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August, 1839.











£Elitt) tOc T^txioti of ^trbirc botfi on iFuII anlr pjal&pas




H. O. HART, LiEi-T. 40tu Regt.


K.G. Knight of the Order of the Garter.

K.T. Knight of the Order of the Thistle.

K.P. Knight of the Order of St. Patrick.

G.C.B. Knight Grand Cross of the Order of tlie Bath.

K.C.B. Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath.

C.B. Companion of the Order of the Bath.

G.C.M.G. Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St. Michael and St. George.

K.C.M.G. Knight Commander of ditto ditto

C.M.G. Cmnpanion of ditto ditto

G.C.H. Knight Grand Cross of tlie Royal Hanoverian Guelphic Order.

K.C.H. Knight Commander of ditto ditto

K.H. Knight of ditto ditto

C Before the Name, denotes that the Officer was at the Battle of Trafalgar.

^ Before the Name, denotes that the Officer served in the Peninsula, or the

South of France.

"'' °^ *"
S183 Waterloo Medal, i^^'''' "''"frl P,'','!f * '",sf«'7
I 16th, l7th, or leth June, Is^r""*'""'

P Before the Date, shows that the Commission was Purchased.

* Before the Name, or date of Commission, denotes Temporary Rank only.

N. B. In the List of General and Field Officers, the Names printed in Italic are those of
Officers retired from the Army, who have been specially allowed to retain their Rank, but
without receiving Pay or progressive Promotion.

^ t Officers present in either of these actions are allowed two years' additional service.


AUGUST, 1839.

VMI HliOrafe ARTIlUn, DUKE OP WELLINOTON, (TO. OCB.* Of//. 21 June, 1913— Colonel of the Grenadier
Regl. of Fool Uuanh. f! Jiin. 1847— Coloncl-in-Chief of the RiHi: Brigade, 10 Feb. 18.20— Constuble of the Tower
of London— and Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, 29 Dec. IHdfl.
HU U^esl; The KINO of HANOVER, KO. KP. ^ OCB. 2« Nov. 1813.
ISIS— Colonel of ihe Coldjlreani Ouurds, i Sept. 1805
Corpa, 22 Jan. 1827.
—Colonel-in-Chief of tile OOlh, or The KinE'f
' Royal Riflo

His llajesly, The KINO of the BELGIANS, KO. OCB. ^ OCH. 24 .May, ISIO.

Sir A. Mackeniie, Bt. G CB. f Hon. J. Brodrick John Sulivan Wood, from
from 38 F. James Durham 8 Dr. Lt. of the tower
1803. 25 September. 9 T. Lard Lynedoch, GCB. J.M. Kerr,/rom S R. V. Bn. of London.
Sir Jas. Sicuan, Bl. OCU. OC.VG. 1 P. Uor. of Tho. !icott,/rom »4 P. ^ i£i Hon. Sir C. Colvillc,
a Dr. Dumbarton Cattle. Sir Hilgrovc Turner, GCH. GCB. Jf GCH. 5 F.
.y AC. 10 P. F. C. White, /ram Or. Gds.
182S. 27 May. Hon. W. M. .Maitland Gore Bri>«'ne, 44 P.
Fr». Fuller. 2 W. Ind. Regt. f Hon. SirG. L. Cole, GCB.
M. Archdall./rom 12 Dr. LI.
f Sir H. Fane, OCB.l D.O.
27 P. Oov. of Grarctend Conim. ill fAiff in tin
1412. 1 Januarj. Gor. of Ihe ItU of iriy*/. and Titbury Fort. East Indies.
W. iSari Cathnrt, AT. 2 Sir G. Drummond, GCB. Franeis Moore $ Sir Geo. Anson, GCB.
L.O. Got.oJtluJI. 4»P. Robert, VL*c. Lorton 4 Dr. Gds.
Sir H. Pigot, QCila. 3d P. James Wharton,/roni 21 Dr. |) Sir W. H. Clinton, GCB. tl K. A. JSVirlo/' Effingham,
Hon. Edward Bligh 53 P. GCB. 3 P.
1813. 4 June. Edra. JE. of Cork, KP. T. R. Charleton^/'rom R. Art.
Sir O. Nuitent, Bt. GCB. Bon. Sir Hen. Geo. Grey, 1837. 10 January. ^ W.T.Dilkes,/ro«i S.Fus.
P. Capl. of Si. ilaicet. CCJJ.\t GC/T. 13 Dr. F. T. Hammond, G CU. LI. Gds. Lt. Gov. of Qur6ir.
Bl. Hon. Sir Geo. Ueiretl, 9 //on. Sir E. Paget, GCB.
Gor. of Bdiab. Cattle. P Sir John Oswald, GCB.
If OCMO. 35 P.
Bl. F. 28 P. Gov. of CheUea R. D. HInke
Botp. Hon. Robert Meade, 12 P. Pinson Bonham, /rom 69 P.
I8U. 4 June. 9 8. Vitc. Combermere, P Sir W. Housloun, Bt. P Sir Wm. Anson.BJ. KCB.
f J. F. Lord Howden, OCB. Si GCH. 1 LifeGds. GCn.H GCB. 20 P. 47 P.
>V 43 P. KC. Got. of Sheernett. Geo. Michell Charles Terrot,/rom R. Art.
Edwmrd Morrison, 13 P. 9 Wt Rowland, Lord Hill, Sir T. Hialop, Bt. GCB.
Gov. of Chetler. GCB. GCH. tf KC. R. 48 P. 1838. 28 June.
0<onre Jas. Earl Ladlow, H. Gd». Oor. of Plij- T. Earl of Elgin, KC. Sir ThoB. Saumarcz
aCB. SCO. Fiu. Gdj. viouth. Oeiu~Conim.'in~ David Hunter C. Callendar,/roni 88 P.
Hon. P. St. John Ch„f }l Sir John Slade, Bt. G CB. Jas. Meredith./rom R.Mar.
Sir (h-n. Pigol, Bt. 5 Dr. Gd.. 9 J. S.Saunders,/rom 61 P.
1814. 23JnIr. Frederick Miilland, 58 P. Sir P. A. Wetherall, GCH. G. Wil9on,/ri.i)i R.Inv.Art.
9 S8 Bit Boj/. Hightuu Sir Martin Hunter, O'CtfO. 82 P. Sir Warren M. Peacocke,
V. F. H. Hrredit. Prince * GCH. from 104 P. f Hon. Sir W. Lumley, KCH.» KC.from Coldst.
oA Orange, UCB. Bor. of Slirtind CiulU. fiCfl. Dr. Gov. of Kintate.
9 W.Curr, Inc. Berwford, P Sir M. Disney, A'CB. J. Pare
18ia. 12 Augutl. GCB. * GCH. 10 P. 15 P. Sir C. Wale, KCB. 33 P.
Bon. E. Pinch, 22 P. On. of Jertey. fj. M'Keniie 9 ZEl Sir J. O. Vandeleur,
laaac Gucojrne, 54 P. A. G. Stirling GCB. 18 Dr.
D. D. Wemju, from 19 P. 1830. 22 JiUy. J. Mi.'hel Cha. P. Douglas, from 3 Dr.
Gor. of Ttfnttnouth and Thomas Baker Sir W. WiUinson, GCitG. Sob. B. Clayton, KC. 12 Dr.
CUjr fori. Henrr Williams from 30 F. R A. J. Ooldie, from D.O.
Thomaa GnMvenor, 65 F. Sir J. Praser, GCH. from J. HodL-son, 4 P. ^ir R. H. ShealTe. Bl. 30 F.
J. I^yrd Forbes, 21 P. R. York Rang. Ll. Got. R. T. Nelson Hon. Sir Alex. DulT, GCH.
91jEI H. W. .v. o/ Antleser, of Cietler. James Robertson 37 P.
KG. GCB. .t GCH. 7 Peier Heron E. W. L. Popham ^ Sir Rufane Shawe Donkin,
HuliKra, Capt. of CoKtt J. Kamsay, from Chass. Brit. Sir P. J. O. Maclean, Bt. KCB.AGCn. II F. Sur.
CoMllr. Sir J. 1). I'lrouchton, Bt. 84 P. Gen. of I be Ordnanre.
Wm. Dyott, 63 P. 9 Sir H. P.Campbell, JiC'B. Wm. Eden, from 84 P.
1821. IB July. f fir R.c. Ferguson, GCB. •V GCH. 25 P. P Sir Geo. T. Walker, JJf.
Sir Joa. Champagne, OCU. 78 F. P Cbii. Wm. ilarq. of Lon- GCB. 52 P. Ll. Gov. of
17 F. Sir R. Macfarlane, KCB. donderry, acB. If acu. Cbrltra Hotpilal.
G. Cockbom, GClf. * GCH. 32 P. Sir J. Hamilton Dalrymple,
Bditard Dunne Sir John G. Craabir, GCB. Bl. 92 P.

Lieut-Generals.— Major- Generals.

Sir U. T. ffllBOn, IS Huss. Sir Sam. T. Dickens, rCff. A.
LIEUT.-OENERALS. ^ R. Eng. D. P. Blommart
Matt. Lord Aylmer, OCB.

Sir J. Straton, CB.

SirWiltshire Wilson, KCH. 19 affl

1808. 26 April. 18 F.
R. Art.
* KCB. 17 Dr.
W.TkonUon, late of 1 F.G Bt. 19 Bt. Hon. Sir E. Blakeuey,
1830. 22 July. affl Sir Tho. Reynell,
KCB. 87 F. K.C.B,^- GCH. 7 F. Com.
1809. 25 Oct. Sir C. Imhoff the Troops in Ireland.
F Gabriel Gordon, 91 F. Sir Loftus W.Otway, CB. KCB.
B. N. Hopkins, late of 82 from 26 P. 13 Sir Jas. C. Dalbiac,
Saniuel Need, 9 Lane. 3 Dr. Gds.
aa Sir Wm.N'icolay, CB.
1814. 4 June. Edward Webber
lyKClf./t-omR. Staff. C. 13 Sir SJ. Maclean,
Wm. Tlwvias, Lt, Gov. of Tho. L'Estrange -B^ 60 P-
fflSa Sir E. Kerrison,
Tynemouth ij- Cliff Fort. Clia. Craven
^- O.C.B. 14Dr. 19 Sir R. D. Jackson,
Foveaux CB.
M T. Count von der Decken, J.
Dr. Lionel Smith, B<.
aCH. h. p. Ger. Leg. T. N. Wyndham,/ro!n 1 ir
19 Sir Tho. Hawker,
Birkenhead Glegg BTCiJ. ^- GCH. 40 P. Goo.
6 Dr. Gds.
Lewis Mosheim of Jamaica. Quentm,
1819. 12 August.
Sir Rob. Barton, KCH. 19 affl Sir O. A.
George Mcyrich m a2B Sir Jas. Lyon, KCB 19
CB. ^- KCH.
& GCB. 24 F. Sir Wm. Paterson, ifCif
affl «" Colin Campbell,
1825. 27 May.

Jas. Orde,/rom late 99 F. from 7 P. Capt.ofCaris- 19 KCB. 72 P. Lent. Gov. of
Sir C. Bulkeley Egerton brooh Castle.
^ Tcr. O'Loghlin, late of a GCmO. KCH. 13 Sir J. Wright
Guise, Bt Noca Scotia.
Sco.Fus.Gd- „ Sir J. Wilson. KCB.
89 P. 82 P.
27 F. KCB. from
H.J. Cumining,K:Cfl'.
a Bt. Hon. Sir O. Murray, 19 Sir Lancers. 19 Sir C. W.
Doyle, CB. _, 13 Sir S. F.
OCS.LyGC2r.42F. Ooo. 12
Vet. KCB.^- KCH.7\F.Com.
Sir Cha. Phillip9,/rom 44 F GCH./rom late 10 B.
of Tort George. Sir J. Bathurst, KCB.
manding in Chief the
MaiaBf.So/i.SirJ.Kempt, T. Birch Reynardson, frotu 19 Troops in the Windmard
ecB. If ecs. 2 F. Lt. Quar. Mas. Gen. Dep. from late 1 Arg. Fen. Gov.
of Bcrtrick.
and Leeward Inlands.
Gov: of Fort William. M John, Earl of Carysfort, CB. 78 F. 19 affl Sir
front Gren. Gds. 19 Paul Anderson,
Sir E. Uoyil,ECH. 7Dr.O.
as Sir A. F. Barnard, * GCH. 28 P. Gov.-Gen.
Matthew Sharpe ffl affl Sir P. Maitland, 93 and Comm. of the Forces
Wid- KCB. 76 F. JiCB. *GCfl". Rifle Brig.
Sir D. Latimer Tinling in North America.
19 Hon. Tho. Edward
Capel, Richard Pigot,/rom 21 Dr. B(. GCB.
drington, KCH. 13 Sir A.Campbell,
from Gren. Gds. James Watson, CB. 14 P.
M Ricliard Blunt, 66 F. /rom P. Spencer C. Parry, R. Art. " F-
Sir Hen.Bayly,GC/f. 8 F. G. Basil Mundy,
a Sir Thos. M'Mahon, Br.

R. W. O'Cal- Sir Aug. De Butts, KCH.

F. S. Rebow,/rom 1 L. O. 19 Hon. Sir KCB. 94 F.
f laghan, GCB. 39 P. R. Eng.
13 Sir W. H. Pringle, GVB. KCB. 64 F, 13 affl Sir A. Woodford,
45 P. B Sir }. Keane, KCB. Sf )3 Sir R. Bourke, KCB. a- GCMG. from
GCH. i6 P. s. Hon. Patrick Stuart, CO F.
Gerard Gosselin Coldst. Gds. Gov. of Gto-
GCB. Lord G. T. Beresford, OCH. G. W. Pliipps, from
|) Sir F. P. Robinson, Woohnch. raltar.
59 P. 3 Dr.
13 Sir T. Arbuthnot,
tames CammK, from 47 P. 19 Hon. Hen. Otway Trevor,
A. R. Dillon Coldst. Gds. 99 F.
Eustace, lato of R. Eng. CB.from
M D. Darroch./rwn 38 P. H.
Halkett, Sir J. S. Barns, KCB. 19
Sir H. F. Bouverie.KCB.
F aai Sir f'ul. 19
Jn. Murray,/ro»i late 90 19
KCB. H GCH. 31 P. Rifle Brigade. * GCMG. from Coldst.
Sir Phin. RiaU, SCH. 74 F Wm. G. iorii Harris, Gds. Gov. of Malta.
19 W. Brooke,/ro);i 5 D.
G Sir H. E. Bunbnrii, Bt. 13 aa 19 J. Lord Burghersh,
7" KCB. late R. Newf. Fen. CB. KCH. 73 F. & GCH. from 63 P.
Sir Thomas Molyncux, Bt. H.Douglas, B«.CB.4-
Benj. Gordon, /rowi 80 F Sir Hudson Lowe, KCB. 19 Sir
affl Lord Pitz Roy J.
GCMO. 56 P. GCMO. Lord High Com- 19
John Vincent, 69 F. missioner, and Comm.of Somerset, KCB. 53 F.
J. Walkcr,/rom late H. Irish 19 aK
Kt. Hon. Sir Fred. Military Secretary to the
Adam, KCB. ^- GCjlfG. the Troops in tlie Ionian
Islands. Gen. Comm. in Chief.
19Sir W. Hutchinson, KC/f, 57 F. Evatt, R. Eug.
aa-R(. Hon. Sir R. Hus. Montagu Burrows/ro;n64F Henry
frmn 48 F. Gov. of Cur- 19 Sir F. Wm. Mulcaster.KCii
Vivian,B(.GCi?.cyGCH 19 Hon. A. P. Upton, CB R. Eng. Insp.-Gen. of
Dr. J1/HS<. Gen. of thi from Gren. Gds.
U aSl John Lord Strafford, 1
Sir J. Cameron, KCB. 9P.
GCS.^-GCif.29F. Ooe. Ordnance.
19 LoriZC. S. Manners,
Benjamin Lord Bloomfleld, S. Huskisson,/rom 67
of Londonderry and Cnl- George Salmon, R. Art. 11 Dr.
GCB. ^- GCH. R. Art.
H. Monckton, from 72 P.
M StrT.Makdoug.Brisbane, 1837. 10 January. 19 John Maister, /roi" 34 P.
Bt. OCB. ij GCH. 34 P.
Keating, KCB. iTon. G. Murray ,J'rom 2 L.G.
Sir Alex. Halkctt, KCH. Sir H. S. CB, MAJOR-GENERALS.
90 P. 19 aai Sir Hen. Askew,
from late 104 P.
Wm. Grant, KCB. Sir Lewis Grant, KC'if. 90 P. from Gren. Gds. 1703. 18 June.
Sir Keir
19 Sir Arth. Brooke, KCB. 13 Sir Jasper NicoUs,
•5- GCif. 8 Huss.
93 P. W. G. StrutI, Gmernor of
mWS^LordR.E.H. Somer- 86 F. Quebec.
set, GCJJ. 4 Dr. P. Carey,/rom 84 F.
1810. 25 July.
Henry Shrapnel, R. Art. 1838. 28 June.
Hon. A. Annesley York
Boyle Travers, /rom 66 F Jolm M'Nair, CB.from 90P M S. Brown, /roOT late Lan'rencc Bradslian; KC.
Wallace, Bt L. I. Vols.
F. Wm. Bullcr, late of 19 Sir Jolm A. D. Herbert late of 1 L. G.
Coldst. Gds. KCB. 86 P. 19 S. CO. Baron
Low, KCB.
Friiser, CB. 83 F. 19 Jolm Ross, CB. 98 F.
U Sir Tho. Bradford, GCB. HasCinss Sebriplit JIawby, ./ro»i53F. 13 Hon. Sir H.
King, KCB. ^- KCH. it. V- Ger. Leg.
Alten, GCB.
4- GCff. 30 P.
I W. I. R.
IB affl C. Count
John (Jranby Clay 19 J. M. Mainwaring, from GCH. p. Ger. Leg.
26 P. 19 Sir W. Thornton,
KCB. ij- h.
G. I. Hall, 70 F.
Hon. Wm. De Blaqulere a Hon. John Meade, CB. 85 F.
1813. 4 June.
KCH. from 45 P. Sir Joseph Maclean, KCH.
Sir Thomas Browne, Edward Scott, late of 96 F.
from 09 F. „„. G. Pownoll Adams R. Art.
Lambert, KCH. from late 26 Dr. Richard Dickinson, do.
19 ffi2il Sir John JvCB 1814. 4 June.
GCB. 10 P. Sir John Macleod, CB IJJ
Sir J. Macdonald,
^- KCH. from 78 F. 67 F. Adjutant-General. W. H. Bechicith.
19 Sir 3. W. Gordon,
late 6 Hon. J. B. O'Neill, from
GCB. (S- ecu. 23 F. Henry Elliot, from Coldst. Gds. 1819. 12 August.
Vet. Bn. Nedham late 4 Vct.Bn.
(Jimr. M(Ut. Oen. Wm.
GCif. 75 P. 19 Sir Benj. D'Urban, KCB
Anthony Salvin
13 Sir J. Puller, Anthony Walsli A. M. K. Hamilton, late 2
tf KCH. 51 P.
Sir T. Gage Montresor, KCB. R. Vet. Bn.
George Wulfif, R. Art. 19 Sir W. Johnston,
KCH. 2 Dr. Gds. Sir G. Leith, Bt. late 9 R.
G CH. 41 F. 19 Sir John Taylor, KCB 68 P.
19 Sir B. Darhng, Vet. Bn. .-'''
80 F. FrancisNewbery./rom 16 Dr.
G. Horsford,/r<mi 16 F.
Major- Generals. — Colonels.

1891. itJiiir- II S<r Tho. Pnuun, CB. ^ Sir John Harvey, KCB. ^
O. D. HobertMOn, CB. Iat« KCn.from 23 F. f. KCH. Licul. Oor. of
of K» P. 9 .Vir Dug. Little GUmour, yrir Brunarrieh 1707. 28 January.
9 Lpuu iriUiam, Vlv. rf/ KCB. 9 Sir L. Greenwell, A"CB. Sir It. Cuni/nijhamtf PI.
ATW.lm.ofSOF. a.Sir G. H. B. War, C
Cliobol. CB. J- A'CH. from 43 F. laic of 6i P.
Sir Palr,ek Host, liCMU. 9 .Sir J. I>.)ucla». A" Ci) ()Za Sir iJ.Seovell, ATB.
* AC//. Imlr of 7i K. •r. of (iu^mteif, *. (.or. oflhl K. Mil. Collrnr
|l V. WalJtrr, lolc uf M F. 9 IB Sir J. Waters, A'CJI. 9 I'lyi^st**, Lord Downes,
Cayl.of rarmouDiCiulU.
a? Mar.
IS2S. aSir W. Marl>ran. A'(7/. 9 Va iir Rob. Hen. Dick, IS02. 29 April.
Srnrj/ Cka. Darling, Ut« $ .Sir W. P. Currol, CJJ. 4' A"CB. ,V KCH. H. il. Clateriiifff iate of
of Nova Scotia Ff DC. Klll.frum IS P. 9 is Sir Neil Donglus, 96 P.
Sir Jas. CamplHrll. KCH. 9 £0 HI. Bon. .Sir Henri- ,t A"(7/.
latr of R. Mar. Hanllnre. KCB. «7 P. 9 Sir T. Downtnan, CB. 4-

9 f. PdlmtT 9 Sir WaiouchbT Cotton. ^KCH.from R. Art.

A'CB. * KCil. from P G. Martj. of Tweeddnle,
CB.KT. h.p. 100 P. 1809. 23 October.
1S30. Si July.
Robert EUicr, «.
II .Mr i. Buchan, KCB.
14 P. ».
Sir Bm. W. Bookt,
W. K.Elphlnstone. CB.
9 Sir P. W. Trench, AT//.
Hon. F. ir.
2 Argyll Fenc.
Grant, late of

DA F.<. 9 John Clitheruw.yVtfiM Sco. h. p. Perm. Assist. Quar.

Fdw. Art. Piu. Gds. >. Mast. Gen. ISIO. 2S July.
Sir U. I'harin O'Connrll, Sir J. Hanburr, KCH. £a .\. Lord Saltoun, CB. n'iUiniM Snv, late of 99 P.
Sf//. from 73. P. f. from Gren. Gdj. * OCU.from Gn-a. Gds. U.BniUu, late of Sum- Ra.
9 SirJ.VineT. VB.If KCH. Bja Henry Wyndham //mri/ Cuijler, late of 40 P.
from R, Art. 1S37. 10 January. P Fred. Ren. Thackeray, CB. J. 11. Broadhead, late of
Co«iuo Gordon )) Hon. H. B. Lygoo, from from R. Ens. 121 F.
O. E. Vinicombe, from R. Life (rtl*. Sir J. B. Saratre. CB. S
B£a ffo". E.P.Lr^n.CH. KCH. from R. Mar. 1611. 13 July.
S Sir H. Goosh. KCB. i. /roui 2 Life Gdi. |l Sir S. R. Chapman, CB. ' Sir Arch. Christie, KCB.
{I££l Sir Jam*^ MacdonrU, Pea .Sir J. O. Woodford. K.CH. from R. En^. late Comm, at Chatham.
KCB. i- KCH. from KCB. ^ KCH. from 9 J. F. B.rrh, CB. do.
Col.Ul. (i.lj. /. Oren. GJs. (tUftaTus Nirolls, do.
Sir A. Pilkinclon. JTCB. |) .Sir H. Elphinjtone, Bt. 9 Sir Jos. Hufrh Camcross,
.\. Iklhun.-, b. p. 18 Gar. Bn. CB. Roval Kneineer* KCB. from R. Art.
9 Sir John G»r.tiner, AT/J. Eliiu. W. Dumford, from .\iei. Wwlson, do, 1813. 4 June.
/rom a P. Krp.-.ldj.-tten. RoTal Eneineers Edward V. Wor^lcv, do. Bon. F. G. Hoitard, late of
|1 Onn:.' Ui'Mlemore, CD. Sir G.o. Whitnioie. A'CJSr. Com. Mann./romB. Enp. 8 O. Bn. (./ .St. Il'lrna. from R.tT;il Enpneers PHen. Ev.leih./ioniR. A. E. Drummond, late of 68 F.
3uaf% Ixmaz. _/rmn tK) F. Henrr Sliailfonh Peter Fyei^, CB. do.
9iSi Jss. W. Sleigh, CB. Arthur Uotd Hon. W. H. Gartlener, do. 1814. 4 June.
from II Dr. 9£a J. M. Hatnerton, CB. C^Hjree Wrisht./iom R. En. Laun. Holland, lateof 134F.
.\lex. Nr^bitt John Pringte, late Unatt. Fred. Walker, /roF»i R. Art. J. a. p. Tucker, late of
B Sir W. G. DarT, CB. ^ P. Jones Party, KH. la A. Macdonald, CB. do. 5 W. I. R.
KCH. B Sir D. Ximenes, KCH. £3 Sir E. Bowater, KCH. C. Sort of Harrington, h. p.
Sir C. W. Maxrrll, CB. .) from 16 F. from Sco. PiLs. Gds. 3 W. 1. R.
Kia. 9 Daniel Colquhoun g£ac. Hill, from R. H. C. P ZS.I Hon . A. A bercromtn/,
f R.>l»-n B«ior, R. ^Vrt. Sir Jis. Kyrle Money, Bl P iZi P. Drummond, CB. CB. late of Coldst. Gds.
Mark Napk-r h. p. Rec. Corps from R. Art. Le C. de Nacquard, late
BJohn Wardiaw John Stafford Josjph W. Tobin, do. Royal For. Art.
W. A. Johnson, from late 9 Charles Nicol, CB. from P £a Sir W. M. Gomm, Fra. Sherlock, KH. late of
a Cejl. R. anp. KCB.frov, Coldst. Gds. • 4 D. G.
Jonalb«n Yates f.Sir Wm. TuyU. KCH. P B. W. Ottley, late of 70 P.
Sir Jan. Krainer, JTCfT. SaSirG.U.P.Berkeler 2S June,
1S3S. James Home, late of R. Mar.
from 2 Dr. Gd£. A'CS. pea H. D-Oyly. from Gr.G. P <!a ./. E. of Porlar ling-
Edieard Jamtt O'Brien SarkTilleH. Berkeley Fos. Coulon, late R. Ir.An. Ion, late of 23 Dr.
T. F.»t. r 9 .Sir C. Jas. Napier. ATI! Rich. rDi.icke, do. A. Kotliijer, of late Ger. Leg.
J. Le Merarirr, h.p. 17 P. Helier Touiel Geo. I nine, do.
//on. J. Ram»v, j. 9 £fi Sir Jerem. Dickson, Sir Fra. Hastines Doyle, Bt. 1819.
Robert 0»eli A-CB. Vep. Lr. of the Toirer P Sa Sir U. C. Hill, CB.
ys.r J.F.FitiGerald.KCB. Sir OcUT. Carey, CB. ^ William Gray late of R. H. Gds. 1 Jan.
from SO P. ». KCH. B Edw. Darley, from 81 F. Rob. Moneri^e, late of R,
Jaa. Shonall. late R. If. Art. Sir Charles W. Thomt W. V. Hompesch Mar. 12 Aug.
Rolit. Crawford, do. h. p. H KCH. Lieut, nor. of Hull C Hamilton, Cn.fromWlF. P Sir Wm.Coi, late of Port.
73 F. If Sir H. Kinf , CB. S KCH. Sir (3eo. Teefdale, KH. Ser. do.
9Z£t .Sir Arthur B. Clifton, Lievt.-Got .ofHrtigoland G. J.Reevts, CB. KH.from T. Francklin, late of R.
A"C/I. * A'Cif. 9SirE.J.Murr4yMarGre. 27F. LI.Gor.ofPtaemtia Art. do.
B W'm. Stewart, from 3 P. fnr, Bl. KCB. tl KCH. Ui
Hon. H. Murray, CB. /. P. Hamilton, KH. late
9 Wtn. C. Eiulace, CA. i^ Gov. of Ike Windicard B Han. I_ Stanhopi, CB. of Sco. Pus. Gds. do.
KCH. BJohn Grey, CB.fromh F. P B. Shore, late of 4 Dr. do.
Ilcac. M.£ori< (irrenoek, 9 .Sir Edward Gibbs, KCB. PSa
SirA.Caraeron.A'CB. Car. Sf urf, late of 39 F. do.
A'CA. Got. of Edinburgh Lirul. Gov. of J mm/ l)ep. Got. of Si. itarrer F. Dunne, late of 7 D.G. do.
9.Sir Geo. T. Napier, A'CB. P Sir James WlLion, KCB. PiaHon. H. G. P.Towns.
Got. of Iht Cayt of Good P ta
Sir J. May, A'CB. .y hend, KCH. Inatt. do.
Hopt KCB. from R. Art. Sir Horace St. Paul, Bl.
9 £21 Sir C. Broke V psirJ.P.>ne, a: CB late of S P.
KCB. from R. Knc P John Fred. Brotrne, CB.
9 /fan. Sir H. R. Pakenham, P ja Tho. Dalmrr, CB. late of 2(1 F.
KCB. a Sir Henry Watson, CB. F. Grijhthi, late of R.A. do.
9Ui .SirA. Dickson, BCB Edw. Walker, A'J7. Sir Arch. Christie, KCH. of
it KCH. Vir. Urn. Fuld Tho. Erans, CB.from 70 P. late I R. Vet. Bo. Dep.On.
Train Drp. if Dtp. Adj of Stirling Cattle 1 Not.
Ont. Bon. Art.
9 Sir John T. Jones, Bl.
KCB. from K £n«.

Nath. Bunlem, Kff. late W. F. B. Loftus.h. p. 38 F. do. U Tho. W. Brotherton, CB. 13 aa

R.Torrens, CB. h. p. 38
of 67 F. 19 July 22 July 16Dr. Commandant Ca- F. Adj. Gen. E.,
Benj. Ansley, KC. from George
Burrell, 18 F. do. valrif Depot, Aide-de- 13 H. E. Joddrcll, late of
Sco. Fus. Gds. do. Jas.OgiIvie,C'-B. Unatt. do. Camp to the Queen do. Gren. Gds. do.
W. Oravatt, late of R. luv. J.Farrer, h.p. Grk. L. Inf. do. 15 Sir A. J. Dalrymple, Bt. 15 as
H. Dawkins.Unatt. do.
Eng. do. 13 T. B. Aylmer, h.p. 9 P. h. p. 2 Gar. Bn. do. do. D. Forbes, CB. h. p. 78 F. do.
George Gauntlett, late of do. 15 Sir James Hen. Reynett, 13 John P. Ewart, CB. Isp.
F. do. n.3.TtXAiA\,KII.Ass.Clua. KCH. h. p. 52 P. do. do. F.O. of a Bee. Dist.
ID Wm. Woodgate, CB. lat< Mast. Gen. inlreland do. W. Smelt, CB. 37 P. do. do. Hen. A. Proctor, CB. h. p.
60 F. do. R.G. EIrington, CB 47F. do.
. Tho. Abernethie, KH. late )F. do.
¥ C. C. Patrichson, CB. late 15 H.C.E. Vernon, CB.Unat. of R. Mar. do. Wm. Jervois, KH. h. p.
of 43 P. do. do. 13 And. Creagh, CB. late of 53 P. do.
^3 J. Johnst. CocTirane, late J. Ready, Lt.- Gov. of the 81 F. do. W. Riddall, KH. Unatt. do.
of Sco. Fus. Gds. 85 do. Isle of Man do. Jas. Robertson Arnold, KH. T. P. Addison, h. p. 99 F. do.
13 a® C. Albert Vigourcux, R. Eng. Aide-de-Camp 13 P. Cockburn, 2 W. I. R. i«.
1825. CB. h.p. 45 P. do. to the Queen do. Gov. of the Bahamets do.
M. W. Lee, late of 86 F. 15Sir J. Arch. Hope, XCB. 13 W. Wemys, h. p. 93 P. Tho. Steele, Unatt. do.
27 May Sco. Gus. Gds. do. 15 C. J. Doyle, h. p. 2 Gar. Bn.
il. TT. Light, late of 25 F. do. ISSir R. J. Harvey, C3. h. p. 13 Geo. Earl of Munster, Lt. Gov. of Grenada do.
15 D. Campbell, late of F. Port. Serv. do. Unatt. Gov. and Capt. 15T. Charretie, h.p. 7 W. I. R.
do. 13 a® Sir H.D.Ross,SCS. of Windsor Castle, Aide- do.
^ ar. Thornton, CB. late of R. Art. do. de-Camp to the Queen do. Sir Geo. Arthur, KCH. h.
32 F. do. 13 Sir Dudley St.Leger Hill, Rob. Pym, CB. R. Art. do. p. York Ch. do.
W. Spearman, late of 2 CB. Unatt. do. Wal.Tremenheere, KH. late C. L. L. Foster, Unatt. do.
D. G. 27 May 15 Sir Edm. K. Williams, of R. Mar. 28 Dec. aSi E. Parkinson, CB. h. p.
T. Weston, h. p. 14 Gar. Bn. KCB. 9 P. do. Harry Perciv. Lewis, do. do. 11 P. do.
do. Henry Sullivan, CB. 6 P. do. a®
Tho. Hunter Blair, CB.
Sir S. 0. Biggins, KCH. Camac, Unatt. do.
13 BPirges 1831. Unatt. do.
late of Sco. Fus. Gds. do. R.M'Douall, CS.h.p.Gleng. 13 A. Campbell, CB. 46 F. aia Edward Cheney CB.
Sir F. Hanheii, 6CMO. F. 22 July Extra Aid-de-Camp to h. p. WatteviUe's Reg. do.
late of 15 F. do. Ben. Frehe, CB. late of 51 the Queen 6 May ISaaR. Lluellyn, CB. h. p.
15 Sir J. M. Doillc, KCB. P. do. 13 J. Bell, CB. h. p. do. do. 28 P. do.
late of 12 Gar. Bn. 13 Sir Rich. Armstrong, CB. 13 S. B. Auchmuty, CB. late aa
P. A.Lautour, CB. KH.
15 John. Hamilton, late of Unatt. do. 8 Gar. Bn. do. do. h. p. 23 Dr. do.
Coldst. Gds. do. 13 Sir P. Stovin, KCB. & 13 T. Lightfoot, CB. h.p. 45 P. ISaa John Hare, CB. KH.
Wm. Senl. Baihes, do. do. KCMG. do. do. do. do. 27 F. do.
am C. Gold, CB. late of 13321 Sir G.Camptell, CB. 15 A. D. Faunce, CB. Insp. 15 Peter Brown, h. p. 14 P. do.
R. Art. 20 July Bt. do. Dep. Quar.Masl. F.O. of Bee. 15T. P. Wade, CB. Unatt. do.
W. Aug. Keate, late of Gen. in Ireland do. 13G.Bro\vn, CB. Efl".Rif.B. 13 aiZSR. Egerlon, CB. do. do.
Sco. Fu. G. 16 Sept. 13 R. G. Hare, CB.Unat. do. do. do. 13aa W. Clialmers, CB.
15 Sir C. P. Smith, CB. R. Lord F. Fitz Clarence, KH. h. p. 67 F. do.
1830. Eng do. aCH. Unatt. do. do. aa F. Dalmer, Unatt. do.
15 John B. Ward, CB. late ) Ales. Thomson, CB. h.p. G. P. Wingrove, Com. of R. aa
13 John Boteler Parker,
of a Dr. 22 July P.
1 do. Mar. at Woolwich 6 May CB. R. Art. do.
Geo. Grogan, h. p. Corsi- 15 C. G. Ellicombe, CB. R, 13 aac. H. Churchill, CB. 31
can R. do. Eng. do. P. Quar. Mast. Gen. in
J. Daniell, late of 49 F. do. 13 H. Goldfinch, CB. do. do. East Indies do.
13 W. Williams Blake, CB. 15 aai J. W. Smith, CB. 15 aa G.Miller,
late of 11 Dr. do. R.A. do. 13aaC.Beckwitb, CB. h.p.
13 Sir E. Miles, CB. late of P. G. Hcriot, CB. h.p. C Rilie Br. do.
89 F. do. Vol. do. 15 aaJ. Campbell, CB.Insp.
JoJtn Shedden, do. do. 1835. Field Off. Bee. Dist. do.
15 W. H. K. Erskine, CB. Jas. Power, R. Art. 6 June aa Wm. Campbell, CB.
h. p. Bradshaw'sLevy do. do. do. C. Younghusband, do. 12 do. h. p. 2S F. do.
M. Mahon, h. p. R. York 15 W.P. P. Napier, CB. h.p, aa Jas. Claud Bourchier,
Ra. do. 48 P. do. 1836. h. p. 22 Dr. do.
J. M. Evcrard, h. p. 77 F. do. ^5 J. Duffy, CB. Unatt. do. 13 G. Crawford, R.A. 27 Apr. aa Jas. Grant, CB. h. p. 23
13 G.Wyndham, h.p. 20 D. do. M. Lindsay, CB. late of 13 J. Aitchison, Sc. Fus. Gds. P. G.ofScarb.Cas. 10 Jan.
13 Sir A. Maclaine, CB. Unat, 78 P. do. 20 May 13 aa P. Browne, CB. h. p.
do. Hen. Daubeney, KB. h. p. Rifle Br. do.
^ W. G. MacGregor, Imp. F. 83 P. do. 1837. aa Tho, W.Taylor, CB.Lt.
0. of London Bee. Dist. 13 aat Doug. Mercer, CB. 13 Cha. Edw. Conyers, CB. Go-. R. Mil. College do.
do. Unatt. do. Insp. F. Offl. 10 Jan. 13 aa L. Arguimbau, CB.
13 as J. Hay, CB. P. M. Milraan, do. do. 15 G. A. Henderson, KH. do. h.p. P. 1 do.
Wm. Wood, CB. KU. h. p. ajB J. Reeve, do. do. do. 13 aa Mich. Childers, CB.
41 F. do. ^5 J.Tunson, CB. h.p. S7P. do. R. Roberts, KH. Unatt. do. late of 6 Dr. do.
^ Sir W. Warre, CB. Unat. 15 W. A. Gordon, CB. h. p. 13 Roger Parke, do. do. 13 aa Hen. G. Smith, CB.
Comtn. at Chatham do. 95 F. do. 13 R. B. Maepherson, CB. Unatt. Dep. Qua. M. Ocn.
C. Ashe A'Court, CB. KU. 13 ass S. A. Goodman, CB. KH. h. p. 71 P. Cape of Good Hope do.
h. p. Gr. Lt. Inf. do. KH. h. p. 48 F. do. Geo. Ham. Gordon do. do. 15 aaPelix Calvert, CB. Un-
13 G. CiD'Aguilar, CB. Unat. T. Kcnnh, CB. h.p. 68 P. do. Philip Hay, h. p. 25 Dr. do. att. do.
Dep. Adj. Gen. in Ireland 15 aSl Sir R. Gardiner, KCB. aai John Slcssor, late R. I. 15 aa W. Staveley, CB. do.
do. ^- KCH. R. Art. Aide-de- Art. & h. p. 35 F. do. Dep. Q. M. Gen. in the
15 Cha. Wm. Paslcy, CB. R. Camp to the Queen do. .4. Allen, late R. I. Art. do. Mauritius do.
EnR. do. ^5 S. Lambert, Jas. Irving, do. do. 13 aa Sir De Lacy Evans,
Cape Reg.
J. G. Cuyler, h. p. 13 ajS John Fremantle, CB. John Carr, do. do. A'CB. h. p. 6 W. I. R. do.
aJS G. O'Malley, CB. 88 P. Coldst. Gds. Aide-de. David Williams, late of 15 Hon. Leicester Stanhope,
do. Camp to the Queen do. 17 P. do. CB. Unatt. do.
Peter D'Arcy, h. p. 7 Garr. 13 Lord George W. Russell, Pat. Nicolson, h. p. 27 P. do. 15 A.
Bn. do. OCB. Unatt. do. do. C. P. de Bosset, CB. KH. 13 aa T. H. H. Davies, late
$ £. R. J. Cotton, h.p. 10 F. 13 Edw. Wynyard, CB. Unat. h. p. 50 P. do. of 6 Dr. Gds. do.
do. do. do. 13 Jas. Allan, CB. 67 P. do. 13 aa Cha. Allis, Unatt. do.
Cllas. Turner, Unatt. Ass. ^ Jas. Fergusson, CB. h.p. 13 a® Arch. Money, CB. Tho. Brooke, late of Gren.
Aty. Gen, in Ireland do. Coldst. Gds. do. do. h. p. eo F. do. Gds. do.
Colonels. — Lieut.- Colimch.
9 Wm. Hcn.Scotl, SCO. Put. Oideon Uorrtqutr, KB. Ulo Comm. of R. SiR Sir Oeo. Charlri UoHe.
Jone», i
<JJ«. 10 Jan. of t P. 10 J>Ui. Portmiouth 2."U
II CB. R. Eng. 2!l J„...
II. I*. Uavlton, h. p. 6 Wttt T. W. Fonit.r, h. p. 24 F. do. BTh. <1. J. Ilunling, CB. do. do
luJ. R. do. T. P. Howard, iC/f. li. p. 2.1
^^r Tlio. Rmilo, CB. h. p. Mont. Beviaiijt, lale J. Rcss Wright,
do. do
Dr. do. of R. Mar. do. Sa Sir H.G.Macleod, KB.
S4 F. do. A. MacInt'hloD.h. p.68F. do Wm. Conolly, B. Mar. do. Unalt. Lt. Gov. of Tri-
V Jn. Uorilljon WlUon, CB. R. W. MUI«, h. p. » P. do Cha. Aug. Sluwe, Coldsl. nidad do.
KU. h. p. 77 F. Aij. to Pre. Aihwortb, h. p. P. do M Ods. 8 Aug. r Stawell,
CKfti. Hoxji. do. R.B.P,«ron,CB.40F. Drp. Bit Roijal Bigfinett Priiire C. o. J. Arbuthnot, 72 F. do.
rrho.Wllljhirc, Adj. Gen. tUut India do. George W. P. C. o/ Cam- Tho. Valiant, KB. 40 P. do.
H.Ofilaiider. I'il. S« P. do.
M Slewurt, h. p. I*or. S«r. do. 9 Hen. BalueavU, C.««. * bridge, KG. 3 Nov. C. O. Palconar, KB. 22 P.
Ktf. L'lialt. ToKn ilaj. Oeo. Bvally, R. Mar. 27 Dee. JRd. England, A'B.4I
ia <>n>. Ef mt, loan. Cum- o/ J/u;(o do. C. Middk'loii, Unalt. Attitt.
tnaiul. Mitit. Asylum at V. E. Eyre, late H. Grin.
SoutftainfttoH do.
I!>3a. Comm. Car. Depot do.
OOj. do. BZQR.EIIison, Gr.G.9 Jon. Alex. Fisher
Ho». H. E. BuUer, h. p. 2 Macintosh,
Pni. Maule, KB. late of U. Greenwood, 2 Life Ods. KB. Unatt. do.
U»r. Bn. do. 8»P.
V Ml W. Drumrooad. Sco, Pat, Burke, h. p. 08 P.
12 do. Sa B. Lord Uotham, Unatt.
PlH. Odl. do. John Wbetham,
_„ 9 Thomas A. Parke, CB. R. do.
h. p. 1 Gar Hat. tothe Joi. Palerson,
9 E. PlrmlnK, CA. Intp. Bn. do. queen
do. do.
26 April UOeo.Tunier,CB.R.A«. do.
Field Ojr. Km-. DUt. do.
Sir W. tiouvit, KCH. R.
Tho. T. Wooldridsi KB. Pr. Campbell, R. Art. 1 1 June
h. p. 91 P. do. fJohn A.Mein, 74P.28do.
Enj. do BO. L. Goldie, A. Weddt-rbumy late of
9 Sir Alel. Andcnon, C£ Oui. Rochfort, h.p. lOO F. do. Coldst. Gds.
do. B£a T.Wildman, h. p. B Dr. Peter Dumas, h. p. 4 W. I.
B John Roll, TB. do. do. R. U. Gor.o/Grarctnid
O. Crdrw, R. Ens. /. Drinktrater Bclhune,
do. Bon. P. Cathcart, h.p. 92 F. and Titburv Fort. do. h. p.Comm. Dep. 1 Sept.
?TurniTCr«nt. do. SaKMildm.Fane.S4P. do.
££l Sif Chii. WVbh Duice, W. H. Meyrick, Unalt. do.
KH. h. p. R. Vk. Ra. do. as John Martin, t'natt. do.
9 G. P. Hi|:giin<.n, do. do. Henry Hewett, do. do. Tho. (Frederick, h. p. 84 P.
f J«ini»Hugh», CB. h. p. Sir J. Macra, KCB. do. do. let Wyndham, late of
1st Dr. do. 1 Jan.
£ja O. Bowles. Col. Ods. do. P. do.
9 Philip BalDbriggie, CB. Tho. Buiihury, 4-^.87 P. do. H. £ar;o/libridee, Un. do. 1800.
.!«. (jiMr. Jtfuj. (rVn. do. I January.
B Bon. H. P. C. CavendL«h, va Bon. H. Hely Hutchin- W. Earl of Lonsdale, KG.
9 Wm. O. Power, CB. iftf. 1 Life Ods. do. son, Unalt. do. h. p. M P.
R. Art. do.
B K.Snod(mi»»,rB.rn. do.
T. Youughusband, h, p. 4 aa Sir J. M. Wallace, Ph. Walsh, h. p. Ir. Brigade
BW, Bal.aird. CB.
D. G. do. KH. S Dr. O. do.
Hen. Standi&h, h.p. 39 P. do. }l £a E. Wildman, K'B'. h. p. leos.
B £8 Semp. Strcllou, CB. Ph. Ray, h. p. S. P. Ods. do. Chass. Brit. do. R- Walke.,
!4 F. Lt. Ooe. of
h. p. do. J. W. Aldred. h. p. 60 P. do. Bifon.J.Pinch, S/i^erjiett 25 Sept.
B Thu. Erekine N'apier,CB. £a Lord J. T. H. Somer- Jaa, Lindsay, do. do.
h. p. Ch»».«. Bril. Auut. «el, Unatl. do. sea Wm. G.Moore,
At(j. Gen. in Ireland do. BG.Couper, CB. KB. Cnatt.
B N«lh. Thorn, CB. KB.
P. D'Este, KCB. 9 C. Aug. West,' Lt. Goe. of
do. do. do. Landffuard Fort 5 May
Alt. Quae, Mas. Gen. do. H.Godwin, J.Campbe|i,K'J.95 P. do!
B W.

H. Sewell, CB. 31 P. ta
PliUip Woddioiue, late IWm. Cochrane, Cnatt. Ju.
Dep. liimr. Halt. Gen. 1807.
of 1 Life Gds. do. Adj. Gen. do. H. Le Blanc,
East ludicx do. tSi T. W. Robbin.«, h. p.
ilaj. of diet.
B £B W. L. IHrUne, h. p. 5ta H Somerset, KB. Cape
. tea Hospital 6 Feb.
If F. do. Mounted Rif. Comm. on
SOarrOn. do. £21 Rod. Macneil, the Frontitr, Cape oj' 1810.
9 as Jot. Tluckwell, CB. BOw- Dean Pilt,
KB. Iiup. Good Bope do. C. de Vogelsang, h. p. Roll's
KB. S Or. do Fd. Djr. Bee. Vist.
im Art.
A. Mtcdonald, CB. R. m. Sutherland, 5 F. do.
do. «H.Rain,y,
do. Nich. Wodehouse, 50 P. do.
Hec. M'Laine, Unatt. do.
Rcgt. 25 July
»m. Dales, KB. h. p. Mac-
, Earl of Darlingti donald's Recr. Corps do.
9 .Sii- Wm. L. Hi-rrie*, CB. B Va. Bon. C. Gore, CB.
A'C//. liiatt. do. KH. Dp. Quae. Mast.
Unat.. B £a J. Baron Bulow, CB.
Geo. Aug. Wetherell CB. KH.]i.p. Ger. Leg. 1 .Aug.
BJ.MDooald, Oen. in Canada KB.
do. 1 F. do. J. W. de Ulmenslein, do.
B Tho. S. St. CWr, CB. KB. Robert Dalyell, Vnall.
do. John M'Caskill, 1:^.9 P. do. 23 Oct.
I'nalt. do. Sa
W. L. Walton, Coldst. John Carter. KB. 1 P. do.
B"-^'. Wm. Palj, CB. KB. Gds. do. W.Douglaa, h.p. R. Eng. do.
M P. do. 9 Wm. Rlchaxdjon, R. Hor.
,- 2a J. Simpson,
g , „. Unal. do
Rob. Lucas, h. p. York. Ra.
BO. H. Zuhlckr, CB. h. p. _ Gdi.
Port. S.^rr. do BThomajFyet»,R, Eng. do.
do. B aa J. p. Love, CB. KB.
53 P. do. C. J. 3IUntl, CB. late of
G. W. Wolkrr. 21 P.
do. BEd. Famhawe, CB. do. do.
Lord J. Uu7, I'nalt. Tho. Cunnioeham, do. do.
ZS Bon. G. Anson, Va. do! 05 P. do.
D. il'Or.gor, do. do Luke Aim, CB. lale of .55 P.
do. Tho. J. Forbid, R. Art. do. Edw. Warner, h. p. 26 P do
T. Halh. Duw«, CB. h. p. 11 July
Tho. Rogers, CB. do. do. B ^m. C. Silon, CB. h. p. 9i>BIt.B. Cooke, CB. lalc
22 Dr. do. Thomai Gunible, do. do. tW P.
Barri, B. Barrit, KB. Imlr Alel. Monro, KB. do. ofOren. Ods. 7 Nov.
do. do. Nich. Hamilton, KB. Imp
of nP. 10 Jim Ja«. P.Cockbum, do. do. Field (Iff. Kee. Dul. do. isia.
BTbo. J. WnnxH, CB. h. p. Tiomas Colhy, R. Eng. do. H. Stapleton, h. p. 40 P. do. Pra. Plunkett, late 5
»» P. ». do.
Rob. H.Bin-h, R. An. do.
Jamea D«inl«, 3 P. do. Vel. Bn.
B R- Burd nabrirl, CB. KB. -. R-Poi. Unalt. Brt.Aidt-
1 Jan.
M. B John Hansel, CB. lale of
h. p. 22 Dr. do. de-Comptathe Qu^t^i do. Tho. Kennedy, h.p. 96 P. do. 53 P.
BIlTi.TIiomiu, rB.2« Ja». Armstrong,
Biaw.Howan.CB. Tho. PaUrson, do.
R. Art. do. eS Cha. Anih. Ferdinand B Sa Buyh Balkett, CB.
V in Jw. iihaw Kmnrdr. Nath. W. Oliver, do.
do. Benlinck, Cold. Od». do KCB. late Ger. Leg. do.
do. ' Rob. H. Sale, CB. IS P. do 9Itusttll3lannerl, CB. late
<B. d... do. BR- J J.Lary R.Art. 23June
9 iSi X-Vr.H. Lord SwJr,, 0. L<wifc CB. Comm. of R.
, |
Oa H. Lane, Cnatt.
1. O. BaumgardI, 2 P.
June m of 74 F. 6 Feb.
do. do. J/ar.a/PJyiwouM lOJuly
do. B Bai/m. Prill/, CB. lale o(
pSir Thomu Hen. Brovnr,

B Rohert Mckle, A'iT. Pan. 5« P. 23 Apr.

KCB. h. p. » P. B El. Lawrence, CB. Conitn. I S<'rT. do. B J. P. Hunt. CB. lale of
o//(.Jir<ir.<uC«afAawi do. Daniel Falla, Unalt. Torrn IIP. 27 do.
Rich. W. H. How, VfW, Edw. Carter
I'oMt. do.
Horaby, laK
or R. Mar.
MaJ. of Oibrattar do. B£a C.Boican, CB.Iate of
do. 90r.C.Lewi>, 52 P. do.
Lieut.- Colonels.

^ Barcourt F. Holcoinhe, Sir C. R. O'Donnell, do. s. 1? Sm W. C. E. Holloway,

CB. late of R. Art. 27 Apr. 15 Aug. CB. R. Eng. 26 Feb.
Rod. de May, h. p. Watte- t3Tho.ChapIln, Edward Studd, Unatt. do.
ville Regt. 21 May 1817. John LesUe, KB. 4 F. 29 do. 130. S. Campbell, CB. h. p.
9 J. B. Harrison, CB. late }SGeo. F. Macleod, CB. late W. Pe.irce, KB. Unatt. do. 1 F. 25 Aj.r.
ofSOF. 19 June of Roy. Eng. 21 June Rob. B. Coles, do. 19 Sept. Robert Bartloy, 49 F. do.
$ C/ut. Cothcr, CB. late of Bob. Lisle, CB. late of 13 James Fleming, do. do. Geo. Thornhill, CB. late of
83 F. do. Dr. do. ass Ed.Clive.Gren.Gds. do. 14 F. 1 May

^aasir J.Hartman, JSTCS. Gabriel Burer, Unatt. 3 July ass E. P. Buckley, Unatt. H. R. Ferguson, G. Gds. 8 do.
* KCE. h. p. Germ. Leg. 26 do. E. F. Gascoigne, Un. 3 June
17 Aug. R. Doherty, R. Afr.Col. C. do. Dugald CampbeU, late of R.
$ (fust. Brown, CB. late of ^9 ass Edw. Byam, Unatt. do. Art. 17 do.
95 F. do. William Rogers, do. do. Jas. Considine, KB. Unatt.
Jas. Williamson, Comjn. B. 1819. 13 C. O'Neil Prendergast, 1 July
muturil Asiiluni 17Sept. Nathan Wilson, KB. Unatt. Unatt. 26 Oct. 13a5SGeo.Hilller,62F.24do.
Sir R. Church. CB. OCH. 12 Aug. G, Lord Bingham, Unatt. Henry Craig, h. p. 100 F. do.
late ofGrk.Lt. Inf. 19 Nov. H. Richardson, h. p. 33 F. 9 Nov. ass R. Beauchamp, Unatt.
Aug. 12 Tho. Drake, 16do. 5 Aug.
1813. E. NicoUs, late of R.Mar. do. ass Cha. Yorke, do. .30 do. R. R. Loring, do. 25 Sept.
Dabert Ostrald, CB. late of G.R.P.Jarvis, E. Jackson, KB. do. 12Dec. 13L. B. Badcock, KH. 15
Greek Lt. Inf. 18 May /. W. O'Domghue, CB. John Hogge, KB. do. do. Huss. 21 Nov.
Sir J. Malcolm, KCB. late late Unatt. do. ^Hol. Custance, 10 F. do. Bon. G. R. Abercromby,
of R. Mar. 4 June J.H. Richardson, Unatt. do. Unatt. do.
SffiJ W. Baron Linsingen, ass Bon. E. Stopford, h. p. 1)H.Armytage,
CB. i' 22 Dr. 14 do. A. M. Maxwell, KB. 36 F.
C. Plenderteath, CB. late 13 Sir J. R. Eustace, KB. Gr. 25 do.
of 49 F. do. 1823. Gds. 19 Dec. H. F. Cleaveland, R. Art.
* Thos. Armstrong, late of Jas. Payler, Unatt. 31 July H. Stisted, Unatt. do. 9 Dec.
Coldst. Gds. 19 do. G. E. P. Barlow, do. 4 Dec. ass B. Drummond, Sco.Fus. Bon. A.F.Ellis, 60 F. 18 do.
m J. P. Batvhins, CB. late Gds. 21 do. P. M. Wallace, R. Art. 30 do.
of68F. 21 do. 1824. ^ ass J. James Suodgrass, St. J. A. Gierke, KB. Unatt.
5 Win. Orove White, CB. aaft Bon. Rob. Moore, h. p. Unatt. Dcp. Qua.-Mast.- 30 Dec.
late of 94 F. 26 Aug Coldst. Gds. 1 Apr. Gen. Nova Scotia 25 do. SUB Robert Batty do. do.
as George Fead, CB. late aiiS Sir H. Floyd, Bt. Bon. Sir E. Cust, KCB. H. W. Barton, do. do.
ofGren.GdB. 13 Dec. Unatt. 6 May Unatt. 26 do. Rich. Jones, R. Art. 31 do.
aSBE.Keane, Unatt. 17June Dennis Daly, Unatt. 30 do. J, Edward Jones, do. do,
1814. W. Charaberlayne, do. do. H. Du Vernet, h. p. R. Staff
Geo. Macdoncll, CB. late 1825. W.Leader. Maberly,do. do. C. do.
of 79 F. 24 Feb. ^3Ch. Purvis, h.p. Can.Fenc. Henry Salwey, do. do. ass R.Wallace, KB. Unatt.
^ John Galiffe, CB. late of 27 May
60 F. 3 M ^ Rob. Maedonald,CB. late Henry Dwyer, Unatt. 10 Jan.
^J Win. Cowcll, CB. late of of Royal Art. do.
Benj. Graves, h. p. 12 F. do. iSSUa J. Gurwood, CB. do.
42 F. do.
15 Mar.
^ W. L. Serford, CB. late aa Jn. Grey, Unatt. 25 Oct.
Jeremiah Taylor, do. 22 do.
of 23 F. do. WA Hen. Madox, KH. do. H. W. Vavasour, R. Eng.
31 Dec.
J. Elliott Cairnes, KB. 28 Jan.
aaa Geo. MuUlebury, CB. Unatt. 29 do.
late of 69 F. 17 do. T. P. Thompson,Unatt.
C. Newhouse, late R,
^ F. J. Davies, Gren. Gds.
24 Feb.
30 Apr.
Art. 4 Ju ID aai F. Fuller, CB. late of A. Findlay, KB. h. p. R.
59 F. 19 Jan.
John Home, do. 10 May 19 Mar.
|ja2S Geo. With R. Wyatt, Unatt. 31 do.
Afr. Corps
KH. late of Rif Brig. do. ISMathiasEverard, CB.KB. H. 19 J. H. Schoedde, 55 F. 20
14 F. do. (3 JohnEraser, h.p. 1 R. V.
WSi.M. W. Bailey, CB. late Bn. Dep.- Quar.- Mast.
of 64 F. do. ii)Cec.Bisshopp,CB.ll, Bon. H. R. Molyneux, 60 F.
Gen. in Ceylon 24 do.
tm F. S. Miller, CB. late Sm C. p. Ellis, li. p. RoU'i
J. Fr. Crewe, Unatt. 6 June
9 Apr.
of 6 Dr. do. Reg. 16 Feb. ass SoM.S.O'Grady, Unatt.
Jonathan Peel, do. 7 do.
C. De Villicy, late R. For. W. W. Higgins, KB. Unatt. 14 do.
25 do, ass G. D. Slanden, Sco.
Art. do. 13 Jn.Townseud, 14 Dr. lOdo.
Fus. Gds. 12 July
aSB P. DorviUc, CB. Una. do. }D aa Sir W. R. Clayton, Bt 33 J .Peddie, KB.90 F. 28.Aug. H. J. W. Bentinck, Coldst.
^ Sir Ben. Pyim, CB. late do. 8 Apr Gds. s. 16 May
of Port. Serv. do, faSRob. Arnold, 16 i John Shelton, 44 F. 6 Sept. Wm. Bush, KB. 1 W. I. R.
13Tho. Bell, CB. 48 F.20 do.
•M.Shawe,lateof76F. 9do, tHaai Fran. Hen. Dawkins, 22 do.
Unatt. Z>ei). Quar. Mast. ass C. King, KB. Insp. Fd. G. Graydon, KB. R. Eng. do.
GcJi. Ionian Islands do. Otf.of a Rec. Dist. laOct. F. T. BuUer, Unatt. 4 Juno
Wm.Roberts,lateof R.Art.
Wm. Macadam, KH. Unatt. 13
6 Nov.
13 Jas. Johnston, 99 F. 1 1 do.
Art. 1 Ju 22 do.
Sir H. Fairfax, Bt. Unat. do.
J. D. Tovey, Unatt. U
WL W. von Robert: aa Bon. G. Cathcart, 1 Dr.
Marc. Beresford, 3 F. do.
B. J. Smith, do. do.
KCB. h.p. Ger. L. 18 do Gds. 13 May aSB Tho. Reed, 62 F. do.
13 ass Jas. Chas. Chatterlon,
ass G. Baron von Krau- J. Spink, KB.
Unatt. 20 do.
KH. 4 Dr. Gds. 18 Dec. Hen. Despard, Insp. Field
chenberg, CB. KCB. h. p. iJ aSa Jas. Jackson, 6 KB. Off. Rcc. Distr. 13 do.
Ger. Leg. do. Dr. Gds. 25 do, 19aa J.Vnndeleur, 10 ass R. Macdoiiald, CB.
KB. Bon. J. H. Caradoc, KB.
^323 Aug. Clem. Friedrichs, ^J R. C. Mansel, Unatt. late of 35 F. 25 do.
Unatt. 25 do.
KB. do. do. Ass. Adj. Gen. in Ireland
13 R. Douglas, CB. late of R.
13 T. A.Braudreth, CB. R.Art.
aai J. p. Bridgcr, CB. late 10 June 27 Oct.
Art. 31 do.
of 12 Dr. do. |!)G.P.Dradshaw,,
Jas. M'Alpine, Unatt.
Bon. Hen. Dundas, CB.
^ ass G. Boron von Baring, Wm. Hay, Unatt. do.
Bon. G. Berk. Molyneux,
83 F. 3 Dec. Tho. Dobbin, do. do Dav. Story, R. Art. 10 do.
8 Dr. do.
^J aat Jon. Leach, CB. late John Drummond, do. 22 do, j9 ass Jos. Logan,63 F. 17 do.
J. A.£;.()/'Rosslyn,9Dr, do.
of Rifle Brig. do. }9Rob.Fr. Melville Broivne. 13 R. Thomson, R.Eug. 20 do.
13 W.T.KnoUys, S.Fus. G. do.
$ aiS Geo. Davis Wilson, do. 11 July
CB. late of 4 F. do. ^JJ.Freeth,X'//.h.p.R.StaH' 1828. 18S0.
^ aai Leslie Walker, CB. C. As. Qr. Mast. Gen. do, W. F. O'Reilly, CB. h. p. R. B. C.Browne, Unatt. 16 Mar.
i'/Mateof 25 F. 31 Aug. aai Fra. Le Blano, Unatt. do, African Corps 18 Jan. .Sir J. M. F. Smith, KH.
aai Hon. G. L. D. Vainer, affllG.W.Horton,do. lAug, 13 am C.F.R.Lascellcs, Gren. R. Eng. do.
CB. late of 89 F. 4 Dec. aai J. B. Riddlesden, do. do. Gds. 21 Feb. U Rice Jones.ffii'.do.S June
9ta .4. K.Clwt kVoDMlr,
^' "thH.TUrM.UJuiv
P>aiim. llpvKk, Ka. h. 11.

«Htn.Uoolh,A«.l3F.vakio B£«o„.R" ".',",•
"'"• '"*'«"-» '^»- «i *• C»..ll. Merced. "^
E. \V. 0,11. f„.„. do-
H.(\,l,il..S.Ku..,;.. ejul,
Al«x. Camtibcll, Ktl. V I)r.
__ „ 10 do. Charl.-. Itowlev, I uall. „„
fim "m. Manlmll, Pari. J'.hn „ M-'ai. '''' P- """" Culd.r, Jo.
iJcolt, 4 Dr. do. \n f
\C. .. „ do

C.n.pb.dl, »« p. 0«. U,xamU.

do. ^^ m. «w
fHop.O., rnall.SOdo.
Jol.n H.^,1.
m <inihjini, liio!!. do.
C. KnitUl. 33 F. lOStpt.
Hen. rSfwwh
Goocb, n^\A,t
26 .Nov.
Coldsl. »i--
Ju. Yorke,
' r"
of «%.
17 July
i4 K. ju
H.R.I)icl„.s;.F„,f5,ij ,|„
iIo..n-. KM. lumi. jj jj
lii do.
E.W.BouTFrie, R. H.
Sco. Pus.
7.t,.u;.lGr.,.>,..:.-,p.o.N„,. n ni.
4 Dm. 8 Jos. Joni>s, 12 p. 2» do.
J.Joo.-^AV/.h.p.lil),.do. f Fendull, 4 Dr. 24 do.
llu. UurkiT Turuer, A"//. 2'4,'''"™- LialI.S5S.pI.
OiM. Uilu,r, h. p. 3 p. du tS Jo«ph Thoa. Pidgwin
'"rl.Scrv. do f Tlio. Ccr. Uall.SP. 2 0rl
«". Faac.'ll, h.
p. U F. do. Tho. JliwJ.r, R. Ens. 2 Di-c. ri'T\ „ 28<Jo.|fa£;;tun'il„n;nsUOP. do
Jo«. Philloll, h. 1..
Sir W. M. o. lul.-t.roolf,
K e. do ,

Jtt... The. £ar;

-' Cardit-un
Charles L«Iie, do. Cha. Huil.i-, F lido U
Kll. H. Arl. ^„r. uy- ,A L "Ir. 3 do. 1S.1.S
gSom.BuUon.Sl P.24NOV
0.>Jf.Thomlon, Gr.Od<. do. „ P . „ J*^-
Win. Colw, Inuti. 10 do.
Tho ,

*'" Mich. Cn-ach, KU.


MP. 31 do.
^i. John Hill,
do. Wm. Jame>, 26 P. 25 do!
John Eden, CB. Unalt. Dtp. J^Jn
M. Cli*., h. p. I G4r. Dn. do Wolrijc, lale of R.
«.H. Turn Ion, Mar.
AitJ. Gm. in Cuiuida do non. J. c. Wdilei
Fount,, h. p.
p. jo u -tfoK. Pra. H. Nii-dhain, Or.
Pui.l ds.
Guy C. Coffin, late of IL Art.
JI. Morruwn I

* ''»''
23 Dr. J. W. Fairlloiigh, xxr
m. r.
do. 9<U:IR>I.BruDion,
l\ Coi, KU. Part. Ssrr.
Hugli John Ciunepon. h. i I"Sepl.
€a Sdo.
York Chaurun do ISSI.
C. CadcU, KH. rnati- Wm. Crokcr 17 P 1 Ap
E^-C^'.'on. h. p. OC P. do. Edm. R. Storr, Inatl. « Feh.
"en. C. """""
V aa P. Cunpbell, fi. Ii. p. paaj cro*iA-// - " S.rea.field.-sV?:!"'"''"'"^'*'''
ii J ».
%Vd^ "
_«»'• do. ia Wm Pna^r Tnjili ««« p ,^ „
•f'O"- BaJtord, R. .Ul. 27 do. i

rTu ^"B„rtr^ \T^-^t. °"- ^- "'"'* ^^- " "• ""• Ff- Hi". 53 p. 13 May
VnLW««re,K^jr. J>ror. /Jn.
*t ChattuiiH Uo Charle. She.-, do. 5 Apr. J. D Rawdon Col r» v '." J^" n "* "'''"• <•">•
Tho. Burkf, h. p. 4 P. do.
t'^'^ I

A. Tod. h. p. a G«r Bn. do.

J. Cn-iehlon. h. p. iuP. do. Tho. Cubill, r! Art.
SloD». h. p. i< P. do.
H. H_. H,irlleT. I nail. do. |
&l Wm. B«k»ilh~ifff
'^»"""'. '<».
G. Baker, Vnatl.3 June iM
T.S.Tr»<ronl. h.p. 24 P. do.
io'rf Edw. Hay, do. 26do. r„ai, • '.rpriau Bridge, R. Art.
Ch«. H. Saiith, KU. h.
H. W. Barnard, Or™. Gds. Ferr. Loflus, Gr. Gdj 27 dC' E. 4 do.
K. S. B<illcr,36F. 17 do.
'S f- •'^- «"•««-» l-aH-Sldo.-
iS Jul.
Jm. L. Budpn, rJJ. R» P. do.

II Ham. Tr,U-n^, 1 An" |

*Jti Tho. Gore Browne, R.
I July ^"^
D. Cunptnll, h. S7 May IS34 „
Geo. W. Eyres, Gr. Gds. do.
p. 7U P. do. Huth Piper 3« P. OS do.

Hi-n.«, h.p. 3«F. do. *aJ.Campbell,

J H.E.RobiDi«Mi;so P. I Jan W. J. Codrinston,

II J. P. 0»lM, A-a. h. p. oe F. KH. Inatl. C™rje Todd. Tnall 31 dll' „Gd*
"'' 8 Jo.
r n- '- DA.O.Campbell, ig F.s F.b" Dun. Grant, R.
do. , . r, An. I > do.
aa E. T. Piu Gtrald, Ka.
f •<•"?.'. "I F.
Fran. Copland, Unall. lido.
^hp. I-'P. do. ta H.»r, i(°"- do. I
'o »' Harcourt, -
18 -'
\r H. A. Scoii. R. .\rl. lo.Auf.
|l;.T.mrh. ll, fnall. •
Open! G js! p"wm.7vUd'i','do. 18 £>.

Charirt, h. p. (16 F do. ^' .i^'. Bon.H.S.P^e.Vn'H " May Jn. Cade Pelli v, do.
John Che.t*r, h. p. 1 1 .Not.

O.Spoui»wo<«le.h.p.Tl! \
oli" eS Wni. Tumor,
J. llarrrT. A'//, h. p. »i P. do. Veil. Adj. Ocii.
W..r.r^de R». ln.?..IX: H^^TI^i^^^f^^t iu Ja-
C. Campbvll, h. p. F. do. w M^ir,
D,x„n. do.

