 Mar. 14 1 June 39

Charles H. T. Hecker, P29 Aug. 20 P 3 Jan. 28 2 June 39

LlEVTEXASTS. 1 Sir Robert "Wilson served
Justinian Vernon P2I June 31 9 Feb. 34 in Flanders and Holland in
Richard Knox P28 June 31 20 Apr. 34 1793, 4, and 5 in the rebellion

in Ireliind in 1798 in Holliiud ;

7^ Hunh B. Hi,.'-in9.... P 1 Aug. 22 15 Dec. 25 in 171)11; theEtrypliancampaipi
John Bunce Pilfrrim. P 4 Dec. 32 PlO Sept. 37 of 1801 capture of the Cape of

O i John Sumian, R. M. 12 June

. 3o P 9 Mar. 38 Good Hope in 1806; raised and
P31 Aug. commanded the Lui^itanian Le-
j Fra. Woodlev Home. 32 P Sept. :13
gion in 1808 and 1) in Spain and

John Brett.'. PlO Oct. 34 PI4 Apr. 37 P<prtut:al. Served several cain-
Rob. Vise. JocchTi P24 Jlav 33 4 Aug. 3ft paiinis with the Kussian army
in Uu&tiia, Poland, Germany,
Chas. Hugh Key' P 9 JIar.38 P23 Apr. .39
and Prance.
Geo. .\l)erc. Robertson*.. 26 Apr. 28 13 Mav 31 2 Lieut.-Colonel Badcocic was
Octavius fieo. Perrott 20 Mav 27 II Oct. 32
. wounded at Fuentes d'Onor.
P. D'Ormieux Von Streng Pll Nov. 28 17 Apr. 34 3 Capt. Gillespie served in
the Burmese war.
Cha. .\\e\. Sinclair .... 13 Oct. 31 2 June 34 4 Lieutenant Robertson was
John Macartney P27 Sept. .33 P19 Dec. 34 wounded in action at Coorg,
Tho. Brooke Jackson PlO Jan. 34 PIU Feb. 30 Madras, April 1834.
John Hamilton Gray. P24 Nov. 29 15 Sept. .37 5 Dr. Chambers served ho
. .
.American war, and was presen
Geonie Home P 19 June aj P 28 Aug. 38
in the actions before New Or'
John Gore Townsend .... P2a Dec. 38 P 29 Nov. 39
Jos. Clayton Jennj-ns .... P 8 Feb. 39
Lewis Edw. Nolan P 15 Mar. 39
John Cocks 14 June 39
Tho. R.Crawley 19 Dec. 34

Cha. Erskinc Steuart .... P20 June 39

! Henry Brett P2I June 30
Blackwood Moutiay Read P22 June 39
HerlKrt Morgan P23 June 39
Charles Bill P29 Nov. 39

Pavmasler.—llenn Routh, II Oct. 39; Em.iGApr. 31 ; Lieut. 27 Sept. 33.

.4<(;'i<f(i/if.— John
Cocks, (Cornet) 14 June 39.
Quarttr-.Vaster. — William Betson,
1 Nov. 35.
Surgnm.—John Chambers,* 24 July, 35; Astitt.-Surg. 29 April, 24; Ifosp.-
At-tist. 27 .Nov. 09.

.iuiitant-Surgeoni. Thomas Bisset, M.D., 10 Nov. 37.
Henry Cooper Readc, 31 May, 39

Tettrinary Surgeon. Thomas Hurford, 25 Jan. 39.
Blue Agent, Messrs. Cox ic Co.
[Returned from France, May, 181G.]
ie"yi'ce!'i8a2: ] 16<ft {or Quecn's) Regt. of Light Drags. {Lancers). [ ^Be'.t-ai!"
Years' Sen-. Colonel.
P SaSa Sir Jn. Ormsby Vandeleur,' G.C. B. Ens. 29 Dec. 1781 ; Lieut. 21 July,
83; Capt. 7 Mar. 92; Major, 1 Mar. 94; Lieut. -Col. 1 Jan. 98; Col. 25 Apr.
1808; Miijor-Gen. 4 June, \\ ; Lieut.-Gen. 19 July, 21; Gm. 10 Jan. 38;
Col. 16th Lancers 18 June 30.
Lieut.-Colonels.—}^ Tlios. Wm. Brotherton,^ C. B. Em. 24 Jan. 00 ; Lieut. ^•
Capt. P27 July, 01; Major, P28 Nov. 11; Srevet-Lieut.-Col. 19 May, 14;
Lieut.-Col.v\-2 Oct. 20; Col. 22 July 30.
13 William Persse,' C.B. Come*, 10 Jan. 06 ; Lieut. P27 Nov. 06 ; Capt. 23 Jan.
12; Major, 25 May, 22 Lieut.-Col. p6 Dec. 33.

13 Charles Robert Cureton,'' Ens. 24 Feb. 14 Lieut. 27 June, 16 ; Capt. p12 Nov.

25 ; Major, p6 Dec. 33 Brevet- Li.-Col. 23 July, 39 Lieut.-Col. 21 Aug. 39.

; ;

Majors. George James M'Dowell,^ Cornet, P4 April, 16 iif»f. P4Dec. 17 Caj)f.
; :

P 14 Nov. 27 Major, P4 Aug. 37

; ; Brevet-Lieut. -Col. 23 July, 39.
Arthur Charles Lowe,' Cornet, 20 Apr. 15; Lieut. PIO Aug. 15"; Capt. P3 Apr.
27 Major, 21 Aug. 39.
1 'th Rct/imcnt of Lii/ht Dragoons. —(Lancers.)

On the Standiinls or Ouidons, " Death's Head," with the Motto, " Or Glory."

P IH Sir Arthur Benjamin Clifton,' K.C.B. Comet, 6 June, 1794 ; Lieut.
7 Aug. 1794 Capt. 27 Feb. 17'J9 Major, 17 Dec. 1803; Lieut. Col. 2j July,
; ;

ItllO; Col. 12Aug. 1819; Major Gen. -ii July 30 ; Col. 17th Lancers, 25
Aug. 1839.
Matthew C. D. St. Quintin, 2mi Lieut. P29 June, 20; Lieut. p8 Jan. 24 ; Capt-
v9 Xov. 2U Mi{jor, p 16 April, 37 Lieut.-Col. p31 Dec. 39.
; ;

lA John Lawrcnson, Comet, 12 Xov. 18; Lii-ut. p6 Dec. 21 ; Capt. p27 Aug. 25;
Breret-Major, 28 June 38; Retjtl.-Maj. P31 Dec. 39.

William C. Douglas p 20 May
. 2(i P Sept. 27
Lionel .\mes P 3 Oct. 2(1 P 6 Jan. 32
Walter Williams p26 Mar. 29 P21 Dec. 32
Edward Croker P 7 Sept 32 P 1 1 Aug. 35
Roht. Arthur Fitzharding
Kin'jscotc P 2 Nov. 32 P 4 Mar. 36
Wallace Barrow p 6 Mar. 35 P 9 Dec. 3G
Jolm R. Palmer ,
P 7 Aug. 35 P 18 Mar. 37
John B. Broadley P 6 Not. 35 P15 Apr. 37
Francis Burdett 18 Apr.p 34 P14 Apr. 37
John Da>'j Brett P 4 Mar. 3(i P 1 Mar. 39
.^rchibalrl £rtr/of Cassili: P 5 July 33 P 19 Oct. 38
.\ug. Saltren Willett p 9 Dec. 36 P31 Dec. 39
HoH. HenryS. Blackwood P 10 June 36 P 4 Jan. 39
("ok NETS.
Thomas Lindsay
Ejlw. Calvert ScobcU.
IIenr>- Robert Boucherett
.\braliam Hamilton .

Wm. Oxenden Hammond

1st (or Grenadier) Reyhnent of Fout Guards.

. ..

1st {or Grenadier) Regiment of Foot Guards.

Sir John Montage Burpoync, Bt. Eiu. 17 Oct. 10 Eru. k Lieut. 1 Oct. 18

Lirtit. Si dipt. P28 Aprii, ii, ; Capt. k Lieut.-Cot. fo Juno, 35.

r.eorvi- Williiuii Evrcs, Eiis. k Limt. I'3 Dec. 18; Lieut, k Cnpt. P2C Mav,25
Ciipt. k Lieut.-Col. I' 1 July, ST..
William Fludyer, Eiu. 30 Dec". 1!); Em. k Lieut. P25 Oct. 21 ; Lieut, k Cnpt
I" 7 July, 25 ; Cnpt. k Lieut.-Col. V i Dec. 3(5.
9 Philip Jiwhua PercoTal,'" ind Lieut. Royal Marines, 2 July, 03 ; Ist Lieut
15 .Vuir. 05 ; Eiu. Grcnailier Guard.*, 11 jiine, 11 ; Lieut. k'Cupt. 10 March
14 ; Cnpt. k Lieut.-Cvl. 10 Jan. 37.
9 Iffl Wni. Fre<l. Johnston," Ens. 1'12 Dec. 11 ; Lieut, k Capt. 16 March, 14
Cnpt. k Lieut.-Col. 10 Jan. 37.
Jas. Robertson Craufurd, Ens. 14 June, 21; Em. k Lieut. p29 Aug. 22
Lieut, k Cnpt. P 18 Sept. 2t! Cnpt. k Lieut.-Col. p18 Feb. 37.

Fred. Clinton, Em. k Lieut, p 10 Xov. 23; Lieut, k Cnpt. f 10 May, 27 : Capt
k Lieut.-Col. P 12 Jan. 38.
Richard \Vm. Astell, Em. k Lieut. P20 Nov. 23; Lieut. & Capt. P13 Sent,
27 ; Cnpt. k Lieut.-Col. P 7 July, 38.
a* Thomas Woo<l, Comet, pU> Xov. 20 : Lieut. P 12 June 23 ; Cnpt. P25 June 25;
Brec.-Mqj. 28 June 38 ; Capt. k Lieut.-Col. P28 June, 39.


Gcorcc M'Kinnon 20 June 24 4 Nov. 24 P 21 Feb. 28

Charles Baeot 5 Aug. 24 24 Feb. 25 P 30 Dec. 28
Geo. Aup. Frol. Houstoun 2 Apr. 25 Pll June 30
Arth. Wellesley Torrens 14 .Apr. 25 ! June 30
Hon. Ch. J. Fox. Stanley 27 Apr. 25 P 18 June 30
Hugh Fitz Roy '.
P 7 Julv 25 20 Xov. 30
15 John Dixon P 10 Dec. 25 1 Dec. 30
14 William Thornton P 8 Apr. 26 P 3 Dec. 30

13 Hon. Fr. Grosvenor Hood P 30 Apr. 27 P 31 Dec. 30

12 Charles Wm. Ridley P21 Feb. 28 P 14 June 31

IS Hon. Aug. Fred. Foley.. P30 Dec. 28 P 16 Mar. 32
14 Charlxs Stuart P 31 Dec. 28 16 Julv 32
10 G. Herb. Fred. Campbell Pll June 30 P 27 July 32
15 Henrj- Penleaze P 23 June 25 P 20 May 26 P 12 Feb. 30

II Edw. Birch Reynardson Nov. 29 P 12 June 30 P 12 Oct. 32

10 Hon. Robert Brace P 18 June 30 P 22 Feb. 33

15 Chris. Hanip. Nicholson.. P 3 Mar. 25 P 14 Jan. 26 P 5 Julv 31

11 John SyKilliswotHle P 12 Mar. 29 P 29 June 30 P 4 Oct. 33

10 Joseph Ilcury Hudson . Julv 30 P 29 Xov. 33

10 Percy .Kag. Evans Freke P28 Sept. 30 P 27 Dec. 33
10 Wm. Fra. Joseph Lautour P 26 Xov. 30 P 2 Jlav 34

10 Henr)- C. C'ompton .... P 2 Dec. 30 P 9 May 34

10 Hini. Wm. Leicester .... P 3 Dec. 30 P12 Sept. 34

14 Clias. Alaenion Lewis .. P 13 Oct. 2i P15 Aug. 26 P 12 Apr. 33

Jas. Walker Drummond P31 May 31 P 1 Julv 36
13 Rob. BIcnkinsop Coulson 15 Nov. 27 P 14 June 31 P 29 Julv 36

9 Fred. Wm. Hamilton .... 12 July 31 1 Dec. 36

8 Hon. James Lindsay .... P 16 Mar. 32 P 2 Dec. 3C

10 Francis Chas. Joddrell . Pll Mav 32 P 18 Feb. 37

8 Ar. W. Fitz Roy Somerset 18 May 32 P 24 Feb. 37
Henry Cartwright . . P 26 Julv 32 P 2 June 37
.\ugustus Cox P27 Julv 32 P 8 Aug. 37
Hun. Geo. Cadogan . P22 Feb. 33 P 9 Jan. 38
Htn. (ico. Conrov . . P21 June 33 P 12 Jan. 38
Huuh And. Robt. Mitchell P 4 Oct. 33 P 7 July 38

John llonii- Punes .... P2!) Xov. 33 P 13 July 38

E<lwaril ( iuulbum P27 Dec. 33 P 14 July 38
Hon. Montagu P. Bertie P2I Mar. 34 P 28 June 30
Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards.

" LINCELLF.S."— The S/i/iirij-, with tlie wortls " E(!YPT"— " TALAVERA"—

Y««r»' S«rY.
Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards.

Scots Fusilier Guards.
" UN'CELLES"— Tho "SpSyiijr," villi i|ie vmnls, ••



Scots Fusilier Guards.

\st (ur the Royal) Regiment of Foot.

huniKiiit-op-Zcc." — "St Lucia." —
The Sphinx, with the words, " Egypt" "Coruiiiia"
" BuMpo" —

" Salainaiii-a"

" Vittoria" —
"St. Sebastian"

" Nivc"— " Puiiiusula"
" .Viajnra" " Waterloo" " Xagporc" " Mahuitlpoor" " Ava."
Y«u>' Scrr.
Years' S«rv.|
— '
. ;

iiib. lor Fdwiuiil

S«rrlc«', ISSi.
'2iid (
ur Quecit's lioyal) Regiment of Fool. f^^J
Tht Pmefiill Lamt>," wllh Ihu niolloi •• I'ntli,, ior," una "Vtl tsuvitt triuin-
The Hutm't Cfyhir <i ithin tht Oarlir, l>
jihaiit." ling ihf oviTll. UntheOrvnuilicrs'Ciips,
the Kmy't Ctftt and llie Hvtvn't Cujther ttiui t the Drumi tbcQuern's Cyphf
The^pAinJ, "ilh EOYJT "—" V1MIEIU"—"C0RI'NNA"— "SALAMANCA"—
Ihf wordi "


o7 9 ffS «^ Kon. Sir James Kempt,' G.C.B.O.C.H., Etu. 31 Mar. 1783 Liettt. ;

llt.Ani;. K4; Copf. 30 Mav, 94; .Vfljor, 18 Sept. 94; ii>««.-Co/. 28 Aug.ilO ;

Co/. 9 March, l«) Mojor-Ge,i. 1 Jan. 1-2; Lieut.-Geiu 27 May, io; Col.

l-^^'l of tlie Queen's Hovals, 23 Dec. 34.

Lieiit.-Cvluiieh.—Jli Sir Th09. WilUliire,' K.C.B. S/w. June, 95; Lieut. 5 Sept.
9o; To/)/. 28 Auj;. 1)4 ; Brevet -Major, 21 Sept. 13 ; Drceet-Lieut.-Col. 4 Dec.
15 ; Unjtl.-Mnjw, 10 Sept. 23 ; Regtl.-Lieut.-Col. 30 Aup. 27; Col. 10 Jan. 37.
John (ini:or\- Buumpmlt,' Em. 1 Aug. 98; Lieut. 20 March, 01; Capt. 10
Jan. 10 ; Mnjor, vi\ Oct. 24 ; Lieut.-Col. ''9 June, 23 ; Col. 28 June, 38.

LVrtjor*. —
Rcilniunil Wni. Drouah, Ens. 10 March, 07; iifu*. 15 July, 08;
Capt. ! 10 Jan. 22 ; Major, 29 May, 35.
Richunl Carrutliers, Ens. 19 Mav, 14 ; Lieut. Ho Jan. 25 ; Capt. i' 16 .\pril, 29 ;
Major, f 19 Feh. 36 ; Breret-Lleut.-Cnl. 23 July. 39.
jdco. Dalhousie J. Raitt 6 Feb. 23 12 Mav 25 P June 31
^ John Cioo<l S. Gilland . 31 Dec. 12 19 Feb. 17 20 Aug. 31
William (Jrcenville ... 9 Mar. 09 12 Dee. II
P 1 Jan. 19 10 Jan. 37
3^!, !
\Vm. Martin Lyster ... 19 Feb. 17 14 June 21 P 22 JIar. 33
1^^ iThoniiis .Meldnim P22Julv 13 27 Mar. 17 8 Mar. 34
John Carncv 20 Feb. 17 P 3 Jan. 22 29 Mav 35
5/j Itia M.iiuitS. H. Lloyd' 16 Dec. 13 2 Mar. 15 13 Sep't. 35
O Oliver Hnbinson' , 5 Oct. 20 24 Jan. 25 P 19 Feb. 36
Thomas Sealy P27 Nov. 28 P15 Mar. 31 P 16 June 37
Geonre Stirline 4 May 20 10 Feb. 25 5 Mar. 39
1 Sir James Kempt has re-
Wni. .N'icol Ralph
[ 26 Jon. 25 29 Aug. 26 ceived a Crtjss and three Clasps
for MuiJa, Badfuos, Vittoria,
13 deoive V. Hamilton 2 Feb. 14 29 Oct. 29

Nivelle, Nive. Orlhes, and Tou-

1^ Peter Grehan P 8 April 26 26 Nov. 30

louse, nnd iTos severely wound-
James StirlinR
P 10 Jan. 28 21 Aug. 31 ed at Waterloo.
1 Henrj' Reyntthls ,
n 8 Oct. 25 1 Mar. 33 2 Sir T. Willshire's scrvicei
Battles or Roleiaand Vimieis;
Thomas Wiiiiratc ,
P 13 Mav 26 17 May 30 campaign and battle of Co-
iMc<imn It. rilioldFeb. 31 16 Mar. 34 1 runna; expedition to Walche-
|I!u!;li Ilalkctt Aug. 31 17 Mar. 34
I' ren Peninsula from June,

1SI3 to May, 1S>U, including-

Jas. Egbert Simmons *
Jan. 32 29 Mav 35
., 20 battle of Salamunca (twice
St. Geon^-e Hen. Stock
April 32 13 Sept. 35
. P20 wounded); retreat from Bur-
Stanhope \Vm. Jephson. Nov. 30 p 19 Feb. 36 P26 Ros, and action at Villa Ma-
//o/i. Edw.Arth.W.Keanc 15 Feb. 33 P 1 1 Mar. 36 nila 2.'jth Oct. I8I2; battle of
Vittoria; first assault of San
U G. .\. K. A. Yonsj'e' P22 Aui:. .34 29 June 37 Sebastian also second assault;

fiodfrey Piercy P24JuIv 35 1(1 April 38 and capture; cro<isinp the Bi-
J. .Xuj.:. Macdonald P 10 MaV 31 11 Mav 38 dasioa Nivelle; Nive.Olh, lOlh, ;

Edward Honiy« ood P 14 June 3.3 P 28 July 38 and nth Dec. I8I3. Repulsed
. . .
with 300 men the utlack of
Hen. \\m. Sti.«te<I * .. P 4 Dec. :15 P29 Sept. 38
lO.CKtO Ciiffros upon the open
Tlios. W. E. Holdsworth P 15 Jan. 36 Pl4 Dec. .38 village of Oruham's Town, on
Douglas John Dickinson P 30 June 37 30 Jan. 39 the frontiers of the Cape of
Good Hope; ciipture of Kittoor,
Thomas .\ddisou 15 Sept. 37 31 Jan. 39 in the Dooab, E. Ind. Dec.
Henry Cole Faulkner. P 13 Nov. 35 P 18 Mav 39
. . 3 Col. Baumgardt was pre-
Henry Piercy P Mar. 38 30 Dec. 39 sent at every sieee, battle, and
Ensigns. campaicn in which the
8lh Hu
o J. Hartlie Kippen P 3 A up. 38 4 Capt. Raitt, LreuU. Simmons, Stisted, and
O Frederick Connor P29Seiit.38 Uadley were sliehtly wounded; Capt. Robin-
Robert Stephenson P 23 Mar. 38 son, and Lieut. Yonge, severely, iu the assault
. . .
and capture of the fortress and citadel of Ghuz-
Henry Cox 14 Dec. 38 nee, in AITchanislan, 23 July, 1839.
Louis' J. .M'Pherson .. 6 Sept. .lO 5 Capt. Lloyd was at Waterlmi 18'h June
< 'harles Darby 6 Sept. 39 takinie of Cambruy, 24th June, 1815, and cap-
of l*aris. Served one campaijni latter part
Demetrius W.G. James. P31 Jan. 40 ture18211
of aminil the Rajnhof Kolapore.
Paifnwster.— James Moore, 18 Aug. 37 Ens. 6 Feb. 27 ; iieu*. 20 Aug. 31. ;

.l<</«fn/if.— Jas. Ecbert Simmons, {Lieut.) 11 June, 36.

yu«r<rr-.Voj/rr.— \V. H. S. HadUy,« 12 Aug.36 Ens. 10 Ap. 25 Lt. 24 Sept. SI
1 ; :

3,^ ;6'urj.— llJllWin. II.Youni:,'4Sept. 28; Asflft.-S. 4 Feb. 13; //..1. 19 Dec. II.

Rob. Hope Alston Hunter, 15 June, 30 IIotp.-Asst. 10 Jan. 27. ;

James Jopp, M.D., 22 Feb. 39.

Facings Blue. Agent, .Mr. IjiwTie, Cliarles-street, St. Janie.'''s.
• Dr. Youne served in the Peninsula. fr..m March, 1811 tn I'eh. I6IS. inrlmlinc the siege of Rariajor.
iprU. laiS, and battle of Salamanca. S»rvr<J also the campaigns of 1813 «nd in Germanr and Holland. H
IncludiDfi the attack on B«Pf«n-op-Z«jom. rrrsetil on the 18lh June at WMerloo. IM
3d (ur East Kent) Regiment of Foot {or Buffs.)

The Dragon " DOCKO" " TAIAVE

"NivE" "Peninsula."
^ Kenneth Alexander, i'aW of Effingham, ' G.C.B., Ens. 21 April, 1786; Capt.
25 April, 93; iirai.-CoZ. 30 Dec. 97 Co?. IJan. 1805 Afffyor-Gra. 25 July,
; ;

10 Lieuf.-Gen. 12 Auj. 19 ; Gen. 10 Jan. 37

; Col. of the Buffs, 30 Jan. 32.

Lieut.-Coloneh. James Dennis,- £'hj. 2 Sept. 96 iieuf. 12 April, 97 ; Capt. ;

6 Aug. 03; Brevet-Major, 13 Oct. 12; Brevet-Lieut.-Col. 27 May, 25;

Regth-Major, 25 Apr. 28; Regtl.-Lieut.-Col. 4 June, 33 Col. 28 June, 38. ;

Marcus Beresford, Second Lieut. P4 Sept. 17; Lieut. 1 Feb. 21; Capt. P 16
Sept. 24 Major, P 26 Sept. 26 ; Lieut.-Col. P 6 Nov. 27.

Jlfo;ors.— Gerald Hochfort,^ Ens. P28 Feb. 05; Lieut. 25 Sept. 05; Capt.
1 July, 12 ; Major, P 1 May, 28.
Jas. O. Clunie,'' Ens. 27 Aug. 13 ; Lieut. 1 Dec. 14 ; Capt. p 9 Feb. 26 ; Mqjor,
P 23 June, 38.

Basil H. Burchell 25 Dec. 13 8 April 25
30 Dec. 26 P

Gustavus L. Christie . . P 20 June 22 25 Mar. 26 Jan. 28 P 17

Patrick M'Kie* 3 Nov. 12 3 Nov. 14 P 3 Oct. 29
Marcus Barr P 24 Feb. 25 P 8 April 26 Pll June 30
John Michel P 3 April 23 P28 April 25 P 12 Dec. 26
George Isaac Austin . . . P 12 Dec. 26 P25 Nov. 28 P 26 June 35
Donald Stewart 14 Dec. 15 26 Mar. 26 3 April 38
Jas. Charles Rouse P 30 June 25 P17 May 27 P 7 April 38

"^i Peter Dore ^ 8 April 13 21 Aug. 19 29 Aug. 38

Thomas Chatterton . . 29 Dec. 14 2 Jan. 17 21 Dec. 38
Lawrence Desborough . 10 April 25 3 Aug. 27 1 Lord Efflnglmm
Henry Dacre Lacy 11 April 25 4 Aug. 27 ceived a medul and i

Donald M. Cameron . . 26 April 28 P 17 Mar. 30 for Vittoria and Nive

2 Cal. Dennis accompanied
Philip G. Beers Pll July 20 P 15 June 30
to Copenhagen
Harry Blair 9 Dec. 27 9 Nov. 31 in leoi,
James Speedy 15 May 28 23 May 32 both hands and contused.
George Bridge 16 AprU 29 21 Sept. 32 Served in the last American
war,including battle of Queens-
Samuel Daniel P30 Dec. 31 P 26 July 33 town (wounded); storming of
Jas. Talbot Airey 11 Feb. 30 P 3 May 33 Fort George ; action at Stoney
\Vm. Jas. Hamilton . . 6 April 32 P 6 Sept. 33 Creek, (wounded in two places);
Richard N. JIagrath P 24 Dec. 33 and action of tho Rapids at
. . 1 Jime 32
Hooples Creek, contused by
John C. Handfi'eld 21 Sept. 32 P 2 May 34
having his horse shot, which
Allan Menzies 18 Oct. 31 16 Aug. 35 fellon him.
Charles Sawyer P 6 Sept. 33 P 8 April 36 3 Major Rochfort was at the
capture of the Isle of France in
Hall P. Chamberlain... 3 June 36
Pl4 Feb. 34 P
1810, and of Java in 1811, in-
Alex. John Cameron . .25 Sept. 36
P 24 Dec. 33 cluding capture of Cornells,
Rob. Manners Sparks ' 30 April 37
. 16 Aug. 33 storming of Serondola and Fort
Djocjncarta; storming of re-
Wm. John Doreliill . .10 Mar. 38
. P 16 Jan. 35
doubts at the island of Borneo
Peter Browne 7 Dec. 38
P 20 Feb. 35
Nepaul campaign in 1814 ;
Richard Herbert Gall 7 Dec. 38
. P 3 July 35 siege and storm of Hatrass
Oct. H. St. Geo. Anson. 8 Dec. 38
27 Nov. 35 Slahratta campaigns of 1817
P 31 May 39 and 18: siege and storm of
Kenneth M'Kenzie . . . P 3 June 36
Bhurtpore 1825 and 6.
Stonehouse Geo. Bunbury P28 June 33 P25 Dec. 38
Ensigns. 4 Major Clunie served in the American war,
Wm. Dimcan Hilton . P19 Feb. 36 and was at the siege and attack of Fort Erie
C. W. Green P 7 April 38 in 1814.

Wm. Meacham 6 Capt. M'Kie served in the Nepaulese war

G. . . 7 Dec. 38
of 1814 and 16. Present at the' siege and cap-
Alex. Ham. Robson . P 25 Dec. 38 ture of Hatrass. Served the Mahratta and
Chas. A. Thompson . 4 Jan. 39 Piiidarree campaign of 1817 and 18, and in the
James Reid Hope . . 31 May 39 Burmese war, from June, 1824, until its con-
clusion in 18'26. Wounded at the assault of
Nicholas Henry Flood 4 Oct. 39
MerguieOthOct. 1824.
Tliomas Kains p29 Nov. 39
Pai/muster.—J. Lukis, 24 Dec. 29 ; Ens. 22 Feb. 10 ; Lieut. 6 Aug. 12.

Adjutant. Lawrence Desborough, {Lieut.) 26 Sept. 38.
Quarter-Master.— IUtv\' Williams, 14 Dec. 32; Etis. 12 Aug. 13.
28 i.'/(/;/.— A.MacQueen,' M.D. 24 Ap. 2G;Assist.-S. 13 May, 13 ; Hosp.-A. 19 Jan. 13
6 Assistant-Surgeon.^. —
Robert Stevenson, M.D., 14 March, 34.
Samuel Currie, M-D., 14 Oct. 36.
Facings Buff. Agent, Messrs. Cox & Go.
6 Capt. Dore served in the Nepaulese war in 1815 and 10, and in the Deccan campaign in 1817 and 18.
7 Lieut. Sparks was wounded in the CafTre war.
8 Dr. Mac Queen served the Kundian campaign in Ceylon during the Rebellion in 1817 and 18.
. . — '

rScrviupr In tliv
"] 4/A (or Kiiit/t Own) Regt. of Foot.
L East Inillvs.
'• Tin LUm "—" ConUNNA "— " DADAJUS "— " SALAMANCA "— " VITTORIA'"
0/ Bni)land
John Hodgson, Ens. 20 May, 1779 , Lieut. 27 Nov. 80 ; Ctipt.Hi Sept. 87 ; MaJ.

14 Slav, 04 Lieut.-Col. 1 Sept. 95 ; Col. 25 Sept. 03; Major-Gen. 25 July,


10 J Lieut.-Gen. 4 June, 14 ; Gen. 10 Jan. 37 Col. 4th Ri-gt. 30 Sei)t. X,. ;

Lieuteiutnt-Colunels. —
llcnrv Wm. Breton, Ens. 16 March, 15; Lieut. i'27 July,
20; r«/.M'21 Julv,25; 'Mf\jor,vi\ Dec. 28; Xit-Hf.-CW. 11 July, 34. i'

John Leslie,' K.ll. ; Ens. 7 AuR. 180C Lieut. 2 June, 08 ; Capt. v 30 Nov. 09 ; ;

Mnjor, P 1 Jan. 19 ; Lieut.-Col. 29 .\ug. 20. I'

ilf<Vori.— JPWI Ranald .Macdonald,' C.B. K.H. Ens. 25 Jlarch, 07 Lieut. 5 May, ;

08 ; dipt. 1'3 Dec. 18 Mtijor, 1'24 Jan. 28 ; Brecet- Lieut.-Col. 13 July, 38.

9 William Smllier,' Ens. 2 .\pril, 07; Lieu<. 4 May, 09 ; Capt. 25 Aug. 25 ;

Major, 4 Feb. 38.
Captains. CAPTAIN. |brEV.-MAJ.
Richard Chetwo<le 24 May 20 P 15 Aug. 22 I
20 Mar. 27
Thomas Williams P12 Scp't. 22 P 7 July 25 j
17 June
P 28
Tliomas Faunce 5 .\pril 27 P 12 Nov. 29 IP23 June 37
Farquliar M. Campbell . 3 Aug. 30 P 6 Dec. 33 IP 6 Oct. 37
William Henry Mounsey P28 .May 29 P 4 Jan. 33 P 14 April 37
Fred. Leopold Artliur. . !• C. Dec. 33 P 3 July 35 P 8 June 38
John Hilton 1'21 Sept. 32 P 30 Jan. P14 Dec. 38
Cliarles J. Otter' 20 Dec. 24 12 Nov. 9 Mar. 39
George Kennedy P24 Dec. 33 P 1 July P 15 Mar. 39
14« Thomas Gibson 17 May 13 2 Dec. 1 July 39
John Snodgrass 13 Dec. 33 1 Dec. 36
George King P 1 Gen. Hodijsonwai severely
P 1 1 July 34 7 April 37
wounded at Egmont-op-Zee.
John Henry Hay Ruxton PlOJulv 34 P 23 June 37 3 Colonel L&ilie was &t the
Dennis .\. Curtnyne' 18 April 22 P 2(i .May 25 taking of Travancore in ISOS;
Charles S. Teale". 10 Dec. 27 also at the capture of the
7 April 25
Island of Bourbon, and the
.Abraham C. .\nderson 12 June 23 9 July 29 Isle of France ; present in the
Wm. Charles Sheppard II June 29 10 Nov. 34 engagements in Java, the 10th,
W. H. .M. Ogilvie .... 1' 18 -Nov. 31 P 29 .May 3.5 S2nd, and SOth Au;. 1811.
John Cameron Served in the Pindarree war
25 Dec. 13 7 July 37
in 1817. Array of occupation
Hol)ert Hawkes 1'
2 Dec. 31 8 July 37 in France.
Robert O'Neill P 3 July 35 9 July 37 3 Lieut.-Col. Macdonald was
eeverelv wounded at Waterloo.
Jas. S. Shortt 3 May 33 10 July 37
4 Major Sadlier served in
Chas. Stanifortli Hext P 9 Oct". zr> P 6 Oct. 37
Sicily from July 1808 to June
William Wilby 27 Jlav 36 p P 7 Oct. 37 1S12, and was present at the
Joseph Palmer 23 June 37 p P 8 June 38 rapture of the Islands of Ischia
Jas. .Ilex. Madigan .... P14 Dec. 38 and Procida. Served subse-
23 June 37 quently in the Peninsula, in-
Wadham W}'ndham Bond P 4 Nov. 36 9 Mar. 39 cluding the battle of Ca.stalU
John Potter 22 April 36 10 Mar. 39 and siege of Tarragona, action
John H. Glaibrook . P OOct. 37 P 15 Mar. 39 at Villa Franca, besides various
minoraffairs; served also In the
Edw. Jas. Baldwyn . P 20 Oct. .37 1 July 39
American war, including the
James Keating 26 April 39 P 9 Aug. 39 attack on Plattsburgh.
Wni. Mark Campbell P 10 Nov. 37 2 Oct. 39
Thos. Charles Morgan P 8 June 38 26 Oct. 89

Ensicns. 5 Capt. Otter served i

John Lennox Mac.\ndre« 14 Dec. 38 a Lieut. Curtayne s p
John Cowcll Bartlev 2B Apr. 39 war in 1825 and 18*Jfl.
F. P. Haines P 21 June 39
." 7 Capt. Bum s/!rved the campaign in the
Eastern Islands, and was at the taking of Hac-
Arthur Byrne 25 Oct. 39 cassar In 18U. Served the Mahr^tta campaign
Wm. Crawley 22 Nov. 39 '1 1817 and 18, and was severely wounded ut
Henry Rice 31 Dec. 39 Bhuripore In 1828. ' '

David Fra. Chambers ..!P31Jan. 40

William I nglis 7 Feb. 40


Paynuiiter. James Bum,' 6 Feb. 35; Ens. 1 Oct. II; L'wut. 16 June, 13;
Capt. 19 Dec. 34.
Ai{jutant.—in\\n Potter, (Lieut.) 11 July, 37.

Quarter-Master. Samuel Sexton, 1 1 July, 37.
Surgeon. —
William Parrv, 17 April, 38; Assist.-Surg. 7 March, 22; Ilosp.-
Assisi. 20 Dw. 13.
Assistant-Surgeons. — Wm. Hutchinson .\llman, M.D., 12 June, 35.
James Mouat, 14 Dee. 38.
Facings Blue Agent, Messrs. Cox k Co.
^^^ ^^9^' "f Fo^t (oT NoHhumlerland Fusiliers) [^j;Son"a
Qm« fata Vacant,'- surmounting St. George and the Dragon. On the corners of the ind colour the
Rose and Crown: ontlie caps theKh\%'s Crest; ato St. George tillini; the Drason. " WILHELMSTAHL"
sL™''r«!"is'T"] ^''' C"*" ^"y'^ ^*' fyurtcUkslure) R,yt. uf Foot. [*S,"J,;ji;^:'"
• Tht AHt€lviit."—Ot\ th« llin-e onuTa uf llio »cconJ colour, " The llitr uiid Cnmii." - A«ii on llic (treim-
dliT'. raio, "Tht AiNx'j Irrjf." - •• KOLHA" - '• VIlllKHA" — ••
»«r».| Colonel.
]Sir GoorBC Nuijont,' Bnrt. O.O.B. Eiuiijn, 5 Julv, 177:); iiVii/. 2.1 Nov. 7.5;
~| Cn;)/. 28 Ajiril, 7»<; jU/yVir, 3 Wnv, 82 ;Lkul.-'Col. 8 Sept. SS; Col. 1 Mar.
"*, 1)4; J//yor.-(,Vn. 3 Mav.Uti; Lieut.-(iin. 20 Sept. 1803; «t«. 4 June, 13 ;
1 Co/, titli Rivt. 2<i .May/lKi. Litut.-Cohm'h.
4jL Ileiiry Sullivan, CM. EnsUjii, i'17 May, !)8; iin//. I' 20 Sept. !)8 ; (V//;/. I' 10
Julv, til ; Mnjur, 1'21 Jiiii. 1)8; Lieut.-Col. 1 Julv, 13: Col. 22 Julv, .-(U.
6A. 9Win. Henry Sewell,C.B. A'lw. 27 March, 00; Luiit. vid Vch. 07 ; r«/<M' 12
Man-li, 12; Urreet-Mnjor, 3 Man-li, 14; Um-il-Lieut.-Cvl. 21 June, 17;
HnjtI.-.ViiJor, 11 Auf;. 211; (V. 10 Jan. 37 ; Jiajt. Li.-Col. 17 Sept. 39.

Majors. Joliii .Mireo, Eiisii/ji, v 18 June, do; /./>-m/. 1 Jan. ((>; Cupt. l'28 Feb.
12; Major, i'2li June, 23; Hreevt-I.U-ut.-Col. 28 June, 38.
36 |3 II. lieuiiet Everest,^ Eiuign, -il Dee. 04; Lieut. 1 Mureli, 07; Capt. VH
June, 20 Major, 23 Dee. 31.

^"n'^NoTS':"] ^th Becjime.t of Foot, {or Royal Fusiliers.) [ ^^^^^^]

In the centre of the colonrs, The " Rose" within the Garter and the Crown over it. And
in the corners of tlie second Colour, The "White Horse." "Martinique" —
"Talavera" —
"Albuhera" " Badajoz" —" Salamanca"

" Vittoria" — —

y Rt. Hon. Sir Edw. Blakeney,' K.C.B. & G.C.H. Comet 28 Feb. 1794 ; Limt.
•24Sept. 94; Capt. 24 Dec. 94 ; 3Iajor, 17 Sept. 1801 ; Lieut.-Col. 25 April,
08: Col. 4 June, 14; Mnjor-Gen. 27 May, 25; Lieut. -Gen. 28 June, 38 ;
Col. 7th Fusiliers, 20 Sept. 32.
Frederic Farquharson, Ens. 17 Sept. 13; Lieut. 25 May, 14; Capt. P23 Sept.
19; Major, P 29 June, 30 ; Lieut.-Col. P 7 Sept. 32.
John Stuart, Ens. 22 Jan. 20; Lieut. 26 March, 23; Capt. P13 Aug. 25;
il/(7/or,P0 May, 36.
Thos. Rich. Baker, Cornet, P 9 Dec. 19 ; Lieut. P 1 April, 24 ; Capt. P 18 Feb.
6 ; Major, p 31 Aug;. 38.

William Hope 4 Nov. 24 P 27 Oct. 26 P 14 Feb. 28
William Guard P 6' Nov. 24 P31 Oct. 26 P 10 Jan. 28
Lacy Walter Yea . . . P 6 Oct. 25 P19 Dec. 26 P30 Dec. 36
M. R. S. Whitmore . 26 June 27 P 5 Aug. 28 P16 Feb. 38
W. B. Ponsonby 13 Dec. 27 P31 May 31 P23 Feb. 38
Ralph Bernal 8 June P 30 P21 June 33 P 27 July 38
f ^ateshv Pacet 8 Nov. 27 P 31 Aug. 30 P 9 Ma'r. 39
Ri.hanl Wilhraham 25 Mar.
. P 28 25 May 33 P22 July 36
Ricli. Mi.nksU-v Best P 20 April 32 P 16 Jan. 35 P 7 June 39
,S7c William (I'Malley, Si. P 28 Dec. 32 P 2 Oct. 35 P 12 July 39
2 Quarter-Master Ledsam's
Ralph Tlio. Brandling 31 May 33 . P P 6 May 36 Espetlition to Copen-
H.C. Tronhrids
T. St. V. 24 Jan. 34 P P30 Dec. 36 hagen in 1807 ; Peninsula from

Hon. Henry C. Boyle P20 Sept. 33 ~

P17 Feb. 37 .July1810 to the end of Ihewar,
including the battles of Busaco,
Thomas Butler P 9 May 34 P 7 April 37 and Albuhera; siege and cap-
Him. W. P. M. Talbot 19 Dec. 34 ,
P15 Sept. 37 ture of Ciudad Rodrigo, and
Geo. David Doukin P 15 Aug. 34
. . .
P 1 Dec. 37 lladajoz ; battles uf Salamanca,
Vittoria, Pampeluna, Orthes,
Lord James Butler P 7 Nov. 34
. P16 Feb. 38 and Toulouse. Present at the
Robert Stuart P23 May 34 11 June 37 attack on New Orleans in 181.5.
Hon. T. H. H. Thurlow P26 Feb. 36 P 9 June 38 3 Dr. Shean served in the
M nrcloc Maclaine .... P29 Nov. 33 P15 Dec. 37 Peninsula from March 181.1 lo
the end of the war, and was
Arthur John Pack . P 9 Aug. 33
. . . P 5 May 37 present at the battles ofVittoria,
Cliarles Stewart Cochrane P 8 April 36 P17 Aug. 38 the Pjrenecs, and the Nive.
Aubrey F. Beauclerk .... never P 7 Aug. 35
Hoyt. Wm. Packenham P25 Aug. 37 . P31 Aug. 38
Hon. Cha. Luke Hare P18 Mar. 36 . P 7 Dec. 38
David Dnbbie never 28 Dec. 38
George Grogan P 16 Jan. 35 5 Oct. P 38
Rieliard Maunsell P24 April 35 P 9 Mar. 39
Ifon. J. W. Fortescue P 14 July 37
. 6 June 30
Alexander Fraser Pll Aug. 37 P 12 July 39
Jolm Keane Pll Sept. 35 17 Sept. 39
I'n i/wa.ifcr.— ThomRS Gilley, 11 May, 38 Lieut. & Arlj. 9 Nov. 30.

.lr/Ji»^H«/.— David Dobbie, (Lieut.) 28 Dec. 38.

Quarter-Master.—^ Jolin Ledsam,'- 20 April, 26.
^nr,jeon.—\i Robert Shean,= M.D. 26 Oct. 30 Asslst.-Surg. 28 Jan. 13. ;

Assistant Surgeon.i.—].0'lSnen, M.D. 18 Oct. 27 ; Hosp.-Assist. 1 Feb. 27.

John Mure, M.D. 4 Oct. 39.
Fucinys Blue. .Agent, Messrs. Cox & Co. Irish Agent, Borough & Co.
[Returned from the Mediterranean, April, 1836.]
ir Eiiward Blakeney has received a cross and one clasp for Martinique, Albuhera (severely wounded),
0/ I
severely wounded), Vittoria, and Pyrenees.

«'/' («''• T^'" ^'"'if'') lieyimcnt of Foot. \^"^:i


The " Whila Hortc

I oUmei.

|] .sir llonn- Itay'v,' (i.f.ll. Ens. \i April, 1783; Lieut, k Cnpt. 2rt Au);. !>:)

Capt.k Lieut. -Col..'i Si'pt. !K) ; Co/. 2.J Ot. 0!) ; .Mnjor-Ucn. 1 Juii. I'J ;

Lieut. -Gen. 27 May, 'ij ; to/, ftli Hint. 13 Sept. 20.

P Thos. Gorninl Itall,' Eiit, 17 Sept. 07 ; Lieut, 1 Dec. U6

; Oi/)/. i'
7 April,
14; .U<yur, 24 Juno, 24; /,if«/.-('o/. 2 Uct. 35.
I' i'

Simciio Huynes, Em. 24 June, 12 ; Lieut. 28 Dec. 15; Ciipt. !• 24 June, 24;
.Vnjnr, 2 >ct. 35.
1' <

Charles St. Lu Malet, Cornet, f G Jan. 19 ; Lieut. I' 2G May 25 ; Ciipt. i' 25 Fel).
2(i .Miijor, P lU Jan. 38.



.... — ;

lOth (or the North Linculnshire) Recjiment of Foot.

TJie Sphins, wiU> the words, " ECiYPT"— " PENINSULA."

P CB Sir John Lamhort,' O.C.B. Eiu. 27 Jan. 1791 Lieut. Sc Cnpt. 9 Oct. ;

93; Capl. & Lieut.-Cot. U

Mhv, 01 Col.-ii> July, 10; Maj.-Gtii. 4 June, ;

13 iicii<.-G»7i. -27 May, 20

; Col. 10th Rt-gt. 18 Jan. 24. :

3;, 9 lldlnian Custani-c,' Brw. 20 Oct. 08 iiVu^. 22 Feb. 10 ; ; Ciipt. i'20 .May, 14 ;

MiiJ. !• 2 Sept. 24 Lieut.-Col. <• 12 Dec. 20.


Gcniis Power, '2nd Lieut. 12 Sept. 16 ; Lieut. 7 .\pril, 25 ; Capt. i' 8 April, 20
.V<y". I- 4 Sept. 35.
Saville Broom,' ^n». I" 28 Dec. 15; Lieut. 15 Jan. 20; dipt, i' 10 March, 25;
MtiJ. 16 Sept. 36.


Thos. L. L. Galloway 14 April 13 14 Nov. 22 P26 Mav 25
Wni. Henry ,\danis 1 Feb. 21 Pll Mur. 24 P 18 July 26
Mi Francis Dunne .... 20 .May 23 P23 June 25 P 30 Dec. 26

O John Wihnot 26 P15 Feb. 31

i'23 Juiie 25 P 19 Sept.
1/!, IWni. M. Wetenhall
P23 Sept, 24P 16 Mar. 26 P31 Aug. 30

IChris. I,. Stricklanil P31 Mar. 25 P 8 April 26 P 24 .May 33 2 Col. Cu«-

lunce served at
||)John K. Jauncey* 12 Mar. 07 10 Feb. 08 5 June 27 Walchcren in
^ 'Henn.'Onslow . . . P24 Noy. 25 P27 Mar. 27 P 4 Sept. 35 ISUS.ands'jbM!-
The. Harto Franks.. P 7 Julv 25 P 26 Sept. 26 P 1 Mar. .19 quently in the
Peninsula, in-
Georpe Staunton . P 5 Oct. 26 P15 Feb. 31 P 7 June 39
cluding the re-
LlElTENANTS. pulse of the French at Bfjcr,
\Vm. Hen. Goode . 21 Mav 18 P31 July 23 in front of Post a Banos puss,
Henry C. Powell . n April 25 P17 July 26 aHuirs in Runcesvalles pass, but-
tleufNiveJIe. attack on Cunilio,
(ieorpe Wriglit .... PIO Nov. 25 P27 AprU27 crossing the Nive Uth Dec, ac-
Edward Shanlv* .... 1 June 26 10 Sept. 30 tion at St. Pierre d'Arrub^
\V. G.D. Nesbitt .. p27 April 27 P24 Mav 33 near Baj'onne, lath Sec. (twice
wounded and severely), action
John Green Palev . P 26 June 27 P29Noy. 33 at Sauveterre, passage of Gave
Fred. Wm. Hill .". .. P27 Dec. 27 P13 Dec. 33 d'Oleron,and Gave de Pau, battle
Jaroe^ Horshiiq^h . P 6 A up. 29 26 Dec. 34 ofOrthes,atfair at Turbes, action
at Aire (wounded), and battle of
Edw. Rich. White . P 8 June 30 P 6 Mar. 35
Charles HarfonI .... P 15 Feb. 31 P 4 Sept. 35
3 Major Brootn was at the
.\rthur B. Cane .... 1 1Jan. .33 16 Sept. 36 siege and capture of Malligaum
R. Lloyd Thomas . P13 Dec. 33 P 1 Mar. 39 in the East Indies in 1818.
William Fenwick . 26 Dec. 34 P 7 June 39 4 Capt. JauDCey, expedition
John Garvock P 4 Sept. 35 to Walchcren. Peninsula from
31 Dec. 39
July 1812 to June 1814, includ-
Ensign.s. ing battle of Castaila, siege of Tarragona, re-
treat from ditto, and second siege; retreat from
John Hen. Grant 2 April 30 Villa Frunca after the buttle of the Puss of
Ordal inre«linent of Baicelona in 1B14. Ex-
Hen. E. Ix>ni;dcn 16 Sept. 30 ;

pedition to Naples in 18I5.

Sam. Goold Adams .... P 8 Dee. 37 5 Lieut. Shanly served the campaigns of
\J. W. E. Penrose P 17 Aug. 38 18IS, 14. and 15, in Vpper Canada, and uas pre-
"ioo. J. r25 May 38 sent ut the buttles of Chippewa and Lundy'a
Lane (nounded).
Uohn James Hull IP 7 June 39 6 Quarter-Master Blenkinsop was present ut
Herb. Wat. Wnis. Wvnn P 6 Julv 39 the action bt'fure .\lcoy in Spain.
7 Dr. Regan served in the expedition against
New Orleans.
Vi Paymoster. — Robert Uniacke, 6 Julv, 20
; Ens. 14 May, 12 ; Lieut. 9 Sept. 13
.4<//ii/«n/.— John Garvock, 23 Auj;. :J9. ( iiVt//.)
Quarter-Mmtrr.—T^ Wm. Blenkinsop,' 13 Aug. 29.
Surgeon.—}. Regan,' 2 Nov. 30; Astist.-Surg. 1 Sept. 14 Hotp.-A. 7 Oct. 09.


.iuitlnnt-Surgeon. Stephenson Tecvan, M.D. 23 Nov. 26: Nosp.-Auist. 16

Jtme, 25.
Facing/ Yellow. Agent, Messrs. Cox k Co.
[Returned from Corfu, 28 Jan. 38.]

t Col. M*CmUII wuSt tlw lABdlac si Pi/no Rlro. sod •icfp of SL Juan, Utj, 1797. OnpAsssfe lo IndU whro the fleet
HMlrr eonvoy of Sir T. Tlviat»rid<r was sUAehed bf Uw PrrocI) Admiral LlDoU Ul tliv Marrnfo M, s heavy frigste, snd
UMOtket Uiip. Auf iwa 1 present at the ticcn and eapturet of foru Sallarah. Stoftiur, Wouasotah, and a f rrat many otheri.

Aleo at ttic rrduetloa of U [ •iroof fortrrM «t sboUjwre, and the atlaek and duprnlon of 4.000 of Ihc Feihwa'l cholceil troops
eUveifly poated oilb Ibell '4 of obteb Here eaplured under tbe vslU of tbe fort, llth Hay, IrtlA.
3 sie Bdm. Wiluama eerved t r eampaicn of \7^ in liollaad, ineludiot the aetinns of tbe 3nd and 6th <JeL (Mounded)
peewM at tbe Laitle of Malda L l-CK, and tbe uking of l»ebU In P^W. Sened Ibroosbout Ibe »ar In the Fentnsuta. in-
etoriinf tbo fulloolof baltlea. u _ ns. BukSeo (wounded). Badajoe, IHIl, Saluaaoea (twice Mounded, OIKC levercly),

Burtoa. Vtisorta. Toloaa. SL Vbaitl^ 111 Snd (Moundtd) and 3rd aMSults, Bidasaoa, Nlvelle, Site, Aduur, .mX woundwl
lIlM iati I ol Bajonoa.
^^^^ (^^ ^'^^^^^ Devonshire) Regiment of Foot. [^"^^5^*'

•Salamanca" — " Pyrenees"— "Nivelle"—** Nive" — "Orthes"— "Toulouse"— '* Pen

^tM^j"^'""] V2th {or the East Suffolk) Regt. of Foot.

" MINDE.V"—"OIBUALTAR"— with tlio Castleand Key—" Montis Intujnia

Years' Serv.
— . ..
. 1

**'/' ('" Duckinghamihire) Retjiment of Foot. [^"J|'?„';,j;.'

The AojwiTV^i RlpertcAtied " IN 1)1 \."-- On the B4«r-iklnC«li«of thpOmiadirnand Drumincn. the White
Uoru. " ,V« atprra Crrrcnl."— "TOURNAY"— "CORIINNA"— " JAVA"— "WATERLOO"
Y««n' S«rT Colonel.
67 Sir Jaraos Wation, K.C.B., Em. 24 Juui', 1783 Lieut. 18 April, 02 Cnyt. 1
' ; ;

Mar. Do; JTn/or, 3 Dec. 02; Lieut.-Col. 15 May, 06; Coi. 4 Jiiue, 14 ;

MnJ-Gen. 19 July, 21 ; Lieut.-Gen. 10 Jaii. 37 ; Ciil. 14tU Regt. 24 May, 37.

Lieut.-Colonel.—^ Matliias EveranI,' C.B.i K.H. £«.«. 28 Sept. 04 Lieut. 21 ;

Marcli, Oo Cn/./. 23 .Ajiril, 07 Brecet-.MaJor, I'J July, 21 Jie<jll.-.Vt(jur, 1

; ; ;

Nov. 25; Urcvet-Lieut.-Col. 1!» Jan. 20; HegtI.-Lieut.-Col. 4 .\Hg. 29.

.V<u"or».— Maurice Bartow, Eiu. fil July, 14; jti>«/. 23 March, 15; Capt. r 20
Dec. 21 ; M(ijor, i' 12 June, 28.
19 Jamea Wutson, Ens. 22 -Mar. 21; Lieut. P25 Dec. 22; Capt. p14Dcc. 32;
Major, 10 Jan. 4I>.

{) .Martiu C L>nich' . . 08 31 .May
11 Feb. 22 June 20
C'ha. KajTier Newuiaji^. 28 Sept. 09 15 Aug. 1 May 28

Dickens M. Hazlewuoil'' 10 May 09 PI3 Dec. 10 July 31

Oeofve Douiilas 1'
8 Oct. 25 P 5 April 20 J une 35
Tlio. llolnifsTidy' 14 .\pril 25 P 28 Si-pt. 2 Oct. 35
Joseph Smith IC Feb. 08 14 .Mar. 13 Mar. 27
John Watson' 20 July 20 PI7 May Pll Au2. 37
Oeo. A. Wilson ..:.... i'29Sept.2!» P2I Dee. P 20 Ajiril 39
16,' Geonre Beere 8 Feb. 07 29 .\ov. I 19 June 27
Robert Spread Grady . P 3 Feb. 32 P 3 April P 10 Jan. 40

Rnlwrt Daly * Aug. 22 6 Jan. 2fi

Ralph Budil 10 Mar. 25 PIG Mar. 26

Hen. M. F. Stirkc 31 July 28 6 Sept. 34
John D\vyer 19 July 31 21 Noy. 34

4 Captain Ljnch was at the

CoUett Lcventhorpe . . P 28 Sept. 32 P 2 Oct. 35
siege of Fliishine. Ser^-e*I at
Arth. W. Campbell . . 15 Mar. 3:5 25 Dec. 35
1 Malta and the lunian Islands
EdwanI ArchiUdl 6 Sept. :34 IP 25 .\oy. 3f) under Lord Win. ll^'ntinck.
At Genoa and in the South of
Henry- Pitfott P 9 July 29 14 Jime 33
Prance in 1H14. Prest-nt at
M'illiam Doutrlas P 23 .May 34 1 Aug. 38
the sieije and capture of Bhurt-
EflwanI l*rothero •
2 Oct", aj P 2C April 39 pore, wounded at the assault
Blundell P 30 Oct. 35 P 10 Jan 16th Jan. If'JO.

5 Captain Newman was at

O ' John Spencc .... 22 April :3i; 11 Jan. 40 the siege and storming of
! Rob. Wui. Romcr P30Scpt.3C P24Jan. 40 Rhortpore.
G Captain Ilazlevood was at the siege and
Ensigns. capture of Flu.shing, 1800. Present at the siege
Arthur H. Elton 28 Oct. 36
and capture of Bhurtpore, 18'J0.
7 Captains Tidy and WaL>^)n were at the siege
T. Eilniouils P28 Dec. 38
Holmes and capture of Bhurtpore.
;John I'eter Hall 26 April 39 P 8 Lieut. Daly lost a lee at Bhurtpore.
.Manley <ieo. Dwarris HaU 22 April 30 9 tjuurter • Master Ooddard was at Water*
lo<\ it«th June, and stormiii;; of Cainbray, 2-ltli

Thomas Hamilton P31 Aug. 39

1815. Pn'sent at tlie Si«-ge of llattrass.
David Tho. .Armstrong 22 Noy. 39 gerred the campaign of 1HI7 and 1
Lofttts Hare P 31 Jan. 40 ' ' Deccan. Present at tho siege and storming
of Bhurtpore, 18-ja.

2J5 Paymiuter. — Peter Valentine Wood, 2 Aug. 31 ; Eiu. 17 Sept. 07 ; Lieut.

3 Jan. 11 ; Capt. 13 Feb. 28.
.4 ({jutnnt. — John Spence, ( Lieut.) 28 Oct. .30.
qmirti-r-Master.—iJiX Samuel <;o<lilard,' 20 .March, 23.

RiclianI Dowse, K Jan. ."JO ; .luitt.-Surg. 25 Jan. 15.

Henry Dnimmond, M.D. 2H Nov. :J4.
" '
John'xiiomson Telfer, 17 July, 3.J.
Faeingt Buff. Agent, .Mr. Charles Dowiies, 14, Warwick-street, Charins-cross.
1 Sir James Watson has received a medal for Java, and has performed disUnguished t-ervico in tho
varlooa wars in the t^ut Indies.
t Colonel Eieranl't senior :— Espedilion to South America, including taUng of Maldunado; actions
prvvioas to, and asMult of )lnnte yide<>, where he commanded the Forlorn Hope. Campaign and battle
COTuana. Expedition to Walcherm. and slrite of Flushing. Commanded 14lh Kegt. at the siege of Hatrass,
KM. Commandnt Flank Balulinn in the campaigns of Igi; and IS, iind.r Lord Hasllnss. Commanded
Itlh Regt. u
tJu siege and aasaull of Bhurtpore, II<2II.
165 I
'iM?:] 15</« (or the Yorkshire E. R.) Regiment of Foot.


Sir Moore Disney,' K.C.B., Ens. 17 April, 1783 Lieut. & Capt. 3 June, 91; ;

Capt.Si.Lieut.-Col.\iixme,Qb; CoZ. 29 April, 02 ; Major-Gen. ib Oct. 09;

Lieut.-Gen. i June, 14 ; Gen. 10 Jan. 37 ; Col. ISth Begt. 23 July, 14.
Lord Charles Wellesley, Ens.P 16 Jan. 24 ; Lieut, p 21 Nov. 28 ; Capt. P26
Feb. 30; Brevet-Major, 8 Sept. 31 ; Regtl.-Major, p4 Oct. 33; Lieut. Col.
P 2!) Dec. 37. Majors.
Thomas A. Drought, Ens. 11 Nov. 13 Lieut.
P 10 Oct. 17 ; Capt. P 10 Oct.
Major, P31 Dec. 30.
Wm. Robert Brudenell Smith, Ens. 29 July, 24 ; Lieut. P 28 Jan. 26 ; Capt.
Mar. 27 ; Major, P 21 June, 39.

Geo. Dennis Colman 29 Dec. 04 21 May 06
18 May 15
Robert A. Cuthbert P25Sept. 23 p 7 July 25 P 28 May 29
James R. Brunker 9 April 25 9 Sept. 28 P14 Sept. 32
Halifax Western .... 2 Jan. 26 P 5 June 27 P 29 April 36
George Finder P 24 Aug. 26 P 31 Dec. 30 P21 Oct. 36
R. H. J. B. M'Cumming P 16 Dec. 24 P 6 Oct. 25 P 26 Nov. 30
John A. Cole 14 Jan. 30 26 May 33 P 14 Dec. 38
John Hope Wingfleld .. P17May31 P 4 Oct. 33 P 18 Jan. 39
Fitz William Wallier p 31 Dec. 30 P 17 June 36 P21 June 39
Charles Horrocks p 4 Jan. 33 p 21 Oct. 36 P 22 June 39
6^ Lennox Ingall 8 April 13 14 Mar. 16
Jas.Roy Norton 9 April 25 17 Dec. 30
James Hay 16 Feb. 26 21 Dec. 32
Robert Mac Gregor 6 Oct. 25 8 Aug. 27
Hen. Scott Colman p 19 Nov. 30 P 29 April 36
H. B. F. Dickinson 5 July 33 P 23 Dec. 36
Henry Grierson p 9 Aug. 33 P 24 Feb. 37
John Hen. Ashhurst P 13 Dec. 33 P 16 Feb. 38 2 Captain Walker was at the
siege of Flushing and talking of
Hon. C. R. West p 30 Aug. 33 p 5 June 35 Tervere, in the island of WaJ-
Daniel Capel P 29 April 36 14 Dec. 38
P cheren. Present at the crossing
Hon. Francis Colborne . .
P 1 Oct. 36 P 18 Jan. 39 of the Bidassoa, and action be-
Henry Bond Head P 23 Dec. 36 P 21 June 39 fore Bayonne.

Chas. Edw. Astell p 24 Feb. 37 p 22 June 39

J. AllixWilkinson 10 Mar. 37
Alger R. Sewell P16 Feb. 38
William Boyle 6 Dec. 38
J. R. Barry p14 Dec. 38
Edward Pardoe p 18 Jan. 39
James Hutton P 21 June 39
John Smith P 12 July 39
C. Theodore de Montenach I p 13 July 39
Paymaster.—^ Charies Walker,' 1 July, 24 ; Ens. 24 Mar. 03 ; Lieut. 5 Dec. 04 •

Capt. 21 Oct. 13.
Arfjutant.— James Hay, (Lieut.) 16 Feb. 26.

Quarter-Master. J. "Cartmail, 12 July, 39 ; Ens. 7 Dec. 38.
Surgeon.— \^^m. Dobson, 29 Mar. 39 ; Assist.-Surg. 22 Sept. 25 ; Hosn.- Assist.
6 May, 15.
Assist.-Surgs. —
Wm. Wallace, M.D. 8 Mar. 27 ; Hosp.-Assist. 17 Aug 26
Henry Franklin, 29 Dec. 37.
Facings Yellow Agent, Messrs. Cox & Co.

1 Sir Moore Disney served under the Duke of York in Flanders; has received a Medal Corunna
lor and
onimanded a brigade in the Eipedilion to Walcheren.
40 1


rServing in the
^srS83°o&T8Tj \1th (or the Leicestershire) Rerjt. of Foot. L~Ea.t inlie.T

"^.^.I"^"] IS'* (<^ ^J^'^ ^'^'0 Rrgiment of Foot. \^^:\lll^'
Uu tlie thrw; comers of the rocoih! t'oloiir, the Lion of Nassau, ** Virtuti*
Kamurcmsis Priemium." Tin Snhinjc, with the wonl, " EGYPT."
P Matthew Lord Aylmer," G.C.B. Ens. 10 Oct. 87 ; Lieut. 26 Oct. 91 ; Capt. 8
Aug. JM; .U<yor, 'JDct. (H); Lieut.-Col. 25 March, 02 ; Co/. 25 July, 10;
M<\jor-Gen. 4 June, 1!) ; LUut.-Gtn. 27 Mav,25 ; Col. 18th Regt. 2.T July .32 ;
Lirut.-Colonel.— George Burrell," Ens. 4 Fell'. 97 ; Lieut. P 3 May, 97 ; Capt.
15 Aug. 05; ili^or, P 30 April, 07; Brcnt-Lieut.-Col. 4 June," 13 ; HegtU-
Lieut.-Col. 4: Col. in the Army, 22 July, 30.
Henry Tratt,' Eiu. 17 April, 0(1; Lieut. P 30 June, 01; Capt. 12 Oct. 09;
Mqjor, 22 July, IK) ; Licut.-Col. 22 Oct. 39.
.V<y«M.— Henry Williams A<lani9, Eiu. 31 July, 23; Lieut. P31 Dec. 25; Capt.
1 10 June, 26; Major, f 18 Jan. 39.
Robert Hamniill, Eiu. 3 Dec. 03 ; Lieut. 22 Jan. 06; Capt. 29 July 11 ; Brev.-
-Vry. 22 July M ; Hegt.-Major, 22 Oct. 39.

years' Serv.
... . —

20th (^or the East Dtvoiisltirc) Rajiment of Foot.

9 Sir William Iloustoun,' Bt. G.C.B. Ens. 18 July, 1781 Lieut. ;

2 April, 8-J Capt. 13 Mar. 83 M([jor, 1 Mar. 94 Lieut.-Col. 18 Mar. 95 ;

; ; ;

Oi/. -il) April, mh2; .Un>r-(»Vii. •i'i Dot. 09 Lieut.-Gen. i June, 14 ; Gen. ;

lOJau. 37 ; Col. iOth lU-gt. o April, V).

Lieut. 'Colonel.
IP llenr>'Thomas,' CD. Em. 1 April, 98 ; Lieut. P29 Dec. 98 Capt. 10 Sept. ;

Oo; Brvret-Mnjor, 20 Au^'. 13; Breret-Lieut.-Col. 12 Auir. 19; Regtl.-

Mnjor, PIC Dec. 24; J?c<7r/.-Z,i>«/.-Co?. P26 Nov. 25; Co/. 10 Jan. 37.
William Xilson Hutchiii»on, Etu. 24 Feb. 20; /.^Vu^ 25 Oct. 23; Capt. vn
June, 2{i; Major, Pi Dec. 32.
2+4 9 John Macleau,^ Eiu. 2 May, 1 1 ; Lieut. 10 Dec. 12 ; Capt. 25 Dec. 30 ; Major,
P12 April, 39.


Frederick Croad 20 July 13 15 Dec. 18 P 27 Sept. 31
Wm. Huntly Campbell 27 .\ug. 25 P 30 Dee. 26 P 19 July 31
Fred. Coiitart Barlow July 24
2 25 Oct. 27 P 18 Dec. 29
Frederick Horn 2G
Jan. 2(! P 17 April28 P 16 June 37
Fra. Michael Fraser . April 27
12 P 17 Autr. 29 3 Nov. 37
Charles Smith P 20 Oct. 13 21 April 14 P 31 Dec. 25
R. Sherboume Slurray p 21 June 27 P 29 Mar. 33 P 19 June .35
Benjamin Newman . p 23 Nov. 32 P 3 Nov. 37 P 12 April ,39
Hugh Dennis Croflon . P 13 Mar. 33 29 Dec. 37 P 9 Au^'. 39
Lachlan Duff Gordon . P 25 July 34 P 27 July 38 °31 Dec. 39
5A Matthew Day 5 Oct. 15 2 Oct. 16
Patrick Hennessey .... 24 April 20 19 May 25
Scrope Rejniett Bcrdmore 25 Jan. 25 11 Oct. 27
Eugene Brock 31 July 28 P 18 Aug. 29
Henr>- Crawlev 27
11 Oct. 11 June 30
WUliara Frith". P 12 Feb. 29 P 12 July 31
5 Dr. GrifBlh served in the
John C. W. Vivian P 12 Feb. 3(; P 15 Dec. 37
Peninsula from Jan. lelo to the
Lord Mark Kerr 19 June 35 14 Sept. 38 end of the
war.ineltidint; the but-
Fred. Charles Evelegh . 1 July 3C P 10 Nov. 37 uf Busaco, KUL'Dt«sd'Onor;

James B. Sharpe 27 Nov. 35iP 12Aprill39 and assault of Ciiidad

Jan. IHI'J ; siepe
Geo. B. C. Crespigny P 29 Jan. 3(i p 19 July 3!)
and assault of Uudajoz, Apr.
Richanl Leigh Lye P 3 Nov. 37 1S12; battles of Salamanca,
Philip Henry Crampton P 24 Feb. 37 P31 Dec. 3al Vittoritt,P)renee5,Nivelle.NiTe,
Orthes, and Wound-
Ensigns. ed at the affair of Vic UiRorre,
Georpe Steevens 3 Aug. 38 18th Jan. l»U. Served in India, Arabia, and
H. Wilkes Masterson. . 6 July 38 the Durmese empire, from May. 1S18, Including
sieges tif Assi'rghur, Itas-el-Kyma, and Zaiu;
H. Otho dc Crespigny . !7 July 38
sief;e and as^ult of Dwarka; affair of Beniabon
William Baring .... P 15 Feb. .39
.\li ; assault of a fortress on the banks of the
Rolwrt Daly P 12 April 39 Peju river; assault of Sjrrian Pagoda; siege
Sir Rich. Gcthm, Bart. P 19 July .39 "' Donabew, ud
battle near Prom..

Maurice Cane June 39

E<lm. Gilling Halleifcll..
Halleifcll P31 Dec.
Pai/marter.— Charles South, 23 Aug. 27 Ens. 9 Dec. 13 ; ; Lieut. 17 Dec. 18.
.ii^utant. —
Henry Crawley, (Lieut.) 26 Jan. 38.
Quarter-Master.— Patrick ConoUy, 19 April, 27.
Aur^nm.— 9 .M.Griffith,* 8 Feb. -27 ; Asst.-Sur. Oct. ; Hosp.-A. 4 Nov. 09 U U
.iuistant-Surgeon. —
.\ndrew FotUis, 4Jime, 29; 5 Dec. 26.
Farings Yellow. Agent, Messrs. Cox ic Co.
[Returned from Bombay, May, 18.')7.]

1 Sir W, Houstoun iras at the takine of Minorca ; served in the expeditioiu to Egypt and to Walcheren
aad has received a me<iaj for Puentea d'ftnor.
i Oil. Thomas has rv^relied a Mivlal and two Claspa for Nirelle. r>rthm, and Toulouse,
a Major Maclean <rrtr4 in the Peninsula, from 1812 to July, |H14, Incliiding the action of the Uth Nov
IBia, on the retreat from S«lamanca. battles of Vittoria, Nivelle (wounded). Nive, and Touluutv. Present ir
the action tw-for,. N, w Orleans, mh Jan- IAI6.
Years' Sfirv.
. —

'2'iud (ur the Cheshire) Reyt. vf Foot.

Hon. E<Iw. Fincli,' Coniet, 27 D«c. 1778; Lieut. 7 Oct. 79; Capt. 5 Feb. 83;
Lieut.-Col. 3 l>ct. 0-2 ; Col. 3 May, «> ; Mqjor-Gen. 1 Jaii. 1801 ; Lieut.-Om,
•25 April, 08; Gen. 12 Aug. It); Col. iinA Rogt, 18 Sejjt. O'J.

Lieut. 'Colonel.
John Lvsaght Pennefatlicr, Cornet, v 14 Jan. 18; Lieut. P20 Feb. 23; Capf. ^i
•So\.'-:^; Mqjor, P82 March. 31 ; Lieut.-Col. "I'd Oct. 31).
Samuel Brendram Boilean, Ens. i'4 Oct. 21 ; Lieut. p1 Aug. 26; Capt. p25 Nov.
28; .Vn>r, p9 Dec. 36.
Johu H. Poole, Ent. 24 Xfar. 14 ; Lieut. 30 Sept. 19 Capt. 1 Nov. 30 .V/yor, : ;

P 18 Oct. 30.


William Raban 3 Jan. Ill 8 June 14 Feb. 28

Arthur .Myers 12 June 17jP 3 Feb. P24 June 24
Da\ id Rea Smith P 3 Nov. 2o 13 Feb. P26 April 31
Fre<l. Darley George . . .
P24 Mar. 25 |p30 April P30 Aug. 33
John M'Mahan Kidil. . . P21 July 25 ;P 8 Nov. P28 Dee. 32
Thos. Svdeuham Conwav 14 Feb. 28 P26 April P 9 Dec. 3C
9 Archibahl Campbell '1. 7 Mar. 11 5 Mar. P27 Oct. 37
Joseph JIoLeod Tew ^ . 10 Feb. 14 24 '

Mar. 6 April 38
Wni. U. Preston P24 Sept. 29 P 22 1 Feb. P18 Oct. 39
George Anderson P 5 Sept. 28 P 19 1
Scyt. P 11 Aug. 37
George Slunro 20 Jan. 14 29 Mar. 21 1 General Finch served m
Flanders; and, in 1799, com-
Rob. WUlington KyfBn 14 May . 12 23 Dec. 13 manded the first battalion of his
John Chalmers P 3 Dec. 29 P 2<l June 34 rejtt. 'the Coldstream Guards>
P 23 June 25 18 Julv 34 in the expedition to the Helder ;
Nathan Smith Gardiner .
and a brigade of Light Cavalry,
And. Hamdtuu Russell 18 Jan. . 28 23 July 34 and afterwards of Infantry in
Thomas Chute P24 Feb. 32 P 9 Dec. 36 the campaign to Egypt. Ho
Waldron Barrs Kelly .... P29 Aug. 34 P 1 AprilSe also accompanied the expedition
P 20 Nov. to Copenhagen in 1807.
Clus. Thos. Powell 35 P 10 Feb. 37
2 Capt. Campbell served in the
Mark W. Goldie P29 Mar. 35 8 Sept. 38 Penjn.<iiila from .tugr. 1812 to the
Hen. J. Coote 23 Sept. 3C Pl7 Sept. 39 end of the war, and was present
P23 Dec. at the blockade of, and repulse
Thomas Gaisford 3C 30 Sept. 39
of the sortie from Bayonne.
Thos. L. Parr Moore pU Aug.
. . . 37 p 18 Oct. 39 3 Captain Tew served in tho
John Annah Ambrose p 22 June . 38 P 15 Not. 39 .\merican war in 1S14 and 15.
Ensigns. I

* ^^' *t'Munn #er\-w] the campai^ of 181S,


Edward Dunbar Oct ' 37 f,if7

14, and 15, in Holland and Flanders, including
.Mar. oo
-»r *rt
Fra. Pvm. Harding . . . PIO
J« ,|,p action at Menem and bombardment ot
C. H. Montresor Smith 15 Mar. 39 Antwerp.
. ,

James E<!w. Jemingham P-25 Nov. 3r>

William Somerville P 9 Aug. 39

Cha. Philip Jos. Stopford P 17 Sept. 39

John Brennan 17 Sept. 39;
Geo. Richard Coles P 11 Not. 39

Paymaster.—John M. Kennedy, 30 Oct. 28 Enji. 24 Feb. 1 4 ZiVuf 6 Feb. 23. ; ; .

Adjutant.— W. Barrs Kelly {Lieut.), 24 April, 38.

Qiuirter-.Vaster.—nulKTt Ilarker, C Jan. 32.
m —
Surgeon. Robert Andrew M'Munn,' M.D. 1 Nov. 33; .-issist.-Surg. 1 Sept. 14;
Ilotp.-.iuist. 22 Not. 13.
.issist.-Surg.-R. J. G. Grant, 14 Feb. 28; Hasp.- Assist. 7 Sept. 26.

Facings Buff. — .4<7Cii*, Messrs. Cox k. Co. Irish Agent, Borough, Armit, & Co.
[Returned from Jamaica, 24 April, 1837.]
Seticf.S^:] 23rrf {or Royal Welsh Fusiliers) Regt. of Foot. [,?r slotta
In the centre of the Colour the Prince of Walei's Feathers, with the motto, " Ich Dim."—\rx the second
and third corners, the Rising Sun and the Red Dragon, and in the fourth corner, the White Horse,
with the Motto, " Nee aspera terrent.''—" MINDEN"— the Sphinx, with the words " EGYPT"—" MAR-
— — —
Years" Serv,

^s.-;,i«.^»Sf ] 2-lth (^or 2nd IVarwichshire) Regiment of Foot. [^"J^J^i"
Tliii t>/>A>iu, with llienordi, • Eotpt"— "ClI-B of Oood Horn"— "TiLAVEiii"— " I'ubhtm d'Okok"—
Y»rB' Colouel.
Bin Sir Jumos I.von,' K.C.B. luirl (i.C.II. Bn». 4 Auft. 1791 ; Aim//. 2(i
April, 1)3 ; Crt/)^ i'April, !)o; iV/yV, 21 Fib. 9"J ; LUut.-Col. 13 Jluy, 180;! ;

Col. 4 June, 1 1 ; Mi{jor-GeH. 4 Juuu, 14 ; Lieut.-Gen. 22 July, 30 ; Cul. 24tli

Ri^'t. 7 Si-pt. 2;). Lieut. -Coloiul.
Hiitrlifs,' Ens. 25 Mav, S)C
Clmrlfs iiVii/. 11 May, 07; CViy)^ 2S Aug. 04

Drecct-itnjur,Ainne, 14; «<'</«.-.V(U«r,20 Jui>e,24; Lieiit.-Col. 10 Oct. 36.

10 Jiilv, 12 Lieut. P 14 Sept. 15 Cap/.
.1/(yor.».— Hfii. UlvfToH-nslicud,^ £h.». i'
; ;

PI .Vov. 21 ; Bmr/ Liciit.-Cul. 29 March, 39.

MiO'ir, 10 t)ct. 35;
'0 r.eoiye FitzgeniUl Stuik,* K.H. i'H

>ray, 15 ,U,yo<-, 20 Oct. 35.

;•] 25th {or the King's own Borderers) Regt. of Foot. [i^J'^lJ^X^^.

The King's Crest in two corners of the Colour, " In Verltute ReVu/wnU covfidn." Tlie
Anns of Edinburgh, " Nisi Dominus frustra ; " with tlie White Horse in the third comer
of the Colour. " Nee nspera terreiit." " MINDEN"—" EGMONT-OP-ZEE." The
Sphinx, with the word " EGYPT."— Flank Companies, " MARTINIQUE."

Years' Serv.
27 th (or Inniskilling) Regiment of Foot. [Serving at the
Cape of Good Hope.

A Castle with Three Turrets ; St. George's colours flying in a blue Field. The White Horse. " Ncc aspcra
terrent." " ST. LUCIA." The Syy/iiiia-, with the words " EGYPT"— " M.ilDA" —" BADAJOZ"—

19 Hon. Sir G. Lowry Cole,' G.C.B. Cornet, .31 March, 1787 ; Lietd. 31 May,
91 Capt. 30 Nov. 92 ; Major, 31 Oct. 93 ; Lieut.-Col. 26 Nov. 94 ; Col.

1 Jan. 1801; Major-Gen. 25 April, 08; Lieut.-Gen. 4 June, 13 Gen. 22 •

July, 30 ; Col. 27th Rest. 16 Dec. 2G.

Lunit.- Colonel. —
p aiS John Hare, ^ C.B. K.H., Ens. 29 Oct. 99; Lieut. 17
May, 00; Cayf. 9 Sept. 0.5 ; Brevet-Major, 11 }\me,lZ ; Brevet-Limit.-Col.
18 June, 15; Regtl.-Major, P 30 June, 18; Lieut.-Col. P31 March, 25-
Col. 10 Jan. 37. Majors.
P Duncan M'Pherson,' £;m. 19 Sept. 05; Lieut. 10 Nov. 06; Carit. 25 March,
24 ; Major, 27 Dec. 34.
Mont. Cholm. Johnstone, Ens. P 27 Feb. 23 ; Lieut. 16 Dec. 24 ; Capt. V 10

Sept. 26 ; Major, P 27 July, 38.

4A William Amsinck

'^ItXTwI'"] 28M (or North Gloiiresti-rshirf) Hfjt. of Foot. \_%l'^^f^"Xi

Th« Spkitir, wllh EGYPT " — " CORUNNA" — " BABROSA" — "ALBrHERA" —
the wnrd» '•


9 Hon. Sir E. Pncet,' O.C.B. Cornet Sc Sub-Lieut.i3 Mar. 1792; Capt.T Dec.
„,„ I
02 M<{jor, 14 Nov. 03 Lieut.-Col. 30 .^pril, !M Col. 1 Jan. 98 ; M<{jor-Gen.
; ; ;

!•»,. 1 Jan. 1*15; iieHr.-G«i.4June,ll Gcn.-ll .Mnyja."); Co;.-28tliRei;t.2llDec.I.j.


)9 Cmlhert Frencli,' K.Il. ind Lieut.
1'3 Sept. 12; Lieut, v 1 April, 14 ; Ciipt.
P 10 Juuf, 24 ; Major, i' 22 Juno, 32 ; Lieut.-Col. v 19 Dec. 34.
J. Messiter, Ena. 18 July, 15; Lieut. i>3 July, 23; Cap*. P19 Sept. 20 ; Major,
f 27 Sept. 33.
1^ Svilncv John Cotton, Cornet, 19 April, 10 ; Lieut. 13 Feb. 12 ; Capt. p 1 Jan.
'•20;'MnJor 18 Jan. 28.

29th (or tlw Worcestershire) Regiment oj Foot.


41 aa John Lord Strafford, G.C.B. & G.C.H. Ens. 30 Sept. 1793 ; Lmd. 1 Dec.

93; Capt. 24 May, 94; Lieut.-Col. 14 March, 1800; Col. 25 July, 10;
Major-Gen. 4 June, 13 ; Lieut.-Gen. 27 May, 25 ; Col. 29th R<jgt. 23 Jan. 28.
Lie^it. -Colonel.
Hon. C. A. Wrottesley,'' Comet, 21 Dec. 15 ; Lieut. P 5 July, 21 ; Capt. p 16
Hi June, 25 Major, P 5 April, 31 ; Lieut.-Col. 3 July, 39.

JP Thomas Bennett Hiekin.^^M. 2 May, 05 Lieut. P 31 Oct. 05; Capt. 9 May,

IG; Brev.-Major, 10 Jan. 37; Hegtl.-Mnjor, P31 May, 39.

Alex. Sharrock, Eiis. 7 Aug. 06; Lieut. 30 June 08; Capt. 27 Apr. 27; Major,
P 27 Sept. 39.

Rob. Percy Douglas 16 Mar. 20 p 19 Feb. 24 p 11 June 28
George Congreve 8 Apr. 25 p 12 Jan. 26
12 P June 28
Christ. Edw. Eaton P 28 Apr. 25 P 20 May 2630 P Dec. 31
15 Henry Phillpotts P 23 June 25 P 11 July 26
27 P June 34
W. Wickham Drake P 25 Feb. 26 P 20 Aug. 29 P 14 July 37
W. Gemmell Alves p 20 May 26 P 10 Sept. 30 P 10 Nov. 37
John George Weir P 16 Aug. 27 P 30 Dec. 31 P31 May 39
Andrew T. Hemphill 7 Apr. 25 16 Apr. 29 3 July 39
Hon. W. F. Byng never P 31 Dec. 30 P 12 July 39
Septimus Hen. Palairet.. P 28 Oct. 29 P 16 May 34 P 27 Sept. 39
10 John Owen Lucas P 15 June 30 P 27 June 34
Gregory Lewis Way r 17 Feb. 32 30 July 36
Edmund Geo. Nicolay .. P 3 May 31 P 6 May 37
George Brown .... P 31 Dec. 33 P 14 July 37
Arth. St. Geo. H. Stepney P 16 May 34 P 10 Nov. 37
H. Mont. Cuningliame . . P 5 Apr. 33 P 21 Apr. 37
Thomas A. Gerard P 15 May 35 P 11 Aug. 37
Edmund Durbiu P 9 Oct. 36 P 8 Mar. 39
George Molle 22 Nov. 36 P 31 May 39
John M'Neale Walter p 31 July 35 3 July 39
John Power P 5 May 37 P 12 July 39
Lewis Coker 11 Aug. 37 P 27 Sept. 39 2 Col. Wrottesley ^as a1
Cadwallader Edwards ..p 21 Sept. 32 15 Dec. 37 the siege of Bhurtpore.
Ensigns. 8 Major Bennett Hickin served in the Pen-
insula, from April, 1800, to the end of the war
H. P. L'Estrange P 28 Dec. 38 including the capture of Oporto, battles of Ta-
Kennetli Murchison .... 1 Feb. 39 lavera, Biisaco, Albuhera, (wounded), Vittoria,
Thos. Edw. Wilbraham . . P 8 Mar. 39 Roncesvalles, Pyrenees (severely wounded a1
P 31 May 39 Pampeluna), Nivelle, Nive, Bayonne, Aire
Frederick Coventry
Heights of Garris, Orthes, and Toulouse.
James Halkett p 7 June 39
4 Dr. Ingham served in the American war
George H. M. Jones 13 July 39 including the battles at Fort-George, Chippe'
Richard Francis Henry. . P 27 Sept. 39 and at the Falls of Niagara.
James Wm. Richardson P15 Nov. 39

Pai/master. James Espmasse, 8 Feb. 39; £»w. 8 Feb. 21 ; L 7 April, 25 ,

Capt. 11 July, 37.

Adjiifaiit.— John Owen Lucas, {Lieut.) 3 July, 39.

— —
Quarter-Master. JJ Thomas Kneebone, 15 July, 24.
Sun/eon. Charles Thomas Ingham,'' M.D. 25 Jmie 26 ; Assist. -Surff. 16 Aug. 10
Hasp. -Assist. 24 May, 10.
Assist.-Surgeon. —
Geo. Alex. Cowper, M.D., 30 March, 38.
Facings Yellow. Agent, Messrs. Cox & Co.
[^Returned from the Mauritius, March, 1838.]
1 Lord Strafibrd eervcd in Planderd, Holland, and in the expeditions to Hanover, Copenhagen, and Wal-
cliereij,and lias received a cross and one clasp for Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, and Orthes.
.. .... — 1 P ;

[] 30/// (or the Cambridgeshire) Reyiin, iit of Foot. f *^''"''JJ

The Sphinx, willi tlic wnnls " WiVrT — " BAD AJUZ"—"SALAMANt'A"—

Colonel.—^ Sir Tlionias Bradford, G.f.B, & G.C.It. Em. -20 Oct. 1703 Lieut. '

9 Di-c. 93 Capt. lo April, 94 Mqjor, !» !*t|it.

; Lieul.-Col. 1 Jan, I80I ; '.1.5 ;
Col. 2'» July, 10; Mnjor-Gen. 4 June, 13; Lieiit.-GeH. 27 Mav, 2o Col. :

30th Hivt. IS April, iU.

Lieut.-Colonel. — ^ Henry Edn-ard Rohinsoiv,' Enn. 28 Mav, 06 Lieut. 9 Feb. ;

IW : Capt. P26JMly, Major. Sept. 27 Lieut.-Col. Jan. {U.

-i-l ,
p->0 ; 1

— Harrv Smith Ormond,' Ens. 8 Xov.


.Majort. Lieut. 28 AMg. 01 Cnpt. 24 01) ; :

Sept. 12 -.Miijor, 10 Jane, 29.


John Tonirue,' £»M. !) Julv, 03; Lieut. i'24 Mav, 04; Cant. 7 March, 11 ;

Breret-.Vajnr. 22 July. :jO Hegtl.-Major, ; 1 Jan. 34.

27 '

9y>j 9 John I'roolir' 8 June 3 Dec. 03 04

20 I

John (ionlcin Glides.. 27 Mar. .. 8 Xov. 15 25
2C ^ JJ James Poyntz' 19 Julv 14 Apr. 14 15
25 A I RoI>. .Alex, .\ndrews 27 -Mar. . . . 18 An.'. 14 24
21 8 P \Vm. Baxter' 9 Mav 1 10 June 13
13 i Hen. Jenkius Pn^^son. P 15 Nov. 27 P 11 June . . .30

7 j
21 1 9 €aSamuel Waymouth" 18 May 12 28 .Mar. 13
John Moore P 15 June 30 P 9 Jlay 34
Q Charles Sillery 24 Xov. 28 20 July 30
Edward John Grant P 9 Dec. 31 P 17 Oct. . . . 34
7 Captain Baxter sorrod in
r. H. Marechaux 9 Dee. 20 6 Apr. 26 the Peninsula from July, IHII,
Wm. .Armstronij Steele.. 16 May 27 8 Apr. 32 to January, I8I3, including Itie
HodilcT Heanl . . . 16 Sept. 27 10 Dec. 33 sif^e nf tite Forls at. and l«il-
E<lnin Cioiliviii Pllswortli P31 Aus. 30 P 18 July 34 tle of Salumanca, where he was
wounded; served also in Ihe
Alex. John H. Lumsden P 3 May 33 P 19 Dec. 34 South of France in 1814.
'Sam. John Luke NicoU.. P 27 Apr. 32 P 8 June .38 8 Major fl'aymoulh served
Hon. i. Oarlstonge Pery P 9 May 34 P30 Oct. 38 in Ihc Peninsula with Ihe 2nd
Life Guards; was severely
.Alex.Macdouuld 18 JulV 34 31 Oct. 38 wounded and
taken prisoner
P. V. Cavan P 19 Dec. 34 P 1 Mar. 39 reported "supposed to be

Henry Shum P 12 June 35 P 15 Mar. 39 killed ") at Waterloo, in charff-

R. Drinp O'Grady P 30 Julv 36 P 2C Apr. 39 ina the Cuirassiers. The ef-
fects of this wound were so
John Tongue P 2 Dec. 36 8 Xov. 1
39 severe that he was a year
Henry Broome 8 Dec. 37!p22 Xov. .39 upon crutches in a state of
Ex.-iicss. ins, and it was six years
could put on a boot. Ue was conse-
befort> lie
D. J.' B. Edwanlcs 8 June 38 '
compelled to make the sacrirtce of his
Edward Edwards 1 p 30 Oct. 38 1 pruf«sional"prospects by :chanpe to half-
Paget Baylv ! P 8 Mar. 39 pay when his i i stood tirst for promotion by

Rob. Wni. Smith '"'„"'];"*•

„- ^ P 15 Mar. 39
9 Quarter-Master ward ^ m the
servedX. oo
,k Penin- ,

Tho. Win. Wilkinson 1

P 1 «0V. .ij
s„]a from March. 1800, lo June, 1813. including
. I

Rich. Gervys Grylls P 8 ?>Oy. 3!) tife siece of Cadil, battle of Kuenles d'Olior.

Louis G. F. Broome P22 Nov. 39 ^i**^*^ of Badajoz and aflair at Villa Murial
. ;

Win. Caiiiplwll Mollan. P 10 Jan. 40 served also in tlie
i PaipiuiJtrr.—n. Ch. Macdonald, 8 May, 35 Ent. 10 April, 25 ; Lieut. 13 Dec. 27. ;

6 '
.4 ((/"wfrtfi/.— Alexander Macdnnald, (Lieut.) 18 Julv, 34.

Quarter-Maiter.—}^ John Ward,» 21 Oct. 24.

."iurgron. —
Jo^^ph Tritrance, 5 Dee. 34 ; Aaitt.-Surg. 9 Nov. 20 Hosjy.-AssiM. ;

7 March, 14.


Astitt.-Surgeont. Joseph Eilmondson, 29 July, 30; Tfotp.-Assirt. 20 Dec. 2C.

James Cockbum, 15 .\pril, 36.
Faeintjx Yellow. Agent, ilessrs. Cox ic Co.
1 >:- ^i Was present kt Ihe sicie of Monte ., and attack on Buenos .^yre*. He hai
ncvM . .-losp for Coninna, Salamanca, Vittoha, St. Sebastian, and the i>us«apc of Ihe Mve.
S 1 r>e,l in Ihe Pcnin>ula from June, ISOO. to lic|..b.r. 1h13. including the baltiK of

Tal.i^ 1 'Tr' ; siece of riudail

> \ :.' 1- RiKlneo; lieceand storming
; )
<irwi.t 'if Mit.vsena

of It April, 181-^1; battle of Salamanca; retreat from '1 mb

Had- ly wotind- d. left lee fnictur«l) *i8lh July, 1813.

3 M tiacen in I^ul ; Canadian campaif;ns of 18l'» 13, and

K, „, - k. and Chrystler's Farm.

4 Maj' r T"r;-"i- r.rniii.iti ; t'..- I. it >. .n^- "f tt..- 3oth Reffiment at Ihe siefce of Asseerehnr.

i M^ji>r l'n>cl'r'» Mjnic..* ;— Kxp-'ditinn to Cop<nhageii in 18^>7; Corunna camp«t[;n ; Peninsula from
IR12 unlll 18U : • al-^ in the American War.
Captain I'ojnu »erT.d lu Portu»l as a volunle.>r fn^m February to November. l&U, includiDK Ihe torti*
r>f the French fi^
Almisaa, and sab«eqiient skinnjsh at Itarber del Puesco, and battle at Fuentes d'Onorv
181 L
Emb. for For,
iS] ^^^^ ("' ^^'^ Huntingdonshire) Regiment of Foot.
— ..
. —

San"; K-S)!^ j 32(/ (wr the Coniiciill) Riyhncitt of Foot. ['cun"d«."

•' -'


^irlUilwrt Macfiirlaiic, K.C.B. CCII. Kiis. iG Miiv, 1780; Lieut, ii May, 93;

Cnpt. -Jo Sept. iW; .V<{/«r, 12 .Nov. 04; Lieut.-Col. 10 Sept. 04 Cut. \ Jan. ;

18WI; .Vrt>r-C?fn. 25 April, 0«; Lieut.-Gai. * June, 13; Gen. 22 July, 30;
Col. 32nd Regt. 20 Sept. 37.
Lieut. Colonel.
Tho». Henry WinjifieW, Lieut. 7th Fusiliers, 11 Nov. 13; Cn/i^ i'12Sept. 22;
Mi{jor, I' 3 June 2*l; Lieut.-Col. 10 Jau. 30.

9 m itfryor*.
John Birtwliistle,^ .Eiijr. 14 April, 13 ; Lieut. F 14 Jan. 19 ; Capt. P 13 May,
24; iir,r<N.1/«>r, 2H June, 3l< ; flt>(7^L-xVf{/or, 10 Jan. 30.
Frederick .Markhani,-' Ens. 13 May, 24 ; Lieut. <• 22 Oct. 2o ; Capt. p 10 .\pril,

20 ; Major, vi« Sept. 30.

P John Swinbum^ 28 Aug. 04 10 May 05 15 An;;. 10 22 July 30
U ?© (leonre Browne*. . . 10 June 13 30 Sept. 10 10 Feb. 32 15 June 38
Thomas ('alder 15 July 10 7 .\pril 25 10 Feb. 33
JohnTho.*. Hill P13 Mar. 27 P 10 April 20 P13 Feb. 35
U Hen. Vau'^'hau Brooke
. P 12 July 27 Pll June 30 P22 May 35
1^ John Hen. Evelegh . . . 8 .\pril 25 P 28 Jan. 20 P 20 Jan. 32
+jij Thomas White 7 Dec. 15 25 An?. 24 5 Oct. 38
O Osborne Markham P 27 Sept. 31 P Ma>. 34 P 3 Nov. 37
7U .\lexander Ganlincr* 15 July 13 20 July 15 19 Jan. 39
A Edw. Osborne Broadley . P 15 Aug. 20 P 20 Sept. 29 P28 Sept. 39
5 Major Browne served at
Fia. John Griffin 13 Oct. 25 12 June 28
Walcrlouon leihand iHlh June.
Ca Georce Oke' 8 Dec. 25 2G June 28 I'apt. Gardiner served in
Cuthbert A. Baines . . . 12 June 28 8 Oct. 30 Ihe American war in 1815.
John Dillon June 28 10 Feb. 32 7 Lieul. Olce served at Wa-
P 20
terloo on the lath and 18th
Robert Campbell P 2 Feb. 30 P 2 Aug. .33
Thomas Forsyth P 15 June 30 P 22 May 35 8 i'aymoster Moore served
William Case 10 Feb. 32 Feb. 38 the campaicn of 1814 in Hol-
Tlios. Daniel Kelly 12.\pril33 10 Feb. 38 land, including the action at
„ Merxem, and butnbardment of

O : John Erule Money P 18 April 3.3 .> Oct. .M< Antwerp. Present at Waterloo.
J. E. W. IngUs P 2 An,'. 33 10 Jan. 30 I 9 Quarler-Masler Healey's
Thomas Byrne 18 Sept. 28 services :— siepe of Copenhagen
P15 Mar. 21 '

„.,j c„jr,
Sam. .\uchmuty DicksoD P22 May 35 P28 Qo'" "*<"; battles of Roleia,
Sept. 39 vi„,i,„/„„j Corunna; eip^
George Griffin 16 Dec. 36 22 Feb. 39 [ dition to Walcheren and siege
Ensigns. of Flushing ; Peninsula from June, 1811 to
end of the war, including the buttles of
Rhys Jones P 2 Sept. 30 the
Salamanca, the Pyrenees, Nivelte, Nive, and
Thomas Rob\-n3 P 7 Oct. 30 Orlhes. Served at Waterloo lOth, and 18th
I E. W. D. Lowe 20 May 37
Geo. Sam. Moore Feb. M
John V. Pit'ott P 15 Feb. 30
8 .Mar. 3!)
Davers Rushbrooke. p24 May 30
Henry Duberly P28 Sept. :i9

1^ Paymnster. —Z^
G. Xloore," 10 Oct. 20; Ens. 1 Oct. 12; iicuf. Dec. 13.

Ai(iutnnt. Tlios. Daniel Kelly, {Lieut.) 12 April, Xi.


Quarter-Matter. {) if:® Thomas

Healey,' 29 Nov. 27.
AI Surtjeon. — ^

^^ ">• Bampfield,'" 21 Jan. 13; Auist.-Surtj. ii J&n.Oi; IIosp.-

Asuist. 20 Dec. 04.
8 Assist.-Surgeons. — Duncan M'Greeor, 4 Jan. 33.
7 ' Alex. M'Gridor, 31 May, 3.3.
Facings ^^hitc Agent, Messrs. Cox i Co. Irish Agent, Borough, Armit & Co.
1Sir Robert Mocfarlane accompanied the expedition to Copenhagen in IBOT. He s«rve^ subicquently in
Sicily as second In command under Lord WiUuim Bentinck.
•2 Major Binwbi^tle vTii-d the rainpaii;n of 1814 in the South of France. Present on the 16th (severely
Wirandnl) ITlh, and Isth June, at Waterloo.
3 Miflor Markham was wierely wounded in Canada, 33 Nov. 1837.

4 Mi^or Swinbuni's servic.-*: siege of Copenhagen in 1807; campaign of 1S08 in Portugal; (wounded
in tbe head on the retrvat tn Vigo.l Pmanlat the battles of the Coa, Fueul.-» dOnor, Rcdinha (wounded in
the hip', ^b'ltal, mod Busaco. Joined the army at Toulouse in 1814. Pre»4>Dt at New Orleans, Jan. 1816
— .... — ;

Service, 183"°"] 3'Sd (uf \st Vurkshtre, JV. R'uliii(j) Rtyt. of Fuut. [uibrritar.


5ij-Charles Wale,' K.C.B.Siw. June, 1779; itCTrf. 13 April, 80; Cop*. 25 June,
83 Major, 1 Mar. 94 Lieut-Col. 1 Jan. 98 Col. 25 April, 1808; Major-Gen.
; ; ;

4 June, 11 Lieut. -Gen. 19 July, 21 ; Gen. 28 June, 38; Col. 33d Regt. 25

Feb. 31.
ita Charles Knitrht,'- Ens. Au^'ust 06 Lieut. 25 Jau. 07 ; Capi. 30 Aug. 10 ; ;

Brevet-Major~ -21 Jan. 19; Begtl.-Major , 26 Nov. 21; Lieut. Col. 10 Sept. i'

am Joseph JIark Hartv,^ K.H. JBns. 23 AprU, 07 ; Lieut. T I May, 07 ; Capt.
I'll Mar. 13; il/ojor," P 20 Dec. 27.
aSi Thomas Rcid,^ Eiis. 2 July, 05 Lieut. P 20 June, 06 ; Cajit. 16 June, 15 ;

Brevet-Major, 10 Jan. 37; Ret/tl. -Major, 10 Nov. 38.

2139 Richard Westmore^. 28 May 12 P 1 April 13 23 June 25 28 June 38
George WhannelF 1 Mar. 11 16 Mar. 14 3 Nov. 25 28 June 38
Thos. Jas. Galloway .... P 13 Sept. 21 2 June 25 P27 Dec. 27
Fred. Rudolph Blake P 30 June 25 P 14 Aug. 27 P23 Aug. 31
Archibald Robertson .... P 4 Dec. 23 P31 Aug. 26 Pll Dec. 28
John Johnston Pl5 Aug. 27 16 Mar. 30 P 19 Oct. 38
Thos. Bunbiiry Gougli . P 27 Dec. 27 P 25 Jan. 31 P 23 Nov. 38
George Aug. Vernon .... 2 July 29 P 12 April 31 p 28 Dec. 38
JP Chas.Rob.Shuckburglv 25 July 11 5 Aug. 13 21 June 39
Henry Wm. Bunbury P 29 Juiie 30 P 30 Auff. 33 P 18 Aug. 38
IjEUTENASTS. 4 Major Reid was at the capturt^
Bourbon and the Isle of Friince
Jolin Williamson P 30 Dec. 26 P 10 July 30 of
in 1810; served the campaigns of
Thos. Jacob Smith p 13 Dec. 27 P 10 Sep't. 30 1813 and U in Gennany and Hol-
Warren JIaude P20 Mar. 29 P 13 AprU 32 land, including both attacks on
Merxcm, and tlie assault on Bergen-
Francis Todd P16 July 30 P 15 Mar. 33 op-Zooni served at Waterloo on

Thomas Plunkett 15 Nov. 27 P 5 April 33 '.he 16th,17th and 18th June, and was
P 22 Jan. 36 severely wounded.
William T. Nixon 3 Aug. 30
5 Mojor Westmore served the
Hen. Kniglit Erskine. . . 6 Jan. 32 P27 Feb. 36 campaigns of IBIS and 14 in Ger-
George Erskine 17 Aug. 32 P 3 June 36 many and Holland, including botli
on Mcrxem, and the assault
James Knight P 28 Dec. 32 P 19 Oct. 38 attacks
on Bcrgen-op-Zoom served at

John Stuart 7 Mar. 34 P 23 Nov. 38 Waterloo on the 16tb, 17th ind 18th
E. Aug. Mihnan P 27 Nov. 35 P28 Dec. 38 June, and was severely wounded.
6 Major WhanncU served the
Edw. AVinnington P 22 Jan. 36 4 Jan. 39 campaigns of 1813 and \i in Ger-
Chas. P. B. Walker . . . p 27 Feb. 30 21 June 39 many and HoUnnd, including the
Ensigns. attacks on Merxem, bombardmenl ot
Antwerp, and the attack on Bergen-up-Zoom.
Edmund Peel P 18 Mar. 36 7 Capt. Shuckburgh ser\'ed in tlie Peninsula from
Charles Mills P 3 June 30 1811 to the end of the war, including the battle of Vit-
toria ; blockade of Pampeluna ; battles of the Fyre-
Jas. Bruce Neil P 19 Oct. 38
nees, 25th, ZGth, 28th, and 30th July ; actions of Jrun
Nich. Pelham Giveeu 23 Nov. 38 . . . P
31st Auig, Vera Heights; battles of Nivelle. Orthcs,
Rob. Gregory Wale 30 Oct. 38 . . . and Touloiise, besides various other minor actions aiid
P. G. H. Somerset 29 Mar. 39 P
John E. Ceilings 21 June 39
Edw. Westby Donovan 10 Jau. 40
Patrick '
M'Grath, 4 Oct. 31 E71S. 7 Feb. 11
' Lieut. 14 Jan. 13
Pa;/. ' ; ;

liljutiint John Williamson (Lieut.) 12 Mar. 31.

Quarter-Master.— mi
Henry Oldcrshaw, 3 Aug. 32; Etis. 10 June, 12 ; Lieut.
3 Feb. 14.
>'»r</('0«.— JolmHaU,8Nov.27; J«.'!;.rf.-S<«-<7.12Sept.22;J?0S7).-^,«i".rf.24Junel5.
.4«,vMi.-S«»-i;*.— Denis Joseph Magrath.M.D. 29 June, 30; Uosp.-Assist. 1 Feb. 27.
J. M.
C. M'Donald, 11 Jan. 33.
Facings Red Agent, Messrs. Co.\ & Co. Irish Agent, Borough, Armit & Co.
1 Sir Charles Wale served in the c i'ihind, and was present at the battles of the 10th and 19th Sept., and
2Dd and 6th Oct. He has received a ^^ he was wounded in storming the heights of Matauba, 3 Feb. 10.

2 Col. Knight was at the capture li of France in 1810 t served the campaign or 1814 in Holland, in-
eluding the operations before Antwe a the IGth. 17th and 18th June, and received a severe contusion ;
succeeded to the command of the 33i i
miction on the 18th June, and marched it out of the field.
3 Major Harty was at the capture Isle of France in 1810 ; served the campaigns of IS13 and 14 in Ger-
many and Holland, including both a lU the assault on Bergen-np-Zoom ; served at Waterloo on the 16th.
lightly wounded.
Emb. for For."!
Sir.i«, isai.J
34 M (or the Cumberland) Reyt. of Foot. [^J^'^

V_" V ITTt >KI A — " 1' Y UKX EliS"—" N IVELLE "— " N I V li"—

35th (n/' Ruyal Sussex) Regiment of Foot.


— ...
. — ' ;

36rt (or Herefordshire) Regt. of Foot.

^S.'';,!».''.r-""] [ ..r^^^ile,.


I Sir Roper H. Sheaffo. Bart. Em. 1 .Mav, 1778; Dec. 80 ; Cnpt.Cy

H^ Mav, !Ji ; Major, 13 Dec. 1»7 ; Limt.-Col. -ii March, 98 ; Col. ili) April 18(18 ;

P»>. Mnjor-Uen. 4 June, 1 1 ; Lieut. Gen. 19 July, 21 ; Col. 30 lU-pt. 21 Ucc. 29.

Liettt. 'Colonel.
CH 9 Arch. M. Maxwell," K.H. 2nrf Lieut. Boy. Arlil. 1 July, 01 : Lietit. 17 May,03;
Capt. 1 Feb. 08; Breret-Major, 27 .May, 25; Bajtl.-Mojor, 12 Dec. 26;
Lieut.-Col. P 25 Nov. 28. Majors.
9 Oeo. Caimes,' £i«. 15 Dec. 08 ; Limit. 2 Jan. 12 ; Capt. P 4 Nov. 24 ; Metjor,
P 4 Dec. 32.
9 Thomas L'Estranse,' Enr. 9 Oct. 06 Lieut. 29 Feb. 08 ; Capt. 8 April, 25 ; ;

Breret-Major, 28 June. 38 ; Begtl.-Mnjor, 14 Xoy. 38.

3^ 9 John De Lacy* 30 Mav 091 15 June 11 27
13 Feb.
2^ I
Charles .Ashmore . . . 25 Dec. 131 1:1 April 20 1
P 19 Aus. 28
^ Charles Trollope P 19 Nov. 25 P 10 Oct. 26 : !
p 23 Ku^. 31
Edward R. Kin? 16 Feb. 26 31 Julv 28 4 Dec. 32
.\ndrew Nugent 7 Sept. 26 P 16 July 30 1 p 1 1 Julv 34
John Henry Reeve.. . p 18 Oct. 27 P31 Aug. 30 P 6 Mav 36
3j^ Jas. Murray Home' .. 24 Feb. 14 12 Dec. 16 11 Jan'. 39
O John Uiem 8 April 25 P21 Feb. 28 31 Mav 39
20ji I Henry Lecky 25 Julv 05 19 Oct. 08 P 23 May 16
Robert Ross 13 Jane 30 ?11 July 34 P 14 Sept. 38

-Alex. Connor 18 Dec. 24 P 7 Dec 26 * Captain De Lacy served i

William Curteis P 5 Nov. 25 DOn Mo,.

-" Jiar. 07 "le Peninsula from Aup. 1S09
4^ I -Mto theendof Ihewar, incliiiiing
John Pratt P 8 June 30 3o the battle of Busacu Albutien
8 June I

Lorenzo Rothe P 6 .Mar. 28 P 21 Aug. 35 Slew's of Ciudad Rodnso. Jan.
I John Fleury P 16 Julv .30 P 6 .Mav 36 and Feb. 1812; Badajoz, e April,
12 batlles of Salamanca, Vil-
I \Vm. Mauleverer . . . P 31 Ane. .30 p 13 Jan. 37 loria, Pyrenees, 2S July, to
Chas. A.Goodman 2 Nov. 32 24 Feb. 37 Aug. i»13, Nivelle, Orlhes,

Alex. Tliislethwayte . P 23 Nov. 32 p 24 .Mar. 37 and Toulouse, 10 April, 14.

Receivfd a eun-shot wound in

Arthur Kinloch 24 Julv 35 P 28 Nov. 37

the ri^ht arm at Vittoria. Hojs
N. Hynes 22 Oct. 35 29 Nov. 37 served seven years in Itie West
James N'upent p 15 April36 1 1 Jan. 39 Indies ^ince lite peace.

.\lfre<l Jas. Bourdillon P 6 Mav 3<! 31 Mav 3!) ^ ^api Home served the

campaign of 1814 in Upper fa-

Patrick L. M'Dongall 13 Feb. 36 PllMay39S'.r'-
E, W. Jcnnin;^ p 13 Mav 36
Edw. Chas. Butler . P 13 Jan. 37
Wm. Wanl Abbott . P 24 Mar. 37
C. WiL^n Carden 1
P 20 Oct. 37
Robt. H. Carcw Nov. 37 P 28
R- Caimes Bruce .Mar. 38 p 30
Hen. W. Palmer 39 11 Jan.
E<lw. Warwick Hanev.. 21 June 39

16^ Paymatter. Humphrev Hen. Cannichael,24 Feb.l4 £n/. 24 Sept. 03 ; ; Lieut.
27 Nov. 06; Capt. 31 Dec. 12.
.4((;ii/nnr.— John Pratt (Lieut.) 21 June, 39.
Qunrrtr-.Voxfcr.— William Stuart, 10 July, 35.
Suryeon.—Wm. Uovd, M.D. 18 Sept. 35;" Aairt.-Surg. 9 Nov. 14.
Aaitt.-Surg.—Jas. Shells, M.D. 29 Julv, 30 Hasp.- Assist. 25 Jan. 27. ;

Charles Scott, M.D. 7 Nov. 34.

Faeiitgs Grass Green. Agent, Price k Son. Irish Agent, Messrs. Borough, Annit S: Co.
t Colonel llaiwell served the campaitr tn Calabria, and commanded Ihe artillery that be«ieted Seylla
CuUe. i.r...l .nf...iii.ri!y i, lli.. K.vt. 71 O'tf.t of Spain; embarked with Lord William Uentinrk from
Tum^' ' '
't fnrtre« took part in the Italian campaign, and wa«

s y. '*^eo,nnH at difTprenl period* in the Peninsula,

S M , uid in Ihe i>enin»ula from Oct. 1S12 to Ihe end of the
., .si(,.K-. < wouiidi.^ in the hemdj, Xlve, and Toulouse (ftevtrclj
— ... . —

"ser'vlce.mso.^"] 37ifA (or Noriti Hampshire) Regt. of Foot.

[ ,


Hon. Sir Alexander Duff,' G.C.H. Ens. 23 May, 1793; Lieut. 15 Jan. 94;
Cnpt. IG Jan. 94; Major, 28 Mar. 94; Lieiit.-Col. 14 April, 98 Col. ii, ;

April, 1808; Major-Gen. 4 June, 11; iieuf.-Gen. 19 July, 21 ; Co?. 37tli

Regt. 20 July, 31. Lient. -Colonel.
Wm. Smelt,= C.B. Cornet, 16 March, 98; Lieut. p11 Dec. 99; Capt. 21
March, 05; it/ry. 28 Jan. 08; Brei\-Lient.-Col.i3uxie,\i; Begtl.-Lleut.-Col.
24 Nov. 14 ; Col. 22 July, 30. Majors.
2t^ 19 Henry Herbert Manners,^ K.H. 2nd Lieut. 23 April, 07 Lie^it. 1 Feb. 00 ; ;

Capt.'d Sept. 19 ; Major, P 25 Dec. 25 Bm-et-Lieut.-Col. 28 June, 38. ;

Joseph Bradshaw, Ens. v 12 May, 25 ; Lieut. P 12 Dec. 26 ; Capt. P 2 Dec. 31 ;

Major, P 9 Dec. 36. ^

\3 llenn- Owen Wood * . 6 July 04 25 Dec. 04 22 July 13 10 Jan.
[j i!2i .T.ilin Tlioreau^ . 26 Oct. 28 May 07 19 July 15 10 Jan.
Fiiiii.i^ Skcllv P 6 July 26 18 Sept. 28 P 21 Sept. 32
William lilliott P 19 Sept. 26 V 31 Jan. 28 P 13 Dec. 33
Geo. Briscoe Whalley .
P 12 Dec. 26 P 12 Jan. 30 P 9 July 35
Gilbert Wm. Franklyn . P 30 April 27 23 Not. 30 P 9 Dec. 36
John Harvey 14 April 14 10 April 25 9 Oct. 37
J. R. Sheppard Wilson . P19 April31 P 10 Oct. 34 P17 Nov. 37
William Clay 8 June 30 P 21 Sept. 32 P 15 Feb. 39
Patrick Fran. .
P21 Sept. 32 PlOJidy 35 p 1 Mar. 39
Thos. Edm. Le Blanc. 10 May 27 2 Dec. 31
5 Major Thoreaii served the
13 Wm. Thorn. Servantes 27 June 11 29 Dec. 14 Ciimpjiisn of 1805 in Hanover,
Francis A. 31 Aug. 30 2 May 34 and in the Peninsula from Ang.
1808 to tlie end of the war,
Hen. Edw. Manners .
P 29 June 32 9 July 35 including the battles of Roieia,
James Grignon P 15 Mar. 33 P 9 Dec. 36 Vimiera, Busaco attack of ;

Stanhope R. M. Byrne P 10 Oct. 34 P 6 Oct. 37 Tort Christoval (wounded) ;

P 27 Feb. 35 Pl7 Nov. 37 siege of Badajoz siege and

Wm. Glyune Griffith.. capture of Ciudad Rodrico

Chas. Aug. Parkinson P 10 July 35 P 6 April .38
battle of Salamanca capture ;

John Owen Lewis .... Pll July 35 9 July 38 of Madrid battles of Vitloria, ;

Eliott Tho. Seward 9 Dec. 36 P 15 Feb. 39 the Pyrenees, (wounded near

Patnpeliina), Orthes, and Tou-
Sam. Baker Hayes .... 11 June 30 P 13 Feb. 35
louse. Served at New Orleans,
Cha. Fra. Shuni 12 May 37 P 1 Mar. .39 !uul at Waterloo.
Wra. Hamilton 26 Jluy 37 P 21 June 31)
E. D. Atkinson 6 Oct. 37
W. G. M. Clibborn . 17 Nov. 37
A. M. Alex. Bowers . P 29 Dec. 37
Hen. John Curteis P 6 April 38
H. Russell Manners Aug. 38
. 28
George Lawrence ....
Geonre p Feb. 39 15
Multon Lambard .... 1 Mar.
Tho. Molyneux Keogh 21 June 39
Pdifinasfer.- J9 Janies Half hide, 2!l Juno, 00.
.hljntant.—}. O Lewis (Lieut.) 24 May, 39.

Quarter-Master. Richard Hamilton, 2 Nov. 37.
Surgeon. —
Alex. Browne, M.D. 22 Nov. 39 ; Assist.-Surg. 3 Aug. 26 ; Hosp.-
Assist. 16 June, 25.
Assist.-Surgs. —
John Wardrop Moore, 29 July, 30 Hosp.-Assist. 8 May, 28. ;

3 Charles Arnold Logic, 12 Jan. 38.

Facings Yellow. Agent, Mr. Lawrie. Irish Agent, Messrs. Cane & Co.
1 Sir Alex. Duff served in Flanders; accompauied the expedition from the East Indies to Egypt, where he

served until the peace of 1802. Sir Alex, commanded the centre column in tlie attack upon Buenos .\yres.
2 Col. Smelt served in the American war, including the taking of Plattsburgh storm and capture of ;

Oswego ; action at Lundy's Lane, and storming of Fort Erie 13th Aug. 14, where he was severely and
dangerously wounded.
unded Prostnt at the capture of Rangoon, and other actions in Ava.
3 Col. Ml l,,s, r;nl, 'ill, and Vimiera (wounded). Corunna campaign. Siege of Flush-
ing (wounded). Cnmi '
1 I'i in the Peninsula, including the siege of Ciudad Rodrigo, action

at Elbodon, siege of It i 11 iijiis skirmishes. Slightly wounded at the siege of Badajoz, and
very severely on the n
4 Major Wood serve of 1814 in tho Pcni] including the investment of Bayonn
— . —

38/A (ur the 1st Staffordshire) B-er/imi'iit of Foot.

MoxTB Vidro"— ••noi.mA"-"ViaiRBA"—"CoKi;si<A"—Uu»Aro"—"B*nAji)7."-"SALAM»xcA"—
ViT-roKlA"— "Sr. Sboabtiak"— •' Nivr."— •• I-knixsuia"— " Ava."

Sir Henry IM^'ot,' (5.C.M.O. Comet, -23 Juii. 170!) Lhiit. 24 Sept. 7i Ca/if. ; ;

I(i Mar. 7i; jV^ynr, 4 April, 81 Liciit.-Col. (i Muv, WJ Co/. 20 Ucc. !W;
; ;

Mnjor-Cen. 2(! Feb. !» ; Lieid.-Gen. 2'J April, 180:2; 6'«7i. 1 Jiin. 12; Co/.
:Wtli He;:imeiit, 5 Dec. 3<i. Lieut.-Coloiul.
"15 Husih Piper.'JSHjr. i'2!)Mar.99; iiVii/. 13 Xov. OC ; Co/)M' 13 June, 11 ; ,Vo>r,
10 June, 28 ; Lieut.-Cul. 28 May, 31.

{I Gcorjrc Young,' Eiis. 1 Nov. 10 Lk-iit. 24 Xov. 12 ; Ciipt. 10 Feb. 25; Major,

27 April, 34.
'A John Cami)l>ell,* Em. 2o Xov. 21 ; Lieut. 1 Julv, 24 ; dipt, v 1 1 July, 20 ; Mfiior,

Captai.ns. BKEV.-MAJ.
James Pattoun Sparks . 27 Julv 15 30 Julv 18 5 Sept. 26
9 Robert Matthew' ... 20 Sept. 13 25 Nov. 21 5 Jan. 27
1 1) Alexander Cuinpbell*' 17 Dee. 13 20 Nov. 21 25 Sept. 28
J. Jackson Lowth' 3 Julv 24 11 Sept. 25 23 Mar. 32

Robert Carr '• 9 April 1« 29 Dec. 23 1 1 Dec. 31

Ilenr>- Kniijht Storks i' 10 Jiui. 28 p 2 Mar. 32 P30 Oct. 35

'W.Li'ttlejolinO'lliUloran'l 11 Jan. 24 20 July 20 P 29 Doc. 37
7 i

)3 Robert Wooilliouse* . 17 Aug. 09 5 June 12 21 April 33

Jo9. Samuel .\iIauison .
15 Mar. 31 P 27 Sept. 33 P 1 Dec. 37
Charles Irvine 9 April 25 P 17 May 27 P 4 Mav 39
Frederick Tudor'" ]
26 Nov. 21 18 Sept. 24
Edward Evans i 24 JIar. 25 5 Jan. 27 a rapt. C.nmpbell serte'j llie
caini)Uii;n of 1814, in theSoutli
John James Grant '

9 Mar. 20 P 12 Feb. 28 of Police, including the invest-

O [
Tliomas Southull " I 2 Dec. 25 25 Sept. 28 ment of Iliiyonne. Served
John r.asje Leokv I
P 22 April 20 P 26 JIar. 29 throuKtiotit the Burmese wur.
\Vm. (lamuel Ed'wards . .| 14 Feb. 28 P 12 July 31 7 Captain Louth served
throuchout the Burmese war.
John W. S. Smith 3 Feb. 32 4 Aug. 37 Cupt. O'Hulliiran served

Daniell < )'( oiinell P 4 May 32 P 22 Aujx. 37 at the siege and storming of
John Robert Slawell .... P 25 Mav 32 P 10 Nov. 37 Biiurtpore.
Capt. Woodhonse served
Thomas Audcrsuu 10 May 34 P 29
Dec. 37 in the Peninsula from January,
' Cockayne Frith 22 Aug. 37 P 4 Mav 39 1800, to Dee. Ittll, including
\Vm. Donald Piper .... 21 Nov. 34 31 MaV 39 the battles of Talavera, Busaco,
Robert Charles Sinclair . P 23 Aug. 37 p 20 Sept. 39
Puentes d'Onor, and siege of
EXSIGXS. 10 Lieut. Tudur served throughout tho Bur-
John Piper j
i' 10 Nov. 37
I Charles J. Prichard 1
t) Jan. 38 in the Burmese
I John R. Jackson '
11 May :J8

lluirles B. Ma.xwell ' c 19 Oct. 38
O \Vm. James Ixiftus P 9 Nov. 38
I llenrv Roe Evans |
P 4 Jlav 39
1 n. Scott ! 81 May 39
James Jarv is ' P 20 Sept. 39
^ /'«V«i/i:t/<T.— \Vm. F. Vernon, 9 July, 30; /?/!.«. 1 June, 20; Li(iit > July, 27.
I) !
Adjutniit.—Fmivrick Tudor (Liitit ) 17 Nov. 37.
17}J —
Quarter -.Miister. George Green Watkins, 7 Oct. 30; Em. 25 Dec. 13; Lieut.
23 July, 18.

Hugh Lindsav Stuart, 17 Sept. 39; Aa.ust. -Surgeon, 15 Dee. 25;
Hoxi>.-Ami>t. 28 Dec. 20.

Assistant -Surgeon. Tlios. Fos.«, 18 Jan. 27 ; 15 June, 20.
Facings Yellow. Agmt, Mr. Lawric. Irish Agent, Roroiigh, .\nnit, & Co.
[Retumcdfrom JJenyal, May, 183(i.]
1 Sir Henrr Picot iccomptinieil \h* briL'mdp of Guards tu Holland in 1703, and iras prr(r>nt at the siege of

Valencifnne*. the arlion of Linccllrs, and all tlie other eogucemcnts in which the bri^'ude was engaged in
th<> nnipvicni of 171.3 and \H.
•i Colon«l Piper senreU in the .\merlran war, including the cipturc of Moore island ; also throughout tho

3 Major Younr M-rved at the iNiltle of Puentps d'Onor: siege of Ba'lajnz ; attack uf the Ports at, and
battle of, Salamanca; capture of >ladrl<l; siege of Uurco": twic** engaged, and once wounded, on the retreat
from BurKoa; operalfons in front. Investment of, and v>rtic from Bayonue. Served in the Burmese war.
4 M^jor t'ampbell M-rvetl th^lU•.:h(lUt the Hunne«« war.
5 Captain Matthew t*.rved at Ifaulujos, Salnnunco, and Bayonne; at Graham's Town, ulieu attacked by
CaRVvs, in 1810; and Ihmughoul \\\f Burmi'S,- war.
189 M
' . ... .... ;

Emb. for Foreign"!

39^^ (or the Dorsetshire) Regiment of Foot rServlng In the
Service, 1826. J |_ East Indies.
*' Pritnus in Indus/ and "Montis Calpe^*
— " Albuheka" — VIT 'Nl
-" NiVE"— "
Kc>f, Iiisiij}tui
Obthes"— " Peninsula."
JP Hon. Sir Robert Wm.
O'Callagan,' G.C.B. Ens. 29 Nov. 1794 ; Lieut. 6 Dec.
94:; Lieut.-Col. lij July, imS; Coi. IJan. 12; Major-Gen.
4 June, 14 Lieut.-Gen. 22 July, 30 Col. 39th Regiment, 4 March, 33.
; ;

Lieut.-ColoneU. —
J.ii Joseph \'-'aketielil, C'orae^, P 2(i May, 14; iieuf. 29 Aug
15; Cupt. P 29 July, 19; iMajoi; 27 May, 34; Lleut.-Col.vW March, 37.
Thomas Wright,' Ens. 18 Dec. 12; Lieut. 22 April, 14; Capt. P14 July, 25;
Major, P lb March, 37.; Lieut.-Col. 24 Apr. 39.
Major.1. —
Horatio Walpole, Em. & Lieut. 8 May, 17; Capt. vlSJan.25; Major,
P 17 Nov. 37.
g Donald Uniuhart,^ Ens. 25 Mar. 01 ; Lieut. 17 Sept. 03; Capt. 21 May 08
Brev.-Maj. 27 May, 25; Brev. Lieut.-Col. 28 June, 38; Reqt.-Maj. 24 Apr. 39.
^ John Fitz Gerald =. C Oct. 13 7 April 25 27 Mav 34
^i Wra. Koran Bernard* 12 April 08 12 Oct. 08 30 Dec. 28
George Sleeman 12 May 13 5 Jan. 20 17 June 36
Joseph Long Junes . . . 8 April 26 14 Aug. 28 10 Jan. 37
Chas. T. Van Straubenzee P 28 Aug. 28 P22 Feb. 33 P 10 Mar. 37
William ^yood P 13 April 20 P 27 April 27 P 8 May 35
John Blackall 14 Oct. 12 4 May 14 1 June 35
MarmadukeGeo. NLxon. 6 April 31 25 Mar. 33 P 28 Dec. 38
Henry Francis Stokes^ . 24 July 23 1 Aug. 25 24 Apr. 39
Frederick Dunbar 10 May 27 4 April 32 13 Oct. 39
Henry T. Griffiths 19 April 27 P 2 Nov. 32
Bernard Gra. Layard. . .
P 13 Aug. 29 12 Jan. 33
Robert Newport Tinley . 4 April 32 I' 19 July 33
Robert Dean Werge .... 3 April 32 P 7 Aug. 33
Walcheren, aod siege of

Charles Campbell P 9 Aug. 27 3 MaV 33 Flushic

Henry A. Strachan . . . 21 Sept. 32 2 June 35 14 in the Peninsula, including the
crossing of the Bidassna battles of
Arthur Herbert P 18 Jan. 31 2 Sept. 34 the ;

Nivelle and Nivc severely j

iEneas \\'ni. Fraser .... P 6 June 34 P 4 Mar. 30 wounded 9th Dec. 1813.
Williiim Munro P 20 June 34 P 1 April 30 3 Capt. Fitz Gerald served in the
Peninsula from May 1813 until tlie
H. W'agct Davenport. . .
P 30 May 35 P 2 Dec. 30 end of the war, includiag siege of
James .S. Atkinson 30 Sept. 30 3 Feb. 37 San Sebastian (wounded at the as-
Wm. Clarges Wolfe P 30 Oct. 35 P 10 Mar. 37 sault, with the forlorn hope. 31 Aug.
1813) storming the heights of Vera,
Edward Croker P 4 Mar. 30 P 17 Nov. 37
.IS a volunteer battles of the Ni-

J. Fitz Roy Dalrymple . P 2 Dec. 3G p 8 Bee. 37 Bayoi Or- ,

thes, and
Huiii|ilirey Gray 25 Mar. 3(i 1 July 38
F. Ilawtry Cox P 26 Feb. 30 P 28 Dec. 38

rdswoi-tb Smith 21 Oct. 30 23 Mar. 39

MM P 10 Feb. 37 21 Apr. 39
llinlii P 10 Mar. 37 24 Apr. 39
Chailes J. \\'alker 7 April 37 13 Oct. 39
Tho. Sargent Little . 9 Dec. 37 19 Oct. 39
Chas. Tho. Hamilton . p 17 Feb. 38 P 19 July 39
Owen Wynne Gray 9 Nov. 38 5 Capt. Stokes scrveil throughout the
6 Captain Dumrord served at the capture of the Isle
Bunnpse war.
R. Hamilton Currie . P 28 Dec. 38 of France in 1810 ; in the expedition to Java in 18U ;
James C. Harvey . . . 25 Jan. 39 pturc of K.-uidy in 1816 ; and in the Kandyan rebel-
Wm. Newport Tinley I' 15 Nov. 39 in in

1817 and
Wright was severely wounded at the
Patrick Flynn 9 Jan. 40 affair uf Kittore in the East Indies, 18th Oct. 1839,
Hugh Geo. Colville . 10 Jan. 40
Edward Hardinge P 1 1 Jan. 40
-^^^^^ ('"' '^'* 2/if/ Somersetshirt') Regiment of Foot. [^",'"f„j,,!i';

Tho Sphti%.r, with tliu worO " E<jrrr" on tlio cup* of the Fltmk Cumpunle*. *' Munte Vidko''— "Holbia"


Sir Lionel Smitli, Bart.'' K.C.]i.Sc li.CMI. Ens. March, 1795; Lieut. '2S Ort.
Uo ; ('«/)/. 2-2 Muv, 18(11 .t/iyur, 22 April, 02 Livut.-Col.
; June, 05 Col.
; ;

4 June, 13; Mnjur-Om. 12 Aug. 19; Lieut.-Gcn. 10 Jan. 37; Cul. 40tli
Rcift. 9 Ful>. 37. Lieut. -Coloneh.
Thouiust Valiant, K.ll, Ens. fSl Mart-li, 04; Lieut. 21 June, 05 ; Capt. •'21
Au|;. 17 M<^jor, i'24 Oct. 21
; Licut.-Col. i't> Dct. 25
; Col. 28 June, 3rt.;

Bob. Bricc Fearon,' C'.B. Ens. June, 95; /.iVu^. 4 Sept. 95; Capt. 21 April, 04;
Mn)or,viO Dec. 10; Brcvet-Lieut.-Col. 12 Aug. 19; Regtl.-Lieut.-Col. >'8
Slay, 23 Col. 10 Jiui. 37.
; Majors.
9 Ridianl Jol)l),' Coriut, 12 Sept. 05 Lieut. Pi Au^'. 08 ; Capt. P9 May,

1 llrevit-Mnjor, 22 July, 30 Reijtl.-Major, f 1 May, 35.

1 ; ;

'A tai tJeoRie Ilibbert, J?/«. 1'25 Feb. 13 ; Lieut. 14 June, 16 Capt. PG March,. ;

23 Major, 1 3 Nov. 3.3.



Welsh) Mec/iment of Foot. rServinK in th(
ilst (^or
L East Indies.
with the motto, " Qwelt Augau neu

" " NiAGABA"— *'
'm Sir R. Darling,' G.C.H. JEns. 15 May, 1793; Lieut. 2 Sept. 95; Capt. 6
; 3Iajor, 2 Feb. 1800; Lieut.-Col. 17 July, 01 ; Col. 25 July 10 ; Major-
Sept. 96
Gen. 4 June, 13 ; Lieut.-Gen. 27 May, 25 ; Col. 41st Regiment, 26 Sept. 37.
Lieut.-Colonels. — T^ Richard England,^ K.H., Ens. P25 Feb. 08; Zieut. 1 June,
09; Capt. Pll June, 11; 3Injor, P4 Sept. 23; Lieut.-Col. P29 Oct. 25;
Col. 28 June, 38.
ffm. Booth,' JBris. 8 May, 06; Lieut. 25 March, 09 ; Capt. 3 May, 21 ; Major,
P28 June, 27 ; Lieut.-Col. 11 July, 37.

Majors. Gore Browne, Ens. 14 Jan. 24; Lieut. Pll July, 26; Capt. Pll
June, 29 ; Major, P 19 Dec. 34.
}P Joseph Simmons,-' Ind Lieut. 16
April, 12; Lieut. 23 Dec. 13; Capt. 18
Feb. 27 ; Major, 22 Aug. 37.

— .... — — ;;

Ilighldiid) Regiment of Foot.

42(1 (or the Royal
St. Andreic, " Tlie Sphinx, witli "the wonls "EGYPT"
Xcmo me impiinc liicetsit." —
61 George Murray,' G.C.B. SiG.C.U. Ens.M March, 1789: Lieut.
9 i?/. //oil. .ViV
Jf CiiptJan. 114; Ciipt.if Lt.-Col.i Auj. !«) ; (V. <J March, 180!) Major-
1(> ;

Ueii. 1 Jail, li Lieiit.-(,'cii. i? May, 2o; Cnl. 4-Jiul Highlauders (i Sept. 23.

Lieut. Colonel. —
Cieorcc Johnstone, Cornet, rS.Vuj;. li); Lieut. 1'9 Nov. 21;
Ciipt. P17 Nov. 2i; .Uiyoi-,P3 Oct. 2(i Lieut.-Col. '••29 Aut;. SO. ;

2A —
Mnjors. {) JanicK >Iuc<lou^all,^ Second Lieut. 11 June, 12; Lieut. 8 Sept. 13;
Capl. 10 Sept. 25 ; Major, 23 Oct. 3,5.

Duncan -ilex. Cameron, /iiis. 8 April, 25 ; Lieut. V 15 Aup. 2G Capt. vi\ June, ;

33; .l/o>i-, I' 23 AujT. 3il.

Captains. KXSION. I

-11 Daniel Frazer 31 Oct. 11 13 June 10 P 5 Nov. 25 28 June 38

Charles Dunsinuru. 9 Apr. 25 1' 7 Nov. 26 P 30 Jan. 35
William Guthrie '22 Apr. 2C|i'20 Mar. 27 P 24 Feb.
.Vrchihald Cuinpbell 20 Nov. 25 25 Dec. 28 P 10 Mar. '
Geo. Hurrell Cuiuberhuid 11 Apr. 25 31 Dec. 28 P 30 Mar. 38

Will. Beales 24Jimcl3 13 Dec. 21 12 Aug. 30

Thomas Tullwh 25 June 20 23 Oct. 28 P 12 July '
Lord Cecil Goriluii 8 July 24 17 June 26 P 22 July ' !•
George Montagu 8 Dec. 14 p 31 Oct. 22 P 22 Oct. 25 28 Juiie 38
Hob. Williamson Ramsay P 10 Jan. 28 12 June 30 P23Aug. 39
LlElTENAXTS. I Sir George Murray served
J. Cameron Jlacplierson ' 10 Sept. 30 n .)i T,,,,,, oo the Campaign in Flanders in
- , *• „'. 1703 and V* ; was wounded in
„ "
Alexander Cameron 24 Feb. 32 1 JU Jan. .io

Holland in »0; took part in llie

Hon. Robert Hollo. IMO Aug. 32 25 Sept. 35 dilfe[ent battles, ice. in Egypt
Thomas Kiulock . . .
14 Sept. 32 4 Feb. 37 in 01, and accompanied the ex-
\T.... Q pedilion to Copenhagen in 07.
Lord Chas. Lennox Kerr ! 5 Apr. 31 - *'''y ;**

Sir George has received a cross

H. Maurice Dnunmond. V 4 Dec. 32 Dec. 37 and five clasps for Corunnn,
Geo. Duncan Roliertson. P 14 June 33 P 10 Mar. 38 Talavera, liusaco, Puentes
P21 June 33 'I'Onor, Viltoria, PyTenees, Ni-
Charles Murray P 30 Mar. 38
„^ velie, Orlhep, una Toulouse.
Atholl W. Macilonald . I' 9 Aug. 3;i 1
, ,
Apr. .iy 2 Mnjor Macdougall served
G. W. Mac<iiiarie P 25 Sept. ;!5 I' :il May 3!) the campuipna of lbl3 and 14,
Duncan Cameron 23 Oct. 35 1 Juiie ai) '" *^*'' Peninsula, includhig thu
affair of San Marcial battles
.-Vrcli. Coliu Campbell . P24 Feb. 37 Q AUj;.
A 'Ilk

of Xivelle. Nive, 9th, 10th,

James Hunter P 17 Nov. 37 V'Zl Sept.a9 nth, 12ih, and 13lh Dec,
Ensigns. Orthes, and Tuulouse.
W. J. Mar. 38
H. Johnstone .... I'lG
3 Quarter- Master King sened in the Penin-
James Grant -Mar. 38 sula, from July, 1800, to August, 181'J, includ-
I' :3t)

Farquhar Cani|ihell .... 30 Nov. 38 ing the battles of Busaco and Fuentes -i'Onur.

Henrv Sliollo Douglas i'31 May 39 i'rosent on 16th and 18th June, at Wuterluu.
4 Dr. Putersnn served in the Peninsula from
iTIios.Rob. Dnim. Hay.. n 2 Aug. 39 Sept. 1810 to Dec. 1811. Served also in Ihu
Tlios. Francis Wade 2 Nov. 38 Burmese war.
Robert Bligh Sinclair P 27 Sept. 30 .

Augustus Paterson P 10 Jan. 40

I/>rty////Mr.—J. WliL-atley, 12 Oct. 38 ; Ens. i: Adjt. 20 July, 32 Lieut. 3 Apr. 35. ;

.4*(/ti/«M/.— Duncan Caintron {Lieitt.)j 30 Oct. 38.

Quarter-Master.— 1^ JStl Ruley Kint:,=* 31 Dec. 18.

Surgeon. {) James Pater*un,* M.D., 2o May, 2C; AssUt.-Surg. 22 Aug. 11
Hosp.'Auist. 7 June, 10.

AstUtaitt-Surgeon. James M'Gregor, 12 April, 2fi; Hosp.-AisUt. 5 Jan. 20.
Facings Blue. Agent Jlessn*. Cox A: Co. IrUh Agcnty Borough U Co.

[Returned from Corfu, August, I83(>.]

the Oatrb wUlrmmt of Surliua. «ik1 «aj nnployrd (a ihc arrutjn-iDrnU for Ibp rapilulilion, uid ptT*rnt at the sarrvfidrr of
tlut mloav. la April 1^01. procc««lrd wilb the rsp«<liUoii M^QSt tbr Danltb uul Snctllih uUocU, St. Croti, St. Tfaotaat, St.
H*rttD. mi SL lUrthoU™*-*. *nd mu pmrni «t Uinr rrduction. la Srptfinbrr l*w. tiU Rest- (the iUt) brln« or<lerr<l oq
«Uirnnplo>TiK^t (fnnripAl .Vultt. Adjt, -firiwrali uvl lock the commuid of it. Joined thoanny
u&Irr Str John Muirr, in St>Ain. sal «u prrvnt dunnf the ulTknrr and mrr» Luffo, and battir of Corui
forwhlfh U.»l h' rrr'-ivnl a MifUl. In July l'*iy, appointed D^p. AUjl.-G «u 'orcr trot 10 the Scbrldl tjodi-r
tbr Karl at Chitham. and wa* ptn^^l at the %itf had lurrtndcr uf Flmhing. D of the rxpcdltloQ be resumcHl
hU Oair appoiDtiDcnt ai lh<' HurM- Ouard*
ng and eanpalxn in Aniwrrp ; lubMiiuenUy at Tarrifa and In Sicit; In li^lO.
T (aoundrtl at thr atLaultl. •rpaul Mar In 181 1, Includint tbr »i<r;ri of
uu\ Jrtuck. MahratU >ar in l>tl7-l<< lorludlnx tbr »tr(ri of S Dtbur, Laltarak. Pourundrr. and Wun^tta.
l'<j|'6. wouDdrd ai tb« •toimtnc of Uartatian.
tbr Pralruuta. tmm SrpL 1811 to Ifae md of tbr war. tnclDdlOff the ilomilnic of tbr Port at
Sao UuDo* : rhrrkinx Ibr Wrmeh oo tbr rrtrrfU from Madrid ; cut off their Rear- Guard from Burgoi
ikirmitblnx altb the Rrar- Guard, and dnrioc Utr Prmcb Into Pamprluna. SSd. Z3d. and ?lth June ; itonn<
nira Ilarbrra; ttorTninc of Eicbrlab ; itorminj Vrra Brt<l<e and llrifhu ; cro«io< the Bida»!.<^ : Oorrnins
Prvts U kbinr battir* of NirrUr and Ni*r, 9th. lOtb. Itb. and lltb Drr. Svnrd tbrouihout tbr Burmr»r war, inelutlInK the
: I

lon«la( of Rancooa and Sjnrham Pafoda . capture of Kinuiudine ; Ird tbr head nf the left rulumn In Uorminx tbr trrnrhri
Pacoda ; itormin^ a (troac >luckadt w froal uf the Da|oa Pafoda. C'Ofnmaadvd the left winf of the 4Ul
in ttxmi o' the llacaa
Itrft. wtbe Seld afmlMl tbc KoUspore Rajah. iv:!
Emb. for Foreis
4:Srd (or Monmouthshire) Regiment of Foot rServIng in
L Canada.
(Liyht Infantry.)



... .
.. — 1

"it"":] -i-*^/' ("' '/'^ -^'«' Essex) Regiment of Foot. [^^'^i;,^,.'"

The SfhliM, with the i»i>r.l<. '• KOYPT"— " HAD AJOZ"— " SAL.VMANCA"— " PENINSULiV—

fiorc lii^jwno,' Ens. 5 July, 1780 ; Lieut. :) Slarrli, 80 ; Capt. 8 June, 03 ; Major,
loJuiie,!>4; Lietit.-t'ol.'M "Sox.Wt; Co/. 1 Jan. 18a">; Mqjor-Gen. 'io July,
10 ; Lieut.-Gm. 12 Atij;. 19 ; Gen. 10 Jan. a? ; Col. 44tli Regt. 29 Jan. "iO."
Lieut.-Colo)iels.—9 John Shelton,' £«.«. 21 Nov. Go Lieut. 26 Aug. 07 ; Capt. ;

17 June, 13 ; M(i/or, « Fi-Ii. 25; Lieut.-Cal. Sept. 27.

9 Thc>iiia»Markrell, £«.>. lUSept. 04; Lieut. H^i May, 07 ; Capt. Juno, 18; U
Miijor, 12 Nov. 2i> ; Lieut.-Col. P2ii Juue, 30.
.VriioM.— Day Hort Macdowall,' -En*. 13 April, 13; Lieut. I'lO Marcli, 14;
Capt. 11 Sept. 17 ; Jfnjwr, P 18 July, 20.


Charles O'Neill 18 May l.'j P27 June 16 P31 May 21 10 Jan. 37
John Kitsou 25 Apr. (ICi 15 Jan. 07 3 Oct. 11 22 July 30
Janie^ Johnston^ 3 Dec. 03 5 Aug. 04 7 Mar. 1 22 July 30
llenjaniin Half hiile' . . . 28 Det. !)9 7 Apr. 04 25 Aug. 09 22 July 30
Wm. Boxell Scott' 2 Apr. 12 15 Apr. 13 12 Apr. 31
.Arthur Home P 19 Nov. 2.1 P27 Nov. 28 P21 Feb. 34
H Thomas Swayne*
Rob. Bradford M't'rca'..
24 Dec. 12
IfiJan. 24
9 Aug. 14 30
Ci Dec. 25 P 1 1
Jan. 36
June 36
Willouirhby Cotton P 2 Sept. 24 P Nov. 24 P2I Nov. 28
.\Iured Witi.Oniy '" . . . 2 Feb. 13 23 Mar. 19 14 June 39
Tliotna* Robinson " . . . 2 Mar. 20 10 Feb. 25
James Douiilas De Wend 29 Apr. 24 17 Dec. 25
J. D. Young 16 Aug P 7 Jan. 27
Eilwanl Woolhouse . . . P 5 Oct. I
P 26 June 17
Wm. Henry Do<lgin . . . 16 Jan. 23 29 May 28
Tliomas Collins P fi Jan. 20 P 7 July 25
Cha. Ernest Turner " . 17 May 13 12 Oct. 15 3 Major Matdowall t^nrcd thr
raTn|iai;;n of1^1 1 to Hnllxnd, in-
Tlio. Kioh. Leighton 29 MaV28 1 June 32
cluding tho action at Mcrxcm &!
Geo. Haddou Smith . . . 21 Apr. 27 22 Oct. 33 Jan., and Antwerp 2d F^b.
Wm. Evans 29 June 30 23 Oct. S3 b Major Johiislon sirred at the
taking of Madeita in 1807 ; capture'
Wm. Oeorpe White . . . 12 Apr. 31 29 Aug. 34 of Guitdaloupc anddependpncir*. St.
^ Tho. Alex. Soutcr
Fra. Montresor Wade .
30 June 24
P20 Sept. 31
8 May 35
P2(i June 35
1 M«r<i
and St. P.uftatiui in 1810;
1 campaign ae^iut the Burmfsc.
6 Major llalfhidc served the Nc-
.\rthur Hogg P 1 June 32 30 Jan. 36 paul nmpaifTu of 1814, 1^ and IG;
Dunran Trevor Grant . P a July 33 1 Apr. 36 al»o in Araran in ISSI.
7 Captain Scott serred in the
C. K. -Macan 19 Oct. 24 18 Apr. 27
J. Chilton L. Carter 28 May 34 23 Sept. 36 Swayne served the cam-
9 Capt,
.\ug. Halifax Ferrjnnan. P27 June 34 30 June 37 pairns of 1813 and U in Canada, in-
eludiog the actinn of Cbippewa. and
Edw. S. Cnmberlatid . . . P17 Apr. 35 P18 May 38
Fall of Niagara_ ; siege and Horn of
Frederick Jenkins P 26 June 35 16 Aug. 39 j
Port EhrT'^tig Sept. 18U ;
the Burmese war, including
tbeeaptureofwTcral stockades In the

neighbourhood of Kaneoon. and on


MarMalion . P 6 Nov. 35 the advance of the army to Proroe.

Geo. H. Skipton . . . p 1 1 June 36 9 C*pL U'Crae serred in the Burmese war. includ-
inc the capture of Aracan, RAmree, and Cbaudier.
Wm. G. Raban . . . 23 Sept. 36 10 Capt Gray served in the actions of JeetghurArd
Rot>ert Kipling . . . 30 June 37 Jan. 181^ and Jubbulpor« I9tb Dec 1817 i and the
Henry Cadett 28 Nov. 37 eampaijni of ISU in Aracao,
II Lt RobinMio terred the eampairn ori8S6 ID Aracan
F. J. Camp. Fortyc 1 Jime 38 locludlnf the acttoas at Padona, Mahatee, and Aracan.
Samuel Swintou . . . P 9 Nov. 38 IS Lieut. Turner serTid thecampalco of 1814 in Hol-
land, Including aOack on Menem & Bencen-op-Zoom.
.\lun*d Wm. Gray . 22 Nov. 39
13 Lieut. (Quarter-Matter) llalahan terTed at the
Frt.'^lerick Shelton . P 24 Jan. 40 taklBX of Aracan in 193).
11 Dr. HAreoun serred In the PeainsuLa from June

Paymaster, —Thos. Bourke, 12 Oct. 04 1813 unUI the cod of the war.

Afi)utant.—VioheTi Kiplinif, {Ens.) •>? Deo. 37.

Quartfr-Master.—BjotHiTXus Rich. Halahan,'^ 14 Feb. 22 ; Ens. 23 July, 12 j
Lieut. 2.'> Au^. 15.
Surg. —
p John Harcourt,'* 7 Mav, 34; Atsist.-Surg. 20 May, 14; Hosp.-Assist.
10 May, 13.
Assistant'Surgeans, —
Wm. Balfour, 4 March, 30.
William Primrose, M.D. 9 Au^;. 39.
Facings Yellow. Agent Messrs Cox
j &, Co.
I Ora. Brown* served Holland
waadfd tW brlcade that Walcbcrrn.
S r«L Shvlk aa arm at 9t. Sebastian.
A5th {or the Nottinghatnshire) Regiment of Foot.

" Badajoz" — " Salamanca" — " Vittoria" — " Ptrenees" — " Nivelle"— " Okthes" —
" Toulouse""*' Peninsula"—" Ava."

— ...

Krab. for For."] rSrr»in

SvrviM, 1»37 J 46/A (^or South Devonshire) Regt. of Foot.
L Oibral

P John Ross,' C.B. ^:/«.2 Junc,93 Lieut. « >fay, 0(3 ; Tn/)/. 11 Jan. 00; Major,

l.> Lieut. -Col. 28 Jan. m-, Col. 4 June, 14; M(yor-am. 27 May,
Au|;. 04 ;

Lieut. -Gen. 28 June, 38 ; Col. 4Cth. Rcgt. 1 Aug. 39.

25 ;

Andrew Clarke,' K.H. Ens. 22 Aus. (Xi ; Lieut. 29 July, 08 ; Cnpt. P 4 Feb. 13
Mnjor, Plo Dec. 2j ; .Breie*-iiVu(.-Co/. 28 June, 38; Regt. -Lieut. -Col.
P 1 1 Oct. 3il.

I4tt .Vfljont.— ©
Rolwrt Garrett,' K.H. £iw. 6 March, 11; 3 Sept 12; Capt.
7 July, 14; .V<yor, 10 Sept. 20.
Eilward Huneerforil Uelaval Elers Napier, Ens. 11 Aug. 25; Lieut. 11 Oct. 26
Capt. P21 June 31 ; Major, P 1 1 Oct. 3!>.
Captains. I

3H Robert Martin' 15 Aug. 04 28 .Mar. 05 21 Nov. 16 10 Jan. 37

Donald Stuart* 2 .May 16 25 Feb. 20 1 Apr. 31

Robert Campbell" 24 Dec. 18 13 June 22 15 June 32

Charles W. Zuhlckc 24Jime 24 4 Jlav 26 P29 May 35
James Tavlor 25 -Vug. 14 4 Dee. 17 14 May 36
e?ia Uiohd. Ilandcock' 10 Sept. 05 5 Nov. 06 P30Julv 18 10 Jan. 37
\Vni. .Neville Custance Pll Oct. 31
P26 June 35 P 16 Mar. 38
Wni. Tliomas Breniner P 3 Dec. 29
P21 June 31 P 5 April :J9
Geo. Heneaee L. Wharton P 1 June 32 P 19 June 35 Pll Oct. 39
Eustace A. T. d'E.ll^lcourt P19 Sept. 34 P 29 Jan. 30 P31 Dec. 39
LlEUTEXANTS. 5 Capt. Stuart wired at tli*
In and capturi; of Kittoor
WillUm Child 13 Nov. 22 11 Aug. 26 the East Indies Dec. 1824. ii

Joseph Davies 3 Dec. 25 P14 Dec. 26

P e Capt. Campbell was em-
Win. James Yonge P27 July 26 P17 .May 27 ployed on field service in In-
Wm. Lacy 20 Apr. 26 30 Aug. 27 dia from Aug. 18'20 to March
1825, including the siege of
William Peacock P28 .May 29 P12 Dec. 34 Kittoor.
Wm. Clutton JIarsliall . P28 Nov. 34 P21 Oct. 30 7 M^'or Handcock accom-
John Egerton Carrol .... 8 May 35 P 10 Feb. 37 panied the expedition to Han-
over in 1805 joined the army
Geo. Martin Atkins .... P17 July 3ij P 8 Apr. 371 in Sicily in 1800. and was em- :

.Arthur Geo. Vescy P29 May 35 P25 Aug. 37 ployed with its opera-
.K\e\. Maxwell P19 June 35 P28 Dec. 38 tions from 180(1 to 1810; went
Henry ^(ordaunt P29 Jan. 36 P 5 April 39 with the expedition to Naples,
and was pivsent at the capture
Joseph Fred. Brome .... PIO Feb. 37 Pll Oct. 39 of Ischia andProcida; returned
Eustace J. D. .Moffatt P25 Aug. 37 P 31 Dec. 39 to Sicily and employed against

E.VSK-.XS. the French arm 'in 1811. Sen ed in Spain dor-

in^ 181'.! and 13, including the battle of Castalla,
Hen. F. Sullivan P 6 July 38 siege of Turra;;ona, and aflair of Villa Franca.
David Fyffe Pll June 36 Severely wounded at Waterloo.
William Fitz Gerald .... P28 Dec. 38 8 Dr.Galeani landed at Leghorn. 14th Marcb.
1814, and was present in the campaign of Italjr
.Arthur Wombwell p 5 Apr. 39 with the advanced army, including the taking
H. B. Whittinuham 31 May 39 of the Castle of St. Maria, in Spezta ; action at
Philip Blundell Bicknell Pll Oct. 39 Seshi ; siege and surrender of Genoa, and tak-
Geo. Selsey Bigland .... p 15 Nov. 39 ing of the Castle of Savona and Novi.

14f!, Paymaster. —William Iveson, 25 .\ug. 08.

^((/ufnri/.— William Lacy, (Lieut.) 26 May, 37.

Quarter-Master. John .\llan, 3 June, 30.
Surgeon. —
Michael Galeani,* M.D. 7 Nov. 34; ^«i*f.-5t/ry. 16 June. 25; Ho$p.-
Assist. 12 Nov. 12.
AtsistarU- Surgeons. —
Francis Burnett, Jf.D. 19 Dec. 34.
AugustusH.Cowen, 29 July, 30; Hosp.-Auist. 2 Nov. 26.
Facings Yellow. Agent, Messrs. Cox & Co.
1 Oeneral Ross has received a medal for Vlmlera.
S Colonel Clarke served at the rapture of Guadaloupe in 1810.
3 Mi^or Garrett received two wounds at the attack of the Forts at Salamanca, on which occasion the com-
mand of the Light Company i>f the Queen's and s<jme Artillery devolved upon him, he being the only sur-
viTtng officer of the column he atucketl with. He was also severely wounded in the Pyrenees.
4 Major Uartln sened eight years In the field In Sicily ; the campaign of 1807 In Egypt Uking of ;

Genoa In 18U ;
campaigns in the United State* ufNonbAmehra, Including the taking of Casleen and
Its dependencies the River Ponobtcot.
48^/( ((>;• Northamptonshire) Regt. of Foot.


•• ••


Sir Thos. Hislop," Bart. G.C.B. Em. 28 Dei-. 1778 ; Lieut. 28 Jan. 83 ; Capt.
28 Jan. 85 ; Major, IG A«g. 94 ; Lieut. -Col. 25 .March, 95; Col. 29 Apr. 18U2;
Mqjor-Gen. 25 Oct. 09 ; Lieut. -Uen. 4 J unc, 1 4 ; Uen. 10 Jan. 37 ; Col. 48th
Rcgt. 25 Dec. 29. Lieut. -Colanel.
9 T. Bell,' C.B. Efu. PIS Nov. 99; Lietit. > 17 Jan. 01; Cn;;^. 12 Sept. 05;
lirer.-ifqj. 20 Aug. 13; jRegtl.-My. 25 Mar. 24 ; Lieut.-Col. 1'20 Sept. 27.
Patrick MarDousall, Eiu. 2 Mar. 08; Lieut. 10 Feb. 11; Ca/)ri'28 July, 14;
Mnjor, P U) Dii-. 20.
>H 9 Peter J. Willats,^ Ens. 31 Aug. 09; Lieut. 2 June, 11 ; Capt. 22 Dec. 14;
Breret-Mqjor, 10 Jan. 37 ; Reyll.-Major, 4 Nov. 38.

Captains. MAJOR.
/fon. Arth. Alex. Dahell 29 Apr. P 5 Feb. 24 P 20 June 27
William .\. M'Clevertv 20 Mar. 20 Aug. P 21 May 29
William Codd '.
2 JIar. 25 .Mar. 23 Mar. 33
Roliert Cole 21 Nov. P 20 Dec. P 14 Aug. 27
Hunter Ward P 9 Sept. P31 Dee. PIO Sept. 25 28 June 38
V is Edward Duncan 3 Sept. 28 Feb. P 24 July 17 10 Jan. 37
1 <'lia.«.

Allen Yount;.
Wehlwr Smith'
. .

. P
23 Mar.
1 1 July
P 20
P 25
P31 Dec. 27
P 7 Sept..'i8
Benjamin Riky n 9 Nov. 30 iMay P 8 Sept. 38
21 Hender Mountsteven" 30 Dec. OJan. 30 Nov. 38
Lieutenants. 3 Major Willats 6«rTe(l fn tha

Antlionv Donelan 4,'"^' 7 Nov.

'' 27 Pp"l»S"''* from 1812 to the end

- .t? o I

Q V> on "' "'* ""''• including tlie siege

:ionlonSkellv Tidy .... loMay 28 1

P 3 Dec. 29 L„a „onj^„g „f ciudaa Ro-


14 R.ib. Chas. n'arailton . . . 3 Aug. 26 1

28 Apr. 31 driso, siege and storming of
-0 I'sdajoz from 19th January to
12 Ueurge Mowbrav Lvs 2 Mar 28 Dec. 31 '


11 JobnMa.«y ....... ."

John Moore Ross .'..... P 9 Aug. 33 P 13 Jan. 37 4 Major Duncan served at
Ilenrj- Wheeler 11 Feb. 34 27 Jan. 37 "le siege of Flushing in 1809,
Maurice Emmett 19 Apr. P .33 P 1 Dec 37 ^""^ '"^ ^^^ Peninsula from Aug.
John Edw. Hall P 21 Aug. 35
P 10 June 00
I""- Oct. 1813, including
battle of Vittorio. and siege

Henry Bromley P 4 Sept. 35 P 7 ?e))t. 38

of San Sebastian, where he was
Cavendish S. Bovie .... P 23 Oct. P 8 severely wounded .list August,
35 Sel)t.
1813 present at Waterloo, the
Cliff >r<l Felix Henrj-.... Dec. 35 storming of Cambray, and cap-
Henry W. Tobin P 12 Apr. 33 1 Feb. 39 ture of Parisr

Ensigns. S Captain Smith was wounded in action at

Coortr, Madras, April, 1834.
Andrew Green 12 Jan. 38 Captain MouDtsteren served at the attack
David Fullerton P 15 June 38 of various posts, &c. on the Frontiers of Canada,
RolH^rt Bateman P 7 Sept. 38 and within the United States in 1813, 14, and 16.
7 Paymaster Hartley ser\ed at the surrender
2 i) \
Rul>ort Warburton P 8 Sept. 38
of Martiniiiue ; and taking of Gaudaloupe In
2 j
John Minchin P 14 Sept. 38
•J .\lexis Corcoran 30 Nov. 38
Clement W. Strong .... 18 Jan. 30
1 fieo. Dean Pitt 11 Oct. 39
Paynuuter. — Bartholome' Hartley,' 30 Oct. 35; Ens. 15 Jan. 13; iieuf. 26
Mav, 14
Capt. 17 April, 3.5.

C ; .-Irf/ufoii/.— Henry
Wheeler, (LiVuf.), 11 Feb. 34.

Quarter-.Vaster. James Earlsman Richardson, 9 Mar. .38.

Surgeon. EtIwanI M'lvcr, 18 Mar. 30 ; Assist. -Surg. 3 June, 13.
Assist. -Surgs. —
Jas. T. (I. Johnston, M.D. 3 .\ug. 38.
EdwartI Wm. Stone, M.D. 5 Oct. 38.
Facings Buff. .{gent, .Messrs. Cox i: Co. Irisli Agent, Borough, Armit, & Co.
1 :*tr Thoincs lliilop served at Gibrullar during its iKimbardment and liegc; i«iu present at the surrender
of Tlrtous isliiniU m
the Wc^t indii^t; and has r\*crtTe4l a medal fur Guadaloupe. Sir Thomas performed
dlstineuislird M-r\ice in lliy Findam'*- and MahratU war.
i Culunt-l Dell served m the P.-nin^iilu frr>m isoo to the end of tha war. Including the passage of the
Ooum ; balttr of Albtihera (wounde<li; anion at Aldea de Pi*nte ; siege of Ciudad Rodrigo ; sifge and
ftuU of Badifjoi (scTerely wounded hiltle* of Salamanca, the PrrenvM, Nlvelle, Orthes, and Toulouv^.

Cot. B. has received a cross for the four last named battles. I««
'sfrif", w?i'"] 49)^^ (or Princess Charlotte's, or Herts.) Foot. [^'3™"/^,!"

Years '
Sir Gordon Dnimmond,' G.C.B. Em. 21 Sept. 1789; Lt. 31 Mar. 91 ; Capt. 31
Jan. 92; ilfoj. 28 Feb. 94 ; X*.-CoM March, 94; CoZ. IJan. 98 ; Maj-Gen.
lJan.1805; if.-6rere.4 June.ll; Gen. 27 May, 25 ; Co/. 49tli Regt. 21 Sept. 29.
Lieut. -Colonels. —
R. Bartley,^ Ens. 28 Feb. 06 ; Lieut. P 12 Feb. 07 ; Capt. 10
Aug. 15 ilttjor, P 5 Feb. 24 Lieut.-Col. 25 April, 28.
; ;

Edmund Morris,^ Ens. 21 June, 10; Lieut. 21 April, 13; Capt. I Dec. 25;
Major, P 13 Sept. 33 ; Lieut.-Col. P22 Nov. 36.
3Iajors.—^ Thomas Stephens," Ens. 28 Nov. 06 ; Lieut. 18 Aug. 08 ; Ca])t. 23
Dec. 13 ; 3IoJor, 4 June, 33.
Samuel BIyth, Ens. 21 Feb. 1 1 ; Lieut. 28 April, 13 ; Ca2it. 25 April, 28 ; Major,
' 22 Nov. 36.

s^m'iiil: ] 50th {or tlie Quefn's otcn) Regt. of Foot. \^&^libvi^^.


The SphinjcviWi the words " '



9 Sir Geo. Townshend Walker," Bt. G.C.B. 2nrf Lieut. 4 Mar. 1782 ; Lieut. 13
Mar. »3 Capt. 13 Mar. «U Major, 28 Aup. <J4 Lieut-Col. 6 Sept 08 ; Col.
; ; ;

25 Apr. 1808; .Voyor-G.n. 4 June, II Lieut.-Gen. 19 July, 21 ; Gen. 10


Jan. 37 Col. 50th Foot, 23 Dec. 31).


Lieut. -Colontl. —
9 Nicholas Wodehon.«e,' Ens. 3 Jan. 07 Lieut. 31 Ang. 07 Capt.
; ;

VX Sept. 1 1 ; .Major, v 18 Oct. 21 Lieut.-Col. P2 Sept. 24 ; Col. 28 June, 38.


Mnjort. 9 Joseph .\nderson,^ K.H. jEfi». 27 June, 05; Lieut. C Oct. 08; Capt.
20 Jan. 14 .Major, v Id Feb. 20.

9 Thomas Ryan,' K.H. Eiu. 10 Oct. 05 ; Lieut. 28 April, 08 ; Capt. 30 Sept. 19

.V<yor, 13 A up. 30.

'"er'v.°»38°'^'J 5lst (or the 2nd Yorksh. IV. Hiding^ or \j}i^"fA\m
The King's Own Light Inf. Regt,

'"sJnt.''rS;*"] 52 J (^r Ojcfardshire) Regt.of Foot{Lt. Infantnj). [^^:!^\


•• •



^"se'r/fce/wir] ^^rJ (of the Shropshire) Regit, of Foot.



P Caa Lord Fitz Rov Jas. Hen Somerset,' K.C.B. Comet, 9 June, 04 Lieut. ;

30 May, 05 Capi. 5 Mav, 08 Major, 9 June, 11 ; Lieut.-Col. 27 Apr. 12 ;

; ;

Co?. 28 Aus. 15 J/(7/or-Gen.'27 Mav, 25 ; Lieut.-Gen. 28 June, 38; Col.


53rd Rest.19 Not. 30.

Lifuf.-Colonel.— Rich. Fred. Hill, Ens. P 24 June, 19; Lieut. P 12 June, 23;
Capf. P27 Aue. 25; Major, P 11 June, 30; Lieut.-Col. P 13 May, 36.
Ofo/or^.— PhllipHill, Ens. P 11 Mar. 24; Lieut. P 17 Sept. 25; Capt. P29
Aug. 26 Major, v ].3 May, 36.

Hany Shakespear Phillips,' Cornet, P 8 Jan. 24; Lieut. P 12 May, 25; Capt.
P 14 Feb. 28 ; Major, P 31 Aug. 38.

5i% John Lewis Black - 22 Apr. 13 10 Mar. 14 P 16 June 25
Rich. FaUowes Walond P 26 July 21
. P 9 June 25 Pll Julv 26
Thomas Carnesn* P17 Sept. 25 P 24 Julv 28 P 11 June 30
Wm. George Gold 7 Apr. 25 26 June 28 P 29 June 32
Edward Bond P 8 Mar. 27 P 16 Sept. 29 P 26 Feb. 36
\niliam O'Brien 18 Jan. 26 P 8 June 30 P 13 Mav 36
C. Edw. Dawson Warren P 5 June 27 Pll June 30 P 1 Dec. 37
Richard Dyott P 11 Oct. 27 P 14 June 31 P 31 Aug. 38
Adolphus Fred. Bond 3 Apr. 28 P 29 June 32 IP 12 Oct. 38

Thomas Smart P 24 July 28 P 14 Sept. 32 P 12 Apr. 3

LlETTEXANTS. 4 Captain Panley served in
J.Butler Wheatstone 1 Mav 21
. 31 Mar. 26 the Peninsula from Feb. 1813 to
John H. AUez P 29 Aug. 26 P 26 Nov. 29 the end of tlie war.
5 Quarter-Master Fair served
Charles Inge P 7 Jan. 30 P 26 Feb. 36 in the expedition to South
Wellington Stewart .... Pll June 30 P 13 May 36 America in 1S07, including the
Hon. St. G. Gerald Foley P 29 Jane 32 P 27 Mav 36 storming and capture of Monte
William Follows Video (wounded), attack and
13 Sept. 32 28 Mav 36 reduction of the enemy's camp
Marley Hutchinson P 14 Sept. 32 P 10 Mar. 37
at Calonia, advance and attack
Rich. Butler Low .P 8 Nov. 33 P 1 Dec. 37 on Buenos Ayres, attack and
Robert Spring P 14 Feb. 34 p 4 Dec. 35 reduction of the convent of St.
Wm. R. Mansfield Domingo, at which he was
. 27 Not. 35 P 31 Aug. 38
taken prisoner. In the Penin-
Charles Lempriere. P 4 Dec. 35 P 12 Oct. 38 sula, under Sir John .Moore,
Wm. Rich. O. Gore P 29 Dec. 35 P 12 Apr. 39 including the retreat to Co-
Maximilian A. Nethercote P 12 Aug. 34 runna. Expedition to Wal-
P 30 July 36
cheren, 1S09.
G. P. Mansel P13 Mav 36
R. Newton Phillips .... P 27 .'^laV 36
T. Harvey Bathurst .... P 1 Dec. 37
Wm. J. Vemer 6 Apr. 38
Hen. Martin .Atkins .... P 31 Aug. 38
John Geo. Cooke P 12 Oct. 38
Cha. Hamilton Fenton P 12 Apr. 39

Edward Fellowes P22 Apr. 39

Paymaster. John Quin Pardev,' 12Feb. 36 Ens. 18 Julv, 11 Lieut 17
Dec. 12; f«p^ 31 Dec. 28. "

Adjutant. William Follows (Lieut.) 13 Sept. 32.

Quarter-Master. ^ William Fair,' 15 Apr. 13; Ens. 14 Dec. 20.
Surgeon.— \3 Charics Maclean,' M.D. 14 Julv, 25 ; Assist.-Surg. 27 Dec. 10 •
Hosp.-Assist. 8 July, 09.
Afsistant.-Surgeons. —
Michael Bardin, 3 Aug. 26 ; Hosp.-Assist. 24 Nov. 25.
Thos. Galbraith Logan, M.D. 29 July, 30 ; Hosp.-Assist. 8 May 28.
Facings ReA-^Agent, Messrs. Cox ic Co.
1 LorJFitz Roy Somerset performed the arduous and responsible dntv
of Aide-de-Campand Military Secre-
"'<'"'"?""' throughout the campaigns in Spain, Portugal, France, and Flanders,
Itn' tf . iL !; °i
^'""^^"of^ Ave clasps
for Fuentes d'Onor, Badajoz, Salamanca, Vittoria, Prrenees. NiveUe,
>ive ?fOrthe^ and Toulouse.
H.s Lordship was wounded at Busaco. and lost his right arm at Waterloo.
2 Major B ack sened on the 16th and 18th June, and was slightlv wounded on the 18th.
at TJaterloo

1 a' !f K°.tt"'"'.''i ^ "'rteren in 1809; and in the Peninsula from Feb. '1810 to the end of the war.
^''^°' Salamanca, Vittoria, and the PjTenecs ; crossing the Bidaiso. battles of;
Nivelle"and Toulo" il
J .. — 4 ;

54th {or the ll'est Nurfulk) Ret/im ent of Foot. ['^IIlTu'a".'.

The Sphinj:. wit h the wonia " EOY PT'— " AVA."

Isaac Gttscovnc," JEiu. H Feb. 1779; Lieut. Si. Capt. 18 Aug. 84; Capt. Sc Lleiit.-
Col. i Uw. U-2; Col. 3 Xfav, !)G .l/rtjor-G./i. 1 Jan. 1801; Lieut.-Geu. •ZT,

April, (18; Geii. 12Aui;. Ill'; Co/. 54th Ri-jriiiient, 1 June, U!.
Lu-ut.-CuU.—H JSl .Mililmuv Faue,' £iM. 11 June, 12 Lt. 25 Sept. 13; Capt. ;

lA P 28 July, 14; .M,iJ. »> .March, 20 ; Lt.-Col. vvi June, 23; Cot 28 June, 38.

