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Bad Debt Resolution Hits would help resolve the bad debt problem
with lower volumes of recapitalisation

Judicial Roadblock support from a cash-strapped govern-

ment, and get credit moving once again.
These expectations were only partially
met, with the haircut required to be
C P Chandrasekhar taken by the banks in some cases prov-
ing to be substantial.

With the Supreme Court having n a surprising and disruptive turn in But, that was not the reason why the
declared ultra vires the Reserve the Supreme Court, the Reserve Bank process hit a roadblock. The Supreme Court
of India’s (RBI) effort at penalising verdict was related to cases brought by
Bank of India circular directing
corporate defaulters and cleaning the companies threatened with liquidation
banks to pursue bad debt books of India’s commercial banks has hit because of default resulting from prob-
resolution at any cost, the process another roadblock. In early April, the lems that, in their view, were not of their
of making banks alone pay for Court struck down a circular issued by own making. These companies felt that
the RBI on 12 February 2018, which they were being treated unfairly when
all-round errors has come to an
required banks to identify a loan account force-marched to liquidation. Moreover,
end. The Court has required the as a Special Mention Account (SMA) the banks too wanted flexibility in dealing
government to specifically (Stage 1), even if the period of default on with the companies concerned because
authorise each resolution exercise payments is one day. In addition, if the the haircut they would have to take if
loan to a defaulting debtor is to the tune the companies were liquidated would
and not delegate blanket
of `2,000 crore or more, the banks were be substantial.
authority to the RBI. This would required to agree on a resolution plan Such problems were particularly acute
matter in cases such as in the within 180 days as of 1 March 2018, if the in the power sector, where privatisation
power sector where a misplaced default had already occurred or 180 days of production and distribution, with reg-
from the date of default, if that were ulation and tariff setting by official, but
privatisation policy explains the
later. A resolution plan required the ostensibly independent, regulators, was
non-performing assets, which the agreement of all creditors. If a resolution proving to be difficult to sustain. Cost-
government would now have to plan cannot be agreed upon within that plus prices of power purchased by dis-
take into account. The Court’s time frame, the company has to be taken tributors are challenging the vulnerabil-
to the bankruptcy court established under ity of the latter. Power producers are
order also makes it difficult for
the terms of the Insolvency and Bank- finding it difficult to tie up power pur-
the RBI to pretend that it had no ruptcy Code (IBC), 2016 within 15 days of chase agreements (PPAs) at reasonable
role in the generation of the NPA s. completion of the specified period. prices, limiting their access to assured
According to the RBI, the circular was coal supplies because of the policy link-
based on the powers conferred on it by ing finalisation of PPAs to coal access.
Sections 35A of the Banking Regulation The Supreme Court struck down coal
Act as amended to include Sections 35AA block allocations, worsening the coal
and 35AB, besides an order from the supply situation. Competition and the
finance ministry giving it blanket resolu- desperation to sign PPAs are adversely
tion powers. Despite the delays relative affecting the viability of power produc-
to prescribed timelines that this resolu- tion. In the event, private power projects
tion process has experienced in practice, financed with lending from the banks
the process itself was seen as faster and have either not got off the ground or not
more effective (in terms of the propor- turned in profits that allow them to meet
tion of outstanding debt recovered) than their interest and amortisation commit-
the Debt Recovery Tribunals (DRTs), the ments. If these firms were driven to liq-
Lok Adalats and the powers conferred uidation as the RBI insisted they should,
by the Securitisation and Reconstruc- private investors whom the government
tion of Financial Assets and Enforce- wants to incentivise as part of its
C P Chandrasekhar ( is ment of Securities Interest (SARFAESI) “reform” agenda would lose confidence,
with the Centre for Economic Studies and Act, 2002, which were the means of banks would be forced to accept substan-
Planning, Jawaharlal Nehru University, recovery earlier. As a result, it was tial haircuts, and consumers of power
New Delhi.
expected that the new resolution process may face shortages.
10 APRIL 13, 2019 vol lIV no 15 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