» ia
maica 22 do.
Haml. Obln», h. p. M P. do. 27 do.
9 Anhtir Hunt, R. A 26 Oct ,
A. T. Maclean, ,3 ,i^ Edm. Morris, 49
F. do.
B .
W . Fludyer, Gr. Gds. 2 Dec.
Wiillain Ciuor. R. .In. do.
O«orrf Toiej, Inall. do.
Jaa. Hortoo, h. p. yeutnii's
John Otdde., KU. Inatl. I Sleph. Kirb», R. An 20 do' P m
J. RohS, luatt. 9do.
Jn. Whar. Frith, 58 F. 16 do.
•««»• do. Thomas Palls, Inalt. Vrp.
J««. Lalnc, h. p. 61 P. do. Adj. Grn.
E. A. AnKrlo, KB. I'
sea R-Anderwo, A i!f.»I F. I
Ar. lf„r,. Douro, Inatl.
do Wind/card 1st.
Leemird ^
2 Dm. £a G«). Gawltr, KH. do' 23 do.
John Bradiih, h. p. 2 Ce.Tlon I

R»et. Oor. nf S. Australia do.

do. IMfl \ 1837.
O.S. Ttiwail.'*, W. H. CoS!;a,U
Am. Lane, h. p. 44 P.IO Jan.
Vm. Cldst. i."i.'^.'^ln^e!;',ein,?re^
Tt SjII, KU. R. Ne«f. Anihon.v Lvster, I'natl. do
Vrt. C.I.. d„. John C.Smilh. do. At. Adj.
lord Rob. Korr, KIT. h p ?: Fi^Lr.,'i';;s::' * ^' ^"^'-. Ggit. in IrtUtttd do.
O0»r. Bn. .«i. AJj.On.
's'i''?:' ;

^?;f' Nalh. Bt-an, h. p. 4U P.

in .\ortJi BriUiin do DC-. '" *"•
P. S. sianhopr Gr. Cd.. do. I
Henry Senior, G5 P.
Geo.Cobhe, R. An. 20
do Jn. Ausun,
Unall. do.
». H. Enclbh, Ule of R.' C.CoLmane.t natt.20Apr. .N„°' Jacob Watson, do. do.
Mar. P.Edmo.Cn.i5le..-,5P 21 do Henry .N'uoih, h.
Jo. B.Br^e.d, p p. 14 P. do.
Rlch.Biior» » ^. Burro«e>, Unall.
C. French,^ A"^^ F Jas. M'Haffle. h. p. 80 P.
John M'Mahuu. liiall. do .
ISDe^i J.D.Lai; , h. p. 2 Gar. Bn. do.
Danifl O'Doo.^hue, h. p 27 do. 1835, Alei. Dani. 1, h. p. 03 F. do.
Oar. Bn. '^-"- "• '*''"'- «• J. Blackmore, h. p. » F. do
,|u r".'Jl^u:itSn'Lk.I Jut; ' ^-
Joapph Jrmrd, h. p. 6Gar 'i George Dods, h. p. I P. do.
do. Geo. J. Rogers I'nalt. do.
Rohrrt TirrrT. h. p. SI
p, W m. H. Dennic, CU. 13 R.ib. Blake Lynch, do. do
Tom Adj. at Malta do, P. Roh.Perruoo TOP 131(1°' Cha. C. Dixon, Suptrin. of
f Prtnrlch.p. Orr.Lait. dn. *J;,*!'^''""~".«^'j;-.H": Hoip. at Chatham do.
J.T. Whelan. h. p. R. .Nrwf E. Dudreueuc, h. p. g] p. do.
Q. itaj. On. in Jamaia, Bo,. T. Aahbiinham, Cold
F">. dn
H. Blake, h. p. 6 Gar.
13 do. Gdi. do! -- E. Kenny,
Unall. do.
Lieut. -Colonels. —Majors.
W. B. Tylden, R. Eng.lO Jan. Wm. Green, i-ir.Un.lO Jan. William Walker, do.lOJuly James W^ood do. 28 June
Pfa. Campbell, Unatt. do. Daniel Baby, do. do. John M'Callura, do. do. aa
Jos. .A. Butler, do. do.
C.C.Mackay, h.p. 78F. do. H. M'Gregor, h. p. 63 F. do. 43Cha.Menzies, KH. Co?nm. a£l W. F. Tinling do. do.
TV. B. KerstemaD, h. p. Cha. Lionel Fitz Gerald, h.p. Moi/. Marine Art. do. Andrew Clarke, KH. 46
10 F. do. 16 F. do. 43 H. J. Murton, R.M. do. aa
Stephen Holmes, KH.
^Tho. Blanshard, CB. R. Jas. Anton, Unatt. do. William Fergusson, do. do. Unatt. do.
Digby, do. do. Wm. Booth, 41 F. 11th do. ^H.H.Manners,K'
J. F. Briggs, KH. h. p. iaai Tho. Cox Kirby, do. do. James England, Unatt. do. Charles Forbes, 61 F. do.
F. do. Rich. Cole, do. do. HoH. Jas. Hope, Colds. Gds. Joseph Kelsall, 70 P. do.
Rob. Simson, KH. h p. 16 F Josh. Crosse, do.
. do. 8 Aug. 43 aa
John Luard,2I F. t. do.
Toimi Miijar of Hull do. J. G. N. Gibbes, h. p. Malta J. G. Robinson, Sc. F. Gds. 43 aCH G.Smith, R.H.Gds. do.
aa C. Wood, Unatt. do. Regt. do. 12 do. Court. Cruttenden,
Wm. Moore, h. p. 14 F. do. Tho. Buck, h. p. 98 F. do. R. Greaves, Unatt. 29 Sept. Rich. Wm. Astell, Gr. Gds.
P. Mathewson, h. p. R. Jas. B. Gardiner, h.p. 74F. H. Fane, h.p. llDr.s. 170cl. 7 July
York Ran. do. Tho. Jones, h. p. 21 Dr. do. John Jas. Whyte, 7 Dr. 21 do. 43aa|R.Macdonald,A'if.4F.
Arch. Cameron, h.p. 5 F. do. Geo. Nicholls, Unatt. do. C. Kearney, 2 Dr. Gds. 28 do. Bep. Adj. Gen. Bambuy
Han. E. Cadogan, h. p. 8 W. |) An. Emmett, R. Eng. do. 43 Rob. O'Hara, 56 F. 10 Nov. 13 do.
I. R. do. Wm. Crokat, Unatt. do. Peter Brome F. C. Gilliess, G. Knox, Coldst. Gds. 27 do.
^E. Knight, h.p. Port. Serv. Daniel Wright, do. do. Sc. Fus. Gds. do. Robt. Spark, 93 F. 28 do.
do. Rob. Bateman, do. do. 43 Edw.Charleton,irff.Unat. Thos. Butler, Unatt. 31 Aug.
C. II. Clanchy, do. do. Peter Dudgeon, do. do, Bep.AdJ.Gen.Cei/lonll do. Lord W. Thynue, do. do.
aa S. Reed, h. p. 71 F. do. Gerard Quill, do. do. Alex. Eraser, Unatt. 27 do. "Geo. Maunsell, 3 Dr. Gds.
I T. Dyneley, CB. R. J. Owen, CB. KH. Bcj). Jas. E. Freeth, 64 F. 1 Dec. 15 Sept.
Art. do. Gen. of It. Mar.
Adj. 43W. Cuth.Ward,R.E.9do. 43 Pred.Mac Bean, i' if. 84 F.
iaffl C. Diggle, KH. Ttoyal Aide -de -Camp to tlie 43 Fred. Arabin, R.Art. 18 do. 2 Nov.
Mil. Call. do. Queen do. John Hall, 1 Life Gds. 27 do. Walter Powell, R. Mar. 7do.
a2E Richard Croker, h. p. W. H. Davies, Unatt. do. Ricliard Swale, R. M. do. Pat. Fitzroy W. Campbell,
Port. Serv. do. J. Mitchell, do. do. '
Marq. Guiseppe de Piro, Sco. Fus. Gds. s. 9 do.
aSl R. Howard, Unatt. do. S tephen Cuppage, do. do. CMQ. R. MallaFen. Reg. Geo. Dcare, 21 F. 28 Dec.
^3 Geo. H. Dansey, 78 F. do. James Thomson, do. do. 29 do. T. Hen. Johnston 66 F. do.
Arthur Kennedy, Unatt. do. P.Jones, late of R. Mar. do. Lord C. Wellesley, 15 F. do. Tho. Hamilton, 19 F. do.
A. G. Downing, h. p.81 F. do. Cha. Wright, KH. B. Mil. aa C.Wyndham,2Dr. 30 do
John B. Lynch, Unatt. do. Coll. do.
T. Dundas, h. p. Ceyl. R. do. KorclifTe Norcliffe, i'H. h. p. 1838. T. H. Wingfield, 32 F. 19 Jan.
Jn. Wright, KH. R. Mar. do. 18 Dr. do. Jos. Walker, R. Mar. 1 Jan. H. A. Hankey, Unat. 7 Mar.
J. Murray Belshes, Unatt. do Sir Wm. Davison, KH. Fred. Clinton, do. 12do. aa J. Campbell, Part. Serv.
^ Wm. Reid, CB. R. Eng. h. p. 2 F. do. Richard Airev, 34 F. 10 Feb. 29 do.
Gai\ af Bcrnuida do. Rob. Mar. Leake, Unatt. do. Jas. Gordon, R. En. 31 Mar. Ploraer Young, KH. do. do.
S.Watts, h.p.4W. I. R. do. iSaaiE.y.Walcott, R.Art. Sir Wm. Alex. Maxwell, Bt. aa L. Carmichael do. do.
E. Knox, h.p. 2 Gar.Bn. do do. Unatt. 6 .ipr. H. D. Townshend, 24 F. do.
J. Babington, h.p. 24 Dr. do. A. J.Cloete, JTH.h. p. 21 Dr. Tho. Peebles, R. Mar. 26 do. J. B. B. Eslcourt, 43 F. do.
}3Sir J. S. LlUie, CB. h.p. do. F. Rawdon Chesney, R.Art. G. Philpo ts, R. Eng. do.
31 F. do. C. C. Johnson, h. p. lOF. do. 27 do. F.C. Griliillis, Unatt. 3 May
Sir F. Watson, h. p. Port. Hen.Cha. Russel, R. Art. do. 43J.Ratclifre,jrfl'.eDr.9June Wm. Blois,.,2 F. lido.
Serv. do. 43 Joseph Darby, R. Art. do. TJiomas Hall, 17 F. 23 do. Sic Walter Scott, Bt. 15
Sir Ed.Brackenbury, Unatt. Sffil Sam. Rudyerd, do. do. 43aaW.H.Elliott,K"if.51 F. Huss. 31 May
do. i3 aaC. C. Dansev, CB. 27 do. T.W. Nicholson, KH. Unat.
B. Orlando Jones, do. do. do. do. David Graham, h. p. 56 F. 28 June
T. Peacocke, h. p. Port. Daniel Bissett, do. do. I do. Tho. Wood, Gr. Gds. 28 June
Serv. do. $ A. Fife Crawford, do. do. John Algeo, 6 F. Hon. C. A. Wrottesley, 29 F
Ja. Delancey, Unatt. do. Hen. Wm.Gordon, do. do. P. Edwards, Unatt, 3 July
Wm. Hulme, 96 F. do. Rich. Tho. King, do. do. Vm. Freke Williams, K H.
B. Harvey, KH. h. p. 1 F. Wra, Daniel Jones do, do. Part. Serv. do.
Ft. Maj. of Edinburgh do.
C. Dixon, late of R. Eng. do.
43Wm.H Slade,
a W.Cartwright,
W. Leighton Wood, aa J. Garland, KH. do. do,
h. p. 21 F. do. (3amG. M' Rob. Fraser, KH. h.p. 93 F.
^ aa H. Baynes, KB. h. p. is R.Zach.Mudge, Fort Major of Jerset/ do, 1785.
R. Art. do. Archibald Walker, do. do. R. W. Hartstonge, Unat. do, Sir Rob. Clayton, Bt. h. p.
%l aSa A. Barton, KH. 12 Dr. Sheihurne Williams, late of William Miller, KH. h. p. 82 F. 27 July
do. R. Eng. do. R. Art. do,
}3 Wm. B. Dundas, CB. R. 43 Fred. English, R. 49 John Campbell, 97 F. do. 1794.
Art. Alexander Brown, do. do. H.R. Saunderson, Unatt. do. P. Desbrisay, late of R. M.
Wm. Mackay, h. p. 60 F. do. V Ph. J.Percival, 43 Wm.Parry Yale,Unatt. do. 1 Mar.
aiB W. Tomkinson, h. p. }3aa W.F.Johnston, do. do. ^ Don. Urquhart, 39 F. do. Edw. Charleton, h.p. Ill F.
24 Dr. do. E.D. Wigram,Col.Gs. ISdo. Cha. H. Smith, h. p. 40 F. do
aai W. Webber, h. p. R. Art. aa John Cox, KH. Unatt. W. H. Newton, KH. Unatt.
do. 17 Feb. do.
^3 J. N. Wells, CB.R.Eng. do. J. R.Craufurd,
Or.Gds. 18 do. N. L. Darrah, 97 F. 28 June
affl Sir D. Mackworth, William
Stewart Balfour, Melviile Olennie, 60 P. do. 1800.
Bt. KH.
Unatt. do. Coldst. Gds. 24 do aa
Arthur Gore, Unatt. do. E. Wood, latB R. Inv. Art.
Wi John Browne, Unatt. aajos. Wakefield, 39 F. 43 Wm. Wilkinson, 49 F. do. 1 Jan.
10 Jan. 10 Mar. 43 G. Marshall, KH. 1802.
^aaffl W.Brereton, CB. KH. aa Wm. Ross. 23 F. 24 do. Dav. Goodsman, Unatt. do. T. Browne, h.p. 9 F. 29 Jan.
R. Art. do. Xarborough Baker 80 F. do. Loftus Owen, do. H.Bowen, late R.Inv. 25 Dec.
Wm. Bennett, Unatt. do. Henry Pratt, 17 Dr. 18 Apr. Pringle Taylor, KH. do. do.
Samuel Fox, do. do. Hen. N. Douglas, 78 F. 28 do. aa J. A. Schrieber, do. do. 1803.
aa Jn. Crowe, KH. do. do. Han. Chas.B. Phipps, Sco. 43 R. Winchester, aa K
H. Hugh Ooodwin,late 0148 F.
Tho. JIaling, 2 W. I. R. do. Fus. Gds. 20 May 92 F. do. 9 July
J. Robs, h.p. 3 W.I. R. do. Chas. Cyril Taylor, CB Henry Dundas Campbell, 1805.
John Bazalgette, Unatt. do. Part. Serv. 16 June Unatt. do. W. While, late 5 R. Vet. Bn.
Cha. CoUis, h. p. 84 F. do. G. Gust. Tuite, 3 Dr. 30 do. aai.R. Swinburne, Unatt. 1 Jan.
Peter Tripp, 98 F. do. 43 Thomp.Aslctt.R.M.lOJuly do. 1807.
Cha. Pepper, h.p. 27 F. do. Sir F. O. O. Lee, do. do. A. Rose, late 6 R. V. Bn.
Car. Spedding, h.p. 32 F. do. 43 Edw.Smith Mercer, do. do. 10 Dei

I«IS. P. A. .VI. Prater, Pur. Ser. sap. Bishop, KB. I'ualt.

1. Willlua>, b. p. R. Mar. «ei W. Bartm Decken. Kit. 8 April I7Jan.
2S Apr. h. p. Ocr. Lei.
18 Jim.. Forties Cbamp.^^e, h. p. S.J. Cotton, i» F. 18 do.
76 L. de DrerM, do. do. 35 F. 4 Mnv 9 Eyre J. Crabbe, KH. 74 F.
a«o. Wolfe, Ulr of R. M>r.
Cha. ron Kronenfi^ldt, KH Wm. BmcBe, l"n«tt. lOJune 31 do.
do. 17 Aui: IBAlli. Ciolilsmid, do. do. W. M. Mills,I. R.
1 W.
•23 Jiili 1817. O. Wnller Prosscr, do. do. 24 Apr.
ISIl. P. P. TboTOe, KB. fnoll. Edtr. .M'Arlbur, do. do. O. Rochfort, 3 F. 1 .May
B. W. M-<iibtH>D, lute of R.
Xu'. 4 June
34 Feb.
Bennett Holgate, b. p. 40 P.
Edw. Jones, do. do. ea Jas. Leslie, Vnntl. 13do.
John Coif, do. 90 do. A. Richardson, dn. 3 June

ja J. W. Purson8,do. 1 1 Julv M.'iu. Burlow, 14 P. 12 do.
D. H. .Vacdowa]l,44 F. 18 do. SaJas. Forloue, KH. 43 P.
R. H. Tolxm, h. p. 35 P. 1818. J. P. HelT, Jf ff. Unatt. 1 Auc I July
I Jin.
V Sir J. W. H. BrjdsTf^ J. Tarlor Hall, do. do. W. T. Cockbum.eO P. 23 No».
V n. LufUadi,tale IS R.V. h.p. Partug. Serf. 17 Oct. Sir H. B iTly, KH.
do. IS do. .N. Wilson, JTtf. 77 P. SO Dec.
Bn. 27 Apr. JCIC R. n..i>er5, do. do.
1819. R. Vandrleur, do. do. 1829.
Il>ll. W. M. Hamenon, h. p. 07 F. Cha. Lowrie, do.*.;Odo. 9 Ja Sir Tre. Wheler, Bt.
Am. ir Coiinen, h. p. W«l- «I Jan. Geo. Browne, Vnatt.
do. do. 5 Feb.
U-r. Reil. 4 June Stopford Cane, h. 18 P. John Amaud, KB. lio.
p. Philip Moir, Vnatt. 22 May
U. K. EIrininoii, lale S R. IS Auk. Pen Pmtl, '
do. do H. S. Onnond, 30 F. 10 June
V. B. do. C. de Harillond, h.p. Jl F. £aPr<d. Toners, do. do 9 J. N. Jackson, 99 P. 11 do.
J. Staunton, lute I do. do. do. -tlt'Xander Fras*^r, do. do. A.Cliampain, Vnatt. 16 July
Tho. Sbeppwd, b. p. R. >lar. Wm. Macdonald, h. p. R. Geo. Blomelleld, do. do. fZa J. R. Rotlon, II Dr.
do. Mar. do. Sir T. L. Mitchell, do. do. 1 1 .Vue.
fW. Onslow, JTjr.rnat. do. Archibald M'Intyre, late 4 Wm. HassellEden,89F. do. Georre Allan, Vnatt. 1 Oct.
* Micn.m .M«», h. p. R. R. Vet. Bn. do. William Wright Bamplon, J.W. Bourorii-,86F.28NoT.
Mar. do. Tho. Wilson, h. p. 60 P. do. I'nolt, 19 Sept. Boiil Tryd.U, S3F. 3 Dec.
H<nt.C. Munar, h.p. 17 Dr. Christ. Wilkinson, h. p. R.
Joshua Wilson, Unalt. do. iaH. A. Fraser. Vnatt do.
J. M. Cloie. h. p. R. Art. do.
C. Downe*, late
du. J. P. O. Uolford, do. do. £a J. Clark, K/f . 54 F. 25 do.
1 R. Vet. Bn. 9 R. Garrett, KB. 46 P. do.
C Emanuel Uajr, h.p. .Meur. do. Rifhard Connop, Vnatt. do. 1830.
Reg. 17 do. £3C- F. Sandham, h.p. R.
W. Campbell,
T. .Volyneui WiUiams KB. Fred. Hammond, Vnatt.
V I'nall. Art. do. do. d<i. 16 Mar.
96 Aug. Jas. Lane, h. p. R. W. 1.
I W. Hodft. Cadogan, do. do. John Oowdie, dn. 1 1 June
«m. Cbudea, h. p. Ger. Ran?. do. '
ZS Bon. J. Massy, do. do. Boti. J. Y. Scarlett, 3 Dr.
l»%- do. Hen. Ross Gorv, CB.
S!" b. p. A. W. Dashwood, do. do. Gds. do.
# air Vic. TOO ArenlKcbildt 3 P. do.

Herbert Vaueliao, do. do. E. C. Archer, Vnatt. 15 do.

Ca. ^ KCU. b. p. Oer. Robt. Ptcaton, h. p. 12 F. jaJohn
I-eg. Not.
Pratt, do.30cI. iaT. Wright, h. p. R. Staff.
lit 2 ^jepl. O. J(.hn!tone,42 P. do. Corps. 25 do.
SSCbt. TeuloD, h. p. 42 F. H. S. Olivier, Unatt. 10 do. W. J. King, do. do.
J. Leppar, b. p. 77 P. 3 Mar.
7 Oct, ia Orlando Pelii, do. 31 do. Bon. N. U. C. Massey, do.
G. Gr,^n XichoUj,do.7Xoi. 10 July
W. Hrniard, lata S R. Vei.

1941. Jia W. Xepean, do. 14 do. R. Parry, late of R. Mar.

Ba. 4 June J. W. Hend»non, KB. h. p. Wm. Hardin?.

Rirb. Jonei, h.p. SI P. do.

do. do. 22 do.
41 P. ig July Jiimes Adair, do. 12 D.'c. Robt. White, do. do.
A. Aleiaoder, late 5 R. Vet. J. Thornton, b. p. Cape Ja A H. TrcTor, A"ir. do. do. John Maughas, do.
. do.
Ba. do. Corps. do. Sir firvnriUe T. Temple, Richard Owen, do. do.
Prantla Wemyu, late of R. iaTho. Marty, Unatt. do. at. Vnatt. i
do. John J. Hollis, 25 P. do.
Mar. do. jB Marcus .\nnesley, do. do. Put. MacDoupiIl,4SF. l9do. Procter, 30 P. do.
eOO. Luard, do. 27 Sept. R. C. Pollock. Vnatl. 28 do. fj.jhn

Joiepb Beausir«, late Ro;. Robert Hunt, 57 F. do.

For. Art. do. R. R. WilfordBrett,do.30do. John Birch, Vnatt. do.
And. Ktonaan, Pttym. of R. 1923. Hiieh Henry Rose, 02 F. do. P.
Biirrallier, h. p. Ritic
Mar. do. Tho. Hutton, Vnatt. 15Mty .\rinine Simcoe Hen. Moun- Brig. do.
P. Clarke, h. p. Ut« For. R. S. Sitwell, do. 10 July

tain, 28 P. do. Bi^nj.Halfhide, 44 P. do.

Art. do. eaJ. p. Sweny, h. p. 2 1827. VRolit.Mull.n.A'ff. 1
Wm. Sladden, h. p. R. Mar. Ceylon Regt. 28 Aug.

C. Mai. Maclean, 72 P. 1 P. Archibald Hook, 41 P. do.

do. ffon. .Arthur Pra. Southwell, Hen. Pratt, 18 F. do.
John Philips, do. do.

I'nalt. 90 Mar. Jas. Henderson, Jir.Sr.

9 N. P. de Breni, h.p.Cbau.
I Wm. H. Dutton, t'natt. do. Vnatt. do.
Btit. do. ea^ 9 Harvey Welman, 57
Jaa. W. WUton, h. p. 3 W. 1823.

Thro. H. Elliot, do. do. William Smith, Vnatt. do.

I R. do. Tho. Greatly, b. p. R. .krt. I John .knderson, 2 W. I. R. Peter S. Xorman, 56 F. do.
9 N. Mailer, h. p. RolPi Inf. 27 May I 22 do. Sam. Workman, Vnatt. do.
do. Bon. .Sir Prm. C. SUnhope, ' Bon. J. Sinclair, Vnatt. do. Rob. Jos. Debnam, 13 P. do.
R. Hart, h. p. R. Mar. do. Inatt.
Wm. Milne, ta. p. i R. Vet.
do. '
O. T. Colomb, do. 27 Apr. 9 Walter Sweelman, Vnatt.
G. Pipon.K/r.Inatt. lilS< pt. ea J. H>n. Slade, I Dr.lids. do.
tBiO.-ort' Hall, do. ID N.,r. I

J. R. Hore, late of R. Mar.

J. BrtwlutMnk, do. 24 Dec.
f aa Wm. Bumey, KB. do.
Cape Mount. Ride. 8 Sept. T. L*>wis Lawrence, do. do.
Rn. do. 1820. Fni. Mnrq. of (.^inynehMin, 9 John Swinbum, 32 F. do.
J. P. OlJbam,do. do. 91 Charles C. Michell, KH. KP. * GCH. Vnatl. 20ct. Robl. Kelly, li. p 4<l P. Fart
A. St4'wan, b. p. 4 C. R. do. h.p. Purtus. Serr. 5 Jun. F. Jucksi^n, 85 P. 6 Nov. Mttjur of DnrtnwHth do.
Om. P. Jouon, bits 10 R. Fred. Meade, Inatt. 10 d.). T. Seward, late of R. Mar. 9 R. Steele Wilkinson, KB.
Vet. Bn. do. SaJ. WUdmui, do. II p,.h. 10 do. li. p. R. Mar. do.
H. W. Dammers h. p. Oer. 9 Joa. Anderson, KH. V> F.

9 Hen. Arth. Ma|;eni.s 87 P. J. Winniett Xunn.
do. 10 do. 20 do. lieorite Smart. 77 P. do.
Au(. Kockuck, do. do. Wm. P. Porster, KB fnalt. £3 J.
. M. Hany, KB.
33 F. T. KellT. h. p. rh.-shire Fen.
ea p. H. p. Mejrr, do. do. Ass. Adj. Otn. in Irtland 20 Dec. fort itajor o/ Tilbury
J. I. (iaille, b. p. 83 P. do. IK do. £aw. Bruce, KH.
Vnatt. Fort do.
Ota. L. Sptnluir, Ul» R. V Wm. Beetham, M
F. 8 Apr. 31 do. John Toiunie, 30 P. do.
Rn. du. 28 James Mill, Inatt. do. 1828. Jas. Johnston, 44 F. do.
Prod. Johnston, do. do. 9 I. Smcleton, KB. 00 P. Thos. Mitchell, late of R.
Tbos. .\iklns, do. 22 do in Jan. Mar. do.
^ Rich. Jebb, 40 F. 23 July J. B.Thomhill. Jl^. Unatt. I
W. H. Sperling, Unatt. Rob.DampicrHallifax, 76F.

Piearce Lowen, KR. Cape 13 July 7 Mar. SO July

MoUFited Riflemen do. C. F. Lardy, do. 10 do. J. Pennycuick, KH. 17 F. H. C. Cowell, Unatt. 16 Sepf
Edw. Goatc, 35 F. do. aSJ H. R. Bulloci, h. p. 25 .\pr. Saville Broom, 10 F. do"
Archibald Smith, 23 July 13 Geo. Young, 38 F. 27 do. Samuel Blyth, 49 F. 22 Nov
Robt. Hammill, 18 F. do. W. F. Snell, Sco. Fus. Gds. (9 James Anderson, Ceylon Jjaa B.Whitney, 14 F.25 do"

Mai. Macgregor, Unatt. do. 13 Aug. Rifle Re?t. 2 May ^3 James Kisbet Colquhoun"
Rich. Buries Hunt, h. p. R. Cha. Gascoyne, 94 F. 23 do. Rob. Bidwell Edwards, KR. R. Art. 2 Dec
Art. do. 13 M. J. Slade, 90 F. 27 Sept. Unalt. do. S.Brend. Boileau, 22 F. 9 do-
^ T. H. S. Clerke, KB. h. p. A. C Gregory, 98 F. 18 Oct. Dun. Gordon, 59 F. 4 July Joseph Bradshaw, 37 F. do.
Depot Staff do. 13 affl Norm. Lamonf, KR. Aral. Tennant, So F. 1 Aug. aSlJ. Flamank, Unatt. 16 do.
Jos. Williams, late of R. 91 F. 2 Dec. G. M. Stevenson, Rifle Br. William Firebrace, 68 F. do.
Mar. do. 13 Severus W. Lyn. Stretton, 12 do. John Arthur, 93 F. SO do.
13 Peter Faddy, R. Art. do. 64 F. do. C. Cresp. Vivian, Unatt. do.
John Kitson, 44 F. 22 July 13 H. B. Everest, 6 F. 23 do. Wm. N. Orange, 67 F. 15 do. 1837.
George Gibson, Unatt. do. E. G. W. Keppel, Unatt. do. 13 SSSi N. Hovenden, 59 F. Edw. Sabine, R. Art. 10 Jan.
C. Andrews Bayley, CMd. 22 do. Henry Cooper, 35 F. do.
Unatt. do. 1832. 13223 R.Law, STH.R. Ncwf. 13 Hen. Simmonds, 61 F. do.
A. A. O'Reilly, h.p. 21 13 R. H. WiUcocks, KB. Vet. Cos. 29 do. Thomas Reed, 70 F. do.
Fred. Waters, late of R. 81 F. 16 Mar. C. B. Cumberland, 96 F. 13 V.Y.Donaldson, 57
Mar. do. aSt John Fitz Maurice, KB. 19 Sept. 13 Wm. Dunn, R. Art. do.
^3 D. Eng. Johnston, 6 Unatt. 30 do. Samuel Walker, 65 F. do. 13 H. Owen Wood, 37 F. do.
^9 C. Edw. Gordon, R. Art. H. D. Maclean, 95 F. 20 Apr. 13 Thos. Mannin, 74F. 30ct. Zacch. C. Bavly, H. Art. do.
Assist,~Aflj-Ge7i, in Ire- J. D. Brown, Unatt. 18 May John Ration, 12 F. 3! do. 13 Hen. Clements, 16 F. do.
land do. Alex. Campbell, Pai/m. of ISaSiJ .Jenkins, 1 1 D.IS Nov. is Geo. Barney, R. Eng. do.
Stephen Noel, 92 F. do. 15HUSS. 6 June 13 Thos.Bunbury, 80 F.21 do. 19 John Doyle, 72 F. do.
Geo. Ingham, Ceyl. Rifle John Campbell. Unatt. 15do. Charles Warren, 65 F. do. Edwin Crottenden, R. A. do.
Regt. do. P.Farquharson, 65 F. 24 Aug. Sir J. J. Ha Rt 13 Har. D. Jones, R. Eng. do.
Wra. Taylor, late of R. G.Longmore, 28 do. Charles Gregory, 49 F. do.
Mar. do. aSSG. Dry Hall, do. do. Gore Browne, 41 F. 19 Dec. Hen. Crause, Cape Mounted
Moyle Sherer, Unatt. do. 13 W. Seward, Unatt. 18 Oct. 13 D. M'Pherson, 27 F. 27 do. Rif. do.
Samuel Tliorpe, KS. do. do. 5 Geo. Cairnes, 36 F. 4 Dec. R. H. Bonnycastle, R. E. do.
W. Eyles Maling, h. p. R. W. N. Hutchinson, 20 F. do. 1835. 13 823 J. Sinclair, R. Art. do.
Art. do. Sir John Gaspard Le Mar- Tho. M'Pherson, 2 W. I. R 13 R.Meade, It H. Unatt. s. do.
Gillies Macpherson, 99 F. do. chant, 99 F. 14do. Jas. Hull Harrison, late of
T. Stir. Begbie, Unatt. do. Edward Jas. White, 70 F. do. Ell. Armstrong, 45 F. 20 Feb. R. Mar. do.
T. Lemon, late of R. Mar. do. SSI A. Duke Hamilton, S. Braybrooke, Cey. Rif. R. 13 A. Marshall, R. Eng do.
P. Warren Walker, R. Art. Unatt. 28 do. 27 do. G. Forbes Tliompson, do. do.
do. W. Trevelyan, 60 F. do. a23 C. Makepeace, 4 Dr. G. Hen. Hutton Jacob, 80 F. do.
^3 Charles Blachley, do. do. 6 Mar. Gray, R. Art. do.
^ J. Macpherson, 1833. Ed.T. Tronson.lSF. 27 do. 13 Rob. S. Piper, R. Eng. do.
Simson Kennedy, do. dn. 13 Bart. Vigors Derinzy, KB. St. Law. Webb, 45 F. 22 Apr. 13 Chas. Barnwell, 9 F. do.
}9 W. H. Hartman. 9 F. do. 11 F. 4.Ian. Red. W. Brough, 2 F. 29 do. Hen. Clinton Van Cortlandt,
Perry Bailee, 6-3 F. do. 13 aSJ G. Nugent, 2 Dr. Gds. 13 H.F.Loctyer, KR. 97 F. 31 F. do.
13 George Pinckley, H II do. 12 June J. C. Griffiths, h. p. 94 F. do.
is Hassel R.Moor, R. Art. do. Geo. .intoine Ramsay, KB. C. Deane, KB. 1 Ft. 19 do. ' ilius Fleming, late of R.
Henry Geo. Jackson, do. do. 77 F. 18 do. a23A. Forbes, Unatt. 7 Aug. Mar. do.
R. E. Burrowes, KH. Unatt. Peter Crofton, 83 F. 2 Mar. Hen. A. O'Neill, 12 F. 28 do. 13 SirG.Gipps.R. Eng. GoM.
H. Mackav, Unatt. do. Cha. Head, Part. Serv. 22 do. Gervas Power, 10 F. 4 Sept. of New South Wales, do.
aSB G. F. B. St. John, Unatt. J. Butler, KB. Unatt. do. Simcoe Baynes, 8 F. 2 Oct. U Philip Barry, R. Eng. do.
3 Aug. aa J. C. Wallington, K Walter Ogilvy, Unatt. do. James Fogo, R. Art. do.
13 T. Rvan, KR. 50. F. 13 do. Huss. 5 Apr. W. J. D'Urban, 25 P. 16 do. 19Thomns Smith, 97 F. do.
Wm. Hen. Grote, Unatt. Court. Philipps, 15 Huss.c 13 J. Macdougall, 42 F. 23 do. 13G.H.E. Murphy, 6 F. do.
10 Sept. Abraham Beresford Tayli 13 G.FitzG.Stack,i:i/.24F. Wra. R. Dickson, h. p. New
Lord Wm. Paulet, 68 P. do. KR. 9 F. 19 do. 20 do. . Fen. do.
Benj. Everard, 1 Dr. 21 do. John Blood, h. p. Wag. Tr. 13 Fro. D. DaW, 4 Dr. 27 do. 13 C. J. Fitzgerald, 76 F. do.
Thos. Gloster, Unatt. 8 Oct. 8 May aa G. Hibbert, 40 F. IS Nov. 13 John Macpliail, 98 F. Lt.
Wm.M.Kington,do. 17Dpc. Edward Allen, Unatt. 24 do. Thos. Skinner, 31 F. 24 do. Gon. of Dominica do.
13 Si3 R. P. Holmes, 23 Tho. Wm. Ogilvy M'Niven Cha. L. Boileau, Rif. Br. O'Hara Baynes, h. p. R. Art.
13 iS5S Wm. Havelock, KR. Unatt. do. 4 Dec. Town MaJ. of Alderncy
4Dr. 31 do. J. Westlake, Unatt. 28 do. Wm. Noel Hill, 69 F. do. do.
T. A. Drought, 15 F. do. Cha. Markham, 60 F. 31 do. aSl A. Grant, KR. Unatt. R. n'heel. Hooper, 69 F. do.
13 T. Stephens, 49 F. 4 June 25 do. 13 Ron. W. Arbuthnott, R.
1881. Joseph Clarke, 76 F. 28 do. Tho. Simson Pratt, 26 P. do. Art. do.
Cornwall Burne, 91 F.8 Feb. 13 John Mackay, 82 F. 5 July 13 Hen. Blachley, R. Art. do.
J. L. Pennefafher, 22 F. Hen. Rob. Milner, 94 F do. 1836. Jas. Arch. Chalmer, do. do.
22 Mnr. S. D. Pritchard, Unat,30 Au?. Hen. Stones, 13 Dr. 19 Feb. 13 ajS F. Macbean, do. do.
13 J. C. S. Slyfield, KR. J. Craw. Youn;.', do. 6 Sept. Rich. Carruthers, 2 P. do. 13 W. Red. Ord, R. Eng. do.
60 F. 12 do. John Messiler.iiSF. 27 do. John Byrne, 31 F. 26 do. 13 Peter J. Willats, 48 F. do.
13 Philip Aubin, 57 F. do. Fred. Hope, 72 F. 4 Oct. Jas. Hunter, Unatt. 4 Mar. John Costley, Unatt. do.
T. G. Harriott, h. p. R. Staff. Lord C. J. Fox Russell, Henry Clinton, do. do. 19 John C. Harold, 74 F. do.
Corps 19 do. Unatt. 1 1 do. G.J. Roroney, Unatt. 1 .\pr. 13 aa C. Wallett, Ceyl. Rif.
Henry Piers, do. do. James Bowes, 87 F. 18 do. J.C.Chads,! W.l.R.22do. Regt. do.
Wm. Mitchell, Unatt. 26 do. L. A. During, Unatt. 8 Nov. John Stuart, 7 P. 6 May a23 W. H. Stopford, R.Art.
Wm. Hawkins Ball, do. do. 13 C. R.Cureton, 10 D. 6 Dec. Philip Hill, 53 F. IS do. do.
IP Robt. Brookes, 69 F. 3 May Walter Pearse, 89 F. 24 do. a®C.Stewart, Unatt. 20 do. Geo. Bolton, h. p. 30 F. do.
13 John Walter, 95 F 26 do. G. V. Creagh, 81 F. 27 do. F. O. Leighton, 56 F. do. Tho.Hewitt Baylie,66F. do.
aa J. K. Ross, KH. Unatt. Jas. Rob.Y'oung,25 F.31 do. 13 H. J. French, 85 F. 23 do. Lloyd Dowse, R. .\rt. do.
7 June Joshua S. Smith, 6 F. do. J.'B.Ainsworth,44F. II June Geo. Denis Colman, 15 F. do.
George Graham, do. do. B. Fra. D.Wilson, 35 F. 1 7 do. 13 O. John Belson, R. Art. do.
Ijl Fred. Chidley Invin, KR.
Eardley Wilmot, do. 21 do. 1834. P. Dcsbrisay Stewart, do. do.
P. Dundas, 47 F. 28 do. 323 Basil Jackson, h. p. R 63 v. Com. m West. A Rob. Franck Romer, do. do.
E. Basil Brooke, 67 P. 5 July Staff. Cor 7 Feb. tralia 28 do. Sja Thomas Reid, 33 F. do.
T.R.P. Tempest.Unnt. 12 do. S. G. Carter, 16 F. 8 do. J. Bolton, 7 Dr. Gds, 8 July Roger Kelsall, R. Eng. do.
R. Carr Mulcswonh, R. An. riiaa. Dallon. R. A. lojnn.
I£l J. DlrtwhlsUe, 32 F. Hartnan JeJTam, R. Newf.
lu Jul. Jas. Ri>b.Colcbrooke,do. do.
J. W. H. Wolch, Tniiu. Jo. 28 June Vel. Cos. 28 June
Melv.Dalycll, Inalt. 17 Feb Arthur M.vfrs, 22 P.
Wm. Bill.R. .tri.tlo. Hmry Ejn', 9B F. do.
do. B Ed«ard Thorp, 80 P. do.
fifl J.Tliorrau, 37 F. do. Tlio Wriflit, 30 F. 10
B Jas. T. Moore, 87 P. do. Samuel S|H>oner, 46 P. do.
Jas. H. Serieantsou,50 F. do. Richard Hort, 81 F.
IJinin Hra. C'ruuiiiirr Rich. B^'onelt, 1 P. do. Waller Harris 8 P.
In-ll. do. John Lawreuson, 17 Dr. do.
G«o. Brod. FrawT, R.
.lo. 9 Chas. J. Van der M.-uleii. B Hor. Suckling, 90 P. do. John Daizeli, 16 P. do.
.V. do. rs P. 7 Apr. Ambrost- Spoug, (iO F.
Oswald PilUiiK, do. Hunter Ward, 48 F. do.
h. p. I'orl. M. C. D. St. Qulntin, 17 Dr. Robert Anilrens, R. Art. do.
Sinr. Fort, .\le*. Boswell Armstrong,
ilm.of Shcrr. IS do. Tho.H.Feiiwick,
"'" Cape Mounted Rif. do.
do. M. O. T. LlndsST, 7¥ P. 2S do. BWm. Fra.«r, 43 P.
nillluin Cot. S4 P. do. Harcourt Master, 4 Dr. do.
do. i)£2i Edward Wan! Drew., Abr. H. Oonlon, R. Mar. do.
ytU M. L .a., R. Art. do. I'ualt. Juno Lewis Alei. Hall, R. Eng. do.
Hen. Winchcombe Hartley,
8 P.
11 lh>>. (:r,,am, do. d,.. Cha. J. Denhon. 17 P. la do. do.
>li.'lia.l WIm.-. S Dr. do. Cha.Craufurd HHy,IBF. do.
P John Clarke, 66 F. do. B Jos. Swinburne, 83 P. do!
• Gior. (louder,
H. J. Siv^it. R. Enif. do. R. Malla B CSl S- WaTmouIh, 30 P.
^ , Han. Geo. I'pton. C-J P. do. Fenr. Rigi. do.
Niiu. (.Imrli-rs h. p. R. Edw. do.
AH. .. do.
St. .Maur, 51 F. I July
Hen. H. Ininir. 5!< P. II do.
B&K J- Sloyte, 24 F. do. James MTJouall, 2 Life Gds.
Junrs James Siieuce, 31 P. do.
.MiisoD, 77 P. do Siim. M. Fm. Hall, 7S P. do. do.
B.I1. Ili,^in,» F.
BJames Algeo, -7F. do.

Edw. Twopeny, 78 P. do.

do. lii-o. O. l>alnier, R. Art. do.
Edm. Sheppard, R.
til Hid. Imin, 3S F. do. Geo. Ruxlon, 31 P. 4 An?.
Art. do. Geo. Monlagu, 42 P. do.
ran. i. HaulUiin, R Geo. J. .M'Dowell, 16 Dr. do.
B A. Snape Hamond Aplin, iGeorseCur|ienter,41 P. do.
Jotiri (ii.nlon, do.
80 y. do. George Whannell, 33 F. do.
do pj. Simmons, 41 P. 22 do. Palrick Vule, R. Eng.
9 iZl Marcus A. Walore, R. do. Daniel Fnuer, 42 P. do.
4) G. L. Davu. D P. 17 Oct. Chas. Jasper Selwj n, do, do.
Kns. -Vlex. Buehan, Unutt. do.
do. Tlio. .Malh~in, 23 P. 20 do. Jas. Hutchinson, h. p. 5 P. do.
Rubrri .Martin,
F. do.M Arth. Wm. Bistre, 7Dr.21 do. P. Williams Ddlon, 18F. do.
Geor,;e Hogurth, '26 P. do.
«ia Wm. Thain, 21 P. do.
Cole, R. Enc.
do. D'.trcey Wentworth,
5 r. V. England, R. .Kit. do.
I'nalt. B I. Richardiion, 1 1 P. do. J. Croflon Peddie, 21 p. do.
3 Not. Robert Browne, 16 F. do. Rich. Willjnglon, 84 P. do.
-Aid. Mai-lran, 8« P. do. Ri»i. Geo. .Aup. Browne, 8 Wm. Cannon, 07 P. do. William Snow, 65 P.
Clurln, I'ualt.
K. Dunran. 48 P. do.
« F. 1 Dee.
B Richard Tatton, 77 P. do. Peter Cheape, 9« P.
Arlh. Cunllffe Pole, 63 P. do. 8 James Jackson, 57 P. do.
lleur) Uumside, CI P. do.
John Alei. Forbes, 92 F. do.
Pru. Perry, R. Afr. Col.
J) G. F. O. O'Connor, 85
9 fja R. Ilaiidcock, te F. do. Corps 8 d... James Creagh, 86 P. B Alex. M'Leod, 61 P. do.
Irwiiii! WhirtT, K. Art. do. Charles Smith, '20 F. do.
Win. Grvtniill,-. 8 F. do.
Ceo. Procter, Adj. S. Mil.
B Wm. Graham, 59 F. do. Cha. Hijh. Polls, Ifl P. do.
Kdw. n ra. lirav, 31 F. do. 26 do. IJSa W. A.Riach, 79 P. do. Fra. Weslenra, 5 Dr. Gds. do.
John Campbell, 38 P. 20 do. Thomas Xickoll, 1 p.
H. L. Swftting, R. Art, do. do. Ed. Gage, Sco. Pus. Gds. do.
J. P. S. Clarke, 2 Dr. 30 do. Geo. Ojilry, 31 p.
IVUrr Sutlii'riand, T«2 F. do do. /-orrfA. Ij?nnoi, 71 F.eJuly
Darid Ha.r. Dr. Gds,
Wm. Hen.Anhure, 06F do. Mont. Cholmley Johnstone,
do. 1838.
Th<i»i. KfU{ip,x-k, 22 F. C. St. Lo JIalel, 8 P. 10 Jan.
B T. L'EsIrange, 36 P. do. :" F- 27 do.
do. Wm. BIndon, R. Newt. Tet. .
9 William Turner. M
P. do. C. L. Winirfield, 60 P. 2 Feb.
_ Cos- do.
John Burgh, 93 P. 28 do.
Tho. R. Baker, 7 F. 31 Aug.
IJ<J. ('. Hari>i>ur, 67 F. do.
P Wm. Sadlier, 4 F. 4 d.i. ?Fred. Campbell Uontjio-
V ^^'. Jolinslonf. -26 P. do. tQ Geo. Simmons, Unalt. mery, 50 P.
Harrj- S. Phillips, 53 P. do.
Fr.-J. Wnuhl, R.Art. io. do. T. Arthur, 3 Dr. Gds. 15 Sept.
16 do. Wra. Mat.Gosset, R. Eng. do.
9 Jjk.^ Hump. Wood, do. do. R. W. Huey, 68 P. 13 Oct.
W. Jan. SullH'rUnd. 21 P. do.
iry Deedes, S4 P. 23 do. Wm. Tho. Hunt, 85 P. do. W. H. Christie, 80 P. 9 Nov.
Orins. Phibiis, ^8 P. 16 Mar. Nicholas Palmer, 50 P. do.
W. Em«t Ja<'L.<un, R. An. do. Fra. Joyner Ellis, 62
Wm. Hake, 13 Dr. 23 do.
F. do. T. L. I.. Galloway, 10 P. do.
John Paltcnon, Vort John Gordon, 47 P. S. J. Hodgson, 19 P. 28 Dec.
li. p. 24 <li>. 8 Jus. R. Riiines, 95 P. do. Cba. Franklyn, 84 P. do.
(jo ._. Denny, 71 F. 24 Apr.
8 B. R. H^n.n, R. Art. do! Jon. Forbes, 78 P.
B I'an. Bolton, R. Eng. do. Tho. Leigh Goldie, 66 F. do.
18 May Hen S. Stephens, 86 F. do.
? Wm. do.
do. Ducnld WNictd, 1 23 do.
F. Cha. B. Brisbane. 34 F. do.
Tlioma. Slewnrt, Tnatt. do .\ndrew Brown, 79 1839.
liw.Topj, Liiidia.r.lM 26 do.
P. 13. John L. Black, 53 P. do. H. W. Adams
Cha. Birton, 14 Dr. I June 18 F. 18 Jan.
Charles Douglas, 9 P. do. Hen.Gnibbe, 76
V Edw. MaLvm, R. Ene. do. Raymond White, 6 Dr. 9do. Lawrence Gramme, 69 P. do.
J. F. 19 do.
p John Crawford, fl P. do. Cha. Stoddart, h. p. R.
taGeo.Bn.wne,32P. 15 do. Cha. Hast. Doyle, 24 P. do.
Cliiirlcs O'Neill,44 p. SlaffC. I Feb.
(jo.' O. Clunie, 3 F. 23 do. Waller White, Tnatt. Toim
8 Jas. V. Victor, R. Ene. do! J. Piclou I'eele, 21 F. 26 do.
B&n. Berkeley Wodehouse.
ftrii-liion Griirson, do. do.
f) Hi iirr Reid. S2 P. do.
^m V. Slainwarini;, 61 P.
27 do. :
itiij. of Builin
t£l Rd. Westmore.SS F. do.
T. B<mnor, Cey.Rif.Regl. do.
do. 8 Dr.
G. H. Lockwood, S Dr.
2 Mar.

•Jvonre Dumford, R. Art. do. John Bonamy, 6 F. 28 _„ 6 March

do. Manley Power, 85 P.
iJR Wui. Worfourton Hunt- John JIarahall, 01 P. do. ^ George Bell, 1 p. 29 do.
B Wm. Hen. Law, 83 F. do.

do. Ouslavus Cha. Du Plat,

ley, 3 Dr. (ids. do ^ Tho. Jas. Adair, 67 P. do. James M'tjueen, 15 Dr. d... KH. R. Eng.
BT. C.Squire, I3F. do. >am. R. Warren, 65 F. do.


Lewis S I). Robertson, lale do

<trS »!eo. Piinglc, late of R. Tliomas Foster, R Eng. do.
An B Rich. Manners, 50 P. do] I of R. Art. do .Alci. M. Tulloch, Inatt. do.
do. Jas. Tomlinson, II Dr. do.
WiUiam Chambif, 1 P. do. 1 Rich. Bume Rawtukr,

p Walt. E. Lock, R. Art. do. B J. Maclean, 20 P. 12 Apr.

R. £tl Phil. SandilandSjdo. ilo. Rich. French, 52 P. 11 May
Hum. Anhur Cha. Lepce,
Browne Willis do. do. Ifon. Laud. Maule, 79 P. do.
I'natt. do. Ben. Hiitc. Vaughan, do. do. Richard Irton, Kifle Brig!
• Pra. Buwiett, R. Halla
Pen. Rett. Tho.GordonHiggin.sdo. do.
do. 31 do.
F.W.Whinyates, R.
£a Wm. l.onc, h. p. 9 P. do. Joseph Ilanwell, B Alei. Watt Robe, do. do.
Ang. Wathen, 13 Huss. do.
Wm. W. Crjwley, 74 P. do. * -remiiih
Cowper, 18 P. df>. Ralph C«rrAlderson,do. do.
Sidney R. Streatfleld, 52 F.
William Kvrop, N<t P. do. John H.Cooke, 2.-. P. do. I June
Charles Wright, do. do. John
E. P. While, h. p. R. Swff
ta Hen. Keane Bioomfleld, J. Slater, 82 F. 21 do.
C"ri» j„. 1" r.
B Charles Rivers, do. di). W. R. Brudeneil Smith, 15 P
do. Pra. R. •niompson, do. do.
B RJ. J. Damn, R. Enit. do Wm.M.Burton, R.MBr. do. do.
Tlio. Edw. KeUj, Ca Amh. Wright, R.Art. do. B Richard Luca.s 29 F.
Rif. Br £B B. I". Browne, Inatt. do.
B H.Y.Wortham, R.
do. Henry Bond, 3 Dr. do. tha. Hall, 1 Life Gds. do.

Wm. Eyre. 73 P.
3 July
10 July


Royal Artillery Royal Artillery 56
GENERALS 107 Royal Eiipineers . Royal Engineers 25
Royal Artillery 3 Royal Marines Royal Marines 20
Royal Marines 1 Foreign Half-Pay Foreign Half-Pay 8
Retired, retaining his rank . 1 Retired, retaining their rank Retired, with permission to
retain their rank .... 42
Total . . 112 Total .

Total 678

LIEUT.-GENERALS .... 145 COLONELS 263 Royal Artillery 71
Royal Artillery 11 Royal Artillery 29 Royal Engineers 32
Royal Ensineers 3 Royal Engneers 16 Royal JIarines 32
Foreign Half-Pay .... 1 Royal Marines 15 Foreign Half-Pay .... 8
Retired, retaining their rank . 7 Retired, retaining their rank . 66 Retired, with permission to
retain his rank 1

Total 167 Total . . 389

Total . 755


^ a£i Colonel Sir Rob. Gardiner, SOB. Sr KCH. R. Art. aai Ernest Vhc. Valletort, Duke of Coniwall's Ranj.
P aa Jolm Fremantle, CB. Coldst. Gds. Thos. Earl de Grey, York Hussar Yeo. Cav.
Edward Baker, B. Wilts Yeo. Cav.
Lord Geo. Wra. Russell, OCB. Unatt.
Edward Wynyard, CB. do. ^ Colonel Thos. Adams Parke, CB. K. Mar.
James Fergusson, CB. h.p. Coldst. Gds. Lt.-Col. John Owen, CB.ij- KH. R. Mar.
\J Tliomas Wm. Brotherton, CB. 10 Dr.
Sir A. J. Dalrymple, Bt. h.p. 2 Gar. Bn. Extra.
Sir J. H. Reynett, KCH. h.p. 52 F.
William Smelt, CB. 37 F. 13 Colonel A. Campbell, CB. 46 F.
James Robertson Arnold, KH. R. Eng. 5 John CB. h.p. Staff.
William Wemys, h. p. 93 F. ^ S. B. Auchmuty, CB. h.p. 8 Gn. Bn.
^ George, Earl o/Munster, Unatt.
{) Thos. Lightfoot, CB. h.p. 45 F.
GoK. ami Capt. of Windsor Castle.
Sir W. W. Wvnn, Bt. R. Denbigh Mil.
G. M. of Huntly, KT. Aberdeen Mil.
5 — •
A. D. Faunce, CB. Imp. F. O. of Rec. Dist.
George Brown, CB. ^ KH. Rifle Brigade.
Lord F. Fitzclarence, OCR. Unatt.
T. Wood, Roy. East Middlesex Mil. ^aO Cha. Z). 0/ Richmond, KO. Sussex Mil.
John Le Couteur, Jersey Militia. William, Marq. o/Tond, KP. Cork City Mil.
John Guille, Guernsey Militia. Colonel Cha. Rich. Fox, Unatt.


GENERALS. ^ lit. Hon. Sir G. Murray, 19 5EI Sir John Colborne, Sir H. Worsley,
aCB. ^- a CH. 26 June 15 OCB.^- GCH.S July, 30 OCB. 22 July, 30 E. Ind.
W. Earl Cathcart, KT. Continent TJpper and Lower Sir Hugh Fraser,
13 Not. 05 Co-ntlncilt Sir H. Lowe, KCB. ^ Canada. KCB. do. da.
^ T. Lord Lynedoch, a CM0.9 Nov. St. HelcMi ^Mt.Hon. Sir Ed. Blakenev, Sir Hopetoun Stratford
6CB. (i-
OCMO. t^mXPt.Hmi. Sir J.Kempt, KCB. GCH.
26 Aug. 36
,§• Scott, KCB. do. ifo.
7 Dee. 13 Holland, ^-c. OCB.^-GCH.ii Oct. 19 Ireland. .SV.>- do,
|J Hon. Sir E. Paget, OCB. N. Amcr. IJ Sir S. Ford Wluttinghara, 13Sir S. R. Chapman, CB. .5-
29 Nov. 20 East Ind. "^mx m.HoH.SirT. Kia.m, KCB.^KCH. 30 Sept. 36 A"Pff.280ct.31 Bermuda
f S. rise. Combermere, KCB. ^- OCMO. Windw. ,5" Leew. Isl. Sir Hen. Bethune, Bt,
G.C.B. ^ e.C.H. do. do. 10 Feb. 24. Jon. Isl. J.Dighton, 10Jan.37i;./nrf. 21 Dec. 36 Asia
ID Sir Hen. Fane, tlCB. Sir Thos. Dallas, OCB. Lambert Loveday do. d^). H.S.Osbome 10 Jan. 37
3D Jan. 35 do. 27 May 26 E. Ind. Sir John Doveton, 6CB. E, lad.
Robert Bell 10 Jan. 37 do. Alex. Cuppage
do. do. Sir Jas. L. Caldwell,
Bennet Marley 28 June 38 rfo Chas. Rumley do. do. Nath. Forbes do. KCB. do. do.
Samuel Bradshaw do. do. Tredway Clarke do. do. John W. Morris do. G. Carpenter do. do.
Sir H. Maclean, W.H.Bluehford do. do. Tho. Marriott do. Sir Alex. Caldwell,
KCB. do. do. Sir H. Lowe, KCB. !( John Skelton do. OCB. do. do.
aCMG. 29 Sept. George Dick do. Wtn. Roome do. do.
Continent J. Cuninghame 28 Jt J.L. Richardson do. do.
13 3211 Sir James Lyon, .Str Dav. Leighton,
1 May 28 Windiv. i^- Sir W. Blackburn do. do.
Count Walraodcn, KCB. Lerw. Is!. MAJOR-GENERALS. Sir Chas. Deacon,
21 Jan. 13 Continent. paa.SirP.Maitland.JTCS. KCB. do. do.
|J Rt. Hon. Sir G. Murray, 21 Aug. N. Amcr. James Price 22 July 30 Jas. Welsit do. do. ;,

aCB.^GCH. 19 Dec. 14 St. Geo. Ashe 22 July 30 E. Ind. Sir TIios. Corsellis, ,^(,
JV. Avicr. E. Ind. Thomas Boles do.* do. KCB, do. dQ^'r
General Officers with Ltwal Ritnk.
John N. Smith 10 Jan. 17 Sir Ja*. LImond, Jas. P. Dundas Sir H. Wbeatley,
E. Ind. iJNJuno E.Ind. 38 June 98 . acH. 14 Sept. Continettl
ChaJ. FuT&ti do. do. C. M'U'od. CB. do. do. Jaa. Morw do. Rob,Tl Nixon do. rfo.
Sir Juj. KuiJell, Thoa. (iimirr do. do. Ed. H. Simp^n do. Hen. Robirls 50ct. do.
KCH. do. do. R. Pilmau, CB. do. do. Ja>. Ilarkett do. Andrr» Tilt Udo. do.
S,r Don. M>cleo-l, C. Sull. Fomn do. do. Ttio. New Ion do. r. Fits Gerald
KCH. do. do. K.W.ShuMIiam do. do. John .\. Biftfn* do. l» do. rfo.
Sir J.~. O'UaUunui, W.S.Hialhrotedo. do. Ed. H. Belluls do. .Auft. Meade do, do.
CCA. do. do. Rich. H. Yalra do. da. Wm. Noll do. Htm. J. Walpole
MarUs WMW do. da. J. Mayne. CB. do. do. CJeo. Cooper do. 20 do. do.
E. Boanlnuin do. do. W.^aii.lwTth.t' do. «ii.'lon. H.Todd do. Donald MackaT do. tlo.
4ji*.u. Wahab do. do. Uotlrni B.iTd do. do. John Brtf^ do. J.L.HIi:i;ln8 2 Not. do.
UST. C. Kenny do. do. John M-lnnn do. do. Harry Thomson do. Anth. RuinplerOdo. do.
Joalali Uanihull do. do. J.F.Saller.CB. do. do. D'Arcy 16 do. rfo.
Rich. l'<Klnior>' do. dv. Sir Eph.G.Stannua . Ingli'hy do. do.
Sir H<'h. Iluustoan, CM. do. rfo. Andrew Gells do. rfo.
A"r«. do. do. Patrick Bren do. do. BRiaADIER-GENER.VL. . Tliornhill do. rfo.
A. Moli'sworth do. di7. Ourch
1. do. do. W. Espinosse
Jn. tiriM'Ultrevt do. do. E. Carlwhsht do. do. Ch*. Dallas, 14 3llda. rfo.
Sir Rob. St«Tenjon, U.0..\. Taylo Feb. 23 SI. Helnia Fletcher Wilkie do. do.
KCB. do. 4). CB. do. do. Lord Geo. Wm. S. Hawkshaw
Chrift. Fafcan do. do. .\.RIchard«, Russell, GCB. 14 Dec. rfo.
Sir Wm. Caxmirnt, 'J.Siitherland do. do, 27 Mar 33 Portugal L. A. Northey do. rfo.
IlCB. do. do. r. Bowen.C' do. Jas. Omisby 28 do. rfo.
Wm. Croxton do. do. ?h. WaLkm do. do. Hon. J. Brvtwne do. do.
Jm». R Luml^ do. do. W.DIckson.rB. do. do. iaWm.Vinierdo. do.
William Comvn do. do. John Weill Fait do. do. COLONELS. J. Carr. Smith do. do.
M. L. H.nira do. do. 1. P. Price do. do. Sir T. S. Sorell,
T. Pollok. CB. do. do. Jus. Duninl do. do. A.7>i.</ifvJ3JulylO £./nrf. KH. 30 do. rfo.
fr'ir John Ruse, Rub. H:mipton do. do. Pal.BrucetJuneH do. D. Macpherson do. tto.
KCB. do. *>. Brook Bridsea Parlbf, CB. Sfrifkt.Kingston do. do. J. R. Udney do. rfo.
Wm. Muiiro do. rfo. 2»JuneS8.£./Fid. $ir Jos.H.Reynett, Hon. H. Caradoc, KH.
Kemp do. Rodirson
. do. do. i"rif.25Jan.21 ContinrnI 31 July 27 special Mission
He FrelchevilleDjk. Fran. Cockbum
John it Ballantin do. .^Sept. 2» Hondu Ha George Baker
J runnincham do. '. J. T. John- A. Findlav. KH. 31 Aug.29 Grrrce
C. T. O. Buhop do. stone. CB. do. 20 Oct. 30 IT. Ci»ijf J.G.B.inner E Ind.
J. .4. P. Jlacgietoi Km. G. Pearse do. o/A/, B. B.Shee 25 Apr. 30 Per ji«
SirR.Hen.Cun- Fra. Raw. Chesney Jas. Nish.Colquhoun
liffe. cn. Bl. do. 27 Nor. 34 Alia 10 Feb. 37 Spain
Vm. Claphom do. eOA.Mardonald Justin Shell 2 June 37 Persia
CB. John Tniscott do. 2!iOct.36 ffoHdu Cha. Sloddiirt do. rfo.
9ir J. Prender^ait do. do. John Woulfe do. W.WyldelnPeb.37 Sixi Rich. Wilbnham do. rfo.
Sir Wn>. Rieharda, Edw. FJwarda do. R. Doherty 5 May IT. CotuI C. P. lameroo do. rfo.
KCB. do. do ITio. Wehdter do. of A/, Geo. W.XKlfall do. do.
Alex. Duncan do. do Gilbert Waugh do. Ralph Carr .Alderson
Sir T. VN^ilIehead, Tho.Hal. Smith do. 22JuneS8 S;><ii>4
KCB. do. do E. Millian GulU- 5ir Alex. Buraes 7Au?.
Rob. J. Latter do. do LIEUT.-COLONELS. Afghanistan tc Persia
Tlioa. Stewart do. do W. Woodhome do.
Jernr F. Drion do. do Hen. Fiiilhful do. J. Thompton 1 Jan. 00
W. b. rii'iland do. do F.W.Wil»on, £. 7nd. MAJORS.
W. H. Perklnj do. do. John Tombs do. F.A.nnmW/lJan.ia do.
Sir John DoTeton, John H.Collettdo. John Crotdill, CB. Hen. Bowen 20 Sept. 06
KCB. do. do. Geo. L. Wahah
do. 4 June 13 do. Seillvlsls.
Alex. Pair, CB. do. do. Patrick Cameron do. Wm. Sicholl do. do. J. Lrathart 25Apr.01< £. In.
Sir Darid Poo]!*, John Carfra« do. H. PrijiccReuss J. T. ilrnilfin-d do. do.
KCB. do. do. Rich. West do. 30Di-e. l3ron<i/i« Hob. Blackall do. rfo.
D. M'Pher»on do. do. Geo. Jackson do. A.SleigerlUMavU rfo. I
G. Fuller 25 July 10 rfo.
Wm. Hopper do. do. Goodfellow do. ir. Franklin 4 june£. Ind. \
Varid Robertson do. do.
Sir Th'-a. Anburey, Cha. A. Walker do. do. J. Linid Jones 1 Jan. 12do.
KCB. do. do. Rich. A. WUIU do. Cha. ilandniiU do. rfo. B. H. Fotheringham
S»r J.L. Lushinrton, Fred. Bowes do. Tbomus LT!>ter do. do.
OCB. do. do. Jas. S. Pialer do. 18 Nov. MSI. Helena J. D. Broirn 4 June 13 rfo.
B. W. D.
Sealy do. do. Kinnenleydo. J.t'ltertao7Mar.lS Sir n: Diek, Bl. do. do.
Wm. C. Praaer do. do. P. De la Matte, Oibrallar Hen. i'nrde 4 June 14 do.
Wm. Ollben do. do. CB. do. BisseUHar\ey,jrir. Charles Marriott do. rfO.
Sir Oeor^ Arthur. len. Huthwaite do. lflMoyl8ronfi/ieii( Major H. Court do. do.
KCH. «I>tc. rp.Can. T. Wilson, CB. do. C. R. C. Hodsou 12 Aug. 10 n-jii.H. Richards do. do.
Jaa. Cowidlne, KB. P. Vine. Raper do. St. Hftenn and iuuttrard ir. J. Mntlhrrrs do. rfo.
26 May » A/rira Geo. Swiney do. of the Cape of Good Hope Skejt'. Ltttwidge do. do.
Bnckley Krnnett Pollock CB. do. Ed. Hay Ernest, Baron de
ll<Jane B.Iiid. A. Lindsay, CB. do. theB. I. Dep. Chatham Schmieden). KH.
Wn. Innea do. do. Jas. .Alexander, do. Wm. Thorn, KH. •iaSefl. Continent
John P. Dnnbar do. do. Tans Kennedy do. 130ct.2J Continefit John Norton, alias
And. .liteht-aon do. do. R. Gilbert do. F.J. Pulton. A'J/.a4N. do. Teyoninhokaru-
Adam Unct do. rfo. Tho. P. ^milh do. J. F. De Bunth wen, Capt. and
Chrtel. H.»li:»in do. do. 12Jan.26C;»i<inrn/ L»-nder of the
Rich. Whuh do. do. Geo. B. Brooks do. lr.t.Tra(so'i,<'fl. Indians of the
A.\a> do. Arch. Robertson do. la do. £. /lid. Fiv Na
Oab. R. Penny do. do. W. Clinton Bad- E. Hawkshaw 15 Feb. 16 Canada
Jamet Ahmuty do. do. deley, CB. do. 15 June Continent Tho.Hall l«Au(.l»£./nrf.
Jamel Cock do. rfo. Hen. Bowdler do. Anth.S.Kin|;3Auf:. do. H.E.Somerrille 2» Sept. 20
Wn. HuU, CB. do. do. Peter Lodwick do. J.M.A.Skerrettdo. rfo. £. /. Dep. at Chatham
General Officers with Local Rank.
H. C. W. Smyth Stephen Moody R. L. Anstruther Rich. Budd 28JmieS8 E.T.
19 July 21 E.Ind. 28 June 81 E.Ind. 28 June 38 J Pat. Thomson do. do.
J. Hen-iiiii, CB. J. J. Farrincton do. do. Edm. Herring do. George Barker cin. da.
19 Jan. 26. do. Hen.Moberley do. do. Kodk. Roberts do. Fras. Plowden do. do.
Sir E. A. Camp- Geo. Brooke do. do. Geo. G.Denniss do. John Fitzgerald do. do.
bell, CB. do, do. Fred. H. Sandys do. do. Alex. Davidson do. tsOliphant do. do.
R. W. PoEison do. do. T.Lumsden, C' do. Eyre Ev. Bruce do, icis Straton do. do.
Arthur Wight do. do. J.Orara Clarkson do. do. John HaU do. Underwood do.
J. J. do,
D.D. Anderson do. do, Tho. Croxton do. do, John Halles do. J.MonsonBovcsdo. do.
R. Nidi. Penny do. do. G.J. B. Johnston do. do, J. Sam. Martihall do. Wm. Fred. Steer do. do.
T.C.GrahamSApr. Contiii. Ben.R. Hitchens do. do, Dan, A. Penning do, Claude M. Wade do. do.
Sa. Sankey 10 .Vug:, do. Hugh R.Murray do. do. G. B. Aitcheson do. G. W. Bonham do. do.
Cha. Irvine 21 Sept. do. Jas. R. Colnett do. do. Christ. Newport do. Tlio. Wilkinson do, do.
Cha. M Graham do.
. do, r Johnston do. do. . Cliapman do. G.H.Robinson do. do.
M.M'PhersonSOct. do. Charles Snell do. do, John Hicks do. Hugh C.Cotton do. do.
C. Bayley, CMQ. Cha. Edw. Davis do. do. J. Landon Jones do. Cha. Sinclair do. do.
5 Oct. Mcditcrr. Rich. Gardner do. do. Griffiths Holmes
do. Alex. Lawe do. do,
A.M.Bennett 12ao. Contlii. A. Mackintosh do. do. Shepherd Hart do. Charles Hnsmer do. do.
West.Hames 19 do. do. Theoph. Bolton do. do. John Rawlins do.
Henry Light 26 do. do. Hen. Fra. Caley do. do. G.H.Wood vooffe do. -.'
.'... do.
G.Tito Brice 9 Nov. do. Jtich. Bayldon do. do, Rich.O.Meritondu.
Thomas Dent do. do. Charles Rog:ej's do. do. J.H.Mackinlay do. .I<,l,,. i,,, ,[:.!, >i,,. t^o.
D. MacGregor do. do. (i-A. Kcniplanddo. do. Owen Pliilliiis do. V: \\..:.,uu^u>n a>,. do.
B. Lutvens do. do. W. Hi-ndcrstm do. do. Wm. Bolton Gir- M". H.TLTianL.iudj. do.
T. H. Morice, KH. do, dlestone do. Fred. BlundcU do. do.
do. do. Ildlx'it Butler
do. do. Niel Campbell do. Charles Wahal» do. do.
E.H. Garthwaitedo. do. U'dUnin Sfohoe do. do. Robert Kent do, Stuart Corbctt do. do.
Tho. Pipon 16 do. do. C.St. Jn. Grant do. do. Wm. Hen, Earle do, G.Fred. Penlev do. do.
Charles Wayth do. do. James Malton do. do. ^1. M'Kinnon do, H. Weston do.
J. S. do.
Robert Abbey do. do. Wm. Mnclcod do. do. Wm. Sage do. John Wynch do. do.
P. D. Fellowes do. do. J. It, Wornum do. do. Andrew Goldie do. W.J.Thompson do. do.
Cha.Hames 30 do. do. Benjamin Ashe do. do. Henry Carter do. Humphrey Hay do. do.
G.J.Wolseley 14D. do, James Steel do. do. Wra. Ramsey do. Male. Nicolson do. do.
J, Rainey do. do. Jolm Barclay do. do. Cha. Thuresby do. I. Monke do. do.
W. Phipps do. do, Fra.Farrant 2 June Persia limes Bedford do, Henry Barkley
W. D. Spooner28 do. do. Elliott D. Todd do. do. I'm. Edw. Blair Henderson do. do.
Wm. Thomson do. do. H.C.Rawlinson do. do. Leadbeater do. Tho. Best Jervis do. do.
Ab. James 30 do. do. John Laughten do. do. Jer.B.Nottidge do. Fred.S. Sotheby do. do.
John Gordon do. do. Ed. Pat. Lynch 3do. do. George Lee do. Henry Liddell do. do.
Tho. Shaw do. do. * T. Ritlierdon 16F.88 E.I. D.Moiilgomeriedo. Edw.Huthwaite do. do.
Wm.W.Swaine do. do. Sent, at Addiscombc A.M. Cnnrphdl do. G. R. Crawfurd do. do.
Fra. B. Eliot do. do. J.Wilson 28June38 E.Ind. Luc. Hoi\ Smith do. Htn. DelafoBse do. do.
R. Axford, leOct. 28 T.R.Macqueen do. do. Jn.Fiu-f|uharsondo. J.R. Woodhousodo. do.
E.In. Covip.atLiocrpool Francis Hugh M. John Wortliy do. Robert Leech 7 Aug. 4/?"-
Arch. Irvine, CB. Wheeler do. do. John Forbes do. tjhanistan & Persia
28 June 31 E. Ind. John Wilson do. do. Frederick Bond do.
W.OgilvielOJan.37 do. Geo. Hicks do. do. Thomas Biddle do.
Geo. W.Gibson do. do. Jas. W.Douglas do. do. Wm. Mactier
John Laurie do. do, Jas. Manson do. do. H. Macfarquhar do.
James Cocke do. do. Jolm Ward do. do. John Howison do.
Cha. Andrews do. do. Stratford Powell do. do. Hen. John Wooddo.
Edw. Pettingal do. do. Wm. Burlton do. do. George Dods do.
John W. Watson do. do. S. L. Thornton do. do, In. Morgan Ley do.
Robert Becher do. do. Hope Dick do. do. It. G. Polwhfle do.
John Brandon do. do. David Hepburn do. do. John Chisholm do. James Murray London
John Cowslade do. do. W. Simonds do. do, Wm. Foquett do. Tho. Otho Travers Corh
Wm. Hou?h do. do. S. P. C. Humfrays E. Parry Gowan do. Richnrd Grange Dublin
Fred. Geo. Listerdo, do. do. do. James Allen do. H. Vibart Gleag Edinburgh
Hen. C.Barnard do. do. J.H.Simmonds do. do, John Hen. Irwin SfftG.D. Drummond
William Cubitt do. do. H.Fisher Salter do. do. 28 June 38 . 22Dec.25 Chathnm
Robert Stewart do. do. John Angelo do. do. Jolm Cartwiight do. I.Brown 10 Jan. 84. E.I.
Robert Hawkes do. do. J. G. Drummond do. do. Fras. Frank land Depot at Chatham
John Mackenzie do. do. Tho. Williams do. do. Whinvates do. Wm. Elsey 2 Dec. 3(i E. I.
G. Hutchinson do. do, 1. Bacon do. do. Wm.Hi'll Water- Depot at Chatham
Geo. F. Holland do. do. J-. Saunders Bird do. do. field do. G.Maclean 27 Apr. 38 Gold
Hugh Sibbald do. do. '. Blake do. do. George Fryer do. Coast of Africa

Oenerai. Commanding is Chief.

@ fa Oenoral Lord HiLL, G.C.B., O.C.H., and K.C., Colonel of the Royal Regiment of
Horse Criiard!!.

^fHilary Secretary.

<J JS Lieut. -GpDpral Lord Fitzroy Somerset, K.C.B., Colonel of the 53rd Regiment

Assistant Military Secreia-y.

Lieut.-Colonel Malins, ihid West India Resiment.

A ides-de- Camp.
t> ta Colonel Richard Egerton, Half-pay Unattached.

9 Colonel George Powell Higginson, ditto.

Captain Alfred Edward Hill, 68th Regiment.
Captain E<lward Charleii Fletcher, 1st Life Ooards.

Adjct ant-Gen ER.\L.

D Lieut. -General Sir John Macdonald, K.C.B., Colonel of the C7tli Regiment.

Deputy Ac^jutajit-Generai,

P Major-Geaeral 5ir John Gardiner, K.C.B.

Attittant A<{/utonts- General.

Colonel Lord Frederick Fitzclarence, G.C.H., Half-pay Cnattachad.

9 Colonel William Cochrane, Half-pay Unattached.

Deputy Asrirlant Ai^jutant-General.

9 Major Roche Meade, K.H., Half-pay Unattached.

Inspecting Firld Officer.

9 Colonel \Vm. Gordon Macgregor.

Qcarteb-Masteb General.
9 Lieat.-Gencral Sir James Willoughby Gordon, Bart., O.C.B., and O.C.H., Colonel
of the 'iOrd Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

Attittant Quarter-Matter General.

9 LiniL-Colonc) James Freeth, K.H., Half-pay Royal Staff Corps.

Deputy Attittant Quarter- Matter General

9 CB CipUiii John Enoch, S^rd Royal Welsh Fusilier*.

?.Vvwv«-Msi Regiment of Life Guards.


years' Serv.
2J Rtyiment of Life Guards.


Royal Regiment of Horse Gruards.

Years' Serv.
I^im!'i8w!] 1*' (<" f^" Kiiuys) Retjiment of Drayoon Guards. [%'3a"




— — . ... ;

2nd {or The Queen's) Ref/imetit of Dragoon Guards,

Sir Tlios. Gage Montresor,' K.C.II. Ens. 12 March, 1783; Lieut. 4 April, 83;
Cnpt. 17 June, 04 ; Lieut. -Col. 12 April, 99 ; Col. 26 July, 1810 ; Major-Gen.
4 June, 13 ; Lieut. -Gen. 27 May, 25 ; Col. 2n(l Dragoon Guards, 20 Feb. 37.

Lieut .-Colonel.
Charles Kearney, Corned, P 10 Sept. 12 Lieut. P8 Sept. 14; Cn^j^ P 19 June, ;

17 ; Major, p30 Dec. 26; Lieut.-Col. P28 Oct. 37.

19 3iaa George Xugent,' Corned, 7 Oct 13; Lieut. 14 Dee. 15; C«/)<. p22 July, 24
it/rt/or, Pll Jan. 33.

Hen. Wilmot Charlton P23 June 25 P 30 Dec. 26 P 13 Nov. 32
"William Campbell ... P GJan. 32 P 12 Apr. 33 P 27 May 36
Rich. Duckworth Dunn. p 9 Mar. 32 P13 Sept. 33 P 28 Oct. 37
Power Le Poer Trench P12 Aug. 24 P17 Dec. 25 P 30 Dec. 26
Hen. St. John Mildmay . P20 Nov. 28 P 8 June 30 P 7 Apr. 37
Geo. Henry Elliott... P27 July 32 P 13 June 34 P 22 June 38

SirHen. Chas. Paulet, Bt, P13 Nov. 32 P 29 Aug. 34
Egerton Leigh P12 April 33 P 19 June 35
John Chichester Knox V 13 . Sept. 33 P14 Aug. .35
Hylton Briscoe Pll Oct. 31 P 25 July 34
Edw. Lovett Robertson P 11 . Jan. 33 P14 Nov. 35
George Arthur Ede P 14 . . . Aug. 35 P17 Feb. 37
William Wernham, R.M. 4 Dec. 32 P 15 July 36
Francis Haviland 24 Nov. 35 29 Sept. 37
William Persse P13 Sept. 33 r27 Oct. 35
Jackson V. Tuthill P 30 Apr. 36 P17 May 39
Robt. Wm. Dallas . . . 6 Oct. 37
R. Dudley Acland . . . 22 June 38
Fred. James Ibbetson PI7 May 39

Pniimnster. —
Henry Boys, 1 Aug. 37; Eia. 8 April, 26; Lieut. 13 Feb. 30;
Capt. 6 Sept. 33.
Adjutant. — Francis Haviland, (Lieut.) 4 Dec. 85.
Quarter-Master. — John Haviland, 15 July, 36.