{) John Reed,' i";«. > 2ii Marcli, 99 ; iicMf. 21 JIarcli, 00 ^y^Capt. 12 -May, 08
Breret-.VqJor, 27 May, 25 ; Jiiytl.-.ViiJor, 2 Juiie,25 ; Lieut. -Col. P 20 J uly , 30.
.Vifjors. — Sffl John Clark,' K. U. Em. 2 June, 14; Lieut. 27 Nov. 21 ; Capt.
t'29 A us;. 20 ; Major, P25 Dec. 29.
"A W. Ueethaiu,'£n. 5 Oct. (U ; /,M8 July, 05 ; Capt. 10 Jn. 12 ; ^f<^j. p8 Apr. 26.
WilUam Cox* 1 8Aut'. 07
-May 0(i|P 21 Sept. lo 10 Jan. 37
?a Charles Hill' 12 May 14 20 Xo 5 Juu. 2(>
{) John .Vonuan* 2 July 12 9 \ov. 15 9 July 32
Ajlnier Dow<lall» 20 May 13 2 -Mar. 17 2 May '29
R. Tyrrell Rob. Pattouu' II Jan. IC 10 Aug. 23 2 Sept. 34
Win. Yorke Moore 15 Dec. 25 P 12 Dec. 20 P 19 July 33
»o c»pt- P'to""
Frederick Parr P 20 April 20 P 12 April 27 P 7 \u*' 3ol •*"*'' *»*''•

Pta Edward Wells ". 20 June 10 25 Dec. 23

I » i' oi-

Robert Parr P 28 Feb. 28 P 21 .May 29 P 22 Mar. 39 »' >"»>«

Jasper Byng Creajih U .\pr. 25 12 June 28 V UCt. J- ••>


(he ton n of Light-

LlElTE-NANTS. burn In Rio PonsM in 1S17, Mad
Bare* Towo, River Gambia, in 1818,
Geone Holt 10 Aug. 23 12 Sept. 25
II Cipi. Wells scrteti wiih the
John Beach Dodd " . . . 24 May 24 31 Oct. 25 13t(i Dr«gooiu in ibe rrninsula.
John Sto<ldard " 3 Jan. 17 7 April 25 ttom Feb. 1810 to the rnd of the
war, including the caralrj- engagc-
Oaniet .Man 13 Jan. 25 15 Mar. 27 mrnt between Cunpo Mayor aotl
J. Twisleton Bayley . . . IG Aug. 25 29 Juljl 28 Bi(lajo< (wounded) batrlrs of Al<

John Ross ^^'heeler 30 July 28 P 25 Dec. 29 buhora. Almarct. Vittoria, Pyre-

nee*, OrUirs, and Toulouse. Lt%
Henry Brown 14 Aug. 28 31 Dec. 29
broken by a gun-shot wound on ibe
Criah Boyd P 10 June 20P 15 June 30 l»[b June at Waterloo.

J. Brett Chalk P 12 July 27 23 Feb. 31 M Lieut. Dofld served In the

Buimrse war. including the aetloiu
Donald M'Donald 20 April 29 2 Jan. 32 of the 26lb, $7th, and Sfth March,
Launcelot E<lHard Wood 21 May 29 P 22 June 32 1S2S.
f 13 Lieut. Stoddard terred lo the
Henry David Williams . . p 25 Dec. 29 9 July 32 Mabratu eampaj^n of ISiS ; also in
Rowland Moffat p 22 June 32 P 7Aug. :}5 (he Burmese war, includini; the
f icorge Frederick Long . . p 27 Sept. 33 P 17 June 37 actions at Mahaltee and Ara«an.
1 Paymaster Barluw served in the
Charles Fade Hcatley .. 19 April .33 7 July 37 Peninsula from Aug. 1810 to .\pril.
Seton Lionel Smith 12 Feb. 30 P19 July .39 18:S. Present at the battle of
Jubbtr[mr« Id thr Bast Indies. 19th Dee. ISI7.
li (Juarter-master Willox scfTed the eaniriaiKn ol
Thomas Xlostvn p 8 July 30 IAI4 in HoUaod. inctudlns the arlioo at M.-rxem 3d
Henry J. Warre 3 Feb. 37 Frb and bombardment of Anturrp. PrCM-nt on th«
i;th and 19th June at Waterloo, and lubflequtnt Ukinx
Pat. L. C. Paset 11 Aug. 37
or Carobny. Serred also In the Burmese war, In-
John .\rthur Sknrray . . P 3 .Aug. 38 cludins the actions at .Uahattce and Aracan.
Oeorgc Poidett P 22 Mar. 39 Ii> Dr. Stepbeiuon lened at the taking of Kande in

C«7loo in HIS ; also in the Kandyan Rebellion In idl7

Geo. Cumining Miller.. P 19 July 39
and }<^ and was lerervty wounded In the ittt (high
Stephen Rolaud Woulfe •f 31 Jan. 40
31 Pat/majter.—Jp Cutlibert Bar!ow,'*3 Jan. 28 ; Eru, 7 Jan. 10; Lieut. 13 Jan 14.
17 Ai(futant. —
Goon^e Holt, (Lieut.) 2 Sept. 34.
Quarter- Master.
— —
JJ James Willox,** 27 Sept. 27-
26 Surgeon. ^Thonias Gonlon Stei»henson," M.l). 8 April, 30 ; Asslft ant -Sura.
2 July, 18; Hosp.- Assist. 21 Feb. 14.
Asristant-Surgeotu. —
RichanI Hou^toun Everard, M.D. 19 June, 30.
E^Iwanl Mockler, 25 Sept. 3o.
Facings Green. Agenty JU«>r». Co.\ & Co.
I Gen. GaarOTiM served tb« eaapalcna in FUoderf, and was levcreljr wounded at Llnrelles, and ifaln oq the retreat ftom
Hoavmlx to Bobaix.
> CoL Fane trrred la tb« PenlnraU from Dee. 1413 to March IHlt, Inclodlnf the battle of Vlttorta t asMult and capture
of San >ehastiaB, and battles of the Mee oa 9 and 13 Dee. 13. Serred at Waterloo on the l«ch (sevMvly wouwii-d). Ai June. H
3 CoL ReMl serred al like liefe oT Fliishinc in IW9, and In the Pmlnsula from June, lAll, to Marrh. Hit, melu<llac the
aetioa al and iMtghU abcnv Moreseo ; baHl* of Salamanca ; capture of Madrid and Retlro ; aetloa »t Olmai. ani tnttle u
VtttoeU, wb«r* he was >«Terrly vonnded u the ngtat shoulder.
i M«|or Clark was engaged at Waterloo on the 1M> June, and rtormJng of Cambray, 21th June, 1815, Serrril the cam-
paign* of l-ei and & in Aia. ineloding the taking of Raiuoon. Klmeodtne, Kamaruot. and Mahattee. Led fhe i [tack upop
the fbrtUed Wig bit at Araein. and was seTerely wounded to the neek, aim, and left iide.
& Uaior Beetbam seeTed in the Egrpt^^a espedluoo of 1W7. also al the taking of rjanU Maura.
• Major Co* served at Traeaneorr In 1«», and ia Ara la IKIA.
engaged on the l*ib and 19lb June, at Waterloo, and the nibaeqoent taking of Carabrajr. Serred la
CaftnHa In lOOaad 31. the Burmew war. including the Uklog of Hahattec, and Arseaa.
the batil« of %'ittona, and severely wounded and taken prisoner In the Maya Paw, In the
yean <a India.
9 Cap*. Dowdall Mahra!ia campaign of IAI4, loeluding the taking of Lozhtir. Kooanr*. aad Ryghur
of Rari"* In IHIS, having soatained the total lou af sight of ibf ri«lit ey«, a inrlloo of Ifea
War. aad 'St serervly woundnj at Dalla. Otar Rangoon, 9th Dec. IS3I.

35th {or the Westmoreland) Regt. of Foot. [ *l:"si"!n'ai."'

y &> William Henry Clinton,' G.C.B. Cornet, 22 Dec. 1784; Lieut. 7 Mar.
87; C«/)<. SlJune, 9U; iieiii.-Co/. 29 Dec. 94; Col. 1 Jan. 1801; Major-
Gen. 25 April, 08 ; Lieut.-Gen. 4 June, 13; Gen. 22 July, 30: Col. 65th
Regiment, 25 April, 14.
itra<.-Co?.!.—^p James Holmes Schoedde,' Ens. Mav, 00; Lieut. 8 Oct. 01;
Capt. P19 Sept. 05; Brev.-MaJ. 21 June, 13; B^tl.-Mcfj. P20 Jan. 25;
iJcu^.Coi. P20Mar. 29.
Peter Edmonstone Craigie,' Ens. P3 June, 13; Lieut. P29 Sept. 14; Capt. p24
Oct. 21 ; Major, PIO Aug. 26 ; Lieut.-Col. 21 Nov. 34.
Majors. —Charles Warren,' Ens. 24 Nov. 14; Lieut. 13 Nov. 18; Capt.
P 1 Aug. 22 ; Major, 21 Nov. 34.
David Lynar Fawcett, Ens. p6 Apr. 26; iteuf. p 21 Nov. 28; Capt. 21
Nov. 34 ; Major, P 7 Feb. 40.
Norman Macleair' 17 Sept. 07
Colin Campbell 3 Oct. 15
Archdale Sharpin*^ 1 Jan. 07
John liorner P 3 June 28
J3 Arthur O'Leary' 18 Apr. 11
JIackenzie Wilson P 9 Aug. 26
Fred. Wm. Edvv. Barrell . 17 Feb. 20
Hen. Chas. B. Daubcney 12 Mar. 29
Aug. H. S. Young 6 Dec. 27
John Baillie Rose P 8 Apr. 26
Aug. Hen. Chaproniere. P 14 Dec. 26
n^ Wm. Thos. Colman 7 Sept. 15
Thos. Ancrum Heriot^ . P21 Nov. 28
John Coats P 2 Nov. 3U
Hector M'Caskill 29 Nov. 27
Thomas De Havilland . P 5 Apr. 31
Edward Warren P 26 Apr. 32
Gus. Travers Brooke .... P22 June 32
Hume Edwards P 26 July 33
W. Holland L. D. Cuddy P31 May 33
Henrj' Thomas Butler . P 1 Nov. 33
George Hamilton P 16 June 30
Joseph Rogers Magrath P 7 Aug. 35
Wm. Peregrine Taylor . P 10 July 35
Edwin Gream Daniell . P 2 Oct. 35
Montague Barbauld .... 23 May 34
W. Haviland Fairtlough P12 Aug. 36
Henry H. Warren P 9 Dec. 36
Wm. Charles Pinder .... P 13 Dec. 33
Edmund Pitman P27 Jan. 37
Henry Fred. Saunders . 30 July 36
Daniel M'Coy 25 May 38
George King P 19 Oct. 38
John Frend P 7 Sept. 38
John Wilton | 29 Dec. 38
Chas. Augustus Daniell.
Timothy Crowe
George Schaw
Tho. Oldham G. Rogers.
Henry John White Egan
John Maguire
;rTi'cr°'iii3i! J 56th (ur t/ic li'fst Essex) ReytmeiU of Foot. [ 'jamuicn.

" MORO"— '•CilUUAI.TAK"— Witli tin; Castle iind Key, " Montis InsUjnia Calpe."
Sir Hudson Lowe,' K. C. B. and G. C. M.G. Ens. 25 Sept. 1787 ; Lieut. 16
Nov. !)1 : Copt. 6 fSopt. 95 Major, 5 July, 1800 yLieut.-Col. 25 June, "4 Col.
: ;

1 Jan. 12 Major-Uen. 4 June, 14; Lieut. -Gen. 22 July, 30; Col. 5Ctli Regt.

23 Julv, 32. Lieiit.-Colonel.

Williiim Ilassall Eden, Em. nSl ilarcli, 14; Lieut. P22 June, 20; Cnpt. fSl
July, 23 Major, P2!) Aug. 2(i; Lieut.-Col. I- 10 Aug. 31).

M({jors. —
Forrester Owen Lci|;liton, Ens. 30 Dee. 13 ; Lieut. 7 April, 25 ; Capt.
March, 27 Major, 20 May, 3(i.
i'2!» ;

Peter Slmdwell Noruinn, Ens. 9 July, 03 ;iie«^ 2 June, 04; Capt. 8 March,
10 lireret-Major. 22 J ul y, 30 Regtl.-Mnjor, 15 July, 37.
; ;
. . . — ;

.58^A (or the Rutlandshire) Reyiinent of Foot.

GIBRALTAR"— with and Kvtj, Montis

the Cattle Ctilj)e."—Tbe with " Insujniii Spliiiix,

till- wonls '-EliYl'T" — "MAIUA"— ••


IPFrederick MaitUnd,' Ent. 1 Sept. 177U ; Lieut. 19 Sept. 82 ; Capt. 2 Dec. 8!)
M({)or,-2l Am:.!);}; Lieiit.-Col. 2 Jn\\,iH; Col. 1 Jan. 1800; Mqjor-Gm.
3(1 Dot. 05 ; Lieut.-Gen. 4 June, 1 1 ; (ien. "Jo May, 25 ; Col. 58th He-,'imeut,
1 1 Die. 3.-). Lieut. -Colonel.
John Wharton Frith/ Ens. f 17 Julv, 04 ; Lieut. 27 Feb. 05 ; Capt. 29 Jan. 12 ;
Major, 22 Julv, :W ; Lieut.-Col. v 10 Dec. 30.
iV/i/or*.— Williani Firebraee,' Ens. 28 July, , Lieut. 20 June, 17 ; Capt. P28 U
Mar. 22 ; Major, P 10 Dec. 3C.
Henrv Houghton Irving, Ens. 1 Feb. 14 ; Lieut. 26 Dec. 16; Capt. p3 June,
24 i Major, 11 Julv, 37.
;n. I
Rob. Henry Wj-uj-ard . 5 Feb. July 23
19 P 17 (P 20 Mav 20
Thomaii Julin Grant . . . 8 Mar. 24 P21 Julv 25 IP 18 Oct. 27
.\dani Ueverhoudt * . . 1 Oct. 13 9 Apr. 10 29 Apr. 30
C'vprian Bridiie I 8 Apr. 25 P31 Jan. 28 P 16 Dec. 36
C'ha. Aui:. Arncy ''' 5 Nov. 25 P 9 Anc 31 P 1 Julv 37
Alex. Bwldam P 5 Jan. 26 P28 Sept. 80 Pll Nov. 36
Win. Edwanl Grant p2;1 Dec. 31 p 13 May 36 P23 Apr. 39
F. J. Tainrart Hutchinson '• 18 Dec. 27 P17 Mav 31 P17 Mar. 38
William Henry Rogers..; 21 May 18 30 Sept. 19 P21 Sept. 38
Geo. Ponsonby Hume P28 June 33 P16 Dec. 36 P 20 Sept. 39
Jona^ Paisley Hardy . 29 Sept. 25
3 Not. 26
Robert Hutton*.. .". .. 7 Mar. 10
30 Julv 12
Joseph Hen. Lave . . . 2 May 34
P 1 Dec. 37

Dav. Elliott .M-Kiniy.. P 5 Apr. 33 P 30 Dec. 36

C'ha. Lavallin Nugent P2l Aui. 35 4 Feb. 38
Cliarles Dresing p 19 Feb. 30 2 June 38
-Moore Hill . . P 20 Feb. 30 P 20 Julv 38 ;

Richanl Denny P 13 May 30 P 12 Oct. 38 ,

Wm. Dixwell Oxenden . . |p Apr. 31 p 3 Apr. 35

John Perkins JIaycrs . 29 Julv 30 P>3 Apr. 39
Chas. Wni. Thompson . P23 Det. S6 P 3 May 39
.\lexauder Macleod Hay P22 July S6 19 Oct. 38
Michael Kini; 15 Dec. 37 P 20 Sept. 39
Cha. C. Master P fi July 38
Hen. C. Balneavis I 7 July 38
John S. Flack June 38 ".

J. A. C. Petlev p 12 t)ct. 38
J. M'Lerie 28 Dec. 38
Isaac Rliodes Cooper P23 Apr. 39
John Wm. Saunilers P3 May 39 .

Michael Lionel Westropp p20 Sept. 39 I

Paymaster.— T^ Edw. Fugion,' 23 Dec. 19; Ens. 4 Mav, 09; iiVuf. 25 Julv, 1 1.
Adjutant.—iohn MT^^rie, (Ens.) 28 Dec. 38.
Qu«rt<T-.l/«.rftT.— Kichard Timbrell, 19 Nov. 30.
Surgeon—i3i John .Munro, 8 Feb. 39; Assist.-Siirg.2G May, 14.

Assist.Surijeon. Gio. Kincaird Pilcaim, M.D. 23 Nov. 32.
Facings Black. .-{getit, Messrs. Cox & Co.
[Ri turned from Cei/tim, June, 1H39.]
I Cvn. M l HI l lwl errtd al tb* nltrf o/ Glhnlur lo I7«; ukI «u lUbc^iiurnUr for muty jetn MtUury Sfcrrurv to Sir

lUIpti AbrfcfTMnblr In lh« Vtrtt lodtn «od dutiaf about 30 yr«n* turtle* lo ihu clioutc. bt «u at th« rrductioo oV trtrj

ItUad Ukra bj th< Rrttuh umi ; Mod Monuadrd at the Salnm. In IHM, hr »aa rrmovr<], by orden from borne, tnm tbr
Qovenuottt of Granada to the Urdltrmnran. where he eooimaBiled the Brlu^i J iiotil the arriTal of Lord W. Rentlnck ;

and tubiequrttUy took a forrv of Bm lho«iiand men from Sleil; lu the eastern Co. n. Medal for Uartinjque.
1 Cnl. Prtth »» present In trirnl aflUn ean»equnit up<in the operalloat rarrted by tfae dirtaiMi ol tbt army under
Col. rbamben m the Travaneore aar, partlcuUrW on the l&th Jaauary and Sill Feb. 1HI9. Srrrcd alio at the caplnn; of
die lile at Baarboo. and
3 Mator Drebracr icrrrd at the raptnre of hr% Saintea, and Otiadaloupe In lais^
4 CapC. Deverboudt and Lteut. lluttoo lerred at the rapture of Oaadatoape In ISIi.
5 Pirmaaler Pnfloa irrred in the FeninauU frgn inly. ISM to ttc end of Ihc war. I«*l.««-j the battlt of Sail
tt*t* of Bntsoo . and battle of Orthea.
59^A (or 2nd Nottinghamshire) Regiment
of Foot. ^^"™i •


y 5^!r Fred. Phihpse Robinson," G.C.B. Jim.
11 Sept. 1778; Lieut. 1 Sept.
79; Capf. 3 July, 94; Mqjor, I Sept. 94; Lieut. -Col. 1 Jan. 1800; Col. 25
July, 10; Major- Gen. 4 June, 13; Lieut. -Gen. -2 7 May, 25:
Col. 59th
Regiment, 1 Dee. 27. Lieut.-Colmiel.
Francis Fuller,^ Bns. 16 Jan. 06 ; Lieut. 11 Oct.
07 ; Capt. P 13 Feb. 12 Brei-et-

Major, 22 July, 30; Regtl.-Major, 4 Aug. 30 ; Lieut.-Col. P22

Aug. 34
Majors.— Ouncaji Gordon,^ Ens. 30 July, 07 ; Lieut. 9 June,
08 ; Capt.
r 20
April, 15 ; Major, v 4 July, 34. > >

11 asa Nicholas Hovenden,-' JEns. 6 April, 09; Lieut. 12 Dec. 11; Caot. 19
Jan. 26 Major, p 22 Aug. 34.


60tli (or the Kind's Royal Rifle Corps.)

" Celer et audax."

— — — —
— — —
"Albuiibra" " CifDAD RoDRiuo" " Badajoz" "Salamanca" "Vittoria" —
— — — — —
" Pybbnebs" " NivELLE" " Nive" " Ortiies" " TovLousE" " Peninsula."

Pull Hair
- I


— .. . ..... —

60^A {or the King's Royal RiAe Corps.)

2nd LIEUT.
1 Chas. Howe Spence 20 April 25 P 28 Sept. 26
1 Henry Bingham P 30 April 27 P 28 Sept. 32
. 4 Capt. Coxen served at tlie
1 Thomas Biinbury 23 Jan. 28 P28 Dec. 32 siege of Flushing in 1800, and

subsequently in tlie Peninsula,

2 John Jones P 12 June 28 P 2 Dec. 31
including the lines of Torres
2 Thomas Townsencl . 24 Jan. 28 20 June 33 Vedras actions at Pombal, ;

1 Hon. The. D. G. Dillon 31 July 28 P 21 June 33 Redinha, Mirando de Corvo,

1 Wm. Fanshaw Bedford P18 Dec. 28 P 28 June 33 Ponte de Rheux, Sabugal, Al-
meida; battle of Fuentea d'
1 Hon. H. Lyttle. Powys P 2 April 29 P19 Sept. 34 Onor siepe and storm of Ciu- ;

1 Henry Wm. Ellis .... P 14 May 29 P 17 April 35 dad Rodrigo; siege and storm
2 A. A. T. Cunyughame P 2 Nov. 30 P 22 May 35 of Badajoz, 16 March, 1S12 ;

battle of Salamanca; capture

1 Robert Aldridge .... 9 July 30 P 29 May 35 of Madrid actions at Zamar-

2 \\'allin<j; Everard P 7 Sept. 32 P 15 May 35 nos and San Milan ; battle of

2 Rich. Byrd Levett 12 April 31 P 4 Sept. P 35 Vittoria; Lezacco, Vera bridge
and heights; battles of Nivelle,
2 Richard Maxwell .... 16 July 30 P 8 Feb. P 33
Nive, (from 9th to 1.3tli Dec.)
1 Roger Palmer
Fra. 15 Mar. 33 P24 April
. P 35 Ortlies, and affair at Turlies.
1 Geo. Hen. Courtenay P 9 Mar. 32 P 8 April 36 Severely wounded in the knee
2 J. Kenneth Mackenzie P 16 Dec. 31 P 16 Sept. 36 on the 18th June at Water-
2 Charles Wm. Jebb. P 12 Oct. 32 V 17 Nov.
. . 37
2 Sir Ross Mahon, J3art. P14 Dee. 32 P 23 Nov. 38
1 Wm. Stamer O'Grady P 15 Jan. 33 P 31 Oct. 34
2 John Stephen Robinson Pll April 34 P 19 Oct. 39
2nd Lieuts.
1 Edw. J. Vcsey Brown P12 Sept. 34
1 Webbe Butler P19 Sept. 34
1 Thomas Mitchell 27 . . Feb. 35
2 Hen. R. Beresford. . . P 22 May 35
1 Henry Holbech P29 May 35
2 Hun. J. E. H. Thurlow P 4 Sept. 35
2 R. Ingram Dansey P 5 Sept. 35 .

2 Wm. Mark Wood 22 July 36

.... P

2 Hon. Cornw. Maude 16 Sept. 36

. P
2 John H. E. Ridley 23 Sept. 36
. P
1 Cha. Sedley Burdett P21 Oct. 36

2 Wm. Lewis Grant. P 7 April 37

. .

1 Geo. Allan Hicks .... P27 Oct. 37

2 Thomas Bateson P 8 Dec.

1 James Douglas P17 Alts. 38

2 Hon. Adrian Hope P 23 Nov. 38

1 Cha. AV. H. Sotheby i'25 Dec. 38


1 Hon. A. C. L. Fitz Roy P17 May 39

1 Ho}i. Elias R. Plunket P 20 July 39
2 Ricli. F.Waldo Sibthorp P 20 Sept. 39
1 John Breedon P 19 Oct. 39
1 13333 Edward Coxen,^ 9 Feb.26;''ind Lieut.5 April, 09; Lieut. 28 June, 10;
Cnpt. 8 April, 25.
2 William Henry Fitzgerald, 20 Sept. 39; Ens. 17 Jan. 28; Lieut. 31 May, 33.
2 Thomas Townsend (Ist Lieut.) 24 Jan. 23.
1 Thomas Mitchell (2rtd Lieut.) 27 Feb. 35.
2 John Brannan, 18 Sept. 35; Ens. 5 Sept. 35.

1 Alan Waterhouse, 27 July, 38.

1 Hugh Eraser, 30 Oct. 34 ; Assist.-Sunj. 26 Jan. 15.
24 II, 2 Peter Lamond, M.D. 7 June,39 ; As.-Surij. 27 May,24 Hasp.- Ass. 16 June, 1,'

2 David Morice, M.D. 29 May, 35.
1 George Ferguson, 12 June, 28 ; Hosp.-As.tist. 8 Nov. 20.
2 Johnstone Thomson Richardson, M.D. 1 Feb. 39.
1 Joshua Paynter, 11 Jan. "'.).
[l.i« liatliiliim ,;i,l„ir'hc,l fnr Fonhii, Srrfice, 6 Oct. 30. Serving at Zante.}
[2n(/ niittnlimi nnluirlni'l fur Fiirrign Srrvice, 15 Dec. 35. Sei'tkrig at Corfu.]
Regitncntuls Green Facings Scarlet— -lycni!, Messrs. Cox & Co. Irish Agent, Borough,
212 Armit & Co.
Emb. for For«ign'1
6ltt{or South Gloucestershire) Regt. of Foot.
S«r«ici-, lii«(. J

Tho Sphinx, wiUi the wools, " EGYPT" — "TALAVERA" — "SALAMANCA" —

" PEMNSULA "— Flauk Compaiii.s, " MAIDA."

.. .. ;

"] 62nd (or Wiltshire) Regt. of Foot.
East Indies.
Sir Arcliibald Campbell,' Bart. G.C.B. Em. 28 Dec. 1787 ; Lieut. 20 April,
91; Copt. 17 May, 09; Major, 14 Sept. 04; Lieut.-Col. lli Feb. 09; CoL
4 June, 14; Major-Gen. 27 May, 25; Lieut.-Gen. 28 June, 38; CW. 77th
Regiment 23 Dec. 34. Colonel.
Lieut. -Colonels.— ^^
Thomas Reed, Cornet, 26 Aug. 13 ; Lieut, p 2 May, 15
Capt. P 19 Feb. 24 ; Major, P 15 June, 26 ; Lieut.-Col. P 11 Aug. 29.
IP fflaa George Hillier, Ens. 23 March, 09 Lieut. 10 May, 10 ; Capt. 9 July, ;

12 ; Brevet-Major, 21 June, 17 ; Regtl.-Major, 17 Oct. 26 ; Brevet- Lieut.-

Col. 24 July, 28 Regfl.-Lieut.-Col. 27 Sept. 35.

Majors.— Hon. George Upton, Em. p24 April, 23; Lieut. P 29 Oct. 25; CajH.
P 12 Dec. 26; Major, P 16 June, 37.

Francis J. Ellis, Ens. P 20 March, 27 ; Lieut. P 17 June, 29 ; Capt. v 10 May,

33 : J/ff/»r, PlGMarch, 38.
Wm. T. Shortt 25 Mar. 26 P 30 Dec. 26 P26 Feb. 29
James Fraser MacilonelP 26 Dec. 11 23 Oct. 13 30 June 31
George James Bower^ 2 Nov. 13 . 3 Apr. 15 17 Aug. 32
P Henry Astier'' 26 Nov. 12 24 Jan. 26 May 36
George Herbert Clarke.. P 8 Apr. 26 7 June 27 P 4 Sept. 36
William Ambrose Pender P 25 June 29 3 Mar. 33 P12 Jan. 38
Colin Buchanan 12 Nov. 12 7 Apr. 14 15 Jan. 38
Wm. Mathias P 8 Feb. 31 P 20 Mar. 33 PIO Mar. 38
Thos. Donaldson Price''. P 8 Dec. 08 30 Apr. 12 28 Aug. 38
{3 John Geo. Rawstorne
*. 22 July 13 18 Aug. 14 10 Oct. 38
Samuel Wood Graves .... P 5 Nov. 29 3 Aug. 33
2 Capt. Mftcdonell served at the
Henry Jackson P 5 Apr. 31 P 20 Sept. 33 taking of Genoa in 1814,
George Evatt 30 Dec. 31 21 Sept. 33 3 Capt. Bower served at the
siege of Hattrass, and throughout
George Edward Olpherts. P 20 Jan. 32 12 Oct. 33
the Deccan campaigns in 1817 and
Henry Thos. Hutchins' . 8 Nov. 26 8 Apr. 34 18, Also at the siege of Burtpore.
George Augustus Hatton. P 2 Nov. 30 P 13 Nov. 32 4 Capt. Astier sencd in the
Peninsula from 1812 to the end of
Henry Wells P 8 Mar. 33 Pll July 34 tlie war, including the battles of
Alexander Macleod P 10 Mar. 33 13 Mar. 35 Vittoria, the Pyrenees, Nlvelle.

Robert Shearman I p 20 Sept. 33 29 Aug. 85 Nive. Orthes, and Toulouse.

5 Captain Price served in the
Frederick Edw. Scobell p 20 June 34 Pll Mar. 36 American war, including the
Griffin Nicholas 8 Apr. 34 26 May 36 actions of Fort George, Stoney
Creek, Lundy's Lane, Niagara,
Charles Henry Gason. P 10 Oct. 34 10 Mar. 37
Chippewa ; storming of Snake
Thomas Knox Scott P13 Mar.
. 35 P 16 June 37
Hill, and action of Fort Erie.
John Grant i'30 Oct. 35 28 Nov. 37 Slightly wounded in the shoulder
in a sortie made by tlie enemy in
Augustus Harris 4 Mar. 36 12 Jan. 38
front of Fort Erie.
George Mackay P 25 Mar. 36 P 23 Mar. 38 6 Captain Ruwstome served in
George James Fulton 13 Feb. 35 Pll May 38 the Peninsula, fVom Aug. 1813 to
of t
John F. Egar p 16 June 37 P14 Sept. 38 1

t tlie battle of Orthes.

Arth. Maynard Herbert.. P13 Nov. 35 14 Dec. 38 ieut. Hutchins served in the

WilUam M'Nair 2 Dec. 36 16 Dec. 38 ese war as volunteer with the

87tli r
George Sims 10 Mar. 37 16 Dec. 38 8 Mr. Gubbins served with con-
John Tho. Jos. English. P 7 Aug. 33 21 June 39 distinction during two
P28 Nov. 37 'cars in the Anglo-Spanish Legion,
Charles Young 22 Nov. 39
ind was engaged in the actions of
Ensigns. the 5th May, 6lh June, llth July, and 1st October.
James Elkington P 12 Jan. 38 1836; lOtb, 15th. and IRth March, and 17th May,

Lunnard Barrett Tyler. P 23 Mar. 38 1837. He has received two Medals.

9 Dr. Demster served in the Burmese war.
John Dane Pll May 38
Robert Gubbins' P14 Sept. 38
George E. Hillier 14 Dec. 38
Wm. F. Dickson 25 Jan. 39
Ileury Meade Hamilton P 9 Aug. 39

.Fohn Burton Forster P22 Nov. 39. . .

tiimaster.—C. H. J. Lane, 24 Jan. 29 ; Ens. 26 Mar. 18; Lieut. 27 May, 24.

ij utmit. —Gcor^Q Sims, (Lieut.) 23 Apr. 30.
6 Qiinrtcr-Mnster.—V^in. Guy, 16 Auf,^. 36 ; Em. 2 May, 34 ; Lieut. 27 May, 36.
26 -^ ^(//•//ron.— John Dempster,^ M.D. 4 March, 36 ; Assist.Surg. 1 Sept. 14 ; Hoq).-
Assistant-Surgeons.— Kenneth M'Caakill, 2 Aug. 33. [Assist. 4 Oct. 13.
Henry Mapleton, M.D. 12 July, 39.
Facings 'BnQ,— Agent, Messrs. Lawrie & M'Gregor, Charles-street, St James's.

Sir Archibald Campboll has perfonned preat and distinguished i

in the Kast Indies, and Burmah. He Iiub received a cross nnc

nees, Nivelle, and Nive.
.. —
. .
. " ;;

^'Jvt.'r^*"] 63rrf {or H'est Suffolk) Ii.ffime,U of Foot. \X^\Zt


Vim. Dvott, ' Em. 14 Mar. 1781 ; Lieut. U Mav, ; Capl. i5 April, 93 ; Mqjor, M
19 Mav, 94 ; Lieut.-Col. 18 Sept. iM Col. l' Jan. 1800 ; Mqjor-Oen. 25 April,

08 : Lieut.-Gen. 4 Juno, 13 ; Gen. 2-.' July, ;50 ; Col. (Urd, 7 April, i.j.
Lieut.-Colom-U.—l^ ?M
Joscpli ho^n,^ Ens. 20 I)i-c. 91); iieu/. S Aug. 01
Capt. 2 Fib. 0!); Bmet-Mnjor, 18 June, 15; Regtl.-M<^or, 27 Julv, 26;
X.>«/.-r..M>17 Dw. 21).

James \V. Fairtlouirli,' Ens. i'20 AuR. 02 Lieut. P 24 5Iiiv,04 ; Capt. v 14 Mar.

Brer.-Miij. 12Aii^'.lS); fl.y«.--U<yar, i'26 May,2.>; if .-Co/. 17 Sept. :j3.

.Vrt/or».— I'erv Uuvlce,' Eui.-Zi> April, 05; Lieut. PS .\uj.'. 05; Capt. 5 Nov. 12;
Brrrel-.V^or, 22 Julv, 30 ; Regtal.-Mnjor, 17 Sept. 33.
Arthur CunUffe Pole, E'm. P/ Nov. 20; Lieut. 5 June, 30; Capt. P 18 Oct. 33
ilqjor, P 1 Dec. 37^


2ft P FnKl.rhid. Ir^viu,'K.H. 25 Mar. 08 17 Aufi.W 27 JIar. 27 28 June 36
Richanl Fr\- P2(> Apr. 10 P 18 June 12 5 June 30
PJB Park Per. Xeville' 29 Mar. 10 17 Julv 11 27 Nov. 35
9 ftiB Anth. t!. Sitlley '
1 Aug. 11 1(! Julv 12 22 May 3.5
\Vm. )(arcus Carew . . . 4 Oct. 15 16 Nov. 20 22 Aug. 36
9 Henry Croly" 27 Apr. 09 10 June 13 21 Apr. 37
John Hotlson Fearon . . . 10 Oct. 27 4 Feb. 32 P 3 Nov. 37
George Green' 7 Apr. 25 29 June 27 PlONov. 37
Exhain S. T. Swyny P 1 Oct. 29 P17 Oct. 33 P 8 Aug. 38
John Fuulston 1 Feb. 07 29 Scpt.ljS 31 Dec. 39
LiBlTKNANTS. 3 CoL Paiitlough served at the
bomtMLnlmenl of Ter Vere, and tieite
George Brookes Pratt . 31 Dec. 29 p 19 July 33 and eapturr of Flushing in 1^09.
Cha-i. D. C. O'Brien . . . 26 Mar. 23 24 Aue. 25 Abo at the capture of Guadaloup«
in ISl^
19ft John Spier Nov. 12 10 Feb. 14
4 Major Baxjee served at the
Wm. Jas. Darlinc 5 Feb. 29 19 Sept. 33 capture of Martinique in 1809, and
Cha. IligTinbotham . . . P 29 June 15 20Sept.a3 Guadaloupe in 1910,
6 M%)or Irwin served in the Pen
Humphrey \V. Coultmau 1 Nov. 10 20 Sept. .33 insula, from April. !«». to Feb.
Hen. The. Crompton. . P12 Apr. 27 16 Oct. 33
P IBM, including the capture nf
Hen. Jos. Sn-mv |p 2 Dec. 31 p 18 Oct. 33 Oporto battles of Talavcra and

te of Badajoa ;
Ane. Fred. Codd I
P21 Dec. 32 P21 Feb. 34 1 Rodri
Thomas Harries i
P 19 Julv 33 p 2 May 34 iivtv of Bftd^ioz. «ncl capture of the

Hen. R. Seymour 20 Sept. 33 p20 Feb. 3.J risilr by cscaUdc, ;tb April, ISIX ;
battle of Saluiunca ; capture of
jjohn Tliorp P 27 Sept. .3:5 p 5 June 35 Madrid and Retira ; battles of Vit-
Rob. Ladbroke Day . p 18 Oct. 33 P 7 Aug. 35 toria and the Pyrcorvs ; besides ra-
rious affairs and ikinntibes on the
Fra. .Mostyn Owen'. . . P Nov. 33
1 P 6 Nov. 33 advanee and retreat of ihc umj.
Patrick lindesay .... P 21 Feb. 34 P 5 Feb. 36 Served also the Kandyao cam-
Patrick Rob. Gordon . P 2 Mav 34 20 June 36 p«i£iu of 1817 and 18 In C^-tIoq.
6 CapL NeTiUe lerred in the
Vesev Berdmore 9 Jaii. 35 22 Aug. 36 Prainrala. from July 1*10, to May,
Giles E>Te P 30 Julv 181 18 Jan. 23 1A13, includiax the slo^c of Cadis ;

Gust. NicoUs Harrison p 5 June 35; P 1 Dec. .37 battle of Foemes d'Onor, 3rtl and

Jas. Rich. Ly9at;ht 3 Feb. 3' P 6 Julv 38 "* "*f i """ °' "^'""^ '^
17ft 9 Job" Fowlc 19 Dec. 05
"nanea, and sinte of Bur^ros. where
James B. Leatham P 5 Feb. 36 9 Jan. 39

•" •cvcrely .oundrf throujb

Charles Edward Fairtlough p12 May 3' P31 Dec .)Ji
Jl Uec.
>• 301
u,, 1^ shoulder In the norm of
Exsi<;ns. the tlrst line of the caitlr. 4tb Oct. 1»12. Served the
eampaifn of IHtt in Holland, ineludinic the bombard-
Theod. M. Haultain
37 June 34 ment of Antvrrp, and assault on Berffen.op> Zoocn.
Wm. Jas. Hutchins 2 Dec. 36 Present at Waterloo. Served also in the Deecaa war.
William Kenny 3 Nov. 37 includinx the capture of Asseenchur Attached to the
NUam's trtajps al the capture of a predatory force in
Wm. FfwI. Carter
p 1 Dec. 37
Henr>- I>ees p 27 Dec. 37
S. F.'r, Anneslev P 6 Julv 38
John Harrtic .'. P29 Mar. 39

Robert Fulton Cameron 31 Dec. 39

Paynwster. Richard Lane, 29 Sept. 3* Em. 23 June, 25 ; Lieut. 25 Oct. 27 ;
Cnpt. 16 March, 32.
19 .idJutant.—W. J. Darline, (Lieut.) 8 Aug. 38.
17 11 yuarfer-.VnJ<CT-.— PRobt.Cart,'"ll Dec.28 ; J5:nj.24Sept. 12; ii"«f/.20 Jan. 14.
24 3ft Suryton.— John W. Watson, .M.D. 6 April, 26 ; Assist.-Surg. 4 .March, 13 Hofp- :

S| ^mrt.-5ur</n>a».— Hcnrj- Pilleau, 22 Jan. 36. [.J«»W«n/, 10 Dec. 12.

John Samuel Cliarlton, 1 March, 39.
FaeinijB Green. Agent, Mr. Collycr, Park-pLice, St. James's.
1 Oen. DyMt MTved In the Writ Indjea ui in* ; la EcTpt IHBI ; and SI Wajchrxen.
I Col. Lotaa snwd viA Um cxpeditioo In Haaovcr la l<^(kS; to Copenhajren in Im7 ; Ibc Corunna eampalfn. and tubse-
^oeallr la *• Pi n ll nU, tnm l§lt lo ttc ctsd sf the «ar. Wounded at Waterloo whilst In eonmanJ of the Sd battaliou
>!<• Britafc. Jli
.. ;

Emb. Tor Foreign"!

Service, 1834. j
Gith {or 2nd Staffordshire) RegimeiU of Foot.

@ Sir Rich. Bourke,' K.C.B. Ens. 2-2 Nov. 1798; Lieut, k Capt. 25 Nov. 99;
Major, 27 Aug. 1805; Lkttt.-Col.ieSept. 06; CoZ. 4 June, 14; Major.-Gen.
19 July, 21 ; Lieut.-Gen. 10 Jan. 37 ; Col. 64th Regt. 29 Nov. 37.
Lieut. Colonel.
Jas. Edward Freeth,^ Eiu. 19 May, 13; Lieut. 23 April, 14; Capt. P17 April,
17 ; Major, v^i Dec. 29; Lieut.-Col. P 1 Dec. 37.
^P Severas\Vm. Lynam Stretton,' .E?is. 11 June, 12; ii>i(<. 6 Jan. 14; Capt.
13 Aug. 25 ; Major, p 2 Dec. 31.
Hon. Geo. Augustus Browne, Ens. P27 April, 20; Lieut. P28 Aug. 23; Capt.
P31 Dec. 25'; Major, v\ Dec. 37.
James Draper 18 Dec. 23 P 19 Nov. 25 P24 Dec. 29
Digby Hen. Lawrell 28 .... P Apr. 25 P 12 Dee. 26 P 4 Oct. 31
Geo. Duberley P 28 Jan. 26 P 24 Dec. 29 P23 Aug.
Maximihan J. Western P 10 . June 26 P 8 June 30 P 29 Dec.
Edw. Curtis Fownes .... P 15 Feb. 27 P 8 June 30 P 4 Nov. 36
Wm. John James P 20 July 30 P 20Apr. 32 P 1 Dec. 37
Francis Sealy P19 Nov. 30 P21 Dec. 32 P 5 Oct. 38
Charles Norris P25 Feb. 31 P 23Aug. 33 P23Apr. 39
IJLewis Moore Bennett 25 Feb. 08 30 May 09 P 3 Aug. 20
G. C. Beresford Stirling P 16 Aug. 31 Pll July 34 P20 Dec. 39
Lieutenants. 3 Major Stretton served the cam-
D'Oyly Wm. Battley 2 Apr. 29 22 An?. 34 paigns ur 1612 and 13 \a the Pemn-
John Canavan 22 July 30 23 Aug. 34 sula, and was severely wounded by
two gun-shots at the battle of Vit-
Fred. Arthur Errington . P21 Feb. 34 P 1 July 36
Stephen Henry Smyth . Pll July 34 P 4 Nov. 36
4 Capt. Ralston was embarked
Edw. Jones Coxe P16 June35 22 Oct. 37 with a detachment of the 21lh Light
Ambrose Barcroft Parker P13 Mar. 35 29 Nov. 37 Dragoons in tbe outward bound
Indian fleet, whicb maintained an
H. Altham Curaberlege P 2 Dec. 31 22 Apr. 35 with
action a French squadron,
James Dutton Smyth . P 29 Dec. 35 P 30 Dee. 37 under AdmiralLinois, off the
Ramsay H. Smith P 1 July 36 P 6 July 38 is. 6th Aug. 1805. and in
which he enemy were beaten ofl'.
H. Redfearn Collinson ..

P 4 Nov. 36 P 5 Oct. 38 On the 6tb Aug. ISO'J, he led the

W. W. Lyttleton P 14 Apr. 37 P23 Apr. 39 advanced squadron of his regiment
Wm. Henry Lys 16 Oct. 36 13 May 39
in action with the rebels
Seringapatam, in which the latter

M. Edw. Smith P 3 Nov. 37 P 20 Dec. 39 were beaten and dispersfd; and oa

Ensigns. the same date he commanded the
outlying piquet in a night attack
Hon. G. F. W. Yelverton P 1 Dec. 37 Trom the garrison of Seringapatam,
Wm. BadUe Jopp P 6 July 38
F. H. Kilvington P20 July 38
N. T. Williams P 5 Oct. 38
Carey Handheld 14 Dec. 38
Thomas Stirling P 23 Apr. 39
William Parker 11 Oct. 39
George Amiel P 20 Dec. 39
30 (Hi Paymast^-3o\m Ralston,^ 29 Dec. 25 ; Cornet, 6 July,
26 May, 14.
Coy)*. ." 04 ;> Lieut. 10 Julv,
.> 06 >

Adjutant. Edw. Jones Coxe, (Lieut.) 12 May, 39.

Quarter-Master. James Howes, 6 Sept. 39.
Surgeon.— Michael Fogarty, 27 Jan. 32; Assist.-Surg.
11 March ' 11
Assistant-Surgeons. —
Rob. Keith Kynock, 4 Dec. 35.
Wm. Henry Brownson, M.D. 17 Sept 39
Facings Black. —Agent, Messrs. Cox & Co.— Irish
Agent, Cme & Co.
1 Sir Richard Bourke served in HoUanrt in 1799. and was
present in the a iof the 27th Aug. loth and 19th Sept. 2nd

dt* p;™;f,'n'relTJor'l?r»,h"'°''H '""' '""" " O^^ter-Maslcr-ueneral In Sout

° ™?h'™,''' ^.l'
lion aualnSt Boenos Avr '
"' "" ""^^ "" "tormins of Monte Video, and i

1 the American v

''°'". '"' '" °"- »«'3. mcludin, the battle of Salamanca; ac,
at AS;rtbu«iLL"drMo^in.%'''""',"'' I'"""'
^'''''"''' "°""'''^' "'"' '^"'^^"' =^'^' '^"»-
SertTalso ,nrBu?mefcwar. ^Vouodcd on the .8th June at Wat.
- Captain Croly ser^-ed at the siege of Flushing in 1809
; battery firing i
from June, 1812, to the end of including the battle of Castalla siege
fVom Vill.i Franco, and ofVarragoi ,

of Barcelona. Served subsequently in the American Wi

9 Oaptain Green served in the Burmee
10 Quarter.tna.ter Cart served in the Fenimula, from
July, 1813, the snd of Ihc war, Including* the bailie of the Ni\
bluckade of and sortie from Bayonne.
Scrricp, I«M. J
65th {or 2d Yorksh. N. Ridimj) Reyt. of Foot.


Emb. for For."!
Service, ld27.J

Vears* Serv.
.. . — 1 ;

Emb. for Forclcnl

Scnkv. inaa. J

Yean' Sen.
"^^ ^"'J"^ Tiger, siiperscrilxHl, " INDIA"—" HAKROSA"— " PKMXSULA."
Ifi5ir John MacilonaUl,' K.C.B. &w. April, 17!«; Lieut, i Feb. !)(! ; Cnpt.—
i-JUct. 180J; Major, •!» Feb. 05; Lieut-Col. 17 .Mur. 08; Col. 4 Jure, 14;
M(yor-Gcn. il .Muv, -Jo ; Lieut-Gen. 28 June, 38 Col. G7th Rect. i5 Aupr. 28. ;

Lieiit.-Coloiiel.—T\umiusKmilmT\,''K.n. Ens.->o \Ur.iU ; Lieut. -iiDfcOA ; Cnpt.

P3 Xov. 08 Major, 14 April, 14 Lieut.-Col. PO July, 21 ; Col. 10 Jan. 37.
; ;

Majors. Ednanl Busil Brooke, 2iirf Lieut. 15 Dec. 17 ; Lieut. 9 April, 25 ;
Capt. v\l July 2(i; Major, i'5 July, 31.
William Nesbitt Orange,' Ens. 5 Feb.'l4; Lieut. 19 Jan. 19 ; Capt. f 24 Oct. 21
Major, fib Aug. 34.
9 Geo. Cosby Harpour* . .
20 ApriUJG 29 Dec. 08 10 Jan. 37
D Thomas James .-Vdair' . . I
25 Mav 09 20 Feb. 1 28 June 38
Wm. Wliite Warburton'..: 17 Aug. 09 2 April 12
Samuel Yorke Martin .... I
8 April 25 P 28 Jan. 26
Thomas Unett 27 Sept. 21 P ;
22 July 24
Josephus Deverell
Tlios. 7 Nov. 22 ;
25 June 29
Chas. Christopher Davie.. Dec. 28 ;P I p 11 5 July 31
TlionuiS Byrne 4 Nov. 19 1 5 Mar. 23
Hon. Areli. G. Stuart.... P 30 April 29 P , 30 Aug. 31
.\lexander Mackenzie ... 25 Oct. 13 I
1 5 Oct. 15
Cbas. Woodcock James . 27 Jan. 25 p 11 Dec. 28 8 Dr. Riiefa served the evnpaigtu
of 1813 and 11 inGrrmxnr lod Hol-
Gcoriic Alfred Currie .... 1 Sept. 25 16 Mar. 32
Und, including the anion at the
Henrv' James V. Kemble.. 9 Mar. 32 P 5 Auff. 37 Goerde in Hanovtr. IGth Sept. 1813;
John Elton M. Prower p 14 Dec. 3-J 28 Au^'. 37 ai^ir near Antwen^ Jan. laM
aiUck on Mrrti-m, and subs^qurot
Ferdinand WLittin<^ham.. 2 Nov. 3-: P 19 Feb. 36 operatirtna ajtainsi the French fleet
John Porter p 28 Mar. 34 I
p 29 Dec. 37 at Antwerp. Present at Waterloo
Charles B. Ilairue IP 5 Sept. 35 P 30 Dec 37 on the I6tb, 17Ui, and 181b June.

William Pilsworth P 24 May 33 j

18 Mar. 38
Rodham CD. Home p 16 Oct. 35 P 2 Nov. 38
Henrv- Collette P 26 Aug. 36 22 Jan. 39
P. Onslow, 17 Nov. 37 P25 May 39
John Thomas Locke 26 Dec. 37 P 24 Aug. 39
Capel Coape P 29 Dec. 37 Pll Oct. 39
Alexander Dury 5 Aug. 37 P
Wm. Robert Adair P 30 Dec. 37
|J. L. Campbell 30 Mar. 38
IEdw. H. Westropp P 2 Nov. .38
Walter Caulfield Pratt. p 25 Mav 39.

Henry Dawson P-24 Aug. 39

Rich. Moriran Humfirey.. P 1 1 Oct. 39
Wm. Havter Hussev .P 8 Nov. 39
. .

U Paymaster,—^ixtui.i' Robinson,' 20 Dec. 37 Em. 20 Xov. 17 ; ; Lieut. 24 April. 20.

Adjutant. Charl(*!i Woodcock James, (ii^u/.) 2G Dec. 37.
Quarter- Master. —Cieorpe Crispin, Oct. 39; Ens. 22 Mar. 30.
•^ Surgeon. —
5(El J. Riach,' M. D. li> Nov. 30 ; Asslst.-Surg. 2 July, 12 ; Hotp.-
Asjrut. 18 Mav, 12.
6 Asnttant'Surg^ns.—FAwaTtl Huirli Blakenev. 17 Oct. 34,
2 Tlionias Honor Wlieeler, 28 Dec. 38.
Facings Yellow. Agent, Messrs. Cox &c Co.
I Str John MardonaU wrrcd the campaifn or ISOI in Erypt. uwl bu received a Medal and one CLup for Barrous and the
pBMAfe r4 ibe !(lTe.
S CoL BoabBfT led the aorminc at Fort ZeUina. in Surioam, in 1^1. Served the eampai^nt of I9U in Holland, in-
etodtnc the altaeki on Merxem. and the bOfBhardmeot of the French fleet at Antwerp. S«rved alio In the American war.
S Major Oraafr •rrrn] no the rruttien of N'tafar^ in li^ll and 15. Served alio at the *iece and capture of Roafary,
Rhrchtir, and other pUc<-* In the Smthem CoBCan country in India in H18.
4 M^T Harpour terteJ In Spain frwn Sept. ISIO to li^ll. including the tirife of Cadix ; battle of Barroaa actions at Bala- ;

furre sad Villa Franca \\r%t% at Terrmf ooa and Bareetona.

* Major AdaJr tervrd in Spain from Vpt HIO to the end of the »ar, inHudinc the W
of Cadlx, battle of Barrnu, Fort
S«a Fblltp, BaUfftterr. VDla Frva^^ Tarrafooa and Baieelona. Served aUo the Nepaut campalfu of 1917 and 19, aod
i n fci H| Min t» y t» the IVeeaa. iorludin* the Uefe and reduction of Hhycbur. Amololer. and Aneerithur. Twice severely
matu^td by Kaleliloch. balU tn ih* left arm, and rifbt tide at the liece of Aueercbur on the evenlnc of the I9th March. 18IB.
in rrpvlsiaff a aoflle made by tt>e farrlvm nf the fori Into the town.
* Watbanoo trrv9i [the Nepaul eampalcaa of I%I7 and 1^ and labtequratly In tht Deeean. Ineludinj the eaptur*
of the lortt Bkyftau and AaM^rrtiur.
kaaoo Mrrfld at the iteft of AsMrrgbur. Mareb and April. 1919.
Service, ism!"] Q8th (or Durham) Regt. of Foot {Light Infantry). [ j"^'^ca1'


^t;,'i'^''rSl':"] 69'A {ur South Lincolnthire) Regiment of Foot.{^^'^^^

John Vincent,' Ens. 16 July, 17i<1 Lieut. 3 Aur. 82; Capt. 2fi Oct. 80;

H«l/| MnJor,a May, l>o; Lirul.-Cal. 1 Jiui. 1(<0<); Col. ii July, 10; .Vqjor-Gen.
Hij. I 4 June, 13 ; Lieut.-Gen. il May, 25 , Col. 60th Regiment, 2 Jan. 30.
Lieut. -Colonel.
ISn Eaton Monins,»Ftt». PI Dec. 14; iitu^ P9 Sept. 19; Cnp^ P23 June, 25;
^Uiyor, P 19 Nor. 31); Lieut.-Col. i'2 Oct. .35.
IftlP RoIxTt Brool;es,' JSTw. 16 May, 11 ; Lieut. -23 Aug. 13; Cop^ P27 Aug. 25;
Mqjor,vi .May, 31.
3A Wm. .Vocl Hill,' Ens. f 19 Nov. 17; Lieut. p24 Oct. 21; C«;)f. PU Nov. 26;
Major, I' 4 Dec. :V).


70/A (or the Surrey) Regiment of Foot.

Years' Serv.
list {Highland) Regt. of Foot {Lt. Infantry.) tScrrinft in
JJ; ] Ciuiadu.


|| Sir Sam. Fortl Wliitlinclmm, K.C.B. Jc K.C.H. Ens. 20 Jan. 03; Lieut. 25

Feb. 03; Cnpt. 14 Fit)." !»,'); M(\)nr, 12 March, 10; Llmt.-Col. 30 Muv, 11 ;
Cul. 4 Juiu-, 14 .Vnjor-Gen. 27 May, 2j ; Llcut.-Gen. 2« June, 38 ; Col. 71st

Light Iiifiuitn,-, 28 March, 38.

Lieiit. -Colonel.

3A Hon. Charles Grcv, -iml Lieut. 10 Nov. 20; Lieut. P 10 April, 23; Capt. P 16
Juue, i5; Mnjor, v I'J Feb. 28; Lieut. -Col. P 12 July, 31.
William Denuy, Ens. p 10 Jan. 22 ; Lieut. P 23 June, 25 ; Capt. P 27 Sept. 33 ;
Mnjor, P 24' April, 38.
Lord Arthur Lennox, Ens. P 24 June, 23 ; Lieut. P 22 Oct. 25; Capt. P 1 Aug.
2B : Mn/or, P (•> July. .'>8.
...... — ;

''t;yt!'u&." ] 72«c£ (or Z». of Albany's own Highlanders.) [|


J3 aaa sir CoUn Campbell,' K.C.B. Ens. 30ct.l799 Lieut. 21 Aug. 1801 ; Cnpt. ;

9 Jan. 06; Major, 2 Sept. 08 Lieui.-Col. 3 May, 10; Coi. 4 June, 14 ; Major-

Gen. 27 May, 25; Zieut.-Gen. 28 June, 38 ; Cof. 72nd Highlanders, 15 Aug. 36.
h\ Charles George James Arbuthnot, JBiu. & Lieut. 26 Dec. 16 ; Capt. P 16 March,
20; 3IaJor, P 3 July, 23 ; Lieut.-Col. P 1 Oct. 25; Col. 28 June, 38.

Charles Maxwell Maclean, Em. 29 Oct. 07 ; Lieut. 21 Dee. 09; Capt. P 24 July,
23 ; Major, f 1 Feb. 27.
Frederick Hope, Eiis. P 11 July, 16 ; Lieut. P 24 Oct. 21 ; Capt. P 9 June, 25 ;
Major, P 4 Oct. 33.
Captains. LIEUT. BREV.-MAJ.
3^ pjohn Doyle - 28 Sept. 04 13 iN"ov. 05 29 Sept. 13 10 Jan. 37
Peter Sutherland^ 1 Sept. 04 16 Jan. 07 20 May 19 10 Jan 37
Henry Jervis 19 Dec. 11 29 Dec. 14 P 19 Sept. 26
William Henry Robinson 8 Jan. 24 P 29 Aug. 26 P 21 June 31
Thomas E. Lacy 8 Apr. 25 P 3 Oct. 26 Pll July 34
Robert Baillie P 8 Oct. 25 P 3 Aug. 30 p 29 May 35
Chas. Wm. M. Payne P 1 Aug. 26 . P 21 June 31 P 29 Dec. 35
Edward John Fra. Kelso 14 MaV 29 P 2 Dec. 31 P 12 Aug. 36
John Frith 6 Apr. 20 P 26 Aug. 24 7 Apr. 39
Arthur Lowry Balfour P 6 Aug. 29 . P 29 Mar. 33 P31 May 39
3^ Lewis X. Leslie* 25 Dec. 13 P 1 July 24 3 Major Sutherland served
at the capture of the Cape of
Donough O'Brien 12 Sept. 2=> 2 July 29 Good Hope in 1806.
Andr. Sandilands Fisher P26 Feb. 30 P 21 Mar. 34 4 Lieut. Leslie served the
Charles Moylan P 2 Dec. 31 P 29 May 35 campaign of 1814 in Canada.
Hon. Charles Stuart . . . P 2 Mar. 32 P 29 Dec. 35 5 Captain Graham served at
the capture of the 'Isle of
William Rattray 3 Mar. 32 P 16 Apr. 36 France in ISIO.
Thomas E. Pollard 11 Jan. 33 P 12 Aug. 36
John Thomas Hope . . . P29 Mar. 33 P 23 Dec. 36
Thomas. Fred. Simmons P 6 Dec. 33 P 28 Oct. 37
A. Nowell Sherson P 21 Mar. 34 P 8 Feb. 39
George Pott Erskine . . . Pll July 34 P 1 Mar. 39
Jas. Aug. Harding P29 May 35 7 Apr. 39
Hugh Burney
S. S. . . . P29 Dec. 35 P14 June 3U
J.Crighton Harris P 12 Aug. 36
William Adam P23 Dec. 36
Wm. W. T. Cole 19 Oct. 38
Geo. Ramsay Perceval . P 8 Feb. 39
Wm. Hobart Seymour . P 1 Mar. 39
John Wm. Garsford P31 May 39
Hon. Cha. R. Pakenham 14 June
Maurice Caue 15 June 39

Paynmster. William Graham,^ 13 Oct. 25 ; Ens. 16 April, 05 ; Lieut. 21 April,

08 ; Capt. 7 April, 25.

.idjutnnt. —Charles Moylan, {Lieut.) 14 April, 37.

Qu/irter-3Iaster. William Hume, 24 April, 38.
Surf/eon. —
Thomas Clarke, 15 Jan. 24;' Assist.-Surg. 3 June, 13 ; Hosp.-Assist.
24 July, 1812.
—James Malcolm, 25 March, 28:
issisfant-Sui-ffeons. Hosp.-Assist. 14 Dec. 26.
William Michael Ford, 1 June, 26 Hosp.-Assist. 16 Feb. 26. ;

Facings Yellow. Agent, Messrs. Cox & Co.

1 Sir Colin Campbell has received a cross and six clasps for Talavera, Busaco, Fuentes d'Onor, Badajoz,
Salamanca, Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nivellc, Nive, and Toulouse.
2 Major Doyle served with the expedition to South America, including the siege of and sortie from
Monte Video, und storm l.y the enemy of Coloiiia. Served also in the South of France, from Dec. 1813 to
the end of the war, including the blockade of and sortie from Bayonne, where he received a contusion on
the loft arm.
. .
... — ;;

Bmb.A>rForv%n1 [Serving
S«Tvlc«, 16^7. 73rd Regiment of Foot. in
North Amurlca.


^^ Wm. Colonel.
«a Gt-orgc, Lord Harris,' C.B. it K.C.H. Ens. 24 Slav, 1795; Lieut. 3
Jan. 9t>; Capt. 16 Oct. 1800; Mqjor, 15 Juno, 04 ; Lieut.-'Col. 29 Dec. 00;
Cvl. 4 June, 14 ; Major-Gen. 19 July, 21 ; Lieut.-Gen. 10 Jan. 37 ; Col. 73(1
Rilrt. 4 Dec. 35.
Lteul.-Col.—9 Sai Jas. Fred. Love,' C.B. K.H. Ens. 26 Oct. 04 ; Lt. 5 June,05
Capt. 11 July, 11 ; Brev.-.V({jor, 10 March, 15 ; rev. -Lieut. -Col. 5 Mav, B
25 ; fieijtl.-.Vqfor, 1) July, 30 ; Regll.-Lieut.-Col. 6 Sept. 34 ; Col. 28 June, 38.

Mqjors. {J Chas. Jowett Van der Meulen,' Eiu. 20 Nov. 07; Lieut. 10 Aug.
09 ; Capt. P 25 Nov. 23 ; M<ijor, 7 April, 37.
William Eyre, Apr. 23; Lieut, f 5 Nov. 25; Capt. P20 Mar. 27;
Major P"l9 July 39.

Captains. EXSIGX. I
Geo. Hankey Smith . . .;p 7 May 18 p 7 Feb. 22 P 8 Apr. 26
George Dawson* 7 May 11] 7 Jan. 13 20 Mar. 28
Adol. Lat. Widdrington 25 Jan. 25 p 20 Nov. 25 P 10 Nov. 29
.\nth. Coningham Sterling29 Jan. 20!p14 P Apr. 29 P 1 1 Oct. 33
John William Cross .... 21 Dec. 25 P 24 1 Jan. 28 P 28 Dec. 32
Fred. Geo. Aug. Pinckney 8 Apr. 25] P 8 Apr. 20 P 23 Dec. 30
Cha. Fred. Parkinson 10 Nov. 25
. 4 Sept. 28 P 22 Feb. 33
Charles Wm. Combe P 30 Aug. 20 P 12 June 30 P 12 July 39
Thos. Fraser Sandeman P18 Dec. 28 P 27 July 32
. 1
P 19 July 39
Charles Barry 23 Mar. 14 3 Feb. 15 1 P 21 July 25 28 June 38
Benjamin Brown P 7 July 251 15 May 28 SM^orVan derMeuIcn served
Oliver Barker D'Arcey P 8 Apr.. 201? 9 Dec. 31 in the Peninsula from May 1800
to Aug. 1811, and again from
Wm. Hen. Kenny 3 Apr. 28 15 Mar. 82 Sept. 1812 to Ihe end of the
David Cahill 10 Nov. 25 21 Dec. 82 war, including the buttles of
Maurice Chas. O'Connell P 19 July 31 P 24 Jan. 34 Talavera (severely wounded),
Busaco, Albuhera (severely
Wm. L. Y. Baker 25 Nov. 31 P 27 June 34 wounded), Vittoria, Pyrenees
Walter Beresford Faunce P18 Jan. 31 P 23 Dee. 86 (severely wouuded 28th July).
Edw. George Cubitt P 9 Dee. 31 P 28 Apr. 37 Nivelle,* Onhes and Toulouse,
niinur engage-
Wm. B. T. O'Connell PIG Mar.. 32 jp 16 June 37 besides various
ments and skirmishes.
Aug. Wm. Murray .... P 28 Dec. 32 p 28 Nov. 37

4 Captain Dawson served in

Gerald Wardlaw P27 June 34 p 12 Apr. 39 the Kaudian War in Ceylon.
Rob. Carter Bamford P 5 Sept. 34 P 12 Julv 39
Melville G. B. Browne P 23 Dec.
. 36 P 19 July 39
Douglas Jones 30 Dec. 36 5 Quarter-Master Uicksoii served the
Wm. H. Fitz Gerald 5 Mav 37 P'"SH of 1814 in Canada, and that of 1S15
P i

June 37 ' P 16
1 Rob. P. Campbell !

James F. Murray P 28 Nov. 37 HoUand^ j

Alfred A. Simmons .... 28 Dee. 38

Geo. Edm. N. Nugent P 12 Apr. 39

Charles Littlehales P22 June 39

John Davies p 19 Julv 39


124 Paymaster. John Court, 22 July, 36; 2nd Lieut. 2 Nov. 08; Lie^it. 7 Feb. 11.

Adjutant. Benjamin Brown, {Lieut.) 17 Nov. 37.
SJL Quarter-Master.

John A. Ilickson,* 11 Nov. 24; Ens. 25 Dec. 13.
iS Surgeon.— }o)xn Foster," M. D. 1 April, 36 ; Assist.-Surg. 9 Nov. 15 ; Hosp.-

Assiit. 22 Nov. 13.

\Attirt.-Surgs. George Martin, M.D. 13 June, 34.
I John James Russell, 25 April, 26; Hosp.-Assist. 16 June. 25.
Facings Green. Agent, Messrs. Cox & Co.
the battle of Mallavelly
1 Ijird Joined the 78th rt^lment in India in 1797, and was present at
>.>>rlV >11 the affairs of out-posts, and in the
storming party which carried Seringnpalnm. Tlie bailie of
nwire CawofOoodHoK; Krved In Holland In 1813 and H, and commanded the brigade which cnrnid
ihVrvillaie of Menem sever»ly wounded Ihroueh the right shoulder at Waterloo. A superb sword was
voted to Lord Hams by the officers of the 73.1 on his retiring from the command of that corps, in testimony
character and conduct. .„..,...
of the hieh regard thev entertained for his
Wnd regiment In the expedition to Sweden under Sir John Moore, and
J Colonel^ve served with the into Spam, retreat to, and battle of Corunna,
.ftenraM. in Ponug.1 and Spain, including the advance
X the
d.ffen-nt Vffalr. on the retreat. Served
.terming of Ciudad Rodrigo.
afterwards in the Peninsula w.Ih the Lleht Division, in-
and all the affair, and battles in which the Light Division look a
During the can.p.lsn In Holland under Lord Lyn.dock, he was pre* nl at .he attack on
wrl UD to 1812. Pre-nt in the sc.eml affairs Kfore
Ih^f ri.n.^ vUlage of Menem, and the tombanlment of Anlw. rp. him, anil was
N 'w rirle-oL nnd in the attack on ihal plac.-, on which i«-ca»ion he had two horses shot under
Served also the campaign of 1815. and received four revi r.
ill -hilT ™>unde.l In the arm bv a
.Wnd rcgimeul charged the French Impenal Guards. 225
w^i. at the batllc o( Walttloo, when the
Enib.forForeign"! r Servi
74?A Regiment of Foot.
Ser%ice, 1834. J L Trini


The Elephant, superscribed "

— .... —

75 th Reffiment of Foot. LCnpu of Good Hope.

Tho Royal riyfr, superscribeil " INDIA"—" SEUIXOAPATA>I."

9 Sir Joseph Fuller,' G.C.II. Eiif. -.'U Sopt. 17SK); Lieut, k Capf. 22 Jan. 94;
dipt. ii. Lieut.-Cul. It* Juno, 1801 ; Col. Hi Jiilv, 10; Mujor-Gen. 4 June,
13; Lieut.-den. 27 Muv, 2o Col. 75tli Rin^'t. U April, 32. ;

ii«j/.-ro/u«W.— pi'ut.O"riive,''£H.«.ilJulv,03;iieu/.l Aug.04;Ca/)M6Mav,09;

Major,vi') Nov. HI lirer.-Lieiit.-Cal.i) Nov. 30 Regtl.-Lieut.-Col. 7 July, 37.
; ;

Mi{)ors. —
Rob. Dainpier Ilallifiix, iTM.i'ai Julv,23; iifu/. i'23 Juue,2o; Capt.
V « April, Julv, 30.
2(> : .^I,^jor, v ;}0
Sam. .MucUlon Fra. Hall. En». vzi Jan. 19; Lieut. 7 April, 25; Ca;)f. P 22 April,
20 Major, v\\ Julv. 37.


Jas.Hon. En);land 1'12 Dec. 22 Aug. 25
1 1 P29 Aug. 26
John Hen. Hartley Boy: 27 June 24 P 28 Jan. 20 P3I Dec. 30
Peter Delancey i'2i)Jan. 20 1'
30 April 29 P 8 JIar. 33
Charles Herbert I' 10 Nov. 2o P 10 Oct. 20 P 27 Sept. 33
.\lexandor Janliue f 22 April 2(i P25 Feb. SO Pll Mar. 30
William Sutton 1'
5 June 27 i> 10 Mar. 30 P 30 July 36

Edwunl Knullvs Pltl Oct. 27 P 2 Nov. 30 P17 Feb. 37

jGeo. Blijfh .Moultrie . . PSl Dee. 27 p31 Dec. 30 Pll Julv 37
2ft John Bolton' 5 Nov. 13 2C Mar. 19 4 Sept. 35
Basil Gray 30 July 28 31 Jan. 34 29 Nov. 39

5 Quarter-master Berry ser-
Rob. Boyd Brown P16 June 25 PIO Aug. 26 ved al Malta, Sicily, Spain, and
! William BrunicU Pll June 30 PIO Oct. 34 North America, from Feb. 18U5
William Lucas I' 4 Oct. 31 P13 Mar. :35 tolheeDth May, 1»16, including
P18 .May 32 P 1 1 Mar. 36 the capture of Iscliia and Pro-
Rich. Price Pulcston . .
cida ; siege and capture of Tar-
Edwartl Ricard 6 June 28 24 .May 32 ragona; siege of Barcelona in
William Brookes II Jan. 33 10Sep"t.3G lt<13 and U ; battle of Bla-
7 Geo. Thome George . . P G Sept. 33 P 9 Dec. 36 densbur^h and capture of
Wasliinglon ; actions before
7 I'has. E. P. Gordon . . 13 Dee. 33 P 17 Feb. 37 Baltimore and New Orleans ;
10 1*A 9 William Carruthcrs' . 22 .May 12 1 Dec. 13 siefte and capture of Fort
John Hamilton Co.\ . . PIO Octl 34 Pll Julv 37 Bowyer.
Dr. Graham served in the
Geo. Wm. C. Stuart . . '27 .Mar. 35 P 19 Jan". 38
Peninsula, from Jan. 1810, to
A. T. Hotham Pll Mar. 3C P 1 1 Jan. 39 the end of the war, including
Thos. Geo. Walker P28 June 30 P27 Sept. 39 the battles of Bugaco, Albu-
Ensigns. heni, Viltoria, Py nnd Nivcllc. Dr. Gra-
W. Goodwyn 9 Dec. 36
ham was on hoard the nfortunate ship Kent,
Hen. P
the Bay of Biscay, 1st
Geo. Lockwoo*! PII July 37
St. John T. Gore P 19 Jan. 38

Tim. Bar. BickncU P 1 1 Jan. 39

John Jas. Hamilton 28 JIar. 39 . .

John Freil. Galitfe 29 JIar. 39

Ednaril John Dickson P 27 Sept. 39 .

Wm. Thomas Smith P31 Jan. 40 . .

yoymMftr.—George Henry Eddy, 28 April, 37 ; Eiis. 29 An 26; Lieut. 20

Feb. :W.
—William Brookes (iiVu/.) 11 Jan. 33.
14 jI2i^ Quarter-Matter.— Rjeliard 10 JIarcb, Bern,-,' 14.
Surgeon. —

31 E<lward Smith Grsiham," M.D. 22

J^ Sept. 25; Assist. -Surg. IS
Hosp.-Assat. 13 Dec. 1809.
Oct. 10


5 Auittanl-Surgeoiu. George .\nderson, 12 Jane, 35.

1 Alexander Gibb,M.D. 10 Jan. 40.
Facings Yellow. Agent, Messrs. Cox i; Co. Irish Agent, Borough, Annit & Co.

1 Sir .t--.>'>. i-'.'ii- ' .«-,-.! .n Flinders in 1793 and 04, and was present at the sieges of Valenciennes and
Dunki'^ ' that canipairn. In ITtKI, he sen-ed in the eipedilion to the Helder, and
irms I'
>'•. Sir Joseph was at the passage of the Douro, 12tb May, 1609, and
udl.. 'PS.
9 lo- 1. . -.iCe of TarragODa.
3 ('apt. It^.tuu xc^^il u.L M.iliruiu campaigns of 1817 and 18, and was present al the siege of Rhyghur.
4 Lieut. Cvrutbeis (erred the campslgiu ol 1813 and 14 in the Peninsula with the 4.1rd Light Infantry
In the light dltision.
Emb. for Foreign"! rServing at
Service, 1631. J 76th Regiment of Foot, LBarbudues.

Years' Serv.
— . 11 — ;

Emb. for Poreign"!

Scrtlcc, IH37. J
'lilt (ur JCasl Miiidlesex) Re(jt. of Foot.

On tlic Coloun and Appointments, thu Plume of the I'rinee of Walts.


Sir John Macleo.1, C.B. K.C.H. Em. Mar. 1 703 Lieut. '2 May, 94 Capt. 24 ; ;

June, i)3; Major, !) June, 99; Lieut.-Col. 1 Jan. 05; Col. 4 June, 13 Mnjor- ;

General, \i Aug. 19; LUut.-Gen. 10 Jan. 37 Col. of the 77tli Begiment, ;

17 K.b. 40.
Lieut. Colonel.—9 Cieonje Paris Bradshaw,' K.H. Ens. i'2 Oct. 06; Lieut. PIG
June, 08; C(ip*.i'2;» Mav, 16; iVn/or, -20 Uee. 22 ; 2,i>m<.-Co/.I' 10 June,26. i'

MijJors.—TiichoUa Wilson," K.H. Ens. 31 Oct. 09; Liettt. 7 Oct. 13; Cnpt. i'24
Oct. 21 ; Mnjor, I' 30 Ucc. 28.
John Peter Ncllev, Etis. 13 Aug. 2o ; Lieut, f 10 June, 26 ; Capt. f 1 1 Oct. 31

Mtyor. 29 Nov. 39.


34 9 James Algeo'
pjamesAlgeo' 2 Sept. 06 4 Sept. 00 24 Feb. 25 28 June ,3«
% Richard futtoii* 28 July 09 7 June 1 1 7 Apr. 25 28 June 38
James Mason' 11 July 05 5 Slur. 07 18 Jan. 16 10 Jan. 37
Ouy Clarke 17 Feb. 20 PI 7 July 23 P 8 Apr. 2(!
\Vm. Jonathan Clcrke . 24 Feb. 25 P 10 Julie 26 P 18 Jan. 33
fieorge Stuart 1 Mnr. 03 1 Sept. 04 21 Feb. 11 ! July 30
Alexander Torakins . . 28 June 24 1'24 Dec. 25 P 8 Dec. 37
Thos. Graham Egerton. 24 Dec. 29 P 9 Mar. 32 P 23 Jan. 35
Robt. Jocelvn Straton . 10 Jail. 28 P 18 Jan. 33 P 26 Apr. 39
George Ulxon |P30Dec. 28 p 26 Dec. 34 P 29 Nov. 39
Paris \V. An?. Bradshaw P26 Dec. 22 24 Feb. 25
William Galwav 4 Nov. 13 27 July 20
Dennis Herbert* 10 Feb. 25 5 Mar. 26
Charles Lee 8 Apr. 25 P 30 Dec. 28
John Edwartl Lewis H2Jan. 30 23 Jan. 35 Peninsula3 Mi\jor Al^eo served in the
from Aug. 1613 until
Henrj- Jcnis White P 23 Dec. 31 P 11 Sept. 35 the end of the \Tar.

Henr>- Downe CJrittith 13 June .30 6 Apr. 36

. . I

William Forbes P 2 Dec. 31 1 1 A ug. 35 4 MojnrTalton served in Hie


Peninsutii from Aug. 1811 until

James A. Wnii-elcr 21 Dec. 32 20 Mar. 37 the end of the war, and wnit

Molj-n. HvdeNepean \f \ Feb. 33 25 Jan. 39 present at the blockade of

. .

R. Ambrose Morritt IP 27 Dec. 34 P26 Apr. 39

Xfontagu Denvs p 7 Nov. 34 6 Oct. 37 '

Thos. Edmund Mulock ,P 18 Mar. 36 P29 Nov. 39

. .


Jas. Duprc Brabazun 29 Apr. 36

. .
5 Major Ma£On serted with the expt^ltic
. .

the coast of America in 1813, and was ei

Robt. Baillic 3 Feb. 37 enged I

in several small actions; present at tl

Patrick Duff 7 Sept. 38 capture of Moose Island in tiie Bay of Fundy

Alex. B. Rooke 25 Jan. 39 I

Alex. Aitkcn 1 Feb. 39 |

P 10 May 39
Lieut. Herbert the Dunnene i i
Edw. Hen. L. Crofton . .

Osman F. Warrington .. 'P 11 Oct. 39

Luke .Mahon p 29 Nov. 39 I


Paymaster. .\lexander John M'Phcrson, 14 Dec. 38 ; Em. 14 Aug. 17 ; Lieut
18 Sept. 23.
18 Adjutant. —Paris William Augustus Bradshaw (Lieut.) 28 Nov. 34.

Quarter. -Matter. Thnmas Smedley, 7 .Vpril, 37.

Surgeon. William llenrv- Burrcll, M.D. 5 May, 37 ; .issist.-Surg. 12 April 21 ;

Hasp. -.Assist. 24 June, 15.

Assiitant-Surgeoia. Joseph Samuel Prcndergast, M.D. 19 Feb. 36.
John Drope M-Illrec, 20 Feb. 35.
Farings. — Yellow. Agent, .Mrxsrs. Lawrie i M'Grigor. Irish Agent, Messrs. Cane & Co.

3 Colonel Brmdshaw's serrlces :— Expeditinn to Madeira in 1807 ; expedition to Walcheren, IK4I0, Including
the landinc at Ter-Ven>, slegr and bombftrdment of Flushing Peninsula from June 1811 to the end of the ;

war. Includinf sle»e, aaiaull, and capture of Cludad Rodrico and Badajoi ; operations on the Didaswa
Adoiir; blockade of and sortie from Bayonne.
22<.» R
l&th {Highland) Regt. of Foot (or the Ross-shire Buffs.)
" Cuhlkh'n Rhi."— The Elephant, superscribed " ASSAYE"— " MAIDA"—" JAVA."

25 3^

79th Regiment of Foot, {or Cameron Iliyhlanders.')

" with thi- words " EtiYPT"— " FUENTES

9 Ronuld C. Fcivuson,' G.C.B. Eiu. 3 April, 1790; Xieii^ 24 Jan. 91
93; Major, HI May, 94; Lieut.-Col. 18 Sept. 94; Col. 1 Jau
Ciipt. 19 Feb.
IWKI; .Vf(/«r-GVn.-rj April, 08; Liciit.-Geit. 4 Jane, 13 Gcti. -ii July, 30

Col. 79tli Highlander!', 24 March, -28.

ZIV«^-Co/<m«•^— Robert Ferguson, £(M. 24 Feb. 20 ; Lieut. i'2 Juii. 23; Capt
•'7 July, 26; .V^v'ur, 3 1 A ui;. 30 ; iiVii/.-Cu/. i'13 March, 36.

J/fyur*.— Amlrew Brown, Eiit. -26 Oct, 20; Lieut. 17 March, 25; Capt.
P5 April, 31 ; Major, i'20 Mav, 38.
Hon. Luiiderdalc Maule, Ens. 'f2i Aug. 26; Lieut. 21 July 31; Capt. fii
May, a^j; Mtyor, v 1 1 Mav, 39.

f "vice" 837-.] »Oth Refft. of Foot {or Staffordshire Volunteers). [^^

The Sp)iinx, with the word " EGYPT."

.. — 11

Sli'/ Rt(jt. Foot, (or Loyal Lincoln Volitiitccis.)



9 Sir Richnnl Downcs Jackson,' K.C.B. Ens. 9 July 1794 ; Lieut. & Cnpt. 24
Mav,y8;Ca;)t. Sc Lirttt.-Col. 4 Au|;. 1K08; Col. 4 June, 14; Mi^or-Gen.
27 Slav, 25 : Lirttt.-Cm. 28 June. 38 ; Col. 81st Rc't. 8 Jan. 2!).
Zi>M<.-('o/oHt7.— Charlis (•liielicst<r,'* Em. o Mar. 1 1 ; IJcitt. 4 Nov. 12 ; Capt.
P23 Ucc. 24; Mojnr, ii) Ausr-2(i; Liiut.-Col. i'12 July, 31.

aiqjort.—Jfi Rob. Ilonn- Willcocks," K.H. Ens. 12 Sept. 11 ; /,(«»<. 26 Aug.

13 ; Capl. 21 July, 20 ; ^l/(yor, P 10 March, 32.
Gilca Vaudeleur Crciigh, 2Hrf Lieut. PC Jan. 20; Lieut. April, 25; Capt. HO
PI Aui:. 2fi; .Majnr, 1'27 Dec. 33.
ensi(;n.s. captain. ItRBV.-MA.I.
|) Henry Dixon i Mar. 12 P P21 Dec. 15 21 Nov. 28
Kiohunl Hort P 20 Jan. 19 P 4 May 22 P27 Aug. 25 28 Juno 38
P Echv. Rolcy HilP 23 Feh. 13 1 24 Feb. 14 P20 Sept. 20
.Vbmhani Splainc ;p28 Oct. 24 P22 Apr. 20 PIC Mar. 32
James Ward 2o May 15 P23 June 25 P CJuly 32
Jolwi E<lw. Orange* 10 Apr. 25 j
15 Oct. 27 p 27 Dec. 33
John Uniacke Jcffery .... P 10 Apr. 25 j
P21 Nov. 28 P 7 Nov. 34
Chu. II. Ednionstone.. P23 Apr. 28 P 2 Mar. 32 Pl3 Nov. 35
Rich. Uuiackc Howe'. 18 Aug. 14
. 21 Sept. 15 20 Sept. 37
Wm. Hen. C. AVcileslcy P29 Jime 30 P 5 Oct. 32 P17 Jan. 40
Lieutenants. Lieut. Guy, officer
I i

Louis Guy* 8 Mar. 27 12 Apr. 27 the CunHdian Voltigeu

Richard Hale PIO Feb. 31 P 1 Aiiac. 34 the battle ChuteuuRUay, lOtli
Uct. 1813, and Plattsburgh, lltll
John Hamilton Stewart 23 July 27 2 Aug. 34 Sept. 1814.
Tho. Sarsfleld Perr)- . . p 4 Oct. 31 P 7 Nov. 34 7 Litut. Thompson served
Edward Bowyer PIC Mar. 32 P28 Nov. 34 as a Captain in the Anglo-
Heiirj- Farrant 9 July 30 13 Feb. 35 Spanish Legion, and was en-
paged at Hernani, 30 Aug, 8.5 ;
Henrv Kenny P27 Dec. 33 7 Aug.
1' 35 the operations on the heights
ifon."R. A.G. Dalzell . P21 Mar. 34 p11 Sept. 35 of Arlaban, IC, 17, and 18 Jan.
Henr>- Edw. Sorell PIC May 34 P 6 Nov. 35 36; and the action before San
Sebastian, 5 May, 36, in which
George W. Haikcs P14 Dec. 32 P 23 Oct. 35 he was severely wounded in the
John Powell 29 Sept. 25 1 7 Oct. 32 hip and the hand.
Charles Hope Kerr 3 Oct. 35 P 22 Apr. 39 8 Paymaster Thompson ac-
Chas. Wm. Thompson ' P26 Feb. 30 p 17 Jan. 40 companied the 8l6t Regiment
through all its services.
Ensigns. I fl Quarter-Master Patterson's «er\ices battle : —
A. F. F. Boughey p30 July 30 of Moida, capture of Ischia, Peninsula from
Fred. Edw. Sorell I'll Auir 37 *^P'* ^^^^
' '° Oie end of the war, including
Ol « > qa investment of Denia, battle of Castalla, and
John Oldright -1 Btpi. JO investment of Tarragona, June 1813.
John Gilder P23 Aui;. 39
John Bourchicr 24 Aug. 39
Hlchanl Crawley P 19 July 39!
Jamca Woods 31 Dec. 39
Francis Leppcr P 7 Feb. 40
Pnymasier —
)9 Arnold Tliorapson,' 22 Aug. 05 ^iw. Sept. 98 ; ; i,;iH/.0July,O3.
.l<(7U/rtH/.— Henrj- Eilwarrl Sorell, (Lieut.) 3 Nov. 37.

Quarter-Mnster. {) James Patterson,' 25 June, 29.
Surgeon. —
David Kces, 7 June 33 ; Assisi.-Surg. 12 May, 14.
Assist. -Surgeons. — Edwanl Wm. Ciray, 22 June, 38.
Henry James Schoolcs, M.D. 28 June, 39.
Facings Huff. Agent, Messrs. Cox & Co.
1 Sir Rich. P. Jackson ha* received s cross and two clasps for Barrosa, Puentes d'Onor, Salamanca,
Nivelle, NIvr, and Orthes.
1* Lieut-Col. Chichester served as Brigadier-General with tho .Anclu-Spnnish I.egion during the years
1832, 0, and 7 ; »u« in the action before Ernoui on the 30lh August, 1835, in which he received two wounds ;
oJko ut the reli'-r I'f Bilbao in the same year. Commanded a brigade at Mendigiir, and at Azuu, on the 10th,
17th. and IHth Jan. 1834; in tlii> battle before San Sebastian on the 5th of .May, and at the passage of the
Trroeu and taking of iHtssages on the 'J8th. Ctjnimnnded at .\lza when it was attacked on the 0th June by
the Carlisle with a cho*fn body of men, and had a horse wounded under him. \Vus engaged in the general
•ctlon on the heighK of Ametsa on the lit of October. In the npeniliuns on the 10th, I'.Hb, 14lh, and 1.5th
of March. 1837, during which he had a hone wounded ; and In the getienil action on the 10th of March,
wher«' he was wounded, and had two horses woundol. Commanded the British Legion, then formed into a
division of two brigade*. In ttio .cll->n f the 14lli of May. and tit the investment and storming of Irun on

the lOlhond 17th. Fur 1 "^ :i. Lleul. Col. ([hiche.ttr has receive<l two medals.

2 Major Wl!lcock» »>'rv ., from Slay 18|2 u> the end of the war, including battle of Sala-

mooca wounded in the

i 1 uf liurgos, buttle of Vittoria, siege and capture of Sun Sebastian,
b«ttle« of the Nive iwoui. i-'n , and investment of Bayomie.
3 Cspl. Hill served in Inr i' mli.-u., intm .-^pt. 181'/ to the end of the war, including the afliiir of Munos,
retrvatfroni Banco* (as a vul<int'-< f. tuttile of Vittoria, PaSMige of the llidussoH, buttles of Nivcllc and Toulouse.
4 Capt. (>n»nge -ervc^ in the Bunne^e war in |8*.>5.
5 Capt. Howe «as at the capture of ftultnt, Tnlled SUIn, and Admiu, United Stales frigate. 111 Sept. 1814.
. . — 1 ;

°j^;] 82^ Foot, (or the Pi. of Wales's Volunteers.)


On the Colours and Appointments, the Prince of Wales's Plume. " ROLEIA" —
IP Sir John Wilson/ K.C.B. Ens. 26 Mar. 1794 ; Lieut. 12 Aui?. 96 ; Capt. 18
Jan. 99; Major,'11 May, 1802; Lieut.-Col. 22 Dec. 08; Col. 4 June, 14;
Mnj.-Gen. 27 May, 25; Lleut.-Gen. 28 June, 38; Col. 82nd Regt. 5 Dec. 36.
Lieut. -Colonel.
y Geo. Marshall,^ K.H. Ens. 6 Dec. 90; Xirai. 15 Aug. 04; Capt. 27 Oct. 08;
Brevet-Major, 27 May, 25; Eee/tL-Major, 23 Oct. 35; Brevet-Lkut.-Col.
28 June, 38 Segtl.-Lleut.-Col. v 21 June, 30. ;

Majors.—^ John F. Mackay, ^ Ens. 14 Dec. 04 Lieut. 19 Feb. 07 ; Capt. 16 ;

Aug. 13; Major, P5July. 33.

a John Jas. Slater,* Ens. 20 May 14 ; Lieut, 7 Jan. 19 ; Capt. P 17 Aug. 26 i'

Major, P 21 June, 39

William Slater 9 Sept. 12 20 Jan. 14|P25 Nov. 28
Clias. Francis P 28 . July 25 P17 Aug. 26 P16 Nov. 32
Geo. Ogle Moore 18 Sept. 28 P 3 Dec. 30 P 12 July 33
Jas. Alex. Robertson .... P Mar. 23 P17 Sept. 25 P 8 June 32
13^ Benoit Bender ^ P29 Dec. 08 4 Apr. 10 26 Nov. 30

9il ^ George Pinckney ^. P17 . . Sept. 01 22 Nov. 04 19 Nov. 12 22 July 30

Richard Passley 8 Sept. 08 6 Nov. 09 16 Mar. 32
Wm. Jas. Whittuck .... P 3 Dee. 30 P28 Aug. 35 P21 June 39
Thomys Wynn Hornby 1 Feb. 33 P 4 Sept. 35 P 2 Aug. 39
John Du Vemet' 27 Mar. 25 P 8 Apr. 26 P24 Apr. 35
Lieutenants. 5 Ca^t. Bender served in Canada
ft-om Dec. 18118 to Jan. 1815, and was
Jas.Abbott ° P 9 Apr. 12 16 Feb. 15 present in the action of the 7th July,
David Watson P12 July 33 P24 Oct. 35 1812, Monguago; taking of Detroit,
Edw. Blagden Hale .... P 2 Aug. 33 P 29 Jan. 36 taking several Block houses on the
n Menry Bates 9 July 29 28 Nov. 33 Aux Raisin, and Miamie storming


G Eccles P28 Feb. 34 P 28 Oct. 36 ul Sanduskey, and Fort Niagara ;

Hen. L. Smith 21 Aug. 35 engagement ur2nd Jan. 1814; Black
28 Sept. 38
R(.>cks. 2nd Feb., and at Butfalo.
Jas. C. Maclachlan .... P 4 Sept. 35 P24 Nov. 38 G Major Pinc-kney's services:—
J. P. B. Puleston P 24 Oct. 35 P 26 Apr. 39 Expedition to South America, in-
P29Jan. P31 May cluding the taking or Maldonado,
Fra. Geo. Sherlock .... 30 39 and siege of Moute Video ; battles
Fred. Wm. Diggle P14 Oct. 36 P21 June 39 of Itoleia and Vimicra; expedition
3 E. R. W. Wingfield Yates P24 Mar. 37 P 2 Aug. 39 to Walchercn ; received the flag of
truce at the out-post, at the attack
Osborne West Pll May 38 P 13 Dec. 39 and capture of Ter Vere, Middle-
James Bailie P28 Nov. 34 31 Dec. 39 burgh, storming of Flushing.
Ensigns. 7 Captain Du
Vernet served in Ava in 1825 and 26.
6 Lieut. Abbott served in the American war.
C. T. Vesey Isaac 30 Oct. 38 9 Paymaster Holdsworth's
services : —
Thomas Lambert P24 Nov. 38 against Belle Isle June 1800; siege and capture of
Robert Crowe Fleming . P 26 Apr. 39 Flushing ; Peninsula from June 1812 to the end of the
war, including battles of Vittoria, Mayo Pass, heights-
Geo. Russell NichoUs . P31 May 39 of Pampeluoa 30th (wounded in the wrist by a musket-
Rob. Matthew Forster . P 12 July 39 ball, & contused on the shoulder) and 31st July ; heights
of Lesacco 31st Aug. ; battles of Nivelle and Orthes.
John Wildman Y'ates. . . P 2 Aug. 39
10 Dr. Pope was at the siege of Badajoz in 1812, and
Geo. Edmund HaUiday . P23 Aug. 39 taken prisoner.
James Pratt p 13 Dec. 39 1 Qr,-Mast. Grant served the campaign of 1815, in-
cluding the battle of Waterloo and capture of Paris.
Paiimasfcr.—^ Samuel Holdsworth," 22 Sept. 25 ; Ens. & Adjt. 31 Dec. 07;
Lient. 1 Nov. 09.
4f(;«./««*.— David Watson, {Lieut.) 31 Oct. 39.
Quarter-Master.— Wl^ Bernard Grant," 28 Aug. 35; Ens. 28 Dec. 32.
Surgeon.— 1^ Pat. Pope,'" M.D. 13 May, 36 ; Assist.-Surg. 24 Feb. 14 ; Hosp.-
Asslst. June, 1811.
sslstant-Sur^eotis. —
Arthur Anderson, M.D. 16 Oct. 35.
Tho. Atkinson, M.D. 11 May, 26 ; Hosp.-Assist. 22 Dec. 25.
Facings Yellow. Agent, Mr. Lawrie.
1 Sir John Wilsmi In r 1 iiir.t:i] for San Sebastian.
; , i

2 Major Mackiiy' htinn to CopcnhaKCn ISO? ; battles of Roleia, Vimlera, and Corunna ; expedition to

Walcheren : Penin^i.l IHI3, includinjf battles of Borrossa (severely wounded), Vittoria, Pass of Mayo 25tll
; .

July, Parapeluna {Ml- ! i.n

nli July. lsl:l,
• : I

3 Col. Marshall's mi \ i
linni to Copenhagen in ISO? ; battles of Roleia, Vimiera, and Corunna ; Peninsula IVom

Nov. 1812 to the end of th,- war, inrludtng battle of Vittoria, Pass of Mayo (wounded), PanlpeluDa 30th and 31st July, and 31st
Aug. 1S|:1 ; Heights of St. Pee, severely wounded in the head. Present at Niagara, Sept. 16H, and slightly wounded.
4 Major Slater served in the Peninsula and all

..'. ;

83rf/ Rff/iment of Foot.


• •


Haatinss Frascr,' C.B. Em. 9 April, 17(<8 ; Lieut. 3 Nov. 90 ; Capt. 7 Dec. 97 ;
Major 28 Julv, 18lt2 ; LUiit.-Col. 7 Stpt. tM ; Col. 4 June, 13 ; Miijor.-Geii.
}-i Aug. lU ; Licut.-Oni. 10 Jaii. 37 ; Col. 83r<l Repiment, 30 Sept. 35.
April, '.'4 .Major : mHum
Dumlas, Enj. k Lieut. 18 Not. 19; Capt. PI
Julv, Sti ; Lieut. -Col. P3 Uoc. 29.
Jfff;or».— B«tct Tnilcll,^ £;u. 19 Oct. 04; Lieut. 30 Oct. OC; Copf. 17 Nov.
18 ; Major 1-3 Di-c. 29.
Peter Crofton,' ind Lieut. 5 April, 10 ; Liettt. 9 Nov. 14 ; Capt. 15 Dec. 22
Major 2 March, 33.
Captains. I

SA 9 William 29 April 13 P28 Nov. IG P 14 July 25 28 June

Henn»' Law*. 1 38
9 Joseph Swinburne' .. 10 Au(t. 09 4 June 12 G Oct. 25 28 June
Edwanl Townsond 2:1 Mav 16 P28 Oct. 24 P18 Feb. 2(i,

Robert Colquhoun P20 April 20 P 4 Dec. 23 PIG Mar. 31*

IP John Emslie^ 2C Mar. 08 8 .Nov. 09 22 -Mav 29
Hcnrj- Francis Ainjiie 29 Jan. 24 P 7 Nov. 20 P 5 April 31
9 IQ Jol>n Richardson 1 Dec. 08 OSept. 101 17 Nov. 31
Den.M'CarthyStubbeniaii P22 Mar. 27 P 3 .Aug. 30 P 5 June 35
George Grey 14 Jan. 30 P29 Mar. 33 P22 Mar. 39
Edward D'.\lton 13 June 30 Aug. 33 P20Sept. 39

6 Cape Enulie strrrd Jo the

John Rayson 1 Feb. 21 7 April
PrniuuU from June 1^13 w
Ihe rod
John Kclsall P14 Julv 25 P30 Apnl 27 of ih* war. inoludms thr battlM of
William Garstin 28 Oct. 24 21) Mav 28 Nircllc. Orthn. and Tuuloutf.
I.inn .ju S«'"'f*l »l'o in ibe Kandian rcbellioo
Jolin Stubbs* 20 Apr. 20 .T^
.o June ,_ ,fl,- ,_^ ,^

Henry Lloyd P 5 Apr. 31

Thos. John St. .Aubyu P24 Aug. 32
Benj. Handlcy Brown P 12 Apr. 33 C Dec. 37 actions at Bntaco. Salamanca, Vlt-I

D. W. P. Labulmondicre . 21 June 33 P 26 May 3d torla. Pfmiers, SSth and MHh luXj. '

Thos. Richard Derinzy. . P 2 Aug. 33 14 \0V. 38 ^'"'^"* t**"^*""!): wounded in the i

'*** ^"m). Orthps, and Toulouw


Walter Hamilton D
P 10 June 30 PI t:
1 u
ten. *in ;

(ii^lputial aeUons at Rodiulia. Vale

Duncan Campbell P8 April 34 P 15 Mar. 39 of Coocales, Pr^rnn^ Hci^hu of
^'*'*'- »l*o "»C»g«l »t the lirge of
Fxlward Steele
P18 April ;« •*- \1ir
1Q '

, ;;'^ OUTmta. fim and la»t »i*fr of

Wenman Wvnniatt P 8 Dec. 37 P 20 &ept. 39 Badajox (woondrd at the anault 7th I

Exs'io.Ns. April, ISIS), si^c of Ciudad Rodrigo, and storming the

fuburbft, and bloekadr of Pampclona. Pn^nt at Wa-
Septimus Cary .A. P3 April 35
Fra. John Hcxt P2o Mav 38 it Lirut. Slubbs frrfd dtirinc tfa« Kandian rrbfllion
in I417 and l^ Qnarir-r- Master, iHtb Sept. S3, from
Cha. Wilson Austin P 14 Dec. 38
which dat« the period of wrrice bai bcm computrd.
David Anderson 28 Dec. 38
John Thos. Dowumon ...PI Feb. 39 . .

William Rocer Puleston .. P 15 Mar. 39

Hou. Wm. Gage P22 Mar. 39
John Williams Wallinirton P 20 Sept. :J9
10 Paijinatter. —
Richanl lirouch, 7 Oct. 24 ; * Lietit. 25 Dec. 13.
.4<(/u/./n/.—John Stnbbs. (Lieut.) 20 April, 20.
\Qunrti-r-.\f alter.— Robert Imray, 8 June, 38.
\Surgeon. — William Gardiner, 5 May, 37; Atntt.-Surgeon, 7 Feb. 11.
\.i$titt.-Surgeoni. —John M.D. 12 June, 28: Hotp.-Atsixt. IG Dec.
.Maillanil, 2fi
I James OFbhcrty, 9 Jan.
ni. Iiar.1 3.5.
— Agent, Messrs. Cox Co. ..'W. jc

1 Otaenl Fiiti wrrrA :

and 9C in the Eaa liadie* wu prm^t at th« tirfr ftnd itonaltic
.r^o, 91. ;

r Baacklon. Ibv Maault ' :

. Uh
Prti. )79r. and tubi«i)tirat fitTv of Srrincapalam. In 1^03 be mttmI
•I dk» tlrfvsad captor* of : .... . ullrd on the prr-jertod Manilla expeditloo to Penaac.
; ;.f In 1799 be took
Ik* 6#ld acaHiat Tippo Sulb u ^.Tc '.ii: ai the tiaiUc of Mallavrllr. and the »ii-te and auault of Srriafapaiam. Oea.
Ul<'a of 111* army, dnrlnc the whole of the Polffar nar in IMl.
1 Major TriiUU i«rfrd i the rapturv of th* Cape of Gc«d Hope in lt«6.iod in the Raikdlan luvrTeclioa of 1417 tod 19 in

» Maj -
- r and lA.
rod of the war, tnrludinc the battlci of Ntrrlle and Nive.
the end of ihe war. inrlodinf the battles tit Oporto. Talarera
) mt4l. Leeia. Cnodeiaa. Fletir-d^Us, Ovanla. and Sahufal battle i

it.'^S'-o tkr$t of Cindad Rodrlco; wcMid sfffeof Badajnj

; Salajnaiwa, .

B the arefc), Vlfmacorr, and Tuulotue.

. ;

84th ( York and Lancaster) Reyt. of Foot.

The Union Rose, " NIVE"—" PENINSULA"—" INDIA.'

Sir Fitzrov J. Grafton Maclean, ' St. Ens. 24 Sept. 1787 ; Lieut. 19 June, 88
Capt. 15 July, 93 ; Lieut.-Col. 18 Nov. 95 ; Col. 25 Sept. 1803 ; 3Iajor-Gen.
25 July, 10 ; Lieut.-Gen. 4 June, 14 ; Gen. 10 Jan. 37 ; Col. 84tli Regiment,
28 July, 23.
Lieut.-Colonel. —5? Frederick Macbean,^ K. H. En3. 9 June, 03 ; Lieut. 6 May,
05; Capt. 24 Dec. 12; Mqjor, P18 July, 20 Lieut.-Col. P2 Nov. 38.

il/fi/ors.— Richard WilUngton,' Cornet, \ Oct. 12 ; Lieut. 2 Oct. 14; Capt.

V3 Dec. 25; Brevet-Major, 28 June, 38; Begtl.-Major, P2 Nov. 33.
Charles Frarklyn, jEns. P17 July, 23; Lieut. P8 April, 26; Capt.flO July, 28;
Major, P28 Dec. 38.

Captains. ensign. I

^3Sam. Taylor Basden' .

Alex M'Crae
Hen. Bourkc Clarke
David Russell
The. Geo. Veitch
Matthew B. G. Reed
Charles James
Rich. Nassau Bolton
Samuel John GosUn
\Vm. Hen. Kelly
Jas. Alex.
Thomas Bridge
15^3 Roderick J.Hanley
Arthur Coape
Lawr. L. Esmonde M'hite..
Rich. Lovelocke Coxe ....
George M'Call
Matthew Cassan
Thos. Davison
Geo. Fra. Harrison
James Considine
Wm. Murray Mitchell .

Cha. F. Campiiell
Cha. F. SejTnour
Thos. Ligh'tfoot
Arth. Cav. Bentinck
John Willington Monck
Geo. Fred. MacBean
Frederick Mills
II. Mac Naughten Smith .

Si)eer Hughes
Emb. for Poreiirni
r.^'-.TSJi'"] S5th {Bucks Volunteers) or KimjS Lhjht hi f. Regt. [^^Ci!'

^^Aucto fplfiuion* risiirgo."

Years' Sc-rv.

87M Regt. of Foot (or Roi/al Irish Fusiliers). [X'„",'5,°J,""
* MONTB VIDEO"—" TALAVRRA."— .4n RakIc, irifA aWrcxUt of Laurel aiorv (At tlup. in addilion to Vu Amu of tha
mmrmotvtutn qf (An>
Prince of Walet, in ca dittin^^uit^nt Srrricft on raWoiu ocronofu, and pariinUarly at Ific BattU oj

9 Cd S\r Thomas Rcynoll,' Bt. K.C.B. Em. 30 Sept. 1793
; Lieut. 3 Dec. 94
Cn/)/. -J!) July, 97 ; .UfyW,
1804 ; LiVk^-Co/. 10 Mar. 05 ; To/. 4 June,
13; M(i/ur-Gcn. li .Vug. 19 Lieut.-Geii. 10 Juii. 37; Col. 87th rusiliers,

1,) .\u(r. 34. Lieut .-Colonel.

Henry C. Streatfeild,' Em. Oef. 01 ; iiV«<. P 13 Nov. 01 ; Cajit. n 7 Nov. 05 ;
Jireeet-.VnJor, 1-2 Aut;. 19 ; Iiegtl.-Mi{Jor, 18 May, 23; Lieiit.-Col. 1'4 Oct. 33.
»A —
Mnjors. IP lleury Arthur Xlagenis,' Cornet, 1 Oct. 12; Lieut. 4 March, 13;
Cupt. I' 9 Sept. 19 Mi{jor, i'20 Nov. 27.

Juines Bowes,' Em. 12 Sept. 11 ; Lieut. P April, 13 ; Capt. 23 Aug. 25 ; Mqjor

vA« Oct. .-IS.

S8th Regiment of Foot (o?' Connaitght Rangers.)

On the Colours and appointments the Harp and Crotvn, with the motto, "Quis Separabit."
The .S'/;/i;«x, with tlie words " EGYPT"—" TALAVERA"—" BUSACO"—" FUENTES

Years' Serv.


. . 1 ;

Emb. for Forclgnl

Serrictf, li«J3. J
Sdth Retjiment of Foot. rsonlni! at
TUe Sphi X, with the words •'
EGYl'T" —" JAVA"— " NIAGARA' -" AVA."
p5;rChtts. B. Estcrton,' O.C.M.G. Ac K.C.H. Ens. 10 Nov. 1791: Lieut. 21
Slar.93 ; Cupt. i-i April, 95 Major, 1 Jiin,., 98 ; Lieut.-Col.
Col. 4 Juno, 11 ; .Vojor-Ucii. 4 June, 14
; Nov. 180-i ; U
; Lk-ut.-Gcn. -'i July, 30; Col. B9th
Rt-i:t. i!(i Stpt. 37. Lieut.-Culonel.
J. L. Basdcn,' C.B. Eiu. 12 Jan. 00 Lieut, f 17 March, 01
; Capt. 4 Sept. ; 00 ;
Srer-.Vujor, 30 Dec. 13 ; Seg1l.-Mt{/or, 25 Nov. 21 ; Breo.-Lieut.-Col. 22
July, 30
; July, 38.
.V<o«M.— Walter Pearse,' Ens. 22 Aug. 05 : Lieut. 9 Dec. 00 : Capt. 27 March,
19 ; MnJ. P 24 Deo. 33.
D A. S. H. Aplin,' £;«. 5 July, 10; Lieut. 24 Sept. 12; Capt. 9 March, 25:
Bnr.-.UaJor. 28 June. 38 ; Regtl.-Major, v 7 July, 38.
9 Edw. Thorp * 7 Mar. 1 28 Jan. 13 p 13 Aug. 25 28 June 38
Robt. Lewis **
7 Apr. 25 2 Mar. 20 1p 12 Feb. e CapL
^ Edward Kenny ' ... 17 June 13 1 Nov. 19 !p 4 Dec. 32
served intht-Bur-

James Graham * 22 Apr 19 Apr. 27 P 19 Apr. 33 7 C«pt Kenny


Pole P 21 Sept. 20 P21 June 27 P 24 Dec. •'"'' '" "" ^'

Jolm Milliquet Hewsou' 2 Sept. 12 22 May 15 13 Mar. 3o 1813. lothecndof
Wm. Alex. Poppleton . 12 June 30 P 19 Apr. 33 P 7 July 38 ""c war, Includ-
Caletlon Rich. Ejrerton . 15 June 3 P 28 Mar. 34 P 15 Mar. 39 '
i°« i"- <"«» «
Geo. Calvert Clarke . . V 30 May 34 P 7 Oct. 36 P20 Sept. 39 Viltorl.; sle,e
Charles Daly P 25 July 34 P 17 Feb. 37 P 31 Dec. '•^ '•p'"" of
39 1

LlECTEXASTS. pauage of the BIdassoa (levenly

San Sebastian
Fred. Chas. Aylmer P 4 Dec. 3S P 25 July 34 wounded above the left hipl; St.Jeaa
John Spence 30 Sept. 30 P de Lua. and the series of actions
12 Apr. 33
between the 9th and I31h Dee 1813
Martin .M. Dillon 10 Aug. 31 P 1 July 36
in from of the inerrnehed camp
Chas. Monta(;u Walker. 10 Apr. 35 P Bayunne. 10 Mar. 37
Served also in Ava,
John Duntze Macdouald 13 July 32 P and was present in most of the ope-
13 June 34
rations throu;;hout the war.
Arthur Pigott P24 Apr. 35 2 July 38
9 Captain Grahamjuinedthe MUl
Wm. Hen. Thoniton 3 Oct. 35 refit, in Bunnah, as a volunteer,
1 Nov. 38 in
Henry Crawford P 9 Oct. 3; Dec \^i, and was present at the

8 Nov. 38
carrying the entrenched Fords of the
ry Edmunds P 8 Apr. 30 P Uaiiaticc 15 Mar. 39
271h March, 1

Jas. R.Macdonald P 7 Oct. 30 1 3 May ,39 "" *""'' on the fortlSed heights of
Timothy Hutclunson.. .. P 10 Mar. 37 P28 'Id *"•="• =»"' «•"''. 1825; al Uie
Charles Sandes P17 Feb. 37 P 20 Sept. 39 »o<l face.
Rob. B. Hawley 28 Aug. 38 P 31 Dec. 39 Capt. Mewson served in the

.'rican war, and was engaged at
Ensigns. the battle of Niagara and siege
W. J. D. C. Aplin P 7 July 38 Fort Erie. Served also in the Burmese war
John Newbury II Capuin Bell served at the capture of the
28 Dec. 38 France in Isle of
1810, and In the Decean In 1818.
OUver C. O'Brien P 28 Dec. 38
"'' '''°"°'°" """ " '*«»' Orleans. 8th Jan.
John Chas Romer P 15 Mar. 39 ml.
Chas. Dovle Patterson 21 June 39 .

Fred. W. Oakley 28 June .39

Geo. Aug. Fred. Ru.Tton 2 Aug. 39,
Tho. Doppinj; B. D'Arcy PIO Jan. 40

Paijmnster. Wra. Bell,' 9Mav,34; Ens.
3 March, 08; iieu<. 9 May, U;

Capt. 2.3 Nov. 24.

— Henry Edmunds, (Lieut.) 12
May 39.
Quarter-Master. — James Dukes, 14 Dec '^O

Assistant-Surgeons. —James Morison, 14 Oct. 30.

George M'Clure, 29 March, 39.
B''"'''— ^fff"', Messrs. Cox & Co.
I ,., r « r^J^""^'
served' ^Js::ieTs:?^ '^^''«.z::>'^-°.r^i:,ir»^Z<',^': i^:^:^ "°"'
a";- ,h. °' '^ '« -"' '"*•
«-nb,-.e.pedi„o..„ Ecypt. a«, .a. peeaem ,. the aeS^ "i!;
Spun wd Portyf*! la IHIO utA o?^M3V2^d'.^«X"li'rt";^.:^'"'
MATCH, IWI. SvnrnI with
^'^ *•»'
the umj in
l!i| I.

•omsdM "°°^
,n .he .h,:hi
Port Erie, Blaek R„», BuHUo, .«1 battle of
the fTm. (wo^JT.^ Z'^J!, ^ ^"^
'"""' 'I"- ""Ough Bunne«. war.
J Major p...,^ .ervrd in Uie \.„,v.e.„ .„. and
engaged at Chr,..i;i . wu p.™ ','

b. -a. -.verelv .-.„„,<^ thr.^b the am,. ServM in

of U» .... l..el.>l,„, the capture, of for.. I..,h.r.
^T^,L,iJ^^\L^^ " ^"^
"" ''''" ""'• "<""
'^'"'- '"!« "o ">' "<•
I.aac.„ 1^1,!^ aL^v.t^.^^T^ ^"'T'

-.".rw: -ar, aou was present in

the en^my. aumerou. engagemento with
5 Major Thorp wrved in Use Peninsula, from June, 1«1|, .„ ih, ,^ „, ,^. „, ,„ , . . _
Alfayte.«,„ and .t™ml«i of C.udad Rod.lgo buue. me p/r.n.^ LllrlV^' "* ^' ."**'" "' ^"~'"' "^

~t aetn. !».„.„„ Ba,oo.». u>d ym„ (r-TBayoa^

; of ' ""^ "" ^'""^
*' '«" "' "-ui, u.d dilT... '

fe^vicfiKw' ]
90ifA Regt. of Ft. {or Perthsk. Volun.) {Lt. In fan.) [^'c'^yionf'

" MANDORA."—Tlie Sjyhinx with the word, " EGYPT"—" MARTINIQUE"—

Years' Serv.
^sl,*rVk''^M4*"] ^^*' (P^ '** Argyllshire) Regiment of Foot.

Emb. for Foreign*]
Service, 1834. J 92nd (or Highland) Regt. of Foot.

" EGMONT-OP-ZEE" — " MANDORA"—The Sphinx, with the words "EGYPT"—


SMk.'^^'"'] 93(/(r.r Sutherland Highlanders) Regt. of Font.


PuU Half

P.T. P.y

94^/t Regiment, of Foot.

Emb. for Forpixnl Sen ins Bt
S«r»lce, 1(138. J
95t/i {or the Derbyshire) Rifft. of Foot. t Ceylon.

Ye«rt* Serr,


96tk Regiment of Foot.

Sir Lewis Grant,> K.C.H. Lieut. 15 Feb. 1794; Capt. 11 June, 96; Majm, 8
Sept. 02; ite«^-Coi. 18Feb. 1804; CoZ. 4 June 13; il/njor-Gen. 12 Aug. 19;
Lieut.-Gen. 10 Jan. 37 ; Col. 96th Regt. 9 April, 39.
lAeut. -Colonel. Alex. Cairncross," K.H. Ens. p25 June, 03 ; Lieut. 15 Sept.
04 ; Capt. 7 June, 10 ; Mojor, P 10 June, 2G ; Lieat.-Col. P 19 Sept. 34.
Jlfq/ocs.— William Hulme,' E)hs. 25 Sept. 03 ; Lieiit. 26 June, 05 ; Capt. 26
Aug. 13; Brevct-Mnjor, 23 Dec. 17; Regtl.-Major, 9 March, 34; Brevet-
Lieut.-Col. 10 Jan. 37.
C. Brownlow Cumberland, ^ns. P 21 Dec. 20; Lieut. f\5 Oct. 25; Capt. PIO
June, 26 ; Major, P 19 Sept. 34.

. .. 1

97/A (ur The Earl of Listers) Rajiment uf Foot.

" Qiidfai et gloria ductiut."

9 ea Rt. Hon. Sir II. Haitlinge,' K.C.B. Ens. 8 Oct. 1798; Lieut. 26 Mar.
\S0-2Cipt. 7 .\pr. 04
: Major, 13 Apr. 09 ; Lieut.-Col. 30 May, 11 ; Col.

19 Julv, Jl ; .Vqj.-ani. 2-2 July. 30.

Lieut.-Col.— 11^ John Campbell, AW. p 9 Julv, 03 Lieut, v 17 Mar. 04 ; Caft. ;

P 5 Mav, 0« ; Bren:t-Mqjor,il Mav, 26 ;' liegtl.-Mn/or, 27 Oct. 29 ; Lieut.-

Col. -24 Jam; 39.
.Viyurt.—J^ Ilt-nrj- Fre<l. Lockycr,' K.Il., Ens. <• 25 Mar. 1813 ; Lieut. 19 Jan.
14 Caiit. P 20 June 22 ; .Major, P 12 June, 35.

Nicholas Lawson Darrah,^ •Ind-Linit. 16 .\usi. 04 ; Lieut. 2 .\pril,05 ; Capt. P30

June. 08 .May, 25; Regtl.-Maj. k Brer.-Lt.-Cot.i» June, 38.

9 '"^(""^ !^i"t)>* Ucc. 04 25 1 Sept. 05 2.5Oct. 14 10 Jan. 37
5^ ^ William Cannon' .. 2C Aug. 07 7 June 10 1 7 April 25 28 June 3li
CJeo. HutcliisoD never 14 Julv 14:p2« June 27
Win. Trevor Staiinus P 1 July 24 P 8 April 20 p 23 July 29
Hon. Henry R. Handrocic 8 April 25 P20 Mar. 27 P24 Feb. 32
9 Donald Mackintosh'. 30 Mav 1 21 April 14 27 Sept. 34
.\ug. Fred. WeUford P24 Feb. 32 P 25 Julv 34 P 19 Jan. 38

5^, Hector Harvest 20 April 15 7 Ajiril 25 28 June 38

John Kinderley P14 Dec. 32 P31 Dec. 3<i P22 -Mar. 39

Robert Lisle Pll Dec. 28 P29 Aug. M
p 6 Dec. 39
John M'Ca-skill 25 Jan. 25 27 Jane 38
Hobt. Colvill P27 Dec. 33 P 10 Feb. 37
O Hensbaw Rusivll PIO Mav 34 P24 Mar. 37
Rob. Hen. S. Jackson..
P 10 Oct". 34 P 2 Sept. 37

Walter Boyd
12 Mar. 36 P 19 Jan. 38
Tho. Onslow W. Ingram P13 May 30 P 9 Mar. 38
David Craigie P 7 Nov. 34 28 June 38
Isaac Moore
20 Feb. 35 29 June 38
9 CspUio O'NVni'i Mrrieea :—
John Hutton
27 April .32 28 Dec. 38 Expedition to Walchrrfn uid siege
IWm.Garforth P31 Dec. 36 P22 Mar. 39 of Fliubinf capture ol tbe Isle of ;

Geo. Mauleverer Gowan.. PIO Feb. 37 P17 Mav 39 France Mahratla campaigns of ;

IHt; and
Rob. Beauchamp Giveen p 2 Sept. 37 P30 Aug. 39 of the Korts tnetuding
the capture
Singbur, WossooU,

Frederick Wm. Lane .... P 19 Jan. 38 P G Dec. 39 Poonioder and Sbolopore.


William Murray
' P 9 Mar. 38 9 Quarter. Master S1ratr>r served i

Peninsula, fyom 1806 until tile end of the wai

George Dorehill P20 Nov. 38 1814.
|.\lfre<l Padley P 8 Feb. 39
Richard Sutton P17 May 39 ,

Edm. C. Leigh 5 Julv 39

Fowler Burton
I P30 Auc. 39
Tliomas Lynch P fi Dec. 39
Francis Wm. Svkes .... P31 Dec. 39
4^ Poym<wf<T.—Charlton O'Neill,' 30 Dec. 36 Ens. 12 Oct. 08 Lieut. 2 .Mav,
; ;

II Capt. 27 June, 28.


.Adjutant.— Isaac Moore, (Lieut.) 20 Feb. 35.

Quarter-Master.—^ Joseph Sleator,' 24 Feb. 25.

*f,\Surgeon.—\\. Austin, M.D. 21 Nov. 28; Assist. -Surg. 4 Mar. 13; tlorp.-
Atsist.2l Nov. 11.
I .ixsistant-SHrgrvn. —Wm. Forb« Leith, 15 .\|iril. 36.
Facings Sky Blue.— J jenf, Cox i: Co.— /ri»A Agent, Messrs. Cane k. Co.
[Returned from Cei/lon, September, 1830.]
lienrr Hardinge has reeetred a eroM and Are clasp* foe Buiaco. Alhnhera. Badajos.
Salamanca, Vittorta. (sceerelr
I. PTr«*eet, Nirelle. Nl«e. and Onhes. Sir Hens? was wretelT wounded at Ligny, 16 June ll^l^k, and lost his left
1 Major LscMrrserrrd m
the Peninsula, from Aug. |a|3 to the end of Ue >ar, Inclnding Ule bailies of Nirelle.
Ottlsrs. Aire, i wrrmtf woundMl on left wnti and elbow joint), aad Toulouse.
S C<A. Dumb scrred Ul Scylla casUe when beaiegcd In IW7 ; and before the same place iu 1W9. At Mill, in Sicily, when
na oi»l< by Ike uoopa of Mnral, king o» Naples. Serrcd also the campaign of 1«1< in Holland, including the

< tUtm taslth semd In (be PenlanU fnK Imty, l>m to the ml of the war, including Use batllea of Roleui. VUniera,
Bissnm. Purates d'Onor : sine of < iodad Kodrigo i seeossd siege and atoras of Badajoi. «b April, 181> baliles
; o* Sala.
» Vioorla, iwossndad in the left tbigbl, Sabucal. VilU HoreSI ; aMl paaaage of Use BIdMM*.
> H»oe CanMO .erred In Ibe prainsula. from Jan. I4|0 to Iba end of the •me, Ineksdiag ibe siege Port Halagonla la U
tnm of Cadij In ling, dnnag tis bombardment, blch lasted two moatba ; lines of Torfva Vcsifu battle *rf Fuentea d'Onor) ;

•tat Bsegv of Badajos action at Elbodon ; tu.rm of riiKtad Kodngo (sererely wounded lb tbr chest) ; battles of Salamanca,

\lttarU(sUgbU7 wouisded m
the rlgbl knee). PTretsers. NIselte, Onhea. and Toulouse.
e Captain Maekmtoab serrrd at the slegr of Copenhagen in I>«7. and subsequently in the ProiBSula.
including the
Sallies of Oporto ami Talavi ' -' .-.-•- — '.'rt battle of Busaco j lines of Torres Vrdras ; battles of Fuentcs d'Onor,

tiselle, Oftlsm, and Toaloua*. bMSdes seeerai n affairs and skirmisbca Wounded by the frafment of a shell at Onbes,
whilf carrying tbc coloan of the Mtb regtmtaL

- 1*9
98th Regiment of Foot.



Rifle Brigade.

— —
Copenhagen" — " Monte Video" — "Roleia"
" Vimiera"
" BnsAco" — " Barrosa" — " Fuentes d'Onor" " Ciudad Rodrigo" —" Bada-
joz"— " Salamanca" —
" Vittori a"

" Nivelle" ——
" Nive" " Orthes" — — —
" TonLOCsE" " Peninsula" " Waterloo."
Years' Serv
Colonel-in- Cli ief.
JP am Arthur, Duke 0/ Wellington, K.G.G.C.B. & G.C.H. 19 Feb. 20.
Colonels ComynancUint
1 Sir A. F. Barnard,' K.C.B. &G.C.H. Em. 26 Aug. 1794 ; Lieut. Sept. 94 ;
Capt. 13 Nov. 94 Major, 1 Jan. 1805 ; Lient.-Col. 28 Jan. 08 ; Col. 4 June,

13 Major-Gen. 12 Aug. 19 ; Lieut.-Gen. 10 Jan. 37.


2 '^Sir Jas. Stevenson Barns,^ K.C.B. E71S.U July, 92 ; Lietit. 2 Jan. 94 ; Capt.
27 Feb. 96; il/njor, 17 Sept. 02 ; Lleut.-Col. 6 Jiov. OG; Co?. 4 June, 14;
Major-Gen. 19 July, 21 ; Lieut.-Gen. 10 Jan. 37.
Lieut.-ColoneU.—IT^ George Brown,' C.B. & K.H. Em. 23 Jan. 06; Lieut. 18
Sept. 06; C'o/jf 20 June, 11; Major, P26 Mav, 14; Brevet-Lieut.-Col. 29

Sept. 14 Reytl.-Lieut.-Col. P17 July, 23 ; Col. 6 May, 31.


1 IP sua John Charles Hope," K.H. Ens. 8 Jan. 07 ; Lieut. 2 Feb. 09 ; Capt. 9
Nov. 20; Major, 22 July, 30; Lieut. -Col. P4 Dec. 35.
Q6 —
Majors. 2 Geo. Milne Stevenson, Em. 21 April, 13; Lieut. 11 Jan. 15; Capt.
P24 Oct. 21 Major, P 12 Aug. .34.

34 1 Thos. E. Kelly,5JS/w. 1 Aprif, 06 ; Lieut. 11 Feb. 08 ; Capt. 26 Dec. 22;

Brevet-Major, 10 Jan. 37 ; Be(jtl.-Major,v<H Feb. 37.
2 Richard Irton, •2nd Lieut. P 11 May, 15 ; Lieut. P 20 May, 24 ; Capt. P 29
Aug. 20 3IaJor, P 31 May, 39.

1 George Buller, 2nd Lieut. 2 Mar. 20 ; Lieut. 28 Mar. 25 ; Capt. p 19 Aug. 28

3Iajor, P 31 Dec. 39.


.. ' ..... ' ;

1^^ JVest India Regiment of Foot.

Sir William Nicolay,' C.B. & K.C.H. 2nd Lieut. 28 May, 90; Lieut.
i9 fflja
Aug. 93 ; Copt. 29 Auij. 98 Major, 26 June, 01 Lieut.-Col. 4 April, 06
lij ; ;

Co7. 4 June, 13; MaJ.-Gen. 12 Aug. 19 ; Lieut.-Gen. 10 Jan. 37 ; Col. 1st

West India Regt. 30 Nov. 39.

Lieutenant-Colonels. Wm. Bush, K.H. Cornet, p 7 Jan. 08 Lieut. P29 June, ;

09 ; Capt. P 22 July, 13 ; Major, P 8 April, 26 Lieut.-Col. P 22 May, 29. ;

Henry Capadose,- Ens. 24 M,ar. 96 ; Lieut. 30 Oct. 99 ; Capt. 24 Mar. 04 ; Brcv.-

Major, 4 June, 14 ; Regtl.-Mqjor, 17 Oct. 16 Lieut.-Col. 22 Apr. 36. ;

MoJors.~Wm. Maxwell Mills,^ jB/w. 25 Oct. 03 ; Liezit. 24 Oct. 04 ; Capt. 18

April, 11 Major, 24 April, 28.

Johu Cornell Chads,* 2nd Lieut. Royal Marines, 4 May, 09 Ens. SSrdliegt. 3 ;

March, 14 ; Lieut. P 1 Dec. 14 Capt. P 27 Jan. 20 ; Major, 22 April, 36.



PiESa Robert Hughes =^.. 11 April 11 29 Oct. 12 13 Feb. 27
Hector Downie 14 Dec. 08
26 Feb. 10 26 Oct. 30
Luke Smyth O'Connor. 27 April 27 . 22 Mar. 31 P17 Jan. 34
P Archibald Robertson 13 Apr. 09 6 Jan. 14 30 Dec. 34
James Clarke 11 Jan. 21 19 July 27 21 April 36
Wm. Devonish Deverell. 4 May 15 16 Nov. 20 7 April 37
John David Blythe P 21 Nov. 28 P 3 Feb. 32 1 Dec. 37

George Robeson 21 July 25 17 April 28 1 June 39

"t^ Rich. Straker Wickham. 2 Dec. 13 11 April 16 2 June 39

Siaa John Griffith « 29 July 13 . 4 May 15 29 July 36
Thomas Moore 30 Mar. 14 25 Nov. 21 30 Sept. 36
James Palmer 20 Apr. 15 6 June 16 25 Aug. 39
William Burko PIO Dec. 12 27 Aug. 15 15 Sept. 39

John Fra.Grant 6 Dec. 27 9 Sept. 33
Wm. Maxwell Mills P 20 July 32 P 17 Jan. 34
Geo. Waller Meehan 17 April 28 14 April 36
William Doran 15 Nov. 33 16 April 36
Philip Phipps Trotman . p 6 Dec. 33 P 17 April 36

8t^ George Fahie Horsford. 30 Jan. 23 20 April 36

Edward Lucas 9 April 25 21 April 36
;Si)' J.R. Carm. Smyth, B< P29 May 36 P26 Aug. 36
Gustavus H. Reilly P21 April 36 1 Dec. 37
Benjamin Mackenzie. . . 22 April 36 P17 Feb. 38
Wm. C. De Bcnyon Reade 20 April 36 26 April 38
Fra. Milward W. Pogson P 29 April 36 27 Oct. 38
Hon. T. C. S. Foster P 10 June 36 1 June 39
Alex. Wm. Mackenzie. . 3 Feb. 37 1 June 39
Edm. Hayter Bingham. PIO Mar. 37 1 June 39

Edw. Alger. O'Donoghue 25 July 37 2 June .39

S. W. Sutton Bush . . . 18 Feb. 38 9 Aug. 39

Edm. Phipps Mackie P 3 April 35 25 Oct. 39

Ninian Craig P 25 Mar. 36 26 Oct. 39
Thomas Martin 27 May 36 27 Oct. 39
R. J. H. Moffatt 26 June 38 15 Nov. 39
H.Williams Wily... . 27 June 38 15 Nov. 39
James Mac Carthy . . 8 April 25 8 Oct. 27
John Armstrong P 28 Oct. 37 7 Feb. 40

1 Sir "Wm. Nicolay's services;— sieves of Seringapatam and Pondicherry ; capture of St. Lucia ; campaign
of 1808 in Spain, including the retre'at to Corunna. Sir William was present at Waterloo.
2 Colonel Capadose served at the capture of Minorca in Nov. 1798.
3 M^jor Mills served at the capture of Martinique In 1809, and Guadaloupe in 1810.
4 Miyor Chads served with the expedition to Walcheren in 1809.
5 Capt. Hughes served in the Peninsula from 1800 to 1814, including the first siege of Badaioz, and the
'" "' ""
battles of Busaco, Vittoria (wounded), Salamanca, and the Pyrenees, besides variou
mishee. Present at Waterloo on the 16th, 17th and 18th June, and was wounded c
1*/ n^est India Reffiinent of Foot.
.... ;

27id West India Beffhnent of Foot.

Francis Fuller,' Ens. 26 Jan. 1778; Lieut. 1 June, 78: Capt. 9 April, 81 ;
il/o/OT-, 21 Dec. 85; Lieut.-Col. 1 March, 94; Cul. 1 Jan. 98;
1 Jan. 1805; Lieut.-Gen. 4 June, 11 ; Gen. 27 May, 25.
Lieut. -Colonels.
4^ ^ Francis Cockburn,^ Comet, 16 Oct. 00 ; Lieut. p6 April, 03 ; Capt. 3 March,
04 ; Major, 27 June, 11 ; Lieut.-Col. 27 Oct. 14 ; Col. 10 Jan. 37.
Wm. Burke NicoUs,^ Ens. 10 June, 95 ; Lieut. 4 April, 98 ; Capt. 3 Aug. 04 ;
Brevet-Major, 4 June, 14 Regtl.-Major, 8 Jan. 24; Lieut.-Col. 12 Jan. 35.

Majors.— 3oh.-a Anderson," Ens. 2 Nov. 09; Lieut. 24 Jan. 11 ; Cajjt. 16 Mar.
20Major, 22 March, 27.

Thomas M'Pherson,-* Ens. 8 Aug. 11 ; Lieut. 19 May, 13; Capt. 25 Dec. 23;
Major, 12 Jan. 35. :

Thomas Maling^ 9 July 03 7 Sept. 04 11 July 05 12 Aug. 19
Herbert Mends never 19 Feb. 24 19 Mar. 29
}S John Jas. Peck « .... 27 May 13 24 May 21 '
8 June 30
Edw. Cha. Soden 1 Feb. 16 27 June 24 10 Nov. 34
James Allen 8 Dec. 25 28 May 28 24 July 35
Rich. Percy Pack 16 Aug. 13 12 Apr. 20 12 Feb. 36
Hen. C. Cobbe 15 Feb. 31 P 23 Jan. 35 '
3 Nov. 37
E. S. Norman Campbell 2 Oct. 23 14 Jan. 20 '
7 Oct. 36
Richard Elliott 28 July 14 30 Nov. 26 7 Aug. 39
William Lardner' 27 June 24 22 Mar. 27 4 Oct. 39
Stephen John Hill 10 Nov. 25 13 Feb. 28 2 Col. Cockbuni sei vecl
Hen. \yase Whitfeild 13 Feb. 28 28 Oct. 31 South America in 1807 in tlu: ;

18 Nov. 31 Peninsula in 1809 and 10 and ;

James Findlay '
3 Apr. 28
in Canada from 1811 to 1814.
Willoughby H. Nicolls . 28 Aug. 28 22 Mar. 33 8 Colonel Nicolls served at
MU Abraham P. Kenyon 24 June 13 24 June 13
P 17 Oct. 34
the capture of the Cape
Good Hope (both operations)
James Edw. Boggis .... P 12 July 33
also at the capture of the Isle
Walter Crauford Kennedy 27 Oct. 31 10 Nov. 34 of France.
James Batchelor Davidson 25 May 32 13 Aug. 35 4 Majors Anderson and Mc
Robt. Caldecott Morris . P18 Dec. 35 P 25 Nov. 36 Pherson served in the Ame-
Alexander Geddes 3 Feb. 14 27 Jan. 3^
5 Brev.-Lieut.-Col. 10 Jan.
L. C. W. H. Fitzgerald P17 Oct. 34 .
P 7 Apr. 37

Anth. Hart Lapslie .... 11 July 34 Capt. Peck served the 5 Mar. 38
P 15 Apr. 36 campaigns of 1813 and 14 in P 13 July 38
Bartholomevp O'Brien .
the Peninsula.
John Miller P 29 Dec. 35 7 Capt. Lardner was se- 25 Jan. 39
B. M. S. Hutchinson. 9 Dec. 24 . . verely wounded in retaking 10 Sept. 29
Robt. Murphy Nicolls 9 July 37 .
Fort Bullen, on the River 4 Oct. 39
Gambia, 11th Nov. 1831. P 20 Apr. 32
John Grogan p 25 Nov
8 Quarter-master, 18 Aug.
William Anderson 10 July 37 33 from which date the period 25 Oct. 39 ;

Jas. Delamain Mends P 3 Nov. 37 . of service has been computed. 26 Oct. 39

John Potts ° 5 Mar. 38 30 Dec. 39
J. Gaggin Cox 1 June 38 31 Dec. 39
16 Mar. 38 9 Dr. Richardson served at the capture of the
J. Warren Glubb
Cape of Good Hope in 1800; reduction
Geo. L. Woodd 30 Nov. 38 Monte Video, and campaign of 1806 and 7 m
Wm. M'Carthy Murray. 22 Feb. 39 South America campaigns of 1808 of and 9 m ;

Jas. Wm. Lovat Fraser 27 Sept. 39 the Peninsula, including the battles

Joseph Hill 4 Oct. 39 ^"' vimiera.

John Harger 25 Oct. 39
Stephen Blaney Gordon. 26 Oct. 39
George Bennett 27 Oct. 39
Geo. A. Crooks Kippen. p 6 Dec. 39
Deck 31 Dec. 39
Adjidant.—Sohn Potts, (Lieut.) 20 July, 38.
Qi(iirter-Ma.sttr.—}o\m Harpur, 6 March, 38.
Sur,ieun.~li John Richardson,' 5 Jan. 26; Assist. -Surg. 18 Feb. 08
^'.vs'u-t. 9 JliIv, 05.

Assist.-Surgeoiis.—B.ic' Tutliill, M.D., 8 Jan. 36.

James Shirrefs, 4 Aug. 87.
Fnr-in,!' \'-\h'\\\— Aitrff. iVT.s^rs. Cnx ,V f:o.
ii,' r ^ l.rt the lOlst at the battle of -
1 Gen. Fuller served i 'I I ii 1 , :: 1
' .1 !

Ciiddalore in 1783. S., :.i!.'

. ' 'i ' - ,, I
,. !:l ..r Ihe West Indif
or 1795, where he ronihiu.-l i. -,

(•:mljarkcd for the Eakt l[»m l-'"., .il..n h. ,

Years' Serv.l
Royal African Cultmial Corps.



— .
.. ;

Roi/al NeitfoundUmd Veteran Companies.

9 *® Robert Law,' K.II. Ens. 8 June, 1809; Lieut. 27 May, 11 ; Capt. p 18
Oct, 21 Mtyor, e-H) Aug. 34.

9 William SaU, K.U.' . 30 Oct. 9-« 26 .Nov. 94 9 July 03 4 June 14
Har. Jeffares ' f 15 Feb. 10 4 Mar. 12 11 Aug. 25 28 June 38
William Bindoa 21 Mar. 00 19 May 08 8 Apr. 25 28 June 38
RichanI Saunders 4 Nov. 09 25 Oct 10
Jas. Parsous Berry* . . . 8 Jan. 07 2(>Jun. 08
Fred. Nepean Skijiner . 2C Mar. 12 25 Aug. 14
J. Hunt (Acliog PaTtnaster) 11 Dec. 12 9 Apr. 15
9 William Ma-'on* . . . 23 Feb. 09 19 Mar. 12
Hcetor Munro* 5 Sept. 11 20 .May 13
John Nicholls P 12 Feb. 18 7 Dec. 38
William Jenkins 23 Feb. 38
John Fletcher 4 Jan. 3J)
John Gillespie 31 May 39
Wm. Jenkins, (Ens.) 5 July, 39.
John Freeborn Pink, 10 Not. 37 ; Auist.-Surg. 27 April, 20 ; Hosp.-Aitist. 9
July 09.
William Sail, 10 May, 39.
Facings Blue. Agent, Sir John Kirkland, No. 80, Pall Mall.

1 M^or Law joined the arm^ in Spain as a Toliinleer in 1&03. and was attochM to the 71st regimeot
*<»rTfJ with it maction at Lufto, on the retreat to, and at the battle of Corunna; serred at the Biece of
P1ii«hitir, and the subsequent occupation of Walcheren ; twice wounded by musket balls at Fuentes d'Onor,
3d and 5th May, 1811 ; wterely wounded on the advance to Toulouse -Jl March, l&U; continued uninter-
ruptedly on service with his regiment (the 71st) in Portugal, Spain, and France, until the separation of the
army at Bounleaux in lf*14; embarked in July, 1814, for Xew Orleans, but was recalled and sent to Bel-
Cium ; was prest'nt with his retnment at Waterloo in Sir Frederick .\dam*s bricade, where he was very
iererely wounded by a cannon shot, which also killed his horse ; served subsequently three years in Prance
with the army of occupation. Major Law has served fifteen >ears in the Colonies since the Peace.
£ Ol. Sail served at the takine of Maldonado and Monte Video in le<07 ; and in the Peninsula, from ldl3 to
the end of the war, and was present at the repulse of the sortie from Bayonne. Brevet Lieut, -Col.
SS July, 1S30.
S Major Jefikrea was engmsed at Xew Orleans, 8th Jan. I81J, and subsequently at the capture of
4UeuU Berry served nearly fire yean with the army in Sicily, and was present at the taking of the islands
and Prodda. Served on boftrd the WeazU Bri^, cutting out gun-boats on the coast of Calabria
of Iscfaia
In 1811.
5 Lieat. Maaon served in the Peoinsula, and was severely wounded in the riebt hip at the battle of the
Nivelle. Served also in the American war, and was severely wounded at Niagara ; in the right arm, where
the h«ll ftilt remaltu ; in the neck, and seven buck shot wounds in the breast, and also one in the left arm.
8 Lieut. Munm served In the American war, was present in the action at Prescot, Chrystler's Farm, and
Platt>L>urgh, besidtn various skirmishes.


Roijal Malta Fencible Regiment.


Count Francis Rivarola, K.C.H. £•».«. 4 April, 1 795 Lieut. 21 Feb. 98 Capt.
; ;

18 Mar. 04; il/njor, 6 Feb. 07; Lieut.-Col. 7 March, 11 ; Col. 19 July, 21 ;

Major-Gen. 22 July 30.
* Marq. Guiseppe de Piro, C.M.G. 29 Dec. 37.

* Francisco Bussiett, 1 1 Feb. 22.

* Giovanni Gouder, 24 Jan. 25.

* Paolo Ellul, 15 Jan. 27.
James Galland, 29 Jan. 36.
* Carlo Cutajar, 17reb. 38.
» Paolo Camilleri, 9 Feb. 38.
* Vincenzo Bona\-ita, 25 Jan. 25.
* Salvatore Calleja, 25 April, 25.
* Mederico de Marchesi Alpssi, 15 Jan. 27-
* Antonio Maltei, 15 Jan. 27.
* Guglielmo Petit, 17 Feb. 37.
* Salverio Gatt, 31 July, 37-
* Felice Rizzo, 27 Oct. 39.
* Giuseppe Gouder, ditto.
* Georgio Virtu, 30 Dec. 34.
* Nicola Metrovich, 17 Feb. 37.
» William Gatt, 31 July, 37. '

* Guiseppe Cavarra, 9 Feb. 38.

Guiseppe Sesino, 27 Oct. 39.
Vincenzo Rizzo, 25 Feb. 17.

* Salverio Gatt. (*Lieut.)
* Paolo Salamone, 25 Jan. 39.
J. Montanaro, 3 Aug. 38.
Michelo F. Camilleri, M.D. 3 Aug. 38.

Facings Blue. Agent, Sir John Kirkland.

o Col. Hamilton served the campaign of 1799 in Holland, and was present in the different battles;
with the expedition to South -America, including the attack on Buenos Ayres, and all the skirmishes
which took place before and after that event ; in the Peninsula under Sir John Moore, including the
battles of Roleia, Vimiera, and Corunna. Severely wounded (lost a leg) in action at Flushing, 7tli
Aug. 1809.
Col. Despard served at the siege and storm of Chumeer, (received a contusion on mounting the
breach,) and three other forts in the East Indies, in 1807 siege of Gunourie campaign against the
; ;

Seiks in 1808 and 9 campaign of 1817 and 18 in the Deccan, including the battle of Jubbulpore.

7 Col. Falconar's services: first Egyptian campaign; campaigns of 1805-6 in Italy, including
battle of Maida, siege of Scylla, and capture of Catrone. Second Egyptian campaign, including the
siege of Rosetta, and action at El Hamet. Campaign of 1814. in Holland, including action at Mersem
and bombardment of Antwerp. Campaign of 1815, in Flanders. Besides the above, various other
desultory services and skirmishes. Medal for services in Egypt.
8 Colonel Harvey served the Egyptian campaign of 1801, and has received the medal-
9 Paj-master Leech served in the Peninsula from Jan. 1813 to the end of the war, including
the Passage of the Bidassoa, the battles of Nivelle lOth Nov., and Nive 9th, 10th, lltli, and 12th,
Pec. 1813, and blockade of Bayonne also at the escalade of Booj Booj in Cutch, March, 1819, and

at the siege of Rlias-el-Khyina, and of Zoa in the Persian Gulf in 1819 and 20.
10 Lieut. Graham's services :— Expedition to South America in 1607, including the attack on Buenos
Ayres campaign and battle of Corunna and subsequently in the Peninsula, including the actions at
; ;

Birba del Puerco, of the Coa, near Almeida battle of Busaco actions at Redinha (wounded), Sabu-
; ;

gal; battle of Fuentes d'Onor ; sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz ; battle of Salamanca, and
numerous skirmishes. Wounded' on the 18th June at Waterloo. Served also at Bhurtpore in 1820. '

-i J
. 1 1

Hoyal Regiment of Artillery.

2d 1.IEUT. 1st LIEBT.

9 rbilip Warren Walter 78.. 3 Dec. 03 6 Dec. 03 I June n 22 July 30
5 ^AU'Xaniler .Macluchlan'y ditto ditto 17 June 12 ditto
U.S. D Clinrlos Ulachlov HO ditto I Mar. 04 21 June 12 ditto
4 PJU A. MacdomildC.B.Sl ditto 1 .May 04 1 Oct. 12 18 June 15

3 Tfi llussel Richard Moor 8'.'

22 Dec. 03 ditto 1 Dec. 12 22 July 30

1 Heury Cie<). JacksouBS. . . ditto ditto 31 Dec. 12 ditto

6 Kdward Sabine 84 ditto 20 July 04 !4 Jan. 13 10 Jan. 37
II. B. 9 William Uunn 83 ditto ditto 22 J uly 13 ditto
27 July 04 28 Aug. 13

6 Zttcb. Clutterbuck 15a_Tley8ti ditto ditto

Kdwin Cruttenden 87 .... 14 Jan. 04;
8 29 July 04 25 Oct. 13 ditto
T$ C23 ames Sinclair 88 .
8 .1 9 June 04 15 Xov.O-t 14 Feb. 14 ditto
James Gray 89
5 ditto !
20 Dec. 04 1 May 14 ditto
1 James Fogo 90 18 June 04 21 Dec. 04 4 Oct. 14 ditto
n.a. 9 Hon. \Sm. Arbutbnot91 16 July 04 ditto 20 Dec. 14 ditto
III B. 9 Henrii- lUacblcy 10 Aug. 04 18 Feb. 05 ditto ditto

I 8 J as. Arcliibuld Cbalmer 93 ditto 1 Mar. 05 ditto ditto


5 )9 S^Sl Forbes Marbeaii94 . 15 Sept. 04 20 Mar 05 ditto ditto

1 S tBi Win. Henry Stopford95 ditto 2 July 05 I Apr. 15 ditto
\ 4 Llord Dowse96 29 Sept. 04 3 Julv 05 16 May 15 ditto
1 jj George John Helson97.. ditto 6 July 05 21 iMay 15 ditto

'.» Peter Uesbrisay Stewart 98 ditto 7 July 05 ditto ditto
3 Kobert Franck Romer .... 9 Nov. 04 16 July 05 23 May 15 ditto
'ti Ricb.Tarr .MoUsworth99.. ditto 17 July 05 20 June 15 ditto
4 FrancisRawdonCbesney 100 ditto 20 Sept. 05 ditto 2 Dec. 36
\a |) {2.1 William Rell lo'l .. 23 Nov. 04 2 Dec. 05 3 July 15 10 Jan. 37
7 Cieorge lirodie Fniser .... 1 4 Dec. 04 3 Dec. 05 1 Aug. 15 ditto
Ih.b. |) <L<9 MatiheK- LouislO^'.. ditto 28 Dec. 05 26 Oct. 15 ditto
i 'i ^ Ihomas GnuitbamlOJ .. ditto 29 Dec. 05 28 Oct. 15 ditto
7 Francis Ilault^n ditto 23 Feb. 06 7 June 16 ditto
3 Jobn Gordon 104 10 .May 05 1 June 06 5 Aug. 16 ditto
3p5H W. Urereton c.u. k.u. 10.i ditto ditto 30 Sept. 16 21 Jan. 19
7|) Poole VallancevKnglandlOb ditto ditto II Mar. 17 10 Jan. 37
6 Innne Whitty 107 12 JulvOS ditto 23 Oct. 18 ditto
6 Hen. Lewis Sweetiug 108.. 9 Aug. 05 ditto 1 May 19 ditto
5 5 Frederick Wripht 109 .. 13 Sept. 05 ditto 22 .\pr. 20 ditto

8 |) .las.lIumiibreysWoodllO ditto ditto I I Jlay 20 ditto


3 William Krnst Jackson .. ditto ditto 29 July 20 ditto

9 {) Basil Robinsonllerou 111 ditto ditto 6 Nov. 20 ditto
9 George Durnford 1 Nov. 05 ditto 6 Aug. 21 ditto
1 Charles Dallon 114 1 Mar. 06 ditto 30 Dec. 22 ditto

2 Jas. Robert Colebrookello 21 Mar. 06 3 June 06 31 Dec. 22 ditto
4 Rich. Bume Rawnslev ditto 22 Oct. 06 12 June 23 28 June .38
2 P Wm. Augustus RaviiesllC 25 Apr. 06 ditto '2G June 23 ditto
:39U3 Rich.Hardinge.k.H.ll 23 May 06 19 Dec. 06 17 July 23 ditto
i Joseph Hanwell
6 ditto 14 Jan. 07 ditto ditto
I Robert .Andrews
7 1 July 06 15 Oct. 07 26 Nov. 24 ditto
Edmund Shepjard 118 ..
5 ditto 1 Feb. 08 2 Mar. 25 ditto
3^ Walter Kljibinstone Lockl 19 ditto ditto ditto ditto
iH.B.tiJ Fbihp Sandilands 120 4 Oct. 06 ditto ditto ditto
b Browne illis W ditto ditto ditto ditto
6 Benj. Hutcbeson Vaughan ditto ditto ditto ditto

9 'i'bomas Gordon Higgins .. ditto ditto ditto ditto
9 JH
Amherst Wright 121 .. 18 Dec. 06 ditto ditto ditto
U.S. ja
T. F. Strangways 122.. ditto ditto 12 Dec. 26
6 John Harbridge Freer.... 4 April 07 ditto 1 April 27
7 Arch. White Uo|>e ditto ditto 5 July 27
Years' Sen-.l

Royal Artillery.

First Lieutenants.
2nd libut.
Alex. Graliam Wilkinson Hamilton.. 10 Dec. 31 17 Dec.
'Williiun Fiilfonl ditto 22 Jan.
Arthur Newconien ditto 10 Feb. 34
AIcxandtT Irving ditto 10 Mar. 94
Dionysius Airey ditto 8 July 34
Stanley Bing llornby 20 June 32 10 July 84
St. John Thomas Bro>vnc ditto 11 July 34
Charles Bingham ditto 20 July 34
Henry Sebastian Rowan ditto 14 Aug. 34
J. Noble Arbuthnot Freese ditto S) Sept. 34
Frederick Darby Cleaveland ditto 25 Sept. 34
Henry Murray ditto 24 Oct. 34
Charles Smith ditto 25 Oct. 34
Henry .\ustin Turner ditto 20 Nov. 34
Thos.' Beckett Fiel<iing Marriott.. 20 Dec. 32 Nov. 34
Thomas Elwyn ditto 29 Dec. 34
Charles James Wrisht ditto 30 Dec.
Geo. Augustus Fre<l. Derinzy ditto 28
William Hamilton Elliot ditto 4 April 35
Peter Maclean ditto 6 May 35
Charles Rol>ert Wynne ditto 5 June 35
Lonrr>' Wm. Montgomery Wynne . ditto 6 June 3.i
Francis Ramsay ditto 12 June 35
William Wynn Jones ditto 19 Aug. 35
Anthony Bcnn ditto ^
Sept. 35
Robert Miller Munrty 21 June 33 28 Dec. 35
Charles Lionel Fitzgerald ditto (! Jan. 36
|q.b. George Drought Warburton ditto 17 May 36
Philip Reginald Cocks ditto 18 Mar. 36
RolKTt Morse Fyers ditto 19 Apr. 36
Ricliard Harvey <litto April 36
Walter Frederick Crofton ditto May 36
Henry Edward Morritt ditto 4 June 36
Tliomas De Winton ditto 29 June 26
William Tliomas Crawford ditto 1 July 36
Pierrcpont Henry Mundy 20 Dec. 2 July 36
George Edward Turner ditto 12 July 36
William Heudcrson ditto 13 July 36
.\lexander Stephen Dickson ditto 10 Aug. 36
Charles John Torrens ditto 10 Jan. 37
George Carter Evelcgh ditto ditto
William James Smythe ditto ditto
David William Paynter ditto ditto
George Uotxvrt Barker 21 June 34 ditto
Peter Pickmorc Faddy cUtto ditto
Arthur Thomas Phillpotts ditto ditto
Hen. Rob. Eardly Wibnot ditto ditto
John Olphert .'. . ditto ditto
William Bethell Ganhier ditto ditto
Percy William Hewgill ditto ditto
John Henry Lcfroy 19 Dec. 34 ditto
Chas. Jas. Buchanan Riddell ditto ditto
.\ rtlmr tieorge Burrows ditto ditto
M olyneux Chas. Marston ditto 12 ditto 37
Edward Price . . ditto 28 ditto 37
Charles Colville Young ditto 29 ditto 37
James William Domvillc ditto 6 Feb. 37
Edwin Wodehouse ditto 22 ditto 37
George .\shley Maude ditto 27 Mar. 37
John Faniaby Cator 18 June 3o 5 Apr. 37
John Harvey ditto 23 Jnne 37
Evan Malicrlv ditto 24 ditto 37
... 1 .

Royal Artillery.

2nd LIEUT. 1st LIEUT.

Hew Graham Koss ditto 29 July 37
William Bland ditto 12 Sept. 37
John Russell Domvile ditto 26 ditto 37
Wm. Manley Hall Dixon ditto 30 Oct. 37
Hon. Frederick Savile ditto 8 Nov. 37
Hen. Wm.
Montresor ditto 28 ditto 37
Wm. Moffat Douglas Willan... ditto ditto
Collingwood Dickson 18 Dec. 35 29 ditto 37
Hyde Pophara Parker ditto 18 Dec. 37
Hon. Rob. Chas. Hen. Spencer.. ditto 30 Dec. 37
Henry J. Tliomas ditto 1 Feb. 38
George Graydon ditto 23 Mar. 38
Anth. Oldfield ditto 20 AprU 38
H. Paget Christie ditto 1 June 38
Jas. B. Dennis 18 June 36 28 June 38
Dennis W. Pack ditto 6 Aug. 38
John Travers ditto 6 Oct. 38
Hon. G. Talb. Devereux ditto 13 Nov. 38
R. Blackwood ditto 11 Dec. 38
Ralph S. Allen ditto 1 May 39
William Swintou ditto 16 May 39
Ed. William Rodwell ditto 20 May 39
Spencer Delves Broughton ditto 23 May 39
Allan H. Graham ditto 3 July 39
John Miller Adye 13 Dee. 36 7 July 39
F. Alex. Campbell ditto 10 Aug. 39
H. P. Goodenough ditto 13 Aug. 39
Otto Bayer Mackie ditto 14 Aug. 39
Chas. Anth. Balfour ditto 31 Aug. 39
G. B. Shakespear ditto 11 Sept. 39
Horace G. Alston ditto 19 Oct. 39
Rich. H. Crofton 5 May 37 20 Nov. 39
Mattliew Smith ditto 24 Nov. 39

Second Lieutenants.
W. J. Plunkett Wade. ditto 6 A. R.Wragge 12 Mar. 39
Murray O. Nixon 14 Dec 37 1 F. Wm. Haultain ditto
H. Lynedocli Gardiner ditto 2 H. G. L. Cooper ditto
Benj Bathurst
. ditto 3 T. W. Lawrence flitto

H. B. O. Savile ditto 7 C. Wilson ditto

R. Parker Radcliife.. ditto 8 F. John Travers ditto
Thomas Knox ditto 3 M. C. Dixon ditto
Ch. Wright Younghus- 7 C. F. Thorudike ditto
band ditto 1 H. Rogers ditto
Tho. Cromie Lyle. ditto
. . 4 J. Turner ditto
Rob. Corcyra Romer.. 16 June 38 8 A. C. L. Fitz Roy ditto
George Wilder ditto 3 E. H. Fisher ditto
Charles Lawrence d'A- 4 G. Burrell ditto
guilar ditto 5 B. Willis ditto
Hugh Archibald B. 4 R. F. Moimtain ditto
Campbell ditto 9 G. J. Wvatt ditto
R. Bratton Adair.. .. ditto 9 S. Cleaveland ditto
Robert Talbot ditto 7 A. C. S. Somerset ditto
Henry Lempriere . . . ditto 6 P. A. Morshead ditto
A.Thompson 12 Mar. 39 4 S. H. S. Ingleficld.. . ditto
H. Clerk ditto 6 Edw. Mourrier Boxer 20 Dec. 39
W. R. Gichard ditto 3 C. Scudamore Longdcn ditto
R. P. Jones ditto 2 Wm. Alex. Middleton ditto
F. B. Ward ditto
J. J. Brandbng ditto
J. Inglis Macartney . ditto
Dirtrlor General of Artilleni. ViiA Maj.-Otii. Sir A. Dickson, GCB.KCH. Ifl Mar. 38.
Commitsary William Yoiiii^, 28 Juii. 33.

Deputy Ai{jutant-Generat. 8 William Porter, 25 Sept. 32.

Miijor-Gen.—^li.\ Sir A. Dickson, (i.C.H. U Thomas Ilendley, 23 Jan. 34.
& K.(.'.II. 10 April, -27. II. n. J. Alexander, 2G Aug. 30.
Atfiitant Adjutant-General. Veterinary Surgeons.
Lieut.-Col.—J. E. Jones, I'Jtli Jan. 18. Charles Pereivall, 23 April, 18.
At(Jutants. James Burt, 1 Juue, 07.

II. B. -imt Caiit.—^H H.n. Pester, 2« Doc. 33. William Stockley, 24 April, 06.
I. A. -i;!.//./.—i£lJ.\Vii.'litiniin,30Aug.34.
7 ind Capt—T. A. I.etlibrirtu'e,-2-2 Jan.37.
Matthew R. Scott, 10 April, 37.
4 iiid Capt. — Jan. 37.
J. l?onurville, -Ji
George Baily Tuson, B.D. 1 April, 39.
3 "Jiirf Ciipt. —
F. A. Grimtlis,-.>-i Jan. 37.
2 ind Capt.—K. Basset, ii Jan. 37. Company of Gentlemen Cadets.
-Jiirf Capt.—J. M. Savage, i7 July, 37. —
Captain. The Master-Gen. of the Ordnance.

1 —
ind Capt. \Vm. Kiirneaux, 14 Mar.38. —
ind Capt. SiSA Richard Beaumont Bumaby,
6 anrfC'd/jr.— C.«'.\Ving1iel(l,23Scpt.38 9 Sept. 34.
Xst Lieut. — Ashton Ashton Shuttlcworth, 8
Q uarter-Mnstert. Nov. 27.
Lt. —Cha. llerrick Bumaby, 14 Nov. 27.
< Samuel Banies, Feb. OS. 1
4 William Gates, 15 Nov. 09.
(ieur^e Liimlels, 1 July, 25. Riding-House Establishment.
Lieut. Col. — Richard Jones, 31 Dec. 28.

.Mexander Barker, 27 .\pril, 2G.
2 A. Forlune, 20 July, 27. \st Lieut.— lleury Philips, 31 July, 35. ;
3 William XIatthews, 25 July, 31. Cornet 7th Hussars, 25 March 28.
James Fife, 10 Sept. 32. 1st Lieut. —
Alexander M'Pherson,! Jan. 36.


ArtiUery. Enaiiieers.
Lt.-Col.Sir J.M.F.Smilh.irff. london
Moody Waltham Abbey
Sorthfrn 93aCol. Sir H.O.Ross, KCB.CarlUlc Captain Tail . . . Netvcastte
Lieul.-Colunt:! Tyldi Harwich
Kent . . Lt.-Ocn. Rt. Hon. Lord) Tf-MlnUh Captain Rutherford Chatltam
Colonel Munro, KU. . . Borer 9 Colonel HardinK, CB. . WoolKich
$ Lieut.-Col. TliomsOD .Dover
Ciptoin Smyth . . Exeter
5lajor Barry . . . Binningliam
9 Ml^or Rivers . . . Manchester
p Major Victor . . . Bull
goulh WeMI
. .

Colonel Forbes . . Porl„Hm,th ]

Co"""'" '''""W. ^B.
Western . DcTonport . Jfl Col. Sir Geo. Cha. Hosle, CB.

fSa Hi^or Sinclair — — Lieut.-Col. English

. .

Captain Slade . . — — Lieut.-Colonel Calder

north Brilah Lieut.-Col. Gordon . Leith Fort If Blaushard, CB.
raCol.J.WebberSmith.rfl.BuHin ^ Lt.-Col. Holloway, CB. Dublin
Limerick . . . Lleut.-Col. 1. Michell, CB.Limerick
CoMie . . Island Bridge f Mnjor Marshall . .

I'Uler .... Hunt . . Charlrmont Lieut.-Colonel Gordon UUtcr Dist.

Mnniter ....
Colonel Oliver

.... BalUncotltg $ Slade . Munster

VonnaH^ht B . Birch . . Albloue Walker. Connaughl
Pigeon-houte Fort 8 Lieut.-Colonel Arabin . Dublin
(iibrattar ££l Llcut.'Col. Browne 9 Colonel Sir Cha. P. Smith, CB.
. .

^— — —
JoHtan Ittandt
Wett Indies
. . .

9 Cn — Bastard
Hutihts* —

Lli'Ut. -Colonel
Major Fenwlck

Jamaica . . .
— — Major Go«set
Canada . . . Colonel P. Campbell
(ftubee . . . Lieut.-Colonel Kirhv. — — { Sia Colonel Oldlleld, A'if.
Upper Canada Cubitt
flora Scotia t!X Mercer . . — |) Lieut.-Colonel Jones,
Seir/oundtand Major Frm«T — Lieut. Lloyd
Bemxnda Lieut.-Colonel Bridite . .
— B Lieut.-Col. Emmett
. .

fl Trelawny — BCupt. .Alexander

Cape of Good Hope
. . .

9 Brmndrelh.CB. — |)Colonel Lewif, CB.

Crjiton .... ^ Col. W.O. IViiter. Cfl.A'a. — Lieut.-Colonel DizoD
Jfouriliiu . . . Ju. Power .... — — 9 Coionel Pyeri
Bahamas . . . Lieut. Hornby .... — — Capt. Kudgen
Van Diemen'tljind — —
Mhjor Keliuill
.Vnr Satsth Wales — — |( Barney
Paymastet s to the Ordnan Department, Meurt. Cox k Co.
Notes to the Royal Artillery.

2 General Shrapnel served with the Duke of York's army in Flanders, and at the sieee
of Dunkirk. °

_ 3 General Wulff served at the siege of Fort St. Philip in Minorca in 1791 and 2 in the •

West Indies in 06, and proceeded from thence to Quebec, where he remained until 1
Sept. tollowing, when he embarked to join his company m
the West Indies. Volunteered
his services with the expedition to the Helder in 1799, under Sir
Ralph Abercromby and
served with that army imtil it returned to England.
4 Sir Wiltshire Wilson was present at the following sieges, actions, &c.—Valenciennes
Dunkirk, and Nieuport in 1793; Tournay and Nieuport in 1794; Quiberon '
Bay in 1795 '
Ostend in 1 798 ; Capture of St. Lucie, and Tobago in 1 803 and Surinam m
; 1 804".
6 General Pritchard was present at the siege and surrender of Fort Bourbon, Martinique
111 1 794, and was wounded by the burstmg of
a shell was at Bass Terre, Guadaloupe, on the'

Republican troops regaining possession of the islands; atMome, Mascot,

when attacked
7 General Beevor served in Flanders in 1793, 4 and 5 ; in Egypt in 1801 and 3 in Spain

under Sir David Barrd ui 1808 and 9. Medal for services in Egypt.
8 Sir James Viney has received a medal and one clasp for Holeia and Vimiera, and
9 Sir Alexander Dickson was at the capture of Muiorca in 1798; blockade of Malta and
surrender of La Valetta 1800 ; siege and capture of Monte Video,
and attack on Buenos
Ayres 1807 ; served throughout the campaigns of the Peninsula, France, and
Flanders in-
cluding m 1809, the affair at Grigo, capture of Oporto, and expulsion of Marshal s'oult
from Portugal; in 1810, battle of Busaco and Lines of Lisbon; in 1811, affair
at Campo
Mayor, siege and capture of Ohvenfa, first and second siege of Badajoz, and battle
of Albu-
hera in 1812, siege and capture of Ciudad Rodrigo, siege and capture of
; Badajoz, attack
and capture of the forts at Almarez, siege and .capture of the Forts, and battle
of Salamanca
capture of the Retire, Madrid, and siege of Burgos; in 1813, battle
of Vittoria, sieo-e and
capture of St. Sebastian, Passage of the Bidassoa, battles of the Nivelle,
and Nive in 1814 •

passage of the Adour, and battle of Toulouse; served in the last

American war, including
the attack on New Orleans, and siege and capture of Fort Bowyer
Mobille; present in the
battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo commanded battering train in aid of the Prussian

army in the sieges of Mauberg, Landrecies, Phillippeville, Marienberg, and Rocrov

Alexander has received a cross and sfac clasps.
10 Sir J. H. Camcross served in the West Indies from 1797 to 1801
at Walchcreu

1809 ; and in the Peninsula and France, from 181 1 to 14, including the battles of
(siege of Burgos), Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, Orthes,
and Toulouse; medal for
Salamanca, and a cross and two clasps for the other actions.
11 General Watson served in Flanders in 1793, 4, and
5, including battles of St. Amand
Famars, siege of Valenciennes, battle of Lincelles, attack of Dunkirk,
Lambric Lannoy
Roubaix, Mouveaux, &c. ; present in the actions of the 20th Sept. 2nd and
6th Oct 1799'
at the Helder; Battle of the Blue Bergh, and capture of Cape
of Good Hope in 1806- at-
tack and capture of Maldonado capture of Monte Video, and attack
; on Buenos Ayres'
12 Sir Thomas Downman served in Flanders in 1793 and
4, including actions at Cateau,
Lannoy, Roubaix, and was taken prisoner 18 May, 94 commanded
; a troop of horse artil-
lery during the Corunna campaign served in the Peninsula from Sept. 1810 to May 1813

mcludrag siege of Ciudad Rodrigo, and battle of Salamanca; medal for

13 General Evelegh served the Corunna Campaign.
14 General Fyers served the campaigns of 1794 and
5, in Holland; employed on the
trench coasts in mortar-ships, during 1796, 7, and 8 served two
; expetUtions to the Baltic,
and accompamed Lord Nelson to Revel, in Russia, and to attack the
flotilla at Boulogne in
1801, (wounded) present at Copenhagen in 1807, and at the siege of Flushing
; served the

campaigns of 1813 and 14, in the Netherlands, including the

attack on Bergen-op-Zoom.

Notes to the Royal ArtiUtTif.

15 Gpnoral Hon. W. H. OanlniT and was pre-

ttooomjianicd the exjuKlitioii to Walclioreii,
sent at the sictte aud capture of Flushin;;.
10 General Walker ser\eil on the Continent in 1794 and 0, and received three wonnds in
the retirement of the anny acrons the Rhine near Amheim, viz. one severely through the
ri;;lit arui below tlie elbow ; the otiiers above the elbow, and in the right liip.

18 riencral Oninimond was present at the siepe of Copenhagen in 1807 ; capture of the
island of Waleheren, and .«i»'£re of Flushing battle of Waterloo.

1(1 Sir John .May wa.i employed afloat in bomb scnice from Ist Dee. 17!)7 to 16th April,
I8II1 ; present at C'o|H'iilmj;en in 1807. Served in the Peninsula and France from 18tli JaJi.
180!l to 2(>th June, 1814, iiieludini; battles of Talavera, Busaco, Fuentes d'Onor, sie;;es of
Ciudad Rodriso, and Bndujoz ; siige of Forts at and battle of Salamanca battle of Vittoria ;

siepe of San Sebastiiui ;

passacres of Uidassou, Xivelle, and Nive; battle of Toulou^e. and
various skinnishes ; present at Quatre Bras and Waterloo, and capture of Paris. Sir John
received two musket-balls tlirough the left thigh when charging the French rear guard on
the morning after tlie battle of Salamanca, and a violent contusion at Vittoria ; medal and
three clasps.
•20 Col. Pym served in Flanders in 1795 and 96; expwlition to the Texel, 1797 ; expedi-

tion to Naples, 1803 ; battle of .Maida, sieges of Scylla ami Reggio in Calabria, and siege of
Gaita, 180(>; comniande<l .\rtilkry in the expedition to Egypt in 1807 ; capture of Ischia
and Procida, 1809 ; sieges anil cajitnre of Spezzia, Genoa, and Savona, 1814.
21 Col. Brough was at the captures of St. Lucia in 179(i, and Guadaloupe in 1810.
2-2 Col. Bredin was at the capture of Grenada, St. Vincent, and St. Lucia, under Sir
Ral|)h .\bercrombie, and has sene<l in the Peninsula.
•23 Col. Vounghusband served in St. Domingo in 179S. and at the siege of Flusliing

in 1809.
•24 Col. Crawford was at the capture of Surinam in 1799, and Swedish and Danish islands

in 1801, St. Lucia anil Surinam in 1803. Served the whole of the Corunna campaign, and
in the last .\merican war.
•25 Col. Smith was at the attack of Minorca in 1708 ; siege of Malta, 1800; defence of

Porto Ferrajo, 180^2; expedition to Walcheren, and siege of Flushing; served the cam-
paigns of 1813, 14, and 15, including battle of Vittoria, passage of Bidassoa, Nive, siege of
St. Selmstian, ami battle of Waterloo. Medal and one clasp.
•28 Col. Munro served the Egyptian campaign of 1801, including the action of 21st
March, and siege of Aboukir ; expedition to Walchcren, and siege of Flushing ; in action at
Xew Orlrans, 23nl Dec. 1814, Ist and 8th Jan. 1815. Medal for serxices in Egypt.
'29 Col. Cockbum was at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope in 1795 ; expedition to
Manilla; capture of Copenhagen in 1807.
30 Sir H. D. Ross sened in the Peninsula and France from 9th June, 1809 to Feb. 1814,
including action at Coa, battle of Busaco, actions of Pombal and Redhina (wounded in the
shoulder) ; Cayal Nova and Foz d'Oronces, (wounde<l in the leg) ; Sabugal, Fuentes d'Onor,
.Mdea Ponte, sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Bailajoz, (dangerously wounded in the head)
capture of forts at Salamanca, action at Castrajon, battle of Salamanca, capture of Jiadrid
and Retire, affair of San Munoz and St. Milan, battle of Vittoria and the Pyrenees, passage
of the Biila.«s<Mi, Nivelle, and Nive, battle near Bayonne, 13 Dec. 1813 ; battle of Waterloo,
17th and 18th June, 1815. Cross and six clasps.
31 Col. Birch served in Ireland during the Rebellion of 1798 ; expedition to Walcheren ;
in tlie Peninsula, at Cadiz, and Seville, under Lord Lvnedoch and Sir George Cook in 1810,
11,12, and 13.
32 Col. .\mistrong was at the capture of St. Lucia and Tobago in 1803; Surinam in
1804 ; and at St. Domingo in 1809.
33 Col. Paterson was ^t Copenhagen in 1807 ; and at Walcheren in 1809.
34 Col. Oliver served the Egyptian campaign of 1801, including the landing, 8th March,
and battles of I3th and 21st March. Present at the siege of Flushing. Medal for services
in Egypt.
35 Col. Lacy servetl in Holknd in 1799, ami in Spain and France, in 1812, 13, and 14,
including the action at Castalla, the two sieges of Tarragona, and investment of Bayonne.
31! I'ol. Camiibt'll servnl the Egyptian campaign of 1801, including the actions of the
8tli, 1.3th, and 2l8t March ;capture of Riisetta several afl'airs on the march to, and capture

of Cairo ; capture of .Alexandria. 3Ie<Ial for senr-ices in Egypt.