The defaults resulting from problems under the provisions of the Insolvency and would have to authorise initiation of the
faced by these and other similarly Bankruptcy Code, 2016.2 resolution proceedings. In the process,
placed producers in other sectors cannot What the Supreme Court has done is the government would have to consider
be equated to those of wilful defaulters declare this blanket approach based on the pleas of the debtors and the views of
or those engaging in fraud. Moreover, central bank direction ultra vires, as it the lenders. The former would argue
there seems to be a case for abjuring a takes too far the act of delegating pow- that their circumstances are special and
“one-size-fits-all” approach and adopt- ers of the government to the RBI. In view not the result of mismanagement. The
ing a different yardstick when dealing of the Supreme Court judges hearing the latter would like to hold out for a better
with defaults in different sectors. That case (R F Nariman and Vineet Saran), deal if they fear that liquidation would
the banks were willing to do so was it is clear that the RBI can only direct bank-
entail a huge and unacceptable haircut.
clear when they approached the RBI for ing institutions to move under the Insol- And the government too would consider
additional time (beyond the prescribed vency Code if two conditions precedent are whether it would be burdening the pub-
maximum of 195 days between default specified, namely, (i) that there is a Central lic sector banks (PSBs) with losses that
Government authorisation to do so; and
and filing for liquidation) to restructure would necessitate recapitalisation with
(ii) that it should be in respect of specific
loans and resolve the bad debt problems defaults.
funds from the exchequer which it can-
in the power sector. The RBI refused not release. A quick and sharp reduction
to oblige. In sum, the specifics of each case of in NPAs is no more on the agenda.
What the RBI had done was to declare default needs to be considered by the This would inter alia (i) force the gov-
non-performing assets (NPAs), resulting central government when authorising ernment to consider which factors give
very often from exogenous shocks or the RBI to direct banking institutions to rise to NPAs, such as its own policies that
even government policy as a problem start the resolution process and move for affect both borrowing and lending
of the banks. And it decided under liquidation, if necessary, under the behaviour and the macroeconomic envi-
Raghuram Rajan and then Urijit Patel to Insolvency Code. ronment with implications for corporate
adopt a tough approach towards both One issue which arose is that while performance; (ii) require the RBI to exer-
recognising bad debt and resolving it. the Court’s judgment related to the cise greater diligence when monitoring
Interestingly, the RBI’s ability to adopt interpretation of clauses in the Banking and disciplining banks; and (iii) pressure
this approach was facilitated by the gov- Regulation Act, the circular issued by bank management to be cautious when
ernment which, initially by ordinance the RBI applied to all creditors in any increasing exposure to large capital-
and subsequently through legislative Joint Lenders’ Forum (JLF), which would intensive projects. Such changes are
amendment, inserted two new Sections include non-banking financial compa- desirable, because measures like these
(35AA and 35AB) after Section 35A of the nies (NBFCs). But, on the grounds that it are more likely to rein in NPAs in the
Banking Regulation Act, 1949, which would be “difficult to segregate the non- medium term, rather than an unthink-
enabled it banking financial institutions from ing and hastily implemented resolution
to authorise the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) banks so as to make the circular appli- process. The downside is, of course, that
to direct banking companies to resolve spe- cable to them even if it is ultra vires inso- wilful defaulters and fraudsters cannot
cific stressed assets by initiating insolvency far as banks are concerned,” the judges only get themselves a breather, but may
resolution process, where required.
decided that “the impugned circular will be able to manipulate outcomes under
The resolution was to be as per the have to be declared as ultra vires as a the new regime in their favour.
guidelines included in the IBC, 2016. The whole, and be declared to be of no effect
RBI was also delegated the power to in law.” Notes
issue other directions for resolution, and The net effect is that any instance 1 Press note of the Ministry of Finance of 5 May
2017 issued by the Press Information Bureau
appoint or approve for appointment, author- where debtors have been proceeded (Release ID:161588).
ities or committees to advise banking com- against as per the Insolvency Code only 2 Quoted in Supreme Court judgment 42591_
panies for stressed asset resolution.1 2018_Judgement_02-April-2018.pdf www.sci.
because of the application of the 12 Feb-
The very next day after the ordinance ruary circular will be declared non est.
was promulgated the department of As a result, not only those whose pleas
financial services of the Ministry of were included in the case just decided,
Finance issued an order (No SO 1435[E]) but a host of others against whom the
that states: insolvency proceedings were pending or available at
In exercise of the powers conferred by Sec- to be invoked, will now not be subject to
tion 35AA of the Banking Regulation Act, the inexorable, clockwork resolution
Life Book House
1949 (10 of 1949), the Central Government
Shop No 7, Masjid Betul
process prescribed by the RBI that is trig-
hereby authorises the Reserve Bank of India Mukarram Subji Mandi Road
gered once default is registered even for Bhopal 462 001
to issue such directions to any banking com-
pany or banking companies which may be
a day. The RBI would have to approach Madhya Pradesh
considered necessary to initiate insolvency the government in each case, and the Ph: 2740705
resolution process in respect of a default, government, after due deliberation,
Economic & Political Weekly EPW APRIL 13, 2019 vol lIV no 15 11

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