27 -,1, Surgeon. — James Dawn,^ 28 Dec. 26 Assist.-Surg. 28 Oct. 13; Hosp.-Assist.

13 ;

,ug. 12.

Assistant-Surgeon. — Alexander George Home, M.D. 18 Jan. 27 Hosp.-Assist. ;

26 Oct. 26.
27 Veterinary Surgeon. — William Woodman, 25 Feb. 13.

Scarlet Facings Black. Agents, Messrs. Hopkinson, Barton, and Knyvett, Regent-
\_Returnedfrom France, November, 1818.]
1 Sir Tho. G. Montresor has been twenty -four years on regimental full-pay, durinp which period he served
at Gibraltar in 1700 and 91 in Flanders and Holland in 1793, 4, and 5; the Egyptian campaign of 1801,

and subsequently many years in India.

'2 Major Nugent served during the latter part of the Peninsula war, and on the 18th June at
3 Dr. Dawn served in the Peninsula from September, 1812, to the end of the war, including the sicffC of
San Sebastian, and battles of Nivclle, Nive, and Toulouso.
Srd or ( The Prince of U'alen's) Regt. of Dragoon Guards.


Atfi (or Royal Irish) Regiment of Dragoon Guards.

On the Standards and Appointments the HARP and CROWN, and the
Star of St. PATRICK, with the motto " Quis Seporabit"



5</j {or Primrss Churlott, of Jfo/es's) of Dragoon Guards.

The motto " Vcttiffiti nulUi retrortum." — " SALAMANCA" — " VITTORIA"—

S Sir John Sladc, Bt.^ G.C.H., Curiul, 11 Mav, 1780 ; Lieut. i« ApKl, ti9 >
Cnpt. 24 Oct. ^1 ; J/<yor, 1 Miuxh, 94 ; Lie'ut.-Col. 29 AprU, 9.5; Col. 29
April, 1802 ; MqjoT-Geii. 25 Oct 09 ; Lkvt.-Gcu. 4 June, 14 : Gen. 10
37 ; Col. ath Dragoon Guards, 20 July 31

CSl5(r James Maxwrll Wallace,' K.II. Comet, i'14Aug.06; iifu/. Pojuno,
00 Cnpt. V 22 Oct. 07
; ; Major, i> 1 Jan. 17 ; Lieut. -Col. P 25 Sept. 23 ; Cut.
28 June, 38.
JA //im.James Yorke Scarlett, Copnc^P 26 March, 18 ; iieuf. n24 0ct 21- Cant
P9Junc,25; iV»/»r, i>U June, 30.
.^Vvt»MT) . C>th Regiment of Dragoon Guards {or Carabineers.)

Years' Sorv.
— .... —

1th {or the Princess Roi/aFs) Jta/lment of Drwjoun Guards.

Sir F.\-!m Llov.I,' K.C.FI. Cornet, 25 Nov. 17f«0: Lieut. 5 Feb. 87 ; <Vl/»^ -.'5
Oct. m-. .Viijor, 1 S.i>t. t).j; Limt.-Cul. 11 Fil.. 99; Col. 2o Oct. 18*19;
Mnj(ir-Gen. 1 Jan. 12; iif«/.-UeH. 27 May, 26; Co/. 7th Dragoon Guanb,
It! .^Iiirch, M.

9 SW Alex. Kcnniilv Tlark Kennetlv,' K.H. rnriif/, r i« Sept. 02 ; /,i<H/.i'15

Dec. 04 ; Cn/)f. r 13 Dec. 10 ; .Vtrfor] p26 May, 20 ; Licut.-Cvl. p 11 June, 30.

John Bolton, Cornet, i' 22 July, 24 ; Lieut, i' 8 .Vpril, 26 ; Capt. P 11 June, 30 ;

Mi{jor, V 8 July, M.

HolxTt Riclianljmn 8 June 2(i P 9 April 2!) PIC Aug. 33
Tltoinas I.e Marchant. . P 14 June 27 i'1 1 June 30 P 17 Oet. 34
(1. A. P. Cnnynjhamc . P 22 May 28 p 12 July 33 P 10 Jan. 3j

John }io]*e (iilwone . . P 8 Oet. 30 Hi Aug. 33 P24Jnlv 35

William Hunter
Janiesi . PI7 Uee. 30 P17 Aug. 33 p 8 July 36
William SaiuUlunds . . p 18 Jan. 31 P 27 Sept. 33 P 2 Sept. 36

C. 11. Thompson, R,M.. p 16 Amr. 31 24 July 35
E<lwarJ Codrington . . p 17 Aus:- 33 8 July 36
William Iliury Peters . p 27 Sept. 33 2P Sept. 36
John Clark Kennedy . . P 2.5 Oct. 33 P 10 Mar. 37
John (ireenc P 24 Feb. 32 P 19 June 3o
John K. Ileaton 19 Dee. 34 22 Ausj. 37
Cieo. R. Stevenson 4 July 34 P 5 July 39
John Campl>ell p 16 Jan. 3.:i
Henry Schonswar p 24 July :\o
Hon. Const. Aug. Dillon I' 9 Jan. Hr>
John Crofts P 8 July 3C

William Hofrg P 30 Oct. 3.5

O'Neal Scgrave p 5 July 39

Paymatter. —
Xenon .Vnnstrong, 28 Sept. .38; Ens. 8 Aug. 22; Lieut, 19
April, 26.
.idjutnnt. —Jxha R. Ileaton, (LiciU.) II Jan. 39.

Quarter-Master. Henry Iliggins, 14 April, 25.
Surgeon. —
Martin Cathcart,^ 37 April, 15; Ansist.-Sunjeon, 23 March, 09;
Hot}).- Assist. Jan. 08.
Aaist.-.Surg. —
Henry .Alarshall, 28 Sept. 26; Hosp.-Assist. 3 Aug. 26.
2A Veteriiuiry Sunjeon. —
John Scliroeder, 25 June, 12.

Scarlet Facinys black. Agent, Messrs. Cox A: Co.

[Returned from Holland, 1799.]

1 Sir E*an Llyod u-neA on rpclnwnlai ftill-par ftom 1780 to IftIS, the whole period the I'th Licht
DnHTOOfit, and wm iir««ot with that corjw in m-arl)- iill Jho actions and sicRcs in whicli was cnsaeed io
India; h« abo »KT\vA in South Anwrica 1600 and' 7, and was at the taking of Monte Video, and in the
rxivntitioo Bmnm
lo A)
I ulonri Clark k.iiiipJt mtt«I in the Peninsula from Sept. 1809 to Sept 181S, including the battles of

Pucnies ilOiior and Viligria, b«iJ« tarioua affairs of out-posts; received two wuimds at Waterloo. Whila
Imdiae lit* Miuadron in a kuccessful charge acmnst the Count D'Erlon's corps at Waterloo, jpcrceiving an
Eislo t.. tlie, h.- .Iianiii-d th.- dirrclu.n of lii> 4.|undron, and ran the officer Ihrouch the N'dy wh.i car-
ried It and which l«-l..i.ij"l I., llie lOilli Fteiuli Il.tlmi nl n( Infantrv, and is
now deposited in Whitehall.
:i Dr. Calbc.irt Kr»i-d al tht- capture ..f .M.irlmi.iue in IWIl, and riuadaloiipe in l»-l(i. Also ttatoughout
tiM liunuese war, luul waft preacut in aliuust etcrj acUou and stonutug party during the
\si (or Royal) Regiment of Dragoons.

On the Standard an Eagle.—" PENINSULA"—" WATERLOO."

'iiid {or lioi/dl North Ih-ifish) Rir/f. of Drngoons.

On the Stnmlnrd an Euglo.— " WATERU10."

The White Horse, within the Garter on the 2nil and 3rd Standards, with tlie Motto, " Nee
ffi;j?cra<en-e«^."—"SALAMANCA"-" VI TTORI A" —" TOULOUSE"—" PENINSULA."
Years' Sei-v.
Lord George Thos. Beresford, G.C.H. Cornet, April, 1794 ; Lieut. 31 Jlay, 04 ;
24 Sept. 94 ; 3IiiJor, 3 Dec. 1800 ; Lieut.-Col. "24 Sept. 03 Col. 1 Jan.
Cai>t. ;

12; 3£ajor-6cn. 4 June, 14; ii«rf.-(?eK. 22 July, 30 ; Col. 3rd Dragoons,

16 Sept. 29.
Lieut.-ColotieU.—l^ MS Joseph ThaclJweU,' C.B. & K.H. Cornet, v-2Z April,
00; Lleid. 13 June, 01 ; Co^J^. P 9 April, 07 ; Major, 18 June, 15; Brevet-
Lieut.-Col. 21 June, 17 ; Begtl.-Lieut.-Col. 15 June, 20 ; Col. 10 Jan. 37.
George Gustavus Tuite, Em. P 23 June, 14 ; Lieut. P 19 Oct. 20 ; Capt. p 5 May,
5 ; Major, P 25 Nov. 28 ; Lieut.-Col. 30 June, 37.
jlfryo;-*.— Micliael Wliite,'' Cornet, P 15 Aug. 04; Lieut. P 14 May, 05; Capt.
P7 Nov. 15 ; Breeet-Major, 10 Jan. 37 ; Begtl.-Major, 4 Jan. 39.
Geo. Henry Loelcwood, Cornet, p 10 Mar. 25; Lieut. P 10 Aug. 20; Capt. P 7
Sept. 32 ; Major, 6 March, 39.

^t;v1".''.'Srl •*</* ("'• Q'""-"'*' OrcnyRyt. Light Dratjoom. [^^J."?,,^;^;"

•'Tai.aveba" "A lb VII era" "J' ania" " V rrTOBiA""TorLuusK" "Pun insula."
P irail Lonl n«l.t. Kclw. Henr>- Somerset,' G.C.n. Conif/, 4 Feb. 1703 ; Lieut.
4 Dix-. 9:1 ; Ciifit. 28 Aik;. .Vojor, 21 Nov. !)!)
IW ;
Limt.-Col. 2.5 Drc. IWM)

Colonel, io July, 10 ; Mojar-Gen. 4 June, 13 ; Licut.-Gcn. 27 Jlay, 2o ; Co/.

4tli l)ni^'(ions,:11 Mur. 3(1.

Lu-ut.-CoUmdf.—^ WillUiiu Femlull,' Cornet, 20 Sept. 08 ; Lieitt. 3 Oct. 09 ;

Capt. 1-3 Feb. 20 ; Major, 2 June, 2o Liettt.-Col. P24 Dec. 32.

Jolin Scott, C«rne^ I' 4 Mav, 15; Lieut. fX

Oct. 15; Cnp*.P28 June, 21 ; Major,
PO Xov. Lieut. -Col'. 31 Aug. 30.
2(i ;

.V,y<.r.«.— ?J1 WilliHui Ilavelock,' K. H. ^iw. 12 July, 10 ; X;euM2 May,

12 Ciii't. V 19 Feb. 18 ; Mnjnr, v 31 Dec. 30.

9 Fra. Dermot Daly,' En». 5 Dec. 11 ; Lieut. 20 Nov. 13 ; Capt. 20 June, 24 j

3r,iJor, P27 Oct. 35.

Gth (or Inniskilling) Regiment uf Dragoons.


y Hon. Sir William Luniley,' G.C.B. Comet, 24 Oct. 1787 ; Lieut. 19 May 90 ;

Dec. 93 ilfojor, "lO Mar. 95 ; Lieut.-Col. 25 May, 95 Col. 29 April,

Ctipt. 4 ; ;

1802; Major-Gen. 25 Oct. 09; Lieut.-Gen. 4 June, 14; Gen. 10 Jan. 37 ;

Col. 6th Dragoons, 3 Nov. 37.

1^ Jeremiah Ratcliffe,^ K.H. Cornet, p 11 April, 11 Lieut. 11 March, 12
; ; Capt.
22 Feb. 27 ; Major, p 27 July, 32 ; Lieut. -Col. p 9 June, 38.
Raymond White, Conic*, p 14 Oct. 24; Lieut, p 22 July, 25; Capt. p 24 April,
28; il/ryor, P9 June,38.
*',^] 7 th (or Queefi's omi) Bff/t. Lt. Dnii/oons (Jlussan.)
[ ^^,'X'


Sth [or King's Royal Irish) Regiment of Light Dragoons —[Hussars.)
Harp aud Crown. '
Pristhue vlrtutts memores.' LESWARREE"
Sir Wm. Kier Grant,' K.C.B. G.C.H. Ens. 30 May, 179-2; Lieut. 18 Feb, 93;
Capt. 6 July, 94; Mnjor, 6 Jan. 96; Lieut.-Col. 3 Dec. 1800; Col. 25 July
10; Major-Gent. 4 June, 13 ; Lieut.-Gen. 27 May, 25 ; Col. 1 Feb. 33.

Hon. George Berkeley Molyneux, Cornet, p3 May, 15; Lieut. P12 Sept. IG
Capt. I'll April, 22; il/ojor, P 28 Sept. 26; Lieut.-Col. P31 Dec. 27.

ffoM. Berkeley Wodchoiise, Comet, p21 Oct. 24: Liexit. p25 Feb. 26; Capt.
P 21 Nov. 28 ; Major, p 2 March, 39.

James MacCall 23 June 25 P17 Oct. 2G P 3 Aug. 30

William Thomas Tinne P 14 Jan. 26 P 3 Nov. 27 P21 Dec. 32


Jas. Harrison Cholmeley P 23 Aug. 27 P17 Dec. 30 P 13 Feb. 35

Frederick Geo. ShewcU P 23 Aug. 27 6 Sept. 31 p 28 Apr. 37
Rodolph de Salis P17 Dec. 30 P 28 June 33 P13Julv 38
Tlios. Wm. Selby Lowndes P15 June 32 P 12 July 33 P 2 Mar. 39

Hon. Rich. Howe Brown* P 6 Nov. Aug. 32
Joseph Reilly, R.M P 26 Apr. Jlar. 34
Magnus G. Lalng Meason V 28 June Feb. 35
Edward Mostyn P 12 July Apr. 35
George J. Huband P 9 Aug. Oct. 34
George Brown P 28 Mar. Mar. 37
Wm. Norton Barry .... p 13 Feb. Apr. 37
Henry Rowlcs P 9 Sept. Aug. 33
Carrington Smythe .... P 3 Apr. July 38
Cha. Joseph Longmore . ,
P 30 May Aug. 38

Fleet. Tbos. Hugh Wilson P 5 May 37
J. Craven Garden . P 13 July 38
Hon. Jas. Sandilands P 2 Mar. 39
Paymaster.- -John Gibson Whitaker, 9 Jan. 17 ; Cornet, March. 05 ; Lieut. 31
Oct. 05.

6 Adjutant. —George Brown, {Lieut.) 3 Feb. 37.

14 Qttarter-Master. — John Maudsley,- 29 Sept. 26.
Surgeon. — John Squair, M.D. 3 March, 37 Assist.-Surg. 30 June, 25; Hosp.- ;

16 June,
Assist. 15.

Assistant-Surgeon. —James Alex. Ore, 10 Nov. 25; Hosp.-Assist. 16 June, 25.

28 1^ Veterinary Surgeon. — Lawrence Bird, 29 June, 09.
Blue. Agents, Messrs. Hopkinson, Barton & Knyvett; Irish Agents, Borough, Armit & Co.
[Heturned from the East Indies, May, 1823.]
1 Sir Wm. Kier Grant served in Flanders, and was present at Faraars, eiege of Valenciennes, &c. in 1793.
In 1794 he was present in the actions of the 17lh, 2Jth, and 56th of April, the 10th, 17th, 18th, and 82nd of
May. Joined the Russian and Austrian arinyin Italy early in 1799, and served thecampaigns of that and the
two followinEt years, including the battles of Nov;', Rivoli, Mondovi, Saviliano, Marengo, &c. ; the sieges of
Alexandria, Sarranal, Tortona, Cunio, Savona, Genoa, &c. Sir 'Win. served i } Adjutant-General in the East
Indies from 1806 to 1613; commanded a body of troops in the Persian Gulf.
2 Quarter-Master Maudsley served under Sir Thos. Trowbridge in an engagement with three French ships
in 1810. Served also at Callinger in the East Indies in 1810 and 11 ; Husscinabad, Ramnaghur and
Kalunga; Hattrass, and in the Deccaii in 1817 and 18. Wounded in Ihc right arm, left shoulder, and
slightly ill the abdomen at the attack of Fort Kalunga.
OM (or the Queens Royut) Regiment of FJtjIit Drtu/oims —(Lancers).

10th {or Prince of JFaJes's own) Royal Regt. ofLitjkt Drac/oons (Hussars.)

Years' Serv.
Von- Sen
I2th (or the Prince of Wales's) Royal Regt. of Lancers,

The Sphinx, with the words, " EGYPT"— " PENINSULA" — " WATERLOO."
^ Sir Henry John Cumming,' K.C.H. Cornet, 12 May, 1700 ; Lieut. 9 Feb.
93 ;Capt. 21 Feb. 94 ; 3IaJor, 25 Oct. 98 ; Lieut-Col. 17 Feb. 1803 ; Col. 1
Jan. 12; Major-Gen. 4 June, 14; Lieut.-Gen. 22 July, 30; Col. 12th Lancers,
20 Jan. 37.
Robert Brown Clayton, K.C. Ens. 1 Sept. 84 ; Lieut. 30 April, 90 ; Capt. 31
March, 93 ; Major, 1 March, 94 Lieut.-Col. 1 Jan. 98 ; Col. 25 April, 1808 ;

Major-Gen. 4 June, 11 ; Lieut.-Gen. 19 July, 21 ; Gen. 28 June, 38.

y fflffil Sampson Stawell,- JSiis. p 15 Jan. 01 ; Lieut. p9 July, 02 ; Capt. 28 Feb.
05 Brevet-BIajor, 18 June, 15 ; Reg.-Major, 16 Sept. 19 ; Lieut.-Col. P 1

Oct. 25 ; Col. 28 June, 28.

g fflaS Alexander Barton,' K.H. Cornet, p 1 Aug. 05 Lieut, p 7 May, 07 Capt.: ;

P 17Jan. 11 ; Brevet-Major, 21 Jan. 19 ; Reg.-Major, p 19 Feb. 24; Brevet-

Lieut.-Col. 10 Jan. 37.

Edward Vandeleur 22 Sept. 23
Edward Pole P 7 July 25
Edward Sivewright . . P 9 Aug. 27
Baskerville Glegg P 3 Jan. 28
Hon. C. R. W. Forester P 1 8 Dec. 27
Jonathan Cliilde P 30 April 29

Thomas \V. D. Willan .
8 June 30
J. Fitz R.H. L. Welleslev 3 Aug. 32
Joseph Pliihps, R.M. 18 Aug. 25
Hon. Ilobt. Needham '
23 Aug. 33
Edward Morant '
20 Sept. 33
W. Heathcote Tottenham 13 Dec. 33
Thomas Bernard . . .
24 Apr. 35
Howard J. St. George '
23 Oct. 35
Sydney Aug. CapeP . 7 July 37
— .. — ;

\Sth Regiment of Liyht Draffooiis.

Ob tlie chtco«« anil appolnlroenu, tlio Motto, " Viret in ^tf "-" PENINSULA"—" WATERLOO."

Hon. Sir II. G. Gnv, (i.C.B. O.C.H. Ens. 17 Oct. 1779 Lieut. '28 July, 81 ; Slav, 87; MiiJ. 23 001.03; Lieut.-Col. 21 April, 94 Col. 1 Jim. ;

!»8: .V.y.-f,™. 1 Jan. 1805; /,ien/.-6'<"n. 4 JtiiiP, 11 ; Gen. 27 May, 25; Col.
l:Uh I)nii;oons,30 Uw. II.
/,iVH/.-Cy/.«.—Ptai R. llrunton,' Ens. 10 Nov. 08 Lient. 12 Dec. 09; Capt. :

II) i' 31 Dec. 30.

-Nov. 13; .V.1J. i'2 Mi.nli, 2(!; Lieut.-Col.
P T. Maclean,' A'h.*. 4 Jan. 10 ; t/VuM' 11 July, II ; Co/Jf. P 23 Dec.
J.M .Mian
18; .V.y. 25) Oct. 30 ; /.,V«/.-C«Ml July, 34.
.Vtyors.—Uenty SStones, Cornet, 1' 28 Dec". 10; Lieut. 7 Nov. 18; Capt. P 25
Dec. i:l .U,//. 19 Feb. 30.
: i'

William Hake,' Ens. 23 June, 1807 ; Lieut. 1 Nov. 10; Capt. 7 May, 27 ; MnJ.
23 Nov. 38.
Wm. Diabv Hamilton . 25 Mav 10 9 Nov. 19 P31 Dec. 30
R.>lH.Tt Ellis 23 April 185 Oct. 22 P 13 May 20
PCM Thomas Ro-'scr'. 24 June 19
29 Oct. 18 8 Sept. 31
James Saivenuut 1'
9 June 2530 JIar. 26 P 18 July 34

^5 1 tu>on;e Weston i>28 Dec. 21 V 19 Mav 25 P Hi Mar. 30

r",William Knox
I'12 Jan. 2fi 20 Mar. 27 PI4 Dec. 32

3 Otonje Mannei^
13 May 13 8 Sept. 14 15 Sept. 37
Beniard M'.Mahon .... 10 Nov. 2.5 I' 30 Nov. 26 23 Nov. 38
Thnma.s John I'arkcr .. 1'10 Aug. 20 14 Aug. 28
10^ James Boalth i'24Sept.l2 6 May 13 4 Captain Rofiser acccompa-
nied the 13th Lipht Dragoons
John C. Campbell 25 Oct. 27 f If) Mar. 32
I to Portugal in I8I0, and was
17 Denis Browne 3 Mav 13ii'15 Mar. 33 prt^ftcnt with it in evcrj" action
Geo. Jns. Walker 8 Jan. 29 10 Jan. 34I' ill wliich it was cngngod, witli-

otit having been absent from it

Wm. Mavi>r Julius .... V 9Julv 29 P 18 April 34
for a single day. Served also
Hen. Horatio Kitchiner I'29 June 30 Pll Julv 34 at Waterloo.
Edw. Rudston Heail . I'18 Nov. 31 P 12 Dec. 34
John A. Dc Balinhartl p II June 30 P 29 Mar. 33
Charles Floyd 8 Sept. 31 16 Sept. 37
Werner Cathrcy v 25 Dec. 3.> P 30 June 37
Denis Hanson I'30 .Mav 27 24 Feb. 32
Jas. Allen . Pll July 34 5 Oct. 38
William Heady 19 Mov 25 28 June 27
Wm. Slintc Wint P 18 Julv 34 P 10 May 39
Chas. C. Shntc P 19 July 34
Henrv Hamilton P 21 Dec. 34
C. H.D. Donovan p 16 Feb. 36
Charles Deacon April 37 |
p 14
Thomas W. Smith July 37 i p 7
Wra. H. Rosser 15 Sep"t. 37
Alfrc<l R. Hole p 27 July 38 |

Patimaster. —
R. Storev,5 .Vufr. 19; Ens. 15 Apr. 13; Lieut. 9 Feb. 15.
/l((;w/aii/.—Charles FIovd,(/,lVll^) 8 Sept. 31.
Qi/«rrer-.Vn//fr.— John O'Reilly, 25 Dec. 28.
Surij. —
Jas. Mouat, M.D. 15 Feb. 27 ; Assist. -Surg. 1 Oct. 12 ; IIosp.- Assist.
16 Julv, 12.
Ass.-Sur.—John Clark, M.D. 29 Julv. 30, Hosp.-Ass. 4 Oct. 27.
Patrick Xicolson, .M.D. 31 Dec. 3:1.

Vetrriiuiry Surtj. John Logrew, 9 July, 30.
Scarlet Facimjs Green. Agent, Messrs. Cox & Co.
T'. May ISOO, to Feb. 1H14. inrliidin); the action at the bridge
iiinsula rrr>m
iit« d'Oiior, Arroyo de Molino, Alinorer, Vittoria, Mayo Pass, Pyrenees.
at thi' battle of the Pyn-neij 30th July, and severely at St. Pierre

I^IS. S.-rved at Waterloo on the Isth June.

•J t. .- .Ill - r.- I w.ui uif l;tih Li^ht Dnifcoons in every anion and atl^ir In which it was engaged in
the penlii.mi. Imm Iht;. ixlu to the md
of the war. Wounde<l and taken prisoner at C'oiicties, I3lii JIarrli,
1*14. S.Tv..d alio at Wat-rloo.
i M^or HalLr served the campaurns of 1910 and 11 against the CafTr^ tribes. Ser\ed also at the sieg^ of
lith (or the King^s) Regt. of Light Dragoons.


IJSlSa S'ir Kerrison, Bart.^ C.B. & G.C.H. Comet, 23 June, 1700;
Luut. 1Feb. 98; Capt. 18 Oct. 98; Major. 12 May, 1803; Llmt.-Col.
4 April, 05; Co?. 4 June, 13 jWnJor-Gen. IH Aug. 19; Lkut.-Gen. 10 Jan. :

37 ; Col. 14th Dragoons, 18 June, 30.

Lieut. -Colonel.
y John Townsenrt,' Cornet. P24 Jan. 05; Lieut. 8 Mar. 00 Capt. C June, 11 ; ;

Brevet-Major. 21 Jan. 19; Recjtl.-Major, P 13 Sept. 21; Lmit.-Col. P 16

April, 29.
Charles Barton, Cornet, P 10 Dec. 25 ; Lieut. P 14 Feb. 28 ; Capt. P 22 March, 33
Major. P 1 June, 38.

Edward Harvey ^ P 24 Mar. 25 P 4 May 20 P 12 Oct. 30
Fran. H. Stephens P 23 Feb. 26 31 July 28 P 17 July 35
John Henderson p 25 Jan. 31 P 31 Dec. 33 P 4 Aug. 37
Wm. Henry Archer . . . P 28 Dee. 32 P17 July 35 P 1 June 38

Joliu B. Culpeper P13 Sept. 33 P 29 April 36 p 27 July 38

Henry Edw. Doherty P31 Dec. 33 P 15 July 36 P 17 May 39
Charles E. Doherty . . . P 24 April 35 P 6 Jan. 37
Geo. Mains FuUerton. . . P 14 Dee. 32 P 30 Oct. 35
Isaac Cornock P 17 July 35 P 4 Aug. 37
John Henry Tonge P 29 April 36 P 1 June 38
Charles T.GriffisR.M. .. P 5 Feb. 36 P 27 July 38
Andrew Robertson P 15 July 30 P17 May 39
Archibald Robert Miller . P 6 Jan. 37
William Faber P 4 Aiig. 37
G. K. M. Dawson P 30 July 36
William Clarke ^ 24 April 38
Charles H. J. Rich V 18 Oct. 33
Henry R. Boucherctt. . . P 27 July 38

Rob. Hugh Smith Barry.. P 17 May 39

27 Pni/Mnsfer.~\) Koto, 3 Sept. 12.

i 1

.4r/y»^/«^— Williiu].
Willi Chnke, {Cornet,) 24 Apr. 38.
rter-Masfer. tp iM
Samuel BroiIriI)b,= 15 Jan. 29.
29 Surf/eon.—^ fiffil Patrick Henry Laveus,'* 3 Aug. 26 Asslst.-Surg. 24 Oct. : 11 ;

Hosp.-A.uhf. 28 June, 10.'

Assljifa7if-Siorjeon.—3iis. W. Moffat, 8 Feb. 27 ; Hosp.-Asskt. 28 Sept. 20.

Veterinary Surgeon. J. O. Philips, 28 Aug. 38.
Scarlet Facings Blue. Agent, Messrs. Cox. & Co.
{^Returned from Spain, July, 1814.]
1 Sir Edward Kerrison served at the Helder in 1799 ; with Sir John Moore's army in Spain in 1808, and
at Corunna. Served subsequently in the Peninsula, and commanded the 7th Hussars at Orthes, and at Wa-
terloo, for which he has received medals. Sir Edward was severely wounded (his arm having been broken
in two places) in Spain, 25 Dec. 1803, and slightly wounded at Waterloo.
2 Col. Townsend served in the Peninsula from Dec. 1808, until taken prisoner near tlio city of Pau in
France, 8lh March 1814, including tlie diti'erent aifairs of the 10th and 11th, in crossing tlie Douro on the
I2th May 1809; battle of Talavera; affair with the enemy's advanced posts lltll July ISIO in front ol
Ciudad Rodrigo under the command of Cn^. Tsilbot who was killed; passage of the Coa; skirmishes of the

guard from Almeida to tiie lint^' 1810 ; affairs in the enemy's retreat IVom Santarem

to the frontiers of Spain from 'Itli Vpril 1811 ; battle of Puentes d'Onor (wounded); affaii
with the enemy's lancers 25th Si*i'" Badiyoz ; affairs with the enemy's cavalry at Usagre,

Llerena, in front of Salamanca, ;ih ]'-; battle of Salamanca; affair with the enemy's rear
guard near Panerandos ; several s1.ii -Madrid to near Ciudad Rodrigo, and from the 2(ith Maj'
near Salamanca to the battle of Vil i of a gun from the enemy near Pampeluna; and severftl
engagements and skirmislies from the entrance of the British army into France, until the battle of Orlhet,
Embarked for America in Oct. 1814, and was present at the attack on New Orleans 8th Jan. 1815.
S Capt. Harvey served at tin- investment i.r K.Hi.ii.irc in the Kast. Indies in Sept. 1S27.
4 Quarter-Master, 15 Sfpi -:;;, ir-nn -, 'n.'ii m.m
, l Mr i,',;..i.. -.irrr,,! uinimi-'-l i

5 Quart.-MasterBrodri] )' ,. ; ,. i n I i- , r :ii M'ati'rlon. ; .

. i i

6 Dr. Lavens served Mi' •

I :
.. i I i
r m l in llie litrlit
troops which attacked tlir iiiilii: Mnii- i. n .n- \l -.
, mi tin- mulil ^i lii. I'mi, \i,, i i
, I'resent at
the battles of Vittoria, the Pyrenees, Nivellc- storming ; the Heights uf (;urris; and battle of Orthes,
Present at Waterloo on the 10th and IStli June.
I5th [or the Kiinjs) Iteyt. of Light Drnrjoons. — (Hussars).


l^vi'ce^'iSl: ] IGC/i {or Qumt's) Reqt. f Light
o Drags. {Lancers). [



— — .. ;

17M Regiment of Light Dragoons. —{Ltmcers.)

On the Staiulards or OuUloiis, " Death't Hetul," with tlic Motio, " Or lilary."

Pfa *'ir Joseph !?tratoii,' C.B. .V K.C.U. Curnrf, Dec. 1794 ; iitH<. 2 Dec.
ftj C4ipt. i .March, 1)7 ; Mnjor, 14
; .\iiif. 1801 ; Lieut.-Col. 2.5 Feb. l)« ; Co/.
4 Juiu-, 14; Miyor-Gen. 27 May, 2.'); £iVh/.-GVh. 28 Juno, 3S; CW. 17th
Loucers, 28 Jui. 39.

H Ucnry Pratt, Comet, PI July, 13; Lieut. i'18 Jan. 15;

Major, V li .\ug. 2« ; iwrui.-Co/. p 15 April, 37.
Cu;)<. vio Mav, 20

Matthew C. D. St. Qaintin, -ind Lieut. P29 June, 20; Lieut. p8 Jau. 24 ; Cuut.
P9 .\ov. 26 ; .Major, P 15 .\\>rH, 37.

lA John Lawrcnson 12 Nov. 18 P 6 Dec. 21 P 27 Aug. 25
William C. Douglas .
P 20 Mav 26 P 6 Sept. 27 Pll Aug. 35
Liouol .\nies p 3 Oct. 26 P 6 Jau. 32 P 4 .Mar. 36
Walter Williams p2G Mar. 29 P21 Dec. 32 PIS Mar. 37
William Hen. Keildca p OJan. 32 P 7 Aug. *> Plo Apr. 37
Edn-arJ Croker P 7 Sept. 32 P 1 1 Aug. 35 P 1 Mar. 39
Robert .\ F. Kingscote
P 2 Nov. 32 P 4 Mar. 36
Wallace Barrow P G Mar. 3o P 9 Dec. 36
John R. Palmer P 7 Auit. 35 P18 Mar. 37
John B. BroadUy . . . P 6 Nov. 35 P15 Apr. 37
Francis Boitlett P 18 Apr. 34 P14 Apr. 37
Robert Rej-nard P 8 Jan. 36 P 8 Feb. 39
John Davy Brett .... P 4 Mar. 36 p 1 XI ar. 30
Wm. Murray Mitchell . . p 5 Mar. 36
Aug. Saltren Willett P 9 Dec. 36
//on. tieoree O'Callaeliaii p18 Mar. 37
Andrew Wauchope i p 15 Apr. 37
Thomas Lindsay 4 Jan. 30
Kdw. Calvert Scobcll IP 1 Mar. 39
3A Paifnuuter. —
George Chandler,' 2.j Sept. 28; Eiit. k Ailj. 2.5 Feb. II ; Lieut.
2« Slarch, 12 Cnpt. 25 March, 14.

.dd/M/an/.—Thomas Lindsay, {Cornet) 8 Feb. 30.

Qiiar/cr-J/artfr.— William Hall, 10 May, 31.
Surgeon.—9 IIS James Elkinctou,' March, 13; CrtHxlall 1 1 Aiisuit.-Surij. 7
July, 08 Hotp.-Astiit. 8 Aug. 07.

—James Brown Gibson, M.D., 13 Jau. 29; Horp.-.issiit.

Attitt. -Surgeon. 14
Dec. 26.
Veterinary Surgemi. —John Wilkinson, 27 April, 26.
Scarlet Facings White. Agent, Messrs. Cox & Co. — 7r«A Agent, Cane & Co.
[Returned front the East Indies, May, 1823.]
I Sir JoMph mrcompanied his rf^iracnt, the IStb DracooDt, to the Petiinftula, in 1810, where he
•cnri'd thrc4* jt-mn. Sir JoM-pb ttma wounded at Waterloo, where he commaDded the 6th DragoODS, UDtil Sir
Wm. HuDtooby fvll, when the commiutd of a Bric.ule devolved od him.
*J C^pt. rhandler'i Mrrice* : —
CamT«ien of 17S0 in Holland, incladin; the actions of the Snd and 0th Oct.
si*lt« of Halta, and turreoder of La Valetta battle of Maida expedition to Kcvpt in 1807 Ionian Ishuidf
; ; ;

iu l^iou, and tiece and capture of &inta Maura in IHlii wounded before Ronetu in l.sOT. ;

3 Dr. Elkintcton wrrtd at the empltire of .Madeira in 1^)7, and in the Peninsula from April li'OO lo Nor.
ISIJ; prf4enl at the bailie of Talaierm; left privoner with the wrmnded at that city, and niarcli'-d into
Prance-; released in I**1<1. and rejoined the army in Portueal on lU retr,>at from Btisacn pre*eiit wilb it at ;

the linni of Torres Vrdras battle of Kucnies d'Uoor sieves of Ciudad Kodrtfcn, and R(uli\i»z buttle of Sala-
: ; ;

mancm rapture of Madrid awl dnnnr the wbole sieite of Burtrot m ch«ree of the Hospital for receivinc the
; ;

wounded m the retreat of the army he was left tn chanie of the English and Frturh
wounded, and a«ain
mwde prfsnaer prraeot at Waterloo, aad the cmpture of Paris.

lut (or Grenadier) Regiment of Foot Guards.


J3 aJEl Arthur, X>M*e ofWellinston,' K.G. G.C.B. & G.C.H.Ens. 7 March, 87;
Lieut. 2.3 Dec. 87 ; Capt. 30 June, 91 ; 3Iajor, 30 April, 93; Lieut.-Col. 30
Sept. 93; Col. 3 May, 96; Mnjor-Gen. 29 April, 1802; Limit.-Gm. 25
April, 08; Gen. (in Spain and Portugal) 31 July, 11 ; Field 3Iarshal,-2l June,
13 ; Col. Grenadier Guards, 22 Jan. 27.
19 Samuel Lambert,^ Efis. p5 Nov. 03 ; Lieut. & Capt. 27 Auff. 07; Capt. &
Lieut.-Col. 16 March, 14; J/ojor, with rank of Co?. 22 July, 30; Lieut.-Col.
28 June, 38.

JP Turner Grant,' Eiu. P13 June, 05; Lieut. & Ca/)<. P20 Feb. 11 ; Capt. &
Lieut.-Col. 26 Dec. 16; Brevet-Col. 10 Jan. 37; Major, with rank of Co/.
P 17 Feb. 37.

}^ 5!Sa Robert Ellison,'' .EftS.

P17 Dee. 07; Lieut. k Capt. pSO Dec. 12; Brevet-
JSIajor, 18 June, 16; Lieut.-Col. P15 April, 24; Major, with rank of Co/.
P9 Jan. 38.
y Alexander Higginson,= JBnt. 26 J'an. 04 Lieut. & Capt. 14 Sept. 09 ; Capt.

&.Lieut.-Col. 1 July, 15 ; Brevet-Col. 10 Jan. 37 ; Major, with rank of Col.

28 June, 38.
Cajitalns and Lieut. -Colonels.
P 5M Edward Clive,^ JSns. P4 July, 11 ; Lieut. & Cap*. 25 Dec. 13 ; Lieut.-
Col. ^ 19 Sept. 26.
^ Francis John Davies,' Ens. p3 Feb. 08; Lieut. P26 Jan. 09; Capt. P 12
Aug. 13 ; Capt. & Lieut.-Col. P30 April, 27.
Jolin Home, Ens. P 19 Jan. 13; Lieut. & Capt. P30 June, 15; Capt. & Lieut.-
Col. P 10 May, 27.
]9 Si/- John Rowland Eustace, K.H. Cornet, June, 08; i;«(/. P3 Nov. 08;
Caj>t. P 17 March, 14 ; 3Iajor, P 9 Nov. 21 ; Lieut.-Col. p 19 Dec. 26.
(ESa Cha. F. Rowley Lascelles,' Ens. PIO Sept. 12; Lieut, k Capt. 9 June,

14 Capt. & Lieut.-Col. p21 Feb. 28.


Henry Robert Ferguson, Comet, P18 March,18; Lieut. p25 Feb. 19; Capt. p26
Sept. 22 ; Major, P 19 Dec. 26 Lieut.-Col. P 8 May, 28.

Siaa Lonsdale Boldero," Ens. 15 Sept. 09 ; Lieut. & Cap*. 20 Oct. 13 Capt. ;

& Lieut.-Col. 22 July, 30.

John Ord Honeyman, Cornet, 12 Dee. 11 ; Lieut. & Capt. 4 July, 15; Capt. &
Lieut.-Col. P28 Sept. 30.
Godfrey Thornton, Ens. p20 Jan. 14; Lieut. & Cap/. Pll Oct. 21 ; Capi.k
Lieut.-Col. P3 Dec. 30.
Hon. Francis Henry Needham, Ens. 8 April, 13 Lieut. P9 Dec. 13; Lieut. Sc

Capt. P24 Oct. 21 Capt. & Lieut.-Col. P31 Dec. 30.


Henry ^yilliam Barnard, £;w. 9 June, 14 Capt. P15 Aug. 22; Capt.
cSc Lieut.-
Col. 1'17 May, 31.
Philip Spencer Stanhope, E71S. 30 March, 15; Lieut. & Cap/. P 17 July, 23;
Capt. k. Lieut.-Col. i' 16 March, 32.
John Lyster, Ens. 27 April, 15 ; Lieut, k Capt. P 6 Nov. 23 ; Capt. k Lieut.-
Col. P 27 July, 32.
Ferrars Loftus, Ens. 1 July, 15; Lieut. & Cajjt. p20 Nov. 23 ; Capt. k Lieut.-
Col. P 27 Dec. 33.
Francis Venables Harcourt, Ens. 11 July, 16 ; Ens. & Lieut, p 20 March, 17
Lieut. & Capt. P8 July, 24 ; Capt. & Lieut.-Col. p2 May, 34.
William Greenwood, Ens. k Lieut. 18 April, 16 ; Lieut, k Capt. P 18 Nov. 24 ;
Capt. k Lieut.-Col. p 9 May, 34.
John Julius Wm. Angerstein, Ens. k Lieut. P9 April, 18; Lieut, k Capt. P2
April, 25 ; Capt. k Licut.-Col. P 12 Sept. 34.
. ..

\st (or Grenadier) Reffiment of Foot Ouunls.

Sir John Monlaeuc Buivoyne, Bt. Eiu. 17 Oct. If! ; Eru. & Lieut. 1 Oct. 18
Zirut. k Ciipt. P-JS April, io ; Capl. k Liiut.-Col. I'o June, 3o.
Georve William Evrcs, ifn*. & iiVu*. P3 Dec. lH; /.ifii<. & Cant. i'->C Mav,25
•«;»/. ><c Lltut.-Col. P 1 July, 3<i.
Willijim I'luilyer, Eiu. 30 Dec. 19; Em. & Lieut. p2o Oct. 21 ; Lieut. & Cnc*
P 7 J Illy. -^ ; Capt. ii Lieut.-Col. P 2 Dec. 36.

{) I'liili)! Joshua Perceval,'" ind Lieut. Royal Marines, 2 July, 03 ; 1»< Z.iVu<,
lo Aug. (to ; £/M. Grenadier Guards, U
jiuie, 11 ; Lieut, ii Capt. 10 March
14 ; Capt. ii Lieut. -Col. 10 Jan. 37.
9 ISl Wni. Jolmston," £»«. P12 Dec. 11 ; Lieut, k Capt. IG March, 14
Capt. k Lieut.-Col. 10 Jan. 37.
Ja». Uobertson Craufurd, Ens. 14 Jnne, 21; Em. k Lieut. V29 Aug. 22
Lieut, k Capt. p 19 Sept. 26 Capt. k Lieut.-Col. p18 Feb. 37.

Fred. Clinton, Em. k Lieut. P lU Nov. 23; Lieut, k Capt. P 10 May, 27 ; Capt.
k Lieut.-Col. P 12 Jan. 38.
Richard Wni. Astell, Em. k Lieut. P20 Nov. 23; LieiU. k Capt. P13 Sept.
27 ; Capt. k Lietit.-Col. P 7 Julv, 38.
Thomas WimmI, Conief, PIO Nov. 20 ; Lieut. P12 June 23 ; Capt. P20 June 2o
Brev.-MnJ. 28 June 38 ; Capt. k Lieut.-Col. P28 June, 39.

coa. 2d it.
LltrTii. A.ND Capt.uss.

Georire SI'Kiunon
Charles Bacot
Geo. .\ujr. Fre<l. lloustoun
Arth. Wellesley Torrens
Hon. Ch. J. Fox. Stanlev
Hugh Fitz Roy '.

John Dixon
William Tliomton
Httn. Fr. Grosvenor Hood
Charles Wm. Ridley
Hon. .\u(r. Fred. Foley..
CliarUs ^tiuirt . '.

G. Herb. Fred. Campbell

Hcorj- Penleaze
Edw. Birch Reynardson
Hon. Rol)ert Bruce ....
Cliriii. Hamp. Nicholson..
John Si)4>tti5woode
Joiteph Henry Hudson ..
Percy .\U2. Evans Freke
Wm. Fra. Joseph Lantour
Henry C. Coropton ....
Hon. Wm. Leicester ....
Chas. .Mnenion Luveis .

Jas. Walker Dmmmond

Rob. Blenkinsop Coulson
Fred. Wm. Hamilton. . .

Hon. James Lindsay. . .

Francis Chas. Joddrell .

.\r. W. Fitz Roy Somerset

Henry Cartwright . .

.\UL^ustus Cox
Hon. (ieo. Cadogan .

Hin. Cieo. Conrov . .

Hugh Aud. Rnbt. Mitchell

John Home Pur^'ea ....
E4lwanl lioulbum
Hon. Montagu P. Bertie

Coldstream Re<jiment of Foot Gutiril.i

LIXrELI.ES."— Tlie Sphinx, \iitli the wonis K(iYl>T"-"TAl.AVKRA"

'• •

Yon'Serr, CohtieL
41 His nnyul Uighnea A. F. Duhe of Cambridge, K.G. G.C.B. G.C.M.O. fi.C.H.
. Lieut.-Gen. 12 Aug. 1798; Gen. ib Sept. 03; Field-Manhal, 'J(i Nov. 13;
P»". \^j.\ Co/orur/, Coldstream Guards, 5 Sept. 06.

Lieut. -Colonel.

9 111 John C.B. Ent. 17 Oct. 05; Lieut. & Capt.i \\vf. 10;
Brerei-Miyor, 21 Jane, 13 ; Bietxt-Lient.-Col. 21 Mar. 14 ; dipt, k Lieut.
Col. I Auj(. 22 ;
!• lireret-Col. 22 July, 30 ; Major, with rank of tW. 23 Juno,
30 ; Lieul.-Col. i- 8 Aug. 37.

CB Wm. Lovelace Walton, Ens. r S May, (Hi; Lieut, k Capt. 7 Mar. 11 ; Capt.
Si Lieut.-Col. V 20 Feb. 23 ; Major, w'ith rank of Col. 10 Jan. 37.
Charles Ausustus Shawe,' Em. v 20 May, OS ; Lietit. tc Capt. p 23 April, 12 ;
Capt. Ic Lieut.-Col. f 28 April, 25 ; Mifjor, with rank of Col. p8 Aug. 37.

Captains tc Lieut .-Colonels.

KBi George Bowie?, Ens. p20 01 LieiU. k. Capt. PI Feb. 10; Brevet-
Di-c. ;

Mqjor, 18 June, 15 Breret- Lieut.-Col. 14 June, 21 ; Capt. U Lieut.-Col.


27 .Mav, 25 Col. 10 Jan. 37.


31 C8 Chas. Ant. Fred. Bentinck, Ens. 10 Nov. 08 Lieut. & Capt. 24 Sept. 12 ;;

Br«Trt-.Vn/or,18Junc, 15 Capt. k Lieut.-Col. 21 May,25; Col. 28 June,3«.


9 Thnmas Chaplin,' Ens. r 18 April, 1 1 Lieut, k Capt.'O Oct. 14 ; Lietit.-Col.


f 15 .\iiir. 2<i.

9 llcnrv Armvtagc, Em. 27 Nov. 12; Capt. P5 Mar. 18; Lieut.- Col. ri\
Nov. 28.
Henrv John Wm. Bentinck, Ens. 25 Mar. 13 Lieut, k Capt. 18 Jan. 20 Capt.; ;

k Lieut.-Col. V 10 May, 29.

Wm. Henrv Cornwall, Ens. k Lieut. 10 Aug. 15; Lieut, k Capt. P6 Nov. 24 ;
Capt. k 'Lieut.-Col. P 10 Feb. 32.
Brincknian Broadhead, Ens. k Lieut. P 11 Sept. 17 ; Lieut, k Capt. p28 April,
25 Capt. k Lieut.-Col. P 20 April, 32.

Chas. Murray Hay, Ens. p20 April, 20 Ens. k Lieut. PI Nov. 21 ; LUut. k ;

Capt. P24 Dec. 25 ; Capt. k Lieut.-Col. r 22 June, 32.

la Henry Gooch, Ens. 23 JiUy, 12; Lieut, k Capt. P 28 Oct. 19; Ctipt.k
Lieut.-Col. 2B Nov. 32.
John Daw»ou Rawdnn, Ens. 12 Dec. 22 ; Ens. k Lieut. P 30 Jan. 23 Lieut, k ;

Capt. P 10 June, 2(1 Capt. k Lieut.-Col. f 15 .\ov. 33.


Hon. Tlios. .\9hbumbani. Ens. k Lieut. P 30 Jan. 23 Lieut, k Capt. P 22 June, ;

20 Capt. k Lieut.-Col. r 27 Mar. 35.


Wm. John Codrington. Ens. P 22 Feb. 21 ; Ens. k LierU. P 24 April, 23 ; Lieut.

k Capt. P20 July, 20; Capt. k Lieut. -Cot. p 8 July, 36.
Ely Duodecimus "iVi:.'ram, Ens. P 29 May, 23; Lieut, k Capt. PI Aug. 26;
Capt. k Lieut.-Col. < 13 Jan. 37.
Wm. Stewart Balfour, Ens. 8 Feb. 21 Lieut. P 12 May, 25 ; Capt. P 17 June,

20 Capt. k Lieut.-Col. p 24 Feb. 37.


Hon. James Hope, Eiu. k Lieut. P8 April, 24 ; Lieut, k Capt. P30 Dec. 26;
Capt. k Lieut.-Col. p8 Aug. 37.
George Knox, Comet, P 15 Mav, 23 LieiU. P 15 June, 25 Capt. P 20 Mav, 2C
; ; ;

Capt. k Lieut.-Col. P 27 July, 38.

Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards.


Scots FitsiHer Guards.

George James, Earl Ludlow,' G.C.B. Eiu. 17 May, 1778; Lirut. ic Capt.lS
March, 81 Capt. & Lieut.-Cnl. 24 Xov. ») Col. 21 Aug. 95 ; Mt^or-Gen.
; ;

18 June. 08 Lieut.-Gen. 'M Oct. 1805; ftm. 4 June, 14 Col. Scots Pusilior
; ;

Guanb, MO Mav,36.
Lieut.-Colonrl.—Tfi John Aitohision,' Etit. p-ij Oct. 05 Lieut, k Citpt. ii Nov. ;

10 Capt. k Lieut. -Col. v 16 Dec. 14 ; Major, with rank of Col. » iO May, 36


Lint.-Col. fU .\«e. 37.

J/<Vor».— P Sir James .VrchiboM Hope,^ K.C.B. Ens. 12 Jan. 00 LiitU.vZ ;

June, 01 Capt. 18 Fel.. 0<i Brerrt-Mfyor. 6 March, 1 1

; Reij.-.Major, P 7 ; ;

Jan. la BriTt-t-Lieut.-Cvl. 21 June, 13

; Cn/jf. & Lieut.-Col. 2o July, 14; ;

Brfrrl-Col. 22 Julv, 30 .Vn/or, with rank of Col. 10 Jan. 37. ;

IP William Henry Scott,' Bn». 27 Oct. 05 Lieut, k Cnpt. 28 .Mar. II Capt. ; ;

& Lirut.-Col. 5 Julv, 15 ; Brrrvt-Col. 10 Jan. 37 Major, with rank of Co/. ;

P 1 1 Aup. 37.
Captains mid Lieut .-Culonelr. p ?iLl William Dnimmond,* J?n*. p20 March, 06 ; —
Lieut, k Cnpt. 24 Oct. 11 Breret-Major, 18 June, 15 Capt. k Lieut.-Col. ; ;

P4 Julv. 10 Brervt-Col. 10 Jan. 37. ;

£a Berkelev Dnimraoml,* .Hw. 5 March, 12; Lietit. k Capt. 4 Julv, 15:

Capt. k Lieut.-Col. 121 Dec. 26.
SB Georce Douglas Stauden,' Em. March. 12 ; Lieut k Capt. 6 Julv, 15 ; W
Capt. k Lieut.-Col. 12 Julv, 27. i'

9 WUIiain Thomas Knollvs, « Etis. Dec. 13; Lieut, k Capt.^ Sept. 17;
Capt. k Lieut.-Col. P31 Dec. 27.
Hcnrv ColvUe, Em. P29 Dec. 13 ; Lieut, k Capt. p6 Nov. 17 Capt. k Lietit. ;

Cv'l. P 6 Julv, 30.

Pllenrv RoIktI DiL'bv.' &«. P26 Jan. 09 ; Lieut, f I March, 10; Capt.v i Dec.
13 Capt. k Lieut'.-Col. P 20 Julv, 30.

Plharles Honibv,'" in*. OJune, 08; Lteut.kCapt.'X.Ku^.lZ; Capt. k Lieut.-

Col. P 31 Aug. 32.
ISI Hon. Hen. Montasfu," £;«. 21 April, 14 ; iieirf. & Cnpf. P 12 June, 23 :

Capt. k
Lieut.-Col. ''21 Sept. 32.
Hon. fl'estenra, Ens. 4 May, 14; Capt. P23 Sept. 24; Capt. k
J. Craven
Lieut.-Col. P9 Aug. 33.
Philip James Yorkc, Em. 5 May, 14 ; Lieut, k Capt. P24 Feb. 25 Capt. k :

Lieut.-Col. P 7 Aug. 35.

George Dixon, Ens. k Lieut. P 20 Jan. 20 ; Capt. P 8 April, 26 ; Capt. k Lieut.-
Col. P 20 May, 36.
Hon. C. Beaumont Phipps, Em. k Lieut, p 17 Aug. 20 ; Lietit. k Capt. P 12
Oct. 26 ; Capt. k Lieut.-Col. P 26 May, 37.
John George Robinson, Ens. k Lieut. 23 Jan. 1 7 ; Lieut, k Capt. p 5 June, 27 ;
Capt. k Lieut.-Col. P 12 Aug. 37.
Porter B. F. C. Gilliess, Ens. p20 July, 20 Lieut. PIO Sept. 26; Capt. p29 ;

Aue. 26 Capt. k Lieut.-Col. PIO Xov. 37.


Patrick Fitz Rov W. Campbell, ind Lieut. 13 Jan. 25 ; Ens. k Lieut. P 14 July,
25 ; Lieut, k Cnpt. P3 July, 29; Capt. k Lieut.-Col. P9 Nov. 38.
17 Georce Morton Eden, Em. P 18 Julv, 22 ; Lieut. P 10 Sept. 25 ; Capt. 12 Dec. 26
.Vnjor, P 1 1 OcL 31 ; Lieut.-Col'. P 20 May, 36.
I LonJ Ludlow serred in the American war, and was made pnioner at Tork Town. Id 1793 he Joined
th« army in Flaridert, ac il serred in the differeol accioni of that and the tollowing campai^ until wounded,
III* I Till Mar, 17M, near Routiaix, when, having; lost his letl arm. hn rvlumfd to Ensland. Lord L. accom-
panled Sir Jame) Pullt^n er to the Ffrrol. took part in the E^ypti in C4rop4icn in 1801 ; commanded a diTt>
aioo in Ibe niron n t.j ilji.oicr in 1605; and wa» present at the rapluic ufCopinhageu in 1S07.
» Col. .»!•. J thi^ exp«^itjon to Copenhacfn in 1807. In It**)** pnxtrdi-d with the army
P,-niD$ula, and was prvstnt at tfie pafsj^e of the Douro, taking of
Oporto, ail 1 .1 of So .\t Tala nas wounded in the arm while carrjini;
Um Kill('> .
also allot •..-.^4 II. ilie campaigns of 1810, 12, 13, and 14, and
was present al llut.iro, alamanea, Burgos haltl<> of Vitloria, firge of San

Sebastian, St. Jean de Lus, pa^sac in\e«tuient of and sortie from Bajonue. .

3 S.r J. A. Hope aeeompanied the t I^'>7.

< He served durine the whole of the
eampalirn in Simia and Portucal unl. ~
oi.ed tlie expt-dilion to Wulehenn. He

was present at Loco. Corunna, Barrosa, t.:ii'l.i>i li > •....< oira. Vittoria, I'olosa, St. Sebastian, the paa-

aaf* of the Bidasaoa, Nlrelle, ttlfl paasa^ of lAe > orthe>, Toulk>uie, iix. iic., and has receired a cross ,

and one cla*p.

4 Cot ifi.; ?• It prr.-.i-l to thr- Penifinla In ItKW, and wta present at tjle psssace of the Douro, capture
of "— ' '.- » ^ . -_^^ Wounded through the Ijody at Talasera, and biin£ lef*

'.insula from 1600 to 1813, tncludinK lh,> battles of Busaco,

I rr,* Vedras, and subsequent advano' from thrnce. Serred
-'• ^-.111, .*i».. ..i ,^,4 111 ri.. 11*11 1 11 iiiiK the bombardment of Antweris and storming of Iferp^n-op-
; Bras and Waterloo.
Scots Fusilier Guards.
— —
1st {ur the Roifal) Regiment of Foot.
' E?mout-op-Z«c." "St Lucia." — —
The Sphinx, with tlie wonis, " Eg>-pt" "Corunna"
" Biuac-u" •'

" Vittoria" '• —
St. Sebastian"
" .Viagura" -" \\ aterloo" " Najfpon;" " Mulieiiipoor" " Ava."

" Xivc"

" Pcuinsula"

46 ' = =
Pull I
iloir' I s
P.J. I Pajr. - »

43 29
'2iid (or Queens Royal) Retpment of foot. I

r' • - • I'riMtIno Tirtutii
|f/i,. ' .rtcr.liarinc ttif rr
Iht- ami Civirii ; tllj
Tl.r — "VIMIERA"— '••XlRl XNA"— •SAI.ASIANCA"—
"M. ,.>.> ,..., - WWai-K'— ••TOILOISE"— PEXINSfLV." ••

i 'oluiirl.

P ill R*- Hon. Sir Jaino) Ktnipt,' (i.C.B.U.C.ll., Eiu. 31 Mar. 1783 Lieut. ;

18 Aug. 84; Cap^. 80 May, 94 ; .Wo>r, 1 8 S«pt. 94 Z,lfii«.-Co/. i28 Aog.UO; ;

Co/. 9 March, 09; Mnjor-Gen. 1 Jan. 12; Lieut.-Gen. 27 May, 25; Cot.
of the Quccn°« Royalf), 23 Dec. 34.
Z.i«-ii/.-("o/on</*. —
19 Tho!i. Willsliirc,' C.B. Etn. Juno,95; ii«*/. 5 Sept. 95 ;
Cu/if. 2t> Aug. 04 ; Vrrret-.VaJor, 21 Sept. 13 ; Srecet-Lieut.-Cvl. 4 Dec. 15 ;
R,;jtl.-Mnjor, 10 Sn-pt. 23; RegtI.-Lieut.-Col. 30 Aug. 27 ; Co/. 10 Jan. 37.
John Uregon- Baiinigardt,' Em. 1 Aug. 98; Lieut. 20 March, 01; Capt. 10
Jan. 10 ; ilajor. r21 Oct. 24; Lieul.-Col. P9 Jane, 25 ; Co/. 28 June, 38.
.W(OOT».— Redmond Wui. Brough, £»m. 10 March, 07 ; Lieut. 15 July, 08 ;

Capt. P 10 Jan. 22 ; Major, 29 Mnv, 35.

Richard Carrathcni, Eus. 19 Mav, "
14 ; Lie^it. 25 Jan. 25 ; Capt. f 16 April, 29 ,

.Major. P 19 Feb. 3(i.

Captains. MAJOR.
Geo. Dalhouitic J. Raitt . 6 Feb. 23 12 Mav 25 P 7 Jane 31
John Good S. Gilland 31 Dec. 12 19 Feb. 17 20 Aug. 31
William Greenville ... 9 Mar. 09 12 Dec. U P 1 Jan. 19
Win. ilartin Lyster ... 19 Feb. 17 June 21
14 P 22 Mar. 33
^ \
Thoinas Meldrum P22JuIv 13 Mar. 17
27 8 Mar. 34
! John Carney 20 Feb. 17 P 3 Jan. 22 26 May 35
2 Mar. 15
5^ jlB Mount's. U. IJoyd' 16 Dec. 13 13 Sept. 35
Oliver Robinson 5 Oct. 20 24 Jan. 25 P 19 Feb. 30

Thomas Sealy P27 Nov. 28 P15 Mar. 31 P 16 June 37

7^ f® Hen. Duncan Keith ' 21 April 14 14 Aug. 15 29 June 37

LlEFTENANTS. 1 Sir James K^mpt ha.i re-
ceiTed a Crcis and three Cla«pt
Geonre Stirling
4 Mav 20 10 Feb. 25 for Maida, BadaJM, Vittoha,
Wm. Xicol Ralph 26 Jan. 25 29 Aug. 26 Nivelli-, hire, Orllies, BJid Tou-

13 George V. Hamilton . . 2 Feb. 14 29 Oct. 29 louse, uDd wa« severely wouod-

I^ Peter Grehan
P 8 April 26 26 Xov. 30
2 Col. WiiJsliirc's serrices :
U Thomas Gravatt
P30 April 29 P 7 June 31 Bailies of RoleiaandViiniera;
Jame« Stirling p 10 Jan. 28 21 Aug. 31 campui(;n and bailie of Co-

P 8 Oct. 25 1 Slar. 33
ranna ; eipedilion to Walciic-
1 Henrj' Reynolds
rc-n ; Pt-nin^ula from June.
[Thomas Wingate P13 May 26 17 Mav 30 Mi
to JiBj. 18H, includiiis
iMedwinR. Pilfold 1 Feb. 31 Ifi Mar. 34 battle of S.ilanianea (twice
Halkett P 23 Aug. 31 17 Mar. 34 wounded); rttreat from Bur-
f:oi. and action at Villa Mu-
jJas. Egbert Simmons . . . 20 Jan. 32 29 Mav 35
rilla Will Oct. 1812; battle of
Chas. Luxmore Bennett P 3 Feb. 32 P 24 July 35 Vittoria; first as^ult of San
St. George Hen. Stock . P 20 April 32 13 Sept. 35 Setyastian ; also secnnd assault
Edward W. Spiirke . . . 20 Jan. 32 27 Mar. 35 and capture; rrouing llie Bi-

dassoa; Xitelle; NiTe,Stli, lOth,

Stanhope Wm. Jephson P 26 Xov. no P 19 Feb. 36
and lltliDec. 1»I3. Ripulsed
Edw. Arth. W. Keane . 15 Feb. 33 Pll Mar. S6 Willi 300 men the allack of
1 Thomas A. XUon I 14 Feb. 34 Feb. 37 10,000 CalTri > upon the open
29 June 37 villai;e of Gruham's Town, on

G. X. K. A. Vonge p 22 Aug. 34
the fmntii-rs of the Cape of
! Godfrev Picrcy p 24 July 35 16 April 38 Good Uope;captun?of Kiltoor,
J. Aug.' Macdonald p 10 May 31 11 Mav
38 in the Dooab, K. Ind. Uic. UH.
3 CoL Bautn^rdt was pre-
Edward Houevwood P 14 June 33 P 2(5 July 38
at every siese, battle, and
Hen. Wm. Sti'sted p 4 Dec. 35 P29 Sep't. 38 sent
in every campaii;n in which the
jThos. W. E. Holdsworlh p 15 Jan. 36 p14 Dec. 38 $lb Hussars were enp. in India.
Ex»io>".-i. J. Hardie Ivippen P 3 Aug. 38
30 June 37 Frederick Connor
Douglas John Dickinson P P 29 Sept. 38
Thomas .\ddison 15 Sept. 37 Hubert Stephenson P 23 Mar. 38
Henry Piercj- 9 Mar. 38 Henry Cox P 14 Dec. 38
1^ Paifi'natter.—Jts. Soin«rtiUe Darby,' 3i July, 06.

.i^jutaat. Jas. Egbert Simmons, (Lieut.) 11 June, 36.

Quarter-Miuter.—\S. H S. Hadlcv, 1 2 Aug. 36 Etu. 10 Ap. 25 £^. 24 Sept. 31

. ; ;

3a Surj.—JJiaWm. H.Young," 4 Sept. 26 Astiit.-S. 4Fcb. 13; //..<. 19 Dec. 1 1.


.4x».".rf.-.Sury.— R..b. II..i,.- AKlmi Hunter, 15 June, 30

i Hosp.-Asst. 10 Jan. 27. ;

- II .22 Feb. 39.


Faf".iujt !' Lawrie, Charles-Street, St. James's.

4 C»pl. Llajd •as al Walerlu.^ f'^)m^raf, V4th Jua«, ie^lS. and capture of Paris.
S«rve<i oD( eunpaiio luier port >.. .
A Capt. Keillk WM
proacnt on the lUlL ITlh, and li^Ih June, at Waterloo,
« Paymatter Dartiy wa» at Iha tiet* ar, t rt and i.iwn of liulrass in IHIH; siege and

radwctlon of Rolu!* In the Ooarkok Trr: Mahrallacarapaii^n in InlTand 10.

7 Dr. T^Minc wried in th« Pvninsvla, h Feb. I«13. inrludint llu- tiefe of Bad^oi.
t >

Apetl. IKIJ, and bottle of SJamaiKa. St>.J ui>atinis of ItilS and 14 ia Ormajiy and UoUaud,
'nrlTii^ig tiic attack oo Bcr(eo-op-Zoom. Present oD the 18th Jujic it Waterloo. AS
Emb. for For.j
3J (-y,, ^^^^^ j^^^^^ Reyimeiit of Foot (or Buffs.)
Service, 18: [^^;;\"fj^J
Tlie Dragon DriERA" " Pi'RESE ' NIVELLE" 'Nl '





. — 3 !

rSerrinR In Ihi-
s"l 4^/j (or King'tRegt. of Foot. Own)
I, Kut
Tkt Liun of Etijliind "-" CORl!NNA "— " DADAJOS "— " SALASIANCA "_• VITTORI

Johu Ilodpion,' ^/u.WMav, 1771); i<>«^ 27 Nov. 80 Capt.-U Sept. 87 ; Jffy. ;

U >Iuv, Liiut.-Cvl. \ Sept. 1)5 ; Col. 25 Sept. 03; Miijor-Gen. 25 July,

9-t ;

10 ; Lieut. -Gen. 4 June, 14 ; Gen. 10 Jiui. 37 ; Col. 4th Hegt. 30 Sept. :Vi.

Liruteniint-ColomU. Ilenn- Wiu. Breton, Ens. 10 »Mareh, 15; iifu<. i'27 July,
20;\ July,25; IV/(/ur, 31 Dee. 28 ; iiVu/.-CW. ! July, 34.
i' U
I2A John Leslie,' K.H.; Ens. 7 .Vug. 1800; Lieut. 2 June, 08; Cap/. i-SO Nov. 00;
.»/(yor, fl Jan. 10; Lieut.-Col. i'2S) Aug. 20.
.ViOor.«.—^P ta
lUnaia Jlacdonahl,' K. 11., Ens. 25 March, 07 ; Lieut. 5 May,
Of<; O^ri'3 Dec. 18; Mi\jnr, 1'24 Jan. 28; Brevet-Lieut.-Col. 13 July, 38.

9 WilUuui SudlkT,' £(«. 2 AprU, 07 ; Lieut. 4 May, 09 ; Capt. 25 Aug. 25 ;

.Vqjor. 4 l"eb. 38.
Rirharrt Chetwode . 4 May 20 p 15 Auk. 22 v 20 Mar. 27
Thomas Williams 22 p 7 July 25
JP 12 Sept. i'
17 June 28
Tho. .Mitchell Chamlwrs. 23 June 25 p25Nov. 28 p 7 April 37
I Faunce 5 April 27 12 Nov. 2!)

<• i' 23 June 37
Farqnliar JI. Campliell 3 Aug. 30 p
Dec. 33 p C Oct. 37
R. lIonvwoiKl Monvpcnnv P31 Mav 31 26 Feb. 34 P 15 Dee. 37
Williani nenr\- .MounsevM P 28 Mav 29 P 4 Jan. 33 P 14 April 37
Fretl. LeopoldArthur..". p G Dec. 33 p 3 July 35
. p 8 June 38
John Hilton P21Pept. 32 p 30 Jan. 35 P 14 Dec. 38
George Kennedy p24 Dec. 33 P 1 July 3C p 15 Mar. 39
^ '
Charles J. Otter' 20 Dec. 24 12 Nov. 27 3 Lirut.-Col. Macdonald was
14^^ I
Tliomas Gibson 17 Mav 13 2 Dee. 14 sever^'lT uouu'Jod at Waterloo.
4 Major Sidlicr served in
John Snod-rass 13 Dec. 33 1 Dec. 36
Sicily from July 180^ to June
<ieor^e Kiuy ni July 34 I
P 7 April 37 ISI'J. aiut was present at the
John Henry Hay Ru:ctou p 10 July 34 ]
P 23 June 37^-e of the Islands of Ischia

2G Mav 25 and Procida. Ser\ed subse-

Dennis A. Courtaync* . 18 April 22 P
(|uenllv in the Peninsula, In-
rharles S. Teale." 7 -April 10 Dec. 27 cludiuE the battle of CasUlIa
.\braham C. .Vnderson . . 12 June 23 9 July 29 '
and siege of Tarragona, action
Wni. Charles Sheppard.. June 29
II 10 Nov. 34 at Villa Franca, besides various
niiiiorafliiirs; si'rved also in the

\V. H. M. Ogiivie P 18 Nov. 31 P 29 .^lav 3.5

American war, including the
1 fj
John Cameron 25 Dee. 1 7 JulV 37 attack on Plaltsbur^h.
Rol)ert Hawkes |
p 2 Dec. 31 8 Julv 37 5 Lieutenant Otter served at
Robert O'.Neill P 3 July 35 9 Julv 37
6 Lieut. Courtayne ser\'ed in
Jas. S. Shortt 3 May 33 10 JulV 37 the Burmese war in 1825 and
Chas. Stanifurth Hext . . p Oct'. 35 P 6 Oct. 37 1826.
' Wailam WUby p 27 May 36 P 7 Oct. 37 7 Capt. Bum ser^•ed the
Joseph Palmer p 23 June 37 P 8 June 38 campaign in the Eastern
Islands, and was at the taking
Raleigh Henrv Yea P 13 Mar. 35 P 23 Feb. 38 if m^J'JsI;;, 1814. Served
Wdliam O'Kelly 25 May 15 21 Jime 27 tht. Mahratta campaign of
Jas. Alex. Madigan 23 June 37 P 14 Dee. 38 '*" «"' '*• """* "" "cverely

Bh""?"" »'
Thomas Burke 8 Aug. 22 5 Oct. 26 h'^,",""'"' "
John H. Glaibrook P 6 Oct". 37 P 15 Mar. 39
James Cross p 7 April 37 Thos. C. Morgan P 8 June 38
W. W. Bond P 4 Nov. 36 John Lennox M'.Vndrcw . p 14 Dee. 38
! John Potter 22 April 36 John Cowell Bartlcy P26 Apr. 39
B. J. Baldwvn p20 Oct. 37 F. P. Haines p 21 June 39
Wm. M. Campbell p 10 Nov. 37

Paymaster. —
Jam(-9 Bum,' 6 Feb. 35; Ens. 1 Oct. 11; Lieut. 16 June, 13;
Cupt. 19 Dec. 34.
A4jutnnt.—lo\ia Potter, (Ens.) 11 July, 37.
Quarter-Matter.— ^ii.umel Sexton, 11 Julv, 37.

\^ Surgeon.— 1^ Thos. Lewis, M.D., 19 Nov.'SO; Assist.-Surg. 9

Sept. 13 ; JI(i.<p.-
.4*»ijrf. 8 July, 11.
Atsistant-Surgeom. — Wm. Hutcliinson Alhnan, M.D., 12 June, 35.
Chas. Win. Flint Hunter, M.D., 19 Jan. 38.
Facings Blue Agent, Messrs. Cox J: Co.
1 G«iirral Ilo«l(»on wa« trTeralj wnunHM at E(rnont-oii-Z«e.
2 roIoDcl Le«ll' was al fh«* Ukins of Trmraororc in 19<iS ; alio at the captiirp of tlie Itland of Bourbao,
and Ihr 1»1« of Franc** ; pm«nl in tlic ra|:a«rravnU in Jara, the lOth, 'i'ini, and ^(b Aug. 1811.
JVrvrl in the Pindarnv war lu 181T. Army uf occupation in France.
5^'^ ^^d'^- of Foot {or Northumberland Fusiliers) [^"^3^.'"
*' Quo fala Yocant,^' sitrmountiiig St. George and the Dragon. On the corners of the 2nd colour th*^
Rose ami Crown; on the cajjs MeKing's Crest ato St. George killing the Dragon. " WILHELMSTAHL''
— ;


I.TwcoS'l] 6'* -S^y"^ 1*' Ifancickshire) Regt. of Foot. [«jr;^^-„',V:"

" Tht .tri/f/«tpc."— On the Ihrw cornen of ihe »«cond colour, "
The Rom and Cron-n."—Aaii on Uio Uniia-
dler-i c.l», 'T*. Kine-i CVrt(."— •• ROLEIA" — CORUXNA" — VITTORIA"—
'• •• ••


IjiVS^ri. Colund.
Sir George Nugent,' Sort. G.O.B. £wl,jn, 5 Jiilv, 1773; Lieut. 23 Nov. 75;
OI;>^ S8 .April, 7(»; -Vfyor, 3 May, &>; Lieut. -Col. 8 Sept. 83; Cul. I .Mar.
U4; .Vfyur.-f.Vn. 3 .May.lX;; Lieut.-0,ii. .'o Sipt. 1803; OVh. .J June, 13;
Col. Gtli Kiv't. -Jfi .May, (Ki. Linit.-Coloneh.
Heni^- Sullivan, " I'. B. A'/w.yn, PI" .May, !)8; Lieut. PaOSept.OS; Capt. r 10
July, 01 ; .Vnjar, HI Jan. 08 Lieut.-Cal. 1 July, 13: Col. 2'i July, 30.

John .\ljreo, Eiisiyu, 18 June, do; Lieut. 1 Jan. OG; Cn;»f. 1'28 Feb. 12;

Major, P 2(J June, 23 Brevi't-Lieul.-Cul. 28 June, 38.


{) II. Bennct Even's!,' Ensiijn, 22 Dec. 04; iiVu*. 1 March, U7 C«>)/. p22

June, 20 M(\jor, 23 Dec. 31.



Ith RegimeiA of Foot, (or Royal Fusiliers.)

In the centre of the colours, The " Rose" within tlie Garter and the Crown over it. And
in the comers of the second Colour, The "White Morse." "Martinique" —
"Talavera" — "Albuhera" — " Badajoz"— " Salamanca"— " Vittoria"—
— — —
" Pyrenees" "Orthes" "Toulouse" " Peninsula."

.. . —

Hth {or The Kinij's) Hn/iiiit'iit of Foot.