37 Col. Turner wa.« at the capture of the Cape of Goo<l Hope in 180C. Medal and one
clasp for Orthes and Toulouse, aud wa» also present at the affair of Tarbts.
3* Colonel Cleaveland sene<l the Kandian campaign in which the king and bis territory
were capturecl.
Notes to the Royal Artillery.

39 Sir Robert Gardiner was at the capture of Minorca in 1798. Present at the battles of
Roliea and Vimiera battle of Corunna; expedition to Walcheren j battle of Barrosa cap-
; ;

ture of Badajoz ;battle of Salamanca siege of Burgos ; affair of Morales ; battles of Vit-

toria, Orthes, Toulouse, and Waterloo. Cross and two clasps.

40 Colonel Wallace was on board the Phcenix Letter of Marque when she beat off a
French Privateer near Barbadoes in Dec. 1800. Present at the siege of Flushing in 1809,
and at the attack of Sucketts Harbour, United States, in 1813.
41 Colonel Richard Jones served in Holland in 1799, including the battles of Zuyp,
Hoorn, Egmont, and Limmen. Present at the capture of Paris, and with the army of occu-
pation until 2ncl Dec. 1818.
42 Colonel John Edward Jones was employed afloat on board the bombs in 1801 and 02 ;
commanded the artillery on board the Volcano bomb, and was present at the bombardment
of Cronenburgh Castle, battle of Copenliagen, and bombardments of Boulogne under Lord
43 Colonel Brandretli was at the siege of Malta in 1800; bombardment of Havre-de-
Grace, 1803 ; Corunna campaign ; expedition to Walcheren, and siege of Flushing ; served
the campaigns of 1812, 13, and 14, including the battles of the Pyrenees, Nivelle, and
Toulouse. Medal and one clasp.
44 Colonel Story was at the blockade and capture of Malta in 1800; capture of the
Danish Islands St. Croix and St. Thomas; bombardment and capture of Fort Dessaix,
Martinique, Feb. 09 ; capture of Guadaloupe, Feb. 1810.
45 Colonel Hutcliesson served in Holland in 1 799 ; in the Peninsula and South of France
from March 1813 to July 1814; Belgium and France from May 1815 to Nov. 1818, in-
cluding the battle of Waterloo.
46 Colonel Whinyates served in the expedition to the Helder and campaign in North
Holland in 1799 expedition to Madeira in 1801 ; Copenhagen 1807 ; Peninsula from Feb.

1810 to July 1813, including the battles of Busaco and Albuhera ; affairs at Usagre, Aldea
de Ponte, San Munos, attack and defeat of General Lalleman's cavalry at Ribera, and many
other affairs. Severely wounded in the left arm at Waterloo.
47 Colonel John Michell served the campaign in Holland in 1799 in the Peninsula and

South of France from Aug. 1813 to May 1814, inclutUng siege of San Sebastian, pa.^sage of
the Bidassoa, Nivelle, and Nive, battles of Orthes, and Toidouse ; in America from May
1814 to May 1815, including the attack of Washington and Baltimore, New Orleans, and
other operations on the coast. Attached to the Prussian army in reducuig the fortresses in
the Netherlands. Medal and one clasp.
48 Colonel Trelawny served in Holland in 1799 in the Peninsula and South of France

from Nov. 1813 to June 1814, including the passage of the Adour.
49 Colonel Hunt served in Ireland during the rebelUon in 1798; at Cadiz from Feb. 1810
to Feb. 1812 ; in Belgium and France from 1814 to 1818, including the operations against
the enemy in connection with the battle of Waterloo.
50 Colonel Nicolls served the Egyptian campaign of 1801, including the battles of the 8th,
13th, and 21st March siege of Fort St. Julian, investment of Giza. and Alexandria, re-

ceived a contusion in the thigh from a cannon shot on the 13th March. Present at the
storming of Buenos Ayres, July 1807 ; and at the siege of Flushing. Medal for services in
51 Colonel Cobbe served the campaign in the West Indies in 1801, mider Lieut.-Gen.
Sir Thos. Trigge.
52 Colonel Mercer served in South America in 1807 and 8. Present at Quatro Bras and
53 Colonel W. G. Power served in Spain, Portugal, and France, from 14th Oct. 1808 to
4th June 1814, including battle of Talavera sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo (wounded), and

Badajoz, capture of French works at Almazaby reduction of forts at, and battle of, Sala-

manca siege of Burgos (wounded) siege of San Sebastian 11th July to 8th Sept. 1813
; ;

passage of the Bidassoa, Nive, and Adour.

54 Colonel Cubitt was at the battle of Maida, and siege of Scylla in 1806. Expedition to
Walcheren 1809.
55 Colonel Bridge served the campaign on the Niagara Frontier, and on the North-West
side of Lake Ontario, and Burlington Heights in Upper Canada, between Jan. 1813 and
Aug. 1814. Wounded 7th May 1813. Permitted to wear the word "Niagara" on
56 Colonel Brown served at Walcheren in 1809. Present at Waterloo and Cambray.
57 Colonel Grant served in Hanover in 1805 under Lord Cathcart.
58 Colonel Scott served in the expedition to Walcheren , and was at the siege of Flushing.

Notes to the Royal Artillery.

60 Colonel Dyiieley served the eainpalffn of 1805 in Italy present at the battle of Mai'la,

and «iei^ of Scy'lla, iii 180G. SnTVi'd in the Peninsula from July, 1«1 1 to Novnnlier, 1813, ,

ineluiUni; sicRC of CimlacI Rodritto (wounded in the head) sieiie of fort* at Salamanca

(woundeil in the fai-e) heii;hts of St. Christovel battles of Salamanca, Vittoria, and the
; :

PjTenees, iK'sides affairs of out-jxists. Eniiatred at \\'iiUtIoo.

Ctl Colonel Parker served at Walchcren, and was present at the siege of Flushing. Ser>ed
in the Peninsula and South of France from Febnian,, 1812, to .\pril, 1814; including the
liattle of Vittoria; both sieges of San Seliastian battle of Orthes; aflair at Tarbes and

battle of Toulouse. Lost left leg at Waterloo. Me<lal for Vittoria.

61 Colonel Darby sened in Hanover in 1805, and at the siege of Copenhagen in 1807, and
the Corunna campaign.
C"2 Colonel Walcott served the Conmna campaign. Present at AVaterloo.
03 Colonel Rudyerd served in bomb vessels on the coast of France in 1804. Present in two
battles, and the capture of a fortress in the Travancore war, East Indies. Present at Quatrc
Bras and Waterloo.
04 Colonel Cator served campaign of Walcheren and siege of Flushing. In the Peninsula
and South of France, from 1809 to 1814, including the siege of Cadiz; lines at Torres Vedras
and at Santarem battle of Hurrosa (wounded); affair at ( >snia ; battle of Vittoria; affair at

Tolosa ; |>assage of the Bidassoa, Xivellc, and Nive; at four days' engagements in front of
<>5 Colonel Dansey was at the sieges of Ischia, and Santa Maura. His serv-ices in the
Peninsula, and France, and Flanders, include the following battles and sieges, viz: Badajoz, —
Salamanca, Burgos (severely wounded), Vittoria, San Sebastian, Xivelle, Nive, besides
various actions and skirmishes. Engaged 17th and 18th June at Waterloo, severely wounded
on the 18th.
66 Colonel Crawford sened in the lines in front of Sobral, Portugal, in 1809; was at the
capture of Genoa in 1814 ; served in the last American War, including the taking of Wash-
ington, and engagements before New Orleans.
67 Colonel Gordon accompanied the expedition to Naples, December, 1805, and occupa-
tion of Sicilv. Present at the battle of Maida, and attack and surrender of the Rock of
Scylla in 18<ii6.

68 Sir Wm. Colebrooke's services. Campaigns of 1809 and 10, in India; expedition to
Java in 1811, including the action of Wcltyvreden; in batteries before Cornells until
wounded (in the groin) 2:Jd .\ugust and the siege and capture of Jokjakarta. Expedition

to Palembupj, in Sumatra, 1813 campaign of 1817 and 18, in India, against the Pindarics

and Malirattas: campaign of 1818 and 10 in Southern India. Present at sieges of Ras-cl-
Kyhman and Zaya, .\rab fortresses.
fi9 Colonel King serveil in a Mortar-Boat in the Faro of Messina, for two months in 1810.
Advanced into the United States with Sir George Prcvosfs army, and commanded a battery
against Plattshurgh.
70 Colonel W. D. Jones served in the expedition to Naples in 1805 present at the attack ;

and capture of Reggio Castle, in Calabria, in 1806 expedition to Egypt in 1807 ; in charge

of the division of .Mortjir-B<Mts in the Faro of Messina in 1810.

71 Colonel Dundas was at the siege of Flushing in 1809 ; at Cadiz in 1810 and 11 ; de-
tachol from Cadiz to Tarragona in 1811 ; wounded in right ankle at Ciudad Rodrigo, and

most severely anil dangerously at Badajoz, left arm amputated, left thigh dislocated, and
hip bone shattered.
72 Colonel Arabin was present in the action after the troops effecte<I a landing at Mar-
tiniciuc, also at the siege of Fort Bourbon. Scrveil in the Peninsula and France, from March
1812, to Aug. 1814, including the battled of Biar and Castalla; siege and capture of Fort
San Felipe; and tiattle of (Irdal.
73 Colonel E. T. Michell was detached from Gibraltar in 1810,and commandedaGuerrilla
divUion in the Scrrania de Ronda ; present at the capture of Ronila, combats of £1 Bros<|ue
and of B<"»m<»s, nitrlil attack and capture of .\rcos. Comman<le<l the .\rtillery with the
force occupying Tarifa in 1810, 1811, and 1812 engaged in all the affairs and operations

at Tarifa, Vejer, Casas Viejas, .\lcalik and Medina Sidonia liattle of Barrosa (shot through

the shoulder) and final defence of Tarifa against Marshal Victor. In 1812 present at
the assault ancl capture of forts at, and Ijattle of Salamanca, coinlmt of Caslrejon, and
many affairs of out-posts. Served in tlie Netlierlands from Deet-niber, 1813, to -May,
1814, at the capture of Merxem, investment and bombanlment of Antwerp, and in the
night-attack on Bergeu-op-Zoom, conducted one of the columns, and was severely wounded
in several places.
74 Colonel Cruttenden was at the capture of Guadalonpe, in 1 81 5 ; commanded the Emma
troop ship when attackc<l by the Xonsuch .\merican privateer, in the West Indies, which
he bint off with great loss.
277 r.

JVotes to the Royal Artillery.

16 Colonel Faddy, prior to entering the Royal Artillery, was a midsliipmnn on board the
Asia, at the capture of the Dutch Fleet in Saldana Bay in 1795; present at the attack on
Fort Jerome, St. Domingo, and at the siege and capture of the City of Santo Domingo in
1809; served in the Peninsula and France from July 1810 to June 1814, including the siege
of San Sebastian ; passage of the Adour, investment of, and sortie at, Bayonne, besides many
affairs of out-posts.
76 Colonel Wylde served in Holland in 1813 and 14, and commanded a battery before
Antwerp and at Bergen-op-Zoom.
77 Major Gordon served in the Peninsula and France from May 1813 to the end of the
war, including sieges of Cadiz and San Sebastian, passage of Bidassoa, and Nivelle actions ;

in front of Bayonne (10th to 13th Dec), battle of Orthes, occupation of Bourdeaux, and
subsequent affairs on the Dordoyne and investment of the fortress of Blaye.
78 Major Walker was at the capture of Flushing in 1809; present in the campaigns on
the Frontier of Niagara in 1813 and 14.
79 Colonel Maclachlan served in Spain in 1813 and 14; Brevet. -Lieut. -Col. 1 June, 32.
80 Major Blachley served in the Peninsula from July, 1809, to Dec. 1812, including
battles of Busaco, Fuentes D'Onor, Salamanca, and siege of Burgos.
81 Colonel Macdonald was at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope in 180C, and pro-
ceeded from thence on the expedition to Buenos Ayres, where he was twice severely wounded
and taken prisoner; served in the Peninsula and France, from Jime, 1809, to July, 1814,
including the battles of Coa and Busaco ; affairs of Redinha, Pombal, Condelia, and Fos de
Roos ; battles of Fuentes d'Onor, and Salamanca ; affair of San Munos ; battle of Vittoria
siege of San Sebastian ; battles of the Pyrenees ;affairs of the Gave Doltoron, and of Ayres
battle of Toulouse ;severely wounded at Waterloo ; Brevet-Lieut.-Col, 21 June, 17; Brevet-
Colonel, 10 Jan. 37.
82 Major Moor served in the Peninsula from June, 1809, to June 1813, including battles
of Busaco, Fuentes d'Onor, and Salamanca sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo, and Badajoz

engaged at Castrajon, and twelve other affairs with the enemy.

83 Colonel Jackson served in Canada from April, 1813, to Aug. 1815, including Chryst-
ler's Farm, and Plattsburgh ; medal for the former. Brevet Lieut.-Col. 16.\ug. 39.
84 Major Sabine served the campaign on the Niagara Frontier in 1814, and commanded
the batteries at the siege of Fort Erie.
85 Major Dunn served the campaign of 1805, in Italy; present at the battle of Maida,
and capture of Scylla Castle in 1806; expedition to Egypt in 1807, including attack of
Alexandria, Eosetta, &c. ; battle of El Hamet, and taken prisoner ; defence of Scylla Castle
in 1808; served in the Peninsula in 1810 and 11, including siege of Ciudad Rodrigo;
battles of the Coa, Busaco, Albuhera, and many other affairs; severely wounded in the
groin by a musket-ball at Aldea de Ponte, 27 Dec. 1811 ; served in America in 1814,
including the taking of Moos Island.
86 Major Bayley was at the battle of Maida, and siege of Scylla, in 1806 expedition to

Egypt, and capture of Alexandria and Rosetta, in 1807 ; capture of Ischia in 1809; attack
on an armed sliip and gun-boats in the Bay of Scylla in 1810.
87 Major Cruttenden served the campaigns of 1813, 14, and 15, in Upper Canada,
including attack and reduction of Oswego.
88 Major Sinclair served with the expedition to Zealand in 1807 ; expedition to Portugal,
and battle of Corunna ; expedition to the Scheldt ; served in the Peninsula and France
from Feb. 1811, to Aug. 1814, including the assault on Badajos in 1812; battles of Sala-
manca, Vittoria, and the Pyrenees ; passage of the Bidassoa, Nivelle, and Nive; sortie from
Bayonne, besides many other affairs; present at Waterloo.
89 Major Gray was at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope in 1806.
90 Major Fogo served in America during the whole war, including the battle of
91 Major the Hon. W. Arbuthnot was present at the passage of the Douro, and the
battles of Oporto, Talavera, and Busaco.
92 Major Blacldey served in the Peninsula and France from Feb. 1812 to Aug. 1814, in-
cluding the siege anil capture of Badajoz ; affair of Castrajon battle of Salamanca; capture

of Madrid, and Retiro ; siege of Burgos ; affair at Osma battle of Vittoria ; siege and cap-

ture of San Sebastian (both operations) ; passage of the Bidassoa, and the Nivelle ; actions
of the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th Dec. 1813, in front of Bayonne ; passage of the Adour
investment of, and sortie from Bayonne ; wounded in the head by a musket-ball at the
93 Major Chalmer served in the expedition to Walcheren, and was at the siege of
94 Colonel Macbean was at the siege of Copenhagen in 1807 ; served the Corunna cam-
1 ;;

Notei to the Ruyal ArtilUri/.

ysa^ ; tlie expedition to Wulchercn, and siege of Tlushinii ; jircscnt at Waterloo. Brevet
Lieut,- foloni'l, 1(! Aiijf. 31t.
!*i .Major Stopfonl served in South .\merica in 1807 and 6 ; present at Quatre Bras and
Waterloo, (re«t'ived a contu:>ion) and the capture of Paris.
90 .Major Dowse served at Bucno8 Ayrcs in 1 807.
07 Major Bclson served in the Peninsula and France from July 1809 to July 1814,
Including the actions in front of .Alanieida ; battle of Busaco ; actions at Pombal
He<linha ; in front of, and the heik'lits of I'aza Nova Foz de .\ronce ; Sabupil ; battle of

FuenU'S d'Onor ; sii'srcs of Ciudad HiMlri(fo, and Budajoz ; battles of Vittoria, and the
Pyn'nees ; i>a».«a(;e of the Xivelle, and Nive ; battle of Orthes, and many other actions and
alfairs of out-post« ; severely wounded at Oastrajon, 18 July, 181'2.
1)8 .Major Stewart served in Hanover in 180.J, and at the siese of Copenhagen in 1807.
00 Major .Molesworth servi-d at the sinjc of Copenhajien in 1807.
UK) Brevet-ljeut.-Colonel, -27 Aiiril, 1(08.
101 Major Bell was at capture of the islands of St. Tlionia^ and St. Croix in 1807 ; siege
of fort Uesaix, Martinique ; capture of Les Saintes, near (iuadaloupc ; and bombardment
and drivini; from the anchorage the Fnnch flei't in 1800 capture of Guadaloupe and adja-

cent islands in 1810. Served in the Peninsula and France from July 1813 to July 1814,
including the passaire of the Bidasisoa, Nivelle, Sive, and four days' engagements near
Bayonne passage of the .\dour, and investment of Bayonne ; affairs at Vic Bigorre, and

TVrbes ; passage of the Garonne, and subse<|uent operations ; battle of Toulouse (wounde*!)
present at Quatre Bras and Waterl<x>, and capture of Paris.
lOi Major Louis served in the Peninsula and France from Jan. 1813 to June 1814, in-
cluding the Iwttle of Vittoria, siege of San Sebastian ; passage of the Nivelle, and Nive, and
investment of Bayonne ; present at Waterloo.
lo;} .Major (irantham serve<l at the siege of Cadiz.
104 JIajor Gor<lon was at the capture of the Danish Islands, St. Thomas and Santa Cruz
in 18<'7 capture of .Martinique and siege of Fort Bourbon ; capture of Les Saintes in 1800

and capture of Guadaloupe in 1810.

Ktj Colonel Brereton served in the Peninsula, France, and Flanders, from December, 1809
to June, 181.'), including the sieves of Cadiz, Matagorda (wounde<l), and San Sebastian;
battles of Barrosa (wounde<l), Vittoria, the Pyrenees, Orthes, Toulouse, Quartre Bras, and
Wat* rloo si'verely wounded); besides the actions on retreat from Burgos, at San Munos,

near Salamanca, Hclette, St. Palais, Suavetcrre, Aire, and Tarbes. Brevet-Lieut. -Col.
lOtli Jan. 37.
loC Major England served tlie expedition to the Wescr in 1805 and G ; to the Cape of Good
Hope ajid South .\merica in 1800 and 7 ; campaign of 1813 in the Peninsula, including the
battle of Vittoria and siege of San Sebastian.
107 Major Whitty was present at the reduction of the Danish Islands in the West Indies
in 1807 ; capture' of Guadaloupe in 1811), and of Paris in 1815.
108 Major Sweeting served the Candiau campaiirn in Ceylon.
UO .Major Wright was at the capture of Madeira, and served the Corunna campaign
servwl with army of occupation in France.
110 3Iajor Wo<kI serveil in the Peninsula and France, from Feb. 1 81 3 to the end of the
war, includiui; battle of Vittoria; blockade of Pamplnna ; battles of the Pyrenees; siege of
San Seliastian ; liattle of the Nivelle; affairs of Vic Bigorre and Tarbes ; battles of Orthes
and Tfiulouse. Served the campaign in America, mcluding attack on Plattsbnrgh.
11 Major Heron servetl at Scylla in Calabria, and exi>etlition from Sicily in 1807 ; cap-
ture of Martinique, sit-^es of Pigeon Island and Fort Bourbon, 1810; servetl in the Pen-
insula anil Fnince from 30th May, 181-2 to 8th Au'_'. 1814, ineludint; the affair at Osma
battle of Vittoria (wounde<l) ; both sieges of San Selwstiim and stonnini; of the town ; passage
of the Bidassoa, Ntvelle, and Nive; actions on the 10th. Uth, and l'2th Dec. 1813; in front
of, and seirtie from, Bayonne, -April, 1814.
114 Major Dalton serve<l at Walcheren, and was present at the siege of Flushing.
115 Major Cnlebrooke serve<l the Waleberen cam|>aurn.
116 Major Raynes was at the siege of Cofienha::en in 1807 ; serverl the Corunna cam-
paikHi ; expe<lition to Cadiz in 1810 ; battle of Barrosa ; siet,'c of Tariffu ; action at Seville ;
battles of Vittoria, Pyrenees, and Nivelle ; |uissage of the Adour, and operations before
117 Major Hanlince s<'r\t'd in the Peuiniuda and France from l'2th Aug. 1812, to "25 June
1814, incluilinu the Uiltleof Vittoria; »it-_'e of Sun Sebastian ; battles of Orthes and Toulouse.
Pre-sent at Ligny, Quatre Bras, and Waterloo.
118 Major Shep]iarTi servol at Walcheren in I8f)!(, and in Canada from .March 1814 to
Dee. I81C, including; actions at Chip|>a»n, and l.unily's Ijiiie, Ijefore Fort Erie, and the
attack on Snake Hill.
Notes to the Royal Artillery.

119 Major Lock was present at the battles of Roleia and Vimiera.
120 Major Sandilands served the Walcheren campaign. Present at Quatre Bras and
121 Major Wright was at the siege of Copenliagen in 1807. Served the campaign of
1813 and 14 in Germany under the orders of the Prince Royal of Sweden, and was present
at the siege of Wittcmberg, capture of Hanover and Lubeck, siege of Frederick Fort, and
siege and surrender of Gluckstadt. Presentonthe 17th and 18th June at Waterloo. Medal
for the siege of Gluckstadt.
122 Captain Strangways served the campaign of 1813 and 14 in Germany, including the
battle of Gourd 16th Sept. and Leipsie 16th, 18th, and 19th Oct. 1813, for which the
Swedish order of the sword was conferred on him, he having commanded the Rocket Troop
after the death of Major Bogue killed in action. Present on the 16th and 18th June at
Waterloo, where he was wounded.
123 Captain Eyre served the Corunna campaign.
124 Captain Elgee served in the Peninsula and France from Feb. 1809 to May 1814,
including battles of Talavera and Fuentes d'Onor; siege of Burgos (contused womid in the
leg) ;and investment of Bayonne.
125 Captain Anderson was at the siege and capture of Flushing and the subsequent
operations in 1809. Bombardment of Antwerp, also previous and subsequent operations.
Present at Waterloo and capture of Cambray and Paris.
126 Captain Manners served in the Peninsula from Feb. 1810 to Dec. 1813, including the
battle of Barrosa (wounded) ; sieges of Tarifa and Cadiz.
127 Captain Schalch was at the capture of Guadaloupe in 1815.
128 Captain Armstrong served at Walcheren in 1809, and in Canada from May 1810 to
July 1815, and was present in most of the engagements, &c. including the capture of Fort
Niagara. Slightly wounded at Fort George, 27th May 1813.
130 Captain Evans served at Walcheren.
131 Captain Pascoe served in the Peninsula and France from Aug. 1809 to Feb. 1814,
including the battles of Salamanca, Vittoria, Nivelle, Nive, passage of the Bidassoa, and
other operations ; sieges of Badajoz, Forts of Salamanca, Burgos, and San Sebastian. Army
of occupation from 1815 to 1818.
132 Captain Spiller served at Walcheren, and was present at the siege of Flushing, and
the attack and capture of Ter Vere.
133 Major Colquhoun served in Spain from 1812 until the close of the war. Brevet-
Major 2nd Dec. 36.
134 Captain Harrison served in the Peninsula from Jan. 1810 to Sept. 1814, and was
present at Cadiz, Isla, and Tariffa.
135 Captain Charlton served in the Canadas from 1811 to 1815, and was present in
three general actions, one siege, several skimiishes, and at the storming of two forts. Re-
ceived a contusion at the storming of Fort Erie.
136 Captain Kendall served at Walcheren in 1809. Present at the taking of Kandyan
Provinces in 1815, and the subsequent operations there in 1817 and 18.
137 Captain Wright served at Cadiz durmg 1810, 11, and 12, and was at Fort Matagorda
and Tariifa.
138 Captain Bridges served at Walcheren in 1809, and in the Peninsula and France from
July 1811 to Aug. 1814, including the siege of Cadiz in 1811 ; battles of Vittoria and the
Pyrenees ; passage of the Bidassoa, Nivelle, Nive, and Adour ; and the operations before
Bayonne. Attached to the Prussian corps d'armee in 1815, under the command of Prince
Augustus of Prussia, and employed in the reduction of Pliilippeville, Marienbourg and
Rocroy Adj utant to the Royal Artillery, serving with the force employed in Portugal in

1826; and Bpgade Major to the Royal Artillery in the Canadas, in 1838.
139 Captain Bent served at Walcheren and at the bombardment of Flushing. Served in
the Peninsula from Oct. 1810 to June 1813, including the sieg<?s of Badajoz, battle of Albu-
hera, cajiture of Cieneral Gerard's corps at Arroga de Molinas, besides many other affairs.
Severely wounded at San Munos.
140 Captain Furneau.x served in the Peninsula from Oct. 1810 to April 1814, including
the siege of Badajoz.
141 Captain Morgan served at Walcheren, and at the bombardment of Flushing. Served
in the Peninsula and France from April 1812 to Aug. 1814, including the siege of Cadiz ;

battles of the Pyrenees ; siege of San Sebastian (severely woimded) ; and battle of
142 Captain Warde was present at the siege of Cadiz and at Waterloo.
143 Captain Ingjlliy was present at the sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo, Fort of Salamanca

Notes to the Royal Artillery.

(wounded), and Burgo«; battle:) of Busaco, Fuentm J'Onor, and 17tb and 1 8th June at
144 raptaiii Cuter served in the Peninsula from April 1810, iueluding the sii'ge of Cadiz.
Prc8«"«t at Waterloo and at the taking of Canibniy and Paris.
14i Captuin Pester was present at the siege of Cadiz, and at the battle of Barrosa, where
he was severely woundeil.
14(1 Captain Staiiway 9er^e<l in the Peninsula and France from Feb. 1812 to July 1814,
incluilini; the siive of i-aii Sebastian ; passajre of the Bidassoa, and the -idcmr.
147 Captain tftory serviKl ill the Peninsula and France from Jiov. 1812 to May 1814,
including the siece of San Sel)astiaii : passage of the Bida-ssoa, and the Adour.
14<< Captain Slade served in the Peninsula and France from March 1812 to June, 1814,
indudini; the battles of Salamanca, the Pyrenees, and Orthes ; siege of San Sebastian
passage of the Hidassoii, and Xivelle.
149 Brevet-Major, Uth July, 1837.
150 Captain James serve<I in the Peninsula and France, from October, 1812, to April, 1814,
including tlie battles of Vittoria, the Pyrenees, Nivelle, and Orthes. Served subsequently
in the .\nierican War.
151 Captaiji Lawrence served in the Peninsula, from April, 1813, to April, 1814, including
the siege of Tarragona.
152 Captain Bloomfield served in the Peninsula and F'rance, from March, 1813, to June,
1814, including the battle of Vittoria, siege of San Sebastian, crossing the Bidassoa ; battles
of the Xivelle, Xive, Orthes, and Toulouse. Present at Waterloo.
1.V) Captain Trevor serve<l the campaign of 1814 in Holland. Present at Waterloo and
subsequent operations in France.
155 Captain Pulliser serve<l in the Peninsula and France, from November, 1812, to May,
1814, including the siege of San Sebastian, and battles of Vittoria, Orthes, and Toulouse.
Servetl subsequently in the .-Vmerican War, including the battles of Bladeusburgh, and
Baltimore, and o|)erBtions before New Orleans.
15(3 Captain Macbean served in the Peninsula and France, from July, 1812, to -August,
1814, including the atfair at Osma battle of Vittoria; both sieges and capture of San

Set)astian ;pa.«sage of the Mvelle 10th November, and actions of the Nive, 9th, 10th, 11th,
and 12th Ueeemlfer, 1813.
157 Captain {iillespie served in the last American War, including the battle at Plattsburgh.
158 Captain Dickens served in Holland in 1813 and 14, including the attack on Merxem,
and the cannonade against the enemy's ships of w;ir in the basin.
159 Captain Tomkyns served the campaign of 1814 in Canada, including the actions near
Fort George, anil Lundy's Lane blockade, attack, and final assault of Fort Erie. Present

when the British lines on the Chippawa were attacked.

ItiO Captain Williams was engaged in the actions before New Orleans, and at the capture
of Fort Hover. Present at Waterloo and capture of Paris.
ICI Captain Morgan served in the Peninsula and France from October, 1813, to June,
1814, includini! the passage of the Adour, and battle of Toulouse. Served the campaign of
1814 in Canada.
l<^2 Captain K. G. B. Wilson sen'e<l in Holland, Belirium, and France, from December,
1813. to Januarv-, 1816, including the Itith, 17th, and 18th June, at Waterloo.
163 Captain Cuppaue serve<l in the Peninsula and France, from February to August, 1814,
including the sortie from Bayonne. Presiiit 18th June, at Waterloo.
104 Captain Bumaby served the campaign of 1815, including the battle of Waterloo.
165 Captain Griffin served before Genoa in 1814.
ItJO Captain Basset was employed in raising the siege of Bilboa, 25th December, 1836.
Present in the field actions on the 10th, 12th, 14th, 15th, and ICth March; attack and
canning by assault the town of Ueraani, 12th May; and capitulation of the town of Fon-
tanibia, 17th May, 1837.
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Notes to the Royal Engineers.

1 Sir Samuel Trevor Dickens was present at the landing at Ferrol, in August, 1800, and
joined Sir Ralph Abcrcromby's army in the Mediterranean in September following.
I * Sir Aug. De Butts was at the sieges of Toulon, Bastia, and Calvi, and was favourably
mentioned by Lord Hood in his despatches on the surrender of Bastia.
3 Gen. Evatt was present at the attack of Fort Fleur d'Epee, Guadaloupc, June, 1794,
and at the defence of Fort Matilda, from 10th Oct. to 10th Dec. following. In 1705 at Do-
minica at the attack and capture of the French force landed for the reduction of the island.
In 1797 served at the attack of the island of Porto Rico. Wounded at the Helder in 1799.
3 Sir Fred. Mulcaster served in Portugal, in 1797 and 98 ; acting as commanding engineer
at the siege of Ciudadella in Minorca, in 1798, and remahied in the Mediterranean until 1801.
4 Sir Howard Elphinstone was at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope in 1795; served
in Egypt in 1801 as Commanding Engineer in the Indian Army under Sir David Baird.
In 1806 was employed on a mission to Portugal. Embarked as Commanding Engineer
under General AVTiitelock in the expedition to Monte Video. In 1808 embarked as Com-
manding Engineer with Sir Arthur Wellesley in the expedition to Portugal, and was
severely wounded at Roleia. Served also in the Peninsula from 1812 to the end of the
war, and was Commanding Engineer at the passage of the Adour, and blockade of and
sortie from Bayonne. Sir Howard has received an Egyptian medal, and a medal and two
clasps for Roleia, Nivelle, and Nive.
5 Gen. Durnford was present at the siege of Fort Bourbon, and capture of Martinique, St.
Lucia, and Guadaloupc, in 1794.
Sir John Jones served the campaign in Calabria, &c. ; was present at the battle of
Maida ; attack of Castle of Scylla ; the retreat to Corunna ; expedition to Walcheren, re-
duction of Flushing; served the campaigns of 1810, 11, and 12, in the Peninsula; has
received a medal for Badajoz. Sir John was shot through the ancle joint at the siege of
Burgos, Oct. 1812.
7 Gen. Thackeray was at the capture of Surinam in 1799, St. Martin's, St. Bartholomew's,
&c. &c. in 1801 ; directed the siege of Scylla Castle, and that of the Fortress of Santa Maura
in 1809; served with the anny in Spain, in 1812 ; at the battle of Castalla, and siege of
Tarragona in 1813, and remained with the army xmtil 1814.
8 Gen. Birch served in Flanders, and Holland, in 1793, 94, and 95 ; the %yptian cam-
))aign of 1801 ; taking of Copenhagen under Lord Catheart ; served iu the north of Spain in
1808 ; taking of Flushing in 1809 ; blockade of Cadiz in 1810 and 11 ; has received a raedal
for Barrosa. Gen. B. was shot through the thigh near Valmesada, 7 Nov. 1808.
i* Sir Stephen R. Chapman served in Holland in 1799; at Copenhagen in 1807 ; and
in the Peninsula from March 1809 to Feb. 1811.
9 Gen. NicoUs served in the American war during 1814 and 15, and was present at the
capture of Moose Island, Castine, and Belfast, in the United States in 1814.
9"* General Wright served iu the West Indies during the war with France, from 1800 to
1805 inclusive, including the capture of the islands of St. Lucia and Tobago from the
French. Commanded tjie batteries at the island of Trinidad under Sir Thomas Hi8lo]),.whcn
that island was tlireatened with an attack by the combined Sfiuadrons of France and Spain.
Served iu North America, Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick during the whole of
the late war with the United States, under Sir George Prevost and Sir John Sherbrooke ;
and with the latter officer served as Deputy Quarter Master General of the Forces in the
provinces of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Served in the island of Ceylon, having
volunteered liis services in that island during the rebellion of the Kandyan provinces ;
and, on his return to England, visited the Court of Persia in an official capacity, and was
the means of preventing the Shah of Persia from declaring war against the Hon. East
India Company.
10 Sir John Burgoyne's services :

blockade of Malta, and surrender of Valetta, 5th Sept.
1800; landed in Egypt, 17th March, 1807; capture of Alexandria, 20th March; attack
of Rosetta from 7th to 18th April, 1807 retreat to Corunna, 1809; passage of the Douro,

12th May ; affair of Salamoiide, 16th May blew up Fort Conception in presence of the

enemy, 2Ist July battle of Busaco, 21st Sept. retreat and lines of Lisbon siege of Bada-
; ; ;

joz, 2nd to 13th June, 1811 action of Elbodon, 25th Sept. 1811
; siege and storm of Ciudad

Rodrigo, 8th to 19th January, 1812 siege and storm of Badajoz, 17tli March to (ith April,

1812; siege and capture of Forts at Salamanca, 17th to 27th June, 1S12; buttle of Sala-
manca, 22nd July, 1812 ; advance to Madrid, and capture of Rotiro Furts, 14th August,
1812 ; siege of Burgos, (wounded) 19th Sept. to 21st Oct. 1812 retreat from Burgos ad-
; ;

vance of the army and cross the Ebro, May and June, 1813; battle of Vittoria, 21st June,
1813 ; siege and storming of St. Sebastian, (wounded) 15th July to 13th Aug. 13 siege of

Castle of St. Sebastian, 31st Aug. to 9th Sept. 1813; passag;e of Bidassoa, 7th Oct. lHi:i
btittles of the Nivelle and Nive passage of Adour, 23rd February, and blockade of liayoniie
; ;

sortie from Bayonne, 14th April, 1814 attack of American lines before New Orleans
; ; 8tli
Jan. 1815; capture of Fort Bowyer, from 8th to 11th Feb. 1815; Sir John has received a
cross and one clasp,
II Col. Pasley's services:
—in 1806, in the defence of Gaeta afterwards in the battle of

Maida; siege of Copeidiagcn in 1807 in 1808 and 9, several skirmishes, and in the battle

of Corunna; reconnoitered the enemy's coast under the fire of batteries, and afterwards at
the siege of Flushing ; Col. P. received a bayonet-wound tlu'ough the thigh, and a muskct-
Notes to the Royal Engineers.
woiiuil, wliich Injuroil the spine, in leailin;; a i>t»niiiii.; jiarty tn attack nn advouectl nork
occiipiwl by the French on the Dike in front of Klushint;, 14th Aug. Intnl.
Vi Col. (ioMtincirs service* :— in 1 8<.t7, expedition to Copenlia^n ; lSt»9, Oi>orto, Talavera;
1810, I(ii«aco; 18ia, Vittoria, rvtrnoes, Xivc; 1814, ()rlhes,Toulon9c; has received a cross.
1:} Col. .AnioUl's s*'r\-ie«^: — Itloekade and surrender of Stalta in 184H) ; tlie whole of the
raiii|>ai'.m in in 18(11 ; including the attack and surrender of Aboukir I'ort anil
cattle, battle of Alexandria, and afterwards* accoinpanicfl the division of the army which
exiH'lled the French from Oraiid Cairo, and took |)Oss«'Ssion of that city al-so present at the

surrender of .Alexandria to the British troops. Served several years in the West Indies, and
at the last attack and surrender of tlie colonies of Denierara, Esseiiuibo, Bcrbicc, and
Surinam, at which latter he was severely wounded in successfully leadiu); the storming
party against the Redoubt Fre<lerick and Fort Leyden. Was several times handsomely
inentioneil in the pnblic dispatches for his conduct at Surinam ; and was on that occasion
presente<l by the Committee of the Patriotic Fund with a sword of the value of one himdrcd
|iounds. He lias since ser\e<l several years in Bermuda and North America.
14 Sir Wm. Oosset serveil in Holland in 1709, and was major in command at the attack
upon Algiers under Lord E.xmouth in 181G.
14 • Colonel Fyers served the Corunna campaign.
15 Col. Ellicomhc served in the Peninsular from Nov. 1811 to the end of the war,
including the siege and storm of Ciudail Rmlrigo, 8th to 19th Jan. 1812 ; siege and
stonn of Badajoz, 17th March to Gth April, 1812; retreat from Burgos, 1812; advance
of the army and cross the Ebro, .May and June, 1813; battle of Vittoria, as Brigade-
Major ; siege and stonn of St. Sebastian, l.^th July to 9tli Sept. 1813 ; passage of Bi<lassoa,
7th (let. 1813 l>attleof Nivellc, Idth Nov. 1813; Nivc, lOtli, 11th and 12th Dec. 1813 pa.s-

sace of .\dour, 23rd Feb. 1814, and blockade of Bayonne ; sortie from Bayonne, 14th April,
1814. Metlal for St. Sebastian.

16 Col. Fanshawe's services: capture of Cape of Good Hoi)C in 1806; expe<Iitinn to
South America, and siege and capture of Slontc Video in 1807 ; with the army in Portugal
in 1808 ; expedition to the Scheldt, and siege of Flushing in 1809.
17 Sir C. F. Smith's servici-s: —
capture of Santa Cruz, St.Tliomas, and St. John in 1807;
capture of Martinique (wounde<l) in 1809; senior engineer in charge of Ca'liz and its
environs in the operations eimnectetl with the battle of Barrosa in 1811; commanding
engineer in the defence of TaritTa, and in the field operations which le<l to that event ; chief
engineer at Cadiz when the siege was raised in 1812; afiairs of the 18th, and battle of Vit-
toria, 2l8t June, 1813; Villa Franca ami Tolosa, 24th June; siege of St. Sebastian; capitula-
tion of Paris, 7 July, 1815 ; army of occupation ; has served 20 years in the West Indies.
18 Col. Harding's services: —1813, action of Castalla, May; attack of Denia, June;
attack of Tarragona, June. 1815, sieges of Maubcrg, Landrecy, Maricnbcrg, Phillippeville,
and Rocroy, with the Prussian army.
19 Sir (iKJ. Hoste's services :

battle of Maida, and siege of Scylla Castle in 1806 ; attack
on .Alexandria and Hoselta in Eg>pt, in 1807 ; taking of the islands of Ischia and Procida,
and siege of Ischia Cx«tle in 1810; action on board H. M.'s ship Spartin in the Bay of
Naples, 3<1 May, 1810; two attacks on Antwerp, in 1812; led the Guards in the attack on
20 Col. Wright served in the cxpe<lition to the Helder in 1799.
21 Col. Lewis's services: — campaign in Naples and Calabria, in 1805 and 180C; battle of
Maida anil sii^ge of the Castle of Scylla, in July and Aug. 1806 ; capture of Ischia anrl Pro-
cida, in the Bay of Naples, in .Aug. 1809 and siege of the Castle of Ischia ; siege of the

Fort at Santa Slaura ; served the campaign of 1813 in the Peninsula; wounded at the
assault of the breach of St. Sebastian, lost tlie left leg above the knee.
22 Col. Holloway served the campaigns of 1810, 11, and 12, in the Peninsula woundeil ;

in the trenches Ixfore Badajoz, March, 1812; shot through the bo<ly 26th March, 1812,
whilst st«irming the enemy's works.
22 * Col. Vava.«our served at the siege of Cadiz.
23 Col. (iraydon was at the capture of Martinique, in 1809, and Guadalonpe, in 1810.
24 Col. Thomson was at the capture of .Martinii|ue, in 1809 ; served on the north coast of
Si«in. in 1812 and in tlie Netherlands, in 1813, 14, and 15.

25 Sir John Smith served in Sicily from 1807 to June 1812.

26 Col. Jones was at the passage of the Douro and capture of Oporto, May, 1809 battle ;

ofTalavcra, July, 18<0; battle of Busa«-o, Sept. 1810; siege of Batlajoz, and"battlc of Albu-
hem. May, 1811 ; siinc and capture of Ciudad Rojlrigo, January, 1812.
27 Col. Moody has seen a great deal of active service in the West Indies, and has lieen
twice *ounde<l, for which he received the Brevet rank of Major, and the Cross of Knight of
tlie Royal French Order of .Military Merit.
28 Col. OMIield served in Holland in 1814; from March to June 1815, second in eom-
inaod under Sir James Carmichael Smith in the Netherlands ; as Brigade-Major with the
Uuke of Melliugton's army at Waterloo, capitulation of Paris, and army of occupation.
2!) Col. Dixon scrve<l in Canada dnriug the war, from 1812 to 15, and was slightly
woandol at the storming of Kurt .''andusky mi.<lal for Uclroit.

30 Col. CaMcr scrveil in the ex|pe<lilion to Waleheren, and siege of Flushing, in 1809.
31 Col.Slade was present at St. Sebastian in July and .\ug. 1813; blockade and sortie at
— ;;

Nuies to the Royal Engineers.

Bayonne, March and April 1814 Col. Sladewaa one of the oiBcers selected to accompany the

boats from Socoa to the mouth of the river Adour, and to assist in laying the bridge across.
32 Col. Tylden served at the siege and capture of Fort Santa Maria, 29th March, 1814
Commanding Engineer in the action before Genoa under Lord Wm. Bentinck.

33 Col. Wells; campaign of Portugal and Spain, in 1808 and 9, including action of
Rolissa, and the battles of Vimiera and Corunna ; campaign in Holland in 1 809, including
the siege of Flushing ; blockade of Cadiz, from March, 1810, to the raising of the blockade
in 1812, excepting about six months absence at Carthagena, and with the army in Estra-
madura, including the action of Barrosa, and the last siege of Badajoz, in March and April,
1812 served part of the campaign of 1813, until the army embarked at Bordeaux in 1814,

including the passage of the Bidassoa, blockade of Bayonne, and the taking of a work at
Laredo campaign of Belgium and France, in 1815.

33 * Col. Mudge served in the Peninsula from March, 1809, to June, 1810.

34 Col. English's services: campaign of 1808 and 9, from the period the British army
landed in Portugal until the retreat to Corunna, including battles of Eoleia, Vimiera, and
Corunna; end of campaign of 1813, and campaign of 1814, including battles of Orthes and
Toulouse; campaign of 1815, and with the army of occupation until August, 1817.
35 Col. Blanshard was at the blockade and sortie of Bayonne ; served afterwards in the
American war ; and was present at the taking of Washington the operations and engage-

ment before Baltimore field operations and engagement before New Orleans ; taking by

assaiUt the lines on the right bank of the Mississippi, and capture of Fort Bowyer; joined
Sir James Kemp's division in France, 22d June, 1815.
35 * Col. Alex. Brown served at Walcheren.
30 Col. Emmett's services, &e. :

sieges of Badajoz in 1811 and 12 ; passage of the Nive
Bayonne, Orthes, Toulouse at New Orleans, at the attack on the American lines, and every

affair on that expedition at the siege of Fort Bowyer ; slightly wounded at Badajoz in 181 1
; ;

and on the advance towards Orthes ; very severely woimdcd at the assault of Badajoz in 1812.
37 Col. Ward served with the army in Sicily in 1811 and 12; was present at the action
of Castella, attack of Denia, and siege of Tarragona in 1813 ; served with the army in the
Netherlands in 1814.
38 Col. Gordon's services : —
attack on the Castle of Scylla, June, 1809; siege and cap-
ture of Santa Maura, March, 1810.
39 Major Barney served at the defence of Tariffa, in 1811 and 12; and at the captures of
Guadaloupe and the Saintes in 1815.
40 Major Jones served in the expedition to Walcheren in 1809 served the campaigns of

1810, 11, 12, 13, and 14, including the actions and sieges of Cadiz, Tarragona, (1811), Ba-
dajoz (1812), Vittoria, St. Sebastian, passage of the Bidassoa, Nivelle, Nive, Bayonne;
wounded leadmg the Forlorn Hope at the first assault of St. Sebastian. Appointed com-
manding engineer in charge of the fortifications on Montmiitre, after the entrance of the
British troops into Paris in 1815.
41 Major Bonnycastle was at the siege and capture of Flushing, August 1809. Served
in the war with the United States of America from 1812 to 1815, and was at the taking of
Fort Castine, John AcUwis corvette, and fleet of merchantmen, and occupation of that
part of the State of Mame east of the Ponobscot River ; commanding eughieer at the con-
struction of the extensive works of the Castine Peninsula In the United States. Witli
the army of occupation in France. Served the severe winter campaigns of 1837, 38 and
39, as commandmg engineer in Upper Canada, and also held the command of the embodied
militia, volunteers, &c. of the midland and other districts with the local and militia rank
of Lieut.-Colonel.
42 Major Marshall served in the Peninsula from Jan. 1811 to Oct. 1813, including the
first siege of Badajoz, siege and storm of Ciudad Rodrigo, siege and storm of San Sebastian.
Slightly wounded at Ciudad Rodrigo, 16th January, 1812; severely wounded twice by
musket-shots at San Sebastian, 31st August, 1813, when leading the advance of the column
of attack up the great breach.
42 * Major Piper served six campaigns in the Peninsula, Flanders, and France, from
March, 1810 to the 27th Jan. 16; viz. 5 campaigns in the Peninsula and South of France
from 10 to 14, and one campaign in Flanders and France to the capitulation of Paris in
1815, and reduction of the army on the following year. From 1810 to 12 was employed in
the Lines of Lisbon and Almaida; and from Jan. 12 to the conclusion of hostilities in 1815,
held the command of a division of the Pontoon Train; (having been entrusted during that
period with the organization and equipment of 4 several bridges ;) threw the bridges of
the Guadiana, Tagus, Bidassoa, Gave D'Oleron, Garronne and Seine, and served in the
trenches at the last siege of Badajoz, from the morning of the 18th to the 23d of March,
when, the bridges of communication below the town being destroyed and sunk, was dis-
patched (by order of the commander of the forces) to re-establish and remain with them
(passing shot, shell and ammunition during the nights, and provisions during the day time)
— for the remainder of the operations ; received the tlianks of Sir Rowland Hill at the
passage of the Tagus in August same year, on the advance of his column to Madrid; and
subsequently, when on route to Salamanca (in consequence of the enemy's cavalry inter-
cepting tlie communications tlirough Ihe Sierra-do-Gato) was commanded by written
instructions from the commander of the Forces, to retire with the bridges on Alcantra de
Nutes tu the lioj/iil Engineers.
lu iim ami to Elvas, anil flimllv tu Abrantos; where, (xiuipijiiig a fresh train of
lunits for tile oiK'tntions of the ensuing year, ailvaneed with the army from Sabugal
Freynaila to the Eliro and Vittoria; passaco of the Uiilassrui in Oct. and latter part of the
bloekadeof I'aniploiia; actions of the !)th anil lltli Dee. l(<I3at Huyonnc; do. Toulouse in
1814; passed and repassed His Ciraee the Commander of the Forces and Stalf duriu'; the
operations of the day, from the right to the left bank of the river, on a fly-raft of three
boat* ami subsc<iuently, advancing to MongiscanI on the Canal Royal du Midi, proceeded

thence to Uunleaux ; where, parking the whole of the bridges on the Cilacis of tlie Chateau-
Trouipette, they were in July same year embarke<l for tlic use of the anny in .-Vmerica.
Proci-edol to Ceylon, East Indies, lOih June, U>. Served as commanding engineer in the
Kandyau Provinces, duriug the insurrections of 1817 and 18.
4.3 Sir Oeorgc Gipps served in the Peninsula from March 1811 to the end of the war, in-
cluding the siege of Badajoz, in March and -Vpril 181-', atl'.iir of the pass of Biar, battle of
Castulla, and other snndler affairs in Catalonia in 181:! and 14 ; also at the capture of the
Fort of Balaguer, siege of Tarragona, and blockade of Barcelona. Led one of the columns
of assault at Fort Picurina, during tlie successful siege of Badajoz, on which occasion he
was wounded in the left ann.
44 Major Barry scrve<l in the Peninsula from .\ug. 1812, to Oct. 1813, and was severely
woundol by a grape shot, 31st Aug. 1813, when leading a party to the breach at the storm-
ing of St. Sebastian.
45 Col. Held served in the Peninsula from .Vpril 1810 to the end of the war, including
the three several sieges of Badajoz, siege of Ciudad Rodrigo, siege of the Forts at and battle
of Salamanca, siege of Burgos, battle of \'ittoria, siege of San Sebastian, and battles of
Nivelle, Xive, and Toulouse. Present at the attack on .\lgiers, under Lord Exmouth, in
181(!. Severely woundol in the knee, repulsing a sortie at Badajoz, 10th May, 1811; in
the leg during the assault of Ciudad Rodrigo, I'Jth January 1812; in the neck during the
assault of St. Scljastian, 28lh July 1813.
46 Major Ord served in Spain during 1810, 11, 12, 13, and one half of 1814, including
the sieges of Cadiz and Tarragona.
47 Major Savage served in the Peninsnla from Nov. 1813 to the end of the war. Including
the investment of, antl repulse of tl»e sortie from Bayonnc.
48 Major Waters scn.e<l in the Peninsula from April 1812 to September 1814. Was
at Cadiz when the sii-ge was raised in the former year. In 1815 he was present in the
actions of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. He led one of the columns to the assault of
Peronne on the 2(jth June 1815, and was at the capture of Paris.
49 Major Matson served iu the Peninsula from Nov. 1812 to the end of the war, in-
cluding the battle of Vittoria, siege of San Sebastian, and battles of Nivelle and Nive.
Scrveil also at New Orleans in 1814.
50 Major Victor served in the Peninsula from Dec. 1812 to the end of the war, including
the battles of the Nive, Orthcs, and Toulonse.
51 Major Cirierson servetl at Cadiz during part of 1812 and 13, and afterwards on the
eastern coast of Spain.
52 Major Baron served iu the Peninsula from Jan. 1813 to the end of the war.
53 Major Yule served in the .\merican war in 1814, and was at Chippewa, 5th Julv, 1814,
and Niagara, 2.5th July, 1814.
54 Major Phillpotts was favourably noticed in Sir Gordon Drummond's despatch of tlie
attack on Fort Erie, Sept. 1814.
55 Major Selwyn was at the attack of Guadaloupe, 10 Aug. 1815.
5C Major Gosset served in Canada in 1813 and 14.
57 Major Bolton served iu the Peninsula from Oct. 1813 to the end of the war.
58 Major Whinyatcs was at the battle of .\lgiers, 27th .Vug. 181C.
59 Major Robe joine<l the 4th division of the army in the Peninsula in 1813. In 1814
he was employed in the operations of the passage of the .\dour ; blockade of and sortie
from Bayoiine. .\ftenvards iu the expedition to New Orleans. In 1815, IG, 17, and 18,
with the .\Tm\ in France.
CO Major Wright was wounde<l hy a musket ball through the thigh, 12th Oct. 1821, at
Zante, in an attack made by the Greeks upon a Turkish man-of-war.
61 Major Rivers landed at Pu.ssagcs, Dee. 1813, and joined the light division, Feb. 1814 ;

took charge of a division of tlie Iwats fitted out at Socoa for the passage of the Adour ; then
joineil the force for the siege of Bayonne ; embarked for .\meriea in 1814.
62 Major Tliomson was attached to the Prussian army in 1815, and served at Maubery,
Landrecy, Phillipville, and Rocroi.
63 Major Wortham served the campaigns of 1813 and 14 in Spain and France, including
the siege of St. Sebastian, from 20th August to 9th Sept. 1813 ; battle of Orthes, 27th Feb.
1814 ; battle of Toulouse, 10th -April, 1814 ; servctl with the army in America, from 14th
Sept. 1814, to 24th May, 1815, inclmling the attack of the .American Lines before New
Orleans,8th Jan. 1815, and the siege and capture of Fort Bowyer from 8th to llth Feb. 1815.
64 Captain Tinhng scr»cd in the Peninsula from Nov. 1813 to the end of the war.
65 Captains Jebb, Smytli, Bramlreth, and Portlock, served in the last American war.
66 Captain Kay served in Holland and the Netherlands, in 1814 and 15.

X C"
Ym«' !>.nl<^ Service.
Jtoi/dl Marines.
F.n P.T ll>lfl->r

Tears' Service.]
Royal Marine Artillery.

9 Charles Menzies (16,) K.H., 10 July, 37.
David A. Gibsonr, 31 Julv, 2<J.
9 J- Hancv Stevens, (3(>) IG April, 32.
Richard C.'Slecle (3S), 11 June, 32.
First Lieutenants.
Thomas Holloway, 9 Dec. 33.
Jolin P. N. F. craiiiH-rton. 10 Julv, 37.
Henn,- C. Tate, 10 July, 37.
Hamnet Parke, 10 July, 37.
Second Lieutenants.
John Maurice Wemyss, 1 9 Dec. 37.
.rlssistatit-Suraeon.^James D. Sinimic, 15 Sept. 27.
Deputy Adjutant-Gen.—^ John Owen. C.B. K.H., (Co/.) 1 Jan. 3S
Assistant Adjutant-General.— C 9 J. Wilson (Capt.) 31
May, 34.
George Varlo, 23 Aug. 05 '2n'd Lieut. 18 June, 93: 1*/ Lieut
April, 95; Capl. 15 Julv, 03.
And. Kinsman, 17 Jan. 21 2/irf Lieut. 12 Xov. 93;
; 1*7 Lieut 24
April, 95 Capt. 24 Julv, 03
; B
ret et-. Major, 4 June 14

John LawTence, 20 July 30; 'hid Lieut. C Julv, 03; Lieut. 15 Auff
' ^'
05; Capl. 31 Julv, 2(i.
George Hookey (73;, 23 Mar. 36; 2nd Lieut. 27 Jan. 06; 1*7 Lieut
8 Aug. 11 Capt. 12 Oct. 32.

Peter M. M'Kellar, (\st Lieut.) 11 Julv, 34.
Thoma-s Hurdle, (\st Lieut.) 15 April, 34.
Thoma.<; Stephens, (\st Lieut.) 10 Julv, 37.
Milliam Wood, (\st Lieut.) 10 Julv, 37.
T. Browne Gray, {1st Lieut.) 26 April, 38.
William M. Heriot, (1*7 Lieut.) 16 June, 38.
Henr>- William Parke, (l.>7 Lieut.) 14 Aug 38
The. P. Dwyer, {1st Lieut.) 25 Feb. 39.
Charles Miller, {\st Lieut.) 10 July, 37.
Henry Bennett, {1st Lieut.) 10 Julv, 37.
Henry Savage, (1st Lieut.) 9 Dec. 37.
George Watson, {1st Lieut.) 22 ilay, 38
9 Daniel Quarrier, (74) 10 Jan. f?.
Henrv Parkin, 25 Sept. 22.
Isaac'Rvall, 29 Mav, 28.
William' Rae, (75) 5 Feb. 38.
William Cowling, 10 Oct. 22.
J. D. Simmie, 15 Sept. 27.
Alexander Blyth, 21 Xov. 29.
William J. Hunter, .\ug. 32.

Arthur Kift, 6 Mav. 34.

Isaac Dias. 22 Dec. ^.
John Baird, 23 Apr. 39.
Thoma-s Sheppard, 8 March, 26; '2nd Lieut. 4 Mav, 93-
\st Lieut
IS Dec. 94 Capt. I Xov. 01
: Brevet-.Major, 4 June, 13

Thomas Moore lb Aug. 27; Ind Lieut. 14 Jan. 01 \st Lieut

15 ;

Aug. 05; Caj,l.2\ Xov. 10.

Robert John Little, 12 Sept. 29 2nrf Lieut. 4 Julv, 03-
Ut Lieut
15 Aug. 05; C.<B/. 31 Julv, 26.
9 Ambrose A. R. Wolrige, (76) 5 June, 32; ind Lieut. 4 Julv 03-
1 </ Lieut. 15 Aug. ai Capt. 31 July, 26.

Scarte^Ytci^gt Blue. Artillerr-B/ttt-Facings Red, Agent.

Mcsirs. Cox. & Co.

Notes to the Corps of Royal Murines.

1 Colonel Lawrence, prior to entering the Royal Marines, served four years and a half
as Midshipman in the Royal Navy. In 1793 he served at Toulon; landed at Fort La
Malgue and Fort Mulgrave during the siege. In 1798, at the capture of a French squadron
of three frigates and two brigs off Toulon. In 1805 battle of Trafalgar; the ship in which
he served, the Colossus, lost 200 in killed and wounded. In 1810, at Cadiz during the
siege ; was the senior captain of the expedition against Malaga. In 1814 and 15, served
off New York on the American coast, until hostilities finally ceased.
2 Colonel Jones was at the defeat of the French Fleet by Lord Howe, 1 June 1794;
and by Lord Bridport, 23 June, 1795. On board La Revolutionare when she captured
the Unite, 12th April, 1798. Wrecked off Brest in 1804, and detained a prisoner of war
until 1814.
3 Colonel Adair's services Battle of the Nile
: siege and capitulation of the Castle of

St. Elmo, Naples, and town of Capua in 1798 ; blockade of Malta, and surrender of La
Valetta ; blockade of Cadiz, and present at an attack made by Spanish Gun Vessels when
becalmed under the batteries of that town on board H. M. S. Genu'uc, at the capture of

La Diane, French frigate; served at New Orleans.

4 Col. ConoUy served in Lord Bridport's action, 23rd June, 1795. In 1796, served
in the Mediterranean, including the evacuation of IJastia, capture of Porto Ferrajo, and
destruction of Martello Tower in St. Fiorenzo Bay. On board H. M. S. Excellent in the
battle of Cape St. Vincent, 14th Feb. 1797. Capture of Admiral Perrie's squadron off Toulon
in 1798, consisting of three frigates and two brigs. On board the Hannibal, in the battle of
Algesiras, ('th July 1801, wounded and taken prisoner. On board H.M.S. Penelope, in the
action off Flushing and Ostend, under Sir Sidney Smith, 16th May, 1804. Present at the
siege of Copenhagen, and capture of Danish fleet in 1807, and at Nyebourg in 1808. In
1812, on board his Majesty's ship Hamadryad, when attacked by French privateers;
debarked with detachments at Scheveling, and took possession of the Hague in 1814.
During the above periods he has been very frequently engaged with the enemy in affairs of
gun-boats and batteries, &c. &c. Has received a reward from the Patriotic Fund.
5 Col. Beatty's services : landed at the attack of Santa Cruz, Teneriffe, when Lord Nelson
lost his arm ; Battleof the Nile ; siege of St. Jean d'Acre (wounded) ; was favourably mentioned
in Sir Sidney Smith's despatch, and is the only officer now serving who participated in that
celebrated defence. In 1803 he was at the capture of the Harmonic privateer, and the
surprise and destruction of Fort Dunkirk, Martinique. The publication of the despatches
connected with these events, in which he was most favourably mentioned, procured him a
patriotic sword of the value of 50i. Captain of Marines in the Courageux, at the capture
oftheilfnreni/o anA Belle Poulemtiaxch 1806; and in fhe Donegal, Capt. P. Malcolm, when
the small squadron under his command attacked two French frigates under the batteries of
La Hogue, near Cape Barfleur, 10th November, 1810. He has been engaged in other affairs
of minor importance, and was selected for the duty of accompanying Sir G. Cockburn with
Napoleon in the Northumberland to St. Helena.
6 Colonel Parke was present in Duncan's victory near Camperdown, 11th Oct. 1797
commanded two companies of Marine Artillery in Spain in 1812, and three companies in
America, from 1813 to 1816, including the attack and capture of the entrenched camp at
Hampton besides the above, he has been twelve times engaged with the enemy in boats

and on shore.
7 Col. Owen's services: — Battle of Camperdown; defence of the island of St. Marcou ;
bombardment of La Hogue ; boarding and capture of India ship Chance under the
batteries at Mauritius ; burning of French frigate La Prenneiise ; boarding and capture of
ship Sea Nymph in harbour of Port Louis ; battle of Trafalgar ; and, although wounded,
was, nevertheless, the first person on board the Spanish 80 gun ship Argonauta ; capture
of CopeiUiagen ; destruction of Le Robuste and Lion, French ships of the line, Cette
destruction of a French privateer brig in the port of Negaya ; capture of a convoy at
Lang-uilia, the batteries being first carried by the Marines ; destruction of the Forts of
Alessis and Languilia by the Marines under his command, after having charged with the
bayonet and defeated a battalion of the French 52rf of the line, of a very mpcrior force.
Commanded a battalion on the North Coast of Spain, including the actions of Alza, 6th
June; near Fontarabia, 11th July; and at Hernani, 16th March 1837, when the Royal
Marines rendered such important services to the Queen of Spain and her Allies.
10 Colonel Wright's Services : —
Engaged in most of Lord Nelson's attacks on Rota and
Cadiz in 1797 ; battle of the Nile campaign of Naples in 1799 ; surrender of Ovo and

Novo, Fort St. Elmo, Capua, and Guata ; cutting out of the Guie/i at Vigo; Egypt in 1801 ;
and battle of Algiers in 1816.
11 Colonel Aslett was present in the battle off Camperdown 11th Oct. 1797. Has been
repeatedly in action with the Flotilla off Boulogne, Havre-de-Grace, but was employed
principally blockading, Cadiz, Brest, Rochfort, Carthagena, and Toulon.
12 Sir Francis Lee was at Copenhagen ; siege of Cadiz and various affairs of boats in the
East Indies, and on the Frencli coast.
13 Colonel Mercer was on board the Topage when she engaged two French frigates off

Notes to the Corps of Royal Marines.

Corfu, and iu the boats of the Topnge cutting out the enomji's anued vessels at Santa Maura
in 1800 ; also in Albania in cutting out on various occasions.
14 Colonel Wm. Walker was<l from 18(>i to 1«05 at the taking of St. Lucia,
Tolwifo, Denierarn, anil Bi'rbic-e ; woundetl at the storniins; and taking of the battery called
Petit .\uce d'Allett; present in various attacks on the enemy's batteries, on a frigate and
brig under fort Eilward, .Martinique.
15 Colonel M'Calluui was at the capture of the Victorin French privateer in boats under
his command in 1800 battle of Trafalgar ; forcing the Dardanelles and destroying a Turkish

squadron in 1807. Employetl on various occasions in cutting out and destroying enemy's
1(> Colonel Menzics commandcfl a <letachment of Royal Marines landed at Port Jackson
during an insurrection of convicts, in .March, 1804 ; by his promptitude and exertions the
town of Syilney and indeed tlie colony was in a great measure preserved and tranquillity
restond. In 180<! he commanded one of the boats of His Majesty's Ship Minerva, cutting
out five vcssi'ls from uniler Fort Finistcrre. In the barge alone (50 miles from where the
frigate lay at anchor) captured by boarding the Buena Dicha privateer, of three times the
force of the boat, alter a sharp conflict, in which several were killed and wounded. This
attiick was planne<l by Colonel Menzies. Commanded and headed the marines at the
stonning of Fort Finisterrc, being the first who entere<l the Fort. In boats cutting out the
.*s[>anish vessel of war, St, Joseph, from theBay of Arosa, where he landed and made prisoner
the Spanish Commoilore who delivered to him his sword. Commanilcd the Marines at the
capture of Fort Guardia. Slightly wounded cutting out the French corvette, La Mosdle,
from under a battery in Basque Roads. Taking of Fort Camarinus and gim-boats from
under its protection. Repeatedly engaged in severe boat-actions, and against batteries.
Receive<l a swoni of honour fn)in tlie Patriotic Fund.
1 Colonel .Murton serve<l in the North Sea, and the Helder expedition in 1 799 ; served
in the Egyptian expedition and the East Indies in 1801 ; the West Indies (slightly wounded)
in 1804 ; coast of France, and engaged with the enemy's flotilla and batteries in 1805 ; the
Meiliterraneoji in 1806, engage<l iu cutting out the enemy's vessels from under batteries;
and was voted a sworil from the Patriotic Fund ; in 1809, coast of Spain, and aiding the
Ciuerillas ; scrveil in Hollanfl in 1813.
18 Colonel Fergusson served at the capture of Rear Admiral Perree's squadron from
Egypt when in pursuit of the French and Spanish fleets in June, 1799. Blockade of Malta
and capture of .\dmiral Perree's squadron Le Geiiereu 74, Ville de Marseilles, kc. with a
reinforcement and supplies for the relief of the garrison. Was WTeeked and severely in-
jured on l>oard H.M.S. Queen Charlotte when burnt ofl' Leghorn in 1800, only four saved
out of a detachmeat of nearly 200 marines, including supernumeraries, in all upwards of 700
persons pcrisheil. Served at the siege of Genoa and Savona. Destruction of the fort of
Pi>rt Espezie, anil gims carried ofl" by H.M.S. Santa Dorothea in 1800, to which ship he
then iM^longeil. Served in Egv'pt under the command of Sir Ralph Abercromby in 1801
(medal). In 1804! at Maida. Defence of Gaieta and surrender of Tropea; took possession
of the latter town with his detachment. Servefl again in Egv-pt with the expedition under
Major-General Fraser in 1807. He has been repeatedly engageil in severe boat actions,
and against batteries, and debarke<l with detachments aiding in capturing and destroying
ships and convoys on the enemy's coast.
19 Colonel Swale served in Holland in two general actions in 1799 in 1800 accompanied

the exptxlition to Quilieron Bay, and was at the taking of a fort and two batteries at the
Morbion and destroying a hris of war and other vessels. Present under Lord Keith at the
fall of Genoa; also at the landing in Egypt, and the actions of the 13th and 21st March,
1801. In 1802 at the attack of Porto Ferrajo. Capture of the Cape of Good Hope, and a
French frigate in 180r>. Landed at Buenos Ayres, entered the city after a sharp contest in
the field, and captured in his retreat with his detachment, two brass field-pieces, in the
face of a superior force of the enemy. Served in the breaching battery before .Monte Video,
until the place was carrieil by assault. .Assisted at the cutting out of two Danish schooners
of war and the destruction of several of their gun-boats in 1810. Medalfor services in Egypt.
20 Colonel Joseph Walker served at Copenhagen.
21 Colonel Thomas Peebles' services: —
In action with Spanish gim-hoats in the Gut of
Gibraltar in I"!)!), and recapturing the Ladi/ \el30n cutter by the boats of H.>I. S. Queen
Charlotte. Blockade of Malta in I80O, and capture of Admiral Perree's squadron. On
board H. M. S. Queen Charlotte when that ship was burnt ofl" Leghorn, 17th March, 1800.
Debarked in command of the marines of H. M.S. Santa Theresa and Muti7t€ in a success-
ful attack on the town of Finale, and relief of the Austrian garrUon. Storming the Prima
(ialley (on the night of the 20th May) chained to the mole head batteries of Genoa by the
boats of the fleet under Captain Beavor, R. \. Siege and bonilianlment of Genoa in con-
junction with the Austrian army, and surrender of the city and French garrison under
General Massena. On board H. M. S. Minotaur at the capture of Le Pax and Esmeralda
Spanish shipa from under the batteries of Barcelona, 1801. Wounded in H.M.S. Caro-
Notes to the Corps of Royal Marines.

line's boats off Ivica in action with a Frencli zebecli and Spanisli packet. Blockade of
Legliorn and defence of Elba, and attack on vessels in the Mole of Leghorn by the boats of
H. M. S. Caroline and Srilamine. Served in the blockading fleets off Brest, Rochfort and
Cadiz, frequently engaged in boat actions on those coasts. 1805. On board H. M. S.
Slanche in the West luilies severely wounded and made prisoner in the action between that
ship and a French squadron under Commodore Baudine. Served subsequently in the
West Indies, and also in the Archipelago in 1830. Served several years on the staff as
adjutant and deputy judge advocate. Has received a reward from tlie Patriotic Fund.
22 Colonel Burton served in the Baltic, coast of Spain, and West Indies, in 1801 and 2 ;
North Sea and West Indies in 1803, 4, and .5 ; in the North Sea, and wrecked in the West
Indies, in H.M.S. Astrea, in 1808 ; Adjutant 2nd battalion on the coast of Spain in 1812 and
13, and during the whole of the campaigns in America in 1813 and 14 ; has been frequently
engaged with the enemy in boat affairs.
24 Captain Pilcher served with the boats of the British fleet, in 1801, in their occasional
attack of the Spanish gun-boats and vessels off Cadiz. In 1803, served in His Majesty's
Ship, Raisonnhle,'m the North Sea ; 1804, attack of thegun-boats and batteries at Boulogne;
July 22, 1806, in the general action and defeat of the combined fleets of France and Spain.
In August following, in action with La Topaze, French frigate. January 1 806, landed with
a battalion of Marines at the attack and capture of the Cape of Good Hope. In June fol-
lowing, with the same battalion, at the attack and defeat of the Spanish troops on the road
to Buenos Ayres, and at the capture of that city in August following, at tlie defence of

that city against the Spanish forces, after three days' action, taken prisoner, with the rest
of the British. 1811, served in the North Sea, in attacks with the Danish gmi-boats.
1813 and 1814, off the coast of France and America. Appointed to the 2d batalion of
Royal Marines, and was at the attack of the American army and its defeat on the road to
Baltimore, when Maj.-Gen. Ross was killed. At the attack of the American troops at
Farnham church commanded upon this occasion the advance, consisting of small detach-

ments of the 21st, 44th, and 85th regts. and marines. In 1815, was at the attack of the
American Rifle force near Point a Petie, and the capture of that fort in West Florida.
From 1819 to 1821, served in His Majesty's Ship, Vigo, at St. Helena, during the last nine
months of Buonaparte's life, and assisted with the marines at his iuterment.
25 Capt. Ballingall prior to entering the Royal Marines, served as a Midshipman at Co-
penhagen in 1801 landed at Vimiera, 21 Aug., 1808; wis ) volunteer in the boats of the

Resistance at the boarding and carrying in Monche, Fr.-'nch man-of-war schooner, under
a constant fire of grape and musquetry ; the commander fell by the hand of Capt. B. 26
Feb. 1809. Served as a volunteer at the cutting out of f mr French luggers laden with sup-
plies for the French army, fhom the harbour ol Santa Clara, north coast of Spain, on the
night of the 27th Feb. 1809, under a galling fire of miisquetn,', and defended by two bat-
teries which commanded the entrance; landed at the head of the Marines from the Resist-
ance, carried a battery of four guns ; and assisted in the capture and blowing up of a French
man-of-war schooner, and destroyed her convoy, laden with supplies for the French army,
10th March, 1809 ; was subsequently at the siege of Cadiz ; and in 1832 in the castles of
Naupoli de Romania, with an allied garrison during an attack on tliat city.
25* Capt. Bunce served at the blockade of Brest, &c. during 1803, 4, 5, and 6. In 1810,
served under Gen. Abercrombie and Admiral Birtie, at the capture of the Isle of France.
In 1813, 14, and 15, served on board His Majesty's Ship Rhine, during which temi, in the
West Indies, when he was repeatedly employed in captures of American privateers and
pirates in the boats of said ship.
26 Captain Hewes served on board the Rainbow, of 24 guns in the West Indies and
was in a severe action with Xrt Nereide, French frigate of 44 guns, off Cape Tibcron, and
beat her off; employed on the coast of Catalonia and Corsica, and present at the cutting
out La Paix, Genoese vessel armed with four guns, and moored to the batteries at Ger-
aglio, near Cape Corse ; he was at the attack on Leghorn in 1813, by Sir Josias Rowley,
and present at the capture of Genoa by Lord Wm. Bentinck.
27 Captain Campbell served at Walcheren in 1809.
28 Captain Meech wlien embarked in the Emerald frigate, was engaged on the 13th
March 1 808 in the attack on the Forts of Vivero Harbour (Coast of Spain), and in the destruc-

tion of the French Corvette L' Apropos. He was slightly wounded, and was presented
with a sword from the Patriotic Fund. In 1811 and 12, he served in the 1st battalion
(Royal Marines) in Portugal, and on the north coast of Spain and in 1814in the expedition

against New Orleans.

29 Captain Wilson served the battle of Trafalgar, and was sent with a guard on board
the Ildrfonzn (a S|ianish ship of the line), and while he was thus situated the Rdefonzo was
separated from the fleet and driven near to Cadiz ; and, notwithstanding the circumstance of
but thirty Englishmen being then on board, and Lieutenant Wilson the only commissioned
N()tes ti) the Corps of Royal Marines.

Rnglbli officer with five huiiilrcil Sl>aniarj8, the prize was nevertheless one of the four pre-
served for His Slajesty's service, lie served at the retluction of Les Saintes Islands in tlie
West Indies ; in the exix'dition to Walcheren ; at the sicac of Cadiz ; in Portuj;al in I8I0
Buil 11; in the action )M-tween the Macedonian and United States, and in tlie expedition
Biioinst New Orleans ; and he was one of the only two surviving officers from the wreck
of the Boreas frljtate. ^'rved as adjutant of tlie Chatham Division.
29" Captain Lawrie servol at Tralalimr on board tlie Colossus, which ship lost 200 men
kille<l and wounded. In I f Ot! coniinandtil the marines of the Pom]>ei at the capture of
the Island of Capri, s^erveil in the same ship at the attack and capture of a Martcllo
Tower on Cape Lieora ; forcint; the passage of the Dardanelles, where he set fire to a
Turkish shfp of tlie line assistiKl in the destruction of a battcrj' of 31 guns, each carrying

shot of 300 lbs. weight. Participated in the siege and capture of Copenliagen in 1807. In
1810 and 11 employed in the Cambrian in active service on the coast of Catalonia, and was
presented with a gold medal by the Spanish Government for his conduct at the capture of
Bogur and Palamos. Servol at the siege of Tarragona in 1811 ; and in 1813 and 14 in the
Peninsula, as a captain in the Spanish army.
30 Captain .\lfre<l Burton jireviously to entering the Royal llarincs servcjl several years
in the navy as Midshipiniui, in the North Seu, Baltic, and Mcfliterrunean ; and in the militia
as Kiisign. In 1804 Capt. B. serve<l in the North Sea, and ofi" Cadiz; in 1805, Trafalgar ;
1807, sie'.ie of Cojienhagen ; 180!), Walcheren; from 1810 to 1813, Cadiz, coasts of Spain,
Portugal, and France ; at the attack on the forts and harbour of Courageux, north coasts of
France, 10 July, 1813. Since tlic peace, he has served on the Coast Blockade, in the West
Indies, and .Veditcrnuiean.
31 Captain Wearing was wounded at Trafalgar.
32 Captain Uniacke was in the general action with, and defeat of, the combined fleets of
France and Spain, 22nd July, 180o the Spanish line-of-battle ship L'Firine having struck,

he was ordere<l to board and take possession of her, with forty marines, and had charge of
several hundred prisoners until their arrival at Plymouth, from which period until May
1814 he was on active service, particularly on thccoast of Spain, the West Indies, and dur-
iug the whole of the expolition to America. At the capture of the New Orleans flotilla in
1814 he was wounded, and one of the few survivors in the Barge of the Sea Horse, with
Capt. Lockyer, who led the boats of the squadron, boarde<l and carried the American Coin-
moilore, with the loss of the Lieutenant, both Midshipmen, and several of the crew killed
and every individual wounded. Capt. Lockyer (who received three gun-shot wounds, and
the Lieutenant fourteen alonirside of him) bore testimony to his coniiuct in his public Dis-
patches in the following words :

" First Lieut. Uniacke, of the Royal Slarines, (who is in
general a volunteer on tliese occasions,) was most severely wounded, and gallantly sup-
ported me. For this event he was presentc<l wntli 50/. from the Patriotic Fund. In the
years I8i}, 4, 5, ami fi, he served on tlie South American station ;and in 18!}4, 5, (i, and 7,
CD the East India station. Repeatedly ennaged in battery and boat actions.
32* Captain Mends commanded the detachment of Marines on board 11. M. Ship Fran-
chise, and was one who boarded and assisted in cutting out the Spanish National Brig
Seposa of 16 guns an<l 00 men, protected by a formidable battery and gun boats in the Bay
of Campeachy, tilh Jan. 1800. For this action, where he was slightly wounded, he was
presenteil with a valuable eword of honour by the Patriotic Fund. He served in the West
Indies 18<>o, G, and 7, and waa frequently employeil in boat and other service. He was in
action with, and destruction of, the Frencli squadron in the inner roads of Aix in 1809;
then in the Unicom frigate. He was at Corunna in the same ship during Sir John
Moore's action, and assisted in getting the troops on board ; likewise off Holland blockad-
ing the Texel fleet; and during the Counter revolution in 1813; then off Norway to the
end of 1814.
33 Captaia Robert Ford served in a battalion under the command of Col. Geo. Lewis in
1808 took possession of Fignara on the River .Mandeigo for the landing of the army

uniler the Duke of Wellington. Expedition to Walcheren. Commanded the Marines at the
takinz of -Moos Island, llombardmeiit of Stoney Tow n, near New Lomlon at the ca])ture

of \S ashinctoii ;succee»le<l to the command of a battalion of Marines in the action in front

of Baltimore. In the action before New Orleans. Served with the Indians in the Floridas
under the command of Lieut.-Colonel Kdw. Nicolls, and various affairs of boats on the
coast of .\merica, and West Indies.
:j:>* Captain Willes's services: Sir Richard Strachan's action, 4 Nov. 1805; West Indies,

1808 to 1812, including the capture of the city of St. Domingo in 1809; South Beveland, v»in-
ter of 1813 ; Operations in the Chesapeake under Sir George Cockbum ; Capture of Wash-
ington .\dvaDcc to Baltimore, in 1814; Capture of Cumberland Island on the coast of

Oeoreia. and of the town of Saint Mary's, 1814 ; Coast of Africa, 1817 East Indies, 1832 to

IHilA. Various boat and other services.

34 Captain Richardson served in the Channel Fleet under Lords Gardiner anri St
301 cc
— —;

Notes to the Corps of Royal Marines.

Vincent the Bellisle squadron under Sir Richard Kcates, when endeavouring to intercept

Jerome ISonaparte and at the capture of La Shin by Mars 74. With Admiral Murray and

Brigadier General Crawford's expedition of 5000 men originally intended for Lima, but
on arrival at Cape of Good Hope ordered to join General Whitelocke's army in Rio
Plata lauded witli Marines at Monte Video, and brigaded with detachments imder com-

mand of the Hon. Lieut.-Colonel Deane, 38th Regt. ; served in the Baltic, and, while
passing the Sound, partially engaged the Castle of Cronenberg; joined the squadron under
Sir Jas. Saumarez, in pursuit of Russian fleet, to Rogerswick Bay. Severely wounded
on board Africa 64, in action with Danish Flotilla consisting of '26 heavy gun and mortar
boats, in Keoge Bay, near Copenhagen, 20th October, 1808 Africa seven killed, fifty-six
wounded. Blockade of Texel under Sir Samuel Hood, and Scheldt under Sir Richard
Strachan and Sir Edw. Pellew ; served with the Walcheren expedition in the Theseus 74,
and dismantled and brought away its last gun-Ijoat. Toulon fleet. Landed in company
with other detachments of marines and seamen, and some Spanish troops on an island in
the Bay of Rosas ; dislodged French garrison and blew up the castle. Landed in company
with other detachments of marines and seamen, 1813, at Sagona Bay, Island of Corsica,
destroyed and brought oflT great quantity of valuable ship timber. Affairs of coasts, &c.
Served in Egypt and North America; and has received a reward from the Patriotic Fund.
3.5 Captain Garmston was at the taking of Fort Koupan, Isle of Temour, in 1811 ; cap-
ture of Java, in 1812 ; attack of Palembang, isle of Sumatra, and Sambass, isle of Borneo;
Algiers in 1816. Present at the Sortie from Bilboa loth May; the advance on the 28th
May ; and was wounded at the defence of the lines of San Sebastian 6th June, 1836.
36 Captain John Harvey Stevens served in tlie West Indies, &c. in 1806 and 1807,
during the expedition to Walcheren in 1809, and was engaged in several flotilla affairs on
the Scheldt. Served also at the successful defence of Cadiz and of Tarifa in 1810 and 1811
was engaged in several detached operations, particularly in one of a severe character on the
river Guadalquiver. In 1813 was employed on the coast of America, where he was engaged
in an attack on Craney Island, and at the taking of Hampton and Ocracoke under Sir
Cieorge Cockburn. Served in Canada at the taking of Oswego, on which occasion he was
mentioned in Sir Gordon Drummond's despatches. Engaged during a six weeks' siege of
Fort Erie, and was intrusted with the construction of a field-work for the defence of the
right of tlie position on Chippewa Creek, which was menaced by a very superior force. In
1816 he was on board the Queen Charlotte at the attack on Algiers under Lord Exmouth,
by whom he was detached to fire carcasses at the enemy's vessels within the Mole. He was
also present at the demonstrations before Algiers under Admiral Sir H.B. Neale. Capt.
Stevens is now superintendent of the Marine Artillery Laboratory, which estabUshment
originated in his proposition, and was organized by him.
37 Captain Wm. Ford served at the island of Anholt, In 1811, and at Nyburg; he was at
the rupture of three Danish luggers from under the batteries.
38 Capt. Steele was the officer of Marine Artillery, in the JEtna bomb, in Basque Roads,
at Lord Cochrane's action in 1809, also in the bombardment and siege of Flushing and other
operations in the Scheldt in the same year ; commanded the artillery in the defence of the
island of Anholt, 27 March 1811 ; adjutant to the Brigade of Marine Artillery serving under
Sir Sydney Beckwith, on the coast of America, and at the taking of Hampton, &c., after-
wards to the end of the war in Canada served in the north of Spain, from April 1836 to

March 1838, took part in all the operations, including the battle of Hernani.
39 Captain Fegan was at the taking of the fort and town of Guadia ; capture of the
enemy's convoy under batteries near Marseilles; destruction of French forts near Port
Vendre ; the taking of Zante, Cephalonia, and Cerigo ; capture of enemy's forts and convoy
at Pezzero, in the Adriatic ; action in the Bay of Naples, 3rd May, 1810, when Sir Jahleel,
Brenton, in the Spartan, defeated the whole of the enemy's squadron, and captured a brig of
war ; at the capturing an enemy's convoy from under the batteries of Ten'acino, in 1810 ;

and at the destruction of several American privateers in the Bay of Fundy, by the
40 Captain Scott was at the destruction of two ship« of the line in the Bay of Cette, 26th
Oct. 1809; in action with the French fleet off' Toulon, 19th July, 1811; in the action at
Navarino, 20th Oct. 1827.
41 Captain Leonard was at the storming of the enemy's works at the Island of Santa
Jlaura, and at the siege of the fortress until its surrender in March, 1810. Served in three
boat actions when belonging to the Ma.jmficent. When in the Perlea he was in action with
one line-of-battle ship and two frigatcs,'oft'' Toulon, from eight until three o'clock, Nov. 1811.
In a boat action, and about the same time, engaged with the batteries and three armed
schooners at the entrance of the Petit Pass, off Toulon.
42 Captain C. Roliinson served at the siege of Copenliagen in 1807, and was engaged
in the in-shore sqnadron with the Danisli flotilla and crown batteries. In the action with
and destruction of the French squadron in the inner roads of Aix, 12th April, 1809, in the

A»/t'i" to the Corps of Jioi/ul Marines.

Valiant, the eenior oBicur's ship nctuiilly engaged. At tlie siege of Flushinfr, and flie sub-
eeifueiit operations iu the ^ehehlt in 18Ui). On the eoiist of Fruuce in 1810 unil 1811 in
bt>at aflkim. In the Ist liattalion of linyal Marines tlirongliout tlie campaign of 1813 iu the
Chesapeake, connnencing witli the attaek on Cranie Island. In the saiue liattjilion in the
defence of Lower Canada in the winter of 181U and in 1814 principally employed on the
outpost:! of the anuy on the .\incricmi frontier. In 1814 in command of a coni|>auy of the
1st battalion Koyal Marines in tlie capture of Cumberland Island, and the attack and cap-
ture of the fortitiiil post and town of St. Mary's, Cieorgia.
43 Captain Dawes was at the sitiie of Copenhagen in 1807.
44 Captain Calamy has served in every quarter of the globe, and in the actions of Ny-
bnrg, Fliishint;, Isle of France, Java, and several minor ati'uirs with gun-boats, iScc.
4,') Captain Fynniore, jireviously to entering the Koyal Jlarines, served several years as
inidshipniaji in the navy ; serve<l in the expedition to Buenos Ayres ; the battle of Tra-
falgar ; and Algiers, in 1811!.
4tl Captain SuUock was at the capture of Les Saints, West Indies, and at the destruction
of French frigates iu 180!! ; capture of Guadaloupe in 1810 ; enga;.'ed in boats on the coast
of Fniuce in 1811 served with battahon in Holland, in 1813 and 14, and in America in

1814 and 1.3, including Bladensburg, \Vus)ungton,and Baltimore.

47 Captaui Searle serveil at Walclieren in l80!).
4<i Captain Henry was at the capture of Anholt, May, 1809; at Fort Mobile, 1813; the
viotory of Algiers, August, 1810; and was frequently eugagetl with boats in the Baltic, and
with the .\merican troops in the Floridas.
41) Captain Graham 9«>rve<I in the expedition to Walcheren, and in coast operations iu
S|>aio and Portugal, and at the defence of Castro ; at the attaek and capture of Hampton
attack and capture of the fortifliMl town and position of St. Mary's, Georgia.
60 Capt. Dusautoy servc<I at Walcheren ; was at the capture of Genoa ; and in two par-
tial actions with French fleets ofl" Toulon and Marseilles.
51 Captain Wesley serve<l in a Itattalion fonned from the Marines of the squadron under
Sir Alex. Cochrane at the reduction of (inadaloupe and other French West India Islands in
1810 ; in several successful Iwiat atTairs under the batteries of RochcUe and Isle d'Aix in
1811 ; in coast operations (v<])ain,') and in the first battalion of Marines in Portugal 1812 ;
at the attack and capture of Hampton, Sec. in the Chesapeak, under Major-General Sir
Sidney Beckwith, in 1813 in conimanrl of a division of gun-boats on Lake Champlain;
cmployetl in the blockade of the American flotilla at Plat>!>urg ; at the defence of La Cole
Mill (Canada) as adjutant to a battalion at the attack of the fortified town and position of

SI. Mary's (Geonria) in 1814 in repelling an attaek of Algerine gun-boats in 18i4 ; served

as adjutant in Ireland and Mediterranean 1^33, 4 and 5, and as adjutant to the battalion of
Uarioes in the North of Spain, at the battle near Heniani, &c. in 183G and 37.
52 Captain Park was actively emjiloyed in the Baltic during 1810, 11, and 12. From
1813 until the peace, served on the coast of America, and the M'est Indies, including the
attack on Crauie Island, and landed at the taking of Hampton, in the Chesapeake.
5;J Captain Cater was enffaged in several affairs with gun-boats in the Baltic, in 1810. In
1813 l»e was at the destruction of a French friirate under the batteries near Cherbourg, and
at the counter revolution in Holland, 21st Nov. 1813. From 1818 to 1821 at the capture
of a number of Slavers on the coast of .Africa. Servetl in the north of Spain, including the
sortie from BlllH>a, loth May ; the advance of the 28th May <lefence of the Lines of San

Sebastian, Cth and Uth June and attack of Lines, 1st Oct. 1830.

5!}* Captain James Uownian served at the siege of Cadiz in 1810, 11, and 12, during
which period he was roi»eate<lly enirBtre«l in action auainst the enemy both on land and in
boats, cutting ont. Sec. Served also at the blockailing of the French fleet off Brest in 1813.
54 Captain Law was in the action with, and capture of the ChesnjKnht by the Shannon, l&t
June, 1813 ; at the capture of Fort St. EJmo, and the batteries at Naples, 21st May, 1815.
53 Captain Jfiller was at the destruction of the Danish line at Copenhagen in 1801, under
lyoril in 184li) at the takini; of Ischia and I'rociila ; di'Stmction of French gun-

boats, by Imanlini;, in the Bay of Naples ; capture of La Ltigirv, French privateer, of ten
ffuns and 123 men, and her companion of one 24-]>ounder ami twenty-tive men by boarding.
In 1810, at the capture of the enemy's convoy from under the batteries at Terracino. In
command of the marines of the squadron at the island of Lissa, Nov. I81I, at the capture
of tlie French frigate La Ponwnc. Was at the capture of a Portuguese pirate of 18 guns
and 98 men, and several slave shi|>s in 181f!.
56 Captain Toby 8erve»l from 1810 to 12 inclusive, on the Coast of France. From 1813
to 16, with the 1st liattalion (Koyal .Marines) in .\merica, and on the Lakes of Canada.
Since the Peace, he has sitvimI in the .Me«literraneaii, on the coasts of .\frica, and South
America. He has Ih^-ii frequently engage<I in boat actions with liatteries, A:e. A:c.
57 Captain Beadon seriol off tjie roost of Franrr, from 181 1 until 1814, including various
boat aetions; in I8I.j at th' capture of Naples and Gaieta. Severely" eiit'age<l with pirates
in the West Indies in 1824. 303
J^otes to the Corps of Royal 3Iarines.

58 Captain Thomas Fynmore was at the capture of a French privateer schooner of 16

guns and 96 men, besides other boat service in 1811. In the partial action with the French
fleet off Toulon in 1814. Was landed at Mahon in command of a guard to protect the
person of tlie Spanish governor from the threatened violence of the Walloon guards. Sent
to the city of Florence in 1815, to place himself under the directions of General Count
Nugent, commander-in-chief of the Austrian army, as extra aide-de-camp, and was at the
taking of the city of Naples. In 1823 he was sent up to the city of Lima to protect
English merchants' property against the attacks of the Negro slaves during the civil war.
Tlie aotli Oct. 1827, was at the battle of Navarino, for which senice he was promoted by
His Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence, but in consequence of belonging to a gradation
corps the appointment was afterwards cancelled. Served with the French army at the
reduction of the town and fortress of Patras and the Morea castle served afterwards in the

West Indies, North Sea, and otf Oporto during the civil war between Don Pedro and Don
Miguel. In 1833 joined the Royal Marine Battalion at Lisbon, commanded by Colonel
Adair, C. B. In April, 1837, embarked on board H. M.S. Castor (id), on the 10th Oct.
was landed in command of his detachment on the Albanian coast to attack Pirates. Served
on the S. E. coast of Spain from 4th Jan. 38 to 30 Jan. 39.
59 Captain Brown's services :

attack on French forts at Ciota June 1812; attack and
capture of the town of L'Escalia, in the Bay of Rosas, 1812; partial engagement with
the French fleet, near Toulon, 1813 ; attack of Algiers destruction of Greek pirates at Porto

Bono, Isle of Candia, June, 1826.

60 Lieut. Carr served in the North Sea, coast of France, North and South America, Cape
of Good Hope, &c. &c. from 1812 to 1815.
61 Lieut. Hurdle was at the attack on the forts and harbour of Courageaux in 1815 ;
battle of Navarino in 1827.
62 Lieut. James Wood served from 1812 to 1815 at the Texel, Flushing, Cherbonrgh,
Basque Roads, north coast of Spain, and San Sebastian. During the war he served also in
the West Indies, St. Helena, and Madeira.
63 Lieut. Dwyer served in the blockading squadrons off' Flushing, the Texel, and
off Brest. Since the peace he has served in the East and West Indies, and the Mediter-
64 Lieut. William Wood served in H.M. S. Niger, at the capture of *he French frigate,
La Ceres.
65 Lieut. Parke's services : —
Co-operation with the Spanish forces and Legion near San
Sebastian, and under Espartero in raising the siege of Bilboa.
^Lieuts. Stransham, Anderson, and Miller, were at the battle of Navarino in 1827.
68 Lieut. Logan's services ; —
Co-operation with the French army in the Morea. Pre-
sent at the siege of Patras. Co-operation with Spanish forces and legion near San Sebas-
70 Lieut. Fraser landed for the protection of British property at Lima, during the revo-
lution in Dec. 1 835, when in possession of the rebels. For his conduct on that occasion, he
was presented with a piece of plate by the merchants.
71 Lieut. Brittain was presented with a sword by the merchants of Bombay, for services
performed against pirates in the Straits of Malacca.
72 Lieut. Parker was wounded through the arm at Prescott, in Upper Canada, 13th
Nov. 1838.
73 Capt. Hookey served as Volunteer 1st class, in His Majesty's ship Prince of Wales,
from Jan. to Dec. 1805, and was in the general action of the 22nd Dec. 1805. Served in
the West Indies, from 1806 until 1809, including the capture of Les Saints, and Martinique,
and several actions in boats cutting out French vessels, and destroying batteries, &c. From
1809 to 1811 served on board H. M. S. Theban, blockading the French flotilla at Boulogne;
several times in action with them. Assisted in the boats cutting out a large French lugger
at Dieppe. From 1812 to 1814, served on board His Majesty's sliip Daphne, in the Baltic,
and was several times in action with Danish gun-boats in the Belt.
74 Doctor Quarrier has served in every quarter of the globe. Present at the bombard-
ment of Granville in 1803 St. Domingo in 1806. Served also in the Peninsula, including

Comnna, siege of SanSebastian and passage of the Garrone. On board the Leander at the
bombardment of Algiers in I8I6 ; besides the above he has been engaged in several frigate
75 Doctor Rae has served in every quarter of the globe eight years in the East Indies at

one period, and was at the destruction of the Dutch squadron in Surabaya in 1808. He has
been in frequent engagements with batteries, and in the cutting out of numerous vessels, ana
in many boat-actions.
76 Captain Wolrige served in the year 1809 with Lord Cochrane in Basque Roads aud ;

in the same year was engaged in action with gun-bonts in the Baltic. From 1810 to 1812
defence of Cadiz and Tarrifa. Severely wounded at South Bevelanri in 1814, and received
a reward from the Patriotic Fund. Present at the battle of Algiers in 1816.


Years' Serv.



tired allowances, Chelsea Pensions, Widows' Pensions, Compassionate allowances, and Naval Pen-
sions, &c., to all persons resident at the several stations. They contract and pay for Provisions
required on the spot for the supply of the Troops, and for land and water transport. In the West
Indies they pay in detail the Assistant Commissioners and Stipendiary Magistrates under the
Provisions of the Slave Compensation Act at some stations they perform tlie duties of Naval

Ag-ents. In Canada, Nova Scotia, and Jamaica, they pay the Ecclesiastical Establishments, and
at the former they have the custody and issue of Indian Presents, and charge of the Locks and
Collection of the Tolls on the canals connected with the St. Lawrence. In New South Wales and
Van Dieman's Land, they supply Provisions, Clothing, and Stores, of all descriptions for convict
services. They enter into contracts for Ordnance Stores, Building Materials, &c., on the spot, and
provide and pay for supplies for Army Hospitals, superintend the issue of provisions, forage, fuel,
and light in kind made by Contractors, and issue such articles of Provision as are sent out for the
use of the Troops from England. Tlieir duties are blended with the Army, Ordnance, Navy, and
many other branches of the public service. They are under the orders of and responsible for the
execution of their duties to the General or Officers commanding at the various stations, and
receive their instructions from the Board of Treasury, with whom they correspond through the
Secretary on all points of service on which they are engaged.
See Report of Commissioners appointed to enquire into the expediency of Consolidating the
Civil Departments of the Army, dated 21 July, 1837.

The following is the authority for its present organization:

Comraissary-in-Chief's Office, 19 March, 1810. His Majesty has been pleased to command
that the following regulations should be established and acted upon in all future Promotions and
Appointments in the Commissariat.
That the Gradation of Rank, be " Commissary-General," " Deputy Commissary-General,"
" Assistant Commissary-General," " Deputy Assistant Commissary-General," " Clerk." No
— —
person to enter but as Clerk, to serve One year before eligible for Promotion. Deputy Assistant
to serve Four years, or Five from entrance as Clerk before eligible. — Assistant, Five years as
Assistant, or Ten years from entrance as Clerk before eligible. —
Deputy to be Three years in that

rank before eligible. Service to be counted as actual service on Full Pay. No person to be
appointed Clerk previous to the age of 16.

The comparative ranks are Commissary-General as Brigadier-General. Deputy as Major, after
— —
Three years, Lieutenant-Colonel. Assistant as Captam. Deputy Assistant as Lieutenant. Clerk—
as Ensign. See Army Regulations.
I <= "3 2 S S 5 tfS'-a-so J3

Medical Department.

—J Auittant-Surgtmu.
\« 1
Heiir>- Fishtr, M.D
Tluiiuiu Rlivs
Michael Rykn, M.D
Kolx^rt Dunkin Smyth
Juhn C'ricklow Darker
\Vm. Scott M'Cretlie
Peter Robcrtsou
John Forrest, M.D
John GUlice
.\lexander Thorn
William Hall
David Charles Pitcaim
Alexander Campbell
Michael Xugent
James Clephane Minto
Robert Allan
Samuel Maitland Hadaway .
Adam Thomson Jackson ....
John Caw, M.D
John Stewart
Peter Dalv Murray
William ddell
John Loftus Hartwell
Robert Wood
John .Mitchell, M.D
£dwanl Wm. Burton
John Marshall
John Robert Taylor
James Stuart
Origor Stewart
David Dycc
Thomas Ross Jameson, M.D.
Thomas .\lexander
John Charles Cameron, M.D.
John Gamett Courtenay . . .

Francis Robert Waring

Robert Lawson
George Can*
5 Peter Robertson
George Galland
.\rchibald Stewart
Tho. Graham Balfour, M.D..
William Dick, M.D
Rolwrt Beresfonl Gahan
Thos. .Moore Fishboumc, M.D
Lawrence Jameson
.\lexander Mackintosh, M.D.
John Donald Grant
William Denny
Hugh Mackev
Luke KeUy, M.D
John Grant
Charles Stewart
.Alex. Donirlas Taylor
Thomas D'Arcv, M.D
William Home' M.D
Charles Uoss
Geo. Stewart Bealson, M.D...
Frederick Baillie

Medical Depurtmcnt.

Frederick Foaker Oct. 38 Corfu.

Simeon Henry Hardy, M.D. . . . Nov. West Indies.
Wm. St. Jolin Boyle", M.D. . . . Nov. Sierra Leone.
Wm. Ord Mackenzie, M.D. . . . Jan. 39 Canada
Wm. Leslie Langley, M.D. . . Jan. West Indies.
John Gillespie Wood, M.D. . . . Jan. Canada.
Ciiarles Dawson Jan. Cork.
Charles Godwin, M.D Jan. West Indies.
Benj. Usher Hamilton, M.D. . Feb. Barbadoes.
Tho. John Coghlan, M.D Mar. Cork.
Nicholas O'Connor, M.D. . . . . Apr. Barbadoes.
Geo. W. Powell, M.D June Chatham.
Tho. Rose Dyce June Chatham.
Michael M'Bride -.
July 'Malta.
James Johnston, M.D 9 An Canada.
John Donald Aug. Canada.
Richard Bannatme Sept. Cork.
John Wordsworth Sept. Corfu.
John Newton Oct. 39 Cork.
James Walker Chambers, M.D. Oct. West Indies.
Francis William Grant, M.D. . Oct. Malta.
Alexander Greer, M.D Oct. West Indies.
Charles Hart, M.D Oct. West Indies.
William Duncan Nov. Sierra Leone.
Thomas Henry O'Flaherty Nov. Sierra Leone.
John Davies Nov. Mauritius.
James M'Gregor Dec. Gibraltar.
George Murray Webster Dec. Jamaica.
David Lucas Doc. Chatham.
James Alex. Fraser, M.D Dec. C. of Good Hope
Joseph Burke Jan. 40 Chatham.
Alex. B. Cleland, M.D Feb. Chatham.

Deputy Purveyors. CLERK.
JJ Jonathan Croft 16 April 12 Sydney, N.S.W.
^ Francis Bishop 3 Sept. 12 Van Dieman's L.
P Wm. Henry Clapp 15 Oct. 12 Cork.
% George Pratt" 25 Sept. 00 3 June 13 Chatham,
P W'ilham Ivey 2G May 14 Dublin.
Charles Warner 7 Sept. 15 Jamaica.
Tho. Estwick Pierce 17 Jan. 22 Barbadoes.
Matthew Wreford 3 Sept. 29 Plymouth.
Nutes to Medical Dcparlmait.

I Sir Jamet M'Grigor cntcrc<I the sen-ice in Sept 1793, as Surgeon of the 88th Uogt. ;
he sene<l in tlolluiiil and FlHnders in 1794 and 5 in the West Indies in 179(i in the East
; ;

Indii'S in 171)8 in K|,'y|it, as siiiHrinteuding Sunreon of tlie Anglo-Indian amiy in 1801 ;


with the army at Walilicren in 18011; and in the IVninsuIa from lull to the end of the war.
3 Dr. Draper served in Sieilv, 1800; in Egypt, 1807; the Corunna Campaign; Portu-
gal in 181 1 ; expedition to Holl'and in 1814.

4 Dr. M'UtMl's ser\iccs: Campaign of 1799 in Holland; expedition to Bclleisle, and
Minorca ; e\pe<Iitiou to !"Outh .\merica, includinc capture of Maldonado, Monte Video, and
Buenos Ayres ; campaign of 1808 and 9, including the battles of Roleia, Vimiera, and
Corunna; expe<Iition to Walcheren in the Peninsula from June 18rJ to the end of the

war, including the battles of Salamanca, and Vittoria, and siege of San Sebastian ; in
America in 1814 and 15, including the action at Plattsburgh.
o Dr. Pitcaim ser\'ed in HoIlan<l in 171)9, and in Egypt in 1801.
Dr. Bone's services: —
Expedition to South America in 1807; campaign of 1808 and 9,
including the battles of Roleia, Vimiera, and Corunna; expedition to Walcheren; Penin-
sula from May 181i to the end of the war.
7 Dr. Gillkri'st was present with the expedition in the West Indies in 1801 under Sir
Tliomas Trig'.'e, including the capture of the islands of St. Martin, St. John, St. Bartholo-
mew, St. Thomas, ami Santa Cniz. Served as Surgeon of a regiment in the Light Division
throughout the war in the Peninsula, including the battle of Vimiera ; retreat to, and
battle of Corunna retreat from Burgos, actions of the Coa (near Almeida), Busaco,

Sabugal, Fuentes d'Onor, Salamanca, Vittoria, the Pyrenees, Xivelle, Xive, and Toulouse;
and the sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and San Sebastian, at which latter he accompanied the
storming party. Served also at S'ew Orleans in 1815.
8 Dr. Murray went to the Slcditemmean in 1805 in the expedition under Sir James
Craig, and served in Malta, Xaples, Calabria, Ischia and Procida, and in Sicily nearly five
years. Served also in the Peninsula from 1810 to the end of the war.
9 Dr. Loinsworth served the campaign of 1808 and 9, and was present in the action at
Logo and battle of Corunna. Served also with the expedition against Guadaloupe in 1815.
10 Dr. Gordon's services : —
Expedition to Hanover; campaign of 1808 and 9, including
the battles of Roleia and Vimiera and subsequently in the Peninsula, including the battles

of Salamanca and Vittoria, siege of San Sebastian, retreat from Burgos, and passage of tlie
Bidassoa, at which latter he was severely wounded in the head and neck.
II Dr. Stewart's services: —
Expe<lition to South -America in 1807; in the Peninsula
from JIarch 1801) to Sept. 1812 iin-sent at Waterloo.
li Dr. Kidd's services: — ;

Expedition to Holland in 1709; expedition to South America

in 180<i and 7 in the Peninsula from August 1808 to March 1813; campaign of 1813 and

14 in ticrmany and Holland.

14 Dr. Shortt served in the Peninsula from Sept. 1810 to the end of the war, and was at
the defence of Cadiz from Oct. 1810 to the termination of the siege.
16 Dr. St. John served in the PeuinsiJa from Sept. 1811 to the end of the war, and sub-
sequently in the American war.
17 Dr. Mahony served in the Peninsula from April 1809 to theend of the war, including
the passaire of the Douro, battles of Talavera, and Busaco, siege of Ciliven<;a, battle of Al-
buhcra, affair of .\ldea de Ponte, siejies of Ciudad Rodrico and Badajoz, affair of Fucnta de
la Prima, battles of Salamanca and Vittoria, affair of Roncesvalles, battle near Pampeluna,
affair of Eschalar, assault of San Se'bastian, liattles of Xivelle, Orthes, and Toulouse.
Present also in the attack on Xcw Orleans, 8th Jan. 1815.
18 Dr. Elliott's services: —
Expedition to Xaples in 1805; to Calabria in 1806, and was
present at the battle of Maida expedition to Walcheren and siege of Flushing in the
; ;

Peninsula from June 1812 to .March 1813; expedition to Italy under Lord Wm. Bcntinck.
19 Dr. Hacket served at Walcheren in 1809; in the American war, and was present at
the different actions which took place tliere in 1813, and was wounded in the head.
Served also the campaign of 1814 in Holland.

Notes to Medical Department.

20 Dr. Alex. Stewart served in the Peninsula from 1811 to the end of the war.
21 Dr. Franklin served in the Peninsula from Sept. 1808 to the end of the war, in-
cluding the battles of Busaco, Vittoria, Pampeluna, Pyrenees, Nivelle, and Orthes; sieges
of 01iven(;a and Badajoz. Served also in the American War, including the action at
22 Dr. Armstrong served in the Peninsula from March 1810 to the end of the war, in-
cluding the battles of Albuhera, Vittoria, Orthes, Pyrenees, and Toulouse. Present at
23 Dr. Grant served in the Peninsula from Jan. 1810 to the end of the war, including
the battle of Busaco, first siege of Badajoz ; siege of CiudacI Rodrigo ; third siege of Bada-
joz ; battles of Fuentes d'Onor, Salamanca, Vittoria, Pyreuees, Nivelle, Orthes, and Tou-
24 Dr. Melvin served at the capture of Guadaloupe in 1810.
24* Dr. M. W. Kenny served at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope in 1806 ; also at
the capture of Bahadurpore and Asseerghur in the East Indies.
25 Dr. Lightbody served at Gibraltar during the epidemic in 1804; with the army in
Sicily in 1807 and 8; in the Peninsula from March 1812 to April 1813; and again from
April 1814 to the end of the war, including the defence of Alba de Tornies, and retreat
from Salamanca.
26 Dr. Jeyes served in the Peninsula from Jan. 1813 to the end of the war, Including
the affair at Morales, battles of Vittoria, Pyrenees, Orthes, and Toulouse. Present at
27 Dr. Barclay served in the Peninsula in 1814, and subsequently in the American war.
28 Dr. Henry served in the Peninsula from May 1811, to the end of the war. Served
also the campaign of 1816 against Nepaul.
29 Dr. Thomas Smith served the campaigns of 1813, 14, and 15, including the battles of
Vittoria, the Pyrenees, Orthes, Toulouse, and Waterloo.
30 Dr. Andrew Ferguson served in the American war.
31 Dr. Roe's services :

Campaign and battle of Corunna ; expedition to Walcheren
Peninsula from May, 1811, to the end of the war, including the battle of Albuhera; sieges
ofCiudad Rodrigo and Badajoz; battles of Salamanca, Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Orthes
and Toulouse.
32 Dr. Starkie embarked with the Medical Staff for Egypt in 1801. Accompanied the
expedition to Italy under Sir James Craig ; sened in Sicily and Calabria, and was at the
capture of Rcgio.
33 Dr. Rcade served in the Peninsula during the campaigns of 1812, 13 and 14.
34 Mr. Pratt joined the army in the Peninsula in Jan. 1810, and was present at the
siege and capture of San Sebastian, and with the head-quarters during the operations in
the Pyrenees.
. ..





N.B. Officers icliote nama are itt Italics are on retired full-pay.

Officers above the rani of Cxrrwy will be found in the list of Field Officers, at the

beginning of the book, accordiny to the dates of their Bank in the Army.


Abbott, Cbristopher 11 Mar. 95-27 Jan. 96 18 Julv -26 Aug. 14 R. Jlarincs.

9 .Vclnii, GeorRC . 9 Sept. 05|30 Oct. 06 9 Nov. 27 Mar. 10J27 Foot.
.-Vilair, JnhBD Heiii 10 Sept. 0o|28 Sept. 09 8 Jan. 15 May 35; Unattached.
.\dair, William .... •2 Feb. 74131 Oct. 76 I June •Hi Oct. 83i25 Foot.
Adams, .Vleianfler. 9 July 03-23 Nov. 04loOct. 5 Dec. UiGarr. Batt.
Adams, Gi'orpo .... 4 Dec. 99-2n Julv 04 1 J Feb. 18 Jan. 2r21 Foot.
A dams, William . 1 July 9il: 1 Julv 9721 May 'l R. Vet. Bat.

Aijiicw, Charles .... ]31 May 21 1 9 Dec. -24 8 April 8 April 26!Unattache<l.
\^ Agnetr, Thos. Ramsden'i 19 Dec. 07 1-2 Oct. 09'22 June ;2 R. Vet. Bat.
• Ainswortb, John never I
never 7 Dec. I
|l28 Foot.
19 Alexander, Henrj- 13 June II •26Aug. 1313 Aug. 15 Jan. 20 Staff Corp.
Alexander, SirJaf-Edw.'.. •20 Jan. •2.5 26 Nov. as 18 June 24 April 3fl|Unattached.
A lien, George 89 June 04;'26 Feb. 05,19 Oct. 8 R. Vet. Bat.
* .\llen, John Penn never never '•25 Dec. 1814 1 Pr.B.ofMil.

* Allen, Robert never never •25 Dec. 125 Sept. 14 5 Foot.


D .\lpe, Humond 11 Feb. 08 12 April 0913 Jan. )]5 Nov. 21 18 Dragoons.

•.\mos, John Green never never ;2.j Dec. J -25 Sept. 14 40 Foot.
Andrews, Charli-» •21 Mar. 11|23 June 14-27 Aug. i 27 Aug. 2. Unattached.

Q .Andrews, Francis 13 Aug. 07 I June 09 28 Jan. ) 1814 45 Foot.

^ .\nilre»s. Thomas [•23 June 04' (i Mav 05, 7 Apr. 08 1 Jan. I9II4 Foot.
.\ndnis, William ' •24 Sept. 1-2 13 >Iav 1416 June 10 Aug. 32 Unattached. .

Antill, Hen. Colden ,31 Auk. 96, .: May 9!) 1 1 Jan. I 5 April 21 New. Bm. Fen.
Anton, Aleianiler 14 Sept. 04 25 Dec. 04 29 Feb. i -25Sept 17 8 W. Ind. Rog.
Appelius, LenU Cbas « Oct. Vi\ 7 Oct. 13,21 Dec. i 25 Nov. 26 Unattached.
Appleton, William 30 June 01 1-2 Nov. 03 20 Sept. 1 R. Vet. Batt.
.\rbiilhnott, John, File. .. •27 .Mar. 01 21 April 03 28 Aug. Irish Brigade.
Arbntbnott, Hon. John . 23 June •2.'> H April 26 25 June -25 June 30 Unattached.
Nov. 05-26 Aug. April 18 84 Foot.
P Archdall.Henrj- r2.-.
Sept. 04 14 •23

Annstrone, John Mar. 05 2i< April

•2o (Ki 10 Mar. •25 May 17 37 Fm.t.
)] .Vnnstrong. John 03 ^26 Sept.
7 Aug. 04 5 Jan. 25 Mar. 16 *8 Foot.
06 4 Dec. -25 Nov. 18 99 Foot.
{) .VnMStrnnir, John
0.'. -lA Aug.
•28 Feb.

/( rmstrottg, John •24 Mar. 9o 1 June 97 15 Dec. 1 2 R. Vet. Batt.

9 .\nnstmiiir, Robert^ .... •2 Apr. 07 -20 April 09 13 Feb. -20Nov. 35 23 Dragoons.
Annstnins, Thoma-s •2fi Feb. Ooll Sept. 05 8 Mav 2:>Nov. 18 98 Foot.
.Vrmstronff, Tliomas 1 Jan. 16 20 .Mar.
1 17 8 April 7 Sept. 38 Unattached.
a\ .Vniistronc. William ;18 May 0914 June
. 10 4 .Vug. 12 Aug. 19!-Vfrican Co.
Arnold, Wui. Fiteh 11 Oct. 10 7 Jan. 13 5 Feb. -20 Mav lyiRiflc Brigade.
A«kew, Thomas Feb. 93-26 June 93 -26 Feb. Waller's Co.
\therton, John' 11 May 09 i^ June 11 18 Dec. 10 Julv 35 52 Foot.
i) \tkin, William^ 9 Mar. 10 2 Julv
\ 1131 Dec. 16 Dec. 3€l81 Foot.
.. . .


Aubin, Thomas 3 Aug. 12 Apr. 1 Sept. Dec. 8 Garr. Batt.

Aytoun, Mar. Chad. W. 3 Dec. I May 2 July 10 AprU 26 R. Artillery.

Baby, Anth. Duperon Apr. I

14 May 27 Jan. 21 Aug Bourbon Reg.
is aaa Bacon, CiEsar. . 10 June 14 Oct. 10 July 25 Jan. 23 Dragoons.
Bagnold, Thomas M.. 17 June ! 16 Sept. 27 July 2 Feb. 10 R. Marines.
Baker, Robert 31 Jan. I
22 May 10 Aug. 4 May 20 67 Foot.
^ Baker, William .... 3 Dec. I
19 Nov. 11 Oct. !2 Dec. 25 Foot.
Balck, George Philip. •29 Oct. : 17 Apr. June
1 26 June 38 Unattached.
^ Baldwin, Anthony . . ver 27 Aug. 3 June 25 Feb. 16 7 Foot.
Baldwin, ConnellJas. . 23 July I 16 Mar. 10 Feb. 12 Feb. 27 Unattached.
Baldwin, John Hen. . . , 20 Dec. ; July 10 Feb. 12 Aug. 34 Unattached.
^ Ball, Benj. Marcus , 13 Aug. 25 May 21 April 17 Jan. 22 Foot.
Ball, Samuel 25 Dec. 31 Dec. 17 May 16 Feb. 95 R. Marines.
Bamford, Rich. Watkins . 9 Apr. 20 Mar. July 13 July 39 Unattached.
Barlow, B 12 Dec. 13 May 23 Aug. 23 Aug. 39 Unattached.
Barnard, Hen. Gee 22 May 10 Dec. 15 July 2 Feb. 15 1 Drag. (ids.
Barnes, Joseph .... 1 June 1 April 13 Sept. R. Artillery.
Barrett, Knox 10 Mar. 3 Jan. 25 May 6 April 27 Unattached.
Barron, John 14 Oct. 9 April 6 Jan. 6 Jan. 3 Unattached.
Barry, Bartholomew Edw . !7 Apr. 22 Mar. 17 Sept. 17 Sept. 25 Unattached.
Barton, Daniel never 19 Dec. 12 July 8 Mar 68 Foot.
Barton, Hugh 23 May 4 Aug. 22 April 30 Dec. 34 Unattached.
Barwell, Osborne 12 Sept. 2 April 1 Aug. 24 Jan. 28 Unattached.
Bateman, Sir John never 18 Mar. 13 June 1 Nov R. Art. Drivs.
* Bates, Robt. Montelieu . never never 25 Dec. 1814 IP.Bn.nfMil.
19 Baylee, Henry Gough . 8 Oct. 9 June 13 Aug. 28 Aug. 38 Unattaclied.
Bavly, Paget G Aug. 9 May 23 Feb. 1814 2 Garr. Batt.
1& JiaS Baynes, Geo. Macl. 4 Apr. 1 Fe))". 1 Aug. 25 Sept. 34 R. Artillery.
ffflia Baynes, Thomas... !7 Oct. 20 July ' 8 Jan. 20 Nov. 28 Unattached.
Bayntun, Charles 15 Oct. ! 1 Feb. Queen's Ran.
Beadon, Richard 11 May never 25 Nov. 1811 92 Foot.
Bean, Isaac 9 July 1 Nov. I 7 Nov. 18 Foot.
Beare, Wm. Gabbett 28 Jan. 26 Oct. ! 22 May 22 Mav 35 Unattached.
•Beattie, Vincent never never 25 Dec. 1814 IPr.Bn.ofMil.
Beatty, Samuel 7 Apr. 27 Oct. ( 25 Aug. 25 June 17 R.Waggon Tr.
^ Beavan, John Griffiths ' 2 June 3 Feb. : 7 Aug. 15 Mar. .33 96 Foot.
Beaumont, John Percivall 6 Apr. 9Jnly ( 13 Oct. 25 Mar. 11 36 Foot.
*Beckham, Horatio never never 25 Dec. 25 Sept. 14 43 Foot.
Bell, George Rodney 9 July 03 !3 Feb. ( 28 Dec. 1 May 28 Unattached.
Bell, Henry 28 Dec. 7 Apr. '.
17 Oct. 6 July 30 Unattached.
* Bell, James never never !5 Dec. 1814 3Pr.Bn.ofMil.
Bellairs, John 10 Feb. 22 Mar. t 28 Dec. 1783 90 Foot. ,

Belson, George 6 May OJulv i 28 Apr. 28 April 95 R. Marines.

^ Belton, Samuel 10 July 16 May ( 30 Dec. 29 Dec. 25 Unattached.
Bennett, James 9 Apr. 2 Dec. 1 20 Feb. 31 Mav 27 Unattached.
Bentham, John 3 Aug. 7 April i 8 Feb. 17 MaV 39 6 Dr. Gds.
Bentinck, George never 17 Jan. i 8 April 31 Dec. 30 Unattached.
Beresford, Geo. de la Poer . 8 Mar. 14 Feb. i 19 Feb. 19 Feb. 36 Unattached.
Beretze, Francis 23 Dec. 10 Oct. { 1 Aug. 25 June 26 1 R. Vet. Batt.
Beringtou, Thomas '" 16 July ( 20 Feb. 1 Nov. 14 R. Art. Driv.

Berkeley, Hon. Cra. Fitzha. !9 Oct. 29 Jan. i 22 Mar. 25 Aug. 37 Unattached.

Bernard, Peter 29 Jan. 11 Feb. i 5 Nov. 17 May 31 Unattached.
Bernard, Hon. W. Smyth B. 9 Nov. 16 Aug. 1 10 Aug. 25 May 16 1 Drag. Gds.
Berth's, Henry never 3 June ] 24 Jan. 24 Jan. 40 Unattached.
*Bettesworth, Henry never never Dec. 15 Sept. 14 4 Foot.

Slffil Bid.lnlph, Theophilus !2 Dec. . 22 May ( 14 Sept. 15 Mar. 16 6 Dragoons.

Biiinell, Rich. Roe 3 Mar. 3 July ( 1 June 2 June 21 R. Marines. '

Birch, (ieiirge " 4 Apr. 1 Oct. C 6 Nov. 31 July 32 R. Artillerv.

U Birch, James " 12 July I May ] Dec.
SO 24 Sept. 25 R. Engineers.
Bird, Lewis Wm 8 Dec. 5 Mar. ( 6 Oct. 2 Mav 10 18 Foot.
*BiRchhofFshausen,C. .Baj-on never never 6 July !5 Sept. in For.Co.ofWag
^ Bishop, James 25 May 23 Dec. ( 27 June 2 Mav 22 23 Foot.
Blachford, Oswald S 6 Dec. 13 Sept, 1 Aug. 9 Feb. 38 59 Foot.
fflSa Black, Samuel 5 Apr. 8 July 13 28 July 8 April 2G Unattached.
.. .



Rlai-knll, John «July I!) 14 Nov. 10 25 Nov. 1898 Foot.

{) Itlai'kt'tt, Christoiiher . 1 1 Mav O0!27 July 15 22 July 19:7 Dragoons.

B/iivkmort', Hmry 2 Apr. 98I29 Apr. 0;l| 2 R. Vet. Bate.
Hlapravf, Jowph '*
never tlO Julv 94,1" 7 July 00 R. Art. Driv.
|) lilukiKtou, Joliu 29 Mav 94 19 Julv 94':!0 Sept. 13.25 Feb. 10,27 Foot., J.iiiua" 4 Sep't. 04125 Aug. t«) 12 Feh. 20 23 Dec. 31 I'nattaclicd.
ffSl lllulliwiivt, Gto. Wm. 25 Nov. . 15, 9 June 13! 4 Mav 25 9 June 25; Unattached.
Hli.llnvuyt, William 27 Apr. I(ii27 Julv 15 25 Apr. 2('|2'* Oct. 21 [3 Dragoons.
<r41 Blcniit-rhasaet, Aldw." 23 Mar. 15,20 Au)?. I4| 5 Oet. 34^19 Jan. 3f L'naftached.
Hl.Kiuifidil, Eilwiii 13 Aug. 05 15 Apr. 04[2.3 Apr. 13! Julv 20|lO Foot.
Blunt, Kicliard 27 -Mar. 25 20 Sept. 23 31 Dee. 26 27 Sept. 313 Foot.
Blvth, Au^stii» Fr»'<l 19 Jan. 20 2!) Ane. 2li 5 Apr. 20 June 34|0 W. Ind. Reg.
Boanlmaii, William '" 5 Oct. 08 17 Sept. Oil 25 Nov. 4 Nov. SOJl'nattached.
Bfiatefi, William 15 Jmic 15 9 Apr. 25 8 Apr. 15 Feb. a/jf/uattached.
Bolder(>, llenrj' Geo 1 Ausr. 14 1 July 15|3I Dec. 30 Unattached.
17 Dec.
B<iDner, John 4 Mav Oil 5 Jan. 0411S July 09 Ogle's Hcc.Co.
BoulI»y» Thomas 13 May OCi 3 Dec. 3 July 13 Oct. aoJR. Artillerv.
B<iiilton, Kii-hanl 11 Apr. never 13 July 97 25 Dee. OajColdstr. Gds.
Bourchicr, Huph Plunkett lliMav 14 iO Xov. 2.1 7 Aug. 6 Dec. 39 19 Dragoons.
Bowcii, John Watts Ul Feb. tl7 28 Jan 12 Mav 1814'5(i Foot.
Bower, John C4 Auj; 2 Mav 92 Aug. 93 45 Foot.
Boner, Tliouias Bowyer
Nov . 4 Feli. 20 12 Dec. 16 .\ng. 39 Unattached.
Bowie, James ilO Dec. 3 Mav 96 14 Jan. 28 Dec. 17 103 Foot.
Bowness. John 26 Aug. 15 7 Apr. 25 1 1 June 8 Julv 36 Unattached.
Boyd, F..lwanl Ilfi July 11 1 July 12 17 Aug. 25 Mar. 29 Staff Corps.
Boyes, Hoht. Xairne " 20 Mav 8 June 15 9 Aug. H 2 Aug. 333W. Ind.Reg.
Brackenhury, John 119 Nov. 03 28 Nov. 05 15 Oct. 10 June 25 38 Foot.
Brailley, Wm. Brown .... !) July 03 27 July 04 10 April 25 July 17 104 Foot.
Brannan, Peter 1 Sept. IB 13 Nov. 22 18 Mar.
23 Aug. 39 Unattached.
Bray, Edm. Moore 9 July 03 14 Feb. 05 18 Aug.
25 Sept. 15 Vork Lt. Inf.
Brereton. Rolwrt " 124 Jan. 05 25 June 06 17 Aug. 9 Mar. 32 Unattached.
Brett, William 11 Apr. 94J23 Jan. 1220May 10 June 25 Unattached.
Breynton, John 6 June 75i27 Dec. 78 10 Mar. Indep. Co.
Brice, Vaughan 29 Dec. 04,23 Feb. 00 16 Sept. 5 Nov. 17 66 Foot.
Bridge, Saumel never never 2 Dec. | 1800 82 Foot.
Bripg«, Abraham l26 Feb. 07 29 Dec. 08 8 Apr. 26 May 25 o Foot.
Broadheail, Binglev |22 Oct. 25 20 Sept. 20 5 July 23 Aug. 89 Unattached.
Bma.lhead, John Richard.. 8 July 1924 Oct. 21 23 July
25 Oct. 27 Unattached.
Brodie. Hugh ;11 Jan. 05[ 2 Julv 00 8 Sept. 2 R. Vet. Batt.
Brooke,*irA.B.deCapell,i3/il9 Aug. 13 27 July 15 26 Feh. 26 Feb. 1817 Dragoons.
Brrmke, Robert 15 (Jet. 88; 6 Feb. 93 4 June Indep. Co.
Brown, David 1 Dec. 04,12 Sept. 05r.24 May 7 Dee. 14 I Garr. Batt.

Brown. Eilward"* 22 Dec. 08} 18 Jan. lOiJ Oct. 21 Mar. 34 Unattached.

Brown, Francis 26 Sept. 27,12 June 30 22 May Nov. 39 (iO Foot.
Srvtcftj George Oct. 90 I Oct Feb R. Marines.
Broirriy Hugh 12 Feb. OiillOJan. 10 Feb. R. Marines.
Brown, Janies Nov. 87 2 Nov. 90 12
7 Sept. n2 Foot.
m Foot.

U Brown, John Bcmie . . . 25 June 02 20 Mar. 04 25 Aug. 25 Sept. 18

Brown, Nathaniel 30 June 04 27 Mar. 05 2 Jan. 25 June 17 02 Foot.
J^m Brown, Tliomas " . 23 Oet. Oo;i5 Dec. 07 20 Julv 25 Feb. 1(;|79 Foot.
Browne, .Arth. .\nmdcl . . . 30 June 25 13 April 20 27 April 29 "2 Nov. SCiUnattached.
Brownie, Br*»therton 1 Sept. II 1 Sept. 13| 8 April 8 April 2( lUnattached.
Browne^ Dac'ul Mav 9!l 1 1 Aug. 99 24 Nov. ,< K.Vett.Batt.

Browiu', John 12 Sept. 05 7 Nov. 06 15 July 25 Mav 18 100 Foot.

Browne, Lawrence Oct. 04 1 Aug. 05 13 Mar. 10jl8 Sept. 104 Ceylon Reg.
Browne, Peter 14 Mav 1 Feb. 0S<:» Nov. I5ll2June 28JUnattached.
Browne, P. Rutlclcc Hontg. 31 Oct". 1 24 Dec. 12J29 Aug. 20,28 June SljUnattached.
9 Browne, Hon. Thomas . 6 Aug. 07 14 Julv OCiPiAug. l£;2.j -Mar. 16 Dragoons.
Browne, William 10 Aug. 99 28 April 04|:)0 Mav
O-J 9 Dec. 24 Dragoons.
Bnttion, John Mar. 08 19 July 21 II April 36] R. Marines.
Bryan, (ieorge ... * 22 Mav 97 never !2,'» Nov. 99;20 .May Gren. Gds.
Buehan, Gcor^^e 16 Aug. 04 8 May aijU Feb. 13 20 Dee. fi3 F.ot

Buchanan, John firaham 15 Feh. . 16 9 April 'i5| 2 .\ug. 39l 2 Aug. 39!l"nattached.
Buckwortli, Peter Everard Julv 04 never | 4 June 98,25 Dec. OalCren. Gds.
B E 317
. ... 4

' MEfT.

Cha\vner, E<lw. Hoarc I

9 Jime •Z5|10 June 2Cl 7 Sept. 32 7 Sept. 32;Cnattachcd.
Choa|ie, John 17 June 77 28 Dec. 78,14 April 80 1 7*1 i)o Foot.

• CheaiK-, Jolin never

never 9 Julv 03I
18ft-) J Oarr. Batt.

Cheney, Edwanl 19 Jan. 2r.l20 .Mar. 27 ^20 Mar. 27 Cnattacheil.

•28 Dec. 2(1

Cheney, Ralph June 321 8 Dec. 37il4 Feb. 40 Cnattaclied.

31 Dec. 2; •22

Chepniell, (.'harles Muv IM

^23 Xov. 04 1 Oct. 12 20 April ^26 Cnattached.
Che^^hire, EUwartl •20 Oct'. <Hi 1 1 .May 'jrir> Dec. 04j^24 Sept. 12 49 Foot.
Chichfjiter, Arthur 27 Sept. 01,14 Jan. 02 12 Dec. OojI9 Mar. 07 LivcrpoolRcg.
Chichester, Ueonie* 18 Sept. 171 7 -Mar. 12 Xov. 2or24 .\ug. 32 Cnattached.
Chichester, Lord HiUD. Fm. never 7 Dec. •28 Dee.
April 38 9 Foot.

Chichester, Hen. T. Eurl of 10 June -ii April 3 Jan. •28| 3 Jan. 28 Cnattached.
Chi^hohn. Andrew 18 June U7 3 Aug. 14 .Mav •29r20June 34 L-nattachi-d.
9i.i\ Chuholm, Donald" 10 Oct. 20 July 13 4 R. Vet. Bn.
Christie, Xapier Turner.. o April il 10 Sept. I Aug. •26!^23 Oct. 35 Unattached.
Christie, Thomas 14 Aug. 00 3 April 01! !!l!) Foot.

I'lark John 3 Sept. oTAug. 04' 7 -May 12 •25 Dec. 14 38 Foot.

Clarke, Cliarles never 10 Xov. lj^26 Julv 31 2 Aug. 31 York Han.
fa Clark. Pr>ce" •2 Mar. 17 June •22Hi July 33 ^20 Sept. 39 I'nattaohed.
ClaviieUl, Kdw. Ireland. . . 19 July 10 28 Mar. 22 1 7 Sept. •25 17 Sept. '25 Cnattached.
Cleather, Edw. John l.^Oct. 1-22-2 Oct. 17 24 Aug. 32^24 Aug. 32 Staff Corps.
Clements, Froierick Wm. 16 Feb. 14 2:l Feb. lol 8 April •25 12 Julv 20 African Corps.
Clements. //on-Wra. Svdnev 9 Dec. •2431 Oct. 2f.| 5 April 31 20 JIar. 35 Unattached.
9 4a Clerke, Sir W. H. Bt: 10 Jan. 11 •25 Julv I1I25 April •22, 2 .May ^23 42 Foot.
(live, Edward •27 April lo21 Jan. 19-23 June 25 '22 Mav 28 Unattached.
9 Close, Charles" •28 April 04il3 Oct. 0417 Dec. 13-23 April 24 K. Artillery
9 Close, Henrj- Jackson.. . 13 Julv Ofil o Dec. 0(iI6 Jan. 12>25 Sept. '20 22 Dragoons,
Cochrane, Roht. Mortmier" 17 Xov. OS -25 Dec. Ui| 6 Feb. 12 1 Nov. 36 OlengarryFen.
foe*, Win. Bcddech 30 Jan. Aug. 11 12 Oct. 32 R. Marines.
Cockbume, Wm. Horace 10 April 09 •2.5 June 12 2 June 25 27 Dec. 27 Unattached.
Cocker, BamanI William i3 May lfi27 April •20; 8 April •26 ^24 May 28 Unattached.
Coghlan. RoM. £li.->ha .. •28 Sept. 2(1 10 Mar. •lo, 8 April 20 14 Feb. 28 Unattached.
Colby, Hen. Auijiistttfj*^ .. 1^2 July Ofi ^24 June 09| 2 Sept. 13| H. Engineers.
Collard, Tliomas 7 Sept. 04 31 Oct. 00 3 Feb. 14 '25 Feb. 16 81 Foot.
fS CoUeton, Thomas Wm. 21 Xov. 11 ^25 Nov. 13 19 April 31 ^•25 Oct. 31 Staff Corps.
Collins, Graves Chamney .•20 Mav 99 8 Oct. 01 24 Julv 12| 1814 01 Foot.
Collis, Peter '.... ill Mar. 1^2I4 June l.'i 3 Feb. 32^28 Aug. 38 Unattached.
Colman, Thomas •28 Slav 07-26 July Oti^2(3 Oct. 30 27 May 30 Unattached.
fnlt. William |13 Dec. 26"27 Aug. •29:13 Mar. a'i,21 Oct. 3(il Unattached.

U ..Itliiirst, Fitzmau. W.*^ 12 Jan. 09 12 Oct. 09 26 Oct. 30 ^28 -May 33 75 Foot.


PJa Colthurst, Jas. R." 1^2 Nov. 07 13 Oct. 09 29 Sept. •25^25 June 30lSub. In.of MU.
"27 Xov. 0(i -29 Mar. 08 -23 Oct. 14,11 June 30 Unattached.
if ('.lthiir<t, Nicholas
CoUon, nilliam 1 Dec. 99 10 Sept. 03;50 Xov. 07 |2 R. Vet. Batt.
Colville, Frederick "2^2 Sept.
08{ never 9 Dec. 13^23 Feb. 19Se. Fus. Gds.
Coney, Bicknell 1 Dec.
: 1331 Julv 17 20 Dec. 2.3J-20 Dec. ^23 17 Dragoons.
Connop, Henry -2 Sept.
19 10 Feb. •2.5 22 April '20^26 April 27 Cape Reg.
9 Connor, Charles" 23 Feb. 0927 June 117 Aug. 27 15 Dec. 37 Unattached.
Conrailv, Martinus" :10 April 13 -28 Sept. If 26 Xov. •2!) ^20 Xov. 38 Unattached.

Conroy' 5ir John B/. KCH. 8 Sept. 0312 Sept. 03 13 Mar. 1117 June '22 R. Artillenr.
Cook, Jerrit •26 May 0C28 Oct. 12 27 May 34 IR. Marines'.
• Cooke, John never
never 25 Dec. 13I 1814.56 Foot.
Cooper, Hon. K. \\. Ashley 8 April 25,'20 May 2621 June 31 5 Sept. 34 Staff Corps.

• Cooper, Robert Henry . never never I

1814 21»r.nn.ofMiI.
Cooper, Robt. Hen. Spencer* 20 Mar. 13 21 Julv 13 23 .May •29 15 Feb. 30 R. EtiL'ineers.
Coote, Chidley never 9 June 14 14 Julv 251-20 June '20 Unattached.


Corsy, I'harles Juste dc. . . 3 Mar. : 6 Sep't. Oei : 1811 W! Foot.

9 Ci'istley, Theoph. Byere.. 9 Mav 0.J 1 Jan. 07 7 Oct. 13|
I 1814 45 Foot.
K Cottell, James " 17 Sep't. 98 5 May 04 18 April 14-20 Mar. 35 H. Marines.
JJ CottinL'h.-im, Edward
•20 April 09 19 July 10 ^28 Jan. 13 i\'k.Chasseurs.
Cotton, Kdw. .\nt0mu9" .. 1 Julv 0<! 1 Feb. 08r29 Julv 25 29 July 25 R. Artiller^•.

Courhe, Tliimias 9 Oct. 00 ^29 .Nov. 01 17 Oct. 05-28 Dec. 17,103 Foot.
Courtnn/, Henry Frert. -2 Dec. 9olo June 9618 Julv 05
ilOR. Vet. Batt
Cowper, Hon. Wm. Francis 31 Dec. 27 24 Feb. 32^25 Dec. a5'-25 Dec. 35 Unattached.
9 Cox, Charles 17 Sept. 03|I6 May 05|l4 April 081 9 Nov. 15 41 Font.
Cox,ChM-l«« 1 Feb. OJi 9 Oct. 06 1 April 131 2 Julv 18 87 Foot.
.. .. ..


Cox, Edmund" 7 July 11 Nov. 17 10 Aug. 32 17 April 36 Unattached.

* Cox, John never never 25 Dec. 13 1814 77 Foot.
Cox, John George 6 Aug. 25 Jan. 20 Feb. 8 Jidy 19 40 Foot.
Cox, Joseph Lucas 4 July 19 Mar. 20 Sept. 13 Jan. 25 Unattached.
Coxwell, Edward^" 20 Dec. 1 June 11 July 10 Feb. 34 R. Artillery.
* Coyney, Walter Hill . never never 26 Nov. 1800 Indep. Co.
Cracknell, James, Thos. 17 Aug. 19 June 26 Oct. R. Marines.
Cradock, Adam WilliamsoD 9 July I Mar. 7 Oct. 25 Nov. 14 15 Foot.
^fflSl Cradock, Thomas" 20 Feb. 7 May 30 Jan. 3 Aug. 26 Unattached.
Craick, Douglas Hamilton 24 June 25 Oct. HZ 29 Foot.
Craig, William Henry .... 25 June 27 July 26 Aug. 16 April 15 R. Marines.
P Craigie, John 3 Oct. 15 April 2 Dec. 1814 47 Foot.
Cranfield, Geo. Darley .... 16 June May 7 April 14 Sept. 26 Unattached.
Crawfurd, Sir Robt. Bart. 21 April 22 Mar. 14 Aug. 31 Dec. 89 9 Foot.
13 Creswell, George*'- 3 Sept. 1 Dee. 13 Nov. 17 July 35 Unattached.
Creswell, William 18 Aug. 2 Mar. 5 Feb. 8 R. Vet. Batt.
Crichton, John 2 April 25 Jan. 26 April Hanger's Co.
|3 Croasdaile, George .... 15 April 3 Feb. 8 April :l May 29 Coldst. Gds.
Croker, Edward 8 Jan. 14 April J4 June 18 Get. 20 84 Foot.
Crosbie, Sir William, Bart, 4 Mar. 13 July !4 Feb. 1 June 26 Unattached.
Cross, Wm. Jennings 1 April 1 Dec. 29 Aug. 29 Aug. 2C Unattached.
Crowther, Rich. J. F. 2 Dec. 18 Aug. 19 July R. Marines.
Cruikshank, Patrick 3 Mar. 3 July 24 Oct. 27 June 10 11 Foot.
13 Cubitt, Henry Finley". 21 Mar. 15 Sept. 12 June Mar R. Artillery.
Cudbertson, John 5 Oct. 8 Oct. 17 Mar. 21 Sept. 15 45 Foot.
Gumming, John Johnstone 26 Mar. 13 Aug. 28 Feb. 25 Nov. 15 8W.Ind.Reg.
Cuppage, Adam" 11 Mar. 3 Aug. 13 Nov. 13 Nov. 35 Unattached.
Cuppage, Alexander 25 Aug. 9 Dec. 28 Mar. 11 June 30 Unattached.
Curtis, Henry" 22 Dec. 20 July 25 Jan. 1 April 21 R. Artillery.
Cust, Hon. Peregrine Fra. . 31 Mar. 3 May 17 Oct. 25 Mar. 16 3 Drag. Gds.
Custance, Nevilie July 9 Sept. 15 June 12 Oct. 26 1 R. Vet. Batt.

Daintry, Michael June 9 June 10 Feb. Feb. Unattached.


IP Dallas,Robert Wm. . . . Sept. 13 Oct. Mar. 11 May 18 14 Foot.

Dalton, Wm. Serjeantson. Sept. 9 Feb. 26 26 April 7 April 35 Unattached.
Daniel, Hen. Nixon '^^ ... Dec. 20 Feb. 23 Dec. 10 Dec. 34 R. Artillery.
IP D'Areey, Edward April 22 Aug. 3 Aug. 6 R. Vet. Batt.
D'Arcy, John Mar. 29 April 8 April 8 Oct. 31 Veteran Co.
JJ'Arcy, Judge Thos. . . . Dec. 26 Sept. 11 May 4 R. Vet. Co.
Darling, Chas. Henry . . Dec. 29 Sept. 30 Oct. 10 Oct. 38 Unattached.
Darrock, Duncan I JIar. 25 Jan. 19 Nov. 1 Nov. 27 Unattached.
IP Davem, John Mar. II Nov. 31 Aug. 8 June 30 27 Foot.
Davies, Arthur I Nov. 17 Feb. 3 Oct. 3 Oct. 2t Unattached.
an Davies, David" \ April 18 June 19 July !4July 28 Unattached.
* Davies, John never 27 Nov. !5 Dee. 99 4 Foot.
Davies, John : April 20 June 6 Nov. 9 Sept. 34 R. Artillery
Davis, Alfred ** 19 Sept. 27 May Jan. ;3 Aug. 30 Unattached.
IP Davis, James*' 19 June 1 I April Mar. 1 Aug. 37 Unattached.
Davis, William )Feb. 23 Feb. 27 May R. Marines.
Dawe, Charles Jan. 15 Feb. 1 \ JIar. Jan. Unattached.
IP ?iaa Day, James"" June 1 Feb. 6 ) Nov. Feb. R. Artillery.
Day, John Oct. 21 Feb. 10 ) May Nov. 96 Foot.
Dayrell, Francis July 22 July 17 . Sept. Sept. Unattached.
IP Deacon, Chas. Parke^' April 12 Sept. 16 . Dec. 1 Aug R. Artillery.
515ll Deacon, Thomas'"^ Ajjril . 3 Aug.
. 29
. ) April April 3(i Unattached.
IP De Burgh, Anth. Philip Mar. 18 April 6 '
June Dec. l(i Portuguese S.
De la Condamine, Thos. June 18 Mar. 15 J June Jime 32 Unattached.
Delanccy, John Aug. 16 8 June 14 July July 29 Unattached.
De Lisle, Hirzel Fred. 23 Sept. 13 12 Feb.
. 22 April Feb. 28 Unattached.
Delmont, Frederick . Ji
. 9G 11 Aug. 27 Julv Jan. 16 R. Marines.
Dennis, James June 15 June 7 Ajiril Oct. Uuattaclied.
\i Dennis, John Cripjis. June 17 Feb. .",
.\pril Dec. 32 Foot.
Denny, Bohert 2 Oft. 05 30 Nov. 1 R. Vet. Batt.
IP Dcrenzy, Geo. Webb 25 Dec. 07 20 April


ETr. I

D'Erp, KultliBzar, Baron . never never 30 Dec. 97 60 Foot.

l)es Viriix, Sir Charles St. 5 Sept. WiiO April 9(i25 Dec. 0221 April 04 (!3 Foot.
DfS Vi»fii.\. lU'iirv S April 25i !) Feb. 2<'i2(! Nov. 21I22 Aug. 34 Unattached.
D Uivrv, Ilinrv Vrvir .... never |:l(l Aug. 0/1 8 Sept. 13i Aug. 14:7 Foot.
D.Tu„, llm. //Vh/-.v 1 Feb. IMM.-j Jan. 12 23 Dec. .331 |R. Murines.
Dcwcll, TlioiuBS..." 4 Feb. (H|-.".) July 04117 Dec. 14| I Mar. 27 R. Artillery.
Dirk, John :(i Sept. !l.j;-J4 June IKijli) Sept. 04|27 Oct. 08|ll2 Foot.
Dickson, I..<>thian Sliefticlcl 17 Jam •,'J'*27 Nov. 28 4 Oct. 3;> 9 Dec. 37jl'nuttached.
JJillun, Timothy '.:> Dec. '.)t>\r, Dec. IKI 12 May I3| 2R. Vet. Batt.
Dillon, Williiun Aug. 12 18 April UiUO Apfil 31 24 July 31 istaff Corps.
Disni'v, .\I^renion 2 May 01 28 April 0328 Feb. (I.-, 28 Feb. O.-.Vork Hussars.
Dixon, Hcnrj', M !o .\pril 22 19 Jan. <ept. 8 Feb. 30 88 Foot.
Dixon, John Mar. 14 12 Feb. 18 o Nov. 3 Nov. i.Oj Unattached.
* Dolih->, Francis never 1
never !5 Dec. 25 Sept. 14 12 Foot.
Doilit, Thomas 1 July 82 10 Mar. (! Mar. !r. Artillery.
* Dodsnorth, Bonjaniin . never never 'J> Dec. 1814':iPr.Bn.ofMU.
Doilswortli, Sir K<hv<I., Bl. !8 Mar. 8/20 April 27 Feb. 170.>10.j Foot.
Donouphniorc, J. -^.o/^K.P, U") Sept. 07 never Il9 Nov. 27 May lU'Grpn. Gds.
* Doron, James Uothlaril . never never 2.". Dec. KV-'o Sep't. 14 14 Foot.
P Douglas, .'Vrrh. Murray .. !0 Jan. 08 13 Feb. 00 28 April 2.j Feb. 1 7 .J2 Foot.

Don);la9, lien. Hamilton .. 12 Mar. 14 14 April 18 30 June 10 July 2.'i|78 Foot.

^ Donulas, Joseph 14 July 08|20 Dec. lO; 8 April 14 Aug. 28lUnattac',ied.
Diuiilhiss, Hobert >U Mar. nl a Dec. 181 (ijuly 24 Oct. 34jUnattached.
Don land, John 1 Nov. 0428 Mar. 001 1 June 16 Nov. 18167 Foot.
11 '.M Mar. 14 20 Sppt. 7 April 20 Unattached.
JJl Down. Ilichard 7 Mar.
Donnes, \Vm. James 10 Aug. 2(>: 7 Sept. 3222 Nov. June 38 U Dragoons.
|) Doyle, .Michael Taylor .. SJnly OOilOJulv 0(ii 1 Feb. 25 July Ifi 5 Foot.
Doyne, Hiehanl 12 Mar. 12' !) Nov. 14 IS) Nov. 19 Nov. 25 Unattached.
{) ilrewry, Frederick Geo. UMay 08 12 Oct. 0910 Aug. 30 Sept. 30 12 Foot.
till l)romK<M)lc, N. Fleniin!; 1 Nov. 04 4 July 05 29 July 25 June 17 35 Foot.
Drou^'ht, Uarth. Elliott 4 Sept. (»2 6 July 0421 June 1814 48 Foot.
ViU Drought, John Head Mar. 08 8 Sept. 08 10 Oct. 25 Mar. 17 93 Foot.
Druitt, Edward Oct. 04 6 JIar. 06' 3 Feb. 25 May 17 37 Foot.
Dnimmond, George Oct. 24 8 Dec. 2.'') 30 Dec. :)0 Dec. 26 Unattached.

^ Dnimmond, J. M'Gregor Dec. 08 23 May II' 4 Dec. 23! * l**"*"- -3 82 Foot.

Dniry, John Oct. 06 9 April 10 II July 32 28 April 34 R. Marines.
9 Drysdale, Alexander. . . July 04 10 Oct. ^):, 10 Feb. 14 27 Mar. 16 27 Foot.
Dutr, Benjamin Feb. 2(i:30June 20 22 June 32 24 Ajiril 35[27 Foot
Duncan, William" .May Oo 1 June (i(;il .Mar. 15 M: 15R. ArtiUery.
Duudas, liich. Leslie June 1!) 17 Sept. 2613 Nov 32 87 Foot.
Dungan, William Aug. 14 17 Oct. ICIO Sept. 2(11!) Sept 20 Unattached.
Dunniore, Alex. Earl of . Aug. 2(; 14 Aug. 27 HI Auir. 32 27 J mil 34|Unattached.
Dunn, Tliomas Jan. 03 11 Aug. 04 22 Sc|it. lih 18 IVb. 1014 Foot.
Dunne, Itiehard April 2.". 2 Mar. 20 Hi .May 34 23 Nov. 38!U attached.
{) Durie, John .\ilBm .... Nov. 0nil8 Sept. 0.j 28 April 141 18140; Foot.
^ Duval. David"' Mar. n 14 Nov. 11 28 Oct. 24 20 July 32 Unattached.
Duval, John July 03 24 Jan 00' 18 Oct. 10 16 April 2!) Unattached.

Six Eason, U. Prcscott" May G April 38 2 Ceylon Reg.

V m I-^''*" Charles
Eckfonl, .\lexander
8 Jan.
4 Dec. OCl 7 Juiic 0821 April
8 June 97 24 July 03 30 May
07|17 09| 7 April
14 Aug. 23 10 Foot.
1 Sept. 14 R. Marines.

9 F^ilmouds, Hamilton'* .. 6 Fi b. 0823 Feb. 09 13 Feb. 18 Nov. 31 (iO Foot.

Edwards, John 20 Feb. I2j:iO Dec. 131 8 Mar. 8 Mar. 39 Unattached.
Sili E>lwar<Ies, David John 1 Nov. 0!il 1 June 06^ 1 June 29 July 26 R. Artillery.
Kdwarde*. //on.( ieo.Warren 6)Iuy 34!l6 June 20 3Julv 12 Feb. 361 14 Foot.
Elliott, Ed» Francis
. 1 Aug. Ul 1 July 15 10 June lOJuue 26 Unattached.
JPil\ ElUott, Rich. Clias. 5 June 0!) 23 June 1128 Aug. 28 Aug. 27 I'nattached.
921 Elliott, William 4 Jan. 10 27 Nov. 12 14 22 Jan. 24 11 Foot.
Ellis, Dixie 10 Sept. 03| I June 09 111 Aug. 2 Nov. 20 Yk. Chasseurs.
Ellis, Geo. Moore 28 Nov. 0510 Sept. 07 2.'i Jlav II! ."'ept. 23 34 F..nt.

9 Ellis, Hercnles" 5 Aug. 07 20 April Oti II Aug.

I 4 Nov. .3fi I-'nattached.
Ellis, Joseph 29 Aug. 05^22 Sept. 08 29 Sept. 7 June 27 Unattached.
FJlis, Richard July 07125 Sept. 07 24 Sept. 25 May 16 18 Dragoons.
• Ellis, Thos. David never never |25 Dee. I
"l814 81 FooU
. .. .. 1


fflSSElmsall, J.Edw. Greaves 22 April 16 Feb. 2 Mar. 2025 Oct. 21 1 Drag. Gds.

Elphinstone, J. Lord, GCH. 4 Aug. 4 June 4 Dec. 32:12 Nov. 36 Staff Corps.
Elrington, John Henry .... 5 Nov. 10 Mar. 12 June Dec. 08! 28 Dragoons.
Elton, Isaac 2 Sept. 7 Nov. 5 July 3129 Dec. 37 Unattached.
Elton, Robert James 20 Dec. 8 April 31 Dec. 2722 Jan. 29 Unattached.
Emerson, John^^ 30 July 12 April 13 Feb. Sept. 36 Unattached.
Emery, Thomas 30 Jan. 7 Jan. 20 Jan. Dec. 20 53 Foot.
Eminson, Thomas 18 June 20 Mav 3 Mav May 03 23 Dragoons.
HL Enderby, Samuel® .... 31 Oct. 16 April 27 May Feb. 32 Yk. Chasseurs.
Evans, "Aug. Fitz Gerald 10 Mar. 9 Nov. 20 Mar. Jan. 31 37 Foot.
Evans, Edward . never never 25 Dec. 1814 3Pr.Bn.ofMiI.
* Evans, Heniy .... never never 5 Dec. 1814 2Pr.Bn.ofMil.
Evans, James ^^ .... 16 July 28 Jan. 20 Dec. June 31 R. Artillery.
Evans, John 3] Aug. 13 Sept. 21 Nov. June 16 Newf. Fen.
£'on«, F. (Adj. 23 May, 00) 26 June 28 Feb. 25 Mar. VeteranComp.

Fairtlouijh, Fran, Graham never 3 Oct. 24 July 4 R. Vet. Batt.

Falrtlough, William .... 28 Feb. 21 Mar. 7 Feb. iJune 16 Sicilian Reg.
^ Falkiner, Samuel .... 25 Sept. 11 June 5 Feb. !Feb. 27 Unattached.
Farmar, Jasper 21 July 15 Jan. 10 Nov. Jan. 16 R. Marines.
Farmar, Richard 1 July 15 Aug. 31 July R. Marines.
Fauquier, Henri/ T. . . . 13 Jan. 16 July 29 July R. Artillery.
Fayerman, Zaccheus" . 20 Feb. 1 June !4 Mar. !Feb. 10 R. Marines.
* Fellowes, John never never 15 Dec. 1814 IPr.Bn.ofMil.
Fenton, John Spread. . . 19 Sept. 13 June 8 April IJuly 28 Unattached.
13 Ferguson, Adam .... 1 Dec. 23 Oct. 4 Feb. ! Oct. ,16 101 Foot.
* Ferguson, Geo. Richard never never 19 Sept. I Oct. 16 Canadian Fen.
Ficklin, Robert 20 July 7 April 10 Aug. ) Feb. 30 Unattached.
Fife, Adam 38 April 15 Nov. 15 Oct. ) Nov. 16 69 Foot.
Findlater, Alex. Napier. fi Mar. 15 Feb. 08 25 Aug. ) Aug. 23 24 Foot.
Finey, Alen George .... 26 July 19 April 10 5 June ) June 27 Unattached,
Finucane, Geo. Thurles 22 Sept. . 15 Mar. 10 17 July Mav 39 36 Foot.
Fischer, John Nich. {Lieut.) 6 July Aug. 05 12 April ) Sept. 14 R. Marines.
Fisk. Wm. Hawley 27 April 25 Oct. 8 April ' Feb. 37 Unattached.
Fitzgerald, John George . 31 Aug. 7 R. Vet. Batt.
Fitz Gerald, Massy 30 Jan. 25 June 13 Mar. '
July 37 Unattached.
* Fitzherbert, John never never 25 Dec. 'l814 80 Foot.
Fitz Roy, George 12 Feb. 11 Jan. 26 May iJune 30 W. Ind. Rang.
Fitz Roy,\V. Sim. Haughton 3 Nov. 7 April 8 Mar. 'Aug. 29 86 Foot.
Fleming, Arthur 17 Aug. 27 May 1 June R. Artillery.
Fletcher, James Vernon . 8 April 14 April 6 April Unattached.
Folkes, Richard 20 May 10 Aug. 28 Nov. Indep. Co.
fflSi Foot, George" 4 Oct. 06 1 Feb. 0829 July I July 25 R. Artillery.
Forbes, Charles 23 June 25 15 Aug. 26 21 Dec. '
Aug. 35 Unattached.
^ Forbes, Hugh" 12 April 09 20 Nov, 25 Mar \ Aug. 35 8 Foot.
Forbes, John 21 Nov. 21 Oct. 13 Oct. '
June 39 Unattached.
Ford, Charles" 06 1 1 July Feb. 29 July '

May 33 R. Artillery.
Forde, William 05 12 4 July June 27 July '
July 25 Unattached.
Forman, George 07 22 G Aug. Sept 13 Mar. , Sept. 36 Unattached.
^ Jiaa Forster'j Henry" 06 16 1 July Oct, 26 Dec. Feb. 32 R. Artillery.
Fortescue, Hon. Geo. Matt. 12 Jan. 09 22 Mar. 24 Dec. i Oct. 16 25 Dragoons.
Foskett, Joseph 4 Apr. 23 22 Oct. 7 Nov. Aug. 30 Unattached.
Foss, Christopher 26 June 01 28 July \ Feb. 15 6 Garr. Batt.
Foster, Isaac 25 May 11 14 Sept. 16 April I May 39 Unattached.
Fotliergill, Henry 21 Aug. 17 25 Jan. 12 Dec. \ May 39 28 Foot.
Fothergill, Tliomas 28 Mar. 10 Oct 2 Nov. i Mar. 18 Greek Lt. Inf.
13 Fowdcn, Wm 10 Oct. 05 6 April 4 Jan. ! May 2i 22 Dragoons.
Fox, Barry 1 Jan. 07 10 Jan. 7 Dec. i Mar. 17 97 Foot.
Fraser, Andrew '. 10 Feb. 96 4 Au 10 April 7 R. Vet. Batt.
Fraser, Evan Baillie Jan. 23 15 Dec. 12 Dec. I June 33 Unattached.
Fraser, Thomas 16 Jan. 08 19 Feb 2 July » June 17 83 Foot.
Fraser, William 12 Jan. 96 1 May 9 July R. Vet. Batt.
13 JlSa Frederick, Edward 21 Aug. 06 7 . May 28 April '
April 26 Unattached.
* Frederick, Sir Richard,i3< never 27 Nov. i May 02 9 Foot.
.. .



Frederick, Roger 4 Oct. 08 IS Oct. OSf '2 July 1-2 7 R. Vet. Batt.
Fnt'iiian, John" 27 June Oo ;)0 Julv 07 9 April
! 33 42 Foot.
•25-20 April
Fnoman, T. Iniffo Wickliaoi 10 Dec. Hi 9 Nov. •21 1-2 Xov. Xov. 25 I'liattached.
Friiu-li, Acheson 17 June 07 -2 Feb. 071 7 April •2.^1 9 Nov. 30 Grcn. (jds.
9 Froiicli, Eclwaril Francis 3 .May 10 10
Sept. 1-2! 7 Jan. 19 8 April -2(! rnaltached.
Fri'nch, Lucius Honry^ .. le Nov. •21! -20 Aug. 29 -28 June 39-28 June 39 I'nattached.
|) Fri'uch, Tliiiinas w'm. 9 Slav 0.-, l(i Julv 07' .J Dec. 1913 Au..'. -2! 71 Foot. I

Fn-ssiin, Meati-lielle, Fra. A. 119 Nov. !»;•:;) Xov. 07 -29 .Vutr. 15-28 Sept. Ill (10 Foot.
Fniino, Francis pCSept. U.i 1 .May 18 Oct. Mav 19 (i(i Foot.
Frj-, John •24 Oct. °2o June -2 May Mav U! 11 Foot.
i-Vy, Olirer never 17 I
Oct. 14 Oct. Ul n. Artillerv.
IP J-'iillarton, Archibald .. 19 Mar. Ij Oct. 2 AprU 12! R. Vet. Batt.
|) Fulltr, Fn-<l. llorvpv"-.. °J1 Jan. 4 April '2 Aug. 15 -23 Mav 28 Unattached'
FulltT, John Tlioinas" .... 1 Julv 1 Feb. 08 13 Feb. 2313 Feb. -25 R. Artillery,
Fullertoii, .Mexundor (!co. 18 Feb. •28 19 Xov. 30 24 Dec. 33| 7 Mar. 34 rnattachcd.
^ Furnace, Norhun* •25 Dec. m\ 10 Mar. 08:30 Dec. 19j 3 April 23 00 Foot.
9 Fliers, EdiCitrd'^ |-23 .\pril 08-24 Julv 091-21 Julv 13 It. Engineers.

^ FytV, William Jime 04-29 A up. OolfiSept. 13| 1814 :92 Foot.
• Fy ler, Thomas .... never never 'io Dec. 13,25 Sept. 14 5 Foot.

* Gabl)ett, John never never 25 Dec.

Galbraith, Oeorye . 28 June 06 30 Oct. 06 9
Oak', Alex. Kobinson 15 Julv 0514 Jan. 07i 6
(iiillmmy, Diirid 4 Mar. 0010 April 1221
(lainmcll, Andrew.... 17 Auir. -20 12 Mav ^25 19
J3 ( iajipur, Eilniund . 1 Aug. 04 5 Mav 05: 3
{ItJill Oanliner, John^ 9 April 0930 Aug. 10 IG
(iarilner, James 7 July 15 8 -May I9|15
* (jardner, Ricliard . never |
never 29
Gardner, //oh. Sam. Martin 2 Mar. 05 1 May 0517
Gamer, John Hutchinson . ."25 June 1221 April 141 1
Garth, Tlioiiias ^23 Nov. 15 June 10^24
^(;ascoyne,Tho9. Bamber*" 5
Gauntlett, James
Nov. 07-25 Mar. 7 W
9 ]
Julv 03-24 April 04 18
George, John 28 Feb. 10 7 Nov. 11^8
Gerar.1, Robt. Tolver 3 I
Julv 2810 Dec. 30il7
Uifford, Geo. St. John .. 20 Feb. 90-25 April 97 3
5 Gilbert, Fnmcis Vanlc*"! 1 Mav 11 10 June 11-23
GillK-rt, James Anthony ..16 Dec. 10-28 Feb. -25|l0
,24 Mav 75 3
Gillwrt, Thomas Dec. 70J 1
(iill^rt, Walter Raleigh ..i2CDec. 70, 7 July 75 25
* Giles, Joseph never | never 25
Gilpin, Ricliard Thos '-29 Xov. 21 30 Dec. 24 24
(iiii'.'ir, Joseph |-25 Sept. 03! Mar. 05! 1

y Gir.lU-stoue, James -20 Xov. 0(i-25 Dec. 07-20

% fiirling, TIios. Andrews -28 Aug. 0421 Sept. 0513

% Glasse, Francis jl4 Aug. Olj 9 Jan. 02 18
Glenie, Isaac 19 Sept. 05 17 July 00^14
Glimjer, Wctldo dc never never

Gobi, Henry Varburgh . 11 AprU -25:18 Sept. ie, 5

Gowlc, John*- 5 Sept. 11 12 Nov. 12^20
Goodwin, S. Osnaburgh 25 Dec. 1331 Oct. 22^22
Gonlon, David 4 Aug. 0030 May 03 10
Gordon, James 27 Nov. -23-20 May -2512
,Tho 1 June ^20 9 June '25 I

|> Jil Gonlon, Thomas" 7 Mar. 11 2 Julv 12-2ti

Gorse, William'* 11 Nov. 12 28 July 14 14
• G.mld, Charles never -2.5 never i

Gould, Fran. Augustus . . 15 13 Mar. -23 10

. 4 Mav
H Gould. John" 31 Aug.
07 -22 Mar. 09,13
hi, Tliomas never never |2.> I

Goutleljtniard, J. M. de la •io Jlav 98j 3

Grace, Robert 23 June 96^20 Oct". 0027
Graham, Alexander !27 June 05r25 Dec 0<>i21
. . .
. ...
. ..


SlSHGraham, Jas. Reg. Tovin 30 Jan. 8 Ju 16 Mar. > Oct. 21 2 Dragoons.

II Grant, Charles . . July 17 Sept. 8 June iJuly 15 Foot.

Grant, James 20 Dec. 30 June 6 Mar. 5 Mar. 27 Unattached.

Grant, James 4 Nov. 6 Nov. 3 May r July 35 Unattached.
Grant, John 13 Feb. 5 Mar. 13 Aug. IDec. 32 24 Foot.
Grant, John 25 Oct. 12 April 99 21 Mar. 1 April 11 Indep. Co.
Grant, Lachlan 1 Aug. 3 Feb. 9 Sept, ) Feb. 10 78 Foot.
Grant, Robert 8 May 18 July 11 Dec. I June 30 Unattached.
Grantham, Valentine 26 July G Nov. 2 Mar. ) Nov. 15 48 Foot.
Grantt, John Ifi Dec. 23 June 27 Dec. ) Dec. 1 72 Foot.
Graves, William H. 6 Jan.
. 26 Oct. 8 April 5 Nov. 36 Unattached.
IB Gray, Robert 2 May 9 July 10 Aug. R. Vet. Batt.
Green, John Cranston 13 Jan. 23 June 1424 Oct. lOct. 1 Dragoons.

IP Gregor, Gordon Wm. Fra. 23 May 06 14 May 07,17 June ) Dee. 14 23 Foot.
Gregory, Hen. Jas. Mitchell 21 July 08 29 Dec. 09 5 Aug. ) Octr 2 Ceylon Reg.
• Gregory, John Barnes never . |25 Dec. 1814 56 Foot.
IPWlGrenfell, WUliam .. 11 April 11 Mar. 1324 Dec. 1 Oct. 20 21 Dragoons.
Grey, Chas. Bacon 21 Nov. 20 Mav 13 9 Aug. ) Oct. 21 9 Dragoons.
Grey, Hon. Hen. Booth . 12 May 13 April 2617 Dec. ) Aug. 33 Unattached.
Grey, Matthew Robt 7 Aug. 24 Oct. 21 12 Aug. ) Sep't. 30 eW.Ind. Reg.
Grimes, Henry^^ 19 Oct. 23 Oct. 23 27 April iJune 38 Unattached.
II Grimes, John COct. 1 Nov. 10!25 May ) May 22 76 Foot.
Groeme, George 27 Dec. 77|17 Sept. 72 Foot.
Groombridge, John Wra. . 11 Jan. 1 Jan. 01119 April I May 20 91 Foot.
Grover, John 20 Aug. 31 Mar. 1412 Dec. ! Dec. 26 Unattached.
II Grubbe, Thos. Hunt"' . 28 Slar. 11115 Oct. 12J 8 April ! Nov. 31 Unattached.
Gunning, Matthew 8 Aug. 99J 4 Sept. 01 11 April I April 21 Dragoons.
Gwynne, Hen. Lewis Edw. 25 April 05 26 June 06 23 Aug. i Feb. 17 62 Foot.

II Hacket, Richard never 26 Oct. 0717 Dec. 6 Aug. 18 14 Foot.

Hadlei/, William !1 April 6 May Ool 2 Dec. 5 R. Vet. Batt.
Haig, William 9 Mav 9 Oct. 1227 May 17 Nov R. Marines.
Haiffh, William Preston July II 24 June 091 1 Sept. R. Engineers.
Halcott, Matthew Chas. 2 Feb. 15 10 April 23| 7 Jan. Unattached.
Hamilton, Geo. James 8 Sept. 7417
. July 76 7 Feb. Indep. Co.
II Hamilton, John 10 June 5 June 0517 Feb. 25 Dec. 14 42 Foot.
^ Hamilton, Thomas. 29 Aug.
. . 7 Sept. 0524 Sept. 25 July 17 7 Foot.
Hamnxill, Thomas Cochrane Oct. 5 April 10 26 June 26 June 27 Unattached.
Hance, William James. June 4 April 0829 June 1 R. Vet. Batt.
II aSa Harding, Robert" June 6 April 07,17 Oct. 17 Oct. 23 R. Artillery.
II Hardwick, William Aug.
. 12 Feb. 051 1 Mar. 26 Nov Foot.
Hare, Hon. Richard . . Jan. 22!23 June 25:11 July 17 Mar. 37 Unattached.
Hare, Robert May 18*30 Oct. 23 27 April 15 June 32 Unattached.
II fflffil Hare, William Henry Dec. 07|20 Julv 09;i8 Nov. 25 July 22 51 Foot.
Harison, William Thomas. Sept. 20 14 April 17 Oct. 14 Nov. 34 Unattached.
II 3129 Harris, Isaac Watkins Dec. 08 20 June 7 April 9 April 26 Unattached.
3183 Harris, William April 1221 Jan. 2 June 8 June 30 Unattached.
ffiia Harrison, Hugh"' Nov. 05 18 June 11 June 16 May 5 Foot.
Harrison, John July 15 28 Oct. 3 Dec. 15 Mar. 39 Unattached.
U Hart, Francis Hen Jan. 05' 15 Jan. 8 April 26 May 2, 84 Foot.

Hart, Richard Mar. April 25 Mar. 19 May 2. 66 Foot.

* Haselfoot, Charles 05J25
never never 25 Dec. 25 Aug. 1 3 Foot.
* Haselfoot,Wm. Henry . never never 25 Dec. 25 Aug. 1, 3 Foot.
Hastings, Sir C. Abney, Bt Jan. 08115 Sept. 7 Mar. 17 Nov. 14 105 Foot.
Haviland, Hen. Hone .... May 9511 April 15 Aug. 7 Mar. 10 R. Marines,
Havilaud, Richard never |l6 Aug. 99128 Nov. 1807 R. Waggon Tr.
Hawke, Hon. Stanhope .... July 23,12 May 25'26 Sept. 2 Dec. 31 Unattached.
Hawker, Hen. Frederick . Oct. 11122 Feb. 12 April 10 Jan. 34 12 Foot.
Hawkins, Geo. Palmer .... Nov. 09; 6 Jan. 15 May '

15 May 27 Unattached.
Hawkins, John 06 3 Nov. 1 July : 7 Sept. 26 Unattached.
Hay, David Balfour ) Nov. 7 Dec. 7 Dec. I 9 July 02 26 Dragoons.
Hay, Francis i Mar. 1 Aug. 21 Sept. I
21 Aug. 17 34 Foot.
Hay, John (July 15 Aug. 31 July : R. Marines.
Hay, John ! April 15 April 1802 12W.lnd. Reg.
. . .


liny, Wlliam 7 Not. 13,22 April SfijlO Nov. 37 Cnattached.