The " WhUe Hone," " Xrc tupeni terrcHt," " The SphiiLc," witli the words
9 Sir Ileim- Baylv,' G.C.U. Eiit. \-2 April, 1783; Lieut. & Cnpt. at* Aug. 93;
Cnpt.ii Lieut.-'Col. 5 Sept. !)i); Col. 25 Oct. 09 ; Major-Gen. 1 Jan. 12}
Lieut.-Gen. 27 May, 35 ; Col. 8tb Ri-gt. 13 Sept. 25.
Lieut. -Colonel.
P Gerranl Ball,' Em, 17 Sept. 07 ; Lieut. P 1 Dec. 08 ; Capt. i' 7 April,
14 ; V 24 June, 24 ; LieuL-Col. P i Oct. 35.
<imcoe Barnes, Ens. 24 June, 12; Lieut. 28 Dec. 15; Capt. P 24 June, 24;
Mnjor,vi Oct. ;J5.
Charles SL Lo Molet, Cornet, PC Jan. 19 ; Lumt. P3C May 25 ; Capt. P 25 Feb.
26 : Major, r 10 Jan. 38.

H. M'inch. Hartley 10 Sept. 18 1 Oct. 20 1 Oct. 25
Thomas Kenyon P 28 Feb. 25 P 24 Nov. 25 P 14 Apr. 29
James Byron P 13 Sept. 21. P17 Dec. 25 P 10 May 33
John Louificld P 23 June 25 P 2C Sept. 2C P 30 Jan. 35
William C'licsimley P 26 Nov. 25 P 15 Oct. 29 P 7 Aug. 35
H. WtUadvicc Roper P 21 Nov. 28 P21 Dec. 32 P 23 June 37
9 David Gardiner' . . 27Jimell 24 Nov. 14 22 Nov. 37
Walter Ogilry P 15 Oct. 29 P 8 Mar. 33 P 10 Jan. 38
E. H. Grcathed P22 June32 P 10 May 33 P 27 Apr. 38
John Terrj- Liston P 27 July 32 P 7 Feb. 34 P 20 Nov. 38
Cynis Plaistow Trai>aud P 9 June 25 P 18 Dec. 28
Fra. Saunderson Holmes p 8 Feb. 33 6 Jidy 35
Stephenson Browne ... P 8 .Mar. 33 P 4 Sept. 35
John Eldridge West . . . P 7 Feb. 34 P 3 Feb. 37
Henry Capadose 26 Feb. 28 17 .Mav34
Alfrc<l A. Malet P 30 Jan. 35 30 Apr. 37
John Hinde P 28 Feb. 35 P 311 June 37
Mark P. Seward P 30 Oct. 3.5 V 1 Sept. 37

F. Douglas Lumley . . p 22 Oct. 33 8 Jan. 38

Conlthurst Holder P 22 Jan. 3li P 10 Jan. 38
Hugh Hill P 24 Nov. 35 P 27 Apr. 38
Ernest Lavie P 3 Feb. 37 V 20 Nov. 38
John Long Marsdcn . . P 17 Feb. 37 P 7 June 39
Robt. Fred. Turner . . p 30 June 37
W. M. G. M'Murdo . . 1 July 37
Thomas Clowes P 1 Sept. 37
William Sevmour P 20 Oct. 37
C. F. B. G." Dickenson . P 10 Jan. 38
P. .\. Iremonger p 27 Apr. 38
.\rthnr Leslie P2I) Nov. r"
James Johnston P 7 June 39

Paymniter. Wm. Russell Lucas, 10 March, 37 ; ind Lieut. 18 March, 25 ;
Lieut. 3 Jan. 28.

A^utant. Fras. Saunderson Holmes, (Lieut.) 10 March, 37.
Quarter-Mtater.— Job Aldridge, 10 Feb. 37 ; Ent. 4 Feb. 37.
15 Swrp.— Peter Frascr,* 6 Dec. 30 A.vf.-Surg. 10 Dc-c. 12; Hosp.-Asst. IG July, 12.

Atnttant-Surgeom.—}o\in Cha. Ciraham Tice, 15 Jan. 36.

Isidore .Anthony Blake, 15 Sept. 37.
Facingt Blue. Agent, Messrs. Cox i Co.
I 8ir ileary BbjIjt wttmI In PIand>n: wn« prr^mt nl (he InitHe of P«m»n; the JieRC of Valenciennet,

uil wu •! Uncsllrfc Sir lltiirjt t,l$a mtyhI In Holland In 17D0. S.TV<Hl In llie P.ninnula in 18H.
« Col. Ball HTTrJ in ihe P.'nlti<ula from June 1S09 lo Nov. ISIS, including Buiaco, .'Mbuhera, .Vrroyo de
Hotlna, Almaiu, VUiori. fwoiinded In the he«dl, Mata (MTerely wounded in the left leg), in ihc Pyreaeei,
and .le»e .f lUdajoi in May HI I.
3 rapuin IJardlner rn.d the campaliini of 1612 and IS In the Peniniula.
4 Dr. Ftawr «rved m
the American war, and wli at the capture of OtwejO.
.. — ;

l!f" ] 9th (or the East Norfolk) Regiment of Foot. ["Serving

i n
The figu " Britannia,"—" ROLEIA"— " VIMIERA"— " BDSACO"— " SALAMANCA"—
J? -Su- John Cameron,' K.C.B.£;i,t. 25 Sept. 1787 ; Lieut. SO Sept. 90; Capt.
11 July, 94 3Iajoi; 9 Oct. 1800 ; Lieat.-Col. 28 May, 07
; Col. 4 June, 14 ; ;

Mnjor-Gen. 10 July, 21 ; Lieut.-Gen. 10 Jan. 37 ; Col. 9th Regt. 31 May, 33.

Limt.-Colonels. John M'Caskill,' K.H. Ens. 10 March, 97 ; Lieut. 14 May,
1801 ; Capt. 6 March, 06; Brevet-Major, 12 Aug. 19; Regtl.-Major, Pll
March, 24 ; Lieut.-Col. P 17 Feb. 25 ; Col. 28 June, 38.
IP Sir Edm. Keyuton Williams,' K.C.B. Ens. 30 Aug. 99; Lieut, r 18 April, 1800
Capt. 25th Sept. 07 ; Brevet-Major, 8 Oct. 12 ; Brevet-Lieut- Col, 21 June, 13
Regtl.-Major, -26 Oct. 14; Regtl.-Lieut.-Col. 1 June, 26; CoZ. 22 July, 30.

Majors. Abra. Beresford Taylor,-* K.H. jS?!*. 14 Feb. 11 ; Lieut. 24 Dec. 12;
Capt. 22 April, 25 Major, P 19 April, 33.

P George Lennox Davis,^ Em. 15 Sept. 08; Lieut. 15 Oct. 11 ; Capt. 7 April,
25; 3Iajor. p 17 Oct. 37.
P Charles Barnwell . . . 30 July 07 30 Mar. 09 19 May 14 10 Jan. 37
Arthur Ogle P 1 Apr. 24 P 8 Sept. 25 P 16 July 29
Chas. Douglas never 19 May 14 P 16 June 25 28 June 38
}P Wm. Hen. Hartman . 9 July 03 28 Jlar. 05 30 Oct. 12 22 July 30
John Donnelly P 17 May 2 P 16 July 29 P 30 Jan. 35
Joseph Hammill 4 Jan. K 13 May 12 28 Nov. 34
Matthew Smith 16 Sept. 16 31 Dec. 23 8 Feb. 34
Studholme Wm. Metcalf P 24 July 28 P 19 Apr. 31 P 28 Aug. 38
Franklin Lusliington .... P 16 July 29 10 Oct. 33 P 30 Oct. 38
John Charles Campbell . P 15 May 28 P 7 Jan. 30 P 4 May 38
Thomas Sandes 20 May 19 2 June 25
Walter Foster Kerr .... P 23 Jan. 12 P 14 Oct. 13
John Hosken Pll June 30 P 28 Feb. 34 i Miyor Taylor served in the
Atnerican war, including the battles
John W. Robinson 16 June 30 P 1 Aug. 34 of Chrystler's Farm, and Niagara
Arthur Borton P 13 July 32 P 3 Apr. 35 (severely wounded through the right

JM Wm. Broom Farrant P 1 Sept. 08 29 Jan. 12 leg), siege of Fort Erie, Sept. 1814
present at the capture of Forts Log-

Robt. Joseph Edmonds.. P 30 Dec. 26 10 Jan. 31 hur, Knairee. and Ryghur in the
James Dunne P 27 Apr. 29 P 17 Nov. 32 East Indies in 1818 also assault ;

John F. Field P 28 June 27 21 Feb. 34 and capture of Roree in 1819. Served

the campaigns in Ava, including the
Studiiolrae Brownrigg P 20 July 32 9 May 35 action at Dalla (wounded), attack

Wm. W. Powell P 16 Nov. 32 9 May 35 on Fanlang, Yajigaveboag, and

Edmund F. A. Hartman 22 Nov. 33 P 29 Dec. 36 Donebew.
5 Major Davis served in the
Voland Vashon Ballard 7 Mar. 34 P 16 Sept. 36 Peninsula the latter part of 1808,

Charles Myers Creagh P 14 Mar. 34 Nov. 36 until taken prisoner at Lugo, 9 Jan.

1809, where he was left dangerously

George Alex. Tytler .... P 28 Oct. 31 P 13 Mar. 35 ill prisoner of war in France until J

Charles Elmhirst P 14 Aug. 35 P 17 Oct. 37 April 1814.

Duncan Munro Bethune C Quarter- Master Scott was at the
17 Apr. 35 21 Mar. 38
battle of Vimiera, captureof Opoito,
Rich. Gibbons Morgan P 29 Dec. 35 P 25 May 38
of Vittoria, siege of San Se- ?

Duncan Pirie P 18 Mar. 36 8 Aug. 38 bastian, battles of the Nive9th, 10th,

William Shelton 22 May 35 P 30 Oct. 38 and nth Dec. 1813.
Fred. D. Lister 16 Sept. 36 2 Feb. 39
James Slator Cumming. P 22 July 36 1 Nov. 38

George Cubitt P 1 July 36 P26 Apr. 39

Ensigns. Archibald Bluntish 7 Dec. 38
George Pearson P 24 Apr. 38 Donald B. Macleod P 22 Feb. 39
Geo. J. Thomas P 25 May 38 Arthur Layard P 1 Mar. 39
Blayney Walshe P 28 Aug. 38 Samuel Jordan Palmer .. p26 April 39
Clias. Spencer Gaynor 9 Nov. 38 Alex. Taylor
. , 21 June 39
Pai/master. —
Robert Bluntish, 14 Dec. 09.

Adjutant. Studholme Brownrigg, (Lieut.) 25 May, 35.
Quarter-Master.—'^ Joseph Scott," 17 Dec. 07.
Surg. —
F. Sievwright, M.D. 25 Sept. 35 Asst.-Smg. 13 Mar. 17 Hosp.-Asst.

; ;

Assist. -Surgeoru^. William Harvey, 28 March, 34. [7 Jmie, 13.

Robert Harthill, 29 Dec. 37.
Facings Yellow. Agent, Messrs. Cox & Co.
1 Sir John Cameron v tthe taking of Martinique. St. Lucia, and Guadaloupe, where he was severely wounded and taken
prisoner. Sir John has ved a cross and three clasps for Vimicra, Corunna, Busaco, Salamanca, Vittoria, St. Sebastian
(wounded) and Nive.
2 Col. M'Caskill was at the landing at Porto Rico, and siege of St. Juan, May, 1797. On passage to India when the fleet
under convoy of Sir T. Trowbridge was attacked by the French Admiral Linois in the Marengo 84, a heavy frigate, and
another ship, Aug. 1805 ; present at the sieges and captures of Forts .Satt.irah, Singhur, Woossotah, and a great m.iny others.
Also at the reduction of the strong fortress of Sholapore, and the attack and dispersion of 5,000 of the Peshwa's choicest troops
strongly posted with their guns, 15 ofwhieji were captured under the walls of the fort, 11th May, 1818.
3 Sir Edm. Williams served the campaign of 1799 in Holland, including the actions of the 2nd and Gth Oct. (wounded) ;
present at the battle of Maida in 180G. and the taking of Isebia in 1809. Served throughout (he war in the Peninsula, in-
clu'ling the following battles, lieges, &c., viz. Busaco (wounded), Badajoz, 1811, Salamanca (twice wounded, once severely),
Burgos, Vittoria, Tolosa, St. Sebastian 1st, 2nd (wounded) and 3rd assaults, Bidassoa, Nivelle, Nive, Adour, and wounded
t of Bayonne. 60
. ... — ;;

loth (or the Nprth Lincolnshire) Regiment of Foot.

The .s'/iA.Hj-.witl! tlic words, " EGYPT"—" PENINSULA."

9 ill Sir John Umlwrt," G.C.B. Knt. -27 Jan. 17S)1 Lieut, t Capt. 9 Oct. ;

'.13; Cijit. K Lieut.-Ciil. U

Mav, 01 Julv, 10; .V<y.-Oen. 4 June, ;

13 Lieut. -Gtn. il May, 25

; Col. 10th Rvfct. 18 Jan. .!4. :

Lieut. -Colonel.
9 Holnian Custanee,' Eiu. 20 Oct. 08 ; Lieut. 22 Feb. 10 ; Capt. i'20 May, 14
1" 2 Sept. 24
.U(y. ; Lieut.-Col. P 12 Dec. 20.
Gervas Power, 2«d Lieut. 12 Sept. 16; Lieut. 7 April, 25 ; Cn;)/. i' 8 April, 26
.VaJ- •" 4 Sept. 35.
Saville Brooni,^ Enf. I" 28 Dec. 15; ii<-u<. 15 Jan. 20 ; Ca;)f. •> 10 March, 25
.VaJ. Ut Sept. 3<).
Tlio«. L. L. Galloway . 14 April 13 Nov. 20 Mav 25
Wni. Ilennt' Adamii .. 1 Feb. 21 Mar. 18 July 26
Francis 29 May 23
I' June 30 Dec. 26
O John WUniot f*23 June 25 Sept. 20 P 15 Feb. 31
IjijIWin. M. Wetcnhall .. '•23 Sept. 24 .Mar. 20 P 31 Aug. 30

U iChri*. L. StrieklaiiJ . I'31 Mar. 25 April 24 Slay 33

P John K. Jauncey * . 12 Mar. 07 Feb. 5 June
J Henry Ouslow P24 Xor. 25 Mar. 4 Sept. 35
O Tho. ilarte Franks P 7 July 25 Sept. I Mar. 39

George Staunton . . . P 5 Oct. 20 Feb. 7 June 39

LlECTENASTS. 4 Capt. Jauncey, expedition
|Wni. Hen. Goode . . . 21 Mav 18 P31 Julv 23 to "Walchcren. Peninsula from
Henry C. Powell .. .. 9 April 25 P17 July 2(i Jul; 1K12 to June 18U, includ-
'tieorsie Wrijiht PIO Not. 25 P27 .\pril27 ing bmtle of Cuslalla, siege of
TumiKona, retrvut from ditto,
O Eilwanl Slmnly^ 1 June 26 10 Sept. 30 unil Hfton'l iicRf; retreat from
,W. G. D. Nesbitt P27 April 27 P24 .Mav 33 Villa Fnincu after tlie battle of
P 20 June 27 P 29 Nov. 33 the Pass of Oraal investment
John Green Palev Eipedi-

Biitceluna in 1614.
!Fre<l. Wm. Hill P27 Dec. 27 P13 Dec. 33 ofliou to Napks in 1815.
[James Horsburgh P 6 Aug. 29 20 Dec. 34 5 Lieut. Sliunlf served the
Edw. Rich. White P 8 June 30 P 6 -Mar. 35 canipaiens of 1813, 14. and IS,
ill I'pper Canada, and was pre-
Cliarles . Plo Feb. 31 P 4 Sept. 35
sent ut lilt- buttles of Chippewa
Arthur B. Cane .. . 11 Jan. 33 10 Sept. 30 and Lundj's Ijue (wounded).
R. Uoyd Thomas .
P13 Dec. 33 P 1 Mar. 39 6 tjiiarter-MastcrBleiikinsop
William Fenwiek 26 Dec. 34 P 7 June 39 was present at the action before
.Vlcojr in Spain.
E.NSIGS3. «rved in the expedition against

jjohn Garvock P 4 Sept. 35

|Jobn Uen. Grant . 2 April 36
Hen. E. Longdcn . 16 Sept. 36
Sam. Goold Adams .... I 8 Dec. 37
J.W. E. Penrose i
P 17 Aug. 38

Geo. J. Thomas P 25 May 38

John James Bull I

P 7 June 39
Herb. Wat. Wms. Wynn |p 5 Jtily 39

3A l/>ni/m/7/frr.— Rol)ert Uniacke, 6 July, 20 ; Ent. 14 May, 12 iieuf. 9 Sept. 13 ;

].4(^'u/niif.— F^lward Shanly, (Lieut.) 1 June, 26.

iQuiirler-Matter.—JH Wm.
Blenkinsop,' 13 .\ug. 29.

2 .Surjfon. J. Regan,' 2 Nov. 30; Auut.-Surg. 1 Sept. 14 ; Uotp.-A. 7 Oct. 09.
\A$!rittant- Surgeon. —Stephenson Tcevan, M.D. 23 Nov. 20: Hosp.-Astist. 16
June, 25.
Facingt Yellow. Agent, Messrs. Cox k Co.
[fleft/rned/roMi Corfu, 28 Jan. 38.]

1 Sir John Lambert trmi In

Flandera, ud
wai at Lincelles and the slegea of Valencienoea, and Dunkirk ;

hii rswived » Crwa for Nivelle. Site, Orthes and Toaloule.

NIvo, and attain in France.
a Col. Custanee was ieiervlv wounded at the passase of the
3 31 ^jor Bnwm waa at th« aiege and capttir* of Mallisaum in the £aat Indies in 1810.

^^^^' (^^ North Devonshire) Regiment of Foot. [ ^^^^J'^^^;"

'Salamanca" — " Pyrenees"— "Nivelle" — " Nive" —"Okthes" " — " Peninsula.'
V««f»' S»rT.
Years' Serv 1

s.».«. Vsi,: J •**"' K'"^ uucmngnammtre) negimem oj tMt.

The /fuytti TiQcr, mperxiribeU •• INDI 1."— llii ihv Urar-ikin l'ipior(lit>an<Da>II.T< oiiil DrutntniTf, Ihi' WMtc
llarsr. " \K atlH-rii tcrrrnl.'—-1VVK>i.\\'
Jama Wnts' ' r.B., Eru. 24 June, 17W) iini/. 18 April, 02 ; Capt.
; Mar. U
U,'i ; .Viijor, a Dec. (« ; Lieut.-Col. 1.5 Mav, (M5 ; To/. 4 Juno, 14 ; Miijor-
Uen. 1!) July, 21 ; Lieiit.-Cieii. 10 Jan. .17 ; Col. 14tli Rofft. lM May, :i".
Lu-iit.-Cotoiwl.—J^ Matliia.« Evi-raril,' C.B. iic K.ll. Sim. 2i< Sep. t04 Lirut. 21 ;

Man-Ii, 05; Ot/if. 23 April, 07 Breret-Major, 19 July, 21 Reijll.-Mojor,\l



Nov. 25; Brecrt-Lieut.-Col. Jan. 26; Ber/tl.-Lifii't.-Col. 4 An?. 2!J.

Miyort. Maurice Barlow, Eiis. ""SI July, 14 ; Lieut. 23 Marib, 15 ; Ciipt. P 20
Dto. 21 Major, 12 June, 2S.

UWl Benjamin Whitney,^ E/u. 25 Feb. 13; ii«i/. 20 Not. 17; Carf. 2«
April, 25 ; Major, f'.'i Nov. 36.

9 Martin C. Lynch' . 11 Feb. 08 31 May 09
Cha. Hayner Ne\\'njan^ 2« Sept. 09 15 Aug. 11
Dickens M. Ilazlewood 10 May on jp 13 Dee. 10
Jani(>s \Vat*in 22 Mar. 21 r 25 Dec. 22
Biniiloy Broadhead . 1'
22 Oct 25 P 20 Sept.
1 26
Geon^'O Douglas P 8 Oct. 25|P 6 April 27
Tho. IIoImi-sTi.Iy' 14 April 25 P 28 Sept. 20
Joseph Sioitb 16 Feb. 08 14 Mar. 11
John Watson' 20 July 20 P17 May 27
Geo. A. Wilson P 29 Sept. 29 P 21 Dec. 32
Robert Dalv '
Ralph Budil
Hen. M. F. SUrke ....
Emb. for For."|
Service, lBi7.J
I5fh {or the Yorhsliire E. R.) Re(jiment of Foot. [*^";"j„'"

Years' Scrv.
lOfrt {«r ate neajurasntre) neijimetit oj root.




. — ;

^'t"] \%th {or Roi/al Irish) Riifhnnit of Foot. [*l'i!i,"1„diJi''

Ou Uic tlircc comers of the second Colour, of Ifiumu, " Virtutu

tlic Lioti
A'amurtmsu Praanium." The Sphinx, with the word, " EGYIT."

P Matthew Lord Aylmcr," G.C.B. Etis. 19 Oct. P7 ; Lieiit. 26 Oct. 91 Capt. 8 ;

94; .Viyor, 9 Oct. 00

Auj;. Lieiit.-Col. 'io March, 0-2 ; fo/. ii July, Il» ;

Atajoi-Gen. 4 June, 13 ; Lieut.-Grn. '27 Mny,-.>5 Col. ll<th U»"?t. 23 July 32 ; ;

Lieut. -Ci)Umd.—i.W-oT^e Burrell,' Etui. 4 Feb. 97 ; Lieut. 1'3 Jlay, 07 ; 'Caj)t.

l.j.Vu'„'. Uj; .Vnjor, 30 April, 07; Brecet-Lieut.-Col. 4 June, 13; Regtl.-

Lieut.-Col.ii. Cut. in the Army, 22 July, 30.

.Wityi.rj.— Henry Tratt,' £««. 17 April, (10; Lieut. fSO June, 01; Capt. 14
Oct. 09 ; M<iior, 22 July, 30
Ucii. \Vm. Adums,£iw. 31 JuIy,-23; Lieut. P31 Dec. 25; Capt. P10June,26;
J/(j/or, I'llJ Jiiu39.


lA Robert Hammill 3 Dec. 22 Jan. 29 July 11 22Jidy 30
Jercmiuh Cowper 31 Xov. 25 Ucc. 4 Sept. 23 28 June 38
Kraiicis Wm. DUlou' . .
6 Dec. C Mar. 7 Apr. 25 28 June 38
P Thomas Moore' 25 Oct. BMar. P 18 Feb. 2G
Nicholas R. Tomlinson . P 22 Mar. P 21 July P 8 Feb. 3;}
Rich. Aylmer Ualy . .
9 Apr. I
V 19 Dec. P 28 Nov. 34
i« John Cirattan P 8 July 13 4 Sept. 4 Mar. 30
John J. Sarcent 20 Oct. 13 Oct. P 13 May 20
Francis W igston P IG Mar. ' 1 June P 18 Jan. 39
C'has. J . Russell ColUnson 1'
25 May > 4 Jaa. P 12 July 39

Thomas Moylc 8 Julv 13 ^4 N I Lord A;lii ?r has received a

John Gni. Bucliauan .... 9 Apr. 25 clasp fur Tula-

15 Feb. 10
TCra, Busaco, Fuentes d'Onor,
Wui. Auj;. Towns. Payne P23 May 29 P 7 June 33 Viltoria, and Nive.
John Philip Mitfonl P 4 June 29 P 16 May j
34 2 Col. Durrell nas at the
Clement Alex. Edwards 11 June 29 P28 >ov. 34 capture of Guadaloupe in 1810.
Serred the campaign of 1814
Charles Uunne 30 Apr. 29 p 20 JIar. 35 in Upper Canada.
Sir Harry Darell, Bart. 1 June 32. P 12 June 35 3 Major Pratt served the
Arthur Wilson jp 4 Jan. 33, 20 June 35 campaign of 1^01 in E<;pt, and
Hon.Chaa. Hen. Stratford p g Feb. 33 p 18 Mar. 36 thai of Ic'iK) in St. Doming.
4 .Major Dillon served in the
Geo. Wm. Davis PlOMav 34! 20 July 38 expedition to St. Domingo in
Staudish Ualy P 28 AoT. 34 P 18 Jan. , 39 ItfOt.
Sir \Vm. Macgregor, St. P20 Mar. 35>29 Mar. 39 5 Capt. Moore served in the
Peninsula from ltM>8 to 1S13,
Edward Jodnell P 5 June 35 p 12 July 39
and iraa present at the siege of
Ciudad Rodrigo, and both ateces of Badajoz.
Ensigns. Severclj wounde<i at the storming of Badl^ox
Geo. Fred. CaU p 7 Apr. 37 Oil the night of the eth April, 1812.
Francis Swinlwame .... 20 Jiily 38
David Edwards 23 Xov. 38
Hen. Feli.x Vavasour j
p 7 Dec. 38
Scroope Bernard p 18 Jan. .19
John Cochrane ]
12 Apr. 39
.Vnth. W. S. F. .Armstrong p 21 June 39
Isaac Henry Hewitt .... P 12 July 39
i>oy;iu7xfer'—George l9aa<= Call, 7 Dec. 36; Comet, 4 March, 02 ; Lieut. 1 Julv,
04 Capt. 26 Dec. II.

AtfjutriHt.—Aniinr Wilson, {Lieut.) 16 May, 34.

Quiirter-Matter. Juiues Carroll, 4 June, 29.
H Surgeon.— ^l)oa. M'Kinlav, M.D. 14 Oct. 26; Atsitt.-Surg. 5 Oct. 15; llofp.-
Auijrtiint,-M Sept. 13.
.<l«afinif-Sur3«ww. ^-Charles Cowcn, 27 March, 35.
Jolm Baker, 15 Feb. 30.

Facingt Blue. Agent, Messrs. Cox dc Co.

I9tk {or the \st YorksJiire North Ridiiic/) Regiment of Foot.

Sir Hilfirove Turner,' G.C.H. K.C. Ens. 20 Feb. 1782; L'leut. & Cnpt. 13 Oct.
89 ; "Cajyt. & Lieut.-Col. 12 Nov. 94 ; Col. 1 Jan. 01 ; Major-Gen. 26 Apr.
08; Lietd-Ocn. 4 June 13; Gen. 22 July, 30; Col. 19th Ilegt. 27 Apr. 11.

Thos. Hamilton, Em. 15 July, 13; Lieut. 9 June, 14; Cupt. 3 Nov. 25 ; Major,
23 Jan. 37 ; Lieut.-Col. P 28 Dec. 38.
Chas. Craufurd Hay, Em. 27 June, 24 ; Lieut. P 24 Dec. 25 ; Capt. P 19 Sept.
6 ; Major, P 10 June, 37.
Studholme John Hodgson, Em. 30 Dec. 19; Lieut. 3 Feb. 25; Capt. P 30 Dee.
6 ; Major, P 28 Dec. 38.

John Stirling 6 June in P 22 July 24 P 13 May 26
Highmore Potts
Clias. . 8 Feb. 16 P 13 Nov. 17 P 31 Dec. 25
David Burns 17 Oct. 11 25 Jan. 16 20 July 30
8A y Thomas Beckliam-. . . 7 May 11 23 Feb. 13 P 8 June 30

Francis Price P 12 May 25 P 18 Feb. 26 P 7 Sept. 34

John Seniple P 20 July 26 P 28 Sept. 30 P 5 Sept. 34
Alexander Scott 17 Aug. 15 7 Apr. 25 23 Jan. 37
Robert Lovelace 9 Apr. 25 12 Apr. 32 P 16 June 37
Thomas Hilton 3 Mar. 32 29 July 36 P 30 Mar. 38
John Duiie Simpson . . P 31 May 33 P 26 May 37 p 28 Dec. 38

William Bernard 17 Nov. 25 25 Jan. 28
Frederick Deacon P 8 Oct. 25 P 37 Jan. 32
Mark Anthony H. Tuite P 2 Nov. 30 P21 Feb. 34
Rich. A. M. FrankUn . P 28 Sept. 30 17 Apr. 35
Antliony Walshe P 2 Nov. 32 23 Jan. 37
Francis Seymour P 2 May 34 P 16 June 37
Geo. Rich. Langley . . 24 Nov. 12 7 Jan. 14
8ft Geo. Adamson Stanley . 17 Feb. 14 25 May 15
Jas. Temple Bowdoin . P 12 Sept. .34 P 30 Mar. 38
2^ Thomas Byrne P 15 Mar. 21 18 Sept. 28
James Cochrane 5 June 35 P 28 Dec. 38
Henry Calley 29 July .36 P 2 Feb. 39
George Tuite P 7 Feb. 34 31 May 39
Edw. J. EUerman 10 Feb. 37 P

H. Butler Stoney P 5 May 37

Robert Sanders P 26 May 37
Fred. Aug. Jeffreys P 16 June 37
. .

James Ker P 30 Mar. 38

R. J. S. Mansergh p 14 Sept. 38
John Phillips P 2 Feb. 39
Hugh J. M. Campbell 31 May 39
Paymaster.— Thos. R. Travers, 23 Nov. 38 Em. 7 April, 25 ; Lieut. 10 Jmie, 26.

Adjutant.—Uich. A. M. Franklin, {Lieut.) 29 July, 36.

Quarter-Master. Richard Barrett, 30 Oct. 35.

Surgeon, John Wyer, 13 April, 32; Assist. -Surg. 9 Sept. 13.
Assistayit-Surgeon.—Tbos Williams, M.D. 28 Sept. 26 ; Uosp.-Assist. 3 Nov. 25.

Facings Green. Agent, Messrs. Cox & Co.—'Irish Agent, Cane & Co.

{^Returned from Barbadoes, 27 Aug. 1836.]

1 Sir Hilgrove Turner served in Flanders, and was present at the battles of St. Amand and Fainars j
sieere of Valenciennes; action at Lincelles ; investment of Dunkirk; .ctions at Launoi andVaux; Cateaii,
Basieu, Mouvais, and Templeuve, Tournay, and capture of Fort St. Audre. He served also In Egjpl, and
was at the battles of the 8th, I.3th, and 21st March, 1801, &c.
;; Capt. Beckham served the campaigns of 1813, 13, and 14 in the Tcuinsula.
... —
20/A {or the East Devonshirt) Regiment of Foot.

pSir William Iloiwtonn,' Bl. C..C.B. li.C.II. Em. 18 Jiilv. 1781 Lieiit. :

2 April, 8-J ; Vnpt. 13 Mar. 83; Mtyor, 1 Mar. 04 ; Lleut.-Col. 18 !)o ;
Col. 2i) .\pril, 180-2 ; Mr^or-Gen. 2j Oct. 00; LieuL-Ueii. 4 Jiine, 14 Om. ;

10 Jail. 37 ; Co/. 20th tte^t. 5 .\pril, 15.

{I llfiir)- Tlioraa*,' C.B. iiVu^ l'29 l>c.l)8 ; dipt. 10 Sept. 05; Breret-Mojor,
2<1 .\ui. 13; Brn-ft-Lieut.-CnI. 12 Aur. 19; HetjIL- Major, I'lG Dec. 24;
Wrt/r/.-LituJ.-CV. I'iC Nov. 25; Co/. 10 Jan. 37.
William XeUon Hutchinson, Ena. 24 Feb. 20; Lieut. 25 Oct. 23; Ciipt. 117
June, 2C ; Mqjor, v 4 Dec. 32.
9tt 9 John Maclean,' /int. 2 .Mav, 1 1 ; Lieut. 10 Dec. 12 ; Capt. 25 Dec. 90 ; Major,
P 12 April, 39.


Hen. Duncan Dodgin . 24 Mar. 14 31 i' Aug. 15 22 Julv 30
Frederick Croad 20 Julv 15 15 Dec. 18 P 27 Sept. 31
Wni. liuntlr Campbell !• 27 Aug. 25 P 30
Dec. 20 P 19 Julv 31
Frul. Contart Barluw . 2 July 24 25 Oct. 27 P 18 Dec. 29
9 Robert Harker' 16 Sept. 13 20
Feb. 17 3 June 35
Fre<Ierick Horn P 20 Jan. 2(i|P 17 April 28 P 16 June 37
Fra. Michael Frascr .. 12 April 27; P 17 .\uz. 29 P 3 Nov. 37
riiarli-s Smith P 20 Oct. 13 21 April 14 P 31 Dec. 25
K. Sherboume Jklurray . P 21 June 27 P 29 Mar. 33 P 19 June 35
Benjamin Newsman . . P 23 Nov. 32 P 3 Nov. 37 P 12 April 39

SA Matthew Day 6 Oct. 15 2 Oct. 16
Patrick HenneMcy 24 April 20 19 Mav 25 4 Captain Barker scrvnl the
campiugn of )AI4 in the South
Scrope Rcynett Berdmore 25 Jan. 25 11 Oct. 27 of Franco. S<?verelT wounded
Eitjine Bnick 31 Julv 28 P 18 Aug. 29 on thi' he«(J at New Orleans Slh
IleiirvCrawley 11 Oct. 27 11 June 30 January, 1S15.
5 Dr. firifflth served in the
Williim Frith P 12 Feb. 29 P 12 Julv 31 I

Peninsula from Jan. I8I0 to the

Hu^h Dennis Crofton . . . p 13 Mar. 35 29 Dec. 37 j
end of the war,iDcluding the bat-
Laclilan Duff Gordon . . P 25 Julv 34 P 27 Julv 38 tit.* uf Bu&aco, Fuente^d'Onor;
^ie^e and assault uf Ciiidad
John C. W. Vivian P 12 Feb. 30 P 15 Dec. 37

Rodripo, Jan. 1812 ; siepe

Lord Mark Kerr 19 June 35 14 Sept. 38 and assault of Budajoz, Apr.
Fre<l. Cluirles Evelegh . p 1 Julv 3(i!P 10 Nov. 37 1813; battles of Salamanca.
Jame^ B. Sharp 27 Nov. 35 P 12 April 39 Vittoria,l>)*s,Ni»elle,NiTP,
29 Jan. 36, P 19 July 39 ed at tbe affair of Vic Wound-
Orthe^ and Toulouse.
Geo. B. C. Crespigny . P
Ensigns. lOlh Jan. 1814 Served iu India, Arabia, and
Richanl Leigh Lye 3 Not. 37 the Burmese empire, fri>m May, 1818, including
P. H. Crampton'. P 24 Feb. 37 sieves of .Vs>erf;hur, Ras-et-Kjma, and Zaia;
sii-^e and assault of Dwarka ; atfair of Bentabo^j
Geotue Steeveus P 3 Aug. 38 All assault of a fortrt^ss on the banks of Uie

H. Wilkes Ma«terson. P 6 July 38 Petru river; a.'^sault of Syrian Pafioda; siege


H. Otho
Olho de Crespigny P 27 July 38
Dunubew, and battle near Promc.

William Baring '.
. P 15 Feb. 39
. .

Ri>l>ert Dalv
Ri>lK-rt P 12 April 3!)
Sir Rich. Uetliin, BnH. P 19 July 39
Paymaster. harles South, 23 Aug. 27 ; Eru. 9 Dec. 13 ; Lieut. 17 Dec. 18.
Aifjutant. —
Henry Crawley, (Lieut.) 26 Jan. 38.

Quarter- Miuter. Patrick Conolly, 19 April, 27.
Surgeon.— Ifi M. Griffith,' 8 Feb. 27 ; Astt.-Sur. 24 Oct. 11 Hotp.-A. 4 Nov. 09. ;

Auittant-Surgeon. Andrew Foulis, 4 June, 29 ; 5 Dec. 26.
Faring! Yellow. Agent, Messrs. Cox ic Co.
[Helumedfrom Bombay, May, 1837.]
I Sir W. Uoustoun was at tba takinr of Minorca ; served in tbe eipcditiuiu to Egypt and to Walcheren :

id haa re<«lrtd a mcdaj for Fu«ot«;s d'Onor.

S Cul. Tboma* bas received a Medal and two Clasps for Nirelle, Orthef, and Toulous«.
9 Major Maclean served in Ux Peninsula, from 1812 to July, 1»U. IncludinE the action of the Hth Nov.
»l!l. on tbe rvlnal tram Salamanca, b«IUes of Vitloria, NlvtUc (wounded \ Nlve, and Toulouse. Present la
If action b>^or« New Orleans, 8tJi Jan. lt>I^.

ae'iS] 21^if Foot, {or Royal North British Fusiliers.) \^^^ll

— . —
22ml (or f/if Ches/tirc) Rf(/f. of Fimt.

Hon. E4lw. Cornet, 27 Dec. 1778; Llnit. 7 Oct. 70; Ciipt. 5 Feb. 83;
Lieut.-Col. Oct. 9-2 ; Col. 3 .Mav, tKi ; Myor-Gen. 1 Jan. 1801 ; Lieut.-Gm.

25 April, 08; Gen. H

Aug. 1!); Col. iiuA Rcgt. 18 Sipt. 09.
Chosborouitli Grant Falconar,' K.ll. Eiu. PI !<ept. 95; Lieut. 1 Nov. 99; Capt.
3A H\ Dec. tl6; Bretet-Mt\jor, 1-2 Aug. 19; «<•(/</.- .U<t/or, i"26 Juoe, 23; Lieut.-
Col. P-22 Oct, 25; Col. 28 June, 38.

J. Lysaght Penncfallier, Cornet, P14 Jan. 18; Xifuj. P20 Feb. 23; Capt. p5
Nov. 25; Major, ''2-2 March. 31.
Sanuu'l Hrcnilraui Uniliau, Ens. p4 Oct. 21; Lieut. PI Aug. 36; Capt. p25Nov.
28 J 3tq}or, PO Dec. 30.

Tliomaa Keap)>ock 13 Sept. 06 1 Oct. 08 i30 Sept. 19
William Raban 3 Jan. 11 2 June 13
I 14 Feb. 28
Arthur Mvcrs 12 June 17 3 Feb. 20 P 24 June
JoUu II. l\K>Ie 24 Mar. 14 30 Sept. 19 1 Xov. 30

Da»i(l Rea Smith [p 3 XoT. 25 13 Feb. 28 P26 April 31

Fre*!. Darlev George .... P 24 Slar. 25 p30 April 27 p30 Aug. 1
John M-.Mii'hon KicUl P21 July 25 P 8 Nov. 27 P28 Dec. 32
Thus. Sytienhani Couway 14 Feb. 28 P26 .\pril 31 P 9 Dec. 36
Archibald Campbell .... 7 Mar. 11 5 Mar. 12 P27 Oct. 37
Joseph McLcod Tew 10 Feb. 14 24 Mar. 26 6 April 38
I Oe;
G.ralil VUlicrs Butler . P 22 Oct. 18 P 20 June 23 tu.

(imnro Muiiro '

20 Jan. 14l 29 Mar. 21 manded ihe flm tatialion or his
R..b. Williiisrton Kvtfin 14 Mav 12 23 Dec. 13 "-cEt. the Coldsiream Guards)

. . j

',*",'"• «:';'-"'"•• -^•^ Feb.

John Chalmers 3 !fp*-!?
Dec. 29
P 20 June 34 and nftcrwardj of Infantry in
p ;

.\athan Smitli Gartliner .iP23June25| 18 July 34 ''" campaiRn to E^jpi. He

Ami. Hamilton Rnsscll ..! 18 Jan. 281 23 July 34 »>»» "^companied the eip«dilion
Th""-nu.te P24Feb. 32|p 9 Dei. 36l%'^^!?,"''FSn'aVs'i;v.c«:-
H aldron U;irrs Kelly P29 Aug. 34 P 1 April 36 flrst Egyptian campaign cara- ;

Chas. Thus. Powell p 20 Nov. 35 P 10 Feb 37 P''''^"' °' '*"^-® "• '"'y' '"

Che^WC. Macdonald . 23 Jan. 35;P16Mar'. 38 |r.iS^':?d'tp.?4'i,^c'a^^;:'

Mark W Ooldic. P 29 Mar. Jo 8 Sept. 38 Second Epptian
lOA Robert Carew 20 July 15 g Apr. 25 cludinj ihe siege of Roseiu,

and action at El Hamet. Cam-

E.N.'ilGNA. palen of 1814, in Holland, including action at
M. G. D. Hall ] 22 April 36 M<rxein and bombardment of Antwerp. Cam-

Men. J.
I Cnntc
LOOte P23 Sent 36
p-J sept. St.
""'^ "' '""• '" Eiandcrs. Besides the above,
,„,;„„, „,,,„ desultory services and skinnlihel.
Thoma." Gaisford ,
P23 Dec. 36 Medal for aerriccs In E^ypt.
\V. Xepean Smith 20 Jan. 37 3 Major Keappock was at the capture of the
Thos. L. P. Moore |
p 1 1 Aug. 37 ''« "' ''™"» >" "'"•
Edwanl Dunbar p27 ( )ct. 37
Fra. Pvm. Harding PI6 Mar. 38
C. H. ilontresor Smith ..[ 15 Mar. 39
Paymaster John Mackenzie Kennedy, 30 Oct. 28; Em. 24 Feb. 14; L'leiti.
6 Feb. 23.
.Adjutant.— \\. Barr» Kelly (Lieut.). 24 April, 38.
Qiuirter-.Vaiter. —
Robert" Barker, Jan. 32.
Stirgeon.—J. S. Huston, M.D. 14 Dec. .38; Aianiit.-Surg. 31 Aug. 15.
.lwi>f.-Sur</.— R. J. G. Grant, 14 Feb. 28; Hotji.-Attut. 7 Sept. 26.

Facing' Buff. .iycnt, Messrs. Cox k Co. Ir'uh Agent, Borough, Armit, i: Co.
[Returned from Jamaica. 24 April. 18.37.]
Emb. for For."!
Service, 183S.J
23?v/ [or royal Welsh Fusiliers) Reyt. of Foot.

In the centre of the Colour llie Prince of ITn/w's Feathers, Willi the raotlo, " Ich Di0ii."—lr> the second
and third corners, the Rismg Sun and the Red Drngon, and in the fourtli corner, the )I7ii(e Horse,
with the Motto, ' Ncc aspera terreiit."—" MINDEN"— the S]jhiii.T, with the words " EGYPT"—" MAR-

24//I (or 2nd Wancickshire) Regiment of Foot. \^'^^^
'^s^r.l^'isS'f ]
Th« Spktits. wilh the wonli, * EflTfT"— "Cape oy Goon IIopb"— "TAiavEn.i*'— '* Fi'bhtes d'Osor"—
— —
" Salamanca" — " Vittoiiia" — " Pyrknels" " Nivelle" *' Ortues" — '* Pexix-sula."

r«an-SerT.| Colonel.
"55 iPIB f<ir James Lvon,' K.C.B. ami O.C.H. Eiu. 4 Aug. 1791 ; Lieut. 2fi

jj-jj April, »3 ; dipt. 5 April, 9j ; Mti/ur, •>! Feb. IW ; Liml.-Col. 13 May, 1802 ;
P,j. Co/. 4 Jnne, 1 1 Mq/or-den. 4 Juue, 14 ; Lieut.-Gen. ii July, 30 ; Col. iAtii

Rejtt. 7 Sop'- "-S*- Lieut. -Colonel.

O Charica Uiiglios,' £;«. 2o Muv, iHi ; iiViiT. 11 May, 97; Cn/)f. 28 Aug. 04 ;
I Breret-Miiior, 4 Juii. , 14 li'fijtl.- Major, 2-5 June, 24 ; Lieitt.-Cul. 10 Oet. 3o.

4V, .Vivor.«.— Hen. Dive Towushend,^ Eiu. P 10 July, 12 ; LUut. r 14 ;^ept. lii ; C«y</.
i-l Xov. 21 ; Major, 10 Oct. 3J ; Brn-c^ lieu'. -Col. 29 March, 39.

&j^ ;
P "Oeop^'c FiUarerald Stack,' K.Il. Eas. 13 June, Oo ; Lieut. 4 Dec. tH", ; Capt.
5 May, 15 ; Major, 2t> Oct. :).5.
25th (or the King''s oion Borderers) Regiment of Foot.

The King's Crest in two corners of the Colour, " In Vertiate KelUj'ionu coiijido." Tlie
Arms of Edinburgh, " Nisi Dominus fruMra ; " with the White Horse in the tliird corner
of Colour.
tlie " Nee aspera terrent." " MINDEN"—
Sphinx, with the word " EGYPT."— Flank Companies, " MARTINIQUE."

i' Ser
y Sir Henry Fred. CampbeU,' K.C.B. & G.C.H. Ens. 20 Sept. 86; Lieut. &
Copt. -25 April, 93; Copt. Si Lieut.-Col. 6 April, 96; CoZ. 25 Sept. 03; Major-
Gen. 25 July, 10; Lieut.-Gen. 4 June, 14; Gen. 10 Jan. 37 ; Col. 25th Hegt.
20th Oct. 31. Lictit. -Colonel.
Courtnay Chambers,^ Ens. 10 June, 13; Lieut. & Capt. 6 July 15; Major, p29
Oct. 25; Lieut.-Col. P31 Aug. 30.
James Rob. Young, Ens. 27 July, 15 Lieut. 14 Dec. 18 Capt. P 13 May, 26 ;
; ;

Major, P 31 Dec. 33.

Wm. James D'Urban, Cornet, 7 Oct. 19; Lieut. P25 Sept. 23; Capt. r8 April,
2G ; Major, v 16 Oct. 35.

John HoUis
J. 9 July 03 1 Dec. 04 30 Mar. 09 22 July 30
Wm. O'Connor 9 Apr. 25 P 22 Dec. 25 P 14 Aug. 28
A. Armstrong Barnes . 21 July 25 28 May 29 P 1 July 36
Richard Jenkins P 1 Feb. 27 P 4 June 28 P 16 June 37
Samuel Wells 9 Apr. 25 P 8 Oct. 29 P 15 Sept. 37
John Andros Guille . . . P 20 Apr. 29 31 Oct. 34 P 3 Nov. 37
C. R. Knight 5 Apr. 31 P 16 Oct. 35 P17 Nov. 37
19 John Henry Cooke ^ . 15 Mar. 09 19 Apr. 10 31 Dec. 23
Wm. Angus Devayiies .
P 18 Oct. 33 P 2 Oct. 35 Pll Jan. 39
Samuel B. Hamilton . . . 20 Sept. 33 P 14 July 37 p 12 Jan. 39
Lieutenants. 1 Sir H. F. Campbell has re-

Wm. M'Donald P 5 Apr. 27 P31 Aug. 30 ceived a medal and one clasp
for Talavera and Salamanca.
Henry Finder P 6 Dee. 27 P30 Oct 34
In the former battle he received
Skeffington Bristow . . . POl Aug. 30 P 22 May
35 a severe wound in the face.
Stephen Pons. Peacocke P25 Oct. 33 P 15 Sept. 37 2 Col. Chambers served the
Edm. Bentley Frith P 31 Oct. 34 P 3 Nov. 37 campaien of 1814 in Holland.
3 Major Cooke served four
W. C. E. Napier 28 Aug. 35 P17 Nov. 37 years in the 1st West York
Cha. C. Brooke P 16 Oct. 35 P 1 Dec. 37 Militia prior to entering the
Edw. R. Priestley 27 Nov. 35 P 13 Jan. 38 43rd Light Infantry, with which
heservedatWalcheren in 1809;
Harry Gougli P 1 July 36 p 30 Mar. 38
in Portugal, 1811 ; siege and
Stanhope M. Gildea . . . P 29 Apr. 37 Pll May 38 storming of Ciudad Rodrigo
James Colborne P21 Mar. 34 26 June 38 siege and storming of Badajoz
Tliomas R. ConoUy . . . P15 Sept. 37 Pll Jan. 39 (wounded at the assault) battle

of Salamanca; affairof San Mu-
William Peel P 3 Nov. 37 P 12 Jan. 39
noz; battle of Viltoria (wound-
Ensigns. ed); battles of the Pyrenees; San Sebastian;
the attack on the Laights of Vera, 7th Oct.,
N. H. Harenc P17 Nov. 37 when the left wu*^of the army crossed the Bi-
C. G. Smith P 1 Dec. 37 dassoa ; battles of the Nivelle and the Nive ;
R. H. Lindsell 13 Jan. 38 P atfair at Tarbes ; battle of Toulouse ; battle in
front of New Orleans, 8th Jan. 1815; served four
H. Cust
F. 30 Mar. 38 P
years with the army of occupation in France.
James Ogilvy P 31 Mar. 38 Employed on a special mission at Coustautino-
F. J. B. Priestley 2 Mar. 38 ple in 1336.
R. Mas. Taylor Pll Jan. 39 4 Paymaster Dean served in the Peninsula
from April 1809 until the end of the war. Pre-
Stewart Northey P 18 Jan. 39
sent at Waterloo.
/^m/mr«ter.— 195H3 Wm.Dean,M0Dec.29; Conic^, 9 Feb. 09; /,/>«*. 14 Aug. 11.
Adjutant.— 'EHwATii R. Priestley, (Lieut.) 13 Jan. 38.

Qaarter-Ma.itcr. John Potts, 10 Jan. 22.

Surgeon. Alex. Sinclair, M.D. 28 Aug. 35 ; Assist.-Surg. 9 May, 16.

Assistant-Surgeon. James Sidey, M.D. 12 Jan. 26; Hosp.-Assist. 1 Dec. 25.

Facitigs Blue. Agent, Messrs. Cox & Co.

[Returned from Btirbmloes, 2Sth April, 1830.
.. . —
2*'* (•" '''* t.«y/ifr wituH) Reg immt of Foot. \^'^^l^'^

The Sphinx, with the words " EGYPT"—"CORUNNA."
Lieut, i Sept.
9 na Sir John Coltmrne,' O.C.n. U.C.H., Eru. 10 July, 1794 ;

^'- 1- J""- ""• -V<y<"-, 21 Jan. OJ* ; LUut.-Ciil. 1 Feb. 09; Co/.
Fall ll«lf
rtt- P»T- • J""^- '• : Miyor-Grn. 27 .May, 25 ; Lieut.-Oen. 'M June, 3* ; Col. of the
Camrnmians, 28 March, 38.
Lieut.-Colimclt.—lfi Hen. tV'*"''",' C.B., Eiu. r-iO .\u(r. 06; Lieut. 8 Sept.
08; Ciiiit. I' 2 .April, 12; irerfN -Vojor, 14 Oct. 13 ; Hegtl.-Major, -21 Oct.
14 Lieut.-Col. v 14 Dee. 15 ; CW. 10 Jan. 37.

\Vn>. Jaincs,' Eia. p8 Dec. 03 ; Lieut. 23 Xov. 04 ; Capt. a Nov. 12 ; Major,

25 .\pril, 28 ; Lieut.-Col. ! 26 Dec. 36.
Majors. Annino S. II. Mountain, Eus. 20 July, 15 ; Lieut. VS Dec. 18 ; Capt.
i'2»i Miiv, 25 ; Major, f 30 Dee. 26.
Tlio*. jSimion I'ratt,' Ens. 2 Feb. 14 ; Lieut. riO AprU, 20 ; Capt. P 17 Sept. 25;
Mirjor, P 25 Dec. 3o.


William Johnstone ' .
25 Feb. 08 30 Mar. 09 p30 April 20 10 Jan. 37

ft lUeonre Ilosarth i'22 Mav 17 P 13 Sept. 21 P 12 Nov.
1 25 28 June 38
1 Hen. Fra. .^tran.'e 23 .Mav 15 7 April 25 P 19 June 26
Micliael Pointon' 4 Oct. 10 2 July 121 13 Mar. 29
!William Cain ' 6Ju1y 14 12 June 191 9 Dec. 27
iJames Paterson P17 Mav 21 P 4 Dec. 2;} P o April 31
9A James Pigcott 6 April 15 9 AprU25i 14 Feb. 34
. Dobson Ymmg ' 3 Dec. 07 1 Aug. 10 30 May 34

I Gcori^e Mylius 17 Oct. 24 P 28 Jan. 26'P30Ang. 31

John Shum P 19 Ang. 28 3 Oct. 32' p 22 Feb. 39
LlEPTENASTS. t Uijcr Pratt f^rved tht cam-

John Maule 9 April ij P30 Aug. 26 jtmi^D otIhU, in HolUnd, tDeluding

the attack on Urrxrm, id Feb. and
Thomas Ffrench 4 Dec. 17 26 April 28 bombardment of Antwerp.

Richanl Thompson . . . P 1 Jan. 19 8 Nov. 27 & Major Johnstoixe was present
W. B. Statf 4 Dtc. 24 10 Mar. Corunna.
at tbe battle or
6 Capuin Pointon serred tbe
Eilw. Retp'u Grorg . .
6 April 2(i 28 Sept. 27 Egyptian campalRn of 1^1. ai>d "as
Thomas Soccombe
July 26 31 Jan. 29 P wounded in the right lef when en -

paging tbe French picqueta in front

E. W. Sibley'
Nov. 24 16 Oct. 26 27
of Alexandria.
Alex. M'Do'nald .Mar. 29 12 Oct. 32 13 7 Captain Cain screed in tbe
Edm. Pomeroy Gilbert Sept. 26 P 27 Sept. 31 P 28 East liulies from .Nov. 1^13 to Dee.
i^Si, inctudinc the Nepaul and
Henry Edeur Sept. 33 P 24 Nov. 35 P 27
Deeean campaigns ; also the siece
18^ Donald Robertson Nov. 14 11 Dec. 35 24 and assault of Bburtpore. Wounded
[John M. Daniell Feb. 34 P 25 Dec. 35 14 in the left fool bjr a irrape ihot at
tlie asaauit, l^lh Jan. If^.
John Wm. Johnstone P31 Mav 33 25 Feb. 37 .
S Captain Younx was at the
Charles Cameron 16 Mav 34 1 Julv 37 storming and capture of Forts
James Willyams Grylls. P29 Auif. 34 29 April 37 Oimona (led the Forlorn Hope),
Genowrie, and Oanona. in India.
Hon. Wm. Godol. Osbom Pll Sept. 35 P 4 Au] in IW7. Served the camTMisns
John Rogers p 31 Mar. 37 P 18 May 38 I against Nepaul and the Mahraitaa.
9 Lieut. Sibley serred in the
Ge-inre Sweeny p 25 Nov. 36 p 26 June 38
Bnrmese war.
12^'.\Ux.G. Moorhead ....| 26 Jlay 22 ip 3 Dec. 25 10 Quarter- Ms'ter firodfelkwr
H.J. W. Pu6tlethwaite. p 1 1 Aug. 37 p 5 .\pril 39 . was at the cat-turp of !lattras.
Serred the UahratU campaigns of
Wm. Le Poer Trench P 14 Nov. 34 P14 June 39 . . ,

1^17-IS, Present at the siege and

Wal. B. Park 26 Dec. 341 15 June 39 | captare ikf Bhunporv.
Wm. Thos. Belts 24 Nov. 35 Hen. B. Phipps 17 Ang. 38
John Cumniing P23 Sept. 37
. .

Alex. Miller 15 Mar. 39
R. Paluiir Shar]) P 18 Jlay 38 Albanv F. Wallace P 5 April 39
Alf. H. Margan. P 26 June 38 Colin bakers 29 Mar. 39
Paynuuter.—K. H. Strong, 1 June, 37 ; Em. 7 Aug. 27 ; Lieut. 9 Dec. 31.
Adjutant.— Mex. .M'Doimltl, (iiVi/f .) 13 .March, 29.
QunrrCT-.ViM<er.— Jt>».ph Goodfellow," 21 Feb. 28.
Surgeon.— W. Bell, M.D. 15 March, 31; Astitt.-Sunj. 4 March, 13; Uosp.-
Assist. 24 Aug. 12.
6 I
Aaitt.-Sargrttn*. —
Chillev Pine, 2 Ang. 83.
6 I W. Gwlfrey Bace, M.D. 27 Dec. 33.
Fueiiigs Yellow. Agent, ilcssrs. Cox jc Co.
sir J. Colbarae has reeeleed a errws and three clasps foe Corunaa, Albubera, Ciudad Rodrigo, (where he was sererely
illeelle, Nire. Orlkes, and Toulonse.

1 Coleael 0|laedef's serriees .-Ear* 1 t' wi t.. CjrTiihss.n id l-^T Corunna campaign ; expedition to Walcheren ; Pcnin. .

suU. tnm Awff. 1*1^ laelwiing tt>« ' > sco, lUdinha. F.j4 d' Ar,«ce. Sabugal. Fnentes d'Onor :

siege Mid CS9««tT of Ovdad Kn!nr .AlUr of Vittoria . Siege and capture of San Sebastian :

and btorfcnda U
Bny n anr. Lest l.^ inj also wounded in the arm, liiigb, and bodj. lost Arst

fngee egthe rIgM hand, and wownd'-! :^ Vbaatian.

J Colawl Jaaes was at the e»p<'ir<' 'T \lj- : .r ir. :-<- ir^ (.'4adalwape la I'-lft, ,
27^A (or Iii)uskillm(j) Refitment of Foot. [^

A Castle with Three Turrets; St. George's colours flying in a blue Field. "ST. LUCIA." The Sphinx,
with the words"EGYPT"— "—" PYRE-

y Hon. Sir G. Lowry Cole,' G.C.B. Cornet, 31 March, 1787 ; Lieut. 31 May,
01; Crt/)*. 30 Nov.
; Major, 31 Oct. 93; Lieut.-Col. 26 Nov. 94; Col.
1 Jan. 1801 ; Major-Gen. 25 April, 08 Lleut.-Gen. 4 June, 13 ; Gen. 22

July, 30 ; Col. 27th Hfigt. 16 Dec. 26.

LKut.-Colonel.—^SSA John Hare,^ C.B. K.H., Ens. 29 Oct. 99; Lieiif. 17
May, 00 ; Capt. Sept. 05 Brevet-Major, 17 June, 13 ; Brevet-Lieut.-Col.

18 June, 15; Beijtl.-Major, P30 June, 18; Lieut.-Col. p31 March, 25;
Col. 10 Jan. 37. Majors.
13 Duncan M'Pherson,^ Ens. 19 Sept. 05 ; Lieut. 10 Nov. 06 ; Capt. 25 March,
24 ; Major, 27 Dec. 34.
Mont. Cholm. Johnstone, Ens. P27 Feb. 23; Lieut. P 16 Dec. 24 ; Capt. p 19
Sept. 26 ; Major, p 27 July, 38.

William Amsinck 1 Mar. 21 P 7 July 25 P12 April 26
William Sleator 20 Aprin4 7 April 25 Pll Nov. 31
John Maclean 8 April 25 P30 Mar. 26 P 10 May 33
Sarn. E. Goodman July 25
7 P 8 April 26 P 4 Oct. 33
^ Arthur Byrne * 17 July 11 25 Aug. 13 5 Dec. 34
Richard Fawkes P 1 Mar. 27 P 22 May 29 P 16 Jan. 35
^ aaa T. Charlton Smith ^ 24 June 13 5 Aug. 19 27 Mar. 35
James Faunce Lonsdale . 27 May 24 21 Dec. 26 P 27 July 38
Charles Vereker 9 April 25 P 27 Mar. 27 P 17 Aug. 38
Geo. Anthony Durnford 3 Mar. 25 P 15 Dec. 25 6 Nov. 38
Walter Butler P.15 Dec. 25 16 Sept. 26

Usher Williamson P 29 Aug. 26 Pll Nov. 31 4 CapUin Byrne's services :— Ex-

pedition to Copenhagen in 1807.
Henry Butler P 15 May 27 7 Sept. 32 Capture of Martinique in 1809.
Rawdon S. E. Neynoe . 10 June 29 P 10 May 33 rcninsula from June 1810, to tlie end
10 Sept. 29 P 4 Oct. 33 of ttie war, including the batUes ol
Thos. Percival Touzel
Busaco and Albuhera siege and
Henry D. Cholmeley. . .
P13 Jidy 31 P 13 Dec. 33

storming of Badajoz, 1812 ; affair

Francis Smith P 30 Dee. 26 p 19 May 33 with the Advanced Guard of the
P 22 June French near Carazal battles of
Hon. C. T. Skeff Foster 32 P 4 Aug. 37 j

Salamanca, Vitloria, the Pyrenees,

Andrew Vincent Watson P21 Dec. 32 P 18 May 38 Nivelle, Orthes, andToulouse.
John Lewes P 4 Oct. 33 P 27 July 38 Severely wounded in the Pyrenees,
26th July, 1813, and at Toulouse.
Frederick King P 13 Dec. 33 P 17 Aug. 38 Served .ilso in the American war,
Thomas Hare 27 Mar. 35 6 Nov. 38 including the battle at Plattsburgh.
Ensigns. 5 Captain Smith, previously to entering the army,
Lewis C. Irwin 10 AprU 35 served for a short period in the navy, and was three
times wounded. Served in the Peninsula from June
Herman Stapylton 4 Aug. 37 1813 to the end of the war, and was present at the alfatr
E. N. Molesworth P 1 Dec. 37 of Ordal. Severely wounded at Waterloo.
6 Dr. Mostyn served in the Peninsula, from Jan.
Ben. Jlidgley 11 Dec. 37
1811 until the end of the war, including the siege of
Barth. Tunnard p 26 Dec. 37 Badajoz, April 1812 battles of Salamanca, Vittoria,

J. Thring Coxe P18 May 38 and the Pyrenees storming of San Sebastian » ith tile

Volunteer party battles of Orthes and Toulouse.

G. L. Tliorason P 27 July 38 ;

Served in the American war, including the action at

James Somerville P17 Aug. 38 Plattsburgh, Present on the 18th June at Waterloo.
John Sam. Manly 15 Feb. 39
Paymaster.—Yictor Raymond, 9 March, 26; Ens. 11 Feb. 08; Lieiit. 16 Nov.
09 ; Capt. 7 April, 25.
.idjiitant.—'SeTx]. Mitlgley, {Ens.) 11 Dec. 37.
Quarter-Master.— Geo. "Tliompson, 13 Sept. 31.
29 Sur<jeon.—1^ mA
Thos. Mostyn," 6 Oct. 25; Assist.-Surg. 19 Dec. 11 ; Ho^).-
Assist. 7 Nov. 10.
Assist.-Surgeons.—V. O'Callaghan, 21 Feb. 28; Hosp.-Assist. 18 July, 20.
Col. C. J. Delmege, M.D., 15 May, 35.
Faeinrjs Buff. Agent, Messrs. Cox & Co.
1 Sir Lowry Cole commanded a brigade at the battle of Maida, and a division in the Peninsula and in Fr.ance he has re- ;

ceived a Cross and four Clasps for Maida, Albuhera (wounded), Salamanca (severely wounded), Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nivelle,
Orthes, and Toulouse.
2 Colonel Hare, previously to entering the 27th Regt. served in the Tarbert Feneiblcs, from which he volunteered to
serve in the expedition to Holland In 1799, and was present at the landing at the Holder, and the landing and advance upon
Fcrrol. Served the Egyptian campaign of 1801, for which he has received a medal. Present at the capture of Ischia and
Procida. Served in the Peninsula from August 1813 until the end of the war, including the talcing of Alcoy ; battles of Biar
and Castalla siege of, and operations before Tarragona, and blockade of Barcelona. Wounded at Waterloo.

3 Major M'Pherson served in Calabria in 1800. Present at the capture of Ischia in 1809. Served the campaigns of 1813
and 1, in the Peninsula, including the battles Biar and Castalla ; siege of Tarragorui ; affair at Ordell (severely woundnl

ttirough the body and left arm) and blockade of Barcelona. Served also in the American war, including the battle of rialt«-

J . — — ;

•^S"' («"• ^"'•"' Glouresterslure) Reyt. of Foot. [*|^j,"i?w.ur


TJie Sii»i«r, EOVPT" — " CORUNNA " — " BAHROSA " — " AI.IHIIERA "
with the wonl. '•



, " WATEHUiO."

** E. I'acct," G.C.B. Comet Sc Sub- Lieut. iS Mar. 170-2 ; Cnpt.l Dec.
Ig Hon. Sir
„ „ ,,
0-2 •
Major, 14 Nov. 93 Licut.-Col. 30 April, IM Col. 1 Jan. U8 .Vnjor-Gen.
; ; ;

iCy. 1 Jan. 11*05 ;X,««ut.-Gni.4 June, 11; G«i.-27.May, 2o;Cu/.2«tliHe!,'t.i(iDec.l5.

Lieut. -Colonel.
X ^ Cuilliert French,' K.U. -ind Lieut, oi Sept. 12 ; Lieut, f 1 April, U ; Cwy)^.
! 10 June, 24 ; .V<ijor, <• 22 June, 32 ; Lieut.-Col. v 19 Dec. 34.
J. Mi-ssiter, Em. 18 July, 15; iiVuf. P3 July, 23; Cnp^ P19 Scpt.2C ; Major,
P 27 Sept. a-).

lA isvdnev John Cotton,' Comet, 19 April, 10 ; Lieut. 13 Feb. 12 ; Capt. v 1 Jan.

"20;'3/<t;or 18 Jan. 28.

I' 10 Nov. 07 20 July 09
p May 16
Tliouias Wlicclcr 24 Mav 14 P 18 Dec. 17
28 Sept. 32

1 Wanli'V Elias Sawbridpe 23 Oct. 23 28 Apr. P i

25 30 June 29

U F. Wiiiilileton P. ParkerP10June2(iiP 3 Apr. 27 12 Julv 33 i'

Frank .\ilams P 30 Dec. 26 23 Mar. 32 p31 Dec. 33

p^ 9 ^' n"- Hunter ' 13 Mav 12 28 Apr. 1 13 P 27 Nov. 28
(I Clios. Fenl. Hani Smith 18 June 29 p 27 Sept. j
33 p 26 Dec. 37

o7 Slaurice Chas. O'Connell P 25 Mar. 28 25 Nov. 31 P 22 June 38


George Minter 14 Nov. 11 15 Jan. 18| 20 Apr. 32


LlEVTENANTS. 3 Major Cotton served in the


18 9 Apr. 25 Pindiirree campaigns ill 1810-17.

Georce Wartli'U 2 Jan. 17 I

Major Irwiii 64'rved in the

15 «rtj T 1 *.'liil •*
Mottrain An'Irews 9 .\pril 25 P 24 July 28 p,,„i„,';;,^ f^ura the be-inning
15 William Rufstll C Nov. 26 of 18u9, to the end of the war,
3 Feb. 25
13 Browne 18 Feb. 30 including the passage of the
Fre<l. Rus.icll 2 Nov. 26
6 Robt. Buuraiiartner . P 27 Sept. 33 P 30 June 37
Douro battles uf Tulaven ;

(wounded\ Busaco, and Campo
llenn.* Dalton Smart. . . P 31 Dec. 33 P 25 Aug. 37 Mayor; first siege of Badajoz
5 Henrv Niohi.letts
Cha.i.' p 19 Dec. 34 6 Oct. 37 buttles of .Albuhera, Arovu de
11 I9A HeiB Donald M'Phee. 29 Nov. 10 Molino, Alroarez, Vittoria (se-
15 Dec. 08 verely »ounded\ Xivelle, NiTe,
6 Fra. Durell Viinioles P 10 Mav 33 p 26 Dec. 37
. . .
Orlhes, and Toulouse Present
2 E<Iw. M. Love" p 23 June 37 P 17 .\ug. 38 on the lOlh, (severely wounded)
3 John Edw. H Pryce . . . P 30 June 3' 1 Mar. 30 ""^ >^>h June at Waterloo.
8 I
W. G. Connick n irt 1 I
P o- oOi xfat. *\ii\ 5 Cupt. Hunter served in the
10 July 3/ ';* Jjay JJ pe„ii;^Ia from Feb. iei3 to the
S O. Gravatt P 25 Aug. 37
5 W. .\. Gwynnc Pll July 34
5 Geome Milliard P 13 Feb. 3.5
2 J. G.R. Aplin |p 7 Oct. 37
8 H. Ilalsev Lake |PI5 Dee. 37
s I
Donulil .M'Gre-or '
4 Mav 38
.Percy Archer Butler 'p 1 Mar. 39

Henry .Mojiyn Owen p 24 .May 39

Samuel Rawson p 31 May 39 |

Paymaster.— Tfi CieorRe Thos. Beiison,' 2o Mav, 30 ; Ens. 13 Feb. 12 ; Lieut. 25

Auu. 13.
.i<t/uf(in/.— Donald M'Grepror, (Em.) 17 Aup. 38.
Quarter-Matter. —JH William Kerr, Jidy, 38 Ens. July, 37. 1 7
Surgeon. — Jame« Campbell, 19 June, 35; jlwirt.-Si/rj. 25 Oct. 25 ;

; Hosp.-
Asritt. 24 Feb. 20.
Auijt.-Surgs.—.\. S. Macdonell, 29 July 30; Ho»p.-Astitt. 15 Nov. 27.
Archibald Alexander, 20 Feb. 35.
Faeingt Yellow. Agent, Messrs. Cox k Co.
1 Sir Edward Paeet served in th« campaign in Flanders and Holland In M. He was present in the
naval action off Cap* St. Vincent, M
Feb. 97 ; in the actions of the 8th, I31h, and '^Isl March, in Egypt in I

the latter he was wounded the investment of Cairo and Alexandria. Sir Edward lost his right arm in the

aclioo at Oporto, 12th May W. and has received a Medal for Corunna.
a Calonal Preodi served the campaipis of I8I3-U, in the Peninsula, including the battlet of Nivelle,
OrtliM, and Toulouse.
29^/i (^Lir the IVvrcestersldre) Reyiment of Foot.


~ .-.c'?'iiStl ^•"/' ('" '/"• Ciimbriihiisliiif) Keiiiinnit nf Foot. rSorvme m
L Bi'mimla.

Y«»n'8«rY.|Thc Sphinx, with the words " EC.VIT"—" HAD.UOZ"—-' iALAMANCA"—

9 Sir Thomas Bradford, G.C.B. \- G.C.H. Ens. 20 Oct. •
1793 ; Lieut Dec 93 '.)

Capt. 15 Apnl, «4 Myor,>i^ex,t.'di,; Lieut.-Cul. I Jan, 1801

; Col 2.5 July'
10; ilajor-Gen. 4 June, 13; Lieut.-Gen. 27 May, 25; Col. 30th
' 18
April, 2!>.
Lieut. -Colonel.—}^ Henry Etlwanl Robinson,' Em. 28
Mav, 06 : Lieut 9 Feb
08 C(i/)M'2C July, 22 ; ,Vo>r, P 20 Sept. 27 ; Lwut.-C'ol. 1 Jan. 34

.V<y<>r..— Harry Smith Ormond,^ En). 8 Nov. 99 Liiut. 28 Aug. 01 Cunt "4 ;

Sept. 12:.U(i;or, 10 June, 29. >

/ •

John Toninie,' &M.

9 July, 03; Lieut. r24 May, 04; Capt. 7 March, 11 ;
Brevrt-.Vojor. 22 July. 30 Regtl.-Mnjor, 1 Jan. 34. ;

9 John Procter* 3 Dec. 03 8 June 04 22 July 30
John Ourdon Oe<ldc9. . . 8 Nov. 15 27 Mar. 25
9 James Po\Titz' 14 Apr. 14 19 July 15
ea E.Iw.Nevil .Macready 8 Sept. 14 20 JulV 15
Rob. .Mex. Anilrews . .
18 Aufr. 14 27 MaV. 24
13 Wm. Ba.xter» 9 Jlav 1 10 June 13
Hen. Jenkins Pogson. . .
15 Nov. 27 '
1 1 June 30
9 CK
Samuel Wayniuuth' 18 Mav 12 28 Mar. 13
John Moore P 15 June 30 '
9 Mav 34
Charles Sillerj- 24 Nov. 28 20 July 30
C. H. Marechaux 8 Captain Baxter serrod in
9 Dec. 20 6 Apr. 26 tile Pt-ninsula from July, ISII,
Wni. Annstronjt Steele.. 16 Mav 27 8 Apr. 32 to January, 1813, including the
\Vm. Ho<lder Heard 10Scp"t.27 10 Dec. 33 siege of tlie Forts at, and bat-
Edwin Godwin Pilsworth i-Sl Auj:.30 P18 July 34 lli- of Salamanca, wllere lie was

Edw. John Grant P

wounded ; served also in tlie
9 Dec. 31 P 17 Oct. 34 South of Prance in 1814.
.\lex. John H. Lumsden 3 May P 33 P 19 Dec. 34 Miyor AVaymouth served
Ja«. C. Ellanl D'Esterre 10 Dec. 31 a Apr. 38 inLifetlie Peninsula with the 2nd
Sam. John Luke Nicoll.. P 27 Apr. Guards was severely
32 8 June 38 wounded ;

Hon. 3. HarUtonge Pcrj- P 9 Mav and taken prisoner

34 P 30 Oct. 38 (reported "supposed to be
Alex. Macdonald 18 JulV 34 31 Oct. 38 killed") at Waterloo, in charg-
P. C. Cavan P19 Dec. 34 1 Mar. 39
ing the Cuirassiers. The ef-
fects of this wound were so
Henry Shum P 12 June 35 P 15 Mar. 39
that he was a year
R. Drinp OGrady P 30 July 36|P2G Apr. 39
Itches in a state of
Ensigns. ifitTing, and it years
John Tonirue Dec 36p*^^°'"'^ he could put on a boot. He
niK'ntl* ^nn,„oii.»i »o ,.,„.
make the sacrifice of h
«n .,. il^'-nOy compelliHl t„

Henr>' Broome v p utl. o/ pntfessional prospects by on exchange to half-


D. V.
^. J.'b. Edwardes
M^. i^u oi uv^ ,1
r 8 J line 38 pay when his name stood first for promotion by
Edward Edwards p3« Oct. 38 P"
Charles H. White . . i
II Jan n<l '" Quarter-Master Ward served in the P.nin-
Paget BaRly D
P J Mar. 39
8 tr,i*"'" '"""> """^''' "*""• "> •'•""'• ""3. including

the siege of Cadii, battle of Kii, nles d'Ouor.


Rob. W m. Smith P 15 .Mar. 39 »'''W of Badnjoz and alTair at Villa Jluriul ;


Campbell Hunter P 26 .Vpr. 39 '"'"^ "'"' '" ""^ Netherlands.

Paymaster.— )i. Ch. .Macdonttld,8
April, '25; Lieut. 13 Dec.27 May,35 Ens. 10

Adjutant. Alexander Macdonald, (jttfi//.) 18 July, 34.

Quarter-Master. l^ John Ward,'" 21 Oct. 24.
SMrjcon.-^oseph Trigance, 5 Dec. 34; Assist.-Surn. 9 Nov. 20 Ifosp.-Assist
7 March, 14.
.l«i/f.-Sury«)»i».—Joseph Edmondson, 29 July, 30; IIosp.-Assitt.
20 Dec. 2C.
James Cockbum, 15 April, 36.
1 ^ „ „ YeUovi.— Agent, Messrs. Cox & Co.

" "* •I**" "' »"""'« ^W". "« »"«ck on Buenos Ayrc^. He has
» r i„! f?^, ^''. '•' Corunn^ SaUmanca, Vittoria, St. Sebastian, and the pasMie.- "f the Nive
T^^e^ Bu^ ^!:„'""?t" "" P^"1"""« ff" •"'»'. '808. to October, i'bIS, includ?^th,.
J.Z^J,?' TT
: J^"
" ^l"" ^'<'™' P"""" "' Muwna .l.-g., of fiudad Rodrlgo andbatOes

Bad.ioj ;

^o ^.TJL J'l ''S° " •*' r*"^',"* ""I- "'^) •»'"« of Salamanca r.^rCfi!om M idrii^ <'"."" S." i

% Pt'"'". (•"''»'T wounded, left leg fractured^ •.8th July, 1813.

a «.li,T^
u in^cfinjrbriitrer,:rp<;;r?eo^irsrey'^c^JTn"d -"»'^' »' '"^- » "-
'" "" "'-' '"""
-.U''«v?h^^i:.^H«.7ll:l.t'''.••,?hT:ri'^ *'/i:::t;'hT,"°""'''''''" "«' """•-•^ "» ••'»

.8'l."u!^uIl'^77r:.UT^':^i;rtWm"ri?-.nwT°''^^ "
"*»-iCom„na campaign; Penln.ul, from

ot'l^yTaJ'ln?!' yi"!-*.
kjZ"1 '"J't'T,!!!i " ',
«nd .ubu^qu.nt '?'i''"Vt'
'"'^ P-bruary to November, 181 1, including the •onie
skirmish at Barber del Puesro, and battle at Fuenles
- r'.»V
l.plain M«:n-«ly the campaign, of I8U ,n Holhind,and was
enjac-d at Fort Pred,'rirrH.„H^Pefc .
P«e-.^on the la.b, 17.1.. «,d 18,h June .1 W.Urloc ; also a. .he siege of iZ:~,^ZSIlTZ\"Tim:
'•] 3lst {or the Huntingdonshire) Regiment of Foot.
© aUa 5/> Colin Halkett,' K.C.B. & G.C.H. Lt.-Col. 17 Nov. 1803; Col.l Jan.
12 ; Major-Gen. 4 June, 14 Lt.-Gen. 22 July, 30; Coh 31 st Regt. 28 Mar. 38.

Lieut.-Coloneh.—T^ (BSE C. Horace Churchill, C.B. Ens. 19 June, 06; Lieut, k.

Capt. P27 Aug. 12 ; Brevet-Mnjor, 22 Nov. 13 ; Brevet-Lleiit.-Col. 18 June,
15 ; Regtl.-Major, 27 July, 26 ; Lieut.-Col. 16 July, 30 ; Col. 10 Jan. 37.
j^ Samuel Bolton, = Ens. S> Feb. 07 ; iie?/*. 6 April, 09; Co;j<. P 24 Oct. 22 ; ATojor,
14 June, 33 Lieut.-Col. P2i Nov. 35.

p^ MfiJors.~\% Vt'm. Henry Sewell, C.B. Ens. 27 March, 06; Lieut. P26 Feb. 07 ;
Capt. P12 March, 12; Brevet-Major, 3 March, 14; Brevet-Lieut.-Col. 21
June, 17 ; Enjtl.-Major, 11 Aug. 29; Col. 10 Jan. 37.
Thomas Skinner, Ens. 25 Jan. 16 ; Lieut. P 6 Aug. 19 ; Capt. P 9 Oct. 23 ;
ilfff/or, P24 Nov. 35.

Captains. CAPTAIN. BRET.-.MAJ.

H. Clinton Van Cortlandt 8 May 01 1 Nov. 03 5 July 14 11 Jan. 37

Edward \Vm. Bray * 12 Jan. 05 20 Apr. 08 6 Apr. 19 10 Jan. 37
John Byrne 1 Oct. 08 21 Dec. 09 P19 Apr. 21 26 Feb. 36
James Spence ^ 26 Nov. 08 P 20 Dec. 10 Feb. 25
10 28 June 38
y Charles Shaw^ 13 May 11 13 Apr. 20 30
July 26
^3 Lambert B. UiTnstou ^ 1 Apr. 13 11 May 15 P12
Feb. 28
Geo. Cuthbert Marshall. 25 Aug. 25 11 Jim"e29 P24 Aug. 32
S81 George Baldwin ' 2 June 08 9 Nov. 14 14 June 38
Holland Leckie M'Ghee. 18 June 12 3 May 14 P24 Nov. 35
George Ogilvy Jan. 07 5 Nov. 07 8 Apr. 25 28 June 38
Lieutenants. 4 Major Brny served the Mah-
Dan. Ben. T. Dodgin 21 Sept. 16 16 Jan. 23 ratta camiiaigns of 1817, 18,
Wm. Gibson Willes . . . 9 Sept. 13 P19 Dec. 16 and 19, ai.d was present at the
Thomas Bulkeley never. 5 May 14 siege and capture of Ryghur,
Amulnair, and Asseerghur.
Geo. Dobson Young .... 6 Apr. 19 25 Aug. 25 6 Capt. Spence was present
Geo. Francis White .... 27 Jan. 25 3 Apr. 28 in the action of Stuola, near
John Cassidy Stock .... 23 Mar. 26 1 Feb. 29 Genoa, 13th April, 1S14, and
subsequent attacks upon the
Robert Norman P 7 Sept. 26 2 Sept. 29
city of Genoa until Its surren-
Tliomas Pender 13 Sept. 26 1 Aug. 30 der. Capt. Spence was one of
Thos. Con}'nghain Kelly 3 Apr. 28 P31 Aug. 30 the sufferers in that lamentable
Edward Lugard 31 July 28 P31 Oct. 31 catastrophe the burning of the
Kent, East ludiaman, in tlie
Frederick Spence 24 Dec. 29 P 1 Nov. 31 Bay of Biscay, 1st March, 1825.
Robt. John Eagar 1 1 June 30 P 25 Jan. 33 6 Captain Shaw was present
James Croft Brooke .... P31 Oct. 31 2 Sept. 33 at the ijattlc of Albuliera. Also
at the attack and surrender of
John Snowden Scott .... P 1 Nov. 31 P 6 Mar. 35 Genoa in 1814, and, subse-
Arthur Du Bourdieu .
P 25 Jan. 33
. . 27 Mar. 36 quently, at the surrender of
Philip Le Couteur P 8 Dec. 25 1 Apr. 36 Corsica.
Francis J. Thomas 5 July 33 20 May 36 7 Capt. Urmston served the
campai^'ns of 1813 14 and in
Edw. Smith Mercer .... P 35 Pll June 36 the Peninsula, including the
6 Mar.
Charles Dunbar P 3 Aug.
26 9 Nov. 32 battles of the Nive, Orthes, and
Hon. CJeo. A. F. C. Graves P 33 P30 Dec. 86 Toulouse. Served throughout
15 Mar.
George Freud P 35 p 14 July 37 the Burmese war, including the
24 Nov.
capture of Rangoon storm and ;

Hen. Knight Sayers .... P 17 Oct. 34 7 July 37 capture of the stock.ade3 i>f
Dahvay M'llveen p 22 Jan. 36 12 July 39 Kerawanrtirieand Kummerute;
Ensigns. battles of" Rangoon, Kokain, and Pagam-Mew ;
and capture of Donabew, Proine, and
T. J. Bourke 10 May 35 attack
M.iloom actions of Simbike and Napudee.
J. jEneas Duncan P 7 Aug. 35 8 Capt. Baldwin accompanied the expedition
J. Greenwood P 6 May 36 to Walcheren, and was at thesieseof Flushing.
18th June at Waterloo, aiid the
George Douglas 20 May 36 Present on the
storming of Cambray.
George B. Shaw P14 July 37 9 Pavmaster Matthews served in the Nepaul
Thos^Hen. Flasket P21 Oct. 36 war in 1814 and 15 at the capture of Hattrass

William Bray 21 June 39 in the Mahratta war in 1817 and 18; and at
D. Camiichael Smytt P 12 July 39 the capture of Bhurtpore.
Ptii/ninster.—John Henry Matthew 21 Oct. 13.
Adjutant.— Dan. Ben. T. Dodgin, (Lieut.) 18 Dec. 35.
13 —
Quartcr-Ma,iter. Samuel Palmer, 8 May, 26.
Surgeon.— Uenry Hart, M.D. 21 Sept. 30 ; Assist.-Surg. 31 Jan. 11.

Assist.-Surgeons. T. Eames Ayre, 2 Nov. 26; Hosp.-Assist. 17 July, 26.
Charles Hugh James, 5 Oct. 32.
Facings Buff. Agent, Messrs. Price & Son.
1 Sir CoUn Halkett has received a cross for Albuhera, Salamanca, Vittorja, and tlie passage of the
Nive, and was severely wounded at Waterloo.
2 Col. Bolton served in tlie Peninsula, from 1808 to the end of the war, including the battles of
Busaco, Albuhera (wounded), Aroya de Molina, Vittoria, the Pyrenees, Nive, Orthes, Aire, and Toulouse.
3 Major Van Cortlandt was engaged at the following battles, sieges, &c. in the East Indies, viz.
Deig, Bhurtpore, Allyghur, Coel, Delhi, Laswarrie, and Fallyghur, capture of
Begaghur, Ruthowra, Agra,
of Ko-
Holkar. Also several skirmishes during the campaigns of 1808, 4, 5, and 6. Present at the sieges
TOona and Gunowrie in 1808, and at Kalunga in 1814. Served the campaigns ngamst the Pindarroes in
1817 and 18. ,
^Sl'rTf"/.°«S.'^] 32*/ {or the Cornwall) Regiment of Foot. [^c,!.'.""™'."

Sir Robert Mucfarlanp, K.C.R. r..C.n. Ens. -20 May, 1789; Lieut. 22 May, U3;

Capt. i> Sii)t.'.)3; M^or. 12 Nov. 94; Lwut.-Col. 19 Sept. 94; Col. I Jan.
18IH); .Vrtjor-f.Vn. 26 April, 08; £i"cu<.-C»Vn. 4 Juiiu, 13; Gen. 22 July, 30;
Cal. a2ua lU^t. 20 Sept. 37.
Lieut. Colonel.
Tims. Ilcnrv WinKfiilil, Lieut. 7tli Fiisilioi-s, 11 Nov. 13; Capt. i'12 Sept. 22;
Mti/or, 1>3 June 2« ; Lieut.-Cul. 19 Jan. 30.
July, 21
U, 9 llenr)- Hoi<l,'J?»u. 17 Mnrrli,l)8; Lieut. 20 July, 09; Cnpt. i'2(! ;

Unret-Mojor. 10 Jan. 37 ; Re<jtl.-M<ijor, .1 Oct. 38.

Utai John Uirtwiiistir,' ^i«. 14 April, 13 Lieut, v 14 Jan. 19; Cnpt.
n 13 May,
24: linvet-.Major, 28 Jnnc, 38; /<cgf/.-.lfn>r, U) Jan. 39.


Emb. for Foreign
servke, 1837?"] 33f? (or Ist Yorkshire^ W, Riding) Regt. of Foot, [oSta?/

34M (tn- the Cumberlantl) liit/t. of Foot.


• ••

'A 35th (or Royal Sussex) Regiment of Foot.


iP 5JrJohn Oswald," G.C.B. & G.C.M.G. Second Lieut. 1 Feb. 1783; Lieut. '29
Jan. 89 ; Capt. 24 Jan. 91 ; Major, 1 Sept. 95 ; Lieut.-Col. 30 Mar. 97 ; Col.
30 Oct. 1805 ; Major-Gen. 4 June, 1 1 ; Lieut.-Gen. 12 Aug. 19 ; Gen. 10 Jan.
37 ; Col. 35th Regt. 9 Oct. 19.
Lieut.- Colonel.
Edward KentS. Butler, .Bjw. 27 Aug. 18; Lieut. 7 April, 25; Cupf. P8 April,
26; Major, P29 March, 33; Lieut.-Col. p 17 June, 36.
Aralander Tennant.^ Ens. P 20 Oct. 08 ; Lieut. 10 June, 13 ;_Capt. P 10 June, 2G
Major, P 1 Aug. 34.
Benjamin F. Dalton Wilson, Ens. P27 Aug. 25; Lieut. PIO June, 2G ; Capt.
P20 April, 32 ; Major, p 17 June, 36.
4^ Edward Goate 9 May 05 8 Jan. 07 27 June 1 22 July 30
John Rowley Heyland . 8 Jan. 24 P 7 Jan. 26 P 12 Apr. 31
John Gordon P 14 June 27 p 5 Apr. 31 P 5 Apr. 33
J. H. Oakes Moore . . 25 Oct. 27 P26 Apr. 31 P31 Dec. 33
John Oliver Munton . . . 30 June 25 17 Aug. 32 P20 Mar. 85
James Fraser P 5 April 31 1' 1 Aug. 34 P17 June 86

Edward H. Hutchinson. P 20 Mar. 27 PIO Sept. 29 P 8 June 38

James Tedlie . P 19 May
25 P 5 June 27 23 July 88
Henry Cooper*. 3 Oct. 06 18 June 07 25 Mar. 13
Wm. Drummond Steuart P 12 Dec. 26 P 20 Sept. 33 P 29 July 36
George Camie 26 July 21 4 Oct. 27
William Ward 18 Aug. 25 1 May 28
Theophilus Faris P 8 Apr. 26 P 25 Aug. 29
George Bayley 10 Feb. 25 17 Apr. 30
Thomas J. G. Chatterton P 25 Aug. 29 P3I Dec. 33
Charles Forrest 6 Dec. 27 19 Dec. 34
Charles Beamish P26 Apr. 31 P20 Mar. 35
Frederick English P22 Mar. 33 P 17 June .36
Oliver NicoUs Chatterton P26July 33 P 5 Aug. 36
Thomas Goldie Harding .
P31 July 34 P26 Aug. 36
Geo. Granville Baker. . . P 1 Aug. 34 23 July 38
Fred. Hugh Henry P20 Mar. 35 7 Aug. 38
Wm. H. Carrol P24JuIy 35
H. Wheatstone 17 June 36
Jas. Farq. Gordon P 5 Aug. 36
J. Talhot Crosbie P26Aug. 36
Rob. Otho Travers P15 Sept. 37
Thomas Teulon P29 Dec. 37
John A. Ewart 27 July 38
James Moore 28 Aug. 88
Jas. T.Oswald Pll Jan. 39
Paymaster. Jas. Gust. Ham. Holmes, 24 Feb. 37; Ens. 11 June, 30; Lieut.
Aug. 33.
Adjutant.— Y{en. Wheatstone, {Ens.) 5 Aug. 36.

Quarter-Master. John Connon, 11 Sept. 28.

Surgeon. Robert Sillery, M.D. 4 Jan. 39; Assist.-Surg. 18 AprU, 22 Hosp.- ;

.issist. 24 May, 15.

Assista7it-Surgeons. —
Thomas Coke Gaulter, M.D. 29 July, 30 ; Hosp.-Assist.
22 March, 27.
Arch. Gordon, M.D. 28 June, 36.
Facings Blue. Agent, Messrs. Cox & Co.

1 Sir Jolin Oswald was at the capture of Martiniqiir, St. Luci; ind Guadaloupe. He was severely
wounded in Holland, 19 Sept. 1700, and has received a raedal and t: clasps for Maida, Vittoria, and St.
2 Major Tennant served at the siege of Flushing in 1809.
3 Major Cooper served at Walcheren in 1809, and subsequently i 1 the .\merican Wai
r Sorvtn^c In
JjK"] 3Gth {or Herefordshire) Regt. of Foot. l_Nfw Bnintwiek.


— " SALA-



Emb. for Foreign"]
Service, IS30. J
37th {or North Hampshire) Regt. of Foot. ^,


Hon. Sir Alexander Duff,' G.C.H. £;w. 23 May, 1793; Lietd. 15 Jan. 94;
Capt. 16 Jan. 94; Major, -28 Mar. 94; Lieut.-Col. 14 April, 98; Co/. 25
AprC, 1808; Mnjor-Gen. 4 June, 11; i(«M^-G(?n. 19 July, 21 ; Co?. 37th
Regt. 20 July, 31. Lh-ut.-Cohnel.
Wm. Smelt,' C. B. Cornet, 16 March, 98; Lieut. P 11 Dee. 99; Capt. 21
March, 05 ; il/fl;or,28 Jan. 08 ; B
revet - Lietd. -Col.i 3 une, 14 ; BegtL-Lieut.-
Col. 24 Nov. 14; Col. 22 July, 30. Majors.
^ Henry Herbert Manners,' K.H. 2nd Lieut. 23 April, 07 Lieut. 1 Feb. 09 ; ;

Capt. 9 Sept. 19 ; Major, P 25 Dec. 25 ; Srevet-Lieid.-Col. 28 June, 38.

Joseph Bradshaw, Ens. P 12 May, 25 ; Lieut. P 12 Dec. 26 ; Capf. P 2 Dec. 31 ;
Major, P9 Dec. 36.
Captaixs. I

13 Henry Owen Wood ' . 6 July 04 25 Dec. 04 22 July 13 10 Jan.

&i'. Ca Saa John Thoreau = . 26 Oct. 04 28 May 07 igjulV 15 10 Jan.
Francis Skelly P 6 July 26 18 Sept. 28 P21 Sept. 32
William Elliott P 19 Sept. 26 P31 Jan. 28 P 13 Dec. 33
Geo. Briscoe Whalley . P12 Dec. 26 P 12 Jan. 30 P 9 July 35
Gilbert Wm. Franklyn . P 30 April 27 23 Nov. 30 p 9 Dec. 36
John Harvey 14 April 14 10 April 25 9 Oct. 37
J. R. Sheppard Wilson . P 19 April 31 P 10 Oct. 34 P17 Nov. 37
William Clay 8 June 30 P 21 Sept. 32 P 15 Feb. 39
Patrick Fran. Durham . P 21 Sept. 32 P 10 July 35 P 1 Mar. 39
Tlios. Edm. Le Blanc 10 May 27 p 2 Dee. 31 5 Major Thoreau served the
}3 Wm. Thorn. Servantes 27 June 11 29 Dec. 14 campaign of 1805 in Hanover,
Francis A. Cook 31 Aug. 30 P 2 May 34 and in tlie Peninsula from Au^.
1808 to the end of the war,
Hen. Edw. Manners .
P 29 June 35 9 July 35 including the battles of Roleia,
James Grignon P 15 Mar. 33 P 9 Dec. 36 Viniiera, Busaco ; attack of
Stanhope R. M. Byrne P 10 Oct. 34 P 6 Oct. 37 Fort Christoval (wounded) ;
siege of Badajoz ; siege and
Wm. Glynne Griffith.. P 27 Feb. 35 P17 Nov. 37
capture of Ciudad Rodritjo ;
Chas. Aug. Parkinson P 10 July 35 P 6 April 38
battle of Salamanca ; capture
John Owen Lewis .... P 1 1 July 35 9 July 38 of Madrid ; battles of Vittoria,
Eliott Tho. Seward P 9 Dec. 36 P 15 Feb. 39 the Pyrenees, (wounded near
Pampeluna), Ortlies, and Tou-
Sam. Baker Hayes .... Pll June 30 P 13 Feb. 35
louse. Sened at New Orleans,
Cha. Fra. Shum P 12 May 37 P 1 Mar. 39 and at Waterloo.
Wm. Hamilton 26 May 37 P 21 June 39

E. D. Atkinson 6 Oct. 37
W. G. M. Clibborn . 17 Nov.
A. M. Alex. Bowers . 29 Dec. P

Hen. John Curteis 6 April 38~

H. Russell Manners . 28 Aug. '
George Lawrence .... P 15 Feb. 39
Malton Lambard .... 1 Mar. 39
Tho. Molyneux Keogh 1 June 39
Paymaster, \3 Janies Half hide, 29 June, 09.
Afljutnnt.—J. O Lewis (Lieut.) 24 May, 39.

Quarter-Master. Richard Hamilton, 2 Nov. 37.
Surgeon.— Thos. Wahab, JI.D. 19 Nov. 30; Assist.-Surg. 27 June, 11.
Assist.-Surgs. —John Wardrop Moore, 29 July, 30 Hosp.-Assist. 8 May, 28.

Charles Arnold Logic, 12 Jan. 38.

Facin/js Yellow. Agent, Mr. Lawrie. Irish Agent, Messrs. Cane & Co.

1 Sir Alex. DuflT served in Flanders; accompanied the expedition from the East Indies to Egvpt, where he
served until the peace of 1802. Sir Alex, commanded the centre column in the attack upon Buenos Ayres.
2 Col. Smelt served in the American war, including the taking of Plattsburgh ; storm and capture of
Oswego ; action at Lundy's Lane, and storming of Fort Erie 13th Aug. 14, where he was severely and
dangerously wounded. Present at the capture of Rangoon, and other actions in .Ava.
3 Col. Manners served at Obidos, Roleia, and Vimiera (wounded). Corunna campaign. Siege of Flush-
ing (wounded). Campaigns of 1811 and 12 in the Peninsula, including the siege of Ciudad R^idrigo, action
at Elbodon, siege of Badajoz, besides various skirmishes. Slightly wounded at the siege of Badajoz, and
very severely on the night of the assault.
4 Major Wood served the campaign of 1814 in the PeninBula, including the investment of Bayonne.
— .. .

3Slh (or the \st Staffordshire) Reyiment of Foot.

Sir Ilenrv I'i-ot,' G.C.M.G. Cornet, 23 Jun. 17(19 ; Lieut. 24 Sept. 72; Cnpi.
Hi Mar'. 75; M(gor, 4 April, 81 ; Lieut.-Cut. Mav, 83; Col. 20 IJfC. H3;
Mnjor-Gen. 2H Fel). 95 iic/i/.-O-'cn. 20 April, 1802; Gcti. 1 Jau. 12; Col.

3»tli Ri'uiniciit, 5 Dec. .Ki. Lieut .-Colonel ' '

Mi H ut'li Pi|.€r,- i'/M. 21» -Mar. lli> ; Liiiit. 13 Nov. OG ; Capt. p 13 June, 1 1 ; Hnjor,

10 Joiu', 28 ; Lirut.-Col. 28 May, 31.

Ooorge Youac,^ En$. 1 Nov. 10 ; Lieut. 24 Nis, 12 ; Copt. 10 Feb. 23; Mtfjar,
47 April, 34.'
lA John Campbell,' £rM. 36 Nov. 21 ; iwiiM July, 24 ; Capt. PllJuly, 30; Jirrj/or,
P20 Ueo. 37.

Janies Pattoun S|iarks . 27 July 15 30 July 18 3 Sept. 2(1
9 Robert -Matthew ^ 2t>Sept. 13 2.-)No\.21 3 Jan. 27
^ Alcxiuuler Campbell'* 17 Dec. 13 2(i Nov. 21 25 Sept. 28
J.Jackson Loutb^ 3 Julv 24 11 Sept. 23 P 23 Mar. 32
Robfrt Carr P OAprillH 20 Dee. 23 11 Dec. 31
Henr>- Knight Storks P 10 Jan. 28 P 2 Mar. 32 P 30 Oct. 36

W. Li'ttlejohii (^'Hallonui' 1 1 Jan. 24 20 July 20 P 29 Dec. 37
7 {) Riibcrt Wiwilboiise' . 17 Aug. 00 3 June 12 21 April 33
Joe. !<!unuel -Vilamson . P 13 Mar. 31 P 27 Sept. 33 P 1 Dec. 37
1 Charles Ir^ine 9 April 23 P 17 May 27 P 4 May 39
Frederick Tudor'" |
20 Nov. 21 18 Sept. 24
Edn-ard Evans | 24 Mar. 25 3 Jan. 27 6 Capt. Camiibcll sprrod the
(-;impai!;n of 1S14, in the South
OB. Barlow i 12 Dec. 13 Mav
I(! 19 of Fninre, iitrliiding tlit inveal-
John James Grant !
9 Mar. 2G p 12 Feb. 28 mciit of lliiyoime. Served
Tlionias Southall " 2 Deo. 23 23 Sept. 28 tlirousliout tlie Iturmcac war.

John CJau'o Lecky p 22 April 2fi P 20 Mar. 29 7 fa]. lain Louth scncd
throushoiit tho nurnic^c war.
Wiu. Ciamuel F^lwarda . .1 14 Feb. 28 P 31 12 July
8 Vapt. O'Halliirun served
John W. S. Smith 3 Feb. 32 4 Aug.
37 «t the siege and storming of

Daniell OConneU P 4 May 32 p 37 Qhurtpore.

22 Aue.
Capt. Woodhouse served
Jolui Rolicrt Stawell p 23 >lay 32 p 10 Nov.
37 in the Peninsula from January,
Thomas .\nderson j
16 May 34 P 20 Dec.
37 I8U9, to Dec. 1811, iliduding
Cocka\Tic Frith |
22 Aug. 37 p 4 Miiv 30 tho battles of Talslveni, Busaco,
31 Mav 39 Fuentes d'Onur, and
siege of
Wni. Donald Piper j
21 Nov. 34
Exsioxs. I
10 Linit. Tudor served througliout tho Bur-
R. Charles Sinclair 23 Aug. 37 t
John Piper p 10 Nov. 37 11 Lieut. Soulliall served in the Burmeso

p 9 Jan. 38
war from Nov. 1835.
diaries J. Pricliard
Jolm H. Jackson
12 Dr. Roe's services: Campaitni and Imttic
11 Jlay 38 of Corunna expedition to Walcherenj Penin-


CImrif* R. Maxwell P 19 Oct. 38 sula from Mav, 1811. to the end of the war, in-

\Vm. James Loftus p 9 Nov. 38 cluilinR the battle of Albubera; sieges of Ciu-

dad Rodrigo and Badnjoz battles of Salamanca,

p 4 May 30 Tittorla, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Orthc« and Toulouse.

Henrv Roe Evans '

R. Scott 31 Mav 30
13 f^

Paymairter. Wm. F. Vernon, July, 30; JSiu. 1 June, 2G; Lieut. 6 July, 27.
Atffutant. —
Frederick Tudor (Lietit.) 17 Nov. 37.

17« Quarter- 3Ia.tter. George Green Watkuis, 7 Oct. 3G; Ens. 23 Dec. 13; Lieut.
23 July, 18.
1,^ Surgeon..— 1& 8. C. Roe," M.D. 20 May, 14 A.v,lst .-Surgeon, 4 Aug. 08. ;

13 .\iiti3tnnt-Surgron. — Thos. Foss, 18 Jan. 27 ;'i>t. 13 June, 2G.

Facing! Yellow. Agent, Mr. Lawrie,— /ri»/i Agent, Borough, .Vnuit, & Co.
[Returned from Bengal, May, 18.3G.]
1 9ir Henrr Pigot accompanied the hhzade of Ouards to Holland in 1703, and was present at the siege of

Valrnclennn. the action of LIncellet, and all the other engagements in nhich the brigade was engaged In
tbe eimpaitnt of ITva and M.
3 t'olooel Piper served In the American wnr. Including the capture of Moore island ; also Throughout tho
Burmew war.
a Malof Yotine served el the tattle of Fuente* d'Onor; siege of Bndnjos ; attack of the Torl^ at, imd
bMtU *<t. ^vI.^m iv'.t: ir' r- -: >I vl.i'l; .1. ::v of B'ircos: Iwlfv? engaced. and once woundc*!, on the retreat
Inm h I sortie from Bnvoniie. Sined In the Burmese war.

4 M war.
S< '. and Ba;onne; at Orahara'sTown, when attaclied by
"1 odth {or the Dorsetshire) Ree/iment of Foot. f®

iJ Hon. Sir Robert Wm. O'Callagan," G.C.B. Ens. 29 Nov. 1794 ; Lieut. 6 Dec.
94Cupt. 31 Jan. 95 ; Lieut.-Col. IG July, 1803 ; Col. 1 Jan. 12 ; Mnjm--6en.

4 June, 14; iieuf.-Gm. 22 July, 30; Co/. 39tli Kegiment, 4 March, 33.

Lieut.-Colonels. Thomas Poole,^ .En*. 4 Sept. 03 ; iiewf. 5 June, 05; Caj>t. 26
Dec. 11 ; Major, 14 Feb. 28; Lieut.-Col. 10 Jan. 37.
iUH Joseph Wakefield, Cornet, p 26 May, 14; Lieut. 29 Aug. 15; Ca2)t. P 29
July, 19; jVo/oc, 27 May,34; i(«if .-CoZ. P 10 March, 37.
ilf«>ra.—Thomas Wrisht, £«.?. 18 Dec. 13 Lieut. 22 April, 14; Capt. P14

Julv, 25 ; Major, P 10 March, 37.

Horatio Walpole, Ens. & Lieut. 8 May, 17 ; Cnpt. P 13 Jan. 25 Major, P 17 Xot. 37.


^'"''' ('" "'" -'"' 'V«/«f«f^7i/;-f) Regimeni of Foot, [^e",;"?,,!;;,'.'.'"

Tho ^;i*iivx, Willi lh« word • EciTPT" on Itiu cnpj of Iho Plonk ConipQnloi. " Momte ViuKo"— "RotelA"
— •' ViuiBRA'*— "Talw KM*"— "Hahajoz"—*' Salamanca"— '•ViTToitiA"—"l'ifHB:<KBa"

Sir Lionel Smith, Bart. K.C.B. & O.C.II. Bnt. Slarcli, 1795; iien*. 28 Oct.
Uj ; Cn/)/. 22 Muv, 1»01 M(\jor, -22 April, 02 ; Lieut.-Col. 6 June, 05 ; Col.

4 June, 13; .Vifjor-Oen. 12 Ang. I!) ; Lieut.-Gen. 10 Jan. 37; Cul. 40tli
lU-ut. 9 Fit.. 37. Luut.-ColoneU.
Tliomas Valiant, K.H, Eiis. P31 March, 04; Lieut. 21 June, 05 ; Capt. p2I
Au','. 17 ; .Mi{Jor,vH Oct. 21 ; Lieut.-Col. P8 Oct. 25 ; Col. 28 June, 38.
Rob. Brice Fearon,' C.B. £«.«. June, 95 Lieut. 4 Sept. 95 ; Capt. 21 April, 04; ;

-Vrtjor, i'2it Dec. 10; Brent- Lieut.-Col. 12 Aug. 19; Begtl.-Lieut.-Cot. i-

.Mav, 23; Col. 10 Jiui. 37. Majors.

{) Kichard Jtbb,' Cornet, v 12 Sept. 05 ; Lieut. P4 Aug:. 08 ; Capt. 1'9 May,
1 1 ; Brevet-.Vajor, 22 July, 30 ; Beytl.-Mtijor, 1 May, 35. i-

I,*, itil lieoRje Hibbert, Eiu. f 25 Feb. 13 ; Lieut. 14 June, 15 ; Capt. JIurch,. <•

2;> ; .Major, v 13 Xov. :^a.


IC.\rT.\iN«. I I

Evelyn Sjun. Boseaweii P20 Auu. 19 2 Sept. 24 p 1 Aug. 26

" , Jaine;'Stopfonl I' 7 Sept.
1 25 P 2 Nov. 26 P 10 Sept. 30
Fitz Her. Codilinsttoii . "•ii Sept. 25 P17 Jan. 28 P24 Dec. 32
Thos. James Valiant . . 29 Muv 2rt i'17 Dec. 29 P 1 May 35
Joseph Curtin 14 Sep"t. 15 8 .\pril 25 18 July 35
Tho. Sidney Powell . ! 13 Mav 20 P31 May 31 Pl3 Nov. 35
John Kelly 8 Nov. 13 20 Dec. 24 27 Jlay 36
John Gray 31 Auff. 24 4 .Mav 26 P12 Sept. .34
Joseph Bovcr Oliver . P 16 Dec. 25 P 19 Sept. 26 7 Nov. 36
9* John M'Duff 10 Feb. 14 26 June 27 P 12 AprU 39
2ftTliomas Miller 9 Jan. 17 19 AprU 27
15 Bovce M*Kenzie 31 Mar. 14 26 June 27 2 Major Jf lib l«rved in Spain
Klir s:r .lului Jloor.', incluii-
17 Jobu Perry Elliott....
8 28 Dec. 14 26 June 27
a tUo nctiotiK utSalingun and
16 »\i James .Vdamson 22 Feb. 15 11 June 17 nevente, and retreat to Co-
13 Fenlinand White .... v 2 Nov. 2(i 10 Nov. 31
10 Hen. Furev W akclield IM7 Dec. 29 29Julv 32 3 Copt. Naylor s«rved at the
capture of Lo.iliiir, Koiiree,
9 I Fred. Wm'. Smitli 1'10 Seiit. 30 P 24 Dec. 32
Ryghur.niul several small Hill
Georpe Matthias White 13 June 30 19 April 33 Hurts in lUIS. Serrcd in tho
James Todd P 22 Feb. 31 4 July 34 Serwent Warree Slate, and
John Martin B. NciU.. P was severely wounded in both
22 Mar. 33 P 9Jaii. 35
legs ; the risht one badly frac-
Hen. Crickitt Tyler . P 3 May 33 P 1 .Mav 35 tured at the assault of Roree,
Hen. Fancourt Valiant P 25 April 34 P 13 Nov. :)5 13th Feb. 18IU.
Tliomas L. K. Xelson. ij Nov. 31 29 Jan. 30 4 Dr. MacAndrew served at
the sie2e of FlushiiiK in ISO»,
Rich. Baylis Bennett.. P 1 Aug. 34 P12 Mar. 36 and the cainpaiims of Isll, 1^,
Wm. AuLTistus Fyers.. P 17 Oct. 34 p 20 Mav 30 and 13, in tho I'eninsiila.
Henry SejTiiour P 9 Jan. 35 7 Nov. 36
Richanl .\rmstrong . P 1 Mav 35 P 2 .Mar. 38
Henr>- Halkett P -29 May 35 P 23 .Mar. 38

Alex.' A. .Nelson P G Mar. 35 P 15 Mar. 39

Ivlnnnl Lee P 12 June 35 P 12 April :}9
AIfre<l J. Mainiay .... P 13 Nov. 35 25 May 39
Rich. Olpherts P 2 Dec. 36 P21 June 39
F. T. L. G. Russell . P20 Mav 36 Ja.s. Duncan Mac .tudrev P 15 .Miir. 39
J. Vounur Vance P21 April .37 Edw. Hun!.'erford Eagar P 12 April 39
William lr\rin P 2 Mar. 38 John W. Thomas 7 June 39
James Johnston P 23 .Mar. 38 M. H. L. Mcason !1 Jnne .39

f> Paijniaster. —
Charles Scarlin Naylor,' 8 May, 35 ; Em. 25 Dec. 12 ; Lieut.
Dec. 15; Cn/>f. 9 Mav, .34.
.itUutant.— Ferdiimnd White, (Lieut.) I Oct. .35.
(iuarter-Miister. —
Chas. Philips, 25 Julv, 37 ; Ens. 16 June, 37.
7H .!tu/-j/a>n.— |) John .MucAiidrew,' .M.D. 30 April, 29 ; Assist.-Surij. 15 Feb. 10,
Horp.-Aaist. 27 June, 09.
.iaist.-Surgt.—.\n\i. West, M.D. 15 June, 30 ; Hosp.-Asst. 25 Jan. 27.
Henry Hadley, .M.D. 28 Nov. 34.
Fnrinns Buff. Agent, Messrs. C'oJC tc Co.
K.'ar,>!i'* *.^rri,i-. —c.Mni, of ITIKI and 7, in tin- West Indies, Ineludinjt the storming of tho
alUck on
> : Mom
Portunel ; and surrender of Si. I.ucliu D>m-
'itttes of the loth Sept., '.!nd and 0th (VI. Campaign of 1800 on
.10 to Huiberon Day.
Attack on Ferrol. Ex|-editioii to Vigo and
j'Jing the surrender of .\leiandria ; attack and stonning of Ifosetta.
C«nip.inn ..f 1-1 1 -
n. Ill iLily. iuding tha surrender of Naples and Oeno.1. Coloiull Fe«ro!i i

manded the troops bocrd Uie unforluiiate ship Kr Khen she was burned in the bay of Biscay, 1st
Muth, IM&, 91
Emb. for Foreign"!
Service, 1822. J
Alst {or Welsh') Regiment of Foot.
L_ East Indies.
On the Colours and Appointments, the Prmce of Watps's Plat with the motto, " Givell Aitgau ncu
C/iwll!/dd."—" DETBOIT"— " QPEliMSTOWN"— " Ml.

II" — " NlAOAHA" '' AVA." —

Str'R. Darling,' G.C.U. Ens. 15 May, 1793; Lieut. 2 Sept. 95; Capt.Q
Sept. 96; il/ff>r,2 Feb. 1800 ; iiraf.-CoZ. 17 July, 01 ; Major-Gen. i i\xne,
13 ; Lieut.-Gen. 27 May, 25 ; Col. 41st Regiment, 26 Sept. 37.
Lievt.-ColoneU. —P
Richard England,^ K.H., Ens. fio Feb. 08 ; Lieut. 1 June,
09; Capt. Pll June, 11; Major, P4 Sept. 23; Lieut. -Col. p29 Oct. 25;
Col. 28 June, 38.
Wm. Booth,' Ens. 8 May, 06 ; Lieut. 25 March, 09 ; Capt. 3 May, 21 ; Major,
P28 June, 27 ; Lieut.-Col. 11 July, 37.

Majors. Gore Browne, Ens. 14 Jan. 24; Lieut. Pll Jnlj', 26; Cajit. Pll
June, 29 ; Major, P 19 Dec. 34.
jp Joseph Simmons,* '2nd Lieut. 16
April, 12; Lieut. 23 Dec. 13; Capt. 18
Feb. 27 Major, 22 Aug. 37.

Captains. captain. RKKV.-JIAJ.

James Cochran * 1-17 Sept. 12 28 Dec. 15 26 Feb. 27
George Carpenter 1 Oct. 18 1 Mar. 20 29 Oct,
William Dempster 9 Feb. 09 11 April 11 26 Feb.
Perceval Browne^ 25 Jan. 16 31 Mar. 33 18 Aug 30
John Wethcrall P 8 Nov. 21 P 27 Aug. 25 '
3 May 31
Richard Price 15 April 19 23 May 26 '
9 Mar. 32
Archibald Hook P Feb. 00 P 28 Mar. 00 12 Oct. 09 22 July 30
William Barnes' P 4 Feb. 13 23 July 14 14 Sept. 35
John Geo. Bedingfield' . 2 Nov. 20 29 June 24 5 June 37
Lawrance Tallan ' P 1 Nov. 21 27 Aug. 24 22 Aug. 37
Lieutenants. 6 Captain Bn served the
82^ Joseph Eyles Deere '° 3 Aug. 20 3 Dec. 25 campaigns of 1824-5 in Ava.
7 Captain Barnes served at the
Eugene Jas. Vaughan . 4 Nov. 25 P 9 Nov. 26 capture of Fort Anjui in Cutch, 25th
Samuel Geo. Stoddard" . 11 Feb. 25 17 Jan. 28 Dec. 1815; the Mahratts campaigns
William May P 30 Jan. 28 18 Aug. 30 of 1817-18 ; escalade of the Fort of
Booge in Cutch, March 1819 ; siege
Robert Donaldson 1' 8 April 26 18 Sept. 32 of Ras-el-Kymah and Zou in Ara-
G. Sheaffe Montizambert 11 April 31 Pll Jan. 33 bia, Dec. 1819; escalade of Dwarka
12 April 31 P 25 Oct. 33 Ohamandel, Dec 1320 ; action of
Robert Butler
Eeni-Boo-Ally in Arabia, March
Chas. Finch M'Kenzie . 27 Sept. 31 28 May 34 1S21.
James Campbell 24 Feb. 15 24 Oct. 84 8 Captain Bedingfield served in
the Burmese war.
Fred. Orme 23 Mar. 32
Darvall P 7 May 35
9 Captain Tallan served through-
Henry Downes 8 June 32 P 21 May 35 out the Burmese war, including the
Alex. Crie Meik P 10 May 33 14 Sept. 35 capture of Rangoon ; attack on
P 4 Dec. 35 Kiraindine and Pagoda Point ; cap-
Andrew Garden P 14 Mar. 34
ture of Fort Syriam ; engagements
Arth. Robt. Whittell .... P25 Oct. 33 23 May 36 in front of Rangoon ; capture of

Wm. H. H. Anderson 20 Sept. 33 . 28 Aug. 36 Taotabaio ; siege and capture of

\6j% John Diddep 27 July 15 18 Oct. 36 capture of Maloonand Fagam-Mew.

Thomas Burgh p 8 May 35 5 June |37 10 Lieut. Deere served at Water-

P18 Dec. 35 22 Aug. 37 loo as a Volunteer, with the 91st
Walter Lawrence
Regt. Served also in the Burmese
John Wallace 6 Mar. 35 I' P 10 Feb,
James Eman 25 Mar. 36 16 Aug. 38
J. De Blaquiere P 30 Sept. 36 7 May 39
Robert Pratt P16 June37 P 37 June 39
Cha. Anderson Morshead 11 July 37 P 28 June 39
T.Owen Evans 30 Dec. 36 Hen. F. Marston 8 Mar. 39
John Mannin 22 Aug. 37 Tho. M. L. Farmer 7 June 39
17 Aug. 38 PGeo. Wm. Hcssing ''27 June 39
Anth. Sadlier
Chas. Timothy Tucker p 28 June 39
,. W. Smith 25 Jan. 39
_ _
. .

26 2 Paymaster.— v. Dickson," 26 Jvdy, 27 Ens. 13 Mar. 12 Lictit. 27 Jan. 14.

; ;

Adjutant. Eugene Jas. Vaughan (Lieut.) IS Sept. 32.
Quarter-Master.— Wm. Burns, 16 Aug. 38 Ens. 16 Feb. 88. ;

Surijeoti.—}^ Wm. Mortimer Wilkins,'^ 23 Dec. SO ; Assist.-Surg. 22 June, '-o ;

Hosp.-Asslst. 10 Jan., 14.
Assist.-Surgs.— Thomas Hogg, M.D. 21 Feb. 34.
Henry Fra. Minster, 29 May, 35.
Faeings White. Agent, Messrs. Cox & Co,
tile siege and surrender of
1 sirRalph Darling was present at the surrender of various islanas in the West Ind ;

Flushing, in August 1809 ; and has received a Medal for Corunna.

Tarrifa and a 1810.
2 Colonel England served at the siege of Flushing and campaign to Antwerp ; subsequenHy at

3 Colonel Booth's services :— Siege of Callinger (wounded at the assault). Nepaul war in 1814, includii
and Wu
Kolunga, Nahu, and Jetuck. Mahratta war in 1817-18. including the sieges of Singhur, Latlarak, Fourundei ,

Burmese war in 1824-5, wounded at the storming of IMartaban. .',,[i ne Fort at

4 Major Simmons served in the Peninsula, from Sept. 1811 to tho end of tho
war, includin ,,

Almarez aflair at San Munos checlting the French on the retreat from Madrid; cut ofl tl,

itli June }

battle of Vittoria ; skirmishing with tho Rear-Guard, and driving the French into Pamri''"'
storming the heights of Centra Barbora ; storming of Eschelah storming Vera I3ridge and
lU l^»!l,


— .. . — i — ;

42rf (or the Royal Highland) Reffiment of Foot.

Nemo me imfuni lace.vit."—Thr Sphlnjr, with tlic words "EGYPT"

St. .indrnr, "

9 iff. //on. Sir George Murray,' G.C.U. i: G.C.H. Marcli, I7i^9: Capt.
ItiJan. IM ; Lieut.-Col. 5 Aug. IK) ; Col. U .Murcli, 1809 ; .Vnjor-Gen. 1 Jan.
12; Lieut.-Um. 27 May, 25; Col. 42ml Highlanders C Sept. 23.
X.wut. Colonel.
9 William Middlctoii,' Em. 1'18 Jau. 02 ; Lieut. 23 June, 04; Capt. 13 May,
12 ; Mt{jor, f \o Aug. 20 ; Lieut.-Cvl. 23 Oct 35.

. r^rmt, P5 Aug. lU; Lurut. P9 Nov. 21; Capt. P W Nor.
t. 2i:.
.1 i,^ Second Lieut. 11 June, 12; Lieut. 8 Sept. 13; Capt.rlO
?;. 1... ..,. ....;,„, 23 Oct. :«.
Captains. KXSIii.N. I
Daniel Frazcr 31 Oct. 11 13 June 16 P 5 Nov. 25
Duncan .\. Cainerou . 8 Apr. 25
15 Aug. 26 P 21 June 33
("hurles Dunsmure. . 9 Apr. 25 1 1'
7 Xov. 26 P 30 Jan. 35
William GuUiric . . 2 Apr. 26 1 P 20 Mar. P 24 Feb. 37
.\rchibald LUuiipbell V 26 Nov P 25 Dec. 28 P 10 Mar. 38
Geo. Burrell Cumberland 1 1 Apr. -25 31 Dec. 28 P 30 Mar. 38
Wm. Beales 24 Juue 13 13 Dec. 21 12 Aug. 36
Thomas Tulloch P 25 June 26 23 Oct. 28 P 12 July 33
Lord Cecil Gordon P 8 July 24 P 17 June 26 P 22 July 30

7A George Montagu .... 8 Dec. 14 P31 Oct. 22 P 22 Oct. 25 38 June SS

Colin Cumptx-ll 8 Apr. 26 3 Dec. 29 P 2 Colonel Middlelon's ser*
R. Williamson Ra^l^uy P 10 Jan. 28 12 Juue 3U Ticcs :— Campaign ajid battle
of Corunna. Expedition to
J. Cameron Macphersou PIO Sept. 30 21 June 33 I'
Walclieren. Campaign of 1812,
.\Ujtandtr Cameron 24 Feb. 32 P 30 Jan. 35 including the bailie of Sula-
Hun. Roticrt Hollo. P 10 Aug. 32 P2o Sept. 35 miinca, and sul>scquc-nt openi-
P14 Sept. 32 P 24 Feb. 37 lions. Dangerously wounded
Thomas Kiulock . . .
in theabdomen, slightly in the
Lord Chas. Lennox Kerr P 5 Apr. 31 P 2 >Iay 34 and contu&ion on the
left leg,

H. Maurice Drummond p 4 Dec. 32 P 15 Dec. 37 Corunna.

left thigh, at

Geo. Duncan Robertson P 14 June 33 P 10 Mar. 38 3 Major Macdougnll serrod

the canipalgtu of 1813 and 14,
Cliarles Murray P21 June 33 P 30 Mar. 38 I

in the Peninsula, including thu

Atholl W. Jlacdonald P 9 Aug. 33 P 24 Apr. 38 I a0Uir of San Murcial bullies :

G. W. ^lacquarie .... p25 Sept. 35 P31 Mav 39 <-f Niielle, Nive, 8lb, luth,
lllb, l$lh, and I9lb Dec,
Dimcau Cameron .... 23 Oct. 35 1 June .39
Ortlies, and Toulouse.
3 A. C. Campbell P24 Feb. 37
4 Quarter-Master King served in the Penin-
8 James Hunter p 17 Nov. 37 sulo, from July, IdeO, to August, 1812, inclad-
Robert Murray P 15 Dec. 37 iug the buttles of Busaco and Fueiilt-s d'Onor.
W. H. Johnstone
J. P 16 . Mar. 3S Preaeni on lath and 18th June, at Waterloo.
6 Dr. Patcrsou served in thr? Peninsula from
James Grant P.30 Mar. 38 Srpt. 1810 to Dec. 1811. 6er^'t'd also in the
Sir F. W. Dunbar, Bt. P24 Apr. 38 Biiiiii'
1 Farquliartl Campbell P30 Nov. 38 i

7 —
Paymaster. John Wheately, 12 Oct. 38 ; Enf. k .idjt. 20 July, 32 ; Lieut. 3
April, 35.
Adjutant. — Duncan Cameron (Eiu.), 30 Oct. 38.
Quarter- Matter.— (LSI Finley King,* 31 Dec. 1^ 18.
Surgeon. — 9 James Patcrson,' M.D., 25 May, 26; Assist.-Surg. 22 Aug. 11 ;
Hosp.-.AfsiMt. Jime, 7 10.
Aaiitant-Surgeon. —James M'Gregor, 12 April, 26; Hosp.-Auirt. 5 Jan. 26.
Facings Blue. Cox ic Co. Irish Agent, Borough
.\gent, Messrs. & Co.
[Returned from Corfu, .August, 1836.]
I Sir OeorCT Murray s<ttH llie Campaign in Flanders in IT03 and ; wai wounded in Holland In 1700 W
look part In the dilTervnt battles. Ice. in Egypt in 1801, and accompanied the expedition to Copenhoci^ In
1807. Sir Ororge has received o crow and Ave clasps for Corunna, Talavera, fiusuco, Fuenlcs d'Onor,
Viltoria, Pyrenees. MicUe, Urihca, and Toulouse.

1*.—*»f Prttu U aaiac i

tMtUn r4 NiTcUr uid ^i*- ''-
. and ttth Drr. Srrrrd throuxbout thr Bannnr var.
le rl' i fti^ Um slocalac of Eaocoao aod Syocfaaa It . itnmwltn* : Ird the bead of th<- Irfl culumn to *totm-
|B( IW OTOrbn Id tnmt U tbc Docvn l*ac«4a ; •'.
^ le to froat uf tbc Dsfon Pactida.
1^ *l^«rtfee«lss E<«1. in Um OcU Acaliut llM t

» rove CocOna wmd tiM canpaJcw of IHIX-U

In Ava, lMl«41a« lb« coptort of Koariaa ud Uaxuiaa ,

iSfd (or MonvwuthsMre) Regiment of Foot [^"muda!"
[Light I/iftiiitri/.)



J. Francis, Lord How(len,i G.C.B. & K.C. Cornet, 15 Dec. 1777; Capt. V2
Dec. 81; 3Iajnr, 25 June, 85; Lieut.-Col. 16 June, 89; Col. 26 Feb. 95;
Major-Gen. 1 Jan. 98; Lieut.-Gen. 1 Jan. 1805; Gen.i June, 14; Col. 43rd
Lis;ht Infantry 7 Jan. 09. Lieut.-Colonel.
P lir Booth,'-' K.H. Ens. P 6 Mar. 06 ; Lieut. 1 1 June, 07 ; Capt. P 25 June, 12 ;
Major P29 Aug. 22 Lieut.-Col. 29 June, 30.

aJas. Forlong,' K.H. Ens. HI Mar. 13; Lietit.P22 Dec. 14; Cajit. P20
Sept. 21 ; Major, p 1 July, 28.
Jas. Bucknall B. Estcourt, £•««. P13July, 20; Lieut. P9 Dec. 24 ; Cnpt. P5
Nov. 25; Major, P21 Oct. 36; Brevet-Lieut.-Col. 29 March, 39.

Capt.\ins. BRKV.-.MAJ.

P William Eraser * . . . 8 Apr. 13 19 Jan. 149 Dec. 24

Cbas. Ravenhill Wright' 25 Dec. 13 P 26 July 21 Pll July 26
Samuel Tryon P 23 Jan. 23 P 10 Sept. 25 P 19 Feb. 28
Wilbraham Egerton . P 4 Nov. 24 P II July 26 P 1 Julv 28
Hon. A. Almoric Spencer 8 Apr. 25 P 5 July 27 P 6 Apr. 31
Godfrey Chas. JIundy 25 Nov. 21 P 28 Aug. 23 P 13 Jlay 26
William Bell P 5 Nov. 25 P 1 July 28 P23 Dee. 31
Henry Bruerc P 1 Sept. 25 P 19 Feb. 28 P 8 Apr. 34
George Talbot 2 Feb. 26 P 9 Sept. 28 P 3 Apr. 35

Johnson Ford P 7 Sept. 26 P 25 June 29 P21 Oct. 36

^ti James Thomas 5 Dec. P 16 9 Apr. 25
Dan. Gardner Freer 20 Nov.
. 23 P 8 Apr. 26
Fred. Paris Sanders 19 Feb.
P 28 16 July 30
Thos. Aylmer Pearson 28 Feb. 28 P23 Dec. 31
Rich. Geo. Aug. Levinge P 26 Nov. 28 P 8 Apr. 34
John Meade P 15 May 29 P 22 Aug. 34
John Thos. Wm. Jones 16 July 30 P 6 Mar. 35 Germany and Holland, includ-
the Me
Henry W. Paget 14 Dec. 32 P 1 May 35 bombardment of Ant'
John Chidley Coote P 4 July
. 34 P15 Sept. 37 storming of Bergen-opZoom.
Arth. Lowry Cole .... P 22 Aug. 34 P 20 Nov. 38 Severely wounded at Qualrc*
Bras, 10th June, 1815, right
Henry Skipwith P 24 Oct. 34 P 25 Jan. 39 collar bone
fractured and ball
Wm. Rob. Herries .... P 6 Mar. 35 P 12 ApriI39 lodged in the right breast.
ENSIGNS. T was severely wounded at the
Hon. T. G.Cholmondeley 3 Apr. 35 P
Robert Lambert 1 May 35 P
5 Captain Wright served in the American
Hon. C. H. Lindsay P 5 June 35

-Vlbert S. Bniere . P21 Oct. 36

. -
a Paymaster Hood served the campaign of
Jas. M. Primrose . . 6 Jan. 37 1814, in the Peninsula. Present in the attack

Lord F. G. C. G. Lennox P 15 Sept. 37 on New Orleans, 8th January, 1815.

O. A. O. Gore P20 Nov. 38 7 Dr. Millar served the campaigns of 1813
Hoti. John Kennedy P 25 Jan. 39 and 14, in the Peninsula, and the expedition

to New Orleans.
C. W. A. H. Wood P 12 Apr. 39


Pat/nuister. }^ George Hood,* 25 Oct. 28 Ens. 21 Feb. 1 1 ; Lieut. 28 May, 12


Adjutant.— D. G. Freer (Lieut.), 8 March, 39.

Quarter-Master.— Samuel Hand, 8 Oct. 30.

Surgeon. ^ John Millar,' 5 Nov. 29 A .-Surg. 8 Feb. 21 ; H.-Assist. 24 May, 13.

Assistant-Surgeons. —T. D. Hume, 11 Oct. 27; Hosp.-Assist. 26 Oct. 26.

George N. Foaker, 1 May, 35.
Facings White. Agent, Messrs. Co.x & Co. Irish Agent, Borough & Co.
1 Lord Howden was at the reduction of Martinique (where he was wounded), at St. Lucia, Guadaloupo,
,nd at the siege of Fort Bourbon. He was severely wounded at Ballynaliinch, in the action with the French
nd rebel force. Served the campaign in Egypt in 1801.
L* Colonel Booth served at the battle of Viiniera and Corunna; passage of the River Coa near Almeida-
and Vittoria; attack on the heights of Vera,

— —
4:6th (or the Nottinghamsldre) Regiment of Foot

— —

' —
Years' Serv.
46//i {or Suuth Deconshirc) lift/t. of Foot.

9 Kcano,' K.C.B. & G.t'.II. Kns. 17!)3; ii>«/. 29 April, 03; Capt. 12
.Tir Jolin
Nov. Major, 27 Mav, I(<<i->; Lieiit.-Col. 20 AiiR, OH; Col. I Jiui. 12;
Major-Gen. 4 June, 14 ;' Lieut. -Gen. 22 July, 30 Col. 40 Wc^X..
; Ajir. 3».
P Archilrald Campbtll,' C.B. £>«. 9 Nov. 97 ; iicw/. i" 20 June, 98 ; Capt. 22
Deo. 03 Major, 3 S^ept. 12 Lient.-Col. 17 Feb. 14 ; Col. « Mav, 31.
; ;

M(uarf.—.\ntln\r Clarke,' K.H.-E;M. 22 Aug. 00 Lieut. 29 July, 08; Capt. v 4


Feb. 13 ; .Wiywr, r 1,5 U.f. 2j Breeet-Lieut.-Col. 28 June, 38.


P Robert C.arrett,' K.ll. £•«*. C March, 11; 3 Sept. 12; Capt. 7 July, 14;
Major, 19 Sept. 20. ^^^^^_
^\ Robert Martin'
Donald Stiiart*
F.dw. H. D. E. Napier
Robert CaniplK'H'
Charles W. Zulilcke

Of^ Janus Tavlor

^^\ :Ur-B Ri'clid. Handcock'
Wni. Ne»ille Custance
18^ Samuel Spooner

O Wm. Thomas Bremner

William Child
Joseph Davied
Wm. James Yongc
Wm. Lacy
William Peacock ....

Geo. Henea£;e L. Wharton

Eustace .\. t. d'Eyncourt
Wm. Clutton Marshall .

John Kiiertou Carrol ....

Geo. Martin Atkins ....
.Arthur Geo. Vesey
Henry ilordaunt
Thomas Martin
Joseph F. Bronie
Eustace J. D. MoSittt .

Hen. F. Sullivan
IDaviil Fyffe
William Fitz Gerald
.Arthur Wonibwell
1 H. B. WliittinKlwm
Years' Serv.
48^/i {or Northamptonshire) Rcgt. of Foot.




. .... —
°] 49itA {or Princess Charlotte's, or Herts.) Foot. [Serving in
\'^?;ice' w"k Bengal.
Sir Gordon Druminond,' G.C.B. Em. 21 Sept. 1789; Lt. 31 Mar. 91 ; Capt. 31
Jan. 92; MaJ. 28 Feb. 94 ; Lt.-Col. 22 April, 94 ; Col. 1 Jan. 98 ; Maj-Gen.
lJan.1806; if.-GCT(.4 June,ll ; Gra. 27 May, 25 ; Co?. 49th Regt. 21 Sept. 29.
Lieut. -Colonels.— n. Bartley,' Ens. 28 Feb. 00; Lieut. P 12 Feb. 07 ; Capt. 10
Aug. 15 ; Major, P 5 Feb. 24 ; Lieut.-Col. 25 April, 28.
Edmund Morris,^ Ens. 21 June, 10; Lieut. 21 April, 13; Capt. 1 Dec. 25;
Major, F 13 Sept. 33; Lieut.-Col. p22 Not. 36.
Majors.—}^ Thomas Stephens," Ens. 28 Nov. 06 ; Lieid. 18 Aug. 08 ; Capt. 23
Dec. 13 ; Major, 4 June, 33.
Samuel Blyth, Ens. 21 Feb. 11; iiei/f.28 April, 13; Co;j*. 25 April, 28 ; Major,
P 22 Not. 36.

Joseph Stean' 5 July 12 9 May 13 1 Apr. 29
Gilbert Pasley'' 26 Jan. 14 10 June 20 P 2 June 28
Thus. Scott Reignolds . 23 June 25 25 Apr. 28 P 26 Apr. 31
14^, y William Wilkinson' . 12 Dec. 99 4 Mar. 01 1 Sept. 08 27 May 25
Richard Halpin 8 July 15 26 Apr. 28 P 13 Sept. 33
Charles Gregory 27 Feb. 05 2 Aug. 05 8 Dec. 13 10 Jan. 37
Wm. Raikes Faber .... P 10 Apr. 26 P 28 Aug. 28 P 22 May 35
Mitchell Geo. Sparks .... 4 Nov. 19 26 Dec. 23 28 June 36
il9David Mac Andrew '
15 Mar. 13 20 Apr. 15 18 Nov. 36
William Johnston P 7 Jan. 26 P 6 Nov. 27 P 22 Nov. 36
Robert Campbell 21 Sept. 15 26 Apr. 28
Jas, Patrick Meik p 26 June 26 P 10 Oct. 27
5 Capt. Stean's services —cam- ;

John Leslie Dennis .... 25 Apr. 28 22 Sept. 30 pai^ of 1799 in Holland, including
John 'riiornton Grant . 28 Apr. 28 12 Not. 30 the action at the landing, and battle
JP Tliomas Gibbons^ .... 9 Sept. 12 7 Apr. 25 of Egmont-op-Zee. Expedition to
Copenhagen in 1801. Served during
Cornelius O'Callaghan . P 28 Sept. 26 P 23 Dec. 31
the war in North America in 1812,
Henry George Hart .... 1 Apr. 29 19 July 32 13, and 14, and was wounded at
Myers Montgomery
.1. 24 Dec. 29. 2 Jan. 33 Stoney Creek.
6 Capt. Pasley served at the siege
Wm. Painter K. Browne 31 Dec. 29 4 Jan. 33 of Hattras in 1817, and siege of
Henry Garner Rainey 12 Apr. 31
. 8 June 33 Asseerghur in 1819.
7 Col. Wilkinson served at the
Arthur Shell 6 July 20 25 Dec. 22
capture of the Cape of Good Hope
John Heatley 20 Sept. 31 28 Mar. 34 in 1806, and in the Peninsula (Vom
James Ramsay 18 May 32 P 9 May 34 Aug. 1812 to Dec. 1813, including
(ieo. Francis Bartley .... P 12 July 33 P 19 Dec. 34 the battle of the Nive, where he was
severely wounded, and for which
Hugh Pearson P 13 July 33 P 22 May 35 battle he has received a medal.
Sam. Baxter D. Anderson 11 July 29 23 May 35 9 Capt. Mac Andrew served in
the Peninsula and France, in the
John Hinton Daniel] P 14 Mar. 34
. . . 11 Nov. 36
^7tb regt. including the battles of
Rich. Aug. Seymour . 2 May 34
P 19 Jan. 38 the Pyrenees, Nivelle, Orthes, and

Arthur Robt. Shakespear p 19 Dec. 34 P17 Aug. 38 Toulouse, besides various affairs of
outposts, &c.
Lachlan H. G. Maclean 26 Dec. 34 31 Aug. 38 9 Lieut. Gibbons served in the
Sydney L. Horton .... P13 Feb. 35 22 Mar. 39 Peninsula from Sept. 1811. until the
H. S. Mitchell P 22 May 35 14 June 39 end of the war, including the battle
of Salamanca capture of the
Thos. P. Gibbons P 8 July 36 15 June 39 French rear guard, 23rd July,

Ensigns. 1812 ; capture of Madrid and Valadolid ; siege of

Burgos battles of the Pyrenees, 28th, 29th, and 30(h
J. Brockman P 22 Nov. 36
„_ ;.fuly;

Maya Pass; battle of the Nive, 8tb and 9tti

David M'Adam Apr. 37 Dec. ; blockade of Bayonne battle of Orthes ; affairs

Robert Blackall P 19 Jan. 38 of Vic and Tarbes.

10 Dr. French served in the Peninsula from May,
Walter Tyler Bartley.. 20 July 38 1812, to the end of the war, including the battles of
Joseph Hely 16 Feb. 39 Salamanca and Vittoria ; siege of San Sebastian, and
George Rand ^ Mar.
8 . —
39 battle of the Nive. Served in the
'"°""°"°°' "'""°'°"'' New
Robt: Sampson Halfhide 21 June SltnT""*' .39 ,

John M'Culloch O'Toole 22 June 39

Pn,/nia.ifcr.—ll. Ware, 28 June, 31 Ens. 25 Oct. 12 ; Lieut. 25 Sept. 13.

\-i .l,lj'itaiif.—C. (JTallagluiu, (Lieut.) 31 Aug. 38.

Quarter-Masler.—Uom-v Mayne, 23 June, 37.
Surijcun.—}^ James French,"' M.D. 9 Dec. 24; Assist.-Surg. 8 Feb. 10.
Assist.-Surgs. —
C. Flyter, 28 Aug. 35.
R. H. Garrett, M.D. 23 Nov. 38.
Facings Green. Agent, Messrs. Cox & Co.
1 Sir Gordon Dnimmond served in Holland in 1791, and 95, and was present in Nimegucn during the siege, and at the
sortie ; embarked from Minorca in 1800, on the expedition to Egypt, and was present in the engagements of the 13th and 21st

March ; in the battle of Rhamania, and at the surrender of Grand Cairo and Alexandria. Sir Goidon commanded in the
action near the Falls of Niagara, where he was severely wounded.
2 Col. Bartley served in the American war, including the action at Fort Erie ; Fort George, 25Ui and 27th May ( Stt^ey
Creek ; Fort George, 2&th Aug. 13 ; and Crysller's Farm, where he was severely wounded,
3 Colonel Morris served in the American war. Including the action at Stoney Creek.
4 Major Stephens accompanied the expedition to Walcheren, and was present at the siege of Flushing. Served in the
Peainsula from March 1610 to the end of the war, including the battle of Busaco ; siege of Almeida ; battle of Puentes
d'Onor ; storming the Forts at, and battle of Salamanca (severely wounded through the thigh) ; siege of Burgos ; action of
Cabecon ; battle of Vittoria ; blockade of Pampeluna ; battles of the Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, Orthes and Toulouse, besides
many other minor actions and skinni.^hes. 100
Emb. for For. "1
^Q(/^ Igf the Qucetl's OWIt) Rcfft. of Foot. South Wale*.
S«rific*, 1834. J ^

, L 1 .. pfVi>T" "VIMIFR\"—"CORL'NNA"—"ALMAKEZ"

Y««r*' S«nr

s'er'v.Tsasl'^'j 5lst {of the 2nd Vorksh. W. Riding) or LDwin'an'8"La
The King's Own Light Inf. Regt.


^'^'^(^ O^MUu,e) 11^^,1.0/ Foot {n. infantry). [^-J^V
— " —

P.J. p.r.




s" "1
53rd (or the Shropshire) Regt. of Foot.


Yearh* Serv
'^'S.'nfc.'^^m.'"] 3Ath(ortlu- IVest Norfolk) R,;fim e,it of Foot. [1;:.',"'[,;3i«'

T««n>ti«rY.| The Sphinx, with tlif wiir<l» " liCiyl'T"— " AVA."
. ...
. . — ;

] b5th {or the Westmoreland) Regt. of Foot. [ *EM't"indies."'

IP Sir WilUam Henry Clinton,' G.C.B. Cornet, 22 Dec. 1784 ; Lieut. 7 Mar.
87; Cfl/;f. 9 June, 90 Lieut.-Col. 29 Dec. 94; Col. 1 Jan. 1801; Major-

Gen. -2.5 April, 08; Lieut.-Gen. 4 June, 13; Gen. 22 July, 30: Col. 55th
Regiment, 25 April, 14.
Lieut. -Cols. —
i9 James Holmes Schoedde,^ Em. May, 00; Lieut. 8 Oct. 01;
Capt. P19 Sept. 05; Brev.-Maj. 21 June, 13; Rejtl.-Moj. vW Jan. 25;
Lieut. Col. P20 Mar. 29.
Peter Edmonstone Craigie,^ .Em. PS June, 13; Lieut. p29 Sept. 14; Capt. p24
Oct. 21 ; Major, PIO Aug. 26; Lieut.-Col. 21 Noy. 34.
Majors. —

Charles Warren,* _Bh«. 24 Nov. 14; Lieut. 13 Nov. 18; Capt. p1 Aug. 22;
Major, 21 Nov. 34.
Norman Maclean 23 Feb. 17 Sept. 07 09 29 Mar. 27
Colin Campbell 23 June 3 Oct. 15 21 P 20 Jan. 32
Archdale Sharping 23 Jan. 1 Jan. 07 12 11 July 34
David Lynar Fawcett p 6 Apr. 26 P21 Nov.
. 28 21 Nov. 34
Joliu Horner 3 June 28 P 5 Apr. 31 7 Aug. 35

5t^ P Arthur O'Leary^ 18 Apr. 11 25 Jan. 14 27 Nov. 35

Mackenzie Wilson 9 Aug. 26 p 5 Mar. 29 29 Jan. 36
Fred. Wm. Edw. Barrell 17 Feb. 20 13 June
. 30 6 Feb. 36
Hen. Chas. B. Daubeney 13 Mar. 29 9 Aug. 31 28 Oct. 36
Aug. H. S. Young 6 Dec. 27 P18 Nov.
31 7 June 39
3 Col. era ie served the cam-
Aug. Hen. Chaproniere. p 14 Dec. 26 12 June 30
paign of 1814 I Holland, including
Wm. Colman
Thos. 7 Sept. 15 13 June 30 the attacks oi Mersem, and bom-
Fred. Boardman Codd . 13 Oct. 25 22 Nov. 27 bardment of Antwerp.
4 Major Warren and Lieut.
John Baillie Rose 8 Apr. 26 18 May 32
Brook Mere wounded in action at
John Coats 2 Nov. 30 3 June 32 Coorg, Madras. April. 1831.
Hector M'Casldll 29 Nov. 27 4 June 32 5 Capt. Sharpin served in the
Mahralta war, and was present at
Thomas De Havilland 5 Apr. 31 . 15 Feb. 33 the siege of Hattras.
Thos. Ancruni Heriot'^ P21 Nov. 28 .
P 2 Feb. 34 6 Capt. O'Leary served the cam-
34 11 July paigns of 1811, 12, and 13, in the
Edward Warren P 26 Apr. 33
Peninsula, including the siege of
Gus. Travers Brook* 23 June 32
. . . 35 20 Apr. Ciudad Rodrigo, battle of Sala-
Hume Edwards P26Julv 33 P 7 Aug. 35 manca, siege of Burgos, and re-
treat therefrom. Served in the
W. Holland L. D. Cuddy P31 May 33 27 Nov. 35 Nepaul war, and was severely
Henry Thomas Butler 1 Nov. 33 P18 Mar. 36
. inded the
George Hamilton P 16 June 30 22 July 36 heights of Harriapore, 1st March,
1616. Served also in the Mahratta
Joseph Rogers Magrath 7 Aug. 35 P 9 Dee. 36 war in 1817 and 18.
Albert Frend 31 Jan. 34 25 Aug. 37 7 Lieut. Heriot was very severely
Wm. Peregrine Taylor PIO July 35 29 Mar. 38
wounded at Coorg.
8 Paymaster Daniell's services :
Edwin Gream Daniell P 3 Oct. 35 P 7 Sept. 38
Part of the campaign in Spain under
Montague Barbauld 23 May 34 38 Dec. 38
. . . Sir John Moore. Siege of Flush-
Peninsula, from July, 1813 to
W. Haviland Fairtlough P 12 Aug. 36 29 Dec. 38 ing.
Feb. 1611, including the battle Of
Henry H. Warren P 9 Dec. 36 P31 May 39 the 31st Aug. in the Pyrenees ,.

Wm. Charles Pinder P 13 Dec. 33 P 3 June 36

. . . passage of the Bidassoa: battle of
elle, and operations in front of St. Jean de Luz ;
Ensigns. and hatUes of the Nive 9th, loth, and 13th Dec
Edmund Pitman P27 Jan. 37
Daniel M'Coy 25 May 38 9 Dr Shanks served the campaign of 16H
Holland, including the attacks on Mer^em, ai
John Frend P 7 Sept. 38
bombardment of Antwerp,
George King P 19 Oct. 38
John Wilton 29 Dec. 38
Chas. Augustus Daniell. P 18 Jan. 39
Timothy Crowe 1 June
George Schaw P 14 June
Paymaster.—}^ Cyrus Daniell,* 14 March, 22 ; '2nd Lieut. 8 Nov. 21.

Adjutant. Josepli Rogers Magrath, {Lieut.) 19 Sept. 37.

Quarter-Master. Alexander Crozier, 24 Oct. 31.

Surgeon. Archibald Shanks,' M.D. 20 March, 35 ; Assist.-Surg. 17 March, 14
Hosp.-Assist. 9 Nov. 13.
Assist.-Surgs. —
Alex. Braithwaite Morgan, 27 Oct. 25 ; Ros]}.-Assist. 21 Dec. 15.
J. Hartley Sinclair, M^D. 21 Dec. 26 ; Hosp.-Assist. 14 Apr. 2G.
Facings Green. Agent, Messrs. Cox & Co.
1 sir William Henry Clinton emttarked with the Guardsfor Holland, and served the campaign of 1793 and 1791, and was
present at the following battles, sieges, S:e. viz. :— Famars, Valenciennes, Dunkirk, Lannoi, Premon, Cateau Cambresis,
Fleurus, and the actions of the 10th, 17th, 18th, and 22d May, 1794.
2 Col. Shoeddc served the Egyptian campaign of 1801. Served also in the Peninsula from 1808 to the end of the war, in-
cluding the battles of Roleia, Vimiera, Talavera, Fuentes d'Onor, sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo, and Badajoz ; battles of Sal
manca. Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, Orlhes, and Toulouse, besides Duinerous tninor actions and sk lishes. Medal
tor Nivelle.
Emb. for For. 1
iKnlcr, 1831. J 5Gth (or the IFest £ssex) Regiment uf foot, [

" MORO"—" GIBRALTAR"— Witli the Castle and Key, " Monfu Inrignia Calpe.'