15 Mar. 10^
|) I laves, lien. Browne. 6 May 04I 4 Dec. (MflO Dec. II 15 Mar. 18 84 Fo^it.
Hayes", Hubert .I20 Mar. »t I .April !« 13 Jan. 07 22 Nov. 14 R. Marines.
Iliiyne, Kiclmnl 7 July 17 April 2o 24 .Aug. 32 24 .Aug. 32StaffCorps.

9 ilealey, John 4 June OS 8 Sept. 08 26 June 23 25 Jan. 24.19 Fc.t.


Healev, Rolwrt Thomas ..|24 0ct. 2(i 8 June 3024 April aj| 7 -April 37 Tnattaelied.
Heath, MacilesfieM \Vm. . 1 Aug. 14' 1 July
. 15 13 May 3625 May 38 R. Engineers.
llrathi-ote, Cockshntt never
. never !25 Die. 13| I 'l81453 Foot.

19 ?i1 Ileaviside, Richard 26 Mav 08 20 Sept. 09 15 June 1514 Dor. 2(: rnattache.!.
Ilebden, Henry '25 May 15' 7 April 25 13 May 2(;2(! April -J" rnattaeliiiL
Helden, Il>bt.'OngIev 7 Mar. (H) 3 Sept. 01; 6 -Mar. 0(!-J5Jaii. \','fi\) Foot.
9 llemsworth, Thos' Rich.' 9 JuU- 0327 Aug. 04 15 Sept. 0825 Dee. 1431 Foot.
llenrterson, David 2S Nov. 0(i23 Jan. 081 5 Jan. 15^25 Feb. 1{!;10 Foot.
Hendry, Andrew 8 July 0!) 9 Jan. 28,24 Nov. 37|
I R. Marines,
Ileneage, Thomas 28 Mar. 02 21 Feb. 03'l8 Mar. 04| jlndep. To.
9 Ilcnrv-, Graham 6 Nov. M\ 2 .Mar. 08l25 Oct. 14 29 Nov 27 Unattached.
Henry>'on,John 1 April CK! 1 Julv (Hi 1 May 11 ]H. Engineers
Hcrriot, Andreic 4 >Iar. 98 14 Feb. 04 6 Oct. 13 jR. Marines.
Heirett,John 12 .Nov. 0524 .<ept. 10,12 Oct. 32 R. Marines.
?il Iliblwrt, J. Nembhard 13 Jan. 1430 .Mar. 151 7 Sept. 2025 Oct. 2i;i Drag. Gds.
9 Hicklf, Biirthotomew . 2 June 04 18 April Oo\3l Dec. 12|
i7 R. Vet. Bat

Hill, Geo. Stavelv 9 Sept. 19 C June 2225 .Mar. 29,27 Dec. 33 L'nattaclied.
Dfil Hill, Hcnrj" 19 Jan. 15 5 May 15 28 June 36 28 June 36 Tnattached
Hill, Nicholas Thomas .20 Oct. 08 13 Sep't. 10,2;3 Oct. 17,25 July l!) Staff Corps.
Hill, Rich. Kirwan .. .| 2 Feb. 1525 April 22> 14 May 2919 Oct. 381'nattacheil.
Hill, St. Leger 27 Aug. 04 22 Aug. 05|29 Jan. 18;14 Nov. 22; 12 Dragoons.
?ffl Hincks, John" 8 Nov. OCJ 1 Fib. 08,29 July 2.529 Julv 25 R. Artillery.

Hin.Ie, Hen. Revnolds 29 Jan. 00 13 Jan. 02i29 Nov. 05 25 .Mar. II 36 Foot.

P fjl Hobbs, Thomas" ..!l9 Sept. 05l 7 Feb. 08j20 July 15 25 May 20*25 Foot
{) llobkirk, Samurf 25 April 06| 7 April 08| 3 Dec. 1225 Mar. 17l43 Foot.
9li\;es,Geo. Uovd"28 Aug. 06 7 Jan. 08;31 Dec. 3031 Dec. ."JOlrnattached.
11 •>.'!;. George .. 26 MaV 2522 April 26|23 April 29) 6 July 32 90 Foot.
Jll Holbech, Eilwanl . 5 Oct". 04 18 Dec. 05|2.3 May 0911 April 22 91 Foot.
Holland, William 26 Mar. 07 28 Sept. 08 21 July 14'25Junc 1"|83 Foot.
Holmes, Christ. Francis 2,5 June 12^14 Oct. 14|l2 Feb. 29| 9 June 37; Unattached.
Holt, Wra. Fodeu^ ... 21 Aug. 06,13 Aug. 07|28 Dec. 3028 April 37, Unattached.
Home. Francis 4 June 07"10 Aug. 0824 Mar. 17 22 May 17J8I Foot.

Hiiokey, Geon.'e 27 Jan. C6 8 Aug. 11 12 Oct. 32'23 Mar. 3(1 R. Marines.

Hopkins, Henn- 7 Oct. 02 24 June 03 21 Aug. 06l 2 Nov. 0911 Garr. Bat.
Hopkins, Henry 15 July 12 2 Mar. 2o|25 Sept. 35|25 Sept. 35 Unattacheil.
Hopkins, Rich. Thompson.. 12 .April 27 II June 3021 Nov. 34 8 June 38l Unattached,
Hore, Walter 5 Mar. 77 1 June 78!l5 Feb. 82 1 .Mar. 84il03 Foot.

H.imbrook, Thos. Beckford25 Aug. 99 1 Sept. 041 S .May 241 5 Jan. 26,R. Marines,
• Homdon, John Dcidge .

never Dec. 1.3'35 Sept. 14'4 Foot.

Horsell, Bartholomew . . 10 Sept. 0312 Jan. 04|20 .Not. 12 181 41 R. Wag. Train
U Hart, JatUili Geo." . .19 Sept. 0526 Feb. 072;} Aug. 10| |l2 R. Vet. B.
Horton, James jllJoly lI|2July 12 31 Dec. 28|25 June 29|Staff Corps.
Hortou, William 6 Aug. 99j 8 Ma'v 0021 Nov. II 2.j Sept. 14,6 Foot.
Hotham, Augustus bo Dec. 21 19 Mav 2.5' 19 Dec. 26 28 Dec. 32 Unattached.
Hotham, Geor^'e** h>4 Mar. 15| 1 .Ma'v 16 10 Jan. 37 1" Aug. 39 R. Engineers.
)| Hoult/in, George ^20 Nov. 06| Oct". 08[ 2 Nov. l.V 15 .Mar. 17 4:? Foot.
Howanl de Wal. C.A. Zori/^ never 24 April 17 3 Oct. 22| 3 Oct. 22|8 Foot.
Howard, //on. Hcnr^- 31 Julv 2514 May 26i 9 Nov. 30|29 Nov. a-)jl"nattached.
Huiro, Thomas '
1 Julv 05' 2 Julv 05 22 July 13,25 Feb. 16 01 Foot.
{I llulme, John Lyon'^ 1^
..fi4June 09 10 July 10 20 D, I4| |R. Eneincers.
Hulme, Wm. Browne.. never 11 Oct. 9631 .May 09 1814'Staff Corps.
Hul«e. Charles 3 (X-t. 2<^10 Dec. 30,10 May 81 Unattachc-d.
Utai IIumbley,William""I5 April 07,13 Oct. 0820 July 1525 Dec. 18 Rifle Brigatj'e.
llumhy.John pojuly 04 10 June 07 31 Aug. 27| R. Marine?
Wl Hume, Gustavus Thos.ll3 Dec. 13'2I Nov. 1610 Juue 241 6 July 29 Unattached
Humfrtv, Benj.rieale. ..'I6 June 08!2O Oct. 0831 Mar. 14iI9 .May 2556 Foot.
Humphn-vs.JohnGoullin""' 14 .Mav (t7,14Julv 08' 8 April 2.5 18 Nov. 31 Coldst. Gds.
Himt, Eilwanl Hugh 2 Jan". 17 18 July 22>26 .May 2.5 3 May 31 Unattacheil.
Hanter.EdwanI |l3JuIy OOIlAng. 1318 May 3pIi8 .May 38 Unattached,
V r 325
. .. .. . .

Hunter, Geo. James"" 1 Oct. 08 13 Mar. 11 G Nov. 27l23 Oct. 33 R. Artillery.
Hunter, James 23 April 12 22 Aug. 15 14 Aug. 23, 14 Aug. 23 7U Foot.
Hunter, John 27 Nov. 17 24 21 4 Feb. 26; 4 Feb. 26 Unattached.
Hurdle, Tliomas ... 13 Jan. 98 1 Dec. 03 18 Mar. 13! \R. Marines.
Hussey, Thomas 8 April 97 18 July 03 24 Sept. lOj 1 Sept. 14 R. Marin
Hutchinson, James'^''. 8 Dec. 04 26Spr"t. 06 25May 10,18 Oct. 33 1 Garr. Batt.

Jacks, Walter 26 May 7 Mar. 05'21 Oct. 13,25 Dec.18 Dragoons.

Jackson, George 30 April 13 Jan. 0812 Oct. 15 25Jmie 16 GlengarrvFen.
Jacques, John 30 Mar. 12 Oct. 93;27 Aug. 03! IR. Vet. Batt.
Wl Jago, Darell"" 5 July 26 Oct. 15,20 Nov. 34; 6 Jan R. Artillery.
James, Demetrius Grevis 19 April 8 June 99 29 June 08125 Feb. 12 R. Marines.
^ Jaiues, Henry^"'' .... 7 Dec. 19 July 21 18 Mar. 36! R. Marines.
®i31 James, William never 4 Mar. 8 May 17j25 Feb. 19 Sc. Fusil. Gds.
Jameson, James 16 Aug. 17 Dec. 0331 Oct. 10|25 Feb. 16 4 Foot.
Jarvis, Sam. Raymond . 7 April 19 June 7 Sept. 15 25 Jan. 23 7 Dragoons.
* Jeifrey, George never never 25 Dec. 13;25 Sept. 14 26 Foot.
* Jeffreys, Richard .... never never 25 Dec. 13 1814 53 Foot.
Jeffries, James 12 May 28 Mar. 7 April 7 July 25 Unattached.
Sam. Barton ....
Jeffries, 28 Oct. 4 Feb. 16 Dec. 16 Dec. 19 25 Dragoons.
Jenkms, Morgan James . 31 Oct. 14 Oct. 18 Sept 19 July 33 Unattached.
Jenour, Matthew 25 Mar. 2 Jan. 13 Jan. 23 July 29 Unattached.
Jerningham, Hon. C. W. S. 10 June 24 April 2 Dec. 2 Dec. 31 Unattached.
Jesse,William 9 April 23 Feb. 3 Aug. 6 April 38 Unattached.
Inge, Wilham 14 May 11 April 16 Sept. 12 July 27 Unattached.
P 5!2i lngram,Jno. Nelson'"' 25 Nov. 18 Oct. 7 April 2 Sept. 36 Unattached.
13 ?1JH Johnson, H. Caven.'"^ 6 Feb. 26 May 14 May 4 May 20 7 Dragoons.
Johnson, Yarrall 12 Aug. !2Dec. 9 June 3 July 23 63 Foot.
Johnson, Frederick Wm. . 31 Dec. 7 Dec. 15 June 30 25 Sept. 35 78 Foot.
Johnston, George 6 Jan. 24 June 30 Dec. 26 28 May 28 60 Foot.
Johnston, James Wm 22 Dec. 29 July 20 Oct. 1 Jan. 25 R. Artillery.
Johnston, William 4 Mar. 7 July 1 Feb. 12 Dec. 25 Unattached.
^ Johnatone, James 29 Dec. 30 Aug. 10 June 25 Feb. 16 7 Foot.
Jolliffe, Sir Wm. G. H. Bt. 10 April 26 Aug. !2 April 24 June 24 Bourbon Reg.
315B Jones, Charles . 23 July 10 Mar. 7 Oct. 29 Mar. 21 Yk. Chasseurs.
Jones, Chas. Fred. Burrel! 12 Nov. 12 Dee. 21 Mar. 1 May 35 Sub.Ins.ofMil
Jones, Ebenezer 15 Dec. 10 April 9 Sept. 9 Sept. 28 Unattached.
* Jones, Edward never never 25 Dec. 25 Aug. 14 29 Foot.
Jones, Fielding Sliawe . 22 April 19 Aug. 13 June 25 Mar. 16 6 Dragoons.
Jones, John Evans . . . 21 Sept. 5 April 19 May R. Marines.
Jones, Nicholas Burnell 12 May 9 May 1802 8 W. Ind.Reg.
Jones, Thomas 18 Nov. 20 May 31 Dec. 2 July 07 Irish Brigade.
^ Jones, William 5 Feb. 5 Jan. 30 Sept. 5 June 23 52 Foot.
* Jones, WUliam never never 25 Dec. 1814 1 Pr.Bn.ofMil
Jordan, Jacob 4 July 17 Jan. 7 Nov. 29 Mar. Unattached.
Irwin, Thomas 26 Aug. 29 Oct. 3 Dec. !5 Oct. 21 i6 Dragoons.
^Judge, Arthur'™ 8 June 12 Sept. 05 28 Sept. 4 Dec. 17 11 Foot.

Kean, Henry'"^ 8 Oct. 8 July 08 13 Mar. 20 July 60 Foot.

Keane, Geo. Michael 27 Mar. 27 Aug. 19 Dec. 17 Mar. Unattached.
Keating, James Singer . . 5 Feb. 24 Oct. 8 April 8 April Unattached.
Keats, John Smith 16 Dec. 2 Mar. 5 July 31 May R. Wagg. Tr.
Keens, John 2 Nov. 14 Nov. 1115 June 5 June Unattached.
^ SS Keily, Townsend R.' 8 June 25 Oct. 10.26 May 19 Jan. Unattached.
Kellenbach, Frederick . . . never 30 Dec. 97 5 Dec. 2 R. Vet. Batt.
Kellet, John 28 April Oct. 94 3 Oct. 1 Feb. 04 R. Marines.
Kellow, Robert 6 July 15 Aug. 05,31 July R. Marines.
Kelly,John 9 July 7 Sept. 04 4 June 13 25 April 16 Foot.
Kelli/, WUliam 26 Oct. 23 July O4I15 Feb. llj J2R.Vet. Bitt.
Kernmis, Thos. Arthur .... never 22 April 20| 9 Dec. 30| 4 July 34] Unattached.
Kendall, George 9 Dee. 18 Aug. 09 19 July 21 19 July 21 |r. Marines.
Kennedy, Hugh Fergusson 31 July 16 June 25.27 Nov. 2831 Dee. SljUnattached.
D Kent, John 27 April 28 Aug. 04 10 May 09 12 Dec. 17:53 Foot.
13 Ker, Richard Hall'". 31 Mav 10 June 13 6 Feb. 35i 6 Feb. 35|Unattached.
.'. ..



lUlF I'AV.

Kerr, Robert . Mar. Oeil Dec. 00|U Aug. 15ll2 Aug. 24 40 Foot.
Kerr, Samuel I Oct. 0014 Oct. 1025 Nov. 2825 Nov. 28![Unattached.
• Kcttill>v, James never 1
Die. 1:325 Aug. M, '51 Foot.
H KillikJllv, Micliaot ...J : May 04 5 June 00 8 July V.\\ De 14 32 Foot.
2' Unattached.
P Kinn.CliurUs'" !
I June 27
0(1 Dec. 10 27 .\pril 27 27 April
Kii>i;,(Uorv'e I
; Feb. 07 15 April 07 17 Nov. 14 5 Mar. 29 UiHittached.
Khiif, Jumi's > Sept. IHi 10 Dec. 00 IX. Feb. 111 Jan. 73 Foot.
|) Kins, John Duncan '" . 1 Aug. (K5 18 Feb. Of IB Mar. 30S28 Dec. 31) Unattached.
Kin^', John I^ewis I Jan. 22 24 Jan. 25 15 Aug. 2G2.JDec. 2 Foot.
Kintt, Sir K. Duckworth, JS*. 1 Feb. 22 29 May 25 22 April Feb. 3(i I'uHttached.
9 Kins;, Thus. Newton'".. I Oct. (h; 1 Feb. Of 29 July .30 June 30 R. Artillery.
Kiiiijtley, Charles I Nov. 04 17 Julv 0(i 13 June |9 n. Vet. Batt.
Kiii'^'slej-, Ednanl '

June 0525 Feb. 07 Nov. .'i 10 58 Foot.

25 Feb.
* Kinni'ir, Joseph Hull . . . . never I
never 25 Dec. 1814 r.Bn.ofMil

5 Kirhy, Midiael i June 12 29 Feb. IC 31 Mav 19 April 23 Foot.

Kirk, \ViUiam ! Mar. 00 27 April 04 28 Dec. I Dec. 17 47 Foot.
V Kirklcy.Tho. Harrison'" 1 May 1125 Feb. 1 June 4 May 38 Unattached.
Kirwan, Andrew Hyacinth never 5 |
Aug. 1.3|29 Oct. 25 Nov. 28 Unattached.
Kir%van, Henry ; AprU 0028 Nov. 00122 May 04 25 July 12 15 Foot.
ft Kirwan, Richard never !27 Oct. 07il6 Mar. 1.5 24 July 28 Unattached.
htiapitiany Win. Stephefu. Nov. 0.TI7 Jan. 0«i.31 •'"'.^ 20 R. Marines.
9 Kiii|>e, Geo. Frederick . I May 9fi 10 July 00! 2 July 1318 Jlav \ii 23 Foot.
Knii>e, John : April 0028 Sept. 01 30 Jan'. 12 25 Aug. 00 Foot.
Kiiux, Charles I
April 20| 9 Aug. 27! 4 Mar. 3ti;lll Feb. Unattached.
{p Kyle, Alexander I May 05 7 April 0711 Oct. 10 25 Dec. 18 94 Foot.

Lambert, Sir Hen. John,.B<. 6 April 09 never 27 May 12 Aug, 15 8G Foot.

Ijiinotte, I'lias. Wyndham 6 Nov. 27r28 Oct. |
22 Julv 10 Nov. 37 Unattached.
Laiiciy, Thou. Furbor ... .114 Dec. 11 1 July 10 April R. Engineers.
Lauf, t'harlts "* [15 May 12|23 Oct. 9 July 7 Mar. 34 Unattached.
Q Laue, Henry"' never 1 Sept. 1 Jan. 1 July l(i R. Art. Drivers
Langrishe, Hugh Henry .. never 5 July 27 April 27 Oct. 25 Unattached.

Lniu/dun, Gilbert 3 Mav 95j27 Jan. 14 June R. Marines.

Laiitfford, Buller RoUe 28 April 95;27 Jan. 15 Aug. 22 Nov. 09 R. Marines.
i) Hi Lanjttim, Edward J2,3 Mav 05:25 Jul
. . 12 Mav 8 April 17 52 Foot.
Lanpliier, J. Phillips Cosby 07 Mar. 7 Sept. 0919 April Oct. 25 ;2.5 Foot.
Lathuiu, Matthew 15 Nov. 8 April 07ill Feb. 20 April 13 Portuguese S.
La Touche. Robert ji8 Sept. 15 July 24,14 Jan. [12 Oct. 2G| Unattached.
* l^urence, Freilerick .
never never 25 Dec. [25 Sept. 14,I43 Foot.
* Uw, E.lwar.1 Be-lwcll never never 25 Dec. 25 June Hi;|R. Wagg. Tr.
Law, James Horton . . Mav Julv 7 9 Sept. 11 Jan. 28 Unattached.
Lawlur, Prove \\'ilUum Feb. July 1 8 April 2(1 Ajjril 38 R. Artillery.
Ijiwreuce, John Aug. July 15 M
Julv JO July 30 R. Marines.
Laxou, John never never i5 Dei-. |25 Sep't. 14, 7 Foot.
Layurd, Urownlow Villiers -24 Jan. Julv 23,20 21 Nov. 20 Feb. 30 Unattached.
Leahy, Henry i5 April 0028 Anp. 18 Oct. 1
7 Aug. 17 95 Foot.
£U I^atliam, James . Sept. 05 12 June
. 19 July [28 April 25 Yk. Chasseurs
• Leclmiere, Capcl never ""'•>• 2,5 Dec. 1814 3Pr.Bn.ofMil

Le Couteur, John Nov. 1021 Nov. 15 Mav 25 Aug. 17 104 Foot.

/.<<•, Vacid never never 14 Mar. 9 R. Vet. Batt.
|) L'fch, John Sept. m\ 7 Mar. 10 June |5R. Vet. Batt.
() I.'E>tran);e, Edward' 08 19 April lOJ 9 N<iv. )14 June 39 Uiuittached.
l^-fmy, .Vnthony |22 .May H7 Sept. 02 4 Foot.
L»- Iliint,Charles OSMav 07 l.'« May Oil 25 June I25 Oct. 21 90 Foot.
{) Le SIrsurier, Peter . Dec. 04 19 June IMi.22 Mar. )10 Dec. 19 103 Foot.
P Le Mcsurier, W. AbrahamI C July 04 7 .Mav 05; 15 Mar. )19 Nov. Unattached.
ff Lempriere, Wm. Cha3."*| June 04 23 Oct'. 04 17 Dec. 120 N, R. Artillery.
Ixslie, John 20 Julv 1.512 Deo. 2223 Oct. <
9 Mar. 38 Unattached.
Levett, Theophiliu ifi Mav 2.514 Aug. 28j-2;» Ang. 125 June 38 1 1 Dragoons.
L«wi<, Alexander !l5 June 97 27 .Mav 01,13 June 22 Mar. Ifnattachwl.
P Lewis, Charles "° June j
'.) 13:)0 Dec. 10 22 .Mar. •20 Jan. .38 Unattached.
I*wL«, Pliilip Georjjc \
:J May 0020 Aug. 01 2!t Oct. !2.5 April 17 \V. Ind.Reg.
9 Lewis, Rn^er Lambert . Feb. 08 in June 08 1 1 June 127 Nov. 18 38 Foot.
Lewis, Thomas Locke 20 Mar. 1321 July la 8 June t 5 Jan. 33 R. Engineen.
... 8


Lewis, Westenra Warner 4 Jan, 05 26 Oct. 06 7 Dec.

. 20 16 Sept. 24|74Foot.
Lindsay, Wm. Cliacon .... 11 Sept. 1 April 1523 Oct. 33 3 July 39" R. Artillery.
^ Lister, Thomas St. George •24 April May 07 26 Aug. U 13 8 Mar. 21 Portuguese S.
^ Litchiield, Ricliard'" 26 Nov. 5 Sept. Hi 6 Nov.
. 27 6 Nov. 27 R. Artillery.
Little, Robert Jolin 4 July 15 Aug. 05:31 July 26!l2 Sept. 29 R. Marines.
Lloyd, Kingston Dodd .27 Nov.. 21 April " 31 May 7 31 May 27 Unattached.
Lloyd, Mark 20 July 24 June 10 May ) 10 May 39 Unattached.
* Lloyd, John Vaughan never never
. 23 Mar. i8or 46 Foot.
Loftns, Frederick 7 Oct. 9 June 8 April 8 April 26 Unattached.
\3 Logan, Abi-aham 20 Oct. 17 July 25 AprU 9 R. Vet. Batt.
*Long, John never never 5 Dec. 25 Au,g. 14 70 Foot.
*Long;, John Amhurst . never
. never
. 25 Dec. 1814 52 Foot.
Louis, Marcus Jan. 8 Sept. 23 May 5 R Vet. Batt.
Lowe, Sherbrooke 18 Aug. 17 May 12 Dec. 28 June 39 Unattached.
y Lynch, Martin 30 Aug. 8 Sept. 24 Dec. :5 July 17 27 Foot.
Lyon, George 8 Nov. 31 May 30 Dec. 30 Dec. 26 Unattached.
Lyon, William 17 July 23 21 July 30 Dec. 2 Aug. 33 6W.Ind.Reg.

M' Arthur, Malcolm G i

May 15 Mar, 96 15 Aug. 1 Sept. 14 R. Marines.
M'Bamet, Donald I
April 8 July 30 Mar. 1814 92 Foot.
M'Carthv, Chas. Callaghan I Aug. 4 Oct. 13 Mar. 20 June 34 Unattached.
^ McCarthy, J. E. Connor I July 2 April 4 Feb. 2 R. Vet. Batt.
P 51® M'Conchy, James ''•'-
Jan. 20 July 11 Dec. 11 Dec. 35 Unattached.
M'Dermid, John i Sept. 21 Oct. 95|28 Aug. 3 R. Vet. Batt.
M*Donald, Alexander . . . 1 Nov. 3 Sept. 02|l5 April 1814 .56 Foot.
13M'Donald, Donald™... : Sept. 24 June 0920 Oct. 28 Sept. 24 R. Engineers.
M'Donald, Henry Thomas I
July 27 Mar. 31 Mar. 22 Dee. 17 53 Foot.
M'Donald, James Sept. 27 Dec. 6 Oct. 23 Nov. 32 Unattached.
M'Donald, William r Jan. 10 April 8 Sept. 20 May 1 York Lt. Inf.
M'Donell, Alexander . . . 1 Sept. 7 Nov. 05!l6 Mar. 6R. Vet. Batt.
J\PDoneU, Forbes James . I
April 26 Jan. 97[l7 April 2 R. Vet. Batt.
M'Dougall, Duncan ' June 3 Dec. 03,13 June Mar. 17 21 Foot.
M'Gie, George : April 13 June 99 27 July 1 Jan. R. Marines.
M-Innes, JIatthew '
July 5 Mar. 12,11 Oct. 15 Feb 8 Dragoons.
M'luroy, William i
Sept. 8 Oct. 29 29 Nov. 17 Aug. 38 Unattached.
M'Intj're, Angus i
Aug. 2 April 10|27 Aug. 9 July 29 Unattached.
M'lver, George Mar. 2 Mar. 20 14 Feb. 5 April 39 Unattached.
M'Kenzie, Alexander . . Mar. 18 April 93 1 May R. Marines.
M'Kenzie, William Feb. 26 Jan. 03 24 Oct. 12 Aug. 19 6 Foot.
M'Kenzie, William i
Feb. 15 Feb. 13 Mar. 13 Mar. 27 Unattached.
M'Laine, Alexander Mar. 19 Aug. 7 April 15 Sept. 25 Unattached.
M'Lean, Hector Hugh . . . April 10 Sept. 17 Mar. 25 Feb, 93 Foot.
M'Lean, Malcolm 1
Feb. 25 June 7 Nov. 4 R. Vet. Batt.
M'Leod, John '
July 15 Jan. 5 Oct. !6 Sept. 14 R. Marines.
M'Leod, Robert i May 24 April 2 July R. Marines.
M'Leod, WiUiam : June 27 April 0913 Mar. 13 Mar. 27 Unattached.
M'Mahon, Alex. St. Leger i Jan. 1 Sept. 10 7 July 7 July 25 Unattached.
M'Mahon, Mortimer 1 Nov. 16 Oct. 06 29 Sept. ;5 Feb, 8 Foot.
aaa SI'MUlan, Henry . . . Oct. 02]10 April 0518 July 19 Sept. 16 21 Dragoons.
M'Murdo, Alured Charles'" Jan. 14 29 June 26:22 Mar. 22 Mar. 31 Unattached.
M'Nab, John ! May 0514 July 0612 Aug. 25 Sept. 16 Nova Sco. Fen.
D M'Nab, Robert '^ iOct. 9 April 25!27 Mar. 5 Unattached.
April 38
M^Namara, John Michael i Mar. 12 Oct. 15 June R. Marmes.
M'Noill, Alexander ! May 13 July 13 AprU 30 April 18 10 Foot.
M'Pherson, Daniel I June 18 Jan. 6 Feb. 2 R. Vet. Batt.
M'Pherson, William 1 April 9 May 19 Aug. 25 June 17 83 Foot.
M'Qneen, Simon '-* : Ang. 23 Oct. 16 1 June 1 June 32 Unattached.
M'V'icar, John Aug. 04 28 Oct. 08|20 July 25 Dec. 18 R.Waggon Tr.
y Macdermid, John I Feb. 04i28 Mar. 05 21 Aug. 23 April 18 100 Foot.
^lacdonald, Alexander . . . I Nov. 7 July 11 June 1 June 30 62 Foot.
Alacdonald, Charles Kerr . i May 26 Nov. 7 Nov. 7 Nov. Unattached.
Macilonald, John '" '

June 21 May 8 June 9 Aug. Unattached.

Macilnnald, Ranald ( July 3 Dec. 19 Nov. 22 Mar. 33 Unattached.
Hacdonald, Ronald > Feb. ;26 July 2 Jan. 20 April 20 12 Foot.
.. 1



•Macdonald, R. O. Livlngt never never ivo Dec. la 1814.V3 Foot.

JMarfionelt , John Oct. 95 3 Jidy W !> Jnlv 03| 3 U.Vet Batt.
^ MucDiiiiiicll, Ewen '" .. 20 Jan. 14!27 Mar. 23 (i Mav 3.^ 28 iVov. 37lUiiattaehe<l.
Miirt'urlniir, .\n<lrow 20 Oct. 04 2(! Oct. 0-t 1(1 Se|it. l-.'2.-| Feb. l(i;'.)l I'oot.

Mhc (lr>-..r„r, J..1iii'» 19 Oct. 0ii:28 Nov. II -".( ?;.pt. 27 2H Mar. 34 Uniittachcd.
)}MHcknv, Jiiiiirs 1 Mav 04 17 Sept. 04 22 Mar. 1025 Kb. 1(1|72 Foot.
Mackny,'Hol»Tt 24 July (Hi:24 Nov. 0310 Jnly 071 7 U.Vet. Batt.
Mmk<i>i, WMinin HOct. 9!)i »> .April 01 22 May Of> OR. Vet. Batt.
-Miickfiizie, Aleximder 30 Nov. l.'i 8 .April 2,'i, 1 .An^. 2ff 7 Mar. 34 Unattaebed.
Miiekeiiiio, .\lix. Wedtler. 14Jan. 0711 Jan. 0823Jan. 12! G Nov. 17 3 tiarr. IJatt.
Mnckinzie, Doniild 11 Jnlv 00^17 Dec. 0321 Mar. 11 8 R. Vet. Hatt.
Markfnzie, Juhn Tntjlor .
C Sept. 04] 7 Oct. Oo' 7 Feb. 11 7 R. Vet. Batt.
^lackey, Jolin .Alexander .
9 .April 2520 Nov. 27 3 Dec. 29; 8 Oct. 3(li50 Foot.
|) Maelenn, .Alexander .. 31 Dec. 03 2:3 .April 05115 Oct. 1221 Nov. 1079 Foot.
Muclean, James '*' 22 Jnlv 13| 8 Nov. 14 22 Nov. 21 18 Sept. 23 103 Foot.
Maeleane, William 1 Dec. 041-27 Mnv 07 2o May 2; 3 Jan. 28 Unattaebed.
.Maclcod, .\rtliiir Lyttellon 12 Dec.22| DJiiiie a.'iilS Fcl). Wi 1 Feb. 39 t/'nattiiched.
ManteUj Archibald 10 Feb S)«2fijiilv !»7;i3Au 13 R. Vet. Batt.

iMar|)lier»on, diaries'"' .... 16 Nov 15 14 Jan. 201 9 June 37 9 June 37! Unattached.
Maepherson, Donald 15 .Ams. (K 14 Jan. 08 23 Nov. 18 Ifi .April 29iUnattached.
9 Macplierson, Laclilan"* 31 Mar. 14 7 .April 25' 19 .Mav 37 19 .Mav 37| Unattached.
Macjiherstin, Uuneaii 12 Oct. 04 1 Feb. 0711 Aufe'. loj 5 JulV 21 '97 Foot.
MacpbenMjn, Ewen 13 Nov. 23 5 Nov. 25 10 Oct. 26]l4Jnne 33 I'nattached.
Macqnarie, Hector 20 Sept. 1 12 Feb. 14125 Dec. 38|25 Dec. 38,Unattache<l.
9i3.\ .MadiliK'k, William.. (! .Aiii;. 99'2.-. Jidv 01 12 Oct. )25 Feb. 79 Foot.

Majendie, Jolin Kontleil^c 1 Jnne 2fljl5 May 2330 June 2.')ll7 May 31'Unattached.
Mairis, Valentine Hale .... II Mav 13 28 Jan. 19,10 June 20 10 June 201Unattached.
Maitland^ John Madan'''^.. 15 Julv 13 14 April 14 11 Sept. 1726 Feb. 24' Foot.
Maitland, Patrick 20 Feb. 23t 7 Julv 25' 8 April 26| 8 April 261Unattached.
Mallard, John Ilicha 8 Dec. 07 19 Julv 21 24 Mar. 36] H. Marines.
Atnllork, Samuel 9 Jan. Oil 4 Aui;. 05] 1 Julv 25 R. Marines.
{) Mancor, .Andrew 26 Oct. 04'l6June 07| 3 Sept. 12' 1 Aug. lfi'59 Foot.
iMandevillc, Edward 10 April 2.5 12 Dec. 2622 Oct. 37 11 Oct. 39l90 Foot.
MaiuJieUl, John 15 Sept. 96 11 Jan. 00 26 Jan. 04| 2 R. Vet. Batt.
?i!:l Marcon, Edward 11 May 11 20 .Mav 13l3Jan. 22 6 Feb. 23179 Foot.
Marlow, John 1 July 0118 .May 03! 1 Feb. 08124 Feb. 23 R. Artillen,-.
Marrjat, (icoriie 19 Feb. 24 23 June 2.'iI8Dec. 2731 Dec. 29 Unattached.
Marlin, Henry Clinton'" ii) Dec. OiV^o Dec 0113 Jan. 071 R. Artillery.
Maslwua, Ladi»las<le Villicrs never never J30
Dec. 97
I 179960 Foot.
Mntrall, John nichard 7 Sept. 08 19 Dec. 22 10 Jan. 37 R- -Marines.
Mat-vy, George'^ never never 1 Sept. 01 R..Art. Drivers

J.B Master, llichard Tlio9.'» :i Jan. 13 never 1 Julv 1525 Feb. lOGren. (ids.
Matlieson, David 28 July I4I12 Mar. 18 28 Jnne 36 28 June .36 Unattached.
^latht^^on, John 5 Auir. 0.317 April 04I 6 Dec. lo'io April 16 78 Foot.
Mathew,(ieo. BcnvcQuto 7 July 2.VI9 Sept. 26 19 April 3r-J3 Sept. 3(i Unattached.
Mathias, llabricl '" 18 Dec. 06 1 Feb. OK29Au.,'. 25 17 -Mar. .36,11. Artillery.
Matson. llenrv 16 Sept. 131 2 Jnne 14 :30 Nov. 38,30 Nov. 38 Unattached.
Maule, John 24 Sept. Oi lit Mav 09 15 Sept. 31 30 Nov. 3£ R. .Marines.
92.1 Maun.'*<-IU John Edm.'^ 14 June 05 1 June tK;24 Mar. 17 14 N(.v. 26JR. Artillery.
.Maxwell, Henry. 4 Mar. 13 13 Jan. 14 10 April 23il8 .May 26 Unattached.
Maxwell, William 1 April 24;1« Feb.
June 3011 June 30 Unattached,
* May, Joseph never never J25 Dec. 13 ISU.V) Foot.
Mayer, Philip . 30 Dec. 97 5 Auk. 00 il Nov. fl!l'25 Jan. 18 60 Foot.
Mayne, Simon William. . 1 April 24I 7 Jnlv 25I 1 Feb. 27,12 April 39(19 Dragoons.
Mavnc, William 16 Dec. 16 26 Dec. 24 25 Oct. 2725 Oct. 27jUnattached.
Meech, Thomas Crosby .. 5 Sept. 05 26 Dec. 05| 1 Oct. 12[ 3 .May 2l)(« Foot.
Meek. Jacob'* 121 Mar. 11)22 Oct. 1223June 2.),26 April 34'Unattached.
^ .Wr/Am>*, S. C'(tmp/iB"»-i5 April(«»2'* May 1020 Dec. 14 R. Eneineers.
Mellis. John 10 June 26, 3 April 28i24 Jan. 40 24 Jan. 40 Unattached.
V) Mends. Much Bowen .il3 Nov. 06 27 Nov. 0612 Feb. 1420 Feb. 29 Staff Conis.

M.lcalfr, Thof. Lerel .. 5 Aug. 9923 May 00'25 April O.OJ

I 6 R. Vet. Batt.
fil Methold, K.lward .. 17 Sept. 12 23 Mar. 15! 11 oct. 21 1 1 Oct. 213 Drap.Gds.
Mevnell. Edw. Francis 8 July 1326 Aug. 13{19June 17 30 Hay 22179 Foot.

.Michcll, Waller Taylor. ilOJoDC 0424 April 05121 Dec. 03| 5 Oct. 13{R. Marines.
. ..... 1


MIcklethwalt, John . 12 19 Aug. 1 Oct. 13 7 July 7 July 2 Unattached.

Miller, Thomas 5 May 04 26 Sept. 04 17 Feb. 8 April 26 Unattached.
Millerd, Thomas .... •29 Mar. 22 27 Feb 8 April 8 April 26 Unattached.
^ Milles, Wm. Hickes 25 Nov. 07 29 June 09 22 April 11 April 23 55 Foot.
Milligan, William .... 17 Dec. 18 1 Jan 18 July 15 Mar. 31 Unattached.
Mills, Samuel 4 Feb. 26 3 Jan. 28 28 Dec. 28 Dec. 38 Unattached.
^ Minchin, John Paul .... 14 Aug. 04 8 Oct. Ot 26 Nov. 6 April 20 100 Foot.
Mitchell, Andrew 25 Feb. 04 3 April 05 27 June 7 R. Vet. Batt.
$ Mitchell, Parry :6Aug. 07 20 Sept. 10 8 Sept. 10 Aug. 26 66 Foot.
Mitchell, Thomas Peter 1 June 00 5 April 01 11 April 3 June 13 69 Foot.
aaa Molesworth, A. Oliv."' 17 Dec. 12 20 June 1 10 July !8 Dec. 35 R. Artillery.
Molesworth, Arthur 6 Feb. 05 i7 July 08 12 Oct. 9 Dec. 34 R. Marines.
^aaaMolloy, John'" .... 17 Dec. 07 5 June 09 5 Aug. 28 May 29 Unattached.
Molyneux, John 20 July 16 16 Sept. 19 21 July 18 Nov. 31 52 Foot.
Montagu, Lord, \Vm. Fran !3July 18 8 Mar. 21 8 April 2 Feb. 30 Unattached.
?12il Montogu, Willoughby"-" 26 Nov. 08 11 Aug. 11 6 Nov. C Nov. 27 R. Artillery.
Montgomery, Alex. Rich. 16 May 05 28 May 06 17 Sept. 16 Dec. 13 23 Foot.
^ Montgomery, Richard 7 Sept. 12 20 Mar. 23 12 June 12 June 35 Unattached.
Moore, Charles 3 May 00 25 Sept. 01 25 April 181 67 Foot.
Moore, Frederick 3 April 17 12 Sept. 22 23 June 16 Aug. 33 22 Dragoons.
Moore, Henry 6 July 15 17 Feb. 23 23 April 23 April 26 Unattached.
Moore, Humphrey .... 7 Nov. 04 27 July 08 23 April R. Marines.
sun Moore, James Stewart 1 Aug. 11 7 April 13 15 April 25 Dec. 19 24 Dragoons.
Moore, Thomas 20 Jan 23 Sept. 03 21 Nov. 16 Aug. 27 R. Marines.
Moray, Francis, Earl of . 22 Nov. Jan. 91 Indep.^Co.
^ Mordauut, Lewis 1 Sept. 04 Feb. 06 16 July 12 25 Dec 61 Foot.
Morgan, Charles 11 Sept. 05 1 Nov. 08 17 Mar. 31 R. Marines.
^ Morgan, Edward never 4 Feb. 08 5 Mar. 12 22 Aug. 76 Foot.
5 Morgan, George Gould. 4 July 11 never 26 Oct. 15 25 Feb Coldstr. Gds.
Morgan, John 1 Jan. 04 1 May 00 31 Aug. 27| R. Marines.
^ Morle, John 18 Aug. 08 4 Sept. 09 2 Sept. 1329 April 19 3 W. Ind. Reg.
Morrice, William 17 Aug. 97 1 Aug. 03 24 Oct. 3 Mar. 12 R. Marines.
* Morris, Griifith Jeffrey . never never 25 Dec. 25 Sept. 14 22 Foot.
Morris, John Boden 14 July 25 ) Feb. 26 18 Jan. 8 April 36 Unattached.
^ Morris, Samuel 31 Jan. 05 2 April 06 25 Nov. 25 Dec. 14 28 Foot.
Morrison, Hans 7 May 07 ) Feb. OS 13 Feb. 6 Dec. 27 60 Foot.
1$ Mortimer, Cliarles 20 Nov. 06 3 Feb. 08 9 Mar. 12 April 31 Unattached.
Mortimer, Edmund 20 May 26 I Dec. 27 18 July 18 July 34 Unattached.
^ Morton, Harcourt 25 April 08 ) Nov. 08 12 Jan. 25 Mar. 16 14 Foot.
Mottley, Thos. Martin .... 11 Dec 5 Nov. 24 10 Jan. 30 Dec. 37 R. Artillery.
Mulkern, Martin 23 April 12 1 Mar. 16 14 July 14 July Unattached.
Mundy, Chas. Godfrey .... 13 April 90 never 23 Oct. 25 Dec. 02 Gren. Gds.
Munro, Hugh 14 April 90 t Mar. 92 15 May Invalids.
Murray, Chas. Robert .... 1 Aug. 22 3 May 25 8 April 25 Nov. 28 Unattached.
Murray, John Digby never J Jan.
14 2 April 18 Aug. 25 Unattached.
Musters, Henry never ) Dec. 30 5 June 16 Jan. 38 4 Foot.
^ Muter, Robert 5 Mar. 07 5 Mar. 08 27 May !5 Oct. 21 7 Foot.
Muttlebury, James Eyre 19 Feb. 18. Uan. 24 19 Dec. 9 July 29 57 Foot.

Nash, Chas. Widenham "' . July 12 15 June 7 Aug. 7 Aug. Unattached.

Neale, Wm. Payne Oct. 23 27 Aug. 15 June 15 June Unattached.
^ Ness, James Burdett .... Aug. 04 26 Aug. 10 June 3 Scjit. 71 Foot.
Nestor, James Sept. 04 5 Nov. 24 Oct. 14Mur. 19 Foot.
Newbery, George Jan. 1 Oct. :4 Feb. 24 May 44 Foot.
Newburgh, Ar. R. Camac . April 17 16 July 17 June 1 May Unattached.
Newell, George never 7 Oct. 4 R. Vet. Batt.
Newhouse, William .... Sept. 1 17 Sept.
13 Jan. 14 Dec. Unattached.
IP Newman, John July 06 25 Nov. 5 Oct. 25 Dec. Portuguese S.
Newton, Wm. Henry .... June 00 25 Dec. 4 Dec. 3 Dec. 6 Garr. Batt.
Neynoe, Charles Fitz Roy . May 20 9 Dec. i\) Sept. 21 May Unattached.
Nicholas, James Sept. 05 6 April 091 4 June 30 Sep. R. Marines.
^P NicoUs, Augustus'" .... Oct. 09 1 Sept. 1317 Mar. 17 Mar. Unattached.
$ Nichols, William. Aug. 04 11 July 05 27 Jan. 2 R. Vet. Batt.
T$ Nicholson, Hujitley"' .. Oct. 1 Aug. 1324 Mar. 17 Sept. 39;Grcn. Gds.



^ (FB Xisbcf, Robert 30 Nov. 01) -20 Dec. UU9 Nov. 19 Nov. 18-20 Dragoons.
|) Jil \ixon, JaiiK-^ L«Kk . . pi7 Aug. 1-21 never 11 "2 .Mav OJuly 20 00 Foot.
XiK>th, Henrj- Stepbeu . . never |l-4 Mav
May 24;(! Drag. Gils.
1-2-29 JiUi". 13
>'orri8, John 1- Sept. 06-20 Dec. 08 17 -Mar. •20 Julv SOJR. Marines.
X.irtli, Philip'*' Aug. 13,-21 Sept. •2o[l.j Feb. 13 Nov. 32 Unattached.
Nortlicy, Win. Brook . . never 1 Aug. -2-220 April 25 May 28JColdstr. (Ids.
Niinii, Johu June 1-2 7 Sept. lo IT) Nov. 3;i,16 Nov. 39;l'uattaehed.
© Nunn, John Loftiis'*' . Mar. loln Jan. ll27A|.ril 32,-27 April 32irnattached.
Nunn, John Oliver Howe . Aug. 13| 7 Sept. 1022 .\pril -2t; 16 May 28 *) Foot.
< )utes, William Coape . . Aug. ll' 7 Oct. 13,27 Julv 15,-26 Aug. Glengarry Fen
O'Brien, Donatus Julv 21^
Mar. 24 -20 July 38-20 July Staff Corps.
O .SriVH, /.uriii*'" Jul'v 8-2-28 Oct. 90| Mar. 96 R. Artillery.
0'Br\cn. Charles 10 X.>v. 9:}-24 .April 90'22 July 03I 8 June R. Marines.
^9 obeli, Ilenrv Edward'", 8 July 0C:-2.J Feb. OXj 9 Jan. •22;-20 Sept. 39<!7 FfK>t.
OMum. Henry' -24 .Mar. 0310 Dec. 03 15 Oct. 07 [5 R. Vet. BatL
O-Dontll, \a.l '-23 Nov. 0(ij 1 Sept. 98:21 Aug. 001 14 R. Vet Batt.

Oijilvie, John Gilbert 5 June :2318 Feb. •2<;' 3 May 31 24 Feb. 37 Unattached.

O'Grady, John -20 Sept. 10p22 Sept. 13-20 May 31.-29 Julv 3096 Foot.
5 O'Heperty, Charles 31 Mar. Oo Feb. 09 10 Sept. 13-2.^ Mar. 1600 Foot.
O'Meara, John 7 Oet. Mar. •2<i 19 Nov. 30:21 June 31 3 Drag. Gds.

9 OXeill, Charles ,IC June 08 Jan. lOj 6 June 27 30 Jan. 36 2 Foot.

• OXeill. Daniel never never
-26 Dec. 13-25 Sept. 14:70 Foot.
Onflow, Sir Henry- Bt "20 Dec. 98 Dec. oo! 1 June 00 9 June 191r. ArtUlery.
JSl Ornisby, .\rthur '".... 2 June 14-27 Jan. 23 16 Jan. 3(i, Aug 37jUnattached.
{I Orr, Martin '" never |"28 June
10-28 Oct. 31:23 Feb. 381 Unattached.
Osborne, William 30 Jan. 2313 Aug. •25 31 Oct. 7 -Mar. 34, Unattached.
Ouscley, William "20 Mav 18|31 Jan. -22 9 June 9 Aug. 311 Unattached.
Owen, Robert -4 April 98 3 July 00-20 May
2 Julv 18|l2 Foot.

?in PacVe, Geo. Hiissey'^-24 June 13! 6 Jan. 14-27 June •26Mar. 17 21 Dragoons.
* Page, Robert '
never | never 1-26 Dec. 25 Sept. I4I9 Foot.
?ia Pakcnham, MilUam 30 Aug. 04)10 April
. . 05,-20 Dec. 1 July 22 R. Artillery.
Palliser, Rich. Bury 2 Nov. 13 9 April 18^12 Aug. April -26| Unattached.
Palmer, Edw. Despard Dec. 99 ^22 May 7 Sept. 13 Nov. 17l67 Foot.
Palmer, John 5 July 1327 Oct. 5 April 5 April 31 Unattached.

Parker, John 29 Nov. 21]12 Mav 19 Sept. 19 Sept. 2G| Unattached.

ta Parker, Stephen '*> .. 9 Feb. 0911 April •20 Mar. 9 Oct. 35j Rifle Brigade.
I'arll, ,-, f icor»re 1 Aug. 16 3 Oct. I 30 Sept. 7 Dec. -26 Unattached.
iJja Paschall, G. Fred.'" 17 Mar. 12il9 Oct. 12-23 Mar. 19 Dee. 34! Unattached.
5 Passlev, John Pauton'^31 Oct. 05| 5 Dec. 07] 8 Jan. -25 Sept. 18lf» Foot.
Pairiarch'e, Philip 13 May 95 Oct. 9015 Aug. -29 Nov. 14JR. Marines.
* Patrick, James never never |
Dec. 1-25 Sept. 14170 Foot.
9 Patt^u, Wm. Brown '^. 14 June 05 1 June . 0611 Mar. 1 Feb. R. Artillery.
§ Pattcnson, Cooke Tyldcn 19 Feb. 07 9 Mar. 0918 Aug. 1-25 Dec Rifle Brigade.
Petterson, Theophilus i 2 Dec 961 4 Oct. 01 -20 Feb. [
6 May 23 R. Marines.
Pattoun, George 28 Feb. OC 13 Mar. 12 15 May •28 Feb. R. Marines.
Paul, Gregory 7 Aug. 00, 2 Jan. W; -20 June •25 Feb. 1057 Foot.
Payne, ^ir Charles, Bf. ..BoJuly 11 6 Feb. 12 10 April 16 June 20:^25 Dragoons.
Payne, William ]
1 April 22 June 99;8 Foot.
Pc4rd, William Love 19 Oct. 04, 1 Aug. 06 16 Jan. 10 Dec. •2;V02 Foot.
Pearson, Charles 115 Dec. 17 18 May 25-22 .\pril 6 Feb. 35 Unattached.
Peevor, George 1 Dec. 07 Jan. 1 10 2 Sept. 9 June 26 3 Foot.
9 Peml)ertjn,G. Keating '"| 5 Mar. 1017 Dec. 13 3 Oct. 8 July 34 R. Artillery.
Penny, William 1 Feb. 0616 I
June 0819 June 30 Mar. 32 Unattached.
Penruddocke, Thomas ....il5Nov. 97 never 26 Nov. •25 Dec. 02 Scots Fus.Gds.
Pfpyat, Geo. BuicnM '31 Jan. 06 3 Sept. 11 12 Oct.
IR. Marines.
Perry, Joseph 2 June 04 18 I
April 05 7 Dec. 34 Mar. 25l:)4 Foot.
Petre, John |
3 Mav 3 Dec. 02|22 Dragoons.
Pettat, Thomas John 4 May 26 14 .\pril 28|I3 Sept. 8 June 3-2, Unattached.
* Pettincal, Francis never never 26 Dec. I 181411 Pr. Bn. Mil.
* Phelp, Kdward Tufton .never . never -25 Dec. | 1814 2 Pr. Bn. Mil.
5 Phibbs, Wm.
Harloe "" . ,30 Oct. 10>24 June 13 3 June
. 11 May 38 Unattjchetl.
y?a PhiUimore, Wm. R.,13 Dec. 10 never 13 Dec. 1-22 July 24, «1 Foot.
Pbillipps, James Winsloe 8 April 19 17 July 2.3 11 Feb.
. . I
19 Not. •29i Unattached.


Phillipps, Henry May !2 Oct. 25 Nov. 28 18 Dec. 35 Unattached.

19 PhilUps, Bobf. Fryer '«' Oct. 1 Feb. 29 July R. ArtUlery.
Pickwick, Wm. Eleazer Nov. 7 April 2 11 July
April 29! Unattached.
Pigott, Robert June 13 Nov. 9 July 07 25 June 16:1 Gar. Batt.
\3 Pigott, William Mar. ;8 Aug. 5 Nov. 9 July 18!ll Foot.
Pinkerton, Robert Mar. 15 Dec. 9 19 June 16 Oct. 15 R. Marines.
^ ?t® Pitman, William' .^ug. 7 Sept. 1 12 April 10 Jan. 34; Unattached.
Pitts, Francis Nov. 17 Feb. 2 15 April 15 April 36, Unattached.
Place, James Dec. 15 Dec. 14 Sept. 12 June 232 Gar. Batt.
* Pococke, John Blagrave never never 6 Dec. 25 June 02|15 Foot.
Pode, William June Jan. 1 17 May 21125 Oct. 21J33
Pole, Samuel June 27 Aug. 2 15 Aug. 2615 Aug. 26| Unattached.
13 Pollock, Samuel .... May 21 May 18 Feb. 13 25 Mar. 17 43 Foot.
51211 Poole, Wm. Halstead Sept. 10 May 1. 25 Nov. 33I22 Jan. 34 R. Artillery.
\3 Pope, Edward "'^ .... Sept. 28 Sept. 29 Sept. 13 14 Aug. 16 27 Foot.
?3ffiSE Portarlington, J. E. of Oct. 10 Sept. 9 Aug. 31 9 Aug. 31 Unattached.
^ Porteons, Alexander. July 23 July 20 April 1525 July 15 60 Foot.
Porter, William . . . . Oct. 13 Jan. 9 July 3 R.Vct. Baft.
Portman, H. W. Berkeley April 16 Sept. 10 Dec. 25 Nov. 28 Unattached.
^3 Potter, Thomas Nov. 2 Mar. 25 Oct. 25 Dec. 16 Portuguese S.
^ Powell, Francis May 26 Feb. 14 May 1814 45 Foot.
Powell, Peter Oct. 2 Mar. 4 Feb. 26 Feb. 2W.Ind. Reg.
Power, Thomas June !5 Mar. 6 Nov. 2 Dec. 19 60 Foot.
Powys, Thomas never 30 April 2 Jan. 30 April 29 Unattached.
Poyntz, James July 8 Nov. !8 Aug. Kelso's Reg.
Pratt, Henry Oct. 25 Oct. 22 Nov. 25 Feb. 16 58 Foot.
Pratt, James May 22 Jan. 12 Feb. 1 R. Vet. Batt.
^3 Prendergast, James .... Aug. 26 Nov. 7 April 1 Nov. 2' Unattached.
Prendergast, Stephen .... 13 Nov. 11 Feb. 25 .Mar. 26 84 Fuot.
* Price, Charles never 25 Dec. 13 23 Sept. 14 35 Foot.
13 Price, David . Dec. 23 April 8 Oct. 25 Dec. 14 36 Foot.
13 Piice,Rice Mar. 21 July 17 April 25 Dec, 57 Foot.
* Prickett, William never never 25 Dec. 25 June 16 R. Wag. Tr.
13 &\Pr ingle, J. Watson"^ I Aug. 1 May 21 July R. Engineers.
i35iaa Prior, Tho. Murray'" ! Aug. 22 Feb. 28 Nov. 28 Nov. Unattached.
Prosser, Frederick : Dec. 18 Oct. 1 Aug. 2 April 29 Unattached.
Prosser, Walter : April 11 July 24 June Indep. Co.
Protheroe, W. Gar. Bridges Mar. 12 Nov. 8 Oct. 18 Nov. 19 56 Foot.
Purcell, Tobias I Sept. 17 Sept. 30 Aug. 14 May 29 Unattached.
IP Purefoy, Briiisley .... '

Feb. 31 Dec. 20 July 10R.Vet.Batt.

Pyne, Arthur Jan. 12 May 5 June Invalids.

IP Pyner, Francis ; Feb. 25 Mar. 4 April 58 Foot.

IP Quentin,Geo. Edward . !8July 08 17 May 09 16 Oct. 14 25 Dec. 16 Portuguese S.

Quested, Thomas 7 Oct. 05 11 Jan. 11 June 32 R. Marines.
Quill, John Thomas '°' . . . !2 June C9 3 Sept, 5 Oct. 5 Oct 38 Unattached.

WX Rainforth, William . ! Dec. 23 Dec. 13 6 Feb. 9 June 38 Unattached.

51S1 Ramsay, Thomas . . . ) June 16 Feb. 08 17 May 25 Mar. 16 14 Foot.
Randall, Charles : Oct. 23 Aug. 99 14 Feb. 27 Sept. 31 Unattaclied.
Rannie, William May 29 Jan. 08 5 Oct. 22 Feb. 39 Unattached.
* Ravenscroft, Charles . . . never never 3 Dec. 1814 R.Waggon Tr.
Rawlison, George'""* \ May 7 Aug. oe 11 Aug. 25 Feb. 16 8 Foot.
WSA Rawson, William . . !Aug. 29 Mar. 04 4 May 2 July 18 27 Foot.
Read, Constantine 'Nov. 7 April 25 24 Aug. 24 Aug. 32 StafT Corps.
Read, William » Sept. 6 Feb, 13 Jan. 1811 90 Foot.
IP Heardon, Rodol. Hobbs'" ) Aug. 1 Feb, 26 Oct. 26 Oct. 30 Unattached.
IP Rees, Charles April 2 June 04 3 Feb. 25 Dec. 14 53 Foot.
Reeves, Thomas t Sept. 3 Mar. 06 3 Mar. 9 Sept. 16 15 Foot.
Reeves, Thomas '

Sept. 9 Oct. 05 25 June 8 April U) 24 Foot.

IP Reid, Frederick"" never 18 May 03 1 Nov. 1 Nov. 14 Drivers.
IP Reynett, James Henry . ) Sept. 4 June 06 23 July 1814 45 Foot.
Reynolils, James July 4 Nov. 95 6 Sept. 1 R. Vet. Bat.

|) Sffil Iliee, Stephen '" . .

Oct. 17 April 15 25 Dec. 25 Dec. 38 Unattached.
. .. ....



Rifti,John Sampson '". 1 .Mar. (WHO April IH) !) Dec. 2fi| Nov. 30 R. .\rtillery.
Rich, Rnb. James Evelyn 1-2 A«m. 24>!IJun.> 2(1 1 Feb. 31 !1 4 Feb. 3i;ri6 Foot.
Rii-hards, George 2o Jan. !WlSlli-t. 0.1 19 April 12118 Mar. 1 3: R. Marines.
Riehard.i, Hood I j Aug. lulilt Jan. 24il4 Nov. 20 14 Nov. 20 Tnatfached.
Richardson, Charles .May 1059 Foot.
13 Nov. 9924 April 04 10 Feb. 14 20
Richardson, Frederick Dec. 2417 Sept. 2928 Dec. 32^. Foot.
19 April l.>|l8
Richanlson, Mcrvyn 2 -May 24^ 4 Feb. 2f> 4 Feb. 20|tTnattached.
19 July lo:
Ru-hard.son, Thomas 3 .Sept. .Mar. 08|22 -May IG 4 Sept. 17 7 Dragoons.
07J10 |

9M Richardson, Wm. S.'" 23 Feb. 13 5 June 15 24 Dec. 2.1 24 Dec. 25,1'nattaehed.

Rickards. Henry 29 Aug. 07 23 Sept. 08 3 Mar. 18 .May 20 Unattached.
• Rickards, WiUiam never never 25 Dec. 25 Aug. in!04 Foot.
Ridding, WUliam 21 Oct. 95 ) Oct. 97| 3 Aug, 5 -Mar. 18|59 Foot.
Riddle, William 17 Nov. 03 20 July 04 10 Mar. 10 25 Sept. 10 4 Ceylon Reg.
• Riddlesden, Richard never never [25 Dec. 13 25 Sejit. 14 4 Foot.
Ridge, Geo. Cooper 1795 17 June 0C| 4 Dec 10 June 08 4 Foot.
Ridge, Rob. Stuart '" 8 Sept. 14 28 Dec. 21'29 Sept. 37 29 Sept. 37lUnattached.
)9 iU Ridgway,John A.'" 25 Jan. 9 May 12|24 Dec. 2!) 19 Julv 31 'Unattached.
• Ridgway, Sainuel never 25 Dec. 13 1814 85 Foot.
mrer.i,Jai.John Campbell 18 Mar. 0C17 April 12 27 May 34 R. Marines.
9 tM Roberts, John '"' . 21 April 08 12 Oct. Oi) 7 April 2.: 21 June 27 Unattached.
Rilnrts, John Cramer . 18 Jan. 1.') 13 June 10,14 July 2.' 14 Julv 25 Unattached.
. .

Robertson, Alexander 10 Nov. 00,28 Nov. 10

. . . Mar. 6 Mar. Unattached.
Robertson, Charles 21 Aug. 05,10 Jan. 0' 6 Mav 18 Mar. 19 Meuron'sReg.
Rol>ertson, Fre<lerick 22 Dec. 03 20Julv 04l;23 July 10 Oct. 21 R. Artillery.
• Robertson, John never never 25 Dec. 25 Sept. 14 14 Foot.
Robertson, Patrick 10 Jan. 01 4 Aug. 05 13 Aug. 4 Feb. 3.'j R. Marines.
Robinson, Beverley 10 Mav 05 1 June 06 20 Jan. 1 April 17 R. Artillery.
Robinson, Joseph 21 April 14 18 Nov. 24 7 June 39] 7 June 39 Unattached.
Robinson, Wm. Henry 1 April 01 15 .\ug. 05 18 April 2622 May 30 R. Marines.
Roche, Joseph 15 Dec. 04 10 Feb. 07 16 May 111 3 R. Vet. Bat.
RoUo, Robert A.'" 17 Aug. 03 12 Sept. 03 29 Dec. 10|l2 April 20 H. Artillery-.
Rollo, Hon. Roger 13 Aug. 94 9 Sept. 94118 April 01 24 Nov. 02 R. Artillen-.
Rose, Ge<irge Pitt ill Julv 22 •2 April 24|29 Aug. 2615 Sept. 37 9 Dragoons.
P Rose, Hugh Hay 14 July 04| 3 Oct. 05125 Oct. 1425 Dec. 16 Portu. Sery.
Rose, H. M. St. Vincent .. 8 Jan. 1828 Nov. 2l|9June 2520 April 26 Unattached.
Rose, James Pratt 11 Feb. 1 June 0931 Aup Ni: 66 Foot. i

9 Rose, Thomas GJuly 8 Oct. 06 15 Sept. 14,25 Dec. 14 Foot.

Rt>se, William 8 Feb. 3 Sept. 94 15 Nov. 94l 97 Foot.
19Ross,J.(Q.J/.GJuIy9C)"* never 9 Sept. 09,30 Dec. 36i30 Dec. 36 Unattached.
Rous, Hon. Wm. Rufus never 17 Dec. 12 18 Nov. 1924 April 23 Portuguese.
Rowan, William 27 May 02| 6 April 09, 9 June 20 1 Nov. 21 84 Foot.
1} Royal, John 4 May 09| 3 Oct. 11 10 Nov. 13 R. Vet. Bat.
§ Royds, WUliam 16 Feb. 0{<,15 Feb. 09, 9 June 14 25 Feb. 17 52 Foot.
^ Rudkin, Mark 12 July 0529 Jan. 07,21 Jan. 13 15 May 28 47 Foot.
Runnacles, .\nthony ]ll Dec. 15,22 Sept. 23 10 Jan. 37 27 Mar. 37 R. .\rtillery.
9 Ryves, John . .
12 Oct. 99ll9 May 00.25 Mar. 08 25 Feb. 16 .58 Foot.

Salmond, James 31 Dec. 2711 Jan. 3i:K)Oct. 27 Jan. 38 Unattached.

Sampson, W. H 14 Oct. 13' 15 April 191 3 Nov. 1 Feb. 39iUnattached.
Sanderson, Edward 18 Mar. 95 6 Sept. 05''2.j June 2 Feb. 08 Scotch Brig.
P Sandes, John '^ 18 Mar. 13 4 May 1517 Mav 28 June 3;3 Unattached.

9 Sandwith, Fred. Browne 8 OcU 06-S) Aug. 0731 Mar. 14^25 Dec. 1 4138 Foot.
Sandys, Miles 23 Oct. 79; 6 .Mar. 1: 104 Foot

9 Saunderson. Wm. Basset 6 ilar. 07^28 April 08 4 Mar. 9 May 22j.i0 Foot.
Saycr, Joshua Sajfrey . . . 10 Aug. 99; 1 Sept. 04 -io June R. Marines.
IP Scarcill, James '"^
12 April 10 21 Oct. 12 17 Jan. 6 July 3^2 Unattache<l.
<tS\ Schreiher, George . . . 23 Dec. 13,11 July 16 9 N.iv. 9 Nov. 21 18 Dragoons.
Schultz, John Frederick . ,11 Dec. 07-23 June 0816 Nov. 19 Sept. 221 Portu. Scnr.
Scott, Charles 13 Feb. 0610 Jan. 12' 1 9 Mar. 11 April 36|R. Marines.
Scott, Chas. Rochfort . . . 2 Jan. 1-2 -20 Julv 1.V2.J June 2.5 June 30 Staff Corps.

Scott, Rich, .\ndrew 28 Feb. Ujl9 Mar. •2.-,24 Aug. 32:24 Aug. 32 Staff Corps.
Scriven, John 28 Feb. 9rt2] Oct. 981 M^y 07| 9 Aug. 14 R. Marines.

9 Seward, Elliot '" 29 Sept. 04 3 July 05110 Mav lo'ulJan. 18|R. ArtUlery.
Shand, John Uuller •J Feb. 01 28 Aug. 04 15 Jan. 12h25 Jan. 17-^9 Foot.
r. G
. . .

Sharp, Henry Jelf I May 18 U July 25 '
Oct. Unattached.
Shai-p, William t April 93 6 Oct. 94 ! Feb. Indep. Comp.
Shaw, George ) April 07 20 April 08 •July iDec. 18 96 Foot.
Shawe, Rich. Fleetwood . J June 23 14
July '
April i Jan. 3' Unattached.
Shawe, Francis Manby .... never May 13 ; Oct. I April 26 Unattached.
Shearman, John Feb. 06 27 Nov. 06 > Feb. • Dec. 7 Foot.
Sheppard, Walter Cope .... May 23 10 Nov ) April » June 31 Unattached.
^ Sherran, William 22 Aug. 09 10 July 01 ! Sept. 25 Sept. 16 43 Foot.

j^ Shinkwin, Rich. Walter Sept. 12 Feb. 20 ) Sept. 7 June 39 Unattached.

Short, William Henry .... Dec 7930(Oct. 80 •July Mar.
^ Shum, William Dec 07;
Feb. 10 '
Siboni, William Sept. 13 8 Nov. 15 . Jan.
Silver,Jacob Sept Oct. 18 . Mar.
Sime, Robert Mar. April 01 i Mar.
Simmons, Thos. Frederick"'^ May 06 1 Feb. 07 ! Sept.
Simpson, Alexander Sept. 9624 Oct. 99 .Nov.
Sisson, Joseph Sept. 0626 Aug. 08 April
Sitwell, William Hurt 20 17 Sept.
Ajiril 25 • Aug.
'49 Shetie, Alexander May 07 July 09 . Nov.
SMnner, Henry Bryant '" Mar. 09 Jan. • July
Skirrow, James Dec. 03 Jan. ! Sept.
Skynner, Aug. Ciias Oct. 16 Mar. 25 ! April
Slater, Henry Francis .... May 15 Nov. 20 I June
Sleigh, William May 00 Feb ) Mar.
Small, Robert Oct. 11 Sept. 14 • Oct.
Smart, George John Sept. 22 July 25 • Dec.
Smith, Edm. Carrington . Dec. 19 Feb. 25 i April
Smith, Henry Nelson .... Mar. 10 May II ) Aug.
Smith, John Aug. 99 May 01 . June
Smith. John Oct. 07 Nov. 09 .May
Smith, John April 29 May 33 ) Aug.
Smith, Robt. Geo. Suckling Dec. 12 June 15 i Sept.
Smyth, M'illiam Thomas . Sept. 25 28 i July
Somerville, Mark, Lord^^^ Sept. 03 Dec. 03 ) April
JSiSa Souter, David Hay 11 Sept. 12 ! Feb.
Southwell, Hon. Chas. KH. never July 95 '
^ 5133 Spalding, John ''^ . Jan. 14 Mar. 26 ; June
Spearman, James Morton July 15 Jan. i Oct.
J9 Spearman, John Mar. 98 Aug. 99 ! April
Spedding, John never Aug. 95 i May
Spry, Henry Jan. 01 July 05 > June
Spurin, John Feb. 97 Nov. 01 iJuly
^ Stainforth, John Mar. 03 July 03 » Feb.
Stampa, Anthony Dec. 97 July 00 • Oct.
^ Stanford, Francis'* .. . Oct. 13 Sept. 20 . Mar.
* Stanier, George never never I Dec.
^3 Stanley, Mark Anth.'"'. June 09 Aug. 10 • Dec.
* Stapleton, Wm. Philip . never never > Dec.
Stapley, Thomas April 05 Aug. OG i July
Staunton, William Jan. 95 June 96 • Nov.
Steele, John never never i Sept.
^ Stephens, Henry Wm. . Aug. 04 June 05 i Feb.
Stephenson, Edward Oct. 08 Sept, '
Stephenson, Wm. Walter . Jan. 12 Aug. 13 i Oct.
T$ Sterne, William Sept. 04 26 Sept. 06 I June
Steuart, James April 1 Dec. 25 i Nov.
512a Steuart, John'™ June 13 Nov. ! Nov.
fflSI Steuart, Robert Aug. 12 Aug. 14 I Mar.
Steward, John Chas. Tucker Dec. 92 2 Sept. 94 [ Nov.
Steward, Thomas Carr July 03 Aug. July
U Stewart, Allan
™ Dec. 12 July

i June
13 Stewart, Daniel April 09 21 Nov. 10 » Dec.
Stewart, David Ogilvy . April 99 July 01 '
^P ilSl Stewart, Duncan" June 05 Jan. 07 ' Aug.
....... 1

BT, f

Stewart, Hen. Wm. St'ymouf •JiOet. lWi4 0ct. Slfi'i Mav 2(1 June 3(l|Cnattaclie(l.
St4^wiirt, Jniiics 1(> Mav Oo 15 Jan. 06. i) June 14il4 .Mar. -21 87 Foot.
:?tow;irt, James '•2». Aug. 94 Cheshire Iltg.
9 Sti'wurt, James 18 Oct. m 1 April Vi -J June *2 Nov. 27|l-'nattaehcd.
Stt-wart, Joseph Kin;; .... II Dec. 17 16 Dec. 10^ « April 8 .\pril aOllnattaehed.
P iil Stewart, HolK-rt II Oct. I>.'il3 Mav 08 27 April 1 -May •28|l'nattaclied.
Stinart, Walter James .... 7 July OSl.'.Aue. 05 31 July 20'^27 Sept. -27 U. Marines.

P St. r.,^'e, Stei)iie\ .... i8 May

07 Aug. 07I(iJun'e •2.'> May '2() Unattached.
• Still, Nathaniel
Tyron . never never -ib Dec. •25 Sept. 14 5 Foot.
St. Li-^er, .'.
. . 26 Oct. 2 Dec. 19-25 Sept. •25 .-Vug. -25 Port. Serv.
Stwkenstrom, Andrew .... Sept. 7 June 14i'25 Mav -20 July •20Cor5ican Ran.
Stacker, Ires 14 Dec. 1 Julv l-2j-29July H. Engineers.
Stnpford, Thomas IS April -26 •20 Nov. 'iryi April 17 April 35 Unattached.
Storj-, GeorRe Walter .... 7 Feb. -n 20 May 25j G Julv C July 3(1 Unattached.
Straith, Hi-ctor 6 Julv 09 2!) Aug. 11-26 Aug. 1-2 Jan. '2(1 Unattached.
Straker, James •26 .Mav Oct. 04-2!) Sept. •27 May '24 York Chas.
Stranse, Charles ilav 25 Dec. '2:1-21 Nov. •21 Nov. -28 Unattached.
Stranjrwaycs, Thomas .... 17 Feb. 03 June 04 4 June 13 Jan. 20 12 Foot.
Stranjfways, Oeorjie Fox 5 Oct. . 8 April •25'-25 June 8 June 38 Unattached.
Strangtcnyt, Wm. Henry 6 Julv . 03 15 Aug. 0531 July R. Marines.
Straulwnzce, Charles •28 Oct. 5 Sept. fK>|I4 Dec. 15 Oct. 07 6W. I. Reg.
Stuart, Charles Augustus . •26 Nov. 18 Feb. 08114 Oct. -24 10 April -29 Unattached.
Stuart, Hon. James 11 Jan. 7 April -25 Nov. -27 18 Oct. 3!) I'nattached.
Stuart, Hon. John 1-2 July 14 Nov. iel-27 Aug. -25-27 .\ug. 25!Unattached.
Stuart, John Morton 11 June 1^2 6 Jan. U'U! :\Iav •2-lii Si]it. -25 Unattached.
55:1 Stupurt, Francis "' . 5 Mav 0814 D.c. 0!l2iljulv 15-25 Miir. ll!-2I)ra.„'c)ons.
Stnr.reon, Philip 14 Julv 8(M8 April '.a-ll April !)(3(lNc>v. (14 R. Marines.
Suckling, Nelson Fleming:. 16 Jan. •23I-23 June -25 13 Mar. •27 13 Mar. •27iUnattached.
P Stiiht-rUmd, A ndreic .... 7 April 04-27 June 05 13 Mav 13| R. Vet. Bat.
Sutherland, E<iwanl •27 Nov. If 14 April •25-25 Dec. 38-25 Dec. 38 Unattached.
SntherlamI, Geo. M'Kay . •2.\ug. 1 14 Oct. 5 June 2821 Nov. -28 23 Dragoons.
Sutherland, Hugh .\lex. . '2 July 94 11 Oct. 94 10 July 0ri5 April 13.10 Foot.
Sutton, Samuel Ives 2-2Sept. -25 16 Nov. -20 11 June 30-20 Oct. 37iPortu. Serv.
Sweeny, Charles Fred 1-2April 10 7 May 1-2 •29 Dec. 37 -29 Dec. 37 Unattached.
Sweeny, James 9 Sept. 13 9 April -25 15 Feb. 39:15 Feb. 391Unattached.
Sweny, Wclhorc Ellis .... 1 Mav 6 Feb. 17:19 Nov. 25 21 Sept. 30 9 Foot.
Synuot, Walter 7 June 93 3 Sept. 95! 7 Dec. 97 1803 89 Foot.

P Tcmpleton, Edward .... -25 Julv 05 -29 Mav 06 4 May 15 4 Nov. 1947 Foot.
P Tench, Henry 9 Julv 03il5 Dec. 04 -24 July 12!-25 Feb. 16 10 Foot.
Tenison, Barton '" 7 .Mar. Ilr22 0ct. 14 Dec. 15| 4Jan. .33 Unattached.
• Terry, John never neverI 5 Dec. 13| 1814174 Foot.
Terry .John 6 May 06} 6 Aug. 31 Jan. li;-24 Aug. •20:101 Foot.
• Terry, Stephen never neverI
5 Dec. 99I 3 Sept. 018 Foot.
|) Thatcher, SackvilleZ.'" 1 Nov. 10-26 Aug. 8 Feb. 39' 6 Dee. 3!) Unattached.
Thnmps<in, Edward 9 Nov. 07 1 Mar. 13 June l(i!l0 Au;:.19 Stafl" Corps.
P Tli..nipsou, E. Colley'". 31 .Mar. 0831 Mav 14 Sept. 32 14 Sept. 32 Unattached.
{) Tli'impson, James 19 June 00 15 Oct. •2:1 .Mav 16-25 Jan. 17 89 Foot.
Thomson, James 18 Aug. 07jl9 Julv -26 Dec. 35 R. Marines.
Thome, William 17 Mar. 99|26 Jan. 14 Mav 07I-25 June 16 1 Gar. Bat.
Tliur5hy, Charles 3 Oct. 26110 Nov. 28 June 31 : 1 June 32^29 Foot.
TinliUL'', Chas. Hugh Lvle. 20 Nov. Hi 3 Mav 30 Dec. 34 3 Aug. 38 7 Font.
551 Tompkins, New. Rich. -21 Nov. 11 10 Dec. 19 Sept. '26:i5June 30 Unattached.
Toole, William Dec. 05-25 Aug. 9 Nov. 14:19 April 17 40 Foot.
Toomer, Edward Alexamler •28 Feb. 97 Mar. 15 Jan. 10 2 June 21 R. Marines.
Torriano, C. Stran-rways '" •25 April 06,-22 Oct. 16 June 23 15 April '29 R. Artillery.
Town*end, Sam. Irwin . . . 14 Julv 8i). never 28 Aug. 99d6July 03Gren. Gds.
5S Traiford, Sigismund '•*
7 June W-2.^ Julv 9 Nov. 15 '2.5 Mar. 161 Dragoons.
Trevillian, Maurice Ceely . 4 .Mar. 1330 Sept. 13 Sept. 2i;i3 Sept. 21 14 Draeoons.
Triscott, Joseph -2 June 97 21 Julv 03 '26 Oct. 10; 1 Sept. 14 R. -Marines.
TmlI..|K?, Arthur -21 Feb. 28 '23 Aug. 3l|24 Mar. 37110 Aug. 3920 Dragoons.
P Trotter, John'" •2»i Nov. 081 1 Nov. 11,19 Jan. SohiOAug. 31 R. Artillery.
Trotter, Ki.bert Knox 12 .Mav 6 July
-2.-J '26i 9 Aug. 27 '2 Dec. 36Snb.In.ofMiI.
Trowcr, Anthony I .Mar. 03 -2 Dec. 04 15 Julv 131-25 June 1 5 4 Cevinn Re-^.



Tucher, John Tudor '"^ . . . 7 July 14 April 13 27 May 34 R. Marines.

Tupman, John 31 Oct. 24 Mar. 00 19 July 10 29 April 19 4 W. I. Regt.
Turner, Edw. Geo. T. Page 4 May 4 Jan. 20 Dec. 4 May 15 3 Dragoons.
Turner, Richard 12 Feb. 1 Dec. 9 Feb. 16 Feb. R. Marines,
Siaa Turner, William 23 May 6 Feb. 3 Nov. 19 27 June 22 78 Foot.
Tweed, Augustus 3 May 12 Sept. 11 5 June 5 June 27 Unattached.
^ Tweedie, Michael "^ 1 May . . . 17 June 12 22J'uly 30 17 Dec. 33 R. Artillery.
H fflSa Tyndale, Chas. W.»» 9 May 3 June 13 5 Aug. 24 I Sept. 37 Unattached.

Ussher, John ™' 30 May 09 31 July 11 28 Dec. 32 13 Jan. 37 Unattached.

Vandeleur, Thos. Pakenhara April 15 .5 Dec. 16 Dec. Jan. Unattached.

Vanderpant, Dirk Aug. 99 11 June 22 May 25 June 9 Foot.
Vane, Cliarles Birch Dee. 20 17 Dec. 19 July 19 July Unattached.
Varlo, George June 93 24 April 15 July 23 Aug. R. Marines.
^ Vaughan, Herb. Henry^"^ June 09 16 Jan. 4 Sept. 25 Jan. Unattached.
T^ Ventry, T. T.Arem.iord never 5 Feb. 8 Aug. II Dee. 43 Foot.
Vernon, Bowater Henry . Oct. 16 8 July 28 Jan. 28 Jan. Unattached,
19 Vetch, James July 07 1 Mar. 21 July 11 Mar. R. Engineers.
P Vincent, George Sept. 04 7 June 5 Oct. 25 Feb. 4 Foot.
19 Vincent, John Read .... Sept. 0418 April 29 July 25 Feb. 4 Foot.
Vincent, Tliomas Oct 10 Aug. 8 June 12 Dec. York Rangers
19 Visme, Francis de Mar. 10 31 Dec. 19 Mar. 21 Feb. 60 Foot.
Vyvyan, Thomas Aug. 04 Feb. 5 Dec. 13 July 41 Foot.

19 Wainman, Wilham . . . ) Sept. 10 Nov. 13 Feb. ) Mar. 16 14 Dragoons,

19 Wiiinwricrht, Henry M.™ i Jan. 3 Sept. 3 Jan. i Nov. 30 Unattached,
Wake, Richard Wilham . ) .\pril 22 April 10 July i May 32 African Corps
19 Walutield (iilbert '
June 8 Sept. 25 July i Oct. 27 Unattached,
19 Walker, Harry I Jan. 28 Aug. 22 July I R, Vet. Batt

19 Walker, Isaac ' Feb. 10 Nov. 20 Mar. April 15 45 Foot.

Walker, Thomas ) June 29 Feb. 9 Nov. I Nov. 21 19 Dragoons.
19 Walker, William ijuly 13 June 22 Mar. 1 June 15 24 Foot.
19 Walker, William Dec. 14 Sept. 30 Dec. I Aug. 20 7 W. I. Regt,
Waller, Aldcroft i Feb. I
1 Jan. 12 Nov. '

Dec. 18 90 Foot,
* Waller, John never never 25 Dec. i Dec. 19 88 Foot,
Wallis, William Ogle ) April 28 April :0 Feb. Indep. Co.
Walsh, John I Nov. I
1 Dec. 20 June ^Feb. 23 R. Artillery
Ward, John '
Sept. 20 Mar. 22 Oct. IOct. 16 24 Foot.
* Warner, Richard never never i5 Dec. >Sept. 14 Foot.
Warren, George I Dee. I
8 Dec. ODec. ;Dec. 18 3 W. I. Regt.
Warrington, Thornhill . . . i Nov. 1 !2 Nov. 23 Jan. iJuly 23 76 Foot,
Waterman, Hcnrv i Aug. I
!3 June 3 May 1 Dec. 28 Unattached,
P Watkins, Will.' iVowell . 1 June i
2 June 8 Jla'r. I ()ct 48 Foot,
Watson, Ifiiii. Richard .... ! June S3 Nov. 19 May I Sept.31) Unattached.
Watson, William April '
!CApril 20 Nov. '

Mar. 22 21 Dragoons.
Webb, Chas. Campbell . . . i Nov. I
2 July 1 July 1816 72 Foot.
Webb, Daniel Peploe i Oct. 11 Julv 12 Dec. IDec. 28 Unattached.
M'et>li,John ,
> Dec. I 18 July 3 July IJuly 29 Unattached.
19 WMie, John Wynne ) Mar. I 20 July 23 Sept. 7 R. Vet. Batt
Wchh, Robert =" i Sept. I 19 May 7 Mar. R. Marines.
Weill), , 1 Jan. I
14 Mar. 31 Mar. Oct. 23 Foot.
iS8IlWelib,Vere =''' !May 9 Dec. 19 Aug. Sept. 31 Unattached.
aaa Webster, James C.^^ . . April 13 July 12 Nov. Dec. 27 Unattached.
Webster, Tlmmas \ May ! 29 July !5 June 1805 York Rangers
Weeks, Forster Israel . . . > May I
31 July 6 Feb. Aug. 16 Glengarry Fe.
Welch, Stephen J. W. F. .. '
A tig. '

19 Sept. 6 Sept. Sept. 27 Cape Reg.

Wchhman, Geo. Thomas . Aug. I 27 July 17 Mar. R. Marines,
19 Wellings, George [ Feb. 14 Nov. 23 Mar. June 25 Unattached,
ffliB Wells, Fortescuc™' . [ Oct. ( I Feb. 29 July July 25 R. Artillery
* Welsh, Conway never never 25 Dec. Sept. 14 40 Foot.
Wemyss, James I April 31 Jan. 22 Oct. 25122 Oct. 25 Unattached.
Wostropp, Lionel Jolin . . . IJulv ( 28 April Mar. 07 28 Oct. 19 95 Foot.
Wetherall, Charles'"' 8 Aug. 29 June 24 27 June 34 Unattached.
. .


I June 20143 Foot.

|l fil Wharton, WiUiara"'
\\ hit!', KriHlerick
5 June 3o.l*nattaohed.
1814 61 Foot.
P White, John
6 Dec. 27 Unattached.
^ Whitle, Robert i5
•iX> Feb. 109 Foot.
(I WhitlfV, Jaine*
37 13 Jan. 37X'nattached.
Wifburv, John Andrew""..
1814 48 Foot.
Wichtmaii, Oeorije
19 April 31 (staff Corps.
Wilftml, Ernest Christian.
l3R.Vet. Batt.
9 iri7iin.«>n, William
Willard, Leonard Kilham
25 Feb. 16|ll Foot.
9 Williams, James 1 Sept. 14^R. Marines.
Williams, Joseph
8 April -iclUnattached.
WilUams, Robert
•»oJune 10,7 W.Ind. Reg.
Williams, Rowland Edward
•io Dec. 0l|4<< Foot.
Williams, William
•27 Nov. loR. Marines.
Wills, Thomas Lake
25 Mar. 16;20 Dragoons.
Willson, Thomas
2.1 Feb. 1057 Foot.
Wilson, Edward
Wilson, James
5 May
37 Coldstr. Gds.
R. Marines.
Wilion, John
13 Feb. 27|Unattached.
Wilson, Joseph Fraser
24 Dec. 05 R. Marines.
Wilson, Peter Theodore
June 17J83 Foot.
Wilv, Daniel
Thomas 95|l7 Feb. OsU Foot.
Wirlckley, .

i 12,25 14|17 Dragoons.

Windliam, Joseph Smyth . .

* WiuningtoK, Hen. Jeffreysj 132-5 Sept. 143!) Foot.

21 6 Sept. 21 15 Foot.
Wishart, .\lexander ^14
Witts, John ,12 08 30 Sept. 13 R. Slarines.
29 13.25 Dc-c. 14 28 Foot.
9 E.lward
\> olfe,
3dl9 Mar. 37 Sub.Ins.ofMil
Wolfe. Richard"' 7
26 5 June 32 R. Marines.
Wolrise, .Ambrose A. R. 4 . .

Wolselev, Rob. Benj.'" 5 25 13 April 32'22 Dragoons.


25 10 Sept. 2567 Foot.

SB W.iod, John Manley ..]19
"'" 25 12 July 33 Unattached.
Wooilfortl, '8
12^ R. Vet. Batt.
Woodt. Riehard
24 18Jtme 24 R. .» rtillery.
9 Woolcombe, Robert'" ..
30 8 Mar. 31 Unattached.
Workman, Thomas
Worsley, James White .... 26 1 Jan. 33 Sub.Ins.ofMil
25!29 Oct. 2U 88 Foot.
Wortley, Hon. Chas. Stuart "io

Wrench, E. Ommanney 08 25 July 14 9 Dragoons.

9 j

1829 Xov. 21 AfricanCorps.

9 Wrench, Wm. UandtieUl \

Wriiiht, George |11

2630 Sept. 33 R. Marines.
• Wright, Samuel SKI 24 Feb. 00 35 Foot.
Wright, Thomas |
<> 18 30 Dec. 19 95 Foot.
Wulff, Kenelm Chandler . . 29 27 6 .Not. 27, R. Artillery.
Wyatt, Alei. H. L. 17 3231 Dec. 30 Unattached.
Wyatt, Samuel 2S 27 19 April 36|R. Artillery.
99i Indep. Co.
Wvkc, George
W'yndhani, AIe.\. Wadham 16 2626 July 27'Unattached.
Wynn, Sir William |
3 00 jlDTalids.

Wynne, Abraham Wm."' 16 17 29 Mar. 27| Unattached.

P 16 39 -iS Sept. 39iR. Artillery.
Wynne, John

Yannoath,H.S.C.fiiri<,/;24Fcb. 2024 Oct. 212.5 Mar. 23'l 7 April 2322 Dragoons.

Y^^,Con,ta.,tine ...'.' o Mar. 10 21 Oct. 1331 Aug. 20 13 Dec. 32:Staff Corps.
Yrang,jam..s U Oct. 21 2S Jan. 20.31 July 28,19 .Mar. 29,88 Foot.
10 July 03 12 Sept. K,^fl\ July 26| iR. Marines.
Younn WUliam
Not. 01 22 April 021 1 Jan. 1 1 :25 Dec. 17153 Foot.
9 Yoonghusband, Robert. .
Notes to the Captains,

1 Captain J. H. Adair served at the capture of Martinique and Les Saintes in 1809 of ;

Guadaloupe in 1810, and again in 1815.

2 Captain T. R. Agnew served the campaigns of 1808, 9, 12, and 13 in the Peninsula,
and was present at the capture of Oporto, battle of Talavera, and subsequent affairs also ;

at the battle of Vittoria,where his leg was so severely fractured as to require three separate
amputations of the thigh.
3 Sir James Alexander served with the armies in the field during the late Burman, Per-
sian, Turkish, Portuguese, and Kaffir wars.
4 Captain Andros served the campaigns of 1814 and 15 in Ghuzerat and Kutch, and was
present at the capture of the forts of Joosin, Anjar, Khuncoote, Dhingee, and Dwarka.
Served also throughout the Mahratta campaigns of 1816, 17, and 18, including the battle
before, and subsequent capture of Poona, and the affair of Ashtee.
5 Captain Robert Armstrong served in the Peninsula, from July, 1809 to Jan. 1810, and
again from Oct. 1811 to Feb. 1814, iucluding the battle of Talavera ; storming the forts, and
battle of Salamanca ;siege of Burgos, and blockade of Pampeluna.
6 Captain Atherton's services : —
Peninsula from 1810 to the end of the war, and was
present at the sieges of Cadiz and Tarifa. Deccan campaign of 1817 and 18. Expedition
to the Persian Gulf in 1819 and 20, including the siege of Ras-el-Khyma, &c. Burmese
war in 1825 and (i.
7 Captain Atkin served at Walcheren in 1809, and in the Peninsula from Dec. 1810 to
the end of the war, including the battle of Albuhera sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz ;

battle of Salamanca ; forts at Burgos and Madrid covering the retreat from Burgos battle
; ;

of Vittoria; siege of San Sebastian; action in the Pyrenees, and investment of Bayonne,
besides various affairs of minor importance. Wounded in crossing the Bidassoa, 7 Oct.
1813, and again before Bayonne, 28 Feb. 1814.
8 Captain G. Macleod Baynes served in the Peninsula, from Sept. 1812 to the end of the
war, including the battles of the Pyrenees (30th July), Nivelle, and Toulouse. Served also
at Quatre Bras and Waterloo.
9 Captain Beavan served in the Peninsula, from March 1813, to the end of the war, and
was present at the investment of Bayonne.
10 Captain Berington served at Walcheren in 1809.
11 Captain George Birch served at the siege of Flushing in 1809.
12 Captain James Birch served at the siege of Cadiz.
13 Captain Blagrave served with expeditions to Quiberon Bay, 1795, and to the
Helder in 1799.
14 Captain Bland served in the Mahratta war, including the captures of Nagpore and
Asseerghur. Commanded two companies of the Royals at the taking of the Hill Forts in
Candeish. Received a contusion on the head from a matchlock ball in NuUyghaum, and
was severely wounded in the leg at Asseerghur.
15 Captain Blennerhasset served at Uuatre Bras and Waterloo 16th, I7th, and 18th
June. Also in Ava in 1825.
16 Captain Boardman served at the capture of the French West India Islands in 1809,
and in 1815.
17 Captain Boyes served in the American war, and was present in the actions at Bladeus-
burg, Baltimore, and New Orleans.
18 Captain Brereton (as a volunteer with the 63d regiment), was present in every action
and service with the corps throughout the campaign of 1799 in North Holland. Present at
the sieges and capture of Ter Vere, and Flushing, in Walcheren in 1809. Also at the
capture of Guadaloupe in 1815, including the assault of the heights of Baliffe (wounded)
and Boulogne, and the fortified position of Morne Honnell. Severely wounded at Egmont-
op-Zee, 6th Oct. 1799, and slightly at Ferrol, 1800.
Notes to tlif Captains.

IS*Captain EdwsrJ Brown served at the capture of GuaJaloupc in 1815.

20 Captaiu Thomas Brown was severely wounded at Quatre Bras.
21 Captain Burgcs was severely wounded at Waterloo.
22 Captain Alexander Burke served in the American war, including the action at
23 Captain James Burke was slightly wounded at Quatre Bras, and severely at Waterloo.
2-4 Captain J. C. Burton served on the eastern coast of Spain from March 1813, to the

end of the war.

25 Captain John Cameron's services: —
Campaign of 1808 and 'J, including the battle of
Comnna. Expedition to Walcheren. Peninsula, from Jan. 1810 to the end of the war,
including the battles of Busaco, Fuentes d'Onor, Salamanca, Nivelle, Nive, and
26 Captain .\lexander Campbell (h. p. 35 regiment). Served in the Peninsula from
Sept. 1812 to the end of the war, and subsetiuently in the Netherlands and France, including
the battles of the Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, Orthes, Toulouse, and Waterloo. Seried also in
the Burmese war in 182-1, 5, and (>.

2" Captain Archibald Campbell served in the Peninsula from April, 1810, to the end of
the war, including the battle of Busaco Lines at Torres Vedras, affair at Campo Mayor,

battle of .\lbuhera, 1st and 2nd sieges of Badajoz, affair at Arroya de Molinos, battles of
Vittoria, Pyrenees. Pampeluna, (^severely wounded in the side). Nive 9th Dec, and Bay-
onne 13th Dec, taking Isle de Role, battles of Orthes, .\ire. and Toulouse. Head severely
injured 24th June. 181:1, when pursuing the enemy to Pampeluna.
28 Captain Donald Campbell was slightly wounded at Waterloo.
2y Captain John Campbell (h. p. 2Cth regiment), served at New Orleans.
30 Captain W'm. Campbell (1st), served in the Peninsula, from .\ugust, 1811, to June,
1813, including the storming of Badajoz, battle of Salamanca, advance to Madrid, siege of
Burgos, affair of Villa Muriel on the retreat from Burgos.
31 Captain Wm. Campbell (2d) served in the Peninsula with the Kifle Brigade.
32 Captain Cardew served at Walcheren in 180y.
33 Captain Carnegie served in Portugal, from Nov. 1809 to 1811.
34 CapUin Daniel Caulfield served in the Mediterranean and the Peninsula, from April,
1806, to the end of the war, including the captures of .Santa Maura, and the islands of
Ischia and Procida, and siege of Tarragona. Served also in the .American war, including
the actions of Bladensburg, Baltimore, and New Orleans, at which last he was slightly
35 Captain John J. Chapman served with the expedition to Walcheren, and was present at
the siege of Flushing.
3fi Captain (ieorge Chichester served during the rebellien in Ceylon in 1818. Served also
at the siege of Bhurtpore, and was wounded at the assault.
3" Captain Donald Chisholm was slightly wounded at Quatre Bras.
38 Captain Pryce Clark was engaged on the 17th and 18th June, at Waterloo, and sub-
sequent taking of Cambray. Served in Caft'raria in 1820 and 21.
39 Captain Charles Close joined the army under the Duke of Wellington at the close of
the Peninsular war.
40 Captain Cochrane served on the frontiers of the United States throughout the last war
with America, including the actions at Fort George, Niagara, and Fort Erie.
41 Captain Colby sened at Walcheren in 1809.
42 Captain F. M. Colthurst served in the Peninsula from August, 1810, to the end of
the war.
43 Captain James R. Colthurst was slightly wounded at Waterloo.
44 Captain Charles Connor's services :— Expedition to Walcheren in 1809. Campaigns
of 1813 and 14 in the Peninsula, including the following, viz. Vittoria, Pass of Roncesvalles,
Pyrenees, Echelar, Nivelle, and Orthes. Besides the above, he served during Sir John
Moore's campaign in S|iain, as a volunteer with the 15th Hussars, and was in the actions at
Rueda. and Bencvente.
45 Captain Conrady served at the taking of Kandy and the Kandyan Provinces in Ceylon
in 1815. Also at the suppression of the rebellion in 1817 and 18.
46 Captain R. 11. Spencer Cooper served the campaign of 1814 in Holland.
47 CapUin Cottell served at the battle of Trafalgar.
48 Captain Cotton served at the capture of the islands of Ischia and Procida in 1809, and
at the siege of Genoa in 1814.
49 Captain Edmund Cox served at the siege and capture of Hattras, and the Mahratta
campaigns of 1817 and 18. Also in the Burmese war in 1825 and 6.
50 Captain Coxwell served at Copenhagen in 1807, and at Flushing, 1809.
51 Captain Thomas Cradock was severely wounded at Waterloo.

52 CapUin George Cresswell's services: Rebellion in Ireland. Compaign of 1799 in
Notes to the Captttins.

Holland, including the actions of the 27th Aug., 10th and 19th Sept., 2d and 6th October.
Expedition to Hanover, 1805. Siege and capture of Copenhagen, 1807. Peninsula, from
March, 1810, to the close of the war, including the operations in Alemtejo and investment
of Badajoz, 1811 ; heights of Christoval first siege of Badajoz, and sortie from thence
; ;

siege and capture of Uadajoz ; battle of the Nivelle passage of the Adour, and battle of

Orthes (dangerously wounded), besides other desultory services.

53 Captain Cubitt's services : —
Copenhagen, 1807. Walcheren, 1809. Peninsula, from
Feb. 1813 to the end of the war, including the battles of Yittoria, Pyrenees, Orthes, and
54 Captain Adam Cuppage's services : —
Campaigns in Guzerat, Kuttywar, and Kutch,
from Nov. 1814 to May, 1816, including the taking of Juria Bunder, Dwarka, Kuncott, and
Dinghee. Throughout the Mahratta war. Expedition to the Persian Gulf in 1819 and 20,
including the capture of Ras-el-Kymah. Expedition to the coast of Arabia in 1821 ;
wounded in the action of Beni-Boo-AUi, 2d March, 1821.
55 Captain Curtis served at Walcheren In 1809, and was present at the capture of
56 Captain Daniel served in the American war.
57 Captain David Davies was slightly wounded at Quatre Bras, and severely at Waterloo.
58 Captain Alfred Davis was present at the affair of Maheidpore, 21st Dec. 1817, and
the taking of Talnair, 1818.
59 Captain James Davis served at the siege of Cadiz.
60 Captain James Day served the campaigns of 1813, 14, and 15, including the battles of
Vittoria, Nivelle, Nive, Orthes, and Waterloo. Severely wounded in the face at the battle
of Nivelle, and slightly in the leg at Waterloo.
61 Captain C. P. Deacon served at Naples in 1804 in Sicily and Calabria in 1805 and6,

including the battle of Maida. Peninsula, including the siege of San Sebastian ; and, sub-
sequently, in the American war, including the actions at Bladensburg, Baltimore, and New
Orleans. On board the Volcano in the engagement with the Saucy Jack, American
62 Captain Thomas Deacon served on the Continent, from June 1813 to Jan. 1816, in-
cluding the battle of Goerde, actions at Merxem, and battle of Waterloo, where he was
severely wounded. Served also in the Kandyan rebellion in 1817 and 18.
63 Captain Duncan served with the expedition to Bremen in Germany in 1805. Served
also in the American war, including the capture of Moose Island.
64 Captain David Duval served at the siege of Cadiz. Served also in the American
65 Captain Eason served throughout the Peninsular war, including the passage of the
Vouga, combat of Grijon, passage of the Douro, battle of Busaco, action of Campo Mayor,
1st siege of Badajoz, and battle of Albuhera. Present at Quatre Bras and Waterloo, at
which last he was severely wounded.
66 Captain Edmonds served in the Peninsula, from March, 1809, to the end of the war,
and was slightly wounded at the battle of Talavera, 28th July, 1809.
67 Captain Hercules Ellis served in the Peninsula, from March, 1809, to the end of the
war, including the 1st siege of Badajoz, and battles of Busaco, Fuentcs d'Onor, Vittoria,
and the Pyrenees.
68 Captain Emerson served at the taking of Santa Maura, storming the enemy's outposts
in 1809, and at the taking of the Ionian Islands.
69 Captain Enderhy served at Belgaum and Sholapore in 1818, and at Bhurtpore in 1825
and 6. In addition to the above he served three years in the royal navy as midshipman,
and was on board the Defence at the battle of Trafalgar.
70 Captain James Evans served at Walcheren, and was present at the siege of
71 Captain Fayerman served in Egypt under Sir Ralph Abercromby, and has received
a medal.
72 Captain Foot served the campaign of 1814 and 15 in Holland, Belgium, and France,
including the attack on Merxem, bombardment of the shipping at Antwerp, attack on Ber-
gen-op-Zoom, and battle of Waterloo.
73 Captain Hugh Forbes served in the Peninsula, from June, 1811, to the end of the
war, including the siege and capture of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz and battles of Sala-

manca, Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Orthes, and Toulouse.

74 Captain Charles Ford served at the siege of Flushing in 1809, and at New Orleans
in 1814.
75 Captain Forster's services : —
Expedition to Copenhagen, 1807. Campaign under Sir
John Moore, including the cavalry action at Sahugun, and battle of Corunna. Severely
wounded at Waterloo, by a grajjc-shot in the foot.
76 Captain John Freeman served in Egypt in 1807.
iVWj- to t/ie I 'afjtaiiin.

77 Captain Lucius H. French served at the bombardment uf Algiers under Lord Ex-
moulh, 2rth Aug. IHlti, as a Midshipman mi the Royal Navy.
78 Captain F. W. Fuller proceeded to tlic Peninsula in 1S08, and was present at the cap.
turc of Oporto, battles of Talavera, Busaco, and Fuentes d'Onor, besides various skirmishes.
79 Captain J. T. Fuller ser%'ed at the siege of Copeuliagen in 18U7, and at the bombard-
ment of Algiers, '.'7 .\ug. 1816.
80 Captain Fyrrs served in the Peninsida during the campaign of 1809-
81 Captain John Gardiner's services : —
Expedition to Walchcren, and siege of Flushing,
1809. Peninsula, from May, 1812, to the end of the war, including the battles of Vittoria
and the Pyrenees ; passage of the Bidossoa; battles of N'ivclle, Nive (9th to l.ith Dec),
Orthes, Tarbes, and Toulouse. Present at Quatre Bras and Waterloo, 16th, 17th, and
18th June. Wounded in the face in the Pyrenees {not. returned), and severely in the thigh
at Waterloo.
82 Captain Gascoyne served in the Peninsula from 1809 to 1813, and was severely
wounded in the leg at the battle of Salamanca. Sen'ed also in Ceylon during the Kandyan
rebellion in 1818.
83 Captain F. V. Gilbert served in the Peninsula, from December, 1812, to the end of
the war.
84 Captain Goode served in the American war, including the operations in the Chesa-
peake, battle of Bladensburg and capture of Washington destruction of the American

flotilla. Served also at the attack and capture of Guadaloupe in 1815.

85 Captain Thomas Gordon served the campaigns of 181-1 and 15, and was present at the
repuUe of the sortie from Bayonne, and battle of Waterloo. Served afterwards in the East
Indies, and was engaged at the battle of Maheidpore.
86 Captain Gorse served at the capture of Guadaloupe in 1815.

87 Captain John Gould's services: Expedition to Walcheren and siege of Flushing,
1809. Peninsula, from June. 1813, to the end of the war, ii.cluding the siege of San Sebas-
tian ; battles of the Bidassoa, Nivelle, and Nive, and all the operatioDS round Bayonne.
American war, including the action at Plattsburg.
88 Captain Grimes ser\'ed throughout the Burmese war.
89 Captain Grubbe served in the Peninsula the latter part of 1812, and was present in
action with the enemy, 16th Nov. 1812, on the retreat from Burgos. Served also at New
90 Captain Harding served in the Peniosnla from .Aug. 1811 to the end of the war, in-
cluding the battles of Salamanca, and Vittoria ; siege of San Sebastian and battles of

Orthes and Toulouse. Present at Waterloo.

91 Captain Hugh Harrison was severely wounded at Waterloo.
92 Captain Henry Hill served in the Peninsula, from May, 1811, to June, 1813, and was
present at the action near Elbodon, battle of Salamanca, and with the advance and rear-
guard to and on the retreat from Burgos. Served the campaign of 1815, and was present
at Waterloo.
93 Captain Hincks served at the siege of Copenhagen in 1807. Present at Waterloo on
the 17th and 18th June.
94 Captain Hobbs was severely wounded at Quatre Bras.
95 Captain Hodges served in the Peninsula, from 1812 to 1814, including the battles of
Vittoria and the Pyrenees, besides various minor actions and skirmishes. Present at
96 Captain Holt served in the American war, including the taking of Castine ; operations
on the .American coast, and upon the Ponobscot.
97 Captain Hort served in Lower Calabria, and Sicily, and accompanied the e.vpedition
onder Major. General .\ckland to the Bay of Naples in 1806. Served the campaign under
Sir John Moore, and lost his right leg at the battle of Corunna.
98 Captain George Hotham served at the bombardment of .Algiers under Lord E.vmouth.
99 Captain J. L. Hulme served in the Peninsula, from March, 1810, to the end of the
war, including the 2d siege of Badajoz, battles of Nivelle, and Nive (10th to 13th Dec),
passage of the .\dour, investment of and repulse of the sortie from Bayonne.
100 Captain Humbley was severely wounded at Waterloo.
101 Captain Humphreys served at the capture of Martinique and the Saintes in 1809,
and of Guadaloupe in 1815.
102 Captain George J. Hunter served during the campaign of 1814 on the Niagara fron-
tier,including the action at Chippewa, and attack on Fort Erie.

103 Captain Hutchinson's services: Campaign of 1795 in Holland. .Attack on Porto
Rico, and capture of Surinam, 1799. Expedition to South .\merica in 1807, including the
attack and capture of Monte Video and Buenos .\yrc9. Capture of the Isle of France, 1810.
Siege and capture of Hattras, 1817. Mahralta war, Ixl** Rnrmese war in 1825 and6.
H II a41
Notes to the Captains.

104 Captain Jago served the campaign of 1815, and was present at Quatre Bras and
Waterloo, 16th, l/th,and 18th June.
105 Captain Henry James was present at the capture of Fort San Philippe (Balaguer),
and siege of Tarragona in 1813 and at the bombardment of Algiers in 181(i.

106 Captain Ingram served with the 3d battalion of the Royals during the whole of the
Peninsular war. Present at Quatre Bras and Waterloo, lOth, 17th, and 18th June, and the
subsequent operations.
107 Captain H. C. Johnson was slightly wounded at Waterloo.
108 Captain Judge accompanied the 27th regiment on the expedition to Hanover in 1805.
Joined the army in Sicily in 1806, and was employed with it (in a Grenadier battalion)
during its various operations to 1810. Sailed with the force for Naples, and was present at
the capture of Ischia and Procida in 1809. Returned to Sicily, and appointed Deputy
Assistant Quarter-Master General ; employed against the French army in 1811. Served
with that department during 1812 and 13 at the battle of Castalla, twice in active siege
before Tarragona, in affair at Villa Franca, and the pass of Balaguer. Rejoined 27th
regiment, and sailed from Bourdeau.x for Canada ; present at the battle of Plattsburg, and
severely contested passage of the Saranac.
109 Captain Henry Kean served at the capture of Guadaloupe in 1809, and Martinique
in 1810, and again in 1815.
110 Captain Keily was severely wounded at Waterloo.
111 Captain R. H. Ker served in Spain and France from March, 1814, to the end of the
war, and was present at the investment of Bayonne.
112 Captain Charles King served the campaigns of 1810, 11, 12, and part of 1813 and
14, including the siege and capture of Badajoz, and battle of Orthes. Severely wounded at
the storming of the castle of Badajoz, 6th April, 1812.
113 Captain J. D. King served in Holland and the Peninsula, from July, 1809, to the
end of the war, including the capture of Walcheren, and siege of Flushing battle of Bu-

saco, action at Fuente GriualJo, affair at Alasa del Ponte, battles of Vittoria, and the Py-
renees, 25th, 26th, 27th, and 28th July, 1813. Severely wounded in the right shoulder in
the Pyrenees, 28th July, 1813.
114 Captain King served the Corunna campaign.
115 Captain Kirkley served in the Peninsula, from May, 1812, to the end of the war,
including the action at San Milan, battles of Vittoria, and the Pyrenees (25th to 28th July ),
bridge of Vera, crossing the Bidassoa, battles of Nivelle, Nive (9th to 13th Dec), Orthes,
Tarbes, and Toulouse. Served afterwards in the American war, and was present in the
actions before New Orleans, ISth Dec. 1814, and 8th Jan. 1815, and was slightly
116 Captain Charles Lane served in the American war ; also at the taking of several
islands in the Persian Gulf in 1819 and 20.
117 Captain Henry Lane's services: —
Expedition to Quiberon Bay, 1795; the Helder,
1799 to Egypt, 1801
; ; Peninsula, 1809 to 1813.
118 Captain Lawlor served in the American war, under Sir Gordon Drummond.
118* Captain L'Estrange's services : —
Campaign in Spain, and battle of Corunna.
Capture of the Isle of France, 1810. Capture of Java, 1811 engaged with a Dutch Brigade

at St. Nicholas; storming of a strong Dutch Fort on the coast of Bantmn. Onboard
H.M.S. Rosciiis, at the boarding and capture of eleven French gun-boats. Present at the
siege and storm of Cornelius, and storm and capture of the heights of Serandole. Capture of
the town and fortress of Sambus, Isle of Borneo, March, 1813. Nepaul war, 1815. Siege
and capture of Hattras, March, 1817. Mahratta campaign, 1817 and 18. Siege and storm
of Bhurtpore.
119 Captain Lerapriere's services: — Campaign in Spain under Sir John Moore, 1808 and
9. American war in 1814 and 15, including the capture of Washington, and all the ope-
rations in the Chesapeake, and before New Orleans. Attached to the Prussian army at the
sieges of Mauberg, Phillipville, Rocroy, &c. &c.
120 Captain Charles Lewis served in the Peninsula from Aug. 1813, to the end of the
war. Also in the Burmese war in 1825 and 6.
121 Captain Litchfield served the campaigns of 1812, 13, and 14, including the action at
Puerta del Almarez, and battles of Vittoria, Orthes, and Toulouse. Served afterwards in
the American war, including the action at Plattsburg.
122 Captain M'Conchy served in the south of France, from 1st Mai-ch, 1814, to the end
of the war. Also the campaign of 1815, and was present at Quatre Bras and Waterloo, at
which last he was severely wounded in the left shoulder.
123 Captain Donald M'Donald served at Walcheren in 1809, and at the siege of Cadiz
in 1813.
124 Captain M'Murdo served at the siege of Hattras in 1817, and afterwards in the Pin-
darree war.
Notes tu the Captains.

12A Captain Robert M'Nab served in the Peninsula, from Jan. 1813, to the end of the
war, including the battles of Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, Orthes, Vic Bigorre, aud
126 Captain M'Queen served in the American war, and was present at the taking of
Castineand llanipdcn, and the Jo/) n Ailam.
127 Captain Julin Maodonald served in the American war, and was severely wounded in
the head and leg at New Orleans.
128 Captain Mac Donnell served in the Peninsula from Jan. 1814, to the end of the
war. including the affair at Tarbes, and battle of Toulouse.
129 Captain .Mac Gregor served in East Indies, and was severely wounded at the battle
of Malieidpore, 22d Dec. 181", and at the assault on Fort Talnair, 27th Feb. 1818.
l^iO Captain James Maclean embarked in Nov. 1813, for the western coast of jVfrica,
where he served on several expeditions, and was present in almost every affair and skirmish
which took place on the various parts of the coast at which he was stationed, including the
attack and capture of the town of Barra. River Gambia, July, 1817.
131 Captain Charles Maephcrson served in the East Indies, and was present at the siege
of .\sseerghur, March, 1819.
132 Captain Lachlau M'Pherson served in the Peninsula from Jan. 1810, to the end of
the war, iududing the battles of Busaco. and Fuentes d'Onor, first siege of Badnjoz, sieges
and captures of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz, battles of Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Orthes,
And Toulouse. Severely wouuded in the head at Vittoria, and in the left knee at Toulouse.
133 Capt.iin J. JI. >laitland landed at Leghorn with Lord \Vm. Bentinck. Served with
the advance, and was frequently engaged with the enemy. Present also at the attack upon
134 Captain Martin served on the expedition under Sir Tho. Trigge against the Danish
and Swedish West India Islands in 1801, and on the expedition under Lieut. General Green-
field, against the French Islands in 1803.
135 Captain Massey served on the Continent in 1793, 4, and 5, and at the Uelder
in 1799.
13(> Captain Master went with the expedition to the Hague, and served the campaign of
1813 and 14 in Holland, and was present at the taking of Merxem, the bombardment of
Antwerp, and storming of Bergen-op-Zoom. Served the campaign of 1815 carried the;

King's Colour of the 3d battalion Grenadier Guards at tjuatre Bras and Waterloo, 16th,
17th, and 18th June; present with the storming party at Peronne, and at the capture
of Paris.
137 Captain Mathias served at the capture of Guadaloupe in 1809, and Martinique
in 1810.
138 Captain Maunsell served the campaign of 1815, and was present at Waterloo.
139 Captain Meek served with the expedition under Lord Wm. Bentinck, in the Genoese
territory in 1814.
140 Captain Melhoish served in the Peninsula from May, 1811, to the end of the war,
including the siege and storming of Badajoz, and repulse of the sortie in 1812; passage of the
.\dour, and investment of and repulse of the sortie from Bayonne. Led the attack at
Ilidajoz by escalade at the bastion of St, Vincent. Twice slightly wounded at the siege of
ILidajoz also slightly wounded at the investment of Bayonne, and again at the sortie.

141 Captain .\. O. Molesworth served the campaign of 1815, and was engaged at Cam-
bray 23d and 24th June, and was present at the capture of Paris.
142 Captain Molloy served in the Peninsula with the Rifle Brigade. Severely wounded
at Waterloo.
ll.l Captain Montogu was present at the siege of Dantzick in 1813. Served the cam-
paicn of 1815. and was present at Waterloo.
144 Captain Richard Montgomery served in the Peninsuhi from March, 1812, to the
end of the war, including the battles of Salamanca (slightly wounded), Pyrenees, Nivelle,
and Nive.
145 Captain Nash served in the .\merican war, and was present at the action of Lnndy's
Lane, storming of Fort Erie, 15th .\ug. 181 1 (severely wounded in the leg by a musket
ball, and afterwards blown up by the explosion of a powder magazine), and action at
146 Captain Newhouse served the Mahratta campaign of 1817 and 18. and was wounded
31st Jan. ISIS. Sencd also with the expeditions to the Persian Gulf, in 1819 and 1821.
147 Captain Augustus Nicolls served in the Peninsula from Feb. 1810, to the end of the
war, including the battles of Busaco, Albuhera, Vittoria, Orthes and Toulouse, and affairs
It .\roya del .Molino. Garice, and .\ire.
148 Captain Nichnl«on was present at the battles of Nivelle, Nive, Orthes, and Toulouse.
Served also in the Burmese war. including the engagements of the 20th, 25th, and 26th
Nov. 1825.
Notes to the Captains,

149 Captain North served in Holland and France, from Nov. 1813 to Feb. 1816.
150 Captain J. Loftus Nunn served in the Peninsula from Feb. to July, 1811, and again
from Sept. 1812, to the end of the war, including the battles of Vittoria and the Pyrenees
(wounded through the left arm) taking the heights of Vera battles of the Nivelle, Nive
; ;

(^yth to 13th Dec. ), Orthes, and Toulouse.

151 Captain Lucius O'Brien served in the West Indies, from April, 1787 to Nov. 1794,
and was present at the siege of Fort Bourbon, Martinique ; capture of St. Lucia and Gua-
daloupe ;2d attack of Guadaloupe, and storming of Point-a-Petre.
152 Captain O'Dell served with the expedition to South America in 1807, and subse-
quently in the Peninsula, including the battles of Busaco and Fuentes d'Onor ; actions at
Sabugal and Elbodon first siege of Badajoz, siege of Ciudad Rodrigo, siege and capture of

Badajoz battles of Salamanca (^wounded), Vittoria, Nivelle, Orthes, and Toulouse.


153 Captain Ormsby served the campaign of 1815, and was present at the battle of
Waterloo, and storming of Cambray, at which last he was slightly wounded. Served after-
wards in the East Indies, including the siege and capture of Hattras the Deccan campaign

of 1817 and 18 ; and the siege and capture of Bhurtpore.

154 Captain Orr served in the Peninsula from Feb. to Aug, 1811, and again from April,
1812, to the end of the war, including the siege of Badajoz (April and May, 1811), battle
of Albhuhera (wounded in the left knee and elbow), affair of Osma, battle of Vittoria,
affair of Roncesvalles, battles of Pampeluna, Nivelle. Orthes, and Toulouse.
155 Captain Packe was slightly wounded at Waterloo.
156 Captain Stephen Parker served in Holland, Flanders, and France, from Dec. 1813 to
Dec. 1815, including the action at Mersem, bombardment of Antwerp, attack on Bergen-op-
Zoom, and battles of Q,uatre Bras and Watei'loo.
157 Captain Paschall served in the Peninsula from Oct. 1813 to the end of the war, in-
cluding the battle of Nivelle, and Orthes. Present at Waterloo 18th June.
158 Captain Passley served the Peninsula campaigns of 1811, 12, and 13, including the
battles of Vittoria, the Pyrenees, and Nivelle, besides various minor actions and skirmishes.
Severely wounded at the battle of the Nivelle.
159 Captain Patten served in Portugal and Spain under Sir Arthur Wellesley and Sir
John Moore, and was present at the battles of Roleia and Vimiera, Served also on the
eastern coast of Spain, and in the south of France in 1813 and 14, including the battle of
Castalla, siege of Tarragona, affair of Molinos del Rey, and blockade of Barcelona.
160 Captain Pemberton served in the Peninsula from Feb. 1814 to the end of the war.
161 Captain Phibbs served in the Peninsula from Nov. 1813, to the end of the war, in-
cluding the battles of Nivelle, Orthes, and Toulouse. Served afterwards in the American
war, and was present at the taking of Plattsburg. Lost left arm, and shot through both
legs at the battle of Nivelle.
162 Captain R. F. Phillip's services —Expedition to Walcheren. Campaigns of 1812

and 13 in the Peninsula, including the battles of Salamanca, Vittoria, Pyrenees, and
Nivelle; and the sieges of the forts of Salamanca and San Sebastian.
163 Captain Pitman's services :

In the Peninsula from August, 1312, to the end of the
war, including the battle of Vittoria, and capture of San Sebastian. Campaign of 1815,
including the battle of Waterloo. Siege and capture of Bhurtpore.
164 Captain Poole served the campaigns of 1814 and 15, including the bombardment of
the French fleet at Antwerp, and the battle of Waterloo.
165 Captain Pope's services : —Expedition to Naples under Sir James Craig, 1805, battle
of Maida, 4th July, 1806. Capture of the islands of Ischia and Procida, 1809. Peninsular
campaigns of 1813 and 14, including the battles of Biar and Castalla, siege of Tarragona,
blockade of Barcelona, affairs of Ordal and Col de Balaguer.
166 Captain Pringle served in the Peninsula, from Jan. 1810 to the end of the war, in-
cluding the battles of Nivelle and Nive (wounded), and investment of Bayonne. Served
also the campaign of 1815, and was severely wounded at Waterloo.
167 Captain Prior served in the Peninsula with the 1 1th Light Dragoons, and was present
at the battle of Salamanca, and various out-post affairs. SeiTed also the campaign of 1815 ;
commanded the skirmishers of the 18th Hussars on the 17th June, and received the first fire
of the French army on that day present at the battle of Waterloo and captui-e of Paris.

168 Captain Quill served at the capture of Guadaloupe in 1£15.

1G8* Captain Rawlison's services: —
Expedition to Egypt in 1807. Taking of the
island of Zante, 1809. Siege of Santa Maura, 1810.
169 Captain Reardon served in Portugal and Spain in 1808 and 9, including the battle of
Roleia and Vimiera, action at Lugo, and battle of Corunna.
170 Captain Reid served in the Peninsula, and was present at the battles of Corunna,
Talavera, Busaco, Fuentes d'Onor and Vittoria.
171 Captain Rice served the campaigns of 1814 and 15 under the Duke of AVellington,
and was present at the battle of Waterloo.
Notes to the Captains.

l'-.> Captain J. S. Rich served at Walcherrn in 1809, and in Holland from Dec. 1813
to Mar, ISU.
173 Captain Wm. S. Richardson was severely wounded at Waterloo.
in Captain R. S. Ridge scned the Mahnttta and Pindarree campaigns of 1817 and 18,
and afterwards with the expedition to the Persian Gulf, including the siege of Rasel-Kyma.
175 Captain J. A. Ridgway served in the Peninsula from May. 1812, to the end of the
war, including the battle of Vittoria. Served also the campaign of 1815, and was present
at the battle of Waterloo. Severely wounded by a musket-shot in the right shoulder, at
the taking of Vera heights, and lost the fore-tinger of the left hand by a musket-shot at
irfi Captain John Roberts was slijhtly wounded at Waterloo.
177 Captain Robert \. RoUo served in Egj-pt in 1807.
178 Captain Ross was present with tlie 5th regiment at the sieges of Calvia and Bastia, in
Corsica, under Sir C. Stewart in 1795 and 6. Served nine years in India, and was at the
Uking of Kandy. in the island of Ceylon, in 1803. Served at the affair at Lugo, and battle
of Corunna. under Sir John Moore in 1S08 and 9 ; and afterwards at the taking of Flushing.
179 Captain Sandes served in the Peninsula from March, 1813, to Feb. 181-1, including
the battle of Vittoria, and siege of San Sebastian in July and .\ug. 1813. Served also in
the .Mahratta war in 1817 and 18; and with the expedition to the Persian Gulf in 1819
and 20.
180 Captain Scargill served at Tarifa under Colonel Skerrit
181 Captain Seward served in the Peninsula from Oct. 1810 to Feb. 1813. including the
siege of the forts at and battle of Salamanca, and siege of Burgos, from 19th Sept. to
21#t Oct. 1812.
182 Captain Simmons served at the bombardment of Fort Desaii, and the attack and
capture of Martinique in 1809.
183 Captain Skinner served at the attack on New Orleans.
184 Lord Somerville served at Copenhasren in 1807, and at Walcheren in 1809.
185 Captain Spalding's services : —
Capture of the Cape of Good Hope, 1806 ; wounded
8th Jan. Eipedition to South .\merica, 1807. Peninsula from 1808 to the end of the
war, including the battles of Roleia. Vimiera, Corunna, Almarez (wounded), Vittoria, Py-
renees, Pampeluna, Nive, Orthes. and Toulouse besides various minor actions and skir-

mishes. Campaign of 1815. including the battle of Waterloo.

186 Captain Sunford served in the south of France, from 18U to the end of the war, and
was present at the battle of Toulouse.
187 Captain Sunley served in the Peninsula from Oct. 1812, to the end of the war, and
was cresent at Vittoria, Roncesvalles, Pampeluna, and Orthes.
188 Captain John Steuart was severely wounded at Quatre Bras.
189 Captain .\llan Stewart served in the Peninsula from 1812 to the end of the war, and
was present at Vittoria, Nivelle, Vera, Nive. Orthes, Tarbes, and Toulouse. Served the
campaign of 1815, including the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo, at which last he was
very severely wounded by a musket-ball through the left shoulder, and a sabre thrust
through the left arm.
190 Captain Duncan Stewart was severely wounded at Quatre Bras.
191 Captain Stupart was severely wounded at Waterloo.
192 Captain Tenison served in the Burmese war.
193 Captain Thatcher served in the Peninsula from Aug. 1811, to the end of the war,
including the action at Fuenta Grinaldo, sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz (wounded),
battles of Salamanca (wounded), Vittoria, Pampeluna, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, Orthes,
and Toulouse. Wounded at Vera.
194 Captain E. CoUey Thompson served in the Peninsula from Oct. 1808 to Feb. 1813,
including the battles of Talavera and Busaco, action at Campo Mayor, first siege of Badajoz
and Otivcnza, and battle of .\lbnhera.
195 Captain Torriano served at Walcheren, and was present at the siege of Flushing.
196 CapUin Trafford was slightly wounded at Waterloo.
197 Captain John Trotter served at Walcheren ; also at Cadiz during the latter part of
the siege.
198 Captain Tucker served in the American war.
199 Captain Twcedie was present in the batteries of the Faro under Sir James Stewart.
Served also the campaign of 181-1 in the South of France, including the battle of Toulouse.
200 Captain Tyndalc served in the Peninsula from March 1812 to the end of the war, and
was engaged at Sloresco, Salamanca, the Retiro Madrid. Vittoria, the Pyrenees, Lezacca,
Nivelle, and Orthes. Served also the campaign of 1815, including the battle of Waterloo
i. uking of Camhray, and capitulation of Paris.
( slightly wounded

201 CaiiLiin Usshcr ser^'ed the Nepaul campaigns of 1816 and 17.
Notes to the Captains.

202 Capain Vaughan served in the Peninsula from July 1810 to Jan. 1812, including the
battle of Barrosa and siege of Cadiz. Served afterwards in the East Indies, including the
Mahratta campaigns of 1817 and 18, and sieges of Ryghur, Amulneer and Asseerghur.
202* Captain Vetch served at the siege of Cadiz.
203 Captain ^Vainwright served in the Peninsula from June 1810 to the early partof 1813,
including the siege of Cadiz, battle of Barrosa, and storming of Tarifa by tlie French.
Served afterwards in the East Indies, including the expedition to the Persian Gulf under
Sir Keir Grant, and the Burmese war.
204 Captain Robert Webb served in H. M. S. Superb at the battle off St. Domingo, Cth
Feb. 1806. Copenhagen, 180/. Walcheren, 1809. Wounded in an attack on an armed
convoy in the Adriatic, 22d May, 1812.
205 Captain Vere Webb served the campaigns of 1814 and 15 in Holland, the Nether-
lands, and France, including the actions at Mersem, bombardment of Antwerp, and battle
of Waterloo, at which last he was slightly wounded.
206 Captain Webster was severely wounded at Quatre Bras.
207 Captain Wells served at Madeira in 1807 and 8 : at Walcheren, 1809; and the
campaign of 1815, including the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo.
208 Captain Wetherall served in the Mahratta war in 1817, 18, and 19, and was engaged
at Bodamy, Belgaum, Sholapore, and CapauUlroog.
209 Captain Wharton's services : —E.\pedition to Walcheren, siege and capture of Flush-
ing, 1809. Campaign of 1811 in Spain and Portugal, including the battle of Fuentes
d'Onor and' siege of Badajoz. Campaigns of 1813, 14, and 15, in Swedish Pomerania,
Hanover, and the Netherlands, including the battles of Goerde 16th Sept. 1814, and
Quatre Bras and Waterloo (16th, 17th, and 18th June), at which last he was severely
wounded through both thighs by a musket ball.
210 Captain Wieburg served tlie campaigns in the Netherlands, and was wounded in
the righ hand and below the right ancle before Nimeguen in May, 1795. Served also at the
taking of the Danish West India Islands in 180", and Martinique and the Saintes in 1809,
and Guadaloupe in 1810. Wounded above the ankle in both legs at Martinique.
211 Captain Richard M'olfe's services: — Taking of Palembang in Sumatra, 1813.
Taking of Bali, and also the fortified Kittore at Macassar, 1814. Deccan campaign, 1817
and 18. Kandyan war, 1818.
212 Captain Wolseley served at the captures of St. Martin and Guadaloupe in 1810, and
again at the latter in 1815.
213 Captain Woolcombe served in the Peninsula from the commencement of 1809 to the
end of the war, including the battles of Fuentes d'Onor (slightly wounded) and Castalla, and
the siege of Tarragona.
214 Captain A. Wm. Wynne served in the Peninsula from the 1st Aug. 1808, to Nov.
1813, including the battles of Roleia, Vimiera, Talavera, Fuentes d'Onor, Salamanca, Vit-
toria ;sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo, Badajoz and San Sebastian ; passage of the Bidassoa,
besides various minor affairs and skirmishes. Twice slightly wounded, viz., at Redinha,
and at Fuentes d'Onor.


Acklanil, (iravrs
Ackluin, Gooivc
Ackroyd, Willmm
Acome, Thomaj»
Adams, Samuel
Addison, John
Adfv, William Gyde
Agar, Thos. (Qj. Master, 5 Oct. 09)
Alcock, Hiiir\-
Alder, Walttr K
IB AUlerson, John '

Alexaiiiii-r, John
AlexajiiItT, William
Allan, \\'illiam
Alkn, Francis
• Allen, Gconic
U Allen, John ''

Allen, John
Allen, John
Allen, Jusejih
Alley, Tottenham
92^1 Allin^ibum, John Delaiicey
9 5.SI Alston, James
Alt, Daniel
Alteiistein, Henry, Baron
• Ames, John
Amyatt, Auiriistus
Amyott, Richard Garrett
Anderson, Thomoi
Aniierwn, William
Anderson, William
Andrew, Charles
Arhuthnott, Hon. Mariott
A rclier, John
Archer, Thomas
• Arden, William
Annstroni;, Andrew
Armstroiii;, Francis Wheeler
A rvutrontj, John
Armstrong;, John
9 Armstronc, John Cooper ' . . .

Armstrong, Montgomery
Armstrong, Richard
Armstrong, Tlinntaa •
Armstrong, William
Armstrong, Wm. Blosse
Armsirung, Wm. Henry
Aniott, Alexander
Athol, John X>uJte of
Atkin, Christopher
Atkin, James
Atkin, John
Atkin, William
•Atkinson, Charles
Atkinson, John
(I Austin, Edward Frederick


Austin, Joseph 6 April 09 22 Aug. 42 Foot.

Austin, Thomas 17 May 10 6 Dec. 5 R. Veteran Bat.
Avarne, Thomas Jeifrey Jonah 12 Aug. 11 6 Feb. 17 25 July 67 Foot.
Avery, Thomas 18 Nov. 9j 1 Sept. 97 9 July R. Marines.
Aynge, George 6 Oct. 12 6 Jan. 1 Aug. R. Art. Drivers.
Ayshford, Aaron Moore .... 17 Aug. 15 April 12 12 Foot.

Babington, Murray June 80 14 Nov. I Nov. 91 10 Foot.

?P Bace, WiUiaui Fel). 2 Oct. I
Dec. 16 3 Foot.
Bagshaw, Steplien Granby Jan. 16 6 July I Jan. 26 23 Dragoons.
Bailey, Charles Courant Oct. 07 25 Aug. 5 R. Veteran Bat.
Bailey, Edward May 04 24 Mar. I Sept. 14 R. Marines.
Bailey, James Aldersou May 14 21 Dec. Uan. 22 60 Foot.
^ Baillie, Andrew June 27 June Uuly 17 30 Foot.
Baily, John Feb. 06 24 Oct. 1 Sept. 14 R. Marines.
Bain, John April 09 11 April ! Dec. 14 01 Foot.
Bainbrigge, Thos. Parker Oct, 3 May ) Nov. 23 48 Foot.
Baird, John Mar. 06 9 July i April 18 Cape Reg.
Baker, George Dec 27 July i Feb. 31 R. Marines.
Baker, Thomas Dec. 99 19 July iJuly 02 15 Foot.
Balclerson, John Robert Jan. 27 Jan". 7 R. Veteran Batt.
Baldock, Charles Robert April 10 17 Dec. ! Nov. 19 Roval Artillerv.
Bale, William July 06 28 Oct. > Oct. 16 3 Foot.
Balhetchet, John Oct. 0. 29 Dec. [ Sept. 14 R. Marines.
Ball, Howell May 13 18 Mar. Garrison Co.
Ball, Robert Oct. 07 14 Nov. !Oct. 59 Foot.
Ball, William Jan. 11 Mar. )Nov. 20 2 Foot.
Bamford, John July 98 17 May Scotch Brigade.
*Banko, Christopher never 26 Dec. iMar. 16 Foot.
Baring, Frederick Nov. 8 Feb. 1Aug. 37 51 Foot.
Barlow, John Thomas 19 Mar. )Dec. 19 93 Foot.
Barnes, James 7 Oct. Uuly 20 73 Foot.
Barnetson, Alexander 20 Sept. iMar. 22 92 Foot.
Barnewall, Bartholomew nev 10 Oct. 79 Foot.
Baron, Jonathan Oct. 04 13 Feb. '
Aug. 24 R. Marines.
Barret, Thomas April 13 8 June i Feb. 16 3 Foot.
P Barrington, Edward Mar. 11 13 Feb. ! Dec. 25 Unattached.
Barry, St. George Ryder June 14 25 Oct. { Nov. 16 13 Dragoons.
Bartlet, Frederick George Aug. 13 18 May '
Oct. 24 7 Foot.
Jfiaa Bartlet, WilUam Feb. 14 11 Aug. i Nov. 16 69 Foot.
*Bass, John never 25 Dec. 1814 2 Prov.Bn.of Mil.
Bassett, Joseph Davie Mar. 89 18 Aug. 1792 76 Foot.
Bate, Frederick Dec. 12 15 July .Nov. 14 R. Art. Drivers.
Bate, Henry Cotsford Mar. 95 3 Oct. 'Feb. 03 R. Artillery.
Battersby, James May 13 30 May >June 17 30 Foot.
Battley, William Nov. 11 7 Feb. )Dec. 16 00 Foot.
Batwell, Andrew July 00 9 Feb. )Feb. 05 40 Foot.
^ Bayly, Frederick ' Juiie 09 21 June )June 29 R. Artillery.
Bayly, Thomas Aug, 19 Oct. )Mar. 16 1 Foot.
Bayntun, Edward Mar. 04 28 Mar. IOct. 16 2 Garr. Batt.
^3 Beamish, Bernard Feb. 08 11 Oct. IOct. 21 84 Foot.
Beauchamp, Chas. Eustace Oct, 16 Mar. iFeb. 37 R. Artillery.
Beauchant, Theophilus, Sam. . . . Nov. 06 ept. I May 17 R. Marines.
13 Bedell, Walter Death Mar. 07 11 Aug. 1Nov. 15 24 Foot.
iielford, William Mar. 13 26 Jan. >Nov. 33 48 Foot.
Bell, James Mar. 06 25 Jan. IJuly 23 2 Ceylon Reg.
Bell, John Allan June 05 18 June 104 Foot.
Bell, Robert never 2 Nov. 1810 R. Waggon Train.
Bell, Sanmol Sept. 08 3 Jan. iDec. 18 90 Foot.
Bellock, Charles Dec. 01 24 Aug. [Aug. 02 York Hussars.
Bellot, Charles Joseph de never 30 Dec. 00 Foot.
P Belstead, Henry Aug. 11 9 June 'July 29 89 Foot.
Bennett, Bryan O'Doiinoll May 1424 April IMar. 26 77 Foot.
^ Bennett, James Nov. 12121 Oct. »Mar. 16 14 Dragoons.


Bcnnof t, John ti Aug. 06| OJnly

Jnl i:il7Julv 13.H. Marines.
llrnmtt, John(Qr. Miut.ailtl.My never 8 Ma Kll !o R. Veteran Batt
Iknsoii, \Vm. W. H Dec. 2J*I 7 Feb. 4030 Foot.
7 July 25 11 De.
Bt'iiu'i'll, •.>! Sept. 13ll7 Mar. I.">i5 Feb. IdU Foot,
Ikrfiinl, llichard io Oct. 07|l-2 Sept. COMt Sept. 19-2 Foot.
BtrkiKy, Aug. Fitxiinnlingc 4 June 12126 Jan. 13 lo May IClR. Waggon Train.
Ikrni-, Mnrlliorontfh I'arsona 8 Dec. 9Cl26 Mar. OOilS Slar. 133 Foot.
IkiT}-, Warton, Pinnymaii . 2 Feb. 8030 Sept. 87 197 Foot.
Bt'rsma, Heiirj' 20 April O9I22 Feb. 10i2o April 17jii West India Reg,
})<[£1 Ik-st, Cbarles Lewis . 18 Jan. 08,12 May 12 24 Feb. 10! 1st Line Ger. Leg.
liez'tittj John 3 Feb. OOl 5 Sept 11 C -Mar. 16IR. Marines.
liirili, Geoivc 15 Aug. 11|20 Aug. 12 15 Mar. 17 tU Foot.
{)fix DIark, Jamet 16 May 11 22 July 13 19 April 1791 Foot.
^ UUtck,John' 15 June 09^30 Dec. 10 |3 R. Veteran Batt.
lilackiston, Thamai Henry . 1 Aug. 14| 1 July 15 R. Engineers.
Blackwill, Uaiuel 28 Jan. 131 2 Mar. 20 2 Nov. 202-«, Garr. Batt.
Blags, Jaiiic^ 25 Aug. 09,14 Mar. ll|25 Mar. 17p Foot.
Blagravc, James I18Dec. 0G| 8 Mav ll|24 0ct. 19|89 Foot.
Blair, Tbus. Netvenbam 23 Sept. 12(15 June 15 25 April 16|7 West India Reg.
Blake, James Bunburv 2.^ Jan. 25 5 Sept. 26;i2 Mar. 29,43 Vuot.
Blake, John July 131 4 July 15|-22Jan. 25 R. Artillery.
Blake, Uiilore 10 Mav 10,31 Aug. 13i30 Aug. 23 8 Dragoons.
lilaJu,Robvrt M April 1223 Sept 13l 9 R. Veteran Bat.
Blakeuey, Riebard 2 July 03 15 Aug. 05| 4 Aug. 19 R. Marines.
Blakeway, Jolm 21 Dec. 20 8 Sept 2.iA'i Jan. Cape Reg.
Blanchard, William 24 June 12 13 Oct. 1425 Sept. Xova Scotia Fen.
Bland, Robert John 29 Aug. 1112 June 15i 8 Nov. 17 70 Foot.
Blaiikeney, John Edward . . 18 April 93 22 Aug. 90 R. Marines.
Itlayiles, Chas. Benjamin . 11 Aug. 2919 April 33 23 April 39 Unattached.
|) iilood, Thomai'' 18 Nov. 13 8 Sept 14 8 R. Veteran Batt.
^ ttl Bl.xxl, Tliomas' •25 Oct 2218Julv 2628 Mar. 34 Unattached.
Bloomficld, Hon. J. A. D. . 9 April 1825 Dec. 18;Coldstream Gds
Blucke, Rjh. Stewart 8 Feb. 11 1 Sept 14|R. Marines.
06; 16 Dec.
Blucke. William 17 Sept 09 1 Sept U'R. Marines,
05:21 Jan.
{I BIyth, John WUIW never 24 Oct. 03 1 Aug. If.'R. Art. Drivers.
{1 iFiS.4 Boasc, John '" Aug. 07 OJunc 08 19 June 27 94 Fo<it.
lk*i:hurst, 4 June 10,17 Feb. 14 1 Axis. 21 K. Artillery.
Boileau, John Peter 18 Mar. 13|n July 1614 Aug. 17 90 Foot
iaB,.ldero, Henry 25 Jan. 13|16 Aug. 13 25 June 18 27 Foot.
Bolton, Philip 17 Jan. 1025 July 11117 Jan. 22(3 Foot.
Bolton, Sainuel 4 May 09,29 Mar. 10;27 April Io|23 Foot.
Bond, Andrew 7 Mar. 11 8 Oct 12 10 July 20:21 Dragoons.
Bond, William Spittle 16 Mar. 0l|l5 Aug. 05 2 Feb. 15 R. Marines.
Bonnnr, Thomas Not. 90jl6 Mar. 97 Corsican Reg.
•Booth, WiUiam never 25 Dec. 13|25 Sept. 14114 Foot
Bonics, Broon Charlc-s lit June 2a 3 April 27| 2 Dec. 30 13 Foot
itl Hott, Charles 19 Dec. 11 22 April 1325 Oct. 16 R. Waggon Train,
liottomley, James never 4 Dec. 9925 June 02 15 Foot.
Boucher, Francis de never ;30 Dec. 97| 180960 Foot.
* Bourillion, Julius never 25 Dec. 1325 Sept. 14|4 Foot.
Bourkc, John 12 Jan. 81 9 Mav 82i 178.3'Fi3h's Corps.
Bonrke, Miles ilOOct 06 6 Mar. 11125 April 17 98 Foot
Bounie. William 20 Xov. 78 11 Sept 8126 Mar. 9o]r. Marines.
Bo^ill. Edward 3 Sept. 12(16 Sept 13; 2 May 17.-29 Foot.
BowdltT, (Miinrr Andrew . 18 May 08 22 Sept. 08 30 Oct. 17 99 Foot.
Bowles, Humphrey May 02 iOJulv 02 2iUuly 02 ^22 Dragoons.
Bowsar, Charles William . 10 Mar. 08 21 May 08 10 Feb. 20H4 Foot.
Bovd, Arthur •20 Slav 13 16 Feb. 14|-24 Oct. Hi2 Garr. Bat
Bovd, Sir John, Bt 8 July 08 2 May 11^25 June 161 Garr. Bat
Boyd, BiiIhtI 13 Oct 08il5Aug. Ill |7 R. Veteran Bat
Boys, Kiclianl 31 Aug. 3022 Mar. 3:J-23 Dec. 36 Canadian Fen.
Brackenbury, William .... 15 Mar. 08 16 Aug. 09 3 Oct. 16|l01 Foot
Brailhume, Francis 8 June 15 3 Sept 16 3 Sept 16,16 Dragoons.
Braddell, John Annstead . 15 Oct 07^25 May 0(>l25 Mar. 11136 Foot
I I 340

Bradford, William 7 Mar. 1 0^29 Oct. 29 May 17 8 Foot.

Bradshaw, Francis Green 5 Jan. Dec. 12 Mar. 18 52 Foot.
Brady, Bernard 1.3 April 09 18 May Dec. 18 97 Foot.
Brady, William 4 Oct. 11 -24 Dec. •26 Oct. 19 60 Foot.
fflai Bramwell, John " 29 July 1318 July :5 Feb. 92 Foot.
Brandling, Charles John 20 April !5 Mar. 25 Mar. 3 Foot.
Brannan, James 6 June !5 Dec. 1 June Unattached.
C ISrattle, Thomas '=
8 July 03 15 Aug. 11 Aug. R. Marines.
WSA Brauns, Aug. Chris. Gottlieb. 15 Nov. 11 17 Feb. 22 April 19 ^tafF Corps.
fflBJ Brearey, Christ. Spencer ... •21 July 2 Nov. 5 May n Foot.
JBre?nne)', Edward •29 June 02 27 Oct. 2 R. Veteran Bat.
Brereton, Thomas 25 Nov. 9926 Mar. Rifle Brigade.
J12il Breton, John Frederick " ... 1 Oct. 15 Mar. 1 Oct. 23 R. Artillery.
Brett, James Joseph •26 April 15^24 April 24 Dee. 29 30 Foot.
Brettiiauer, Christian William. . . 12 June 6 Oct. 25 April 16^ 60 Foot.
^ 512il Brice, Alexander Adair ... 8 Aug. 21 May 5 Oct ' 06 Foot.
312tlBridge, George Dandridge". 7 April 3 Oct. 25 June 17 73 Foot.
Bridger, James :6 Feb. 2 Jan. 25 Mar. 10 Dragoons.
* Bridger, John never 30 Mar. 1814 1 Prov. Bn. of Mil.
Bridgewater, Thomas never 29 Nov. 25 Oct. 00 30 Foot.
Brierly, William 9 May 2 Sept. 25 Mar. 1 77 Foot.
Brock, James Loftus 28 May 20 Sept. 2 Oct. 17 Foot.
Brohier, Cyrus 26 Mar. 5 July 16 Jan. York Chasseurs.
Brohier, John Boyle 21 Jan. 3 June 5 Dec. 18 61 Foot.
^3 fflSa Brook, Thomas 29 Aug. 9 May 16 June 25 51 Foot.
Broomfield, Alex. Scott 25 July 10 April 20 Nov. 2; 68 Foot.
5123 Brown, Alexander 15 Dec. 3 Aug. •25 Mar. 1' 42 Foot.
Brown, Charles 8 Mar. 7 Oct. •25 Dec. 1 50 Foot.
3l2il Brown, Eugene U Sept. 9 July •25 April 17 91 Foot.
Brown, Francis Carnac 27 July 1 April 8 July 18 80 Foot.
Brown, John 16 April !6 Aug. 10 Dec 82 Foot.
Brown, Lewis Joseph 8 Oct. 24 Feb. •25 June 17 97 Foot.
Brown, Richard 14 Aug. 27 April 1 Sept. 83 R. Marines.
Browne, Andrew 8 Sept. 6 July 14 May 29 52 Foot.
Browne, Andrew 3 Feb. 3 Nov. 17 Sept. '23 3 Foot.
Browne, Courtney 27 April 3 Jan. Dec. 1 Garr. Bat.
15rowne, Daniel 16 June 5 Mar. 30 Aug, 43 Foot.
Browne, Valentine 16 Ajiril 10 Aug. 25 Mar, 1 3 Foot.

aaa Browne, Hon. William 19 Sept. 26 Nov. 3 Jan. 52 Foot.

Browning, Thomas 20 Aug. 17 Oct. 18 Oct. 68 Foot.
linice, John 6 June 12 April 1 Aug R. Art. Drivers.
Brumby, Charles •29 Oct. 25 Feb. •25 Oct. Meuron's Reg.
P Brydges, John Wm. Egerton . 15 Dec. 5 Feb. 25 Dec. 14 Dragoons.
]}ryson, Patrick 6 Feb. 8 Oct. 17 Jan. R. Marines.
Bryscm, Wllliiim 27 June 21 Jan. 3 R. Veteran Bat.
Bubb, Anthony 20 Feb. 16 Dec. 1814 61 Foot.
Buchanan, Drummond 10 Aug. 09 "28 Nov. •25 Dec 90 Foot.
^9 Buchanan, William Theo 10 Dec. Sept. •25Julv 16 13 Dragoons.
liuckeridge, Fran. Hotelikin . . . 6 April 20 7 April 13 April 26 30 Foot.
Buckley, William Henry 4 Oct. 28 July 2 Nov. 32 Unattached.
Budd, Samuel Hayward 23 Jan. 29 Oct. 181 Dillon's Reg.
}iulger, Andrew 26 Oct. 04 30 July •25 June 16 Newf. Fen. Corps.
Bullen, Richard 30 Jan. 12 1 Sept. 25 Nov. 17 66 Foot.
Buller, John 22 Aug. 05 19 Mar. 7 Oct. 85 Foot.
liunyon, Charles Spencer 1 Aug. 2616 July 16 Sept. 36 Unattached.
*Burchell, Frederick n(;jer 25 Dec. 1814 2 Prov. Bn. of Mil.
Burdon, Charles 17 Mar. 96 1 April 11 Nov. 01 R. Marines.
Burge, iScnjamin April 94 31 May 71 Foot.
Burges, Saimiel 10 April 08 9 Feb. 10 R. Veteran Bat.
i! Cil Burgess, Francis 4 June 2 16 Dec. 25 Mar. 17 54 Foot.
Burgh, John Henry De 17 Dec. 07 1 Mar. 13 Sept. 2 21 Dragoons.
Burke, Richard 6 Sept. 04 14 Nov. •25 April 16 101 Foot.
Burn, Henry Wilson •25 Nov. 13 2 Mar. 21 Nov. 1 Foot.

Burn, James 13 Oct. 0819 Feb. 1814 72 Foot.

. 1


Biimc. Ijiwfonl : f. Nov. 00.11 Aue.

08J10 Nov. 20,22 Dragoons.
llunu', M'illiani Hruinpton 29 Dee. 14 25 .May 15 25 Oct. 21 15 Dnigoons.
5.51 Himut, Johu 27 Mav 13 8 .Mav 1.J25 Feb. 1C52 Foot.
Btirnuiglu*, Tho. D'Eyi- ' 4 May 20 24 OctL 21 24 Oct. 2lil4 Dragoons.
Hitrihm, James Godolphm 24 Sept. 9Gi 1 June 98| 1 Mar. 19 R. ArtilkT\'.
H Burton, Richard 13 Nov. 09| o Nov. 1225 Nov. 1994 Foot.
Bii!ite*<l, Dee. 07 22 Sept. 08 25 Sept. 17 1 Garr. Bat.
Uustoed, John ~ April 12;2!» Sept. 14 25 Mar. 17; Hi Foot.
llustcol, Michai'l 31) Nov. 091 8 Aug. 111 181357 Foot.
Bu»tin, Wm. Kulsilale 3 Sept. I2I 1 June 1510 Mav 10 10 Foot.
Butler, RichanI IG July I2| 9 June 14|2.". Feb'. 1691 Foot.
Butler, Thoina.4 Lapp o Aug. 13,20 JiUy 1513 June 34 I'nattaclicd.
iSX Butler, Uhitwell never |l2 Jan. 14 25 Feb. 19 Scots Fusilier Gds
^ Buttenvorth, lleiirj- io Aug. 07 27 April 0911 May 2035 Foot.
Byng, Hon. Gerald Fn-dcrick F. . Xov. 992G Jan. |53 Foot.
Byrne, Redmond 5 Mar. 12| 3 Mar. 1425 Mar. 16.15 Foot.

9 Cahill, Nicholas 10 Mar. OslaO Aug. 1011 Mav Foot. 153G

Cameron, Alexander 20 April 091 3 Oct. 11 9 Dec. Foot. 1942
Cameron, Donald 13 Dec. 04 7 Am. 05! 5 June Foot. 0642
^ Cameron, Donald I never 7 Mav 1123 Sept. Fool. 1960
i) iEl Cameron, Dugald 19 April Oil! 1 Mav 11113 Not. 17 89 Foot.
Cameron, Duncan -ii April 1321 April 1427 June 161 Foot.
Cameron, James jl4 Dec. 09l 9 Dec. 19! 7 Oct. 3f 27 Foot.
Cameron, James 25 Aug. Mar. lljlOJuly 17 77 Foot.
Cameron, John [17 Aug. 06113 Aug. 07;25 Dec. 15.2 Garr. Bat.
|) Cameron, Lachlan M'Lean .... 13 Oct. 1220 Mav 20 Feb. 29 Unattached.
Cameron, I'eter Robert 10 Dec. 12 1 Aui. 5 Feb. 24 53 Foot.
Cameron, Tlios. Coehranc 26 Aug. 131 8 Feb. Nov. 33 rnattached.
Campbell, .\lexander 10 Sept. 0510 Oct. Sept. 14 U. Marines.
• Campbell, Alexander never j
,2.5 Dec. 1814 93 Foot.
Campbell, Alexander ]13 Dec. 10 5 Nov. 25 July 17,104 Foot.
IP Campbell, Andreic 27 Aug. 07 31 May 4 R. Veteran Bat.
Campbell, Archibald p'Conner's Rec.Co.
Campbell, Cluirles i24 Jime 13 29 Sept. 14 25 Sept. 1899 Foot.
Campbell, Charles Jlfwre 2 Jan. 0627 Aug. 07 25 April 1610 Foot.
IP Campbell, Charles William .... 21 May 2 Mav 11 17 April 1739 Foot.
Campbell, Donald il6 Sept. 8 Dec. 1425 Feb. 1667 Foot.
Campbell, Dugald 18 Feb. 8 July 13 31 Jan. 1972 Foot.
Campbell, Duncan 1 May ! 95|27 Jan. 96 9 Dec. 01' R. Marines.
Campbell, Duncan 129 Oct. 05 25 July 10! 1 Sept. 14 R. Marines.
Campbell, George Andrew 3 Nov. 08,18 Dec. 24 28 Feb. 28 R. Marines.
Campbell, Jamet 7 Feb. |
0527 July 08 30 Jan. 24 R. Marines.
U Campbell, James ,14 Feb. 1 1 22 Oct. 13 25 Mar. 17 50 Foot.
CampU'll, James 19 July 1528 .\pril 24 23 April 26 Unattachetl.
Campbell, John '21 Oct. ft5 19 Mar. 01' 1
8 R. Veteran Bat.
Campbell, Rupert '20 Sept. 31 1 3838 Foot.
7 July 37 27 July
^ C 'nmpbell, TItonuit 3 May t 0022 Mar. 04' 111 R. Veteran Bat.
59.1 CamplM'U, Thomas 24 Jan. n| 3 Sept. 12 25 Sept. 1740 Foot.
CamptK'H, William 15 April 1318 May 14 25 May 1649 Foot.
• Candler, Stephen Campbell never 4 Dec. 99. 1800 52 Foot.

Canning, £<ln'ar<l 8 .\pril j

13 12 Auc. 1525 Mar. 17 33 Foot.
Cannon, James 4 Jan. 1.3 22 June 15 25 Nov. 163 Garr. Bat.
Canlcw, John Trcvanion r21 June 0527 July 08 10 Sept. 24 R. Marines.
Carry, James 7 Sept. j
04 a; Mar.
05 19 Mar. 17 101 F<wt.
9 Carev, Michael " !27 Oct. 08
Mar. Hi 7 Sept. 32 40 Foot.
Q 55a Carey, Tliomas, K.H. '«.... 1 July 12,27 April lOGer. Leg.
11-25 Mar.
<"arli3le, Robert Nee<lham jl 1 June 30 1(! Nov. 32 20 Oct. 37 [20 Foot.
Camaby, .Vlexander 2 Nov. 0924 Nov. 14125 Mar. 17[76 Foot.
Carr, L)an>oo J12 July 10 1 Nov. 1025 Dee. 2260 Foot.
Carr, John 2.) Dec. 13 29 Mar. 2628 Sept. 3o!l4 Foot.
Carr, Ralph 2 July 1 27 Jan. 14'ie April 17->1 Foot.
• Carriiigton, Walter Welland . . . .| never 2.5 Feb. 14| 18141 Prov. Bn. of Mil.
Carrinyton, ll'iV/inm 22 Jan. 07 12 Julv 08! k R. Veteran Hal.
.. . 1


Carrington, William Henry . . 10 May 93 1 April 95 12 Sept. 09 R. Marines.

Carroll, John 3 Dec. 14 28 Mar. IP 25 Jan. 89 Foot.
Carroll, Jolin 6 Mar. •26 Nov. Of. 15 April Scots Fusilier Gds.
19 Carson, James 6 Nov. 09 4 June 1 Oct. Unattached.
Carter, George 7 May 28 Sept. 07 25 Feb. 6 Foot.
Carteret, Hugh de •24Oct. 27 June 15 Mar. 12 Foot.
Gary, Dering 27 Feb. 14 May 15 Mar. 44 Foot.
Cary, George Marcus 2 Oct. 17 July 15 25 Dec. Rifle Brigade.
Cary, 'WiUiam 14 M.iy 30 Sept. 14 July Unattached.
Cassan, Edward Sheffield 18 July 25 June 19 Dec. West Ind. Rangers.
Cassel, James 5 July Aug. 12 Nov. R. Marines.
Caulfield, John 3 June 26 June 19 May 22 Foot.
Cauty, George 15 Dec. 20 Mar. 19 July York Rauirers.
Cauty, Thomas Henry Horatio 26 Jan. •23 Dec. 19 Aug. Bourbon Reg.
Chads, William Catherwood. . 15 Oct. 5 June 1 Sep't. R. Marines.
Chadvvick, Richard •22 June 16 May 15 May 7 Foot.
Chadwick, William 18 Jan. 18 Jan. 5 R. Veteran Bat.
Challis, John Henry 26 Feb. 1 Sept. 1 R. Veteran Bat.

Chamberlayne, Jos. Chamberlayne 5 July 24 Oct. 1 April R. Artillery.

Chambers, John 17 Sept. 7 May 16 June R. Marines.
Chambers, Samuel 6 Mar. 10 Sept. 9 Dec. 54 Foot.
Chambers, Samuel 16 Nov. 26 June 68 Foot.
Chambres, William Chambers . 3 Oct. 18 Nov. 1 Sept. R. Marines.
Champion, Edward Kendall .... 7 July 12 Feb. 29 Dec. Unattached.
Chapman, George ^' 29 April 13 29 June 8 K. Veteran Bat.
^ aSa Chapman, William 4 April 26 April 18 Mar. Rifle Brigade.
Charsley, Charles 2 May 7 Nov. 6 Sept. 56 Foot.
Charteris, Charles 16 June 95 12 April 25 June 28 Dragoons.
Chatfield, Frederick 24 Nov. 18 19 Nov. 19 Nov. 20 Foot.
13 Chetham, Isaac 6 Aug. 11 10 Dec. 15 Mar. 40 Foot.
Chisholm, Alexander 1 Feb. 9 June 25 Mar. African Corps.
Choiseul, Xavier 20 Mar. 2 May 25 Feb. 27 Foot.
Christian,John 23 Feb. 0911 May 19 April 88 Foot.
Cinnamond, Joseph 2 Nov. 03 22 Feb. 25 April R. Marines.
Clare, Benjamin 21 Dec. 12]11 Dec. •25 Dec. 00 Foot.
Clark, Edward Stevens .30 Jan. 12 10 June 25 Mar. 44 Foot.
Clark, Frederick 1 June 12il6 Feb. 20 Sept. 14 Foot.
Clark, George 7 Aug. 00 19 Jan 25 April R. Marines.
Clark, John 20 May 15 Aug. 25 Nov. 99 Foot.
13 Clark, Robert 12 April 26 Dec. 25 Mar. 68 Foot.
Clark, Thomas 8 June 24 April 8 Jan. R. Marines.
19 Clark, Thomas Noble 25 Feb. 11 April 19 Feb. 24 Dragoons.
Clark, William 7 May 9 Dec. 13 25 Nov. 3 Garr. Batt.
Clarke, John Thorp 5 Nov. 7 June 1525 Feb. 3 Foot.
Clarke, Marshal 3 Feb. 12 Oct. 20 25 Aug. 88 Foot.
Clarke, Thomas 31 May 25 Jan. 13 2 R. Veteran Batt.
Clarke, Walter 18 July 9 Nov. 18 1 Feb. 24 Dragoons.
Clarke, William 3 July 15 Aug. 05 1 Jan R. Marines.
Clason, Patrick 13 April 3 Jan. 9 April 79 Foot.
Clay, William Waldegrave Polh. 1 July 19 April 21 10 Oct, 43 Foot.
Cleary, Richard Stanton 2 June 23 Mar. 00 30 Sept. 76 Foot.
19 Cleghorn, George 5 Oct. II July 1 -23 July 52 Foot.
Clements, George Edward .... 28 Mar. 10.30 April 2 16 Mar. 71 Foot.
Clendining, Andrew !6 April 9 April 29 26 Dec 45 Foot.
ClifFe, Waste! 31 Aug. 3 Aug 31 Jan. 42 Foot.
ffiM Clues, Josiah 12 .\pril 15 Oct. 25 Jan. 83 Foot.
Coates, Richard Aylmer Oct. 27 Jan. 29 Oct. 47 Foot.
Cobbold, Frederick 23 Aug. 15 Aug. 2 Feb. Unattached.
* Cochrane, William never 25 Dec. 25 Sept. 32 Foot.
Cockbum, Pliineas C .30 Dec. 23 Feb. 18 Sept. 70 Foot.
Colclough, M'Carty 25 April 23 Sept. 25 May 62 Foot.
Colcroft, John 28 Feb. 27 May 9 Nov. 74 Foot.
Cole, Charles 21 Nov. 7 April 25 June 16 Dragoons.
Cole, John William 16 July 16 Nov. 13 Nov. 21 Foot.


B Collingwood, William Dixon . .]l3 July OOi 8 Oct. 12 o H. Veteran ftitt.

SSI Collins, Bonjamin MarsluUl ..;-27 .Vpril 0"j! 1 Nov. 1030 Dec. 18,6 W est India Reg.
Com„s, Chari. |i4 8 O.t. May lo! 13 8 H. Veteran Batt.
Collins, Joseph .Ambrose
.\mbro9e Ill) Sept. 13 14 Dee.
lU) 14 2o Uee.
14-2o Dee. IBJ^esi
IB J \\ est India Reg.
. _ ^^-.n r.^.

1 Dt>c. 0C16June rtj'

08; (^^ Fm
61 Foot,
Collis,William 122 .April 06 1 July 12' 1 Sept. 14 R. Malarines.

CoUs, William '. ! 1 Feb. I(i26 Sept. 17 26 Feb. 18 \ ork Lt. Infantry. :

Comerford. GeoT^je
Conierford, 13Jan.
13 Jan. UltilVov. 1525Junc
1416Nov. icxFoot.
lo-J.)Junc 17.>7Fo(
Compson, George -I) June11 -26 JIar. 17 -25 Foot.
O'J-24 dct.
• Condonnc, Robert Patrick I never 25 Dec. 13-2o t^ept. 14|14 Foot.
Condv, Nicholas 9 Mav 11 24 Feb. 13 25 Dec. 18j43 Foot.
Coningham.William 24 Nov. 13 4 .\pril 16 13 Mar. 17|63 Foot.
Conxcay, S,imuel
Siimuel 1 Mav
May 14 24 Feb. 20j Veteran
10 R. > eteran Batt.
Cmik, Benjamin I
1 June 01)24 Oct. 1024 April l/ll Dragoons.
a Cooke, .\dolphu5 Mar. 0!) Ui^July 12j !) .\ug. 21|/6 Foot.
Coomlie, Joseph '* 1 Jan. 00 7 Sept. 04-25 Oct. 05jR. Marines.

* Cooper, Charles Kellv never 25 Dec. 13,25 Oct. u!o2 Foot,


Cooper, Samuel 112 Julv 21 10 Sept. 2o!25 Dec. 28i2 Foot.

Coote Charles 17 June 21 29 April 24 24 Feb. 32lUnattached.
Nov. 09 27 May 12 10 R. Veteran Batt
9SX Coote, John"
Coote, Richartl Gethin Crcagh" 25 Sept. 13 10 May 15 1 Feb. 31 :55 Foot.
. .

Coppin-'cr, John Murrav 114 April 26 19 Jlay 34 30 Mar. 35 R. Marmes.

Corham, William ....'. 4 Mar. 96 13 Nov. 98 5 Dec. OlIR. Marmes.

• Corrigan, James never 25 Dec. 13l

1 1814 (4 Foot.
Com-, Somerset l28 Sept. 09 16 April 12 IC Sept. 13118 Foot.
Cosbv, William 18 Sept. 04 8 Mav OG 2 April 18 5 West India Reg.
Cotter, Charles 9 Aug. 14.30 Sept. 24 14 Aug. 28 Unattached.

a Cottiimham, Thomas 11 Mav 12 5 Aug. 13 25 Dec. 18B2 Foot.

Couche,John 1 Jan. 04 26 April 06 13 Jan. lOjR. Marmes.

CoulUiard, Robert i27 Julv 0923 Nov. 09; 7 May 18)1 Dragoon Gds.

IP Courtcnav, M'illiam
Allan 14 June 0923 Aug. 13| 4 .\pril 16;39 Foot
Coveney, Jajnes never 20 Feb. 1623 Oct.
60 Foot.
Coventry, Richard'' Ill Jan. 10 20 Aug. 12 4 R. Vet. Batt.
Cowan, William 1 June 78 12 .\ug. 79; 1 Jan
67 Foot.
Cowcher, John !l4 Jan. 07 23 May 09 25 Aug 3 Foot.
1 Dragoons.
Cowderov, Thomas Frederick ....; 9 Feb. 15 1 July 19 16 Mai
Cowlev, Charles 24 May 09 10 Sept. 12 18 July 16 39 Foot.
|> CH Cox, Charles Thomas 29 June 0921) Mav 11 25 Oct. 21 71 Foot.
Cox, Douelas Leith l30 Nov. 0929 Oct. 12 16 Mar. 32 Unattached.
Cox, Samuel 22 Dec. 09 19 Mar. 28 6 Feb. 29 R. Marines.
Cozens, George !27 Julv 09 5 Dec. 11 27 Mar. 101 Foot.

9 Crabtrec, George Longbottom 11 Mar. 12 29 Oct. 1210 April 23l5 Dragoon Gds
Cramplon, Josiah 6 Sept. 04 22 Mav 04 25 Dee. 1897 Foot.
Craufortl, William 22 Mav 12 24 Aug. 15 25 Mar. 17 70 Foot.
Crause, Cliarles 3 Aug. 0012 Dec. 0431 Oct. 14 R. Marines.
ja Crawford, Alexander Spiers 18 Mav 1427 Julv 15; 3 Feb. 25167 Foot.
Crawfonl, John Charles 11 Julv 1127 Dec. 15 29 Sept. 19|52 Foot.
Crawford, Joseph 4 Julv 11 23 July 12 24 Oct. 1 2 Garr. Bat.
T^ Crawley, WiUiam 7 Nov. 1131 Dec. 12-2.5 Mar. 1 27 Foot.
Creash, .\rthur Ciethin 6 June 05 10 April 06, 3 Dec. 07 17 Foot.
Crce, Jolm 24 July 02! 1805 York Rangers.
2 R. Veteran Ba
9 Creire, Kinder never 4 June 12| I

Crisp, Robert 4 June 12' 5 Feb. 14 25 Mar. 29 1 Foot.

Crispo, Sidney Smith II Mar. 2818 Julv 3( Nov. 37iR. Marines.
Cromp, Thomas" 18 Auc. 79l 1 Mav 83 June 04'R. Marines.
Crookshank, Richard 1-23 July 12 4 Feb. 13 25 S pt. 144 Dracoon Gds.
Cross, Richard |l6 Mar. 30-22 June 32,21 April 37 20 Fwt.
Cross, Richard !28 Oct 13[ 7 April 2.3|l7 July •28-24 Foot.
Croudace, William jV.I April lol 4 Feb. 141-25 An?. 22 2 Ceylon Reg.

Crow, William Sept. 99118 Nov. 99-25 Nov. 02.9 Foot.


B Crowe, Charles 14 Aug. 11 -24 Dec. 12 2.5 Mar. 17i27 Foot.

Crowe, James jifi Dec. 13113 June I(i; 6 Feb. 17 2 Garr. Bat.
Cpowe,Jowph HGOct. 10 29 Mar. 12i-28 June 19160 Foot.
Crowther, Jeremiah |l5 Jan. 04^27 Aug. 04l 1806iR.W'aggon Train.
. 7


Crozier, Aclieson 2 July 15 Aug. 05 1 May 17 R. Marines.

^P Cubitt, Edward George !31Oct. 23 Jan. 8 Jan. 24 4 Dragoons.
Cull, George 5 Aug. 1 Sept. 10 Jan. 16 R. Marines.
Cumberlege, Cleland 31 Dec. 25 Aug. 28 Sept. 1 Foot.

Cumming, Alexander 27 Jan. 6 Oct. 14!25 Dec. 20 Foot.

Curling, Henryi 22 Oct. 20 Aug. 29;30 Dec. 52 Foot.
Curtayne, Francis 16 Feb. 11 Oct. 29 Aug. 8 Dragoons.
Curzon, Hon. John H. Roper 14 Oct. 15 Nov. 30 Dec. 37 Foot.
Cusine, John 22 Mar. 4 Mar. 13 Dec. Unattached.
^3 Cuthbert, Kingston 2 Dec. 13 Oct. 25 Jan. 82 Foot.
Cutting, Tliomas 9 Jan. 13 Sept. 24 Feb. Ger. Leg.

^ Dalgaims, William" Sept. 5 July rJuly 17 Foot.

Dalgety, Alexander June 28 July i Sept. 16 89 Foot.
Dalgleish, Robert April 1 Julv I June 17 73 Foot.
Dalrymple, Alexander May 1 Sept. 46 Foot.
D'Alton, Edward Richard . June 7 Sept. 1814 Chass. Brit.
^PDal ton, Johns's April 13 June Nov. 14 R. Art. Drivers.
Dalton, Matthew Aylmer .... Oct. 18 May Mar. 16 Sicilian Reg.
Dalton, Philip Tuite Oct. 1 April July 14 9 Dragoons.
Daly, George Mar. 4 Oct. Oct. 17 99 Foot.
Dalzell, William John May 29 July Jan. 24 R. Artillery.
Damerum, George Oct. 23 Sept. April 29 104 Foot.
Dames, Mansell Feb. May Mar. 16 6 Dragoons.
^ Daniel, Robert never 11 Api-U Mar. 18 7 Foot.
fflia Dauiell, Robert^ Sept. 15 July 19 59 Foot.
^ D'Arcy, William Feb. 25 July 1 R. Veteran Dat.
Darcy, Isaac Soboteau .... April 2 Oct. 8 R. Veteran Bat.
* Dardis, George , never 25 Feb. 1814 1 Prov.Bn. of Mil.
Darke, John Nov. 18 Aug. Jan Coldstream Gds.
Daubuz, James Barill Aug. 24 Oct. !Mar. 27 Unattached.
Davidson, Duncan July 11 April IMar. 25 Coldstream Gds.
Davies, Charles Nice June 8 April 1815 53 Foot.
Davies, Christopher Oct. 28 Dec. IDec 42 Foot.
Davies, David Nov. 1 Oct. IMay 27 R. Marines.
Davies, Edward John Aug. 27 Aug. >Jan. 30 Foot.
Davis, Charles Winter Sept. 24 Feb. '

Sept. 29 30 Foot.
Davis, John 7 Aug 19 Nov. 2 R. Veteran Bat.
Davis, William Sept. 6 Feb. .July 02 16 Foot.
Davis, Wilham Henry Jan. !5 May iApril 1 8 West India Reg.
Davison, James Aug. 5 Oct. '

Nov. 17 99 Foot.
IP Davison, John Sept. 3 Sept. 1Jan. 11 Foot.
Davys, Edmund Soden Nov. 16 May .Dec. 18 90 Foot.
Dawson, William May 6 May .April 16 Ger. Legion.
Dav, Alexander May 18 Aug. Oct. R. Marines.
IP bay, John Nov. 21 Mar. .Feb. 16 11 Foot.
Dean, Robert Jan. 5 June I
Oct. 16 16 Dragoons.
Delamain, Edward Smith Feb. 18July IJuly 29 60 Foot.
De Lancey, Oliver , June 13 16 Nov. ijune 20 10 Dragoons.
^ Delme, Henry Peter Mar. 3 Sept. i
Feb. 88 Foot.
* Denford, Charles . . never 25 Dec. 1814 95 Foot.
Denison, George June 12 29 Jan. IJuly 20 19 Foot.
Dennis, Harloe May 14 30 Nov. .Aug. 16 101 Foot.
Dent, Robert Dec. 20 16 Dec. I
Sept. £ Unattached.
Desbarres, Henry Windham . May 14 8 Dec. 1 Feb. 26 Unattaclied.
Dick, Geoi*ge Oct. 07 5 April IAug. 19 4 West India Reg.
fflSS Dickson, Charles Lennox June 12 21 April '

Sept. 26 Unattached.
Dickson, David Dec. 15 23 Dee. tjulv 28 42 Foot.
Digges, Charles Mar. 1311 May 1 Oct. 18 \\. Ind. Rangers.
^P bighton, Robert '^
April 09 7 Sept. '

Nov. 34 Unattached.
Dillon, Anthony April 1017 Nov. 1 35 Unattached,
Dillon, Edward Walter Percy April Oct. IDec. 03 Foot.
Dillon, Thomas July Feb. 8 R. Veteran Bat.
*Disney, Henry 25 Dec. i
Mav 17'37 Foot.
.. ..


Disiii'V, Jniiios Rolicrt .Vut;.19 York Chasscuis.

Dixoii, Jiiliii Williiiiii '1814 48 Foot.
ffill Dobl.s, Williiim^ April 17 1 Foot.
Dnliri'O, Aii;;ii9lus Frinl. . Dec. 2(130 Foot.
l>»l>vii!<, Kolivrt Williiiui . Sept. 10'7 West India Reg.
D.Ml.l. E.lwar.l Henry .... Mar. 27 87 Foot.
I) Jll DtKiwell, Clcorge .. Maj- l('i;23 Dragoons.
I IiiIiiihl:!', Julius Seiit. ()J4 Foot.
ItontitdJton^ John 8 H. Veteran Bat.
Uowiellij, John ]2I 2 H. \eteriin Hat.
Uoniier, I'liarles i8 Mav 34 Unattached.
Duswell, llinr>- 18 April 17 K. Marines.
Duiiclo..', ('uiiiiiiisl>ai» 9 May l.")jl8 Foot.
Umii:las, WiUiiuii Henry 3 .\ug. 24'.") Foot.
I>(>ii<.'lass, Kdiii 1 Alexander I
) Nov. 1(!3 Garr. Bat.
Jill l)owl>ii.''.;in, William Henry " 'Oi Aug. 21J1G Foot.
P I ),nvkor, Thomas -JO Nov. 1438 Foot.
i 11 Uowliipj, Joseph Il8 July 27jl'nattached.
Uuwiier, Geiipp'O P. JlaxwcU 1 3 Mar. 17 York Lt. Inf. Vol.
Dowiiie, Alexander jlO Nov. 22 (> Foot.
Dover, Joseph 13 > Julv 48 Foot.
Uovne, Hobert Stephen ii '
Sept. 2!) 7 Dragoons.
•fit Dnike, Edward ji'. iApril Hi 28 Foot.
Dmwltriilije, Charles •"
iAug. 20 R. Artillery.
Drfifhorn^ Allan Hamilton 7 R. Veteran Bat.
I)r.\v, .Matthew 08 25 Dec. 18 H. Waggon Train.
Drew, Tank. Chamberlain Mar. 17'45 Foot.
{) <!2:l Drunmiond, Geo. Duncan June 203 K. Veteran Bat.
Du Cbajstelet, MaximiUan .... May l(i(!0 Foot.
Dudley, Samuel Nov. 14|ll Dragoons.
Duf^an, .\rthur Dec. 18|!)0 Foot.
Dunbar, James Mar. 2021 Dragoons.
Dunlop, Arehibald 18: Aug. 18 U. Marines.
Dunn, Thomas Jan. 18 12 Foot. ,

a 51 DunniclitTe, Henr\- « April 10 H. Artillery.

P (fit Duperier, Henry " Nov. 2118 Dragoons.
Durell, llios. Vavasour Oct. I'Jl W. Ind.Reg.
iPMsautntf, James jH. Jlarines.
Dyer, Kobcrt TurtUff , IGl Dec. 14;R. Marines.

Eagar, Alexander Mar. 25 Feb. 1657 Foot.

Koijar^ James Nov. |7 R. Vet. Batt.

Ea;;ar, Jeffrey Mav 14 Nov. lOYork Rangers.

Ka^lc:>, Edward Uamp6eld . . Sept. 1 Sept. 14 li. Marines.
Karle, .\lexander Hamilton . . . D<-c. 10 Aug. 21 R. Artillery.
Kaster, Jeremiah Mar. 25 July 14 23 Dragoons.
(I I'jilon, John June 2.5 Mar. 10 20 Dragoons.
Elieritein, Franz. J), ron !7 R. Vet. Batt.
Ei'cles, Cuthbcrt 25 .Mar. 17 83 Foot.
Ede, Denzil 1 Jan. IG R. Marines.
J^iU\ John 'R. Marines.
£<li;worth, Thos. Uridgman . . 1!)Mar. 00 R. Marines.
IfiKdinixton, John 3 April 10 81 Foot.
E<lmonds, Robert 25 Mar. 17 27 Foot.
BdriiUjey Frederirk Letdt |H. Artillery.
P Kdwanis, Denj. Hutchins ". 1 July 30 Unattached.
E.lwar.Is, Charles -27 3 Mar. 2.) 71 Foot.
Edwanls, Jcpbn I 2 28 Jan. 13 27 Foot.
Edwanls, John t.'j 178:107 Foot.
FUUvanls, Riotmrd "24 I Sept. 14 R. Marines.
Eilwanl.", Stephen 27 15 Mar. 10 7 Garr. Batt.
Edwards, Thomas 11 8 Julv 1000 Foot.
?Jt Eilwards William 3 22 .Mar. 2i»89 Foot.
Edwurtis, Wright I 2 11 Julv 2258 Foot.



Edyvean, Robert Brartlick 31 May 4 Mar. ! Dec. 17 103 Foot.

Egan, James 3 July 2 Feb. i April 17 21 Foot.
Eliot, Charles 14 Oct. 11 Jan. i Jan. 24 43 Foot.
Elley , John 20 Mar. 8 June i Dec. 18 West Ind. Rangers.
Elliot, Henry 11 July 5 Nov. Dec. 10 R. Marines.
Elliott, George Henry 15 June 8 Feb. ! April 12 44 Foot.
liUis, William 1 Feb. 9 June > Jan. 17 89 Foot.
Elrington, Thos. Gerard 5 Mar. 12 Feb. > May 17 2 Foot.
Elton, WUliam ;llDec. 10 Feb. . Mar. 22 19 Dragoons.
*Emery, John never 25 Mar. 1814 3Prov. Bn. ofMil.
Enz'mger, John 21 Sept. 20 Oct. 8R.Vet. Batt.
Erroll,\Vm.Geo.£ario/,KT.GCH, 24 April 3 May ! Jan. 23 45 Foot.
Erskine, Robert 2 April 25 June iJuIy 31 African Corps.
Eustace, James 24 Dec. 23 May ) April 92 Irish Brigade.

Evans, George 30 Aug. 19 Nov. j Sept. 17 1 Garr. Batt.

Evans, John 1 Mar. 13 April ) Dec. 14 28 Foot.

Evans, John !6 Oct. 21 June JJuly 20 83 Foot.
an Evam, SlaWiew^ 1 Dec. 1 Jan. R. Art. Drivers.
Evans, Ralph 24 Sept. 16 Feb. ) May 17 62 Foot.
f3 Evans, Thomas 26 Nov. 19 Jan. i Feb. V
38 Foot.
Every, John 15 June 17 Mar. ) June 0; 15 Dragoons.
Eyma, John Adrian 11 Sept. 15 Oct. 1814 R.WaggonTr.

Fairtlongh, Hen. Blackler . 26 Dec. 27 July \ April 17 R. Marines.

Fallon, Charles 7 Sept. 16 July : Mar. 19 23 Dragoons.
Farie, James 10 Jan. 1783 82 Foot.
Farmer, Richard 28 Nov. 11 Aug. ) Sept. 02 36 Foot.
^ Farmer, Wm. John George 31 Oct. 6 Dec. ) April 17 9 Foot.
^3 Fensham, Daniel :8 Mar. a Oct. ) Dec. 18 Rifle Brigade.
Fenton, William 15 Aug. 31 July ! Mar. 21 69 Foot.
Ferguson, Arch. {Q.-M. 24 May 10) never 2 May 1 R. Vet. Batt.

IP Ferguson, Donald 14 May 10 Dec. i Dec. 18 Rifle Brigade.

Ferguson, George 18 May 3 Dec. i Mar. 17 97 Foot.
Fcrgusson, James 23 June 21 April J Feb. 16 57 Foot.
Fergusson, Thomas 13 April 5 Aug. 1 May 29 8 Foot.
Ferrier, Walter 30 April 23 Mar. Indep. Co.
Ffennell, Richard 25 April 26 Oct. ) Dec. 18 98 Foot.
Ffinney, Edw. Hamilton . 27 Dec. 13 June I April 36 46 Foot.
Finch, Edward** 18 June 20 July V Sept. 17 13 Dragoons.
Finch, Hugh Frederick 3 Aug. 6 May ) Dec. 22 9 Dragoons.
Finn, James Glover 7 June 13 Aug. > Aug. 17 50 Foot.
Fitchett, J ohn 23 Dec. 8 Oct. 7 Garr. Batt.
Fitz Gerald, James 21 Nov. 1 21 April 5 Mar. 17 77 Foot.
Fitz Gerald, Rich. Henry . 1 Oct. 1 23 Mar. 3 May 25 Unattached.
ilSil Fitz Gibbon, Gerald . 6 Aug. : 20 July 3 April 17 23 Foot.
Fitz Gibbon, William 20 May : 16 Sept. 5 Sept. 17 83 Foot.
Fitzherbert, George 25 Oct. ( 31 July j Jan. 18 14 Foot.
^ Fleetwood, James 4 Oct. : 30 April 1 Oct. 23 25 Dragoons.
# Flrinlnii, Ilmih 11 Jan. ; 26 Mar. 7 Royal Vet. Batt.
FhmU>,j,jn. ((i.-Mus. 25 Dec. 04) 25 Nov. ( 5 June 3 Royal Vet. Batt.
13 Floo<l, Ross 20 Mar. : 31 Mar. 1 April 24 4 Foot.
Follett, Frederick 2 Feb. : 10 May Nov. 23 71 Foot.
Foiiblant{ue, John Samuel Mar de
Grenier 3 Jan. : 18 June i
Mar. 17 21 Foot.
Foot, Randal U July ; 6 Aug. I Feb. 32 14 Foot.
Foote, John Hollis RoUe .. 18 April ] 29 April . Feb. 10 9 Foot.
Foote, Robert Sept. ( 30 Oct. I
Mar. 03 1 1 Dragoons.
Forbes, Alexander 10 July ( 7 Dec. 100 Foot.
Forbes, Nathaniel 31 Jan. ( 15 May 102 Foot.
Forbes, Peter 18 Mar. : 21 Aug. 95 Foot.
Ford, Arthur White 27 April ( 3 Oct. 2 R. Vet. Batt.
JD Ford, John" 25 May ( 30 May Nov. 21 3 West Ind. Reg.
John Augustus
Forster, . never 25 Dec. 1814 Prov. Bn.of Mil.
* Fortescue, George never 25 Mar. 1814 3 Prov. Bn.of Mil.
. 1

rukceo ON


FortoMuc, John MUl 19 Aug. 13 7iMar. 16^ 1 Oct. 17 103 Foot.
Fortune, Jnhu "22 Oct. 13123 May 1524 Oct. 152 Garr. Hatt.
Konvarri, Sanmel 7 June 15| 8 June 20 8 June 2021 Dragoons.
Fothenjillj Joihua April 1010 June 131 IR.Vet. Batt.
9 Fuwki', John 1325 Dec. 18(>8 Foot.
Feb. li'lU Aug.
Fowler, William m
1 Nov.
99 1 July 02 R. Marines.
Fruiakjiu, Michael George June 3^11 Nov. 3020 Dec. 3i» 73 Foot.
9 Franklin. Rob. Deane 3 Aug. 09J25 Aug. 13; 8 June 15|:56 Foot.

ij.1 Frasrr, Andrew Simon" .... 10 Sejit 1320 July 1518 Jan. 27j Unattached.
Fra^'r, .\rchibaM -6 Aug. 07| 3 Jan. 12.12 Dec. 10101 Foot.
Frascr, -Arthur John 14 Sept. 12 Jan. 05 C Dec. 14 2 Garr. Batt.
9 Fraser, David 9 Jlay I
S Dec. 13'25 Mar. 17 82 Foot.
Fra^r, Donald 11 Mar. 3 July 13-25 Mar. IGI Foot.
Frater, Hugh 6 Sept. 10| 6 June
U R. Veteran Batt.
Fraser, John Xugent I- Jan. 2(>20 Jan. 32 16 Feb. 39{L'uattached.
Fraser, Simon 4 Mav 92| 1 July 95i 1 July 02J42 Foot.

Frtanie, Wm. Horwood 8 Dec. 13^14 Dec. 25 2 Feb. 2Cj58 Foot.


SB Freear, Arthur William 6 June 09124 June 1120 Nov. 17130 Foot.
Freeman, Alfred P. I. Walsh 1 Oct. 9<»14 May 1222 Feb. 1615 Foot.
Freeman, Richard Francis 5 .\pril 9911 Nov. 99 2 July 03 30 Foot.

French, Hyacinth "27 July 09ll7 May 13|-25 Dec. 18i97 Foot.
French, Lucius 3 Sept. 12i 4 May 16125 Julv 17;67 Foot
French, William 8 May Ofill Nov. 07l 3 Aug. 2036 Foot.
French, William Lasinby 8 June 9619 Jan. 97110 Aug. 02|R. Marines.

Frojter, Leopold Ae !l5 Jan. 08130 Aug. 0921 Julv 22Ha Foot
Fullarton, John |^ July 13| 7 Dec. 14 7 April 10 71 Foot.
Fuller, William H5 July 95;20 Feb. 99 IG Feb. 09:4 Foot.

9 Gagpin, Pierce 11.5 .\ug. 9 ll| Feb.

14|l8 April 17|6 Foot.
JJB (iairdncr, Patrick "27 July 1230 14-25 April 10|German Legion.
Gale, William 12 April 1520 Jmie 17,-22 Sept. -2(>il Dragoons.
Gallagher, John 10 June 04 22 May 04[-25 Sept. 18 98 Foot.
Galwey, John I 4 .\pril 81 6 Feb. 831
178.-) 75 Foot.

•Gamien, Charles Arthur |

never 10 Mar. 14 1814 3Prov. Bn. of Mil.
Gapper, .\braham Arthur 30 May 11 14 July 14-25 Mar. 17,13 Foot.
Ganlen, John Campbell (16 Dec. 07 41
Oct. -25 June lO^NewfoundlandFen.
Gardiner, .\rthur go Mar. 08 11 July 7 Dec. 14 2 Garr. Batt.
Ganliner, Wm. Gregory HI 11 12 Aug. -24 May 21 Rifle Brigade.

9 m Gardner, .\udrew
Garstin, James
lu Xov.
36 Oct.
1 30 Sept. 13 -ij Mar. 17.27 Foot.
07|12 Nov. 09 10 Nov. I7I15 Foot.
*< iatlive, John never |:30 Nov. -25 June 01j36Foot.
Gatty, Joseph |lO Dec. 11-26 Oct. 13 Nov. 17,00 Foot.
Gay,' John |24 Sept. 1-2| 2 Feb. 9 .Vug. 19 Garrison Com.
Gcddes, Alexander lUi May Ilil4 Jan. •29 Dec. 17 5 W. Ind. Reg.
Geddes, James 17 Mar. 13; 9 June -25 Dec. 14 42 Foot.
?a Gerard, Arthur ri!) April 1316 Mar. 5 Feb. 10 4 Foot.
Gibb, Harrj- Will. Scott 11 July 1427 Sept. 1 Dec. 22 R. Artillery.
Gibbings, Thomas ^20 Dec. 10 4 Feb. -25 Mar. 17 81 Foot.
Gibbon, Stej>hen jiO Jlay 10 Nov. 1 May 17-29 Foot.
Gihhoni, Thonuu 8 June 1 Dec. 1 Jan. »i!R. Artillery.
9 Gibbs, William Aug. 8 Feb. 8 Dragoons.
(iibson, Waimm 11 Feb. 13 Sept. 1 R. Vet. Batt.

9 (iihton, Wm. Joseph '27 Sept. O4I1I Mar. 8 R. Vet. Batt.

^ <iichard, Eilwanl I-Jl Aug. 0628 July •25 April 16 4 Foot.
(iitranl.Tlios. Freilerick 9 July 12 5 May -20 Mav '24 18 Foot.

|J ii\ Gillwrne, FVlward " . . 4 Oct. 08il8Oct. -25 Dec. 18171 Foot.
% Gililer, Matthew William . . . 19 July 10-26 Aug. 10 April I7IO Foot.
Gillillan, Wm. Fred. .Anderson. 4 Mar. l-2i 6 Mav •!» Jimc 1960 Foot.
Gill, George 29 Jan. 0fi20 Aug. 1 .Scjit. 14|R. Marines.
Gillespie, Joshua 10 Nov. 08| 7 Mar. Feb. 15 5 Garr. Bait
Gillies, John 12 Mav 251 8 Oct. 30 10 -Mav 39 Unattached.
(iillman, Wm.
Howard 18 Dec. 1-2116 July 131 1 JuW 10 R. Artillerv- Driv.
Gillmore, Joscpli .Vlbert 14 Xov. I2I 1 Sept. 14| 7 Aug. 17 27 Foot.
Gilse, Frederick rte 6 Feb. Oft 20 Sfi.t. 09i 7 Mar. 15 R. Waggon Tr.
K K 357
.. .

•2d LIEUT,

Glanville, William 15 June 7 May Nov. 28 71 Foot.

Glassen, Caldwell 4 May 10 1 1 Sept. I Aug. 29 R. Marines.
Glendlnning, Adam 16 Dee. 05 26 June 9 R. Veteran Batt.
3l?il Glendinning, Thomas 9 Dec. 13-20 July Sept. 17 00 Foot.
iBM Glynn, Henry 25 Nov. 13 20 Sept. . Feb. 16 40 Foot.
Glover, Edward 13 Nov. ' 7 Nov. I
Feb. 37 00 Foot.
Goddard, Geo. Anthony 14 Dee. !1 Jan. Sept. 15 50 Foot.
Godfrey, Whiteside IGJuly 3 July 5 R. Veteran Batt.
Goodacre, Richard 25 Aug. 1 Oct. 25 May 17 Depot.
*Goodair, William 18 Aug. 5 Mar. Indep. Co.
T^ Goodall, William 30 Mar. 31 Dec. iJune 10 52 Foot.
Gordon, Alexander •23 May 3 Mar. ) Oct.10 93 Foot.
|3 Gordon, George •20 Feb. 6 Jan. ) Dee. 19 85 Foot.
Gordon, Sir John, Bt 23 May 97 24 April i May 03 4 Foot.
Gordon, John •23 Dec. ''29 June 1783 81 Foot.
Gordon, John Ponsonby 17 Jan. 15 Aug. )Aug. 26 Unattached.
Gordon, Lewis Feb. 17 May ) Oct. 02 35 Foot.
Gordon, Sir Orford Gordon, Bt. 10 Mar. 27 July ) Nov. 10 3 Garr. Batt.
Gordon, William •27 May 16 Sept. ) May 1 York Lt. Inf. Vol.
}a Goslett,Jos. {Q.-Mas. 13July09) never 30 Nov. 2 R. Vet. Batt.
Goudie, John 23 May 1 Dec. ! May 19 72 Foot.
13 Gould, Thomas •20 June 16 April i Oct. 14 11 Dragoons.
Goulden, George 8 Nov. 23 Sept. > Mar. 1 82 Foot.
?p S® Grceme, Geo. Drnmmond 14 May 30 Aug. i April 16 German Legion.
Graham, Alexander 5 Dec. 1783 90 Foot.
Graham, Hector •26 Oct. 8 June !Nov. 19 60 Foot.
^ Graham, James 25 Feb. 11 April iJuly 17 27 Foot.
Graham, Mitcliell 15 Dee. 13 June !April 90 R. Marines.
Grahmn, Walter 24 May 4 June R. Veteran Batt.
Grant, Alexander 10 Dec. 3 Dec. Invalids.
Grant, Alexander 20 Oct. 24 Dec. Oct. 10 Canadian Fen, Co.
Grant, Charles 5 Jan. May 83 81 Foot.
Grant, Geo. Colquhoun 15 June 2 Jan. Dec. 22 3 Ceylon Reg.
*Grant, James never 15 Dec. June 16 R. Waggon Train.
*Grant, James never 25 Dec. 1814 R. Waggon Train.
|9 Grant, John'" 1 Oct. 08 8 May Oct. 25 R. Artillery.
j3 Grant, John^- 28 Mar. 24 July 3 R. Veteran Batt.
IP Grant, John" 5 Oct. April Aug. 38 Unattached.
Grant, Robert •28 Sept. 31 May Sept. 21 19 Dragoons.
Grant, William 12 Sept. Nov. iNIar. 95 34 Foot.
Grant, William 16 Aug. 17 Apr. Mar. 10 Garr. Batt.
Grant, William 21 Oct. 19 Apr. Sept. li 7 Garr. Batt.
Grape, Henry 3 Oct. 9 Apr. Oct. 14 R. Marines.
P Grattan, James 9 Aug. 10 4 July Aug. 14 9 Dragoons.
Graves, William 23 Sept. 05 13 MaV Sept. 09 R. Marines.
Gray, Arthur Maynard . 28 Jan. 11 Aug. April 29 7 West Ind. Reg.
Gray, John 3 Apr. 79 9 Dec. 1784 4 Foot.
Greatrex, Charles Butler 15 Oct. 05 1 June Sept. 14 R. Marines.
Greaves, Charles 25 Oct. 27 8 June May 34 Unattached.
Greaves, Spencer 7 Nov. 26 3 June Aug. 31 14 Foot.
Green, Samuel 31 Oct. 10 10 Sept. Dec. 24 78 Foot.
Greene, Edward''"' 13 Dee. 13 1 Aug. Feb. 19 R. Artillery.
Greene, George 31 Aug. 1 Oct. Jan. 04 10 Foot.
Greene, John 12 Mar. 12 10 June May 21 22 Dragoons.
Greene, John 8 Nov. 09 39 Dec. June 17 83 Foot.
Greene, William 18 Dec. 24 7 Aug. June 39 4 Foot.
Greer, Alexander 8 Jan. Sept. 0'.; Foot.
Greer, William 6 July 09 9 July May 17 11 Foot.
Greetliam, John Henry. 2 April 15 June Mar. 33 Unattached.
Gregg, Wm. Osburjie. . . 21 Sept. 09 23 Oct. Juno 1(! 84 Foot.
Grenier, Lewis Jan. 13 9 Dec. Aug. 22 01 Foot.
SiaiGrier, Robert ** 20 Feb. 1013 May Mar. 17 14 Foot.
Griorson, Charles 25 May 2 iMa'r. Oct. 21 1 Drag. Gds.
Grieve, George 9 JulV 03 1.^ Aug. Mar. 15 R. Marines.
.. 1 4


Griffin, John Mav 23 Sept.

II 1 25 May 17 37 Foot.
(;riffith,Chrrrli't Juh- AuR.
(13 l.i K. Marines.
POrirtidi, Uaviil 3 Sept. 12 28 July 1 Apr. :«) Foot.

P ( Jrirtitlis, Edwin *> Jan. 13 12 Nov. 1 July Hi 11. Artillery Driv.

jraKlritlitlis, Hcnrv -Aug. 14 24 May 1 Mar. «l|staft" Corps.
D • irillitli.i, John Ocorsc" I() Feb. 11 1 Nov. 1 Nov. UiH. Artillery Driv.
drijfith), Thonmt Nov. 09 Feb.
t8 1 8 R. Vet. Batt,
Urirtilhs, Valentine 29 Sept. 04 9 Dec. Sept. 14 1(. Marines.
Willium Sluurt
(Irirtitlu*, j
8 Oct. 12 W Jan. 1 Oct. 15 23 Foot.
9 Grimes, Hobfrt"' 4 Mar. 09 IG Mar. 1 R. Artillery.
Grove, Cliarles Thonia-i j 4 June 12 13 Oct. 1 Feb. 10 14 Foot.
* Grove, Junes never 25 Feb.
.-v . ^". 1814 1 Prov. Bn. of Mil.

Grt»vestiii!<, Aujfiist ile '12 April 98| 4 July Oct. 09 Hompesch'sM.Rifl.

$ GnielKT, Daniel 24 Dec. 12-21 April Mar. 17 39 Foot.
(iiiest, Edirnrd |2o Aug. O/ilO Sept. 2 R. Veteran Batt.
< tuition, Nathaniel R 22 Aug. Oel .> June Jan. 17 Corsicun Rangers.
OiiiniK-ns, Nieh. Theo. de 22 Nov. 0927 .Vpril 1815 Dillon's Reg.
(inn,Johu 11 Jan. UijlJOct. Nov. 17 15 Foot.
Gunn, Georpe I
4 Mar. Wij 1 April 14 R. Marines.
(lunn, AVilliam [26 Aug. 04 20 June Mav 13'72 Foot.

5) m
Gnnnint:, Alexander ,
Gunning, George'"
29 Oct. 071 2 Jan.
19 July 04 2 Sept.
"iSlo'il Foot.
Jan. 22 1 Dragoon Gds.

jjia Hnckett, William never Dec. R. Veteran Batt.


Lladwen, Thomas Mav IR Mar. Feb. 3.'5 89 Foot.

a iJH Ilai^mip, William Auc. 10 May Feb. 28 Unattached.
Ilaire, John Nov. 06 Feb. 1815 1 (jarrison Batt.
Ilalahiin, Newton Chr
11. Mar. li May i
April l(i 25 Foot.
• Hall, Chambers never Dec. Sept. 1 14 Foot.
Mali, Hnlicrt April 12 Aug. Feb. 71 Foot.

Hall, William Sanford Dec. 1!|22 April July 18 Foot.


llalh, Thmniit July 9:V24 April K. Marines.

y llani.T, Mich. Grcathecd April 01)23 April : April 18 > Foot.
i) llaniilton, George Oct. 0.-<23 April I
Oct. 27 Unattached.
{) Hamilton, George April 13 4 Aus. : Sept. 37 Unattached-
(9 Hamilton, Jaroe:! Banburv- .. i Sept. 09 July Dec. 28 10 Dragoons.
^2.1 Hamilton, John iJuly 12 Aug. I
Mar. l(i German Legion.
Hamilton, Uobert ramphcll Feb. .June 03 ii) Foot.
IJ Hamilton. Tliomao ! Au Oct. ;Mar. 18 29 Foot.
Hamilt..u, William Henry '
Oct. 08 Jan. 18 14 Foot.
Hamincrsley, William I Jul Feb. ! Aug.
1 3 Garrison Batt.
Ifturn, Robert I Mar. 0i> Mar. 5 R. Veteran Batt.
Hanleastle, William Augustus . r Mar. 1 April !Mar. 2 75 Foot.
Harden, William J Feb. 1(1 Oct. IFeb. 1(! 2 Garrison Batt.
Hurilman, Hen. Antliony JJimc 0(1 Jan. IApril Hi 7 West India Reg.
7.2.1Hardman, Samuel ) May 13 Dec. IJune 16 10 Dragoons.
llaritrore, John Lnnijford ... SOct. 10 Mar. 10 R. Vet. Batt.
*Harlan(l, John never Feb. 1814 Pr. Bn. ofMil.

Hannan, Joshua >Oct. 13 Aug. iOct. ir Wattcville's Reg.

Harrinu'ton, Henry ) Mav OC Oct. Sept. 14 U. Marines.
HarrU, Charles I Aug. 13 June <Oct. 17 liO Foot.
Ifnrru, William I July 12 Jan. 8 R. Veteran Batt.
Hart, John IJunc 11 Aug. .Dec. 18 2 Foot.
H\ Hartley, Jas. Campbell I Jan. 14 Mav .Mar. 1(i 14 Foot,
Hartman, Rawlins J Aug. 07 Dec. 1814 to Foot.
ffanMuiiH. Wm. Gale I Feb. 0t» Aug. •i R. Veteran Batt.

tintsiird, Richard Oct. U. Irish Artillery.

Haswtll, John Stepney I
Dec. 98 Aug. 30 Aug. 14 H. Marines.
Hatheway, Cliarles i
Mar. 13] Aug. 25 April 16 \ew Bnmsw. Fen.
Havelock, Thomas 1
Sept. 9.1 Jan. 9 May Ifi 7 Foot.
Hawkins, George Dec. 13 Feb. 25 Aug. 21 86 Foot.
Hawkins, George Drew Oct. 04 Mar. 1 Sept. 14 R. Marines.
Hawkins, John Nov. 12 Dec. 25 Mar. 17 T2 Foot.
Hay, Alexander Murray I
Nov. 14 22 July 12 April 3.'' Unattached.



Hazen, John 24 April 13 23 June 25 Mar. 17 49 Foot.

Heam, John Heming 5 May 08 18 Feb. 25 Oct. 2; 00 Foot.
31i3^Hearn, William Marcus ^ . 10 June 12 7 July 26 Mar. 16 44 Foot.
SI81I Hearne, George Henry .... 16 Mar. 09 29 Oct. 29 Aug. Ifi 4 Foot.
Heath, Philip 16 Dec. 16 29 July 3 Dec. 30 R. Artillery.
*Heath, Thomas never 25 Dec. 25 Sept. 14 .38 Foot.
^ Heathcote, Jos. Chappell . . . 13 Sept. 10 10 Dec. 27 Mar. 28 Cape Corps.
Hedding, \Vm. Levitt 7 Jan. 13 21 Sept. 25 Mar. 31 35 Foot.
Heddle, Alexander 4 May 09 20 JIar. 25 Dec. 21 African Corps.
Hegarty, Luke 19 Sept. 95 31 July 1803 81 Foot.
Hely, Jas. Joseph Fred 25 Aug. 07 1 Sept. 13 July 15 31 Foot.
SiSil Hemsley, Henry 25 April 13 18 July 5 Dec. 22 28 Foot.
Hemsworth, Wm. John 25 N 28 Dec. 30 Mar, 50 Foot.
Henderson, Jas. Allen 28 Mar. 10 26 Feb. 25 Sept. 18 10 Foot.
Henderson, Walter 31 Dee. 07 18 Oct. 11 June 18 72 Foot.
^ Henderson, William 4 July 11 17 Oct. 25 May 17
5 Foot.
Hendley, Hen. Earbery 4 Jan, 20 Mar. '9 Dec, 3 Ceylon Reg.
Henry, Charles 28 Nov. 10 16 Mar. 25 June 16 Sicilian Reg.
* Herbert, John James never 25 Dec. 25 Sept. 14 41 Foot.
Herbert, Issac 8 Dee. 99 31 Mar. 8 R. Veteran Batt.
Herrick, Edward Henry 8 Oct. 12 22 June 25 Mar. 16 Foot.
^ Herron, Samuel : . . . 7 Sept, 30 May 6 Nov. 23 24 Foot.
Hewat, William 19 Sept. 11 ^2 Oct. 25 May 17 (i2 Foot.
Hewetson, Henry 30 N 10 Dec. 25 Mar. 26 101 Foot.
?1® Hewetson, John 13 May 13 28 Sept. 25 Mar. 31 35 Foot.
Hewett, James Waller 9 May 11 7 July 24 Jan. 18 1 Foot.
Heioett, William 14 June 10 23 Jan. 7 R. Veteran Bat
aSa Hewitt, Robert'" 21 Oct. 13 3 Nov. 16 Dec. 19 61 Foot.
Heyland, Langford 8 April 26 15 May 2 Mar. 32 101 Foot.
Hickman, Richard 7 Jan, 19 July 1 Mar. 27 R. Marines.
Hicks, Raymond 16 Oct. 06 11 June 5 R. Veteran Batl
Higgin, Robert 11 Aug. 13 4 May 25 Mar. 17 12 Foot.
Higgins, Alexander Boyd 2 Nov. 09 11 June 4 Dec. 17 1 Foot.
Higginbotham, Henry 13 May 13 2 April 25 Sept. 20 i2 Dragoons.
* Hilder, Jesse never 25 Dec. 25 Sept. 14 15 Foot.
Hilditch, Charles 2 July 07 15 Sept. 11 Oct. 10 3 Foot.
$ Hill, Richard 28 Dec. 09 2 Mar. 2 Feb, 45 Foot.
Hillas, Thomas 16 Aug. 04 13 June 8 April 13 96 Foot.
$ Hilliard, Christoplier 7 July 08 :2 Feb. 25 Nov, 5 Foot.
Hilton, William Legh 21 May 1: 1 Dec. 22 Feb. 18 Foot.
* Hiude, Edward never 25 Dec. 1814 Rifle Brigade.
Kingston, Francis Bernard .... 13 Oct. 08 5 Dec. 17 Feb. 20 84 Foot.
Hockings, Richard 7 Sept. 6 July 04 92 Foot.
5123Hodder, Edward^' 29 July 13 10 Aug. 25 Nov. 16 69 Foot.
Hodgetts, Thomas 4 Sept. 30 13 Mar. 20 Jan. 37 Unattached.
Hodson, Alderson 3 Jan. 10 22 Aug. 22 June 20 2 Foot.
Hoey, Richard Hudson O'Reilly 11 Nov. 13 17 Aug. 30 Oct. 3; 85 Foot.
Hojel, James Caithness Fen. Inl
i3 Holborn, Charles 9 June 6 Feb. 2 Oct. 17 10 Dragoons.
Hole, William 10 Dec. 7 Feb. 25 Mar. 17 43 Foot.
Holgate, Edward Milton 8 May 23 Sept. 25 Jan. 82 Foot.
Holland, Rupert Charles 7 Sept. 1 Aug. 1 April 17 R. Marines.

^ Hollis, William Henry 26 Aug. 5 May 24 July 17 7 Foot.

SiSA Holman, Charles 10 Sept. 11 Nov. 25 Dec 2 Foot.
^P Holmes, Benjamin Hayes 2 Nov. 13 Aug. 5 Mar. 17 36 Foot.
Holmes, Chas. Wm. Scott D. . . 21 AprU 7 Sept. 13 April 17 5 Dragoons.
^P Holmes, David 21 Oct. 20 Jan. 14 April 17 9 Foot.
Holmes, James 23 Feb. 17 Sept. 12 Dec R. Marines.
* Holt, George Francis never 25 Dec. 1814 2 Pr. Bn. of Mil.
Holyoake, Henry 22 Oct. 4 Feb. 1818 84 Foot.
^ Home, John 11 Oct. 26 Nov. 3 July 3 Foot.
Home, William 24 Nov. 7 Jan. 15 Jan. 24 York Light Inf.
iP fflffil Hood, James 28 Aug. 3 Aug. 9 R. Veteran Batt
Hopkins, Charles '2 Jan. 9 Dec. 25 Mar. 17 74 Foot.
I . 8 1



{I llopklus, Wm. Itandolpli . . Sept. 6 Oct. 1 July 10 5 Foot.

ijl lloriiii, Tliomas Jaini*^' . Oct. 11 June 1 >Iar. 17 32 Foot.
Il.iiiKlitoii, Williuiu 4 Mnv 1.'
Feb. Mar. 1015 Foot.
Iliiw.Jiilinaou :26 Julv 14 Jan. 28 9 Sept. 28 R. .Marines.
Hiiw, TIUIII1U9 10 Oct. 8 June 1 Sept. 14 H. Marines.
I Inward, Hfiin- i5 Mar. •io .April 1 Sept. 14 U. Marines.
Ilcwunl, Thomas i.j Oct. 07 31 Oct. Feb. 150 Garrison Batt.
9 II. 'Wi'lU, Jonathan \ 1 June 08 1 Dec. Dec. 21|77 Foot.
Iliinshaiu, William \
2 Sept. 08 5 Jan. June 10-20 Dragoons.
IliiMwnl, Armincr Walls j
!) Mav 04 4 May .\ug. 21 ]R. Marines.
I ubhani, Jaiues {
1 .Nov. 0520 Aug. Sept. 14' R. Jlarines.
Hudson, Ilenrv I(i Oct. 10,27 Mar. Oct. 1900 Foot.
Hudson, John! ,14 .\pril 12;iO Sept. 13, 8 Sept. 1914 West India Reg.
H n^hfS, Edward Hi Nov. 121 U Sept. 13-25 Dec. 18;i9 Foot.
Wi Hughes, Ucon:c ;•>!) April 13 4 Oct. 15; 3 .\ug. -22|73 Foot.
Huphes, Henrv Francis June 09 6 Feb. 1225 Aug. lOGlengiirry Fen.
Hull, Arthur Hill 24 Aug. 25 C Nov. 27,28 June 31I5O Foot.
9 1 umphrcvs, Chas. Gardiner
1 . 9 Way 11 11 Mar. 13 Sept. 17114 Dragoons.
Humphreys, John Aug. 09 12 Mar. 1810|72 Foot.
Hunt, Midiacl
Tfi April 09 8 Aug. Mar. loOl Foot.
Hunt, William Jan. 14 29 June 15 Feb. 29,StaffCor]>s.
Hunter, Thomas Feb. 1G'27 Nov. 18 Nov. 21 18 Dragoons.
Hunter, William Dodsworth -23 April Oo'l" April or. 25 Nov. 10 04 Foot.
Hurrini;, Thomas Mav 12 12 Aug. 1(!28 .Vug. 23 17 Dragoons.
Hurt, Francis Nov. 00 IC June 01 25 June 02 15 Dragoons.
Hutchinson, John Nov. 121 6 Nov. 15 24 April 23 00 Foot.
Hutton, William -26Not. 24|14 May 33 28 Sept. 37 II. Marines.
Huyghue, Samuel 30 Aug. 10 20 Jan. 1525 Oct. 17 00 Foot.
IP ilyde, Frederick |29 Oct. lollG Sept. 13 G May 17:4 Foot.

{I Jackson, Charles i-27Ang. 07 29 June 09 21 Aug. 17;3 Foot.

Jackson, Frederick ii4 Aug. 2(i 8 Sept. 32 29 Aug. .34i27 Foot.
Jackson, James I
2 Jlav 04 15 AprU 07 20 June 12!r. Marines.
Jackson, John |l9 Mav 14 24 May 20 25 Oct. 2114 Foot.
Jackson, William { 3 Oct. 1 29 June 1515 -Mar. 17,(U Foot.
Jacob, John Villicrs j28 Aug. 89::17 Mar. 93 27 77 Foot.
(^ Jagoe, Jonathan" April 111[lO June 13-25 Mar. 32 Foot.
James, David William May 13 |16 April 3215 Dec. R. Marines.
James, Joseph Gillam 11 Feb. 08, 19 April 10-25 Nov. 10 09 Foot.
James, Riiljort 18 Mav 5 Dec.
ll| 1313 April 15 .56 Foot.
James, Robert IT. D May 07 27 Julv 14 Sept. 14 R. Marines.
Jamestin, Tltomas Dec. 08 15 Oct. Dec. 18 3 West India Reg.
Jameson, William Mav 12: 2 Feb. 14 7 Aug. 17 37 Foot.
Jappie, William Mav 11 29 April 13-25 .Mar. 17 14 Foot.
9 Jar%ey, James 13 Nov. 07 26 April May I7I7 Foot.
Ibbotson, Henry April 12 12 June Oct. 17 103 Foot.
Jrffrrijiuii, Georije 28 Julv 95 12 Jan. 90| 2 R. Veteran Batt.
9 Jeffries, Joseph 8 Mav II ,-,
Julv 13 14 Mav 18 1 Foot.
Jennings, George 1 Julv 0.> 19
1 Mar. 07 -25 Aug. 10 1 Garrison Batt.
Jennings, Hichartl Bennet '

9 Slar. 32 29 Jan. 30-22 Julv !«1 38 Foot.

Jenowav, Richard Uldham l24 Aug. 07 14 Jan. 08-25 Mar. 17ll Foot.
Jenis, Thomas ;» Julv 18 25 Sept. •23 -May 24|-24 Foot.
9 lIUus, William 30 April 12^ 29 June 13-2.5 Dec. 18i Rifle Brigade.
/nrc, Charles Mav OG 17 Jan. 08i {1 R. Veteran Batt.
Inglis, £<twarfl Oct. 12 17 June 13-r. Mar. I0i3 Dragoon Gds.
Inman, Thomas Withy Jan. 10 7 Oct. 13 10 -Mar. 15l45 Foot.
{B Inncs, Alexander Julv 10 15 Oct. 12-24 Nov. -2^ Unattached.
lunes, Robert Dec. 13 4 Apr. 15-25 Dec. it^ 48 Foot.
Johns, James Dec. 05 29 Jan. II 1 Sept. 14 R. Marines.
{Q Johnson, J. (Q.Aftu. 14Sep. 26.) Mav 34 11 Mar. .37-20 Julv .39 40 Foot.
Johnson, William Proude . May 12 4 Nov. 13-22 pt. 1 103 F.«it.
Johnson, William Stephen Aug. 12 15 June I5I8 April 17-29 Foot.
* Johnston, Galhraith . . . never 25 Dec. 13| I8I4I2 Prov. Bn. of .Mil.
Johnston, George Dec. 78 27 Sept. 81 1783;5C Foot.
... . 1



Johnston, John Aug. 8 Aug. 11 Oct. 16 Canadian Fen. Co.

Johnston, John Rollo 22 Sept. 19 Sept. 7 July 38 Unattached.
Johnston, William Bacon 1 June 11 April 9 Oct. 35 89 Foot.
Johnstone, William •28Oct. 25 JIar. 1783 86 Foot.
Jones, David Richard 16 Sept. 29 Dec. 1 June 38 46 Foot.
Jones, Edieard 31 Mar. 2 Dec. 10 R. Veteran Batt.
Jones, Jeremy 9 Mav 10 Feb. 9 April 19 60 Foot.
Jones, John 23 Apr. 28 Feb. 6 July 22 Dragoons.
Jones, John Parslow 22 Mar. 25 Sept. 3 Mar. 34 R. Marines.
P iflSa Jones, Richard 28 Mar. 8 Oct. 21 Apr. 17 40 Foot.
Jones, Yaughan 12 Nov. 12 Jan. 25 Mav 10 8 Garrison Batt.
Jones, William 25 Mar. 21 May 25 Mar. 17 44 Foot.
Jones, William 25 Nov. 25 Oct. 25 Feb. 16 German Legion.
Jones, William John Williams . 14 Mar. 27 Nov. 22 May 17 101 Foot.
Jordan, Edward 23 Aug. 10 Aug. 16 Oct. r
26 Foot.
Joynour, Reuben 8 Feb. 178; 89 Foot.
1^ Ireland, James Stanley . 22 Feb. 17 Sept. 6 R. Veteran Batt.
Irvine, Robert 22 July 4 Mav 11 July 16 7 West India Reg.

S8^ Irving, Jacob (Emilius '* . 24 Mar. 18 May 5 Nov. ' 13 Dragoons.
Irving, Robert 16 May 7 July 26 Oct. 32 Foot.
Irwin, Alexander''^ 4 Mar. 24 Nov. 13 Jan. 37 3 Foot.
Irwin, Charles 22 Apr. 9 Oct. 5 Aug Unattached.
Irwin, John Robert 25 Feb. 28 Dec. 1814 54 Foot.
^5181 Isaacson, Egerton Clia. Har. 30 Dec. 14 July 25 Sept. 23 Garrison Com.
Juxon, John. 30 Jan. 30 Dec. 6 R. Veteran Batt.

Kane, John Daniel ( Dec. 25 Dec. April 16 60 Foot.

Kane, John Joseph . Oct. 4 May Mar. 17 4 Foot.
Kayes, William I May 10 Aug. 1815 73 Foot.
Kearnes, John i Jan. 26 Feb. July 19 68 Foot.
^ Keatinge, George I Nov. 30 May Dec. 2; 4 Foot.
Keene, James I Dec. !5Feb. May 05 35 Foot.
^9 Keep, William Thornton . I Aug. 8 Sept. Dec 28 Foot.
Keir, John ! April 21 Aug. Sept. 08 5 Foot.
^ Kelly, John Dec. 10 April 1815 87 Foot.
Kelly, Williain never 17 Dec. R. Irish Artillery.
Kelsall, Joseph never 21 Sept. 8 R. Veteran Batt.
Kemple, John 1 June 26 Mar. I
26 99 Foot.
* Kendall, Richard never 25 Dec. .June 16 R. Waggon Train.
^P Kennear, David^'' Dec. 19 May July 16 R. Artillery Driv.
^ 3189 Kennedy, Francis" . ; April 21 Feb. ;Feb. 24 51 Foot.
Kennedy, John I Dec. 5 Feb. !Jan. 17 4 Ceylon Reg.
* Kennedy, Patrick Henry . never 25 Dec. 1814 2 Prov. Bn. ofMil.
Kent, James I Sept. !4 Dec. iOct. 19 W. India Rangers.
Kentish, Edward tMar. 79 16 Oct. Sept. 83 R. Marines.
Kenworthy, William '
June 13 1 Oct. iSept. 22 48 Foot.
Kepple, Henry (Nov. U July iJuly 39 Unattached.
Ker, John Dec. 12 25 June iDec. 18 90 Foot.
Kerr, Charles 1Feb. 09 7 Mar. April 16 72 Foot.
Kerr, James • July 0318 Feb. 4 R. Veteran Batt.
Kerr, John Henry . Jan.13 23 Nov. iMar. 21 104 Foot.
8129 Kerr, Robert Feb.1 1 25 May )Mar. 17 60 Foot.
Kersteman, Harry Gobins.. ! Dec.1 1 20 Sept. !Sept. 22 H. Artillery.
3189 Kett, Charles George^' 1 Dec. 13 .30 Sept. R. Artillery.
Kettlewell, Evans i June 07 21 April i Dee. 18 96 Foot.
Kierulf, William Duntzfelt . 1 Jan. ly 2 Jan. . April 20 22 Dragoons.
Kingsborough, Robert, Vuc. iJuly 14 24 Dec. ! June 26 Unattached.
Kingscote, Thomas Henry. . never 15 May ! Aug. 22 14 Dragoons.
Kingsley, Daniel '
Oct. 1 10 Sept. '
Aug. 32 Unattached.
Kingslev, Jeffries t June 13 25 Nov. t Feb. 18 3 Dragoons.
W Kingsmill, Parr \ Sept. 08 8 May ) April 17 88 Foot.
Kinfjsmill, WiUinni ) Sept. 08 30 May 10 R. Veteran Baft.
Kirhe, William Fctcham, . . i Aug. 05 13 Feb. 1 R. Veteran Batt.
Knight, Alfred*" ! June 2 14 Feb. 90 Foot.
... 1


Knight, IliclianI Lott 10 May 11 10 July I'JUJ Dec. S12-2 Foot.

Kiii):lit, William 14 Fob. K, 28 May 07 :} Dec. 18-28 Foot.
Kiiox, Francis •23 Mar. 08 •23 May 10 14 Aug. 17 31 Foot.

I^ Hortliodicrrc, P. >laric Aug, 12 Nov. 12 20 June 1C8 West India Rog.

{I IJJey, Saniuol Walter Oct. 10 16 Sept. 13;24 June 24|10 Foot.
La (iraniio, Jas. Warrington Mar. 14 5 Oct. 1525 Mar. 10,3 Dragoon Gds.
* Lainl>crt, John never io Mar. 14! 1814 3 I'rov.Bu. of Mil.
)) l^ue, Ambrose May 28 July 13^2,'i June 17 83 Foot.
Lane, AinI>n>so Aug. 07 7 Mar. 11^2,'i Sept. 1898 Foot.
Luno, Francis Sept. 11 7 Dec. 13^25 May 17 37 Foot.
fl loinc, John Oct. V2J^28 April 14 3 Jan. 19'liifle Brigade.
Ijinc, John June lo30 Dec. •20 ^24 April ^28 Unattache.l.
|) I^no, John Uaniet Oct. r2 30 Aug. 15 25 Mar. I(i3 Dragoon Gds.
JUini;, Aug. 10 10 Dec. 1-2 1 June •20 23 Foot.
9 Lan^lon, Colwcll April 09121 Dec. 0J);3O Sept. I9<'.() Foot.
* Laniidou, John never &> Dec. 13; 181412 I'rov.Bu. of Mil.
Lan^ortl, Richard Coplcn. Sept. 08! 1 3 Oct. 8110 Mar. Ho'r-C Foot.
Lapasture, Henry dc Dec. Mar. 18^29 Mar. 2ll67 Foot.
Laplain, Jt>hn Oct. 11 6 Dec. 13j G Sept. 17|.3C Foot.
Latliam, John July 13 14 July 1-»1 1814 92 Foot.
Laurie, James .Mar. 04 -24 Sept. 001 7 April 17 H. Marines.
Lawsou, John Oct. 2^2!l7 Aui. 20j 5 Sept. 35 Unattached.
Litictony June 90il4 Xov. ou! Garrison Co.
Lave, Oeorsfe July 14;-'0 April 19^24 .Mar. 2.J 24 Foot.
I^-a, William Jan. 04i24July 05'25 Dec. 18!20 Dragoons.
Ix-ach, Henry never 5 July lo'2o Dec. 18!Scots Fus. Gds.
{) U-af. Juhii Walton Dec. 1^2! 7 Dec. 13 •To July 16 52 Foot.
Lvatlics, Eiiward Nov. l(>|'2o Sept. •23' r. -AL-iV •24l8 Dragoons.
Learach, John Aug. 09| 3 July 11 17 Feb. 20 3 West India Heg
Lee, Edward .\ug. o;| -2 Feb. 0!)>24 Feb. 20185 Foot.
Lee, Geori^e jipril 1-2; 5 Aug. 1319 Mar. 1821 Foot.
Leevis, Coakley April 0.5i-'8 Oct. 07; C Feb. 155Garr. Batt.
9, John Feb. 08 15 Sept. 08 IG Oct. 1G;3 Dragoon Gds.
Leigh, Geo. Henry John . Dec. 28 3 .\pril 35 4 Aug. 37 '•20 Foot.
Leonard, Thomas Mar. 10, 1 Nov. Ill 5 Aug. 1 G Mcuron's Reg.
Lerehe, Gotlieb May 1-2 19 Aug. 13^20 F.b. IG K. Waggon Tr.
Leslie, Angus Mar. 121 10 Feb. Mar. 17j93 Foot.
Leslie, Anthony Mar. 09 6 Feb. 1225 Aug. IGlGlcngarry Fen.
licslie, John April 161 9 Nov. 21|9 Nov. 2l|l8 Dragoons.
9 L'Estrauiie, Cicrgc Jan. 12.17 June i3;n July 22:Scots Fusil. Gds.
L'l-lstrange, Torriaiio Franci: Oct. 14 16 Oct. 1716 Nov. •20|Coldstream Gds.
ijil iA'\vin, Carrigiie'*^ .... Aug. 00 27 June 11' 4 April 22| 19 Dragoons.
{) (S Lewiu, Tlioiuas Hoss Nov. OCllo Dec. 0826 Sept. 22,32 Foot.
Lewis, Henry Sept. OGJ 4 Aug. 13; 1 Sept. 14 R. Marines.
Lewis, James I'ossley June 05 ^28 Jan. 07 18I4.0G Foot.
Li'wis, Kobert Oct. OGJ 7 April 08 4 Feb. 19 15 Foot.
Le-wis, Tlif>mas 1 May 1410 Oct. 15^25 Nov. 16,3 Garrison Batt.
Liwis, William 1
Mar. lOiIO May 14-2II July '20 19 Foot.
IJanlet, Freilerick May 15110 April Sept. -26 Unattached.
Liddenlale, John June 0021 Feb. 99 Aug. 039 Foot.
JLirutf Robert Feb. O8I1O Oct. 0»i 1 R. VcUruu Batt.
Lind«ay, .\lexander |2.> Feb. 95 104 Foot. 1

9 lundsi'y, Henry John . Dec. lllll Jan. 16.31 Jan. 28 Unattachetl.

Lisle, Ik'njaiuin fie Dec. lOj 2 Sept. 1211 Oct. IGCanailian Fen.
C Lister, John " Feb. 05:27 July 08 26 Nov. 25 R. Marines.
Little. John April 09, 9 Sep't. 12-25 July 17 27 Foot.
Little, John William Jan. 19;11 Mar. 24 11 July '29 Unattached.
* Little, Tcnison never .•25 Dec. 132.> Sept. 14 1 Foot.
Llovd, Charles June 0<l'28Oet. 1214 Nov. '26 R. Marines.
?W Uovd, E<lwnnl Bell 1.10 May ll|l2Mar. 12 5 Aug. I9|l6 Dragoons.
Llov.1, John Ormstjv bj Nov. 13 14 May 1815 Oct. 1974 Foot.
Tjyke. William . .
9 June 14] 3 July 17-20 Mar. '23.J Dragoon Gds.
Oirai,K)d, I'urcfoy" ....118 .April llf22 .\pril 1325 Aug. 16j30 Fool.

Logan, David iVIar. 79 16 Sept. 1 Oct. 92 R. Marines.
Logie, John Dec. 05 30 Mar. 6 Mar. 11. Marines.

Long, Edmund Slingsby Aug. 04 8 Aug. 5 Aug. 23 Foot.

Long, William Mar. 14 7 April :l Nov. 28 Unattached.
Lonsdale, Alured May 26 3 Aug. 8 April 36 84 Foot.
P fflSa Lonsdale, William Feb. 10 15 May 25 Mar. 17 4 Foot.
Lorimer, ClmrJes Hunt Jan. 05 28 April 8 R. Veteran Batt.
1$ Lorimer, William July 0518 June 25 Nov, 42 Foot.
13 Love, James '' Nov. 09 19 Mar. 1 April 19 R. Artillery.
Lovelace, Heiiiy Philip Aug. 09 24 May 13 Aug. 27 Unattached.

Lovelock, John Birmingham .... Aug. 09 4 July 15 Oct. 21 29 Foot.

Lovett, G. W. IMolyneux April 20 30 Nov. 6 Jan. 32 30 Foot.
Lovett, Henry William June 04 18 June 19 Nov. 07 9 Foot.
* Lovett, Joseph Venables never 25 Feb. 1814 3Prov. Bn. ofMil.
Lovett, Thomas April 0917 April 1 Mar. 2; R. Artillery.
Lowe, Addison Aug. 08 6 April 1 R. Veteran Batt.

Lowe, John Sept. 1216 June 25 Dec. li Nova Scotia Fen.

^ Lowry, Armar Dec. 12 28 July 1814 45 Foot.
Lowry, Jolm June 1024 Dec. 13 July 20 95 Foot.
Lozoii, Victor Sept. 07 26 Feb. 14 April 08 62 Foot.
Lucas, Jasper
ffliSE Jan. 1319 July 25 Mar. 17 32 Foot.
Luckett, James Dec. 99 19 June 14 April 03 10 Dragoons.
* Luckhurst, Thomas never 25 Jan. 1814 3 Prov. Bn.ofMil.
Lugard, John May 9511 Nov. 16 July 03 62 Foot.
Lupton, William Nov. 11 9 Feb. 5 June 17 60 Foot.
^ Lye, Benjamin Leigh ....
jiffil Aug. 08 30 June 5 June 17 11 Dragoons.
Lynam, Charles June 1216 Nov. 25 Mar. 16 15 Foot.
Lynch, Anthony Francis William. Jan. 12 7 Dec. 28 Dec. 17 56 Foot.
Lynch, Edward Crean Dec. 23 21 Jan. 8 April 34 22 Foot.
Lynch, Samuel Smith April 14 16 Nov. 21 June 33 77 Foot.
Lynd, Robert Feb. 1631 Oct. 4 April 23 65 Foot.
Lyon, George Sept. 0610 Feb. 25 Nov. 18 99 Foot.
Lyster, Arthur O'Neil Sept. 2413 June 7 Sept. 33 46 Foot.
Lyster, Henry May 17 7 Sept. 25 Oct, 7 Dragoons.
Lyster, William John 12 Mar. 25 June 10 8 Garr. Batt.

M' Anally, Charles :0 Nov. 5 Oct. 20 84 Foot.

M'ArthvT, Charles'"^
il fflSa 9 Nov. 17 Oct. 2 R. Veteran Batt.
M' Arthur, James Earle 17 May 4 Dec. 14 Foot.
J\PArthtii\ John Doyne 9 July 18 Feb. 3 R. A^eteran Batt.
M'Bean, Alexander 25 April 27 Nov. ) Mar. 10 German Legion.
M'Carthv, Justin Thadeus Cour. . 17 Jan. 13 Jan. ) May 39 R. Marines.
M'Carthy, William 7 Oct. 18 July ) Mar. 17 16 Foot.
M'Clintock, James 1-2 May 3 Nov. i Feb. 16 88 Foot.
M'CIure, Arthur 15 Jan. 26 April . Feb. 18 1 Foot.
^3 M'Cormick, James 25 May 17 Mar. > Dec. 18 94 Foot.
% 3['Crohan, Denis Eugene 10 May 21 Oct. 3 R. Veteran Batt.
M'Cullock, James Murray 2 Nov. 17 July June 16 R. Marines.
M*Dermott, James 15 Oct. 31 Mar. i Mar. 16 20 Dragoons.
UPDerinott, Thomas 1 Nov. 25 Feb. 7 R. Veteran Batt.
M'Dcrmott, William H. E 28 Jan. 21 July May 29 20 Foot.
IM' Donald, Charles Alexander .... 2 July 3 Oct. June 18 32 Foot.
M'Donahl, Colin 25 Nov. 21 Feb. Feb. 16 73 Foot.
i3 Siill iM'Don.ild, Donald 22 Oct. 7 June Feb. 16 40 Foot.
M'lJoii/ild, Dnnmn 9 July 19 Oct. 9 R. Veteran Batt.
IM', Angus 6 Feb. 24 Feb. Aug. 16 Glengarry Fen.
ffltliJ M'Donough, Thomas 31 Aug. 30 Oct. June 27 ?4 Foot.
M'Dongall, Hugh
JI'Dougall, John Robert
4 June 14 April
12 Dec.
Feb. 91 Foot.
1783 8 Foot.
G Jlay
P M'Doiigull. Patrick 28 Dec. 13 May 1814 48 Foot.
M'Doiigidl, Tliomas William John 10 Mar. 5 July Dec. 37 R. Marines.
M'Dutf, Alexander 23 Feb. 9 July May 18 100 Foot.
Jiai M'lJuffie, Donald 4 Feb. 10 Mar. April 17 40 Foot.
M'Farlane, William 11 Jidy 1 April Aug. 23 17 Dragoons.
. . 1


M-Farlniie, Willimn 1 April 95| 2 Jii

1 9C| April 98JCumphcirsRec.Co.
M-(;olclriek,.T.i Nov. 13[lo Jan.
11 l!<2jl'oh. 22!(!2 I'ciot.
MTinvi.r, Jolm May 20-22 Dec.
I-i 24,20 Dec. 2f !4() Foot.
M"CJrt>v'or, John 11 Dec. (Mi 6 Feb. 0»tj23Jiine 25 3 West India Heg.
Jl'lllrie, HoLert William 2oOct. Oj'iS Feb. II, -23 Dec. 18 96 Foot.
p.U/n/wA,.l.(Q.J/<M.12Apr.lO.) never 25 Dec. 141 4 R. Veteran Batt.
M'lntvro. Feter 21 JSept. Oo'lt! Mar. Oil 1 Sept. 14 R. Marines.
M'lvf'r,Di.naM 2 Feb. 10 9 April 12117 May 21 77 Foot,
M-K»v,Johii 6 Feb. 12 13 July 15 2.", Aus;. IC (ilengarry Fen.
M'Keilar, John 7 April Ot< 11 Oct. OiljJo Dec. H! Garrison Batt.
M'Kenzic, John 31 Dec. 121 l<Sopt. 14|ll Oct. 16 Canadiim Fen.
.M'Kenzie, Williaui Fleming . . 18 April II 10 Feb. 14' 5 Feb. 29 Staff Corjis.
M'Kinnon, John 18 Dec. Wi'15 Mar. 1025 July 17 104 Foot.
M'ljiohlan, Larhlan 21 Sept. 90 11 Dec. 97i24 JulV 00 3 West India Reg.
t) M'Larrn, Alexander Donald 3 June 1231 Mar. 14,25 Feb. 10 91 Foot.
M'Lrau, Archibald 24 Sept. 12 9 Mar. 15125 Mar. 17 56 Foot.
.!/• Lellnnd, Robert 28 Dec. 0(!'27 Ausr. 07| 1 R. Veteran Batt.

M'Leod^ James 21 Jan. 08 II June 081 2 R. Veteran Batt.

M-Lcod. William 26 June I(l20Oct. 13 16 Sept. 23 34 Foot.
M- l-oroth, Thomas 17 June lallO April 32 22 April 33 R. Marines.
M'Manus, Henrv 12:3 June 04 Mar. i: 62 Foot.
M-Millan, John' 17 Sept. 13:31 AufT. 15 10 .Mar. 1(1 8-.' Foot
-M* Mullen. Isaac 29 Xov. I0!l9 .Vov "" 25 .Mar. 17 II Foot.
M'.Nabb, John 1-28 Sept. 15125 Mar. 24 18 -May 2(J Unattached.
M'.Vamara, Henry 1 Jan. 01 27 Xov 01 25 June Oi 02 Foot.
M'.Vamara, Michael 2 Nov. 09 18 Oct 28 June 111 CiO Foot.
M'Xicol, Duncan 16 Oct. 04 29 Feb. 08115 Oct. 2 R. Marines.
9 M'.Vicol. Nicol 14 May I2I1O Feb. 14 16 April I 27 Foot.
MNcil, Donald 23 Aug. lOl 4June 14 17 July 18 Cape Res;.
M-I'liw, John 25 Feb. 13'l7 July 15'25 Alar. 1" 79 Foot."
tJ .M"Phers<m, .Eneas 5 June 12 26 Sept. 13;25 April 16 9 Foot.
ii\ M'Pherson, .\le.\ander*' 15 Dec. 08^22 Oct. 12 25 Mar. 17 92 Foot
M'Queen, Robert 14 Sept. 1 Oct. 14 25 Dec. 18 25 Dragoons.
il'Rae, Farquhar 24 June 05'21 Jan. 08, 7 Feb. 2;^ 66 Foot.
Mllae, Theodore 26 July 15;14 May 18-25Dee. 18 .\frican Corps,
Mac Alester, Charles Someryille . 3 Xov. 8O127 Aug. 85 81 Foot.
Slacalpine, James 5 Mar. I2J15 Aug. 13 25 July 20 8 Dragoons.
Macartney, Charles 11 Dec. 28' 13 Xov. 341 Xoy. 38 11 Dragoons.
1 1

Macilonald. .\ngus , 3 May lollS Jan. 14l25June 10£90 Foot.

Macdonalil, James , 29 Dec. 77| 9 Sept. 80 178370 Foot.
9 Mucdonald. John 22 April 13 20 May I4I25 Mar. 17 74 Foot.
?n Macd.mald. John 18 May 09 30 April I2| 9 Mav 17 91 Foot.
Mai-donal.l.John 6 Feb. 1426 June 19'l2 June 23 4 West India Reg.
Macdonuld, Stiphen 22 Dec. 12' 5 April 14 25 -April l(;;(i<rman Legion.
)9 Mac Donelt, A lejrniuier 5 June 09| 5 April 10 7 H. Veteran B.itt.
>facdouell, Donald .Kneos 7 Aug. 13 29 Nov. 15 25 Sept. 17 98 Foot.
Macilonell, Duncan 26 Sept. 94I 15 July 95 Elfonl's Co.
Mar Donoeh, .Montagu 13 Feb. 12' 8 July 13 25 Feb. 1614 Foot.
Q .Macdnu(;all, Colin 12 Oct. 09 19 July 13 1815|9I Foot.
Mac (iach.-n,J<)hn 5 Dec. II 28 Dec. 14 20 Feb. 19[72 Foot.
Mac (fiblMtn, R/)bert 22 Nov. 10 14 May 12 iT, Mar. 17 45 Foot.
Mac <ir.-i;..r, John** 9 May II 26 Jan. 14 j4 R. Veteran Batt.
ti\ >lachell, John Thomas 12 Aug. 13124 Feb. 14 10 Xov. 21 'I8 Dragoons.
.Macintire, .Andrew ,
27 Feb. 23] 9 Oct. 27 28 Sept. 30 Vork Rangers.
Mackav, Huu'h 30 Dec. 81 25 Dec. 82 :Queen'sAmer.Ran.
19MacKay, Lachlan" 31 Oct. 11123 Sept. 13j18 Jan. 31 42 Foot.
Mackay, Ilu£:h Donald I April I3i31 .Mar. I4| 1 Oct. 17 5 West India Reg.
Mackay, Xiel 9 Mav 0527 Feb. (K.J.JOet. 19 76 Foot.
Mai-kay, Rolwrt 7 Sep't. 091 26 July lo!27 Jan. 19:22 Foot.
Mackenzie. Alastair 8 Jan. 24 9 Sept. 2i 4 Oct. 31 :J0 Foot.

Mac konzie. William [20 July I 7 Sept. 2<ll25 Oct. 21.3 Dragoons.
f) Maekie. John 1 June 00 25 Jan. I3| |7 R. Veteran Batt.
iiX Mackinlay, John«« . 12 May 08 2 Nov. 0925 Feb. 17192 Foot.
Markintosh, John 5JulT 03 15 Aug. 05|12 Mar. 23 R. Marine*.
L L 305


Mackintosh, Phineas 27 Nov. 1800 91 Foot.

Maclauchlan, James Augustus .... 5 Mar. 12 24 Feb. ;july 17 104 Foot.
Maclean, George 18 Jan. 15 Aug. .Jan. 30 African Corps.
^ Maclean, Jolin 11 Dee. 17 Dec. I Dec. 17 53 Foot.
5121 Macnab, Duncan 16 Dec. 17 July > Dec. 18 52 Foot.
Macnab, John 4 July 16 Feb. ) Dec. 94 Foot.
* Macnamara, Michael never 25 Feb. 1814 1 Prov. Bn. of Mil.
Macpherson, Duncan 26 Mar. 2 Jan. ( Dec. 62 Foot.
Macpherson, Lachlan 21 Aug. 20 Mar. 52 Foot.
Madden, Henry 25 July 22 Feb. R. Irish Art.
1^ Magee, James Fitz Maurice .... 22 Aug. 12 Aug. ) Mar. 17 38 Foot.
Magin, William 2 July 15 Aug. i Sept. 09 R. Marines.
Maker, Martin 6 April 17 Jan. 7 R. \'eteran Batt.
Mahon, Edmond 12 Mar. 15 June 1 Nov. 17 70 Foot.
Mahon, James 2 Jan. 2 Feb. i Dee. 14 26 Foot.
Major, Stephen 3 Oct. 26 July ; Mar. 17 13 Foot.
^ fflSa Mann, James'^' 5 Aug. 18 Aug. (July 16 1 Foot.
Manners, George 15 Dec. 12 Sept. i Mar. 17 26 Foot.
Manners, John 24 Feb. 26 Sept. ) Nov. R. Marines.
Marcer, Richard Harvey 1 Aug. 18 Aug. ) Jan. R. Marines.
Marchington, Josepli 12 April 7 May >Oct. 13 Dragoons.
Marder, Henry .22 Nov.
. 1 June i Jan. 71 Foot.
Markham, Thomas 24 Aug. 30 Sept. 1783 83 Foot.
Marklove, John 8 April 20 June ! Dee, 56 Foot.
Marrie, James'" 8 Mar. 8 Dec. ! Feb. 04 R. Marines.
Marsh, Henry 8 July Indep. Co.
Marsh, John 27 June 9 Nov. 9 R. Veteran Batt.
Marshall, Ralph 3 T'eb. 12 April 12 June 23 89 Foot.
Marshall, Thomas 2 Sept. 1 April 14 Aug. 07 R. Marines.
1)WA JIartin, Benjamin 26 Dec. 3 June 11 Nov. 18 85 Foot.
Martin, Edii-ard 3 Dec. R. Artillery.
aa Martin, Heiirv 28 May 31 Mar. 25 Mar. 16 44 Foot.
^ ffiaj Martin, Henry 3 June 21 Oct. 25 Dec. 18 51 Foot.
Marthi,Johnston 25 Jan. 29 Oct. 24 April 16 Bourbon Reg.
Martin,Robert 18 Nov. 24 Aug. Sept. 83
Martin,Richard Bartholomew .... 12 April 9 April 16.
Martin,Thomas 25 Sept. 16 Jan.
Martin,William Neufville 15 April 3 Mar.
Martyn, Charles 25 June 25 Dec.
Mason, Francis 25 June 9 Oct.
Mason, James 5 Jan. 9 May
Mason, Robert 7 Mar. 24 April
* Mason, Robert James never 25 April
Masters, John 9 Mar. 7 July
Masters, Stephen 13 Nov. 15 Jan.
Mathcson, Roderick 6 Feb. 5 Aug.
19 Mathews, Joseph 6 April June
19 Mathison, John Augustus 8 May Aug.
JliSa Matthews, John Powell 3 Nov. 7 April
WA Matthews, William M'Donald" 25 Dec. 7 Jan.
Maunsell, George 18 Oct. 1028 Jan.
* Mawby, Joseph never 9 Mar.
Mawhood, William John 7 Oct. 21 Nov.
Maxwell, John 18 July 24 Dec.
Maxwell, Joseph 7 Mar. 19 May
Mayhew, Henry 7 JIar. 00 23 May

Meade, Thomas Harold 4 Oct. 10 27 July


Meares, John 20 Mar. 09 18 Sept.

Meech, Robert |17 Jan. 1019 June
Mcllish, William j29 Nov. 0517 Nov.
Mence, Huffez 13 Aug. 27 April
Menzies, Alexander : .... 25 Aug. 08 1 1 May
Menzies, George 15 Oct. 12 16 Mar.
Mercer, Alexander Il5 April 13 1 June


Meredith, Boyle 2J)Mar. 10 1 July 1.324 Oct. 22 10 Foot.

Mt-redith, aiorge 9 AuR. 9(i I Oct. Ol{ JK. .Marines.
Jll Meurou, Joliii Freilerick de ..Ilo April 12 Auc. 1224 Feb. UijGcnnan Legion.

Jil Mkl.lletou, Thos. Fulkner 'itt Oct. 13 4 .Muv 15 25 Julv 1 (J 1 Dragoon Gds.
)9 Milts, George ji5 May 09 IG Mav 11 114 Mar. 22 7 Foot.
.Vi7..<. JtJin 15 Dec. 99 6 Feb. Oil 18 R. Veteran Bait.
Mili^, Join. Manihall 10 D.c. 12 23 Feb. 1425 .Mar. 17'43 Foot.
PJil Mill, James" ;l-2 April 0!M8 Sept. \\\ 4 April 22i2 West India Reg.
Milltr, David U!) April 0.j;.;7 Julv 08 4 Jan. 25 R. Slarines.
Milltr, Donald .May ll' C April 14 25 Oct. 21 33 Foot.
MilUr, Uavin never 2.5 Dec. 13 20 Seiit. 14|l9 Foot.
Miller, Henrv Mar. (M lo Sept. OOl 1 Sept. 14 R. Marines.
iSl Miller. John Jan. 2o22 .*Vpril 2G:10 June 37 00 Foot.
Miller, WiUiam Julv 1.-. 7 April 21 25 Jan. 25 R. Artillery.
Miller, Zaccheui'" , .Mav 97 19 Julv 03J R. Marines.
Mills, jaiue^ Dec. 25; 12 Dec. 26 3 Sept. 29,:W Foot.
MilU, Thuiiias Jan. 1325 Aug. 14.25 .May 18|100 Foot.
9 Milne, James Miles Mar. 0831 Mar. 10 R. Veteran Batt.•'>

Milues, Alfreil Shore JiUy 13|15Jan. 10 5 Sept. 22 R. Artillery.

Millies, Thomas .Millies Smith Nov. 119 Feb. 15 25 JIar. 17 28 Foot.
Minehiii, Charles Humphrey Jan. I4I 1 Aug. 14;24June 19 B. Engineers.
3hIinohin, Georpe -Mar. 13]25 Dec. 14^25 Mav 16:New Brunsw. Fen.
Minty, John Feb. 11 27 Oct. 1420 Feb. 15,2 Garr. Batt.
.Mitchell, John .Mar. 11 4.Mar. 13 25 Jan. 17,78 Foot.
Mitchell, Robert Feb. 10 II Feb. 1325 Mar. 17,28 Foot.
{)SSI Moffat, Abraham .Vug. 1322 June 15|25 Feb. 10 71 Foot.
^3 .Mo-ridjie. James Edwanl. April 0928 June lOl 2 Oct.
? il -Moller, Charles Champion . . jlO June 14 19 .\pril 1523 -April 17,18 Dragoons.
.Monck, Charles Stanley 10 Oct. 1 1 31 Dec. 12 25 .Mar. 17114 Foot.
Money, George t 1 Jan 12 lo Julv 13^5 .Mar. 17J12 Foot.
Money, Richard •**.'}
.Mar. 94 1 .Mar. 0(J 25 Sept. 02|24 Dragoons.
.Monro, Frederick 20 Dec. 09| 3 Sept. 13 23 June 241r. Artillery.
Monro, Hector William Bower. . . .
Dec. 13 3 .May 14 29 May 23 05 Foot.
9 Moody, Tliomas .30 June 08 1 June 09 10 Aug. 20,Meuron's Reg.
.Moore, James Adolphus'' ;14 Oct. 05 14 May 10' 8 Sept. 20'R. Marines.
* Moore, Joshua John i
never 25 Dec, 13 25 Sept. 14|l4 Foot.
Moore, Ricliard •»(> June 99 16 .Mav 0029 Nov. 02|27 Foot.
Moore, Samuel 27 .May 13 7 Mar. lOJ 4 June 18 7 Foot.
* M*x»re, Samuel \
never |2o Dec. 13 23 Sept. 14|38Foot.
UJtl Moorhcail, Charles ,2;3 Aug. 10, 3 Sept. 12-25 Dec. 18i71 Foot.
Moreton, Moses 20 Nov. 07 28 Apr. 08| 4 Sept. 17j54 Foot.
.Mor^ran, Edward i
9 July 03 15 Aug. 05,25 Jan. 1 01 R. Marines.
Monran, John i
2 Jan. 12 11 .\ug. 1.3|25 Jan. 1812 Foot.
Monran, Tliooias i
2 Oct. 00 :J0 .Mar. 05|17 Oct. 14[R. Marines.
Moriaty. James Robert 11 Sept. 05 10 Nov. 08j I Sept. 14|R. Marines.
Molev,'Kdwanl Ijcv 1« Aug 1013Jan. 13 25 .Mar. 171 York Rangers.
9 >I.">rphy, Ricliar.1 2 April 12,2«! Aug. 13 2.) .Mar. 17 3 Foot,
Morris, Francis .\uthonr 18 Jan. IC 19 Feb. 24 10 Ju-ie 25|88Foot.
Morrish, James ;:30 .May 0527 Julv 08i 1 Sept. 14 R. Marines.
19 Morrimn, J. White/ord 2(1 Aug. 07117 Aug. 091 (9 R. ^'ete^an Batt.
.Morton, William 10 Nov. 13 1 Sept. 1C25 Nov. 17|06 Foot.
Morton, William '
9 Aug. 99i21 Feb. 00| French's Rec. Co.
Muss, Geonre 23 Dec. 13]l6.\ov. 1518 Aug. 10i8 West India Reg.
Mosse, Henry .\lexander 31 Dec. 07 4 Jan. 10 25 .Mar. 19,94 Foot.
Mosse, Peter Benjamiu 2<i .May 10 3 May 12 25 Sept. 17 80 Foot.
Mostyn, Robert d« .\aK. 08j26 Sept. 11 18 April 17*81 Foot.
Moulin, Andrew da 10 Aug. 90,10 .Mar. 97 23 Julv 029 Foot.
• .Miiiint, Eilward never 125Dec. 13 "18I4'r. Waggon Train.
IB Mount Fjlacumbe, E. .K.Earltf never |l2Jan. 14 2."jFeb. 19 Grenadier Gds.
Mountfonl, Joseph 12 .\pril 00, 2 Jimc 12, 1 Sept. 14 R. .Marines,
Miickleston, Eilwanl 14 Dec. 08r27 June 11 13 Oct. 17 25 Fw.t.
Mulhallen, Robert 8 OcL 1231 Aug. 1525 Mar. 103 Dragoon Gds.
Munro, Donald U Jime 10 Mar. 12 7 R. Veteran Batt.
{] Munro, Frulerick'- 2<l Ilec. Oit 3 Sept. 1323 June 24 R. Artillin-.
. ...

Munro, John 22 Nov. 98|l7 Sept. 01
MtirchUori, Kemietk .... 23 July 07:21 June 10
ffliHMure, George never 14 April 14 15 June 20
Murray, Alexander 18 Mar. 97 12 July 03 15 N
Murray, Edward 28 Feb. 05 25 Sept. 07 25 Nov. 18
Murray, Edward 28 April 13!ll Aug. 14 9 June 25
^ Murray, Francis 29 June 7 July 14 25 Dec. 18
T^ Muskett, Thomas Willis' 17 May 11 Mar. 09 1 July 16
* Myers, William never 25 Dec. 1814

Nannie, George Jan. 30 June 4 Sept. 17

Nankivell, James Dec. 16 Nov.
P Nantes, Richard never 19 Oct. 1814
Napier, Duncan Campbell ' Feb. 4 May
Napper, Alexander Oct. 16 Mar.
^P Nash, Henry Oct. 12 28 April 14
Nash, James Jan. 11 Dec.
aSi Nash, John" Nov. 19 July

* Nash, William never 25 Jan.

Nason, Henry Sept. 29 Feb.
Nayler, Charles June 2 June
Naylor, Edward" May 18 Aug.
Neligan, Thomas Nov. 11 Nov.
^ Nelson, John Clarke May 25 Aug.
Nembhard, Thomas Hay Aug. 5 April
Nesfield, WUliam Andrews June 30 Mar.
* Nt'wbolt, Francis never 26 Dec.
Newman, Joseph July 19 Oct.
Newton, Beauchamp Bartholomew Mar. ,28 June
Newton, Hibbert July 13 April
Newton, John Sept. 2 Dec.
Newton, Thomas Charles April 7 Sept.
Newton, Walter Apr. 2 Nov.
Neynoe, Joseph July 0025 June
SfflJ Nicholson, John Dec. 5 April
Nicholson, Ralph May 1031 Dec.
^ Nicholson, Richard Dec. 7 Oct.
Nicholson, Robert Bring Nov. 10 21 April
3C Nicolas, Paule Harris" July 05 27 July
Niooll, Benjamin David Jan. 06j 1 Sept.
JV/C.V5,John Nov. 12| 8 Feb.
Nisl)ett, Henry Mar. 06,16 Feb.
y an Nixon," William Richmond.. July 10|11 May
Norman, William Mar. 10 14 May
Norris, Robert May 16 18 Mar.
Nowlan, Thomas Aug. 13,18 May
^ Nowlan, William Jan. 06112 Jan.
3153 Nugei.t, Edward Dec. 13| 7 Dec.
Nugent, Walter June 09[ 9 Nov.

312a Oakes, Sir Henry TIiomas,Bi;. 22 Oct. 12111 Feb.

O'Brien, Cunningham For. 4 Mar.
. . 13I14 Sept.
O'Hricn, James 6 Dec. 10'28 July
* O'Brien, John never I25 Dec.
O'Connell, Maurice 22 Sept. 13! * Oct.
O'Cormoi', Bernard Richard . . 18 May 0922 Nov.
IP O'Connor, James 22 Oct. 12 19 Jan.
(j O'Connor, Maurice 10 Aug. 08125 Oct.
^ O'Connor, Patrick 23 Oct. 6 Oct.
O'Uell, Edm. Westropp 12 Sept. 13 Aug.
O'Dogherty, Francis Blake . . 17 June 26 Jan.
t>'Flyn, Andrew 3 Feb. 27 Oct.
ii Ou'ilvv,David 18 Mav 17 Feb.
O'llalluran, Maurice :d Julv 10 June


9 JSl tl'Hara, Patterson 8 Nov. 10( 2 Sept. 12)2.i Mar. 16|59 Foot.
UKillv, James 8 Mar. IWlfi Xov. 1220 Mar. •234 Foot.
tHilinjr, Nicholas Piirduc 12,') June 81' jDonkin's Corp,
* Oliver, Jnhn ^25 Dec. 1325 Sept. 14 :W Foot.
OlpliiTti. Robert 18 June 1813 April 2020 Sept. •26 rnattachcd.
CVNVill, Henr\- 30 Jnno 2529 Aug. 2611 Julv 37 I'nattached.
ONiill, John Augustus 8 June 1531 \as. 15-25 May l(i 1:1 Dragoons.
OXeill, John 9 April 12 29 Feb. 16 15 Feb. 33 Inattaehed.
ia Onslow. Fhipps Vansittart*'. . 17 Dec. 07 16 Dec. 08 9 Dec. •24 R. Artillery.
OHfimi. Thomiu 21 Fih. 05 2 Oct. 06| U R. Veteran Batt.
|l D'Koilly, John |-»o April 11 10 Sept. 1325 May 1611 Foot.
( )niisby. Henry Michael 2 Jan. 12 1 Oct. 1225 Mar. 17 36 Foot.
() I>nnsbv, James 10 Oct. OC 14 Mar. 08 10 Feb. 20|-25 Dragoons.
\i Ornisby, Sewell !
7 .Miir. 05 8 Jan. 0711 Dec. 17lR Foot.
1 >rr, James I2fi Nov. 04 27 July 081 1 April 17|R. Marines.
DJM Orr,John" |
3 Oct. 1129 April 13l |8 R. Veteran Batt.
Orr, John 14 July 08 13 Oct. 0825 Dec. 17:89 Foot.
9 Ornll. Andrew .10 May 1121 April 1 4 25 June 17:14 Foot.
ft t lsl)onie, Darnuth 18 June (1711 May 091 9 May •22 100 Foot.
O'Sulliviin, F.uirene 3 June 08 20 Feb. 1218 Sep"t. 17 98 Foot.
Ott.y.John.. .' 14 -May 12 9 Dec. 1325 May 17 37 Foot.
Ottley, Benjamin Robert 14 Mar. 11 16 July 1225 April 2261 Foot.
Ou)»litiin, James Feb. 1220 Oct. 16-25 Mar. 1961 Foot.
John Walker 29 Sept. 11 -io Sept. 17131 Foot.
P Owen.-i, 08| 7 Feb.

Ja Pamn, Samuel .\lexander "* . . 131 Oct. Ill 7 April 1414 Feb. 2255 Foot.
I'lUiet, | 4 June 1217 Feb. 14' 7 R. Veteran Batt
Halhnir.John Gravcley 31 Dec. 13 21 Xov. 17-25 Julv 19 '24 Dragoons.
Palmer, Humphrey 3 Auir. 0!) 1 1 Oct. 1027 April 1,547 Foot.
Paiimll, K.iUrt l-JO Jlar. 12 2 AufT. 13-25 June 19 Wl Foot.
Parke, Samuel 1 9 Feb. 0!)| 4 Mar. 11 7 Sept. 15 2 Garrison Batt.
Parker, Frederick 4 Mar. 0!) 7 Jan. 26 6 Mar. 28 R. Marines.
Parker, Ileun.- 18 Xov. 1 22 July 30 29 June 31 R. Marines.
Parker, John Frederick p21 Mar. 82 29 May 8331 Jan. 84 105 Foot.
Parker, Kenyon !* 26 Xov. 05 1 5 Jan. 11 1 Sept. 14 R. Marines.
* Parker, Michael never 25 Jan. 14! 1814 3Prov. Bn. of Mil.
Pnrtrr, Thomat Robert I
f. Aue. 07 2:1 Sept. 08' 6 H. Veteran Batt.
JJl Parkinson, Robert ,22 April 13j 4 May 1530 Oct. 17 R. Waggon Train.
9 Parratt, Killebrant Mered. •> . . 29 Oct. 0811 July 1112 Sept. ^22 R. .\rtiljery.
% ifil Parn,-, James :10 Sept. 12127 Jan. 1425 Mar. 17-28 Foot.
*Pnrry, Tliomas ; never 125 Feb. 14 1814 3Prov. Bn. of MU.
Parsons, Rich. Tapper |18 Jfay 9918 Aue. 04 5 May 08 R. Marines.
Paterson, Alexander ^^ July 12 4 June 13-25 .\pril 16 German Legion.
Paton, Oeoree 12 July 10' 1 July 12^25 Sept. 1622 Dragoons.
Patten, William 14 July 25 16 Nov. 27 28 Sept. 39 R. Artillery-.
Patterson, F.4lward i
1 Sept. 08 20 Sept. 1025 Sept. 17 31 Foot., John Williams 18 .\pril Ill 3 Sept. 1211 Oct. lOtiO Foot.
p Pattison, Jo^eph 21 Feb. Ill 2 Jan. P2i 3 X'ov. 14 5 Dragoon Guards.
Pawley, (ieorce ;21 Mar. a")l 9 Oct. 0614 April (18 -Murray's Rec. Cos.
(I Paxtin, .Xn-hibald Frederick .. 26 June Il!l9 Dec. 11-23 July 17 11 Dragoons.
Pi-ach, John Carroll 3 ,-iept. 1225 \ns. 14-25 Feb. 19.\frican Corps.
Pea.-.,ck, Roliert 9 Dec. I3|14 Julv 14-25 .Mar. 16,44 Foot.
Pearsim, .Mattliow .\pril 94 19 July
94; l!)5 Foot.

Pearson, William Rex 11 .Mar. 0911 Feb. 261 3 )Iar. -29 R. Marines.
Pe<Idie, William I
2 Jan. lO.lO Jan. 12-20 April 17 21 Foot.
Peel, E.lmund \b Mar. 1513 Mar. 17i 2 May 22-25 Foot.
Peel, R..t>ert Haworth 7 Mar. 16 17 Oct. 1616 June 30 I'nattached.
Peers, lknr\' rle Linne i29 Jan. 12 22 July 1317 Aug. -20,13 Foot.
P Pell, EdWin 27 July 092.J Mar. 13 -2.-J Mar. 17:«1 Foot.
P Penfold, Edward ,29 Auir. 1 1 25 Mar. 12-25 Mar. 17ll4 Dragoons.
Pen-, llv. Edivarrt | 5 Julv rtfl 15 Aue. 0,')i21 Jan. 23|R. Marines.
P P.nnefathcr, Kichanl |I4 June 1026 Sept. July 1787 Fo. t.

P Pninimilvu, Roiclmut 8 Sept. 082:5 May 5 H. Veteran Batt.

IVp|ier, Tlicobald ... 14 Sept. 08 27 Jiiiie Mar. 1P:1Dragoon Guards.

'2d LIEUT.

Perceval, Charles 13 June 4 Mar. 19 Oct. 20 68 Foot.
Percy, Francis •22 July 16 Oct. 25 Dec. 18 51 Foot.
Perham, John "26 June 9 Feb. 9 Sept. 26 R. Marines.
Perliam, William 20 Sept. 20 Feb. 1 Sept.14 R. Marines.
Perkins, Thomas Steele 4 Dee. 18 Aug. 16 Jan. 16 R. Marines.
Perring, Sir John, Bt 2 May 13 Feb. 25 Dec. 18 25 Dragoons.
* Perrott, Robert never 2 Dec. 25 May 02 4 Foot.
Perry, Henry 5 Jan. 18 Aug. 31 Jan. 15 R. Waggon Train.
Perry, Richard Lavite 20 Dec. 3 Sept. 25 Mar. 17 44 Foot.
Peterson, Charles 15 Mar. 3li26 June 1 Nov. 38 11 Dragoons.
?fSSiPetre, Henry William . . . 14 May 07 26 Jan. 18 Feb. 19 18 Dragoons.
Phair, William Barry 9 July 7 Dec, 25 Jul 104 Foot.
Phibhs, Rutledgc 18 Oct. 10 13 Aug. 18 July 16 10 Foot.
iP 51® Philipps, Grismond . . . 3 Aug. 09 5 Sept. 26 Aug. 19 97 Foot.
Phillips, John [Cornet) 17 Nov. 96 25 Nov. 02 R. Waggon Train.
* Phillips, John never !5 Not. Independ. Cos.
|9 Phillips, Robert Jocelyn . . . 20 July 09 6 Oct. 25 Mar. 15 27 Foot.
Phillipson, John Burton 25 April 14 Mar. 18 Feb. 19 1 Dragoon Guards.
aSH Edward »'
Philpot, 16 Ang. 1 Sept. 1 Aug. 16|R. Art. Drivers.
Pickard, Henry William^* . . . 17 Dec. 12 21 May 29 April 31 R. Artillery.
Pickring, Joseph 8 Oct. 16 Nov. 25 Feb. 16 4 Foot.
Pictet, Armand Jaques^'* 9 Feb. April 21 Feb. 28 Unattached.
Pictet, Frederick ;5 June !2Jan. 24 Sept. 19 60 Foot.
Pigou, Laurence 17 l^fov. 8 Aug. 25 Mar. 17 2 Dragoon Guards.
Pigoii, William George 3 Oct. 8 Feb. 1 May 23 83 Foot.
PtkCj John 20 Oct. !o June 6 R. Veteran Batt.
Pinhey, William Towley 1 Oct. 25 Sept. 1 April 17 R. Marines.
Pinniger, Broome 2 April 1 Dee. 28 Dec. 17 6 West IniUa Regt.
Piper, Thomas 14 Jan. 15 Aug. 11 Nov, 08. R. Marines.
Playfair, Andrew W'illiam . . :6 April •7 Nov. 25 July 17|104 Foot.
* Plowman, Thomas never 25 Dec. 1814iR. -Waggon Train.
^P Plunkett, Edmund Henry". 2 Mar. 13 Julv 22 June 32;i4 Foot.'
Plunkett, Thomas Richard . . 6 Mar. 1 July 6 Oct. 25 18 Dragoons.
^P Poe, Purefov 13 June 1 Julv 17 April 17;39 Foot.
iiiaa Polhill, Wniiam 1 July 13 Dec. 10 Jan. 19 23 Dragoons.
Pontcarre, E. L. E. C. De . . . 12 Mar. 26 Julv 17 Jan. R. For. Artillery.
Pook, George Anthony 9 May 25 Nov. 7 June 33 61 Foot.
?P Poole,Walter Croker 1 Dec. 26 Mar. 181. 88 Foot.
Porter, Henry 7 July 15 Aug. 9 Sept. I- R. Marines.
Porter, Robert 7 Dec. 3 Mar. 11 April 16 7 Foot.
^1 Pountney, Henry James . . :31 May 16 June 13 Feb. 17 71 Foot.
Powell, James Brnce June !6 Feb. 16 April 18 12 Foot.
Powell, John Harcourt 10 Dec. 30 Mar. !5 Ja 7 Dragoons.
P Pratt, George 4 Dec. 9 Mar. 25 July 1 27 Foot.
Pratt, Richard 1 Dec. 10 Sept. 25 June 18 50 Foot.
Price, Stephen 10 Oct. 10 Oct. 25 Dec. 18 60 Foot.
* Prichard, Thomas ever 28 Nc 25 June 01 36 Foot.
Prldhnm, WUVnm" 13 June 18 Aug. 23 Oct. 16 R. Marines.
^ Priest, John^^ 13 July 1 Jan. R. Art. Drivers.
Pringle, James 3 Aug. 5 Aug. 18 April 17 81 Foot.
Pritchard, John 19 Oct. 3 R. Veteran Batt.
Prohyn, John 4 June 14 April 16 June 08 20 Foot.
Purcellj Ignatius never 21 Dec. R. Irish -Artillery.
Purdon, Philip 10 Sept. !7 Dec. Mar. 17 41 Foot.
Purefoy, Arnold j>fesbitt 12 June 1 April 14 Dec. 32 21 Foot.
* Pycroft, Charles never 26 Dec. 25 Sept. 14 14 Foot.

ffla Quill, Henry^" IG Mar. 9 R. Veteran Batt.

Ragg, Samuel 1 Feb. 5 Mar. 1 R. Veteran Batt.
Rainsforth, Charles 2 Sept. 5 Feb. 28 Feb. 20 67 Foot.
Rainsforth, Charles 2 Feb. 8 April 19 May 25 Unattached.
Ramsden, George 10 July 7 Nov. 30 Mar. 25 R. Artillery.
Runeland, John 22 Sept. 6 July 8 Dec. 17 .56 Foot.
^ Ranie, Frederic James 31 Dec. 6 Aug. 1 Oct. 37 95 Foot.
. ... 1



Hankiii, Ooiiii Doiilv \i\ June 10 i Nov. 4 April ll| \IU Foot.
Kaiikiiic, DavUl . .
V, Veh. 1317 Nov. Dec. 14-2.-) 18 Rifle Hripade.
RatcliHc, WilliBiii ii) .\ng. 07 13 April Dec. 01) (•) 141 Garrison Batt.
Hiiwiins Jolui Mart 18 Feb. 13H0 Nov. 17 3 Dec. 18 13 Foot.
Hiiwsti>nie, Klpctwood I

3 July Ofl 7 July 08 8 April -2(i Unattached.

IP Unvntoni), ^^'illiam 1-2Jan \ \uf. 11 a Nov. 1.^.31 Foot.

Ilea, .\n.lrew Charles -27 Sept. 04 •21 Nov. 07; 1 April 17 R. Marines.
Hill, Charhs 2-2 June IXi 4 Oct. UU R. Marines.
Mar. 1 -2li May
•23 .VprU 13 ib Unattached.
{) Heml, Robert -21

Roaile, John :10 June 04 -i« AprU 0C31 May 10 103 Foot.
Re.>il, Thoma-s Borrett -24 April 1-217 Mar. 7 Oct. 31 H. Marines.
Uees. Kilwaril 9 July U3 16 Aug. 8 June l.'jjH. Marines.
He. VIS, Lewis Buckle -23 April 04 1-2 Jlar. 1 .\pril 17 R. Marines.

Heeves, Thonia.4 2 Nov. 04-27 July April if R. Marijies.


U<fre$. Samuel (Qr.Mn$.'21 Oct.M) never Dec.

1-21 15 2 R. \eteran Batt.
D ijin Hei.l, Thomas" * Feb. OSl Jlay
1 Oi) 1 July
10 R. Art. Drivers.
Ktiimi. Henni Laws '-20 July 1315 Dee. R. Engineers.
Ken» irk, (ieorRe Il8 July Oil 1-2 July 10,14 -Mar. 1G(! Foot.
Cieor.;e Williamson 15 .May llj f. July 14 20 Jmie 19 30 Foot.
J) R. vuett, William France
20 July 0!)-28 Feb. 11,24 Dec. 18 73 Foot.
P H.vnoMs, John -21 July 08; 14Dec. 0924 Feb. -25199 Foot.
ii_\ Itevn<ilils, Thomas Matthew" 20 Feb. 12 10 Mar. 14| 8 April 24|12 Foot.
Hhoiles", John 9 May llj2(iOct. 15^25Dec. 18 19 Foot.
9 Ribton, Sir John, Bt 6 Feb. 11 -25 June 12! a Feb. 18'23 Foot.
Rich, Henry 21 Jan. 4 Feb.
12! 1330 Nov. 204 West India Regt.
Richardes, WiUiam Eardley" . . . 11 July 14;'25Jau. 19112 May '24 R. Artillery.
* Riehanlson, Francis never 13 Nov. 08i "iSKlJK. Waggoii Train.
IP Riehanlson, Cleop^c Henry . . . -27 Aug. 07|-23 Nov. 09115 May 1738 Foot.
• Riehanlson, James never -25 Dec. 13 '1814 3 Prov. Bn. of Mil.
Riehanlson, John'* 4 Aug. 13-27 July 15 1 Oct. 1892 Foot.
Riehanlson, John 8 June OOlll Sept. 11,11 Oct. ICiCanadian Fen.
D Uiihnrtlson, Thomiu Lothian . never 10 Sept. 03 R. Art. Driven*.
}] J4I Hicltardson, William"^.. . 5 Aug. 11 -20 Oct. 131 |lOR. Veteran Batt.
Hiehniond, James 2G Nov. 07 1 Jlay 12 25 July 19 24 Dragoons.
Riehniond, Sylvester 9 Aug. 11 '-24 April 13:3 Oct. 22 48 Foot.
Kiekelts, Alfrwl 8 July 13;22 Dec. 14-25 Feb. KiyFoot.
Ricketts, PhiUp 19 Feb. 07|-2-J Mar. 08-20 April -20 44 Foot.
Ml Riildoch. Alexander 11 June 1-2 -2 Feb. 15-25 Mar. 10 44 Foot.
P Riddock, William 8 April 13 15 Mar. 15 25 Feb. U)'4 Foot.
Rideiiut, Henry Wood 21 Sept. 15 111 A|)ril IH -2(1 July 20.19 Foot.
Riet, William Vander GJune 14 13 April 15'2.>Dec. lOiCape Regiment.
Ri^ibv. Samuel -28 June lol 3 Nov. 11J27
June lOiNew Bruns. Fen.
9 ill Ripley, William 15 Mar. 10 2 May 11 1 Aug. 1652 Foot.
Ritchie, James •20Feb. 17|21 Feb. •27-2.5 Sept. 27|l Foot.

Rohb, David 14 July 08UiOct. 09! C Jan. '20,25 Dragoons.

JiLl Huberts, Harry Harvey 10 Dec. 12I 7 Jan. Dec. 18|51 Foot.
Roberts, James 15 Jan. (17 -24 May 09 4 July 22'7 Foot.
13 JU Roberts, John" 1 Sept. 081 1 Dec. IHJJ 1 July UlR. Art. Drivers.
U..ti(rts, John 28 Dec. 15 8 April •25 22 April 2(i 'nattached. I

^ liolierlson. .\lexandcr 15 June 0!) 4 July 11|18 April l(i27 Foot.

RiiUrtson, .\llan 5 April 10-24 Dec. 122.5 Mar. 17 1 Foot.
Riihertson, Donald 8 June 09 7 Jan. 13 25 Mar. 17 82 Foot.
Jil R.ibertson, James" BJau. 14-20 July 15 25 Feb. 1(! 79 Foot.
{), .\ndrew Delcperc 18 Jan. 10 10 Oct. 114 April 1057 Foot.
Riihlmim. A ntluiny -24 Nov. 02 17 Dec. 00 J3 R. \eteran Batt.
Robinson, Daniel 18 May 07 27 July Ul 1 Sept. 14;R. Marinis.
Robinson, Feuton 13 Dec. 131 1 Aug. 1(1-20 June 22R. Artillerj-.
Robinson, ( ii-or^je 15 Sept. 081 7 Nov. 09 •2.5 April 19 (iO Foot.
D J4l lioliinson, James" 10 Dec. 07il7 May 10 •20 .Mar. 2:150 Foot.
Robinson, John 14 Mar. 05 8 Jan. 07 30 .«M-pt. 19185 Foot.
liusou, Issac 17 Dec. 18 3 Nov. 2.5| 8 Feb. 3402 Foot.
|) Robinson, Willian) Henry 28 Nov. 1 1 27 Aug. Ktjil Feb. I5i45 Foot.
Roch, George
II May 14 9 July 18,2.5 Dec. 18|98 Fo<it.
JJl Ro<hfnnl, Charles 2<> Feb. 13 15 Juno I.")l-2.') Auir. SllRifle Brigade.
. ..


* Bochfort, John never 25 Dec. 1814 100 Foot.

Rogers, Adam !5 Oct. 15 Mar. Feb. 15 G Garrison Batt.
Rogers, Jacob Glynn 6 Oct. 6 Mar. Dec. 38 Unattached.
Rogers, John April 30 June May 31 R. Marines.
312J Rogers, Robert Naylor* !9 July 14 June Nov. 36 Unattached.
Rolfe, Joseph 3 July 14 Sept. Mar. 17 53 Foot.
Rollo, James !7 Mar. 5 Aug. May 16 59 Foot.
Rooke, Lewis 6 Oct. 16 Jan. Sept. 14 R. Marines.
Rooney, Bernard 4 Nov. 24 May Oct. 15 2 Garrison Batt.
Rose, Hugh 11 Dec. 25 May Aug. 24 24 Foot.
Rose, John 2 Feb. 13 Feb. Oct. 98 Irish Brigade.
Roseingrave, Matthew .... 2 April 11 Feb. Sept. 17 10 Foot.
Ross, Emilius ,0 Aug. 26 June Julv 39 Unattached.
518.^ Ross, Ewen'™ 3 April 26 Nov. Mar. 17 92 Foot.
Ross, Hamilton iO July 15 July 1803 81 Foot.
Ross, James Fraser !6 Feb. 4 May Mar. 18 42 Foot.
Ross, John !5 May 11 Sept. Feb. 22 African Corps.
Ross, John 21 Sept. Mar, 7 Garrison Batt.
Ross, Robert 6 Mar. 20 July May 16 11 Foot.
Rofelp, Lewis !7 July 27 July R. Marines.
Rothwell, William July 25 Nov. 26 Unattached.
Rouse, Richard 3 Not. 18 Aug. 05 R. Marines.
Rousseau, Peter Sept. 8 June 16 Cape Regiment.
Rowan, John Hill .5 Nov. 8 July 31 Aug. 39 Unattached.
19 Royse, Abraham Foord . !0 May 15 June ! April 17 87 Foot,
Rudland, Jones 9 May 20 May . May 18 10 Foot.
Ruel, John Godfrey 2 Sept. 05 29 July Sept, R. Marines.
Russell, Henry James .... 4 Aug. 08 10 Aug. 19|G0 Foot.
RusseU, James never 27 July 3 R. Veteran Batt.
Mussell, William .0 Sept. 10 Dec. [5 R. Veteran Batt.
Russwurra, Alexander .... 2 Jan. 3 Feb. June 28J50 Foot.
^ Rutherford, James ^^' . 5 Feb. 27 Oct. June 1523 Foot.
Ruvynes, Charles Aug. de . 1 Nov. 6 Feb. Dec. 18120 Dragoons.
Ryan, John Dennis >9 Aug. 10 Oct. Sept. 20:22 Dragoons.
1? Ryan, Richard 1 July 7 Sept. Dec. 18 96 Foot.
Ryan, William July 21 April Dec. 18|63 Foot.
Ryneweld, William Van . !9 Nov. 14 July Mav 16;93 Foot.
Sabine, John 6 June 14 April 08|25 Dec. 18 African Corps.
St. John, John -5 July 9 Aug. 15:25 Mar. 17 12 Foot.
St. John, Richard Fleming . . 6 Dec. 8 AprU 25 1 Oct. 30, R. Artillery.
Sampson, William !7 Oct. 29 June 0818 June 16' R. JIarines.
Sampson, William !3 Mar. 8 Sept. 1225 Jan. 16 27 Foot.
Sander.s, David Morison .2 May 9 Mar. 2025 May 26 Unattached.
Sandilands, William Nimmo. . .4 Dec. 11 Nov. 12 April 16 7 West India Regt.
Saiidon, John Kidgell 1 June 1 Dec. 9 May 83 R. Marines.
Sandwith, Geo. Aug. Elliot . . . Oct. 25 April Sept. 14 R. Marines.
Sandys, Myles Dec. 5 April April 18 |40 Foot.
Sargent, Samuel Nov. 17 Oct. Feb. 23 ,1 R. Veteran Batt.
Sarsiield, Aug. 30 Dec. July 26| Unattached.
IP Sarsfield, July 21 Oct. April 15'|47 Foot.
Saunders, Andrew Childers . . . Aug. 31 Mar. Mar. 16 1 Dragoons.
Saunders, Joseph Oct. I 28 Dec. Sept. 17i 1 Garrison Batt.
Saimders, Robert Francis Mar. I
7 Dec. Jan. 20 68 Foot.
WSi Saunders, Robert John '°- . Nov. I
11 Aug. April 21 R. Artillery.
^ Sawkins, William Dec. 6 Jan. July 17 3 Garrison Batt.
Sawyers, John Dec. I
27 July June 18 R. Marines.
Saxby, Robert Sept. I
15 June Sept. 14 R. Marines.
^ Sayer, George July 27 Aug. Mar. 17i 55 Foot.
Sayers, A rthur Sept. I
9 Oct. Aug. 13 27 Foot,
Sayers, ^yilliam Aug. 15 July Sept. 26 lauittached.
Scaulan, John Fitzgibbon April I
12 Jlay Sept. 14, K. .Marines.
Schaffalizky, Frederick Oct. I
15 June 1814; 104 Foot.
Schaw, John Suuchie Dec. 1 June June 22J R. Artillery.

Schnoidcr, Robert Wilmot jlO .\pril 2.".j 8 .\pril 2Ci2!l Nov. 27 Unattached.
S.-OM1, John 27 Jan. 9(i,20 Ket. 97 27 Not. 02 H. Marines.
Smit, Variit -28 Nov. 11 25 Jan. 13| 7 H. Veteran Batt.
Seott, Edward 1 never 10 Dec.
1 9925 June 02 7 Foot.
il !<oiitt, llcnn- 22 .Vug. 1011 May 12 15 Jan. 185 Foot.
Scott, John ..'. 20 .\pril 9(ij 3 Mar. 00 25 Nov. 103 Garrison Batt.
|) Scott, Percy 22 June 1228 Nov. 1520 Aug. 17^)8 Foot.
Scott, Thomas 25 Aug. 08 28 Feb. 12 25 Dec. 18i>4 Foot.
Scott, Uilliam Fitz Gerald 30 Dec. 12 14 Dec. 14 20 Sept. 33 (i West India Regt.
Searanko, John .\Hg. 12 18 Feb. 1311 Slav 15 4 Dragoon Guards.
• S.l.lH.nii', Thi lasHall never 25 Dee. 13 25 Sept. 14 3 Foot.
fM Sodlty. Joh Somiicr I
6 Mav 13,23 Oct. 17 25 Dec. 18 Staff Corps.
St-T-'ravo, O'Ncil 23 June 25'13 May 2G2G Mar. 30jlTnattacliod.
Semple, John [
never 120 Oct. 94 It. Irish Artillery.
rjoanl, Jotui 10 Oct. 05l22Jan. lo| 1 Sept. 14 K. .Marhies.
est Seward, (.'harlc! Feb. 14 13 Aug. 15[2.5 Nov. Ui'(iO Foot.
Sewell, Hallantine Aug. ;«118June 01 1802|4!) Foot.
Seymour. L'. Marlborough.. Aug. 08 29 June 09'll Mav 15 32 Foot.
Sluidlorth,Henry Oct. 19. 4 Dec. 23,21 .Mar. 2Uirnattachcd.
Shadwell, Henry Eugene . June 05,22 Jan. 07 17 Dee. 18 35 Foot.
Shaflo, William Henry .... Aug. 13 28 Sept. 15 25 Mar. 17 IG Foot.
Sharnifin^ Charles never 12 Dec. 94 R. Irish .Vrtillery.
Shaq>e. John April 0819 April 0910 Sept. 12,j4 Foot.
Sharpin, Henry Feb. 13 7 Nov. 15 10 Feb. 32 53 Foot.
J 8.1 Sharpin, William "" . Dec. llliODec. 14 1 Julv 23 H. Artillerj-.
fill Shaw, Sir Charles '"• 21 Jan. 13j 9 Dec. 1325 Dec. 18:H)Foot.
Shaw, Oei»rge Il7 May 14 4 Sept. 2313 Julv 2(1 Unattached.
Shaw, Hugh |31 Oct. 1121 Oct. 13 25 .Mar. Foot.
Shaw, James Peter i29 Feb. 04 8 Jan. 11/ 29 June 15.i3Foot.
Shaw, Samuel il? Oct. 05 2;i Sept. 08 30 Si-pt. UtU Foot.
Shawe, John Wingfleld |lO Oct. 1(1 H! .Mar. 20 27
July 2l)j 18 Dragoons.
Shawe, -Me\Tiek j
never j23 June 14 25 Mar. 17,30 Foot.
Shelley, sir "^imotliy, Bt |1 j Dec. 79 20 June 81 11 June 83 22 Dragoons.
|)<L!Ll Shelton, John Willington"" 21 Julv 08 22 Mar. 10 27 Nov. 17,28 Foot.
Shi-pard, Henry Richardson l.j Aug. 0928 Feb. 1225 Oct. 21 12 Foot.
9 Sheppar<l, Thomas Aug. 07 28 Mar. 08 17 Oct. lU.V.)Foot.
Shewl.ridne, Henrv !23 Dec. 12 12 Dec. 14 25 Dec. Foot.
Sliiel. TliJobald | never 1 AprU 2(! 13
I July Foot.
2(1 (iO
Short, Charles Oct. 18|26 Sept. 23 22 Feb. 31 21 Foot.
{) Sljottnn, Benjamin Sept. 04 20 .Mar. 0(i20 Nov. 17 IG Dragoons.
{) 3U Sicker, George . June 02|20 Feb. 0530 Julv 18 23 Dragoons.
."^iinmons, James F Julv 13j-23 Dee. 15l 1 .\pril 19 R. .\rtillerv.
^ Simoneau, Louis Feb. 11 1 June 12 25 Nov. 10 Meuron's Regt.
Sim|>9on, James Mav 11 23 Sept. 13j28 Nov. IG 89 Foot.
Sinip^n, John Nov. 03 1 Jan. Ofij C Oct. 14 R. Marines.
Suiclair, George Feb. 14 14 June 21 '24 Nov. 25 92 Foot.
Sinclair, John May 05 10 Dec. 07 8 R. Veteran Batt.
• Sintrleton, Jonathan Felix never 25 Dec. 13 1814 2 Prov. Bn. of Mil.
0' 16
Skeltoi), William Sept. Mar. 08 7 Sept. 15184 Foot.
Skene, Willjain Julv 94 21 Feb. 95| Independ. Co.
Slaney, Morelon Nov. 05 24 Aug. 07 1 Dec. 20,2.5 Dragoons.
9 Slattery, Bartholomew . April 13 23 .Mar. 15 2G .Mar. 10-27 Foot.
iHeator, John June 10 20 April 14| 5 R. Veteran Batt.
Slonn, James ! 5 Oct. 04 1 Julv fK!| |4 R. Veteran Batt.
9 Sloan. James |23 April 05 29 Jan. 071 3 Feb. 20,08 Foot.
Small. FrancU Walsh 23 Aug. 10 14 Nov. u'ujune 30 Unattached.
Smith, .Mc.xandtr 112 Sept. 99 1 Sept. 04 15 Dec. 0(iJR.Marines.
?H Smith, .Viexandcr j 4 Aug. 08 22 Feb. 10 30 Sept. 19 42 Foot.
Smith, Jioys Jenkin 13 Oct. 08 13 Sept. 10 8 R. Veteran Batt.
Smith, Edward . . .
22 Feb. 10;20 Jan. 14 25 Feb. 10,58 Foot.
Smith, Edward .\tkins l25 Julv OW 2 Mav 11 11 April 22I3I Foot.
Smith, George Charles June 04| 4 Aug. 0.524 Jan. 22;G3 Foot.
Smith, Henry '12 Nov. 12jlGNov. 15,28 Dec. 27 6 West India Regt.
* Smith, Henry Pasco I never 125 Dec. 13i25 Sept. 14^12 Foot.
M M 373

Smith, Henry Porter 16 June 14 24 June 24 May 21 Rifle Brigade.
Smith, Hugh William .... •28 Mar. 10i29 Oct. 13 Aug. 12 07 Foot.
Smith, James 30 May 11121 Oct. 25 Dec. 18 20 Dragoons.
Smith, James Berridge .... 1 Oct. 12 26 Aug. 30 Oct. 23 21 Dragoons.
3183 Smitli, James Ramsay 13 Oct. 14 20 Mar. 6 July 26 38 Foot.
Smith, Jolm 10 April 09; 7 Oct. 9 JIar. 20 14 Foot.
IP Smith, John 12 Mav 12 8 Feb. 19 April 17 ;27 Foot.
?lSa Smith, John 2G0 i 15 12 July 30 July 29 Corps.
• Smith, John never 25 Feb. 1814 2 Prov. Bn. of Mil.
Smith Josepli,(Qr. Mas. 28 Apr. 08) never 7 Sept. 3 R. Veteran Batt.
Smith, Leonard Fleming . 5 June 12 19 May 14 May 15 26 Foot.
\% Smith, Michael 29 Aug. ll|23 Aug. 20 April 17 40 Foot.
Smith, Peter never iJO April R. Art. Drivers.
Smith, Peter 1 Dec. 12 15 July 1 Nov. 14 R. Art. Drivers.
19 Smith, Ralph !2 Sept. 08'22 Mar. 8 May 23 53 Foot.
Smith, Robert 4 April 05 20 Feb. 11 July 16 1 Foot.
Smith, Tlwmas Flynit 26 Feb. OC 26 Mar. 7 Foot.
Smitli, Thomas Francis .... 4 June 1225 Jime 20 Oct. 23 24 Foot.
Smith, William 14 Jan. 07 3 Mar. 1 1 July 16 R. Art. Drivers.
13 Smith, W illiiim 11 Oct. 10126 Oct. 25 Sept. 17 31 Foot.
iaffiSi Smith, William .... 1 Sept, 13|19 July 25 Feb. 16 71 Foot.
Smith, William 6 Aug. 12 4 Feb. 25 Oct. 17 78 Foot.
IP ?ISa SmitlL, William J8 June 1021 July 27 April 17 91 Foot.
Smyth, James Ryan 3 Sept. 12J21 June 25 Mar. 16 15 Foot.
Smyth, Thomas !9 June 09,28 Aug. 25 Jan. 17 34 Foot.
Smyth, William 16 May 11 3 June 30 Dee. 19 Scots Fusilier Gds.
Sneyd, WiUiam 17 Feb. 83 14 April 1783 88 Foot.
Spaight, Henry 3 Mar. 1411 Oct. 23 June 25 2 Dragoon Guards.
Spalding, Warner Reeve 26 Mar. 07,13 Nov. 8 R. Veteran Batt.
Spencer, Thomas'* never 2 Aug. 1 June 04 R. Art. Drivers.
SperKng, John "" 14 Dec. 11 1 July 24 Jan. 24 R. Engineers.
Spinhs, William 2.5 Dec. 02j25 April 3 R. Veteran Batt.
Spong, Francis Mallett"" .. 1 Dec. 09 5 June 1 Nov. 14 R. .\rt. Drivers.

Spooner, Henry 21 Nov. 99 12 June 25 June 02 15 Dragoons.

Spotiswood, Andrew 4 July 113 Feb. 25 Mar. 17 21 Foot.
Sproule, Edward 26 Jan. 08 1 Feb. 5 Nov. 18 69 Foot.
IP Stacev, Edwin 30 May 1126 Mar. 25 Aug. 14 12 Dragoons.
aaa Stainforth, George 29 July 19 July 25 Mar. 17 23 Foot.
Stanley, Edward 2 Sept. 1 Jan. R. Art. Drivers.
Stannus, Thomas 3 Aug. 1 Oct. 3 July 17 7 Dragoons.
Stansfleld, Rohert 19 Sept. 2 Nov. 4 Au|^ 20 Foot.
Stapleton, David Aug. 3 May 19 June 17 41 Foot.
Staplcton, Richard 19 AprU 7 April 24 May 27 Unattached.
Stapleton, William Bull . 26 Not. 25 Feb. 9 Nov. 15 Staff Co. of Caval.
IP Stavely, John 25 Dec. 9 Mar. 12 Nov. 18 4 Foot.
IP Stawell, WiUiam 19 Sept. 9 Nov. 25 Dec. 17 98 Foot.
Steade, Charles never 22 Feb. 23 Oct. 17 60 Foot.
Steed, Edward Henry .... 29 Sept. 26 April 25 Dec. 18 25 Dragoons.
IP Steel, William Robert . 7 May 06 16 June 2 Mar. 15 48 Foot.
Steele, IVIatthew Frederick" 9 April 16 Feb. 30 Dec. 34 91 Foot.
Steele, Sir Robert, K)it 10 July 15 Aug. 4 Aug. 17 R. Marines.
* Steggall, Wilham Charles never 25 Dec. 25 Sept. 14 43 Foot.
Stevenson, John 18 Sept. 29 April Strathaven's Co.
Stewart, Alexander 20 .Mar. 26 Oct. 5 July 27 84 Foot.
Stewart, Charles 25 July 17 Oct. 24 Jan. 21 4 Foot.
IP Stewart, Duncan 9 Mar. 22 Feb. 30 Oct. 17 104 Foot.
Stewart, Edward Hobbs . 3 Dec. 4 Oct. 1 Feb. 17 R. Marines.
Stewart, James 9 June 16 Oct. 9 Sei)t. 24 53 Foot.
Stewart, Morvyn 12 Jan. 25 Jan. 10 July 20 21 Dragoons.
Stewart, Thomas 21 Mar. 11 3 Mar. 1 Dec. -is 23 Foot.
Stobart, Henry "° 12 Dec. 29 Aug. 10 July 26 R. Artillery.
Stobie, John April 14 June 4 R. Veteran Batt.
Stock, Frederick 23 June 16 May 5 Nov. 07 R. Irish Artillery.
Stokes, Joseph Southwell . 29 Oct. 26 Aug. 28 Oct. 17 80 Foot.
. 1

Stokes, John Julv ; Jan. m « Aug. 98 07 Foot.
10 H. Veteran Batt.
Stoicnrds, Jiobvrt .Mar. J July l:!]

Street, Jiilin t>ct. ijrdy 1.) 2 Oct. 17149 Foot.

Stretch, Holton Eilwnrd Oct. 1 May j| !) Aug. 33 7 Foot.

Stritoh, Williuni Liiki' Dec. I Aug. 14 25 Mar. 17 9o Foot.

^ Stnwk', (ieorvc Mar. April 10 -^5
) Feb. 17 -'0 Foot.
Stroiiiu'li, ^Villit1m .Mar. Nov. Hi 31
II Dee. 24 R. Engineers.
811 Strontr, William BuiTOUjth'" .Mav Dee. I3!2.3
l(i Mar. 17 Foot. W
i«H Stuart, I'hnrles May 08|I6 Jan. 12il9 April 17i91 Foot.
Stuart, t'liarles Georjie May 11(20 April 142.0 .Mar. l(i|88 Foot.
Stuart, (.ieor>ie Nov. I.)| 2 Jan. 17 11 Jan. 20|86 Foot.
13 Stuart, (ieor*^ Evans Feb. 12,2.) Jan i
Dec. 1461 Foot.
Stuart^ Jitmrt July o:i;i4 April 04 |3 R. Veteran BtttL

^ Stuart, James Thomas Simon Jan. 09.23 Nov. 20 May 19|73 Foot.
Stuart, Peter never 14 Oct. |l R. Veteran Batt.

lis Stuart, Itobert Tliomson Aus. 131« July »Iar. 17 28 Foot.

Stuart, Willium April 04 24 Mar. 2.5 June lUR. Marines.
• Siiberkrul), Jolin Jacob never Dec. 13 18143 Prov. Bn. of Mil.
Sullivan, Bartholomew Nov. 00 (i Oct. 13 2 .Sept. 20 R. Marines.

^ Sullivan, James May 0!)l20 June 1 24 June 24 19 Foot.

* Sullivan, John never Dec. 13 15 Aug. 14 49 Foot.
Sunbolf, f it'orge Feb. Feb. 11 18 June 18 33 Foot.
Supple, Edward 0911 July U 20
Sept. .«ept. 18'10 Foot.
Supple, Kerrj' Aug. I3|I4 Feb. 1(1 28 .May 17 00 Foot.
Sutherland, Alexander Nov. 90] 4 Nov. 99 25 April 0219 Foot.
Sutherland, Edward Sept. 12 20 Aug. 13 12 July as Unattached.
Sittherlnnd^ Kenitt-fh June 97'-i5 Mar. 01 2 R. Veteran Batt.
Sutherland, Sutherland Hall . June I5;i5 Feb. Ifi 4 April 23'C5 Foot.
Suttie,Oeorpe Grant never .17 April 17 25 Dec. 18 Scots Fusilier Ods.
Sutton, John May 12 2-J Aug. 14 17 Oct. 108 West India Regt.
Swanson, Thomas iMay 082.5 Oct. 17 Mar. 13 42 Foot.
Sweetini, George never Aug. 14 10 Dec. 1917 Foot.
Swiny, Shapland William May April 13 11 Jnly 1039 Foot.
Swjcr, William "- Feb. Dec. 03 13 Jlay 00 R. Marines.
9 SydsertT, John Buchan -24 Oct. Jan. 1' 25 War. 17]82 Foot.
SvTiioud*, William 27 Jan. July 0' 25 Mar. 17 60 Foot.
9 SjTet, James 23 Jan. Aug. 13 25 Mar. 17,9 Foot.

Taaffe. William Feb. 1114 May I Dec. 19' 00 Foot.

Tane, Tliomas Jas. Waldcgrave .... Julv Osll.l Aug. '
Aug. 14] R. Marines.
Tnpp, John WiUiam Jiilv 98j 9 Feb. ,R. Artillerj-.
Tapp, M'illiam Mar. I2I13 Jan. April lol 18 Foot.
f) Talker, James Nov. 0410 Oct. 00 24 April 17 57 Foot.
^ TdtliM-k, Tliomas Mar. 0!)'l."> Aug. III 2 Oct. 17 02 Foot.
Tayloe, John Mar. 12 27 April 15 25 •Mar. 17 77 Foot.
{) Taylor, EdwanI Sept. 12 27 Jan. 14 30 Nov. 20' 87 Foot.
123 Taylor, FrancL" Nov. 10 Sejit. 12 22 Nov. 33 40 Foot.
^ Taylor, Francis William Aug. 2.5 Mar. I3-25 Mar. 17 14 Dragoons.
* Taylor, f Jeorire never 23 Mar. 14 1814 3 Prov. Bn. of Mil.
Taylor, Ingram I'ank Jan. 14 June II I Sept. 14 R. Marines.
Ta'vlor, John lij Dec. 1 June Nov. 21 74 Foot.
Taylor, John *l July 14 Julv Dec. 18 90 Foot.
Taylor, Joseph Henry IG Dec. 20 JuW Feb. 30 Unattached.
Tavlor, .NatlianicI '21 May 13 July Dec. 18 IKI Foot.
Taylor, Tliomas 12 Oct. ;> .May 12 30 .May 17 2(i Foot.
Tavlor,Tlii>ma» iUt April 13 Dec. 10 1 .May 17 41 Foot.
Taylor, William De<. 2 Dec. 81 22 Jan. 8:3 R. Marines.
* Thackeray, Joseph never 25 Dec. 132.5 Sept. 14 51 Foot.
19 Tliackwray, Matthew Junt •2.5 Feb. 13 25 Mar. 17 29 Foot.
Thiballicr, ll'uliert Julv 20 Dec. (Kill June 18 3 Foot.
Jil ThobuTO, Ilobert II Feb. 12 Jan. Oil 25 Feb. 16 .35 Foot.
Thnm.John l:U (><t. 0.5 1,5 April ""1
12 H. Veteran Batt.
9 1'honms, James 7 April 081 1 Mav OOj 2 Feb. 15 1.50 Foot.
|) Tfiomptan^ lienjumin 'II July llb> Aug. ll R. Veteran Batt.
. ..


Thompson, Henry Walker.

Slffil . 16 Sept. 13-20 July 15J25 Mar. 17|74 Foot.
Thompson, John 15 May 28 15 Aug. 3426 May 38i Unattached.

^3 Thompson, Ralph Keddey . . 26 Mar. 12 21 Oct. 13; 2 April 18'26 Foot.

^3 Thompson, Tho. Jones 10 Nov. 0824 May 10 28 Dec. 26:Unattached.
Thomson, Stackliouse 5 Feb. 05 21 Nov, 05 20 Sept. 10!8 Garrison Batt.
Thomson, Colin 21 Nov. 05 31 Mar. 08129 Aug. 16 23 Dragoons.
• Thomson, Andrew never 1 Mar. 141 3 Prov. Bn. of Mil.
Thomson, David Dec. 07 3 Mar. 08 3 R. Veteran Batt.
^3 Thomson, James 17 Aug. 08 19 April lol 10 R. Veteran Batt.
Thomson, Jeremiah 7 Aug. 99 25 Oct. 99'25 Sept. 17 Foot.
Thomson, Josepli 29 April 13 7 Sept. 15|25 Mar. 1.5 Foot.

Thornley, Thomas 21 Oct. 13 28 Sept. 15; 3 April 43 Foot.

(a Thornton, John 7 AuL 2 Aug. 1017 July 42 Foot.
Thorold, Frederick 3 Oct. 26 16 Jan. 29 18 May Unattached.
^ Thweng, George A."'-' never 1 May 04 R. Art. Drivers.
SBiTighe, Daniel never 26 Nov. 14 15 Feb. Grenadier Guards.
Tinling, Charles Stubbs 5 April 15 3 July 23124 Nov. Unattached.
Tipping, John Whitmere 17 June 13 7 Mar. 16:25 Feb. Staff Corps of Cav.
Tisdall, James 3 Jan 14 April 13[25 Jan. 10 Foot.
John Jloore
19 Tittle, 7 July 08 1 Nov. 2 April African Corps.
Tolcher, Christopher 20 July 15 9 July 5 Dec. 2 Foot.
Toole, Francis Norris 11 Nov. 24 17 Aug. 12 June 43 Foot.
Torrance, David 14 Sept. 09 8 Oct. 4 Jan. 15 Foot.
Tottenham, John William 3 Mar. 17 12 Sept. 26 Dec. 86 Foot.
Tour, Augustus de la 26 July 10 1 Mar. 1 Feb. R. Foreign Art.
^ Towell, George 9 Aug 13 May 6 Nov. 8 Dragoons.
Towers, William Riley 10 Feb 5 April 6 Garrison Batt.
^3 Town, Edward 26 Nov. 12 17 Mar. 9 Nov. Dillon's Regiment.
Townly, James 11 April 06 20 May 6 July R. Marines.
^i Townsend, Jolm 21 Dec. Dec.
08, 1 6 Feb. 20 R. Artillery.
Townsend, Joseph 1 Sept. 15.20 Dec. 21 April 23 R. Engineers.
Townsend, Richard 29 Oct. 94 22 Feb. 54 Foot.
Townsend, Robert Lawrence . . . Dec. 13 13 Jan. 30 Aug. 18 Dragoons.
Townshend, William 18 Oct. 04 29 Oct. 15 Jan. 83 Foot.
Trant, William 23 April 07 25 May 11 Dec. 80 Foot
Travers, Joseph 29 Aug. 7 Sept. 60 Foot.
Trebeek, Thomas 11 Dec. 15 18 June 18 June 24 R. Artillery.
Trench, Thomas'" 21 Dec. 08 2 Dec. 1125 Aim. 2(l'H. Artillery.
Trevenen, James 28 Nov. 11 1 July i:S30 Ni.v. 2(l2\^>^tlnd'iaRcgt.
Tristram, Harrington ^ept. 12 U
Mav 15| 1 Feb. 19 11. Artillery.
TroUope, Sir John, Bt 10 July 17 24 Oct. 2225 Sept. 23 10 Dragoons.
^ Trotter, Robert 15 Feb. 11 16 April 12' 9 R. Veteran Batt.
Tuckett, Harvey Garnett Phipps . 7 Sept. 16 10 Oct. 22 2 Nov. 11 Dragoons.
Tucker, J. Owen Edwards 16 July 29 18 Oct. 3314 April 20 Foot.
Tucker, Thomas Elliott 23 June 08 13 Dec. lo|25 Oct. 84 Foot.
^ fflSl Tudor, Charles 6 April 04 26 Oct. 08 25 Jan. 23 Dragoons.
Tudor, Henry 1 June 14 5 May 5 April 37 Foot.
Tunstall, Gabriel 13 Jan 25 July 8 Nov. Unattached.
^ Tunstall, William 11 Mav 09 21 Jan. 22 April 36 Foot.
Turnbull, John 8 July Scotch Brigade.
Turner, Francis Mark 19 Dec. 99 7 Aug. 01 17 Oct. 7 Foot.
^Turner, Thomas 25 Aug. 07 16 Mar. 09 25 Dec. 23 Foot.
Turner, Young 19 April 10 1 May 1125 June lOjSicilianRegiment.
Tuton, Charles 25 Mav 15 8 June 1525 Nov. 1(13 Garrison Batt.
^ Tweedie, James 18 May 08 27 Feb. 1228 Nov. nil Foot.
Twyford, Jolm 10 Oct. 05 15 Mar. 10 1 Sept. R. Marines.
Tytler, Patrick .
never 5 May 04 < Fort-Major of
L Stirling Castle.

Valentine, John 12 Nov. 1222 Oct. 1325 Nov. 1899 Foot.

\% Vallanccy, Richard . 1 Sept. 07 20 July 09 23 July 18 1 Foot,
Vanderbrouck, Francis never 30 Dec. 97^ lOO Foot.
|) Vaughan, George . Mav 11,15 July 13,25 June 17 57 Foot.
. .


Vauphan, Travcrs Hartley 5 Mar. 12 J.-. .Mar. 14 23 .\ug. 10 New Brunsw. Fen.
Vavasour, Thomas llippon 1 3 Mar. 14 1.5 Feb. 1G2.J June 17;73 Foot.
Veitoli, I'liarUsi Jan. IW -22 July 08 4 Feb. l.^iO Ciarrison Bait.
Vi'rt'ker, Henry '2o Sept. II UFeb. 17ll8Foot.
13 11 Feb.
U Vin^kcr, lli'nry Tlioinas it) .\pril 07 2!) 22 62 Foot.
Sept. 08! 7 Mar.
Vermin, John Huiscll ») June •a, 7 .\ut;. 30 1 Foot.
27 28 Sept.
{) Vesey, John -21 ^>ept. ()9| 2 .\ui;. 10 21 Oct.
17 70 Foot.
Viotor, tii-orue 'It^ .\pril 0920 Sept. 27 OJuiie 28 R. Marines.
Victli, Frederick William U Mar. III 3 Aug. 13 29 Dec. 25 Unattached.
Villiert, Alex. Hen. Charht jl-2 Feh. 07 16 June 08| |2 R. Veteran Bait
VowcU, John I'io .Mar. osj 2:Nov. 09 25 Mar. 17 25 Foot.

Vniaokc. Thomas Fane 15 Dec. 0811 Jane 1128 Mar. 22 Rifle Brigade.
I'plon, William 3 Oct. 08 20 Oct. 08 2.j -Mav 14 15 Foot.
Urquhort, Donald .... 27 Oct. 10 30 Mar. 12 2.5 Dec. 17,00 Foot.

Wade, Oeorge 9 May 11 14 Jan. 1325 Mar. 1718 Foot.

Waite, Hichard Godsell 28 Oct. 07 15 Nov. 0927 July 20 83J-"oot.
Henry William
Wall.rick'e, . 3 Not. 08 2 Jan. 12:50 Dec. 1!) York Chasseurs.
Wulliy, Samuel 19 Mar. 13| 4 Mav 15 25 Dec. 18 R. Waggon Train.
|) Jil WuMie, James HemTr 17 Oct. 11113 Feb. 12! 7 Sept. 2029 Foot.
Walfiird, John Thomas ....".. 5 Mav 0822 June 0921 Aug. 2.372 Foot.
Walker, .\Ie.\ander 27 Oct. 07 26 Feb. 11 18!tCFoot.
25 Dec.
Walker, Allen 21 Sept. 991 8 Jan.
04) 7 R. Veteran Batt.
Walker, James 11 May 05 27 July 0815 Oct. 22 R. Marines.
AValker, James 14 Oct, 13 23 May 1625 Dec. 18 96 Foot.
Walker, James 12 Nov. 1 16 Feb. 14,25 Dec. 18'African Corps.
Walker, John .\llen 5 Oct. 20 7 April 25 15 Feb. 27 34 Foot.
Walker, Roger Bovce 15 Nov. 10 10 June 13| 9 Julv 18 43 Foot.
Wall, Henr\- . . 17 Feb. 00,25 Feb. 12 24 April 13 R. Marines.
Wall, Richard 7 Nov. 05 1 Mav 7 R. Veteran Batt.
)P Wallace, Hugh Ritdile... 14 July 09 16 Nov. 9 July 18 7 Foot.
Wallace, Robert GrenTille.. 17 Dec. 131 4 May 7 Dec. 20 York Chasseurs.
{) Waller, Kilner 20 Sept. 1025 Feb. 3 April 1657 Foot.
Walsh, .Vrthur Blaney 8 April 13; 1 Feb. 25 Aug. 19 West India Ran.
9 Walsh, Lawrence DcCourcy 14 Mav 07 8 June 09 25 Aug. 23 34 Foot.
Walsh, Patrick 31 July OOj 2 Nov. 09 25 June 1 6 .Ncwfoundld. Fen.
Walsh, William 9 June 08 24 Jan. 20 Nov. 1851 Foot.
WanI, .\lexander June 95 1 1 Nov. 1 .\ug. 98 Irish Brigade.

Ward, llenrv 30 Jan. 07 11 Dec. 2.3 Feb. 30 R. Marines.

• Ward, John never 25 Dec. 25 Sept. 14,15 Foot.
Wanl, John 18 Nov. 19 8 April 8 May 28 103 Foot.
Warden, John ;17 .Mar. Ill 1 Aug. 20 July 20 19 Foot.
Warin::, Edwanl 8 Dec. 25 15 Mar. 25 Feb. 29 -African Corps.
A^ arren,Eilward Townsend 8 Aug. 1113 Oct. 25 Dec. lOiX) Foot.
Warren, Robert 25 April 06 15 Oct. j7 R. Veteran Batt.

til Warren, Wdliam Ouseley'" ..&'> Mar. 1324 Nov. 25 )Iay 32 Unattached.
ffjl Watson, .\ndrew 10 Juue 1316 Aug. 15,25 Sept. 2324 Foot.
Watson, Edward 7 Aug. 94 1795 79 Foot.
2.5 April 06 8 Feb. 08i23 June 1357 Foot.
{) Watson, Fcltham
D Watson, Oeorge'" !28 Feb. 1222 Oct. 12jl4 Sept. 32 Unattached.
• Watson, James never 35 Dec.
I 13 1814 89 Foot.
Watson, John 18 Aug. 0820 May 13 25 Dec. 33 48 Foot.
Watson. Thoma." Brereton "23 Nov. 0921 Nov.
11J18 April 108 Foot.
Wat>..n. William Henry Ill Nov. 11 7 May 1225 Mar. 1110 Dragoons.
Watt, Thomas 8 Jan. 78 2 Aug.
80| 1783 71 Foot.
Watton, EilwanI John -27 .\ug. 09 9 June (M 15 May 05 20 Foot.
Watti)n,John Budder 3 Oct. 11 3 Dec. 12 25 Dec. 18 R. Waggon Train.
Watt-i, Henrv "24 Jan. 152.5 Feb. 18 11 Nov. 2!) Unattaeiied.
Wauch, David 8 Nov. 10,19 May
14 25 July 14 Dragoon Guards.
Weaver, William Henry 12 Dec. Ill Oct. 14, 1 Jan. 23iR. Artillery.
• Webster, Jame* never 25 Dec. 131 1814!3Pr.>v. Bn.of Mil.
Welwter, William Francis 6 Feb. 23^12 July 33 18 Oct. 3t»2 Ceylon Regt.
Weight, Edwanl ,10 Aug. 15|-28 Feb. 22,10 Mar. 2518 Dragoons.
. .


* Weir, Richard never 25 Dec. 1814
^ Weir, Robert Lewis 6 Oct. 12 15 Dec. Mar. 16
^ Weir, Thomas 19 Sept. 1122 Aug. June 17
|p Weir, WilUam 31 Mar. 08; 17 Oct. July 17
Welcli, Joiin West 3 Oct. 08 19 Oct. Sept. 14
Welstead, Wilham 12 Sept. 11 12 Aug. Oct. 16
West, Henry 10 July 77 1 July Oct. 92
West, John Wade 16 Dec. 95 4 Jan. Mar. 16
Westcott, John Hancock 20 July 0912 Aug. April 17
Whaley, Robert 8 Oct. 12|22 April Jan. 1/
ffliSa Wheatley, Edmund 23 Oct. 12|26 April April 1(
$ Wheatley, William 19 Feb. 06,19 May Mar. 19
AVheelcr, 3 July 9611 Dec. Julv 02
Whimster, James !7 Nov. 10 5 Aug. June 16
*Whitby James
, never 26 Feb. 1814
W'hite, George 28 Feb. ]2|l3 May Mar.
^ White, Henry 5 April 10,29 April
White, William 13 Sept. 10 May Jan. 36
Whiteford, John 12 Sept. 8 Aug. Mar. 17
Whitehead, William 1 Mar. 15 April Mar. 17
Whitfield, William 23 April 13 April Mar. 17
Wigley, George James 13 July 25 Mar. May 19
^Wigton, James 25 Mar. 2 Sept. Mar. 15
$ Wilford, John '" 1 Dec. 1 Sept.
Wilkins, William 6 Aug. 30 Dec. Aug.
318E Wilkinson, Henry 8 May 10112 May
Wilkinson, John Alexander 6 Oct. 08 3 Oct.
81S1 Willett, Augustus Saltren 5 June 06|27 Aug.
Willey, Edward !2 Oct. 18|23 May
P WilUams, Charles 24 June 1329 May
Williams, George Blennerhasset . 28 Feb. 05 17 Sept.
Williams, Henry Micajah 22 Nov. 04 26 Sept.
Williams, Robert Sept. 00'28
26 Jan.
"^ May 0p|l7
IP Willis, George Brander 2 Nov.
$ Wills, James "» Dec. 12,17
1 April
Wilson, Alexander Lockhart .... 11 Feb. 6 April
Wilson, Charles 28 April 7 May
Wilson, Henry 22 June 0929 April
Wilson, Henry 21 July 29 Nov.
WiUon, P. {Qr. Moii. 20 June 05) never 10 Nov.
Wilson, Robert 14 April 20 June
Wilson, Wm. Henry Bowen Jordan 10 Sept. 12 Oct.
Wilton, John Lucas 13 Mar. 16 Mar.
Winckworth, John 14 Nov. 22 Feb.
Windle, John Shepard 11 Dec. Jan.
Winton, James 10 Aug. 27 Oct.
Wisdom, John 25 Dec. 10 Dec.
^ fflffil Wood, Frederick'^" 28 April 14 June
Wood, George 28 Feb. 2 Dec.
* Wood, George never
Wood, Geo. Horsley 25 Nov. 12 April
IP Wood, Henry 25 Mar. 13 Aug.
Wood, William Sumpter 22 July 26 Dec.
\^'oodcock, Tliomas 29 Aug. 2 April
Woodgate, William Harding. . 13 Dec. 11 Oct.
Woods, William 7 April 28 Dec.
Worsley, George 8 Dee. 21 Mar.
IJ 3l5a Worsley, Thos. Taylor'^' 14 Feb. 2 Oct.
Wraxall, Charles Edward 11 Sept. 1 April

81® Wray, Hugh Boyd 23 Jan. 10 Sept.

Wrey, William Long 27 Jan. 25 Aug.
Wright, Alexander 1 Oct. 27 Mar.
Wright, Edward Dec. 13 Aug.
Wright, John 8 June 10 Sept.
. .



fj Wri'.'lit, John 14 June 11 r, Feb. 1222 Mar. 27 tTnattached.

Wriu'lit, William 2 Aur. 80 3 Au?. 85 |81 Foot.
ffll "right,William '•' 11 Mar. 13i2(lJiily 1SJ2.5 Dec. 18 Rifle Brigade.
Wri«hle, William 20 May 12i26 May 14 1!) .\pril 17 3 Foot.
• Wyiitcr.John Joiiathau never 25 Dec. 13]25 Feh. ICCiSFoot.
Wynter, William Rose 27 Aug. 05 12 Dec. 05 9 July 07 22 Dragoons.

YarnoUl, Benjamin 23 Julv 12,17 Sept. 31 20 Nov. 34 R. Marines.

Yelverton, Hon. Barry Charles. 5 Oct. 32 13 Sept. 3311 Aug. 37 79 Foot.
YoiiL'e, Weston 24 Oct. 1319 Oct. 15 1817 84 Foot.
t)Oi!l Yonge, William Crawlev 14 .Mav 1229 April 13 13 Feb. 23 17 Foot.
VouM,', Alexander {Adj. 2 JulyOC) 1 June 971 8 Oct. 02,25 Mav 03 30 Foot.
Young, Edwartl Wynyard . 9 April 25 2 July 29 5 Sep't. 34 {» Foot.
Young, Hen. Harmau .. 3 April 0<i25 Nov. 08,22 Jan. 18 31 Foot.
Yoiniij, Henry .131 May 09| 1 Aug. 11|
. e R. Veteran Batt.
Young, John (leorg .|20Jan. 1412 Aug. 24114 Mav 29 90 Foot.

Young, Bobert 3 Oct. 11| C Sept. 14l

| 1 R. Veteran Batt
Notes to the Lieutenants.

1 Lieutenant Alderson was severely wounded at Quatre Bras (right arm amputated.)
2 Lieut. John Allen (R. Artillery Drivers), served in the Peninsula from 1809 to 1811,
and was present at the battle of Talavera.
3 Lieut. Alston was slightly wounded at Quatre Bras.
4 Lieut. J. Cooper Armstrong served at Copenhagen in 1807, and in the Peninsula from
1812 to 1814.
4* Lieut. Bace commanded the 61st regiment at the battle of Toulouse, for which he has
received a medal.
5 Lieut. Frederick Bayly's services : —
Peninsula from June, 1810, to the end of the war,
including the battles of Busaco and Castella. American war in 1814 and 15, including the
attacks on Baltimore and New Orleans, at which last he was slightly wounded. At the
taking of the following fortresses when serving with the Prussian army in ISlo, viz. : Mau-
berg, Landrecies, Philippeville, and Rocroy.
6 Lieut. John Black served in the Peninsula with the 74th regiment, including the action
at El Bodon, capture of JIadrid, retreat from Madrid into Portugal, battles of Vittoria and
the Pyrenees, (27th to 31st July, and 1st and 2d Aug. ), passage of the Bidassoa, blockade
of Pampeluna, battles of Nivelle, and Nive (9th to 13th Dec), affairs of Vic Bigorre and
Tarbes, battle of Orthes, action at Aire, and battle of Toulouse.
7 Lieut. Blood (8th R. Veteran Batt.) served in the Peninsula from June, 1811, to the
close of the war, including the sieges and stormings of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz, battle of
Salamanca, retreat from Madrid to Portugal, battle of Vittoria, the successful stoi-ming of
San Sebastian (with the storraers of the Light Division), battles of Nivelle, Nive (yth to
13th Dec.) and Orthes, at which last he was severely wounded by a ball which entered his
right knee: he was also severely wounded on the top of the breach at San Sebastian, a
musket-ball having struck him in the face and passed through his nose.
8 Lieut. Blood's (unattached) services: —
Campaign of 1794 in Flanders, including the
actions of the 17th and 26th April, 10th, 17th, and fSth May. Peninsula from 1809 to the
end of the war, including the battles of Talavera, Fuentes d'Onor, Salamanca, Vittoria, and
Nive. Campaign of 1815, including the battle of Waterloo. Siege of Bhurtpore, 1826.
Wounded in Flanders in 1794.
9 Lieut. Blyth served in the Peninsula, and was present at the first siege of Badajoz and
battle of Albuhera, at which latter he was wounded.
10 Lieut. Boase was severely wounded at Quatre Bras.
11 Lieut. Bramwell was severely wounded at Quatre Bras (right leg amputated.)
12 Lieut. Brattle's services : —
Battle of Trafalgar, on board H.M.S. Africa 64. Joined
the force under General Whitelock at Moute Video, 1807. Action with Danish gun-boats,
near Copenhagen, 20th Oct. 1808 (severely wounded). Served afterwards with the Channel
Fleet, off Brest, Basque Roads, and Belle Isle.
13 Lieut. Breton served the campaign of 1815, and was present at the battle of
14 Lieut. Bridge was severely wounded at Waterloo.
14* Lieut. Burslem sei'ved at the siege of Houat, and commanded a detachment of Artil-
lery in a night attack on the batteries at Morbihan. Landed at Ferrol with the army under
the command of Sir James Pulteney, and attached to the reserve on the heights. Served
the campaign of 1801 in Egypt, including the siege of Aboukir and battle of Alexandria, at
which latter he lost his right leg by a cannon-shot. Medal for services in Egypt.
15 Lieut. Michael Carey served in the Peninsula from March, 1809, to the end of the
war, including the passage of the Douro, battles of Talavera (severely wounded in the
head), and Busaco, first siege of Badajoz, battle of Fuentes d'Onor, siege of Ciudad Rod-
rigo, 2nd siege and storming of Badajoz, battles of Salamanca, Orthes, and Toulouse.
16 Lieut. Thomas Carey was slightly wounded at Waterloo.
17 Lieut. George Chapman served the campaign of 1814 in Holland, including the attack
of Bergen-op-Zoom, action at Merxem, and bombardment of Antwerp, at which last he
was severely wounded on trench duty, and lost his right leg.
18 Lieut. Coombe served in Egypt in 1801 and has received the Egyptian medal,

ly Lieut. John Coote was slightly wounded at Waterloo.

20 Lieut. R. G. C. Coote served in the Burmese war.
21 Lieut. Coventry served in the East Indies from March, 1783 to Aug. 1798, including
the siege of Cannanore, relief of Mangalore, siege of Paulautcherry, affair of Kisnaporam,
siege and assault of Bangalore, battle near Seringapatam, siege of Savaildroog (severely
wounded in the right hip when with the forlorn hope), actions of the 6th and 7th Feb.
1 792, siege of Pondicherry, siege of Trincomalee
and capture of Ceylon. Served also at the
capture of the Cape of Good Hope in 1802, and of the Isle of France in 1810.
22 Lieut. A. S. Crawford was slightly wounded at Waterloo.
23 Lieut. Cromp served in Egypt in 1801, and has received the Egyptian medal.
24 Lieut. Cull served in Egypt in 1801, and has received the Egyptian medal.

Notes to the Lieutenants.

2j Lieut. Dal^irns was vounded iit the storming of Bergen-op-Zoom.

26 Lieut. Johu Unlton sen'ed iu the Peninsula, and was present at the siege of Ciudad
Rodri^o, and the battles of Vittoria, Orthes and Toulouse.
2" Lieut. Daniell ( h. p. 59th regiment \ was slightly wounded at Waterloo.
28 Lieut. Dighton served in Spain and Portugal from .\prit, 1810. to July, 1812, including
Massena's retreat. Serred also iu the south of France in 1814, and was present at the in-
vestment of Bayonne, and repulse of the sortie from thence (slightly wounded.)
29 Lieut- Dobbs was severely wounded at Waterloo.
30 Lieut. Uowbiggin was slightly wounded at Waterloo.
31 Lieut. Drawbridge served at Walcheren, and was present at the siege of Flushing.
' 32 Lieut. Dunnicliffe 8c^^-ed the campaign of I81.'i, and was present at Quatrc Bras
and Waterloo.
33 Lieut. Duperier was severely wounded at Waterloo.
34 Lieut. Benj. Edwards served in the Peninsula from 1811 to the end of the war,
including the third siege of Badajoz (wounded), and the battles of Salamanca, Nivelle
(wounded), Nive, and Toulouse.
35 Lieut. ^L Evans served at Copenhagen in ISOr at Flushing in 1809, and subse-

quently in the Peninsula, including the sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz, and battle
of Salamanca. Present also at the battle of Waterloo.
3t) Lieut. Edward Finch served at the capture of Martinique in 1809, and subsequently
in the .\mericau war, and was present at York, Sackett's Harbour, Stoney Creek, and
Fort George.
3r Lieut. John Ford served the campaigns of 1809, 10, 11, 13, and 14, and was present
at the siege of Flushing, defence of Cadiz, and battles of Fuentes d'Onor, Nivelle, Nive, and
Toulouse, besides other actions of less importance.
38 Lieut. .\. S. Fraser was slightly wounded at Quatre Bras.
39 Lieut. Gilbome served at the siege of Flushing, and subsequently in the Peninsula,
including the battles of the Pyrenees and the Nive, actions at Aire and at Bayonne. and
battles of Orthes and Toulouse. Served also the campaign of 1815, including the battle of
Waterloo and capture of Paris.
40 Lieut. Graeme was severely wounded at Waterloo.
41 Lieut. John Grant ( R. .Vrtillery) sen-ed with the expedition to Walcheren, and was
present at the siege of Flushing. Served afterwards inthe Peninsula from Oct. 1 8 1 3 to Feb. 1814.
42 Lieut. John Grant (2nd R. Vet. Batt.) ser>-ed in the Peninsula from September, 1808,
to the end of the war, including the action at Alcantares, and battles of Talavera and
Busaco. Wounded in the thigh by a rifle ball at Alcantares, and received a sabre cut in
the face near Salamanca.
43 Lieut. John Grant (unattached) served inthe Peninsula from Aug. 1811, to Dec.
1813, including the action at .\lba de Tormes, retreat from Madrid, and battles of Vittoria
and the Pyrenees. Wounded in the side at the Maya Pass.
44 Lieut. Edward Greene served with the battering train attached to the Prussian be-
sieging army, and was employed in taking several fortresses on the French frontier, July
and .\ug. 181.1.
45 Lieut. Grier was severely wounded at Quatre Bras.
46 Lieut. Edwin Griffiths served in the Peninsula from June, 1813, to May, 1814, and
afterwards in the .American war, and was present at Washington, Baltimore, and New
Orleans, and taking of Fort Bowyer.
47 Lieut. J. G. Griffiths served in the Peninsula, and was present at the battle of Vittoria,
siege of San Sebastian, and battles of the Pyrenees, Orthes and Toulouse.
47* Lieut. Grimes served in the Peninsula from March 1811 to Sept. 1812. and was
present at the siege of Ciudad Rourigo. and the successful siege of Badajoz, at which latter
he was severely wounded in the right thigh by a cannon-shot.
48 Lieut. George Gunning was slightly wounded at Waterloo.
49 Lieut. Wm. M. Heam was severely wounded at Quatre Bras,
50 Lieut. Robert Hewitt was severely wounded at Quatre Bras.
51 Lieut, llodder was severely wounded at Waterloo.
51* Lieut. Hood served in South and North Beveland, and at Walcheren, in 1809. Joined
the army in the Peninsula on its retreat from Burgos in 1812. and served with it until the end
of the war. including the battles of \'itloria, the Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, Orthes. and Tou-
louse, besides a ^eat many minor actions and skirmishes. Scrv*ed also the campaign of 1815,
and was engaged with the enemy on the Irtth.Uth, 18th, and 19th June, at and near Waterloo
the storming of Cambray, and capture of Paris. Severely wounded at the battle of Toulouse.
52 Lieut. Horan was slightly wonnded at Quatre Bras, and severely at Waterloo.
53 Lieut. Jagoe was severely woundtrd at Waterloo.
54 Lieut. J. ,t. Irving was slichtly wounded at Waterloo.
55 Lieut- -\lex. Irwin's fer\ices
: —Siege and capture of llattras, 1816 and 17. Mahratta
campaign, 1817 and 18. Bunneae war. 18 25 an d 6.
Notes to the Lieutenants.

56 Lieut. Kennear served in the Peninsula from Nov. 1813 to May, 1814, and afterwards in
tlie American war, and was present at Bladensburg, Washington, Baltimore, and New Orleans.

57 Lieut. Francis Kennedy's services: Siege and capture of Flusliing, 1809. Cam-
paigns of 1811, 12, 13, 14, and 15, including the siege of Badajoz, covering the second
siege of Ciudad Rodrigo, crossing the Esla, retreat from Burgos, battles of Fuentes d'Onor,
Salamanca, Vittoria, Pampeluna, Pyrenees, NiveUe, Orthes and Waterloo, and taking of
58 Lieut. Kett served the campaign of 1815, including the battle of Waterloo and
taking of Cambray.
59 Lieut. Alfred Knight served at the capture of Genoa in 1814, and afterwards at the
taking of Castine and Hamiltown in the United States of North America.
60 Lieut. C. Lewin was slightly wounded at Waterloo.
61 Lieut. Lister served at the battle of Trafalgar.
62 Lieut. Lockwood's services : —
Peninsula campaigns of 1811, 12, and 13, including the
assault and capture of Badajoz, battle of Salamanca, and action at Villa Murial on the
retreat from Burgos. Campaign of 1814 in Holland, including Fort Frederick Henry.
Campaign of 1815. Severely wounded at Quatre Bras by a musket ball which passed through
the frontal bone and lodged on the brain, to e.\tract which the operation of the trepan was
resorted to.
63 Lieut. Love served in the Peninsula from July 1810 to Dec. 1812, including the sieges
of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz (wounded), storming the Forts at Almarez, siege of the
Forts at (wounded ) and battle of Salamanca, and siege of Burgos. Served afterwards iu the
American war, and was present in the action at Plattsburg.
64 Lieut. Charles M'Arthur was slightly wounded at Waterloo.
65 Lieut. Ale.^. M'Pherson was severely wounded at Quatre Bras.
66 Lieut. Mac Gregor served the Nepaul campaigns of 1814, 15, and 16, arjl was present
at the taking of Harriapore.
67 Lieut. Lachlan JIac Kay served in the Peninsula from 1812 to the end of the war,
including the battles of the Pyrenees, NiveUe, Nive, Orthes, and Toulouse.
68 Lieut. Mackinlay was severely wounded at Quatre Bras.
69 Lieut. Mann was severely wounded at Quatre Bras.
70 Lieut. Marrie was present at the battle of Copenhagen in 1801.
71 Lieut. Wm. M'Donald Matthews was slightly wounded at Waterloo.
72 Lieut. Mill was severely wounded at M'aterloo.
73 Lieut. Zac. Miller served in Egypt in 1801, and has received the Egyptian medal.
74 Lieut. J. A. Moore served in the American war.
75 Lieut. Fred. Munro served in the Peninsula from March 1812 to the end of the war,
including the sieges of the Forts at Salamanca, Burgos, and San Sebastian, and the battles
of Salamanca, Vittoria, the Bidassoa, and St. .Tean de Luz.
76 Lieut. Muskett served at Walcheren in 1801, and afterwards in the Peninsula, inclu-
ding the sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz. Served also in Holland in 1814, including
the action at Mer.xem and attack on Bergen-op-Zoom.
77 Lieut. John Nash was slightly wounded at Waterloo.
78 Lieut. Naylor served in Egypt in 1801, and has received the Egyptian medal.
79 Lieut. Nicolas served at the battle of Trafalgar.
80 Lieut. Onslow's services : —
Siege of Flushing, 1809. Campaign of 1814, in Holland,
including the bombardment of the French Fleet at Antwerp.
81 Lieut. John Orr (8th R. Vet. Bn.) was severely wounded at Waterloo.
82 Lieut. Pagan was severely wounded at Waterloo.
83 Lieut. Parratt served at Walcheren in 1809, and in the Peninsula from 1811 to the
end of the war, including the sieges of Cadiz and San Sebastian, battle of NiveUe, actions at
Vic Bigorre and Tarbes, and battles of Orthes and Toulouse.
84 Lieut. Philpot served the campaign of 1815, and was present at the battle of Waterloo.
85 Lieut. Pickard served the campaign of 1814 in Lower Canada, under Sir George Prevost,
and was present at the attack on Plattsburg. Served also the campaign of 1815 in Upper
Canada under Sir Gordon Drummond.
86 Lieut. A. J. Pictet served in the Burmese war, and was present at the taking of Donabew.
87 Lieut. Edmund H. Plunkett's services :— Campaign of 1808 and 9 in Portugal and Spain,
including the battles of Roleia, and Vimiera, retreat to and battle of Corunna. Expedition
to Walcheren, 1809, and subsequently in the Peninsula, including the battle of Orthes.
Served afterwards in the American war, and was present at the siege of Fort Erie.
88 Lieut. Pridham served in Egypt in 1801, and has received the Egyptian medal.
89 Lieut. Priest served in Portugal and Spain in 1808 and 9, and was present at the battle
of Corunna.
90 Lieut. QiiiU was severely wounded at Quatre Bras.
91 Lieut. Reid sevwi at Corunna and at Walcheren in 1809, in the Peninsula in 1813 and
14 also the campaign of 1815, including the battle of Waterloo, where he was wounded.

Notes to the Lieutenants.

92 I.ieut. Tlios. M. Reynolds was scyerely wounded at Waterloo.

y3 Lieut. Kiclmrdes sened the campaign of 1815, and was present at the sieges of Mau-
b«rge. Phiiippevillr, and Lundrccies.
y4 Lieut. John Kiehard>un ^h. p. 9Jd Regt.) served in the American war, and was present
in the actions oi Bruwnstowu, River Raison, Miami, Sandusky, and Moraviantown, at which
last he was taken prisoner. Served as a Major in the Anglo-S])anish Legion, and received
three wounds at the storming of the Carlists' lines in front of SaiiSebastiau. Ubtainedaniedal.
95 Lieut. Wm. Richardson was severely wounded at Waterloo,
96 Lieut. John Roberts ^R. Art. Drivers) served at Corunna in 1809 and in Holland in

1814, including the action at Merxem and bombardment of Antwerp. Served also the
campaign of 1H15, and wits present at the battles of Quatre Bnis and Waterloo.
97 Lieut. James Robertson was severely wounded at Quatre Bras.
98 Lieut. James Robinson was severely wounded ut Quatre Bras.
99 Lieut. R. N. Rogers served the campaign of 1815, and was present at the battles of
Quatre Bras and Waterloo.
100 Lieut. liiweQ Ross was severely wounded at Quatre Bras.
101 Lieut. Rutherford served in the Peninsula with the late 9-lth Regt., and was present
at the siege of Cadiz, actions at Ponibal and Redinha, lines at Lisbon, Massena's retreat,
action at Sabugal, battle of Fuentes d'Onor, first siege of Badajoz, battles of Vittoria, Pyrenees,
Nivelle, Orthes, and Toulouse.
102 Lieut. R. J. Saunders served the campaign of 1815, and was present at the battle of
103 Lieut. Wm. Sharpin served the campaigns of 1814 and 1815 in Holland, thi Nether-
lands, and France, and was present at the battle of Waterloo.
103* Sir Charles Shaw served the campaigns of 1814 and 15 in Holland, Flanders, and
France, including the reconnoisancc of Bergen-op-Zoom, attack on Merxem, and attempt to
bum the French Fleet at .\ntwerp. and battle of Waterloo. In 1831, joined the army of the
Queen of Portugal, and served throughout the civil war in that country, including all the
general actions, sorties, and skirmishes during the defence of Oporto, affair of Torres Vedras,
and battle of .-\lmoster in the above service he was seven times wounded. In 1835, he was

appointed a Brigadier-Generji in the British Auxiliary Legion in Spain, and till Aug. 18.'^6,
be took a leading (virt in all the contests in which the Legion was engaged, including the
successful assault on the Carlists' lines before San Sebastian (severely wounded), and for which
a medal was given.
104 Lieut. Shelton served in the Peninsula with the 28th Regt., and was present at the
battle of Busaco, lines at Torres Vedras, affair of Campo Mayor, siege of Oliven^a, battles of
Albuhera (severely wounded^ Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, in front of Bayonne (11th to 13th
Dec), and Toulouse. Served also the campaign of 1815, and was present at the battle of
Waterloo, where he was severely wounded by a shell which shattered his right arm, and
broke his ribs.
105 Lieut. Wm. Smith (R. Artillery Drivers), served at Walcheren in 1809, and the
campaigns of 1813, 14, and 15 in Holland, Belgium, and France, and was wounded at Merxem.
11)6 Lieut. Spencer served with the expedition to the Helder in 1799.
107 Lieut. Sperling served in Holland in 1814.
108 Lieut. Spong served in the Peninsula in 1811 and 12.
109 Lieut. >I. F. Steele served at the capture of Java in 1811, as an officer of Royal
110 Lieut. Stobart served in the .\merican war under Sir Gordon Drummond.
111 Lieut. Strong was severely wounded at Quatre Bras.
112 Lieut. Swycr served in Egypt in 1801, and has received the Egyptian medal.
113 Lieut. Thweng served in the Peninsula, and was present at the battles of Talavera
and Busaro. and siege of Badajoz.
114 Lieut. Trench served at Walcheren, 1809.
1 15 Lieut. Wm. O. Warren served the campaign of 1815, and was present at the battles
of Quatre Bras and Waterloo.
116 Lieut. George Watson served in the Peninsula from June, 1813, to the end of the
war, and was present at the battle of Toulouse.
117 Lieut. Wilford served in the Peninsula, and was present at the siege of Burgos, and
battles of Vittoria and Toulouse.
118 Lieut. Willis served at Walcheren, and was present at the siege of Flushing.
Served also the Peninsular campaigns of 1811, 12, and 14, including the 2nd and 3rd sieges
of Burgos, investment of Bayonne and repulse of the sortie from thence.
1 19 Lieut. Wills served in the Peninsula, and was present at the siege of San Sebastian

and battle of Toulouse.

120 Lieut. Fred. Wood was severely wounded at Waterloo.
121 Lieut. T. T. Worsley was severely wounded at Waterloo.
122 Lieut. Wm. Wright (,h. p. Rifle Brigade; waj severely wounded at Waterloo.


Adam, James 21 Mar. 1 April R. Sappers and Miners.
Agassis, Lewis 31 Aug. 14 May R. Marines.
Aicliin, Francis 25 May 5 Dec. 14 Dragoons.
Ainslie, Robert U Mar. 77 Foot.
Allen, William 10 JIar. 31 May R. Marines.
Anderson, William . . 12 July 1 Jan. R, Marines.
Andrews, Richard . . 7 Mar. 7 Mar. 81 Foot.
Arney, William Sheve 38 July 3 Dec. 25 Dragoons.
Ashe, William '27 Nov. Kingston's Rec. Co.
Atkinson, Charles . . 13 Not. 11 Aug. R. Marines.
Atkinson, Francis . . 7 April 25 Mar. 7 Garrison Battalion.
Atkinsort, Joseph . 6 Dec. 3 R. Veteran Battalion.
Austin, William 26 Nov. 11 R. Veteran Battahon.

Bahington, Humphry Mar. Mar. 151' Garrison Battalion,

Bache, Thomas Ogle Aug. Jan. 18 33 Dragoons.
Backhouse, John Iggulden Mar. Feb. 36 R. Marines,
Backhouse, Peter Aug, Oct, 23;8 Dragoons.
Bakewell, Robert Jan. July Foot,
Barker, Anthony Mar. April 16 New Brunswick Fen.
Barrett, William Newman May 30 Sept, 1960 Foot,
Barry, James Feb. 1 Jan. 16 R. Marines,
Barry, James July R. Marines.
Baugh, James Dec. ,Sept. 14 R, Marines,
Bayley, John Mar. )July 18 13 Dragoons.
Bell, John 1814 3 Prov.'Batt. of Militia.
Bellon, Achilles Dec. 130 Foot.
Berkeley, G. C. Grantley Fitzhardinge Nov. IAug. 23 82 Foot.
Bernard, Walter Oct. '
Nov. 17 60 Foot.
Bevan, Michael Nov. IOct. 24 R. Marines.
-BeiYiii, July 6 R. Veteran Battalion.
Biddulph, Walter Sept. [April 15 R. Marines.
Biggs, Lionel Nov. 3 R. Veteran Battalion.
Bignell, Charles Phillips Oct. '
Sept. 29 R. Artillery.
Bishop, Veseij July R. Marines.
Black, James July 1June 16 R. Waggon Train.
Black, Thomas Feb. !May 23 19 Footr
Blackiston, William April '
Mar. 11 36 Foot.
Blake, Edward Jolm Mar. Jan, 16 R. Marines.
Blake, Frederick Nov. 1 R. Veteran Battalion,

Bliss, Nathaniel 1814 3 Prov. Batt. of Militia,

Blois, Sir Charles, Bart July HorseGrenadier Guards.
Blythe, Samuel Dec. 94 Foot.
Bolomey, Louis William James Sept. German Legion.
Bonavia, Calcedonio Oct. Jlaltese Mil. Artif.
Bond, Tliomas May 1 Jan. 16iR. Marines.
Booth, James May 4 R. Veteran Battalion.
Boulton, William June 4 R. Veteran Battalion.
Bourke, James April 10 R. Veteran Battalion.
Bowden, George July Jan, 16 R. Marines.
Boyce, Thomas July Aug, 16 R. Artillery Drivers.
Boyd, John Dec. 1783 80 Foot.
Brackenbury, Richard June 83 70 Foot.
Bradburne, Fred. Angelo Jan. 7 Mar. 22 9 Dragoons.
Bradlev, Edward Sands Oct. I4i26 Sept. 18 10 Foot.
Second and Sub- Lieutenants, Cornets, and Ensigns.

Branch, Geoppe FerguMon 16 April Jnlv 37|H. Marines.

Bruiulun, Juscph HDec. 02,24 Dec. 02 64 Foot.
Brcmner, Peter '23 June 13 |G R. Veteran Battalion.
Brow, Charles |
1814 2 Prov. Batt. of Militia.
Brew, William I I2 Prov. Batt. of Militia.
Brisao, D"Ui:las» PettiwanI ilS June 1 Jan. IGR. Marines.
Broketuhire, Joteiih 7 May 07 |ll H. Veteran Battalion.
Br.Niks, John Thi.nias 2 Feb. lo25 Mar. 10 14 Dragoons.
Bruyeres, Henry Piingle 1 Sept. lo,21 Feb. 23JR- Engineers.
Burke, Jitines '20 May 13 8 R. Veteran Battalion.
BnrrotcSy James 21 June 10 4 H. Veteran Battalion.
Burton, Emanuel 17 Aug. 15'l4 Sept. 20; Unattached.
Bun.-, Phincas ,2^1 Jan. 17 23 Jan. 17-57 Foot.
Biuh, Thoiiitu ,2(! >Iay jo R. Veteran Battalion.

Butcher, John Lewis 118 Oct. 1810|8 West India Regiment

Cameron, Donald July 02! 40 Foot.

9 Aug.
Cameron, Eiren June 3 R. Veteran Battalion.
Cameron, James 1814 3 Prov. Batt. of Militia.
Campbell, .Alexander Brodie June 0224 June 02 49 Foot.
Campbell, Archibald Aug. 07' 1811 Barrack Artillery.
Campbell, Colin Oct. 09 26 Oct. 14 R. Marines.
Campbell, Georze 120 Mar. 17 7 Feb. -2-2 58 Foot.
CamplwII, James I 2 Sept. 08 17 June 13 R. Marines.
Campbell, James 11 XoT. 13[ 1814 92 Foot.
Canlen, Paul Kyffin '22 Jan. 11' 3 Aug. 20 R. Alarines.
Carey, John Wostropp '23 June 14:«) Dec. 19 30 Foot.
Carige, John Herbert |2I Sept. 1024 Aug. 20, 3 Garrison Battalion.
Carrv>ll, Thomas 20 Nov. 17-26 Oct. 2ti Xi Foot.
Cassan, Edward Sheffield 8 April 2^25 Nov. 3<! German Legion.
Chambers, Montasu 9 Nov. 15] 1 Oct. 18 71 Foot.
Charles. Detiford |
1 Julv 111 R. Sappers and Miners.
Child, Geonie Richard 24 July Nov. 17 R. Marines.
Chittem. John |l4 Nov. 4 R. Veteran Battalion.
Church, Boneval Jan. 14-25 Oct. 19l R. Waggon Train.
Clark. William Richard Sept. 0818 Aug. 14! R. Marines.
Clarke, George Dacres July 8021 April 89 R. Marines.
Clarke. James i?.' Nov. 05 R. Artillerv.
Co<lrington, Sir C. B. Bart Aug. 8224 June 83 21 Dragoois.
Coffin, Nathaniel Mar. 8311 Jan. 86 15 Foot.
Coleman, Charles 08' 1 Jan. 03' R. Marines.
Colley, William 11.5 April 90 3 Mar. 00, R. Marines.