Vnn' Sf IT.
— i ;

Serving hi
m. ] 57;A {or West Middlesex) Regiment of Foot. East indit
Vuurs' Scrv. Colonel.
JP ^ZX Right Hon. Sir Fred. Adam,' K. C. B. & G. C. M. G. Sns. 4 Nov. 1795
Lieut. -2 Feb. 96 ; Capt. 30 Aug. 99 Major, 9 July, 180.3 Lieut.-Col. 28
; ;

Aug. 04 ; Col. 20 Feb. 12 ; Mnjor-Gen. 4 June 14 ; Lieut.-Gen. 22 July, 30 ;

Col. 54th Eegt. 4 Dec. 35. Lleut.-Coloncls.
y James Allan,^ C. B. Ens. P 1 Jan. 95 ; Lieut. P 18 Mar. 95 ; Capt. P 10 Sept.
99 ; Major, v 20 July 09 ; Srevet-Lieut.-Col. 4 June, 14 ; Regtl.-Lieut.-Col.
29 June, 26 ; Col. 10 Jan. 37.
George E. Jones,^ K.H. Ehs. 16 June, 06 £(>«*. 16 April, 07
; Capt. P8 0ct.

12; Brev.-Maj. 22 July, 30; Regt.-Maj. P4Dec. 32; Lieut.-Col. p8 Nov. 33.

Majors. 13 Robert Hunt,* Ens. P25, Jan. 98 Lieut. 6 Nov. 99; Capt. 11 May,

09 Brevet-Major, 22 July, 30 Regtl.-Major,2i Sept. 30.

; ;

Philip Aubin,= Ens. P 14 Feb. 11; iieut. 29 April, 13; Capt. 22 June, 26;
71/^yo)-, P12 April, 31.
. — ! ;

oSth {or the Rutlandshire) Reyiincnt of Foot.

OIBIIALTAR"— with the
the Citstle Krii, " Montis
ntiH Key,
Castle niiH Month Insignia
Iiiti Ciiljie." — Tlie S/ihinr, with
the KonU "EliYPT
PT' "MAIUA"— —
'""" ""->"'" " •' —
•• ES ••— " NIVELLE"— " URTUES"—" I*EXI.\SUL.\."
Frederick Muitland,' Ens. 1 Se],!. 1771); Lieut. 19 Sept. 82; Capt. 2 Dec. 89;
.Major, il Aue. 93; Li>ii/.-(W. 2 July, 94 ; Col. 1 Jan. 1800; Major-Gen.
30 net. 03 ; Lieut.-Gen. 4 June, 1 1 ; 6rVii. •to May, 25 ; Col. oStli Keginient,
11 Dee. 3a. Lieut. -Colonel.
John Wliarton Frith,' Eiu. P 17 July, 04 ; Lieut. 27 Feb. 05 ; Capt. 29 Jan. 12
Major, 22 Julv, 30 ; Lieut.-Col. f 16 Dec. 30.
J/f{/or».— Williain Firebrace,' Ens. 28 July, 14; Lieut. 20 June, 17 ; Capt. p28
Mar. 22 ; Major, v IC Dec. 3C.
Henrv Houghton Irving, Ens. 1 Feb. 14 ; Lieut. 26 Dec. 16; Capt. p3 June,
24 •.^fajor, 1 1 July. 37.
Rob. Henry Wyuj-ard 2o Feb. 19 P 17 .
' July 23 P 20 May
Tliomas John Grant . 28 Mar. 24 P21 . . . ; Julv 25 P 18 Oct. 27
Adam BeTerhou<lt ' 21 Oct. 13 9 I Apr. 10 29 Apr.
1 36
Cvprian Bridee 8 Apr. 25 P31 I Jan. 28 PIO Dec. 30
vim. FIeuiiii2 Bell ' 7 Apr. 14 ]
.May 15 4 Feb.38
John Blaquicre .Mann 10 Feb. 25 P 17 I
Nov. 23 2 June38
Cha. Aug. .\mey 3 Nov. 23 P 9
. . Aug. 31 P 1 Julv 37
Ale.x. B<Kldam P 5 Jan. 20 P28 I
Sept. 30 PU Nov. 39
Wm. Edwanl Grant P 23 Dec. 31 P 13 May 36 P 23 Apr. 39
F. J. Taggart Hutchinson P 18 Dec. 27 P17 May 31 P 17 Mar. 38
LlElTEX.t.NT.-'. I

Jono^ Paisley Hanly . 29 Sept. 23 3 Not.

. . . i 20
Rol>ort Mutton* 7 Mar. 10 30 Julv 12
John Hill Rowan 15 Nov. 27 8JulV P 32
Geo. Poiisonby Hume ..P 28 June 3:3 PU! Dec 30
Joseph Hen. Lave P 2 May 34 1 Dec. 37

Dav. ElUott M' Kirdy P 5 Apr. 33 P 30 Dec. 36

Cha. Lavallin Nusent .. P21 Aug. So 4 Feb. 38
Cliarles Dresiug P 19 Feb. 30 2 June 38
.Moote Hill.. P26 Feb. 30 p 20 Julv 38
Richard Denny P 13 May 30 P 12 Oct. 38
Wm. Di.xwell Oxenden P Apr. 31 P 3 Apr. .
, 35
John Perkins Mavers 29 July 30 P 23 Apr. . . 39
Chas. Wm. Thompson p23 Dec. 36 P 3 May . . 39
.Michael King 15 Dec. 37
Cha. C. Master P 6 July 38
Hen. C. Bahieavis 7 July 38
John S. FUick 20 June 38
J. A. C. Pctlev .
P12 Oct. 38
J. M'Urie . '. 28 Dec. 38
Isaac Rhmles Cooper . . - p23 Apr. 39
I John Wm. Saunilers 1
p3 May 39
30 Paymaster.— 1^ Edw. Fugion,' 23" Dec. 19; Ens. 4 May, 00 ii«(<. 25 July, ; 11.
I Jlf(/u^/n^— John M'Lerie, (£/«.) 28 Dec. 38.
9 Quarter-Master. — Richard Timbrell, 19 Nov. 30.
Surgeon—iJH John Munro, 8 Feb. 39 Assist.-Surg.Wi\ay, ; 14.
Astist.-Surgeons. — Geo. Kineaird Pitcaini, M.D. 23 Nov. 32.
Patrick Davidson, M.D. 12 Jan. 38.
Facings Black. Agent, Messrs. Cox ic Co.
[Returned from Ceylon, June, 1839.]
I Glbnku ia 17^ uyj lulMeito'Qth^ »l Om nductioa of ?wioai UUads, £r, in Ui«
0<n. MlllUnri wis at lb« rcUcf ct ;

Wot IndM*. Gnm*! MaUlaad bM rr^vlTnl s ncdal for Mwtiolquv,

t Col. rrilb »u pfT««ot la leivral aflkln raosfqural upun tbt op«raUfim carried on by the dlrbioa of tfar anar nadrr
Col. Chamtarn ia IW Transraro *a/. paftiralarlr co the IM, iaauarr and Slu Feb. 1W9. Serrnl alav at the capture of
the lilc of Bowtaa, a^ the Irle of Prance la ISIO.
J Mj4«f rtrebraee terrcd at th« rapCarr of Lea Salotes. and Onadaloupe In I81&.
t Cape Bcverboudt. Capt. Brll, and Li'ut. Hntloa •efml at tbe capture of Gnadaloupe in 1^*0.
i PayaaMar Fafloo wrvcd In the PeaJninla tnm JvAj, 1009 to tbc CBd of tbe war, lscliidji>f Ibc battle of
tletc of Barfoa ; iDd battle of Onhet.
^se^'v'co, w'sl^"]
59it/j (or 2nd Nottinghamshire) Regiment of Foot. [*'j7i"t|."'

33 Sir Fred. PhiUpse Robinson,' G.C.B. Ens. 11 Sept. 1778 ; Lieut. 1 Sept.
79 ; Capt. 3 July, 94 ; Major, 1 Sept. 94 ; Lieut.-Col. 1 Jan. 1800 ; Col. "25
July, 10; Mnjdr-Gen. 4 June, 13; Lieut.-Gen. il May, 25; Col. 59th
Regiment, 1 Dec. 27. Lieut. -Colonel.
Francis Fuller,^ £ns. 16 Jan. 06 ; Lieut. 1 1 Oct. 07 ; Capt. P 13 Feb. 12 ; Brevet-
Major, 22 July, 30; Begtl.-Major, 4 Aug. 30; Lieut.-Col. p22 Aug. ,34.
3fnjors. —
Duncan Gordon,^ ^«4-. 30 July, 07 ; Lieut. 9 June, 08 ; Capt. 20
April, 15 ; Major, P4 July, 34.
JP JiJJ Nicholas Hovenden,^ Ens. 6 April, 09; Lieut. 12 Dec. 11; Cajit. 19
Jan. 26 ; Major, P 22 Aug. 34.
Captains. t

13 Richard Manners ^ 13 Apr. 09 P 8

. . . Feb. 10 22 May 23 28 June 33
Wm. Fuller May 24 6 26 Jan P 9 Jul'y 29
Richard Floyer 1 May 21 P 17 Sept. 25 P 17 Jan. 28
Geo. Netherton Harward 3 Not. 25 P 24 Aug. 20 P 2 Nov. 30
Henry Hope Graham. P 15 Oct. 29 P 7
. . Sept. 32 P 7 Nov. 34
John Levick 8 Oct. 12 24 Jan. 25 31 July 37
Arnold E. Burmester. . 31 Aug. 30 P 7
. Mar. 34 P 16 Mar. 38
Geo. F. F. Boughey P 1 Nov. 31 Pll July 34 P 1 June 38
Rob. Spencer Boland 15 Dec. 31 P 1
. . . Feb. 33 P17 Nov. 37
13 Wm. Graham'^ 13 July 09 12 May 12 7 Apr. 25 28 June 38
6 Major Graham serrodat the
James Mockler 22 Feb. 27 1 Nov. 31 siege of Flushing in 1809, and sub-
Adam J. Laing Peebles 12 Apr. 31 P 13 June 34. sequently in the Peninsula, in-
Tlioraas Smith P13 Sept. 31 P 4 July 34 cluding the blockade of Bayonne.
Served also in the American war,
Edward Hen. Poyntz P 7 Sept. 32 P 22 Aug. 34
including the action at Bladens-
Geo. Nares Heard 26 Apr. 33 P 10 Apr. 35 burgh and capture of Washington ;
action near Baltimore, and those in
Wm. Wynne Lodder P 7 Mar. 34 P 5 June 35
. . .
front of New Orleans on tbe 20th
Edw. Berkeley Napier P 4 July 34 P29 Dec. 35 .
Dec 1614, and 7th Jan. 1815. Also
William Foulis Pll July 34 P17 Mar. 37 at the taking of Fort Boyer.

P 6 June 34 P 5 May 37 7 Lieut. Taylor served in the

Jas. Pierce Maxwell . . . '

Peninsula, and was present at the

18-^. 13 Edw. James Taylor' 31 Dec. 12 28 Sept. 14
battles of Nivelle and Orthes, be-
H. Wedderburn Cummin^ 22 Aug. 34 P16 Mar 38
8 Quarter-master Ellary served
Henry Perrott 7 Nov. 34 P 1 June 38
at the capture of the Cape of Good
13 John Matcham Isaac 4 Nov. 26
. 3 Sept. 29
. . Hope in 1806 ; in the Travancore
Ensigns. the East Indies in 1609 : capture of the Isle
of France in 1610 ; storming of Fort Cornelius and
Wm. Fulton PlO Apr. 35 capture of Java in 1811 ! Balli and Macassar in
Hen. W. Gordon •28 Aug. 35 1614; Kandian campaign of 1616; and siege and
Eytre T. J. R. Nugent . 13 Mar. 36 assault of Bhurtpore in 1625 and 6.
9 Dr. Hihbert served in the Peninsula from
John Tomline P 4 June 36
1812 to 1814, including tbe affair at Vigue battle

Thomas Peebles P17 3Iar, 37 of Vittoria, and action of St. Jean de Luz.

J. Herbert Clay 5 May 37 P

Fra. Fuller 16 Mar. 38 P

Wm. Aug. Gaussen P17 Aug. 38

. .

Poijmaster.—Chas. Roberts, 23 June, 37 ; ^Jns. 10 April, 25 Lieut. 29 Sept. 20. ;

Adjutant.— A. J. L. Peebles, (Lieut.) 1 Feb. 39.

Quarter- Master. William Ellary,^ 10 June, 21.
(h\ Surgeon.—}^ John Gray Hibbert,'^ M.D. 2G May, 14 ; Assist.-Surg. 12 Oct. 09
OS}}. -Assist. 6 May, 05,
Assist.-Surgs. —
John Mair, M.D. 10 Nov. 25; Hosp.-Assist. 8 Nov. 21.
Frederic Roberts, 11 Aug. 37.
Facings White. Agent, Messrs. Cox & Co. Irish Agent, Messrs. Borough, Armit & Co.
1 Sir Fred. Robinson served t American war, and was subsequently a

Indies. Sir Frederick has received

rec( a medal and two clasps for Vittoria
the Nive, where s again severely wounded.

2 Col. Fuller i taking of Macassar in the island of Celebes, 9th June, 1814. Served also at the siege and capture
of Bhurtpore in 1825 and G.
3 Major Gordon served at the capture of the Isle of France in 1810, and of June in 1811, and was wounded at the assault
of Fort Cornelius. Served also at the siege and capture of Bhurtpore.
1 Major Hovenden served in tlic Peninsula, from Aug. 1812 to Nov. 1613, including the battle of Vittoria and storming of
San Sebastian, 31 Aug. 1813, where ho was severely wounded. Present at Waterloo, storming of Cambray, and capture of
Paris. Served the Mahratta campaigns of 1617 and 18, and was engaged at the siege and storm of Bhurtpore.
S Major Manners served In the Peninsula, from Aug. 1812 to May, 1814, including the battle of Vittoria eiegc and storm

of San Sebastian, Aug. 1813; battle of the Nivc, 9th, 10th, and lllh Dec. 1813. Wounded at the storming of Bhurtpore.
60th {or the Kind's Royal Rifle Corps.)
Celer et audajc."
noLEIA"-" VIU1KI.A -" MaRTISIQCB"-" TAIAVER Salamanca"—" Vittobi a"
" Pyrenees"—" Xivelle" NivE" " Okthes"- 'TOCLOCSE"
—" Pesixscla."

Yt*n' Sen- Colonel-in-Chlif.
F. Duke of Caml.ridpc. (See Coldstream Guards.)
Bis Royal Highnea A.
Colonels Commandant.
Maclean,' K.C.B. Ens.M April, 17'J4; Xi«rf. 1
n Sir John
June 07- Major M Jan.
'Xt; i/CHf.-Co/. 2 Aug. 1S04 ;
Co/. 4 June, ,1
14 ^f
June, 3* Col. 60th Rifles, 7 Jan. 3o
v">r-G;-,. iV^Mav. -20 ; LieJ.-Gen. "28 ;

//;;..'p..riek S,uart-,'c<.™rf 5c Sul.Lie..t. 26 Sept 93 ; .
Sept. 06; Co^ 4 June,
Cnvt 12 April, yO; Major. 1 Feb. 03: Ltetit.-Col.ilb 60tU Rifles, 26
Pull Half
10 July, 21 ; Lict.-Gen. 10 Jan. 37; Col.

Pa,. P.)r.
Sent 37 Lieut. -Colonels. ,„.->,
p17 Dec. 18; Copt. p24
H7^^^.L Fred. Ellis, Comet, pIO April, 17; Liex,t.
Oct. 21; .V«;..r.P12Nov. 25; iieu/.-Co;.
P24 Oct. 21 Capt. P9
Hon. Hen. Rich. Molvneux, Ens. P22 May. 17 ; Lieut. ;

Mav, 23 : Major. p20 Aus;. 26 ; Lieut. -Col. 9 A pr.1 29.

, „, Jlar.
Sladdon Slyfield,^ K.II. Ens. 15 Oct. 12; Lieut. 30 ,r«r
Majors.-^ J. Clavell
14; ra/i^r26May, 25; .Vo/or,
P12 April, 31.
Sept. 2o ; Capt. P19 «nr,tSept. no
Walter Trevelyan, 2ru/ i.>.i<. 18 Xov. 17 ; iieuf. 2o

Lieut. p23 June, 25; C«p^ p29 Aug.

ChfrleSkhl™. ?r™'^28 June, 21 ;

r 10 Dec. IS CVrp.. p26

W™.VsS.';:^ck!;u;;!^..^.22May,17; ii.„^ ;

Dec. 22 ; Major. P 25 Nov. 28. ^^_

— .. . .
. — — ;

60th {or the Kintfs Royal Rifle Corps.)

2nd LIEUT.
Ciias. Howe Spence . 20 April 25 P 28 Sept. 26 4 Capt. Coxen served at the
Henry Bingham . . P 30 April 27 P 28 Sept. 32 siege of Flushinsr in 1809, and
subsequently in Ihe Peninsula,
Thomas Bunhury . . . 23 Jan. 28 P28 Dec. 32 including the lines of Torres
John Jones P 12 June 28 P 2 Dec. 31 V'edras ;actions at Pombal,
\Vm. Hen. Fitzgerald 17 Jan. 28 P 31 May 33 Redinha, Jlirando do Torvo,
Thomas Townsend . 24 Jan.
. 28 20 June 33 Pontede ri'i.-nv, i:,],,, .,1,
meida; 1- .' : uLs d'
Hon. Theod. D. G. Dillon 31 July 28 P 21 June 33 Onor; si. _. - : ,. .1 riu-
Wm. Fanshaw Bedford. P 18 Dec. 28 P 28 June 33 dad Rodr,- . .1, , , ~t,irm
Hon. H. Lyttleton Powys P 2 April 29 P 19 Sept. 34 of Badajoz, 10 il,u\.i, loll; ;
battle of Salamanca; capture
Henry Wm. Ellis .P 14 May
. . 20 P 17 April 35 of Madrid ; actions at Zamar-
Arth.'A. T. Cunynghame P 2 Nov. 30 P 22 May 35 nos and San Milan ; battle of
RoI)ert Aldridge 9 July 30 p 29 May 35 Viltoria; Lezacco, Vera bridge
Walling Everard P 7 Sept. 32 P 15 May 35 and hei^lits battles of Nivelle,

Nive, (from 911i to 13Ul Dec.)

Rich. Byrd Leyett P 12 April 31 P 4 Sept. 35 Ortlies, and atfair at Tartes.
Richard Maxwell P 16 July 30 P 8 Feb. 83 Severelv wounded in the l(nee
Fra. Roger Palmer . . .
P 15 Mar. 33 P 24 April 35 on the ISth June at Water-
Geo. Hen. Courtenay . P 9 Mar. 32 P 8 April 36
J. Kenneth Mackenzie . P 10 Dec. 31 P 16 Sept. 36
Charles Wm. Jebh P 12 Oct. 32 P17 Nov. 37
Sir Ross Mahon, Sart. P 14 Dec. 32 P 23 Nov. 38
in thel'.n I

S. George Bunbury . . . p 28 June 33 p 2.'> Dec. 38 battles (if l; I

i ". i . .IM-- d'
2nd Lieuts. Onor; actions at Sabugid and El Uodon: fii'st
John S. Robinson Pll April 34 siege of Badjyoz ; siege of Ciudad Rodrigo
siege and capture of Badiyoz battles of
Edw. J. Vesey Brown . P 12 Sept. 34
Salamanca (wounded), Vitloria, Nivelle, Or-

Weble Butler P 19 Sept. 34 tlies,and Toulouse.

Thomas Mitchell 27 Feb. 35
Hen. R. Beresford P 22 May 35
Henry Holbech P29 May 35
Hon.' J. E. H.Thurlow. P 4 Sept. 35
R. Ingram Dansev . . .
P 5 Sept.
Wm. Mark Wood" P 22 July 86

Hon. Cornw. Maude . . P16 Sept. 36

John H. E. Ridley . . P 23 Sept. 36
Cha. Sedley Burdett . . P21 Oct. 86
Wm. Lewis Grant P 7 April 87
Geo. Allan Hicks P27 Oct. 37
Thomas Bateson P 8 Dec. 37
James Douglas P17 Aug. 38
Ho7i. Adrian Hope . . . P 23 NoV. 38
Cha. W. H. Sothebv... p 25 Dec. 38
Hon. A. C. L. Fitz"Roy P17 Mav 39
Wm. Peter Cockburn . p21 June89
Hon. Cha. Rob. Plunkett 19 July 39 P
i9 fflaa Edward Coxen/ 9 Feb. 26; 2ml Lieut. 5 April, 09; Lieut. 28 June, 10
Cfipt. 8 April, 25.
•27 y Henry Edward O'Dell,^ 10 July, 35; Ens. 8 July, 06; Liexf. 25 Feb. 08
Cnpt. 9 Jan. 22.
Thomas Townsend (Isf Lieut.) 24 Jan. 28.
Thomas Mitchell (2;irf Lieut.) 27 Feb. 35.
5153John Brannan, 18 Sept. 35; Ens. 5 Sept. 35.
Alan Waterhouse, 27 July, 38.
Hugh Fraser, 30 Oct. 34 ; Assist.-Sunj. 20 Jan. 15.
23 Peter Lamond, M.D. 7 June, 39 ; As.-Surg. 27 May,24 ; Hasp. -Assist. 16 June, 15
David Morice, M.D. 29 May, 35.
George FergTison, 12 June, 28; Ho.yi.-Assist. 8 Nov. 20.
Johnstone Thomson Richardson, M.D. 1 Feb. 39.
Joshua Paynter, 11 Jan. 39.
[1,1* Battalion embarked for Foreigji Service, 6 Oct. 30. Serving at Vido.']
[^nd Battalion embarked for Foreign Service, 15 Dec. 35. Serving at Corfu.']
Regimentals Green Facings Scarlet Agent, Messrs. Cox & Co. Irish Agent, Borough
112 Armit&Co.
— . —
Emb. for FonlgDl
Sarrln, I8». J
61*/ (or South Gloucestershire) Reyt. of Foot.

The Sphinx, with the words, " EGYPT"— "TAL.\VKRA"—" SALAMANCA"—

" PENINSULA "—Flank Companies, " MAIDA."

at. Han. Sir George Hewctt, Bi. G.C.B. Ens. 27 April, 1702 ; Lieut. 20 April,
64; Capt. 2 June, 7.'i M({jor, 31 Dec. 81; Lieut.-Col. 12 Oct. 87; Col.

I .March, lU ; Major-Gm. 3 May iXi; Lieut.Gen. 25 Sept. 1803; Gen. 4

June, 13; Col. 61»t Rest. 4 April, 1800.
Lieut. Colonel.— ChBT\e» Forbes, Etu. U> July, 00 Lieut. 11 March, 10; Capt. ;

f-U Oct. 21 ; Mtyor, v 15 Au({. 26 Lieut.-Col. 28 June, 38.


Majors. 9 Henry Siinmonds,' &w. 21 March, 05; Lieut. 28 Nov. 05; Capt.
•31 March, 13; Brercl-Major, 10 Jan. 37 Regtl.-Mq/or, 2 Dec. 37. ;

Henry Bumside,' Ens. 8 Oct. 07; Lieut. 18 Feb. 08; C(j;><. P13 Nov. 17;
Brevet-.Major, 10 Jan. 37 ; Regtl.- Major, 28 June, 38.
Captains. I

9.\lex. MU-od' 3 Aug. 09 •'12 Dec. 11 P31 Dec. 25

Rob. Norris Vcnier9 Dec. 13 30 Dec. 19 P 8 Oct. 30
Frederick Barlow 8 Apr. 25 8 Apr. 26 P 12 Sept. ;)4 1"

; Alexander Grant 2 Feb. 26 P19 Julv 27 P 29 Aug. 34


I William Jones 10 Apr. 25 P12 Dec. 26 P 24 Nov. 35

2^ I
Peter Easou 5 Oct 8 Oct. 10 21 June 33
ij. BarrvThomas P30 Dec. 26 P 9 Sept. 28 P22 Nov. 36
4A 9 Charles Campbell' 10 Mav 09 23 June 12 7 Nov. 27
1^ Fran. J. Swayne Hepburn P 2 Apr. 18 P 12 May 25 28 June 38
James Campbell 22 Feb. 27 1 Apr. 31 P25 Dec. 38

Richard Gloster P17 Aug. 26 18 Feb. 30 5 Paymaster Toole wrved In
Peninsula fnjlu Feb. 1810
[John Geo. Philipps P19 Sept. 26 :p 8 Oct. 30 the
to March 1814, including the
I Henrv Vicars P26 Sept. 26 P12 Apr. 31 battles ol Busaco, and Fuentes
lA Williim Ward P 18 Julv 26 P 4 Dec. 32 d'Onor siege of Forts at, and

Chas. Fred. H. Mayne . P12 Apr. 31 Pl3 Feb. 35 battle of Salamanca (severely

wounded in the left arm)

Wm. Fra. Hoev ..." P 28 Oct 5 Sept. 35 battles of the Pvrenees (281h,;
John Tho. Bligh P28 Sept. 30 P 5 Feb. 36 29th, 30th and 3Ut JuIt) and
A James Mac Carthy

8 Apr. 25 8 Oct. 27 Nivelle, where he was severely

wounded in the right teg.
Wm. M. de Butts'
, 24 Jan. 34 23 -May 37 6 Quarter • Muster Clarke
Fra. John Stephens .... P 12 Sept. 34 24 .May 37 served at the capture of Mar-
Percival C. Fenwick .... P13 Feb. 35 PIO Nov. 37 tinique in 1809, and Guada-
P28 loupe in 1810.
I Cha. Clement Deacon .. Aug. .36 P 2 Dec. 37
' John Binnev Gib P 5 Feb. 36 28 June 38
W. J. T. Walker P 19 .4ug. 36
Tho. W. Hudson P 16 June 37
Tho. N. Dalton 22 June 37
' Wm. R. Browne 29 June 37
Edgar S. Smith P 10 Nov. ,37
Geo. Edw. Coryton P 2 Dec. 37
Thomas Jones 9 >Iar. 38
Georce Howell Pll Mav ,38
Paymaster.—}^ Archer Toole,* 1 May, 28 Ens. 1 1 May, 09 ; Lieut. 80 Jan. ; 12.
If", Ward, (Lieut.) 26 Sept. :)4.
.4r//uf(inf.— William
15 —
Quarter-Master. William Clarke,' 16Jan. 17.
5i/rj«wi.—James Smith, M.D. 15 Feb. 39; Assist.-Surg. lb Sept. 12.

^ Atsist.-Surgeons. John .Molvneaux, 18 Jan. 27 ; Horp.-Assitt. 2 May, 26.
O ;
Fre<l. Shailis .Saner, 27 May, 36.
Facing' Buff. Agent, Messrs. Coi & Co. Irish Agent, Borough, Armit, Si Co.
1 If^or Simmoods serred io the Peniouila from Feb. 1808 to Feb. IHtS, including the battles of
Talavera. BuMrti, AltHihera; rrtrest from Madrid to Sala a n ca, and engaged eTer>- day during that retreat
to Ciiviad Rodhgo.
2 Major Bumilde serred at the capture of Martinique, and siege of Fort Deseil, March 1800 ; capture of
Guadaloupe in 1810 ; and campaigns of 1813 and in Canada. U
S M^or M'ly^id lerred the whole of the rampaigm of 1810 and II, first half of 1812. and the latter part
of ISU, In the Peninsula, inrludinf the battles of Busaco, and Fuentes d'Onor, 3rd ami 5th .Maj 1811, and
all the other operatioiu.
4 Captain Charles Campbell served at the siecs of Flushinn in 1809 ; and subsequently In the Peninsula,
laeludmg the batUa of CaataUa,and sieye of Tarracona, under 9tr J. Murray
113 r
— ..... -

;Sr] 6-27id(or Wiltshire) Regt. of Foot.


Sir Fred. Augustus Wetherall,' G.C.H. Ens. 23 Aug. 1775; Lieut. 27 Aug. 76;
Capt. 17 May, 81 ; Major, 1 Mar. 94; Lieut.-Col. 20 May, 95 ; Col. 29 Apr.
1802 ; Major-Gen. 25 Oct. 09 ; Lieiit.-Gen. 4 June, 14 ; Gen. 10 Jan. 37.
Hi Lieut.-Colonels. — Wl
Thomas Reed, Cornet, 26 Aug. 13 ; Lieut. P 2 May, 15;
Cop*. P 19 Feb. 24; il/rtjo)-, P 15 June, 20 ; Lieut.-Col.vW Aug. 29.
P ffiSa George HiUier, Ens. 23 March, 09 ; Lieut. 10 May, 10 ; Capt. 9 July,
12; Brevet-Major,'i\}\me,n ; Reijtl.-Major, IT Oct. 26 ; Brevet- Lieut.
Col. 24 July, 28 ; Regtl.-Lieut.-Col. 27 Sept. 35.
Mfijors.~Hon. George Upton, Ens. P 24 April, 23 ; Lieut. P 29 Oct. 25 ; Cajit.
P 12 Dec. 26; Major, P 16 June, 37.
Francis J. Ellis, Ens. P 20 March, 27 ; Lieut. P 17 June, 29 ; Capt. P 10 May,
33 Major. P 16 March, 38.

Captains. BREV.-MAJ.
Wm. T. Shortt 25 Mar. 25 P30 Dec. 26 P26 Feb. 29
James Fraser Macdonell ^ 26 Dec. 11 23 Oct. 13 30 June 31
George James Bower^ 2 Nov. 13
. 3 Apr. 15 17 Aug. 32
y Henry Astier'' 26 Nov. 12 24 Jan. 25 20 May 36
George Herbert Clarke. P 8 Apr. 26 7 June 27 P 4 Sept. 35
William Ambrose Pender P 25 June 29 3 Mar. 33 P 12 Jan. 38
Colin Buchanan 12 Nov. 12 7 Apr. 14 15 Jan. 38
Wm, Mathias P 8 Feb. 31 P 29 Mar. 33 P 16 Mar. 38
Thos. Donaldson Price'. P 8 Dec. 08 80 Apr. 12 28 Aug. 38
y John Geo. Rawstorne *. 22 July 13 18 Aug. 14 10 Oct. 38
Samuel Wood Graves .... 5 Nov. 29 P 3 Aug. 33
2 Capt. MflcdoneU served at the
Henry Jackson 5 Apr. 31 P P20 Sept. 33 taking or Genoa in 1814.
George Evatt 30 Dec. 31 21 Sept. 33 3 Capt. Bower served at the
George Edward Olplierts. P 20 Jan. 32 12 Oct. 33 siege of Hattrass, and tbrnughout
the Deccan campaigns in 1817 and
Henry Thos. Hutciiins. 8 Nov. 26
. 8 Apr. 34 18. Also at the siege of Burtpore.
George Augustus Hatton. P 2 Nov. 30 P 13 Nov. 32 4 Capt. Astier served in the
Henry Wells P 8 Mar. 33 Peninsula from 1812 to the end of
P 1 1 July 34 the war, including the battles of
Alexander Macleod P 10 Mar. 33 P 13 Mar. 35 Vittoria, the Pyrenees, Nivelle,
Robert Shearman P20 Sept. 33 29 Aug. 35
Frederick Edw. Scobell P 20 June 34 ^ Captain Price served in the
. Pll Mar. 36 American war, including the
Robert Gibson P 23 Aug. 31 P15 Apr. 36 actions Fort George, Stoney
Griffin Nicholas 8 Apr. 34 26 May 36 Creek, Lundy's Lane, Niagara,
Chippewa storming of Snake
Charles Henry Gason.. P 10 Oct. 34
. 10 Mar. 37

Hill, and action of Fort Erie.

Thomas Knox Scott P13 Mar. 35 P 16 June 37 Slightly wounded in the shoulder
John Grant P 30 Oct. 35 P28 Nov. 37 in a sortie made by the enemy in
front of Fort Erie.
Augustus Harris P 4 Mar. 36 P 12 Jan. 38
6 Captain Rawstorne served in
George Mackay P 25 Mar. 36 P 23 Mar. 38 the Peninsula, lYom Aug. 1813 to
George James Fulton .... 13 Feb. 35 Pll May 38
sent at the battle of C
John F. Egar p 16 June 37 P 14 Sept. 38 7 Mr. Gubbins served with con-
Arth. Maynard Herbert.. P13 Nov. 35 14 Dec. 38 siderable distinction during two
William M'Nair years in the Anglo-Spanish Legion,
2 Dec. 36 15 Dec. 38 and was engaged in the actions of
George Sims 10 Mar. 37 16 Dec. 38 the 5th May, 6th June, llth July,
John Tho. Jos. English P 7 Aug. 33
. 21 June 39 and 1st October, 1936; lotli, 13th,
and 16th March, and irth May,
Ensigns. Jived two Medals, and the Royal
Charles Young P 28 Nov. 37 lilitary Order of
Military St. Ferdinand of the 1st Claj
James Elkingston P 12 Jan. 38
8 Dr. Dempster served in the Burmese
Lennard Barrett Tyler . . P 23 Mar. 38
John Dane Pll May 38
Robert Gubbins ' P14Sept.38
George E. HiUier 14 Dec. 38
Wm. F. Dickson 25 Jan. 39
James Keathig 26 Apr. 39
Piiipnaster.—C. H. J. Lane, 24 Jan. 29 ; Em. 26 Mar. 18 ; Lieut. 27 May, 24.

Adjutant. George Sims, (Lieut.) 23 Apr. 39.
Quarter-Master.—Vfrn. Guy, 16 Aug. 36; Ens. 2 May, 34; Lieut. 27 May, 36.

Surgeon. John Demster," M.D.4 March, 36 Assist. Surg. 1 Sept. 14 ; Hosp.-

Assistant-Surgeons. Kenneth M'Caskill, 2 Aug. 33.

\^Assist. 4 Oct. 13.

George Carr, 24 July, 35.
Facings Buff. Agent, Mr, Lawrie, Charles-street, St James's.
1 Sir Frederick Augustus Wetherall served in the American war, and was present at the siege of Boston, the battles of
Brooklyn, Whiteplains. Fort Washington, Prince Town, Brandywine. Gennantown, Monmouth, &c. &c. Served in H. M.'s
ship Alfred, in the battles od Cape Finisterre and St. Vincent's, previous to the relief of Gibraltar. He received two wounds
at the taking of Martinique in 17114 as Aide-de-camp to the Duke of Kent ; and was again wounded in action with a French
frigate, and taken prisoner, on his passage from St. Domingo to Barbadoes with dispatches Oom Admiral Sir Wm. Parker and
General Forbes, to Sir Ralph Abercromble in 179.1 ; he remained a close prisoner at Guadaloupe upwards of nine months,
closely confined in a dungeon, in irons, without any other clothing than a shirt and a pair of trowsers, or any description
of bedding ; and on a daily allowance of three biscuits and a quart of water. Served in the East Indies, and w.aa second in
command on (he expedition to Java, for which he received the thanks of both Houses of Parliament, and a Medal. His
forty-one years. 1 ).(

..... 1


Wm. Djott, ' Bns. 14 Mar. 1781 ; Lieiil. Mav, 82 ; Cnpt. 25 April, 03 ; Mtyor,
19 May,94 Lieut.-Col. 18 S<-pt. 'J4 ; Col. \ Jnn. 1800 ; Migor-Gen. 25 April,

08 ; Lieut.-Gen. 4 June, 13 (.Vn. 22 July, 3((; Col. C3r<l, 7 April, 2.'..


Lieui.-Coloitels.—i^ JH
Joseph Lopan,^ £>«. 2t) Dw. 99; Z,i>u^. 8 Aug. 01 ;
Capt. 2 Fi-h. 0!t; Brerrt-Mnjor, 18 June, 15; Ri(jtl.-.\I<\jor, 27 Julv, 3(1;
i i>u^. - Co/. P 1 7 De<-. 29.
JauK-s \V. Fairtlough,' J?ii». P20 AuR. 02 ; Lieut. P24 .Mav, 04; Capt. i'14 Mar.
lO; UrfT.-.ViiJ. 12An|;.19; W.jft/.-.Vn/or, P2(! May,25; i.f.-C'oM7 Sept. 33.
.V.y'urj.— IVry IJaylee,* B'njr.Oli April, 05; Lieut. P8 .Aug. 05; Capt. o Nov. 12;
iJ/m-r-.V/ijiir, 22 July, :«> : Regtal.-Major, 17 Sept. :J3.
Arthur (.'uiilittV Pole, Eiu. »! Nov. 26; iiVuf. 5 June, 3U; Capt. P18 Oct. 33;
.VM>r, PI Dec. 37.
Captains. BHHV.-M.(
29 PFrwl.fhUl. Irwm,»K.H. 25 .Mar. 08 17 Aug. 09 27 Mar. 27 28 June 30
Richard Frv P2fi,\pr. 10 P18 June 12 5 June 3U
P {J* Park Per. .\eville« 29 .Mar. 10 17 Julv 11 27 Nov. 35
9 ia Auth. O. Sidley '
1 Aug. 1 IG Julv 12 22 Mav 35
Wm. Marcus Curew .... 4 Oct. 15 10 Nov.2(i 22
Aug. 3<!

9 Henry Croly* 27 Apr. 09 10 June 13

Apr. 21 37
John Ilodson Fearon. . . 10 Oct. 27 Nov.
4 Feb. 32 P 3 37
Georjre Green 7 Apr. 25 29 June 27 P 10
Nov. 37
.\Ieiandcr Edsar P 9 Dec. 31 P23 Nov. 33 P 29 Apr. 36
Exham S. T. Swyny .... P 1 Oct. 20 P17 Oct. 33 P 8 Aug. 38
LlECTE.VAXTS. CoL Fairtloufh icrved at Ihr
bonbAnlmcnt of Ter \ rrr, sful Mrce
George Brookes Pratt 31 Dec. 29 P 19 Julv 33 and capture of Flushiiu in 1W9.

Chas. D. C. OBrien 2r. .Mar. 23 24 Aug. 25 Abo at the capture of Giiadaloup«

I9A John Spier 15 Nov. 12 10 Feb. 14 ID I<4I6.
4 Major BarW scrred al tbo
O Wm. Ja». Darling
5 Feb. 29 19 Sept. 33 capture of Martinique in I«9, and
Hi Cha. Ili^ginbothiun P29 Junel5 20 Sept. 3;) Cuadaloupe in 1^10.
i Major Irwin terred in the Pen*
12 Ilumplirey W. Coultman
1 Nov. 16 20 Sept. aa inruta, frotn April, 1^*09, to Feb.
Hen. Tlio. Trompton. . . P 12 Apr. 27 P 16 Oct. 33 1^14, includlnf the capture of
Hen. Jtw. Swyny P 2 Dec. 31 P 18 Oct. 33 Opurto bauira of Talarera and ;

Puentea d'Ooor ticte of Badajox ;

.Aug. Fred, t'odd P21 Dec. 32 P21 Feb. 34

Irce and «tonnof Ciudad Kodrico ;

Thomas Harries P 19 Julv 33 p 2 May 34 tircc of Badajoz. and capture of tbe

Hen. R. Seymour 20 Sept. 33 P20 Feb. 3.5 caaUc bjr eacaladr, 7tb April, WIS ;
John Tliorp P27 Sept. 33 P 5 June 35 banle of Salamanca ; capture of
Madrid and RcUra battles of Vit. ;

Rob. Ladhroke Day p 18 Oct. 33 P 7 Aug. 35 torla and the P ) i<uc<a bcaides va- ;

Fra. Mostyn Owen p Nov. 33 P

1 Nov. 35 riouf affairs and skinnUbcs on the .
adrance and retreat of the army.
' \ *>/•
Patrick Lindesay P21 Feb. 34 ret). .«>! Served alio the Kandyan cam-i

Patrick Roh. Gordon P 2 May 34 20 June 36 p,l;tni of 1817 and 19 in Cejlon.

6 Capt. Neville Benred in the
Vesev Bre<lmore 9 Jaii. 35 22 Aug. 36 Peninsula, from July HIO, to May,
Giles' Eyre P 30 July 18 18 Jan. 23 \MX including the firfe of Cadia ;
Gust. Xicolls Harrison . P 5 June 35 P 1 Dec. 37 battle of Foentea d'Onor. 3rd and
6(h May: lir^ea of Ciudad Rod.
Geo. Jas. Wheatstone . 13 Mar. 28 24 Nov. 34 rico and Badajoz(feTcrely wounded
Jas. Rich. Lysaght 3 Feb. 37 P 6 Julv 38 In the brad and lee) battle of Sala- :

and sie(e of Bnrfoa, where

|| John Fowie 19 Dec. 05 P 2 Apr. 07 manca,
be was scrcRly wounded throucfa
James B. Leatham P 5 Feb. 36 P29 Mar. 39 tb« left tboolder in tbe storm of
ExsioNs. the first Unc of the cafdc, 4th Oct. IHIl. Serred the
Thcod. M. Haultain 27 Jnne .34 ^ " P***" o/ 1*14 in HolUnd. Includlnff the bombard-
Wm. Jas. Hutchins a Dec.
r\ 00 ""*' '^ Antwerp, and assault oa Berven-op-Zooin.

. . . .Jo Present at Waterloo. Serred alio In the Deeean war.

C. E. Fairtlough P 12 Mav 37 iocludmr the capture of Asseeribur. Attached to the

P 3 Nov 37
'*"^'' *«»?• at_lbe capture of a predatory
William Kenny !

..A Dee. 1«0. .

Wm. Fre<i. Carter P 1 Dec. 37 Far ;. 4. and 9. ice nrit pafr.

Henry Lees P27 Dec. 37
S. F. C. Anncsley P OJulv 38
John Hardic P29 JIar. 39I
Pai/mArtrr.— Richard Lane, 29 Sept. 37 ; Ens. 23 June, 25 ; Lieut. 25 Oct. 27 ;

Capt. 16 March, .32.

.\djutant.—\\. J. Darting, (Lieiit.) 8 Aug. .38.
Quarter-Matter.— Robt. Cart,' 1 1 Dec. 28 ; Ens. 24 Sept. 12 Lieut. 20 Jan. 1 4. ;

3^ Surgeon.—io^B W. Watson, M.D. 6 April, 20 Assist.-Surg. 4 -March, 13 ; //a.e;i. ;

.ittiti. -Surgeons. —
Henry Pilleaa, 22 Jan. 36. [Assistant, 10 Dee. 12.
John Samuel Charlton, 1 March, 39.
Facings Green. Agent, Mr. Collyer, Park-place, St. James'b.
I 0«a. Xtfoa wtmd In th« Weat Indie* m ITU la : Ecypi I'Wl : and at Waleherets.
OaL Mnt4 vMk lh« cipeditloa to llaanrer 0M
I —"
>• tta rmiiiili. mm l«l> to tbe end of th* war.
In IMS; to
Copenhagen In l>«7
at Waterloo whilst


G5th (or a</ Yurhsh. N. RUUng) Regt. of Foot. t9«n-UiR



s^ice'my^ 66^/j (or the Berkshire) Regiment of Foot. rServins in
L Canada.
y Richard Blunt,' ^n«. 31 Jan. 1787; Lieut. iZ Feb.
91 ; Capt. 12 July 93
Major, 17 May, 96; Lieut. -Col. 23 Aug. 99; Col. 25 Oct.
1809; Major-Gen
1 Jan. 12 ;
Lieut.-Gen. 27 May, 25 Col. 6Gth Regt. 25 March, 36.

Lieut.-Colonel.—Tho. Henry Johnston, Ens. P 21 Feb. 22 Lieut. PI Oct 25 ;

Capt. 24 Oct. 26 ; Major, v 20 May, 36; Lieut.-Col. P28 Dec.
Majors.— Clo^ton Lewis \yingfield,2 Em. P 1 1 Oct. 21 ; Lieiit. 27 Nov. 24
PlOJune, 26; il/«;or,P2 Feb. 38.
Tho. Leigh Goldie, ^;«. P 13 June, 25 ; Lieut. P 10
Dec. 25 ^ P 24 Nov ^8
Cavt. ; '

Major, P 28 Dec. 38.

y John Clarke^ P 14 July 08 3 Oct. 09 13 Jan. 25
5A Thos. Hewit Baylie* P 14 Aug. 06 25 June
. .
07 6 Apr. 15
Herbert Chas. Jenner P 7 July 25 P 24 Oct. 26
9 Mar. 32
Wm. Joshua Crompton . P 10 Sept. 25 P12 Dec. 26 P 1 1 Apr. 34
Wra. Longworth Dames P 26 July 26 P24 Nov. 28 P27 June
Tho. W. Nesham P 14 Apr. 25 P 29 Aug. 26 P24 May 33
William Gordon . P 5 June 28 P 27 Apr. 32 P12 May 37
Cha. Edvv. Michel P25 Nov. 28 23 Nov. 33 P 2 Feb. 38
John Parker .... P26 Feb. 30 Pll Apr. 34 P
28 Dec. 38
Geo. Longworth Dames P 5 Apr. 31 P27 June P22 Feb. 39
Thomas Rainsford 17 Feb. 19 7 Apr. 25
John Johnston P 9 Mar. 32 P24 May 27
y iTiia Robert Steeled.
23 Mar. 26 26 Sept. 33
George Maxwell P23 Feb. 26 29 May 28
Geo. Grattan Biseoe 7 Apr. 32 P 12 Feb. 36
. .

Le Marchant Carey .... P27 Sept. 33 10 Jan.

T. Barnes Lord Cochrane P27 Sept. 33 P12
May 37
Ralph A. Chas. Daniell Pll Apr. 34 2 Feb. 38
Hen. John Turner "
9 May 34 P 22 Nov. 30
E. M. Davenport P24 Apr. 35 6 Aug. 38
Hon. E. A. F. H. Lambart P20 May 36 27 Dec. 38
Fred. Chas. Trench P22 Nov. 36 28 Dec. 38
Fred. John Trick P23 Dec. 36 15 Feb. 39
Geo. A. Taylor . 10 Jan. 37 P22 Feb. 39
Chas. Hen. Godby P12 May 37
J. H. B. Birch . P15 Dec. 37
Hen. L. G. Scott P 2 Feb. 38
Edw. Bereus Pratt 28 Aug. 38
Bennett Langton P28 Dec. 38
Henry Steele .... 1 Feb. 39
Geo. Marshall Knipe P22 Feb. 39

Paymastei ^™"^*'' ™°^^ ^°'''

8 Oct 12
^"g- 25; Em. 22 June, 09; Lieut.
Adjutant.— Hon. E. A. F. H. Lambart, {Lieut.) 27 June

Quarter-Master. William Hornby, 1 Feb. 27. '

Surgeon.— 3. Miller, M.D. 4 Jan. 39; Assist.-'Surg. 8 Feb

Assist.-Surgeons.—W. Linton, M.D. 18 Jan. 27 Ho.yj
; -AsuH 9 Dec "6
Philip Anglin, M.D. 13 Dec. 27; Hasp.
-Assist. 31 Aug 26
Facings Green.- Agent, Messrs. Cox & Co.— Irish
Agent, Messrs. Cane & Co
1 General Blunt served in Lord
Moira's e-jpedit and in Flanders in 1704
1794 and 95,
ployed in tlie West Indies, from 1785 until 180:4. Q.-i
and „...«
qt,,i wi

Z Miyor \\ ini^fleld served two campaigns

He has ince served in Hanover and Madeira, "-^tively
in the Burmefi territories, and was in
13th Light Infantry was engaged every action in which the

Oportotjd'^Sve^aTtines' of ?orr"efV^ed^T iT^'. Tl'T.V^, 1- '"^ "»/' "^'"^'"^ "- "-'"- <'
Albuhera ;
siege of Badajoz; baXs'of vISia ^e P? enees '^rom .r'<,
^ayor; battle of
S' W
Nivelle, Nive, (9th and 1311. Dec); action of St.
nnmerous skirmishes. At the battle of Albnhera, PalS^T bat,'l<'s Airi Lrt^ ^^ T*
when in 'he'™mLa°nd'?f a^ oVpany'^orSerfwt
struck down by a Polish lancer, nd taken
prisoner, but made his escape in
4 Major Baylie served at the capture a charge of rv
of the Isle of France in 1810;
of iJtt 58U.TncInding the
t the capture

Lrvkv, i'J»jf"J 67M (or South ILimpshirc) licr/imait of Foot. [0."'"™™,

The lioynl Tiger, supirscrilKcl, " INDIA"— ' HAltUOSA'—" PENINSULA."

P Sir John Macdonald,' K.C.U. JSn*. —
April, \TX>; Lieut. 2 Feb. 0«; Capt.
1«(«; Mqjur, 28 Feb. 03; Lieut-Cot. 17 Mhf. OH; CoZ. 4 June, U;
2-2 (Jit.
Major-Gen. 27 May, 25 ; Lieut-Gen. 28 June, 38 ; Co/. (>7th Rcftt. 25 Aup;. 28.
iira/.-Coto;iW.—nioinnsBuiibun-,'K.n.^«.«.25 Miir.(U iieii<.24 Dec.04 ; Capt. ;

VA Nov. (W ; }d({jor, 14 April, 14 ; Lieut.-Col. P 5 July, 21 ; Col. 10 Jan. 37.

Mnjorf. Edward Basil Uruoke, 2nrf Lieut. 16 Dec. 17 ; Lieut. U April, 25 ;
Capt. P 11 July 2(!; M(\jor, P5 July, 31.
William Nesbitt branic,^ Eni. 3 Feb. 14 ; Lieut. 19 Jan. 19 ; Capt. P 24 Oct. 21
Vfynr, P15 Aug. 34.
{) (ieo. Cosby Harpour' . . I
20 April !)fi 29 Dec. 08
James .\duir^..
{)Tliunias 23 Mav 09 20 Feb. 11
\Vm, White Warburlon*.. 17 Au^'.09 |
2 April 12
."^iimnel Yorke Martiu. 8 .\pril 25 P
. . .
28 Jan. 26
ijij Tliduia^ Uuett 27 Sept. 21 P P 22 July 24
Thos. Josephus DeTerell 7 Nov. 22
. 25 June 29
Chns. Cbrititopher I>a\ie.. P 11 Dec. 28 P 5 July 31
Peter Brannan 1 Sept. I!) 13 Nov. 22
Thomas Byrne 4 Nov. 1!) 5 Mar. 23
Hon. Arch. G. Stuart... P 30 April 29 P 30 Aug. 31
Chas. Woodcock James27 Jan. 25 Pll Dec. 28
8 Or. Rlftrh 9Crv«d the eunpalgnj
or 1(413 and II In Urnnanjr anil Uol-
Geoi¥:e Alfred Curric 1 Sept. 25 16 Mar. 32 Unil, including the action at the
Gust. William Nicolls.. .. P 4 Oct. 31 P 26 Aup. .-36 Gnerdc in Hanover, 16th Sept. ISlSi
llenni* James V. Kemble.. P 9 Mar. 32 P 5 Aup. 37 affair near Antwerp, Jan. ISU
atuck on Merxera, and aubiequent
John Elton ^I. Prower.. p 14 Dec. 32 28 Auff. .37 operations against the l^reneh fleet

Fcrdinaud Whittingham.. 2 Nov. 32 P 1!) Feb. 36 at Antwerp. Present at Waterloo

oo the 16th, I'tfa, and 18tb June.
Tristram ^ladox P 12 April 33 26 Dec. 37
John Porter P 28 JIar. 34 P 29 Dec. 37
,Charles B. llaj^c P 5Sept. :i5 P ,•50 Dec. 37
1William Pilsworth p 24 Mav 33 18 Mar. .38
Rodham C. D. ?Iomc P 16 Oct. 35 P 2 Nov. 38
(Henry Collctte P 26 Auj;. 36 22 Jan. 39
Thomas P. Onslow 17 Nov. 37 P 25 May 39
Alexander Dury 5 Ang. 37 P
John Tliomas Locke 26 Dec. 37
Capel Coape 29 Dec. 37 P
iWm. Rolwrt A<Uur P 30 Dec. 37

|j. L. Campbell 30 Mar. 38

Edw. U. Westropp P 2 Nov. 38

GeorRe Crispin 22 Mar. 39
Walter Caulficld Pratt.. P 23 Mav 39
Pn.v""'-'''''-.—James Rtjbinsoii,' 26 Dec. 37 Ens. 20 Nov. 17 Liiul. 24 April, 20.
; ;

A(ijutnnt. —
Cliarles Woodcock James, (Z,i"ciir.) 26 Dec. 37.
quaner-3Iaster.—\\ WWam Jlew, 16 Feb. 26.

4^!, Jfuryfon.—iia J. Riacli," M. D. 19 Nov. 30 ; Attitt.-Surg. 2 July, 12 ; Hosp.-


Atsut. 18 Mav. 12.

.4«i*faH/-5«rj«H«.— Edward Hugh Blakeney, 17 Oct. 34.
Thomas Houor Wheeler, 28 Dec. 38.
Facing! Yellow. Agent, .Messrs. Cox k Co.
I sir John Maedoaald mttc4 Ibc eanpalcB of ISOl In Egypt, and haa received a Medal and one Clasp for Barroaia and the

paaaave vt tha NIt«.

t CoU BsntKirr le4 the alDrBlnf at Port Zelalna. In Surioam. In IW4. Served the eanipalfin of IHH in Holland, in-
ehsdlac the altaeka on Merxen. aad tbe bombanliiient of the French fleet at Antwerp. .Served also In the American war,
3 Major Oranfe served on the ftvmUen of Niasrara in 1411 ajsd 13. Served also at the siege and capture of Roahry,
Rhrgkur. afwl other pUces In tha Sosithere Cosseaa countrr in India In 1818.
t Major Harpr,ur serve^l in Spain fron Sept. ISIO to Iflll, locluduwi tbc siege of Cadli ; battle of Darrosa ; actions at BaU-
gucre aikd Villa Franea sieges of Teiragossa and Barcelona.

i M^sw Adair served in Spain frosn Sept. 1810 to the end of the war. Including the siege of Cadis, battle of Barrosa. Fort
Sao PUUp, Balaguere. ViUa Franca. Tarragmsa and Barcelona. Served also the Kepaul campaigru of 1817 and 18. and
snbssiFiliillj la the Dcccasi. loeluding tbe siege and reduction of Rhygbur. Amuloier. and Asseerghur.
wwvadgd ^ Malgbloch tialU to the left arm. avl right side at the siege of Asseerghur on 'vening of the 19th March. 1819,
la fvpttlslag a sortie osade by the garrison of the fort into the town.
• Cape. WafbstnsMi icrred the Nepaul eampalgna of 1817 aad lA, and subsequently tbe Deceao, loeluding tbe capture

of lh« fceta at Rhygbur and Aaaeerg hur.

7 rayasaatcr RaUMoa Krvnl at Uia slett of AaMctihtir, Haicb aad April, I8I».

efrsll'"] 68th (or Durham) Refft. of Foot {Light Infantry). [^SL"
Years' Serv.
... 1 ;

''S^ni.x..''"fJil""] «9''' ('" ^'""f'' I'incoluMn) ItcyimnU nf Font. [Nm"'^t'lL

John Vincent," Ens. 10 Julv, 1781 Lieut. 3 Aug. 8-2; Capt. 20 Oct. 8«

M(\jor, May, 86 Lieut.-Col. 1 Jan. IBOO Col. 25 July, 10 Miyor-Gcn.

; ; ;

4 June, 13 ; Lieut.-Gcn. 27 May, 2o Col. (i9tU Hoginicut, 2 Jan. 3ti.


Lieut.-Coloml. I

ja I-:;iton Monins,' J?H.«. P 1 Dec. 14; LU-nt. p9 Sept. 10; Capt. P23 June, 25 ;|
Major, r 19 Nov. 30 ; Lieut.-Col. f2 Oct. 36.

1ft P Hi.tH-rt Brookes,' Eiis. 10 May, 11; ilV«^ 23 Aug. 13; Capt. p27 Au?.25;
.U(Vor, i'3 Miiv,31.
9/, iWm. Noel Hill,* £«.«. P13N0V. 17; Lieut.v-H Oct. 21 ; Cupt. i'14Nov.20;
Mixjor.r* Dec. 35.
531 Brooke I'igot ^ p 9 May 1 P 29 Aug. 20
19Jidy 10
10 Hich. Whi^eliT Hooper Aug. 07 P 4 Jan. 10 P 8 Dec. 14
.. 2*t
Win. Blii.klmme 127 Apr. 27 P 19 Nov. 30 P Feb. 35
B'lni. .-^teiilii n Thomas P25 Nov. 28 P 28 Oct. 31 P I Alay 35

(Jcop^'C B. Hose" 25 Dec. 10 20 June 12 '.OJune 20

Erininud Cnrlanil V 19 Nov. :!0 P22 Aug. 34 p 9 Oct. 35

Ift Wm. Consiiline 23 Feb. 14 P Sept. 19 P25 June 29

Charles James Coote .... 21 June 31 P 19 Dec. 34 P14 Apr. 37

A^ Lawrence Oroenie 10 Mar. 15 13 Dec. 21 P 10 June 25

Hcnn,- D. OHalloran 1 Nov. 18 P28 June 27 P
. 1 Sept. 3g
lOMav 19 20 6 Captain Rnsc cominanded
\^ Henry Briilger Tudor . 13 Oct.
a section nf the Forlorn Hope
11^ Charles Dutton 10 May 10 15 Oct. 12
nt the storminc of the Arum-
U l^t. John Mundell I'llJune 30 27 Mar. 33 t>ooly lines in Tnivaneore, Kast
Danvers Jenkins
tieon.;e 31 Aug.
1' 30 p 18 July 34 Indies, 10th Fob. OD. Preseot
May 35 in tile enciigcmeiit of Naitra
William Walker 2 Aug. 33 p 1
Coil nd Kotar, and at the
PIG Aug.

Rlward Hemphill 33; e 24 July .35 Fort« of Palanavarum and

Oeorne Losark Pll Mav 32 !p 9 Oct. 35 Woodftgherry. Served also at
W. i~. B. M'Leod Moore 1 Nov. 31 1 4 Jan. 3(i the capture of Uourbon and
P18 Julv thelsloof Prance, in 1810, and
Duval Knox O'Reilly 341 P 7 Oct. 3(i
of Java in 1811.
I Ilcnr^' Wm. Knox Gore. P19 Dec. 34 12 May .37

Alex.' Masnay 1 Jlay 35 P 1 ISept. 38


iJas. Handasydc Edgar... P 9 Oct. 35 p 28 June 39


Wm.Coates 6 Feb. 35 P
Frederick Mnndell 24 July 35 P

Fred. I^w
I'lias. 7 Oct. 30 P
'Thos. J. Kearney 27 Jan. 37
Campbell Sawers
' p 14 Apr. 37
Pcrtival Fenwick P28 Sept. 38

1 :
;Cha. W. Tupcr 8 Feb. 30
ITlio. Cochrane Inglis. p 14 June 39 . .

iTlio. Oeo. Lord Glainis.. P28 June 39

P«v»wjr/fr.— Fred. Dalgety, 1 March, 39; £»«. U Jan. 21 Lieut. 23 Mar. 26. ;

1.1 rf/M/nnf .— T. John Kearney, (E;m.) .30 March, 38.

Quarter-Matter.—i&mn Hollis, 3 Nov. 37.

,.s-iirjcon.— Francis O'Brien, 11 Jan. 39; Assist.-Surg. 27 Oct. 25; Uosp.-Aast.
12 July, 15.
lAultt.-Surgeons. — Edward Robertson, M.D.Oct. Aug. 37. 11
James Napper Irwin, 7 30.
Facing) Ortvn.— Agent, Messrs. lox .k Co.— // m7i Agent, Mr. Atkinson.
1 General Vmcrnt served in the Weil Indi.-», and waa at the taking of St. Uominito. He B.n-ed in the ei-
IMdilion to the llelder, and iubKHjuently in the exp.-.litlon to Copenhagen, under Sir Hyde
2 Coluoel MonlntKrTMl at Waterloo on the IHth June. ,#11-
» Major Bniokrt «Tred iu the Peniiwula fmm July, isll, to the end of the war, iiieludinB the fullo»llig
B.d^.«, S.Uanianca. Durxoj, Palentia. Osma, Vittnrlu, San Sehiutlan, Uu:. and Sept.
Iwllle.. ii-u..., la-., .11. :

ISIS, Santa Ciaraiwounded), Uida»oa (wounded), NiveUe, Nlvo, Bth, 10th (wouiidt^), and llthDec. and
bUirkadp of Bayonne. ^ ., j
4 Major Hill served In the BurnieM War. incliidlnB the actions of Prome and Tandwayn.
i Captain Plgol ser»i-d th» cmmpalpi of 1»U In Holland, Inclu.llng the action at Menem,
id Feb., and
lomha/dnient French llett before Antwerp. " lily wounded '" the
'-' In '"-' at
••- head Quatre """
- """"* Dnii.
of the
Emb. for Foreign"!
Service, 1834. J
70th (or the Sia-rei/) Reyiment of Foot. [^wesMn'd'

Gase John Hall, £/w. 29 May, 1783; Lieut. 13 Dec. 83; Capt. 16 Dec. 9-1;
Jl/o/or,23 Dec. 95 ; Lieut. -Col. \ Jan. 01; Col. 25 July, 10; Mqjor-Gen.
4 June, 13 ; Li^ut.-Gen. 27 May, 25 ; Col. 70th Regiment, 30 Jan. 32.
Joseph Kelsall, Ens. 17 Dec. 03; Lieut. p21 Feb. 05; Capt. 11 Nov. 13;
Major, 23 Nov. 32 ; Lieut. -Col. 28 June, 38.
^3 Edw. James White,' Ens. 30 Mar. 09 Lieut. April, 10 ; Capt. 14 July, 25 ;

Mfijor, P14 Dec. 32.

Thomas Reed,^ Ens. 9 July, 03; Lieut. ^5 Sept. 04; Capt. 27 May, 13; Bievet-
3Iaior, 10 Jan. 37 ; jReqtl.-Major, 28 June, 38.

Captains. CAPTAIN. BliEV.-.MAJ.

fflJJ James Morphy ' .. . 8 June 1511 Apr. 25 P 27 Mar. 28
William Taylor p 7 Feb. 1123 Apr. 12 1 Mar. 32
Samuel AVhyte 1 July 13 2 Mar. 20 16 Mar. 32
John Brown 28 Apr. 14 7 Apr. 25 5 Sept. 33
Jas. John Graham P 28 Oct. 24 P 8 Apr. 26 P 25 Feb. 30

John Doyle O'Brien . . 15 Mar. 21 P16 June 25 P 4 Dee. ,35

George Durnford P 17 Oct. 20 P 8 Feb. 31 P28 Nov. 37
Thomas Lillie'...
1^ ffiSa 1 Oct. 12 17 July 15 7 Dec. 38
Edward Kelsall P 10 Apr. 27 P 8 Mar. 31 23 Feb. 39
Wm. Matthew Bigge. . . P 19 Apr. 31 P26 Feb. 36 P21 June 39
Henry Gerrard P 8 Feb. 31 P 14 Dec. 32
John Johnston 1 Dec. 13 10 Apr. 16
Cha. Fred. Gibson 9 Ajir. 25 20 Sept. 33
John Wm. Baird P 5 Apr. 33 Pll Nov. 36
Hen. Cha. Whalley . . P 14 June 31 13 Sept. 87
Tho. Cha. Timius 16 Mar. 32 P 28 Nov. 37
Jas. Palliser Costobadie P21 Sept. 32 28 June 38
John Morris Colston . . P 5 Feb. 36 23 Nov. 38
Wm. Rob. Brereton . . . P 1 Dec. 37 P 7 June 39
Chas. Sheffield Dickson. P 16 Dec. 36 P 2 Nov. 38
Edward F. Edwards Pll May 38 P 5 July 39
George Reynolds P 30 Dec. 34 27 Dec. 38
Jolm Hackett 17 Nov. 37
John A. Ambrose p 22 June 38
Geo. Evatt 13Julv 38
Joseph Webster 23 Nov. 38
Oswald Pilling 30 Nov. 38
Edw. Beiij. BraddeU .... 1 Mar. 39 P

Leopold S. C. Eraser. 17 May 39

. .

Howell Hedd L. Clough P 7 June 39


Rob. M'ilton Cooke..".. .. P 28 June 39

Tho. Leonard Leader. P 5 July 39
. .

Paymaster. George Alfred Goldfrapp, 1 March, 32; Ens. 1 March, 09; Lieut.
3 Oct. 11 Capt. 3 Sept. 29.

Adjutant. George Evatt, (Ens.) 17 May, 39.

\rter-Master. Robert Kaye, 12 Dec. 34.
21 H^ Surgeon. —Wm. Kemlo,^ M.D. 3 Nov. 37; Assist.-Surg. 20 Jan. 25; Hosp.-
Assist. 12 May, 15.
Assist.-Surgs.—}ohn Maharg, M.D. 21 Feb. 28; Hosp.-Assist. 9 Dec. 26.
James Stuart, 5 July, 33.
Facings Black. Agent, Messrs. Cox & Co. Ir'uih Agent, Messrs. Cane & Co.
1 Major Wliite's services :— Campaign and battle of Coninna, and expedition to Walchercn.
2 Major Reed served in tJie American War, incUiding tlie actions at Baltimore, Bladensburgli, and
capture of Washington.
3 Captain Morpliy served at Waterloo on the 18th Juno.
4 Capt. Lillie served in the Peninsula from Dec. 181*3 to the end of the war, including the crossing of the
Zadino; b,ittlc of Vitloria ; blockade of Pampeluna from 5th to 18lh July ; pass of Ronccsvalles, 28th
July, battle of Pampeluna, 2eth July, Nivelle, Nive (0th to ISth Dec), Orthcs (severely wounded), and Tou-
louse. Present at Waterloo on the 18th June, and at the storming of Cambray.
5 Dr. Kemlo served at the siege of Bhurtpore.

9.<<irS.ini. Fonl \niittini.'liani, K.C.B. .<c K.C.H. Ens. -20 Jan. 03 Lieut. 25

Fel>. 03 ; Capt. U
Feb. 0.J; Major. Vi Mareli, 10; Lient.-Col. 30 .May, 11 ;
Vol. 4 Juui', U .\fiijor-Ui:n.-i7 -May, 'ii ; Lieut. -Gen. '16 June, 3lJ ; Col. 7 1st

Light liibntn', -iti .Manrh, 3tt.

3A Hon. Charles (irev, -iml Lieut. 10 .\ov. 20 ; Lieut. P 10 April, 23 ; Capt. P ItJ
June, 25 ; Mi{jor, v lU Feb. 20 ; Lieul.-Col. P 12 July, 31.
William Denny, Ens. P 10 Jan. 22 ; Lieut, p 23 June, 25 ; Capt. p 27 Sept. 33
Mnjor, P 24 April, 38.
Lord .\rthur Lennox, Ens. P 24 June, 23 ; Lieut, f 22 Oct. 25 ; Capt. P 1 Aug.
3R Major, v 6 July. 38.

se^vk'Jfsssf ]
'^2nd(ur D. of Alhamjs mvn Highlanders.) [|f™f''g."^„'^''.

Years' Scrv.
. ..
. — ;

Emb. for Porpi^'1

Sarrln, 18i7. J 73rd Regimejit of Foot. r Sor>l,
L NorU. >


ea Wm. Ooorpe, Lord Harris,' C.B. & K.C.H. Em. 24 Mav, 1796; Lleiit. 3
Jan. »!; Ciipt. 16 Oct. IMK); jV/yVr, 15 June, 04 XiVur.-tV. 29 Dec. (Xi ;

Co/. 4 June, 14 ; Major-Gen. 19 Julv, -21 ; Lieut.-Gvn. 10 Jan. 37 Cut. 7*1 :

R.vt. 4 Uec. 3j.

ZiVuf.-CWoFiW.— IP JB
Ja». Fred. Love, K.H.£;m.2C Oct. 04; iii-wrS June, 0.5;
r«/)r. 11 July, ; U
Brer.-Mtijor, 10 Mareli, lo ; Bret:-LUiit.-Cul. 5 May,
•Ji; lieytl.-MnJvr, i) July, 30 ; Acj^f/.-iifi/f. -Co/. Sept. 34; Co/. 'Jt* Juue,38.

Miyori. IP ("has. Juwett Vander Sleulen,' £iu. 2(5 Nov. 07; Lieut. 10 Aug.
rtl ; Capt. P 2.") Nov. 23 ; Major, 7 April, 37.
William Evre, £»m. P 17 Apr. 23; Lieut. P5 Nov. 25; Copt. P20 Mar. 27;
.tf<i/V)r P U) July 19.

Captains. lEV.-MAJ.
Geo. Hankey Smith 7 May 1>< p 7 Feb. 22 1
P 8 Apr. 26
Geoiye Da»«iii'. . . 7 May 11 7 Jan. 13 20 Mar. 28
25 Jan. 25 'p 26 Nov. 25

Adol. Lat. Widdriuftton P 10 Nov. 29

^ I

g^ Tboniaa Bowyer Bower. .P 29 Nov.

21 P 4 Feb. 20 I
P 12 Dec. 20

14 ^ Anth. Couiiiciiam Sterling P 29 Jan. 26:P14Apr. 29 P 1 1 Oct. 33

John William Cro^ 1 Dec. 25.P24 Jan. 28 P 28 Dec. 32
12 I 3A
Freil. Goo. Aug. Pinckney 8 Apr. 25 P 8 Apr. 20 P 23 Dec. 30
Cha. Fred. Parkinson . 10 Nov. 25 4 Sept. 28 P 22 Feb. 33
Charles Wni. Combe .... P 30 Aug. 20 p 12 June 30 1 P 12 Julv 39
Tboft. Fraser Saudemau P18 Dec. 28 p 27 July 32
. 1
P 19 Julv 39
Benjamin Brown 15 May 28 3 M^orVander Meulen gen-ed
P 7 July 251
Oliver Barker D'Arccv P 8 Apr. 20 P 9 Dec. 31 in the Prnin>ula fmm May IS(i9
In Aug. ISU, and o^in from
6 I
Wm. Hen. Kemiy 3 Apr. 28 15 Mar. 32 Sept. IHI'2 to the end of the
David Cahill 10 Nov. 25 21 Dec. 32 war, including the hattles of
Maurice Chas. O'Connell P 19 July 31 P 24 Jan. 34 TaJavera (severely wounded),
BuMico, Albuhera (severely
Wm. L. Y. Baker .31|P27 June 34 wounded), Vittoria, Pyrenees
Walter Bcresford Faunce P 18 Jan. 31 jP23 Dec. 30 (severelT wounded '28lh July).
Edw. George Cubitt 9 Dec. 31 P 28 Apr. 37 .Mrelle,' Orlhes and Toulouse, '

Wm. B. F. O'Connell PIO Mar. 32 P 10 June 37 besides various minor engage-

ments and skirmiiihes.
Aug. Wm. Murray P 28 Dec. 32 P 28 Nov. 37
. . .
4 Captain Dawson served in
Gerald Wardlaw P27 June 34;p12 Apr. 39 the Kandian War in CeyloD.
Rob. Carter Bamford P 5Scpt. 34 Pl2 Julv 39
. . .

Melville O. B. Browne P 23 Dec. 36 p 19 July 39

. !

Douglas Jones P30 Dec. 30 S Quarter-Master Hickson serred the cam-
Wm. H. Fitz Gerald P 5 Mav 37 C'C "' '*•'' '" Canada, and that o( I81S in

Rob. P. Campbell
James F. Murray P28 Nov. 37 RoUand. j

Alfred .\. Simmons ... 28 Dec. 38

Geo. Edm. N. Nugent . P 12Apr. 39
Charles Littlehales P22 June39
John Davies
Pl9 Jolv 39'
124 Pnymn^frr.—John Court, 22 July," :)G 2.irf Lieut. 2 Nov. 08 ;
Lieut. 7 Feb. 11. ;


.irtjiilanl. Benjamin Brown, (/.ieirf.) 17 Nov. 37.

5JL Qwir/er-.Vn^er.—John A. Hickson,' 11 Nov. 24; Etui. 25 Dec.
Nov. 15 ; Ho.<p.-
lA Airryenn.—John Foster,' M. D. 1 April, 30 ; Auiit.-Surg.
Aairt. 22 Nov. 13.

Assiit.-Surgt. —George Martin, M.D. 13 June, 34.

John James Russell, 25 April, 20; Hosp.-Assist. 10 June. 25.
Facingt Green. Agent, Messrs. Cox & Co.

present at the battle of MaUa»»lly;

I U.TA Harris joined the 7eth regiment In India In ITST, and was
,.»rt) which carried S«.rineapat«n.. The battle of
neariT all the affair, of oul-posts. and in the .lortning which earned
Hh.-i™- r»r-- of <i...J llur-Vserr-J in HulUnJ in 1SI3 and U, and commanded llie bncade
at Waterloo. A^'U*'!'
Ihe^iuie of M.nrm sttertlj
the riBht shoulder
from the command
' j -»
of that corps, ..._,_...
in '.^."^i,™
lestimoDy ...
nilerf lo lord Hams hy the
t of the 73d r

of tb« hich rr^rd they < nlertained for his character

and conduct.
. ..... — —;

14:tli Regiment of Foot.

Tlie Blephant, superscribed " SERINGAPATAM"— " ASSAYE"—" BUSACO"—

Sir Phineas Riall,' K.C.H. Ens. 31 Jan. 1792; iie!(<. 28 Feb. 94 Capt.Sl ;

May, 94 Major, 8 Dec. 94 Lieuf.-Col. 1 Jan. 1800 Col. 26 July, 10; Major-
; ; ;

Gen. 4 June, 13; Lietd.-Gen. -21 May, 25; Col. 74tli Rest. 20 May, 35.
Lleut.-Colonel. —
^ John Alex. Isle'm,^ Ens. 14 Nov. 90 iiei/f. 5 April 01 ; Capt. ; j

29 Feb. 04; Major, 11 Nov. 13; Lieuf.-Col. 20 March, 23; Col. 28 June, 38.

Majors. ^ Evre John Crabbe,^ K.H. Ens. 11 June, 07 ; Lieut. 11 March, 08 !•

Capt. 19 May, 14; Major, ^31 Jan. 28.

y Thomas Mannin,^ £;«. P 30 Nov. 09; Lieut. 31 Oct. 11 ; Capt. 1 June, 20 ; i'

Major, 3 Oct. 34.


Captains. CAl'T.ilN. BKEV.-.MAJ.