Collier, James |2fi Julv 08 24 Oct. II R. Marines.

Collincs. William Moore I
3 Ma>. 14-23 Oct. 23j 85 Foot.
Collhu, William 12.5 Nov. 80| R. Marines.
Collins, Stephen F.<lward |U Dec. 12 1 Sept. 14 R. Marines.
Collver. Geonro Sumuel 24 Jan. 8324 Jan. 83 87 Foot.
Cooke, I'harles |27 Mav 1783 ,89 Foot.
CotdeauT, Charles 23 Jan. Nov. 14 R. .Artillery Drivers.
Corstorphin, Andrew |18 Aug. 13 1 Sept. 14j R. Marines.
Cosnard, John 11 .May 91 88 Foot.
Couche, Richard 28 .\ pril 08jl5 Sept. 17 R. Marines.
Coventry, Frederic 22 Dec. 14»25 Dec. 18 20 Dragoons.
Cowper, WilUam 128 Mav 15-25 April lel Foreign Corps of Wagg.
Cranage, John J2G Aug. 94I
Independent Co.
Crespin, lieorge Henry Legassick II Jan. 00-25 Jlav Oi R. Marines.
Crombie, James' 31 Auc 20 2 R. \cteran Batt.
Crossgnive, James 20 Julv l.-){ 4 Feb. 19 104 Foot.
Crown, Cie-irge Frederick 17 Feb. 1,1| 1 Sept. 14 R. Marines.
Croiier, HimUrson 12 May 1425 Dec. 14 22 Foot.
Cruse, Thomas Sept. 14:21 Oct.
I 14, K. Marines.
Cullen, E<lward 20 Feb. R. Artillcrj-.
Camming. Alexaniler !l7 Feb. 14)20 Aug. li 42 Foot.
Cvrrit, James 25 Mav lol 4 R. Veteran Batt.
Second and Sub- Lieutenants, Cornets, and Ensigns.
Currie, Robert William ( Cornet) 19 Sept. 16 2 Oct. 23 60 Foot.
Curzoii, Geo. Henry Roper .... 16 Dec. 16 2 Jan. R. Artillery.

Daly, Lawrence Jan. 75 Foot.

Dalyell, John Dec. 1 Dragoon Guards.
D'Anfossy, Le Chevalier June R. Artillery.
Dardis, John Oct. Dec. 16 14 Foot.
Davenport, George Jan. Dec. 14 36 Foot.
Davis, John Henry May R. Marines.
Davis, Robert Mar. R. Marines.
Davis, William Aug. R. Marines.
Dawson, Geo. Edward Dec. iJuly 22 91 Foot.
Day, John Dec. iAug. 23 60 Foot.
Deaman, Thomas April Bradsliaw's Rcc. C.
Deane, Thomas Mar. 1783 96 Foot.
Deans, Robert April 6 R. Veteran Battt
De Beauvoir, Sir John Edmund . . . Mar. 1 May 18 104 Foot.
De Fauche, Charles June i Mar. 17 60 Foot.
Dennis, William June ) Jan. 15 Dillon's Regt.
Devereux, George Alfred Oct. ! Aug. 14 R. Marines.
Dewell, Arthur May i June 04 R. Marines.
D'Heillimer, George Aug. ) Mar. 16 Sicilian Reg.
Dillon, John Mar. I April 24 3 Dragoon Guards.
Dillon, Theobald Augustus April i Feb. 16 58 Foot.
Dixon, John Smart July 1 Jan. 2 94 Foot.
Dixon, Richard June 1 Aug. 0! York Hussars.
Dobree, Harry Hankey June IJune 0' 7 Dragoons.
Dobree, Richard John July IJuly 02 22 Dragoons.
Dodd, Cliarles W. Macarraick Aug. > June 16 Newfoundland Fen.
Donovan, Henry Douglas Aug. ! 17 9 Foot.
Douglas, Joint July 4 R. Veteran Batt.
Downing, John Flynn Jan. 5 R. Veteran Batt.
Drinkwater, Thomas April .Jan. 16 R. Marines.
Duekers, Charles Dec. Mar. 16 82 Foot.
Dudley, Benjamin April (April 10 81 Foot.
Dufrcsne, Louis Flavien Nov. Oct. Canadian Fen.
Durell, Philip July Independent Company,
Durnford, Andrew Mont. Isaacson. May 2 R. Veteran Batt.

Eaves, John 2 Dec. 06 R. Sappers and Miners.

Edgar, Charles Frederick 12 Jan. 05 08 2 West India Regt.
1 Sept.
J^d^elow, George 14 July 14 8 R. Veteran Batt.
Egan, Timothy 25 13 25 Sept. 19 R. Waggon Train.
Elliot, John Furzer 4 June 09 23 April 19 R. Marines.
Ensor, James 19 Mar. 97 31 May R. Marines.
Evans, Daniel 16 Dec 1 Sept. R. Marines.
Evans, John 31 Aug. 95 25 Dec. Irish Brigade.
Evans, John 9 May 11 6 Dec. 1 Garrison Batt.
Evans, William 11 Oct. 81 1 Sept. R. Marines.
iS8B Ewart, Charles 22 Feb. 16 5 R. Veteran Batt.
3iaa Eyre, Richard Cocks {ind Lieut.) 22 AprU 14 7 Aug. 81 Foot.
Eyre, Thomas Dowling 11 Nov. 11 28 Dec. R. Marines.

Fagg, John William Tliomas 3 May 21 25 Oct. 4 Dragoon Guards.

Fanning, Frederick 3 Aug. 13 29 June R. Marines.
Farrell, Thomas 19 Oct. 15 8 Sept. 62 Foot.
fflSaFenn, John 10 Feb. 14 25 Dec. R. Waggon Train.
Fenyhougli, Thomas 25 Nov. 99 27 Aug. 40 Foot.
Field, John Stroud 7 April 09 6 June R. Marines.
Fitzgerald, John 19 Aug. 13 25 Oct. 29 Foot.
Fitz Gerald, Nicholas 9 Dec. 99 2 Feb. 22 Dragoons.
Fletcher, James 11 Feb. 85 100 Foot.
Fletcher, Sir William Alexander, Bart. 15 May May
17 15 3 Dragoon Guards.
Flexman, James 27 Jan. 08 11 Jan. R. Marines.

Sfconil and Sub-Lieutenants, Cornets, and £itsigns.

Flint, William Richanl 3 Sept. Marines.

FtH>te, Samuel Townijwml ( 1 AUR. Foot.
FurlH-s. John j 1 June 107 Foot.

Fordf James Soiiverie •26 Mav 6 R. Veteran Batt.

Font, William -29 April iJan. 191R. Marines.
Fomey, John :»9 April > Oct. 14 Staff Corps of Cavalry.
Forstcr, Gconrc July 1802 (8 West India Regiment.
Forsythy Robert July 12! 7 R. Veteran Battalion.
Fosben-, Henry William Feb. 14 25 Oct. 211 Foot.
Fosbroiike, Kobert Dec. 1814-.2 Prov. Batt. of Militia.
Francis, }IcnrT, Ens Aug. 13!l3 Jan. 20 1Rifle Brigade.
Fraser, William (Lieut. 27 Jan. 37) ... April 1327 July 38 (fiO Foot.
Fraser, John Dec. 14j 2 Foot.
French, Peter VI Mar. 831 Strathaven's Co.
Frctt, il Feb. 14! 1 ^«Pt- l-"*. Marines.
Fullom, John '24 Aug. 15; [2 R. Veteran Battalion.

Oasf, John Ogle ia Dec. May 239 Dragoons.

Ganlen, .\lexander I 3 Mar. July 17|104 Foot.
Gardiner. James I
8 Feb. 1629 May 17 10 Draioons.
Gardner, Charles [lo Dec. 14,31 Dec. 18 4 Ceylon Kcgt.
Ciitrdnery John 128 Sept. 7 R. Veteran Battalion.
-ird, John l24 Jan. |lndep. Co.
. WlUinm j
1 Aug. '8 R. Veteran Battalion.

I', James jl3 April 13 25 Mar. IG Sicilian Regiment.

i.iaiiville, Francis (Lieut.) 20 April i5;ii April 22 19 Dragoons.
Gleadowe, William 12 Feb. 18 25 Dee. 18 25 Dragoons.
Goldrisk, John Thomas 26 July 2126 Julv 21 8 Dragoons.
Gordon, .\lexander 25 Oct. 80 6 Feb. 90R. Marines.
Gordon, Anthony 26 Dec. II 'o R. Veteran Battalion.
Gordon, Francis 6 Oct. 8423 Mar. 85,16 Foot.
Gordon, John 3 Mar. 04 |7 R. Veteran Battalion.
Gould, Matthexc 25 Dec. 06 14 R. Veteran Battalion.
Gratiam, Henry 13 June 1.525 Feb. 18jl03Foot.
Graham, Humphrey H) July 98' iHanger's Rec. Co.
Grant, Alexander 12 Oct. 1525 Mar. 161 Foot.
Grant, John Julv 98! Bradshaw's Rec. Co.
Grattan, Charlet Dec. R. Sappers and Miners
Grattan, Richard Dec. llOl Foot.
Gray, John 1814|3ProT. Bn. ofMU.
Gravdnn, James 15 Dec. 14'25 July Foot.
Griffith, Hugh Daries 11 July 16.21 Oct. 19i22 Dragoons.
Griffith, Richard 'l5 Aug. OOl |R. Irish Artillery.
Gritton, Henry ; 8 Sept. 0820 Feb. 17 R. Marines.
Gann, William 23 Aug. 15 24 April 16 Bourbon Regiment.
Gunthorpe, Joshua Rowley 4 June 9516 Oct. 95|R. Marines.

Haeerty, William 5 June 0930 May 17JR. Marines.

Hailcs, .\ugustus 28 June 11' 1 Jan. 16 R. Marines.
Ilallum, James 31 Mar. 08 30 Mar. 20 R. Marines.
Hamilton, James \ 2 May 1625 Feb. 19,4 West India Regiment.
Hamilton, John 24 Mar. 00 25 Mar. 021 Foot.
Hammnmi, William 17 Oct. 14 1 Jan. 16 R. Marines.
Hamnnd, William 26 Sept. 87' |71 Foot.
iiB HandcocliL, Tobias I
4 May 1526 Mar. 16-27 Foot.
Hannar, James 26 .\ug. 8221 Feb. 91 R. Marines.
Harby,' William 27 Oct. 14 |2 Garrison Battalion.
Hartling, John i

5 Mar. 12-25 Mar. 17 34 Foot.

Harper, Joseph James 29 May 8325 June 15 Brace's Co.
Harrison, Samuel Wyment 16 July 0025 June 02i4 Dragoon Gds.
Harrison, William 26 Dec. 16-26 Dec. 16138 Foot.
Hart, William' 25 May 15-25 Sept. 17 R. Waggon Train.
Harvey, John |29 Dec. 13 8 Not. 2e|R. Marines.
Harvey, John :24 Dec. 12-25 April 16iCor»ican Rangers.
. ..

Seco7id and Sub-Lieutenants, Cornets, and Ensigns.

Harwood, Edward Oct. Dec. 14 32 Foot.

Ilaslewood, Joseph April 1783 89 Foot.
Hay, Archibald James Nov. April 16 2 Hussars CJerman Leg.
Haydon, Joseph Mar. May 00 R. Marines.
Haydon, Robert Luckcombe Feb. April 19 20 Foot.
Haydon, William Dec. Mar. 17 6 West India Regiment.
Hays, Henry Horace Jan. June 18 81 Foot.
Haymard, Joseph Peter Sept. April 17 5 West India Regiment.
Hayter, George June 1814 R. Waggon Train.
Hearne, Thomas William .... Feb. Sept. 83 R. Marines.
Heaviside, John Nov. Dec. 06 18 Dragoons.
Hemintngs, John Exliani .... June Invalids.
Henderson, James Oct. I Garrison Battalion.
Heslop, John Feb. Invalids.
Hewett, Frederick Sept. Jan. 16 R. Marines.
Hewson, George April i
Dec. 14 24 Foot.
Hill, John Jan. ; May 91 R. Marines.
Hinton, John Tliomas May Jan. 16 R. Marines.
Hoare, Charles Vyvyan Mar. 1
Aug. 15 R. Marines.
Hobro, Edward 1814 1 Prov. Bn.of MiHtia.
Hodges, Edward Boucher .... Aug. , Dec 26 R. Marines.
Hodii'ms, Alexander Sept. 12 R. Veteran Battalion.
Hodgson, Frederick iEmilius Feb. 1814 R. Waggon Train.
aa Holland, Thomas Edward Dec. Jan. 19 83 Foot.
Holmes, Richard Nov. 1 April 90 R. Marines.
Home, David Dec. I
July 18 69 Foot.
Hopkins, George Feb. Feb. 19 60 Foot.
Home, John Mar. 1 Aug. 02 16 Foot.
Horton, James Mar. Garrison Battalion.
Houlditch, John Aug. Horse Grenadier Gds.
Hoyland, John April R. Sappers and Miners.
Hughes, Edward Hughes Ball Aug. 7 Dragoons.
Hugoe, Samitel Oct. Jan. R. Marines.
Huntley, Joseph Martin Mar. ! Feb. 47 Foot.
Huthnance, John Nov. Nov. R. Artillery Drivers.

Jack, Thomas* 23 Feb. 13 R. Artillery Drivers.

Jackson, John 22 Feb. 09 1 Jan. R. Marines.
^ fflSB Jagger, Joseph^ 16 July 13 1 Aug. R. Artillerv Drivers.
JeiFreys, Humphrey 2 Aug. 69 Foot.
Jenkins, John 19 Jan. 10 R. Marines.
Innes, John 29 April 64 73 Foot.
Innes, Robert 14 May 13 8 Mar. 21 94 Foot.
John, Daivd 25 Dec. 06 1 R. Veteran Battalion.
Johnston, Hamilton Trail . . . 25 Aug. 10 1 Jan. 16 R. Marines.
Jones, John Henry Whitmore 22 May 17 9 Nov. 20 21 Dragoons.
Jones, Stopford Thomas . . . 15 Nov. 10 25 Mar. 16 61 Foot.
Jop, Robert II May 15 25 April 16 Foot.

Karr, Peter 29 July 13 4 R. Veteran Battalion.

Katzman, Christian 23 Jan. 14 24 April 22 60 Foot.
Kennett, Charles Leighton. 21 Sept. 15 20 April 20 4 West India Regiment.
King, George 16 Mar. 08 .30 Aug. 1 R. Marines.
King, Robert Daubeny . . . 20 April 15 14 June 1 14 Foot.
Knight, Christmas 25 Jan. 13 7 R. Veteran Battalion.
Kruger, Carl Wevel von . . .
22 Jan. 14 23 Sept. 24 2 Ceylon Regiment.
Kyles, James 19 Oct. 15 2 R. Veteran Battalion.

Laing, James 15 June 15 83 Foot.

Laiyib, John 9 Nov. 1.5 2 R. Veteran Battalion.
Lamborn, John Sherard. 24 Aug. 32 24 July 35 R. Marines.
Lane, George Dawkins . 15 Feb. 12 1 Jan. R. Marines.
Lane, James Reece
Lanfranchij Ruggero
15 April m 7 Nov. R. Marines.
. . 3 Sept. OJ Queen's Germans.

Hecoiid ami Hub-LientemtntK, Cornets, and Ensiffns.

Langilalr. Marniailuko Rubort U 7 June Ih! -ii July 02:9 Foot.

Laiii;r<iril, Eilwaril t"-4June 0-2-J4 June 02 49 Foot.
LawroiuT, icoive( ... Oct. 21 3 Nov. 25 55 Foot.
Ltit(fiflt{, (ieonje June 2(1 3 R. Veteran Battalion.
Loiitliain, l-'niiicid .... Nov. 13 25 April 17 (i2 Foot.
Lro, Freflvrick Richard 6 Dec. 13 21 Dec. 15 90 Foot.
Lee, Jiihii 8 Sept. 14 2,'j April 10 78 Foot.
Lee, Riiliert Newton 29 June ].) 13 Nov. 23 2 Ceylon Regiment.

Lcbsrinp, Charles 1-4 Sept. 122 Sept. 17 7 West India Regiment.

Lonntui, Edward . 3 Aug. 1.5; 10 April 18 7 West India Regiment.

Lepiiic, Joho 7 Oct. 03 27 Nov. 93 73 Foot.

Leviek, Jonathan Dec. 14 2.-) Dec. 17'1 Garrison Battalion.
Lewis, Jaine^ Feb. Ui2i Nov. 1(!3 Garrison Battalion.
Ix'wis, Stephen May 14j (! Julv 20 73 Foot.
Liddcnlale, Tliomas Robertson Aug. 00 6 West India Regiment.
LloTcl, Henry Verekcr Jan. 10-25 Oct. 21|80 Foot.
Lhtyd, t^ainuel Feb. April 10 R. Marines.
Loft, John Henry Dec. 13 12 .Mar. 18 15 Dragoons.
Loftin, Geor^ Jan. 07 22 Dec. 09 R. Marines.
Lomas, Ralph Aug. iW; 1 Sept. 02,R. Marines.
Losack, .Augustus Mav 15 r> Aug. 19 84 Foot.
Lum, William Purcfoy Dee. 1327 July 20,35 Foot.
Lyons, .\nthony Munton .... Nov. 12] 1 Sept. 14|R. Marines.
Lytc, Thomas July 80; 19 Sept. 88 R. Marines.

M'.Vlistcr, An^s 20 April I5i25 Dec. 1894 Foot.

M'.Aulay, Aulay 27 Feb. 79} 7 June 80 R. Marines.
M't'oncchy, James 10 Mar. 12 1 Jan. 10;R. Marines.
-V Cullvch, George 14 Nov. 11 7 R. Veteran Battalion.
M- Demiott, Geo. Augustus 2 Dec. 13jlOAug. 201Rifle Brigade.
M' Donald, linimld 19 Dec. (2 R. Veteran Battalion.

>l'l).inell, Alexander Feb. 122o Aug. IGGlengarry Fencibles.

-M-Intosh, Robert 15 July 13 25 Dec. 18 94 Foot.
?51 .M'Kay, Joseph" 6 Oct. I Aug. I Foot.

M* Kinuon, John 24 June 83 1783 04 Foot.

M-Uchlan, Neil 7 Sept. 04 04 Foot.
M* l>auchlan, James 18 -April 14 1814 92 Foot.
M" I.eod, Norman 11 Aug. 14 8 Mar. 2l!0 Foot.
M' Tngijart, Angus 15Nov. 12 1 R. Veteran Battalion.

Macdonnell, Charles 8 June 13 24 May 21 32 Foot.

Maokay, Gcorcc 1 Julv 13 1815 1 Garrison Battalion.
Machay, John . . . 14 Feb. .3 R. Veteran Battalion.

Mockay, WiUiam 16 June 2 R. Veteran Battalion.

Mackreth, Henry Williams 21 Oct. 13115 June 15!2(! Foot. '
Marlaehlan, Colin July 00 25 June 1.0]72 Foot.
Jlaclian, Alexander 24 June 5 June 11;! .Vewf. Fencibles.
Maclean, Samuel 22 April 1 Mar. 17 R. Sappers and Miners.
Mac William, John 14 Sept. 5 May 181100 Foot.
Madden, Robert 16 July ;R. .-Vrtillery Drivers.
Maloney, Jamei 28 Feb. 7 R. Veteran Battalion.
Manico, Edward 2 Feb. I Jan. lOK. )larines.
ftlaiisell, William 20 April 15 20 April 20 79 Fiwt.
Man9on, William 5 Dec. 82] 1783 87 Foot.
Manritson, Joseph 6 Sept. 1525 Feb. 1027 Foot.
Maniack, Geo. Hartwell 13 June 112.J Nov. 14 31 Foot.
Manthall, LjiUTenco Jopson 127 Feb. 17 27 Feb. 17 7 Dragoon Guards.
Marshall, Thomas 125 Feb. Oi) Mar. 15 R. Marines.
Mason, Richanlson ;H April 13 25 Dec. 18 94 Foot.
Mason, Robert James ,20 April 00 17 May II R. Marines.
Maule, William 3 Slay (Kl ij June 022K Dragoons.
?4l MaxweU. Win. Aug. lUddell (Cornel) 25 Oct. l.j|13 Dec. 27 Unattached.
P Mrnd. Clmrlai^ 1 May IR. Artillery Drivers.
Meredith. James Henry 2 Mav Jan. 16 R. Marines.
Mcrritt, Tlmmns 86 Dec. (iueen's .Am. Ran. Cor.
00 389
. . .

Second and S'uh-JJcutenants, Cornets, mid Ensigns.

MiMletott, Robert . 1 May ; 10 R. Veteran Battalion.

IP Millar, Robert" 7 Oct. 92 Foot.
MUliken, John 1 June ' 63 Foot.
Monk, John a May t Sept. 14 R. Marines.
Montgomery, Robert 2 Dec. ) Jan. 19 95 Foot.
Moan, John 11 May 11 R. Veteran Battalion.
Mooney, John ;5 April April 98 R. Marines.
! !

Moore, Charles William . . . ;i May Sept. 17 R. Marines.


Moore, James 7 Sep. 09 97 Foot.

Moore, John 1814 1 Prov. Bn. of Militia.
Morehouse, George 15 Oct. ) April 10 New Brunswick Fen,
Morgan, James Hungerford 8 Sept. i Jan. 21 R. Marines.
Morris, John 17 July ) May 17 4 Foot.
Mortashetl, John j Oct. 21 35 Foot.
Moss, Henry Sept. 14 R. Marines.

Murphy, John Good Oct. 54 Foot.

Murray, Adam Jan. 13 Feb. 18 84 Foot.

Nason, George 9 Oct. 1 25 June 22 68 Foot.

Nelson, Richard 27 Jan. 14 18 July 16 Foot. :3

Newson, George 6 Feb. 13 25 May 16 Greek Lt. Infantry.

Nieholls, John 26 Aug. 99 16 May 00 4 Foot.
Nicholson, William 2 July 18 2 July 18 28 Foot.
Nixon, John Isaac 7 Dec. 15 1 Jan. 4 Foot.
North, Roger 9 Mar. 13 11 Nov. 24 R. Marines.
Nugent, Christopher EJm. John 25 June 02 24 June 02 17 Dragoons.

O'Connell, Daniel , . 7 Sept. 31 17 April 33 R. Marines.

O'Shea, Thomas 5 July 15 25 N 3 Garrison Batt.
Owen, Robert Hassall 22 Feb. 11 1 Jan. 16 R. Marines.

Palling, Henry 8 July Jan. 19 95 Foot.

Parsons, Guy 16 May R. Marines.
Partington, James 1 Dec. 25 Oct. 17 8 West India Regiment.
Pasheller, Charles 16 Nov. 1 Sept. 83 R. Marines.
Patterson, Thomas 6 April 1 Sept. 14 R. Marines.

Pawsey, George 20 Nov. 8 Mar. 91 R. Marines.

Payler, Thomas 7 Nov. Bradshaw's Rec. Co.
Pearce, Edmund Wentworth 11 June 20 June 95 18 Foot.
Pegg, William 17 June 31 Mar. 03 28 Dragoons.
Pellet, James 28 Jan. 17 Nov, 38 Foot.
Pepperell, John Doxmi 2 Nov. 1 R. Veteran Battalion.
Philipps, George 15 April 1 Jan. 16 R. Marines.
Pitt, Henrv 2 Sept. 1 Jan. 16 R. Marines.
Plenilerleath, David 6 May 25 May 02 4 Foot.
Pogson, Bcdingfield 21 Feb. 1 Feb. 03 R. Marines.
Porter, John Hall 4 Feb. 1 Jan. 16 R. Marines.
Porter, Samuel 3 Jan. 15 June 03 38 Foot.
Potts, Robert Clowes 15 Feb. 1783 88 Foot.
Poussin, Kalthazard 23 Dec. 15 Mar. 16 Corsican Rangers.
Powell, Willliim Edward (Ensign) 1 Mar. 12 Sept. 22 18 Drag'oons.
Prendergast, Maurice 2 Feb. 5 April 16 2 Hussars German Leg.
Prosser, Edmund Bond 28 Nov. 1 Sept. 88 R. Marines.
PuUiblank, Edward Cooper 18 July 16 Jan. R. Marines.

Radcliffe, Sir Joseph, Burt. . 19 July 15 April 19 23 Dragoons.

Radcliife, Thomas 1 Sept. 09 Sept. 14 R. Marines.
Raye, HcTiry Robert 14 Dec. 12 Sept. 14 R. Marines.
Read, James 21 Jan. Jan. 16 R. Marines.
Read, Thomas 1 Feb. May 10 R. Marines.
Rcid, Tiiomas 3 May 00 Feb 22 Dragoons.
Rendlesham, Frederick, Lord 31 Oct. 10 Dec. 20 21 Dragoons.
Resius, Frederick 1 June 15 Oct. 19 60 Foot.
Aickard, Martin 25 Dec. Dec. 18 R. Waggon Train.
Second and Sub-Lieutena nts, Cornets, and Ensigns.

Ridee, Jame* Stuart *2 Feb. Uh>9 June 20 West India Regiment.

Ri(l»aalo, Grirtith Twistleton 3 June 13 1814|47 Foot.
Robrrtton, ^YWiam | 1 July |R. Sappers and Miners.
Rol.son, Jolinlharlcs 27 July 30 17 Oct 33IR. Marines.
Roch, James 31 Dec 8i 1103 Foot.
R<v^er», 17 Oct. !)!I25 Aup. 02 40 Foot,
Rose, Colin 23 Feb. l-'i-io June ir.SW Foot.
Rose, I'lulip ,17 Not. 13, 1814.V. Foot.
Ross, David Robert j
2 May 10 13 .April 20 23 Dragoons.
Ross, Henrv Paget Bavly l(i Dec. 12i 1 Sept. 14 R. Murines.

Ross, Horatio {Cornet) HO Oct. 2020 Nov. 23 .J9 Foot.

Ross, John [20 Oct. 10' 4 Feb. 15 G Garrison Battalion
Ross, WiUiam 120 June 83| 1783 10 Foot.

St. John, Oliver 9 Sept. 13{ 4 Feb. 156 Garrison Battalion.

Sallery, William Ogle 19 Feb. 07 2;l .Aug. 10 7 Garrison Battalion.
Saunders, Edward 14 Jan. 14 1 -April 17 R.Sappers and Miners.
Sargent, Richard '15 Dec. 13 1 Sept. 14 R. .Klarines.
Savage, Rowland 2 Dec. 1412 Mar. 18 1 Foot.
Saver, Benjamin |14 Oct. 82 1 Sept. 83 R. Marines.
Schalch, Philip Ill Dec. 1514 Dec. 21 R. .Artillery.
Scott, William jl6 June 14| 1814 61 Foot.
Scidly, William [24 June 02 24 June 02 13 Dragoons.
Senior, John [30 June 10' 8 Sept. 194 West India Regiment.
Serjeant, Ge<»rge 11 -April 12: 1 Jan. 16 R. Marines.
Shaekel, WiUiam 21 Sept. 15 25 June 16 R. Waggon Train.
Sh/iic, Leander 2.j May 15l 1 R. Veteran Battalion.

Shaw, Richardson 18 -April 83 1783 89 Foot.

Shepherd, William 18 Nov. 1314 Nov. U! R. Waggon Train.
9 Shore, John' 19 -Mav 1315 Not. 14 R. -Artillery- Drivers.
Simpson, John B. (Comet) 17 Oct. 16j 5 Aug. 24 48 Foot.
Simpson, John W I 2 Aug. 10 1 Jan. 16 B- Marines.
Sired, William ;24 Aug. 20 2 R, Veteran Battalion.
Skinner, WiUiam Dunstan 25 July 12123 Sept. 24 R. -Marines.
Skues, George j25 Oct. 131 1 Sept. 14 R. Marines.
Snuth, John ;2''
Oct. 03-25 June 1572 Foot.
Smith, John June 111 R. Sappers and Miners.
Smith, Michael Cusac Aug. 1310 June 1911 Dragoons.
Smith, Peter Oct. 14i5 -April 16 New Brunswick Fen.
IB Smith. Wm. Staytor (ii>MM7 Oct. Dec. 06 Nov. 19,72 Foot.
Smithwick, Robert — Oct. 10 1 Jan. IGjR. Marines.
Spark, John April 12 R. Sappers and Miners.
Sparkes, Thomas April 13 1814 5C FiK)t.
Spearman, Ralph William Jan. 21 Aug. 21I2I Foot.
Standish, Richard June 11 Jan. IGR. Marines.
Staples, F.dmuud Robert Nov. 1625 Feb. 19 Staff Co. of Cavalry.
Stevens, Samuel Feb. 81 178.3-EIford'sCo.
Stevens, William Nov. 15 April 17 R. Sappers and Miners.
Stevenson, George Dec. July 196 Dragoons.
Steirart, Robert May |7 R. Veteran Battalion.
Stratton,William April iR. Sappers and Miners.
Strudwick, George Lucas April Wall's Corps.

Stuart, .Vlexander Sept. Sept. 17 3 Dragoon Guards.

Sundirland, Henry 26 Jnlv Mar. 22|.52 Foot.
Sutherland, A Icxander 12 Nov. 1 R. Veteran Battalion.
Swallow, Samuel 23 Nov. 1 Sept. 83|R. Marines.

Sweeney, Francis Bernard. Jan. 14^25 April 17.62 Foot.

Swinhoc, Robert Mar. 1625 -April 19|25 Dragoons.
Symmcrs, George -May Indep. Co.
Sympson, Robert Feb. bo Foot.

Xa Talbot , James ( Lieut. ) 16 Feb. 15|23 May 22|2 Dragoon Guards.

Talmash, .\rlliur Csesar (Lieut.) 24 Aug. 15 13 Oct. 20^6 Dragoons.
Tnulor, Robert '» 22 Jan. 08 ,R. Artille

Second and Suh-Lieutenants, Cornets, and Ensigns.

Taylor, William
Temple, Gustavus Hancock
Thacke, Robert
Thierry, Lewis de
Thomas, Mark
Thompson, Augustus
Thompson, Thomas
Thomson, George
Thomson, Tliomas
Thornton, Robert Innes ....
Tickell, John Arscott
Todd, William
Toy, John
Tracy, Henry
Traill, Thomas
Trewbitt, Henry
Talk, John Augustus
Turnbull, William George .

Turner, William
Tweedie, David
Tyndale, Joseph

Vaux, John Gustavus .

Veiteh, WilUam
Vincent, John Tunnadine
Wade, Thomas
Walker, Samuel
Walker, Thomas
Walker, William Hislop
Wallace, A lexander
M'aUaee, James (Ensign)
Walrond, Bethell
Walsh, George
Walter, George
Walter, Rawlins George
Ward, John
Watkins, Westropp Peard
Watson, Atherton
Watson, James
Watts, David John
Watts, William
Way, Hollis Bull
Way, John
Webster, James
Weir, Hector John
^^eir, Henry
Weiss, Frederick
Whaley, George
Wheadon, John
Wheler, Edward
White, Sir T. Wollaston, Bart.
Wilcocks, John Lodge
Wilde, Joshua John
Wildey, Thomas
Wilkins, Samuel Martin
Wilkinson, John Byng
Williams, John
Williams, William
Williamson, William Hamilton .

Wills, John
Wilson, Edward Lumlcy
Wolff, Alexander Josepli
Wolselev, Arthur
Second and Sub- Lieutenants, Cornets, and EnsUins.
Woo<Io*>ck, Fre<lorick 3 Aug. 1-2 ao Feb. 15 K. .Murines.
WfioUuiusc^ Andrew Mackudou . 13 Aug. 25|I7 July 2H Uniittuched.

Ynte.Jolm 118 July 07l

Services of the Second Lienteutuits, Cornets, and Ensiffns.

1 Second Lieut. James R. Clarke served on the Continent in 1794 and U."), and was
present in several skirmishes, and at the siege of Nimeguen, wliere he was wounded.
2 Ensign Crorabie was at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope in ISOIi. Served also
the campaign before New Orleans in 1814 and 15, and was severely wounded.
3 Cornet Hart served at the taking of the Cape of Good Hope and cajjture of the Dutch
Fleet in Saldanah Bay in 1796.
4 Second Lieut. Jack served in Holland in 179!), and was three times wounded. Served
also in the .\merican war, including the actions at Le Bleuf, Chippewa (wounded), and
Lundy's Lane.
5 Second Lieut. Jagger served in the Peninsula, including the battle of Talavera. Served
also the campaign of 1815, and was present at the battle of Waterloo.
6 Ensign M'Kay was slightly wounded at Waterloo.
7 Second Lieut. Mead served the Peninsular cami)aign of 1814.
8 Ensign Millar served in the Peninsula, and was present at the battles of Nivelle, Nive,
and Toulouse.
y Second Lieut. Shore served in the Peninsula, from Sept. 1813, to the end of the war.
10 Second Lieut. Robert Taylor's services ; —
Siege of Fort Bourbon and captures of
Martinique, St. Lucia and Guadaloupe, 1794. In 1795, when the Caribs rose to take the
Island of St. Vincent, he commanded the .\rtillery in the field for ten months, during
which period be was in eleveu different engagements.
... .' ... .


Acton, Edward . . . 9 Mar. 12 6 Dec. 14 Garr. Batt.

Aitkin, Alexander . 26 Aug. 13 17 Feb. 21 42 Foot.
Albert, Hugh Lewis 5 Feb. 98 23 Oct. 17 39 Foot.
Amey, Henry James 1 Mar. 0fij30 Sept. 16 German Legion
Armstrong, James . 6 Jan. 14 25 Aug. 17 67 Foot.

Bannerman, Alexander . Feb. 1811 78 Foot.

Bell,William Dec. Aug. 19 56 Foot.
Bews, John Nov. July 36 73 Foot.
Biggs, Edward Nov. Nov. 26 22 Foot.
Boustead, John June May 36 Ceylon Rif.Regt.
^ Bowden,Wm. Carey. May Nov. 24 21 Dragoons.
y Boyle, William' 21 July 08 Nov. May 32 1 Foot.
^9 Brenan, Justin never Mar. Nov. 18 88 Foot.
Brenan, Patrick Nov. May 22 97 Foot.
Bromley, William Nov. Dec. 16 2 Garr. Batt.
Burnet, John June April 11 16 Dragoons.

Cameron, Allan 10 April 0.: 10 July 25 April 24 5 Foot.

Campbell, Duncan never 15 Mar. 88 Foot.
Carmichael, Robert . . 8 Aug. 25 Dec 42 Foot.
Chapman, Benjamin . . 27 Aug. 23 Dec. German Legion.
Chase, John Woodford . 24 Oct. 1811 MaltaRegiment.
Christie, George 25 Dec. 25 July 8 W. India Regt.
Collins, Michael 21 Mar. June 39 76 Foot.
Cox, Charles 29 Jan. 7 May 29 75 Foot.
Creser, Richard 14 Jan. 17 Nov. 25 7 Foot.
Cross, Anthony 6 Nov. 11 Sept. 06 24 Dragoons.
Cross, Henry 15 Oct. 25 June 17 83 Foot.
Crowe, George William. 7 Mar. 5 Dec. 27 Foot.
Cuyler, Henry 24 July 1 Jan. 36 Rec. District.

Dana, William Pulteney 5 April 07 25 Dec. 16 6 Garr. Batt.

Davve, Andrew Moore . 8 Oct. 07 5 April 33 53 Foot.
^9 iJiaa Bettne, WUlmm. 13 Aug. 02 18 Dragoons,
IJc Carteret, George. . 15 Feb. 98 R. Vet. Batt.

Dive, Hugh 31 Mar. 21 Aug. 23 Foot.

Doughty, Edward 2 April 1 8 Sept. 19 4 W. India Regt.
Drayton, Samuel Bo.x . 25 Nov. 13 25 Mar. 16 15 Foot.

Este, William do 28 Oct. 13 13 Nov. 17 p7 Foot.

Finch, Charles ilo |13 Feb. 25 Jan.

1 18 12 Foot.
Fisher, James do do 23 July 03 25 Mar. 17 Rec. District.
95' 7 Feh 1 Dec. 33 30 Foot.
P Eraser, William - . 20 July 94 :l Oct.
Furlong, Charles John 29 Sept. 08 3 Jan. 10:22 April 24 26 July 33 Unattached.

(tapper, Peter 20 June 05 25 Dec. 06 14 Nov. 16 U Nov. 19104 Foot.

(icddes, Adam Gordon . never never 31 Mar. 14 25 June 21 10 R. Vet. Batt.
(ioddard, John 29 Auff. 11 27 Feh. 21 [15 Foot.
IB fflSU (iordon, James . 4 Aju-il 05 2 Mar. 2U 92 Foot.
( (rant, Peter 29 Aug. 15 May 06 55 Foot.
y Grosser, John 1 Aug. 14 Feb. 22109 Fool.

Hald . Wi 8 July 13 27 June 22|3 West Ind. Reg.

' . ... .

9 I lull, Henrv William. . never 4 April 002!) July H):«) Foot.
Hall. John ..' do 2 Oct. 122,j Sept. 28 lice. District,
Ilulpin, William ! do do 6 Jan. 7,2.'j June K! German I.*g.
Iliinliiiry, CiiiM-l 9 20 May 23 Nov. 152CDec. 21 27 .Mar. 2(*1 Dragoons,
|) llaiiconie, riiristopber never never 13 June a') 20 Feb. It! 4 Foot,
lluniiuii, Robert ! do do 2li May 08 19 Oct. 2(i 17 Dragoons,
llarvfv, Oco. Frederick . . ! do do 3 Nov. 13 1814 Hec. District.
Heath', Kdwin do •1814 2« June 27 3(t.\n2. 3'.l88Foot.
9 JM llilUard, Hear}'. . i^) Feb. i I 10 N.I 0922 Mar. 21 10 Mav .1!l<18 Foot.
Hoiiu',David never ne\er 20 June 98 2 .\pril 183;", Foot.
Huun!M)m, George do do 29 Oct. 07 24 .\pril 202 K. Vet. Batf.
llunler, Thomas 112 Mav 1 Oct. 25 3 Nov. ail 1 Oct. 30 7 Dragoon Gds.

Johnson, Ralph Boctler.. 27 Oct. 10,25 June 1545 Foot.

{) Juhnstonc, Jas. (Cnpt\
l.->Julvl3)' 19 June 0C>ill 08;i7Julv 23| 1
Feb. Mar. 3270 Foot,
9 Ji.llillc, Cornwall never 27 June 05 1817 34 Foot,
^ Jones, .Michael do 21 .\pril 9825 Aug. 19|80 Foot.
Irvine, J. Christ. Caulfield do 27 Sept. 10.13 Oct. 25,80 Foot.
Ir>'in, Martin 5 May 04 16 Jan. OC 17 May 0425 Dec. 14CI Foot.

Ker, Thomas 27 April 09 12 July 10 14 Mav 17.30 June 20 103 Foot.

Kim;. Tliomas never never 5 Sept. 1 1 2.J Dec. 18,98 Foot.
<[£l Kni^'ht, . . do 20 Jan. 14|25 Mav 10 German Leg.
Knyvctt, Henry do do 25 Oct. 02 1 Nov. 20 Chief Pay. Dep.

{) LolianljTliomas do do 4 April ir25 Dec. 17,00 Foot.

Leiliugham, George . . 1 Aug. 05 17 July O61I6 Sept. 1930 Nov. 3834 Foot.
Lett'h, James never never 1 Feb. 98 2:1 June 08 3 Dragoon Gds.
9 ISl Lutyens, Daniel. do do 19 Oct. 04 19 Oct. 383 Dragoon Gds.

M-DoUL'all, Wm. Adair.. do do 1 July 13 12 Oct. 3842 Foot.

Q M-Uod. Martin 8 Oct. 12,18 Jan. Ij'loJan. 24l.jJ:in. 30 25 Foot.
Mackav, James 13 Mar. 15|14 Sept. 1513Julv 21 3 Nov. 2.)(i0 Foot.
Mackiiv, James Duff.... never 26 Nov. 12 181450 Foot.
fiB Mackenzie. Hush .. 8 Nov. 98 16 Aug. 24 71 Foot.
Mackenzie, Hu;;h Bailey 1 Feb. 13 24 May 29,14 Dec. 38 77 Foot.
.Maekie, William never 24 Jan. 0525 July 17 27 Foot.
.Mala.«sez, Nicholas do 30 Dec. 97 29 Oct. 02 Hnmpesch.M.R.
Mitchell, Daniel do '5 Dec. 13 1814 Roc. District.
Moir, William do 16 Aug. 1025 Feb. 23 Ceylon Rcgt.
{) ii\ Moore, floh.(,Capt
21) July. 15)* 9 Oct. 14 April OS 10 June 24 1 Oct. 34 40 Foot.
P .Moss, WiUiam never never 3 Mar. 04 25 Aug. lOYurk U. Inf.

O'Keefe, James 10 Jan. 12 1 April 37 48 Foot.

Phillips, W. HoUingworth 20 April 03 1 Nov. 33 Rec. District.

Pillou, John 20 Nov. 18 29 July 2554 Fool.

Raymond, ^^'illiam do 5 Dec. 99 25 Dec. 08 17 Foot.

R.-a<l, GiN)rge do May 13 11 Nov. 24 5 Foot.
Reillv, Bernard do 28 June 10 1 Nov. W. 18 Foot.
iiX Hi.bin5.m, P. Vyvyan do 28 Jan. 13 28 June 27 8.S Foot.
|) Rodgers, James 17 May ; 7 Oct. 30 1 June 37 2(i Foot.
Ho<lily, Chas. Pakenhani never 18 April 05|ij May 17 89 Foot.
Vitse, Hickman Lcland . do 20 Jan. 1510 Aug. 21'30 FiXit.

Saijcant, William do 31 Mar. 0325 Mav 14 34 Foot.

Sherwoiid, Hcnrj' do 1 May 04123 July 18Brun.s». Caval.
Srovth, Francis Robert do 12 Sept. 04 Rec. District.
Sprakelinc, William . . 14 Dec. 1525 Sept. SoiRec. Dist.
P JiR Strange, Alex* . II April II1I6 Aug. 3102 Fool.

. .

•2d LIEUT.

^9 Teighe, Thomas . . 8 Sept. 04 S

never never June 16 German Legion.
Teri'>', Henry 13 Sept. 10 19 May 14;27 Dec. 27 I June 35199 Foot.
P aSil Thomson,J.Crooke never nevei 31 Jan. 11 22 Oct. IBjl Foot.
Tirtdeman, Henry do 28 May 07 26 Mar. 18; 75 Foot.
^9 Tierney, Thomas do 23 July 12 6 Sept. 27;43 Foot.
Tod, Alexander 28 June 10 25 April Hi 38 Foot.
John Kerr
Trattle, 26 July lOJll Aug. 2588 Foot.
Trick,Thomas 14 Sept. 09:i2 July R. Vet. Batt.

Wain Wright, David do 7 Sept. osj jll R. Vet. Batt.

Warden, Cliarles 1 Sept. 10 20 Dec. 7 Feh. 21 25 Jan. 28 42 Foot.
Warden, John never never 1 May 05 25 June 26 24 Dragoons.
Wetherall, WiUiam do 17 Aug. 99 87 Foot.
^ White, John Lewis 25 Feb. 13' 8 Oct. 18 81 Foot.
JP White,Warren Hasting; 17 Sept. 12 21 Sept. 15 German Legi
i? fflffii Williams, James . 4 Oct. 10 25 April 16 44 Foot.
Worsley, Cha. Corn. Soy 25 Nov. 1319 Jan. 18 60 Foot.
ID Wright, James 26 Mar. 10125 Dec. 18 94 Foot.

Notes to tlie Paymasters.

1 Paymaster Boyle served from May 1809 to the end of the war, including
in the Peninsula
the battle of Busaco, affairs of Foz d'Aronce and Campo Mayor, siege and capture of Oli-
venQa, assault and capture of Badajoz, capture of the Retiro- Slightly wounded in the ear
at Fort St. Christoval 10th May, 1813, and again in the face in the Pyrenees 28th July,
2 Paymaster Fraser served in South America and was present at the attack on Buenos
Ayres in Portugal and Spain under Sir John Moore, including the battles of Vimiera and

Corunna; at Walcheren, 1809 and in the Peninsula from Jan. 1811 to the end of the war,

including the battles of Salamanca, Pyrenees, Nivelle, and Toulouse.

3 Paymaster Furlong was in the action before Genoa, and the taking of that city 17th
April, 1814. Served afterwards in the American war, including the operations in the Chesa-
l>eak, battle of Bladensburg and capture of Washington action before Baltimore and the

subsequent service in the Chesapeak operations of the army before New Orleans, the actions

of the 23d Dec. 1814, and 1st Jan. 1815, and storm of the American lines before New Or-
leans taking of Fort Bowyer.
; On board the Golden Fleece Transport, when attacked by an
American Privateer off the island of St. Domingo, 2Sth Nov. 1814.
4 Paymaster Hilliard served in the Peninsula from Juue 1809 to the end of the war, in-
cluding the battle of Busaco, affair of Campo Mayor, iirst siege of Badajoz, battle of Albu-
hera. affairs at Aroya de Molinos and Almarez. Served also the campaign of 1815, including
the actions at Quatre Bras and Waterloo, at which latter he was severely wounded.
5 Captain Johnstone served at the siege of Copenhagen in 1807 and in the Peninsula ;

from March 1809 to Oct. 1811, and again from Feb. 1812 to Feb. 1813, including the capture
of Oporto, battles of Talavera (wounded), Busaco, and Albuhera (severely wounded) and ;

first siege of Badajoz, besides minor actions and skirmishes.

(i Captain Moore served in the Peninsula from Feb. 1810 to the end of the war, including
the battle of Busaco, first siege of Badajoz, siege of Ciudad Rodrigo (wounded in the trenches,
15 Jan. 1812), and third siege of Badajoz (severely wounded at the assault Cth April, 1812).
Accompanied the expedition to New Orleans. Served also the campaign of 1815, including
battle of Waterloo, where he was again severely wounded.
7 Paymaster Rodgers served in the Peninsula from May 1813 to the eud of the war,
including the siege of Tarragona. Served afterwards in the East Indies, and was present at
Amulmir, Malligaum, aud Asseerghur.
8 Paymaster Strange served at the siege of Fort St. Philip in the Island of Minorca in
1782, and was slightly wounded in the right knee. In action with the Irish rebels near
Clonakiltyin 1798. Served the campaigns in the Peninsula, Flanders, and France from 1811
to 1815 inclusive.



{ 11 Austin, Georarc 30 Aug. 3 Foot.

Harlliam, Thomas" . . . Awf. 17J35 Foot.
lianas, \Vm. Rickett . Mar. I0U7 Foot.
P Brew, William ' . . . 1814 2 Pr. Bn. of Mil.
Brown, Juint'S .N'ortluniFen.ln.
Brown, Jehu Thomas I Pr. Bn. of Mil.

Bnicc, Thomas Winds. Foresters

Bun, , \Vm. Aue 10 Dec. 14 -22Foot.
Canipbrll, David . Roth.icCaith.F.I
Cook, RolH-rt \ov. ICXewfound. Fen.
CrauscJohn May 17 Recru. District.
Cratrjord, James '17 !>< n. Vet. Batt.

Doule, Thoma* Henry . . iit 1 R. Vet. Batt.

Ellis, Riehaixl i->9

Dec. 18107 Foot.
Fahey, John .Mar. ICtil Foot.
Faman, John Feb. I(i« Foot.
Fisher, Samuel S. • - . Mar. 10 f 8 Foot.
Fitz Gerald, Dennis 15 June 10 41 Foot.
Fletcher, Richard r28 May 17 Rec. District.
Frascr, Alexander >25 Feb. 10 New Bruns. Fen.
Halden, John Il8 Sept. 17,7 Foot.
Haven, Henry JNug. Rec. Corps.
Henrv, John 9 5 Feb. 1691 Foot.
Durham Fen. Inf.
Hopper, Jacob I
1 Mar. 14 Recruiting Dist.
Inixram, James llO Breadal.Fen.Inf.
Kirktcoodt Jatiiet |(i R. Vet. Batt.
Leith, John Kenneth 'l-2 Sept. \>^Vi Foot.
l^e^lie, James Feb. Foot.
Livinmtone, Jeremiah 10 Glengarry Fen.
Loirrie^ James '24 2 R. Vet. Batt.
Mackenzie, Thomas . 77 Foot.
Morison, Daniel W. Lowland F. T.
Muller, William *5 Foot.

Neale Abel 31 Dec. 18125 Dragoons.

Osborne, Francis . . Mar. 21 02 Foot.
Packett, John 181.5 Greek Lt. Inf.
Parlour, William Dec. W. Ind.Begt.
Peacocke, George . . 178;)i88 Foot.
Peckett, Sampson . . June 1734 Foot.
He<?<i, 1783 75 Foot,
Sinclair,John 14 |lR. Vet. Batt
Stewart, James i
1 |2R. Vet. Batt.
Tassie, George i 13 17R. Vet. Batt.
Taylor, Thomas jYork Fen. Inf.
Tliompson, Thomas ... J

9 Trotter, Tliomas -27 Oct. 1027 Foot.
Tumor, Alexander 1-29 June 25 3 W. Ind. Regl.
Walford, Edw. Lorkin 25 Sept. 02|R. Wagg. Train.
Whitaker. Thomas. 24 Sept 1»72 Foot.
Young, Robert . . 30 . 1 R. Vet. Batt.

1 Lieut and .\djatant Brew served with the 2d Dra«oon Guards in the campaigns of 1 79.3,
4, and 5, in Flanders and Holland, under the Duke of York and also proceeded with that

regiment on the Walchereo eipedition in 1809. Volunteered for Foreign service as Adjutant
from the Roval West Middlesex Militia to the 2d Provinonal Battalion, and accompanied it
to France in'l813.
397 r r
.. ....


Adet/, Thomas
Alien, Thomas
Aniaron, Charles . . .

Anderson, John
Anderton, William
Armstrong, John . . .

Atkins, William
Anstin, John Radford

?1SJ1Bagshaw, Isaac
Banks, William
Bathurst, William
Beer, William
Bell, Robert
Benton, William
Beit, Thomas
Bislwp, William
P ffiia Blackier, Tliomas '

Blay, Samuel Sutton

Blythman, WUliam
^ Booth, Jonathan-
Brew, Francis^
Brookman, James
®i3 Brown, John
Browning, Henry
Bryon, Daniel
Buchanan, Win. {Ens. 24 Feh.^i),)
Buchanan, William
Bulcock, Henry
Burns, Cormick
Burrough, Thomas
Bart, James Elias

Calder, James
Calueve, Pierre de
Cambidge, Robert
^ (BSii Cameron, Angus
Campbell, Jeremiah . .

Campbell, William
Campbell, John
Garden, James
Carey, Peter Martin .

Carkeek, Stephen
Carpenter, William .

1^ Carr, James '

Cart, Richard
Carter, John Henry . . .

Carter, William
13 Castray, Luke *
Chalmers, William. . .

Cherriman, John
Clark, Alrxrndcr
Clark, Joseph

rEBH "111
t^B- Myll.F

Clarke, William 24 April 28Aug. 89,Staff Corps.

Clayton, Thomas i Hants Fen. Ca».
Cliffonl, Ricliard 2!) May 94 1795 1 19 Foot.
Cuckbum, James 13 July 15'24 June 24 8 Draffoons.
5B Collins, Jnlin [12 June 17 10 Xov. 21 18 Dragoons.
5£l Colqiihoun, Robert 21 Aug, Grenadier Guards.
Cooke, James 25 April 11 15 Dragoons.
Cooper, Henry i
^5 May 22 1 Life Guards.
Costello, Pierce I 1 Star. 9832 Dragoons.
Crabtrec, George 25 Oct. 0921 May 1887 Foot.
Crooks, Win. Sme<Ilev 1 Jan. 31 2 Life Guards.
Cross, George Mar. 14

|lO 1814 80 Foot.

Crymble, VTilliam |27 May [04 Foot.

Dallas, .Alexander 3 .\ug. 20 18 Nov. 24 Bourbon Reg.

Dandy, John 7 .Mar. 22! 7 Sept. 2090 Foot.
Dinim, Joseph 7 Feb. 0805 Dec. 092 Dragoon Guards.
5fti Davidson,James ' 14 Feb. 28|22 July 3041 Foot.
Dories, Thomat 10 Dec. lil jl Roy. Vet. Batt.

Davis, James 12.5 Jan. 108 Dragoons.

Delhanty, Henry |l8Sept. 04 22 Dragoons.
Dew.ion, Jeremiah Wilkes,* (i'li.j. ji
3 Aug. 26 12 July 39|15 Foot.
7 Oct. 13. Lieiit. 25 Feb. 19) J
Dixnn, James {Cor. 13 Oct. 19) . 25 Juue 24 8 Jan. 29|l04 Foot.
Vobmii, William 1 Life Guards.
Dowling, Robert 25 Dec. 22l4 Dragoon Guards.
Duncan, James j
jPerthr Fen. Cav.
Duncan. John 14-25 Feb. 16,93 Foot.
Dunn, Thomas |Pembroke Fen. Car.
Diixlmry, Thomas 18 Mar. in! 9 Mav 10114 Foot.
DwiUv,' Thomas 15 Oct. 12 25 July 37 Coldstream Guards.

Ebdon, Richard 125 Mar. 103 Drasoons.

Eecles, Elkanah 25 Feb. 11 25 .May 10 Greek Lt. Inf.
Edwards, Peter I
8 Jan".03 10 Dragoons.
Edwarls, Thomas Willock" 3 Dec. 12,17 Feb. 32 84 Foot.
EIlini;tt>n, John II Mar. 22 2 Life Guards.
Elliott, James 23 Nov. 0420 April .3!' 05 Foot.
Ellis, John 15 June 02 22 Dragoons.
Emmott, William 25 Sept. 28 1 Jan. 31 |R. Horse Guards.
Everitt, Joseph . 25 Feb. 11 ;8 Dragoons.
Eyres, Benjamin 25 Sept. 14 10 Dragoons.

Fairbrotber, Carter i
7 Nov. 29: 1 Jan. 31 R. Horse Guards.
Farrants, James 9 May 1129 Mar. 18;i03 Foot.
Finlay, William 28 Aug. 94j Glasgow Corps.
Frith", Joseph 25 Dec. 28 1 Jan. 31 Roval Horse Guards.
Fhilierty, hugh 1 Dec. 14 25 May IsJlOO Foot.
Fox, Peter .
25 Dec. 1920 Nov. 23^Garrison Companies.
Fraser, .\lexander 28 Sept. 09,11 Oct. 16 Canadian Fcncibles.
Prater, Donald 25 Nov. 05 |74 Foot.
Frost, John 31 May 28 1 Jan. dliRoyal Horse Guards.

Gallie, Hugh 25 Feb. 10 i9

Roval Veteran Battalion.
Gaze, James .Norfolk Fen. Cav.
Gillie,John 25 Dec. 22,12 Dragoons.
Glover, James Lancashire Fen. Cav.
Gwlwin, John Hants. Fen. Cav.
Grndy, William [l2 Foot.
Green, Tliomas j25 Oct. 2C 1 Life Guards.
Greie, neor(te\ 1 Jan. 31 2 Ufe Guards.
r.nniwood. Thomas |S5 Nov. IL-iSJuly 14.56 Foot.
25 June 163 Dragoon Guards.

I 'Pembroke Fen. Cav.
. .
.. . .

Quarter- Musters

HaddOD, Richard 25 Mar. 10 Dragoons.

Hactan, John 5 Oct. Tarleton's Dragoons.
ffiiaHall, John 29 Sept. 14 14 Jan. 6 West India Regiment.
Hamilton, William 17 Nov. Lanark & Dumbarton Fen. Cav.
is fflaa Hanna, William'" Jan. 27 May 4 Foot.
Harding, John Oct. 8 May 3 Foot.
aaa Hardv, Luke 1
Jan. 3 Aug. New Brunswick Fencibles.
aaS Hardy, Thomas ; Feb. 25 Aug. Roval Horse Guards.
Harris, WUUain I Jan. 14 Foot.
Harrison, Alexander i Jan. 25 Sept. 1 Garrison Battalion.

Harrison, Dan. Chas. Rogers . 1 Sept. 15 July 11 Foot.

Harwood, Sacheverel i
July 25 July Malta Regiment.
Haslam, Richard ' Aug. 17 June 5 Dragoon Guards.
Haydon, Francis Essex Fen. Cavalry.
Heartley, Andrew i Dec. 1 Jan. Royal Horse Guards.
Henstock, Henry Feb. 25 July 5 Foot.
Hewetson, Hamilton 25 June 4 Dragoon Guards.
Hill, James Lothian Fen. Cav.
aaa nm, wiiuam p Dec. 29 Mar. Rifle Brigade.
Hilliard, John Cornwall Fen. Cav.
Hoath, Charles Nov. 8 Aug. 00 Foot.
Hodder, John 1 Fencible Cav.
Holmes, Benjamin 1 Dragoon Guards.

Hope, William Roxburgh Fen. Cav.

Home, Robert April 25 Aug. 2 Dragoon Guards.
Horner, Isaac Oct. 1 Mar. 33 Dragoons.
Horton, Edward Feb. 9 Nov. 1 Dragoons.

Houfijhton, John " Dec. 15 Sept. 14 Dragoons.

Hudson, Edward Sept. 09i25 Dec. 23 Foot.
Hurst, William 1 Mar. 32 Dragoons.

Jackson, Henry 28 April 27 1 Jan. 31 Royal Horse Guards.

Jackson, John :5 Jan. 13 3 Dragoons.
Jackson, John Dumfries Fen. Cav.
Jennings, John Essex Fen. Cav.
Innes, William 2 Dec. 09 Nugent's Rec. Co.
P Johnson, Samuel '- 14 Dec. 9 Mar. 38 48 Foot.

Johnston, Alexander. 24 Sept. 12 28 Sept. 20 60 Foot.

Jolley, John 2 Life Guards.
Joseph, James 1 Life Guards.
Julyan, Thomas Cornwall Fen. Cav.

Kelly, Rich. Seymour 26 Jan. 26 38 Staff Corps.

Kenyan, Henry {Em. 29 Oct. 12) 15 June 20 2 R. Veteran Battalion.
Kewin, 3I'des 2 July 12 5 R. Veteran Battalion.
\i Kinkee, Frederick
Slffil "... 1 July 24 18 Aug. 19 Dragoons.
^ Kyle, Archibald " 13 Aug. 22 28 Aug. 35 82 Foot.

Lambster, Daniel 1.5 Dragonns.

Landless, John Lothian Fen. Cav.

Ledger, Thomas 25 April 11 15 Dragoons.
y Lewis, J. H. (Ens. 12 Mar. 14) 19 Oct. 15 3 Aug. 32 33 Foot.
Loggan, Edward 20 July 13 6 Feb. 15 2 Garrison Battalion.
Lord, Robert 16 Oct. 12 Royal Horse Guards.
Lowrey, William Berwick Fen. Cav.

M'Clenahan, Thomas . 25 Dec. 16 2 Garrison Battalion.

M'Cord, Charles 1 Mar. 98j33 Dragoons.
M'Guire, Bernard . . . !5 Aug. 10,9 Dragoons,
M'Intyre, Joseph . . . 7 April 01 Ross and Cromarty Fen. Inf.
M'Laine, Lauchlan . 6 April 15 2 Sept. 107 West India Regiment.
M'Naughtan, William 25 Mar. 14 2 Dragoons.
M'Pherson, John '° 9 Sept. 13 Mar. 38i72Foot.
Macdonald, William 14 April 14 25Julv 17 104 Foot.
, 1

Quarter- Masters.


Mackar, Donald 12 Oct. I Mar. 1342 Foot.

JUnckay, George 3 Pept, |U3 Foot.
Miickeiizie, John 10 Mar. 20 ! Jan. 23 7 Foot.
Mackenzie, John I Jan. 34 '

Ann. 38 94 Foot.
Maitlunil, Jolin 22 July 1!) I May 17 37 Foot.
Maitlund, Peter !) Feb. 01) I Sep't. 37,90 Foot.
Munley, jolin 22 Oct. > Dec. 14 30 Foot.
.Mann," Kobert 19 Mav 90 Foot.
Mantjitid, William " 21 .\pril 22 Foot.
Marsh, Thomas 11 Nov. I
Loft's Rcc. Co.
Masterroan, John > June 0210 Dragoons.
Masters, Janits 1814;i Provisional Batt. of Militia.
Mcrrie, William ) Aug. 10 2 Dragoons.
Miiticinter, Tlivmas 1 Life Guards.
Miller, Gcorpe 1 31 2 Life Guards.
Mintray, Jolin 12 May 92 Foot.
Minikin, John :10 June 73 Foot.
Mitchell, Henry .Oct. 1 8 Dragoons.

Moore, George 18 Dec. 57 Foot.

Moore, John '20 Oct. 1 .Not. 16> 3 Garrison Battalion.
9 Morg:an, John" j
1 Jan. 2 IDec. 3 o2 Foot. '

Morris, William ]lo Oct. 1 19 Foot.

MulhoUand, Andrew 28 May 1 14 18 Foot.
Mulligan, Richard 30 Jan. 03 .1(1 Foot.

Newell, John . . 25 Nov. 11 I Dragoon Guards.

Nickson, John 25 Mar. 16 1 Dragoon Guards.

North, William 2 Life Guards.

19 O'Brien, Bartholomew " 1 Feb. 27 17 July 3o|.5 Dragoon Guards.

Ottey, John"" 30 July 00 18 Sept. 3560 Foot,

Page, William 12 Foot.

Palmer, Samuel Cinque Ports Fcncible Cavalry.
Paterson, Charles Princess Royal's Own Fen. Cav.
Pattle, Daniel Moss Norfolk Fencible Cavalry.
Pegley, Robert 24 Feb. 20 4 Koyal Veteran Battalion.
S£l Perrio, William 7 Dec. 2625 35,2 Dragoons.
Peters, John James (Z,M2Dec.l8)| 12 Feb. 24 1 June 3828 Foot.
Petto, Samuel 13 April 09,25 Mav I
1 Foot.
Pilton, William I Jan. 13 1 July Royal Artillery Drivers.
Pittard, Thomas Oxford Fencible Cavalry.
)3 Powell, John " 2] Jane 10 7 April 3' 77 Foot.
^ Pratt, Darid (Comet, 5 Sept
25 Jan. 1623 Sept. 36 16 Dragoons.
11 ; iiew/. 26 0ct. 12)"
Price, Samuel Pembroke Fencible Cavalry.
Proudfoot, William Perth Fencible Cavalry.

Quaile, Robert Orr 17 Dragoons.

Rcid, .Archibald 28 Nov. 0530 Dragoons.

Rcndell, John Gill |l4 Mar. 1 25 Feb. 1640 Foot.
tai Reynolds, Richard |
9 Mar. 09 12 Feb. 24 1 West India Regiment.
Rice, Tliomas Cinque Ports Fencible Cavalrj'.
Roberts, James 25 Feb. 1416 Dragoons.
Roberts, John l28 April 08 81 Foot.
Hodgers, William |26 May 25 1 .May 28 66 Foot.
Rogers, Thomas Dec. 1 8 25 Dragoons.
Rusher, John [20 April 26 8 June 38 83 Foot.
Russell, Richard 25 Jan. 20 25 Dragoons.
Ruttledge, John 25 Dec. 099 Dragoons.
Ryall, John Dumfries Fen. Cav.

Salter, Robert 20 Nov. 94 Fife Fen, Inf.

Quarter- Masters.

Sanderson, Jos. Prossor .... 28 May 07 28 May 1847 Foot.

Satchell, Carrol (Ens. 6 July, 16) 7 Mar. 22 3 Royal Veteran Battalion,
Sawyers, Edtcard 30 AprU 12 6 Royal Veteran Battalion.
Sewell, William 20 Jan. 14 25 Feb. 19 Sta£F"Corps of Cavalry.
Shaw George 12 Feb. 07 1 May 17 8 Foot.
Shirley, John 14 Sept. 26 1 Jan. 31:Roval Horse Guards.
?lSa Sldley, George 14 April 08 |23 Foot.
Simpson, Edward 1 Jan. 31 12 Life Guards.
Smart, Robert 3 AprU 07 6 Foot.
Smith, James 25 Jan. 13;16 Dragoons.
Smith, John 15 May 17,9 Dragoons.
Smith, Samuel 15 June 03 23 Dragoons.
Smith, Thomas 23 Sept. 04 28 Dragoons.
Staples, John ,, 29 Oct. 22 2 Ceylon Regiment
Steel, Joseph 1 Jan. 31 1 Life Guards.
Stephens, John ^^ 14 Sept. 9 Dec. 31 African Corps.
Stevens, George 13 Aug. 28 July 25 5 West India Regimentv
SUE Stewart, James 16 April 25 Oct. 21 36 Foot.

Stott, Christopher 1 June 181 Life Guards.

JJ Stubbs, Joshua 5 May

26 June 35 48 Foot.
Sutherland, George 7 Mar. Rothsay and Caithness Fen. Inf.
aSa Thompson, William 6 May 7 Apr. 37 Scots Fusilier Guards.
Thomson, Joseph 11 Mav 4 Royal Veteran Battalion.
Thomson, William 17 Mar. 25 Dec. 14 22 Foot.
Trower, George 13 Aug. 25 Oct. 21 41 Foot.
ffiSa Troy, Thomas 6 Aug. Royal Horse Guards.

fflSa Varley, Thomas .

Dec. 22 Royal Horse Guards.

ffiSaWaddell, William 8 July 1 Dragoons.

Wagstaff, William 24 Oct. Mar. 16 1 Dragoon Guards.
Wales, John 25 April 15;6 Dragoons.
Wallis,Samuel ^ 1 Feb. 3 Not. 37|69 Foot.
Walsh, William IQi June 21 Foot.
?15E Watmough, Peter 2 Feb. Royal Horse Guards.
Watson, John Thomas 10 Oct. :6 Mar. 185 Foot.
Webster, William 1 Jan. 31 12 Life Guards.
^ Weston, Charles '^ 28 Dec. Aug. 33'Scots FusiUer Guards.
Wilkinson, WilUam 2 Life Guards.
Williamson, David 25 April Breadalbaue Fen. Inf.
Wilton, Samuel 25 June 02 2 Dragoon Guards.
Winkworth, William Cambridge Fen. Cav.
Witham Robert 17 Feb. 20 84 Foot.
Wood, Thomas Cambridge Fen. Cav.
Worslcy, Jas. {Ens. 25 Oct. 15)=" 9 Mar. 11 Foot.
Wright, Thomas =' 11 Aug. '
Aug. 38 9 Dragoons.
Wynne, Rich. Miles 25 Dec. 1814 3 Prov. Bn. of Mil.

Yates, Joseph I
9 April 12,25 June 17|83 Foot.

Notes to the Quarter-Masters.

1 Quarter-Muster Blackier served the campaign in Spain under Sir John Moore, from
Not. 1808 to Jan. 180y. Served also the campaign of 1815, including the battle of
2 Quarter-Master Booth served the campaign in Spain from Oct. 1808 to Jan. 1801).
3 Quarter-Master Brew served the campaigns of 1812, l.'i, and 14 in Nortli America,
including the actions of Stouey Creek and Chrjstler's Farm, at which latter he was
4 Quarter-Master Cameron served in the Peninsula, France, and Flanders from May
1813 to Oct. 1818. including the battles of tlie Pyrenees (28th, 29th, and ;iOth July),
Nivelle, Kive, Toulouse, Quutre Bras, and Waterloo. Engaged in quelling the late insur-
rection in Upper Canada.
5 Quarter. Jlasttr Carr's services :— Campaign in Holland in 1/99; wounded in the
right leg by a musket-shot and taken prisoner at the battle of Egmont-op-Zee. Egyptian
campaign of 1801. B.ittle of Maida, 1806'. Peninsular campaigns from July 1808 to Jan.
180y, and from Oct. 1812 to the end of the war, including the battles of V'imiera, Corunna,
Vittoria, P)Tenees, Orthes, and Toulouse.
6 Quarter-Master Castray served in the Peninsula from Jan. 1808 to Jan. 1809, and from
May 1810 to the end of the war, including the following battles, sieges, &c. viz. Roleia,
Vimiera, Lugo ( wounded in the head), Corunna, Fuentes d'Onor, bridge of Almeida, Ciudad
Rodrigo, Badajoz (3rd operation, and wounded in the head and the leg at the assault), Vit-
toria, Pyrenees, San Sebastian, Nivelle, Nive, Bridge of Vera (wounded through the knee),
Orthes, and Toulouse.
7 Quarter-Master Davidson served the campaigns of 1814 and lb in Holland, Flanders,
and France, including the action at Merxem, bombardment of Antwerp (wounded), storming
of Bergen-op-Zoom, battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo (twice wounded), and Capture of
8 Licnt. and Quarter-Master Dewson served the campaign of 1814 in Holland under
Lord Lynedoch.
9 Quarter-Master T. W. Edwards served in the East Indies from Nov. 1796 to 1830,
during which long period he was actively employed in nearly all the campaigns and engage-
ments wliich took place, commencing witli the battle of Malavelly, and terminating with the
Burmese war. Medal for the capture of Seringapatam.
10 Quarter-Master Hanna was present at the assault and capture of Badajnz, battles of
Salamanca and Vittoria, and siege of San Sebastian. Served in the American war in 1814
and 15, and was present at Washington, Baltimore, and New Orleans. Served also the
campaign of 1815 including the battle of Waterloo.
11 Quarter-Master HouL'hton has seen a great deal of active service in the East Indies,
where he served from April" 1810 to Oct. 1819.
12 Quarter-Master Samuel Johnson sened in the Peninsula from June 1809 to the end
of the war, including the battle of .\lbuhera. Served afterwards in the American war.
13 Quarter-Master Kinkce served in the Peninsula, France, and Flanders from Jan. 1813
to the end of the war, including the action at Morales de Toro, and battles of Vittoria,
Pyrenees, Orthes, and Waterloo.
14 Quarter-Master Kyle's services : —
Siege and capture of Copenhagen in 1807. Cam-
paign in Portugal and Spain in 1808 and 9, including the battles of Roleia and Vimiera.
Expedition to Walcheren in 1809, including the siege and capture of Flushing. Campaigns
in the Peninsula from June 181210 the end of the war, including the siege of San Sebastian,
and battles of the Pyrenees, Nivelle, and Orthes. Latter part of the American war, in-
cluding the sieee of Fort Erie.
15 Quarter- Master Lewis's services. —
Campaign in Spain and battle of Corunna. Ex-
pedition to Walcheren, 1809. Peninsular Campaigns from 1811 to the end of the war.
16 Quarter-Master M'Pherson served in Ireland during the rebellion in 1798, including
the battle of Baliynamuck. Served also at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope in 1806,
and was present at the battle of Blueberg.
1 Quarter-Master Mansfield served during twenty years in the East Indies, including
the storming of Fort Barrabatty in 1803, where he wa-s wounded, and the Slahratta cam-
Notes to the Quarter- Masters.

pai^s of 1804, 5, & G under Lord Lake. Served also at the capture of the Isle of France
in 1810.
18 Quarter- Master Morgan, with the exception of a few months, served throughout the
whole of the Peninsular war, including the following battles, sieges, &c. viz. Corunna,
Almeida, Busaco, Pombal, Redinha, Miranda de Corvo, Condeixa, Foz d'Aronce Sabugal,
Fuentes d'Onor, Ciudad Rodrigo, (a volunteer on the storming party, and wounded in the
left leg), and Badajoz, again a volunteer on the storming party, and severely contused on
the head.
19 Quarter-Master O'Brien served in the Peninsula from August 1811 to the end of the
war, including the action at Llerena (wounded), and battles of Vittoria, Ortlies, and
20 Quarter-Master Ottey served at the Helder in 1799, including the actions of the
27th August, 10th and lyth Sept. 2nd and (Jth October. Served afterwards in the East
Indies from Jan. 1803 to Aug. 1815, including the siege of Bhurtpore, expedition to the
Persian Gulf in 1809, and capture of the Isle of France.
21 Quarter-Master Powell served in the East Indies from May 1788 to Sept. 1807, in-
cluding the reduction of Cannanore, campaign against Tippoo terminating at Seringapatam
14th Feb. 1792 capture of Cochin 20th Oct. 1795
; ; capitulation of Columbo and its de-
pendencies, 16th Feb. 1796 ;
campaign against Tippoo in 1799, including the affair of
Seedasseer, and the reduction of Seringapatam ; assault and capture of Jamalabad, Sept.
1799 campaign against Doondia Waugli campaign in Wynaad (severely wounded through
; ;

the left wrist by a musket-shot on a reconnoitring party 22nd Jan. 1801) ; assault of Pan-
galamcourchy assault and capture of Anakenuy. Served also in the Peninsula from June

1811 to the end of the war.

22 Lieut, and Quarter-Master Pratt served in the Peninsula from April 1809 to the end
of the war, including the passage of the Douro, and battles of Talavera, Busaco, Fuentes
d'Onor, Salamanca, Vittoria, and investment of Bayonne. Served also at Bhurtpore under
Lord Combermere.
23 Quarter-Master John Stephens served in the Nepaul war in the East Indies.
24 Quarter-Master Stubbs served at the blockade of Malta in 1800 and in the Peninsula

from June 1809 to the end of the war, including the battles of Talavera and Busaco, siege
and capture of Badajoz, and battles of Vittoria, Pampeluna, Orthes, and Toulouse.
25 Quarter-Master Wallis served in the Burmese war.
26 Quarter-Master Weston served with the expedition to Hanover in 1805, and with that
to Copenhagen in 1807. Served also in the Peninsula from 30th Dec. 1808 to the end of
the war, including the passage of the Douro and capture of Oporto, battles of Busaco and
Fuentes d'Onor, siege of Ciudad Rodrigo, covering the siege of Badajoz, battle of Sala-
manca, capture of Madrid, siege of Burgos, battle of Vittoria, siege of San Sebastian,
passage of the Bidassoa, actions at Bidart (9th to 13th Dec), passage of the Adour, invest-
ment of Bayonne, and repulse of the sortie from thence.
27 Quarter- Master Worsley proceeded to Naples under Sir James Craig in 1805, and
served in the Light Brigade under General Kempt in the following years landed at Messina,

and was at the destruction of the enemy's gun-boats in the Bay of Bagno also in the Bay

of St. Eupliemia, with the division of gun-boats under Lieut. Colonel O'Toole. Served
also at the capture of the Islands of Ischia and Procida; and has been upwards of twenty
times engaged with the enemy's gun-boats.
- 28 Quarter-Master Thomas Wright served in South America in 1807 under General
Whitelock also at Walcheren, including the siege of Flushing in 1809 under Lord

. 1


P Robinson, Edward Cooke. . . .Vii Oct. 16
9 Ailanis, Jospph llollinewortli. iO Jan. 37I p St. Reniy, P. C. Lelierre do. . Ill July 21
Bcthune, D. (Lieut.-Col.).. Irt July
9!!, Schmidchen, .Vucustus 27 July 12
fa Bi>^.|, *-,r John, KCII 31 Jnly 111 SinKer,Paulus.Emilius,(/rc/nnrf. / 1 .April 00
CockswtsTf, Henry -JO Jan. 37 Somcrville. .Alexander July 21
9 Dalr>-niplc, Sir Charles *» Jan. '-! fa Spurrier, John 10 Sept. 30
C Dickens. James I!) July
21 \J .^trachan, .Alexander jlO Sept. 30
Drake, John

IS .\,|g. *V Sweetlnnd, John :)()

16 \ot. 02
Uniniuionil, James Oo Au<;. 08 TecMI, John, (Mutters) 19 \ov. 05
fa Uunmorc, Thomas Dec. 14 Telfer, Buclian Frascr '-25
25 Dec. 14
Oranet, .\ugustus -Ja Dec. 14 Wchb, William !l5 Jan. 22
fa Haines, Grecorv I30 Au''.
33 P Wemyss, William '25 Dec. 14
fa Kennedy, 5irR.H.KCH.KC.' 3 .\ov. Of: Welhered, Thomas 21 Mar. 07
Lu.<eombe, Tho. I'opliam lo Au". 2Cj 5 White, George
Prtric, William J20 Nov. 15
20 jan° 37 Wild, Henrj- James 20 Jan. 37
Turquand, Peter I9 juiy 21 Williams, Richard 28 June 38
Woo<i, Sir Gabriel 8 July oc Woodhouse, James, CMC.
7 June 25
Wright, Charles 19 Jul'v 21
CESER.VL. Allsopp, Robert 10 Sept. 30
.\IIan, 13 June 13, Arnold, Thomas

28 June 38
.\ndcrson, Richard John . IC .Aug. 1 1 Bailey, Michael 20 Jan. 37
5 .\uther, William

20 Jan. 37, Beech, AA'illiam 24 Feb. 10

fa Barney, Richard !l9 Julv 2I| Bimey, George. (/reZflnrf.)
125 June 08
It<nt, Thomas Hamlvn 19 .Alar. 07j J3 CamUhers, Darid
Booth, William .'
!24 Feb. 10
fa . 18 Dec. 18 fa Chalmers, .Andrew '20 Jan.
Boycs, Robert
: . . 37
fa 7 Nov. 09 Chiaranda, Francis Leonard
Brown, Richard
[ . . . . 'lO Sept. 30
2,9 .Mav 9:iChild, George 4 .Mav 15
Brown, William 10 JulV 21 Colvill, Robert,

Ireland.) 23 Feb. 09
Couche, Edward ,12 .Aug. 0(' Courtenay, George Townscnd ..26 Sept. 00
fa Cummini, William 10 Sept. Cramer, Henry John
Oaniell, Francis
4 Mav 15 !

I 2 Feb. 07 Crookshank, George 3 .Aug. 14 '

faDobrec, John Saumarez 7 June 25: Daniel, John Edgecumbe

23 Nov. 27
Fcmandes, .\IcxBnder 21 .Mar. 05 David.^on, Peter Eraser 19 July 21
Forh<«, Cliaries John 25 Jnlv
Forbes, John
15| Dillon, William (/rc/nnrf.) ...25 June 03
19 Jtilv 21, Dinwiddle, Gilbert Hamilton .. 28 June 38
9 Oauntlett, William 18 .Mar. 12' Engelbach, Thomas Lewis .... I Mav 01
^ Greive, William 3 Feb. 13 Ely, Ernest 20 Jan. 37
Hacenaii. John Frederick.

. . 25 Dec. 14 Francklin, James Boutincau 31 Mar. 14

Havwanl. William {20 Jan. 37 Funniilge. William 7 June 25 |
Hill, Ilui^h <20 Jan. 37 Gcl>ton,Tliomas (/«/a>K/.) 25 June 03
Hopkins, .<amuel Dec. 14 Gilbert, Henry
Humphreys, John Thomas
9 .Mav 17
. 2 April 10 Gilmor, Robert 'lO Jan. 14
Hunter, Henr%- Lannov 31 Mav 98', James (Ireland.) I
1 Jan. 99
fa Laitllev, John
20 Jan'. 37 9 Gomm. Richard Stonier Nov. 14 1
fa Uidley, WUUam 20 Jan. 37 Grant. John (Ireland.) I
00 1 .April
Low, Isaac 25 May 97 Grellier, George I
Feb. 07
fa Lukin. WillUm 2 Sept. 14 Grindlay, Robert [SO July 25
9 Lutvcns, Charles 26 June Oil Hanagan, AVilliam (Ireland.) . . 24 May 98
.Mackay, William 7 June 25| fa Head, Sir George 25 Dec. 14
Malassez, Nicholas 20 Jan. 37i Heydinger, AA'illiam Charles . . 25 Mav 13
Maturin, William 10 Sept. 30| Hughes, William (Ireland.).. . .\-2^ Sept.
Mil.,, GL-,,r...e 06
8 Sept. 10; Kearney, Tlinmas Iio Aug. P
C M...r,. (;,.,„pe 10 Sept. 3<>| Kupcr, .Augustus '28 Nov.

fa > u-'i II t ( iio.Steph. N. Hodges 22 Oct.
IC Lane, John [-25 Dec. 14
P Uiiilvie, James Mar. 12 Le<lwith, William (/re/<>n<t) ..35 -Mar. 14
Osbom, Thomas June 3f Lithgow, AVilliam
Ramsav.Tliomas \rharton fe Oct 16
128 Jujie 31^ y M'Leud, Donald
l25 Dec.
406 14
. .. ...

Commissariat Department.

^ M'Xal), Duncan Sept. Eyl, John Geo 25 Dec.

Macdont'li, Hugh Aug. Faxardo, Angus. Maria Guax . . 25 Dec.
Matthey, Alphonso Nov. Finlay, John 23 Mav
Nightingale, Allen Jackson . Nov. Fitzgerald, James David 22 Oct.
Palmer, Coustantine John . Feb. Freeborn, John 25 Dec.
^ Priestley, William Plenry.. July Gilbert, Tliomas Morley 4 May
Pryce, Josiah Oct. 39 Gillespie, Joshua 24 Jan.

Ragland, William Jan. ; Graham, Frederick 22 Oct.

Ragueneau, Charles Sept. ; Greig, William 25 AprU
P Riddell, Archibald do Grist, James Bond 19 July
Rogerson, Ralph Mar. Gunning, Charles 24 Jlay
Ross, William June I Harper, Charles 22 Oct.
Skelton, Thomas Lourey . . . Oct. Harris, Anthony Charles 25 Dec.
Swainson, William Mar. Hazard, Joseph 19 July !

Swinney, George Jan. ; Hodsou, James 25 Dec. '.

^ Trotter, Alexander do Hoifay, Ernest Albert do

White, Thomas .
July : Home, James do
^ Wilkinson, John Waiter . Aug. Le Mesurier, Henry 4 May :

33 Wood, John April Llufriu, Bartliolomew 22 Oct.

Woolrabe, John Jan. I Malassez, Cha. Thomas 20 May !

3J Wybault, Patrick Robert.. Dec. Marter, Thomas Peter 4 May :

Yeoland, George Sept. ; Montgomerie, Frederick 22 Oct. :

39 O'Meara, William 9 Mar. :


SARIES GENERAL. Petrie, Samuel ;5 Dec. ;

Alder Benjamin .22Oct. Richardson, Fran. Moseley . . do .

Anderson, John David 11 Oct. Robinson, Augustus Facey .... 25 April

Bain, George 20 May 28 Robinson, AYilliam 3 April i

Bayley, Thomas 10 Aug. ] 1 Rodney, Hon. Mortimer 27 Aug. ]

Baynes, Sir E. Stuart, KCMG. 16 Dec. 13 39 Schaumann, Augustus !6Dec. ]

Beltz, Samuel 31 Mar. 14 39 Schmitter, John Solomon 3 Feb. . ]

Billings, Francis 9 Sept. 14 Selater, Wm. Salusbury 3 April ;

19 Birch,Augustus 22 Oct. 16 Sedgwick, Thomas 2 July 1

^ Boyes,Geo. Tlios. Wm. Blaney 3 Feb. Sisson, Marcus Jacob 22 Oct. 1

Brock, John Savery .... 25 Dec. 14 Smith, Tho. Tringham 9 Nov. ]

Browne, Joseph Steere .19 July 21 Stanton, William 19 July •

Byndloss, Edward 31 Dec. 13 Stayner, Thos. Allen 11 May ]

Calder, Patrick 2 Jan. 13 Streatfield, Wm. Sandeforth 4 May . ]

Campbell, James 15 Jan. 22 Thornton, Charles 13 July ]

^ Charlier, Joseph 25 Dec. 14 Thynne, Henry Dec. " ]

Coates, William 1 Oct. 13 Tidmarsh, Charles 29 Dec. ]

Curran, Boaventura Rom 25 Dec. 14 Turner, Thomas 22 Oct. 1

David, John 11 Oct. Wathen, Augustus 25 Dec. 1

Davies, Peter 16 Jan. Whitehead, Hen. Lowe do

Davis, Lionel 4 Jan. 14 Wickens, James Feb. 1

Dilke, William 22 Oct. 16 Withers, George i U Mar. 1

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.. .

Medical Department.
13 Abell, 4 Nov. April 06 15 July 13 60 Foot.
Abercrombie, John 9 June 98 Mar. 99 19 July 00J60 Foot.
Adams, James 9 Mar. 04 Oct. 04 15 April 4 Ceylon Reg.
Allan, Colin, MD May 06 25 Mar. Staff.
^ AUardyce, James never Aug. 01 30 May 5 Garr. Batt.
^3 Amiel, Romaine ^^ 1 Nov. 94 1790 14 Feb. 1 R. Vet. Batt.

P Anderson, Andrew, MD.'^ 1 Mar. 05 Feb. 08 15 June Staff.

Anderson, Charles 5 July Scotch Brigade.
^3 Anderson, Tiiomas 25 June 95 June 98 4 April 3 Foot
Annesley, Charles, MD.^'' .... 12 Jan. May 08 21 Jan. 2 Dragoons.
^3 Armstrong, Arch. Nicholls never May 04 21 July 5 R. Vet. Batt.
Arnott, Archibald, MD never i
Dec. 96 23 Aug. 20 Foot.
Ayton, Robinson 23 Sept. 05 May 06 10 Sept. 34 Foot.
Bacot, John never '.

July 03 9 June 21 Dragoons.

Baird, John, MD 8 July Jan. 13 12 Dec. Staff.
Banks, Samuel 20 June Staff.
P Thomas ="
Batt, 9 Dec. 05 > April 06 15 July 7 Foot.
Beck, Edward 19 Dec. Aug, 11 Nov. Ordnance.
Beckett, Thomas {Sacoy) 8 July Staff.
13 Berry, Titus never 24 June Staff.
Black, Ebenezer 19 May 06 21 Jan. 18 Dragoons.
Blake, Andrew, MD never 16 Foot.
28 July
13 BoRgie, John, MD 17 Oct. > Jan. 01 15 Oct. Staff.
Sia Bolton, John never never 14 Sept. 7 West Ind. Reg.

Bolton, Robert Henry, MD 126 Nov. 07 ) Feb. 09 7 Oct. 78 Foot.
13 Boutflower, Charles never I April00 3 Sept. 12;Staff.
13 Boyle, Alexander, MD. .
21 Sept. 99 Dec. 99 12 Nov. 03Staff.
IJradley, Nicholas Phineas . 22 Sept. 04 , Aug. 06 11 Nov. 11 Ordnance.
Brady ,Jas.Patricius,Jl/i».(Dist.) Jan. > Dec. 02 3 Mar. 08 Staff.
Brandes, Christian Louis 2 July 07Staff.
13 Brown, Frederick, MD 19 May 08 I Jan. 10 8 Sep't. 25 73 Foot.
13 Brown, Joseph 19 Jan. 08 iFeb. 08 28 Oct. 13JStaff Corps of Cav.
Brown, Robert 8 July 99 Jan. 00 11 Dec. OOStaff.
Burton, Edward 9 Mav n .Jan. 13 1 June 26,Staff.
13 Byrtt, Wilham^' 18 Aug. 00 '
July 08 9 Sept. 13,24 Foot.
Cahill, Alexander 20 Aug. i Oct. 07 25 Aug. 09i25 Foot.
13 Ca Callander, John 1805 '
May 07:25 Mar. 13 R. Wagg. Tr.
Cam]-)bell, MD
Dougal, never Aug. 06 8 July 15 Ordnance.
Carnegie, John, MD Feb. 04 i Feb. 04 5 Sept. 11 62 Foot.
Carter, John never ) Sept. 03 2 Mar. 09 60 Foot.
Carver, Walter ) June 01 6 April 09 4 R. Vet. Battalion.
Cavenagh, James Gordon 28 Sept. 93 I Jan. 9921 Feb. 00 62 Foot.
SU3 Chenevix, Geo. (Surg.-Maj
4 Sept. 36) Dec. 12,24 Feb. 25 Coldstream Guards.
Clark, Thomas |l6 Sept.
Cloak, Nicholas 10 Aug. 03 . Feb. 05 28 July
13 Coates, Edw. Fred. (Local) . never I
Aug. 07 10 Oct.
Coates, William Henry 8 April 94 never [lO June
13 Coldstream, John 3 April 94 I Oct. 02,25 Sept.
13Jia Collins, John, MD 17 July 08 Dec. 0828 Mar. 16
Coombe, Charles never April 01 14 Nov. 05
Cooper, Samuel 7 Jan. 13 |26 May
Corfield, Charles ; 13 Sept. 90 ;Dec. 9625 Feb.
Cotgrave, Jonathan 7 Feb. never
13 Coulson, Alexander April 00
l3 Cross, 7 Jan.
Cuddy, Stephen never
Cunningham, Alexander"" 13 July 04
13 Davics, Daniel Owen" 20 April 10
Davies, Henrv, MD 3 Aug,
13 Dealey, C!iarles«= Feb.
Desailly, Joseph July 99
Dick, John never
Dickinson, Nodes 17 Oct. 95
.. .

Medical Department.

Docker, Tlioinas ',

iievi-r 3 .\ug. 15'Staff.

t) 5 JLl Douglas, Uol»rt May 01 G June 05 West India Hangers.
June 0-2

Kustim, John never 12 May 98 2.3

.\pr. 09 15 Dragoons.
K^uii, Mylob 3 Dee. 93131 Foot.
{) listo, Mkliui'l Lainbtou*^ .. ..! never 4 Sept. 00 3 Oct. 12 1 Life Guards.
FiTris, Henry 28 .Mny !)7 June 07 1 Jan. 04 Ordnance.
Fitiptitrick, Nicholus -'o April oa 1 Jan 11 Nov. 11 Ordnance.
Fletcher, Joseph 7 July UO 4 .4pril 0(1 2 May 07 Ordnance.
19 Forster, Thouias I never 8 Dec. 03 2(1 July 10 3 Foot.
Foster, Francis •22 May 07i2fi .Sept, 0550 Foot.
9 Fruser, -Vrch. Campbell (never Dec. 08120 July 15 Staff.
^ Freir, John, Ml) Jan. OS) k; Nov. 00,24 Fib. 25 97 Foot.

U {.11 Galliers, William -2 .May 03 20 Mur. 04|ll> J^cpt. 07 Staff., Oeorae, -VZ) 1 .May 97! -1 ^ept. or. 18 June 12 70 Foot.
|) {.5.1 Gibson, J. Bnshby (Jiig.)'. 8 Auff. 03:17 Sept. 03 7 Di 09 Staff.
tjibson, RobtTt never
I 8 Dec. 04 23 Nov. 20 Grenadier Guards.
Gill, wyiittiM i28 Nov. 03', 1 Jlay 05 3 Mar. 08 IKt Foot.
(iillham. John Allen l.j Mar. 9!) 19 May 01 Coldstream Guards.
Tfi (ihisco, John(«f(7.) .... never ,21 April 08| 8 Feb. IG Staff.

^ Giwdrieh, Robert** 2 May 12[11 13| 8 Feb. 27 G Foot.

Grant, John never 11 April OOll.i Oct. 03 Staff.
D JM Grant, nob.rt never llo June 97127 .\ug. 03 Staff.
tiriive, William I
1 May 97,77 Foot.
P Griffith, John G April OG 7 -May 07 17 Sept. 12 Staff.
V Hamilton, Arthur'- 15 Feb. 0917 May 10120 001. 2545 Foot.
Hamilton, Charles never 20 April 09,27 Jan. 20 54 Foot.
Hamilton, Gavin I
30 Aug. 994G Foot.
Hamilton, Heury never '2G Oct. n4|lOAug. O9I13 Foot.
9 Harper, William 29 Oct. 9523 June 04 \'> Oct. 12Stuff.
Hay, \\ m. .\Icxander never never 12 Jan. gCvScots Fusilier Gds.
{I iUinc, Henry never never j
21 April 01 Staff.
Heir, .Matthew 1797 27 Nov. 02 2 Nov. 04.00 Foot.
Henley, John never 4 Aug. 08,13 June IG Staff.
Ilichens, Hiclianl never 1 Sept. (Mi 22 Julv loOrdnancc.
Hodson, John, MD. {Beg.) 23 May 01 Sept. 12 29 Oct. 12!staff.
9 HopK, Thomas 8 Sep't. 94 30 Nov. 97|22 Jan. 07(7(! Foot.
Home, Gcortre 12 May 15,18 Aug. 25123 Sept. 3(i;85 Foot.
Hor^man, William 3 Jan. 8271 Foot.

|) Ilosack, James never l22 Oct. 07 25 May OUiStaff.

Huu'Ik^, James never never t
3 Prov. Iln. of .Mil.
|) Hnmfrey, Kichartl 8 April 94 never 18 Nov. 95 Staff.
Hutebesiion, Francis Pery . 1 Aug. 051 1 Aug. OG 20 Nov. 13 Ordnance.
Jackson, Tliomas'' 2.-jOet. 9511 Sept. 97 25 Jan. 00 14 Foot.
Jameson, David, MJ) 10 June 06,15 Oct. 07 6 Mar. 17.1 Dragoons.
fl>, Fri-deriek never 6 July 04 25 Mar. 13,Staff.
9 Johnson, Edward, MD. . April 07 19 Nov. 07 15 July 13,39 Foot.
PJimcs, William, A/il."' .. never ,12 May 03 9 Mar. 09,1 Dragoon Guards.
tJ JM Jonc8,William,.Vil.(iiffy.) 12 Nov. 05'21 Nov. 05 3 Sept. 12 Staff.
Kthy, William Hi June Olj 8 Oct. 03 11 Nov. 11 Ordnance.
Kell, James Hutler never 25 Feb. 04 10 Feb. 14 1 Foot.
Kt'llot'k, .Alexander. i25 Dec. 82 Queen's Amer. Ran.
{} Kittle, William . Aug. OSllO April OCae Aug. 13 49 Foot.
9 Kiiidell, .\lexander 15 Oct. 03i 3 Dec. OSp Sept. 14 Staff.
Uath, John, A/ZJ. .. 1 Jan. 05 12 April 10 Staff.

Ledbrooko, Tobias . never never I

1 Prov. Bn. ofMil. 1

9 Un is, John 25 Sept. 9924 Mar. 03|28 .Mar Ki.York Chasseurs.

.M-.\rtliur. James, MD. (Rfg.fyii Ian. 14 27 April 15.14 April 25:Staff.
never '' "'
"2 Sept. 07|-3<1 Sept. 2GOrdnancc.
iil M'D.inahl, Alexander, ,V/).j :
' ' '

Mtiriiior, John, .UiJ never 1 .Vug. 00! 8 July 1 5,OrdnaDce.


Maekechnie, .\ndrrw never 9 July 04.30 July I2Staff Corps.


)3 >!• 1-ean, Daniel 8 Sept. 03 8 Oct. 0320 July OOStaff.

M- Mullen, Stephen, MD 25 June 9!) 18 Nov. I3;staff.
.»/ooir/Aiir, Peter" |24 May !>5 8 Pec. 04j 5 Sept. ttVl H. Vet. not.
Slac Donnell, James, MI) 29 Nov. 13 14 Dec. liiai Sept. 30;57 Foot,

Medical Department.

}^Macnish, WiUiaui, MD 4 Aug. 04 6 June 23 Foot.

Macredie, Thomas 3 Mar. 0824 Jan. 71 Foot.
Mann, George (Reg.) 30 Aug. 17 Mar. 03 3 July Staff.
Markliam, Henry Wm.^^ 11 June 3 Dec. 07 2 Dec. 56 Foot.
1& Marstliii,William (Reg.) 25 Mar. 97 24 Aug. Staff.
i? fflSaMatthews, James, MD. 8 July 19 Dee. 9 July Staff.
Mein, Pulteney, never 25 Dec. 3 May 73 Foot.
Melville, Alexander, MD 24 Mar. 10 Sept. 07 26 Sept. Staff.
Millar, Archibald (Reg.) 7 Nov. 15 Dec. 04 12 April Staff.
Moffat, David never 1 June 1 June 3 Ceylon Reg.
Morgan, John 11 Dec. 2 Oct. 16 Feb. Ordnance.
Mode, Wni. Burgess 19 Mar. 23 Sept. 2 Nov. 59 Foot.
Murray, John 28 Oct. 25 Dec. 96 17 July 19 Dragoons.
O'Brien, John Terence 28 May 94 FooL
O'Connor, James, MD 1 June never 16 Sept. 22 Dragoons.
^9 Paddock, John 25 Nov. 4 April 2 Oct. Staff.
Parker, Wm. John Brown 19 Oct. 8 Nov. 3 Aug. 19 Foot.
Paton, William, {DM.) 26 Dec. 4 June Staff.
Peach, George, (Reg.) 11 Mar. 4 April 15 Aug. Staff.
Pollok, William, MD 8 Sept. 24 Oct. 8 Oct. 53 Foot.
Poole, Matthew, MD never never 30 June Staff.
i3 Pooler, John 10 Oct. 16 June 9 July Staff.
2121 Powell, James 11 Dec. 4 June 28 May Ordnance.
Preston, John 30 July Staff.
T$ Prichard, Octavius 21 Jan. 25 Feb 13 May New Brunsw. Fen.
^9 Purdon, George never 7 May 30 Sept. 32 Foot.
Purdon, Henry, MD 1 April never 20 June Staff.
Pyper, Robert, MD 2 Dec. 25 June 30 Jan. 4 Dragoon G uards.
Radford, John Hopkins, (DM.). Sept. 25 May 9 April Staff.
Reynolds, Michael (Beg.) 1 May 26 July 1 Dee. Staff.
13 Ridgway, T. H. MD. (Heg.)'' 9 Mar. 30 July 5 Nov. Staff.
Roberts, William never 7 No' 05 29 Oct. 1 Foot.
y Robertson, Henry, MD Sept. 09 25 Fell. Staff.
Robertson, William 9 July 0513 Oct. 06 29 Julv 13 41 Foot.
y 5iJ9 Robinson, Benjamin 22 Oct. 94 never Feb. 12 Dragoons.
Rowe, George never 25 Aug. 0018 June Malta Reg.
19 Salmon,Edw. (S?(?-(/.-il/(T;or, )
4 Dec. 23.)" . . .
never 25 May 08 Scots Fusilier Gunrds
IP Sandford, R.Walthall (Beg.)''- 26 June ( 26 Nov 9 Sept. Staff.
Sandieman, John 17 Mar. ( 16 Mar. 12 Oct. Ordnance.
Saverv, John Robert 17 Feb. I 1 June 28 Dec. 1 West India Reg.
IP 212a Scott, Francis, MD.'" . never 14 May 25 Jan. Rifle Brigade.
iP 21ffii Scott, Robert, MD 24 June 1 5 Nov. 8 Nov. Staff.
Scratchley, James 30 June ( 1 Aug. 11 Nov. Ordnance.
\) Shekleton, Robert never 5 Nov. 9 Sept. 51 Foot.
."^helley, John Nichols 13 July ( 22 Aug. 25 Feb. 1 Greek Light Inf.
Sillcock, Isaac 11 May ( 10 Mar. 16 Feb. 12 Foot.
Smet, John Francis 3 Oct. i 25 Dec. 9 Aug. 53 Foot.
19 Smyth, William never 7 April 23 Aug. 45 Foot.
IP Spence, William 3 Oct. ( 20 Nov. 4 Feb. Staff.
Spencer, Richard 7 April ( 5 Jmie 9 July York Rangers.
IP Stanford, Jos. Arthur, JlfZ).. 22 Oct. { 25 Oct. 4 Jan. Cape Reg.
IP 212a Steed, George, MD 4 Mar. C 15 Aug. 17 Jan. 1 Dragoons.
Stewart, Charles never 12 Sept. 26 Nov. 07 25 Foot.
IP Stewart, John Edmonstoune 10 Dec. 1 25 June 2 Nov. 30j84 Foot.
IP Stratton, Robert 25 Sept. i 21 Mar. 3 Oct. OSStaff.
IP Taberper, John, MD 3 Nov. 22 July 09Staff.
IP Taylor, John 4 Sept. E never April 99;Staft'.
Tedlie, Edward, MD.'" never 14 Nov. 04, 9 Dec. 34|25 Foot.
Thom, Alexander never 9 Mar. .30 Aug. 99 Staff'.
Thomas, Thomas 7 Feb. 80 93 Foot.
Thomson, John, MD 21 Sept. 15Staft'.
Thornton, William, 9 Sept. I
13 July 6 Oct. 0899 Foot.
Trevor, .\ndre\v^' Sept. 1 never 9 May 94^33 Foot.
. .

Medical Department.

Tucker, Jolin Sept. never 18 Mar. 95 Stafl".

TunuT, William g Juni' 15 Mav 02 9 Aug. 10;7 R. Vet. Bail.
D Vullaiicp, Williiin), MD 8 July 7 Dec. 09 19 Jan. 15 r.9 Foot.
^ 5 H Vuii Milliiigeii, J. G.,MD IC Mav 2(5 Jan. 02 Ifi Nov. 0>l.'*tuft'.
^ \ assail, William, MD 12 No (W 15 June Oil 24 Foot.
Vennciileii, Gcorjie 12 April 10 2 Dec. i:),<10 F.K)t.
Vi)lmar,li. BiT.(Apoth.l40ct.Oo) nerer 15 June OilStaff.
Wake, Baldwin .\pril i 6 May 95|lll Foot.
Walktr. J. Ilartliiiir, MI).'^ 25 Oct. t 22 Nov. 1592 Foot.
{)Walker, H.iL'er ( hambcrs 21 Feh. ! 3 Dec. 033 Dragoons.
% Wallaie, William 1 Feb. I never 11 Mav 9l!staff.
Wuril, John Richard 21 Aug. 06 4 Dee. 23 Scots Fus. Gds.
Warin;;, Charles GJuly 09 6 Jan. 14 5 Foot.
ill Watson, Sam. Wm. (Surg.- )
20 -Mar. 99 09 Grenadier Guards.
Maj. U
Nov. -24)
Wfst, Henry 4 Oct. 99 25 June 01 !7 Nov. 06 1 Dragoons.
White. John !o Mav never 25 Dec. 01 Staff.
White, Peter !1 Dee. 15 Nov. 10 7 Oct. 13 72 Foot.
lai Whymper, William, MD. . 14 Nov. 0, (5 Dee. 13 Coldstream Guards.
)P Widnier, Christopher 15 Aug. 05 24 Oct. 11 Staff.
\\illiams, James 1 Nov 12 June 04:84 Foot.
U Williams, John, MDP 5 May 05j20June 05 3 Sept. 12, Staff.
Williams, Richard. MB 9 Aug. 13|24 Feh. 14 29 Jmic 32(18 Foot.
9 Wood, Daviil, MI) 20 Mar. 00 2 Oct. 00 3 Nov. OS^'aff-
Woods, Thoma.s 19 Aug. 99.10 Aug. 99 19 Sept. 05 Staff.
Wri!.'ht. Rol>ert never never j2 Prov. Bn. of Mil.
Wyhrow, William never 26 Dec. 96 3 July 99 17 Dragoons.
9 'Wyldc, John Fewtrell 10 April 9814 Mar. 05 12 Feb. 07 7 R. Vet. Batt.
Young, Thomas 4 Dec. 1 Jan. 04 11 Nov. 11 Ordnance.
9 Youni;. Thomas " 10 Dec. 9 Sept. 13 4 May 26'! Foot.
Young, Colin, MD never 1 Mot. 98 15 Oct. 07,6 R. Vet. Batt.


Cowen, John 14 Nov. 97

9 Graham, John 10 April 08 never 31 Aug. 09
Hoffc, Philip 11 Aug. 95 never 21 April 04
Huirtran, Andrew . . 21 June 13 never 25 Nov. 13
5 Jones, Samuel Aug. 09 31 Auc. 09
^ Matthews, Richard. 20 Dec. 03 6 April 09
Maxwell, John 19 April 99 25 Dec. 02 11 July 05
.Uiddleton, George . . never never 7 Sept. 15
Xewton, John Hayne. 18 Oct. 95 never 28 May 07
O'Brien, Edward . . 20 June 98
9 Wheadon, William. 18 Oct. 10
White, Henry 14 April 04
Wightman, George . . . 25 Julv 03

Apreece, Thomas never iSl June 10 Ordnance.
Attree, William never 1 | Aug. 06 Ordnance.
Backhouse, Tliomas Dec. 12 24 Feb. 14 5 Royal Vet. Batt.
la Bartlett, James, MD .Mav 12|16 July 12 9 Royal Vet. Batt.
Beard, Thomas 12 Not. 12 Ordnance.
Benza, Pasquale Maria 8 Aug. 1526 Jan. Staff.
f) Bremner, .Alexander 6 July lOl 3 Sept. 12 3 Foot.
5551 Brishane, Thomas, MD. |I9 June 12| 3 June 13 58 Foot.
Br(»wne. Franris 12 Oct 20,24 July 28 2:i Foot.
Burke, Tliomas never 4 Aug.
I 08 27 Foot.
9 Campbell, .Alexander 24 Feb. 14'l3 Julv 15 3 Dragoon Guards.
Cannon, £nees, MD ill June 1 1 23 Julv II Ordnance.
n R 413
Medical Department.

Chislette, 15 Dec. 04 81 Foot.
Clarke, Charles Edward 4 June 01
Coleman, John never 31 A
Cooper, ]3ransby 20 May 12 Dee. 12
Cumin, William never 21 Mar. 16
Clippies, Charles 18 July 1 4 Dec,
Cnrtis, Thomas Venden 10 Nov. 1 29 Aug. 14
20 July 20 May 13
^ Develin, Henry William
Devitt, Mitchell, MD 26 May 15 8 Feb. 16
10 Dec. 33
Dolmage, Gideon never
Douglas, John Aug. 10 26 Sept,
Dumbreck, David, MD 3 N 12 Jan. 26
Dyasen, William
Dyce, Robert, MD 8 Feb. 21
Eddowes, James never
Emerson, Thomas 25 April 93
5121^ Evers, George 3 June 15
Fitzmauriee, George Lionel . . • 6 July 29
Fryer, William Henry 15 Dec. 20
FurniYall, John James, MD.. .
sua Gattv, Henry 26 April 13
19 Gibb, Wm.
Richardson, MD. 6 July 11
Hendrick, John, MD
^ Hewat, Richard 4 Jan.
Holden, Horatio Nelson 1 Feb.

Hollier, Edward
Hollmann, Joseph
Hug'gins, John 10 Jan.
|3 Hurst, James 10 June 12
Jarvis, James
luce, Henry Robert
Inglis, Charles never
Johnston, Arthur, MD July 11
Jones, John
Joseph, Lawrence Alfred 5 Dec. 26
Irwin, Walter Devereux
Kehoe, Patrick June 10
ffiSi Kenny, Matthias, MD. . . . never
Knott, William 16 June 15
La Cloche, Thomas 7 Nov. 97

59 Lawder, James
Ligertwood, Andretv 8 April 05
Locke, Wm. Oliver
Lukis, Thomas
^ aaa M'Clintock, Hugh
• M'Crae, Farquhar, MD
M'Culloch, Samuel
M'Gregor, Alexander, MD. . .

M'Laine, John
M'Lean, George Gordon ....
M'Swyny, Eugene, 3ID
MacBain, Giles
Martin, George
Martin, James
Millar, James, MD
Miller, John, MD
Millet, Edward, MD
Morgan, Evan
MuUarky, Daniel
Nixon, James
Nugent, Morgan
O'Bcirne, James, MD
O'Connor, J. MD
O'Toole, John
. .

Medical Department^

O'DonncU, John 7 Star. 14 2j Jan. 25177 loot.

Poett, Joseph Dec. 09,U Dec. 09'4 Roval Veteran Battalion.
Prii-c, Thomas 19 Feb. 0o|l3 Nov. oe'OC Foot.
fill Kalii^'h, Walter, MT) ':«) Not. 13 12 Oct. 14'0rdnance.
Kaiii'lauil, Mark Ali-xauiler i
never 2(1 June 09|Ordnancc.
Kaiikiii, Wni. Thomas, MD rib Jan. 2C 28 Sept. 2G;84 Foot.
Kiilly, William Staff.
Robins, Jacob William | |27 June 02 Corsicaii Rangers.
Holland, Jas. Flemlerson 29 Mav 2^"|2!)July Sojstaff.
K..SS, William Baillif, Ml> [
7 April 2.'iilCJnne 25.3 Roval Veteran Battalion.
3.0 Kuilgc, Eihvard -20 May 12 3 Dec. 12 Ordnance.
St. Croix,Benjamin do )14 Mav 1 Dec. 2.3Staff.
SpraKUe, John Hanmir May 14 June 108 Royal Veteran Battalion.
Spronlf, James Alex. . . I" -Mar. 14 2 Royal Veteran Battalion.
Swift, Richard never 10 Aug. 13(iO Foot.
Thompson, John never 1 Dec. 09 Ordnance.
tlToMn,John Dec. 09 19 Dec. 11 9 Drasoous.
Tiipliam. Jauifs .\nthonv Mav 2ojU May 26 10 Foot.
Tulhil. .Michael U. ...'. i 1 April 14|l9 Dec. UOrdnance.
Vcnal.lcs, Robert, MD 28 Hill Nov. UOrdnance.
iSX Venier, Edw. Donovan | !) June 13-9 Nov. 13jOrdnance.
VowcU. Christ. .Ma.x»ell 29 Mar. 18 Dec. 28i7.3 Foot.
JJ Walbran, Francis George " I
7 Oct. 12 -.24 Feb. 14 45 Foot.
Mebb, Buloyiie Gordon 2« Dec. 26 -9 July 30iStaff.
Wilkinson, John William j
28 Sept. Ol'Roval Marines.
William.*, David 20 Dec. 1312 Aug. 19:67 Foot.
Woodroff, John, MI) |
Dec. 26 June 19 Staff.


{) Hodges, Edward 29 June 09 9 Sept. 13

^ James, William 19 Mar. 00 29 June 09
Usher, William 13 Nov. 00 2 June 14


fi Bacon, Harry 21 Dec.

Bonuin, Henr\- Gousse '28 Sept.
rirave, Riohartl j29 June.
9 Copeland, .\ltxander 31 Aug.
Comish, Thomas 7 Sept.
{) Dunn, John Sept.
Edghill, James Oct.
Everitt, Hen. Yarhurgh '26 May
9 Findley, Thomas 10 Mar.
Gibbons, Samuel 14 Mar.
13 Harrington, Jo«])li j
9 Sept.
^ M'Pherson, Lachlan jlO .Vug.
.M.Kjre, John ;2o Sept.
Newromb, Joseph '20 Mav
19 OReillev, Henry William 5 Jan.
Power, IIuL'li 12 June
Wl Ri.binson, Georiie |
7 Sept.
Shcppurd, David Parkei 28 Sept.
|) Smyth, Thomas 3 Sept.
)) Siiare, Charles Oct.
Tu.ker, Richani a Nov.
{I Wallington, James . . . 9 Sept.
P Winnicki, Christopher 24 Jane
|l Winter, George 16 Oct.
P Winter, John 21 Dec.

Medical Department.

Blackwood, John 25 April
Bocca, Pasquale
Brereton, Charles
Bruce, Alexander
Carter, Henry Collis
Ker, James
M'Cabe, Patrick
Bandazzo, Francis
Robertson, Patrick, MD

Berington, James
Gumming, Robert Stewart .

fflJB Darvill, Richard

?Ii8E Field, Jeremiah
Goodwin, Joseph
Grellier, James
Gross, George
?? 312aHogreTe, Henry* . .

Lythe, John
O'Connor, Charles
Peers, James
Percivall, William
Price, Edmund
fflaa Ryding, William
Steed,Edward Henry
Thompson, Robert
Aotes to the Medical Officers.

1 Doctor Gordon wrred with the South African expedition under General Whitelock
in 1807.
2 Doctor Adolphus sened in Ireland during the Rebellion in 1 798 ; and with the Wal-
cheren expedition in 1809.
3 Doctor Baxter served in Holland in 1 799. Joined the 48th Regt. in the Peninsula in
1810, where he served until the end of the war. Served also in the American war in 1814.
4 Doctor Blackwell served at the capture of St. Fiorenza, Calvi and Bastia, in Corsica :

also the Egyptian campaign of 1801.

5 Doctor Erly served in the Eeyptian campaiijn of 1801. In Portugal from the latter
part of 1808 to April 1809. Expedition to Walcheren. Served afterwards in the Peninsula
from Feb. 1812 to the end of the war, and subsequently in the .\merican war.
6 Doctor \V. Fergusson served in Holland in 1794 ; in St. Domingo in 1796, 7, and 8 ;

again in Holland in 1799 : with the Expedition to Sweden, and subsequently to the Penin-
sula under Sir John Moore, and afterwards under the Duke of Wellington.
7 Sir James Robert Grant served at Walcheren in 1809 ; and the campaign of 1815,
including the battle of Waterloo.
8 Doctor Thomas Gunning served in Holland in 1799. Embarked for the Mediterranean
with Sir James Craig's expedition in .\pril 1805, and was employed on active service at
Naples, Sicily, Maida, the taking of the Islands in the Bay of Naples, and the Ionian Islands.
Wounded at the taking of Santa Maura.
9 Doctor Higgins served the Eg)ptian campaign in 1801. Served in the Peninsula
during the greater part of the war, including the b.attles of Talavera, Fuentes d'Onor,
Vittoria, and the subsequent aflairs until after the capture of San Sebastian.
10 Doctor Hume served in Egypt in 1801. Also in the Peninsular war.
11 Doctor Robb served in Holiand in 1799; expedition to Hanover in 1805; to Sooth
.\merica in 1807. Served throughout the whole of the Peninsular war, and afterwards in
the .\merican war.
12 Doctor Strachan served at Walcheren in 1809.
13 Doctor Tegart served in Ireland during the Rebellion in 1798. Blockade and reduc-
tion of Malta, 1800. Expedition to Hanover, 1805; Copenhagen and Madeira, 1807, and
subsequently to Portugal under Sir John Moore, where he served that memorable campaign
terminating with the battle of Corunna. Served afterwards in the Peninsula from 1809 to 181;<.
14 Doctor Thomson served in Egypt ; also at the capture of Martinique, the Saintes, and
Goadaloupe. Sened also in the Peninsula from 18K1 to the end of the war; and after-
wards with the expedition against New Orleans.
15 Doctor Tudor served on the Continent in 1793, 94, and 95 ; and with the expedition
to the Helderin 1799.
IS Doctor Warren served the C'omnna campaign.
17 Doctor Whilelock served in Holland under the Duke of York in 1 794.
18 Doctor Woolriche served in Holland under the Duke of York. Expedition to Copen-
hagen 1807. Served also in the Peninsula, France, and Flanders under the Duke of
19 Doctor .\lbert served at the Helder in 1799. Alao the campaign of 1814 in Holland
nader Lord Lynedoch.
20 Doctor James .\rthur served in the Peninsula from 1809 to the end of the war.
21 Doctor Barry served in the Peninsula from .\ug. 180H to .\ug. 1811, and again from
Aug. 1813 to the end of the war. .\iso the campaign of 1815, including the battle of
22 Doctor Browne served in the Peninsula, with the 9th Regt. including the actions at
Roleia, Vimiera, and Oporto. Slightly wounded in the right tliigh Uth .\pril 1802, during
the mutiny of the Sth West India Regt. at St. Rupert's.
23 Doctor Buckle served with the expedition to Ostend under Sir Eyre Coote, in 1798.
24 Doctor Clark siTved in the Peninsula from Nov. 1(<09 to the end of the war.
25 Doctor Collier sened at the capture of Martinique in 1809 and in the Peninsula

from the latter par: of 1812 to the end of the war.

26 Doctor Crawford served at the Helder in 1799.
27 Doctor Daun served at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope in I8I16. .\lso the
campaign of 1815, including the battle of Waterloo.
Notes to the Medical Officers,

28 Doctor Duncau has seen a great deal of active service in the East Indies.
29 Doctor Forbes served with the expedition to the Ferrol in 1800. Egyptian campaign
of 1801. Capture of St. Lucia and Tobago, 1803. Served also throughout the whole of the
Peninsular war.
30 Doctor Grasett served at the capture of Trinidad in Jan. 1797; and of Malta in 1800.
Served also in the Peninsula from May 1809 to Feb. 1813.
31 Doctor Griffin served at the Helder in 1799.
32 Doctor Hartle served on the expedition to St. Lucia in 1803, and accompanied the
storming party to Morne Fortune. Present at Dominica when the French attacked the
island in 1805. Served also at the capture of the Islands of St. Thomas and St. CroLx in
1807, and Martinique, in 1809, including the actions of the 1st and 2nd Feb. Also at the
capture of Guadaloupe in 1815.
33 Doctor Howell served in Calabria in 1806, and was at the battle of Maida. Served
the Egyptian campaign of 1807 and subsequently in the Peninsula from April 1810 to Oct.

1812. Slightly wounded on the left shoulder by the Bedouin Arabs in Egypt, while em-
ployed on a mission to the Mamelukes, and severely wounded in the loins in Portugal, the
ball still remaining' unextracted.
34 Doctor Knife served in Ireland during the Rebellion in 1798, siege of Copenhagen^
and battle of Kiog, 1807. Campaign in Portugal and Spain in 1808 and 9.
3.") Doctor Lamert served in St. Domingo in 1796 and 97 in Egypt in 1801 (wounded ;

in the action of the 13th March) Copenhagen in 1807 campaign in Portugal and Spain
; ;

under Sir John Moore, including the battles of Roleia aud Vimiera, retreat to, and battle of
Corunna expedition to Walcheren 1809 and subsequently in the Peninsula until 1811.
; ;

36 Doctor Lindsey served in the Peninsula from Jan. 1810 to the end of the war.
37 Doctor MacDougle served at Walcheren in 1809 and in the Peninsula from Dec.

1810 to Aug. 1813 and in Holland and the Netherlands from Dec. 1813 until after the

battle of Waterloo.
38 Doctor Macleod served the Egyptian campaign of 1801. Campaigns in the Peninsula
from June 1809 to July 1812, and from early in 1813 to the end of the war.
39 Doctor Marshall served in South America in 1807.
40 Sir John Meade served at the capture of Trinidad, after which he accompanied the
expedition to Porto Rico. Egyptian campaign of 1801. Campaign in South America in
1807. Campaigns in the Peninsula from July 1808 to July 1810.
41 Doctor Porteus served the Egyptian campaign of 1807; and in Dec. 1812 he joined
the army in Alicante and served with that division of the army until the British troops finally
evacuated the eastern coast of Spain he then proceeded to Genoa.

42 Doctor Robinson served in Holland in 1794 and 9.5 subsequently in the West Indies

under General Forbes; and in the Peninsula, France and Flanders from April 1809 to the
end of the war, including the capture of Oporto, and battles of Talavera, Salamanca,
Busaco, Fuentes d'Onor, Vittoria, and Waterloo. Served also at Bhurtpore under Lord
43 Sir Augustus West served in Hanover in 1805 at Copenhagen and Sweden in 1807
; ;

Portugal and Spain 1808 Walcheren 1809 aud in the Peninsula from 1809 to the end of
; ;

the war.
44 Doctor White served in Egypt in 1801 and subsequently in the Peninsula.

45 Doctor Evans served in the Peninsula with the 29th Regt- and on the stati'.
46 Sir Arthur Brooke Faulkner served in Spain in 1808 and at Walcheren in 1809.;

47 Doctor Greaves served on the Continent in 1794 and 95 and at the Helder in 1799. ;

48 Doctor Jones served at the capture of the Islands of Ischia and Procida in 1809.
Employed in the gun-boats in the Faro of Messina under Sir John Stewart. Present at the
capture of the Ionian Islands and siege of Santa Maura, under Sir John Oswald. Served
the campaign in Catalonia under Lord William Bentinck. Served afterwards in the Ameri-
can war, including the actions at Bladensburg and Baltimore, capture of Washington, and
operations against New Orleans.
49 Doctor Knight served at Walcheren in 1809.
50 Doctor Maclagan served at W^alcheren in 1809. Served also in the Peninsula from
Dec. 1811 to the end of the war,
51 Doctor Morewood served at Walcheren in 1809 in the Peninsula in 1812 and in the
; ;

American war in 1813.

52 Doctor Robson served in the Peninsula from Dec. 1811 to the end of the war.
53 Doctor Sibbald served in the Peninsula during the campaigns of 1813 and 14, including
the battles of Orthes and Toulouse. Served subsequently in America at New Orleans.
54 Doctor Walker served at Walcheren in 1809. Served with the exception of a few
months, throughout the whole of the Peninsular war.
55 Doctor Amiel served with the expedition to Quiberon Bay, Isle Dieu, Portugal, -Sic.
Served also several campaigns in the Peninsula.
A'otcs to the Malicid Officers.

56 Doctor Andrew Anderson served in Naples and Calabria, and was present at tlie battle
of Mnida, and siege of Seylla Castle. Expedition to Walchcren and siege of Flushing 1809.
Peninsula from Jan. ISO'J to Nov. 18i:i, including the siege of Cadiz, battles of Uusaco,
Fucntes d'Onor and Salamanca, siege of Burgos Castle, and actions in the Pyrenees.
57 IJoctor Annesley was at the siege and capture of Santa Maura in March 1810 siege ;

and capture of Trieste, Oct. 1813. Served against the Vice Koy of Italy under General
Nugent and Colonel Robertson in 1813, and was at the taking of Comachio, Ferrara,
Ravenna, Bologna, and Genoa.
J8 Doctor Batt ser\ed with the cvpedition to Hanover in 1805 campaign in the Penin-

sula in 1808 and 9, including the battle of Vimiera, retreat to Corunna, passage of the
Douro, and battle of Talavera. Expedition to Walchcren, 1809. Peninsular campaigns of
1811 and 12. including the advance in pursuit of Massena, and battles of Fuentes d'Onor
and Salamanca.
59 Doctor Byrtt's services :

Expedition to South America under General Whitelock.
Campaign in the Peninsula from July 1808 to Jan. 1809, including the battle of Vimiera.
Expedition to Walcheren. Peninsula from Dec. 1812 to the end of the war, including the
battles of Orthes and Toulouse.
60 Doctor Cunningham served the campaigns in Upper Canada in 1813 and 14 under Sir
Gordon Drummond.
61 Doctor D. O. Davies served in the Peninsola from June 1810 to the end of the war,
including the sieges of Cadiz and Tarifa, and battles and affairs of Barrosa, Vittoria, Pyre-
nees, Nivelle, Nive, St. Palais, Aire, Tarbes, Orthes, and Toulouse. Served also at the
attack on New Orleans.
62 Doctor Dealey served in the Peninsula in 1811 and 12, including the battle of .Albu-
hera, and first siege of Badajoz.
63 Doctor Este served the Egyptian campaign of 1801. including the actions of the 8th
(slightly wounded), 13th, and 21st March, and siege of .\lexandria. Served also in the
Peninsula from Oct. 1812 to the end of the war, including the battles of Vittoria, Pampe-
luna, Orthes, and Toulouse. Medal for services in Egypt.
61 Doctor Goodrich served in the Peninsula from May 1812 to May 1814.
65 Doctor Arthur Hamilton served in the Peninsula from 1809 to the end of the war.
including the capture of Oporto, battle of Busaco, first siege of Badajoz, battle of Albuhera,
action at .\rroya de Molinos, battle of Vittoria, action before Bayonne 13th Dec, and battle
of Toulouse.
66 Doctor Hodsou served in Egypt in 1801.
67 Doctor Jones (h. p. 1st Dr. Gds.) served at Copenhagen in 1807 ; in the Peninsula
under Sir John Moore and at Walcheren, 1809.

68 Doctor M'.\rthur served at the capture of Guadaloupe in 1815.

69 Doctor Markham served at the siege of Copenhagen in 1807, and at the occupation
of Martinique in 1815.
"0 Doctor Bidgway's services —
Siege of Copenhagen, 1807. Campaign in the Peninsula

from .May 1808 to Jan. 1809, including the actions of Obidos, Roleia, and Vimiera, advance
into Spain, and retreat to Corunna. Expedition to Walcheren, and siege of Flushing, 1809.
Peninsular campaigns from May 1810 to May 1811, and from Slay 1812 to the end of the
war, including the retreat to the Lines of Lisbon and subsetiuent advance to Santarem,
defence of Cadiz, battles of Barrosa and Salamanca, advance to and retreat from Madrid.
71 Doctor Salmon served in Holland in 1799, including the actions of the 27th .\ug.,
10th and 19th Sept., 2d and 6th October. Served also in the Peninsula from Jan. 1809 to
June 1810, from March 1811 to March 1813, and from March 181 1 to the end of the war,
including the passage of the Douro and capture of Oporto, affair at Salamanca, battle of
Fuentes d'Onor, sieges of Ciudad Rodripo and Badajoz, battle of Salamanca, capture of
Madrid, siege of Burgos, investment of Bayonne, and repulse of the sortie.
72 Doctor Sandford served at Copenhagen in 1807 ; and in the Peninsula from 1812 to
the end of the war, including the siege of Burgos, and battles of Salamanca, Pyrenees,
Orthes, and Toulouse. Served also in the Burmese war.
73 Doctor Francis Scott's services : —
Capture of the Cape of Good Hope in 1806, Ex-
pedition to Walcheren, 1809. Peninsular campaigns from .\pril 1813 to the end of the
war, including the following battles and affairs, viz. Vera and Vera heights, Nivelle, Orthes,
Tarbes, and Toulouse. .Also the campaign of 1815, including the battle of Waterloo.
74 Doctor Tedlie served the campaign and capture of Travancore in 1609. Capture of
Bourbon and the isle of France, 1810. Capture of Java, 1811.
75 Doctor Trevor served the campaign in Flanders in 1794, and was present with his
regt. (the33rdj in all the operations in that country, and in the retreat of the army through
Holland. .Served subsequently in the East Indies from 1796 to 1808, and was present at
the battle of Mallavelly, and at the storming and capture of Seringapatam.

Notes to the Medical Officers.

76 Doctor J. H. Walker served at New Orleans in 1814 and 15 under Sir Edward
77 Doctor John Williams served throughout the whole of the Peninsular war, and was
present with the troops when engaged with the enemy in ten general actions and successful
sieges, viz. the Donro, Busaco, Fuentes d'Onor, Ciudad Rodrigo, Badajoz, Salamanca,
Vittoria, San Sebastian, Orthes, and Toulouse, besides many others of less importance.
Served subsequently in North America during the latter part of the war with the United
78 Doctor Young (h. p. 71st Reg.) served in the Peninsula from May 1811 to the end of
the war, including the capture of Badajoz, and battles of Vittoria, the Pyrenees, Nivelle,
Nive, Orthes (taken prisoner), and Toulouse.
79 Doctor Jackson served at the reduction of Grenada in 1796 (from the revolted
Negroes) at Martinique, and on the expedition to Porto Rico, and in Demerara in 1797

with the army under Lord Cathcart in Germany in 1805 and G at the capture of the Isle

of France in 1810 ; and of Java in 1811, including the whole of the operations. In 1812 at
the siege and capture of Djocjocarta in the interior of Java in June 1813 at the assault and

destruction of the piratical forts of Sambas in the Island of Borneo in 1815, Nepaul cam-

paign ; in 1817, assault and capture of Hattras ; in 1817 & 18, the whole of the Pindarree
campaign in the centre of India.
80 Doctor Macarthur was severely wounded at the storming of Seringapatam.
81 Doctor Walbran served in the Peninsula, and was present at the siege of Ciudad
Rodrigo, and battles of Vittoria and Toulouse.

Lieut.-Col. ..P Jia John, Bnron BUlow.CB. KII 1 Aug. 1810 24 Feb. 1816
Captaiiu f (3 Hans von Hattorf 8 June 07 do
13 J5l Frederick von UslarGleichcn' 3 Jan. Ot) do
JSl Ueniard von Bothmer 28 Aug. 10 do
J Jl Henry George von Hattorf Feb.
2.") 12 do
?U George de Ramdohr 8 Mar. do
9M Cliarles Elderliorst 10 .Mar. 13 do
llartwig von Witzendorff. 13 June do
551 Morris de Cloudt 17 Sept. do
551 n.nedix, Baron Dccken 18 Sept. do
Zifu/enaH/* ..511 Aiiuustus Fischer 13 Mar. 12 do
Frederick Xatennann do do
Charles Fred. Tappe 24 Dec. 2'j Apr. 15
Jll Otto von Hammerstein 13 May 15 24 Feb. 16
551 Conrad Poten GJnlv do
551 Henri- Nanne 7 July do
551 Lewis Kircliner 8 July do
Cornets 551 Frederick Brcyniaun l.'j Mar. 14 25 Feb. 16
Charles von der Decken 18 ,\pr. do
551 Ludewig von Midler 22 Apr. do
551 Ilannach Biignslaw Leschen 27 May do
George von Uslar Gleichcn 13 May 1.5 do
?ia Edwartl Triltau 14 Jlay 24 Feb.
Hen. .\nth. Fred. Clcve 7 July do
Christian von Biilow 2o Oct. do
Vet.-Surgeon 5BJ Ludolpb Heuer 25 Slay 05 do

Captains .... 551 Charles, BnrOTi Marschaick 24 Nov. 1809 24 Feb. 1816
551 William Seeger 27 Aug. 12 do
551 George Braun 3 July 15 do
551 .\«L'U5tu3 Poten 15 Oct. do
Xifu^ennnfi ..551 I.udolphde Hugo 24 Slar. 12 do
551 Joannes Justinus von Fumetti do do
A utrustus Kuhls 28 Mav do
551 Carl Schacffer 2 Oct. do
551 Hennan lien. Con. Hitter 18 Sept. 13 ilo
551 Em. Tlieo. Chr. Meier 15 Mar. 14 do
551 Ferdinand Kiister 21 Nov. 15 do
Comets 55i O. W. F. J. C. von Bulow 8 Oct. 13 do
Ferd. Carl Edmund Kuhls 10 Apr. 15 do
Ernest von Voss 4 July do
Ferdinand von Stolzenberg 21 .Nov. do
Christian Schaumann 23 Nov. do
Surgeon 5®
Frederick Detmer 13 July 13 do
Vet.-Surgeon Courad Oallwig 29 Apr. 13 21 Aug.

I Captain Von I'slar Gleichen has received a medal for the battle of Vittoria.
s > 421—433
. m
. .. ..

Foreign Half-pay.
1st. ARMY.
Captains .George de MiiUer
. Major 4 June 1814
31(3 George, Count von der Deckea 11 July 11
5i2J Frederick %'on der Deckeu IS Nov.
Louis Krauclienberg &A 13 Jan. 13
fflSi Gustavus Schaumaun 10 Oct.
ffliU Frederick Baertling 27 Jan. 14
315J Hieronimus von der Wiscli G April
ffiSJ Conrad Poten 14 July 11
5183 Leopold Sigismond Schultze 19 Nov.
Frederick Holtzermann 20 June 13
?!83 Henry Cristopli. Behrens 19 Nov.
•21SLi Franz. Geo. von Oldershausen 27 Jan. 14
ffiSa William Theodore Gebser 14 Feb.
SliEl Frederick Jacob Rahlvres 26 April
fflaa William de Hassell 13 Sept.
Adjutant .ClSil Siegesmund Freudenthal
. . Lieut. 27 ^lar. 13
Asslst.-Siwgs. SSSA Frederick Deppee G Dec. 05
fflia Henry Gehse 3 Mar. 12
Coptabu . . . George Chr. von Donop 19 Nov. 07
Urban Cleve 10 July 11
Theodor von Stolzenberg 14 Nov. 12
Lleidenants . . Johann Daniel Borchers 23 Aug. 11
Frederick Gralm 28 Mar. 12
Dav. Cha. Corn. Wieboldt 29 Aug.
Michael Loning 16 Nov.
Cornets • Frederick Herman Meyer 16 Dec. 12
Ernest Soest 27 Nov. 13
Herman Westfeld 23 Mar. 14
Victor Von Aiten 27 April
Theodore von Marschalck 28 July 15
Adjutant . . . Henry Gotze , Lieut. 28 Mar. 12
Assist.-Surg. Achatz William Holscher 19 April 06
Vet.-Surg. Frederick Eicke 2 Jan. 07
Major.... IG. Baron von Krauchenberg, CB. KCH.
Lt.-Col. 18 June 15
Captains . . . . Fred.Baron von Poten 16 Mar. 10
SUE Quintus, Baron Goeben 2 May 11
3183 William von Sehnehen 20 Sep't.
?m Johann Christian Ulricli Heise 13 Nov. 12
Ivan Gott. F. Baron Hodenburg 16 Sept. 13
August, de Harling
fflSa 8 Oct.
George Meyer
JliSH 27 Dec.
5JB Diede. Wm. von der Hellen 17 Feb. 14
Gustavus Meyer 5 July 15
Lieutenants a® John Nanne
Christ. Fred. 13 Nov. 12
ES3 John Henry D'Homboldt 14 Nov.
liSA Charles Augustus Reinecke 15 Nov.
3U3 Christian Oehlkers 9 Oct. 13
51® Lewis Krause 10 Oct.
fflffil Fred. Adol. Zimmermann 27 Dec.
5ISa Eberhard Gerstlacher 17 Feb. 14
3121 Anthony Frederick Hover 5 July 15
3129 Frederick de Fresnoy 29 July
Philip Volborth 30 Oct.
312.1 Alex. Snjwj Hammerstein 9 Oct. 13
31211Kudolph. Fredrichs 10 Oct.
3121 Conrad von Dassel 22 Oct.
3121 Hans, Baron Hodenberg 1 Dec.
George Julius Meyer 5 May 14
Carl. Died. U. O.F. Cleve 9 July 15
Carl. Fred. Deichmann 23 Oct.
Pat/ma,ttcr . .321 John William Wieler 20 Aug. 11
A.^.iist.-Surg Lewis Bauermeister
.3121 Geo. 7 Sepl. 13
Vet.'- Surg . .Frederick Eidmann 12 Julv 06
Foreign Half-pay.
l»t. AHMY.
Col.-Com D la Charles, Count Alten, GCB. GCH.
itf/yor-OCTi. 25 July 1810 -24 Vvh. 1816
Major Hoiiry William Daiiiniers 4 June 14 tin
Cufitaina fll Freilcrick <le Gilsu IC April II <lo
JiLl Ciuslaviis, Brtz-on Marschalok i(i Jan. 14 <lo
J4l .\iii;u»Iiis Wahrimliirff 4 July 1.5 ilo Cliristuipher llcise 2:1 .\ujr. ilii

iifiifriiunf* . .{11 (li^orRi' lircvmuiiii 20 Mar. 12 ilo

Jtl Williiiiii <le Heugel ilo do
Ml Churlii Kesslir 20 July 13 <lo
52il .\iUilplius KiH'sU'r 22 let.
< ilo
lililXicholas de Miiiiussir 2!l Jan. 14 do
(Til Harry Lt'onliart 25 Mar. do
Jill John Fruduriek Kuiitzc 28 April do
Knsitjns ?iLl William Rubenz 7 .Aufj. 13 do
?A1 Uustavus Geor^'e Best 20 Nov. do
ta Adol. von Gentzkow 27 Xov. do
ta Otto df Marschalck IG May 14 do
8® Adolphus Heisc 28 May do
Clia. Martin A. Hcckscbcr 20 .Vug. 15 do
Adjiittmt (LSJ John Fred. Wm. Buhsc Eiu. 21) May 15 do
Mnjor (LillGoo. Brtrwi von Bariug.CB.KCH. i^-Co?. 18 June 15 do
Ctiplaiiis William Stolte 24 April 11 do
JEI lliarlcs Meyer 1 July 15 do
Xi>u/raafi/< . im
James Oliver Lindbam 8 Julv 11 do
Sil William Doring 10 April 14 do
Ili-nrv Frill. Schaumann 2 May 25 Oct. 1815
Eiuijnx iS\ < Jeon.'o Frank 5 Jan. 14 24 Feb. 1816
<ia Ilonry Au<;ustus Knop 14 Jan. do
{.il Ixwis Charles Baring 11 April do
Georjre de Bacbelle 13 .\pril 15 do
Chr. .\us. Jacob Behue 2G June du
.li*i.«r-Snri/.. Joseph fholon 6 Oct. 15 do


Majort JaWm. von Robertson, CB. KCll. tt.-Col. 18 June 15 do
Ilia, von Kronenfcldt, KH 17 Aug. do
Captaim . . ..ii\ Froitrick, Baron Goeben 17 Mar. 12 do
ja(ienrue. Baron Goeben 18 Mar. ilo
?aLeopold von Rettberg 18 Aug. 13 do
Ernest, Baron Hodenberg 22 Sept. do
?aLewis von Ilolle 2(i June 1.') do
SaFriilorick von Rossing 2 t-ept. do
ti«u/rn//ii/i ..Ja Christum Hen. von Diiring 17 Aug. 09 do
?aLudolpb Kummc 18 .Aug. do
Kmest Wilding, KH 22 .Mav 1 1 do
William Schroder 18 Mar. 12 do
3.a Uiidcrich de Einem do do
SaUiijnie Wichmann 30 Oct. do
JaCharles von M'cyhe 24 Nov. tio
{aWilliam Wolff 21 May 13 do
iaAdolph. von .\renL''5cliihlt 18 Aug. do
ia Frill. Augustus Muller 22 Sept. do
?a William Best 2fi Xov. do
Eiuigiu ja .Vugu.-.tus, Baron Lc Fort !) Sept. do
{a-Vu^rustus von Brandis 6 Jan. 14 do
} a-Arnold William Heise 7 Jan. do
jaFnderick Kersting 1!) Fib. do
.\dolphus de Beaulieu 21 Mar. do
ja Cha. Aug. von der Hellen 7 May do
Atljiitant . ..<(a Fmlerick Pchnath Lieut. 18 .Mar. 12 do
Aititt.-Surijs..l'n.t\vT\ck Ilarzig 7 Dec. 0.'< do
Sa Philip Langeheiaeken 31 Jan. 1 1 do
Foreign Half-pay.
Captains . .
.fflJE \Vm. Baron Decken, KH Majm- 18 June 1815 24 Feb. 1816
mA Aug. Chas. Fred. Hartniann 3 Jan. 09 do
Ferd. Adolphus, Baron Holle 28 May 15 do
Lieutenants . -itM M'illiam Kulemann 7 Sept. 09 do
gJJ Godfrey Tiensch 17 Mar. 12 do
Augustus Frederick Schmidt do do
518^1 Chas. Augustus Lewis Billeb do do
318J George Mejer 1 Oct. do
5123 Francis La Roche 27 Mar. 14 do
George Fabricius 29 April do
512^ Augustus Ferdinand Ziel 17 June do
?12!1 Lewis Henry de Sichart 28 May 15 do
Ensigns Sljil Charles Lewis de Sichart 10 Feb. 14 do
?M Frederick Diestelhorst 14 April do
3183 Gust. Fred. 'Wm. Hartniann 8 May do
51B3 Henry Garvens 24 May do
aia von Uslar Gleichen
Tliilo 29 May do
515J Augustus Luning 17 June do
Adjutant .
. .
.gU3 Adolphus Hesse Lieut. 17 Mar. 12 do
Captains .JUiJ Lewis de Dreves Major 18 June 15 do
5183 George, Baron Hohnhorst 30 Oct. 07 do
Lewis Bacmeister 23 Aug. 09 1 Oct. 14
5153 Albert Cordemann 8 Sept. 14 24 Feb. 16
Frederick Erdmann 19 June 15 do
8153 Hans von Uslar Gleichen 20 June do
3183 George Appuhn 25 July do
Lieutenants George W. F. von Weyhe 30 Oct. 07 do
3183 Charles Brauns 14 Sept. 10 do
5123 Christian de Soden 18 Mar. 12 do
Lawrence Heise do do
5183 Augustus Kuckuck do do
315.3 Julius Brinkmann 11 Jlav do
5153 Henry Dehnel 20 Mar. 13 do
3183 Lewis de Bachelle, Baron von dem
Brinck 20 Sept. do
£83 Henry Edward Kuckuck 8 Dec. do
Ensigns Fri derick de Storren 18 Feb. do
3.83 Frederick von Schlutter 6 May do
351 Augustus AVilliam Kuckuck 8 Jan. 14 do
3183 liicliard llupeden 9 Jan. do
Adjutant ... .3183 Fred. Bern. Sclineider Lieut. 18 Mar. 12 do
Surgeon 3183 Lewis Stuutz 14 Aug. 05 do
Co Coin ^ Sig. Christophe Gustave, Baron Low,
KC3. KCH. Maj.-Gen. 25 July 10 do
Captains 3183 William Heydenreich 31 Mar. 07 do
8123 George Ludewig 13 Dec. 08 do
Frederick Ludewig 29 Oct. 12 25 Mav 15
3123 Frederick Otto 25 May 15 24 Feb. 16
313S Justus Formin 9 June do
583 Frederick Keszler 21 June do
Christian Bacmeister 7 July do
5.51Wilham Pape 19 Aug. do
Lieutenants .
. 553 Caspar von Both 13 Dec. 08 do
3l53 Adolphus Ludewig 19 Mar, 12 do
3183 Hen. Fred. Theo. de ^yitte 31 Oct. do
3183 Ernest Brinckmann 4 Mar. 13 do
3133 Frederick von Lasperg 8 Oct. do
Ensiyii 3183 Wilham Liining 7 May ilo
Augustus Schulze 15 June do
3133 Frederick von Brandis 26 July do
5133 James Mannsbacli 21 Sept. do
8'i23 Ford, von Uslar Gleichen 30 Mav 14 do
Foreign Half-pay.
Siuigiu JM
Amolil Appuhn 6 June 1813 24 Feb. 1816
ill Lewis von Soden 25 May 1o do
Ai^utant ..(Lil Ailol. von Lanipverth
. Lieut. 10 Mar. 12 do
Qr.-Master .\ugu»(us Buekcr
. . 25 Sept. (14 do
Atsist.-Surg. .John Uenrv Wickc 28 Feb. 12 do
Majors Aneustus Kuekuek 4 June 14 do
£8.1 Philip lUnry Fred. Mejer •

do do
Captains ... .Julius Baenieister 20 Sept. 11 25 July 15
itaa WUIiaiu Mejer 1!) Mar. 12 24 Feb. 16
John Georpe Uacemann Hi Dec. 25 July 15
Charles, BriroH Linsinpen 1(> .\pril 13 24 Feb. 16
Iloiirv, Baron Daohenhauscn 8 Dec. do
3Jl Eberhard de Brandis 27 July 15 do
Jll f'harles Berger 21 .Vug. do
Lieiitmuntt Tliiodorc Gallonbreg 26 ?ept. 1 1 do
ill Geo. Au2. Hen. Bnhse do
m Geo. Fred. Cha. von Schaurotli
Sa John Fred. Charles de Wilte
27 Sept.
20 Mar.
12 ilo
Sia Augustus Winckler do do
554 Charles Schlaeser do do
Adolphus Rothard do do

Joseph Korsehaun
GeoR;e Klinssohr
tia Lewis de Geissmann
25 Sept.
16 Dec.
10 April

25 July
24 Feb.

Lewis Jaenicke 16 Mar. 14 do
IH George Wischniann 10 .\pril 15 do
ill Beniard Croon 12 ,\pril do
Ensiyns (JH Ferdinand Scharnliorst 27 Mar. 13 do
fia Charles Winckler 10 Jan. 14 do
in Lewis Klingsolir 22 Mar. do
Ernest Baring 25 May do
5J;1 Adolphus Schamhorst 7 June do
Geo. Cha. Aug. von Loesecke 15 April 15 do
Carl Peter Arnold Meier 10 April do
53 Rudolph Carstens 15 May do
A djutant 52.1 William Walther Ensiffn 22 Nov. 13 do
.d wwr.-.Surj.. 53 George HartogGerson 9 .lug. 10
iira^.-Cotone/ John Wm. deUlmenstein 23 Oct. 10 24 May 16
Captains .... Charles Von Brandis 14 >Iar. 12 do
John .\nd. Christ. Anthony 11 May do
Ernest, Baron Magius 25 Jan. 14 do
Eberhard Kuntze 9 Sept. do
Barth. Geo. von Honstedt 20 Aug. 15 do
Licutrnnnts. Joseph Kersting 10 Jan. 08 do
J. Philip Anth. Schaedtler IC Feb. 09 do
Ernest,Baron Heimburg 10 Mar. do
Otto Schaumann 20 Sept. 10 do
Christ. Arnold Volger 25 Jan. 1 1 do
Frederick Hurtzig 21 Mar. 12 do
William Kirch do do
Ernest Mensing do do
Francis, Baron .\cton 4 April 14 do
53 Christ. Lewis Von Omptcda 20 .May do
Ensigns Christian Georue Seelhorst lOOct. 12 do
53 Adolphus W— Stciglitz 22 Mar. 14 do
.Muander.Outran 2 April do
£3 Lew. .Vlbrecht von Ompteda 15 .Vpril do
Herman Scbwenckc >* June do
Edward von Bran'lis 9 June do
Ailjutant Debs
Fra. Malthiaa Lieut... 2.1Feb. 12 do
Qi(/i.-.,U<iffer. John Charles Kruper 4 Jan. 13 do
Asntt.-Surg. Solomon Jurdan Einthoven 29 Feb. 12
Foreign Half-pay.
Major William Chuden 28 Aug. 1813 24 May 1816
Captains Ernest de Becker 16 Jan. 08 13 Nov. 13
Frederick Munter 21 Sept. 10 24 May 16
Henry William Volger 12 Mar. 11 do
Arnold Backmeister 21 Mar. 12 do
Gottlieb de Hartwig 26 Oct. 1.5 do
Lieutenants .John George Leop. de Mutio
. 4 Jan, 09 do
Augustus de Offen 12 Mar. 11 do
Frederick von Diebitscli 23 July do
aaa CUarles Poten 23 Mar. 12 do
Theodore Ton Sebisch do do
George Miinderloh do 4 Sept. 13
Charles voQ Blcittnitz 2 April 14 24 May 16
Christian Frederick Eichhorn 3 April do
Augustus Steffen 27 May do
-Ensigns .... gliSjJ Arnold Erich Backhaus 18 July do
312E Gottlieb von Suckow 23 Mar. do
fflJE Charles Ernest F. Neuschaffer 19 April do
8211 Franz Frederick Backhaus 29 April do
Augustus von Hodenberg 2 June do
Adjutant John Ernest Stutzer Lieut. . . 28 Oct. 09 do
Assi-st.-Surr/. fflSJ Henry Schuchardt 16 Jan. 14 do

Captains 5121 Frederick Marburg 27 Mar. 12 24 Feb. 16
Siaa George Delius 11 Sept. 14 do
?liH George Lewis Otto Hotzen 23 June 15 do
ffiSil Frederick Luderitz 24 June do
ffiia Charles Poten 8 Sept. do
Liexitenants . .fflSE Ferdinand von Weyhe 16 Aug. 09 do
fflSfl Frederick Ziermann 27 Mar. 12 do
ESS Augustus Helmich 12 Sept. 14 do
Ensigns .... Frederick Domdorf 12 July 12 do
fflSB Godlove Kiinoth 13 July do
?lSa William de Moreau 11 Oct. do
fflja Augustus Spiel 23 Mar. 14 do
5521 Frederick Henry Miillcr 13 April do
giaa Henry Seffers ."
3 June do
5129 Geo. Fred. Godfrey Lunde 12 Sept. do
Adjutant .... 5!® Frederick Brinckmann Lieut. . 10 April 11 do
Qua. -Master. Christian Tobing 14 Dec. 07 do
Assist. -Surg. 512nl Ernest Sander 4 July 06 do

Colonel Fred. Count von der Decken, GCH.
Lt. Gen. 4 June 1814 do
Mnjor 1 512a Sir Julius Hartmann, KCB.KCH.
Lt. Col. 17 Aug. 12 do
Captains 1$ Sir Victorvon Arentsschildt, CB. KCH.
Major 25 Nov. 13 do
Charles Baron Witzleben 23 Dec. 05 do
^P 512a Charles de Rettberg ' 12 April 06 do
$) Lewis Daniel ^ 26 Nov. 08 do
2nd Captains 512a George Wiering 23 Nov. 09 do
518a Wilham Brauu 11 Dec. 12 do
Lewis Jasper 25 Nov. 13 do
William de Schade 26 Nov. do
512a Frederick Erythropcl 16 May 15 do
\st Lieuts. . . Victor Preussner 5 June 07 do
Ferdinand de Brandis 28 Sept. do
212a Henry Mielman • 20 Nov. 08 do
' Captain de Rettberg has received a medal and two clasps for Talavera, Busaco, and Badajoz.
' Captain Daniel has received a medal and a clasp for Orthes and Toulouse.

Foreign Half-pay.
ircnn- Stilckmann 13 Doc. 181'2 24 Feb. 1810
Willinin Kummel '
14 Dec. do
511 William <le Gocben 2o Nov. 13 do
IM William de Schandiorst 2(> Nov. do
Frulerick Urechsler "J? Nov. do
Augustus rfannkuohe 28 Nov. do
til lieury Hurtmann 2(! Mar. 14 do
llenrj- Bostlemaim 16 May 13 do
2/id Lieutt. . . Frcilcrick Seiuecke 12 Dec. 12 do
Henry Wolilcr 13 Dee. do
5M Lewis Haardt 14 Dec. do
JH Lewis Ileise lo Dec. do
Lewis ScharnLorst 15 Nov. 13 do
?ia Lewis de WisscU 3() Nov. do
lis Chas. Herman Ludowieg IG Feb. 14 do
Augustus Capelle 1!) May do
John Fred. Schlichtliorst 20 May do
Franz Rottigw 26 Nov. do
Adolphus Rechtem 24 July 15 do
Ix.'v\is Hagemann 2.5 July do
Paymatter . .John Blundstonc 9 April 05 do
Surgeon .... Henry Kels 18 Dec. 05 do
Atsitt.-Surg. ?i4 George Crone 10 Feb. 10 do
Vet.-Surgeon. John Frederick HUmer 22 Aug. 06 do

Captaiiu Victor Pmtt, KCH. 23 Mar. 05 do
Charles Ernest Appuhn 25 Nov. 08 do
Charlie Wedekind 12 Oct. 09 do
2nd Cn/)fai"Fi»..Ge<)rce Fre<i. Meineckc 24 Nov. 10 do
.\ugustus Schweitzer 15 July 12 do
William Muller.. 13 Dec. do
ist Lieutt. . . . William Unser 14 Aug. 11 do
John Luttcrmann 21 ICov. 12 do

Brig. MaJori..t.m. de Kronenfeldt Cnpt. 20 Feb. 13
J. Godf. de Einem dipt. 28 April 14 do
Fr. Chr. Baroti Hcimburg Capt. 20 July 15 do
Lewii Benne, KM Capt. 8 Aug. do
i.& George Baring Capt. 20 Nov. do
Chaplain Frederick Bamhke 17 Mar. 04 do

Lieut.-Col. . •Ernest von Schrader 26 Sept. 1809 24 June 1816
Major * WUh. von WeUsen 'Lt.-Col. 4 June 14 do
Captainj •William de Walifen 28 Sept. 09 14 June
•.\lexander von Ericlisen 7 Mar. 11 do
*GuitaTus Conrad Alex, von Girsewald . . 4 Nov. 13 do
Lieutenant .William von Lubeck
. 1 Nov. 13 24 Feb. 16
Comett Chas. Fred. Edw. Michelet 22 July 13 24 June
Frederick Moeller 10 Mar. 14 do
Adjutant M'illiiim Butze Lieut. 26 Sept. 09 do
Qu/i.-.Vfi.r^r.. Ferdinand de Bothmer 21 June 10 do
Vet. 5urj;«m.. Frederick von Ohlen 7 Feb. 1 do
Foreign Half-pay.
~~ '

Major *FrjeclrichDoniberg 28 May 1812
Captains *Heinrich von Doebell 27 Sept. 09
* Fred. Lewis tie Wachholtz do
* Frederick Ton WolfFradt 16 Aug. 10
'Henry von Brandenstein 20 Feb. 11
*Fred. F. Fer. von Steinwehr 21 do
Lieutenants . . Ernest von Patzinsky 27 Sept. 09
*Fred. John Adrian von der Heyde do
•Carl. Eniest Berner do
J. D. W. L. von Schwarzenberg 21 Feb. 11
Frederick Hausler 27 June
Albert von Greisheim 27 Aug.
Augustus Grutteman 10 Dec. 12
Adolpli. Otto von Broembsen 5 May 13
Charles Haberland 1April 14
Ensigns . . . .Johannes Cornelius Schot ••.... 1 April 13
Michael Charles Edwards 28 Oct.
E. A. William de Bernewitz 1 Dec.
Paymaster . .Griffin Jones 21 Oct. 13
Qua.-Master..3o\m Eeind'I _ 23 May 11
Surgeon .... Charles Welisarg 12 Aug. 13
Assist.-Surg. .Jhewis Aug. T. Heimburgh 28 Oct. 13

Major *A. Le Theur de Cnmbremont 7 Mar. 11 do
Captains .... Nich. Philibert de Brem Major 4 June 14 do
Felix le Page 1 May 01 1808
Fridolin de FreuUcr 2 Sept. 06 1814
Francois Jos. Spitz 22 Aug. 08 do
Lievtenants . Etienne de Planta 3 Dec. 07 fov. 15
J — —
N de Ponchalon 24 May 10 1814
Jean Nepomucene Stoeber 28 June do
Arraand Casimir G. Dufief 18 Oct. do
Etienne Epiphane Julien 18 Feb. 11 do
Pietro Santa Columba 8 .\ug.
Antoiue Servais 3 June 12
Silvaia de Precorbin 4 June
Jos. Ignace Gousseneourt 22 July 13
Frederick Wolf 21 April 14
Ensign Francis Kander 14 July 14
Chaplain .... Francois Nicolle 4 May 09
^rf/!/<ani ... .Pierre F. Louis Boussingault Lieut. 3 April 10
Assist.-Surg. .Ignation . Stumpa 12 April 10

Captains .... Joseph Panattieri C Jan. 07
Jean de Susini 8 Jan.
Jacques Guanter 27 Jlay 13
Adrian Manfredi 19 May 14
Paul Zerbi 10 Aug. 15 do
Lieutenants Philip de Purer
. . 6 Nov. 06 25 July 1816
Peter Francis Ciavaldini 6 Jan. 07 1817
Antonio Astuto 2 June 08
Jean Baptiste Zerbi 13 Sept. 19
Louis de Kamptz 31 May 11
Antonio D'Odiardi 10 Feb. 12
Jean Baptiste Carabelli 11 Feb. 1816
Raphael Pagano 12 Feb. 1817
Dominico Antonio Peretti 25 June
Francois Salvatelli 21 Jan. 13
Giovanni Ant. Vincenti 19 May 14
Ensig7is .... Louis Crocicchia 25 June
Joseph Susini 19 May 14

Foreign Half-pay.
Captains .... Charles dc Doylcsvc 3 Sept. ISIHJ 18H
Pierre du Sage 8 Feb. 10 do
Jean de Chessc -20 Mar. 11 do


Captain .... Joseph Coppon 7 Jan. 1 do
Lieutenant! .. Pietro AotoDio SaU-atoTi 2 July 13 do
Pierre Astuto 2o June 14 do

Lieutenant . . Em. Fer. C'lia. Bern. Richtcr 20 Mar. 1805 1811

Major Cha. Eraanucl .May 17 June 13 23 Sept. 1816
Captniiu .... Xicli. Julien de Bergeon 23 May 00 10
Elias Merckhel 28 Dec. 03 do
George Alexander Dardel 24 Sept. 04 08
Frederick Matthey 25 Apr. 08 20 Sept. 10
Rudolplie Amedee' de May (d'L'zistort) 28 Feb. 10 do
Lieutenants . . Laurent Boyer 25 Sept. 1798
Frederick, Baron Bibra 1 Sept. 1806 2.5 July 1816
Johan TUeo. de Misani 10 Sept. 25 Sept.
Charles Jos. Zehupfenuing Mar. 09 25 July
Francois de Graficnried 1 Mar. 10 do
Charles de Gumoens 28 .\pril 11 25 Sept.
.A.ntoinc Fred, de Graffenried 30 .\pril 1 do
.\ugnst. de Loriol 28 Sept. 14 do
Charles Ca;sar de Meuron do do
Jules Ctcsar Saura 15 Jan. 16 do
Assijt.-Surg. .Ludwig .iug. Winter 1 Sept. 03 25 July 1816

.V<vor Clia. de Vogelsang Lieut.-Col. 25 July 1810 25 July 1816
Captains Nidiolas Muller Miy. 4 June 1814 1816
Ferd. Compie de hi Ville 21 Oct. 04 25 Dec. 17
Benoit Ryhincr 3 Sept. 07 1816
Lewis Muller 25 Jan. 10 do
.Vntoine Courant 5 Apr. do
Frederick Rusillion 21 Apr. 14 do
Licutawnts . .Joseph Tugginer 30 Oct. 1806 do
Jost .Muller : 5 \ov. 07 do
Amauz Glutz 23 May 08 do
Pierre P. Auguste de Courten 15 Dec. do
John Peter Sorgenfrey 21 Dec. do
Hector de Sails 22 Dec. do
Charles Pannach 25 Jan. 10 ilo
Jean Juhani 18 Feb. 1 do
Edmund de Tugginer 26 Feb. do
Otto Henry Salinger 28 Feb. do
Henry d'Holbrcusc 15 Oct. 12 do
Joseph Gurtler 9 Dec. do
Edward de Tugginer 29 Sept. 13 do
.Nicholas Stutzer 30 .Sept do
Charle.s Crato Trott 28 April 14 do
Jean Baptistc Phil. Stutzer 27 Oct. do
Biuitpu .... Patricio Schmid 11 Deo. 1812 do
Charles <le Bronner 22 June 15 do
Chaplains .... John Keeker 9 Dec. 1794 1810
William Peter .Macdonald 1 July 1812 1816
Surgeon . John Auff. Rnmhild
. 22 Dec. 1804 do
Auiit.-Surg .William Heyu
. do do
Cbarlc« Gemmellaro 25 Nor. 13 do
T T 440

Foreign Half-pay.
Captains Francesco Stuart 19 Oct. 1815 -20Mar. 1816
Charles Felix Cavallace 27 Dec. do
Lieutenants . . Henry Stuart 12 June 1808 25 Mar.
Thomas de Fossi 6 April 09 do
Joseph BartoU 8 Nov. do
Baldassare Ossorio 9 Nov. do
Marino Zugiaui 8 Feb. 10 do
Gustave de Boquefeuil 23 Aug. do
Andrieu Vieusseux llAprll 11 do
Francis Rivarola 6 Feb. 12 do
EnsUjns Charles Hegler 28 Feb. 12 do
Gaetano D'Angelo 6 Oct. 14 do
Qua.-Master.3o\m^m% 3 Nov. 08 do


Lieiit..Colonel'Ru.Ao\-pha May 21 May 12 24 Oct.

Captains .... Amand de Courten ^oj. 4 June 18
Pancrace Ledergerw 9 July 06 26 Oct.
Cha. Zehender De Thiel 25 Mar. 1 1 do
Jean Christian Weyssen 25 Aug. 13 25 Mar.
Lieutenants . . Albert Steiger 6 May 07 24 Oct.
CEesar Angus. Champeaux 7 May do
Albert Manuel 5 Sept. 10 do
Charles Louis Sturler 6 Sept. 25 July
Charles Thormann 25 Mar. 11 24 Oct.

Frederick Fischer 26 Mar. 25 July

Francis Dicenta 28 Aug. 24 Oct.
Amedee Rodolph de Bersy 29 Aug. do
Rodolph de VTatteville 22 Feb. 14 do
Charles May 23 Feb. do
Ensifjm Fra. Louis Con. Fischer 25 Jan. 14 do
Jean Albert Fischer 27 Jan. do
Chnplain .... Peter James de la Mothe 23 April 12 do
A djutant .... Joseph Mermet Lieut. 27 Jan. 08 do
Assist.-Surg .Jean Baptiste Boidin
. 1 May 1801 25 July


Captains . . .Abraham Louis Hebert 25 Aug. 14 25 Mar.
Arthur Leon de Tinseau 15 June 16 25 July
iteu^enanis . .Antoine Louis de Mendibus 8 July 11 19 Mar.
John Ordon 10 July do
Alexander Schmitt 13 Sept. 13 24 May
John Ernest Symkath 14 Sept. 19 Mar.
Jean Julian, Chevalier de Gannes 13 July 15 do
Ensign Louis Tholon do 25 July
Qua. Master . Nicholas Cromvell 28 Nov. 16 19 Mar.

Captains .... Frederick Bothe 4 April 09 24 Feb.
Frederick Wyneken 8 July 1 do
George Fred. And. Rautenberg 17 Mar. 12 do
Charles Ebell 23 Mar. do
Christian,Baron Goeben 27 Feb. 15 do
Lieutenants ..John WilMam Tatter 19 Aug. 09 do
Cieorgo de Witte 20 Aug. 1 do
, William Fahle 14 Mar. 12 do
,^, 5!SJ Frederick von Fincke 20 Mar. do
Forriqti Half-pa y. ^^^
Emiyni fii-oivc Aiijriistus Runmiin "JoJimu 24 Feb. 16
Williuin lli.ldlo Md Jan. 14 do
Ens'ujiu Henry Brafkincyer 31 Jan. 14 do
Iknry William Miiller 17 .\iig. l.j do
John Hear)' Wegener 18 .Vug. do
Fnxlcrick Soliultze 20 .Aui;. do
Ailjiitaiit .... August. Henry Schaefcr Lieut, l.j I'ch. I;l do
.lMij/..6'ur5r..Jolm Christ. Fred. Fischer 17 Feb. 14 do

LieiilenanU . .Andrew Philip Cramer 21 June 10 2.j Sept. 16
*David Crusius 14 May 10 2o April
Philip Aug. von Harlessem 18 May 2.1 June
.Augustus Barckhauson 7 July 2.> .\pril
Cornels John -Albert Kropp 1 June 1.5 2.5 July IC
Henry von Jeinsen 2.5 July do
Henry Van Sande do do

.Joseph Tholon 4 June 1807
( harlcs Groskopff 4 Feb. lU


Town-Major . . J1/n>/-0'Hara Baynes GO 19 2 25 Dec. 1827

Town-Major . . Lieut. Peter Stuart C3 13 8 24 Dec. 1818

Governor Lieui.-Gen Sir James Bathurst, KCB 568 15 10 1 Feb. 183-3
Town-Adjutant. Ensitjn William Manscll 69 19 2 25 Nov. 1819

Town-Adjutant, iieu^. Edw. Sutherland 86 13 9 12 July 1833

Town-Major .. iie«f. Duncan Macdonald 69 19 2 30 Sept. 1813

Governor Lieut.-Gen. Sir \Y.nntc\imso-n, KCH 159 4 12 Fcli. 1830


Governor Gen. Sir Warren Marmaduke Peacocke,
KCH. KC. 318 8 3 Aug. 1830
Fort-Major .... Lieut. John Black 63 13 8 5 Dec. 1822

Governor Gen. Edward Morrison 173 7 6 2 Nov. 1796
Lieut.-Governor Gen. 5i)- John Fraser, GCif. 173 7 6 13 Nov. 1828

Governor Arthur Howe Holdsworth 10 Sept. 1807
Fort-Major . . ..Major Robert Kelly 69 19 2 11 Dec. 1828

Town-Major ..Jlffyor Walter White 173 7 6 25 July 1825

Governor GCTi.ThomasZordLynedoch.GCB.GCMG. 284 7 11 22 May 1829

iiewi. Tliomas Austin 63 13 8 27 July 1820
OoTcrnor iMMitj.-Gen.Ch&.yi.LordGm-uaciifKCB. 17 Feb. lKi7
I.ieut.-UoT (irn. V. Tho. Haininonil, GClf 173 7 6 20 July 1831
Fort- Major Lieut.-Cnl. Bissdl Ilancy, KH 80 13 9 10 Nov. 18-2-2
C'liaplaiii Rev. William Beattie Smith 24 April 1838

Town-Major . . Eiisign James Hamilton 02 13 8 1 April 1819

Town-.Major .. Co/. Daniel Falla 182 10 4 July 1822
Ti.mi- Adjutant. iiVu/. Archibald Campbell 91 5 20 Feb. 1810


Governor Gm. Hon. Sir G. h.Coie, GCB 284 7 11 1.1 Jan. 1818
Lieut.-Gov C«/. Peter Dumas 173 7 23 July 1832
Fort-Major Major Thomas Kelly 09 19 2 13 Jan. 1814

Fort-Maj.i: Adj. J/<yor John IlankeyBainbrigge 82 2 22 Nov. 1839

Governor ^m. William Earl Cathcart, AT. .508 15 10 18 June 1830

Lieut.-GoT .%q/or-GCTi.5«r Cha. Wade Thornton, A'C/?. 173 7 25 Sept. 1810
Town- Major . . Lieut.-Col. Robert Simson, KH 09 19 2 2 Oct. 1823

Governor Gen. W. C. Viic. Bercsford, GCB. GCH. 29 Jan. 1829
Fort-Maj.Jc.\dj.Lieu^-Co?. Robert Fraser,A'// 82 2 Mar. 1823


Governor Lieut.-Gen. Right Hon. Sir George Murray,
GCB. GCH. 474 10 7 Sept. 1829
Fort-Major Captain Andrew Frascr 80 13 9 20 Sept. 1813

Ueut.-Gov iieirf.-Co/. Charles Augustus West 173 7 20 June 1811


Governor tiB Lietit.-Gen. John Lord Strafford, GCB.
Town-Major . .John Nicholson 03 13 8

Town-.\djutant.iii?i//.-Co/. Robert Terry 91 .;

Quarter- Master, iifu/. John Colcroft 130 1?

Governor 5ir John Owen, Bart

Town-Major . .f.S Entign Colin Macdonald 80 13

Town-Major .. iicit^. John Gallagher 86 13 9 25 Feb. 1819

Fort-Major Anthony WTiarton 159 4 20 Dec. 1816

Licut.-Gov ;i/(7/0J--Gra.GeorgeJamesReeve3, CB. A'/f. 173 7 G 14 June 1819

GoTemor aSil Gen. Rowland Lord Hill, GCB. GCH.
KC. 1221 4 7 18 June 1830

.: , : ;• .. .
Town-Major . . Lieut. Henry White 69 19 2 2 Oct. 1823
Town-Adjutant, iiewi;. Thomas Vavasour Durell 86 13 9 18 Aug. 1825
Physician S/c James M'Grigor, Bar;;. il/l> 173 7 6 13 June 1811
Surgeon Isaac Chaldecott 44 2 1 3 Nov. 1790

Governor Mqjor-Gen. William Goodday Strutt 346 15 4 April 1800
Lieut.-Gov Gen. William Thomas Dilkes 173 7 C 2 Oct. 1829

Town-Major . . Lieut. George Adam Barnes 173 7 6 6 Nov. 1835


Fort-Major .... C«/)*. John And. Nicolas Wiehurg 8613 9 4 May 1838


Town-Major . .*Capt. Ambrose Lane 86 13 9 1 Jan. 1819

Capt. or Keeper. Gen. Sir Geo. Nugent, iJ^ 104 18 GCB 2 Nov. 1796
Deputy-Gov. ..?12S Mrgor-Gen. Sir Alexander Cameron,
KCB 44 2 1 23 Oct. 1828

Governor 31SB fo'- James Grant, CJS 1,0 4 2 30 Jan. 18.32

Governor Ge/j. S. F«c. Combermere, GCU. GC/f. ..284 7 11 25 Jan. 1821

Lieut.-Gov Lieut.-Col. Robert Walker 173 7 (i oq Mav 1813
Port-Major .. ..Jl/^'or Oswald Pilling 09 10 17 Jan'. 1834

Governor Gcti. Sir Martin Hunter, GCJl/G. Gf//. .. 284 7 11 23 July 1832
Deputy-Gov. .. Co/. S'ir Archibald Christie, /fC// 173 7 6 15 Feb. 1831
Major Patrick Tytler 86 13 9 5 Aug. 1795
Chaplain i?ci>. Robert Watson 76 10 26 April 1838
Garrisons. — Military Establishments.
£, t. d
Constable I® Field-Mar. .K rtliur, Duke of Wellington,
KG.GCB.liCH 947 9 7 29 Dec. 182G
Lieutenant Geti. John Sulivan Wood 20 Feb. 1833
Diimtv-Lieut....J.El Z,i>u/.-ro/. John Gunvood, Ci? 340 15 15 Nov. 1839
Major (•,I/)^ John Henr>- Elrinftton 173 7 C 4 July 1810
Chaplain i?(T. Robinson Rishton Baily 115 11 8 25 Mar. 1830


Lieut.-Uov iiVuf. -(Jen. William Thomas 173 7 fl G Sept. 1 820

Governor James Edw. £(ir? o/ Mahucshury 474 10 22 Aug. 1807
Capt. of Sandown Fort rn;)f. *"ir Wm. Wynii 173 7 29 Mar. 1810
Yarmouth Castle., {ia ^Uojor-Gen. Sir J. Waters,
KCB 173 7 6 22 April 1831
Carisbrookc Castle. Zieirf. - Gen. Sir W. PatersoD,
KCH. 173 7 6 20 Feb. 1817
Cowes Castle J® Gen. H. W. Marq. o/" Angle-
sey. AG. GCB. GCfl^ 173 7 6 25 Mar. 1820

Licut.-Gov Jj3 Lieut.-Gen. St. Hon. Sir James Kempt,
GCB.GCH 173 7 C 10 Oct. 1812

Governor Gm. Edward Paget, GC/?
iJon. Sir 500 10 Jan. 1837
LieuU-Gov Gen. Sir George Townshend Walker, Bt.
GCB 400 24Mav 1837
Major ii>u<.- Co/. Henry Le Blanc 300 22 Sept. 1814
.\djutaut Co/. John Morillyon Wilson, CB. Xtf. .. 100 IG Nov. 1822
Chaplain Rer. George Robert Gleig 19 Feb. 1834
Pbys. and Surg.. William SomervUle, AfX> 305 8 Oct. 1819


Governor OS Mqjor-Gen. Sir Geo. Scovell, KCB.. lOOO 3 Feb. 1837
Lieut. -Gov IS Co/. Thomas W"illiam Taylor, Ci*. .. 383 5 3 Feb. 1837
Captains of "^

Com|>anies of t^Z.i>u/.-Co/. Charles Wright, A'// 129 5 5 12 Sept. 180.1

Gentlemen f Jfl
ii«<f.-Co/. Charles Diggle, ATi/. 129 5 5 10 Aug. 1820
CadeU. J
Chaplain, ic. . Rev. William Wheeler,
. DD .100 25 Mar. 1804
Adjutant .l/n/or George Procter 163 2 24 Feb. 1818
Quarter-Mastrr./.i>u<. John Whitacre Tipping 97 6 8 10 Sept. 1830
Surgeon John Pickering, .VX) 255 10 O 20 June 1832
.\»ist.-SurE. .. Robert Dunkin Smvth 130 17 fi I Mar 1833
Military Establishments, Sfc.