Wm. ^Vllite Crawley* . . 18 July 11 P19 Mar. 12 P 7 Nov.
P 22 10 Jan. 37
y Jolin Casiinir Harold'" 25 Sep"t.06 28 May 07 16 Feb. 15 10 Jan. 37
Colin Alex. Campbell . P 25 Aug. 14 25 Jan. 25 P 25 Feb. 26
(3 John Alves' 5 Nov. 07 25 Dec. 10 13 Mar. 27
Aufr. Fran. Ansell 13 Jan. 20 P 19 Sept. P 14 Dec. 32
}3Tho. Wm. Yates* ... 20 May 13 27 July 20 10 Dec. 33
Hon. Tho. O'Grady . . P 30 Dec. 26 P 24 Nov. 29 P 3 Oct. 34
Edw. Clarges Ansell . . 10 Mar. 26 9 Noy. 30 P 23 Oct. 35
John Campbell P 16 Sept. 13 P28 Sept. 20 16 Dec. 37
Hen. Hewett Thompson. P12 Feb. 2! P 14 Dec. 32 P17 May 39
.\nnesley Eyre 14 May 18 20 Sept. 26 6 Major Harold's services :
Duncan Fraser Campaign and battle of Cnrunna.
P 13 Feb. 28 10 Dec. 33 Expedition to Walcherea and eiege
S. F. De Saumarez 1 Oct. 30 P 11 July 34 of Flushing.
Geo. Tho. Evans p 17 Mav 31 P 29 Aug. 34 7 Capt. Alves served the whole of
the campai^s of 1810, 11, 12, 13,
Peter W'm. L. Hawker . P 9 Aug. 31 P 3 Oct. 34
and 14, nith the 74th regiment,
Walter Warde P 29 June .32 P 7 Aug. 35 in the 3d division, without having
Edw. C. Munns 13 Sept. 31 P 9 Jan. 35 ever been absent from it for a sin-
gle day, including the battles of
Geo. Wm. Fordyce ... P 28 Dec. 32 P 5 Aug. 37 Busaco, Fuentes d'Ooor, siege and
Cadwallader Edwards . P21 Sept. 32 15 Dec. 37 storming of Ciudad Rodrigo, siege
Christ. B.Cardcw 27 Dec. 33 P 17 Mar. 38 and storming of Badajoz, battle of
Salamanca, capture of Madrid, bat-
Geo. Monkland Pll July 34 26 May 38 tle of Vittoria, blockade of Fam-
Aeheson Evre Obins . . . P 29 Aug. 34 P 10 Aug. 38 peluna, the battles in the Pyrenees,
Ntvelle, Orthcs, and Toulouse, be-
Robert Walsh 7 Aug. 35 P 14 Jime 39
sides various affairs of out-posts.
Ensigns. 8 Capt. Tates served the compaigns of 1812 and 13,
Joiin Inraan . , 15 Dec. 37 iDcluding the battle of Vittoria as a volunteer in the

74th regiment, which corps he left when in the front ot

Fitz H. W. L. Hancock.. P17 Mar. 38 Paiopeluna, in Nov. 1813.
Jolm Walker 9 Aus:- 38 9 Paymaster Davies served in the Peninsula from
Ormbv Willington P 10 Aug. 38 Sept. 18U to the end of the war. including the capture
of Fort Picarioa and Badajoz ; battles of Salamanca,
J. Wh'itshed De Butts p 18 Jan. 39 .
Vittoria. Pyrenees, Nivelle, Tarbes, Orthes& Toulouse.
Cha. Aylmer Coates 29 Mar. 39 . . . 10 Dr. Cummins served at New Orleans in I8U
James Duff 17 May 39 i» and 15, and in the Burmese war in 1826.

Tho. Williams Evans. f 14 June 39 .

Pai/i fi.^fcr.—^ Richard Davies,^ 1 Dec. 25 ; Ens. 6 June, 11 ; LieitL 31 Dec. 12.

Adjutant. Duncan Fraser, (Lieut.) 21 April, 37.

Quarter- Master. Daniel M'Curdy, 26 Aug. 31.
Surffeon. —
Alex. Cumniing,'*' 13 March, 35; Assist.-Surg. 23 Dec. 24; Hosp.-
March, 14.
Ass'ist. 7

Assist.-Surgs. John Kirby, 30 Oct, 35.
Frederick Hillman Hombrook, 1 March, 39.
Facings White. Agent, Sir John Kirkland.
1 Sir Phineas Riall has received a medal and one clasp for Martinique and Guadaloupe. Served in America in 1813, and
was severely wounded at the battle of Chipawa.
2 Colonel Mein served in Ihr East Indies from Nov. 1"99 to Feb. 1R06. and was engatjcd at Amiednaghur, Assaye, Argaum,
Gawelghur, Shandore, and Gulnah. Served also in the Peninsula at different periods from Jan. 1810 to Oct. 1812, including
the battle of Busaco, and siege of Badajoz in March, 1812.
3 Major Crabbe served In the Peninsula from Jan. 1810 to the 3lst Dec. 1812, and again from June 1813 to the end of the
war, including the whole of the retreat to the lines of Torres Vedras ; battle of Busaco ; the advance from the lines to
Guarda : first siege of Badajoz ; siege and storm of Ciudad Rodrigo ; siege and storm of Badajoz ; battle of Salamanca ; cap-
ture of Madrid, and subsequent retreat through Spain; battles of Nivelle, Nive, Vic, Tarbes, Orthes, and Toulouse, and the
whole of the various minor affairs during that period. Wounded 15th March, 1811, at Fox d'Aronce. when commanding a party
which drove a French piquet from the said village. Wounded again at Toulouse when attacking tlie Tete du Pont.
1 Major Mannin served in the Peninsula, from Jan. ISTO to Feb. 1813, and again from Oct. 1813 to the end of the war.
including the retreat to the lines of Torres Vedras and battle of Busaco ; first siege of Badajoz : siege and capture of Ciudad
Rodrigo . •cond siege of Badajoz. Retreat to Portugal after raising the siege of Burgos ; battles of Nivelle, Nive, Vic,
Tarbes, and Toulouse.
5 Major Crawley served the Nepaul campaigns of 1814 and li, and in the Pindarrce war in 1816 and 17. 126
loth Ret/intent of Fiiot.

The Royal Tiyer, suiwrscribcl " INDIA"—" SEUIXOAPATAM."

P Sir Joseph Fuller,' O.C.H. Em. 29 Sept. 1790; Lh-ut. k Capt. ! Jan. 04; i

Ca/it. a LUut.-Col. 18 June, 1801 ; Col. 25 July, 10; Mnjor-lia 4 June,,

13; Lieiit.-Gen. 27 >luv, 25 ; Col. 7"ilh Ri-jit. !) April, 32.

Lieut.- Colonel.—^ Pat.Grieve,'£/u. 9 July ,03 ; Lieut. 1 Aug.04 ; Capt. 10Mav,09;
Mnjor,v2^, N'ov. 19 Brei:-Licut.-Col.\S Nov. 31) ; Begtl.-Lieut.-Col'.7July,37.

Miiji'ff. —Rol>. Dumpier HaUilii.Y, Ens. v 31 July, 23 ; Lieut. ' 23 June, 25; Capt.
8 .\pril, 20 Mtjur, v 30 Julv, 30.

Sain, jfudilou Fra. Hall, Eiu. i'21 Jon. 19; Lieut. 7 April, 25; Capt. 22 April,

Hi; .Un/Qi, 1 1 Julv, 37.


12 '


23 2^

— . — 1

rStrving In
77//< (or East MiiMlcsex) lii't/t. of foot.
L M«lla.

Oil the Colours and Appointinrnts, the J'ltime of tlie Prinrc of Walet.
"si;ri\(;\i'\tam'— •(•ii:nAD nonitUiO"— "Badajoz"—
IP Campbill,' Bnrt. (i.C.B. Ens. 28 Dec. 1778 ; Lieut. 20 April,
.sic Anliibiilil
Capt. 17 -Miiv, HO; Mt^or, 14 fJfpt. 04; f.imf.-Cvl. 10 I'lb. di); Col.
!)l ;

4 June, 14; M<iJor-(Jci>. il Hay, 26; Lk-ut.-Ueti. 28 June, 38; Cul. 77th
RtViuicnt 23 Dec. 34.
9 Lieut. C<)/<i/i<7.— George Paris Bnulshaw,' K.II. Em. p2 Oct. 06; Limt. PIC
Juue, 08; Oi/jM'2:1.Mav, IC; .l/wjor, P 20 Dec. 22 ; iieu^.-Co/.PlO June,20.
-Wfuori.— Nitholas Wilson,' K.H. £i«. 31 Oct. 01); Lieut. 7 Oct. 13; Capt. P24
Oct. 21 Major, i'30 Dtc. 28.

Oeorge Antoiue Ranisuy," K.H. Em. 30 Oct. 06; Lieut. 10 Feb. 09 ; Capt. v 7
Sept. 15 ; Miijor, p li Jan. 33.


P Jamos .Alceo' 2 Sept. 00 Sept. 0(i 24 Feb. 26 28 June 38
P Rlolianl Tutton* 28 July 09 June 1] '

7 Apr. 25 28 June 38
8 James Mason' 11 July 06 Mar. 07 > 18 Jan. Hi 10 Jan. 37
Guy Clarke 17 Feb. 20 P17 Julv 23 P 8 Apr. 20
John Peter XcIIey P 18 Aujr. 2-5 P 10 June 20 P 1 1 Oct. 31
Wni. Jonatlian Clerke . 24 Feb. 26 P 10 June 20 P 18 Jan. 33
Oeopjte Stuart Mar. 03
1 1 Sept. 04 21 Feb. 11
Alexander Tonikins .... 38 June 24 24 Dec. 25 P 8 Dec. 37
Tlios.Oruliam Egcrton.. 24 Dec. 29 9 Mar. 32 p 23 Jan. 35
IS Robt. Jocel\ii Straton . 10 Jan. 28 P 18 Jan. 33: P26 Apr. 39
17 ParisW. Augr. Bradshan P26Dec. 22 24 Feb. 251 8 Migor Rntnsay was at the
.Augr. Bradshaw
rapture of Martinique and Lea
80 6 William Galwav
tialway 4 Kov. 13 27 July 20 Sninlea in 1800, and Ouada-
I i

15 Dennis Herbert' 10 Feb. 25 5 Mar. 20| loupc In ISIO.
15 Charles Lee 8 Apr. 25 P30 Dec. 28
7 Oft ^-J 4 Major Alpeo ser^'ed in the
John Powell 29 Sept. 25 I

George Dixon P 30 Dec. 28 .,.•>/- V.

P2G Dec. „t P""'"'"'" f'"™ '^"K- 1813 until
11 be end of the war. 1 ,

10 Q John Eiln-ard Lewis p 12 Jan. 30 23 Jan. 35

Uenrv Jenis White p 23 Dec. 31 P 1 1 Sept 35 ^ Mnjor Tatton served in the 1

Henr^- Downe Griffith 13 June 80 . tj -ipr. oo

. I

,^e end of the war, and was

W illiam Forl>e9 P 2 Dec. 31 1 1 .Vug. 35 present at the blocLade of I

James A. \Vliecler 21 Dec. 32 20 >Iar. 37 Bayoiinr.

I .

Mol™. Hyde Nepean P 1 Feb. 83 25 Jan. 39

. . I

R. .imbrose Morritt |p27 Dec. 34 P 20 Apr. 39

Jas. Dupre Brabazon .... 20 Apr. 30 6 Major 3Ia9on served with the expedition

Thos. Edw. Mulock P18 Mar. 30 to the conft of America in 1913, and was en-
tcnced in several small actions; present at the
Robt. Baillie 3 Feb. 37 rnpture of Moose Island In the Bay of Fundy in
Clem. Swctenbam 31 Mar. 37 I8U. I

Patrick Duff P 7 Sept. 38

7 Lieut. Herbert served in the Burmepe war.
Alex. B. Rooke 26 Jan. 39 |

Alex. Aitken 1 Feb. 30

Eilw. Hen. L. Crofton .. Ip 10 May 39
8A —
Paymatter. .\lexander John M'Pherson, 14 Dec. 38; Etis.\i Aug. 17; Lieut.
18 Sept. 23.
17 Ailjulant.—Vafii William Augustus Bradshaw (Lieut.) 28 Nov. 34.
Qunrter.-.Varter.—'nuimasi Suudley, 7 April, 37.
Surgeon. —
William Henn,- BurrcU, Sl.D. 5 May, 37 ; Assiit.-Surg. 12 April 21 ;

Hotp.-Amitt. 24 Jimc, 15.

Auiitant-Sitrgeom. Joseph .Samuel Prendergast, M.D. 19 Feb. 30.
John Drope M'lllree, 20 Feb. 35.
inijt. —
Yellow. .Agent, Mr. Lawric. Iriili Agent, Jlcssrs. Cane and Co.

1 Sir ArcMbalf] CamjttveU has p«rfonn»] invat and most dittingui^hcd KCrrice, both It) the early and
tail d Barm-ih. Ha ba» received a crosa and oiiu clusp for Albuhera, Vlt'
torli P.
Madeira In Ift07; cipodllion to Walrbcrcn, l«O0, including
FlufthttiK : PciiiiLkUla frum June Islt tn the fod of the

«h' {
W11' ! A(l Rodri^o aud Bad.ijox ; operation! on the DidtiSNO« and
78th {Hiffhlaud) Regt. of Foot {or the Ross-sliire Buffs.)
" Cuidich'n _RAi."—The Elephant, superscribed "
Year' Colonel.
I Paul Anderson,' C.B.£«s. 31 March, 1788; iirai. 31 March, 91 Capf.

July, 95 ; MaJor,25 June, 1801 ; Lieut.-Col. 17 Oct. 05; Col. 4 June,

13; Mnjor-Gm. 12 Aug. 19 Lieut.-Gen. 10 Jan. 37 ; Co?. 78th High-

landers 9 Feb. 37.

Lieut.-Colonel.— Henry N. Douglas,^ Ens. 23 Sept. 03 ; Zietit. 23 May,
05; Capt. 14 Dec. 11 Major, !'22 Oct. 25; Lieut.-Col. P28 April, 37.

JSInjors. —
Martin Geo. Thos. Lindsay, -En*, 16 Dec. 13; iicut P 5 Dec.

18 Capt. P26 June, 23 Major, i'28 April, 37.

; ;

Jonathan Forbes,' Ens. P 19 Jan. 14; Lieut. 13 April, 20; Capt. P 15

April, 24 Major, P 1 8 May, 38.

79M ReffimeiU of Foot, {or Cameron Hiijhlanders.)

" EOMONT-OP-ZEE,"— Thc.f/jAiiu-, will, the words •'

9 SiVR. on,' O.C.B. Z:;m. 3 April, 1790; ZI>«^ 24 Jan. 91;
Capt. I r, 31 May, !)4; Lieut.-Col. 18 Sept. 1)4 ; Cul. 1 Jan.
. April, (W; ii«rf.-6rVn. 4 June, 13; 6'c;i. 23 July, 30;
Cut. /i/ln ..,. ...ii.u.r-, 24 .March, 2H.
Lieut. '(\ilf}tit'l.- -KolKTt Fenjusoii, Bus. 24 Feb. 20; Llnit. P2 Jan. 23; Capt.
Julv, 2J: .l/rt>r, P31 Aiitf. 30; iiVi/f.-Cu/. !> 13 March, .3.5.
.V<U'."-«.— Amln.-w Brown, £/«. 20 Oct. 20; Lieut. 17 March, 25; dipt.
f3 April, 31 ; .Vn/or, I' 26 .Mav, 38.
//on. Lau.Unlulc Maiilc, Eiu. V24 Aug. 2G; Limt. 21 Julv 31; Cfl/)^ P 22
May. 3j ; .Vti/or, » 1 1 Mav, 30.

40 7A

se"vicc°''is37:] ^^ih Regt. of Foot {or Staffordshire Volunteers^ Serring at
'' T
LNfw S. Wales.

The Sphinx, with tlie word " EGYPT."

la cY. T ™, Colonel.
Taylor,' KCB. i7,«.
l^Sir John Nov. 1794 X,>„f. 6 Dec. 94 Capt
9o; il/fyor,2fc.ept. 1801; iie«<.-Co/. 28
Ge«.12 Aug. 19; Lleut.-Gen. 10 Jan.
Feb 05- Col i
9 Seot
i? ir
37; c'.°80th''RegLenri5 Ma^^^^

W •

,, , , „ , „
Lieut. -Colonel.
Narl,oroughBaker,^£';,^.17April,06; Xi.uf. P
10 March, 08 Cant •
r 18 Nov
19; 3Iajor,v-25 May, 33; Lieut.-Col. P24 March, ' ^

ia mu Majors.
^'"^ ' "'^' °^' ^^^"*- " ^«^- «9i
'^I^^-rP^rNoTsl <^«^^- 25 Oct. 14;

' ^^"'' -'^ ^^"'- " « ^^-«''' ^^^ «^^- ^^4 May,

Captains. MAJOR.
Jas.Winniett Nunn ^ .
6 May 05 13 Dec. 10 22 July 30
Sam. Lettsom
2 Apr. 29 4 Oct. 33
Rich. Taslier Furlong
5 Jan. 26 P 19 Dec. 34
Hen. Hutton Jacob ^ .
P 9 May 0.5 10 Mar.
Wm. Kemp ^ 20 Nov.
14 10 Jan. 37
07 14 Nov.
22 10 Jan. 37
Cha. Rob. Raitt
4 Oct. 33 P22 June 38
Hor. Rob. M. Gulston P21 Nov.

34 P 23 June 38
Geo. Brunswick Smith .

4 Mar. 36 26 June 38
Rob. Alex. Lockhart . .
P 6 Oct. 32 P 13 July 38
Charles Steuart
5 Feb. 29 9 Nov. 38
Lieutenants. 2 Col. Baker was at the cap-
Ronald Macdouald ire of the Isle of France in
23 Jan. 25
George Black I8I0.
12 July 27 3 M-ljor Bunbury served in
Rich. Talbot Sayers
P 25 May 32 the Peninsula from 1S08 to the
Rinaldo Scheberras .
!nd of the war, including cap-
. .
16 Apr. 33
Jas.Deaves Morris ure of Oporto, battles of Tala-
25 June 18
John Lightbody P 9 May
'era and Barrosa, defence of
34 Tarifa 1812, capture of Seville,
Owen Gorman' defence of the Bridge of Puente
27 Feb. 36
Hon. W. A. S. Foster .
P 22 June Largo near Aranjues, battles of
Wm. Hougham Tyssen 38 Nivelle and
P 23 June Nive (severely
Hen. Theodore Tor'kington 38 wounded), investment of Bay-
P 26 June 38 , and battle of Toulouse.
Sam. Tolfrey Christie .
P 13 July 38 Major Nunn served the
Simon Fraser Egyptian campaign of 1807;
17 July 11
Geo. Denis Pack present at the capture of Genoa
P 19 Oct in 1814.
Ensigns. 5 Major Jacob served the Mahratta camnaigu
AbelD. Wm. Best of 1818 ; present at the storming of Bood°e
March 1819; capture of Rasal Khyma and
L. L. Montgomery Ziah, Dec. 1819 ; capture of Dawarke
and Bete,
Wm. Coakson Dec. 1820; capture of Beni-Boo-Ally,
Alex. Wm. Riley lb21 ; served in Arracan in 1835.
Anthony Ormsby 6 Major Kemp was at the taking of St.
mmgo in 1809; served the campaign of 1814Do- in
Cha. Hen. Leslie Holland, including the action at Merxem,
riollinsworth attack on Bergen-op-Zoom.
Wm. H. Hopper |
p 29 Dec. 37
7 Quarter-Master, 15 Nov. 1827, from which
date the period of service has been
^'""'"'^'^''i Hunt, 1 Aug. 37; Ens. 19 Jan. 26; Lieut. 25
Adjutant.—John Lightbody, {Lieut.) 24 March, 37
<=liwrter-Master.~VTe<ieT\c\ Hayes, 10 Feb
^"">"^''28 Jmne,36; Assist.^Sury. 14 May,
3 OctTs""""- 15; Hosp..Am.t.
Assistant.Su,-geo,is.—Va.tnQ-k Gammie,
^ ^ 17 June, 36.
Arthur Colquhoun Macnish, 5 July
Facings YeWovi.—Agent, Mr. Lawrie.

K'whr"hJ;^e'n°[ to Efyp't^L'd^^LTes:n.'L°°.h'e ^^-'-'^»™'' '" ^'^J-"- ""'^'-O'..

-1 a medal and two clasps d^""";^^^f
™' ''.?""" "' '"="
f for iNivX and Toulouse, and was severely ^^P-'K--
Or hes andTonS
i> eue, urthes,
Sir John has re-
1 32 wounded in France, Feb. 1814.
. . — r

[•] 81i/ Retjt. Foot, (or Loyal Lincoln Volunteers.) [^I'Ji"^.'


Sir Richard Downes Jackson,' K.lMt. E>is. 9 July 1704 Liciit. k Capt. 24
P ;

Mav, !)«: Capt. Sc Lieul.-Col. 4 Aug. IflOH; Co). 4 June, 14; Major-Gen.
27 Mav, -Zi) Lieut.-Geu. -28 June, Xi Col. 8l9t RcRt. 8 Jan. 2U.
; ;

Linit.-Colonrl.—Cha. Fitz Hov Maclcau, Em. ic Lieut, 10 Oct. IC Capt. 18 i'


<).t. «l Major, p 1 Aug. 'iti Liciit.-Col. f K< Mnrcli, 32.

; ;

.U«ynr».— jj Hob. Ilcnrv Willoooks,^ K.H. Eii.t. 12 Sept. 11 iieH*. 20 Aug. ;

13 Cn/)^ 21 July, 23 M<fjor, v Ul March, 32.

; ;

Giles Vaiuleli'ur I'reajjh, 2iirf Lieut. I'G Jan. 20 ; Lieut. P 10 April, 25 ; Capt.
PI A us. 2(1; .Un/gr, P27 Dec. 3.1.
)J Henrv Dixon I
5 p 12 P21 Dec.
.Mar. 15 1 Nov. 28
Hichanl'Hort 'p 20 Jan. 19 P 4 Mav 22 7 Aug. 25
9 F..l». Rolcy Hill' 23 Feb. 13 24 Feb. 14 P20 Sept. 20
Abmhnin C'plaine P28 Oct. 24 P22 Apr. 20 Pie Mar. 32
James Ward 2o Mav lo n23 June 25 CJuly 32
John Edw. Oranire ' 10 Apr. 25 16 Oct. 27 p 27 Dec. 33
John L'niacVe Jeffery. . . •10 Apr. 25 P21 .\ov. 28 P 7 Nov. 34
Brook Taylor .
. . P 15 May 27 P15 June 30 P28 Nov. 34
Cha. H. Edmonstone . . P23 Apr. 28 P 2 iMar. 32 Pl3 Nov. 35
Rich. I'niacke Howe'. 18 Aug. 14 21 Sept. 15 20 Sept. 37
»A .

Lonii-i 8 M.V, 27 12 Apr. 27 7, Paymaster Thompson ar-
coropnnied the 9)st Rcgtment
W. H. C.' Wellesley ... . P29 June 30, 5 Oct. 32 through all its sen ices.
Richard Hale 10 Feb. !
P 1 Aug. 34
8 Quarter-Master Patterson's
John Humillnu Stewart .\ 23 July 27 2 Aug. 34
lenices :— naltle of Maida,
Tho. Sarsfield Perry . 4 Oct. 31 P 7 Nov. 34 1

capture of Ischia, Peninsula

Edwanl Bowycr PI6 Mar. 32 P28 Nov from Sept. IfOO to the end of
Henry Farrant 9 Julv 30 13 Feb. 35 1
the war, includinf; investment
of Denia, battle of Costalla, and
Hcnr>' Rennv P27 Dec. 33 P 7 Aug. Xi investment of Tarragona, June
HoH.R. A.G. Dalzell P21 Mar. 34 Pll Sept. 35 1813.
Hod. Edw. Sorell I' 10 May 34 P 6 Nov. 85
Gcoritc W. Raikes P 14 Dec". .32 P 23 Oct. 35
Maxim. A. Nethercote P12 Aug. .34 i'30 July 30
Montague Denys .... 7 Nov. 34 eOct. 37
James Bailie P28 Nov.
John Keanc Sept. 35 P11

C". \Vm. Thompson .... P2e Feb. 36

.\rth. Geo. Shawc .... 1 Apr. 36
.\. F. F. Boughey P30 Julv 30
Fre<I. Edw. Sorcl'l Pll Aug. 37
John OldriRht 21 Sept. 38
Tho. Fra. Wade 2 Nov. 38
PayiruMfer.— p Arnold Thompson,' 23 Aug. 05 ; Era. 6 Sept. ZicKf. 9
Julv, 03.
jlrfjufniif.— Henry Edward Sorrell, I 37.
ii«>irf.) 3 Nov.
Quarter-Matter. P James — Patterson,' 25 June, 29.
Surgeon. —
David Rees, 7 June 33 ; .ifsirt.-Siirg. 12 May, 14.
Atsitt.-Surgeoiu. — Edward Wm. firay, 22 June, 38.
Henry James Schoolcs, M.D. 28 June, 39.
Faeiags Buff. Agent, Messrs. Cox k Co.
iii.-i,. II. Ji.-i.*. has received a croaa and two clasps for Barrosa, FuentfS d'Onor, Salamanca,
3 V. - •J In the Peninsula from May 1812 to the end of the war, includini; battle of Sula-
inaoi-i ind and k-c\ sieve of Burros, battle of Vittoria, sicse and capture of Son Sebastian,
^^11, , : . .11 Uii
1 HLtit anil itnd inveslioeol of Bayonne. ,

SCj^'t. M.:: * ri' 1 11

- ~
^l-J to the end of the war, including the affuir of Munos,

rrtrcKl frvni Burco* as < i i'aasace of the Bidassoa, battles of Nivelle und Toulouse.

4 Capt. Oransa serv. i

ft CapU Hove nasal Til

' SUtes, and .ii/amj, Vnited SUtes friiTDte. 1st Sept. I6N.

« Lieut. Guy, as an oftt. er m llie Canadian Veltigeurs, was at the battle Chateaugiiay, lOlh OeU 1819, and
PIUtalNuth, lllk Sept. 1814.
82d Foot, (or the Pr. of Wales's Volunteers.')

Vears' Serv.
for For.T p..rvl,
», 1SS4.J
SSrtl Reyiment of Foot.


'• •'

Ynn' Srn |
8ith ( York and Lancastei-) Ref/t. of Foot.
The Union Rose, " NIVE"—" PENINSULA"—" INDIA."

S.Vri.'J'SS'"] %5th( Bucks Volunteers) or Ki„,,'s Liyht I„f. n,gt. ["^'n'X'"



86fh {or the Royal County Down) Reyiment of Foot.
On the Colours and Appointments, the Harp and Crown, with tlie Motto " Quia
Separahit." " INDIA"— Tlie Sphinx, with tlie words " EGYPT"—" BOUR-
BON"— On the Buttons, tlie Irish Harp and Crown.
^ Sir Arthur Brooke,' K.C.B. Sns. 81 Oct. 1792; Lieut. 26 Nov. 93; Capt.
19 Sept. 95; Major, 26 Dec. 1802; Lieut.-Col. 15 June, 04; Col. 4 June,
13; Major-Gen. 12 Aug. 19; Lieut.-Gen. 10 Jan. 37; Col. 86th Regiment,
24 May, 37. Lietit.-Colonel.
Sir Michael Creasli,- K.H. Ens. 9 May, 02; Lieut. 28 Feb. 04; Capt. 25 Nov.
09; 3IaJor, P24 Oct. 21 Lieut.-Col. P 31 Dec. 30.

James Wm. Bouvevie, Ens. P29 June, 20; Lieut. PS July, 23 Capt. r\6 Aug.

25; Mojor, P26NOV. 29.

James Creagh, Ens. 1 Jan. 10 Lieut. 4 March, 12 Capt. 7 April, 25; Brevet-
; ;

Mnjor, 28 June, 38 Befftl.-Major, P18 Jan. 39.


— .. , —
ITJU^.S;:] 87'A ^%'- ''/^•"<" C'"- RoyaUrish Fusiliers). [%".-'[J^'."
MONTK VIDEO--" K^K -.1« aWrr.lh »C l^ur.1 uter< U< Hirp. • .<W./
I. U> Anu o( lli<
Prtnc* of Wain, iM rMMWMiriittM y" »*«> <<Mll itriitaA^ S^rifrt »>i csm'^u mtomiu, ami parfiru&iWy a/ (A* Ifa/ii, o,
"»AimoSA--"TARll'A--"VlTTO»IA-— ••

P ia .'?i> Thomas RiyiicU,' Bl. K.f.B. £»«. 30 Sept. 17*3 Lieut. 3 Dec. 94 ;

Capt. i9 July, 97 ; Mtyor, 3 Aup. mu

Lieu/.-Col. 10 Mar. 05 ; Cu/. 4 June) ;

13; .Vajnr-Gfo. li Aug. 19; Lieut.-Gen. 10 Jan. 37; Cirf. 87th Fusilicre,
16 Au^'. :)4. Zieiit.-Colonel.
Iliiiry I'. StrcatfeiM,' £n*. Oct. 01 ; Lieut. V 13 Nov. 01
; Cn/)/. P7 Nov. 05 ;
Brecet-Mitjor,\'i Aug. 19; Rajtl.-Mn/or, IS May ,23; Lieut. -Col. P4 0ct. 33!
»A —
Mnjort. P llcory .\rthur Jlageiiis,' Coitiet, 1 Oct. 12; Lieut. 4 March, 13-
Cupt. vg Sfjit. 10; M,\jor,fl» Nov. '27.

Janirs Bowes,' JSw. 12 Sejit. 11; XieM{. PApril, 13; Cant. '23 Ave. 25- J/m"or
-fe w , ,
18 Oct. 33.
2nd lievt. CAPTAIN. HREV.MAJ.
Captains. I

(9 Joiner T. .Mnoro » . . 13 Oct. 08 18 Feb. 12 18 Anc 24

9 James Keiiiielly ' . . . 1 1 Jan. 09 18 Nov. 13 12 Apr. 2(!
Ten-iice O'Brien 22 Apr. 13 19 Jan. 15JP20 Mar. 28
Lord .Arthur Chichester never 9 Jmie 25 P 6 Dec. 27
John Hansard 22 Di-c. 14 10 Aug. 18 P 16 July 1
Frwd. Holt Robe 22 Oct. 8 Apr. 2.5 P22 Oct. 33
James CaniplwU P 6Julv 20 P31 July 28 PIO Apr. 35
John Uu Vernet' 27 Mar. P 8 Apr. 26 P24 Apr. 35
Rocer Keatiui! 28 Mar. 26 Pll Dec. 28 P14 Mar. 34
Henry B. Harvey r 24 Dec. 25 P24 Nov. 28 P28 Dec. 32
« George Mainwarinff' . . . 3 May 15 1 7 Sept. 1 7 I
* C»pi«iD Kean«ll>- was present
ID OJ *"''• •»'"' »' ViMoria. Ue Pyre
Robt. Russell Harris . . . 19 Oct. 20 A .1^ '

10 .\a^. .4 „,^ Nl,,ll, (,ou«<le<l). and Tou-

Patrick Francis Blake . 26 Jan. 26 30 July 29 louw, bnidrt aAlrf or outposu.
Chas. Twistleton Graves r 14 Feb. 28 P'^5 Feb 31 ^*'^^ ^Ii* CampaiBn lo India of
Lord John Chichester . P 8 Sept. 29 P II) AUII. 32 Hauau
and Ih. Bumc!* war in

Georpc Middleinore . . . 15 Mar. 29 12 Apr. 33 laisandse.

Wm. Bovd P22 Feb. 31 P 17 Oct. 34 .."^P'*''' ^"
*"" '

Wm. RadcliO' P27 Sept. 31

Henry Jephson P2o May 32 10 June 36 * Capuin Drury was present in
iC. H." Fitz Rov Vigors P 28 Oct'. 31 leTeral attacksupon thr earmf on
. 15 Julv *\f\
no ^^ ft*a»ls of the Urditerranean in
Rich. Serrell O'Brien Nov. 31 19 .\U;5. 36 IS06and:, Served thr Campaign of
Wm. Percy Lea P22 Feb. 33 P 21 .\pr. 37 '*'® "^ "* '° Arabia, including tile

Henry P. Faunt P 12 Sept. 34 P O

fi Iiilv
oo |*''S'"''"P'"'"''a«»->''Kll>"»«.
,6,. ,„^ „, Rums-Lnft. and
Second Lievts. Sheenas. Present in tl»e operations before Kew-
5 DC.
C. Wm. D. Stavclcy 6 Mar. 3.5
. . . p
jarter-master Carr wervcd with peculiar dts-
5 Ale-xaiuler Murray
Ale-xaiulcr Murrav P24 Apr. .35 1 throughout all the actions of the 2nd bat.
3 Robt. F.dn-in Ricii PIO June 36 and was wounded at Tarlfa.
3 J. North Ouvrv North ..'P 8 Julv 36
3 Alfred Rush |p 15 July 36

Wm. Shearman p 21 .Vpr. 37 I

J. Kent Eser Holmes .. 8 Dec. 37
Sam. Percy Lea |p G July 38
lif,Pnynutster.—T. Drurv," 16 Apr. 29; 2nrf Lieut. 24 Dec. 13 ; Lieut. 20 Apr. 20.
.i<{iutant.—\l. S. O'Brien, (Lieut.) 26 June, 38.
Quarter- Mmtrr.— Stephen Carr,' 24 June, 24.9
Surgeon.—(Mi Rich. A. Pearson, M.D. 19 Nov. 30 ; Auuit.-Hurti. 13 May, 13.
Atsist.-Surgeons. —
Stephen Lawson, 29 Julv, 30 IIotp.-Aitist. 29 Nov. 27. ;

James Gordon Inclis, M.l"). -iit March, 39.
Facing* Blue. Agatt, Messrs. Cox ii Co. Irish Agent, Messrs. Cane & Co.
1 Sir Tboow lerwll scrred la FUnders and Hellaod. in 1794 atwl 1793. At the Capture of Trinidad, in I79«. Senred in
HeUaad, in in*, in 1800, ierred In Utnerea. Halts, fee Cotmnanded the Ltgbt Coopanr of the lOth at the landing in
BcTVC aad tllra«(ba«t tfM eampnlgB. Sir Tbosnas was wounded at Waterloo.
S CoL SttratMld scrvW the Mahrai» Campaign of ISOI. y and «. ioclnding the assault of Bhurtpoie with the Grenadiers
of UW «Hh, when oal of 17 oOcvrs and 300 men wbo marclied to the assault. II oOleers and 190 men were eiUirr killed or
wewaded. At the empcur* of the laic of Fnae* la 1810. Serrctl the Uahfmiu Campaign of 1817 aad 18. Including the
eapcnre of llalrass.
1 Major Marrnis serred with the 7th POiUleTs la the Peninsula and at New OtIcaBa.
4 Major Bowes M-rred in the Nepaul CMtpslgn In I8IA ; present at the alegc and eapoire of Hatram la 1816 and 17 ;
wrved the Mahraiu Campaign of 1817 aad 18 and in the Burmese war in l^iSA and
; i wounded
Not. a. M U
s Ma>«e Moorv waa iM twe nk with the tad battalion in aeariT eeery action in which it was engaged, the greater part of the
time as a^Jntasil, laeladl^ Ilia bauW of TUaeera (woaaded In the rlchl thigh, where the ball still remains), siege of Cadis
donoc the wtmie Ume. haule of VlUoeu two borses shot wader him), the Pyrenees. Nirelle. Orthes t horse shol f. Vie Bigotre

>wounded), aad Taafcwssw, beiMla railaua aOain of on pM>, *e. Serred the HahiaBa Campajga of 1817 aad 18 i and the
88^/t Regiment of Foot {or Corinauglit Raiif/ers.)

Onthe Colours and appointments iheHarp and Crou'n,v;\\h the motto, ^^Qu'is ScparabiL"
The S'pft;«x, with the words "
If ears' Serv.
.. — 1 1 1 1
1 "

mh ReyimaU of Fool. [^Z'^l^'
The Sphinx, with the words " EUVPT"—" JAVA"—'- XIAi;AR.\"—" AVA.
9 5irChas. Egorton,' G.C.M.G. i: K.C.H. Em. Ifl Xov. 17U1
B. Lieul. 21 :

Mar. i)3 ; Coyt.

>•.' April,
95 ; Major, 1 June, 08 ; Lieui.-Col. 14 Nov. 1602 ;
Col. 4 Juiif, 11 ; Major-Gen. 4 Juuc, 14 ; Lieut.-Gen. ii July, 30; Col. SOtli
Rtx't. 2t) Sept. 37. Lieut.-Colonel.
J. L. lUsden,' C.B. Ens. 1-2 Jan. 00 ; Lieut, f 17 March, 01 ; Capt. 4 Sept. 06 ;
Brer-Mnjor, 30 Dec. 13; Regtl.-M<ijor, 'io Xov. 21 ; Brev.-Lieut.-Col. iri
July, 30 ; Reg.-Lieut.-Col. 6 July, 30.
.V*i;oM.— Walter Pearse,' Em. 22 Aug. 05 ; Lieut. 9 Dec. 00 ; Capt. 27 March,
10 ; ili^. V 24 Dec. 33.
9 A. S. H. Aplin,' £(i». 5 July, 10; Lieut. 24 Sept. 12; Capt. 9 March, 26;
Brfr.-.U(ljVr, 2^ June, 38 ; 'He<jtl.-Major, v 7 Julv, 3^.
{) FUlw. Thori>* 7 Mar. 1 28 Jan. 13 P 13 Aug. 25 2d June 38
Roht. Lewis ' 7 Apr. 25 P 2 Mar. 20 P 12 Feb. 28
9 Etlwanl Kenny' ... 17 June 13 1 Nov. 19 P 4 Dec. 32

Janics Uraliani 22 Apr. 25 19 Apr. 27 P 19 Apr. 33
.Mundy Pole I' 21 Sept. 26 p 2 1 June 27 '
P 24 Dec. 33
John Milliquet llcwson"' 2 Sept. 12 j
22 May 15 13 Mar. 35
8^ Fowkc Moore ' 17 Mar. OSl 17 Apr. 12 17 Apr. 351
Wm. Alex. Poppleton . 12 June 301 p 19 Apr. 33 P 7 July 38
Caledon Rich. Egerton . 15 June 32 '
v 28 Mar. 34 15 Mar. 39
a^j jp John M'Caujland '" . 11 June 12 9 Sept. 13 13 May 39|
Fre<l. Chas. Aylmer . 25 July 34
. 6 CapUin L««(s scrrcd in the
4 Dec. 3: P
BnrarM war.
John Spence 12 Apr.
. 33 30 Sept. 30
7 Capuin Kfnnr Mrred in ihe
30 May 34

Geo. Calvert Clarke . . P

7 Oct. 36 Prolniula, from June, 1813, to Um P :

Martin M. Dillon 16 \U", .. P 1.._

^. 31 July ;}fl "xl of the •«r. Ii>clu<lii>( ibc utlon
I '

P 25 Julv 34 P 17 Feb. 37 " °^^ """" "^

Osnu tuttlr or ""°"*' ""'

1 ;

Charles Daly '

|Chas. Montajiu Walker. .1 10 .\pr. 35|p 10 Mar. 37 puu» o* *« biii«mo» i.»Trt»iir :

John Umitze Macdonald 13 July S'^j P 13 June 34 Jf^'^J',^^'|;^^'Pj;*^/^^


[Arthur Piiiott ;P24Apr.35 2 July 38 J„c^",^,,h LSTu^'d "'Isu |

|Wm. Hen. Tliomton 3 Oct. 35. . 1 Xov. 38

. . Ib ftooi of the inurnciitd cuopn^r
Henr\ Crawford P 9 Oct. 35 8 Xov. 38 fT™*' ,'.s "** ;

Henry Edmunds P 8 .\pr. 36 P 15 Mar, 39 ranoiirthtooihout ike wtr. '
j 1

JaJ. R. Macdonald p 7 Oct. 36| 13 May 39 8 Cap*. HewMja served In the

American war, and was enlaced at
Timothy Hutchinson.. .. p 10 .Mar. 37 p 28 June the battle of Niagara and sieje of I

ICharles Sondes p 17 Feb. 37 I

W. J. D. C. Aplin p 7 July 38 10 Cap4. M'Causlasd Krred In the PetUtuula, from

Rob. B, Hawley 28 Aug. 38 18IS to tha end of the war, including tlie battles of

28 Dec. 38 Vittoria (wounded), P y en ee s (woonded), Bidassoa,


IJohn Newbury 1

Mrelle (wounded), Nive and Ortlles (wounded).


lOliver C. O'Brien p 28 Dec. 38 Captain BeU serTed at the capture of the Isle of 1

John Chas Romer p 15 Mar. 39 France in 1»10, and in tae Deccan in l(ild.
13 Dr. 31-Dennott serred at New-Orlcaos, 8th Jan.
Chas. Dovie Patterson .. 21 June 39 i9iy
Fred. W. Oakley Ip -28 June 39
|Pay»inWer.— \Vm. Bell," 9 May, 34 ; £n*. 3 March, 08 ; iiVu/, 9 May, 11;
Capt. 25 Xov. 24.
\Ai{jutant. —
Henry Edmunds, (Lieut.) 12 May, 39.
3(i j

Quarter-Matter. James Dukes, 14 Dec. 20.
Surjeori.— Michael -M'Derraott," M.D. 5 April, 30; Dec, '23;
Uotp.-Assiitant. 7 Feb, 14.


AttittaRl-Surgeoru. James Morison, 14 Oct. 36.
I George M'CIure, 29 March, 39.
Faeings Black. .igent, Messrs. Cox i Co.
1 Sir C. co—iinrted a delaefaiBent on board a llne.or.batile ship, in Lord Howe's action of the 1st Juise, ir9t.
B BcerlM
Served at the blockade of Malta, and surrender of Val«lta, Mh Sept. ISOO ; from thence proceeded with Sir Ralph Aber-
emtluft cspcdltlM lo E«n<, aad wan pceacm la the ictlosu of the 13th and Slat March, ISOl, Served with Uie anay in
Spun aad roraial in KI9 aad 1811.
3 CoL Baaden*! sa i i kea i— Mahratta war of ISOS, I, and &. includloc the taking of Berbanipore, Asseershur, Arcaum,
I issl^anw, Chawdocv, Jaalnah aad OawflleghBr. Anerieaa war In 1813 and 14, aisd was encaved at Lonx Woods <s«*'r«lf
voaaded la dw thigh); Poet Eria, Black Boch. BullUo, aad baule of the Falls (wounded). Serred also throufb Bunacaawar.
3 Hajo* Pcarse sarred la the Asaerieaa war, aad waa engaffed at CbrTstler** Farm, and at Niagara, }Mh July, l>«ll, wbera
he was s«eml7 wounded IhiWIgb the ans. Served In the East Indies and the Burmaa empire, from Feb. l-il6 to the end
f the war. toehsdlag the capturea of foela Locbur, Isaapere, Koarre, and Ryghur In \»\%\ assault oo Rarrve, i.llh Feb. 1MI9;
aeioAs aear Iha Oagt« Pagoda, uh July. It aasauU of Hrrgui : Coehain attack on Duoabcw, Zeoibcik. McUown, and
. .

U'^sabaw. bssldss many atiier a<airs during the war.

4 Majae Aplia served in the realnaula, frfan Feb. lall to the end of the war. including the baule of Salaaiaaea, siege of
iMsvaa, aad nitiiis of Madrid.
Served also thrwogheul tha Burmesa war. and was present in nu^«TOuj engagements with
^issT ] 90^A Refjt. of Ft. {or Perthsh. Volun.) {Lt. Infan.) [*"c";5'„s„f'

" MANDORA."—The Sjihinx with the word, " EGYPT"—" MARTINIQUE"—

— . ..

''1*^ ('" '^"' ^ryyllshire) Regiment of Fttot. [^;"„'"{;.,*'



Gabriel Gordon,' Eiu. Jan. 1 781 Lieut. -ZC, Nov. »4 ; Capt. 10 July, 94 ; Mnjor,

1(1 Slav, liMXI ; Lieut.-Col. !) .March, 0-2 Cut. 4 June, 1 1 ; Major-Gen. 4 June, ;

14 ; Lieut.-Om. 2J July, 30 ; Col. Ulst Heirt. 19 April, 37.

iirti/.-OJow/.— J.a Robert Anderson,' K.H. Eiui. 9 July, 03 ; Lieut. 1-2
Oct. 04 ; Capt. 30 April, 13 ; Major, i' 23 Sept. 24 ; Lieiit.-'Col. P 2 Dec. .SI.
.Vqjurs. —
("omwall Hume, Bits. 4 Oct. 10 ; Lieut. 25 July, 15 ; Capt. f 3 Feb.
25; .Major, r« Feb. 31.
IJ ilW Noniian Larnunt,' K.H. JSn*. 26 Aug. 13 ; i/ew^ 3 Sept. 18 ; Capt. 7
April. 25 Major, i'2 Dec. 31.
Captains. |

9 SB Du^mld Ducat < ..| 24 Feb. 14 5 May 22 4 Aug. 2»
John Thomhill |
p 5 .\pr. 27 P 10 Sept. 28 I
P 8 Feb. 31
HJohn Fraser» i
-29 May 09 12 Feb. 121 17 Aug. 32
J. F. (ilencaim Canipbelll 25 Oct. 27 P 27 Aug. 29 P , 23 Nov. 32
C. Cooke YarlMirouiih . . i
'' 9 June 25 P19 Sept. 26 P 4 Jan. 38
Cha. Benj. Caldwell !p 10 Oct. 26 P 7 Oct. 29 P 4 (let. 33

Thonia.< Eilen Bluckwell 26 Dec. I

22 21 July 25 P29 June 30
David Forties P 8 Oct. I
29 P 23 Nov. .32 P 24 July 35
^ P John Marshall'
Win. Glenilowvn Scott
14 Mav
p 30 Mar.
I 08
32 P
Nov. 0!) 20 Feb. 23

June 35 P 22 Feb. 39
38 June 38

LlErXEXANTS. 5 Cnpt. Fra-wr served in tbo

Geo. .\dain Barnes 12 Dec. 22 P23 Sept. 24 Peninsula from A\tf. 18)1 to
John Edward Barney . 1 Aug. 22 P 9 June 25 the end of the war, including
Ihe viege and capture of the
John Ward 8 Apr. 10 8 Sept. 28
fortified convents at, and t>attle
\\m. \Vil«>n Hom.«by . 22 Mar. 10 22 Feb. 27 of Salamanca ; siege of the
John Campbell Cahiil . 28 Feb. 28 8 .Mav 35 caftle of Burgo« ; battleii of

Bertie E. M. Gordon.. P 20 Oct. 32 P24 Julv 35 Vittoria, Pyn-uees, Nivelle, and

Toulouse. Severely wounded
Edw. W. C. Wright . . 21 Dec. 32 P 13 Nov. 35 at Paropeluna -26111 July, 1813.
Colin Campbell P 10 Apr. 35 P 2 Feb. 38 6 Major Marehallwas wound-
Hen. J. Savage 5 June 35 Pll May 38 ed sliielitly in the Pyrenees, and
severely in Fiance, Feb. 1814.
Rich. C. Onslow P 12 June 35 P 25 Jan. 39
7 Paymaster Colls served at
James Christie P 24 July 35 P 22 Feb. 39 the capture of Guadaloupe in
Rob. Fred. Middleraore. 19 Dec. 34 ? 12 Julv 39 1 iiii.
John BroviTi 6 Nov. 35 6 Dr. Diver served in the Peninsula, from
June, 1811, to the end of the war, including
J. M. Pennington P 26 Dec. 37
the battles of the Pyrcnres 2gth ond 30th Jnly,
F. Ftuscr Stokes Pll Mav 38 Nivelle, Nive, and Toulouse.
Fred. J. Bayly 30 Oct. 38 I

John George Hackel .... |P 2.5 Jan. 39

Wm. T. L. Patterson p 22 Feb. 39
John Paton |P 23 Feb. 39

Wm. M'Donald 26 Apr. 39

Hen. Cha. Benyon Barton|p 12 Jnly 30
Pnym«x/«T.— Edw. Cooper Colb,' 8 Feb! 31 £im. 11 April, 11 iicMf.23 Dec. 13 ; ;

u —
Adjutant. John Brown. (Knr.) 14 Nov. 35.
Qiwrfer-.Varfer.— William Barfoot, 13 July, 20.
6 —
Surgeon. 9 J- H. Diver,* M.D. 21 Sept. 30 Assist.-Surg. 95 June, 12 Hotp.- ; ;

.iuitt. 5 June, 1 1
Auiit.-Surgt.—\\m. C. Eddie, 12 Jan. 26; Hntj^.-AtlUt. 19 May, 25.
George M'Laren, M.D. 23 Oct. 35.
Facings Yellow. Agent, Messrs. Barron ^ Smith, We9tminst*r.

1 a«n«r«l Gordno has received a nedal and one clasp for Martinique and Guadaloupe.

2 Col. Anderv^'f lerrlce* :— Expcdllioo to Hanovtr in Xrmi and 6. Battles of Roleia, Vimiera, and Co-
runna ; eipedillon to Walcherea in 1809 to SwedUh Ponxnuiia in 1S13, and campaign of 1814 in Hol-

land, including the attack on Bergen-op~Zoom. Served at Waterloo 18th June, storming of Cambray, and
emptare of Paris-
3 Major l.amont served the eampaigna of 1819 and 14 in the Peninsula, Including the battles of the Pyrc-
w*%, Ni^Vhlie, Nive, Orthes, and Tuulau«e. Served at Waterloo, the storming of Cambray, and capture of Paris.
4 CapL Ducal served in Ihe Penliuula, from Aug. li'lS fo Ihe end cf Ihe war, including the battles of
Nlrallr, Mve, Onhca, and Toulouse. Served alto at Waterloo, and al the storming of Cambray.
Emb. for Foreign']
Service, 1834. J 9'2ml {or Highland) Regt. of Foot.

" EGMONT-OP-ZEE" — " MANDORA"—Tlie Sphinx, with the words "EGYPT"—


Sir John Hamilton Dalrymple," Bart. Em. 28 Feb. 1790 ; Lieut. 30 April, 92
Capt. 26 April, 93; Lieut. -Col. 6 Dec. 98 Col. 25 April, 1808; Major-Gen.;

4 June, 11 ; Lient.-Gen. 19 July, 21; Gen. 28 June, 38; Col. 92nd High-
landers, 20 July, 31. Lieut.-Colonel.
g John M'Donald,^ C.B. Ens. 17 Dec. 03 Lieut. 21 March, 05; Capt. 7 Sept.

09; Brevet-Major, 26 Ausf. 13; Segtl.-Major, 25 Oct. 14; Brevet- Lieut.

Col. 4 Sept. 17 ; Regtt.-Liind.-Col. P23 Sept. 24; Col. 10 Jan. 37.
Majors.—^ JUa Robert Winchester,' K.H. Ens. 18 Sept. 05 ; Lieut. 6 Feb. 08
Capt. 19 July, 15 ; Major, 16 Aug. 25 ; Breivt-Lieut.-Col. 28 June, 38.
2,1 Hugh Henrv Rose, Ens. p8 June, 20 ; Lieitt. P24 Oct. 21 ; Capt. v 22 July, 24 ;
il/ff/or, P30 Dec. 26.


Stephen Noel 8 Aug. 00 25 July 03 19 Mar. 12 22 July 30
John Alex. Forbes . . . P 5 Dec. 16 22 May 23 P 24 Dec. 25
P 28 Julie 38
Geo. Edw. Thorold . . 24 June 24 P 9 June 25 P 19 Sept. 26
Wm. Prittie Bayly.. . 28 Sept. 15 P 23 Oct. 23 Pll June 30
John Buckley 4 Nov. 19 7 April 25 12Jau. 34
Mark Kerr Atherley . P 28 Aug. 23 P 13 Aug. 25 P 25 Nov. 28
Thomas Ormsby 21 June 27 P12 Feb. 30 P 15 Jan. 36
Arch. Inglis Lockhart P 31 Dec. 28 Pll June 30 P 19 Aug. 36
Wm. Bletterman Caldwell 29 Sept. 14 P28 Oct. 24 P 9 Dec. 31
Alex. Thos. W. Duff P 4 June 29 P 26 Nov. 30 P 8 Dec. 37
3 Major Winchester's ser-
Rob. M. Sutherland 25 De.c. 23 7 Aug. 24 vices :— Expedition to Copen-
Robt. Pitcaim 19 Jan. 26 P 26 Oct. 30 hagen in 1B07. Expedition to
Arch. Neil Campbell .... Aug. 28
14 8 April 31 Walcheren. Peninsula, from
October, I8I0 to the end of the
Donald Stewart 30
Sept. 30 7 Feb. 34
war, including Lines Torres at
Arch. Hale Monro P 26 JuneP 26
Not. 30 35 Vedras, ,\rroya de Molinos, Al-
James Cox P 19 JulyP16 Mar. 32 34 marez, -\Iva de Tormes, Vit-
Patrick M'Leod Petley.. P22 Mav 31 P21 Aug. 35 toria, Puerta de Maya, Pyre-
nees, 35th, (wounded in the
Ken. Doug. ]\Iackenzie P25 Nov. 31 P 19 Aug.
. 36 right arm), 30th and 31st July ;
Arcii. Stewart 20 Mar. 15 12 July 33 Ronces Valles Nivelle.

John T. C. Drake 7 Feb. 34 P 10 Aug. 38

Robert Petley 24 Dec. 29 P 12 Aug. 34
Edw. E. Haines P 26 June 35 P 1 Feb. 39
Ho7i. H. B. W. Cochrane P 21 Aug. 35 P14 June 39
A. P. Miller P 15 Jan. 36
James C. Gordon 36 p 18 Mar.
W. R. N. Campbell 36 p 10 June
Fra. W. Johnstone 36 P 19 Aug.
Arch. H. Tattnall p 38 10 Aug.
P. H. Paterson p 38 17 Aug.
William Dalzell P 1 Feb. 39
Geo. G. Hope Johnstone P 14 June 39
ajl Paymnster.^3. Hope Johns Meiklejohn, 2 Mar. 20; Ens. 7 Mav, 12; Lieitt.
10 Dec. 13.
16 Adjutant.— noh. Macleod Sutherland, {Lieut.) 7 Feb. 34.

Quarter-Master. James Calder, 8 Feb. 35.
Surgeon.— C. Q. Palmer, 30 Dec. 34; Assist.-Surg. 17 April, 17.
Assist.-Surgeous. —
James Wilson, M.D. 30 June, 26; Hosp.-Assist. 3 June, 15.
Melville Neale, 18 Sept. 35.
Faei?tgs YeWo-w. —
Agent, Messrs. Cox & Co. Irish Agent, Borough, Armit & Co.
1 Sir J. H. Dalrymplc went to Flanders in 1704, and served on the Continent'until the return of the
British army, in 17D5. In October, 1805, he accompanied tlie Expedition to Hanover. In July, 1807, he
went to Zealand, and was present at the siege of Copenhagen.
2 Col. M'Donald'B services :— Expedition to South America, and assault of Buenos Ayres Peninsula, from ;

Nov. 1808 to 1813 also in the South of France from March, 1814, including the battle of Busaco
; Lines of ;

Torres Vedras alfairs at Redinha, Porapal, and Campo Mayor ; first siege of Badajoz battle of Albuhera
; ; ;

second siege and assault of Badajoz affairs at Alva de Tormes; battles of Vittoria, the Pyrenees, 26tli. .10th,

and 31st July, and Toulouse. Wounded in the head and right thigh at the assault of Buenos Ayres, 5th
July. 1807 ; in tlie left leg and right groin in the Pyrenees, 30th July and in the right shoulder and lungs at

the assault of the fortified rock on the mountain AroUa, and surprising tlie enemy's poets in the valley o!"
Banca, Pvrenecs, 2il Oct. 1813. 1-14
£iub. for Purcl^il
Sanrlao, IBM.
i)3tl {or IJighlnnd) Rei/t. of Foot.


P Sir Jasper NioolU,' K.C.B. Eiif. -24 May, I7!)3 ; Lieut, -ii Nov. 04 ; Cnpt. 12
Sept. IW ; .W,yvr, (1 July, 18II4 ; Limt.-Col. 29 t)ct. 07 ; Col. 4 Juijc, H ;
Miijor-Gvn. !» Julv, 21 ; Lieut.-Gen. 10 Jan. M ; C'u/. l)3r<l 31
.May, 33.
LieutcRatU-Colonel. —
Holwrt Spnrk,« Em. May, 07 ; ii'fu*. 3 Sept. 07 ; Capt.
17 Fib. 20 M([jor, ii Dec. 35 ; Lieut-Col. a<< July, 38.
1' i'

A^T/ur*.—John .Vrlhur, Srtif. 26 Dec. 13; ii«l^ 2 Mareli, 20; Capt. i'8 Dec.
"5; A/fyor, P 30 Dec. 3(1.
John Buiyh, Ent. i'23 Xov. 19; Lieut. 7 April, 25; Copf. pIO Sept. 20;
t/«t)ori'2)< July,3rt.

94:fh Regiment of Foot.
Years' Serv.
— ..

teb. for FDrvlen'l

Sfrrlm, IDSM. J 95t/t (or the Derhi/sliire) Reyt. of Foot. [* Ccylo

P 5i"r John Buclian,' K.C.B Em. 29 Julv, 90; Lieut, il Oct. 90; Cnpt. 15
March. lKll-2 .V/t/or, 30 June, 04; Lieut. -Col. 30 March, 09; Col. 12

Aug. 19 Mnjor.-Gm. i2 July, 30; Col. 9oth R.'gt. o Nov. 38.


Lirut.-Colonel. —
9 Ja"!^^ Campbell, K.H. £;«. 17 Sfjit. 03; iin</. 20 Aug.
04; dipt. VA\ Mar. OS; Mt\jor, v 3 June, 19; Lieut.-Col. P 10 July, 24;
Col. 28 June, 38.
.\t(ijors.—Htu Dunilas Maclean, Eiu. k Lieut. 5 Sept. 16 ; Capt.PC Not. 24 ;
.VnJor,fIO April, 32.
U John Walter,' JSm. PlOJuIv, 00; Lieut. 3 Sept. 07; Capf. p24 Mar. 13;
.V<Oor, 20 Mav, 31.

Wm. Nonus SauniU-rs Sept. Mav 10 P 18 Dec. 28

Hon. Churchill Tathwell Julv Oct. 24 Piy Sept. 26

Thos. St. Ijoier AIct>ck. Feb. : Dec. 26 P20 Apr. 32
P Joseph Robt. Raines^ Sept. Mav 07 2 June 25
Cha^. Aucu&tud Brooke. .\pr. Apr. 35 P 1 Dec. 37
David Dick:Kui Sept. '
Nov. 20, 26 Jan. 38
John G. Champion Aug. I May 35 P 2 Feb. 38
John Robt. Currie Oct. Apr. 35 P 8 June 38
\Vm. Chas. Fisher Dec. 1 Mav 29 P 29 Jan. 30
James W. Dalgety June i
Mar. 29 P 2 Dec. 37
\Vm. Armstrong Rogers 7 July 14 2 June 30
Charles P. Hamilton 29 . . June 30 P13 Mar. 35
Eilmund J. Cruice 9 Apr. 25 13 June 30
Alfrerl Tlio-i. Heyland P 4 . Apr. 33 P 8 July 36
Juhn R^iJiille Fonl P13 Mar. 35 P 4 Ang. 37

Henry Hume P 9 Mav 35 P 1 Dec. 37
Thos. James Dobson . . P 14 Dec. 20 P20 Nov. 30
, H. O. C. Master P18 Sept. 35 p 2 Feb. 3d
Geo. Cornwall P 8 Julv 30 p 9 Mar. 38

Edw. Thompson P30 Dec. 30 P16 Mar. 38
jRich. Pratt p 5 Mav 37 P 8 June 38
John Wood P 12 Jan. 14 Pl5 June 32
John Fitz Thos. Dennis. P 4 Aug. 37 P30Oct. 38
Charles Rogers P 17 Feb. 37
F. Smythc P24 Feb. 37
R. Collins Craigie P 2 Feb. 38
G. W. P. Bingham . . p 10 Feb. 38
Walter Venour P 9 Mar. 38
Fred W. Chapman PIO Mar. 38
Geo. Jas. Donrdall p 8 June 38

W. H. L'ndemood PM Apr. 37

Paynuuter. —IS F. 15 Dec. 37 ; Qunrt.-Ma.'t. 1 Dec. 23.

.irf/iUant. —
William Armstrong Rogers (Lieut.) 3 Julv, 35.
Quarter-.Matter.— Wm. Henr>- Rogers, 17 Feb. 06;' Eiu. 8 Mav, 35; Lieut.
10 Feb. 38.

Surgeon. Joseph Ewing, 4 Dec. 30 ; Auitt.-Surg. 7 Sept. 09.

Aaittant-Surgeont. Duncan Afileck, 15 Jan. 30.
Fred. Hobson CUrk, 15 Sept. 37.

Facings Yellow. Agent, Mr. Lawrie. —/riiA Agent, Messrs. Borough, Armit & Co.
r John Buehmn bw rpcelrcd m ctw and i Imp for Guada]oup««, Vitloria, Pyrenees, Nivt-lle. and
• Walter wrred tn !be Proincula from October, }»}3, to the end of the iacIudiDK the battles
"Ih Nor, and .Nire IHh. 10th, Ilth. and leih Deetmber, 18IS.
r KaiDe* Mrved at the bfttlle* of Roleia, Vlmlera, and Coninna, be«tt]es minor aflkirs duno| the
1..... ** rvcd alao at Walcheren.

4 Pa>iiiaat«r Peneran Mfred the camr^ign of H14 in Holland. Prefent at Waterloo.

96</( Regiment of Foot.

Sir Lewis Grant,> K.C.H. Lieut. 16 Feb. 1794 ; Capt. 11 June, 96; Miyor, 8
Sept. 02; Lieut.-Col.'ySTeh.UOi; CoZ. 4 June 13; Major-Gen. 1-2 Aug. 19 ;
Limt.-Gen. 10 Jan. 37 Col. 96th Regt. 9 April, 39.

Lieut. -Colonel. —
13 Alex. Cairncross,'' K.H. Eiis. P25 June, 03; Lieut. 15 Sept.
04 ; Capt. 7 June, 10 ; Major, P 10 June, -20 ; Lieut.-Col. P 19 Sept. 34.

Majors. William Hulme,^ Ens. 25 Sept. 03 ; Lieut. 26 June, 05 ; Capt. 26
Aug. 13; Brevet-Major, 23 Dec. 17; Regtl.-Major, 9 March, 34; Brevet-
Lieut.-Col. 10 Jan. 37.
C. Brownlow Cumberland, £«.«. P 21 Dec. 20; Xi«ut p 15 Oct. 25; Capt. pIO
June, 26 ; Major, v 19 Sept. 34.
Captains. I

Peter Cheape 13 25 May 3 Aug. 15 P24 Dec. 25

Bentinclt H. Cumberland P19 Aug. 19 P 13 Oct. 25 P14 Nov. 26
Thos. Maitland Wilson P15 Apr. 24 . P 13 May 26 P23 Dec. 31
Robt. Bush 22 Apr. 26 P 5 June 27 P23 Mar. 32
4i^H9 Loftns Fra. Jones"* .... 7 Feb. 11 1 Oct. 12 9 Mar. 34
Roderick Mackenzie .... 19 July 27 P P 19 July 31 P19 Sept. 34
Geo. Anderson 5 Sept. 28 P19 Sept. 34 Pll Aug. 37
Robt. Ross 13 June 30 PU July 34 P14 Sept. 38
Edward Hill P29 Dec. 32 P 23 June 37 P27 July 38
Mattliew Riclimond .... 25 May 20 P25 Sept. 23 P 16 Mar. 26
Alex. Mackenzie 29 May 17 3 Nov. 19 7
Itohu }i. tbe
Philip Fred, de Meuron. 8 Apr. 26 PIO June 26 taking of three French Une-of-battle
Jas. Clyde P 5 June 27 P23 Mar. 32 ships under Lord Bridport, '.^3 June,
1795. Defeat of French forces at
Edward Barclay P 12 July 27 P14 Feb. 34 Quiberon and taking of Fort Pen-
INIorris R. Campbell .... 2 July 29 19 Dec. 35 thevre in France, Oct. 1795. Cast
P 16 Mar. 32 p 4 Mar. 36 away off Algiers on board the Am
Phillpotts Wright Taylor
phitTiU frigate, 25th Dec. 1795.
Nicholas Horsley^ . . 18 Mar. 13 5 Oct. Taking of Minorca, and siege and
Wm. Price Lewes . . P20 Apr. 32 P12 Aug. 36 reduction of the Citadel of Fort
George Campaign
Wm. Arch. Eyton . . . P14 Feb. 34 P30 June 37 in Egypt,
in 1798. of )80t
including tbe battles of
Edw. W. Scovell 29 Dee. 35 P 2 Nov. 38 the 8th, 13th, and 21st March
W. S. Nicholson P 4 Mar. 36 19 Dec. 38 (wounded in the right band) ; action
P27 July and skirmishes at Grand Cairo ;
James Chambre 26 P 12 Feb. 29 and reduction of Alexandria. Served
Fra. J. Hugonin P 12 Aug. 36 P 26 Apr. 39 in the Peninsula from 1809 to the

Ensigns. end of the including the battles of Busaco and

Fuentes d'Onor ; siege o l^iudad Rodrigo, and battle
Rich R. Currer 16 Sept. 36 of Toulouse.
Hon. Jolm Stourton . i'30 Jime 37 8 Dr. Shortland's servicrs :— Campaign and battle
Fred. Pierce P18 Aug. 38 of Corunna ; campaign of 1810 and 1811 in Portugal,
including the battle of Busaco. Served also during
Richard Roney Pl4Sept. 38 tbe whole of the war with the United States of
Livingston Mitchell . P29 June 38
James Pursloe 28 De
Thomas Orrae 39 P 26 Apr.
Selwyn Willson 39 P12 July
Pavwfl-?^e7\—^ Edwin Griffiths/ il Jan. 33; 2nd Lteuf. G Jaiil3j Lkut. 12
Nov. 13.

Adjutant. Morris R. Campbell, (Lieiit.) 30 June, 37.
Quarter- Master.—^ Hugh Mair,' 18 March, 13 ^rw. 24 Aug, 20. ;

Surgeon. ^ Jas. Shortland/ 14July, 14 Asslst.-Surg. 29 June, 09; Hosp.-

Assist. 7 Oct. 07.

Assistant" Surgeon. — Adam Walker Murray, 8 Feb. 27 ; Hasp.- Assist. 6 July, 26.
Facings Yellow. Agent, Messrs. Lawrie and M'Grigor.
\JReturned from North America, Sept. 1835.]
1 Sir Lewis Grant was on board H. M. ship Orion, in the action with the French fleet 23d June, 95. Was subsequently at
the capture of various places in the West Indies.
2 Col. Cttirncross served in the Peninsula from Jan. 1810 to Oct. 1813, including the siege of Cadiz ; Messcna's retreat firom
Portugal March and April 1811 ; battle of Fuentes d'Onor ; siege of Badajoz, May and June, 1811 ; action at El Bodon and
Gutnaldo ; siege and storm of Ciudad Rodrigo ; battle of Salamanca ; capture of Madrid and Rctiro ; Retreat to Portugal.
Oct. and Nov. 1812, and battle of Vittoria, Wounded in tbe head at the storm of Ciudad Rodrigo, and severely through the
right elbow joint at Vittoria,
3 Lieut.-Col. Hulme served in the Pindarrse campaign, and commanded the flank companies in the general action of the
2Ut Dec. 17, for which he obtained the brevet rank of Major; be again commanded them when the fort of Futnair was
stormed 27lh Feb. 1818.
4 C.ipt. Jones served in the Peninsula from June, 1812, to the end of the including the battle of Salamanca ; San
Munos ; San Milan; Vittoria, heights of Santa Barbara; Eschelar ; Vera bridge and heights; crossing the Bidassoa
Nivelle (severely wounded) ; Oithcs, Tarbcs, Tourncfeuille, and Toulouse. Served also during the whole of the operations
Against New Orleans.
6 Lieut. Horsley served the campaigns of 1813 and 11 in Germany and Holland, and was severely wounded (three wounds)
at Bcrgen-op-Zoom.
6 Paymaster Grifiiths scived the campaigns of 1813 and 1 1 in the Peninsula. Served also in the American war, including
the capture of Washington ; battle before Baltimore, and the several operations on the coast. Present during the several
ittacks upon the enemy's lines before New Orleans In the batteries upon the banks of the Mississippi at the blowing up of
1 man-of-war schooner. Taking of Fort Boyer. H8
97//1 (or The Earl of Ulsters) Regiment of Foot.
" Qtiofia tt gloria iliieunl."

X.i«i<. 25 Mar
a «a Rt. Hon. Sir H. Har<Unge,' K.C. B. Em. 8 Oct 1798 ;
I8<W ; Cnpt. 7 Apr. tU ; -Wnjor, 13 Apr. 00 ; Lieut.-Col. 30 Muy, 11 ; lot.
MnJ-Om. ii Julv,
July. 21 ; Miu-'OrH.
199 Julv, July, 30.
11* -Co/.— B John Campbell, £<u.
f 9 July, 03 ; Lieut, v 17 Mar. 04
*ft Oct. 29 ; ii.ut.-
o May, (W; Brcrrf-.1/(yor, i7 May, 25 ; Btyfl.-Mujor, 27
i'f«'- 19 J*"-
.V,y..r/— P Iknrs- Frod. Lockyir,' K.H., J?i«. ^ 95 Slar- 1*13 ;
U: Co)>M'20Juiic22 ; .Va/or, !• 12 June, 35. „..,„-,-,
JCu^if. 2 Apnl, Co; Cnpt.
>-ichola.. Luwson Uurral.,' -Ind-Lieut. 16 Aug. 04;
5A p 30 June, 08: Heytl.-Mqj. and Brer.-Lieiil.-Col. 28 June, 38.

98tk Regiment of Foot.


y John Ross,' C.B.JBnj.2Juiie,93; Lient.B Mav,96; Capt. llJan.OO; Major,

15 Aug. 04 ; Lieut.-Col. 28 Jan. 08 ; Col. 4 June, 14 ; Major-Gen. 27 Mav,
25 ; Lieut.-Gen. 2S Jane, S8.
Lieut.-Colonel. —
p Colin Campbell,^ Ens. 26 May, 08 ; Lieut. 28 June, 09 ; Capt.
9 Not. 13 ; Major, p 28 Nov. 23 ; Lieut. -Col. P 26 Oct. 32.
^ —
Majors. Arthur Charles Gregory, Ens. p24 Oct. 21 ; Lieut, p 1 Oct. 25 ; Capt.
P 15 Aug. 26; Major, v 18 Oct. 31.

Major, P

William Roberts
17 Feb. 37.

7 Apr. 25 P 18 14 Apr. 14
Henry Eyre, Ens. P 28 Aug. 17 ; Lieut. P 20 April, 26 ; Capt. P 3 April 28 ;

Oct. 31
Peter Tripp^ P 2 Sept. 02 P 3 Sept. 03 P 6 Nov. 05
Thos. Maitland Edwards.. 8 Apr. 2. P 3 Apr. 28 P14 Dec. 32
Waiiam Edie P 14 Jan. 2i P18 Oct. 31 P29 Nov. 33
Henry Douglas Cowper. P20Ju]y 30 P14 Dec. 32 P 4 Mar. 36
John Rainier P 14 June 31 P 1 Feb. 33 P 17 Feb. 37
J3 John Macphail 2 Jan. 06 29 Sept. 08 25 Oct. 14
\ViIliara Wallace 8 Apr. 25 26 Oct. 27 P22 Sept 37
Charles Granet P 19 July 31 P 23 Jan. 35 P27 Apr. 38
Geo. Davies Paterson. P25 May 32 P 5 June 35 Pll . . May 38
o Paymaster Dunlevie served
y iEia John Qidn Wall*.. 25 Aug. 13 19 July 15
the campai-ni of IS] 4 in Hol-
Jas. Bell Kingsley 10 Nov. 13 9 Nov. 14 land, including the attack on
Chas. Rich. Ilderton.... P22 June 32 P 30 Jan. 35 the village of Merxem, bom-
Michael Gavin P 2 Dec. 31 P 28 June 36 bardtnent of Antwerp, and
storming of Bergen-op-Zoom,
^f. .Septhnus Harrison 24 Dec. 08 1 May 12 where he was severely wound-
Samuel Wm. Russell. P 1 Feb. 33 . . 9 Feb. 37 ed through the left arm and
Jas. C. Alex. Dunbar. P29 Nov. 33 . .
P22 Sept. 37 left side. Present on the 16th,
P22 Mar. 33 17th, and 18th June at Wa-
Thos. Chas. Ormsby 20 Oct. 37
Fred. Amelius Whimper.. P 23 Jan. 35 P23 Mar. 38 6 Dr. Bourchier served in
Thos. Heaton Lovett P 5 June 35 P27 Apr. 38 the Peninsula from lyo9 to
Daniel Rainier P 4 Mar. 36 Pll May 38 1814, including the siege of
Olivenga battles of Busaco
John jMorton Jeffery. P 28 June 36 P 22 June 38 ;

and Albuhera (wounded in the

^ T. Nixon P17 Feb. 37 P26 Apr. 39 right leg); siege of Badajoz
Ensigns. in 1812. Present also the attacks at Campo
Mayor, and several
E. Haythorne 12 May 37 Busaco and Burgos,others and the retreat from

opera- and the various

Chas. E. Svnge
Synge P22 Sept. 37 tions in the 2d division under the command
S. Erskine Rolland P23 Feb. 38 of Lord Hill.
Alexander Stewart Pll May 38
. .

Steph. Edw. Colby.. 22 June 38 .