Chelsea. £ s. d. APPOINTMENT.
Commandant James M'ilUamson
..iic!(<.-CoZ. 400 17 Sept. 1812
Sec. and Adjt.. •Cap*. John Lugard 182 10 13 Sept. 1804
Quarter-Master.AVilliam Henry Brownson 180 8 Mar. 1839
Surgeon Samuel George Lawrance 273 15 24 July 1828
Assist. -Surg. .. William Smith 136 17 6 26 Dec. 1834


Commandant . . George Evatt

ffi® Col. 273 15 25 June 1816
Assist.-Surg. . . John Hennen, il/J) 36 17 6 1 1 Sept. 1828


Surgeon 8811 William Finnic



GENERAL. John Montagu Mainwaring

Thomas Scott Henry Elliot
John M'Kenzie Samuel Huskisson
Sir William Wilkinson, GCMG. Dennis Herbert
James Robertson
Pinson Bouham MAJOR-GENERAL.
William Eden Sir Andrew Pilkington, KCB.
Sir William Gabriel Davy, KCH.
Benjamin Gordon Sir Alexander Leith, KCB.
Sir Alexander Halkett, KCH. Sir Thomas Pearson, CB. KCH.
John Granby Clay Sir Dugald Little Gihnour, KCB.
Sir Thomas Browne, KCH. Sir William Macbean, KCB.
John M'Nah-, CB.


Maida 4 July 1806
Roleia 17 Aug. 08
Vimiera 21 do.
Sahagun, BeneTente, &c. . . (actions of Cavalry) Dec. 1808 & Jan. 09
Corunna 10" Jan.

Martinique (attack and capture) Feb.

Talavera 27 & 28 July.
Guadaloupe (attack and capture) Jan. & Feb. 10
Busaco 27 Sept.
Barrosa 5 Mar. 11
Fuentes d'Onor 5 May.
Albuhera 1(> do.
Java (attack and capture) Aug. & Sept.
Ciudad Rodrigo (assault and capture) Jan. 12
Badajoz ( do. do. ) 1 7 Mar. &6 Apr.
Salamanca 22 JtUy.
Fort Detroit, America ( capture of) -Vug.
Vittoria 21 June 13
Pyrenees 28 July to 2 .\ug.
St. Sebastian (assault and capture) Aug. & Sept.
Chateauguay, America 26 Oct.
Nivelle 10 Nov.
Chrrstler's Farm, America 11 do.
Nive 9 to 13 Dec.
Orthes : 27 Feb. U
Toulouse 10 .\pr.

On the 7th October, 1813, a General Order, of which the following is an abstract, was
issued by the Commander-in-Cbief :

Whereas considerable inconvenience has arisen from the number of Medals which have
been issued in commemoration of the brilliant and dii^tinguished events in which the success
of His Majesty's arms has received the Royal approbation, the Prince Regent has been
pleased to command that the following Regulations shall be adopted in the grant and circu-
lation of suchmarks of distinction viz. :

1st. That one Medal only shall be borne by each Officer recommended for such distinction.
2nd. That for the second and third events, which may be subsequently commemorated in
like manner, each indiridual recommended to bear the distinction shall carry a gold Clasp
attached to the ribbon to which the Medal is suspended, and inscribed with the same of the
Battle or Siege to which it relates.
3rd. That upon a claim being admitted to a fourth mark of distinction a Cross shall be
borne by each Officer, with the names of the four Battles or Sieges respectively inscribed
thereupon ; and to be worn in substitution of the distinctions previously granted to such
u I- 418
— —
Officers loJto have received Honorary Distinctions,

4th. Upon each occasion of a similar nature that may occur subsequently to the grant of
a Cross, the Clasp shall again be issued to those who have a claim to the additional distinc-
tion, to be borne on the ribbon to which the Cross is suspended, in the same manner as
described in No. 2 of these Regulations.
His Royal Highness was further pleased to command that the distribution of Medals or
Badges for Military services of distinguished merit shall be regulated as follows viz.

1st. That no General or other Officer shall be considered entitled to receive them, unless
he has been personally and particularly engaged upon those occasions of great importance
and peculiar brilliancy, in commemoration of which such marks of distinction are to be
2nd. That no Officer shall be considered a candidate for the Medal, or Badge, except upon
the special selection and report of the Commander of the Forces upon the spot, as having
merited the distinction by conspicuous services.
3rd. That the Commander of the Forces shall transmit to the Commander-in-Chief, Re-
turns, signed by himself, specifying the names and ranks of those Officers whom he shall
have selected as particularly deserving.
4th. The Commander of the Forces in making the selection will restrict his choice to the
undermentioned ranks viz.

General Officers.
Commanding Officers of Brigades.
Commanding Officers of Artillery, or Engineers.
Adjutant-General, and Quarter-Master-General.
Deputies of ditto, and ditto, having the rank of Field-Officers.
Assistants, Adjutant and Quarter-Master-Generals, having the rank of Field-
Officers, and being at the head of the Staff, with a detached Corps, or distinct
division of the Army.
Military Secretary, having the rank of Field-Officer.
Commanding Officers of Battalions, or Corps equivalent thereto; and Officers who
may have succeeded to the actual command during the engagement, in conse-
quence of the death or removal of the original Commanding Officer.
The Crosses, Medals, and Clasps, are to be worn by the General Officers, suspended by a
Ribbon of the colour of the sash, with a blue edge, round the neck and by the Command-

ing Officers of Battalions, or Corps equivalent thereto ; and Officers who may have suc-
ceeded to the actual command during the engagement the Chiefs of Military Departments,

and their Deputies and Assistants (having the rank of Field Officers) and such other

Officers as may be specially recommended, attached by a Ribbon of the same description, to

the button-hole of their uniform.
Those Badges which would have been conferred upon the Officers who have fallen at or
died since the Battles and Sieges, shall, as a token of respect for their memories, be trans-

mitted to their respective families. Vide the London Gazette, 9th Octoberj 1813.
s.s c
ft. U 5!-3


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(According to the Data of Appointment.)


Field MarshalHis Majesty the King General f© II. Marij. o/" Anglescv,
of Hanorer, KP. liCB. GCB. GCH 7 Hussars.
Field MarslialHis Kai/iil Highness C3S Charles, Duke of Richmond,
A. F. Duke of Cambridge, GCB. .\ide-dc-Camp to the Queen.
GC.VG. GCH Cold8. Gds. Colonel His Royal Highness Prince
Field Marshal His Majesty the King George W. F. C. of Cambridge.
of the Bolirians, GCB. GCH. His Royal Highness Francis Albert Augus-
Field Marshal igl .\rthur, Duie of tus Charles Emanuel, i>uie o/Sa-ite, Prince
WelliiiiTtoii, GCB. GCH Gren. Gds. of Sa.\e Cobourg and Gotha.



General, William, Earl Cathcart 2 Life Gds. George, Marquess of Huntly
Major-Gcneral, George, Marquess of .\ide-<le-Camp to the Queen.
Twecddale, CB. Lieutenant, William George, Earl o/"Errol,
GCH. h. p.



Field Marshal. Hii Majesty the King James, Marquess of Thomond,
o/ Hanover, KG. GCB. Aide-de-Camp to the Queen.
General, Edmund, Earl of Cork Major Fra. N., Marques* of Convngham,
GCH Unatt.
Captain, John, Earl of Donoughmore . . b.p.



Field Marshal His Majesty the King of fflaaHill,Gen. Rowland, Lord, GCH. and
Hanover, KG. KP. KC. RHorseGds. Gen. Comm.-in-Chief.
. .

Field Marshal Hli Royal Highness the J}ii7:e Hislop, Gen. Sir Thomas, Bt 48 F.
»/ Cambridge, 7iG. GCMG. GCH. Cold- Houstoun, Gen. Sir Wm. Bt. GCH. .20 F. .

stream Gds. 60 F. Keane, Lt.-Gen. John, Lord, GCH. .43 F. .

His Majesty the King of the Belgians, KG. 3125 Kempt, Lt.-Gen. Rt. Hon. Sir James,
and GCH. GCH. 2F.
Lambert, Lt.-Gen. Sir John
fflSa 10 F.
Londonderry, Gen. C. W. Marg. of, GCH.
fflaa Alten, Maj.-Gen. C. Count, GCH. 10 Dr.
(Honorary) late Ger. Leg. Ludlow, Gen. G. J. Earl Sco. Fus. Gds.
aSa Anglesey, Gen. H. Mar. of, KG. GCH. Lumlcy, Gen. Hon. Sir William 6 Dr.
7 Dr. Lushington, Maj.-Gen. Sir J. L. E. I. C. Ser.
Anson, Gen. Sir George 4 Dr. Gds. Lvnedoch, Gen. Thomas, Lord, GCMG. 1 F.
Aylmer, Lt.-Gen. M. Lord 18 F. Murray, Lt.-Gen.fl*. Hon. Sir G. GCH. 42 F.
Beresford, Gen. W. Carr, Vise. GCH. 16 F. Nugent, Gen. Rt. Hon. Sir Geo. Bt 6 F.
Bloomfield,Lt.Gen. B. Lord, GCH. (Civil) O'Callagan, Lt.-Gen. Hon. Sir R. W. 39 F.
R. Art. ffl® Orange, Gen. H. fl. H. W. F. H. the
Bradford, Lt.-Gen. Sir T. GCH 30 F. Hereditary Prince of
Brisbane, Lt.-Gen. Sir T. M. Bt. GCH. 34 F. Oswald, Gen. Sir John, GCMG 35 F.
Campbell, Lt.-Gen. Sir Arch. Bt 77 F. Paget, Gen. Hon. Sir Edward 28 F.
Clinton, Gen. Sir William H 0.5 F. Pringle, Lt.-Gen. Sir Wm. Henry 45 F.
Cockburn, Rt. Hon. Sir G. M.-Gen. R. Mar. Robinson, Lt.-Gen. Sir F. P 59 F.
Cole, Gen. Hon. Sir Galb. Lowry 27 F. Russell, Col. Lord Geo. Wm. (Civil) Unatt.
fflSaColTille,Gen. Ho?j.5'jrChas. GCH. S,Y. <!liaa Seaton, Lt.-Gen. John, iorrfjGCfl'. 26 F.

Combermere, Gen. Staple. Vise. GCH. I L.G. Smith, Sir Wm. Sidney, Lt.-Gen. of R. Mar.
Cotton, M.-Gen. Sir Willoughbv.XCif 98 F. . aa Somerset, Lt.-Gen. Lord, R. E. H. 4 Dr.
aUa Dickson, Maj.-Gen. Sir A. KCH. R. Art. mi Strafford, Lt.-Gen. Jn. Lord, GCH. 29 F.
Doveton, Lt.-Cien. Sir J E. I. C. Ser, sua Vandeleur, Gen. Sir John O 16 Dr.
Drummoud, Gen. Sir Gordon 49 F. mSi Vivian, Lt.-Gen. Rt. Hon. Sir R. H.
Effingham, Gen. K. A. Earl of 3 F. Bt. GCH 1 Dr.
Fane, Gen. Sir Henry 1 Dr. Gds. Walker, Gen. Sir Geo. Townsend, Bt. 50 F.
Ferguson, Gen. Sir Ronald Craufurd. .79 F. WIA Wellington, Field Marsha! Arthur, X>ufe
Gordon, Lt.-Gen. Sir James WiUoughby, Bt. ()/, ay;. GCH. Gren. Gds., Rifle Brig.,
GCH 23 F. Constaltlo of the Tower of London, and
Grev, Gen. Hon. Sir Hen. Geo. GCH. 13 Dr. Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports.
Hewett, Gen. Rt. Hon. Sir George, Bt. 61 F, Worsley, M.-Gen. Sir Hen E. I. C. Ser.


(BJS Adam, Lt.-Gen. Rt. Hon. Sir Frederick, Blakency,
Lt.-Gen. Rt. Hon. Sir Edw.
GCMG 57 F. GCH. 7 F.
Anburey, Maj.-Gen. Sir Thos.. .E. I. C. Ser. Bourke, Lt.-Gen. Sir Richard 64 F.
Anson, Gen. Sir William, Bt 47 F. Bouverie, Lt.-Gen. Sir Henry F. GCMG.
Arbuthnot, Lt.-Gen. Sir Thomas 52 F. Brooke, Lt.-Gen. Sir Arthur 86 F.
Arbuthnot, Maj.-Gen. Sir Robert Buchan, Maj.-Gen. Sir John 95 F.
Barnard, Lt.-Gen. Sir Andr. GCH. Rifle Br. Bimbury, Lt.-Gen. Sir Henry Edward, Bt.
Barns, Lt.-Gen. Sir Jas. Stevenson, .... do. Burghersh, Lt.-Gen. J. Lord, GCH.
Bathurst, Lt.-Gen. Sir Jas. Gov. of Berwick Burgoyne, Maj.-Gen. Sir J. F.
fflSa Berkeley, Maj.-Gen. Sir G.H.F. Caldwell, M. Gen. Sir J. L E. I. C. Ser.
iMost Honourable Order of' the Bath.


fil C'umcron, Maj.-Uen. .Sir Alex. Mucbeau, Maj.-Gen. Sir Wni.
C'luui-ntn, Lt.-Gen. Sir Johu OF. .M'Mahon, Lt.-Gen. Sir Thomas, B/. . . 94 F.
Caniplull, Gen. Sir Hcnr\- F. GCH. 2.5 F. Mnoilonald, Lt.-Gen. Sir John C7 F.
?£l I'amptKll, Lt.-Gcn. Sir Colin 72 F. iia .Macdoncll, Maj.-Cien. Sir KCH.
Carneross, Maj.-Gcn. Sir Jos. Hugli, R. .Vrt. .Macfarlane, Gen. Sir Robert, GCH. 32 . . F.
CastuuMit, >laj.-Gcu. Sir W K. I. C. ^ie^. MacGn-gor, M.-Gcn. Sir E.J. M.Bt.KCH.
441 Clifton, .Maj.-Geu.Air Ar.B.AC//. 17 Dr. M'Lcaii, Lt.-Gen. Sir Hec E. I. C. Ser.
Corscllis, Maj.-Gcn. Sir Thos.. .E. I. C. Sit. .Maclean, Lt.-Gen. Sir John
; 00 F.
Dca(i>n, Maj -Gen. Sir Chas. E. I. C. Ser.
. . MacIco<l, .Maj.-Gen Sir Don. E. I. C. Ser.
. .

€a Dick, Maj.-Gen. Sir R. H. KCH. Maitland, Lt.-Gen. Sir I'cregriue

70 F.
Dickson, Maj. Geu. Sir Jeremiah .Malcolm, Lt.-Col. Sir James, late K. Mar.

Disnev, Gen. i"ir Moore 13 F. .Manners, Lt.-Gen. Lord Cha. S 3 Dr.

Donkin, Gen. Sir Rufanc S. GCH. ..11 F. ,»tUMay,M.-Gen.SirJohn,A'Cif.fromR.Ar.
Douglas, Maj.-Gen. 5ir James Napier, M.-Gcn. Sir Cha. Jas.

Douglas, Maj. Gen. Sir Noil, KCH. M.-Gen. Sir Geo. Tho.

Doveton, Maj.-Gen. i>ir John . E. I. C. Ser.

Nicolls, Lt.-Gcn. Sir Jasper 93 F.
Do«-nes, Maj.-Gen. Ulysses,
Lord O'Halloran, Maj.-Gcn. Sir J. E. I. C. Ser.
. .

Doyle, Col. Siri. M. Pakenham, Maj.-Gcn. Hon. Sir H. R.

Dunrttts, Maj.-Gen. Hon. Sir R. L. Pilkiogton, Maj.-Gen. Sir Andrew
D'Crban, Lt.-Gen. Sir Bonj. A'Cif. .51 F. . ReyncU, Lt.-Gen. Sir Thomas, Bt. . 87 F. .

tax Evans. Col. Sir De Lacv Richards, Xt.-Gcn. Sir Wm. . . E. I. C. Ser.
Filz Gerald, Maj.-Gen. 5ir j'. F. Rose, M.-Gen. Sir John do.
Fonlis, M.-Gen. Sir David E I. C. Sfir. SB Ross, Col. Sir Hew D R. Art.
Fraser, Maj.-Gen. 5ir Hugh do. Russell, M.-Gen. Sir Jas E. I. C. Ser.
Gardiner, M.-Gen. Sir John, Dep. Ad. Gen. Sale, Col. Sir Robert II 13 F.
Gardiner, Col. Sir Robert, Arcs'. . . R. Art. Savage, M.-Gen. Sir John Boscawen, KCH.
Gibbs, Maj.-Gen. Sir Edward Scott, M.-Gen. Sir Hopt. S E. I.C. Ser.
Gilmour, Maj.-Gen. Sir D. L. ilJB Scovell, Maj.-Gen. Sir George, Gov. of
iSlGomm, Maj.-Gen. Sir Wm. M. the R. Mil. College.
Goush, Maj.-Gcn Sir Hugh 99 F. Smith, Lt.-Gen. Sir Ijonel, Bt. GCH. 40 F.
Grant, Lt.-Gen. Sir Wm. Keir, GCH. 2 Dr. SaJ Somerset. Lt.-Gen. Lord Fitz Hov 53 F.
Cll tircenock, Maj.-Gen. Lord Stovm,CoI. Sir Frederick, AT C.1/G.. ."Unatt.
Grit-nwcll, .M.-Gen. Sir. Leonard, KCH. Tavlor, Lt.-Gcn. Sir John 80 F.
<",ui«\ Lt.-Gcn. Sir John Wright, Bf. iiB Thackwell, Col. Sir Joseph, KH...3 Dr.
?ia Halkctt. Lt.-Gen. Sir Colin, GCH. 31 F. Thornton, Lt.-Gen. Sir Wm 85 F.
48J Hardinge, Maj.-Gen. Rt. Hon. SirHenrx !M Vcre, Maj.-Gen. Sir Cha. Broke
97 F. Wale. Gen. Sir Charles 33 F.
Harvey, Maj.-Ocn. Sir John, KCH. Wallace, Lt.-Gen. Sir J. A 88 F.
Hope, Col. Sir James .\ Cnatt. Waters, Maj.-Gen. Sir John.Capt. Yarm.Cast.
Houstoun, Maj.-Gen. Sir Rob.. .E.I. C. Ser. Watson, Lt.-Gcn. Sir Jas 14 F.
Jackson, Lt.-Gen. Sir Rich. Downes . .81 F. Whitehead, M.-Gcn. Sir Tlio. .. E. I.C. Ser.
Johnston, Lt.-Gen. Sir WilUam 68 F. Wliittingham, Lt.-Gen. Sir S. F. KCH. 71 F.
Jones, Maj.-Cicn. Sir J. T. Bt. Williams, Col. Sir E. K 9 F.
Keating, Lt.-Cien. Sir Henry Sheehy .90 F. . Willshire, Col. Sir Thomas 2 F.
Lcighton. Maj.-Gen. Sir David E. I. C. Ser.
. . iJSA Wilson, Lt.-Gen. Sir J 82 F.
Leik'h, Maj.-Gen. Sir Alexander Wils<»n, M.-Gen. Sir James
Lowe, Lt.-Gen. Sir Hudson, GC3IG. .iC F. Wooilford, Lt.-Gen. Sir Alex. GCMG.
Ca Lyon, LU-Gen. Sir James, GCH. 24 F. iM Woodford, M.-Gcn. Sir J. G. KCH.


SSl.\bercromby, Col. Hon. Alex. ittiTl -Artruimbau, Col. Lawrence

A< 'curt, Col. C'. -Ashe,KH. Annstrong, Col. Sir Richard Unatt.
Adair, Col. Tliomas R. Mar. ta
Askew, Lt.-Gen. Sir Hen.
Agncw, Lt -CoL Pat. Vans, late of E.LC. Ser. Baddeley, .M.-Gcn. W. C E.I.C.Scr.
Aachmuty, CoL Sam. B. ?8J Baiicy, Lt.-Col. M. W.
Alen, Lt.-Col. Luke Bainhrigge,Col.Philip,.\s9ist. Qua. Mast. Gen.
Allan, Col. Jas -57 F. Balvainl, Col. William Unatt.
Anderson, Lt.-Gen. Panl 78 F. JB
Baring, Lt.-Col. O. Baron von, KCH.
Anderson, Col. Sir Alex Unatt. Basden, Lt.-Col. James Lewis 89 F.
Andrews, M.-Gen. Aug E- 1. C. Ser. Battcrsby, Lt.-Col. Fra
, late Unatt.
.\rbatbnott, Maj.-Gen. Hon. Hugh Battine, Col. WilUam
E. I.C. Ser.
Arentsschildt, Maj. Sir V. von, KCH. SB
Beekwith, Col. Charles

T V 404
Most Honourable Order of the Bath.
COMPANIONS— (C.B.)—Co«<;n!<e(f. I

Bell, Col. John Dickson, M. Gen. WiUiam E. I. C. Ser.

Bell, Lt. Col. Thomas 48 F. 5183 Dorville, Lt.-Col. PhilipUnatt.
Birch, Maj.-Gen. John Francis Douglas, Lt.Gen. Sir Howard, Bt. GCMG.
Bisshopp, Lt.-Col. Cecil 11 F. 5183 "Douglas, Lt.-Col. Robert, .late of R..\rt.
Blair, Col. Thomas Hunter Unatt. Downman, Maj.-Gen. Sir Thomas, KCH.
Blake, Col. Wm. Williams Doyle, Lt.-Gen. Sir C. W. GCH.
Blanshard, Lt.-Col. Tho R. Eng. 5183 Drummond, Maj.-Gen. Percy
Bosset, Col. C. P. de, KH. Duffy, Col. John Unatt.
Bowen, M.-Gen. Herbert E. I. C. Ser. Dundas, Lt.-Col. Hon. Henry 83 F.
Bowyer, Lt.-Col. C late of do. Dundas, Lt.-Col. Wm. Bolden R. Art.
Brandreth, Lt.-Col. Thomas A R. Art. 5153 Dyneley, Lt.-Col. Tho do.
51Sa Brereton, Lt.-Col. Wm. KH. . . R. Art. Eden, Lt.-Col. John, Unatt. Dep. Adj.-Gen.
aaa Brldger, Lt.-Col. J. P. in Canada
Brotherton, Col. T. W 16 Dr. 3153 Egerton, Col. Rich Unatt.
Brown, Col. George, K.H Rif. Br. Ellicombe, Col. Charles Grene R. Eng.
Brown, Lt.-Col. Gust. EI])liinstone, Maj.-Gen. Sir Howard, Bt.
Browne, Col. John F. 3153 Elphinstone, Maj.-Gen. Wm. Keith
5183 Browne, Col. Fielding Elrington, Col. Richard Goodall 47 F.
Slffii Bulow, Lt.-Col. J., Baron Erskine, Col. WilUam Howe Knight
Bryant, Col. Sir Jer E. I. C. Ser. Eustace, Maj.-Gen. William C. KCH.
Butterworth, Major W. J Evans, M. Gen. Thomas
Calvert, Col Felix
fflSa Unatt. Evans, Col. R. L late of E. I. C. Ser.
5159 Cameron, Lt.-Col. Duncan, .late of 79 F. Everard, Lt.-Col. Mathias, KH. 14 F.
Cameron, Major John E. I. C. Ser. Ewart, Col. John Fred.
Campbell, Major Sir Edw. A do. Fagan, Col. C. S E. I. C. Ser.
?iaa Campbell, Col. Sir Guy, Bt Unatt. Fair, Maj.-Gen. A do.
Campbell, Col. Archibald late of 46 F. Fanshawe, Col. Edward R. Eng.
?15a Campbell, Col. John late of 22 F. Faunce, Col. A. D.
61Sa Campbell, Col. William h. p.23 F. 5183 Fead, Lt.-Col. George
515a Campbell, Lt.-Col. Patrick. h. p. 52 F. Fearon, Col. Robert Bryce
. 6 F.
Campbell, Lt.-Col. Charles Stewart h. p.l F. Fergusson, Col. Jas h. p.
Carey, Maj.-Gen. Sir Octavius, KCH. Finch, Col. Hoti. John Unatt.
Carrol, Maj.-Gen. SirVf. P. KCH. Fitzgerald, Lt.-Col. Cha. late of E. I. C. Ser.
Caulfield, Col. James late of E. I. C. Serv. Fleming, Col. Edw.
. . Insp. Fd. Off. Rec. Dist.. .

515a Chalmers, Col. Wm. KH. Forbes, Col. David

Chapman, M.-Gen. Sir S. R. KCH. R.Eng. Fraser, Lt.-Gen. Hastings 83 F.
Cheape, Lt.-Col. John E. I. C. Ser. Frederick, M. Gen. Edward E. I. C. Ser.
5taa Cheney, Col. E. Freke, Col. Henry
518a Childers, Col. Michael late Unatt, 5B3 Fremantle, Col. J Unatt.
Church, Lt.-Col. Sir R. GCH. 5183 Fuller, Lt.-Col. Francis late of 59 F.
3181 Churchill, Col. C. H. 31 F. Qua.-Mast.- Fyers, Maj.-Gen. Peter
Gen. E. Ind. Gabriel, Colonel Robert Burd, KH.
5183 Clarke, Lt.-Col. Isaac B. late of 2 Dr. Galiffe, Lt.-Cof. John
. .

Cock, Lt.-Col. Henry E. I. C. Ser. Galloway, Col. Arch E. I. C. Ser.

Colvin, Lt.-Col. John do. Godwin, Col. Henry
Convers, Col. Cha. Edw. 3183 Gold, Col. Charles
8iaa Cooke, Lt.-Col. R.H. Goldfinch, Col. Henry R. Eng.
Cother, Lt.-Col. Charles Goldie, Col. Geo. Leigh 11 F.
Couper, Col. Geo. KH. Unat. 5153 Goodman, Col. Stephen Arth. KH.
Cowell, Lt.-Col. William Gordon, Col. William Alex.
Creagh, Col. Andrew 3183 Gore, Col. Hon. Cha. KH.
Unatt. Dep.
Croker, Lt.-Col. William 17 F. Quart.- Mast.-Gen. in Canada
Crosdill, Lt.-Col. J Gore, Maj. Henry Ross
late of E. I. C. Ser.
Cross, Col. WilUam Unatt.Gosset, Col. Sir Wm. KCH. R. Eng.
Cunliffe, M. Gen. Sir R. H. Bt. E. I. C. Ser. Graham, Lt.-Col. Charles E. I. C. Serv.
D'Aguilar, Col. Geo. C. Unatt. Dep. Adj.- 5153 Grant, Col. Jas. Gov. of Scarboro' Castle
Gen. in Irel. Greenhill, Maj.-Gen. James D. E. I. C. Ser. . .

Siaa Dalmer, M. Gen. Thomas Grey, M. Gen. John

5183 Damer, Lt.-Col. Hon. Geo. Lionel D. 3183 Gurwood, Lt.-Col. Jol n Unatt.
5183 Dansey, Lt.-Col. Cha. Cornw. R. Art. 3183 Halkett, Lt.-Col. Hn-h, KCH.
. .

Davy, Maj.-Gen. Sir W. Gabriel, KCH. Hall, Lt.-Col. Henry E. 1. C. Ser.

Dawes, Col. Thomas H. 3163 Hamerton, Maj.-Gen. J. M.
De la Motte, M. Gen. Peter E. I. C. Ser. Hamilton, M.-Gen. Christopher
Dennie, Lt.-Col. William H 13 F. Harding, Col. Geo. Judd R. Eng.

Must Honourable Order of the Bath.

COM PAN I0N3— CB.)— Continued.
Hare, Col. Riolianl Goddanl IJnat. Macdonald, Lt.-Col. Robt late of R. Art.
Hare, Col. John,
ffffil KH -27 F. Maodonell, Lt.-Col. George
Sa Harris, Lt.-Gen. \V. G. Lord, KCH. .Maclaine, Col. Sir .\rch Unatt.
73 F. Macleod, Lt.-Gen. Sir John, A'C//. .. 77 F.
HarrUon, Lt-Col. John Bacon Maoleod, M.-Gen. Cha. E. I C. Ser.

Harvey, Col. Sir Rob. John Macleod, Lt.-Col. George Francis

Hawkins, Lt.-Col. John P. .Mucphcrson, Col. R. Barclay, KH.
Wl lUv, Col. James Tnatt. Manners, Lt.-Col. Russell
Hirliert", Lt.-Col. Charles E. I. C. Ser. Mansel, Lt.-Col. Jolm
ll.rfnrU, Lt.-Col. Wm. L. .Manson, Lt.-Col. Alex E. L C. Ser.
H.riot, Col. F. G. Maxwell, Maj.-Gen. Sir Cha. Wm. KCH.
Ikrries, Col. Sir Wm. L. KCH Unatt. Mayne, Slaj.-Gen. John £. I. C. Ser.
l£l Hill, Col. Sir R. C. Meade, Lt.-Gen. Hon. John
Hill, Col. Sir D. St. Lcgcr Unatt. till Afercer, Col. Douglas Unatt.
Holiombe, Lt.-Col. Har. Fort. -MicheU, Lt.-Col. Edw. T R. Art
Hollowav, Lt.-Col. W. C. E R. Eng. Michell, Lt.-C<d. John do.
Home, Col. Robert E. L C. Ser. Midtllemore, M.-Gen. Geo.
HopkiDAon, Lt.-Col. Sir C. .late of <lo.
. Miles, Col. Sir Edward
? il Hostc, Col, Sir Geo. Cha R. Eng. iia MiUer, Lt.-Col. F.S.
Huvrhes, Col. James fa MUler, Col. George Unatt.
Ilusrhos, Lt.-Ciil. Samuel E. L C. Ser. Milnes, Lt.-Col. Colin J.
Hull, .M.-Gin. William do. Mitchell, Lt.-Col. Jas
ilill late of 92 F.
Hunt, Lt.-Col. J. P. iia Monev, Col. Arch.
Hunter, Col. George late of E. I. C. Ser. Monteath,' Lt.-Col. Thomas E.I.C.Senr.
Innes, Col. William E. I. C. Ser. Montgomcrie, Maj. P E.I.C.Serv.
Irvine, Maj.Arch lute of E. I. C. Ser. Morgan, Lt.-Col. John do.
itEl Jessopp, Major John late of 22 F. Morison, Col. William late of do.
Jolinson, Lt.-Col. John., late of E. I. C. Ser. 5® Murray, M. Gen. Hon. Henry
Johnstone, M.-Gen. F. J. T. .E. I. C. Ser.
. 58.4 Muttlebury, Lt.-Col. George
Ktnah, Col. Tliomas Napier, Col. Thos. E.
laa Kennedv, Lt.-Col. Ale.x. Kennedy Clark, Napier, Col .W. F. P.
KH. 7 Dr. Gds. Nicol, M. Gen. Charles
K. nnedy, Col. James E. L C. Ser. laNicolav.Lt.-Gen.SirW.jrCfl-.lW.LReg.
? Jl Kennedv, Col. Jas. Shaw Unatt. O'Donnell,' Lt.-Col. H. A. late of E.I.C.Serv.
til Kerrison, Lt.-Gen. Sir Edw. Bt. GCH. O'Donoghue, Lt.-Col. J. W.
14 Dr. Ogilvie, Col. James Unatt.
Kine, Maj.-Gen. Sir Henry, KCH. Ou'lander, Col. Henry 26 F.
i53 Krauchenberg, Lt.-Col. G. Baron von iiai O'Mallev, Col. George Unatt.
KCH. Orchard, Lt."-Col. Joseph E.LC.Senr.
lEl Lautour, Col. P. A. KH. OReillv, Lt.-Col. Walter F.
Lawrence, Col. Elias R. Mar. Oswald", Lt.-Col. Robert
JLiLl Leach, Lt.-Col. Jonathan Otway, Lt.-Gen. Sir Ij>ftns Wm.
L'E-strange, Maj.-Gen. G. G. C. Owen, Col. John, ^H. Dep. Adj. Gen. R. Mar.
Lewis. Col. Georjre late of R. Mar. Parke, Col. Thos. Adams do.
Lewis, Col. Geo. Griffith R. Eng. (lit Parker, Col. John Boteler R. .\rt.
Lightfoot, Col. T. iin Parkinson, Col. Edward
Lillie. Lt.-Col. Sir John Scott Parlbv, M. Gen. B. B E.I.C.Serv.
Limond, .M.-Gen. Sir James E. L C. Ser. Pasluy, Col. Charles William
. .
R. Eng.
Lindsay, M.-Gen, .\lex do. Patrickson, Col. C. C.
Lindsav, Col. Martin Patv, Col. Geo. Wm. KH
94 F.
Lisle, Lt.-Col. RotKTt Pearson, Maj.-Gen. Sir T. KCH.
JSl Uuellvo, Col. Richard Pelly, Lt.-Col. Raym.
f H Love, Col. Jas. Fre<l. KH 73 F. Pers'se, Lt.-Cnl. William 16 Dr.
Low, Lt.-Col. John E. I. C. Ser. Pitman, M.-Gen. Robert E.I.C.Serv.
Limisden, Maj. Tho do. Plenderleath, Lt.-Col. Charles
Wi Lvcon, .Maj.-Gen. Hon. E. P. Pollock, Maj.-Gen. Geo E.I.C.Serv.
MDoiiaM. Col. John 92 F. PoHok, Maj.-Gen. Thos do.
.M-I)..uall, Col. lUil>ert Pottinger, Lieut. Eldrcd do.
.M-Vair, Lt.-Gen. John Power, Col. William G R. Art.
Jill Macdonald, Maj.-Gen. Alci. Pnwtor, Col. Hen. Adolphus
JH .Macdonalil, Col. Alex R. Art. Purton, Major John E I.C.Serv.
?H Macdonald, Lt.-Col. Ranald, KH. 4 F. Pym, Col. Robert R.Art.
Dep. .\dj.-Gen. Bombay Pynn, Lt.-C»l. Sir Henrv
?a .Macdonald, Lt.-Col. Robt. Ute of 35 F. l£l Quentin, Lt.-Gen. Sir Geo. Aug. KCH.
Most Honourable Order of the Bath.
COUVAfilO'HS—iC.B.)— Continued.
Rainey, Col. Hen. KH. W. Lt. Gov. R. Mil. Coll.
Unatt. aSa Taylor, Col. T.
Reade, Col. Sir Thomas Thackeray, M.-Gen. Fred. Rennell
Reeves, Maj.-Gen. Geo. J. KH. Thomas, Col. Henry 20 F.
Reid, Lt.-Col. Wra R. Enp;. Thomson, Col. Alexander
sua Rice, Col. Samuel, KH. Unatt. Thomson, Capt. Geo E.I.C.Serv.
Richards, Maj.-Gen. Alfred .... E.I.C.Serv. Thorn, Col. Nathaniel, jK'if.Ass.Qua.Ma,Gen.
Roberts, Lt.-Col. Abraham do. Thornhill, Lt.-Col. George
Roberts.'Col. H. T late of do. Thornton, Col. Henry
Robertson, Maj.-Gen. Geo. Duncan Tickell, Col. Richard E.I.C.Serv.
Robertson, Lt.-Col. W. von, KCH. Timbreli, Major Thos do.
Rolt, Col. John Unatt. Tonson, Col. Jacob
ffiffilRooke, M.-Gen. Sir Hen. \X. KCH. aSaTorrens, Col. Robert. .A. G. in East Ind.
Ross, Lt.-Gen. John 46 F. Trevor, Lt.-Gen. Hon. Henry Otway
ffl?a Rowan, Lt.-Col. Charles Tulloch, Lt.-Col. Alex E.I.C.Serv.
518a Rowan, Col. William Unatt. Turner, Col. George R. Art.
Russel, Col. Lechmere E.LC.Serv. Tweeddale, M.-Gen. Geo. Marq. of, KT.
St. Clair, Col. Thos. Staunton, KH. Unatt. Upton, Lt.-Gen. Hon. A. P.
. .

Salter, Maj.-Gen. Jas. F E.I.C.Serv, Vernon, Col. Hen. C. E Unatt.

aaa Saltoun, Maj.-Gen. Alex. Lord, GCH. 31Sa Vigoureux, Col. C. A h. p.
Saluberry, Lt.-Col. C. de, late h.p.Can. Voltig. Viney, Maj.-Gen. Sir James, KCH.
Sandwith, Maj.-Gen. Wm E.LC.Serv, Wade, Lt.-Col. Sir CM
Sandwith, Lt.-Col. Bentham do. Wade, Col. Tho. Fra Unatt.
Scott, Lt.-Col. John 4 Dr. Wahab, Col. James late of E.I.C.Serv.
Seton, Col. William Garden aaa Walker, Lt.-Col. Leslie, KH.
Sewell, Col. Wm. Hen.. .6 F.Dep.Qua.Mast Ward, Col. John Rich.
Gen. E.Indies Warre, Col. Sir William Unatt.
Skinner, Col. James E.I.C.Serv. Waters, Col. Edmund E E.I.C.Serv.
ffl® Sleigh, Maj.-Gen. J. W 9 Dr. Watson, M.-Gen. Sir Henry
Smelt, Col. William 37 F. Watson, Lt.-Col. W. L late of E.I.C.Serv.
5183 Smith, Col. Henry Geo Unatt. Way, Maj.-Gen. Sir G. H. B.
Smith, Col. Sir C. F R. Eng. Weils, Lt.-Col. John Neave R. Eng.
fflSa Smith, Col. J. W R. Art. Wemvss, Col. Thos- Jas.
Smith, Lt.-Col. Robert .late of E.I. C.Serv. Weth'erall, Col. Geo. Aug. KH.
. 1 F.
Smyth, Lt.-Col. CM. Carmichael,E.I.C.Serv. Wheeler, Lt.-Col. Hugh M
Snodgrass, Col. Kenneth Unatt. Whinyates, Lt. Col. Edward KH. R. Art. C .

Stalker, Lt.-Col. Foster E.I.C.Serv. Whisli, Col. William S E.I.C.Serv.

Stanliope, Maj.-Gen. Hon. Lincoln White, Lt.-Col. Wm. Grove
Stanhope, Col. Hon. Leicester Unatt. ffljaWilkins, Lt.-Col. George, KH.
Stannus, M.-Gen.S'ir Ephraim G., E.I.C.Serv. WiUiamson, Lt.-Col. William E.I.C.Serv. . .

a® Staveley, Col. WilUam Unatt. Wilson, Col. S'lrJ.M.A'/f.Adj. to Chel.Hosp.

Steel, Lt.-Col. S. W E.I.C.Serv. Wilson, M.-Gen. Thomas E.I.C.Serv.
Stevenson, Lt.-Col. Thomas. . . do.
. M'ilson, M.-Gen Francis do. W
«;© Straton, Lt.-Gen. Sir Jos., KCH. 8 Dr. Wilson, Lt.-Col. G. D.
?Ua Stretton, Col. Sempronius Wood, Col. William, KH.
Sullivan, Col. Henry 6 F. Woodgate, Col. William
Taylor, M,-Gen. H. G. A E.I.C.Serv. Wynyard, Col. Edward Uuatt.
Taylor, Lt.-Col. Cha. Cyril Part.Serv. Zuhlcke, Col. Geo. Hen.


Dean — John Ireland, Dean of Westminster.

Genealogist —Walter Aston Blount, Esq. Chester Herald.

Bath King of A mis Algernon Greville, Esq.

Registrar and Secretary Captain Michael Seymour, R.N.

Deputy Sir M'iUiam Woods, KH. Garter King of A rms.
Gentleman L'^sher —George Frederick Beltz, Esq. KH. Laneaster Herald.
Mes.neiiger —
James Pulman, Esq. Richmond Herald.
Officer ofArms Attendant on the I Sir William Woods, KH. Garter King
Second and Third Classes. of A rms.

Secretary to Second and Third Classes. Sir Harris Nicolas, KCMG. KH.



Fiil<lMarshal Ifis Boyal Highnett \\\^. F. Duke of Cambridge. KG. GCB. GCII.
"" " ((KMIi.) (Jell. .Sir William Wilkinson.
Field Marshal ll.R.ll. \ug. F. BukeafCdm-
bri,U/t\KG. UCU. O'f//. Colilst. Guards, KNIGHTS COMMANDERS. (KCMG.)
and IXIth Foot. Colonel Sir Fredrick Stovin, KCB.
Lt.-Gen. Str Howard Dou>;las. Bt. CB. Dep. Assistant Com. Gen. Sir Edward Stuart
JU Lt..Gun. Rt. Hurt. Sir Frederick .\dam, Bapies, h. p.
KCB. .57 F. Maj.-Gen. Count F. Rivarola, KCU. R..Malta
SB Lt.-Gen. Sir Alexander Woodford, KCB. Fen. Reg.
Colonel Sir Frederick Uankey.
Lt.-Gen. Sir Hen. Frederick Bouverie, KCB. CO.MI'ANIONS. (CMG.)
Gen. Sir Henr>- Piu'ot, 38 F. Lt.-Col. Thomas Drake, Unatt.
Gen. Tliomas iorrf Lvnedoch, GCB. 1 F. Major Charles Andrews Bayley, Unatt.
Lt.-Oen. SirC. Bulkcfev Egerton,/tCH. 89 F. Lt.-Col. Marq. Guiseppe de Piro, R. Halta
Lt.-Oen. Sir Hudson Lowe, KCB. 56 F. Fen. Reg.
Maj.-Gen. Sir Patrick Ross, KCH. Colonel Henry Balneavis, A'//. Unatt.
Gen. Sir John Oswald, GCB. :« F. Dep. Com. Gen. James Woodhouse, h. p.
Gen. Sir .Martin Hunter, GCH. tin Major John W. Parsons, Unatt.
Chancellor Sir Harris Nicolas, KC.VG. KH.
King nf A mu Sir Charles Douglas, CMG.
Regittrar at Corfu
Chancery of the Order The Colonial Department, Downing Street.

The Orders mentioned in thii L'ut belong to the following Countries, and the Dates are
those of the Institution of the Order

Austria Maria Tlieresa (3 Classes) ISJun —
PriiMia— Black Eagle 18 Jan. 1701.
1757. Militar\- Merit — 1740.
L.-opol(I CJ Clajwps)U July, 180C. Red Eaglc(3 Classes) 1-2 June,n92.

Bararia .Maximilian Joseph (3 Clas.) 1 Jan. Russia— St. Andrew— 30 Nov. KWS.
180C. St. Alexander Newski— 1722.

Belgium Leopold (3 Clas.«es.) St. Ann (2 Cla.sse8)3 Feb. 1735.

France Military Merit(3 Classes) Marn-OO. St. George (4 Classes) 2C Nov. 1 709.
Legion of Honour (5 Classes) 13 St. Wla.limir(5 Classes) 4 Oct. 1782.

May 1802. Sardinia St. Maurice and St. Lazarus (2

Greece Saviour (4 Classes.) Classes) 13 Nov. 1572.
— —
Hanorer Ouelphs (3 Classes) 18 June, 1815. Saxony St. Henry (3 Classes) 7 Oct. 1736.
iVnpfc»— St. Januarius (1 Class) July, 17.38. 6>jin— Charles tlic Third (3 Claf.) lU Sept.
St. Ferdinand and Merit, (3 Clas.) 1771.
1 April 1800 San Fernando (5 Clas.) 31 Aug. 181 1.
St. George and Reunion (3 Clas.) St.HemieniciIde(2Clas.)10Julv,1815.
1 Jan. 1819. St. Isabella the Catholic(3Cla.-'.J1815.
.V<^*«-toidi—Wilhelm(4Cla«.)30 Apr. 1810. .Siwrfnrt—Swonl (3 Classes) 17 Apr. 1748.
Persia — Lion and Sun (3 Classes) 1801. Turfay— Crescent (2 Cla.«ses) 6 Julv, 1804.

Portugal Tower and Sword(3Clas.) 17 Apr. Tuscanij—H. Joseph, (3 Cia«M-5) 1H07.
1748. H'irtewifrur^— Military Merit (3 Clas.) 1759.
St. Bento d'AvU(a ClaMes) 1789.



Dvke Fuller, Lt.-Gen. Sir Joseph
Field Mar. His H. H. Aug. Frederick, 75 F.
Cambridge, KG. GCB. GCMG.
0/- Gordon, Lt.-Gen. Sir J. Willoughby, Bt.
Field Mar. His Majesty The King of the GCB. Quar.-Mast.-Gen -^3 F. ".

Belgians, KG. GCB. Grant, Lt.-Gen. Sir Wm. Keir, KCB. -i Dr.
Grey, Gen. Hon. Sir H. G. GCB. .. 13 Dr.
ffiSa Alten, M.-Gen. C. Count GCB. late Ger. iBMHalkett, Lt.-Gen. SirCoMn, KCB. 31 F.
Leg. Hammond, Gen. Fra. Tho.
SliSa Anglesey, Gen. H. of, KG.
W. Marq. ffiaa Hill, Gen. R. Lord, GCB. KC. R.Horse
GCB. 7 Dr. Gds. and Gen. Comm. in Chief
SUBBarnard, Lt.-Gen. Sir A. V.KCB. Rif.Br. Houstoun, Gen. Sir Wm. Bt. GCB. .20 F .

Bayly, Lt.-Gen. Sir Henry 8 F. Hunter, Gen. Sir Martm, GCMG. Got. of
Beresford, Gen. Wm. Carr. Vise. GCB. 16 F. Stirling Castle
Blakeney, Lt.-Gen. Bt. Hon. SirEdw. KCB. Keane, Lt.-Gen. John, Lord, GCB. .43 F. .

7 F. iffl Kempt, Lt.-Gen. Rt. Hon. SirJas.GCB.

Bloomfield,,GCJ?.R.Art. 2 F.
Bradford, Lt.-Gen. Sirlho. GCB 30 F. 3IM Kerrison, Lt.-Gen. Sir Edw. Bt. CB.
Brisbane, Lt.-Gen. Sir T.M. Bt. KCB. 34 F. 14 Dr.
Burghersh, Lt.-Gen. J. Lord, KCB. Londonderry, Gen. C. W. Marq. of, GCB.
Campbell, Gen. Sir Hen. Fred. KCB. 2.^ F. 10 Dr.
Champagne, Gen. Sir Josiah 17 F. am
Lyon, Lt.-Gen. Sir Jas. KCB. . .24 F.
Church, Lt.-Col. Sir R. CB. late GreekLt.In. Mackenzie, Gen. Sir Alexander, Bt.
Cockburn, General George Macfarlane, Gen. Sir R. KCB
32 F.
Cockburn, MaJ.-Gen. Sir Jas. Bt. Murray, Lt.-Gen. Rt. Hon. Sir G. GCB.
aaaColville, Gen. Hon. Sir Cha. GCB. 5 F. 42 F.
Combermere, Gen. S. Vise. GCB. 1 LifeGds. aSa Saltoun, Maj.-Gen. A. Lord, CB.
Conyngham, Maj. F. N. Marq. KP. Unatt. ffiaa Seaton, Lt.-Gen. John, Lord, GCB. 26 F.
Crosbie, Gen. Sir J. Gustavus Slade, Gen. Sir John, Bt 5 Dr. Gds.
Darling, Lt.-Gen, Sir Ralph 41 F. Smith, Lt.-Gen. Sir Lionel, Bt. KCB. 40 F.
Decken, Lt.-Gen. F. Count von der, late Ger. Stephenson, Maj.-Gen. Sir Benj. Charles
Leg. HU
Strafford, Lt.-Gen. J. Lord, GCB. 29 F.
Donkin, Gen. Sir R. S. KCB 11 JF. Turner, Gen. Sir Hilgrove 19 F.
Doyle, Lt.-Gen. Sir Chas. Wm. CB. ?ia Vivian, Lt.-Gen. Rt. Hon. Sir R. H.
Duff, Gen. Hon Sir Alex 37 F. Bt. GCB 1 Dr.
Elphinstone, Capt. J. Lord {Civil) .Unatt. ffiSa WeUington, Fd. Mar. A. Buhe of, KG.

Erroll, Lieut. W. G. Earl of, KT. h. p. GCB. Gren. Gds. and Rifle Bag.
Fitz Clarence, Col. Lord Frederick Unatt. Wetherall, Gen. Sir Fred. Aug
. . 17 F.
Eraser, Gen. Sir John . Lt. Gov.of Chester. Wheatley, Maj.-Gen. Sir Henry


Adams, Lt.-Gen. Sir G. P. De Butts, Lt.-Gen. Sir Augustus R. Eng.
. .

Arentssehildt, Maj. SirY. von,CiJ.l.Ger.Leg. D'Este, Col. Sir Aug. Fred Unatt.
Arthur, Col. Sir Geo h. p. aSa Dick, Maj.-Gen. Sir Robt. Hen. KCB.
aaa Baring, Lt.-Col.G. Baronmn, CB.l.G.L. Dickens, Lt.-Gen. Sir S. Trevor R. Eng.
Barton, Lt.-Gen. Sir Robert fflSa Dickson, Maj.-Gen. Sir Alex. GCB.
Bisset, Comm. Gen. Sir John h. p. from R. Art.
SlSa Bowater, Maj.-Gen. Sir Edw. fflSa Douglas, Maj.-Gen. Sir Neil, KCB.
Browne, Maj.-Gen. Sir John Downman, M.-Gen. SirT. CB. from R. Art.
Browne, Lt.-Gen. Sir Thomas D'Urban, Lt.-Gen. Sir Benj. KCB. .51 F. .

Browne, Col. Sir Thos. H h. p. Egerton, Lt.-Gen. Sir Charles Bulkeley,

Campbell, Maj.-Gen. Sir Jas. late of R. Mar. GCMG 89 F.
Carey, Maj.-Gen. Sir Octavius, CB. Eustace, Maj.-Gen. Wm. CornwalUs, CB.
Carrol, Maj.-Gen. Sir Wm. Parker, CB. Gardiner, Col. Sir Robert, KCB. . R. Art.

Chabot, Maj.-Gen. Louis W. Vise, late of 50 F. Gosset, Col. Sir William, CB R. Eng.
Chapman, M.-Gen. Sir S. R. CB. from R. E. Grant, Lt.-Gen. Sir Lewis 16 F.
Christie, Col. Sir Arch. Dep. Gov. Stirl. Cas. Greenwell, Maj.-Gen. Sir Leonard, KCB.
fflia Clifton, M.-Gen. Sir Ar. B. KCB. 17 Dr. Halkett, Lt.-Gen. Sir Alex.
Conroy, Capt. Sir John, Bt. .h. p. R. Art.
. OlSa Halkett, Lt.-Col. Hugh. CJS.late G. Leg.
Cotton, M.-Gen. Sir Willoughby, GCB. iJH F. Ilanbury, Jlaj.-Gen. Sir John
Cumming, Lt.-Gen. Sir H.J 12 Dr. a»a Harris, Lt.-Gen. W. G.Lord, CB. 73 F.
Cust, Lt.-Col. Hon. Sir Edward Unatt. Harvey, Maj.-Gen. Sir John, KCB,
Dalbiac, Lt.-Gen. Sir Jas. Clias. 3 Dr. Gds. I fflSa Hartmann, Lt.-Col. "
Sir J. KCB.
Davy, Maj.-Gen. Sir Wm. Gabriel, CB late Ger. Leg.
Roi/al Hanoverian Guelphic Order.

KNIGHTS COMMANDERS— Cim/inufrf. Peacocke, Gen. Sir W. M. KC. Gov. of

Hawkvr, Lt.-Gen. .Sir Thomas . .ti Dr. Oils. Kinsule.
Ilirriea, Col. Sir Wm. Lewis, CB. .Unatt. Pearson, Maj. -Gen. Sir Tliomas, CB.

Higgiiu, Tol. Sir Siim.G. late of t^cotsV)!*!!. Proll, Capt. Victor late Ger. Leg.
Ciiiuni!*. Pvin, Insp. Gen. Sir Wm h. p.
Hutchinson, Lt.-Gcn. Sir W. G. Gov. of (!il Qmiitin, Lt.-Gen. Sir Geo. Ang. CB.
Carriekfervus Kiviiett, Col. SiVJ. H h. p.
Koarni'V, .Miij.-Oon. Sir James Uiall, Lt.-Gen. Sir Phincas 74 Ft.
K.iin.ifv, Conini.-Gen. Sir R. H li. p. Rivarola, Maj.-Gen. Count Fra. KC.MG.
Kini;, .Maj.-llen, Sir Henrj-, CB. R. .Malta Fenc.
5il Kraucheuberg, Lt-Col". G. Bar. von, CB. iJJ Robertson, Lt.-Col. W. von, CB.
late Ger. Leg. late Ger. Leg.
Linsingen, Maj. E. Baron .. late Ger. Leg. Sa
Rooke, Slaj.-Gcn. Sir H. W. CB.
Doyil, Lt.-(iun. Sir Evan 7 Drag. Gds. late of Scots Fns. Gds.
Low, Maj.-Gcn. S. C. G. Baron, KCB. Ross, Maj.-Gen. Sir Patrick GC.MG.
late Ger. Leg. late of 75 Ft.
taXIacdouell, Maj.-Gen. Sir Jas. KCB. Savage, Xfaj.-Gen. Sir John B. KCB.
from Coldstream Gds. from R. Marines.
Hacgrcgor, Maj.-Gen. Sir Evan J. M. Bt. iSa Straton, Lt.-Gen. Sir Joseph, CB. 8 Dr.
KCB. Tliornton,Maj.-Gen.SirC.Wade,lateofR.Art.
MaclemI, Lient-Gen. Sir John, CB. i!jLlTownsend,Col. Hon. Horatio G.P. Unatt.
Macra, Col. Sir John V natt. Trench, Maj.-Gcn. Sir Fred. Wm.
Martin. Lt.-Col. David late Ger. Leg. Tuyll, .Maj.-Ci,n. Sir William
Ma.\w,ll, Maj.-Gen. Sir Cha. Wm. CB. Vinev, Maj.-Gen. Sir James,CB.from R. Art.
Sai Mav, Maj.-Gen. Sir John, KCB. Webi), Sir J. zVX). Direct. Gen. Ord. Med.
from R. .\rt. Department.
Montrcsor, Lt.-Gen. Sir T. Gage, 2 Dr. Gds. Whitmore, Maj.-Gen. Sir George.fromR.Eng.
Mulraster, Lt.-Gen. Sir Fre<l. Wm. R.Eng. Whittingham, Lt.-Gen. Sir S. Ford, KCB.
CiU Nicolay, Lt-Gcn. Sir Wm., CB. 71 Ft.
I W. I. Reg. Wilson, Lt.-Gen. Sir Wiltshire R. Art.
OConnell, Maj.-Gen. Sir M. Cha. Sa
Woodford, Maj.-Gen. Sir J. G. KCB.
Paterson, Lt.-Gcn. Sir Wm. Capt. of Caris- Ximenes, Maj.-Gen. Sir David
brook Castle.

Abemethie, Col. Thomas late of R. Mar.i Butler, Maj. James Unatt.
A'Court, Col. C. Ashe, CB h.p. iil* Cadell, Lt.-Col. Charles
Anderson, Maj. Joseph 60 F. Cairncross, Lt.-Col. Alei
' OG Ft.
VSX Anderson, Lt.-CoL Robert 91 F. Caimes, Lt.-Col. J. E
Angclo, Lt.-Col. E. A Unatt. Campbell, Lt.-Col. Alexander
9 Dr.
Amauil, Maj. J do.' Campbell, Col. James 95 Ft.
Arnold, t'ol. Jai>. Robertson R. Eng. Campbell, Lt.-Col. James Unatt.
Austen, Lt.-Col. John Unatt. iSJCarcv, Lieut. Tlios. h.p.2 Line Ger. Leg.
Badock, Lt.-Col. Lovell B 15 Huss. CarUr, Col. John 1 Ft.
Balneavis, Col. Henr^-, CJfG Unatt. itll Chalmers, Lt.-Col. Wm. CB b. p.
ii\ Burton. Lt.-Col.'Alex 12 Dr. Cliarleton, Lt.-Col. Edward, Unatt.

Itaviv, Maj. Sir Henrv Unatt.' Vep.-Ailj.-Gen., Ceylon.

iTji itovnes, Lt.-Col. Henry ..h.p. R. Art. fglChatterton, Lt.-Col. Jas. Cha. 4 Ur.Gds.
Jiil Beckwith, Lt.-Col. Wm Unatt. 511 Clark, Maj. John 54 Ft.
». nne, Capt. Lewis h. p. Ger. Li-g. Clarke, Lt.-Col. Andrew 46 Ft.
fjl Bishop, Maj. Peter Unatt. Clarke, Dep.-Insp.-Gen. John, . .h. p. MD.
Booth, Lt.-Col. llenr\- 43 F. Clerke, Lt.-Col. St. John Aug Unatt.
Bossett, Col. Chas. P'. de, CB h. p. Clerke, Maj. Thos. Hen. Shadwell li. p.

Hrailshawe, Lt.-Col. Geo. Paris 77 F. Clocte, Lt.-Col. A.J h. p.

la Brenton, Lt.-Col. William, CB. R. Art. Colebroke, Lt.-Col. Sir W. M. 0. . R. Art. .

Brigcs, Lt.-Col. John F h. p. Considine, Lt.-Col. James Unatt.

Brtiek, Lt.-Col Saomarez ilo. Couper, Col. (Jeorgc, CB
Brown, Col. George. CB Rifle Brig. Jil Cox, Lt.-Col. J(din do.
CJJ Bruce, Maj. William Unatt. JH Cox, Lt.-Col. William Part. Serv.
la Balow, Lt.-Col. J. iinroH.CB. late G.L.iCrabbe, Maj. Eyre J 74 Ft.
Bunburv, Col.Tlios F.jCreagh, Lt.-Col. Sir Michael
(r? 80 Ft.
I® Buniev, Maj. W. Cape Mounte<l Riflemen SH Cross, Lt.-Col. John

08 Ft.
Hiirrnwcs,"Maj. Robt. Edw Unatt. 441 Crowe, Lt.-Col. John Unatt.
Burslem, Col. Nath late of 67 F.j Dales, Lt.-Col. Samuel h.p.
Buab, LC-CoI. William 1 W. I. Regt. SB
Dance, Lt.-Col. Sir C. Webb do.

Royal Hanoverian Gicelphic Order.

KNIGHTS— Continued.
Daubeney, Col. Henry do. Jones, Lt.-Col. Rice R. Eng.
Davison, Lt.-Col. Sir William do. SIJH Kennedy, Lt.-Col. Alex. Kennedy (;lark
Deane, Maj. Charles 1 Ft. CB 7 Dr. Gds.
Slffil Deckeu, Maj. Wm. i}aran, Kerr, Lt.-Col. Lord Robert h. p.
Derinzy, Maj. B. Vigors 11 Ft. aSa King, Lt.-Col. Cha. Insp. F.O. Rec. Dt.
fflaa Di'ggle, Lt.-Col. Charles . R. Mil. Coll.
. Kronenfeldt, Maj. Cha. von .late Ger. Leg. .

Du Plat, Maj. Gustavus Clia R. Eng. a® Lamont, Maj. Norman 91 Ft.

Durie, Ass.-Insp. Wm. h. p. Ord. Med. Dep. ffiia Lautour, Col. P. A. CB
Edwards, Maj. R. Bidwell Unatt. a® Law, Maj. Robert II. Newf. Vet. Cos.
. .

Elliot, Lt.-Col. Wm do. Leslie, Lt.-Col. Charles Unatt.

51® Elliot, Lt.-Col. Wm. Hen 51 Ft. Leslie, Lt.-Col. John 4 Ft.
England, Col. Richard 41 Ft. 5181 Lindham, Lt. Ole late Ger. Leg.
Eustace, Lt.-Col. Sir J. R Gren. Gds. Lockyer, Maj. Hen. Fred 97 Ft.
Everard, Lt.-Col. Mathias, CB 14 Ft. ?liSa Love, Col. James Fred. 73 Ft. CB
Falconar, Col. C.Grant, Ins.Fd. Off.Sec.Dist. Lowen, Maj. Piearce,Cape Mounted Riflemen.
Findlay, Lt.-Col. Alex h. p. M'Adam, Lt.-Col. William Unatt.
?iaa Fitz Gerald, Lt.-Col. Edw. Thos do. M'Caskill, Col. John 9 F.
iBSa Fitz Maurice, Maj. J Unatt. Mac Bean, Lt.-Col. Fred 84 F.
Forbes, Dep.-Insp.-Gen. Chas. F.3ID.kKC. (Dia Macdonald, Lt.-Col. Ranald, CB. Bep.
iSaa Forlong, Maj. James 43 Ft. Adj. Gen. Bombay 4 F.
Forster, Maj. W. F Unatt. Macintosh, Col. A. F Unatt.
Fraser, Lt.-Col. Rob. Fort-Major, Jersey.
. . ?lSa Mackworth, Lt.-Col. Sir Digby, Bt. do.
Freeth, Lt.-Col. Jas. Assist. -Qua.-Mast. -Gen. aa Macleod, Col. Sir Hen. Geo do.
French, Lt.-Col. Cudbert 28 Ft. Macpherson, Col. R. B. CBh. p.
Fulton, Lt.-Col. Jas. Forrest late of 92 Ft. ffija Madox, Lt.-Col. Henry Unatt.
Gabriel, Col. Rob. Burd, CB h. p. Manners, Lt.-Col. Henry Herbert 37 F.
2Ua Garland, Lt.-Col. J Unatt. Mansel, Lt.-Col. Robt. Christ Unatt.
fflSa Gawler, Lt.-Col. George do. Marshall, Lt.-Col. George 82 F.
Garrett, Maj. Robert 46 Ft. sua Marten, Lt.-Col. Thomas 1 Dr.
Geddes, Lt.-Col. John Unatt. Maxwell, Lt.-Col. Arch. Montgomery 36 F.
?12i Goodman, Col. Step. Arthur, CB. h. p. Meade, Maj. Roche, Unatt. Dep.As.Adj. Gen.
aiaaGore, Col. Hon. Charles, CB. Dep.- Meade, Sir John, MD. h. p. Dep.Ins.of Has.
Qua.-Mast.-Gen. in Canada. Meiizies, Lt.-Col. Charles R. Mar. Art.
Gorrequer, Col. Gideon late of 4 Ft. Blichell, Maj. Chas. Cormvallis h p.
ffliB Grant, Maj. Alex Unatt. Miller, Lt.-Col. William h. p. R. Art.
fflia Grant, Insp. Sir Jas. Rob. MD. . . h. p. Moore, Lt.-Col. John Unatt.
Graydon, Lt.-Col. George R. Eng. Morice, Maj. T. H late of R. Mar.
Greame, Capt. J. D late Ger. Leg. Miillin, Maj. R IF.
Green, Lt.-Col. William Unatt. MulUr, Lt.-Col. George C-B. late G. Leg.
Hamilton, Col. J. Potter, lateofSco.Fus. Gds. Mnnro, Lt.-Col. Alex R. Art.
Hamilton, Col. Nicholas, Ins'p.F.O.Bec.Dist, Newton, Lt.-Col. Wm. Hen Unatt.
(ESfa Hardinge, Maj. Richard R. Art. Nicholson, Lt.-Col. Thos. W do.
aaa Hare, Col. John, CB 27 Ft. Nickle, Col. Robt Part. Serv.
Harris, Col. H. Bidteel. Norcliffe, Lt.-Col. Norcliffe h. p.
8iaa Hartv, Maj. Jos. Mark 33 Ft. Gates, Lt.-Col. Jas. Poole do.
Harvey, Lt.-Col. Bissell, Insp. F. O. Rec. Dt. fflaa Oldfield, Lt.-Col. John
R. Eng.
Harvey, Lt.-Col. James h. p. Onslow, Maj. Wm Unatt.
fflSU HavelocV, Maj. William 4 Dr. Owen, Col. John, CB. Dep. Adj. R. Mar.
. .

Hely, Maj. Jas. Price Unatt. Parry, Maj. -Gen. Parry Jones
Henderson, Col. Geo. Aug h. p. Paty, Col. Geo. Wm. CB 94 F.
iHill Henderson, Maj. James Unatt. Pcarce, Lt.-Col. William Unatt.
Henderson, Maj. John Wm h. p. Peddle, Lt.-Col. John 90 F.
Higgins, Lt.-Col. Wm. W Unatt. PennycuiA, Lt.-Col. John 17 F.
Hogge, Lt.-Col. John do. Pipon, Maj. George Unatt.
Siaa Hope, Lt.-Col. John Cha.' Rif. Br. Pitt, Col. Geo. Dean, Insp.Fd.Off.Rcc.Dist.
Howard, Col. Thos. Phipps h. p. Power, Col. Wm. G. .'.... R. Art. CB
Howden, Lt.-Col. J. H. Lord Unatt. Rainey, Col. Henry, Unatt. CB
Irwin, Maj. F. C. 63 Ft. Commandant of the Ratcliffe, Lt.-Col. John 6 Dr.
Troops in Western Australia. Reeves, Maj. -Gen. Geo. Jas. CB. Lt.-Gov. of
Jackson, Lt.-Col. Edward Unatt. Placentia.
8123 Jackson, Lt.-Col. James .... 6 Dr. Gds. Rice, Col. Samuel, CB
Jervois, Col. William h. p. Riddall, Col. Wm do.
Jones, Lt.-Col. George E 57 Ft. Hidden, Col. Hen. Jas. . . Ass.-Qr.-Mast.-Gcn
Jones, Lt.-Col. James h. p. Roberts, Col. Rich Unatt.
Ojficers permitted tit wear J'^orci(/>i Orders

KyiGUTS—ContlmieU. tia Trevor, Maj. A. H Unatt.

Robvns, Maj. John late of R. Mar. Turner, Lt.-C'ul.Chos. Ijurker. Part.Scrv. . . .

Sia', Maj. Jas. Kerr Unatt. Sai Tvler, Lt.-Col. John Unatt.
Hvuii, Maj. Th..s 50 Ft. \aliant, Col. Tliomas 40 Ft.
Sail, Lt.-Col. William R. Newf. Vet. Cos. Walker, Maj.-Gen. Edward.
St. Clair, Col. T. Staunton, CB
Uuatt. f £1 Walker, Lt.-Col. Leslie, CB. late of 25 F.
Sherlock, Col. Fnincis. .late of 4 Dr. Gds. Wallace, Col. .Sir J.
. . 5 Dr. Gds. M
Simson, Lt.-( 'nl. Robert h. p. fia Wallace, Lt.-Col. Rol)ert Unatt.
Singleton, Major John 90 Ft. Weare, Lt.-Col. Thomas Prov. Bat

Slviield, Maj. J. Clavell S (iO Ft. Wctherall, Col. Geo. Aug. 1 F. CB

Smith, Lt.-Col. Sir J. M. F R. Enic. ifa Whinyates, Maj. E. C. R. Art. CB
Smith, Lt.-Col. C. Hamilton li. p. Wilding, Lieut. Ernest late Ger. Leg.

Somerset, Col. Henn- Cape Mountcil Rif. SFH Wildman, Col. Edward h. p.
Sorell, Lt.-Col. Sir T. S. iiA Wilkins, Lt.-Col. C. CB. late of R. Brig.
Southwell, Capt. //on. Cha. .latel-2 R. V. B. . Wilcocks. XIaj. Rob. Hen 81 F.
Spink, Lt.-Col. John Unatt. Williams-Molyncux, Maj.Thos Unatt.
Stack, -Maj Gi-o. Fitz Gerald -24 Ft. Millianis, Lt.-Col. W. F Part. Serr.
Stephens, Maj. Hen. Sykes 8li Ft. Wilson, Col. J. .M. CB. At^. to Chelsea Hasp.
Stisted, Lt.- Col. Charles Unatt. Wilson, Lt.-Col. Nathan Unatt.
Tavlor, Maj. Abraham B 9 Ft. Wilson, Maj. Nicholas 77 F.
Tdvlor, Lt.-Col. Pringle Unatt. E® Winchester, Lt.-Col. Rob 92 F.
?J3 Thackwell, Sir Jos. 3 Dr. KCB ,
Col. William, CB h. p.
Thorn, Col. Xathan. CB. Ass.-Qr.-Mas. Gen. Wood,
Lt.-Col. Wui. I.cii;hton do.
Thorn, Lt.-Col. William late of 25 Dr. Wooldridge, Col. Tho. T do.
Thome, Maj. Per. Fra Unatt. Wright, Lt.-Col. Charles R. Mil. Col.
Thornhill. Slaj. Jas. Badham do. Wright, Col. John R. Mar.
Thorpe, .Maj. Samuel do. Young, Lt.-Coi. Plomer Part. Serr.
Trenienlieere, Col. Walter . .late of R. Mar. I


__. ., ,
Abercro,nh>-. Col.
Coldstream Gds
„ , TT .1 /-•7J
Han. Alex. CB.
1 .
late of J
, f Knight Tower and Sword
^„>,^^ „^^;^ ,y,,^^^.^^
fourth Class St. George
A'Court, Col. Cha. .\. CB. KH. h. p. 1 Greek S Commander St. Ferdinand and Merit
Lt. Inf. i.
Knight St. Maurice and Lazare
ilia Lt.-Gen. Rt. Hon. Sir Fred.
Adam, KCB. < Knight XIaria Theresa
i;C.UG. 57 F ( First St. Anne
.\Kxander, Capt. Jas. Edw. Unatt Third Class Lion and Sun

Jil Alien Maj.-Gen. Cha. Count, GCB. f^CH.f^^^^^^^^'^l^^:^^^^^^

late Ger. U-g
l^Commander of Tower and Sword
CComniander St. Bcnto d'.ivie
^ o. .^T. n ^ ., ; Knight Tower and Sword
Anderson, Col. Sir Alex. CB.Lnatt
. , .
>^^^„,1 j,,^^^ ^, ^„„g
LThird Class Wilhtlm
ta Anglesey. Gen. H. W. ^farq. of, KG. GCB. i Commander XIaria Theresa
gCH. 7 Dr
i: ( Second Class St. George
ta Ansley, Col. Bcnj. late of Sco. Fu*. Gds. . . Second Class of Crescent
Anson, Gen. Sir Geo. GCB. 4 Dr. Gds Commander of Tower and Sword
Arburthnot, Maj.-Gen. Sir R. A' CB do. do.
Arentsschildt, Maj. Sir V. von, CB. KCH. late (
j;„j^( jg

Annstrone, Col. Sir Rich. CB. Unatt do. do.

A mold, Col. J. R. KH. R. Eng Second Class of Crescent
Aubin, Capt. Tlio. h. p. 8 Gar. Bn Knight St. Joseph
Va Baring, Lt.-Col. G. Bar. von, CB. KCH. i Fourth Class Wilhclni
h. p. Ger. U-g (

Jia Barnard, Lt.-Gen. Sir A. F. KCB. GCH. i Knight Maria Theresa

Kiflc U ( Fourth Class St. George
Bams, Lt.-Gen. Sir James S. KCB. Rif. Br. . Knight Towt r and Sword
T> ^ T>. 1 n • ^ F'"' Cla>s St. Fernando
Basset, Capt. Rich. R. Art Knight Isabella the Catholic
z z 472
Officers permitted to wear Foreign Orders.

Beekwith, Col. Charles, CB. li. p. liitlc Brig.. . Second Class St. Anne
f Grand Cross Tower and Sword
Ferdinand and Merit
Beresford, Gen. W. C. Vise. GCB. GCH. 16 F. <!

— St.
of St. Hennenigilde
j Charles the Third
l^ St. Fernando
C Knight Tower and Sword
Jiaa Berkeley, M. Gen. Sir G. H. F. KCB •< Fourth Class of St. Wladimir
(^ Wilhelm
"' "''"^'"' ^-
^'gcF: f'"*^™'
Blunt, Lt.-Gen. Richard, 66 F Commander Tower and Sword
( Commander St. Bento D'Avis
Brackenbury, Lt.-Col. Sir Edward, Unatt \ Knight Tower and Sword
t St. Fernando
Bradshaw,Maj.-Gen.Lawrence,lateof 1 LifeGds. Second Class of Crescent
-, ,,./-. r^.mr from
r , o T^ ' Knight Towcr and Sword
Brown, CI- T 1.
Maj.-Gen. Sir John, KCH. Dr. 13 j
°_ cij^rles the Third
Buchan, Maj.-Gen. Sir John, KCB. 95 F Commander Tower and Sword
Burghersh, Lt.-Gen. J. Lord, KCB. GCH. from^
Gramf CrosrS^Ferdinand and Merit
^•^ ^
L i— St. Joseph
Burgoyne, M. Gen. Sirl. F. KCB. from R. Eng- Knight Tower and Sword
Cam^ac, Col. Burges, Unatt Knight Charles the Tliird
m. Cameron Maj.-Gen. Sir A. KCB. Dep.- I g^^^^j p,^,^ gj ^„„^
Gov. of St. Mawes >
Knight Maria Theresa
T-M ,1 II Ti ^1 CI- r- 1- I'z-iD It -c J Fourth Class St. George
ffliiaCampbeU,Lt.-Gen.5.<-Colm,ACi?.7-i F....<
j-^^.^j^^ Maximilian Joseph
LConimander Tower and Sword
Campbell, Lt.-Gen. Sir Arch. Bt. GCB. 77 F. Commander Tower and Sword
mA Campbell, Lt.-Col. Patrick, CB. h. p. 52 F. Knight Charles the Third
aSa Campbell, Col. \Vm. CB. h. p. 23 F Second Class St. Anne
Carrol, Maj.-Gen. CB. Sir W. P. KCH. from ^.^,,^,^^ ^^^ i^^i,.^ j,^jg,^^

Cathcart, Gen- W. Ear!, KT. -2 Life Gds George

| Founh''cirss St.
Cathcart, Col. Hon. Fred. h. p. 92 F Second Class St. Anne
Wi Cathcart, Lt.-Col. Hon. George, 1 Dr. Gds. Fourth Class St. Wladimir
i' Knight Charles the Tliird

_, ,. ^ Ti ,-. I ,-,! ni Ti J Commander Isabella the Catholic

Chichester, Lt.-Col. Cha. 81 F
^ p;_,,j pj^^^ g^ pernaudo
LThird Class do
_, Ti ^
Church, Lt.-Col. o- T,- 1 I /-ID .n/^ii-
CB. GCif. 1 • f Grand Cross St. George and Reunion e
Si)- Richard, late J
of Greek Lt. Inf.
^^Commander Ferdinand and Merit
Clay, Lt.-Gen John Granby Second Class of Cresent
Clayton, Gen. R. B. 12 Dr do. do.
^^•^.. n
t^z-iti -m i Fourth Class Wilhchu
hi- .-i
Chfton, Maj.-Gen. KCB.
Sir A. B.
17 Dr. >
g^^^^^ f,,^^^ gj_ ^„„^
i -t

31HColville,Gen. Hoji. SirC. GCB. GCH. 5 Ft. Commander Tower and Sword
f Grand Cross Tower and Sword
Combermere, Gen. S. VUc. GCB. GCH. 3 V)r.-i Charles the Third

m Gr. Gds
Cooke, Lt-Col- R. Hurvey, CB. late of
St. Fernando
p^^^^j^ ^i,,, gt. -0,,,^^;,

Considine, Capt. Wm. 69 F Second Class San Fernando

Cox, Col. Sir William, late of Port. Serv Knight Tower and Sword
Crofton, Lieut. Edw. Walter, R. Art. Fir?^ Class St. Fernando
Crosse, Lt.-Col. Joshua, Unatt Knight St. Fernando
D'Arcy, Lt.-Col. Joseph, late of R. ,\rt Second Class Lion and Sun
Kuiglit MarlaThcresa
mi Maj.-Gen. Sir n
nT T^^Ti T'^TT
TT ^
T-i. 1 /--- LI-
Dick, j,^^°j,, p,^,^ St. Wladimir
Douglas, Lt.-Gen. SirHovaTii,CB.Bf.GCMG. Knight Charles the Third
aiaDouglas,Maj.-Gen. SirN.
CB.KCB.KCH \ Sh ^^81.' Wladiniir
Officers j)€rmitted to wear Foreign Orders.

nnwiics, Maj.-Cii'ii. I'. Lord, KCB C'oiiimaiirtcr Tower and Sword

f Knight Lfvioii of Honour
Uovli-, Lt.-Gen. Sir C. W. CB. GCH ^ Kniijht Charles the Tliird
LSeeond Class of Crescent
Dovle, Col. Sir J. M. KCB. late of 1-i Gar. lln. Knight Tower and Sword
Uu'nilas, Muj.-(ien. Hon. Sir H. I.. KCli do. do.
D'Urban, Lt.-Cien. Sir B. KCB. KCH. ;>\ V. . Commander Tower and Sword
Emngliam, Ctcn. K. A. Earl of, GCB. 3 F do. do.
»* T-i 1 *
eel Elphinstone,
^1 r>
' 11-
\\ .
K. /
Ci* \
Second Class St. Anne
„ ., „, ,,..,,
^Fourth Class \\ ilhelni

rGnind Cross St. Fernando

m Evaiis.Col.Sir De Laey, A-CJ3.h.p.5\V.I.R..j
l^^|^^^c\^'^ do".'

LOrand Cross Charles the Third

Farrant, Lieut. Fra. E. I. Comp. Serv Second class Lion and Sun
Fitzeerald, Lt. Lionel Clia. Wm. Hen. '2 W. 1 Reg. Kniplit Tower and Sword
Forbes, (ien. J. Lord, 21 F St. Junuarius
Forhes, Cha. F. MD.
KU. Dep. Insp. Gen Second Class of Crescent
ffH Fremantle, Col. John, CB. Unatt Knight .Ma.\imilian Joseph
Gardiner, Col. Sir Robert, KCB. R. Art. KCH. Second Class St. Anne
Giles, Capt. Stephen, R. Mar Knight Tower and Sword
SaGomm, Maj.-Gcn. Sir W. M. KCB. late)„ , „,
^. .
Second Class St. .\nne
ofCoIdst:Gds ;

f Commander St. Ferdinand and Merit

Gorrequer, Col. Gideon, KH. late of 4 F <( Second Class of Crescent

^Commander St. Maurice and St. Lazarc

Gosset, Col. Sir William, CB. R. Eng. KCH. Commander St. Ferdinand and Merit
(Jouith, Maj.-Gen. Sir llueh, KCB. 99 F Knight Charles the Tliird
(irant, Lt.-Gen. Sir \Vm. Keir, KCB. GCH. J First Class Lion and Sun
'i l)r \ Knight Maria Theresa
?ai inint. Sir Jas. Rob. MD. KH. Med. Dep.
( Second Class St. Anne
Gray, Maj.-Gen. Wm Second Class of Crescent
ta Greenock, Maj.-Gen.C. M iorrf, A'CJS. from . J Fourth Class St. Vladimir
R. Staff C ( WiDielm
Orev, Maj.-Gen. John
• ' '
CB \
C '^T'^lf^t^^'v
ommander k
St. Bento d Avis
("Commander Maximilian Joseph
Mt llalkett, Lt.-Gen. SirC. KCB. GCH. 31 F.-{ Tliird Class Willielm
I. Knight Tower and Sword
fix Hart-, Col. John, CB. KH. 27 F Fourth Class St. Wladimir
,1 /^„,
r> 1 I ,.-D u
..- 11 -* o ** Commander St. Bento d'Avis
•' Col. Sir Rob. J. I B. h. p.
Ilarvev, "^ Port. bcrv. ! r- ™
Knight. Tower and sword

, . . ,
Henderson, Col. G. \. KH. h. p Second Class of Crescent
("Grand Cross Tower and Sword
f'""'™'^,';" Theresa
Hill, Gen. R. Lord, GCB.
A t
GCH. R. H. Gds. •'"f'a
K Seoind tiass St. George
Gen. Couim. in r-\.-
Chief \ ^ , ,., ^ ^ ^ ^
Seeonil ( lassof Crescent
LThird Cla.s.s Wilhelin

^^ Hill, Col.
Sir R C. CB. late of R. H. Gds. \
^"'K,';' i!!"""
Fourth Class
iTii r' 1
H.ll, C ol.
.•,.,• Dudley, e.
II jiI
St. L.
/-•» rr .».
CB. Cnatt $ Commander St. Bento d'Aris
J ^^.^^^^ ^,_^.^.^ _^,^,, ^^^^
la Hoste, Col. Sir O. C. CB. R. Eng Knight St. Ferdinand and Merit
Iloustoun, Gen. Sir Wm. Bt. GCB. GCH. 20 F. Second Class of Crescent
CSecond Class St. Anne
Commander Legion of Honour
llowden, Lt. Col. J. H. Lord, KH. Unatt 'Knight Charles the Third
Thinl Class Leopold
(.Commander Saviour
ImhoflT, Lt. Gen. Sir CharUn Grand Commander St. Joachim
Jackson, Capt. Sir Keith .\lex. Bt. 4 Dr Second Class Lion and Sun
Johnson, Lt.-Col. Cha. C. h. p. 10 F do
Johnson, Sum. E<lward, MD. h. p. ."52 F Knight Charles the Third
Jone?, Lt.-Col. James, KH. h. p. 15 Dr do
Jones, Lt.-Col. B. O. Cnatt Knight Tower and Sword
Office7-s permitted to icear Foreiyn Oiders.

Jm Kempt, Lt.-Geu. Right Hon. Sir Z. GCB./ir"''?*

\ Third Class
ni^u V> Tj
(jrCri.Zt ;
St. Georfre
„.., ,
L vv ilhelm
C Commancler Tower and Sword
Kennedy Sir Robert Hugh, KCH. Comm. Dep.<( Knight Charles the Third
\^ Second Class of Crescent

ni5ra T„™T.„ * Lt.

Lambert, T *. (-< c- John,
-Gen. >/r T^i, r^i^Ti -if\-c .. ^ Third Class St. Wladimir
?1jC3 GC-B. 10 F. . ^. ,, .,. .
t Commander Maximdian Joseph

Laughten, Lieut. John, E. I. Comp. Serv Second Class Lion and Sun
Lee, Lt.-Col. Sir F. G. G. Royal Marines Knight Charles the Third
Le Marchant,' Lt.-Col. Sir John G. 99 F ^i"."!
( Knightf Charles
'^f ^^'\F<^™f'"^°
the Third
Logan Lt. George, Royal Marines Knight Legion of Honour
('Commander Tower and Sword
Fourth Class St. George
Londonderry,Gen.C.W. il/oro.o/UVCiJ.
•^' ' " GCK.J< ^''"^'\?,''"''^ „ ,„
Grand Cross Red Eagle

Russian Medal in Commemoration of
L the Capture of Paris
ffia Lygon Maj.-Gen. Hon. E. P. CB. from „ „, „., ,.
Fourth Class „^
^, .

St. \1 ladimir
2 Life Gds
5ia Lyon, Lt.-Gen. Sir J. KCB. GCH. 24 F. . $
Conjm'iitlerMaximiUan Joseph
I of Sword
M'Grigor, Sir J. Bt. MD. Dir.-Gen. of Med. Dep. Commander Tower and Sword
Macbean, Maj.-Gen. Sir Wm. KCB Knight Tower and Sword
Siaa Macdonald, Maj.-Gen. Alex. CB. from R.Art. Second Class St. Anne
?iaa Macdonald, Col. Alex. CB. R. Art do
aaa MacdonaW, Lt.-Col. Robt. CB. late of 35F. do
fflSJMacdonell, Maj.-Gen. 6'JrJames,A'CiJ.A'Ci/. S Knight Maria Theresa
from Coldst. Gds [ Fourth Class St. Wladimir
Macfarlane, Gen. Sir Rob. KCB. GCH. 32 F. Grand Cross St. Ferdinand and Merit
Mackenzie, Gen. Sir Alex. Bt. GCH. from 36 F. St. Januarius
Maclachlan, Lt.-Col. Alexander, R. Art Knight St. Maurice and St. Lazare
Slaclaine, Col. Sir Arch. CB. Unatt Knight Charles the Third
Maclean, Lt.-Gen. Sir John, KCB. 60 F Knight Tower and Sword
aSa Macleod, Col. Sir H. G. KH. Unatt Fourth Class St. Wladimir
^m. Maitlaud, Lt.-Gen. Sir P. KCB. 76 F
'^"^ ^'^"^
( W
?'-.,f l'""™'"'
asa May,Maj.-Gen.5irJohn,/!:CB.ifCfl".frora$ Knight Tower and Sword
R. Art I Second Class St. Anne
Meade, Major Roche, KH. Unatt Knight of the Sword
Menzies, Lt.-Col. Cha. KH. R. Mar. Art Knight Charles the Third
Miles, Col. Sir Edward, CB. late of 89 F Knight Tower and Sword
ffiiSa Money, Col. Arch. CB. h. p. 60 F Second Class of Crescent
3159 Montagu, Capt. WUloughby, h. p. R. Art. Fourth Class St. Wladimir
. .

Montresor, Lt.-Gen. Sir T. Gagej KCH. 2 Dr. Gds. Second Class of Crescent
Moody, Lt.-Col. Thomas, R. Eiig Knight Military Merit of France
'Grand Cross Leopold
St. Alexander Newsl

Murray, Lt.-Gen. Right Hon. Sir Geo. GCB. — Red Eagle

nander Tower and Sword
GCH. 42 F
Maximilian Joseph
— St. Henry
L Second Class of Crescent
aaa Muttlebury, Lt.-Col. G. CB. late of 69 F. . . Fourth Class Wilhelm
Otway, Lt.-Gen. Sir L. W. CB. from 26 F Knight Charles the Third
Paget, Gen. Hon. Sir Edw. GCB. 28 F Grand Cross Tower and Sword
Parker, Lieut. Edw. Aug. R. Mar Knight Tower and Sword
Wm. CB. KH. *'• ^""'^ '^'/'''^
Paty, Col. Geo. 94 F \ ^f"^'}''^'^^"
{ Knight Tower and Sword
Peacocke, Gen. Sir W. M. KCH |
Commander Ton_er and Sword
I Second Class of Crescent
Peacocke, Lt.-Col. Thomas, h. p. Port. Serv Knight Tower and Sword
Phillips, Lt.-Gen. Sir Charles, from 44 F St. Januarius
Offiirrs pcrmitUd to wear furdi/ii Orders.

ri'niiunaiiUt-r Tower and Swurd

Pvnu, Lt.-Col. Sir Heurv, CB. lute of Port Serv.-{ Knight St. Fernando
C Charles the Third
Koudc, Col. Sir Tlioniaa, CB. h. p. 24 F Knight St. Ferdinand and Merit
lU. ,-es Maj.-Uen. (ieo. Jas. CB.KH. Lt.-<iov. of \ ^^^„_,,, p,^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^
Plticttttta S

m Keynell. Lt.-Ge„. 5irT. Bt. KCB. .7 F...

| |^?|i: ^1^
Rivurolu.Maj.-Gen. Count F. KCH. R. Malta F. ConimanderSt.MuurieeandSt.Lnzarc
llohert.i, Col. RiehanI, KH. Cnatt Knicht do
Robertson, Maj.-Cien. George U. CB. late of 89 F. Kni^'ht of Lcopolil
Holt, Col. John, CB. Vnatt Kniiiht Tower and Sword
5ia D
Ross, .^ 1
Col. Air
o- TT rv
JI. D.
R. %
. S
^ ,
Tower and Sword
,., ^, ,

Thos. Staunton, CB.

St. Clair, Col. KH. I'natt. Knii.'ht Tower and Sword
la Saltoun, Maj-Gen. .\lex. Lord, CB. GCII. ^ Knisrht JIaria Theresa
from Gr. Gds ( Fourth Class St. George

"mikcoh' ^.'."^."'^.'"..^'r
". ^^^:^"!:^: '"<'"'* ^'"^^ ^'^ ^^'•""""^
{ Jl Seaton, Lt.-Gen. John Lord, GCB. GCH. S Kiiiijlit .Nfaria Theresa
CO F i Fourth Class St. George
Commander Tower and Snord
i-M Shaw.
tn ax r • c-
Mr thas. 90 c
<^^ S

h. p. F ^,^j^,, f.,^^^^ ^, Fenmndo
Shearman, Capt. John, h. p. 7 F and St. Lazare Kni.'ht St. Miiiirice
SlKc,Capt. Beuj. B., E. I. Corap. Serv and Sun Fir-t ll:is^ I.i..n
Smith, Col. A'ir C. F. CB. R. Eng Kni-ht Cliarks X\w Third
Smith, Lt.-Col. Chas. HamUton, A'H. h. p. 15 F. Fourth Cla^s Willulni
rKnif;lit .Maria Theresa
Wi Somerset, Lt.-Gcn.iord, R. E. H. GCB. 1 Dr.-^ Tower and Sword
(.Third St. Wladiniir
rKni...'ht Maria Tlicrcsa
SB Somerset, Lt.-Gen, iordFitz Roy J.H.A'CB. J Fourth Class St. George
53 F. Mil. Sec. to the Gen. Comm.-in-Chief. . . ]
Knight .Maximilian Joseph
l.Commander Tower and Sword
Sorell, Lt.-Col. Sir Thos. S. KH. Second Cla-ss St. Bento d'Avis
Staidiope. Col. Hon.
Leicester, CB. Unatt Commander of Saviour
Steele, Lt. .Sir Robert, h. p. R. Mar Knight Charles the Third
Stopford, Lt.-Gen. Hon. Sir E. GCB. 41 F Commander Tower and Sword
JJl Strafford, Lt.-Gen. John, Lord, GCB. S Knight Maria Tliercsa
(iCH. -iiiY Class St. Wladimir X Second
ja Straton, Lt.-Gen. Sir Jos. CB. KCH. 8 Dr. Class St. Wladimir Fourth
Swan. Capt. Graves C..Part. Serv Class St. Fernando Second
Thompson, Lieut. Chas. Wm. ><1 F First Class St. Feniando
ThomhUI, Lt.-Col. Geo. CB. late of 14 F Second Class of Crescent
liB Torrens, Col. Rob. CB. h. p. 38 F Second Class of St. .\nnc
o- ni ^ Second Class of Crescent
Turner, r-
Gen. air ^37
/.r-iT in 13
Hjlgrove, GCH. 19 F J i-. . „.,„
^ ^t, .^nne

f First Class St. Ferdinand

Lieut. Geo. Edw. R. Art J. Knight Charles the Tliird

(.Commander Isabella the Catholic

Cpton, Lt.-Gen. Hon. A. P. CB. from Gren. Gds. Knight Maxilian Joseph
mi- ji
J5l \ andcleur, r-
Gen. o-
S,r T .. r.r-n icn.
J. O. GCB. 16 Dr
^ Second Class St. Wladimir

J Commander Maximilian Joseph

("Knight Tower and Sword
JSl Vere, Maj.-Gen. Sir Chas. Broke, KCB. . -; Fourth Class St. Wladimir
L Wilhclm
ia.1 Vivian, Lt.-Gen. Right Hon. Sir R. H. ^ Third Class St. Wladimir
Bart. GCB. GCH. 1 Dr ( Knight Maria Theresa
Walker, fien. Sir Geo. T. Bart. GCB. 50 P. . . Conmiander Tower and Sword
Warburton, Lieut. G. D. R. Art Fernando
First Class St.
„ -. t Knight Tower and Sword
W arre. ,
Col. S.r dham, /-n
W CB. ,- .»
Lnatt >
,..,^„,^„,,„ g,. gento d'Avi.
CS Waters, Maj.-Gen. .Sir J. KCB Second Class St. Anne
Watson, Ll.-Col. .Sir Fred. h. p. Port. Serv Commander St. Bento d'Avis
« atson, Maj.-Cien. Sir Henry, CB Commander Tower and Sword
Officers permitted to wear Foreign Orders.

Way, Maj.-Gen. Sir G. Holman B. CB Knight Coinmandcr aiui Svvoril

WA Webster, Lt.-Col. Henry, Unatt Commander and Sword
5I2E Wellington, Field Marshal Arthur, Duke of,1
KG. GCB. GCH. Col. of Gren. Gds. and of l^ and highest Class of nearly ever)/
the Rifle Brigade, Constable of the Tower of f Order in Europe.
London, and Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports J
West, Sir Aug. MD. h. p. Dep. Insp. Gen Knight Tower and Sword
Whittmgham, Lt.-Gen. Sir S.^ F.KCB. KCH. ^^^„^ ^.^^^^ ^^ p^^„^„,,^

Williams, Col. Sir E. K. KCB. 9 F Knight Tower and Sword

^''"to d'Avis
WUson,' Lt.-Gen. S,> John, KCB. 82 F H^'
( Commander Tower and Sword

i!ia Wood, Lt.-Col. Charles, Unatt Knight Military Merit of Prussia

8121 Woodford, Lt.-Gen. Sir A. KCB. GCMG. S
Knight Maria Tlieresa
from Coldst. Gds ( Fourth Class of St. George
r Knight Charles the Third
Wylde, Lt.-Col. William, R. Art { Second Class St. Fernando
l^Commander Isabella the Catholic.

I N D E X.

paire page
Abbt-y, HoUrt 1 Ui .\ins«orth, Oliver D. 202 Alston, Hen. Frederick 251
Abbott, Jiuni-s iJU .Vin'V, Uyonisius 271 Horace Geonre 272
Thoinna i5!) .\irey, James Talbot 1.14 Alten,Cha«. Count, UCB.
William Want 187 '-
Richard 70, 18o GCH. 10,4.34
Abercroniby, Hon. Alex. 32 .\itrheson, Andrew 115 .\lves, John 22(i
Hon. (jcora;e .\itchi3on, John 37, 149 Wm. Gemmell 180
Ralph oS Geo. Brooks 110 .\mbrose, John .^niiah 173
Abenlour, Sholto Johii .\iten, Victor Von 4:33 .\me9, Lionel 143
JU.rrf iC:l .\itken, Alex. 229 .\miel, Ge*irge 210
Abtrnethie, Tliotnaji, KH. :H> .\lcock, Thos. St. Legcr 247 Amicus, Benj. O'Neale,
Ackland, Kobert Dudley I-2 William 174 Viscount 121
Ackroyd, Hohtrt '
307 Alderson, Ralph Carr 101, .\msinck, William 178
A'Coii'rt, Clias. Aslie, KH. 34 110,284 Anbury, Thomas, Bt. 115
Acton, Francis, Baron 436 Aldred, John Williams 41 Anderdon, Hobart Grant 174
Adair, Charles WUliam 21K; Aldrieh, Edward 285 Anderson,.\brahamCollis 155
James 86 Aldridgc, Job 159 Alexander 294
Richard Bratton 27'2 — Robert 212 Alexander 39
Tlionuu 42, 292 Aldworth, Robert 246] Andrew 1.52
Thomas James 1*1), 219 .\len, Luke 53; Arthur, MD. 234
William Robert 219 Alessi, M. de Marches! 262 Davi.l 235

Adam, Frederick, 12, .\lcxander, .Mexander 83 \

David D. 110
1 1 J, 2<t8 Archibald 179 George 173
William 224 CaledonDuPrcll8 George 227
Adams, Edward 240 Chas. Carson 284 Henrv *n4
Frank 179 Geo. Gardiner 290 James 92, 257
George Pownoll, James 115 John 87, 250
KCH. 13 John 273] Joseph, A'if. 8.5,201
Hen. Benj. Briscoe Tliomas 311 1
Paul 13,2:«»
203 John Robert,A'/r 02,243
Henr\- Balthazar 2(53 ——
99, 229 Samuel Ba-\ter
llenr\- Williams 102 .Ulan, A. T. 208 Douglas
109 George 88 Thomas 189
Mich. GooUl 199| James 208 William 250
Samuel Goold 161 James 37, 208 Wm. Cochrane 268
Septimus 240 John 197 William H. H. 192
Thomas 13o| Robert 311 Amlerti.n. William 118
William Henry 161 .\nard, Richard I
255 Andrews, Alfred 172
Adaiuson, James 191 .\llcn, Charles Davers
157 .Kugustus 1 15
Joseph Samuel 189; Eilward Charles
91 1H;
.\ddison, Thomas 163 Hans 37 John 124
Till. mas Fenn 37 James 110 Mottram 179
Adolphus. Edwin, .VZ>. James 256 Robert 99, 2(!7
.Adye. John Miller Ralph Sluittleworth 272 Rot)e rt A lex 181 .

Affleck, Unncan Sevmour Phillips 118 .\ iigelo, E<lward Anthony,

Acnew, .\ndrew William 119 KH. no
Robert Vans Wm. Warner 140 John 116
Ahmuty, John .\Ilevne, James Holder 203 Wm. St. Leger 259
James Alle'v. John H. 204 .\nger9teiii, John Julius
Warren A11L\, <hnrles 39 William 63, 144
Ainslie, rbarles P, Frederick William 14C Anglesey. H.W. Afar, of,
FriMlerirk George 172 .oilman, George 310 KO.GCB.GCH. C, 133
Henrv Fnineis 2^1.'. Win. Hutchinson. Anclin, Philip, .Vi>. I
Wm.'H.ninnl 24.', Ml). 155 '.\nnosley, //o;i. Arthur II
page page page
Annealey, Francis Chas. 213 Armstrong, Nenon 127 .\utran, Alexander 436
Marcus 85 Richard 191 A xford, Richard 116
Stephen Fra. Sir Richard 35 Ayles, John George Aug. 295
Chas. 215 Richard Say 268 Aylmer, Frederick Chas. 241
Ansell, Augustus Fra.
Edward Clarges 226
Ansley, Benjamin, KC.

—— George Edward 245
Matthew, Lord,

Anson, George, GCB. 9, 124 Wm. Henry 172 GCB. 11,169

Hon. George 43 Wm. Cairnes 196 Thomas Brab. 34
John W. Hamilton 120 .\rmytage, Henry Ayre, Thomas Fames 182
Octavius, H.St.G. 154 Henry
\yilliam, Bt. KCB. Arnaud, John, KH. 86 Babington, John 66
9, 198 Arney, Chas. Augustus 209 Baby, Daniel 67
Anstruther, Rob. Lindsay 116 Arnold, Henry 296 Bace, Henry William 172
Anthony, J. A. Christian 436 Jas. Robertson, Wm. Godfrey MD. 177 ,

Anton, James 67 KH. 36, 282 Bachelle, George de 434

Aplin, Andrew Snape Ham. Arthur, Fred. Leopold 155 Lewis de,i?rtro7i
99, 241 Geo. KCH. 38,115 Von Dem Brinck 435
John Guise Rogers 179 John 94, 245 Bacchaus, Arnold Erich 437
W. J. D. C. 241 Thomas 102, 123 Franz Fred. 437
Appleton, Edward 294 Arthure, Wm. Henry 100, 207 Bacmeister, Arnold 437
Appuhn, Arnold 436 Ash, Henry 125 Christian 435
Charles Ernest 438 Ashburnham, Hon. Thos. Julius 436
George 435 64, 147 Lewis 435
Arabin, Frederick 70, 266 Ashe, Benjamin 116 Bacon, Hen. Hickman 123
Arbuthnot, Chas. George 5^. George 115 -William 116
James 44, 224 Ashhurst, John Henry 166 Badcock, Lovell Benja-
Robt. KCB. 17 Ashmore, Charles 187 min, i'ff. 58,141
Thos. KCB. 15, John 293 Baddeley, Fred. Henry 284
203 William 167 '-
Wm. Clinton 115
Hon. Walter 203 Ashpitel, Felix 167 Wm. H. Clinton 200
/Tow. Wm. 95,267 Ashton, Thos. Hen. 246 Baertling, Frederick 433
Arbuthnott, Hon. Hugh 17 Ashworth, Frederick 40 Bagenall, William 258
Archdall, Edward 165 Askew, Henrj' 14 Bagot, Charles 145
John 203 Askwith, Wm. Harrison 270 Edward 211
Mervyn 132 Aslett, John Thompson 295 George 202
Archdeacon, Edw. Mon- Thompson 44, 292 Bagwell, Edward 123
tagu 307 Wm. Stratton 296 Bailey, Charles 285
Archer, Clement Robt. 124 Astell, Rich. Wm. 71, 145 Morris William 54
Edw. Caulfield 88 Charles Edward 166 William 305
Fran. Bisset 307 Astier, Henry 214 Bailie, James 234
George, MB. 230 Aston, Joseph 150 Baillie, Frederick 312
William Henry 140 Astuto, Antonio 439 Geo. Clement
Wm. Spearman 307 Pierre 440 Hugh
Arentsschiklt, Adol. Von Atcherley, Wm. Sharp Robert 224
Lang 295 Robert 229
Sir Victor Atchison, Henry Alex. Bain, William, MD.
Von, KCH. 83, 437 Atherley, Mark Kerr 244 Bainbrigge, John Haukey 94
Arguimbau, Law Atkins, Geo. Martin 197 Phili; 39
Arkwright, Eustace 135 Atkins, Henry Martin 204 - Philip J. 286
Ferd. Wm. 124 Robert 211 -Thomas 208
— William 132 Thomas 85 Baines, Cuthhert A. 183
nstrong, Abraham 310 Atkinson, Edward D.
188 Baird, Sir Jas. Gardiner,
Alexander 14 . James S. 190 Burt. 136

Alex. Boswell Thomas, MB. 234 John 296
101,260 Attv, Wm. Fred. Willes 182 John William 222
Anth.W. S.F. 169 Auhin, Philip 90, 208 Peter, M.D. 196
• Charles 138 Auchmutv, Sam. Benj. 36 Wm. Dunlop 168
Daniel 236 Audain, John Willett P. 167 Baker, George 116
David Edw. 208 Austen, Henry Edmund 223 George 65
David Thos 165 3o\mlKH. 65 Geo. Granville 186
Elliott 0-. 196—— - John Wentworth 198 Geo. Spenser Per. 296
James 42, 265 Austin, Chas. Wilson 235 Hu:.'h Percy 156
John 251 George Isaac 154 James Swaviie"
John 254 William 202 John 169
John James 251 William, MB. 249 Narborough 69, 232
1 , , 6

Baker, RioUanl D. 2U0 Buriu'S, .\ndr. .Armstrong 176 Battersbv, Robert 198
Tliomas 7 Caleb 294 Battley, b'Ovlv William 216
Thomas Richard 102, George .\dain 243 Battye, Edward 174
ir,8 Geo. West, MD. 164 Bauermeister, Geo. Lewis 433
Wellington Cha.C. 174 Rich. Knowles 294 Baumgardt, John Gregory 44,
William -299 Samuel 273 1.-.3

William L. Y. 2-2J William 192 Daumgartncr, Roh. Julian 179

BaUliild, Cut). Elliot 2!I3 William English Ba.xter, James 220
Balclcrs,Clia.Wm.MorIcy 130 Fiti. Edw. 130 Havldon, Richard 116
Balilwiii. Gi'orpc 182 Bamett, Edward 129 Bavlec, Ferv 90, 215
Balilwvii, KdwarilJamps lHo William 125 Bayley, Cliarks, CMO. 1 1
Halily, Willium .'lO? Barney, George 94, 283 Chas. Andrews,
Bullbur, Artlmr Lowry 224 '-.
John Edward 243 CMG. 89
Charles Aiithdiiy 272 Bams, Jas. Stevenson, Edward 240
Rolwrt William 240 KCB. 13, 252 Hen. Addington :«)(!
Thomiis Graham, Barnwell, Charles 94, KiO Jas. Twislcton 205
MD. 311 Baron, Richard John 97, 284 Baylie,Thos. Hewitt 95,218
William I'Jo Barr, Marcus 154 Bayly, Fra. Brown rigg 258
Will. Stewart 60, 147 Barrallier, Fra. Louis 8"* Frederick J. ^
William 231 Barrcll, Frederick William George 186
BaliiihanI, John .\llan De 139 Edward 206 Geo. .\u2nsfns 223
Ball, Thomas Gerrard C4,1.VJ Barrett, Richard 170 Henry, GCH. 10, 159
Will. Hawkins 90 Barrow, Wallace 143 Henrv, KH. 86
Ballautine, Fretclieville D. 1 l.i Barry, Charles 101,225 John" 286
Stevenson '2x>o
James, MD. 309 Paget 181
Ballard, Volant Vashon ICO John Richard 10(> William 159
Balliiijthall,David James 293 Philip 95,283 Wm. Prittie 244
Baliicavis, HeftrA-, KU. 40 Philip John Staple 286 Zachary Clutter-
llenr'v Colin 209 Robt. Hugh Smith 140 buck 94, 267
BalvainI, William 39 St. Leger 217 Bavnes, Henry, KH. 67
Bumhriek, Roliert 137 Bartlett, Thomas 202 OHara 95
Baiiifonl, Roh. Carter 22o Bartley, George 201 Simcoe 93, 159
Bainpfield, William 183 George Francis 200 Bazalirette, Duncan 217
Bamptnii, Wm. Writtht 80 John Cowell 155 ^
John 67
Bannatiiif, Richard 312 John Mctge,.T/I^. 128 Louis 175
Banner, Robt. .Murrav 243 Robert 37, 200 Beadon, Valentine 294
Barhauld, Montague 2lH> Walter Tj'ler 200 Beale, Walter Yonge 220
Barhor, Robert Donijlas 132 Bartoli, Joseph " 441 Beales, William 193
Barckhaii.«cn, Augustus 442 Barton, .\Icxander, KH. 67, Beamish, Charles 186
Barclay, Edward 248 138 Bean, Nathaniel 65
George 310 Charles 98, 140 Beatson, Roger Stuart 285
Ileury Bruce 207 Hen. Cha. Benyon 243 Geo. Stewart 312
John 111) Hugh William" ')» Beatty, Andrew 286
Bardin. Michael 204 Robert, KCH. 13 '-
David 251
Barfoot, William 243 Wm. Hugh 228 Edward 2.51
Barinp, Ernest 436 Barttelot, Walter B. 128 George 42, 292
Geo. Baron Von, Basden, Ja$. Lewis 60, 241 Beauchamp, Richard 58
KCH. 54, 434 Samuel Taylor 2.36 Beauclerk, .Aubrev Fred. 158
George 438 Bassano, Fran. Matthias 310 iorrf Charles 151
I-ewU Charles 434 Basset, Richard 2(a>, 273 iorrfGeo.Aug. 136
William 171 Bastard, James Stokes (>4, Beaiifoy, Benjamin
Barker, .Alexander 273 2(;6 Heaulieu, Adolphus de 4.34
Gcorce 116 Jidin P. P. Wade I2«i Bcnnsire, Joseph 83
George Robert 271 Bate, William 208 Ik-avan, Tliomas 133
John Cricklow 31 Bateman, R<ihert 199 Bccher, Robert lUi
Barlow, Cuthbert 205 Robert 68 Becker, .Augustus 436
Fre<lcrick 213; Bates, Henry 234 Ernest de 437
Fre<l. Contort 171 Robert 196 John 440
(ieo. Edw. Pratt 5.". Itatrson. Thomas 212 Beckham, Thomas 170
James, Ml). 125 Bathe, Wm. Percival 150 Beckwith, Charles 38
.Maurice 87, Ui5 Bathurst, Benjamin 272 Hen. Ferdinand 2.V2
RoUrt Hilaro 2201 Henry 150 Sidney 2.V2
BamarTI, .\ndrew Fran. j
James. KCB. 13 William, A"//. ai
KCH.tlCH. 13.2.12 Peter James 148 William Henry Ifi
Hen. Clapton 116 Tlio. Harvey 204 Bedford, Wm. Fanshaw 212
Henr\- Wm. 61 144 Baltcrsbee, Thomas
, 284 James 116
3 A 4«0

page page page
Bt'dfordi Will. Devaynes 137 Beresford, Lord James 242 Bingham, Henry 212
BedingfieUl, John George 192 James D. 228 Birch, Jas. Hunter Blair 218
Beebee, Robert Morris 157 Marcus 67,154 John 88
Beere, George 165 ioj-rf William 118 John Francis 19, 282
Beers, Pliilip Grove 154 William Carr, Robert Henry 42, 265
Beete, John Pieton 99, 172 Vise. GCB. GCH. 7, 167 Bird, Henry Charles 258
Beetham, William 85,205 William Henry253 Lawrence 134
Beevor, Robert 17, 264 Berccon, IS'ich. Julien de 440 Louis Saunders 116
Begbie, Thos. Stb-Iing 89 Berger, Charles 436 Birrell, Wilham, MJ). 228
Behne, Chas. Aug. Jacob 434 Berkeley, Cha. A. F. H. 150 Birtwhistle, John 99, 183
Behrens, Hen. Christopher 433 G. H.F.,A'CJ3. 18 Biscoe, Geo. Grattan 218
Bell, Edward Well; SackviUe Hamil.18 Vincent, Joseph 284
George 1U2, 151 Bernal, Ralph Bishop, Chas. Thos. Geo. 115
- John" 36 Bernard, Arthur Francis 312
- Robert 125 Scrope R. 133
- Robert 115 Tliomas Peter, KH. 87
- Thomas 57, 199 William 'William 305
- William 163 William Bisset, Thomas, J/X*. 141
- William 167 Wm. Boran Bissett, Daniel 68, 266
- William, MB. 177 Berner, Carl Ernest 439 • John T. 260
- William 194 Berncrs, William Bisshopp, Cecil
269 66, 162
- William 241 Bernewitz, E. A. Wm. de439 Blachford, Aug. George 175
William 246 Berry, James Parsons 261 Wm. Henry 116
William 95, 267 Richard 227 Blachlev, Charles 89, 267
Bellasis, Edward H. 115 Bersy, Amedee Rodolph Henry 95, 267
Bellingham, Wm. 183 de 441 Black, George 2.32
Belsher, Fred. Joseph 218 Bertie, Hon. Montague James 258
Belshes, John Hurray 66 Per. 145 John Lewis 100, 204
Belson, Frederick 253 Bertles, Henry Beckett 185 Alex. *114
George John 95, 267 Berwick, Thompson 259 Blackall, John 190
Bender, Benoit 234 Best, Abel Dottin Win. 232 Newcombe Edw. 136
Benn, Anthony 271 Gustavus, George 434 Robert 200
Piercy 269 James John 185 Robert 116
Benue, Lewis, KH. 438 Hon. John Charles 201 Blackburn, John 237
Bennett, Alex. Maxwell 116 Rich. Mordesley 158 Blackburne, Isaac 168
Charles Luxniore238 William 434 John Ireland 126
Francis Levett 164 Bethune, Alexander 16 William 221
George 256 Duncan Munro 160 Blackett, Charles 174
George A. 285 Henry, Bart. 115 Blacklin, Richard 151
Henry 294, 297 John Driiikwater53 Blackmore, John 65
Lewis Moore 97, 216 Betson, William 14] Blackwell, Thomas Eden 243
Richard 97, 151 Bett, James 119 Blackwood, Hon. Hen.
Richard Baylis 238 Betts, WiUiam Tlioinas 177 Stephen 143
William 67 Bevan, Howe Curtis 270 Richard 272
Wm. Rob. Lyon 167 Beverhoudt, Adam 209 Blair, Augustus 156
Benson, Hen. Roxby 143 Beverley, Chas. Wm. 305 Edward Hunter 245
George Thomas 179 Bevians, James Montagu 42 Harry 154
Wm.WelboreH.208 Bewes, Cecil Edward 237 James Hunter 150
Bent, George Bibra, Frederick, Enron 440 Thomas Hunter 38
John Bicknell, Philip Blmidcll 197 Blake, Fred. Rudolph 184
William Henry 268 Thos. Barnacle 227 George 116
Bentinck, Cha. Ant. Ferd. Bifldle, Thomas 116 Henry 65
43, 147 Bidrtulph,Tho.Middlcton 118 Isidore Anthony 169
Arth.Cavendish236 Itigge, ^Mlliam .\Iatthew 222 John Brice 198
Men. John Wm. Biggs, Arthur Wm. 98, 133 Matthew Gregory 43
58, 147 John Andrew 115 Patrick Francis 239
Bentley, Alex.C. Downing 201 Bigland, Geo. Selsey 197 Robert Dudley 8
Charles 169 Bill, Charles 141 Stephen 217
Berbie, //o». BrownlowC.135 Billeb, Chas. Augustus -William Williams 33
Berdmorc, Scrope Reynettni Lewis 436 Blakeman, John 157
Vescy ' 215 Bindon, William 100,261 Blakeney,iJ<. Hon. Edw.
Bere, Edw. Baker 142 Bingham, Charles 271 KCB.GCH. 14,116,1.58
Beresforrt, George John 270 Ertm. Hayter 254 Edward Hugh 219
Henry Robert 212 George ^^'m. 269 Blamire, Charles 251
Hen. Tristram 223 — Geo. Wm. Pow- Blancklev, Edward Jas. 157
H.W.delaPoerl.56 lett 247 Bland, John 305
1 1111!1 !

pace piiie
RIaiul. William -JT-i Bouluuii, Piusou
Blaiie, Charle* ('ulliu» (>-i Pinson
Rolwrt IIU Bonner. John George
Bluiislmrtl, TlioinO!* »'>,.(<;)Bonnor, Thomas " 100.
Blantvrv, Cluirles, Lord 14(>Bounvcastle, Rich. Hen.
Blaquii'if, Hun. Wm. dc 1 94,
Jiilin lie l!h! Booth, Henry, KH. 59, ;

Blenkins, Ueo. Eleazor 1 4(! John

BIt-iikiDsop, William ICl William 6!), 1

" Ant. Borehers, Jobann Daniel
Leatoii UMi Bonles, Geo. Fra. W m.
BlenaerliasK't, Barrv iii Bortou, .\rther
BUjth, Hun. Elwani 7 Boscawen.EvelynSpencer ;

J.ilui Thomas illl Kosset, t'has. Philip do

Hl(>is, William 7-.', 203 Bosset, KH.
Bloinofiilii, lu-oHJe StJ Bostlemann. Henry
Bluiiimart, Daniel Francis 14 Boteler, Robert
Hlo<xl,Jnlui 91 Both, C'lispar Von
Bluonifielii, Benjamin, JU<rd B<ithe. Fn.lerick
GCB.GCH. 12. -204 Botlimer, Bernard Von
Hen. Keanv tf.l. W~ Ferdinand de
John 2''"^ Boucherett, Hen. Robert 143 Brackenbury.iVr Edward C6
JohnCaUIwcU 10:3 Boughey ,Geo. F. Fletcher 210' '— Langley 3<M3
Bloss*-. E.lwar.1 Lynch lir-J Anchitel, F. F.
bluttnitz, Charles" Vi.n 437
Blount, Herbert iH)
Bluett, Frederic Bucklaud 2961
Blundell. Fretlerick 11G|
William ICwl
Blundstune, John 431^
Blunt, Richard 10, 218
Bluntish, Ri.liert ICO
Arcliibald 160
BIyth, Alexander 297
DaTid 296
Saniuel SM, 2001
Blvthe, John David 2.>4l
Boalth, Jame:i 139
If^tanluian, Edwanl 115
Bo<l(lam, Alexaniler 209
Bo^'.ri*, James Edward 2oti'.

B<iidin, Jean Bapti^te 441

Bnileau, Sam. Brendram [

94, 173
Bnland, Robert Spencer 2U>
BoMeni, Lonsdale 61, 144
Boles, Thomas 115
Bolton, .\hraham 12oi
Daniel 100,2*4,
Georee 95
John 93, 127 I

Richard Nassau 236

^^amucl 64, 1S2
Tlieophilus 116'
Bonamy, John 09, 157 j

BouaTita, Vicenza 262

Bond. Ailolphus Fred. 2il4
Edward 2(»4
Frederick 116'
Henr> 90, i:»0
Wa'lhamWvndliam l.>5
Bone, Hugh, .Vl). ^M.
Bnnham, Henry Fre<l. VM,
Georve William I16|
JohnBrathwaite 201

page page page
Bredin, Andrew 36,2651 Broembsen, Add. Otto Browne, Barton Parker 99
Breedon, John 212 Von 439 Denis 139
Brem, Nich. Philibert de 84, Broke, Horatio George 59 Edward Stanley 295
439 Charles Acton 286 Fielding " 38
Bremer, Henry 295 Brome, Joseph Frederick 107 George 98, 183
Bremmer, William Thos. 197 Bromet, William, MD. 11 George 86
Brenchley, AlgernoQ G. 131 Bromlev, Henry 199 Hon. Geo. Aug. 98,
Bremian, John 173 ^Robert 118 216
Brereton,Robt.Edw. Per. 228 Bromwich, Arch. Edm Gore 92, 192
M'm. KH. C7 267 , Bronner, Charles de Gore 9, 195
\\'m. Robert 222 Brooke, Arth. KCB. 12, 238 Henry Sabine 237
Breslin, William Irwin Arthur Beresford 174 /fon.' John 116
Breton, Henry William Charles Aug. 247 John 17
Edw. Basil 90, 219 John 67
Brett, Chai-les George 116 John Frederick 33
Henrv GustavusTravers 206 Joseph Deane 126
John" Henry Vaughan 183 Joseph Steere 300
John Davy James Croft Melville G. B. 225
Richard Rich. W. Richard Percival 102
Brewster, Henry Thomas Peter 154
Cardinal Thomas /fon. Rich. Howel34
Breymann, Frederick William Robert 100, 167
George Brooker, Henry Wm 296 Rob. Fra. Jlelv. 56
Brice, George Tito Brookes, Roliert 90, 221 St.John Thomas 271
Brickeuden, R. T. W. 223 L. William 227 Salwey 220
Bridge, Cyprian 209 Brooks, George B. Stephenson 159
Cyprian (ib^ 266 Brooksbank, Joseph Thomas 126
George 154 Broom, Saville 94, 161 Thomas, KCH. 11
Robert Onslow 294 Broome, Henry 181 Thomas 83
Thomas 236 G. F
Louis', 181 Thomas Gore 65, 266
Bridgeman,Cha. Orlando 220 Brotherton, Thos. i Tho. Hen. KCH. 40
Edm. Hen. 62 CB. 36, 142 William P. K. 200
Fra. Ort. Hen. John Wm. 137 William R. 213
196 Brough, Rich. Seeker 36, 26 Brownrigg, Hen. Moore 203
Bridgen, Charles 306 Richard 235 -: Studholme 160
Bridger, James Paul 54 Redmond Wm. 93, 153 Brownson, Wm.
Bridges, Edward Jacob 268 Broughton, J. Delves, i?A MD. 216
Henry ^
Wm.E.Delves 285 Bruce, Eyre Evans 116
Briggs, John Brown, Alexander 69, 283 John 167
John Falconer, Andrew, 98, 231 Hon. Robert 145
KH. Benjamin 225 Robert 246
Brinckmann, Ernest Benj. Handley 235 Robert Cairnes 187
Frederick Edw. John Vesey 212 William, KH. 87
Julius George "
134 Wm. Tyrrell 169
Bringhurst, John Henry 242 George 146 Bruere, Henry 104
Brisbane, Chas. Baiilie George, KH. 36, 252 Albert Sadlier 194
100, 185 George 1 80 Brumell, William 227
Thos. Makdou- Gustavus 54 Brunker, James Robert 166
call, Bt. GCB. GCH. Henrv 205 Brunt, Tliomas 120
11,185 Henry 116 Brunton, Richard 61,139
Briscoe, Hylton 122 James 208 Brydges, John Geo. Wm. 123
Bristow, Frederick 157 Jas. Dudgeon 01 Buchan, Alexander 102
Henry 60 James D. 116 John, KCB. 16, 247
SkefFington 176 Jas. Montagu 245 Buchanan, Alexander 231
Brittain, Joseph Francis 295 John 222 Colin 214
Broadhead, Brinkman 62,147 John 243 Gilbert J. Lane 270
John Richard 32 John Tatton 204 James 294
Broadley, Edw. Osborne 183 Nicholas R. 185 Neil Snodgrass 245
John Bonrrvan 143 Peter 38 Phillips 126
Brock, Eugene Robert Bovd 227 Buck, Tlmmas 67
Saumarez, KH. Samuel '
14 Buckley, Edward Pery
Brockman, James Wm. Gustavus 175 Budd, Ralph 105
Broderick, Edward Browne, Abraham Wm. 230 Richard 116
Bi-oflie, Patrick Alexander 162 William Sidney 296
Brodribb, Samuel Alexander, MD. 1 88 Budgen, Thomas 284
Urodrick, Hon. John liciij. Cliapmau .^O Bnhse, Geo. Aug. Hen. 436
Rtili^nr, Julin Fri'd. Win. 4941 Burnett, Francis, MD. 107 Byrne, .Arthur 155
Uulkoli'V, Uiiip.iter 2->0Biimev, nuKhSomerv.8.224 Arthur 178
Ttit>iiiit» IIX '-
William, A'//. John 131
Tlioiimn, MD. 2-2:) 87, 2(!0 John 93,182
Thninas 182 William James 2',K5 Stanhope Rich. M. 188
Bull, Frcdi-rick O. 203 Bums, David 170 Thomas 183
Joliii Edward N. 230 John, 230
John Janii'sUil William 192 Tyrrcl Matthias 152
Bullcr, Fn-derirk William 11 Bumside, Ilcnrv 96, 213 William Gibson 251
Fretleriek Thomas 58 Burrcll, Georpe', 34, 1(» Byron, Hon. Geo. Anson I.'jO
-^^— Cicotvc 103, 252 Graham 272 James 159
lleurv Ocor^ 24(i Henrv Duncan KM) Rich. Willoughby 185
Bullock, llrii. Robert 00 W"m. Henry, .I/O. 229!
Biihnan, Citiir>;c 211 Burriss, Simpson Xelson 2.")7 Caddy, John Herbert '
Billow, Christian von 432 Burroughs, George 2(>9l Cadell, Charles, A'//.
John, iJaron, A' /f. Burrowes, Rob. Edw. Cailett, Henrv
53, 432 KH. 90 Ca.lonan, Hon. Edw.
O. W. F.J. C. von 432 Wm. Nesbitt (12 Hon. George

Bunbnrv, Hen. E. St. Burrows, Arthur George 271 Wm. Ho<Igson 8(i
KCB. 12 Montagu 14 Caflin, Wm. Geo. Chart 270
Henry William 184 Bursleui, Xathaniel, KH. 3:1 Caliill, David 225
Stoneliou^Geo.l.j4 Rollo Gillespie 164 John Campbell 243
Thomas Hi Burt, Charles 284 Cain, William 177
-Thos, KH. 41.219 James 2.30 Caimcross, Alex. KH. r>3, 248

- Tliomas 92, 232 James 273 Caimes, George 91, 187

Bonce. Benjamin 293 Burt<in, Alfred 293 John Elliott, KH. 57
Richard 6t> Edw. John. MD. 259 Calamv, William 293
Richard Scarle 296 Edward William 311 Calder,Benj.Gcorge,.VX). 287
Burcbell, Basil Heme 154 Fowler 249 Fran. Wm. Grant 119
Burdett, Francis 143 Wm.Moulden 72, 292 Patrick Doull 64, 28:1

Charles Sedley 212 Bun,-, Georce Batt 293 Thomas 183

Robert til Bush, Robert 248 Caldwell, Charles Benj. 243
Burcr, Gabriel 55 SeddonWm. Sutton 254 Clarke Maries 208
Burgh, James Florence de 116 William, KH. 58, 254 Frederick Edm. 230
John 102,24.5 Buslie, Gervase Parker 1:1:1 Jas. LilljTnan,
Thomas 192 Bussiett, Francisco
, 97, 262 KCB. 115
Thomas Hussev 251 Butcher, John .Vlexander 259
Vere 242
William '
115 !- Wm. Dickson 163 WilUam 257
Burghersh, J. iord.GCif. 15 Butler, Edward Charles 187 Wm. Bletterraan
Bnrgmanu, George 285,1 86 244
Burcovne, John .Mont. J}t. Gerald Villiers 248 Wm. Charles 198
64, 145 Henr\' 178' Calev, Henrv Francis 116
•^—^— —
John Fox, Hon.' lUn. Edv 39iCale(Ioii,Jas'D.P.£ar/o/148
- -
KCB. 20, 282 Henry Thomas 206 Call. Geo. Frederick J,.,,
- -

Burke, John, Bt. 32 Lord JamC!* l.'j8| George Isaac 169

Joseph 312 James, KH. 91 Calleja, Salvatori 262

John Hardman 240 James Arthur 71 iCallendar, Campbell 9

Patrick Percy Archer 179 Callcv, Henrv 1711
Thomas Robert 192|Calve"rt, Felix 38
Tliomas Robert 1 l(i Camac, Burgess 35
Thomas John Thomas 1.^8 Cambridge. A. F. Duke j

William Tliomas 71 of, K(J. GCB. GCH. 147

Burleigh. John —
Tliomas Lewis
I 2:>l Geo.W.F.C.
Burlton, William 116 Walter 178 Prince of 42
Burmester, Arnold E. 210 Webbe 212 Cameron, Alexander 193
-John Claridge 286 William Ilcnr^' I96t Alex. ATJS. 20
Bom, James 155 Butt, John Wells 1521^
1.V2 " Alex. John l.W
Robert if* BulU,Augiistusde,A'C//. Archibald I
Bumabv, ('has. Herrirk. 13, 282 -Charles 177
27(1, 273 Jas. Witshe.1 .Ic 226 - Donald Meeut l.i4
John Dick :12 William M. de 213 - Duncan 193
Richard 2-(i Butze, Wilhelm 438. - Dun.Alex.103, 193 .

Rich. Beaumont Byaiii, Edward - Ewen 231

20M, 273 Byers, Patrick -Geo. Paulct 116
Hume, Cornwall 00. 243 Bvles, Arthur William 2071 - Hugh John 59
Hnmes, Sir Alexander 16 Byng, Hon. Wm. Frwlk 184)
1 - James Allan 139

page page page
Cameron, John,A'CJS. 14 ,160 Campbell, James 213 Carden, John Cravan 134
John 165 James 239 Cardew, Christopher B. 226

John 28G James, KH. 62 George 39, 282
John Cha. MD. 311 James F. Glen- Henry Clare 246
Kenneth 3U6 243 Cardigan, Jas. T. Earl of, 61
Patrick ii; John 72 137
Robert Fulton 215 John 01 Carew, Harry 104
Camilleri, Mich. P. MD. 262 John 127 Robert 222
Paolo 262 John 129 Robt. Hallowell 187
Camm, John Philip 3U7 John 98, 189 William, Marcus 215
Campbell, Adam Gordon 226 Carey, Francis 202
m, Join 70, 249 Le Marcliant 218
Adam Join Octaviiis, A'CTf. 19
Alexander John, MD. 245 Peter 12
Alex. KH. 59, John Charles 160 Robert 191
Alexander John Cameron 139 Tapper 305
Alexander John L. 219 Carfrae, John 116

Alexander Morris R. 248 Carline, Henry 126
Alex. E. MD. Neil St^ewiirt, Carlyon, Edward 69
Andr. Mitchell Carmichael, Hum. H 187
Archibald Nicl Lewis 72
Archibald, St. Patrick Carnac, John Rivett 172
GCB. 15, Patrick 59 Carncross, Joseph Hugh
Archibald Patrick F. W KCB. 19, 204
Archibald 149 Carnegy, Chas. Hay, MD. 125
Arch. Colin Patrick Scott 270 - Thomas 204
Arch. James Robert 183 Carney, John 153
Arch. Neil Robert 197 Carnie, George 186
Arthur Wel- Robert 200 Carpenter, George 101, 192
lington Rob. Dennis- George 115
Charles town 131 Carr, George 311
Charles Robert Edgar 174 George Kirwann 253
Charles Kol>. Parker 225 John 37
Charles F. Thos. Edmund 133 Ralph 294
Charles Stuart William 122 Robert 189
Colin,A'C.B.15 William Samuel 306
Collin William 83 Stephen 239
Colin Wra. Cha. Jas. 123 Carrol, John Egerton 197
Colin, 62, Wm. Huntley 171 Wm. Hutchin •on 186
Colin Alex. Wm. John 166 William Parker,
David William Mark 165 KCH. 18
Donald Wm. Rich. New- Carroll, James 169
Donald port 244 Carruthers, Richard 72, 153
Dugald Campion, Geo. Edw. 131 William 227
Duncan Campsie, George Richard 152 Carson, William, MD. 237
Sir Edw. Alex. Canaran, John 216 Carstens, Rudolph 436
E. S. Norman Canch, Thomas 150 Cart, Robert 215
Farquhar, M, Cane, Arthur Beresford 101 Carter, Charles Jeffries 167
Farquhard Maurice 171 Henry 116
Fielding Alex. Maurice 224 John, KH. 43, 151
— Francis Stopford 84 John 310
Frederick Cannon, George Edward 260 John Chilton L. 195
Frederick 42, William 100, '^49 John Collis, MD. 220
• Fred. Alex. Cantilupe, Geo. J.F. Vise. 146 John Money 151
George Capadose, Henry 169 S. G. 92, 167
Geo. Her. Fred. Henr'y 64, 264 Wm. George 148
Guy, Bart. Capel, Henry Wm.
Frederick 215
— .
Henry Fred., Daniel 160 Wm.
Scott 167
KCB. GCH. 8, Sydney Aug. 138 Willoughby Har.
Hen. Dundas Hoti. thoniasEdw. 12 Cartmail, J. 166
Hugh, Mont. Capfllc, An-ustiis 438 twriglit, Ednmnd 115
Hugh A. B. Capi-oii,.I(.biiSliuckburghl74 Henry145
Hugh J. M. Carabelli, Jean Baptiste 4;^9 John 116
James Carden, Andrew 192 William 70
James Cha. Wilson 187 Car\vick, Thomas Mayor 230
James, A'K. 43, Frederick 203 Cary, Septimus Alph. F. 235
, 4

page pnttc page
I u..v,fort, Joliii, EarluJ Chapronieri', 2UU Clarcniont,Edw. Stopford \lti
.\u^'. Hen.
Case, Williaia
Cast'inent, \V. KCB. —
183 Charleton EdwanI,
Wo George 208
Clark, Fred. Uobson
- John, KH.
John, MD.
88, 2U5
Cash, Ilcn. Christiiius 'J:)S Thomas H. U - . 139
Casaiin, Mattliuw -JrUi Charlewood, John 207 - Walter F. 102
— Tlioiiiii.-. -iil Charleton, Hen. Wilmot 103, Clarke, Andrew, A'//. 71,107
Cassidy, Krancia I(>7 122 Charles 204
Loftiis ids John Sam. 215 Cha. Anthony 305
Ca»9ili9,Areliil>nlil.K'rtWo/143 Cliarretie, Thomas 37 Eric Mackay 108
Castieau, Jiiliii Buckley -iUO Charters, Samuel 00 Francis 8.3
Castle, Jnlin Koberts 3i10 (ieorge Calvert 241
SInilden 307 Chattcrton.J.C. KH 57, 124 Geo. Herbert 214
Win. •114 Oliver, Nicolls li^fi Guv 229
Cater, Tlioinas Hiek.o 154Thomas Henry 307
Tlioinii!< OrlniKlu 180Thos. Justly G. Henry Bourke 230
Catlicart, Andrew l:)(i Clav tor, John 285 James 108
Hon. Frederick 41 ChJape, Peter 102, 248 James 254
Hon. Geo. oo, l-I Chcarnley, William 150 James 203
Martin 1-J7 Clieethaiii, Charles 270 John 99,218
Milliuin, EnrI, Cluiiev, Edward 38 John Fred. Ml). 300
AT. (!, ll.j, 119 Ralph '-
223 John F. Sales 98, 129
Calhrey, Wenicr lao Chenoside, Sam. Wui. Joseph 72, 228
Cator, Jolin Faniaby 272 MD. 174 Haughton 135
Williani CO, 2CiG Cherry, Fred. Clifford
•1 1 Robert 268
Caulficld, llenn,- jChesney, Fran. Kawdon 70, Thomas 224
Cavallaec, Clias. Felix 441 115,207 Thomas 306
I'avan, Philip Charles 181 Cbesse, Jean de 440 Tredway 1 15

Cavarra, (iuisoppc 2G2 Chester, Chas. .Montagu 242 WlUiam 140

Cavendish, Geo. Henr\' 150 Harry George
1 74 W. H. F. I(i7
Hon. Henry John' 02 Milliam 213
F. C. 41,118' Chetwode, Frederick 1 75 Clarkson, James Oran 110
Win. George 13(5 Richard 155 ClavcU, Richard King 296
Caw, John, .Vi>. 311 Chichester, iord Arthur 239 Clavering, Hen. Mordaunt 32
Cecil, Lord Thomas 03 —
Arthur Charles 107 Clav, John Granbv 11
Chabot, L. W. VUc. dc, Charles 02, 233
J. Herbert 210
KCH. 10 John Octav. 107 William 188
Chads, John Cornell ft), 254 Lord John
, 230 Clavton, Rob. Browne,
Chalk, John Brett 205 iord Stephen A. 242 AC. 9, 138
Chalmer, Jas. Arch, fti, 2(i7 Child, William 197 Wm. Capel 148
Chalmers, John 173 Childe, Jonathan 138 Wm. Rob. Bart. 55
William :)8 Chililers, .Michael Cleaveland, Fred. Darby 271
Chamberlain, Henry, .S^ 2li'J Childs, Josepli 294 Rich. Fran. 44, 205
HallPlumerl54 Chi^holm, John no Samuel 272
John 128 Stewart 287 Cleaver, James Peach 121
Chamberlayne, Wm. .10 Cholmeley, Henr\' D. 178 Cleiland, M"m. Douglas 115
Chambers, Courteney 61, 17rt Jas. H 312

134 Cleland, Alex. B.

David Francis 155 ChoImondclev,//«».T.G. 194 Clements, Henry 94, 107
E<lw. Tho. Harlev 141 Cliristie, Arcii. KCH. 32, 33 Henry St. John 255
Jas. Walker "312 Frederick Gordon 104 Clendon, Wilham 294
John 141 Gustavus Ij)gic 154 Clephane, Rob. Donclas 231
rtiambre, James 248 Henry Paget Clerihew, George, MD. 152

William 07, 1{j2 James •
272Clerk, Henry
iiipa^ii',Jo9iab, 6tC^. Sam. Tolfrev 2-'52 124 Mildmay

Chudcn, William ' 83, 437 Clerke,St .John Aug. KH. 58 1

- Forbes 85 Chnn-h, Richard, GCH. 54 Tho.H.Shadwell,

npain .Vgnew 87 Chnrehill,Clia. Horace 38,182 KH. 89
< .]i|K-atix, Csesar Aug. 441 Edward Wni. 294 Wm. Jonathan 229
1 . .iiipion. John G. 247 Chnte, Thomas 173 Clevc,CarI.Died.L'.O.F. 433
( N.uidlcr, (ieonie 14:) Trevor 222 Urban 433
( Wililin, Thomas .'iC, 147 Ciavaldiiii, Peter Fran. 430 Hen. Anth. Fred. 432
liiil.nian, Frederick F.. 28(1 Clanchy, Ca.'isius M. W> Clibborn, Wm. G. iM. 188
Frederick Wm. 247 Claphani, William 115 Clifford, Rob. Cav. Spen. 14(i
rieorEc 110 Clupp, WiUiam Henry 312 Clifton, Arthur Bcnj.
John Strange 142 (lappertnn, John P.N. F. KCH. 17, 143
Stephen, U. 205, 297 John Talbot 118
KCH. 19,115,282 Clare, Louis 257 Thomas Henrv 138

page page page
Lord Cha.
Clinton, Pel- Coddington, Fitz Herbert 1911 Combermere, S. Ld. Vixc.
ham Pelham 118 Joshua 285 GCB. GCH 7,115,118
Frederick 70, 145 Codrington, Cha. Bethel 142 Combremont, A. la T. de 439
Henry 93 Edward 127 Comper, John Richard 306
LordThos. Cha. Wm. John 65, 147 Compton, Ld. Spencer S.237
Pel. 118 Coffin, Edward Pine 305 Henry C. 145
Wm. Hen. GCB. Guy Carleton 64 Comyn, William 115
8, -206 Coghlan,"john 238! Congdon, Geo. Walkup 295
Clitherow, John 18 Thos. John,ili"i3. 312 Congreve, George 180
John Christie 148 Coker, Lewis 180 Connell, Abr. J. N., MB. 240
Clive, Edward 56, 144 Colborne, i/o«. James 176 James 174
Cloete, Abra. Josias, KH. 68 Hon. Francis 166 Connolly, Richard Geo. 296
Peter L. Graham 243 Colby, Charles 250 William 42, 292
Close, John Marjoram Thomas 42, 282 Connon, John 186
Maxwell Stephen Edward 250 Connop, Richard 86
Cloudt, Morrice de Colchester, Thomas 287 Connor, Alexander 187
Clough, Howell H. L. Colclough, Anth. Cajsar 135 Frederick 153
Clowes, Thomas 159 Cole, Arthur Lowry 194 ConoUy James
, 1 25

Clune, William 156 Hon. Galbraith, L. Patrick 171

P. 203 GCB. 6, 178 Thomas Rich. 176
Clunie, Jas. Oliphant 98, 154 Hon. Henry 133 Conran, Lewis Charles 207
Clyde, James 248 John 85 Wm. Adam 207
Coape, Arthur 236 John A. 166 Conroy, Henry George 145
Capel 219 Fennel 96. 284 — Stephen Rowley 148
Coates, Cha. Aylmer 226 Richard 67 Considine, WilUara 221
William 169 Richard Sweet 157 James, KH. 68, 115
Coats, John 206 Robert 199 James 236
Cobban, Geo. Geddcs \^illiam W. T. 224 Constant, Jolm 125
Mack. 201 Colebrooke, Sir W.M.G. Conway, Thos. Sydenham
Cobbe, George 64, 2G6 KH. 69, 266 173
Charles A. 258 James Rob. 97, 267 Conyers, Cha. Edward 37
Henry C. 256 Coles, Geo. Richard 173 Conyngham, Francis, Marq.
Cocliran, James 192 Robert Bartlett 56 of, GCH. KP. 87
Cochrane, Cha. Stewart 158 Josias Rogers John 131 Coode, Cha. Penrose 296
George 257 William Cowper 61 Cook, Francis Augustus 188
Hon. Horace, Collett, John H. 115 Wm. Surtees 217
B. W. 244 Collette, Henry 219 Cooke, John George 204
James 171) Collet, Alexander Dick 167 John Henry 99, 176
Jas. Johnstone 33 Collings, John E. 184 Richard Harvey
John 109 Collington, John Wlieeler269 Robert 135
Robert 252 Collins, Francis 137 Rob. Wilton 222
Thomas B. Lord 218 James Wood 280 Cookea, George 130
WiUiam 43, 117 Thomas 195 Cookson, William 232
Cock, James 115 CoUinson, Cha. John Russ. 169 Cooper, David 168
Cockburn, Alexander 162 Hen. Redfearn 216 David Siritt 151
Cha. Vansittart 270 Thos. Bernard 2e6 George 115
Francis 37,116,256 Collis, Charles 67 Henry 94, 186
George, GCH. 6 Colliss, John 294 Henry 196
Rt.Hon.Geor^K, Colman, George Denis95, 166 Hen. Litellus Gil-
GCB. 292 Henry Scott 1C6 bert
James 181 .
William Thomas 206 — Isaac Rhodes 209
James 231 Colnett, Jas. Richard 116 Leonard Morse 103
Jas. Pattison 42, 265 Colomb, Geo. Thomas 87 Wm. Henry 134
WevmissTho. 87,211 Colquhoun, Daniel 18 Coote, Charles James 221
Wm. Peter 169 Jas. N. 94, 116,268 Henry J. 173
Cockcraft, Wm. Wild Robert 235 John Chidley 194
Jos. 228 Colquitt, Goodwin Cha. 125 Copland, Francis 65
Cocke, James 116 John Wallace 166 Copeland, George 150
Cockell, William 174 Columba, Pietro Santa 439 C'opinger, Henry 167
Cocks, C. Lygon 148 Colvile, Henry 59, 149 Coppon, Joseph 440
Philip Reginald 271 Colvill, Robert 249 Corbet, Vincent 120
John 141 Thomas, H. 223 Corbett, Edward 202
Cocksedge, Henry Leheup 126 Colville, Hon. Charles, Stuart 116
Codd, Augustus Fred. 216 GCB. GCH. 8, 156 William 203
John Edward 130 Charles John 237 Corcoran, Alexis 199
William 199 Combe, Charles William 225 Cordcmann, AI!K?rt 435
1;1111 1

pagi- page page
Cork. Edmund, Eiirl of, Cox, John tinL'clii 250 Croad, Frederick 171
KP. 1 John Hamilton 227 George Henry 131
Corniick, K-lwartl 1:I0 John William 104 Crocicchia Louis 439
Edwanl Il.-iiry 16(*Lindsey /.iicliariuli 12(i Croft, Jonathan 312
Will. Cieorpe 171)Samuel Svnies 16i John Thomas 110
I'ornt'lius Rich. Lontrficld iOO William, KH. Uoliirt .Manners 128
t'ofiiook, Isaac HO William 90, 205 Crofton, Edw. lliii. L. 229
C'oniwall, OiorRe 247 5(r William 32 Edw. Walter 270
Will. Ilonry &i, 147 Co.xe, Edward Jones 210 Hugh Dennis 171
Corrv, Savairc Hall' lt» James Thring 178 John 157
rors'illis, Tlmiiias, KCB.Ub Rich. Lovclockc 23(: Peter 91, 2a>
Con.'ton, Georcc Edward 'JUl Coxen, Edward 212 Richard Henry 272
— John
lii-orvo Hunt
iUS Coxworthv, Ferguson Th. 3U6 Walter Frederic
21*3 Crdbbe, Eyre J. KH. 87, 220 Crofts, John
Cesser, Walter 296 I'raig, Fran. Edw. Las- Crokat, William 68
Coster, Tho. Oliver Watts 1-24 cellos Croker, Edward 143
Costley, John 95 Henry Edward H!8
Costobadie, Jas. Palliser -222 Ninian Edward 190
Cother, Charles 53 Craigic, .\utli. David Hen. Braddel 208
Cotton, Corbet 24C Daviil John L. 108
Ed. Row. Jos. 34 Peter Edmonstone 04, John Recs 157
Huiih Cotton 1161 2110 Richard 6(i
Sidney 179 Robt. Collins 247 William 1
04 168
Svdncv, John87, 179! Cramer, Andrew Philip 442 Croly, Henry : 216
Thomas F. 1C3: Crampton, Philip Henry 171 Crombie, Thomas j
lion, Wellington Craufiird, Jas. Robertson
I 09. Crompton, Henry Thos. 215
II. S. 133 14.j' Wni. Joshua 218
Willoughby, GCB. Peter
172 (rone, George 438
KCH. 18, 250 Robert •J.j:) rookshaiik, Blackm. C.' 172
Willoiishby 195 Crause, Cha. B. 20(1 Croon, Bernard 430
Coulson, Forster 20' Henry- 94, 200 Crosbie, John Gustavus,
Rob. Bk'nkinsoppl45 Craven, Charles 12!) GCH.
Coultman, Humphrey W. 215 Charles 1 John Talbot
Couper, George, KH. 41 Crawford, Adam Fife 08, 200 William
Courant, Antoinc 441) Francis H. 245 Crosdill, John
Court, John 225 George 30, 205 Cross, John, KH.
220 61 ,

Major H. 1 IC Henrv 241 John William


Courten, Pierre P. Angnste Robert 17 William

de 4401 Robt. Fitzgerald 270 Crosse, Joshua67
Amand de S3, 441 William 129 William
Courteiiay, George Henry 212 Wm. Thomas 271 Crouwell, Nicholas 441
John Gamett 31 1 Crawfurd, Gavin Ralston
110 Crowder, Edw. F. 157
Wm. Hayley 152 John

157 Crowdy, James William 198

Courtis, J olin Cha. Grey 295 Thos. Macknight
• 245 Crowe, John, KH. 07
Courtney, Jonathan 310 Crawley, Henry 171 Timothy 200 1

CoTentri,-, Frederick 1»0 Henry Owen 285 Croxtoii, Tliomas 110


Cowan, Edw. Alpbonso Thomas R.

141 William 115
Fred. 30.S Rich. 2.33 Cruice, Edmund John 247
Cowell, Henrv- C. 93 William l.>>i Cruickshank, William 245
James l.TOJ Win. White 97, 220 Alexander 231 1

I.ambert 251 Creagh, .Andrew

30 Crusius, David 442
William 54, Charles Myers lOOCrutchley, Charles 174
Cowen, .Augustus Henry 197 Giles, Vandel. 92,23:) Cruttcnden, Edwin 24, 207

diaries 109 James 100, 238 Courtcnay 71, 266


Cowley, Norman 125 Jasper Bvng 205 Cubitt, Edward George 225 1

Cowling, William 2S)7 Sir Jlichael, KH. 61 ,J George 160

Cowper, Hen. Douglas 250 238 Thomas 64, 266

Geo. Alex. ilV 180 Thomas Miller 203 William 116

Jeremiah 99.109 Creighton, Heury 132! Cuddy, Alexander Daniel 207
William 280 Josejih OO William, H. L. D. 200
Cowslade, John Cremcr, James Smith 209 Culpeper, John Bishop 140
Cox, .\ugustus Crcspignv,Geo. Blicke C. 171 Cumberland, Bentinck H. 248
Fran. Hawtrey lienr>- Otho de 171 Chas. B. 92, 248
Henry Crespin, Henry 295 Edw. Sandford lf)5
James Crewe, John Frederick
57 Geo. Burrell 1
John, KJI. Crispin, George
219 Cumberlcgc, Chas. Lush. 131

page page pagt
CumberlegCj Harrv Altliam Dalgety, James \V. 247 D'Arcy, Thomas, MD.
216 Dallas, Charles 115 1
Thos. Dopping B. 241
Cuming, Henry H. 242 Robt. Wm. Dardel, Geo. Alexander 440
Cummin, Geo. Robert 2.51 Dalhvig, Conrad Darell, Sir Harry, Bt. 169
Cumming, Alexander 226 Dalmer, Francis Henry John 237
Alex. P. Gordon 223 — — Tliomas D'Arley, Wm. Wallace 209
— Heu.John.A'CjH'. 12, Dalrvmple, Sir Adolph Darley, Edward 20
138 i.'Bt. 36 Henry 250
Hen. Wedderburn210 Geo. Hadington 243 •John 168
Jas. Slator 160 Sir Hew, Bt. 223 Darling, Henry Charles 306
John 177 John 150 Henry Charles 16
Robt. Octavins 203 John H. E. 150 Ralph, GCH. 11, 192
Cuninghame, Hen. Mont- John Fitz Roy 190 William James 215
gomery 1 80 Sir John Hamil- Wm. Lindsay 40
Jolin ton, Bt. 9, 244 Darlington, Hen. Earl of 43
Cunliffe, Robt. Hen. Bt. 115 Wm. Henry 307 Darrali, Nicholas L. 70, 249
Cunningham, John 137 Dalton, Charles 97,267 Darroch, Duncan
John 115 Charles James 270 Don. G. Angus 152
Thomas 42, 282 -
-— George 284 Dartnell, Geo. Russell 152
Cunnynghamej Augustus John 128 Nelson
Tlmrlow 212 Thomas N. 213 Dashwood, Alex. W. 86
David, Bt.

32 D'Alton, Edward 235 Geo. A. C. 223
Geo. Aug. F. 127 Daly, Cliarles 241 Dassauville, Wm. A.MD. 287
Cnppage, Alexander 115 - Denis Dassel, Conrad Von 433
Burke 208 - Fran. Dermot 72, 131 Daubeney,Hen. C. Bam'
Stephen 08 - Robert 165 ston 206
Cureton, Chas. Robt. 72, 142 - Robert 171 Henry, KH. 35
Edward B. 104 Dalvell, Melville 97 Daunt, Milliam, MD. 132
Currer, Richard R. 248
—Robert Davenport, E. Montagu 218
— 190
Currie, George Alfred 219 DalzeIl,/fo».Arth.Alex. 199 Hen. Wayet
John Robert 247 John 101,167 Trevor 151
Robt. Hamilton 190 /fo«.Rob.Alex.G.233 — John Salusb. 307
Samuel, MD. 154 William 244 Wm. Davenport 246
Curry, Robt. Murray 295 Damer, iJoH. Geo. Lionel D. 64 Daveney, Burton 151
CurtajTie, Denis Aloysins 155 Dames, Geo. Longworth 218 Davidson, Alexander 116
Curteis, WilUam 187 - Wm. Longwortli 218 James 132
Henry Jolm 188 Dammers, Hen. Wm. 84, 434 James 172
Curtin, Joseph 191 Dance, Sir Chas. Webb, James Batchelor 256
Curtis, Charles 152 KH. 39 John 305
Henry Charles 237 George 223 Patrick, MD. 222
Curzon, Hon. Rich. W. Dane Rich. MD. 242 Davie, Cha. Christopher 219
Penn 140 John 214 Davies, Delme Sey. 150
Cust, Hon. Chas. Henry 120 D'Angelo, Gaetano 441 Fra. John 57, 144
Hon. Edw. KCH. 50 Daniel, Alexander 65 John 225
Henry Francis 170 Lewis 437 .
— John 312
Custance, Holraan 56, 101 Peter Fane Edge 290 Joseph 197
Wm. Neville 197 Samuel 154 Richard 226
Cutajar, Carlo 262 Daniell, Chas. Augustus 200 Thomas Henry
Cuthbert, Robt. Alex. 100 Cyrus 200 Hastings 39
Cuyler, Henry 32 Edwin Gream 206 Tlios. Williams 244
Jacob Glen 34 Francis A. Timothy 85
Henry — Wm. H anbury 68
Dachenhausen, Hen. Ba- Jolin Davis, Charles Edward 116
John Hinton Geo. Lennox 98, 160
Dacres, Richard James John M. George William 169
Dacosta, Aug. Fred. Hip- Ralph, Allen Cha. 218 Hen.'^samuel 103, 203
polito Dansey, Cha. Coniwallis John Atkins 287
D'Aguilar, Geo. Charles 68, 266 Davison, Hugh Percy 39
Chas. Lawrence Richard Ingram 212 Thomas 236
Hen. Torrens Danvers, Geo. Aug. Fred. 295 William, KH. 68
Dagg, Thomas Darbv, Charles 153 Davy, John, MD. 309
Dalbiac,Jas.Clias. A' Ci/. Darby, Joseph 68, 266 Wm. Gabriel, A'C/f. 17
D'Arcey, Oliver Barker 22i: Dawes, Thos. Hath. 40
Geo. Charles D'Arcy, Geo. Abbas Kooli 24( William Lewis 293
Dales, Samuel, KH. Joseph 116 Dawkins, Francis Henry 55
Dalgety, Fred. Henry Peter 34 Henry 37
, 1

page pngc
I>nwn, James Dennis, Morlcv S. T. J-.>H|Diddop, John l'.)-J

Dawson, t'lmrles Maurice Gritlin \:,- Dicbitsch, Frc<lerlck Von


• i'hti. Massey l)eiiiiiss,Cieo. Olndwiu 1 111! Diistelhorst, Frederick 435
Fra. II. >!•(!. Deniiv, II. J. 13-2,Digbv, Dunlop (17
Richard •209 Henrv Robert 1 49
Gt-onjc Boresfoid William 98, 223 Diggle, Charles, KH.
1 (Mi
(it-o. K. Masav William 311 Fred. William 234
H.nrv Dent, Thomas 110 Dightnn, John ll.->
Hoi). Kcarslov
Dcnys, Montapru 229 Diikcs, Wm. Thomas !l

H..l)ert Pet'l Di'ppec, Freilcrick 433| Dill, Marcus 2S(:

ll„n. T. V.<sov Dcrin«, Cholmcley Kdw. Dillon, Arthur Richard 111
William, Mfi. Derinzy, Bartholomew V- Hon. Constautinc
Dav, llonrv Jaine:^ Kir. !)i, A.
-Mattliew Geo. Aup. Fred. Francis Wm. UK), 109
Rol>. Tliomas Rich. John 183
Daykin, Wm. Bones De Ros, Wm. Lord Martin M. 241
Deacon, Charles Desborouffh, I^awrcnce Robert 24(1
Charles, KCB. Dcshrisay, Theophilus Hon. Theo. D.G. 212
Cha. Clement Deschanips, John William 170
Frederick Deshon, Charles John 97, Disney, Moore, KCB. 8, IGO
Deakins, John Fred. Geo. The. Dix, Frederick 24fi
Dean, William Despard, Henry 59, Dixon, Charles 08
Deane, Charles, A'H. 93, Philip Henr\- Cha. Cranston 65
Cliarle* D'Este, Aug. Fred. KCH. George 04,149
Deare, Cieor-^ 7 1 Detmer, Frederick George 229

— Georfre Devercll,Wm. Devonish Henrv 233
Dehcnham, Thomas Tho. Josephus John" 145
Delmani,Iioh. Joseph 88, Gervas Stanford
Deverill, Manlev 02
Dehs, Fra. Matthias Devereux, 7/on. Geo. Tal- Mattliew Cha. 272
Decken, BenedLx, Baron bot ;Mattli(\v Cha. 04, 283
Cha. Von der D'Evncourt, Eustace \. T. William 2(!9
Fred. Count Von D'Holbreuse, Henry Win. Mauley '
Hall 272
der, aCH. 10, D'Homboldt, John Hen. Dobbie, David 158
Frederick Von der Dias, Isaac Dobbin, Thomas 55
Ocorge, Count Dicenta, Francis Dobson, Tliomas James 247
Von der Dick, Francis William 100
Wm.Baron^H. George Dodd, John Bench 205
»*, Hope Dodgin, Mui. Henrv 195
De Courcy, John F. R. Rob. Henrv, KCH. D'Odiardi, Antonio" 439
Dee<les, Henry 98, William, Bt. Dods, (5eorge 116

Geor);e 1
William, MD. (5eorge (55
Deere, Joseph Eyiea Dickens, Sam. Trevor, Geo. Douglas, MD. 240
Decring, Rupert Barber KCH. 13, Doebell, Hcnrich von 439
Dehnel, Henry Dickenson, Cha. F.B.G. Doherty, Cha. Edmond 140
Deicliniann, ("arl. Fre<I. Dickinson, Douglas John Henrv Edward 140
Delaeomlie, Henr\' Ivatt Ilenrj- H. F. Richard 50,259
Henry Edw. Jas. Esten Dolphin, James 115,252
Delafosse, }Icn, Richard 14, Domvile, John Russell 272
De Lacy, John Dickson, Alex. GCB. William 172
Delancev, James KCH. 19. -iCA, Donivillc, Coinpton Cha. 2.37
Peter -Alex. Steiihvn James Win. 271
Delius, Georce .\rchibald Donald, John 312
Delmei;e, Colin C. John, Cha. Sheffield Donaldson, Robert 192
MTf. Collingwood Thos. Ilislop J. 259
Dely, William .\lexander David Vance Vonng 94, 208
Dempster, John, AfD. Edw. John Donelan, Anthony 199
William Francis Donkin, Geo. Darid l.')8
Dempsy, Charles Geo. Cochrane Rufane Sliawe,
Denison. Cha. Albert James Henry KCB. GCH. 9, 102
William Thomas •
— John Henrv Donnelly, John IfiO
Denman, Lewis W. R. Jeremiah, ifCB. Donop, Geo. Cha. von 43:1
Dcnnie, William H. fH, Sam. Auchmuty Donovan, Cha. Henry
DennLs, James 4:), William Douglas 139
James Benjamin William Thomas 2(i()
John Fita Tliomas William F. Doran, William 254
John Leslie Wm. Ronaldson Dore, Peter 15)
page page page
Dore, William Henry 246 Dresing, Charles 209 Dundas, Hon. Robert L.
Dores, Richard 239 Dreves, Lewis de 435
84, KCB. 17
Doreliill, Win. John 154 Drew, Rich. Robinson 268 Thos. 331
George 249 Driberg, William 257 Wm. Bolden 266
Doring, William 434 Drought, John Alexander 217 Dundee, Edward 198
Dornberg, Frederick 439 Thomas A. 90, UiO Dunle\ie, Gerald Geo. 162
Dorndorf, Frederick 437 DrumUnrig, Arch. Wni. Dunlop, Franklin 270
Dorratt, Douglas Adam 295 Vhcount 119 Dunn, George 174
Dorville, Pliifip 54 Drummond, Berkeley 56, 149 Duckworth 122
Douglas, Charles 100,100 Charles Home 119 William 94, 267
— diaries Pje 9 Edward 32 Dunne, Charles 169
Hon. Edw. Gordon 63 Geo. Duncan 116 Edward 6
George 165 Drummond, Gordon, GCB Francis 161
George 245 7,200 Francis 33
Henry N. 69, 230 Gordon James 160
Hen. 'Sholto 193 Henry, MD. William 163
Howard, Bt. 14 Hen. Maurice Dunsmure, Charles 193
James 212 Jas. Walker Du Plat, Gustavus C. KH.
James, KCB. 18 John 102, 284
Jas. William 116 John Gavin Dupuis, John Edward 269
John 137 Mortimer Percy 150 Durant, James 115
John 231 Percy 20, 264 D'Urban Benj. KCB.
John 231 Thomas 2?5 KCH. 13, 202
Lynedoch 223 William 39, 149 Wm. James 93, 170
Neil, KCH. 19 Drury, Henry 290 Durbin, Edmund 180
Robert 57 Thomas 239 Durham, James 7
Robert 167 Drvsdale, Jas. Murray 175 Patrick Fran. 1 88

Rob. Andrews, -Bf. 103 William 131 Durie, Charles 156

Rob. Percy 180 Duberley, George 216 During, Christ. Henry
William 165 Duberly, Henry 183 Von. 434
William 43 Du Bourdieu, Arthur 182 Lewis Alex. 92
•Wm. Cunningham 143 John 156 Durnford, Edward W. 285
Douro, Arthur, Marq. 03 Ducat, Dugald 243 Elias Walker 18, 282
Doveton,,S;rJohn,GC-B. 115 Duckett, Geo. Floyd 239 George 222
John, A' C-B. 115 Dudgeon, Peter 68 George 97, 267
— Fra. Grossman 202 Duff, Hoti. Alex.GCH. 9,188 Geo. Anthony 178
Dowdall, Aylmer 205 Alex. The. Wharton 244 Geo, Augustus 190
George James 247 FoUiott 185 Dury, Alexander 219
Dowman, James 294 George 97, 245 Du Sage, Pierre 440
John 191 James 220 Dusautoy, Peter John J. 294
Downes, Charles 84 James 220 Dutton, Charles 221
George B. G. 280 Patrick 229 Thomas 223
Henry 192 Robert George 163 M'm. Holmes 87
Henry 253 Duffy, John 35 Du Vernet, Henry 258
V\y&sea,Lord,KCB.\d Dufief, Armand C. G. 439 Henry 58
Downie, Hector 254 Duke, Jones 185 John 234
Downing, Adam GifFard GO Dukes, James 241 Dwyer, Henry 57
Downman, John Thomas 235 Dumas, Peter 42 John 165
Thomas,A'C/f. 19,204 Dunbar, Cliarlcs 169 John James 257
Dowse, Lloyd 95,267 Edward 173 Thomas Peard 294,
Richard 103 Frederick 190 297
Doxat, John J. 242 Jas. C. Alex. 2.50 Dye David, 3ID. 311
Doyle, Carlo Joseph 37 John P. 115 - Tliomas Rose 312
Cha. Hastings 100, 175 Duncan, Alexander 115 Dyer, Hen. Chas. Penrose 296
Cha. Wm. KCH. 13 Edward 96, 109 John Edward 130
John 94, 224 HoiL. Hew H. H. 223 Dvneley, Thomas 66, 266
John MiUsy, KCB. 33 — John jEneas 182 Dynon, Patrick 142
D'Oyly, Henry 20 William 312 Dyott, Richard 204
Drake, John J. C. 244 Duncanson, James, MD. 255 — William 7, 215
Thomas, CMG. 50 Duncombe, Hon. Octavius 118 Dyson, Edward 123
William Henry 307 Dundas, George 253 Jerry Francis 115
William Wickham 180 Hon. Henry 59, 235 J ohA 209
Draper, Thomas 309 Jas. Fullarton 115 John Daniel 123
James 216 John Hamilton 237
Drawwatcr.AugustusCha. 124 -_ Philip 90, 198 Eagar, Edward Hunger-
Dreehslcr, Frederick 438 Philip ()2 ford 191
1, 1

p.igc page
Eofnr, Ilcnrv Yielding;
Ri.lHTt J..I111
Eurle, Williuiii Ilcnrv
IHJ Kliot, Francis B.
Granville Hcyw.

Elgin, Tlios. J?(ir/ 0/, A'C. 8
English, Frederick

JohnThos. Joseph
- .
C9, 283

Easuii, Peter •1V.\ Elkington, Jas. Goodall 143 .Vathaniel H. tX)

Eaton, ChrUtophcr E<lw. 1«0 James 214 Enoch, Jolm 117, 174
Ebcll, Cimrles 441 Ellarv, William 210 James John 201
Ecflcs. William 2:M EUirman, Edward John 170 Eppes, Wm. Rimdolph 305
KiMle, W ni.fruicksliank 243 Elliee, Robert 10 Erdniunn, Frederick 43.'i
Eddinirton,, M. 2:W ElUcombe, Cha. Grene 35, Erichson, .\lexander Von 438
KiMy, lii'on.'e Henry 227 282, 280 Errington, Arnold C.has. 202
E<le," tieorve Arthur 122 Elliot, Edmund James 231 Fred. Arthur 210
Ellen, GtMinre Morton C4, 149 Henry 13 Erskinc, Arcliibald 1!)0
John Ul James 300 Hun. Uaviil 202
Uilliam 9 Lempster R. 107 George 184
Wm. Ilassall 72, 207
Richard, Coffin 287 (Jeorge Pott 224
Edgar, Henry 177 Tlieodore Henrv'
87 I
Hcnrv David 2U0
Ja^. 221 William, KH. 62 1
Henry Knight 184
Edirecoinbe, Chas. Yorkc 132 Wm. Hamilton 271 ;
Jas. .\ugustu9 307
Edie, William 2o()j Elliott. George 295! John 108
Edieston, Joshna 31)4 George Henry 122 '
Wm. Howe K. 34
Eillin, GcorRe I30| Jolm Perry 191Erythropcl, Frederick 437
Edmonds, Edward 2a-l I Richard 250 Kspinasse, Hen. William 1 10
RolHTt Joseph UKlj WilUam 1(^8 James 180
Edmondson, Joseph 18] I William 240 Estcourt, James B. B. 72, 194
Edmonstone. Cha. Hen. 233 W. Christ. Parkin 290 Esten, John Hamilton 252
Eilmunds, lienrv 241 Wm. Hen. KH. 70, Estwick, Fred. 246
Edwanles, David J. B. 181 202 Eugene, John Mitchell

Edwards, .Alexander 307 Ellis, Hon. Aug. Fred. 58, Eustace, Henrv 12
Cadwallader 1*) 211 Jolm R. KH. 56, 144

Clement Alex. 179 Charles Parker Wm. Comwallis,

Uavid UU) Fran. Joyiier 214 KCH. 17
Edwanl 181 Henry William 212 Evans, Charles S. S.
Edward 110 Powrie 270 De Lacv, KCB. 39
Edw. Freeman 222 Robert 139 Edward 189
George Samuel Burdon 293 Francis Edw. 249
George Thomas 174 George Thomas 226
Hume Ellison, Christopher 240 Hen.Andr.Grant 228
Joseph Robert 42,144 Ilenrj- Roe 189
Michael Charles Ellson, Robert 201 Hugh 294
I'cter Ellul, Paolo 202 JIark 268
Richard Elmhirst, Charles 160 Thomas 20
Robert Bidwell, Elmslie, Graham 220 Thomas Owen 192
A'//. 92 Elphinstone, Howard, Bt.,\6 Thomas Williams 226
Tlios.Maitland 250 282 William 195
William 238 Wm. Keith 19!Evatt, George
Wm. Gamuel 180 Ellington, Fred. Robt. 253 George
Effingham, Kenneth A. Geo. Esdaile 83 George 39
Earl of, GCB. 9, 154 Jas. Loftus 148 Henrv 15, 282
Ecran, Hen. John White 206 R-Gooilall 34,198 Hen."Ashmore
E^ar, John Francis 214 Richard John 198 Evelegh, Geo. Carter 271
Eaerton.Calwic.n Rich. 241 Thomas Wm. 198 Frederick Cha. 1 7

I Charles Uulkelev, W Uliam Fred
12, 241 Elsey, William
Henrv 20,204
John'llenry 183
Chailes Du Pre 2.J2 Elton, Arthur H. IftOiEverard, Iknjamin 90, 128
Richard 38,117 Elwes, Lincoln Carey 220 John .Mathias 1

Tho«. Graham 229 Elwin, Fountain 59: Mathias, A//..M, 165
Wilbraham 194 Elwyn, Thomas 271 Rich. Houstoun,
Eiclihom, Christian Fred. 4:17 Eman, James 192 205 MD.
Eicke, Frederick 4;w Eminett, Anthony 08, 2«3 Richard Xugcut 238
Eidmaun Frederick 4.W Maurice 199 Walling 212
Einem J. Godf. de 438 Emslie, John 235 Everest, Henry Bennett91, 157
Diederich de 434 England, James 69 Ewart, John A. 180
Einthovcn, S. Jurdan 430 Jumes Henry 227 Jcdm Frcilerick 37, 26)
Eld, Frederick 242 Poole, V. 90, 267 Ewing, David 258
Elilerhorst, Charles 432 RichanI, A'//.44, 192[ Joseph 247
Elgee. W illiam 268 Richard 163 Eylcs, Tho. Woodw. 103, 2i2

Eyre, Annesley 226 Faunce, Bonham Firebrace, William 94, 209

Giles 215 •

Thomas Firman, Brooke 64

Henry 97, 250 Walter, Beresford Fisclier, Augustus 432
John 268 Faunt, Clareveaulx Frederick 441
Vincent Edw. 41 Henry P. F. L. Constantine 441
William 103,225 Fawcett, David Lynarl 03, John Christ. Fred.442
Eyres, George William Co, 145 Jean Albert 441
Eyton, Wm. Arcliibald 248 Fawkes, Richard Fishbourne, Tho. M.,;ifJ). 311
Fead, George Fisher, Alfred 130
Faber, William 140 Fearon, John Hodson Andr. Sandilands 224
Wm. Raikes 200 Robert Brice 40, Edw. Henrv 272
Fabricius, George 435 Fegan, Charles Henry, 3/^. 311
Faddy, Peter 72, 206 Feilde, Fulford Bastard Robert Roe 270
Peter Pickmore 271 Felix, Orlando Samuel 130
Fagan, Christopher 115 Fellowes, Edward Seth Nuttall 202
Clirist. Sullivan 115 James William 246
James 250 Jas. Butler William 247
Fahle, William 441 Peregrine Daniel FitzClarence, Lord Fred.
Fair, William 204 Peregrine Hen. GCH. 36, 117
Alexander 115 Fendall, William 62, Fitz Gerald, Cha. Lionel 67
Fairfax, Henry, Bt. 57 Feneran, Francis David 211
Fairholme, William 223 Penning, Daniel Alex. Edward Tho.KH. 60
Fairtlough, Francis 167 Fenwick, Collingwood Lord, Gerald 150

— Charles Edw. 215

James W. 63, 215
Wm. Haviland 206
James H.
Gerald Step.
John 190
John Forster,.K'CB. 17

Faithfull, Henry 115 Percival John Forster, 131

Falconar, Chesb. Grant, Percival Clen. Lionel Charles Wm.
KH. 44, 263 Robert Hen. 256
Falconer, Robert 118 Thomas Tliomas George 116
Falla, Daniel 44 Tho. Howard 99, Wm. Hervey 225
Falls, Thomas 65 William
• Fitzgerald, Cha. Lionel 271
Fane, Henry, CfCB.9,115,121 Wm. Young Crofton, Ham. 167
Henry 168 Feuton, Cha. Hamilton John 116
Henry 09 Ferguson, George William 197
Hon. Hen. Sutton 63 Hen. Rob. 58, William Henry 212
Mihlmay 42, 205 James 175
Fitz Gibbon, Jas. Gerald
Fanshawc, Charles 286 Jolin 252
Fitz Herbert, Rich. Hen.
Edward 41, 282 Robert 64, Fitzhugh, Thomas Lloyd 146
Hew Dalrymple 163 Robert Fitz Maurice, John, KH. 91
Faris, Theophilus 180 Ronald C, GCB. Hotj. W.E. 119
William 284 7, Fitzmayer, Jas. Wm. 270
Farmar, Edw. Sterling 162 Fergusson, Andrew Fitzpatrick, Fred. C. W. 208
Richard 296 Andrew Fitz Roy,Aug. Charles
Tho. M. L. 192 George Lennox 272
Farndon, Joseph 310 James Hon. k.C.l.. 212
Farquliarson, Fred. 62, 168 Rob. Duncan Hugh 145
Fred. Tho. 133 William 69, Flack, John Stuart 209
John 116 AA'iUianv Flamank, John 94
Peter 91,217 Ferns, John Gore Flanagan, John Bickerton 124
Farr, George 287 Ferrier, Geo. Abercromby John B. 228
Farran, Charles 115 Ferris, George Thomas Fleeming, John Elph. 223
Farrant, Augustus D. L. 296 Ferryman, Aug. Halifax Fleming, Arthur Cecil
Francis 116 Ffrench, Thomas Crewe 121
Henry 233 Field, Charles Edward 39, 263
Wm. Broom 160 John Frederick Edw. J. Ingleby, 175
Farrell, James 236 Fife, James Hamilton 295
John Sidney 209 Filder, William James 56
Farren, Richard T. 198 Finch, Hon. Edward 6, Julius 95
Farrer, James 34 Hon. John Robert Crowe 234
John 118 Fincke, Frederick Von Flemvng, Augustus 295
Farrington J ohn James 116 Findlay, Alexander, KH.
, Fletcher, Edw. Cha. 117, 118
Fast, John Wells 115 58, John 261
Faulkner, Henry Cole 153 Alexander Thomas 64, 257
Faunce, Alured Dodsworth James William 306
36, 263 Finlay, George Fleurv, John 187
page page
Flood, iVichoIus Iltii. Kiirster, Wm. Fred., KIl. tlf)| Eraser, John 67
Flovd, Charlw Thomas GCH.

llenrjs Bt.
139 Forsyth,
Furteseue, Uuii. John Wm.loti
Fortune, .\lexunder
183 John,
John Wing, S. 148

Floycr, Uiohar.l 21tl 273 I,eopold S. C.

Fluile, Tlioiiiits Peters 2(iU Fortye, Fred. J. Campbell 106 Peter 160
Fludyer, W iliiam 65, 146 Fosbrooke, Edmund 207 Robert, KH.
Flyti-r. Cuiiiplull •2M Dudley
Tlio. 20C Robert W.M'L.
FoakiT, Geo. Northou 104 Fi>s8, Christoph. Vaughan HiO Simon 232
Frederick 31 -J Tliomas 180 Thomas 206
Foearty, Michael -.'Ki Fossi, Thonius de 441 Thomas 300
00, *i(i7 Foster, Charles John
Fogo, janies
Tlio. Macm., Ml). 2x7 UoH. Chich. T. S.
Thos. Wallace
William 00,
Foley, JIoii. Aujr. Fred 14o Col. Ly. Lucas 38 William
Hun. St. Ueorpi John, llfi». 226 William 01
Cierald 204 Tliomas 102, 284 , William Charles 116
Follows, William 304 Thomas 17 William Kingston 131
Foote, Francis Robert 306 Hon. Tho. C. S. S54 Frazcr, Augustus Henry 270
William Francis Hon. W Anth. S. . 2.12 Daniel 102, 103
Foqtiett, Williuni Fotherjjill, William 201 Simon 293
Forbes, Alexander Fotheriugham, Robert H. 110 Frcdriehs, Rudolph 433
Charles 71, Foulis, Antlrew 171 Frederick, Etiward 115
Dai id i4;i David, KCB. 116 Tliomas 63
David :»7 William 210 Ereeling, .\rtliur Henry 280
GeorKC 130 Foulston, John 216 Freeman, Edw. Deane 123
James l(>i Fouiituine, Chas. George 203 Freer, Daniel Gardner 104

James, Lord (!, 17i Foveaux, Joseph John Harbridge 207
-John Fowle, John 216 Freese, John Noble Arb. 271
John 148 Fowler, James M. 240 Freeth, Jas. A/f. 56,117
— John
John Alex. 102, 244
244 Fowncs, Edward Curtis
Fox, Charles Rich.
James Edw. 69, 210
James H. 280
Jonathan 08, 230 Samuel 07, 248 Sampson 385
-Nathaniel 116 Thomas, MD. 198 Freke, Fentoii John Evans 119
Thomas John 42, 2li6 foy, Edward 223, Henry 35
William 220 France, Hen. Hayhurst 1-0 Percy Aug. Evans 146

William Cameron 284 Richard 140 Freemantle, John, CS


William Henry 270 Francis, Tlio. John French, Cudbert, KH. 64, 1 79
Ford, Cha. Ertkine " 28.J Frauekhn, Thomas Henry John 93, 237
F^lmund T. 28.j I'raiicklyn, John Henry James, Mil. 200
John Handle 247 Frank, George 434 Richard 103, 203
Johnson 104 Fruiiklund, Wm. Henry 263 Frend, Albert 240
Robert Franklin, Henry 100 George 182
William Henry 310 John 200
M'illiam Henry 286 Richard A. M. 170 John William 228
William Michael 224 Franklyn, Charles 102, 236 Frere, Richard Edward 104
Forde, Franei^ Charles 120 Gilbert William 188 Eresmoy, Frederick de 4:33
Matthew Thomas 123 Franks, Thomas liarte 101 Freudenthal, Siegesmund 433
Fordvce, (ieorge William 220 Eraser, Jineas NMlliam 100 Freuller, Fridolin de 430
'— Charles F. 107 Adolphus 238 Frith, Cockayne
John 102 Alexander 80 E.lm." Bentley 170
Forester, //ow.Cha.Rt.W. 138 Alexander 168 John 224
Cecil, William 203 Alex. .Macleaa '9 John Wharton 05,20!)
//</n..tmiliu!j.W.I04 Duncan -20j William 171
.ffo/i.Geo.C.Weldl20 Fran. Michael l/llFrome, EdwanI 286
Hon. Hen. Town. 140 Fred. Alex, ilack. 86 Frost, Langford 208
Forlong, James, KH. 87, 104 Geo. Brodie 00, 207 F^^•, Geo. Barlow


Robert Stein 120 Geo. Rob. Ml). 208 '— John

Foniian, Edward 202 Hastings 12, 2a'i Ricliard
Foniiin, Justus 43.J Hugh, A'Ci*. 116 Fryer, tieorge IKi
Forrest, John, .UZ). 311 'l"gl» -12 Fugion, Edward 2(10
John Henry 137 Hugh Andrew pn Fulford, William
M'illiam Charles 137 - James 180 Fuller, Iturrell 121
Forster, Hugh Percy 203 - Jaa. Wm. Lovat 260 Francis 7, i.A:
Fran. Rowland 124 - Jas. Alex, 3121 Francis
John Hurt<m 214' - James S. 115' Francis &3, 210
Tho. M'atkin - John George 116
Rob. Matthew - John 294 Jo»eph,6Ci/. 1
, 227
page page-
Fuller, William Garforth, William 249 Gibsone, David And. 293, 297
Win. Walter Garland, Edmund 221 John Hope 127
Fiillerton, David John, KH. 70Gichard, Wm. Rob. 272
Geo. Main Garmston, Samuel 293 Giffard, Edwa'-d Carter 211
James Alex. Garner, Thomas 115Gifford, Rob. Francis, irf.126
Fulton, Geo. James Garratt, Francis 123 Gilbert, Edm. Pomeroy 177
Jas. Forrest,A'7/. Thomas 167 Walter Raleigh 270
William Garrett,Rich.Hump.71/J). 200 Walter Raleigh 115
Fumetti, Joan. Just, von Robert, KH. 86, 197 William 115
Furer, Philip de Garsford, John Wm. 224 Gilchrist, James 238
Furlong, Rich. Tasker Garstin, Christophilus 258 Gildea, Stanhope Mason 176
Furneau.v, William, 268, •
Rob. Longmore 268 Gilder, Frederick 148
Fyers, Henry The. Garstin, William 235 John 233
Peter 20, Garthwaite, Edw. Hancock 116 Giles, Stephen 293
Robert Morse Garvens, Henry 435 Gilland, J. GooddayStrutt 153
Thomas 41, Garvock, John 161 Gillespie, Henry James 293
William Augustus Gascoigne, Ernest Fr. 58 Hugh Rollo 268
Fyfe, Lawrence John Hawkins 295 John 261
Fytfe, David Gascoyne, Charles 73, 246 Robt. Rollo 141
Fyler, Lawrence Isaac 6, 205 Gilley, Thomas' 158
Fynmore, James Gason, Charles Henry 214 Gillice, John 311
Thomas Gates, James 202 Gillkrest, James, MB. 309
William 273 Gillman, Bennett Watkins 163
Gabriel, Rob. B. KH. 40 Gatt, Salveiro 262 William Henry 220
Gage, Edward 102, 150 William 262 Gilmour, Dugald Little,
Hon. H. Edw. Hall 253 Gaulter, Tho. Coke, BID. 134 KCB. 18
Hon. Wm. Gauntlett, George Charles 62
Gahan, Henry Gaus3on,Wm. Aug. Gilsa, Frederick de 434
Rob. Beresford Gavin, Geo. O'Halloran Gipps, Sir George 95, 283
Gaisford, Thomas Michael Girdlestone, Wm. Bolton 116
Galeani, Michael, MD. Gawler, George, KH. Girsewald, Gustavus C.
Galifife, John Gaynor, Cha. Spencer A. Von 438
John Fred. Geale, Marcus Giveen, Rob. Beanchamp 249
Gall, Richard Herbert Geary, Henry Nicholas Pelham 184
Isaac Hindley, H. 2.51 Gebser, Wm. Theodore Gladstone, George 1 30

Galland, George 311 Geddes, Alexander Glamis, Lord, Tho. Geo. 221
James 262 John, KH. Glasgow, Geo. Mark 269
Gallenberg, Theodore 436 John Gordon Glazbrook, John Hales 155
Gallie,John Lockhart 84 Gehse, Henry Glegg, Baskerville 138
Galloway, Thomas James 184 Geils, Andrew ^ Edw Holt 252
Thomas L. L. 100,161 Thomas William Berkenhead 12
Gallwey, Philip P. 242 Geissmann, Lewis de Hen. Vibart 116
Melbourne B. 287 Gemmellaro, Charles Gleichen, Fred, von Uslar 432
Thomas Lionel J. 288 Gentzkow, Adolphus von Geo. von Uslar 432
Wm. Payne, Bt. George, Fred. Darley Hans von Uslar 435
103, 240 Geo. Thorne Ferd. von Uslar 435
Galway, William 229 Gerard, Tho. Alexander Thilo von Uslar 435
Gambicr, Gloucester 270 Gerson, Geo. Hartog Glen, Edward Southouse 259
Gammie, Patrick 232 Gerstlacher, Eberhard Glenie, Melville 70,211
Gannes, J.J. Chevalier de 441 Gctlii Sir Ricliard, Bt. 171 Glenlyon, George Aug.
Garden, R.J. liXi (iih,.l..liii Hiuney il3 Frederick John, Lord 129
Gardiner, Alexander 1 83 (iihh, ('has. John 286 Gloag, John 136
David 15!) Uibbus,J. Geo. Nathaniel 67 Gloster, Richard 213
Hen. Lynedoch 272 Gibbons, Richard 211 Thomas 90
Jas. Ballard 67 Thomas 200 Glover, Stirling Freeman 163
John, ACiJ. 16,117 Tlio. Ponsonby 200 Glubb, Fred. Philip 185
Nathan Smith 173 Gibbs, Edward 19 John Warren 256
John Ballard 221 Hen. Durliam 167 Glutz, Amanz 440
Richard 228 Jolm 202 Glynn, Richard Henry 146
Rob. KCB.KCH. Gibson, Cliarles Fred. 222 Goate, Edward 89, 186
35, 265 Edgar 103 Godby, Charles Henry 218
William George Dennis 226
Gardner, Richard 116 Geo. Washington 116 Goddard, John Hesketh 140
Wm. BetlieU 271 Jas. Brown, il/i». 143 — Samuel 165
Hon. W. H. 20, 264 Join 253 Godwin, Charles, MD. 312
Gardnor, Thomas 119 Tliomas Henry
1 76

papc page pape
Gocbcn, Christian, Damn 441 Gordon, Jas. Willouiihbv, Graham, Sandford 146
FrwI., Unron 434 Ut.GCU.(lCII.n,\\~ ,174 Tliomas 151
Gcorire, liarun 434 John 186 Thomas 307
Uuiiitus, Banm 43;} John 98, 198 Thos. Campbell 1 1
William de 438 John !«, 267 William 100, 210
Ooing, Riclianl 151 John lUi William 224
Gold, fliarlo8 John W. 280 William 263
Clia. Eioilius "217 j
Lachlan Duff 171 William CI
Williaiit Gcorp; 204 Patrick Robert 215 Grahn, Frederick 433
Goldfinch, Ilenrv 36, 2t*-2 RolKTt 293 Granet, Charles 103
Goldfrapp, Gto.Alfrwl 2-22 Stephen Blaney 256 Granirc, Richard George 116
Goldie, Alexaiiilvr John !) Theodore, MV. 31 H) Grant, Alexander, KH. 93
-Andrew 116 William 168 Alexander 306
Georgre Leii^h 41, IVIi WiUiam 218 Alexander G. 237
Mark Wilkes 173 William 294 Bernard 234
Thomas Leigh 102,218 Wm. Alex. 35 Cath. Campbell
Goldsmid, Albert 8o Gore, Arthur 70 Ham. 223
Goldsmith. Oliver 3tX5 Han. Charles, KH. Chas. Lennox 312
Goldswortliy, John 287 Cliarles William Charles St. John 116
Gomm, Wni. JI. KCli. 20 Hetirj- Ross Colquhoun 310
Gooch, Henrj- (!2, 147 Henr)' Wm. Knox Duncan 65, 266
Good, Sanmi'l loO Jas. Pollock Duncan Trevor 195
Goodall, (icorse 151 John Edw. Fitzherbert 270
Goode, W illiiun Henr\- ICl Owen .\rtli. Ormsby Edwanl John 181
Goodenou^h, Arthur Cvril 18o St. John Thos. Evre Coote 179
Henry Philip '
272 Wm. Rich. Ormsby //on. Francis Wm. 32
Goodfellon-, Joseph 177 Gopjon, Stephen B- Francis W. MD. 312
Samuel 115 Gorman Owen James 193
Goodman, Charles A. 167 Gorre<|iier, Gideon, KH. James 38
Stephen Artlmr, Gnslin, Samuel John John 214
KH. 35 Gosselin. (ierrard John 311
Samuel E. Gosset, .\rthur John Donald 311
Gooiirich,Wm. Hridger 208 James Wm. John Francis 254
Goodsir, James T,xl 306 Wm., KCH. 39, John Henry 161
Goodsnian, Uarid 71 Wm. Matthew 100, John James 189
Goodwin, Husrh Gostlini. Charles J. Hope 135
Goodwj-n, Henry Wm Gotze, Henry John Thornton 200
Goold, James 162 Gouder, Giovanni 99, Joseph Jeffries 162
Gonlon, Abraham Hen. 72,292
Hon. Alexander 146
ArchilMld, MD. 186
- Guiscppe
Gouffh, Harrv
Sir Hofih, KCB.
John Bloomfield
TIio. Bunbury
Lewis, KCH. 12, 248
Peter Cha. Stnart 220
Robert 306
Rob. Jo>Tit Gord. 173
Thomas John 209
— Arthur HeUliani 54 Goulhourn, Edward Turner 39, 144
Benjamin 11 Gossencourt, Jos. Ijnace William Charles 121
Birtie E. M. 243 Gowan, Edward Parry William Edward 209
Lord Cecil 10:3 Geo. Maulevercr Wm. KeJr, KCB.
Charles 245 Gowdie, John GCU 11,129
Charles Edw. 73, 266 tirady, Hubert Spread William Lewis 212
Charles E. 1'. -•27 Grame, Lawrence Grantham, Francis 250
Charles Hen. 245 Graffenried, Antoine Fred, Thomas 96, 2C7
Cosmo 1 6 de Granville, Frederick 174

Duncan 92,2101 Francis de fira>ett.William 133

Xorii Francis A. 118 Graham, Allan Hamilton Grattan, Albert O'Donncl 286
Gabriel 11,243, Charles Copeland, MD. 21
George .\Iex. 1571 Cha. Mackenzie John 169
Geo. Hamilton 37 I David Gravatt, George 179
— Geonre James 231 I £dw. Smith, JfZ). Thomas 153
Hamilton Uouglas 230. Fortcscue William
Henr>W. 210 j
fieorge Graves, Hon. Adolphus
Hcnrj Wm. 08, 26« Ilenry Hope E. P. 148
James 185 Ben.Wm. Hartley Benjamin 55
James 186| James Chas. Twisleton 239
James 70, 283 James John /Ton.Geo. A.F.C. 181
Jas. Cuulfield 244 Lurd Mont. Wm. James William 1C!»
Jas. Charles 244 Oliver Tlios. John Steward 131
3c 496
page page page
Graves, Samuel Wood 214 Grierson, Heni*y 1661 Haberland, Charles 439
Gray, Aliired William 11)5 Grieve, Patrick 61, 227Hacket, John George 243
Alured William 195 Griffin, Francis John 183 William, MD. 309
Arthur 152 George 183 Hackett, Adam 190
Basil 237 George 237 James 115
Charles 203 George 294 John 222
Charles Gordon 286 John Hungerford 268 Pierce 255
Edward William 233 Griffis, Charles Tindal 140 Wellington 168
Francis Delaval 138 Griffith, George Darhy 242 Hadaway, Sam. Maitland 311
Humphrey 190 Henry Darby 129 Hadden,' Wm. Cha. - 285
James 94, 267 Henry Downe 229 Hadiield, Cha. Joseph 296
John 191 John 254 Wm. Howe 130
John Hamilton 141 Moses 171 Hadley, Henrv, MD. 191
Owen Wvnne 190 William Glynne 188 ^ William, H. S. 153
Tlios. Browne 294, 297 Griffiths, Edwin 248 Hagart, Charles 133
William 20 Frederick 33 Jas. Macaul 133
Graydon, Alex. MD. 201 Fred. Augustus 269, Ilageman, Lewis 438
George 272 273 John George 436
Georo-e, KH. 58, 283 Fred. Cliarlcs 72 Hague, Cha. Barnard 219
Greathed, Edw. Harris 159 Henry T. 190 Hailes, John 116
Greatly, Thomas 85 John Charles 95 Haines, Edw. Eldridge 244
Greatrex, Edward 148 John Thomas 157 F. Paul 155
Greaves, Richard 69 Grignon, James 188 Haining, James 217
Green, Andrew 199 Grigg, James Wm. 206 Hair, Archibald, MD. 120
Charles 201 Grimes, Charles Robert 201 Hake, William 102,139
Charles William 154 Joseph John 201 Halahan, J. Wallou,iI/I3. 287
David 152 Grimston, Hon. Charles 148 Rd. Robertus 195
George 215 Grindley, Edw. Thos. 307 Haldane, Robert 217
William 305 Grogan, George 158 Hale, Edw. Blagden 234
William, if//". 67 George 33 Hen. Grimstone 137
Greene, John 127 John 256 John Rich. Blagden 130
Thomas 172 Groskopff, Charles 442 Richard 233
Grccnliill, James David 115 Grosvenor, Thomas ,217 William 253
Greenock, Chas. M., Lord, Grote, William Henry 90 Wm. Amherst 203
KCB. 17 Grove, Robert 242 Ilalfhide, Benjamin 88, 195
Greenstreet, John 1 15 Groves, Stephen Percy 121 Cha. Alex. 200
Greenville, William 96, 153 Groyune, Fred. Ximcnes 246 James 188
Greenwcll, Leonard, ^C//. 19 Grubbe,iJohn Heneage 102, Haliburton, John Fowden 230
Greenwood, George 42, 119 228 Haliday, Wm. Robert 245
Joseph 182 Gruttemann, Augustus 439 Halkett, Alex. KCH. 11
William 63, 144 Grylls, Rich. Gervys 181 Colin, KCB. GCH.
William 268 Jas. Willyams 177 12, 182
Greer, Alex. MD. 312 Guanter, Jacques 439 Frederick 148
Gregg, Charles Francis 201 Guard, William 158 Henry 191
Edward Regan 177 Gubhins, Robert Hugh, KCH. 53
Gregory, Arthur Cha. 90, 250 Guille, John Andros Hugh 153
Chai'les 94, 200 Guise, Jo. Wright, Bt. James 1 80

William 284 KCB. J. Tho. Douglas 131

Cirehan, Peter 153 Gulliver, George Hall, Charles 101,118
Greig, John James 175 Gulston, Alan James Gage, John 1 1 , 222
WiUiam Isaac 306 Horatio Rob. M. George 203
Greisheim, Albert von 439 Gumoens, Charles de George 85
Grevillc, Fulke 118 Gunn, William George Dry 91
Grey, Hon. Charles 02, 223 Gunton, Henry Jasper Taylor 86
^ George 235 Gurtler, Joseph John 70,118
/fon. Harry Cavend. 203 Gurvvood, John John 184
Hon. Henry Geo., Guthrie, William John 116
GCB. GCH. 7, 139 Guy, Lewis John Edward 199
John 20 Philip M. Nelson John Peter 165
John 44 William Lewis Alexander 99, 284
John 63 Gwilt, John Mauley G. Dwarris 165
John William 237 Rich. Brandram Morris 157
Warbm-ton 207 Gwynne, Marmaduke Sam. Madden Fra. 98,227
Grier, John Joseph 245 Wm. Augustus Thomas 156
Grierson, Alexander 230 Thomas 70, 168
Crighton 97, 284 Haardt, Lewis Thomas 116
1 1

pajtc page
Hall, Willlmii 14U Ilammill, Itoljert t<0, US<J; Harriott, TIios. Geo. 90
Willium 311 Hammond, Frederick 80 Harris, Arthur, Miller 2U2
William T. i:,l Fra. Thos. liCIl. « Augustus 214
llalUn, llirl>crt l:t-J Win. Uxendeu 143 ("has. Robison 1 75
Halluwill, Ediu. Gillinj; 171 Hainond, Philip 1H5 Harry Bultcel,
Uallidav, Frauds Aug. 'Jl)o, Hampton, Robert 110 KH. 40
"U'wis 23(i| Uaiiburv, John, KCH. 18 Henrv William 176
Uto. Eiliii. -^34 Hancock, F. H. W. L.
220 John 175
llallifas, lUib. Uaiupivr Uaiidcoek, Htm. Henry John Crichton 224
03, -i-il Robert 249 [
Robert Russell 239
Hal}', SUnili$h 112) Richard 9(i, 197 I Walter 99
Will. O'OraJv \'M Hon. Rob. French 270 William 287
Hambly,.\ml. John Buck 2J)C Handheld, John C. 164 I
Wm. Thos. 186
HaniLTtiin, W. Muadows Ml Carey 21C' W"m. Geo. Lord,
John MUlet 18] Hankcv, Sir Frederick, KCH. 13, 226
Uames, diaries IKil GC'mG. 83 Harrison, Anth. Robinson
Wuston llCi Hen. Aitchison 72 208
Uanultoii. .\lix. Uukc Ul Hanley, Roderick John 23(i |
Broadley 137
\ bniUam 1 43 llanmer, Wyndham £dw. 120 \
Geo. Francis 2.10
.Mix. (ira. W. -271 Haiina, Joseph Alex. 266 Gustavus NicoUs 215
Alex. .Mark K. Ui| Hanson, Denis 2G3 James Hull 94
Arcli. Rowan liS| Hansord, Solomon Ed- John 131
Aug. Terrick 'iiii man \
307 John 146
Bci.j. lsliir,.Vii. 31J Hanwell, Joseph 99, 267 John Bacon 53
Ctias. John James 160 HiirlH)rd, Hon. Alfred A. 130 Nathaniel Evan-
Charles P. -247 Harcourt, Fra. Vcnablcs 03, son 270
Charles Thos. I'M 144 Robt. Stcppmgs 29(i
Christopher iO —John 195 Septimus 250
U'gby St. Vincent 230 Hardie, John 216 Hart, Charles, MD. 312
Fra. Seymour -70 Harding, George Judd 44, Henrv, MD. 182
Fra. Sinith 2114 283 Henrv George 200
Fred. Wm. 14.> Pym
Francis 173 Robert 84
Fred. Wm. 211 Augustus
Jas. 224 Shepherd 116
Geonre 2tK! Thomas Goldic 180 Thomas Frederick 246
Geo.Rowan 240 William 80 Harthill, Robert 100
Geo. Valiancy loiJ Hardinge, i?<. ^on. Hen. Hartle, John F. A. 246
Henrv ' 130 KCB. 18, 24!) Hartley, Bartholomew 199
Henn- 230 Rich. KH. 99, 207 Henrv Winch. 101,169
Hen. Meade 214 William 190 Humph. Hob. 61
Jas. John, lit. <J-2 Hardisty, William 268 Hartman, Wm. Henrv 90,
John 33 Hardy, Jonas Paisley 209 160
Edmund F. A.

John Jas. 227 Simeon Hen. 3IV. 160

John I'otter, KH. 32 312 Hartmann, Augustus C.
Louis n. MjGi Hare, Hon. Clias. Luke 168 F. 435
Nicholas, KH. 43, John, KH. 38, 178 Gustavus F. W. 435
2C3 Loftus l(i6 Henry 438
Richanl 1U8 Rich. Goddard 35 Julius, KCB.
Kobcrt Charles 199 TliouKis 178 KCH. 54, 437
Hobert Georges 285 William Henr> 202 Hartstonge, Rich. Weld 70
Samuel B. 17(i Harene, Neil Hulse 170 Hartwcll, John Loftus 311
Thomas HJO Harfonl, Charles 101 Hartwig, Gottlieb de 437
Thomas 7 1 1 70 Harder, John
, 250 Hartv, Joseph M. KH. 87,
Tliiw. M. .M'\. 2.(7 Harker, Robert 173 184
Walter 2:50 Harlessein, Philip A. Von, Harvest, Hector
I 249
Walter 23.j 442 -Vutr. Hainilt 260
William li«< Harling, .Augustus de 4*) Harvev, Bissell, KH. 06, 116,
William Uicby 131) Harness, Henrj- D. 285 203
William James 154 Harold, John Casiiner95, 220 Edward 140
William J. 213 Har]ier, William Hosken 124 Eilw. Warwick 187
HanilcT, Clias. <>irih-v 25Ni Harjviur, Geo. Cosby 90, 219 Francis Charles 185
Fran, liilfwrt' l(i3 Haqiur, John 260 Henry B. 239
Wm. Geor„'e 2i«i ilarrica, Thomas 215 James, KH. 60
Hammersley, Frederick 121 Harriugtou, Clias. Earl of James, C. 190
llammerstein, .\. Jiaron 4:Ki 32 Jolin 188
Otto Von 432 Christopher U. 290 John, KCH. 19
llaminill, Joseph IW Harriott, Geortte 142 John 217
page "

Harrey, John 272 Head, Charles 91 Herbert, Dennis 14

Richard 271 Henry Bond 166 Dennis 229
Sir Rob. John 34 Healey, Thomas 183 Henry Loftus 240
William 160 Heard, George Nares 210 Herford, William Lewis 64
William Fred. 1 68 William Hodder 181 Heriot, Frederick George 36
Harward, Geo. Netherton 210 Hearle, Edward 294 John, MD. 126
Harzig, Frederick 434 Heathcote, Eustace 185 Tho. Ancrum 206
Haslewood, Dickens Mark 165 Wm. Samuel 115 Wm. Mackay295,297
Hassard, John Heatley, Charles Fade 205 Heron, Basil Robinson 97, 207
Ross John 200 Peter 7
Hassell, William de Heaton, John R. 127 Herries, W. Lewis, KCH. 40
Hatton, Geo. Aug. Hebert, Abraham Louis 441 WilUam Robert 194
Hattorf, Hans Von Hecker, Charles Higgin. Herring, John 116
Hen. Geo. Von Teush Ml •
Edmund 116
Haultain, Francis 90, 267 Heckscher, Cha. Martin Hervey, Charles F. 185
Fred. Wm. 272 434 Hesse, Adolphus . 435
Theodore M. 215 Hegler, Charles 441 Hessing, Geo. Wm. 192
Hausler, Frederick 439 Heimburg, F. C. Baron 438 Heuer,''Ludolph 432
Havelock, Clia. Fred 142 Ernest, Baron 436 Heugel, William de 434
Henry 164 Lewis A. T. 439 Hewes, John 293
Wm.,A'i7. 90, 131 Heise, Adolphus 434 Hewetson, William 305
Haviland, Francis 122 Arnold William 434 Hewett, Bt. Hon. G. Bt.
John 122 Christopher 434 GCB. 6, 213
Havilland, Charles de 84 Job. Christ. Ulrlch 433 George Henry 43
Thomas de 206 Lawrence 435 Hewgill, Percy William 271
Hawker, Charles 167 Lewis 438 Hewitt, Cha. Coleman 295
Ernest Augustus 123 •
AVm. Augustus 186 —. Isaac Henry 169
Francis 84 Heitland, Wm. Emerton 270 Hewson, John Milliquet 241
Peter Wm. Lanoe226 Hellen, D. W. von der 4.33 Hext, Cha. Staniforth 165
Thomas,/fCJT. 15,126 C. A. von der 434 Francis John 235
Hawkes, Robert 155 Helmich, Augustus 437 Heyde, Fred. J. A. von der 439
John Blackburne 121 Hely, Jas. Price, KH. 80 Heydenreich, William 435
Robert 116 Joseph 200 Heyland, Alfred Thomas 247
Hawkey, Henry Charles Helyar, Albert 133 John Rowley 186
Moorh. 296 Hernmans, Tho. Hinton 230 Heyman, Henry 131
John, MD. 310 Hemphill, Andrew T. 1 80 Hevn, William 440
Edward 221 Hibbert, George 93, 191
Hawkins, Arthur Coesar 162
John P. 54 William 226 — John Gray, MD. 210
John S. 286 Henderson, Alexander 284 Hickey, Edward 230
Samuel 294 Duncan, MD. 160 Hickin, Tho. Bennett 96, 180
Thomas Scott 152 Edmund, Y. W. 286 Hickman, John Penn 141
Hawkshaw, Edward 116 G. Aug., KH. 37 Hicks, George 116
John 284 Hen. Barkley 110 Jolin 116
John Stewart 116 James, MD. 130 George Allen 212
Hawley, Robert B. 241 James, KH. 88 Hickson, John Annesley 225
Hay, Alex. Sebast.Leith 245 John 140 Hiern, John 187
Alexander Macleod 209 John 167 bothani, Charles 215
J. W. KH.

Cha, Craufurd 98, 170
J. Alexander 25'2 ^
85 Higgins, Charles O'Conor 207
Henry 127
Chas. Murray 62, 147 William 271 Hugh Brabazon 141
David 90, 136 William 116 James Lewis 116
. David 240 Hendley, Tliomas 273 Sam. Gordon,
Edward 116 Henley, J. 125 KCH. 83
Lord, Edward 61 Hennessey, Patrick 171 Thos. Gordon 101,267
Humplirey 116 Hcnniker, Hon. Major 119 Warner, Westen-
Lord, James 40 Hcnnis, William Howe 209 ra, KH. 55
James 160 Henry, CUfford Felix 199 Higginson, Alexander 39, 144
James 34 Frederick Hugh 186 ^- Geo. Powell 41, 117
John Chas. 232 • Rich. Francis 180 Hill, Alfred Edward 117, 220
Philip 37 Robert 294 .
Charles 205
Tho. Rob. Drum 193 Walter 310 Charles John 63
. William 65 Hepburn, Francis J. S. 213 Clement 20
Hayes, Frederick 232 David 110 Dudley Clarges 174
George James 295 Herbert, Arthur 100 Sir Dudlev St. Ledger 34
.Samuel Baker 188 Arthur Maynard 214 Edward " 248
Haytborne, Edmund 250 Charles 227 Edward Rolev 233
paee page
Hill, Fnilirick Willlaiii 1(!1 llolJen, William 253 Hope, William
Ilfiin, •>tl(< Hol.ler, Freilerick IIU Hopegood, Fra. Vere
Mush lis) Coultliurst 159 Hopkins, Geo. Robt. 228
John 270 HoUlham, John Field 84 Richard Northey 10
John Thomaa 183 Holdsworth, Samuel 234 Wm. Friend 295
J(>s,'|.h HoG TIio. Wcstnn E. 153 Hop])er, William Ho
Moore aw Hole. Alfred Robert 139 Wm. Henry 2:12
Tcrcv 220 HolfonI, James P. G. 8«! Hopson, Wm. Hopson 258
Philip 03, 204 Holtiite, Bennett 84 Hopton, John 123
Rii-hard Frod. ft4, 204 Holland, George Freer 116 Hopwood, Hervey 146
.Sir Kobt. Chamhre 32 Frederick 172 Hore, James Ryvcs 88
Kowland, Loril, John 238 Thomas 284
(iCB. aCH. KC. John 29.5 Horn, Freilerick 171
7,117,120 I.auncelot 32 Honibrook, Fred.HUlman 226
Stephen John 25fi Holle, U-wis von 4»4 Richard Lyde 293
Lord Wni. F. A. M. 1-29 . Frinl. .\. Baron 435 Hornby, Edw. Carter
Wni. NiK'l 1*3, 221 Hollingworth, George 2t)5 I'hipps, John 280
Wni. Xocl .\liremon 135 HoUinsworth, Hen. And. 232 Stanley Biug 271
llilliurd, Edw. Uav. Cro- Henrv 207 Tliomas Wyun 234
sier 130 Hollis, John j. 88,176 William 218
HilUer, George 58,
121 — Arthur
Fran. Woodlcy
Georpre E. 214 Hollowav, Thomas 295, 297 George 141
Hilmer, John Frederick 4;)8 Wm. C. E. 283
.57, James 191
Hilton, Jame» 286 Holmes, Fra. Saunderson 159 Homer. John 2fl6
John 155 Griffiths IIG William W. 220
Thomas 170 James Gustavus Homsby, John Romaine 2G8
William 142 Ham. 186 William Wilson •24a
William Duncan 154 John Kent Eger. 239 Horrocks, Charles 166
Hinil, Charli-s i;W> Rob. Pattison 90, 174' George 230
Hiiide, John 15f> Tho. Edmonds l(i5 John

Hint-, John lOG Holscher, .\chat2 Wm. 433 Horsburgh, James

Hing«toD, Clayton S. H. 2.j;) Holt, tii-onre 205 Horsford, Alfred H.
Hirst, ?imi-»n 120 Holtzeniiann, Frederick 4:«| George 11
HLdop.Thos. Bt. GCU. 8, lO-.t Ilohvorthv, Edw. John 2.58 George Fahie 254
Hitchciis, Utiij. Robertson 11(! Home, Alex. Geo. Ml). 122 Horslev, Nicholas 248
Hobart, Oiorfre 129 James 32 Hort, Richard 101, 233
Hobhou.«.', John Byron 164 James Murray 187 Horton, Christ. Wilmot
Hobw.n, Samuel '
248 John 57, 144 George Wm.
Hooker, Edward 29.5 John Belshts 137 I
— James 60
Hockin, Charles Francis 296 Ro<iham, C. D. 219 1
Svdney Lloyd 200
Hockings, Robert 296 William, .Vn. 31 1 ! Hosken, John 160
HodenlK'ru, .\ujrustu* von 437 Honevman, John Orrt 61, 144! Hosmer, Charles 116
Ernest, Jiartm 434 HoneywoofI, Edwanl 153 Hoste, Sir Geo. Cha. 44, 283
Uaii$, Baron 4.33 Honstolt, Bartli. Geo. von *J6 Hotham, .\ugustus Tho. 227
lvun,Ci. F. Bnron 4,3:) Hood, Hon. .\lex. Nelson 150 Beau. Lord 44


Hodce, Edw. Coofnr 124 Alex. Bate. Periam 120 Henry 270
Hodges, Thomas Eardley 2.57 Hon. Ft. Grosvenor 145 Hotzen, Geo. Lewis Otto 437
H<Klirson, Christopher 115 George 194 Hough, William 116
Henrv 115 Hook, Archibald 88, 192 Harrv Wainw. 201
John' 8,155 Charles Campbell 246 Houstoun, Alexander 131
StudholmeJ. 102, 17o Lionel 160 Geo. Ang. Fred. 145
Hodsoii, Chas. Robt. Geo. 116 Hookey. Geo. 297 Robert, A'CB. 115
Henrj- Fred. 131 Hooper.Rich. Wheelcr95,221 Wm. Bt. GCB.
Hocy, William Francis 213 Hope, Archibald White 267 GCH. 8, 171
Hogarth. Cieop.'e 102,177 Hon. Adrian 212 Hovenden, Fran. PanieU 125
Hogg, Arthur 195 Charles Reid 1.54 Nicholas 92, 210
Adam 115 Frederick 92, 224 Howard. Charles 306
William 127 Hon. James 69,147 Hon. Fulke Grev. .32
Hogge, John. KH. 56 Jas. Arch., KCB. 34 Robert 66
Hohnhorst, Ceo. Baron 435 James 263 Tho. Phipps, KH. 40
Holbech, Il.iin, 212 John Cha., KH. 64,252 Howdcn, Lordi. Hobart,
Holcomlio, Alex. Essex F. 154 John I«aac 284 1 KH. 67, 116
Hareourt Fort 53 John Thomas 224 I
Howe, Rich. I'niackc 233
Francis 269 Hon. Louis 148 , William 30(!
Holdea,Cbarl<.> 202 William
' 166 Howell, George 21;*
page page page
Howes, James 216 Hutchinson, Bru. JE. S James, William E. 185-
Howison, John 116 Edw. Hely William John 21(i
Howorth, Richard 285 Fred. J. T. Jameson, Lawrence, JMV.'dW
Hoyer, Anthony Fred. 433 George Thos. Ross, MD. 311
Huband, George J. 134 George Janvrin, Francis Frederick
Hudson, Joseph Henry 145 Geo. Rowan 131
Tlio. Wright 213 Hon. Hen. Hely Jardine, Alexander 227
Huey, Richardson W. 102,220 James Jarvis, Geo. R. Payne 65
Hughes, Charles 64, 175 Marley John George 203
James 39 Timothy James 189
J. W. M. G. 140 Wra.KCH. 11 Jasper, Lewis 437
Mar. CoUing^vood 221 Wra. Nelson 91, 171 Jauncey, Alex. S. G. 162
Robert 254 Hutcldson, George 249 John Knight 161
Robert 255 John
• 1.52 Henry Jolm 261
Robert George 164 Huthwaite, Fra. Cornelius 146 Ibbetson, Chas. Parke 124
Speer 236 Edward Denzil 305
Hugo, Ludolph de 432 Henry Fred. James 122
Hugonin, Fran. James 248 Hutton, Geo. Davis Jean, Philip 172
Hull, William 116 Henry John Jebb, Charles William 212
Huhne, William 06, 248 James Joshua 284
Hulse, Richard Samuel 148 John Richard 89, 191
Humbley, Wm. Welling- Robert Jeffares,Harman 101,201
ton Waterloo 131 Tliomas Jefferson, Richard 258
Hume. Geo. Ponsonby 209 Hyde, George Hooton Jeffery, John Uniacke 233
Henry '
247 Hyder, Willi, 1Augustus 131 John Morton 250
Thomas David 194 Hynes, iV. 187 Jeffrey, George 255
William 224 Jeffreys, Edmund Rich. 240
Humfrays, Samuel P. C. 116 Jackson, Adam Thomson 311 ^ Fred. Augustus 170
Humfrey, William Chas. 237 Basil 92 Jeinsen, Henry von 442
Rich. Morgan 219 Edward, KH. 66 Jekyll, William Frederick 157
Humphrys, Henry 133 Frederick Hall 208 Jellicoe, Richard 263
Hunt, Arthur 62, 266 George 115 Jenkin, James 285
George Evans 295 Geo. Wm. C. 121 Jenkins, Frederick 195
George Henry 208 Henry 214 John 92, 137
• John 901 Hen. Augustus 125 Richard 176
John Philip 63 Henry G^eo. 72, 267 Theophllus 156
Rich. Burgess 89 James, MD. 157 \Villiam 261
Robert 88,208 James 100, 208 Jenkhison, Geo. Samuel 253
Thos. Bloomfield 232 James 259 Jenner, Augustus Fred. 102
William Thomas 100, James, KH. 55, 126 Jennings, Edmund Wm. 187
237, John jfapper 87, 251 John 306
Hunter, David 8 John R. 189 Peter Raymond 104
James 193 Joseph Reid 295 WiUiam 305
James 93 Keith, Alex. Bt. 131 Jennyns, Jos. Clayton 141
James William 127 Oliver 237 Jephson, Henry 239
Martin, GCH. 7 Richard Downcs Robert Geo. 220
Robert Francis 223 KCB. 15, 233 Stanhope Wm. 163
Rob. Hope Alston 153 Rob. Hen. Stuart 249 Jerningham, James Edw. 173
Thomas, il/i». 138 Thomas Brooke 141 Jerome, Joseph 238
William, MD. 148 Wm. Ernest 97,267 Jerrand, Joseph 00
William 179 Jacob, George Thomson 124 Jervis, Henry 224
William James 297 Henry Huttou 94 Thomas Best 116
Huntley, Wm. Warburton 97, Jacson, Simon Fitzh. 162 Jervois, WiUiam, KH. 37
123 Jaenieke, Lewis 436 Wm. Fra. Drum-
Hupeden, Richard 435 James, Abraham 116 mond 286
Hurdle, Thomas 294, 297 Charles 236 Jex, Thomas 129
Huribrd, Rich. John Geda- Charles Hugh 182 Jeyes, Samuel, MD. 310
liah 142 Cha. Woodcock 219 Ilderton, Chas. Richard 250
Tliomas 141 Demetrius W. G. 153 Imhoff, Sir Charles 11
Hurtzig, Frederick 430 - Edward Sims 175 Imlach, Alexander 152
Huskisson, John 290 - George 268 Inipett, John 223
Samuel 14 -Geo. H. M. 180 Imray, Robert 235
Hussey, Wm. Hayter 219 - Henry 285 Ince,"Rali)h Pigott 207
Hutcbesson, Thomas 61,265 -John Kingston 132 Ingall, Frederick Lenox 106
Hutcbins, Henry Thos. 214 - Robert 133 Inge, Charles 204
William James 216 -William 04, 177 Edward 131

lii^-h&m, Clin. Tlio. MI). ISO Jours, Arrhiliald Ju». Isacke, Frod. Jaiiu^
liiililbv, William Ilfttcs 2f>« Brnj. Orliuulo Ishani, KdiDiind
liik'Icby, Uilliam 11(1 Clias. Tvrwiiitt 2:n
lugltJielil, Saiiiucl Hood Douglas Jtidd, William 150
StoTin UTi Edward (T) Juhaiii, Jean 440
Inglis, Jas. ti.inl.m, MD. -239 42, 292|Julit'u, Ktiennc Epiphanc 439
-Jos. Ear.lliy Mil.
I*! -(ieofve E. KH.(M, 208 Julius, Win. Mavor 139
-RichanI 30(i -Oriffin 4:W Juiior, Elphington 208
Thos, Cochrane •2i\ i -IIarr\- l)avi<l 94, 283 Juxon, Geo. Plastow 84
William 1661 -Ilonrj- Hichniond 12(! Iveson, WilUam 197
Ingram, Fra. Edw. Win. -James, KH. 59 Ivey, WiUiam 312
nincton 13-2 -Inigo 1.37
^Samuel Ui"' -John 212 Kains, Tliomas 1,54
Tho.On9.WiiininK.249 -John Edw. .58, 205, 273 Kamptz, Louis dc 439
Ininao, John ~ -J olin^ Francis KiH Kander, Francis
22(i 439
-John Lanrlnn
Innes, Francis Win. A//>. -JSfi
Gcontc 270 '
-John Llovd llC —
110 Kay, Arthur
Joseph Long 190 -John Tlio. Bt. 19, 282 Kayc, Geo. Lister Lister 136
William 1 15 -John Tlios. Wm. 194 Rolicrt 222
Jocelyn, i/(»n. A. G. Fred. 12li -Joseph ()4, 103 Wilkhison Lister 209
Holicrt, Vacount 141 -Loftus Francis 248 Kcane, Benj. Bloomiield 258
Joddrell, Henn Edra. 37 -Sleyrick 130 Edward 55
Francis t'has. 14.5 -Mortimer 2.57 Edw. Arthur
Jodrcll, Edward 1«) -Peter 08 Wellington 153
Johns, Kiclianl 296 -Rhvs 183 Edw. Vivian 152
Johnson. Chas. Chris. (W -Rico, KH. 59, 283 Giles 238
Dav. England 89, 1.'>I! — Richard 58, 205, 273 Hussey Fane 280
Goorjre 133 - Richard 83 John 158
George John 148 - Robert I'arkcr 272 John, Lord, GCB.
Henry. F. F. loO - Thomas 107 GCn. 12, 194
Hen. llilham 157 213 - Tliomas Kearney, Charles (j9, 122
James 14(1 240 Tliomas Daniel 305
John 116 67

- Tliomas — James, A' CH. 17

John Brooke 241) 208 - William Tliomas J. 221
Warner Wi-st 192 213 William Keate, Wm. Augustus 33
Wm. Auiiustus 17 C8, 206 - Wm. Daniel Keating, Henry Sliceby,
Johnston, Arthur Lake 172 Wm. Frederick 307 - KCB. 12,242
Frederick 85 Wm. Fre<l. Foxcroft 203 - James 155
Geo.Jos. BidmeadllO' William Prime 150 Roger 239
James 15!) William Wynn 271 Kebbel, Wm. Henry 156
James 191 J"pp, James, MD. ,
15:1 Kelly, Edward Henry 202
James 8!j, 195 Wm. Baillie 216 Edw. Hen. Moore 246
James, .VZ». 312 Irbv, Augustus Ilenrv 202 John 191
James T. O. MD. 190 Ireland, Rich. Plunkett 259 1 Luke, MD. 311
John 184 Iremonger, Pen. Athelwold' Richard D. 185
John 218 159 Robert
John 220 Irton, Richard 103,252 Thomas
John 222 Irvine, .Archibald 110 Tlio. Conyngham
Patrick 2.51 Charles 189 Daniel
Peter lie, Charles 110 Tliomas Edwin 97, 252
Ri.lit. 108 ,
John ,305 Waldron Barrs 173
Thos. IIenr\- 71,218
Irving, Alexander 271 William 287
Wm. KCU. 14, 220
Charles 220 William Henry 2.36
William 126 George 20 Kels, Henry 438
William 200 Hen. Houghton Kelsall, Edward 222
Wm. Yni. 09, 145 08, 209 John 235
Johnstone, Fra. Jas.Tho. 115 James 37 Joseph 71,222
Francis W. 244 Irwin, Fred. Chidley, KH. Roger 95,284
George 73, 193 93, 215 Kelso, Eiiw. John Fran 224
George O. Hope 244 James Napper 221 Kelson, Charles 57
John William 177 John Henry 1 10 Kcmble, Hen. Jos. Vincent
.Mont. Cholm. 102, 178 Ijevixs Chamberlain 178 219
William 90, 177 William 9C, 179 Kemlo, William, MD. 222
Wm. Jas. Hope 19:1 WilUam 240 Kemp, Philip 1,11
JoUifiV?, William 2»3, Isaac John Matelum 210 George Uecs 115
William 290 Cha. Tlio. Vesev 234 William 97, 232
page pi^e page
Kempland, Oeo. Arthur 116 King, Anthony Singleton 116 Knowles, William 201
Kempt, Right Hon. Jas. Charles, KH. 57, 263 Knox, Alexander, MD. 153
GCB. GCH. 10, 115, 153 Edward 164 Brownlow William
John Francis 103 Edward R. 187 73, 149
Kenah, Thomas 35 Finlay 193 Edward 66
Kendall, Richard 268 Frederick 178 George 130
Kennedy, Alex. K. Clark, George 155 George 71, 147
KH. 59, 127 George 164 John Chichester 122
Arthur 66 George 206 Richard 141
Arthur 162 Henry, KCH. 19 Robert John 126
George 155 James 119 Thomas 272
Geo. Rob. Harry 270 James 132 Thos. Edmond 237
Hugh 296 John AVallace William 138
— James Shaw John Wingfield
156 Koester, Adolphus 434


Hon. John 194 Michael " 209 Korchann, Joseph 436

John Clark 127 Rich. Thomas 68, 206 Krauchenberg, G. Saron
John Mackenzie 173 AVilliam James Si von, KCH. 54, 433
Simson 89 William John 17'. Louis 433
Thomas 43 Kingscote, Robert Arth. Krause, Lewis 433
Vans 115 Fitzh. 143 Kr()nenfeldt, Charles von,
Walter Crauford 250 Kingsley, James Bell 250 KH. 84, 434
Kennelly, James 239 — John 260 Ernest de 438
Kennett, Brackley 115 Kingston, Strickland 115 Kropp, Jolm Albert 442
Kenny, David Courtney 115 Kington, Wm. Miles 90 Kruger, John Chas. 436
Edward 241 Kinloch, Arthur 187 Kuckuck, Augustus 435
Eyre Evans GO Thomas 193 Augustus 84, 436
Michael Wm.

310 Kinnersley, Isaac Aug. William 435
William Kinnis, John, MD. Henry Edward 435
William Kinsman, And. 83, 297 Kidils, Augustus 432
Wm. Henry 225 Kipling, Robert 195 Ferd. Carl Edm. 432
Kent, Sir Chas. Wm. Bt. 118 Kippen, Geo. A. Crooks 256 Kulemann, William 435
Jolm John Hardie 153 Kumme, Ludolph 434
Robert 110 Kirby, John 226 Kunoth, Godlove 437
Kenyon, Abra. Parkinson 250 Joshua Henry 185 Kuntze, John Frederick 434


169 Stephen 63,200 Eherhard 436

Keogh, Thos. Molyncux 188 Thomas Cox 07 Kuster, Ferdinand 432
Keown, Henry 121 Walter 202 Kyffin, Jas. Willington 168
Keppel, Edw. Geo. W. 91 Walter 296 R.ibirt Willington 173
Hon. Geo. Tho. 87 William H. 246 Kyle, Halluni D'Arcy 190
Ker, James 170 Kirch, William 436 Kynoch, Robert Keith 210
Kerr, Charles Hope 233 Kirchner, Lewis 432
Lord Chas. Lennox 193 Kirk, Wm. Alphonso 107 Labalmondiere, Douglas
Henry Alexander

151 William John 258 W. P. 235
John Manners 7 Kirkland, John Ag. Vescyl48 Lacy, Henry Dacre 154
Xofd Mark 171 Kirwan, Martin 131 Hen. Hearne 228
Lord Rob. KH. 60 Kitchener, Hen. Horatio 139 Joseph Dacre 65
Walter Foster 160 Kitson, John 89, 195 Ricli. .lohn Jas. 42, 265
William 179 Klingsohr, George 430 Rich. Walter 207
Kerrison, Sir Edw. Bt. Lewis 436 Thomas E. 224
CB. S; GCH. 13, 140 Knatchbull, Thomas 209 William 197
Kershaw, James 103, 164 Kneebone, Thomas 180 Laffan, Robert M. 286
Kersteman, W. Brewse 66 Knight, Brook John 120 Joseph de Courcy 240

John Brewse 256 Charles 01, 184 Laing, James 00
Kersting, Joseph 436 Charles R. 170 Lake, Henry Halsey 179
Frederick 434 Edward 6(i Noel Tliomas 209
Kessler Charles 434 Henry 135 Lamb, Samuel Burges 172
Keszler, Frederick James 184 Lambanl, Multon 188
Kettlewell, John Wilson 04 Thomas Davis 306 Lambart, Hon. Edw. A.
Key, George William 141 Knipe, Geo. Marshall 218 F. H. 218
Charles Hugh 141 Wm. Beaumaris 125 Lambert, John, GCB. 11, 161
Kidd, John M'Mahon 173 KuoUys, Edward 227 John .\rtlmr 146
Thomas, MB. 309 Wm. Thomas 57, 149 Robert 194
Kift, Arthur 297 Knop, Henry Augustus 434 Samuel 35, 144
Killeen, Arth. Jas. £o/"rf. 134 Knowles, Francis Edw. 306 Thomas 234
Kilvington, Fran. Henry 216 Frederick 137 Lambrick, George 296
249 John 269 Lamert, Joseph Richard 230

pace, Peter. MJ). 212 Lawrie, Fra. Raw. Has- Le .Marchunt, Thomas 127
Lauiimt, Nnniian.XH. 91 ,:i4n tinps 231 ,
Le .Mesurier, Frederick 280
Win. Akx. Hobt. HO/ I.awsi>n, Jos. .\nibro9e, John 17
Lance, Williaui llcurj- 331 MI). 287' Lcnioine, William 2(38

Udcvv, Williuiu S4la Robert 311 Lemon, Thomas 295

Lan<l,'julin 394 j
Stephen 1(17 Thomas 89
Laodt'ls, (ii-oriEe 273 Stephen 2;«t Lenipriere, Charles 204
laiiileni, Jaiui-s 1H4 Layaril, Ikrnanl Gran. luo 272
LaDf, Ambrose &•'> Brownlow Ed. 2,J7 Thomas James 307
Wm. Twisleton
Chas. Hen. John
FriHlcrick \\m.
24!t Laye, Jcisciili Henry ^' Lennox, iord Arthur 102,223
Lord Fitzroy G.
lliuri,- 4!) Luytoii, Fri<lirick 293 C. G. 194
Lea, Samuel Percy 23'.( Leonard, Daniel 162
John a;»x William Percy 239 Robert 293
John ao:, Leach. fic<>. .\rchibald 28(! Leoiihart. Harrv
Richard 21i> Jonathan o4 U- Patie. Felix 4;39
Lanu, Frcd.ri.k H. l.-.-> Thomas LeonardLeailcr, 22'JLepper, Francis 23:3
Laji'.'ehiinckLii, I'liilip 4;U Leiidbeater, Wm. Edw. James 83
Lanftlbrtl. Junics E. 2<»f lllair lie Lcschcn, Hannach Bogusl.432
Wni. Hi.okty -£)', Leake, Robert Martin 08 Leslie, Alexander 220
Lancland!!. (.uor/e Leathaui, James Birley
8:1 21o Arthur 159
Langley, (iiorgc Colt i'.Ki Leathart, Jiihn lie Charity, J{H. 63
^^Geonre Hifhanl l(l> Le Blanc. Francis Charles Henry 232
Wm. Uslie, MV. 312 Henry ai James 87
Lanston, Iknnett 21><| Tlinmas Edm. 188 John, KH. 56,155
Ijui^'wertli.Adolphns von 430. Lecky, .\lexander 238 Li wis Xavier 224
ldl>slie, Anthony Hart 2.'j<ti Henrv 187
'JC, Nicholas 175
Larcuuj, Thos. AUkew 2A5 Henry 24 L'EstraDgc, Arthur 172
Lardm-r. John liWJ JohnGa^e 18!) Ant. Robert 223
William -iM 1
Le Couteur, Philip 182 Geo.GuvCarleton 17
Lardy. Chrintinn Fred. !K> l>edenrervv, Pancrace 441 Ilarrj- Pit^lev 180
La K"che, Franciii 4:115 Leiliuirhain. tleor^e, MD. 17.j Thomas "lOO, 187
I^afcelles. (lias. F. R. 57, 144 Le<lsam, John l.i8 Thomas 11
Edmund Wm. 19fi i
Lee, Charles 229 Lethbridgc, Thos. A. 268,273
Frwlerick von
LasiK*r»r. 4:ij
Edward 191 Tiio. Christopher
Last, Edward 103, 2.<1 |
Sir Fra. Gearv Card. Mvtton 237
Latter. Robert James 1 l-j
69, 2'J2 Le fnnzcl, Francis T. 260
Laiizhten, John 1 IG George 1 l(i Lettsom. jSamuel 103, 232
Laurence. Tl»o8. Wm. 272

Henrs- 142 Lovcnthorpe, Collett 165

Laurie, Henry 30.J !
John' 162 Lcvett, Richard Byrd 212
John 1 l(i Michael White 33 Levick, John 210
William 29;J Robert 306 Levinu'e, Geo. Charles
Lautuur, Peter Aug., KH. Thomas 148 Rawdon 271
3« William 294 Rich. Geo. .Aug 194
Wm. Fra. Joseph 14.1 Leech, Francis E<lw. 2C3 Lewes. John 178
Laven», Patrick Henry 140 |
Robert 116 Lewin, Hen. Pritchard 295
Lavie.Eme»t l.iO Lees, Geo. Cholmondelcy 186 Lewis, Cha. .llgemon 145
Law, Charles E<lm. 2.'>3 Henry 215 George 42
Charles' Fred. 221 |
Le Fort, .Vugust. Barm VU Geo, Cha. Degen 284
James Smith John Henry
2rK'* I.efroy, 271 Griffitli. Geo. 44, 283
John 2il4 Uffs.'att. John " 305 Harry Percival 30
Rolwrf, KH. '.12, 2(;i Leir!:e, Hon. A. Chas. 97 John' Edward 229
William Heury 101,23.-. Lecrew, John 139 John C)wen 188
Lawe. Alexander 1 16 I^icester. //oji. William 14.i Richard 246
I.awley, Hob. -Neville lltl UiL'b. Edm. C. 249 Robert 241
Lawrell. UiL'hy Henry 210 Fi-erton 122 , Thomas, ^fD. 121
Lawrenc'-, .\rth. Johnstone John de v., MD. 228 William Robert
Uighton David, KCB.
, 115 Ley, James 122
Elias 42, 2!>2 For. Owen 93, 207 John Morcan 116
fieorjre Iiwi Tho. Richard Liddcll. Ilim. V F, l.W
John 2117 I
Uith, Alexander, KCJi. 17 Ileun- 110
Edw. Wilson S»fl
Jo.. Iie<iree, i</. Light, Al. \, Whalley 16 33
Tli'is. 88 William Forbes 249 I
Heury 110
Waller 193 I.einan, Charles >r8ell 211 LiKii(bo<ly, John I
Wm. Hudson 808 Le Marchaut John Gas- r~ J(»hn 310
Lawrenson, John 101,143 pard 72, 261 Uulitfoot, Thomas I
3 D 504
page page page
Lightfoot, Thomas 36 Logan, George 294 Lucas, Arthur HvJe 168
Lilley, John 140 Joseph ."59, 215 David 313
Lillicrap.WalterWelsford 290 Tho. Galbr. Ml). 204 Edward 254
Lillie, Sir John Scott 60 Logic, Chas. Arnold 188 Francis 157
Thomas 257 Loinsworth, Fred. Albert 309 Henry 268
Limond, 5^()- James 115 Fred. Lussan 157 John Owen 180
Lindham, James Oliver 434 Lomax, James 16 Richard 119
Lindesay, Patrick 215 Londonderry, C.W.iV/nri/. William 227
Lindsay, Alexander of GCB. GCH. 8, 130 William 258
Alex. Cruikshank 134 Long, George Frederick ,205 William Russell 169
Hon. Chas. Hugh 194 John 136 Liideritz, Frederick 437
Effingham 17 WilUam 97 Ludewig, Adolphus 435
George Topp 97, 246 Longden, Cha. Scudamore 272 Frederick 435
HoJi. James 145 Henry E. 161 George 435
James 43 Longtield, John 159 Ludlow, George James,
Martin 35 William 163 Earl, GCB. 6, 149
Martin, G.T. 97,230 Longford, Edw. M. Earl Ludowig, Chas. Herman 438
Thomas 143 of 119 Lugard, Edward 182
Lindsell, Rob. Henry 176 Longmore, Chas. Joseph 134 Hen. Williamson 286
Lindsey, Robert 305 Longworth, Dav. Fitz Lukis, John 154
Linsingen, Charles, iJaj'on 436 Gerald 246 Lumley, Fred. Douglas 159
Linton, John 61 Lijning, Michael 433 Jas. Rutherford 1 15

William, MB. 218 Lonsdale, Charles 172 John 167

Lisle, Robert 249 Jas. Faunce 178 Hon. Wm. GCB. 8,
Robert William, Earl of, 132
Lister, Amos 3f>o KG. '
53 Lumsden, Alex. John H. 181
David li3 Looker, AVilliam 306 Thomas 116
Frederick D. 100 Lorimer, William 175 Lunde, Geo. Fred. God-
Frederick George 116 Loriol, Augustus de 440 frey 437
Liston, John Terry 1 59 Lorton, Robert, Viscount Luniug, William 435
Little, James Somerville 287 Losack, George 221 Augustus 435
Archibald 135 Louis, Charles 296 Lushington, Franklin 160
Robert John 297 Matthew 96, 267 Jas. Law, GCB. 115
Tho. Sarjent 190 Love, Edw. Misscndeu 179 Lutman, John Adrian 175
Littledale, Edward 128 James Fred. KH. 43, Lutterman, John 438
Littl.=hales, Charles 226 Lutwidge, Skeffiiigton 116
Lloyd, Arthur Lovell, Fran. Fred. 118 Lutyens, Benjamin 116
Edward Thomas 285 Loveday, Lambert 115 Luxmoore,Tho.Coryndon 284
Evan, KCH. 10, 127 Lovelace, Robert 170 Robert 167
Evans Garnons 253 Lovett, Thos. Heaton 250 Lye, Richard Leigh 171
Evan Herbert Low, Alexander 131 Lvuon, Hon, Edw. Pyn-
Henry John 270 "dar 18
Mount Stoughton Rich. Butler 204 Hon. Hen. Beauch 18
Heyliger Robert 307 Lyle, Thomas Cromie 272
Richard Sieg, C. G. Baron, Lynch, Christopher 259
Rob. Clifford KCB. KCH. 16, 435 Edw. Alex. Thos. 208
Thomas William 306 Edw. Pat.
William, AID Lowder, Sam. IVetterville 296
Lluellvn, Richard Lowe, Arthur Charles 103,
Lock, Walter Elph. 101,267 142
Locke, John Thomas 219 Edward W. D. 183
Lockhart, Archibald Hudson, KCB. 12, 116,
Arch. IngHs 207
Cira^me Alex. Lowen, Picarce, KH. 89,
Robert Alex. 200
Lockwood, George Wellington, 260
George Henry 102, 130 Lowndes, Thos. Wm. Selby
Lockyer, Edmond 208 i34
Hen. Fred. KH. Lowric, Charles 86
93, 249 Lowth, John Jackson 189
Lodder, Wm. Wynne 210 Robert Henry 238
Lodwick, Peter 116 Luard, George 85
Loesecke, Geo. C. A. Von 436 John 71,172
Loftus, Fcrrars 63, 144 Robert 269
Wm. Fra. Bent. 34 Lubeck, William \«n 438
William James 1 80 Lucan, George, Earl of 56
" 1 1

l)ape pace page
LjstiT, William Martin163 M'Grctfor, James 312 Mac Andrew, David 200
LvttU'ton, Hon. Spencer
160 M'Grigor, Alexander 183 Jas. Duncan 191
Wcstcotc Whit- Jas. Bt. MV. 3tn) John, MD. 191
John Leimox 155

church Sl(> M'HaAie, James (V>

M'lllree, John Drope 22!)l Macann, Fra. Arth., .MD. 310
M'Adam, David 200 M'llveeu, Dahvay 182j Mac Arthur, Alexander 110
David 21)3 M'Innes. John 11.~>I
Macartnev, James Nixon 135
M'Alpiu, Win. Bain 2-»(! M-Intosh,Thos. Graham 259 John 1
M'Alpine, Jaiiu-s i>'i M'lutyre, Archibald 84l J. Inglis 272
M'Artluir, Edward 8.J Colin Campbell 230 Macbean, Archibald 2f>8
John 2U4 James 238
23) Fred KH. 7 1 236 .
, ,

M'Bcan, Jas. Arch. Dun M-Ivcr, Krlward 1!)9

l!)i Forbes n, 267
can loti M'Kay, Manners 123
12: George Fred. 236
M'Beatb. George 220 M'Keilar, Peter Martin Vim.KCB. 18
Robert 2o(Si 294,29' William Forbes 238
M- Bride, Michael 312 M'Kenzie, Bovce 191 Macbreedv,Jolin Kenneth 305
M'Call, Gooree 230 Charles Finch 19J JIac Call, James 103, 134
M'Callum, John «), 2<>2 John 8 Mac Carthv, James 254
Uiiirj- Atkins 2!K! Kenneth 154 Will. Justin 208
M'Carlhy, Men. Ilotham 2i)ti M-Kcrlie, John Graham 285 Macdiarmid,JohnDuncan 223 i

M'Cartv, Charles 133 MKie, Patrick 154i Macdonald, Alexander 181

M'Caskill, Hector 20(! M'Killop, Robert John 2i)5 Alexander 251
John, A'if. 43, l«l .M'Kinlay, Donald, JfZ>. 169 Alexander 20, 264
John 241) M'Kinnon, George 145 Alexander 40, 115,267
Kenneth 214 ;
Alexander 116 Sir A. K., Bt, 150
M'Causland, Conollv 281! William 294 AthoinTentworthl93
M'Clellan, Jas. Creichton l:J(i M'Kirdv, David Elliot 209 George 68, 167
M-CIevertv, Robert 24f. M' Lacli"lan,Lachlan Xieoll 208 George \ 245
— William A. I'M M' Laren. George, MD. 243 Jas. Mitchell 258
M'Clintook, Hen. Stanley 270 M'Leod, Alexander 102,213| Jas. Robert 241
WClurc, Geo. 2411 Charles Hi Hon. Jas. W
M'Court, John 152 !
Donald, MD. 309 Bosville 118

M'Coy, Daniel 206 M- Lerie, John

209 John, 14,117,
John 270 SI'Mahon, Edmond John 307 219
M'Crae, Alexander 2361 John 60 John 167
Rot)ert Bradford 195 Tho. Bt.KCB.\b,-24r,
John .Angus 153
M'Credie, Wm. Scott 31 1 Tlio. Wcstropp
132 John Duntze 241
M'Cumininir, Rich. Hen. M'Manus, Henrv 167 Peter John 259
Jotin Beaumont 166 M-Munn, Rob. And., MD.
Ranald, A'ff. 71,155
M-Curdy, Daniel 2201 173; Robert 55
M'Dtnnott,MichaeI,JtfX).241 M'Mnrdo, Wm. M. G 1591 Robi'rt 59
M- Donald, Alexander 177 M'Xair, John 12 Roderick Cha. 181
Donald 205 Robert 263 Ronald 232
Dun. Don.M'Cav 176 William 214 William 84
John 40, 244 M'.\ ally, Henry 198 •William Peter 440
John M-Cay 184 .M-Xaniw, John 208 Macdonell, Alex. Sheriff 179
William M-N"eill, DutTiId 2.30 Alexander 253
William Tliomas G. B. 2()7 George 54
M^Donooch, Matthew M'Xicol, Duirald 98, 151 16 ',

James, KCH.
il'Dooall. James 101, 119 M'Xiveu, Tho. Wm. James Fraser 214 I

Robert 35 < >.,nlvv ' 91 Macdonnell, Rob. Harkness

SI'Doiigall, Patrick L. 187jM'Phw', Donald 179 207
M-Dowell, Frederick 132 M'Phcrson, Alexander 273 Macdougall, James 93, 193
Geo. James 72, 142 Alex. John 229 Mae Dc.iii;all, Duncan 231
M-Duff.John 191 Duncan 92. 178 Patrick 8(i, 190
M-Farlan, John 306 Duncan ' 115 Macdowall, Day Hort 80, 195
M'Farlone, Henrv 202 Enan - 230 Macfarlane, Robert, KCB.
M'Ghee, Holland Leckey 182 - L<mis J. 153 GCH. 7,183
M-Gibbon, Benj. W. 83 .Munco 116 Macfurpuhar, Hugh 110
M'Grath, Patrick 184 Philip 108 Mac Gregor, Donald lUi
M'Greyor, Duncan 183 Thomas 92, 2.'i6 Evan J. Murray,
Duncan 43 M'Qucra, James 101,141 Bt.KCB.KCH. 19 '

Donald 179 Maberly, Evan 272 Malcolm 172

Hugh (>7 Wni. Leader US\ RolKTt 160
James 190 Macan, C. K. 195 [Macgregor, Malcolm 89
James 199 Macadam, Wm. KH. 55; John Alex. Paul 115
page page
u 12
Macgregor, Bt. 169 Maclean, Hen. Dundas 91,247 Manwariug, John Jlontag
Maclntire, John 196 John 102, 17l|'Mair, John, MD. 210
Macintosh, Alex. Fisher John 178 PhiUp
^ }o\xn,KCB. 15,211 William 251
Lachlan Hector jlaister, John
Slackay, Alexander
Gilbert Maitland, Alex. Chas. 231
^ •
Xorman Frederick ,209
Colin Campbell
Donald Peter Fred. Thomas 175
George Macleod, Alexander John, MD. 235
Donald, KCB. Peregrine, KCB.
Henry Fowler
Donald B. 12, 115, 228
John'F. 91,234 Donald John M. Bon. Wm. Mord. 8
William 67 George Francis Major, Francis Wm. A. C. 305
Mackenzie,Alex.,B<.(?C/f. 7 Hen. Geo. KH. Makepeace, Charles 93, 124
John, KCH. 1! Malassez, Maximilian 307
Alexander 248 William Malcolm, George Alex 103,
MacMahon, Bernard 130
Alexander 230
Alexander Wm. 254 William James, KCB 54
254 MacNeal, Hector James 224
284 Macneil, Roderick Malet, Alfred Augustus 159
116 Macnicol, Anthony Alex Chas. St. Lo 98, 159
Maenish, Arth. Colquhoun 232 Maling, Thomas 67, 117, 266
John Kenneth 212
Macpliail, John 95, 250 AVilliam Eyles 89
Keith, Wm. Stewart
242 MaePherson, Wm. 151 Maltby, Frederick 295
244 Macpherson, Alexander 207 JIaltei, Antonio 262
Kenneth Doug.
248 Duncan 110 James
JIalton, 116
312 Evan 220 Man, Garnet 205
William Ord.
245 Manders, Thomas 120
Mackey, Hugh
Mackie, Edmund Phipps 254
— Evan Duncan
89, 251 Mandeville, Charles
64, 257 Manfred!, Adrian
Otto Bayer 272
240 James 307 Manly, John Sam. 178
John 89 Mann, Cornelius 19, 282
Mackinlay, John Houston 116
John Cameron 1S3 Frederick Wm. 58
Mac Kinnon, Daniel Hen. 142 286
Edm. Vernon 119 Rob. Barclay, Xif. 37 Gother Frederick
Maequarie, George W. 193 John Blaquiere 242
Mackinnon, Donald Hen.
220 Lachlan 129 Manners, Charles 268
Mackintosh, Alex., MD. Macqueen, Thos. Richard 116
311 Lord Charles
Donald 249 MacQueen, Alex. MD. 154 Somerset, KCB. 15, 130
228 George 139
John, MD. 2K7 John Arch.
Macknight, William 172 Macra, John, KCH. 41 Henry Edward 188
Mackrell, Thomas 59, 195 Maeready, Edw. Nevil 103 Henry Herbert,
Mackworth, Digby, Bt. Geo. Wm. 203 KH. 71, 188

KH. 67 Mactier, William 116 Herbert Russell 188

242 Madigan, Jas. Alex. 155 Richard 99,210
Digby Francis
Macky, Thomas 85 Madoeks, John Edward 135 Robert
Maclaclilan, Arch. 40 Madox, Henry, KH. Russell 53
62,267 Magee, Henry Wemyss 196 Mannin, John 192
Daniel, MD. 231 Magenis, Hen. Arthur 87, 239 Manning, John Spencer 121
234 Maguis, Ernest, Baron 436 Mannsbach, James 435
Jas. Campbell
221 Mansel, George 142
Maclaiuc, Sir Archibald 34 Magnay, Alexander
Hector 43 Magrath, Dennis J). 184 George Pleydell 204
158 Jos. Rogers 206 Herbert 132
Rich. Nicholson 154 John 53
Madaurin, David Scott
Kin. 121 Maguire, John 263 Rob. Christ, KH. 55
Maclean, Alexander 24(i Mabarg, John, MD. 222 I
Mansergh, John Craven 157
Alexander 96, 238 Mahon, Gilbert 246 Rob. John South-
Luke 229 eote 170
Allan, T. 63, 139
Matthew 34 Mansfield, William R. 204
Andrew, MD. 137
Charles, MD. 204 Maurice Hartland 238 Jlanson, James
Sir Ross, Bt 212 Manuel, Albert 441
Charles Fitzroy 62
Chas. Maxwell 87, 224 William Gun 296 JIapleton, Henry
Fitzroy Jeffries Mahonv, Montague Mar JIarburg, Frederick
Grafton, Bt. 8, 236 tin, MD. 309 March, Chas. H.Gordon
George 270 Mainwaring, Arthur 220 Lennox, Earl of
Fred. 9! I, 202 Leonard Geo.
George 305
1 lector, /iCiJ. 115 George 239 Fred.

page I'BKC page
Mnreli. Williniii Henry •25)6 1 Mastcrsoii, Henry Wilkes 171 Mayow, Oeorpc Wynell 134
Mareon, John 1(13 i MHtliostoii, Thoniiis 1)8, 174 Meachani, William Oco. 104
Mareeheaux. ('. H. 181 Matliews, Joseph Henry 185 Meade, Augustus 110
Matigary, Alfred Hohert 177

Willinni Jciaepli
— 110 Frederick 85
Marindin, Henry Ricli. 152 Motliewmin, Poier liti Han. John 12

Markham, Charles <)1, 211 Matliias, William

214 John 194
Kre.leri.-k 103, 183 Mutson, Eihvard 97,284, 28(>| //oh. Robert 8,103
*_lsI»orne 183 Matthew, Hubert Robert 181) 125
Mnrklanil, Oeorjie 270 Matthews, Jolm Henry
1 Roche, KH. 94, 117
Marlay, David 293 Mark ;
235 Meaden, Daviil 2.>7
Marlev, Beiinet 1 15 William
273 Meason, Magnus Gilbert
Marlow, Wui. Biddlc Matlhcy, Fretleriok
! 440 Lainc 134
eomb 285 Miitnrin, William Henry 307 Malcolm Ronald
Marriott, Charles HI! Maiiile, Oeiirjtc Ashley 271 Laing 191
— Hayes 2!K; Hon. Coniwailis 212 Mce, Ciiarlcs Henry 209

-^— Thomajs

115 Warren 1 84 .Meech, Giles 293

Tho. Beckett Manle, John 177 Mcchan, Geo. Waller 254
Fieldini; 271 Hon. Lauderdale Mehux, Rich. Williams 295
Marschalk, Charles Bnron 432 i
103, 2.31 Meik, Alexander Crie 240
Oiistav. liaron 434 Mauleverer, James Tlios. 168 Fras. Thomas 142
Otto de 434 William 187 James Patrick 200
Tlieodore \o\\ 4:W Maunsell, Frcflerick (i4, 237 Mciklejolm, J. II. John-
Marsden, John Long 15!) Geor^'c 71,123 stone 244
Marsh, Franeis 10.3 George Mein, Frederick R. l.')2

Uoh, rt
Marshall, Anthony
94, 283
John Borlasc
John Alex.
42,220 —
George 04 Richard Meinecke, George Fred. 438I

Oeonje, KH. 71, 234 William Wray Meier, Carl Peter Arnold 430
Geo. Cnthhcrt 182 Mawhy, Schright 12 Eni. Tlieo. Chr. 432
Henrj- 127 Maxwell, Alexander 197 Mejer, George 4.3.5

John 99, 243 Archibald M. KH. Phil. Hen. Fred. 84, 430
John 58, 187 William 430
John Samuel 110 Charles Francis 234 Meldrum, Thomas 1.53
John Williams 217 Clias. Rohbins 189 Mellish, William Leig 253
Josiah 115 Chas. Wm. KCH. 17 Mello, Majens 190
Marshall, Wra. Clutton 197 Colin 245 Mellows, John 121
Marston. Hen. F. 192 Edw. Herbert 240 Melvin, Alexander 310
Molvneux Clias. 271 George 218 MclvilIe,Geo. John White 245
Marten, Thomas, KH. 04, 1 28 George 240 Mends, Herbert 2.->C
Martin, Georfrc, MD. 225 Gcorce Vauphan 240 Herbert Bowen 293
Henry William 172 —
/fon.' Jas. Pierce 210 Hngh Bowen 290
James 130 James Robert 259 Jas. Dclamain 256
James 252 Richard 212 William Fisher 307
John 123 Wm. Alex. Bnrt. 70 Mendibus, Antoine Louis
J.din 42 William Craiu 231 de 441
liiehard 121 William Robert 290 .Mensing, Ernest 4.36

-^— Robert Fanshawc
90,197 Mav, Charlee
Charles — 1.50 Menzics, Allan
Charle9,A'i7. 09,292,
103, 228 Chas. Kmanucl 83, 440 297
Samuel Yorke 210 Edward Stephen 132 Charles Fred. 296
Frederick 2^)8 Duncan 167
Martyn, Fran. .Mountjoy 119 Jolm, KCB. KCH. James Stewart 246
'— Peter "
240 20,264 William Collier 286
Mason, James 96, 229 Josi'ph Miimon 83 Mercer, Alex. Cavalic 04, 206
Jamt-i 300 Rodolphe, dc
53, 441 Douglas 35
John Monck 175 Rnilolph Amed#c de 440 Edwaril Smith 240
William 201 May, William 192 Edw. Smith 09,292
Massy, //on. John 80 .Maycock, Dottin 142 John Henry 296
'— Hon. Nath. Hen. Mavers, John Perkins 209 Robert 293
Clia. 88 Mavnard, Hon. Charles Merckhel, Elias 440
John 199' Hen. 120 Meredith, James 9
Ma«ter, Harcourt 101,131 Mayne, Charles Frederick
' Richard M. 164
Chas. Chester 209 Hutchinson 213 Meriton, Rich. Ogilvie 110
Henry Orlando Henry ] 200 Mcrmet, Joseph i
Chester 247; John 151 Messiler, Geo. 1 uglies 1

Wm. Chc-stor 156 John '

115 John 92, 179 '

page page
Metcalfe, Stiidholme Hen. 100 Mills, William Maxwell 254 Money, Jas. Kvrle, Bt. 18
Methuen, Hon. Fred. Milman, Edward Aue;. 184 John Ernie 183
Hen. Paul 120 Egerton Cha'; W. M'illiam Bayley 185
Metrovich, Nicola 262 Miles Monins, Eaton 64^ 221
Meuron, Chas. Cmsar de 440 Fra. Miles Wm. Godfrey
Philip Fred, de 248 Geo. Bryan Gierke 174
Meyer, Charles 4.34 Milne, William Monke, Henry 116
Frederick 442 Milner, Charles Monkland, George 220
Fred. Herman 433 Henry Robert 91, Monro, Archibald Hale 244
George 433 Milnes, Colin James Alexander 253
George Julius 433 Minehin, John Wilham 231
Gustavus 433 Mininssir, Nicholas de Montagu, George 101, 193
MejTiell, Francis 124 Minster, Henry Francis Hon. Henry 02, 149
Meyrick, George Minter, George Montanaro, John 262
\Vm. Henry Minto, Jas. Ciephane Montenach, Ch. Theo-
Michel, Charles Edward 218 Misani, Johan Theo. de dore de 166
John Misset, Joseph Montgomerie, Duncan 110
John Mitchell, Alexander Frederick 251
Miehelet, Cha. Fred. Edw. 438 George John 228
Michell, Chas. C. KH. 85 Hugh Montgomery, Alex. Barry 161
Edward Tho. 60, 115, Hugh And. Rob. Francis Oct. 103,190
266 John, BID. Fred. Camp-
George John bell 100, 201
H. Seymour 200 John James 259
John 61,205 John Wray John Myers 200
Mickletliwaite, Nathaniel 150 Livingston Lamb. Lyons 232
Middlemore, George 16 Thomas Richard Tho. 130
Robert Fred. 243 Tliomas Robert Giles, MD. 255
Middleton, Charles 44 Sir Tho. Living- Montizambert,Geo.Sheaffe 192
John 253 stone Montresor, Auchmuty 267
Wm. Alex. 272 William Henry WiUiam 272
Jlidglev, Benjamin 178 William John 250
Jlieliiia'nn, 437Wm. Murray Tho. Gage, KCH.
Milbauk, Fred. Acclom 231 Wm. Simpson 11,122
Mark Wm. Vane 129 Mitchelson, Walter Moody, Hampden Cle-
Mildmay, Henry St. John 122 Mitchison, Tho. Robinson ment Blamire 266
Miles, Edward, Kt. 34 Mitford, Bert. Charles Rich. Clement 286
Geo. Fred. Wm. 133 Henry George -Stephen 110
Mill, James 85 John 'Philip Thomas 01 283

Millar, John 194 Moberley, Henry Moor, Ilassell Rich. 90, 207
Miller, Alex. Penrose 244 Mockler, Edward Frederick 152
Archibald Robert 140 James Moore, Edward 162
Charles 295, 297 John Edwin Colville 168

Charles Robinson 294 Moeller, Frederick Francis 8
Charles Stuart 286 MoiRitt, Rich. Jas. Ha- Garrett 174
Colin 300 milton •
George 183
Croker 168 Bowland Geo. Fred. 182
Fiennes S. 64 Eust J. Douglas George Ogle 234
George 38 Moffitt, James, MD. George Samuel 183
Geo. Cumming 205 Molesworth, Arthur Henry 239
John, MD. 218 Arthur John James 153
John 256 St. Aubyn James 186
John 295 Edw. Nassau James Guy Piers 246
Thomas 191 Rich. Carr 95, James T. 99, 239
William 305 Molle, George Isaac 249
William, KH. 70 Molyneux, Hon. Geo. John 181
Milli-an, William, it/Z>. 168 Berkeley 57, John, KH. 59
.Millikeii, William 306 Hon. Hen. Rich 58, John Wardrop 188
.Milliiii;cii,.lnlinCrispigny 244 Thomas, Bt. J. Hildebrand
Mills, Charles 184 Monck, John Winnington BS 186
Cha. Jas. Conway 203 Monckton, Hon. Edm. Joseph 168
Frederic 236 Gambler Joseph 201
Robert William 40 Henry Nicholas 296
• Tliomas 240 Moncrieffe, George 73, Richard A. 130
• Thomas Ricliard 121 Robert Hon. Robert
Wm. Maxwell 87, 264 Money, Archibald Tliomas

pane pM!-'C pape
Stoorc, Tlioinas io4 Moultrie, Geo. Bligh 227 Murray, Charles 228
Thomas 207 Mounsey, William Henry 155 Hon. Charles 83
Tho. C'lia. Cotton 206 Mountain, .\nuine Simcoc Hon. David Hen. 150
Tho- lansduwiie Hen. 87, 177 Denis, MD. 16*

Parr 173 Roht. Fred. 272 Freeman 211

William GC Mountstevcn, Mender 100 George 203
Wm. Geoip; 43 Tlio. Wm. Blewctt231 Hon. George 14
Wm. }a». Bury Movlan, Charles 224 at. Hon. George,
M'Leod 221 Movie, Thomas 160 GCB. GCH. 10, 115,103
William Yorke 'M't .Movsev, Ilenrv Gorges 137 Geo. Freeman 217
Willoiijrhby l:V-' Mudiie, Rich. Zach. 68, 283 Htin. Henrv 20
Moorhead, Alex. Gordon 177 Muilie, Charles 167 Henry 271

Moorsoni, Robert lj*> Mulcaster, Fred. Wm. Hugli Robertson IIG

Morant. Edwanl l;}»! KCH. 15, 282 James 175
Mordaiint, Hinry 107 Mul'.'rave, Georsrc .\uc. James 110
Moreau, William de 437 Constan., Eart of 150 Hon. Jas. Cha.
Slorfwood, C'ha. Roland Mullen, Edward Cowell 152 Plantagenet 150
Palmer 120 Robert, KH. 88,151 Jasi. Florence 225
Mnnran, Alex. Braith- John 152 John 10
waite 206 Muller, Edw. A. G. 151 John, MD. 300
Charles 30« Fred, .\ugustus 434 Peter Daly, MD. 311
— Evan 26« Frederick Bree 157 Rob. Sherboume 171
Herbert 141 Frederick Henrv 437 Samuel Hood 201
HuEli 208 Georpc dc 84, 43:3 Virginius 246
Nathaniel 243 Hen. William 442 Walter 172
Richard Gibbons 160 Jost 440 William 249
Tliomai Charles 155 Lewis 440 William Jl'Cartbv 256
4:52 Murtash, John, MD.
Morice, David, -VZ>. 212 Ludewig von 157
Tho. Henry, KH.U6 .\icholas 84, 440 Slurton, Hen. John CO, 202
Morison, James 241 William 4:?8 Mushet, John Hunter 255
Morley, Kra. B. 242 Muloek. Tlio. Edmund 22;) .Mutio, John Geo. 437
Morpliett. Mars. 208 Mundell, Fre<lerick 221 Miittleburv, Georse 54
Morricc, Fred. Fran. Jas. 2.'>3 St. John 221 ..Myers, Arthur " 99,173
Morris, .\rthur (il Mnnderloh, Gtor^'e 4:17 William James 223
Edmund 65, 20(i Mundy, Georjre V. 148 Mylius, George 177
Edward '-
Godfrey Basil 12 Rodney 257
llenn.- Joseph Godft*y Charles 103 Mylrea, Frederick Tlios. 307
James Deaves 232 Pierrepont Hen. 271
John William 115i Robert Miller 271 N'agel, John Thomas 168
Jona5 128' Munns, Edward C. 22(i Xagle, )Iichuel
Rob. Caldecott 25Cl Munro, AIe.\. KH. 42, 205 Xanne, John Christ. Fred. 433

Morrish, Henry George 204} Alexander 167 432

Morrison, .\rthur 29:} Alex. Thompson 120 Xapier, Chas. Jas. KCB. 18
Edwanl C, KUl

Arthur 138 —
Chas. Fre<lerick 252
Wm. Mansfield 50 George 173 Edw. H. D. E. 103, 107
Morritt, Henry Edwanl 271 Hector 201 Geo. Thos. KCB. 19
Rob. Ambrose 220 James, MD. 120 Geo. Thos. Conolly 260
Horse, William 148 James St. John John Moore 220
James 115 John 209 Mark 17
Morshead, Cha. .\iiderson 102 John 115 Rob. John Milliken 231
Pentyre .\nderson272 Thomas, Bt. 253 Thos. Erskjne 40
Mortimer, John L»'» is 172 William 100 Hon. Wm. 286
Tho. Bythesea 172 William 3f)0 William C. E. 176
Jlosley, Timman 1.32 William 115 W.
Fran. Pat. 35
Mostyu. Edward 134 Munstcr, Gi-o. Earl of 30 Nash, Francis, Rowland 230
Hen. Thornton, Muiiter, Fn.-<lerick 437 Natermann, Frederick 432
MD. 108 Munton, John Oliver 180 Naylor, Charles Scarlin 101
Thomas 178 .Murohi;u>n, Kenneth IHO Thomas 119
Thomas 2<>5 Mure, John, .MD. 1.58 Ncale, Melville 244
Mothc, Peter James de la 441 Murphy ,Geo.Hcn.Edw.95. 157 Nedham. William 16
Motle, Peierde la 115 Murray, .Adam Walker 248 Wm. Roliert 270
Mouart, James. MD. 13!) Alexander
1»)0 Need, Arthur 142
James 155 .Arth. Stormont 253 Needbam, Hon. Fran.
Honhray, Rich. Yates Augustus Wm. 225 Hen. 01, 144
Stuart 206 Charles 167 Henry 201
Mould, Tliomns R. 285 Charles 193 Hon. Robert I3K
iVeil,James Bruce 184 Nicolav, Edmund George 180 Nurg, John
Neill, John Martin Bladen 191 William, KCH. 13,

JIatthew 207 254 Oakeley, Soulden

Robert 307 Nicoll, John Edward 217 Oakley, Fred. W.
Neilson, James 246 Sam. John Luke 181 Jocelyn Ingram 196
Nelley, John Peter 103, 229 Nicolle, Francois 439 Gates, James Poole, KH. 60
Nelson, Alex. Abercrombv 191 Nicolls, Edward bo Obert, Marc. A. 200
Michael 129 Edward Elmore 207 Obins, Acheson Eyre 226
Richard J. 285 Geo. Green 86 Hamlet 60
Richard Thomas 8 •
GustaTus 19, 282 O'Br Bartholomew
, 256
Thomas L. K. 191 Gustavus Wm. 172 Cha. Douatus Cor-
\Vm. Frederick 287 Jasper, KCB. 14, bet 215
IVepeau, Edmund 294 115, 245 Donough 224
Molvneux Hyde 229 Olirer 217 Edward James 17
William 86 Robert Murphy 256 Francis
Nesbitt, Alexander 17 Wm. Burke 64, 256 Henry 269
Cosby Lewis 211 Willoughby Halo- John 158
Wm. Geo. Down- ran 256 John 190
ing 161 Nicolson, Patrick 37 John Doyle 222
Nesham, Thomas W. 218 Patrick, MD. 139 Oliver Creagh 241
Nethercote, Maximil. Art. 204 Malcolm 116 Rich. Serrell
Wm. Charles 120 Nivison, Jas. Finlayson 176 Terence 239
Neusclmffer,Cha. ErnestF.437 Nixon, Edward John 250 William 204
Nevett, Charles Henry 268 Marmaduke Geo. 190 O'Bryen, Edward 259
Neville, Henry Draper 152 Murray Octavlus 272 O'Cailaghan, Patrick 124
Park Percy 215 Robert 116 Hon. Rob. Wm.
Hon. Rich. Coni- Wilham T. 184 GCB. 12, 190
/alUs Noble, Wm. Woollett 296 O'Connell, Daniel 189
Robert Henry Noel, Stephen 89, 244 Edw. Maurice 251
Newbery, Francis Nokes, James 217 Maurice Cha.
Newbury, John Nolan, Lewis Edw. 141 KCH.
Newcome, George NoUoth, Peter Brames 295 Maurice, Chas. 179
Newcomen, Arthur Nooth, Henrv 65 IMaurice Chas.
Newenham, Richard Norcliffe, Norcliffe, KH. 68 Rickard 217
Newhouse, Charles 54 Norcott, W. Sher. Ramsay Wm. B. J. 225
Newland, Arthur 152 253 O'Connor, Jolin Ross 142
Newland, Bingham 121 Norman, John 182 Luke Smyth 254
William 242 John 205 Nicholas, MD. 312
Newman, Benjamin 171 Henry Radford 185 William 176
Charles Rayner 165 Peter Shadwell 88, 207 OdeU,WiUiam 311
Newport, Christopher 116 Norris, Charles 216 O'Donnell, Sir Cha.
Newton, George 130 John Style 185 Routle<lge 56
John 312 North, Charles Napier 157 O'Douoghue, Charles 228
Tliomas 115 John North Guvry Daniel 60
Wm. Henrv, KH. 70 "239 Edw. Algernon 254
William Samuel 148 Northey, Augustus J. W. 202 John William 55
Neynoe, Rawdon, S. C. 178 Lewis Augustus 116 Oehlkers, Christian 433
Nicholas, Griffin 214 Stewart 176 Offen, Augustus de 437
Nicholetts, Charles Hen. 179 Norton, James Rov 166 0*Flaherty Richard James 235

NichoU, William 116 Eardley ' 207 Thomas Henry 312

Nicholls, Geor!>e 68 Edward 240 Ogilby, David 157
Geo. Russell 234 John (alias Tey- Ogilvie, Alexander, MD. 287
Henry 246 oninkoharawen) 116 James 34
John 261 Nott, Francis Percy 196 William 116
Nicholson, Brinsley 309 William 115 W. II. Middletou 155
Christ. Hamp. 145 Nottidge, Jeremiah Broekll6 Ogilvy, George 100, 182
Frederick 152 Nugent, Andrew 187 James 176
Gilbert Thos. 135 Cha. Lavallin 209 Thomas 119
Jaffray 251 Eyre, T. J. R. 210 Walter 1.59
Joseph 236 George, Bt. GCB. Walter 93
Robert 172 6, 157 Oglander, Henry 39, 177
Thos. Wm. KH. 72 Geo. Edm. N. 225 Ogle, Arthur 160
William Smith 248 James 187 Bertram Newton
Nickle, Robert, KH. 44 John 123 Edmund
Nickoll, Thomas 100,151 Michael 311 O'Grady, Robert Drint
Nicol, Charles Nunn, James Winniett89, 232 Hon. Standish
1 1

page pa>-'e page
O'Grady, Hon. Thomas Omisbv, Anthony 232 Palmer, Charles
William Staiiier "Jli Auiiust. Howard 1 Charles IJJ
(Vllullurau, Ilenrv Dimn •2i\ James Chas. Quartley 244
Joseph, KCJ}. 115 John William
Win. Littlejohn
Ollara, H.iin-, MV. 310
Owen Lloyd
- Francis Roger 212
Geo. Gayton 98, 208
Henry W. 187
HolMrt 09, 240 Tli,>s. Charles James 254
Ohlcn, Frodcrick von 438 Oshoni, Charles Uavers John Roger 143
Okc, Giorpe 183 Ilort. Wm. Go- Joseph 155
Oltlersbausvii, Franz. Geo dolphin Nicholas 100,207
von 4ai Osborne, Hush Stacev Rcvnolds 208
Olilershaw, Henry 84 Ossori.., Baldassare "
1 !
441 Samuel 1
Charles 28j Ostheyden, Frederick 258 Palmes, Brj'an
Oldfielil, .\nthonv '-' Oswald, John,

GCB. 9, 1861 Panattieri, Joseph 490
John, KH.

6-2, 283 J:is. Townscnd 140, Pannaeh, Charles 440

Oldwrifiht, John -233 Uobert •M Pape, \\'illiam
O'Lcarj-, Arthur
aoCl.OTooIe, John Arthur 163 Papillon, Ale.x. Fred. Wm.271
Oliphant, James 116! John M'Culloch 200 Pardey, John Quia
Oliver, Joseph Dover
191 William Hears- 169 Pardoe, Henrj- 251
Nathaniel Wilmot Otter, Charles J. " 1 Edward 166
42, 265 Ottley, Benjamin Wynne 32 Parish, Henry
Richard Silver
W. 196
120jOtto,"Fre<lerick " 43.5 Park, Thomas 294
Robert 120| Otway, Arthur S. 202 Walter Brisbane 177
Olivier, Hen. Stephen
Charles 268 Parke, George Thomas 257
O'Loghlin, Terence 10 Sir Loftus Wm. 13 Hainnett 295, 297
Olphert, John 271 Ouvry, Henry Aime 220 Henry Wm. 294, 297
Olpherts, Geo. Edward 214 Ovens, John 208 Roger 37
Richard 191 Owen, Edward Barry 168
j Tlio. Adams 42, 292
O'Malley, George Francis Mdstvn 215 Parker, .\mbrose Barcroft216
(ieorge Patrick 240 Hen. Mostvn" 179 diaries Allan 295
Sir William, Bt. 158 Hen. Cha. Cunliffe 286 Edward 202
O'Meara, Daniel 196 John, A'//. 44,292,297 Edw. .\ugustns 294
O'Molony, H. Anthony 167 Loftus Fred. W.Priestlv 179
Ompteda, Christ. Lewis Robert Hyde, Popham " 272
von 436 Robert John 218
L. Albrecht von 4:)6 Stephen John Boteler 38, 260
O'.Veill, Charles 9", 195 William Mostyn - John Fleming 201 —
Charlton 249 Oxenden, Wm. Di.xwell Richard 118
Henry Arthur 93, 163 Oxley, Thomas
Rob. S. 164
Hon. John Bruce
Thomas James 152
Rich. Pack, Arthur John Thomas John 139
Robert Denis William William 216
Onsli. , Arthur Edw. Richard Percy Parkin, Henry 297
Henry Padlev, Alfreil Parkinson, Cha. Augustus 188
Pitcaim 296 Pajrans, Raphael

Cha. Fred. 225

Rich. Cranlev Page, Geor.'e Curry Edward 38
Thomas P. Paget, Lord, Alfred Jas. Uenners 220
William, KH. Catesby John 146
Orange, John Edward Hon. Edward, GCB Parlbv, Brook Bridges 115
Wm. Fre<l. Henrv, 7, 11.5, 179 William 131
Prince of, GCB. Frederick i'^, 147 Parr, Freilerick
Wm. 205
Nesbitt 92, 219 Lord Geo. Aug. Fr^d.

Jame's' 307
Onl, Harrj- Gongh 268 118 Robert 205
Harry St. Cieorge 286 Henry W. 194 Parratt, Evelyn Latimer 2.37
Wm." Redman 95, 283 Patrick L. C. 205 James 287

Orde, James Paine, William Staines Jas. Edw. Tiios. 287

Ordon, John 441 Pakcnham, Hon. Cha. R.224 Parrott, William 260
Ore, James .\lexander 231 Hon. Hercules R., Parry, I'arry Jones, KH. 18
O'Reilly, Anth. Alex. KCB. 19 Richard 88
I)u\al Knox Edwarrl Wm. 146 Spencer Claudius
John 139 Hon. William 158
John Robert 13, 264
2C0 Palairet. Septimus Hen. 180 William

57 '

Palev, John Green Kil Parsons, John Whitehill

Oriel, Henry Francis 85
3«<i Palk, Lawrence 128 Partridge, John
Ormond Harry Smith 128
87, 181 1 Palliser, George Hugh 294 Pascoe, John ogj»
- George 238 Henry 208 Richard Wm. 293

page page
Pasley, Charles William Peck, John James 256 Petley, Patrick M'Leod 244
34, 282, 280 Peddle, Jas. Wm. B. 242 Robert 244
Gilbert 200 Peddie, John Crofton 102, 172 Pettit, Guglielmo 202
Richard 234 John, KH. 57, 242 Pettingal, Francis Wm. 285
Patcrson, James, MD. 193 Peebles, Adam John Edward 116
Joseph 44 ng 210 Peyton, Jos. John Wake-
PeterHay 244 Thomas 210 hurst 119
Thomas 133 Thomas 70, 292 Pfannkuche, Augustus 438
Thomas, 42, 205 Peel, Edmund 184 Plielan, Richard 257
Wm. KCH. 13 Jonathan 57 Phibbs, Ornisby 98 ,340
Patience, James 217 Robert Moore 253 Owen 238
Paton, John 243 William 128 Philipps, Courtenay, 91, 141
Patrickson, Christ. C. 33 Peile, Robt. Moore, MD. 309 John George 213
Patten, Edward Bullock 284 Peirse, Chas. Hen. 107 Rich. John. Allen 163
Pattenson, Wm. HodgesT.170 Pelly, Raymond 53 Philips, Charles 191
Patterson, Alexander 237 Pender, Thomas 182 • Frederick 129
Clias. Doyle 241 Wm. Ambrose 214 Henry 273
James 177 Pengelly, Wm. Jenny 296 James George 140
^ James 233 Penleaze, Henry 145 John 84
John 07 Penlev, George Frederick 110 John Alex. 293
William T. L. 243 Penn," WiUiam 141 Joseph

Pattinson, Richard 142 Pennefather, John Ly- Phillips, Sir Charles 12
Pattison, Charles 230 saght 72,173 •
Grismond Fred. 290
John Rob. Graham 258 Pennell, Lovell 305 Harry Shakespear
Pattison, Robert 104 Pennington, Jas. Master- 102, 204
Pattle, Thomas 142 son 150 John 170
Patten, John 92, 103 — Jas. Masterson 243 John 295
Walter Douglas Penny, R. Nicholas 110 John Lort 174
Phillipps 198 Ciabriel Richard 115 Owen 116
Pattoun,Rich.Tyrrell Rob.205 Henry 104 Robert Newton 204
Patey, Geo. Wm. 207 Pennycuick, John, KH. 72, William S. 126
Paty, Geo. Wm. KH. 40,240 108 Phillott, Frederick J. 174
Patzinsky, Ernest von 439 Penrose, Charles Penrose 290 Joseph 59
Paul, Thomas 217 Jas. Wm. Edw. 101 Phillpotts, Arthur Tlios. 271
Paulet, Lord Fred. 148 Pepper, diaries 07 George 72, 284
Hen. Chas. Bt. 122 Perceval, Geo. Ramsay 224 Henry 18[)
Lord William 90, 220 John Maxwell 103 Philpot, Philip 17, 137
Pawsey, Edmond Wm. John Pennefather 168 Pliipps, Hon. C. Beau-
Wilton 207 Philip, Joshua 09, 145 mont 69, 149
Paxton, Jas. Llewellyn 221 — Spencer 148 George William 13
Payler, James 55 Percival, Philip 120 Henry B. 167
Payne, Chas. Wm. Mea- Percivall, Charles 273 Rich. Leckonby 220
dows 224 WilUam 118 WiUiam 116
Gallway Byng 295 Percy, Hon. Hen. Hugh Pickard, George Percy 228
John 140 Manvers 140 James 296
Peter Trant 295 Hugh Josceline 133 Pickering, John, MD. 310
Wm. Aug. Towns- Percira, Manasseh Lopez 115 William Henry 209
hend 109 Peretti, Dominico Antonio Pidgeon, Joseph Tho. 03
Paynter, David William 271 439 Pierce, Thos. Estwick 312
Howell 175 Perkins, William Hill Frederick 248
Joshua 212 Perrott, Henry 210 Piercy, Godfrey 153
Peacock, William 197 Octavius George 141 Henry 153
Peacocke, Loftus Warren 203 Perry, Francis 98, 259 Piers, Henry 90
Stephen Ponsonby 170 ^ Thos. Sarsfield 233 James 296
Thomas 00 Persse, Henry D. 103 Pieters, Charles 152
Warren Marma- . William Piggott, James 177
duke, KCH. KC. 9 William, CB. 63, 142 Pigot, Brooke 221
Warren Wm. Rd. 238 Perston, David, MD. 131 George, Bt. 7
Pearce, Charles Wm. 294 Pery, Hon. John Harts S'lr Henry 6, 189
Pearse, Walter 92, 241 tonge 181 Richard 13
William G. Peshall, Charles 200 Pigott, Arthur 241
Pearson, Hugh 200 Pester, Henry 268, 273 Henry 105
Rich. Arth. MD. 239 Peters, William Henry 1 27 John P. 183
Thos. KCH. Petit, Peter John 201 Pilcher, John Montresor 293
Thos. Aylmer 194 Petley, John Cade 65, 201 Pilfold, Medwin R. 153
Pearson, Tliomas Hooke 142 John Alex. Chas. 209 Pilgrim, John Bunce 141
1 1!

page page page
Pilklnffton, And. KCB. 10 Pole, George Robert 245 Powys, Hon. Henry
; Kdward 17-2 .Mundy 241 1 toil 212
il5, I'olkinghorne.Pra. James 290 Poyntz, Eilward Henry 210, llinry
I'ilUii^, Oswald 2i-»l Pollard, Thomas E. 224' James —
Oswolfl (Hi Pollen, Chas. HungerfonI 233 Pratt, Charles 1

Pilsworth, Edwin Godwin 181 Polio k, Rob. Cariile

1 80 Charles Compton 293
William 219 George 115 Edward 251
Pincknev, Fred. Geo Jus. 2-23 Thomas 113 Edward Berens 218
CivoT^e 90, 2:14 Polwhele, Rich. Graves 116, Edward James 142

Pinder, (irorge HiC Ponchalon, J. X. de 4:)9. (ieorge 312

Henry 17(i I'onsonbv, Wm. Brabazon 158 George Brookes 213
William Cliarlcs 2iHi Poole, Ciia. Evered 132 Henrv 72,109
Pine, Cliilley 177' Henry 209 John' 187
Pink, John I'reelxirn 201 John II. 103,173 Percy 80

Piper, IIiiiili 02,180 Pocley, Henry 283 Richard 247

John 189 Poore, Richard Francis i;U Robert 192
Rob. Sloper 94, 283 Pope, Patrick, MD. 2:14 Thomas Simson 93, 177
Saiu.AvrauIt,.V/>. Popham, Edw. Wm. Leyb. 8 Pratt, Walter Caulfield 219
201 Harcourt Precoruin, Silvain de
M'illiam Donald 189 Poppleton, Wm. Alex 241 Prendergast, C. O'NeU 56 '

Pipon, Frederick 131 Portal, Robert 1081 5ir Jcffery, 113

George, KH. 85 Portarlington, John Earl Jos. Sam. MD. I 229
Geo. Tho. Wid- of 32 Robert K. 242

drincton 142 Porter, Henry Edward 63 196

James Kennard 237 John 219 Prescott, William 110
John Hodges 280 William 273 Preston, Hon. Charles 175
Manaton 121 Portlock, Joseph Ellison 284] John William 228
Thomas 110 Postlethwaite, Hen. J. W. Robert 83
Tho. Ommanney 121 177 Thomas Henry l:)3
Piro. Mar//. Guis. dc 70, 202 Poten, Aagustus 432 William H. 173
Pitcaim, David Charles 311 Charles 437 Prettejohn, Rich. Bucklevl31
Geo.Kincaird,Jf2>. Charles 437 Preussner, Victor 4:37
209 Conrad 432 Price, Edward 271
Sir James, .VZ». 309 Conrad 4:53 Francis 170
Robert 244 Fred. Baron v 433 James 115
Pitman, Robert ll.", Po*ter, John 133 John Banner 305
Edmund 200 Pnttingcr, William 137 Richard 192
Pitt, George Deane, KIT. Potts, Charles Highmore 102, Spencer Cosby 2.51

41, 20:1 170 Thos. Donaldson 214

Geo. Dean 1!)!) John 170 William 238
Hon. Horace 120 230 Wm. Phillips 115
Wm. Grey 137 Poulilen, Rich. Mathews 270 Pricbard, Charles John 189
Place, Lionel 124 Poulett, George 205 Priest, Phineas 293
— Thomas lo<> Powell, Charles Thomas 173 Priestley, Edward R. 170
Planta, Etienne de 439 Cornelius 121 Frederick, J. B. 170
I'lasket, Tliomas Henry 182 Geo. W. MD. 312 Prime, Cha. Edward 213
Plenderleath, Charles 34 Hen. Buekworth 140 Arthur 125
Pleydell, Thomas Baker 290 Hen. Claringbold 161 Primrose, James M.
: 194
Plowdcn, Francis IKi John 2:13 Wm. MD. 195
Pluokett, Hon. C. Dawson Scott 174 Pringle, Colin 60
1.V2 Stratford no George 97
Hon.Edw.Sidnev 238 Powell, Tlios. Folliott 142 John 18
//oh. EliasR. '212 Thos. Harcourt 130 John Henrs- 148
Francis 3:3 Thos. Sidney 103, 137 Wm. Hen." KCB.
Tliomas 184 Walter 71.292
' 10, 190
Pocklington, Evelvn
Hen. Wm. Wellington 160 Prior, Lodge Morris
Fred. 203 Power, Edmund James 121 Murray 1:}8
Po<lmorc, Richard 115 Gervas t 93, 161 Pritchard, Edward 16, 204
Poett, Matthew 128 James [
30, 265 Sam. Dilman 91
Pogson, Fran, Milward John I 18n'Pritlie,Fran. Sadlier 228
Waskett 254 Kingsmill Manlev 13.J Procter, George
I 98
Hen^^• Jenkins 181 Manley I lOo', 237 John 88, 181
RoUrtW. 110 William John
202 Proctor, Hen. Adolphus 37
Pointon, Michael 177 Wm. Greenshields. Thos. Beauchamp 120
Pole, Arthur Cunliffe 98,215 KH. 39, 200 Prosser, Geo. Walter 85
Edward 138 Powvs, Hon. Charles 130 Prothcro, Edward 103

page page
Prott, Victor, KCH. Randolph, John W. 246 Reinecke, Cha. Augustus 433
Prower, John Elton Ranken, Robert 253 Remmett, Henry Gibbs 258
Mervyn Raper, Felix Vincent 115 Renuy, George, MD. 309
Pryse, Edward Lewis Ratcliffe, Jeremiah, KH. Henry 233
John Edw. Har- 70, 132 William, MD. 128
ryman Edgar 203 Renwick, Wm, Turnbull 285
Puddieombe, Geo. Bruce Rattray, David 164 Rettberg, Charles de 437
Rob. Bruce William 224 Leopold von 434
Pugh, Charles Vaughan Rautenberg, Geo. Fred. Reuss, Henry Prince 116
Puleston, John Philip And. 441 Reynard, Robert 253
Bowyer Rawdon, John Dawson 63, Reynardson, Edw. Birch 145
Richard Price Thomas Birch 12
Wra. Roger Rawlins, John 110 Reyne, Peter Bennet 257
Purnell, William P. Rawlinson, H.C. 116 Reynell, Tho., Bt. KCB.
Pursloe, James Rawnsley, Rich. Burne 99,207 13,239
Purves, John Home Rawstone, John George 214 Reynett, J. H. KCH. 36,115
Purvis, Charles Rawson, Samuel 179 Reynolds, Cha. Wm. 142
Rob. B. Arthur Ray, Philip 41 Edward 286
Pym, Robert 3C, Raymond, Henry P. George
Pyner, Francis Richard Victor Henry 153
Pynn, Hem-y, Kt. CB. Rayner, Tliomas John Williams 137
Raynes, Wm. Augustus Rich. Ant. 137
Quarrier, Daniel 297 Thomas Vincent
Quentin, George A. ffCi?. 15 Rayson, John Edgar 259
Geo. Aug. Fred. 130 Rea, Edward Rhatigan, Christopher 217
Quia;ley, Thomas Haswell 287 Read, Blackwood Moutray Rhodes, William 220
Quill, Gerrard 68 "141 Rhys, Thomas 311
Edward Rudston 139 Riach, John, MB. 219
Raban, William Reade, George Hume 310 William A. 100, 231
William G. Henry Cooper 141 Riall, Phineas, KCH. 10, 226
Radcliff, William Thomas, Kt. 39 Ricard, Edward
RadclifFe, Rob. Parker William Ch. De B. Rice, Augustus Thomas 202
Rae, Thomas 254 George Watkins 174
William Ready, Charles 223 Henry 155
Rahlwes, Fred. Jacob John 34 Percy 202
Raikes, George W, William 139 Samuel, KH. 35
Fred. Thornton Rebow, Francis Slater 10 Rich Robert Edwin 239
William Henly Rechtern, Adolphus 438 Richards, Alfred 115
Raines, Joseph Rob. 100, Reed, Archibald William 251 William, KCB. 115
Rainey, Henry, KH. James Wm. 306 William H. 116
Henry Garner John 59,205 Richardson, Arthur 87
John Matthew Benj. Geo. Henry 55
Rainier, Daniel 236 Isaac 100, 162
Rainsford, James Samuel 163 James 152
Thomas Samuel 66 Jas. Earlsman 199
Raitt, Charles Robert Thomas 58,214 Jas. Wm. 180
Geo. Dalhousie Jol- .
Thomas 94, 222 John 235
liffe William 157 John 256
Hen. Alexander Rees, David 233 John George 293
Ralph, Joseph Reeve, John 35 John Henry 56
William Nicol John Henry 187 John Luther 115
Ralston, John Thos.John 231 Johnstone Thom-
Rambke, Frederick Reeves, Geo. Jas. KH. 20 son, MB. 212
Ramdohr, George de Geo. Marmaduke 251 Robert 127
Ramsay, Alexander Regan, John 161 Thomas 150
Francis Reid, George 129 Thomas Fred. 208
James Geo. Alexander 62, 119 William 287
John Henry 97 William 41, 120
Hon. John • John 201 Richmond, Mathew 248
Rob. Williamson Thomas 95,184 Richter, Ern. Fer. Cha.
Wm. Burnet William 66,283 Bern. 440
Ramsbottom, Richard KoigiK.hls, Thomas Scott 200 Reckets, Aubrey 128
Ramsey, William licilly, Uiistavus Hand- Ricketts, St. Vincent Wm. 129
Rand, George cock 254 Riddall, William, KH. 37
Samuel Joseph 134 Riddell, Cha. Jas. Bu-
Randolph, Archibald Reind '1 John 439 chanan 27
1 1

page page page
niddell, Hin. Jm. KH. 34 RoberUon, Robert 270 Romer, Robert William 165
Ri<l<Ue, William 442 Wm. von, KCH. Romhild, John Aug. 440
Kiddlesden, John Bock 56 54, 434 Romilly, Frederick 150
Rideotit, Goring 238 I

William KCJRomney, George Jas. 93

Rider, \\m. Barnhain Robeson, George 254 Roney, Richard 248

Robinson, Charles 203 Rook'c, Alex. B. 229

Ri(II.-y, I'harles William 14,^ Fred. Philipse, Hen. WiUoughbv,

J"lin Hen. Ellis GCB. 10,210 KCH. '

William John Fred. Adolphus 150 William W.

Riky, Benjamin George nenr\- 110 Roome, Ilenrr 115
Rilcy, Daniel
Henry Edw.' 63,181 William 115
Alexander Wm. 232 James 210 Rooper, Bonfoy 185
Riminirton, Tlio. Ilosmer 285 John George 69, 149 Edward 253
Rine, William Francis 172 John Stephen 212! John 252
Rishton, James Neil 2G0 John Watson 100 Roper, Hen. Welladvice 159

Tliomas 157 Oliver 153 Roquefeuil, Gustave de 441

Rithenlon, Talbot I IG Peter Tooke 142 Hose, .\lexander 83
Ritter, Herman Hen. Con. 432
Thomas 1051 Cowper 284
Rivarola. Count Fra. William 203 George B. 221
KCH. 17,202 William 285 Hugh Henrv 72
Francis 441 William Henry 224 John, KCB. 115
Rivers, Charles 101, 284 William Henr\- 305 John Baillie 206
Rizzo, Felice 2C2 Wm. Tho. Christ. 14fi John Rose Holden 130
Vincenzo tlVl Robson, Alex.
Hamilton 1.54 Ross, Archibald P. G. 286
Robbins, Tho. Wm 41 George Lloyd Charles 260
Robe, Alex. Watt 101,2^4 Robj-ns, John, KH. 84 Charles 311
Freilerick Holt
Thos. CongreTe

260 Roche, Charles Boyse
183 —
Gilliam Maclaine
— 167
185 Hew Dalrvmple,
Roberts, Charles 210 Edmund 130 KCB. '
34, 265
Frederick 210 John 119 Hew Graham — 272
Henrj- 116 Roehfort, Gerald 87, 154 James — 67
Peter" 306 Gustavus 124 James Hamilton — 162
Richard, KH. 371 GustavQs 41 Jas. Kerr, KH. — 90
Roderick no' Roddy, Charles Hamilton 257 John —14,197
WilUam Hodgers, John 177 John — 65
250 Rodney, George Brydges 296
John Moore — 199
Robert Dennett 150 Kenneth Tolmie 218
William Henry 2*<j Rod on. John Murdoch John Mac-
Robertson, Alex. Cunning- Rodnell, Edward Wm. laine 142
ham Igo Roe, Peter Fitzrobcrt Patrick, KCH. 16
.\rchihald 184 Samael Crozier, Pat. Wm. Sydenham 237
.\rchihald 254 MD. 310
„.„ Robert 187
Archibalil 11.5 Roebuck, Fran. Algernon Thf.mas 242
Clias. Duesberrv 28(! Disney 174] William 69,174
Davi.l lie Rofe, Samael 140 William 306
Donald 177 Rogers, Charles 247 Rosser, George
Duncan, Stew. 182 Charles 110 Thomas 139
E<lward, 3ID. 221 George 20 Rossing, Frederick von 434
Edw. I>ovett 122 Geo. Jackmann 05 Rosslyn, Jas. Alex. Earl
fleo. Abercrorabie 141 Henry- 272 of 57,135
Geo. Duncan 103 Hen. BlancklcT Roihard, Adolphus 436
Geo. Dmican IC Harrington '
162 Rothe, Lorenzo 187
Geo. Gordon, MD. Tliomas William 257 Rbttiger, Augustus 32
152 Thos. Oldham G. 200 Franz 4.38
James 135 William 56 R<jtton, James Rich. 88,137
James 8 Wm. .Armstrong 247 Rons, George Grey 146
Ja». .\lexander 234 William Henry 20!l Rou*e, Jumcs Charles 154
Jas. Elpliinston 157 William Henry 247 Routh, Henry 141
Jas. H. C. 223 William Reynolds IS*! Randolph 142
Jas. JIacdonald <U Holland, Stewart Erskine 2.50' Randolph 3tl7
John, Ml). IM Holies, Harry 2I>2 Randolph Isham 305
John, MD. 30!) Hollo, Han. Robert 103 Rowan, Charles 53
Lewis Shuldham Holt, John Hen. Sebastian
.39] 271
Barrinetnn 101 Romer, John Charies 241 William

Peter 81 Robt. Frank 95, 267 Rowland, Geo. Tempest 268

Peter 311 Robert Corcyra 272 Rowles, Henrv I34

page page page
Rowley, Charles 61 St. Quintin, Fras. John 237 Savile, Albany Bourchier 133
John 136 Matthew Chitty Hon. Frederick 272
Rubenr, William 434 Dovmes 73, 143 Henry Bourchier
Rudyerd, Samuel 68, 266 Salaraone, Paolo 262 Osborne 272
Rumann, Geo. Augustus 442 Sale, Robert Henry, KCB. Sawbridge, Wanley Elias 179
Rumbold, Carlo Arth. Hen 43, 115, 104 Sawers, Campbell 221
202 Salinger, Otto Henry 440 Sawrev, Hen. Beckwitli 240
Rumley, Charles 115 Salis, Hector de 440 Sawyer, Charles 154
George, MD. 258 Charles de 150 Say, William 32
Randall 211 Rodolph de 134 Sayer, Wm. Lawrence 290
Rummell, ^Villiam 438 Sail, William, KH. 60, 201 Sayers, Richard Talbot 232
Rumpler, Anthony 116 William 261 Scarlett, Hon. Jas. Yorke 88,
Rush, Alfred 239 •
Henry 259 125
Rushbrooke, Cha. Daversl83 Salmon, George 14, 264 Schade, William de 437
R. F. Brownlow 150 Salter, Henry Fisher 116 Schaedtler,J.PhU. Anth. 436
Rushout, George 118 James F. 115 Schaefer, Augustus Hen. 442
Russell, Henry Charles 68,266 Saltoun, Alexander, Lord 19 Schaeffer, Carl 432
iocrf' Alex. G. 253 Salvatelli, Francis 439 Sclialch, And. Orcher W. 268
Andrew Hamilton] 73 Salvatori, Pietro Antonio 440 Scharnhorst, Adolphi 436
Lord Cha. Jas. Salvin, Anthony 14 — Ferdinand 430
Fox 92 Salwey, Henry 50 — Lewis 438
iorrf Cosmo. Geo. 245 Sampson, John 161 — Williara de 438
David 236 Sande, Henry Van 442 Schaumann, Christian 482
Francis Hastings 150 Sandeman, Thos. Eraser 225 Gustavus 433
Fred. Browne " 179 Sander, Ernest 437 Henry Fred, 434
Fred. Tho. Lech- Sanders, Frederick Paris 194 Otto 436
mere Graves 191 Robert 170 Schauroth, Geo. F. C. yon436
Lord Geo. Wm. Sanderson, Arch. Christie 152 Schaw, George 206
GCB. 36, 115 Sandes, Charles 241 Scheberras, Rinaldo 232
Henshaw 249 Sandham, Back. L. ilfX).137 Schembri, Joseph 310
James 201 Charles F. 84 Schlaeger, Charles 430
James, A'C£. 115 —George 270 Schlichthorst, John Fred. 438
John Ambrose 245 Henry 284, 280 Schlatter, Fred, von
1 435
John James 225 Sandilands, Hon. Jas. 134 ehmid, Patricio 440
Samuel William 250 Philip 101, 207 Schmidt, Augustus Fred. 435
William 179 William 127 Schmieden!, Uta.Baronde,
William Lloyd 179 Sands, Hastings David 121 KH. 116
Rutherfoord, Archibald 228 William Robert 128 Schmitt, Alexander 441
Rutherford, Jas. Hunter 284 Sandwith, William 115 Schnath, Frederick 434
Wm. Henry 103 Sandys, Arthur W. M. Schnehen, William von 433
Ruttledge, Thos. Ormsby 168 Lord 40 Schneider, Fred. Bern. 435
Ruxton, George 98, 186 Fred. Henry 116 Schoedde, Jas. Holmes 58, 206
George Aug. Fred.241 Sanford, George Charles 306 Schonfeldt, Detlif. Sigfrid 260
John Hen. Hay 155 Sankey, Samuel 116 Schonswar, Henry 127
Ryall, Isaac 297 Sargeant, James 139 Jas. Smith 121
Ryan, Michael, MD. 311 Sargent, John James 169 Schooles, Henry James,
-^— Thomas, KH. 90, 201 Sarson, John 108 MD. 233
Ryhiner, Beniot 440 Saum, Julius Cresar 440 Schot, Johannas Com. 439
Ryneweld, Horatius Van 260 Saumarez, Hon. John St. Schoveller, Wm. Ring 295
Vincent 252 Sclirader, Ernest von 438
Sabine, Edward 94, 267 S. F. de 226 Schrieber, Chas. Alficd 185
Sadlier, William 98,155 Sir Thomas 9 Jas. Alfred 71
Anthony 192 Saunders, Henry Fred. 206 Schroder, William 434
John Stratford 9 Schroeder, John
Sage, William
St. Aubyn, Thos. John
235 — John Wm. 209 Schuchanit, Henry
St. Clair, Thos. Staunton,
St. George, Howard John 138
40 — Richard
William John
Wm. Nonus
261 Sohultze, Frederick
247 mond
Leopold Sigis-
. 433
John 270 Saunderson, Hardress Rob. 70 Schulze, Augustus 435
St. John, Hon. Frederick 6 Savage, And. Roger 290 Schwarzemberg, J. D. W.
Charles 309 Henrv 294, 297 L. von 439
Jas. Humphrey 269 Henr'v J. 243 Schweitzer, Augustus 438
St. Maur, Lord Alg. Percy Henry John 96, 284 Schwencke, Herman 436
120 —
— Johnson, MD. 287 Scobell, Edward Calvert 143
Frederick Edw. 214
98,202 John Boscawen 19
St. Paul, Horace, Bt. 33 — John Morris 269, 273 Thomas 305
Scott, Alexander
Charles, MD.
lion. Cba. tiraii-
rnincis G.
(ieo. Fred. Cooper 2'28 Sewell, Algtr. Robinson 1G6
page page
Sinclair, Alexander, MD. 310 Smith, Cha. Fer. Hamilton, Smith, Thomas Johnes 207
Charles 116 179 Thomas Paterson 115
Charles Alex. 141 Charles George 176 Thomas William 139
James 94, 267 Cha. Ham. KH. 60 Tliomas Wilham 253
Hon. James 87 Charles Heryy 70 William 196
John, £«. 115 C. H. Montresor 173 William 88
John Hartley, Charles Thomas 258 WilUam Mein 269
MD. '
206 David Rea 173 Wm. Nepean 255
Rob. Bli!;h 193 Edgar Steadman 213 William Sidney,
— Robert Charles 189 Francis 178 GCB. 292
William Alex. 164 Frederick William, Wm. Robt. Bru-
Singleton, John, KH. 87, 242 191 deneU 103, 166
John 162 George 71,120 Wordsworth 190
Sinnott, John 198 George Haddon 195 Smylv, Philip 251
.Sitwell, Rich. Staunton 85 George Hankey 225 Smyth, George 217
Sivewright, Edward '
138 George Roche 217 Geo. Bnmswick 232
Skelly, Francis 188 Haskett 231 Harry 220
Skelton, John 115 Henry 228 Henry 220
Skene, Charles i231 Henry 294 Henry Montagu 208
Skerrett, Jos. Marcus A. 116 Hen. Geo. 38 Henry C. W. 116
Skey, Joseph, MD. 309 Henry L. 234 James Button 216
Skinner, Fred. Nepean 261 James, MD. 213 James Gritlith 201
Samuel James 269 James Lewis 217 J. D. Carmichael 182
Tliomas 93, 182 James Webber 199 Jas. Robt. Car-
Thomas 257 James Webber 35,265 michael, Bt. 254
Skipton, George Henry 195 John 1 66 John 284
Skipwith, Henry 194 John Carrington 116 John Rowland 126
William" 198 John Charles Qo John Stewart 231
Skurray, Francis Chas. 202 John Josiah 307 Robt. Carmichael 245
John Arthur 205 John Lewis 268 Robt. Donkin 311
Skyrme, James 306 Jolm Mark Fred. Stephen Henry 216
Skrine, Clare 230 KH. 59, 283 Smythe, Carrington 134
Skvring, Chas. Francis 285 John Nicholas 115 Frederick 247
Sladden, William 84 John Percy 142 William James 271
Slade, Henry 268 John Stewart, MD. Snell, Charles 116
John Henry 87, 121 206 Wm. Frederick 73, 149
John, Bt. GCH. John William 307 Snodgrass, John 155
8,125 John W. S. 189 John Jas. 56
— Marcus John 73 Joseph 165 Kenneth 39
William Henr^', Joshua Simmons Snow, WiUiam 102, 217
68, 283 156 Snowe, Edw. Pownell 295
Slater. John James 103,234 Leicester Vincy 285 William 259
William 234 Leonard 208 Soden, Christian de 435
Sleator,Joseph 249 Lionel, Bt. KCB. Edward Charles 256
William 178 GCH. 13, 191 Lewis yon 436
Sleemau, George 190 Lucius Horton 116 Soest, Ernest 433
Sleigh, James Wallace, CB. M. MacNaughten 236 Somerset, Arth. Wm.
16, 135 Matthew 160 Fitz-Roy 145
Slessor, John 37 Matthew Charles Henry 260
Slyfield,Joseph Clav. Slad., Michael Edward 216 Somerset, Edward A. 253
'KH. 90,211 Michael William 141 iordFitzrovJ. H.
Smales, Thomas 259 Opie 137 KCB. 1.5,117,204
Smart, Henry Dalton 179 Peter 310 Aug. Chas. Staple-
Thomas 204 Ramsay Hankey 216 ton 272
Smedley, Thomas 229 Robert 172 Henry, ^/r. 43,260
Smelt, William 36, 188 Robert Algernon 130 Hen. Chas. Capel 202
Smidt, Johannes de 307 Rob. Wm. Lord John Thos.
Smith, Alexander 185 Seton Lionel 205 Hen. 41
Alexander, MD. Thomas 126 P.G.H. 184
Andrew, MZ». 310 Thomas 210 Lord Robt. Edw.
Archibald 89 Thomas, MD. 310 Hen. GCB. II, 131
Arthur W. Thomas 95, 249 Someryille, Hen. Erskine 116
Bcllingham, John 58 - Thomas Chaloner 137 James 178
Charles 271 - Thomas Charlton 178 John 268, 273
Charles 102, 171 - Thomas Hatcher 11 WiUiam 173
SirCha.Fehx 35, 282 Thomas Jacob 184 Sorell, Fred. Edward 23?
' ' 11

pnpe page page
Soroll, Oforcp •.'«(! Stack, Nathaniel Mas«cv 223 Stephenson, Fred. C. A. 150
Heun- Edwanl 23;r Richard lu:\ 19G George .Alex. 123
5irTho9.Stcphcii, Staff, \V. H. 177 Robert l.>3
KH. 1 Ifi Stafford, John Iti Tlio.Gordon,Afi).205
SorRentrey, John Peter 440 Standen, Geo. Doug. 67, 149 Stepney, Arth. St. George
Sotheby, C. \V. Hamilton 212 Standish, Henry 41 H. 180
Frcil. Samuel IKi Stanhope, //on. Sir Fran. Sterling, Ant. ConingUam 225
Souter, Richard 124 Cha. 85 Steuart, Charles 232
Thos. .Alexander l!).j //on. Lincoln 20 Cha. Erskine 141
South, Charles 171 //oh. L<<iccster
39 Stevelly, Jones Butler 258
Samuel .>5 I'hilip Spencer, •'

Robert Butler 258

Southall, Tlmmas ISi)! 02,144 Stevens, .Alex. Humphrey 295
Southwell, Ilnn. .\rth. F. 87 Stanley, Hon. Cha. Jas.
1 John Harvey293,297
Spaldinjr, Richard Carr 2901 Fox 145 John Pliilip 296
Spark, Robert 71, 245 1
Charles Edwartl 293
Sparks, James Pattoun 18!)' Edward 208 William 3U6
Mitchell George 200 1
Adamson 170 Stevenson, Geo. Milne 92, 252
Robt. Manners 1.V4 James Talbot 1G2 George R. 127
Speanuan, William 33 Stannus, Ephraim G.
1 Robert, J/D. 1.54
Speddinp, Carlisle 07 William Trevor Stewart, Alexander, .3/X>. 309
Speedy, James 154 Stanton, William Alexander 192
1G4 ."^tanway, Henry
Thos. Beckwith Alexander 84
Speer, Wilhilm 223 Stapk'ton, Henry 1 And. D. Alaton 172
Spcnce, Charles IIowc 212 Herman 1

Archibald 244
Frederick 182,*tapylton, O.G.C. Archibald 311
James 99, 182 Herman 1
Arthur, MD. 309
John 1
-,(! : Stark, Robert, MD. Charles 311
John \{Vt Starkie, Edmund Charles 93
-John 241 Staunton, Cha. Fred. Donald 154
Tliomas 310 ill) 287 Donald
Spencer, Hon. .\up. .\1- And. .Ayler 287 George
moric 194 Edward 157 Grigor 311
Hon. Geo. Au- Gcorpc 161 James 162
pastiis 211 John 83 James 257
Hon. Rob. Cha. Stavcley, Cha. Wm. James 287
Hen. 272 Dunbar 239 James Ainslic 29<!
Sperling, Wm. Henry 02 William 3!) John 311
Spicer, John Wm. Goocli 135 Stawell, John Robert 189 John Hamilton 2.33
Spiel, .\uiru9tus 4:17 Jonas 196 John Henrj- 296
Spier, John 21.'j .Sampson 44, 138 Matthew 39
Spiller, Georce 268 Stean, Joseph 200
Peter Desbrisay 95,
William 240 Stedman, Methuen 175 267
Spiuk, John, KH. 55 Steel. James Robert 110 116
Spinluff, Geo. Lovell 84 Steele, Edward Thomas 235 115
Spitz, Francis Joseph 439 Henry Thomas 218 97
Splaine, .Abraham 2.13 Richard Chaj. Wellington 204
Sponc, Ambrose 99,211. 293,29' William 1.36
Spooner, William D 110 Robert 218 William 269
Spottiswoode, Andrew l.^i Thomas 37 William 17
Georce 60 Tho. .Montagu 148 William 32
-John 145 William 167 William Little 152
Spring, Robert 204 Wm. .Vrmstrong 181 Stickney, Thomas .300
Thomas 175: Steer, William Frederick 116 Still, John Tryon 185
William 175 Steevens, George 171 Stirke, Henry M. F. 165
Sprj-, Frederick 293 Steffcn, .Augustus
! 437 Julius Henry 163
Spuria, Geonre atn Stehelin, Bcnj Spicer
285 .Stirling, Alex. Graham 8
S()uair,John, MD. 134 Fran. William 104 George 153
Squire, Tristram Cham Stciglitz, Ailolphus W. 430 Geo. Claudius Be- <

lev 97, 104 Steiger, Allwrt 110, 441 rcsford 216

WiUiam 123 Steinwehr, F. F. F. von 4:19 James 1.-.3

Stace, William 285 Stephens, Fran, llearle 140' John 170

llenrv Cope 270 Francis John 213 Thomas I
Stack, Frw'l. Rich. 196 Henry Sykes 100, 2:18 Stisted, Charles, KH. 01
Geo. FitzGeraM John " 208 Henry 56
KH. 93, 1 Thomas 91,200 Henrj- William 153
John Massev 175 Tliomas 204, 297 Stock, John Cassidy 182
3 V

page page page
Stock, St. Georg-e Heary 153 Strutt, Wm. Goodday 16 Swan, Tho. Geo. Sanden 306
Stockley, William 273 Stuart, Hon. Archibald Swayne, Thomas 195
Stockman, Henry 438 Geo. Sweeny, George 177
Stoddard, John 205 Charles Sweeting, Hen. Lewis 96,267
Samuel George 192 — Hem. Charles Sweetman, Walter 88
Stoddart, Cliarles 102, IIR Donald Sweny, John Paget 85
Stoebcr, Jean Nepomu 439 Francesco Swetenham, Clement 248
Stokes, Henry Francis 190 George 89, Hen. Donithorne 142
Francis Fraser 243 Geo. Wm. Conyng' Swift, B. 103
Patrick Day 217 ham Swinburn, John 88, 183
William John 269 George Francis Swinburne, Francis 169
Stokoe, William 116 Henry Joseph 101,235
Stolte, William 434 Hugh Lindsay Tho. Rob. 71
Stolzenberg, Ferdinand James Swiney, George 115
von 432 John 93, 158 Swinton, Edw. George 130
Theodor von 433 John 184 Samuel 195
Stone, Bayntun 60 John Ramsay 17 William 272
Edw. Wm. MB. 199 Patrick ' 172 Swyny, Exham S. T. 215
Stones, Henry 93, 139 ifo)i. Patrick 13,211 Henry Joseph 215
Stoney, Henry Butler 170 Robert Sykes, Francis Wm. 249
George 167 William 187 Synikath, John Ernest 441
Stopford, Clia. Pliilip Jos. 173 William 238 Symonds, Julian Fr. Anth. 285
James 191 Stubbeman, Denis Jermyn Charles 296
Wm. Henry 95, 267 M'Carthy 235 Tho. George 124
Storey, Charles Robert 163 Stubbs, John 235 Wm. Cornwallis 248
Robert 139 Studd, Edward 67 Symons, Charles Bertie 269
Storks, Henry Kniglit 189 Studdert, George 245 Synge, Charles Edward 250
Storren, Frederick de 435 Stumpa, Ignatius 439
Story, David 59, 265 Stuntz, Lewis 436 Tait, Alexander Duncan 124
Edmund Rich. 61 Sturler, Charles Louis 441 George 284
Robert William 268 Sturt, Cavendisli 33 Talbot, Edw. Plantagenet
Valentine Fred. 162 Stutzer, John Ernest 437 Airey 185
Stotherd, Richard John 284 Jean BaptistePhil. 440 George 194
Stourton, Hon. John 248 Nicholas 440 George 104
Stovin, Fred. KCB. 85 Suckling, Horace 99, 242 Robert 272
Stow, Benjamin 306 Suckow, Gottlieb von 437 Hon. Wellington,
Harry 269 Sulivau, Geo. Aug. Filmer 129 P. M. 1.58
Stoyte, John 99,175 Sullivan, Henry, CB. 35, 157 Tallan, Lawrence 192
Stracey, Edward John 160 Henry Augustus 157 Tappe, Charles Fred. 432
Strachan, Henry A. 190 Henry Frederick 197 Tate, Henry Carr 295, 297
Strafford, John, Lord, John 130 Tatbwell, Hen. Churchill 247
GCB.GCH. 11,180 William 252 Tatnall, Arch. Hamilton 244
Strange, Henry Francis 177 Sullock, Thomas 293 Tatter, John William 441
Strangways, Thos. Fox 267 Surman, John 141 Tattersall, Geo. Bulkeley 258
Stransham,Anth.Blaxland294 Surtees, Henry Edward 136 Tatton, Richard 100, 229
Stratford, Hon. Cha. Hen. 169 Susini, Jean de 439 Taubman, J.T. Goldie 73, 150
Strath, John 238 Joseph 439 Taylor, A bra. Beresford,
Straton, Joseph, CB. Suther, William Grigor 296 91, 160
KCH. 14, 134 Sutherland, Geo.Burgoyne207 Alex. Douglas 311
Francis 116 (Si/* James 115 Arthur Joseph 270
Robert Jocelyn 229 John 135 Brook 237
Stratton, Rob. Edm. 157 Peter 96, 224 Clias. Cyril 09
Straubenzee, Charles T. Robt. Macleod 244 Edward James 210
Van 190 William 41,166 George 245
Fred. Van 164 William 164 George A. 218
Streatfield, Charles Ogle 284 Wm. James 96,172 Hen.Geo. Andrew 115
Henry C. 63,239 Sutton, Chas. Wm. 217 Herbert Edward 237
Streng, Philip D'O. von 141 Francis 166 James 197
Strctton, Sempronius 39 Frederick 137 Jeremiah 57
S. W.Lynam, 91,216 Henry John 133 — John, KCB. 13, 232
Street, John Alfred 250 John 198 John Geo. Dal-
Strickland, C'hris. Lime- Richard 249 housie 164
bear 161 William 227 John Robert 31
Strode, Jas. Cranborne 132 Swain, Charles 306 Mascie Domville 220
Strong, Clement W. 199 Swaine, William W. 1 16 Monkhouse Gra-
Ricliard Henry 177 Swale, Richard 70, 292 ham 230
' " 1

Taylor, PbillpotU Wright 248 l'"8e page
Thompson, Arnold 272 jThursby, John Har>ey
Prinjile, KH. 238
71 Charles A. 154 Tliwaites, Geo. Saunders
Kicliard fiO
253 Charles Fred. 1 67 Thy nne, Lord WiUiam
KiclianI 7
259 Charles Wm. 233]Tice,John Cha. Graham 1.5U
Richard C. 11. 2:11 Charles Wni. 209 Tickell, Edw. Lawrence 196
Robert Mascie 17(1 •
Childers lien.

127 jTidy, Francis Grey l(a

Tliomas Edn-anl I2(! Edward 247 Gordon Skelly 1 99
Thomas John Frederick
Thomas Wm. — 132 Thomas Holmes
3( •

George 178 Tiensch, Godfrey

William 22* George Ashe

237 Ticrney, Matthew Edward 148

WiUiam 295 Geo. Forbes

94, 283 Tiglie, James LowTie 202

William 8S Henry Hevrett

Wm. Peregrine Richard Hen. 157

206 Jacob
Taynton, Wm. Henrv 116 Tiller, William 156
58 James 305 Tilt, Andrew
Teale, Charles Shipley 155 116
John Vaughan 309 Timbrell, Richard
Tedlie, James 180 209

177 i

Thomas 116
Teesdale, Christopher 123 Tlio.Perronet
Henry George 209 58 Timins, Thomas Charles

Win. 157|Timm, Isaac

Teevan, Stephenson,.VD. ICl 123
William John 116 Timpson, Henrj-
Telfer, John Thomson 165 Thomson, Alexander 296
Telford, William 35 Tiuklar, Roger Sawry 29:3
207 Arth. Saunders, [Tiuley, Robert Newport
Tempest, Thos. Rich. 190
31D. 1681 Wm. Newport
Plumbe 90 Francis Rinpler
Tinliug, Geo. Vaugham 284
Temple, Grcnvillc Temple,
101,284 Wm. Fred.
m Geo. Latham 178 Tinseau, Arthur Leon de 441
211 Harrj- 115 Tipping, Alfred
Templer, Francis Butler 258 220
James C8 Tireman,
_ Hen. Stephen
Templcton, Roliert, MD. 287 270
John Anstnither 135 Tisdall, Thomi,'
Tench, Donald Wm. 196 John Bathurst 59
168 Tobin, Geo. Edw. Alex. 162
John 305 Patrick 1 16 Henry Wilhelm
Tenuant, Aralander 92, 186 199
Robert 59, 283 John
George 237 162
Tannatt Houston 305 Jos. Webbe
Tennent. James 306 20, 264
William 116 TobinsT, Christian
Temincau, Wm. Hen^^• 110 Thoreau, John 437
Terrj-, Robert
95, 128 Tobv,~Isaac 294
60 Thoresby, Charles 116 Tod, Alexander
Tessier, Jas. Fitz Her- Thorman, Charles 60
441 Todd, Elliott D. 116
bert de 168 Tliom, Xallianiel, KH.
Teulon, Charles 40 Francis 1

8o; William, KH. 1 1 George 1

George 61 Tliomdike, Cha. Faunce 6 63

Thomas James 191
180 Daniel 269
Tew, Geo. MLeod •mi Ti T. „ John Augustus
jonn 131
Joseph .M'Leod
Thackeray, Fred. Rennell
m ?I;:™[uir;^-Jr
173 Thomlull, Gmrge
^enry 115
Jas.Badham,A-«.90 Tollemache.WUIiam Aue
19, 282 John
-John .^1.3 T..I T.- .... o 119 ^
Thackwell, Jos. KCB.
243 Tnlson, Richard Henry 83
William 116, Tombs, John
KCH. 40, 1 30 Thornton, "cha. Wad Tomkins, Alexander
Joseph Edwin
Thain, William
246 KCH 19 Tomkinson, William
102. 172 Godfrey
Thiel. Chas. Zehender De 441
61,144 Tomkyns, Richard 268

Henr\- .^3 Tomline, John

Thistlethwayte, Alex 187 - John
•*» William
Tliolon, Joseph 434' - Perrott
103 Tomlinson, James
Josejili 442' - Samuel Le.-..
116 . Nicholas
Loais 169
Thorn, .\lexander
441 - William, KCn. Tonge, John Henry
311 14,2.37 Tongue, John
riiomas, Etlmund Stephen 221 89, 181
William 145 John
George John 181 181
William 10 Tonson, Jacob
Henry 40, 171 1

William Hcnrv 35
241 Toole, Archer
HenryJohn 13
p?™^'" 2« TorkingtoV,",Vlen.Theo,lore232
James 184, ThoT, Edward ^"i.
101, 241 Torrens, Arth. Wellesley
John BarT\- 213 - John

JohnW. 101 ThoHM-,
Ti. ..., ^'^ Charles John 271
Samuel, KH.
.J .
191 89
Morgan Frederick 174
287 Thurlnw. Ilcnrj RoWt 242
Robert Lloyd Ro^rt 37
161 //„„. j„hn Edm. Rob. Samuel
Thomas Rees
rhompson, .\rnold
J" ~7r- """
" "gh
212 John
Tottenham, Charles J.
^\ ""»•" I5» W.Hcathcote 138
page page page
Touzel, Helier 18 Tucker, John Goulston Udney, John Augustus 146
Thomas Percival 178 Price John Robert 116
Tovey, Alexander 175 Tuckey, Cha. Timothy 192 Ulmenstein, J. W. de 53, 436
Tudor, Frederick 189 Underwood, Wm. Henry 247
James Dunbar
58 —Henry Bridger 221 John J. 116
Towers, Frederick 86 Wm. Langley 201 Unett, Thomas 219
Towesland, Samuel Jos. 300 Edmund Walter 130
Townsend, Edward
234 - Edward

de 4-?0
Unger, William
Uniacke, James
58, 140
John Gore 141 Tuite, George 170 Redmond Rochfort
— Samuel Plulip
- George Gustavus
- Hugh Manley
270 •
Richard 20
Townshend, Henry 240 - Mark Anth. Hen. 170 Robert 161
Hon. Hor. G. TuUoch, Alex. Murray 102 Upton,JTy«. Arthur Percy 14
Powys, KCH. 33 Jas. DundasGre- Hon. Arthur 73, 147
Hen. Dive 72,175 gorie Hon.George 98,214
Trafford, Charles Guy 217 Thomas Urmston, Lambert Bra-
Robert "
253 TuUoh, Alexander bazon 182
Tho. Sam. 60 Tunnard, Bartholomew Urquhart, Donald 70, 190
Tho. William 129 Tuper, Cha. W. Francis Gregor 151
Tranchell, Geo. Adolphu3 257 TurnbuU, Robert •
John 295
Tranter, William 208 William, MD. 246 Ussher, Edw. Pellew Ha-
Trapaud, Cyfus Plaistow 159 Turner, Charles 34 mett 296
Travers, Boyle 11 Cha. Barker, A'fl". 61 Utterton, John 116
Fred. John 272 Charles Ernest 195 Uxbridge, Henry, -EarZ of, 43
James 259 Edmund John 124
— John 272 Frederick Henry 149 Vale, John 172
Joseph Gates 295 George 44,265 Valiant, Hen. Fancourt 191
— Julius Brockman 258 George Edward 271 Thomas, A'iJ". 44, 191
Robert Otho 186 Henry Austin 271 Thomas James 191
Robert William 175 Henry Jolin 218 Vance, James Young 191
Thomas Otho 116 Herbert 120 Van Cortlandt, Henry C.
Thomas Robert 170 Sir Hilgrove, 95, 182
Trelawny, Hamelin 61, 265 GCH. KC. 170 Vandeleur, Edward
8, 138
Harry Brereton 146 '^
James John 269 57, 136
Tremenheere, Walter, KH. 36 John 207 John Ormsbv,
Trench, Fred. Wm. KCH. 19 John 272 GCB. '
9, 142
Frederick Charles 218 Philip 307 Robert 86
Power le Poer 122 William S, 201 Vander Meulen, C. Jowett

Hon. Rich, le Poer Turnor, Henry Martin 121 97,225

203 WilUam 65 Vanderspar, Wm. Charles 258
William le Poer 177 Tuson, Geo. Baily 273 Vansittart, Robert 148
Trent, John Constantine 120 TuthUI, Jackson Villiers 122 Varlo, Berney 296
TreTelyan, Harrington 211 Richard, MD. 256 Henry 296
AValter 91, 211 Tuyll, Wm., KCH. 18 George 297
AViniam Pitt 245 Tweddell, Rob. Wharton 306 Vassall, Rawdon J. Pop. 230
Trevor, Arth. Hill, KH. 86 Tweeddale, G. Marq. of, Vaughan, Benj. Hutche-
Edward 268 KT. 19 son 101, 267
Hon. Hen. Otway 13 Twiss, John 285 Eugene Jas. 192
Trew, Thomas Eggar 306 Twopeny, Edward 101,230 Herbert 86 .

Trick, Frederick John 218 Tydd, Thomas Vavasour, Henry Wni. 58, 283
Trigance, Joseph 181 Tylden, Wm. Burton 66, 283 Henry Felix 169
Trimmer, John 307 Richard 286 Mervin 286
Tripp, Peter 67, 250 John
269 Veetch, Thomas George 236
Trittau, Edward 43' Tylee, Alfred 270 Venour, Walter 247
Tritton, John 130 David William Vere, Chas. Broke., KCB. 19
Trollope, Charles 187 Tyler, Henrv Crickitt 191 Vereker, Charles 178
Tronson, Edward T. 72, 164 John, KH. Verfenstein, Joseph 305
Trotman, Philip Phipps 254 Lennard Barrett 214 Verling, James, MD. 287
Trott, Charles Crato 440 Tynte, Cha. Kemeys Ke- Verner, Robert Norris 213
Troubridge, Tho. St. Vin- meys 237 William 116
cent, H. C. 1.58 Melbourne Kemeys 124 William J. 204
Trower, Fred. Courtney 142 Tyrell, Walter Robert 120 Vernon, George Augustus 184
Truscott, John 115 Tyssen, William Hough Vernou, George James 198
Trydell, Botet 88, 235 man 232 Henry Cha. Edw. 34
Tryon, Samuel 194 Tytler, Alexander 270 Justinian 141
Tucker, Henry 285 Ty tier, George Alexander 1 GO William Fred. 189
page page
Vesey, Arthur George l'J7 Wale, Charles, KCB. 1), 184 Walter, John 00, 247
ViiUls, Henry Thoiiius imi Robert Gregory 1 84 John MacNeale 180
Vicars, Kilwanl •Jt<o Walhouse, Edward 163 Walters, Edwin 196
Henry 2VJ Wuiker, .Vrohibald 08, 283 Walther, \\'illiam 436
Knl.irt Sliafto •i07 Charles KiC Walton, Wm. Lovelace
Victor, James Conway U7,it<4 Charles \. 115 41, 147
Vieusseun, Andrew 441 Charles J. 100 Wurburton, Cosby 257
VignoUs, Francis Duroll 17'J Charles Jlontagu 241 Geo. Drought 271
Vigors, Clia. Hen. t'iu Cha. Pynder Geo. Edw.Egerton202
Roy say Beuiiehamp 184 Hen.Wm.Egerton 198
Horatio Nelson 1G4 Uavid 16 Richard 240
Joliu Vrbau ".'od Edward, KH. 20 Robert 199
Joslma Allen S03 Edward Walter 150 William White 219
\ igoureux, Clia. Albert 34 Fitz William Ui(! Ward, Fra. Beckford 272
\"ille Ferdinand, Couipte
Frederick 20, 264 Hunter 101, 199
de la 440 George James 139 James 233
Villiers, Hon. Fran. John Geo. Townsend, John 181
liob. 174 Bt. GCB. 9, 201 John 243
//oH.Fred.Wm.C. 148 Geo. Warren 40, 172 John 116
Vincent, John ll,-i21 Hen. Torrens 258 John Richard 33
Vinceuti, Giovanni Ant. 439 James 240 Robert Edward 136
Viney, James, A' Ci/. 16,204 Jolm 226 AVilliam 186
Vinicomlie, Geo. Elliott IG John Geddes. 270 William 213
Virtu, Gciirgio 2G2 70, 202 Wm. Cuthbcrt 70, 283
Vivian, t'ha. Crespi^y 92 Joseph \A'arde, Edward Clwrles 270
John Crauck Leslie, KH. 54 Francis 268
Walker 171 Philip Warren 89,267 J. H. T. 131
Et. Hon. Rich. Robert 53 Malter 226
Hussev, Jit. GCB. Samuel 92,217 Wardell, George 179
GCH. 12, 128 Thomas 30fi ^^'m. lienry 245
Vogelsang, Charles de 6:), 440 Tliomas George 227 Warden, Henry U. 260
Volborth, Philip 433 William 221 Wanllaw, Gerald 225
Volger, Christ. Arnold 436 William 69, 292 John 17
Henry William 437 — Wm. Jas. Tyrwhitt213 Robert 128
Voss, Ernest Von 432 Wall, John Binns 150 Ware, Robert 200
\'yse, George Howard IIU Wallace, George Harris 167 Waring, Francis
—— R. W. How. Howard 40 James Maxwell, Warner, Charles
Robert 311
Rich. Hen. Rich. KH. 43, 125 Edward 43
Howard 120 Jolm 192 Isaac Redston 123
John Alex. Bt. Warre, A\ilham 34
Wachholtz, Fred. Lewis de KCB. 12,240 Henry J. 205
Waildell, James Peter Margetson Warren, Augustus 251
Waddington, Hen. Spen- 58, 265 Charles 92, 606
cer Robert, KH. 58 Chas. Edw. Daw-
Charles William 250 son 204
Waddy, Richard Wilham, MD. 166 Edviard 206

\\ ade, Fran. Montresor
— Claude Martine
Wallett, Charles
Walliiigton, J. C.
91, 136
Hen. Hyacinth
Jas. Low, MI).
George John Williams 235 Samuel Robinson 73,
Hamlet ^^allis, I^wis Bavly 8 217
John Wiillnmt, Tlmmus 226 William 252
Thomas Fra. \\xi\nwacTi,Cuunt,KCB.\\i> Milliam Shipley 253
Thomas Fra. Walmtli y, Benjamin 207 Warriner, Ernie 126
Walter, John I'lun- Walond.Rich. Fallowes 204 Warrington, Osman V. 229
kett Walpole, Arthur 284 Wasey, Willoughby Cle-
Wadeson, James Horatio, 98, 190 ment 307
Wahab, George Waterfield,Wm. Hill 116
Charles H,m. John 116 Waterhouse, Alan 212
George L. Holiert 252 Waters, Frederick 89
Wahrcndorff, .\ugustus Walsh, Arth. Sandys John, KCB. 18
Waite, Thomas Stawell 295 Marcus, Antonius 90,
Waketield, Henry F'urey Lewis Edward 209 284
Joseph 69, Philip 53 Thomas 293
William Robert 226 Walhen, Augustus 103,141
Walch, James W. Henry Walshe, Anthony 170 AA'atkins, George Green 189
Wakott, Edm. Veamana Blavney 160 Watson, Albert 258
OS, Walter, Edgar 296 Alexander 19, 264

page page page
Watson, Andrew Vincent 178 Wells, Samuel 136 Whalley, Thos. Palmer 135
Archibald 115 Samuel 170 Whannell, George 101,184
David 234 William 118 Wharton, Anthony 7
Sir Frederick 6G Welman, Harvey 88, 208 Geo. Heneage
George 294, 297 Harvey Welles- Lawrence 197
Sir Henry 20 ley Pole 108 Wheatlev, Henry, GCH. 116
Jacob 65 Hercules Atkin 232 jolin 193
James, KCB. 13, 105 Welford, Augustus Fred. 249 Wheatstone, Henry 186
James 103, 165 Welsh, James 115 John Butler 204
John 165 ^yemyss, Charles 306 Wlieeler, Fra. Hugh
John 172 David Douglas 230 Massey 116
John \Vm. MD. 216 Francis 203 Henry 199
JohnWilhs 116 Francis 83 James A. 229
Richard Luther 253 John Maurice 296,297 -John Ross 205
Robert 258 Thos. Jas. 40 Thomas 179
WUliam L. 116 William 36 Tliomas Honer 219
Watt, Francis 123 Wend, Jas. Douglas de 195 Whelan, John Thomas 61
James Duff 305 Wentworth, D'Arcey 98 Wheeler, Trevor, Bt. 87
Watteville, Rndolphe de 441 Samuel Hen. 285 Whetham, John 41
Waugb, WiUiam Petrie 142 Werge, Hen. Reynolds 176 Whichcote, George 71
Gilbert 115 Robert Dean 190 Whimper, Fred. Amelius 250
Way, Sir Greg. Holman B. 18 Wernham Winiaml22 Wlnnvates, Edw. Charles,
Gregory Lewis 180 Wesley, Samuel Robert 294 KH. 61, 265
Waymouth, Samuel 101, 181 West, Arthur, MB. Fran. Frankland 186
Way th, Charles 116 Chas. Aug. Fred. Wm. 101, 284
Weare, Thomas, KH. 59,261 Hon. Clia. Rich Whish, Richard 115
Wearing, Thomas 293 Desaguilliers Whitaker, John Gibson 1 34
John William 296 James Alexander Whitcomli, James 294
Webb, George 136 John Elridge Wliite, Charles H. 148
3o\m, KCH. 287 John Temple Edward James
Rob. Smith 71 Osborne 222
Tlimdosius 286 Richard Edward Philip 97
Thomas 242 William 83 Edward Rich. 161
Webber, Edward 1 Westenra, Francis 102, 125 Ferdinand 191

William 67 Hon. J. Craven Frederick Charles 9
Webster, Henry 62 63, 149 Frederick John 296

Arthur Charles 192 Western, Maximilian George Fra. |182
George Murray 312 Jas. 210 — George Mathias 191
Joseph 230 Tlios. Halifax 166 Henry Arthur 286
Robert 251 Westfeld, Herman 433 Hen. Dalrymple 132
Tliomas 115 Westlake, John 91 Henry Jarvis 229
William 142 Westmacott, Spencer James 130
. -— William 152 Westmore, Richard 100, 184 James 263
William 228 Weston, George Lawrence Luke
Wcdderburn, J. K. 119 John Sam. Hen. Esmond
James 148 Thomas Martin 116
Wedderburne, Cha. Fra. 203 Westropp, John Parson Michael 73, 130
Wadeliind, Charles 438 Edward Hen. Moses, 3ID 253
Wegener, John Henry 442 John Thomas Raymond 98, 132
Wegg, John 207 Michael Lionel Robert 88
Weguelin,Tho. Mat. Luz. 137 Wetenhall, Wm. Marsden Thomas 190
Wehsarg, Charles 439 Walter 100
Weir, James 201 Wetherall, Edw. Rob. 152 White, WilUam 83
John George 180 Wetherall, Fred. Aug. William 130
Thomas Christie 305 GCH. 8, 168 William George 1 95

Weissen, Wilh. von 438 Fred. Aug. 168 William Grove 54

Weller, Francis 269 George Aug. KH. William Ramsav 142
Wellesley, Lord Cha. 70, 106 43, 151 Whitehead, Thos, A' C.B. 115
Edward 176 John 192 Wliitelaw, Tliomas 287
Jas. F. H. Long 138 Wcyhe, Charles von 434 WliitlVild, llcmv Wase 266
Wra. Hen. Co. 233 Ferdinand von 437 Wliitclicld,('lias.T(imlims287
WeUington, Arthur,ZlMic of, George W. F. von 435 Wliiting, t;eorge Wm. 296
KGMCB. GCH. 144,'262 •
Weyland, John Whitmore, Fran. Locker 152
Wells, Edward 205 Thome 217 Geo. St. Vincent 285
Crenville G. 152 Weyssen, Jean Christian 441 Geo. KCH. 18, 282
Henry 214 Whalley, George Briscoe 188 Mortimer R. S. 1.58
JohnNcave 67, 283 Henry Cliarles 222 Whittcr, William Wood 228
; ; 1 ' 1 ,

Whittingham, Fenliuaiid 219
Paul, Bernard
M ilhauis, Arth.
- Charles

Wdlesley 136| Wilson, James Kennett

306! James Wm. 84

286 David 37
Sam. John 203
Fortl, KCB. Edm. Keynton, John
KCIl. 242
15,115,223 KCB. '
35, 100 John, A'CB. 15,234
Wiittuck, Wra. Jas. 234 Harn,- 154 John 293, 297
Whitty, Irwiiie 97, 26?! Henry 2C8 John Morillyon,
WhyliH-k, James 293
Whyte, Charles
Henrj' 7 KH. 39
310 Henry David John
James lie
69, 133 James E. John
— Samuel 116
222 John John Alexander 268
Wielimann Genrge
, 434 John
Wicki-, John Henry John Gray 157
4;Ki Joseph J.Rich. S'heppard 188
WickhaMi,Rich. Strakcr 254 Lewis Duncan Joshua 86
WiddrinKioii, Adol. Lat. 22.5
Montgomery Mackenzie 206
Wiebolrtt,Dav.Cha.Com.433 Norton Tho.
Wiehunr, John Andrew 255 Xathan, KH. 55
Robert Griffith Nicholas, KH. 87,229
Wieler, John William 433 Sherburne Rich. Gasden
Wicring, rieorge 437 Thomas Bowen
Wight, Arthur llfi — Thomas Sir Robert Tho.
Wightman, James
Wigram, Ely Duodecimns
273 - Thomas, MD 11,141
- Thomas Molvneux 86 Thomas 307
60, 147 Walter Thomas
— ;
Ja<. Rirhard 14?< William Tliomas
Wigston, Francis 1(59 William
WUbraham. Chas. Philip 148 Tho. Maitland 248
}Ion. Edw. Bootle 148 — Wm. Fenwick
Wiltshire, KCH.
13, 264
Richard 110,158 Wm.
Frekc, KH.
Thos. Edw.
M ilton, John 206
18() Williamson, Cha. Cart- Wily, Henry Williams
Milby, William 254 wright 294 Winchester, Rob. KH.
Wilder, Go.rge 272

WildiniT, Ernest, KH.
John 84 Winckler, Augustus
1 '

Wildman, Edward, A'/f. 43 I 430

John Clark 135 Charles
^.-, I
Thomas Paul 245 Windham, Cha. Ash 148
Thomas 41 Isher -

''"^I Jos. Douorht^- iii2

~ John Sutton
Wilkie, Fletcher
\eal 2091
211 —

dbngton, Richard 102,
2:30 Wingate, Tlioraai
226 Wingfield, Cha. Wm. 269, 273
153 "

110, ^^ Ulis, Browne

101, 207 Clopton Lewis 98 218
John 130; Browne
Wilkieson, William 2231 —
Richanl A.
John Hope
Tho. Hen.
72 183 ^

Wilkins, George, KH. 54 fl illoughby, Wm. Lcmos 174 Wingrove,

George Hughes 253' - ——
Fran. Digby
Geo. Prescott' 30
135 Winne, John James 295 1

Thomas 271
7' Hi*^ 205 Winnington, Edward 184
Wm. Mortimer '' 192- U-'W illshire, Tl.omas, KCB.
Wilkinson, ArUi. Philip John Tavlor 162

39, Wint, Wm. Shu'te 139

Savage IO4 Willson, Sclwyn 1.53J
248 M'inter, Charles 228
Charles C. 2i«5 Wilmcr, William '1- Ludwig Aug. 440
Chri.'itopher 84 Wilmer

150 Winterbottom, Robert 118

James AUi.x lO! Wilmot, Earilley 90 Winterscale, John

John 143 129 1

Fred Ea niley . 70
„ Minton, Cha. Lorenzo de 167
. , 1

Joseph 253 Wilmot, Hen. Rob. Eardlcy 271 Rich. Davics de 203
Wilkinson, Rich. Steele 89 John

"ill -7 Rob. 251

Thomas 116 Wilson, .\rthur IfO.Wisch, Hieronimus von
Tho. Wm. 181 Benjamin F der 433
Wm. Sir, OCyfG. 8 Dal ton 93, 186 Wischmann, George

William 43(! j

71,200 Charles 272 Wise, Charles

Wm. 121 Cha. Townsend 210
217 j

Willan,Tho.Wm. Douglas 138 Francis 217

Fleetwood, Tlio. William
Wm. Moffat Dou- Hugh 134 Wissell, Lewis de
198 ;

glas 07.1 4.38

Francis W. 115 Witliam, George
Willats, Peter John 95, 199 220
Fred. J. 203 Witte, George de
Willcocks, Rob. Hen. 441
George 9 Hen. Fred. Theo. •
A'W. 91,2.33 George A. 165 de 435
Willcs, James Irwin
— William Gibson
George Davis
James, KCB.
John Fred. Cha. ^
20 de 43(5
Willett, Augustus Saltren 143-
James 300 Witzeudorff, Hartwig von 432
Williams, Arthur Charles 135 James, MIJ. 310 Witzlebon, Cha. Barmi 437

page page page
tVodehouse, Edmond 175 Wordsworth, John 312 Wynyard,Septimus Barty
Edwin 271 Workman, Samuel 88 Whitmore "
Frederick 270 Wornum, John Robson 116
Nicholas 43,201 Worsley, Edw. Vaughan Ximenes, David, KCH. 18
Philip 41 19, 264 Hen. Cockburne
Wm. Thos. 128 Henry, GCB. 115 Milne 167
Wohler, Henry 438 Wortham,HaleYoung 101,284
Wolfe, George '
83 Worthy, John 116 Yale, Wm. Parry 70
Peter 217 Woulfe, John 115 Yarborough, Chas. Cooke 243
Wm. Clarges 190 Wragge, Alf Romaine 272 Y'arde, Henry 116
Wolff, Frederick 439 Wreford, Matthew 312 Yates, Edm. Rob. Wm.
William 434 M^right, Amherst 101, 267 Wingfield 234
Woltfradt Frederick Ton 439 Charles, KH. 68 John Wildman 234
Wollaston, Frederick 132 Charles 101,284 Jonathan 17
WoUey, Edward Lionel 162 Charles James 271 Richard H. 1 15

Wolrige, John 63 Cha. Ravenhill 194 William Charles 128

Ambrose A. R. 297 Daniel 68 Yea, Lacy Walter 168

Wolseley, Garnet Joseph 116 Edward W. C. 243 Raleigh Henry 250
Womhwell, Arthnr 197 Frederick 96, 267 I'elverton, Hon. Geo. Fred.
Wood, Arthur, MD. 130 George 161 Wm. 216
Charles 156 George 282 Y'erbury, John Wdliam 130
C. W. A. H. 194 r- Henry Rich. 268 Yolland, William 285
David Edward 270 James Dennis 146 Yonge, Gustavus Nigel
Edward 83 John, KH. 44, 292 K. A. 153
Edward Robert 138 John Hoskin 295 William James 197
Henry 130 John Ross 44, 283 Yorke, Fred. Augustus 285
Henry John 116 — Robert 294 Charles 56
Henry Owen 94, 188 Robert 294 James Charles 125
James 294 Thomas 88 John 128
James 71 Thomas 72, 190 Philip James 64, 149
Jas. Humphreys Wm. Alfred G. 296 Augustus H. S. 206
96, 267 Wrixon, Nicholas 172 Charles Allen 199
John 247 Wrottesley, Hon. Chas. Charles
- 214
John Gillespie 312 Alex. 72, 180 Charles 287
John Joseph 169 Wulff, George 13, 264 Charles Colville 271
John Sulivan 8 Henry Powell 284 Dol)Son 177
John Stewart 164 Wulffen, 'WilMam de 438 George
- 92, 189
Launcelot Edward 205 Wyatt, Alfred Fras. W. 217 Geo. Augustus
- 159
Peter Valentine 165 George John 272 George Dobson 182
Robert 311 Hen. Robartes 57 Henry 175
Robert Blueher 136 Wybault, Joseph Wm. 306 James, MD. 170
Thomas 72, 145 Wyld, John 130 James Robert 92, 176
Wm. KII. 34 Wylde, William 65, 115, 266 Young, John Crawford 92
William 190 Wynch, John 116 J. D. 195
William 294, 297 Wyndham, Charles 70, 129 Keith Wellington 253
Wm. Mark 212 Charles Plomer, KH. 72
Wm. Leighton, KH. 67 Wyndham, CharlesHenry 133 Young, Plomer J. 240
Woodd, Geo. Leslie 256 George 34 William Baird 270
Woodfall, George 116 •
Henry 19 William Henry 153
Woodford, Alex. KCB. 15 WjTieken, Frederick 441 William Pym

AdolphusF. A. 148 Wynn, Arth. Watkin Wil- Younghusband, Chas. 36, 265
John Geo. KCH. 18 liams 174 Cha. Wright 272
Woodgate, Frederick 242 Herb. Wat. Wms. 161 Thos. 41
John 263 Watkin Williams, Yule, Geo. Wm. Roper 295
William 156 Bt. 118 •Patrick 100, 284
William 33 Wynne, Charles Robert 271 —— Robert Abercromby 142

Woodhouse, Joseph Rob. 116 George 285

Robert 189 Heneage Griffith 220 Zehupfenning, Chas. Jos. 440
William 115 Lowry Wm. Mont- Zeil Augustus Ferdinand 435
Woodman, William 122 gomery 271 Zerbi, Paul 439
Woodrooii'e, George H. 116 Wynniatt, Wenman 235 Zerbi, Jean Baptiste 439
Woods, James 233 Wynter, Robert 270 Ziermann, Frederick 437
Woodward, John 156 Wynyard, Edward 36 Zimmermann, Fred. Adol 433
Woolridge, Thos. T. KH. 41 Edward G. 146 Zugiani, Marino 441
Woolhouse, Edward 195 Henry 237 Zuhlcke, George Henry 40
Woollard, Gilbert 240 Robert Henry 209 Charles W. 197

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