John Montresor 14 Dec. 38

A. Hamilt. Harvest. 28 Dec. 38 .

Francis Grantham P 26 Apr. 39

. . .

Pat/master. —
EiEl Gillespie Dunlevie,MO June, 24 £/is. 20 May, 13 Lieut. ; :

11 June, 18.
Adjutant.— T. Ormsby, (Lieut.) 22 March, 39.

Quarter-Master. James Fagan, 19 Jan. 38.
32 3 fiurqeon. —
11 Thomas Botu-cliier,'^ 22 Aug. 11 Assist.-Surg. 24 May, 04.


Assistant-Surgeon. Cardinal Brewster, 30 Oct. 38.

Facings White. Agent, Messrs. Cox & Co.
[^Returned from the Cape of Good Hope, June, 1837.]
1 General Ross has received a medal for Vimiera.
2 Col. Campbell's services :— battle of Vimiera; advance and retreat of the army in Spain, and battle of
Corunna. Expedition to Zealand. Peninsula, from Dec. 1809 to Jan. 1814, including the battle of Bar-
rosa defence of Tarrifa
; ; expedition for the relief of Tarragona affairs of Posts in the valley of Malaga
atfair at Osma ; battle of Vittoria siege of San Sebastian, and assault of the outworks 17th July, and body

of the fortress 25th July, 1813 on these assaults led the columns of attack. Passage of the Bidassoa and

assault of the intrenched position on that river. Received two severe wounds at the a.ssault of San Sebas-
tian, one through the right hip, and one through the left thigh. Severely wounded at the assault of the
intrenched position on the Bidassoa by a musket shot through the right thigh.
3 Col. Tripp served at the capture of Ouadaloupe in 1815. Brevet Licut.-Col. 28 June, 38.
4 Lieut. Wall served in the Peninsula from 1812 to the end of the war, including the battle of Vittoi'ia,
and other actions in which the 40th regimoiit was engaged. Served also in the expedition to New Orleans.
Rifle Brigade

' —
Copenhagen" — " Monte Video" "Roleia"
— — " Vimiera" — "Cortjnna"

" BnsAco" " Barrosa" — "FnENTES D'OnOR" " ClUDAD RODRIOO" " BADA-



— '
1 1

R{/ic Uriyade.

LlEfTENANTS. « C»pt. Cochnuio wM piwent
U W. Sber Kamsiav NoivottJ 13 June 22 o .
lU June 25
1 at Cadli in Aug. 1811, uid
Thos. Wtn. ?inith jP|6Scpt.U5 •2\Dec. 29 Jurltig the •jfge ; al OnnciHl,
Hich. Hen. Fitihcrbcrt
3 July 27 . .
Sidney Bi^ckwith
17 Apr. 2S 1ft \r o.» "^'^ ^"" MllnD, l»Ui June; ;
JO .May .Wlbelilc of Viiloria, 21»t June;
Alexander Monro P 19 Aug. 2S P 6 July 33|briJs» of Vera, SI Aug. 18,
Keith Wellington Young 1 1 Sept 28 P 1 1 Oct 30 ("**'"''.* wounded In Irft arm ;)

\^ Freiliriek Belson ..|p25Jan. 10 v'oi I.,,

.-» Jan.
oj ""le'loo, I81h June, 1818,
1 »» «„u„,jed In left breMt.
Geo. Kerwun Carr |P29 June 3(1 OVl July 3o 7 Captain Fry •.•ned In lh<
Win. Heni^- Frankland. 7 June 31 .
<" I'
4 Ucc. So Peninsula from Miiy, 1812, to
Rob. Duncan Fergussou p o Julv 31 *"*^ ^^ including

fi Mav 36
", ,,* •

battl*^ of Sdlninanca and


Wilmot Hen. Hradfonl. .i P24 May 33 i" JO Aug. 30 Viitoria. Severely wounded
Hon. E»lm. G. Monckton 18 Mav 32 •20 .Apr. 3ti ilefl letr fmcturedl hy a mus-
Geo. Hughes Wilkins .. 1(! De^. 31 P *M Feb 37 i
^*^ '''^* '" *^^ atuck on the
Rich. Luther Watson .... p 22 June 32 '-'•""'«" wounded on the 18th
Wm. Leigh Mellish > 24 Jan. 33 P 2 Feb. as June, at WateriM.

Win. Hen. BcresfonI r 2o Jan. 33 P 3 .\tlg. 3<*l 8 Captain Holden serred at

Rob. Fi.«coMn^ Jocelyn
p 24 May 33 . .
A \,,€r Sft^''*' ''''^® **' Sfjrlln Castle, in

Arch. Enr/ of Cassilis ..|P 5 July 33

PiaOct. 38 .ttacll and
rapture of the
Alfred H. Horsford 12 Julv 33 I
P23 Apr. 39 Island of Pouia, on the coast of
Hon. H. E. H. Gage p 1 1 Oct". 33 31 Mav 39, ^'"P'?-'" '«»•

EdwanI Rooper P24 Jan. 34


'Geo. Sam. Jenkinson p31 Jan. 34 P 12 July 39 13th March 1810, to l»th July,
[Second Lieutenants. 1814, including the battle of Barro>u ; siege
Hen. S. Waddington '
lo May 34 of Ciudad Rodrii^o, where he volunteered
with the stonning party; Bad^joz battles ;
Chas. Hen. fliaiiibers . . I
P 16 >Iay 34 of Salamanca, Vittoria, Nivelle, Nive,
Rob. Vans .\gnew |p29 May 35 and Toulouse ; .besides various atfitrs of out-
Wm. Hale 'p3I Jtdv 35 posts.
10 Quarter . Master Trafford was present
H. Oldaeld Bowles !
P 4 Dec. 36
at the affair of Tarbe«, 20th March Tour- ;
Edw. A. Somerset |
29 Jan. 36 nefeuille. 27th March battle of Toub.use, 10th
j ;

W. Shiplev Warren p 6 May 36 tpril, 1814; and battle of Waterloo, 18th June,
Robert Craufurd 22 Julv 36 leis. 'p
Geo. B. Dawson P24 Feb. 37 June Dr. Ranken served the in the Peninsula, from

1811 to the end of

war, including the
Alex. Macdoncll p 23 June 37 battles of Vittoria, the Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive,
Rob. Moore Peel p 2 Dec. 37 Orthes and Toulouse.
John Gibson P 2 Feb. 38 '

.Sir T. Munro, Bart P 7 July 38 I

W. Burnet Ramsay p 27 July 38 '

W. Ox. Hammond' |p 3 Aug. 38

Fred. F. J. Morrice p 19 Oct. 38
Cha. Edm. Law p23 Apr. 39 '

Fred. Rob. Elrington p 7 June 39 !

Lord Alex. Geo. Russell p 1 1 July 39

2A Paymnstert.—V^m. HoldeD,'26 Feb. 24; Em. 15 Dec. 04 Lieut. 31 Dec. 06; ;

Capt. 12 Julv, 21.

P John Middleton,' 25 Nov. 26; Ens. 10 Mar. 08; Lieut. 4 Oct. 09; Capt. 7
April, iT).

.idjutnntt.—^i^ney Beckwith, (l.e/ Lieut.) 26 Nov. 30.

Geo. Kirwan C<ar,\\tt Lietit.) 30 Nov. 38.
Quarter-Matteri.—T^ 181 Robert Traflbrd,'" 2 June, 37.
Richard Taylor, 29 March. :«).
Stergeoni.—^ Rob. Ranken," 11 Juno, 30 Astitt.-Surg. 16 April, 12. ;

Moses White, M.D. 29 Julv, 36; .^«ixf.-.5ursr.5 May," 25; Hotp.-A. 4 Apr. 14.
Aaut.-Surg$.—\. J. Nisb. C'onnell, M.D. 16 June, 25 ;' Hotp.-Assist. 10 Mar. 26.
Evans Gamnns Lloyd, 18 Oct. 27 ; Ha.rp.-Auist. 25 Jan. 27.

RrgimrntaU Green. Facings Black. Agent, Messrs. Cox & Co.
\\/t Battalion returned from Snrth .inierica, Sept. 1836.]
[\inH Baltatinn rrfvrn.rl fr„m the Ionian Itlandt, June, 1837.]
»I H"re'« *'rti. .. (^'IM'nhairen in 1M07 to Swe^ltn and subsequently to the

in l-^-w and 9, : -ind battle of Coninna. Expedition to Walcheren. Cam*

1'*l'i uid 11 lu ! 'me the sieite of Cadiz and battle of Barro»a, where he was
••unded. !«Tvr,l .-, rf |8U in Holland. Present at Waterloo and the capture

Kelly's serriees :~Kap«ditioa to Copenhagen in 1807. Capture of Martinique in 1800 and Oua-
1 18in. Campugiu of 1811, H
and IS, In Lower Canada, including the action at Chateangay
\st West India Regiment of Foot.


)PHon. Sir Henry King," K.C.B. Em. 7 Feb. 94 ; Lieut. 2 Sept. 95 ; Ciipt.
27 Feb. 96 ; Mtijor, 24 Aug. 04 ; Ueut.-Coh 28 Jan. 08 ; Col. 4 June, 14 ;
Maj.-Gen. 27 May, 25; Lieut.-Gen. 28 June, 38.

Lieutmant-Colonels. Wm. Bush, K.H. Cornet, p 7 Jan. 08 ; Lieut. P29 June,
09 ; Capt. P 22 July, 13 ; Major, P 8 AprU, 26 ; Lieut.-Col. 22 May, 29. <•

Henry Capadose,' £?«. 24 Mar. 96 ; Lie-ut. 30 Oct. 99 ; Capt. 24 Mar. 04 ; Brev.-

Major, 4 June, 14 ; Itegtl.-Major, 17 Oct. 16 ; Lieut.-Col. 22 Apr. 36.
Majors.—Vfm. Ma-xwell Mills,' Ens. 25 Oct. 03 ; Lieut. 24 Oct. 04 ; Capt. 18
April, 11 ; Major, 24 April, 28.
John Cornell Chads,' 2nd Lieut. Boyal Marines, 4 May, 09 ; Ens. 83rd Regt. 3
March, 14 Lieut. P 1 Dec. 14 Capt. p 27 Jan. 20; Major, 22 April, 36.
; ;


James Douglas P27 Feb. 17 10 Feb. 25 P19 Dec. 26
fflaa Robert Hughes' 11 April 11 29 Oct. 12 13 Feb. 27
James Delomel'' 4 Mar. 13 25 Aug. 14 9 Sept. 33
Hector Dowuie 14 Dec. 08 25 Feb. 10 26 Oct. 30
Luke Smyth O'Connor.. P27 April 27 22 Mar. 31 P 17 Jan. 34
George Beere 8 Feb. 07 29 Nov. 07 19 June 27
P Archibald Robertson ' 13 Apr. 09 6 Jan. 14 30 Dec. 34
James Clarke 11 Jan. 21 P 19 July 27 21 AprU 36
Wm. Devonish Deverell .. 4 May 15 16 Nov. 20 7 April 37
John David Blythe P 21 Nov. 28 P 3 Feb. 32 P 1 Dec. 37
George Robeson 21 July 25 17 April 28 1 June 39

nf. Rich. Straker Wickham .. 2 Dec. 13 11 April 16 2 June 39

^ SJEl John Griffith .... 29 July 13 4 May 15 29 July 36

James Palmer 20 Apr. 15 6 June 16
William Burke PIO Dec. 12 27 Aug. 15
John Fra. Grant 6 Dec. 27 9 Sept. 33
Wm. Maxwell Mills.... P 20 July 32 P17 Jan. 34
Geo. AValler Meehan 17 April 28 14 April 36
Samuel Hodson 18 Feb. 30 15 April 36
William Doran 15 Nov. 33 16 April 36
Philip Phipps Trotman P 6 Dec. 33 P17. April 36
George Fahie Horsford. 31) Jan. 23 20 April 36
Edward Lucas 9 April 25 21 April 36
SirJ.n. Carm. Smyth,St. P 29 May 35 P26 Aug. 36
Charles Bentley 30 May 34 11 Mar. 37
Gustavus H. Reilly P21 April 36 P 1 Dec. 37
Benjamin Mackenzie. 22 April 36 P17 Feb. 38
. .

.\dam Campbell 19 April 36 19 Feb. 38

Wm. C. D. B. Reade.... 20 April 36 26 April 38
E. M. W. Pogson P29 April 36 27 Oct. 38
Jas. Wm. Graves 24 Oct. 34 31 May 39
Wm. Henry O'Toole P12 Dec. 34 31 May 39
Hon. T. C.'S. Foster P 10 June 36 1 June 39
.\lex. Wm. Mackenzie. 3 Feb. 37. 1 June 39

Edm. Hayter Bingham P 10 Mar. 37 . 1 June 39

Edw. Alex. O'Donoghue.. 25 July 37 2 June 39

Wm. J. Hamilton .20 April 37
. 5Julv 39
Chas. Thos. Hamilton P 17 Feb. 38 P 19 July 39

1 Sir Henry King served in the expedition to the Helder, and was severely wounded in the action of the
10th Sept. In 1805 he was wrecked and made prisoner on hi:) way to Hanover. Served in South America,
and commanded in the attack on Buenos Ayrefl. Sir Henry lias received a and one cla-sp, for Busaco
and Salamanca.
2 Colonel Capadose served at the capture of Minorca in Nov. 179R.
3 Major Mills served at the capture of Martinique In 180SI, and Ouadaloupe in 1810.
4 M^jor Chads served with the expedition to Walclieren in 1809.
5 Capt. Hughes served in the Peninsula from 1800 to 1814, including the first siege of Bad^joz, and llie
battles of Busaco, Vittoria (wounded), Salamanca, and the Pyrenees, besides various minor actions and skir-
)uishcs. Present at Waterloo on the 16th, 17lh and 18th June, and was wounded.
Ist H' India liei/itni'nt of Foot.
.. — ;

'2nd IVest India Regiment of Foot.

Francis Fuller,' Ens. 2G \ June, 78: Capt. 9 April, 81 ;
Jan. 1778; Lieut.
Major, "il Dec. 85 ; Lieut.-Coh \ March, 94 Col. 1 Jan. 98; Major-Gen. ;

1 Jan. 1805; Lieut.-Gen. 4 June, 11 ; Gen. 27 May, 25.

Lieut. - Colonels.
IJ Francis Cockbum,' Cornet, 16 Oct. 00 Lieut. p6 April, 03; Capt. 3 March, ;

04; 3Iqjor, 27 Jane, 11 Lieut.-Col. 27 Oct. 14; Col. 10 Jan. 37.


Wm. Burke Nicons,^ £•?». 10 June, 95 ; Lieict. 4 April, 98 ; Capt. 3 Aug. 04 ;

Brevet-Major, 4 June, 14 Regtl.-Major, 8 Jan. 24; Lieut.-Col. 12 Jan. 35.

Majors. John Anderson,* Ens. 2 Nov. 09 ; Lietit. 24 Jan. 11 ; Capt. 16 Mar.
20 ; Major, 22 March, 27.
Thomas M'Pherson,* Ens. 8 Aug. 11 ; Lieut. 19 May, 13; Capt. 26 Dec. 23;
Major, 12 Jan. 35.
Thomas Maling'^ 9 July 03 7 Sept. 04 11 July 05 12 Aug. 19
Hen. P. Williams 9 June 14 P 22 Nov. 21 17 Sept. 27
ifi Herbert Mends never 19 Feb. 24 19 Mar. 29
y John
Jas. Peck * . . . 27 May 13 24 May 21 P 8 June 30
Wm. Aug. Hill 22 Mar. 27 8 Aug. 31 P 13 June 34
F.dw. Cha. Soden 1 Feb. le 27 June 24 10 Nov. 34
James Allen 8 Dec. 25 28 May 28 24 July 35
Rich. Percy Pack 16 Aug. 13 12 Apr. 20 12 Feb. 36
Hen. C. Cobbe 15 Feb. 31 P 23 Jan. 35 p 3 Nov. 37
E. S. Norman Campbell P 2 Oct. 23 14 Jan. 20 P 7 Oct. 36
^h. Richard Elliot 28 July 14 30 Nov. 26 2 Col. Cockburu served in
William Lardner' 27 June 24 22 Mar. 27 South America in 1807 ; in the
Stephen John Hill 10 Nov. 25 13 Feb. 28 Peninsula in 1809 and 10; and
in Canada from 1811 to 1814.
Hen. Wase Whitfeild. . . 13 Feb. 28 28 Oct. 31 3 Colonel NicoUs served at
James Findlay P 3 Apr. 28 18 Nov. 31 the capture of the Cape of
Willoughby H. NicoUs . 28 Aug. 28 22 Mar. 83 Good Hope (both operations)
also at the capture of the Isle
Abraham P. Kenyon
31i31 24 June 13 24 June 13
of France.
James Edw. Boggis .... P 12 July 33 P 17 Oct. 34
4 Majors .Anderson and Mo
Walter Crauford Kennedy 27 Oct. 31 10 Nov. 34 Phersoii served in the Ame-
James Batchelor Davidson 25 May 32 13 Aug. 35
-Licut.-Col. 10 Jan.
Wm. Tyrell Bruce P 4 July 34 P 15 Apr. I

Virginius Murray P 22 May 35 P 4 Nov. 36 i
6 Capt. Peck served the
Robt. Caldecott Morris. 1 8 Dec. 35 ;5 Nov. 36 campaigns of 1813 and 14 in
the Peninsula.
Alexander Geddes 3 Feb. 14 27 Jan. 37
7 Lieut. Lardner was se-
L. C. W. H. Fitzgerald . P 17 Oct. 34 P 7 Apr. 37 verelv wounded in retaking
Anth. Hart Lapslie .... 11 July 34 5 Mar. 38 Fort ' Bullen, on the River
Christopher Foss 29 Nov. 34 Pll May 38 Gambia, Uth Nov. 1831.
8 Quarter-master, 16 Aug.
Bartholomew O'Brien . P15 Apr. 36 P 13 July 38
33 ; from which date the period
John Miller P 29 Dec. 35 25 Jan. 39 of service has been computed.
B. .'E. S. Hutchinson 9 Dec. 24 10 Sept. 29
George Griffin 16 Dec. 36 22 Feb. 39
Robt. Mur. NicoUs .... 9 July 37 9 Dr. Richardson served at the capture of the
William .4,nderson Cape of Good Hope in 1806; reduction of
10 July 37 Monte Video, and campaign of 1806 and 7 in
Jas. Delam. Mends .... 3 Nov. 37 South America ; campaigns of 1808 and 9 in
John Potts ^ 5 Mar. 38 the Peninsula, including the battles of Roleia
J. Gaggin Cox 1 June 38 and Vimiera.
J. Warren Glubb 16 Mar. 38
Geo. L. Woodd 30 Nov. 38
Wm. Bayly 26 Jan. 39
Wm. M'C. Murray 22 Feb. 39
Alexander Maclean .... 15 Mar. 39
Ai^utant John Potts, (Ercs.) 20 July, 38.

John Harpur, 6 March ,38.
Surgeon.~^ John Richardson," 5 Jan. 26; AssiM.-Stirg. 18 Feb. 08 ; Hosp.-
Assist. 9 July, 05.
19 Assist.-Snr(jeons.—Zo\m Wilson, July, 24 ; Hasp .-Assist. 14 Dec. 20.
Richard Tuthill, M.D., 8 Jan. 36.
Facings Yellow. Agent, Messrs. Cox & Co.
1 Gen. Fuller sened in the East Indies in 1782, 88, and 84, .and commanded the 101st at the battle of
Cuddalore in 1783. Served on the Continent in 1794 and 95. Embarked for the West Indies the latter end
of 179.5, where he continued to serve until 1802, and was present at the capture of various islands, &c.
Embarked for the East Indies in 1806, where he was again actively employed. 156
Ceylon Rifle Regiment.

Fran. Brownrigg Bayly 2 Jan. 28 8 May 35
William Hardesty P29 Mav 28 8 Jan. 36
Albert Watson ."
17 July 23 14 Jan. 30
Frederick Ostheyden 27 Jan. 07 26 Jan. H
Jas. Mitchell Macdonald 26 Oct. 30 P 29 July 36
Trevor Chute f 10 Aug. 32 ,P28 Oct. 36
Wm. Twistleton Layard P 22 Feb. 33 P22 Nov. 36

Geo. Bulkeley Tattersall P 16 Mav 34 p 28 Apr. 37

Robert Macbeath 28 Oct! 12 30 Dec. 13

William John Kirk 27 Sept. 31 |P27 Oct. 37

William Price P 13 June 34 8 May 38
Henry Charles Bird P 13 June 34 22 May 38

Xicliolas Fenwick P 14 Nov. 34 |P17 Sept. 38

John Urban Vigors P 27 Feb. 35 ,P20 Nov. 38

Benjamin Bloomfield Keane 8 May 35 PU Jan. 39

Edward John Holworthy P 12 Feb. 36 p 25 Jan. 39
Christopiiilus Garstin p 14 May 36 P 28 June 39
Henrj- Gibbs Remmett P 8 July 36 4 Julv 39
Henry Torrens Walker 28 Oct P 5 July 39

Secoxd Lieutenaxts.
Henry Alexander Raitt Nov. 36
Henry Du Vernet Nov. 36
Robert Watson Julv 37
Julius Brockman Travers July 37
Jones Butler Stevelly Oct. 37
Charles Thomas Smith Nov. 37
Charles A. Cobbe July 38
Francis Butler Templer July 38
Richard Brandram Gwilt Oct. 38
William Bagenall Nov. 38
J. R. Graham Pattison June 38
Johnson Bourne Jan. 39
Simon Pepper Joyce Mar. 39
John Brewse Kersteman June 39
Wm. Hopson Hopson Julv 39
Henry Lucas P 5 July 39

Pa!/;Ho.rte)-.— Richard Jefferson, 6 Mav, 36 ; 2nrf Lieut. 23 Oct. 23 ; \st Lieut.

1 Sept. 26.
Adjutant.— Vfm. T. Layard, (Lieut.) 25 Jan. 39.

Quarter-Master. James Black," 10 Aug. 26.

Surgeon. David Ewing, 30 Sept. 36 ; Assist.-Surg. 3 June, 24 ; ITosp.- Assist.
7 Feb. 14.
Assist. Surys. —
William Lucas, 25 May, 26 ; Sosp.-Assist. 3 Nov. 25.
George Rumley, M.D. 19 April, 27 ; Ho):p.- Assist. 12 Oct. 2G.

Regimentals Green —Facings Black. Agent, Sir John Kirkland, 80, Pall Mall.

Major Inchant served in the action against the R.'yah of Travancore's troops in 1809.
7 Capt. Cochrane served at the capture of Martinique, and Les Saintes in 1809, and Guadalonpe in 1810,
and also in 1815.
8 Quarter-master, 16 Aug. 33; from which date the period of service has heen computed.
9 Capt. Mylius served the Nepau! campaign of 1816.
10 Lieut. Hodges served at the capture of Genoa in 1614, and subsequently in the American war, in-
cluding the capture of Washington aud the engagements at Baltimore and New Orleans.
11 Lieut. Stewart ser%-ed at the capture of Kandy in 1815, .and in the Kandyan rebellion of 1817 and IS.
12 Lieut. Phelan served in the Peninsula, and was wounded on three ditferent occasions. Served also in
the American war.
13 Lieut. Jones served in the American war, and was engaged at Christler's Farm, Lundy's Lane (wounded *,
Fort Erie, and Chippewa.
14 Quarter-Master Black served the campaigns of 1813 and 14 in Germany and Holland, and was present
at the attack upon Bergen-op-Zoom.
Royal African Colonial Corps.

Cape Mounted Riflemen.

la <m, Henry Somerset, K.H. Cornet, 5 Dec. 1811 Lieut. 30 Dec 1-^
; Cavt
6 Oct. 15; Major, P 25 March, 23; Heut.-Col. P 17 July, 24- Col "8
June, 38. ' ^

iP ?im Wm. Bnmey,' K.H. £,«. 28 April, 08; Lieut. 1 May, 10; Capt. P 2 June '
14; Major, 6 Sept. 27.


3b Pierce Lowen, K. H.'
19 May 99 25 July 05 13 June 11
1 Alex. B. Armstrong^ 22 July 30
30 Jan. 12 5 Feb. 15 Sept. 25 28 July 30
is Charles Ross '
15 Mar. 10 4 Nov. 13 30 Apr. 37
Henry Crause 14 Nov. 05 12 Oct. 16 Dec. 13
Henry D. Warren .
25 May 20 15 Sept. 25 1 Mar. 39
Jas. Neil Rishton .
10 Feb. 25 25 Dec. 27 2 Mar. 39
Thomas Donovan
Charles Peshall
. .
15 Mar. 27 16 May 33
9 Nov. 30 '
3 July 35
Geo. T. C. Napier .
23 Mar. 32
. ,

25 Aug. 37
Geo. Edw. Cannon. .
1 Aug. 34 1 Mar. 39
Fra. T. Le Touzel . P 23 Jan. 35
2 Mar. 39
Jolm Rob. O'Reilly 30 Apr. 37
3 Mar. 39
Chas. Hen. Somerset .

John Armstrong
William Harding
\yellington Lowen
Frederick Campbell ....
Honoratius Van Rvneweld 3 Mar. 39

" ^"""'' ^' ^^^^' ^^ Q"'"-t^--Vaster, 6 Oct. 12.

J2S!!l~^'"- '

Quarter-Master.— Bern Sigfrid Schoufeldt, 25


Dec «7
'' ^^'- ''' ^''^*-"'^^- ^« M-ch, 04 Hosrita,
'"i^XL7„7^r5 0^crof ' ;

Veterinary Surgeon.—John Kingsley,

29 March, 1839.

Regimentals Green.— Agent, Sir John


land mcluding '"^ campaign of 1814 in Hol-

the^ action at Mersem, bombardment os7:^7^, JrV^
Q.a.e Bras, b, a ..ot m tbe'i^enTn.rd l^^l^^^ .l-^\Zi^i ^^^,1^^^^^^^
end of the -_., „,„j
variety of other desultory

1815, where he wa. wounded afd?ke„

thousand CafTers, 22d April, 1819,
prisoner Pre wteL r r?l :^'''-,i
™""" °" New-Or.eans, 81h Jan.
Town „j3 „„^t^^ (, ^^^^^
and who ""re r'^Pulsed
reputed with ^reif^
great slaughter by about one
fifty of our troops under Col. hundred and

d^-o.Tactforit".;tte" Je^GSntda"^sil^oJ
audad Rodrigo
Rodrt?'"^''? ™^^ "^ '^"O- «-' ^'^-^ "f Ba-
^ '
manca, and capture of Madrid. second siege of Badajoz battle' of ;
Sala- ;

.e;/d'^;SLp'l^^778^„v°n'^Et!;t^ncSLTh^^ ss^rou' :i;^

19th, 20th, 21st March siege of Rosetta,
; aSs "'fs^"^
-^ -^^-^ -^ ^^'"-i
of E Hamet ooth"'"/?,'' Yf^'f "' Alexandria on the
1814 and 15 in Holland anTih S ... ",'' ^i" ^P""' '"^ "« 'hf-* taken
prisoner sen-ed the campaigns of
I3.hJanuary and 2d Februaiy, and the bombardraem '"^"'""'"<"' '"-^'""'ns *« actions of (he
of Ant° e p

.. . ;

Roi/nl NiHifiiunilliiiiit I'lti/yiii C'oiiijiaiiif!


ffai Robert Law," K.H. Eiit. 8 June, 1801); Lieut. 27 Mav, 11 ; Cnpf. P 18
Oct. 21 M<{Jor, i-Xt Aug. 34.


3 I
William £>ull, K.H.' 30 Oct. 94 20 Nov. 94 9 July Oa\ 4 June 14
«a I T^iIIar.JefrHres' n 15 Feb. 10 4 Mar. 121 11 .\ug. 25 28 June .18
23 I
10 William Biudon
j 21 Mar. 00 19 Mav 08 8 .\pr. 25 28 June 38

17 i'i^ '
Richanl Sauudira 4 Nov. 09 25 Oct. 10
15 17]*j '

Jaj*.Parsons Uorry . . . 8 Jan. 07 20 Jan. 08

13 14^ Frod. NciH-an Skinner .. 20 Mar. 12 25 .\ug. 14
U I'Vj'. J. Hunt (ArllnK Parmutcr) 11 Dee. 12 9 .Vpr. 15
10 211^ la William Mason* .... 23 Feb. 09 19 Mar. 12
6 2If, Mi.tor Munro 5 Sept. 11 20 May 13
7 14^ John .NicholU P 12 Feb. 18 7 Dec. 38

William Jenkins 23 Feb. 38
John Fletcher . . 4 Jan. 39
John Gillespie 31 May 39


Wm. Jenkins, (Em.) 5 July, 39.

John Freeborn Pink, 10 Nov. 37 ; Assist. -Sury. 27 April, 20.

John DonaUl Orant, 30 Dec. 3C.

Facings Blue. Agent, Sir John Kirklanil, No. 80, Pall Mall.

I Mj^ot L-iw jninrd tht arniT in Spain a* a voluntivr In ll^OS. and was atlarl)e«) to the 7Ut rt^^impnt
MTTi>il with II in anion at l.uco, on tht' r^lrrat to, andat tht? ti«ittle of Corunim; «>rv)^ at tho siecc of
Kliuhiiut. an>l llii> fiilw^uent occupation of Walt-hort-n ; twice wounilctl
liy inu.«1it't l>all» at fuenti-s d'Onor,
Mdnd iiitjt IHII ;
.'ith «cv»rflT wounded on the advance to
ToiittiiiM- -il Uurcli, ll4|4; continued uninler-
rupledlj on -.nice with hi> r>«'inieiil (the ;i>t) iu Ponugal, Si»iii, and France, until the separation of the
annr at Uourdeaui In IHU; emhorked in July, IKH, for New Orleans but whs n'calleU and sent to Bel-
Uluia ; WW
p wient with hia nirlment at Waterloo in Sir Frederick Adam's hhiiade. where he was %-er>-
twriwlj woundwi bT a cannon shot, which also killed his horse ; lerred subsequently thrw years in France
with tJi« army of ne<nip«tlon. Major Law has sened fifteen years In the Colonies since the Peace.
:;roI. S44II 9«T\ed at Uie ukinif of Maldunadoand Mtinte Vidt^o in IB17; and in the Peninsula, from 1813 to
tjie end of tile wmr, and was preMnt at the repulse of the sortie from Bayonnc. Brevet Lieut.<C^>l.
SlJuly, IciU.
.1 lliijor JefTires was engagi-d at New Orleans, 8lh Jan. 18 iid •ubM'qiiently at the capture of

4 Lieul. MaSim serr I In the Penln I severely wouniled in llie riKht hip at IIh' battle of the
Nitalla. dervefl also i
I severely woiindiil at Niaeani ; in the rielit anu, where
tlM lasllsUU nmaiiu: ibot wounds ill tile breast, and abo ulie in tile left arm.

Royal Malta Fencible Regiment.

Count Francis Rivarola, K.C.H. Ens. 4 April, 1795 Lieul. 21 Feb. 9S Capt. ; ;

18 Mar. 04; i/o/oj-, 6 Feb. 07; Lieut.-Col. 7 March, 11 Col. 19 July, 21 ; ;

Major-Gen. 22 July 30.

* Marq. Guiseppe de Piro, C.M.G. 29 Dec. 37.

* Francisco Bussiett, 1 1 Feb. 22.
* Giovanni Goutler, 24 Jan. 2.5.
* Paolo Ellul, 15 Jan. 27.
James Galland, 29 Jan. 36.
* Carlo Cutajar, 17 Feb. 38.
* Paolo Caniilleri, 9 Feb. 38.

* Vincenzo Bonavita, 25 Jan. 25.
;> ..,,'. .._ * Salvatore Calleja, 25 April, 25.
* Mederico de Marchesi Alessi, 15 Jan. 27.
* Antonio Maltei, 15 Jan. 27.
» Guglielmo Petit, 17 Feb. 37.
* Salverio Gatt, 31 Julv, 37.
••" '
* 9
:• Antonio Camilleri, "Feb. 38.

* Felice Rizzo, 15 Jan. 27.
'' '
' '
* Giuseppe Gouder, ditto.
* Georgio Virtu, 30 Dec. 34.
" * Nicola Metrovich, 17 Feb. 37.
* William Gatt, 31 July, 37.
* Guiseppe Cavarra, 9 Feb. 38.

Vincenzo Rizzo, 25 Feb. 17.

* Salverio Gatt. (*Lieut.)

Paolo Salamone, 25 Jan. 39.

•I., . (
, ., ,
3. Montanaro, 3 Aug. 38.

Michelo F. Camilleri, M.D. 3 Aug. 38.

Facings Blue. Agent, Sir John Kirkland.

7 Col. Hamilton served the campaign of 1799 in Holland, and was present in the different battles;
with the expedition to South America, including the attack on Buenos Ayres, and all the skirmishes
which took place before and after that event in the Peninsula under Sir John Moore, including the

battles of Roleia, Vimiera, and Corunna. Severely wounded (lost a leg) in action at Flushing, 7th
Aug. 1809.
8 Col. Despard served at the siege and storm of Chumeer, (received a contusion on mounting the
breach,) and three other forts in the East Indies, in 1807 ; siege of Gunourie ; campaign against the
Seiks in 1808 and 9 ; campaign of 1617 and 18 in the Deccan, including the battle of Jubbulpore.
9 Lieut. Graham's services :— Expedition to South America in 1807, including the attack on Buenos
Ayres; campaign and battle of Corunna; and subsequently in the Peninsula, including the actions at
Barha del Puerco, of the Coa, near Almeida ; battle of Busaco ; actions at Redinha (wounded), Sabu-
gai ; battle of Fuentes d'Onor; sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz; battle of Salamanca, and
numerous skirmishes. Wounded on the I8th June at Waterloo. Served also at Bhurtpore in 1820.
. .. 1

Roi/al liiyimeiit of Artillery.

rv. 2<1 IIIIT. I |S( LIEUT.

|) Peter Kuddv 7.i 8 Sept. OJ ,

1.Nov. 03 ASejit. 11 22 July 30
\Vui.\VvldV7d diilo ti Uee. 63 16 Alar. 12 16 July 30

f) Clias. F.d«. Gordon 77.. ditto


ditto 17 Alar. 12I22 July30

Philip Warren \VBlLer78.. 3 Dec. 03 ditto 1 June 12 1 ditto
)) Alexmider Macluclilan79 ditto ditto 17 June 12 ditto
. () C'lmrlps Blachlcv BO ditto I
1 Mar. 04 31 June 12 1 ditto
DS^Cl A. Macdonaldl'.IS.BI ditto 1 Alay 04 1 Oct. 12 18 Juno 15
Mussel Richard Moor 8-.i !j2 Dec. 03 July 30 ditto 1 Dec. 12 22

Henry Geo. Jackson B3. ... ditto j

ditto ditto 31 Dec. 12
K.dward Sabine 84 ditto |
Jan. 37 10 July 04 24 Jan. 13 10
u.B. ^^ >ll>'»" Dunn 9 Ho ditto ditto 22 ;
July 13, ditto <

6 if!acb. Cluiterbuck UayleyBo ditto ir July 04 28 Aug. 13'

8 Kdwiu Cruttenden B7 ... 14 Jan. 04 -'9 July 0» 25l)ct. 13 ditto
8 H S8
J unies Sinclair U8 9 June 04 15 Nov.OI 1 1 Feb. 14 ditto
5 James CJrar 89 ditto Dec. 04 1 May 14 ditto W
1 James Fogo 90 18 June04 SI Uec.04 4 Oct. 14 ditto
'h.b. Hon. Wm. ArbuihD0t91 16 July 04'
^ ditto 20 Dec. 14 ditto
JH B. )9 Henry Blachley 9:i 10 A up. 04 18 Feb. 06 ditto ditto
8 Jas. Archibald Cbalmer 9:
ditto 1 Mar. 05 ditto ditto I

\Vm. Henry Stopl"ord9J
1^ 4 l.loyd Dowse9d
ij Sept.04.
20 MavOS
2 July 05
1 Apr. 15

'29Sept.04' 3 Julv 05 16 -May 15


21 May 15

1^1 1 J9 Cjeorge John lielson97.. ditto ti July 05 I

ditto |

O 2 Peter Desbrisay Stewart 9cl

I ditto 7 July 05 ditto
I'A S Robert Franck Ronier ....j 9 Nov. 04 16 Julv 05 23 May 15
Sy^ 6 Rich.Carr Mol-sworthy9..
ditto 17 Julv 05 20 June 15 ditto 1

Sy^ 4 FrancisKawdonChcsnevlllO!
ditto ]20Sept.05 ditto 2 Dec. 36
2JJ|3 J.(B " illiam Bell lo'l ..1 23 Nov. 04
5 2 Dec. 05 > Julv 15 10 Jan. 1

3^17 Georse liroJie FrBser |l4Uec.04l 3 Dec. 05 1 Aug. 15 ditto '

3^ U.S. iftl Matthew PLouisl02.. ditto 28 Dec. 05 26 Oct. 15 ditto


^{f - 9
1 liomas (Jrautliaml03 .. ditto 29 Dec. 05 28 Oct. 151 ditto
3^ 7 Francis llaultain ditto 23 Feb. 06 7 Junel6 ditto

3 John Gordon 104 10 MavOS 1 June 06 5.Aug. 16 ditto
6^ 3piElVV.BreretOD9c.B.c.ii.l05 ditto ditto 30 Sept. 16 21 Jan. 19
^9 f 0°'^ \aUancey England 106 ditto ditto 11 Mar. 17 10 Jan. 37
''A ;

5^ 6 Irwine \Vhitty'l07 12 Julv 05 ditto 23 Oct. 18 ditto

I May 19,

6^ 6 Hen. Lewis Sweeting 108.. 9 Aug. 05

ditto ditto
5 5 I
Frederick Wright 109 .. 13 Sept. 05 ditto 22 Apr. 20 ditto j

4^18 9 Jas.HumpbreysWoodllO ditto ditto 11 May 20 ditto

4A '
3 W illiam Frnst jacksou . ditto ditto 29 July 20' ditto

9 9 Basil KobinsonHeron 111 ditto ditto 6 Nov. 20 ditto

'h.b. 9 William Saunders 112 .. ditto ditto 7 KoT. 20 ditto
4 I
9 George Uumrord 1Nov. 05 ditto 6 Aug. 21] ditto
t^ 1 Charles Uallon 114 1 .Mar. 06 ditto 30 Dec. 22 I
*j^ 2 S June 06 ,31 Dec. 22,
Jas. Kobert C'olebrockello ditto 21 .Mar 06
i\ 4 Rich. Burne Rawnslev ditto 22 Oct. 06 12 June 23 28 June 38
*A - ^ Wm. Aii|rustus Ravnesllfl'ij Apr. 06 ditto 26 June 23 ditto
2; 23 May 06 19 Dec. 06 1" July 23 ditto
Josejib lUnwell ditto II Jan. 07 ditto ditto 1

Hobert .Andrews 1 July 06 15 Oct. 07 26 Nov. 24 ditto 1 I

fi Kdmund Shcpj
.-. ard 111* ditto 1 Feb. 08 Mar. 25 ditto
^ 39 Waller KIphinslone Lock] 19 ditto ditto ditto ditto
1 7 133 Philip Sandilands 1-20.. 4 Oct. 06 diito ditto ditto
l/j 5 Browne Willis ditto ditto ditto ditto
1)S 6 Benj. Hutrbegon Vaugban ditto ditto ditto ditto
lA 9 1 homas Gordon liiggins .. ditto ditto ditto ditto
Xft 9 ?a Amherst Wrigbtlil .. 18 Dec. 06 ditto ditto ditto
U.S. til F . Strangway 8 1 22 .
r. ditto ditto 12 Dec. 26
6 John Harbridge Freer .... 4 April 07 ditto 1 April 27

0J7 Arch. W hite Hope ditto ditto 5 July 27


Royal Regiment of Artilltry.

4 R. Loni;. Conielius
1 Lewis tUlwanl W»Uli
3 iSI Win. H. Hciinis
3 Frc<l. Auc. GritfiUis
2 Sir Chanibrrlain, Burt.
II. . .

3 Daniel Tlion«Iikc
9 Francis llolcumbe
8 Harry Slow
C William Fniser
3 Cliaric* Gostling
» Charles Hciin.- Mee
7 Theophilus Dosbrisay
2 Henry Francis Slater
3 William John Stokes
8 Chas. Bertie Symons
3 Wilkinson L. Kayc
1 Tho. Coujrrcvc Robe
7 Jhon Dyson
G Geo. ^lark Glasgow
•2 Richard Basset 165
9 Wm. W. DArlev
9 E<lm. Neal WUford
4 John Tylden
5 Wm. Hen. Pickering
1 Williani Dixon
G William Stewart
4 J. Wheeler Collington
6 William Bcmeis
3 Richartl Shepherd
4 Geo. Hooton Hyde
8 Thomas Feters Flude
9 John Jlorris Savaiie
3 James Smith Cremer
4 Wm. Young Fenwick
5 Francis Weller
7 Thomas Knatchbull
7 J. Humphrey St. John
7 Rich. James Dacres
8 Chas. Wm. Wingfleld
7 Alexander Tulloh
4 J. Sidney Farrell
2 John Knowles
3 Henry Poole
I Henry O'Brien
u.B. Arthur Gossett
G Samuel J. Skinner
H.B. Robert Luard
B. s.Henry Geo. Teesdale
First Liectexaxts.
9 John Gore
H.B. Noel Tliomas Lake
II. B.John Wynne
4 Piercy Bcnn
I John Deschamps
4 Georpe BurT0U||;hs
6 Wm. >Ieiu Smith
9 Tho. Ackers Shone
1 Georce Rogers
8 James Turner
(i.e. .\shton .\shton Shuttleworth
1 Geo. Wm. Bingham
u.B. John Edward Dupuis
Roi/al Artillery.
Royal Artillery.

Roynl A rtiller 1).

Deputy Af{jutant-Gmeral. 3 Janics Fife, 10 Sept. 32.

.l/,y<.;-f,V/i.— I^ta Sir A. Dickson, O.C.B. 8 William Porter, 25 Sept. 32.
& K.C.H. 10 April, 27. U Tlioraas Hendley, 2;) Jan. 34.
Astittant Arljutiint-Gcneral. u. B. J. .Vle-xander, 20 .\ug. 3G.
Lifut.-Coi.—-J. E. Joins, lOlli Jan. 18. Veterinary Surgeons.
Ai(jutitnts. Charles Percivall, 23 April, 18.
in</ Cnpt.—^ W. 11. Apr. 15.
Bent, 1 James Burt, 1 June, 07.

II. u. •-';!</ f.i//f.— p Urn. Pester, -Jti Uoc. o2. William Stoekley, 24 April, 05.
I. A. 2;i,/ /.^—111 J. Witilitniiui, :V> Aui;. :)4.
.1 -iml rni,l.—\fi H. II. Wriu'lil.i? Ap.3«.
Matthew H. Scott, 10 .Vpril, ai.
7 i/i./<o/j/—T.A. UlhbridKe,-.>iJttu.37.
George BailyTusou, B.D.
4 •.'!«/ Ci/p^. —
J. StuniTville, 2-2 Jan. 37.
1 April, 39.

3 •hid dipt. —
F. A. (iritfiths.ia Jan. 37. Company of Gentlemen Cadets.
•2 Znd Cnpl.—H. Uttsset, -J"' Jan. 37. Captain. — Tlie Master-Gen. of the Onlnancc.
l> -J/i// Oi^jr —
J. .M. Savage, 27 Julv, 37. •Znd Cnpt. — (LEI Hichard Beamnout Burnaby,
1 -JiiJ ^«/.^— Win. Fiirneaux, 14 .Mar.38. 9 Sept. 34.
8 ind ( apt. — I'. W . Wingrtleld, 23 Sept. 36 \st Lieut. — .\shton Ashton Shuttlcworth, 8
Nov. 27.
Quarter- Masters.
7 Samncl Banie.", 1 Feb. W. j»t ir.— Cha. Herrick Burnaby, 14 Nov. 27.
4 Williuiii liate*. l.j Xov. 119. Siding- House Establishment.
1 Julv, 2,j.
(i.-..p.'c Ijuiilel:'. 1 i.Vii^.Co/.— Riehard Jones. 31 Deo. 28.
5 Alixariiler Barker, 27'April, 26. \st Lieut. —
Henry Philips, 31 July, 35. j
2 .\. Fortune, 2(> July, 27. Comet 7th Hussars, 25 .March 28.
3 William Matthcwsj 25 July, 31. \st Lieut. —
Alexander M'Pher3on,l Jan. 36.


Artillery. Eiujinerrs.
Lt.-Col. -Sir J.M.P.Smith,Ji/r. London
Moody .... Witltham Abbey
SBCo\.Sirn.V.Roaa,KCB.CarlisU . Major Cole Srirautle
Kastcm . Lieul.-Colonel Tylden . Hunrich
Kent . . Lt.-0™. Rl. Hon. Lord >
ff^~u-h . Chathan
Colonel Munro, KU. . . Dorcr . . . Colonel Harding, CB. . Woolicich
Lit>ut..Colonel Thomson . Borer
Captain Smrth .... Exeter
Jebb Birmingham
Major Ri\ore Manchester
Captain Uotham . . . Hull
Sussex . .

Axillt West

Colonel Forbes
\ Colonel Arnold, KB.
Gamble . Col. Sir Geo. Cha. Rosic, CB.
Jfrtry . . . Sa Major Sinclair Major Jones
Captain Slade . . Lieul.-Colonel Calder
Sorlh Britain Iieut.-Col. Gordon Lrith Fort Blansbard, CB.
laCoI.J.TTebberSnlith.rB.DuJ/in Lt.-Col. Holloway . . . Dublin
Limeriek LlenL-Colonel J. MIcheU Limrrick . .

Lriiuter .

Cobbe . Iilnnd Bridge M%Jc Marshall
. .... Leinstcr
ristrr . Hunt . . Chartrmoitl Lieu 'Colonel Gordon . . Ulster Dist.
Xunslrr Colonel Oliver
, .... Bnttiucotlig Slade . . Muiutrr
ufhl Birch Alhloi Major Ord Connauaht
Pigeon-houu Fort IJrat.-ColDncl Arab«n . Dublin
Gibr^Uar . . 2B Lieut.'Col. Brmme Colonel Sir Cha. P. Smith, CB.
Malta . . . Wallace . Cardew
f ' r;,m Istands 8Q Hutcheaon Lieut. .ColonelBrown
V r idia . Engliata
Major Oo«set
Colonel P. Campbell . —
LIrut.-CoIonel Kirt-y.

— Colonel Wriuht
Cubllt . — j

.\...-. Zn M.rrer

— Lieul.-Colonel Jones, IlJT.



e/uumdhtrnd Major Fraier Walker

Brr'mud^ . . Lieul.-Colunel Bridce
. — Einmett
SI. Helrna . . Trciawny
. .

— Capl. .Alexander
Cttpf of Good Hope Brandreth, CB. — Colonel Lewi*, CB.
tVyton .... Col. W. O. Power, CB.KH. — Lieut. -Colonel Dixon
Mauritius . . . Ja*. I'ower .... — Colonel Fyera
Bakmmas Lietit. Hornby
. . . .... — Capl. Budiren
Vmn Diemm't t^ntt — Ml^or KelMll
.Vor South Wales — Barney
in Paymnstcrs to the Ordnance Dfpaitmcnt. Meter*. Cox U Co.
Notes to the Royal Artillery.

2 General Shrapnel served with the Duke of York's army in Flanders, and at the siege
of Dunkirk,
3 General Wulff was at the siege of Fort St. Phillips in Minorca in 1781 ; served in
Canada from Sept. 1786 to 12 Oct. 1790; and in Holland in 1799.

4 Sir Wiltshire Wilson was present at the following sieges, actions, &c. Valenciennes,
Dunkirk, and Nieuport in 1793; Tournay and Nieuport in 1794; Quiberon Bay in 1795;
Ostend in 1798; Capture of St. Lucie, and Tobago in 1803; and Surinam in 1804.
5 Sir Joseph Maclean was aide-de-camp to General Farrington with the expedition to the
Helder in 1799; and served as such with that army under the command of the Duke of
York until it returned to England ; having been shipwrecked and very nearly lost in Yar-
mouth Roads on the voyage home.
6 General Pritchard was present at the siege and surrender of Fort Bourbon, Martinique,
in 1 794, and was wounded by the bursting of a shell ; was at Bass Terre, Guadaloupe, on the
Republican troops regaining possession of the islands ; at Monre, Mascot, when attacked.
7 General Beevor served in Flanders in 1793, 4 and 5 ; in Egj'pt in 1801 and 2 ; in Spain
under Sir David Baird in 1808 and 9. Medal for services in Egypt.
8 Sir James Viney has received a medal and one clasp for Roleia and Vimiera, and
9 Sir Alexander Dickson was at the capture of Minorca in 1 798 blockade of Malta and

surrender of La Valetta 1800; siege and capture of Monte Video, and attack on Buenos
Ayres 1807 ; served throughout the campaigns of the Peninsula, France, and Flanders, in-
cluding in 1809, the affair at Grigo, capture of Oporto, and expulsion of Marshal Soult
from Portugal; in 1810, battle of Busaco and Lines of Lisbon; in 1811, affair at Campo
Mayor, siege and capture of Olivenfa, first and second siege of Badajoz, and battle of Albn-
hera ; in 1812, siege and capture of Ciudad Rodrigo, siege and capture of Badajoz, attack
and capture of the forts at Almarez, siege and capture of the Forts, and battle of Salamanca,
capture of the Retiro, Madrid, and siege of Burgos; in 1813, battle of Vittoria, siege and
capture of St. Sebastian, Passage of the Bidassoa, battles of the Nivelle, and Nive ; in 1814
passage of the Adour, and battle ofToidouse; served in the last American war, including
the attack on New Orleans, and siege and capture of Fort Bowyer Mobille ; present in the
battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo ; commanded battering train in aid of the Prussian
army in the sieges of Mauberg, Landrecies, Phillippeville, Marienberg, and Rocroy. Sir
Alexander has received a cross and six clasps.
10 Sir J. H. Camcross served at Walcheren, and in the Peninsula and France, from 1811
to 14, including the battles of Salamanca, Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, Orthes, and
Toulouse ; medal and two clasps.
11 General Watson served in Flanders in 1793, 4, and 5, including battles of St. Amand,
Famars, siege of Valenciennes, battle of Lincelles, attack of Dunkirk, Lambric, Lannoy,
Houbaix, Mouveaux, &c. ; present in the actions of the 20th Sept. 2nd and 6th Oct. 1799
at the Helder; Battle of the Blue Bergh, and capture of Cape of Good Hope in 1806; at-
tack and capture of Maldonado ; capture of Monte Video, and attack on Buenos Ayres.
12 Sir Thomas Downman served in Flanders in 1793 and 4, including actions at Cateau,
Lannoy, Roubaix, and was taken prisoner 18 May, 94 ; commanded a troop of horse artil-
lery during the Coniima campaign; served in the Peninsula from Sept. 1810 to May 1813,
including siege of Ciudad Rodrigo, and Ijattle of Salamanca ; medal for Salamanca.
13 General Evelegh served the Cormma Campaign.
14 General Fyers served the campaigns of 1794 and 5, in Holland; employed on
French coasts in mortar-ships, during 1796, 7, and 8 ; served two expeditions to the Baltic,
and accompanied Lord Nelson to Revel, in Russia, and to attack the flotilla at Boulogne in
1801, (wounded) present at Copenhagen in 1807, and at the siege of Flusiiing ; served the

campaigns of 1813 and 14, in tlie Netherlands, including the attack on Bergen-op-Zoora.
15 General Hon. W. H. Gardner accompanied the expedition to Walcheren, and was pre-
sent at the siege and capture of Flushing.
16 General Walker served on the Continent in 1794 and 5, and received three wounds in
the retirement of the army across the Rhine near Arnheim, viz. one severely through the
right arm below the elbow ; the others above the elbow, and in the right hip.

Notes to the lioijul Artilhrij.

18 General Drummoml was present at the siege of Copenhagen in 1807 ; capture of the
island of Walcheren, and siege of Flushing ; hattle of Waterloo.
11) Sir John »May was eniiiloved afloat in bomb service from 1st Dec. 1707 to 16th April,
1801 ; present at Copenhagen in 1807. Served in the Peninsula and France from 18th Jan.
180i) to iOth June, 1814, including battles of Talavera, Bnsaco, Fucntes d'Oiior, sieges of
Ciudail Rddrigo, and lladajoz ; siege of Forts at and liattlc of Sahiniiinea ; battle of \'ittoria
siege of San Sebastian; passages of Bidassoa, >ivelle, and Ni\e; battle of Toulouse, and
various skirmishes ; present at Quatre Bras and Vaterloo, and ca]>tiire of Paris. Sir John
received two musket-balls through the left tliigh when charging the French rear guard on
the morning after the battle of Salamanca, and a violent contusion at Vittoria ; medal and
three clasps.
20 Col. Pym 8cr^•e<l in Flanders in 1795 and 9G; expedition to the Te.xel, 1797; expedi-
tion to Naples, 1805 ; battle of JIaida, sieges of Scylla and Heggio in Calabria, and siege of
Guita, 1800 ;commanded Artillery in the expedition to Egypt in 1807 capture of Ischia

and Procida, 1809 ; sieges and capture of Spczzia, Genoa, and Savona, 1814.
21 Col. Brougli was at the captures of St. Lucia in 1790, and Guadaloupc in 1810.
22 Col. Bredin was at the capture of Grenada, St. Vincent, and St. Lucia, under Sir
Kali>h .Vbcrcrombie, and has served in the Peninsula.
23 Col. Younghusband served in St. Domingo in 1795, and at the siege of Flushing
in 1809.
24 Col. Crawford was at the capture of Surinam in 1799, and Swedish and Danish islands
in 1801, St. Lucia and Surinam in 1803. Served the whole of the Conmna campaign, and
in the last American war.
25 Col. Smith was at the attack of Minorca in 1798; siege of Jtalta, 1800; defence of
Porto Ferrajo, 1802; expedition to Walcheren, and siege of Flushing; served the cam-
paigns of 1813, 14, and 15, including battle of Vittoria, passage of Bidassoa, Kive, siege of
St. Sebastian, and battle of Waterloo. Medal and one clasp.
26 Col. Rogers served at Walcheren, and was present at the siege of Flushing ; served in
Holland, Netherlands, and France, from 9th Dec. 1813 to 4th Nov. 1818, including Quatre
Bras and Waterloo.
27 Col. Gamble was at the taking of Malta in 1800; served the Egyptian campaign of
1801, including the battles of the 13th and 21st March, and was wounded in the head on
the 2l8t; capture of Ischia and Procida, 1809; and capture of Genoa in 1814. Medal for
services in Egypt.
28 Col. Munro served the Egyptian campaign of 1801, including the action of 21st
March, and siege of Aboukir; expedition to Walcheren, and siege of Flushing ; in action at
New Orleans, 23rd Dec. 1814, 1st and 8th Jan. 1815. Medal for services in Eg-ypt.
29 Col. Cockburn was at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope in 1795 ; expedition to
Manilla ; capture of Copenhagen in 1 807.
30 Sir II. D. Ross served m the Peninsula and France from 9th June, 1809 to Feb. 1814,
including action at Coa, battle of Busaco, actions of Pombal and Redhina (wounded in the
shoulder) ; Cayal Nova and Foz d'Oronces, (wounded in the leg) ; Sabugal, Fuentes d'Onor,
Aldea Ponte, sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz, (dangerously wounded in the head)
capture of forts at Salamanca, action at Castrajou, battle of Salamanca, capture of JIadrid
and Retiro, affair of San Munoz and St. Milan, battle of Vittoria and the Pyrenees, passage
of the Bidassoa, Nivelle, and Nive, battle near Bayonue, 13 Dec. 1813 ; battle of Waterloo,
17th and 18th June, 1815. Cross and six clasps.
31 Col. Birch served in Ireland during the Rebellion of 1798 ; expedition to Walcheren ;
in the Peninsula, at Cadiz, and Seiille, under Lord Lynedoch and Sir George Cook in 1810,
11,12, and 13.
32 Col. Armstrong was at the captiire of St. Lucia and Tobago in 1803 ; Surinam in
1804 ; and at St. Domingo in 1809.
33 Col. Paterson was at Copenhagen in 1807 ; and at Walcheren in 1809.
34 Col. Oliver served the Egyptian campaign of 1801, including the landing, 8th March,
and liattles of 13th and 21st March. Present at the siege of Flushing. Medal for services
in Egypt.
35 Col. Lacy served in Holland in 1799, and in Spain and France, in 1812, 10, and 14,
including the action at Castalla, the two sieges of Tarragona, and investment of Bayonne.
30 Col. Campbell served the Egyptian campaign of 1801, including the actions of the
8th, 13th, and 21st March; capture of Rosetta; several aifairs on the march to, and capture
of Cairo ; capture of Alexandria. Medal for services in Egypt.
37 Col. Turner was at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope in 1806. Medal and one
clasp for Orthes and Toulouse, and was also present at the affair of Tarbes.
Notes to the Royal Artillery.

38 Colonel Clcaveland served the Kandian campaigu in which the king and his ten'itory
were captured.
39 Sir Robert Gardiner was at the capture of Minorca in 1798. Present at the battles of
Roliea and Vimiera battle of Corunna ; expedition to Walcheren battle of Barrosa cap-
; ; ;

ture of Badajoz ;battle of Salamanca siege of Burgos

; affair of Morales ; battles of Vit-

toria, Orthes, Toulouse, and Waterloo. Cross and two clasps.

40 Colonel Wallace was on board the Phcenix Letter of Marque when she beat off a
French Privateer near Barbadoes in Dec. 1800. Present at the siege of Flushing in 1809,
and at the attack of Sucketts Harbour, United States, in 1813.
41 Colonel Richard Jones served in Holland in 1799, including the battles of Zuyp,
Hoom, Egmont, and Limmen. Present at the capture of Paris, and with the army of occu-
pation im"til and Dec. 1818.
4'2 Colonel John Edward Jones was employed afloat on board the bombs in 1801 and 02 ;

commanded the artillery on board the Volcano bomb, and was present at the bombardment
of Cronenburgh Castle, battle of Copenhagen, and bombardments of Boulogne under Lord
43 Colonel Brandretli was at the siege of Malta in 1800; bombardment of Havre-de-
Grace, 1803 ; Corunna campaign ; expedition to Walcheren, and siege of Flushing ; served
the campaigns of 1813, 13, and 14, including the battles of the Pyrenees, Nivelle, and
Toulouse. Medal and one clasp.
44 Colonel Story was at the blockade and capture of Malta in 1800; capture of the
Danish Islands St. Croix and St. Thomas bombardment and capture of Fort Dessaix,

Martinique, Feb. 09 ; capture of Guadaloupe, Feb. 1810.

4.5 Colonel Hutchesson served in Holland in 1799; in the Peninsula and South of France
from March 1813 to July 1814; Belgium and France from May 1815 to Nov. 1818, in-
cluding the battle of Waterloo.
46 Colonel Whinyates served in the expedition to the Helder and campaign in North
Holland in 1799 expedition to Madeira in 1801 ; Copenhagen 1807 ; Peninsula from Feb.

1810 to July 1813, including the battles of Busaco and Albuhera ; aftairs at Usagre, Aldea
de Ponte, San Munos, attack and defeat of General Lalleman's cavalry at Ribera, and many
other atfairs. Severely wounded in the left arm at Waterloo.
47 Colonel John Michell served the campaign in Holland in 1799 in the Peninsula and

South of France from Aug. 1813 to May 1814, including siege of San Sebastian, passage of
the Bidassoa, Nivelle, and Nive, battles of Orthes, and Toulouse ; in America from May
1814 to May 1815, including the attack of Wasliington and Baltimore, New Orleans, and
other operations on the coast. Attached to the Prussian army in reducing the fortresses in
the Netherlands. Medal and one clasp.
48 Colonel Trelawny served in Holland in 1799; in the Peninsula and South of France
from Nov. 1813 to June 1814, including the passage of the Adour.
49 Colonel Hunt served in Ireland during the rebellion in 1798; at Cadiz from Feb. 1810
to Feb. 1812 ; in Belgium and France from' 1814 to 1818.
50 Colonel Nicolls served the Egj-ptian campaign of 1801, including the battles of the 8th,
13th, and 21st JIarch siege of Fort St. Julian, investment of Giza and Alexandria, re-

ceived a contusion in the thigh from a cannon shot on the 13th March. Present at the
storming of Buenos Ajtcs, July 1807 ; and at the siege of Fluslilng. Medal for services in
51 Colonel Cobbe served the campaign in the West Indies in 1801, under Lieut. -Gen.
Sir Thos. Trigge.
52 Colonel Mercer served in South America in 1807 and 8. Present at Quatre Bras and
53 Colonel W. G. Power served in Spain, Portugal, and France, from 14th Oct. 1808 to
4th June 1814, including battle of Talavera ; sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo (wounded), and
Badajoz, capture of French works at Almazaby reduction of forts at, and battle of, Sala-

manca ; siege of Burgos (wounded) siege of San Sebastian 11th July to 8th Sept. 1813 ;

passage of the Bidassoa, Nive, and Adour.

54 Colonel Cubitt was at the battle of Maida, and siege of Scylla in 1806. Expedition to
Walcheren 1809.
55 Colonel Bridge served the campaign on the Niagara Frontier, and on the North- West
side of Lake Ontario, and Burlington Heights in Upper Canada, between Jan. 1813 and
Aug. 1814. Wounded 7th May 1813. Permitted to wear the word "Niagara" on
56 Colonel Brown served at Walcheren in 1809. Present at Waterloo and Cambray.
57 Colonel Grant served in Hanover in 1805 under Lord Cathcart.
58 Colonel Scott served in the expedition to Walcheren , and was at the siege of Flushing.
Notes to the lioi/al Artilliri/.

59 Colonel Dyncley served the campaicii of 180.') in Italy; present at the battle of Maida,
ami aiegp of Si-ylla, in 1800. Served in the Peninsula from July, 1811, to November, 1813,
ini-luilini; siejrc of Ciuilail Rodrifia (woundetl in the luad) siege of forts at Sulamanca

(wounded in the face); heights of St. Chrbtovel battles of Salamanca, Vittoria, and the

Pyrenees, of out-posts.
lH>siiles aifuirs Engajjed at Waterloo.
CiO riilonil Parker served at \Vulehcrcn, aiulwas present at the siege of Flusluu);. Served
in tlie Peninsula and South of France from February, 18P2, to April, 1814; including the
battle of Vittoria ; both sieges of San Sebastian ; battle of Orthes ; affair at Tarbcs and
battle of Toulouse. Lost left leg at Waterloo. Medal for Vittoria.
(il Colonel Darby served in Hanover In 1805, and at the siege of Copenhagen in 1807, and

the (%>runna campaign.

ti-2 Colonel Walcott served the Corunna campaign. Present at Waterloo.
0;) Colonel Rudyerd served in bomb vessels on coast of France in 1804. Present in two
battles, anil the capture of a fortress in the Travancorc war, East Indies. Present at Quatre
Bras and WaterliH).
<i4 Colonel Cutor served campaign of Walcheren and siege of Flushing. In the Peninsula
anil South of France, from 1809 to 1814, including the siege of Cadiz; lines at Torres Vedras
and at Santarem ; battle of Barrosa (wounded); affair at Osma ; battle of Vittoria ; affair at
Tolosa ; passage of the Bidassoa, Nivelle, and Nive ; at four days' engagements in front of
(ii> Colonel Dansey was at the sieges of Ischia, and Santa Maura. His services in the

Peninsula, and France, and Flanders, include the followinsr battles and sieges, viz ; Badajoz,
Salamanca, Burgos (severely wounded), Vittoria, San Sebastian, NivcUe, Nive, besides
\ariims actions and skirmishes. Engaged 17th and 18th June at Waterloo, severely wounded
on the 18th.
(K) (^olonel Crawford served in the lines in front of Sobral, Portugal, in 1809 ; was at the
capture of Genoa in 1814; served in the last American War, including the taking of Wash-
ington, and engagements before New Orleans.
t>7 Colonel Gordon, accompanied the expedition to Naples, December, 1805, and occupa-
tion of Sicilv. Present at the battle of Maida, and attack and surrender of the Rock of
Scylla in 180C.
1)8 Sir Wm. Colebrooke's services. —
Campaigns of 1809 and 10, in India ; expedition to
Java in 1811, including the action of Weltyvreden ; in batteries before Cornells mitil
wounded (in tlic groin) 22d August ; and the siege and capture of Jokjakarta. Expedition
to Palemburg, in Sumatra, 1813 ; campaign of 1817 and 18, in India, against the Pindarics
and Mabrattas campaign of 1818 and 19 in Southern India. Present at sieges of Ras-el-

Kyhman and Zaya, Arab fortresses.

09 Colonel King served in a Mortar- Boat in the Faro of Messina, for two months in 1810.
Advanceil into the United States with Sir George Prevost's army, and commanded a battery
against Plattsburgh.
70 Colonel W. D. Jones served in the expedition to Naples in 1805 ; present at the attack
and capture of Reggio Castle, in Calabria, in 1800; expedition to Egypt in 1807 ; in charge
of the division of Mortar-Boats in the Faro of Messina in 1810.
71 Colonel Dundas was at the siege of Flushing in 1809 ; at Cadiz in 1810 and 11 ; de-
tached from Cadiz to Tarrasona in 1811 ; wounded in right aid^le at Ciudad Hodrigo, and

most severely and dangerously at Badajoz, left arm amputated, left thigh dislocated, and
hip bone shattere<l.
72 Colonel Arabin was present in the action after the troops effected a landing at Mar-
t'mique, also at the siege of Fort Bourbon. Served in the Peninsula and France, from March,
1812, to .Vug. 1814, including the battles of Biar and Castalla; siege and capture of Fort
San Felipe ; and battle of Ordal.
73 Colonel E. T. Michell was detached from Gibraltar in 1810,and commanded a Guerrilla
division in the Serrania de Ronda ; present at the capture of Honda,combats of El Brosque
and of Bornos, night attack and capture of Arcos. CommandcHl the .\rtiUery with the
force ix^cupying Tarifa in 1810, 181 1, and 1812 engaged in all the affairs and operations

at Tarifa, Vejer, Casas Viejas, Alcala and Medina Sidonia battle of Barrosa (shot through

the shoulder) and final defence of Tarifa against Slarshal Victor. In 1812 present at
the assault and capture of forts at, and battle of Salamanca, combat of Castrejon, and
many affairs of out-posts. Servetl in the Netherlands from December, 1813, to May,
1814, at the capture of Merxem, investment and bombardment of Antwerp, and in the
night-attack on Bergen-op-Zoom, conducted one of the columns, and was severely wounded
in several places.
74 Colonel Cruttenden was at the capture of Guadaloupe, in 1815 ; commanded the .Bmmn
troop ship when attacked by tlie Nonsuch American privateer, in the West Indies, which
he beat off with great loss.
177 z

Notes to the Royal Artillery.

75 Major Faddy, prior to entering the Royal Artillery, was a midshipman on board the, at the capture of the Dutch Fleet in Saldana Bay in 1795; present at the attack on
Fort Jerome, St. Domingo, and at the siege and capture of the City of Santo Domingo in
1809; served in the Peninsula and France from July 1810 to June 1814, including the siege
of San Sebastian passage of the Adour, investment of, and sortie at, Bayonne, besides many

affairs of out-posts.
76 Colonel Wylde served in Holland in 1813 and 14, and commanded a battery before
Antwerp and at Bergen-op-Zoom ; Brevet- Lieut. -Col. 19th Aug. 36.
77 Major Gordon served in the Peninsula and France from Aug. 1813 to Aug. 1814, in-
cluding siege of San Sebastian, passage of Bidassoa, and Nivelle actions in front of Bayonne,

occupation of Bourdeaux, and subsequent affairs on the DordojTie and investment of the
fortress of Blaye.
78 Major Walker was at the capture of Flushing in 1809; present in the campaigns on
the Frontier of Niagara in 1813 and 14.
79 Colonel Maclachlan served in Spain in 1813 and 14; Brevet.-Lieut.-Col. 1 June, 32.
80 Major Blachley served in the Peninsula from July, 1809, to Dec. 1812, including
battles of Busaco, Fuentes D'Onor, Salamanca, and siege of Burgos.
81 Colonel Macdonald was at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope in 1806, and pro-
ceeded from thence on the expedition to Buenos Ayres, where he was twice severely wounded
and taken prisoner; served in the Perunsula and France, from June, 1809, to July, 1814,
including the battles of Coa and Busaco; affairs of Redinha, Pombal, Condelia, and Fos de
Roos ; battles of Fuentes d'Onor, and Salamanca ; affair of San Munos ; battle of Vittoria
siege of San Sebastian ; battles of the Pyrenees ; affairs of the Gave Doltoron, and of Ayres
battle of Toulouse ; severely wounded at Waterloo ; Brevet-Lieut.-Col, 21June, 17; Brevet-
Colonel, 10 Jan. 37.
82 Major Moor served in the Peninsula from June, 1809, to June 1813, including battles
of Busaco, Fuentes d'Onor, and Salamanca ; sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo, and Badajoz
engaged at Castrajon, and twelve other affairs with the enemy.
83 Major Jackson served in Canada from April, 1813, to Aug. 1815, including Chryst-
ler's Farm, and Plattsburgh ; medal for the former.
84 Major Sabine served tlie campaign on the Niagara Frontier in 1814, and commanded
the batteries at the siege of Fort Erie.
85 Major Dunn served the campaign of 1805, in Italy; present at the battle of Maida,
and capture of Scylla Castle in 1806; expedition to Egypt in 1807, including attack of
Alexandria, Rosetia, &c. ; battle of El Hamet, and taken prisoner ; defence of Scylla Castle
in 1808; served in the Peninsula in 1810 and 11, including siege of Ciudad Rodrigo;
battles of the Coa, Busaco, Albuhera, and many other affairs ; severely wounded in the
groin by a musket-ball at Aldea de Ponte, 27 Dec. 1811 ; served in America in 1814,
including the taking of Moos Island.
86 Major Bayley was at the Imttle of Maida, and siege of Scylla, in 1806; expedition to
Egypt, and capture of Alexandria and Rosetta, in 1807; capture of Ischia in 1809; attack
on an armed ship and gun-boats in the Bay of Scylla in 1810.
87 Major Cruttenden served the campaigns of 1813, 14, and 15, in Upper Canada,
including attack and reduction of Oswego.
88 Major Sinclair served with the expedition to Zealand in 1807 ; expedition to Portugal,
and battle of Corunna; expedition to the Scheldt; served in the Peninsula and France
from Feb. 1811, to Aug. 1814, including the assault on Badajos in 1812; battles of Sala-
manca, Vittoria, and the Pyrenees passage of the Bidassoa, Nivelle, and Nive ; sortie from

Bayonne, besides many other affairs present at Waterloo.


89 Major Gray was at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope in 1806.
90 Major Fogo served in America during the whole war, includmg the battle of
91 Major the Hon. W. Arbuthnot was present at the passage of the Douro, and the
battles of Oporto, Talavera,and Busaco.
92 Major Blachley served in the Peninsula and France from Feb. 1812 to Aug. 1814, in-
cluding the siege and capture of Badajoz; affair of Castrajon battle of Salamanca; capture

of Madrid, and Retire siege of Burgos ; affair at Osma battle of Vittoria siege and cap-
; ; ;

ture of San Sebastian (both operations) passage of the Bidassoa, and the Nivelle actions

of the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th Dec. 1813, in front of Bayonne passage of the Adour ;

investment of, and sortie from Bayonne ; wounded in the head by a musket-ball at the
93 Major Chalmer served in the expedition to Walchercn, and was at the siege of
94 Major Macbean was at the siege of Copenhagen in 1807 ; served the Corunna cam-
paign ; the expedition to Walchercn, and siege of Flushing ; present at Waterloo. Ai
Elites to the Royiil Artilleri/.

06 Maior Stopford scncd in South America In li»07 and 8 ; present at Quatrc Bra< and
Waterloo, (roeeivwl a contusion) and the capture of Piiris.
Oti iMajor Dowse servwl at Bueno9 Ay res in 1H(I7.
U7 Major Bilson served in tlie Peninsula anil France from July 1800 to July 1814,
including tlic actions in front of Alameiila ; hatllc of Busaco ; actions at Poniba] ;
Re<linlui ; in front of, and tlie heisihts of t'aza Nova; Foz de Aroncc ; Sabu),'al ; buttle of
Fuente« d'Onor ; sieges of Ciudad Kodripo, and Biiilajnz ;battles of Vittoria, and the
Pvrenfes ; |)assa>;e of the Xivelle, and Nive ; Imttle of Ortlies, and many other actions and
aliairs of out-jnists ; severely wounde<l at Castrajon, 18 July, 181'2.
08 Major Stewart served in Hanover in 18<lo, and at the siege of Copcnliagcu in 1807.
09 Major Molesworth servol at the sii-s-e of Co|>euliageu in 1807.
100 Brevit-Lieut.-Colonel, 27 April, 18:}8.
liil JIujor Bell was at capture of the islands of St. Tliomas and St. Croix in 1807 ; siege
of fort Desaix, Martinique; capture of Les Saintes, near dimdaloupe ; and bombardment
and drivini{ from the anchorage the French fleet in 18t>0; capture of Ciuadaloupc and adja-
cent islands in 1810. Ser\ed in the Peninsula and France from July 1813 to July 1814,
including the passage of the Bidassoa, >'iville, Xivc, uiul four days' engageniints near
liayonue ; passage of the Adour, aiul investment of Bayonne ; affairs at Vic Higorrc, anri
Tarbcs ; passage of the Garonne, and subsequent operations ; battle of Toulouse (wounded) ;
present at (juatre Bras and Waterloo, and capture of Paris.
10-2 Major Louis served in the Peninsula and France from Jan. 1813 to June 1814, in-
cluiUng the battle of Vittoria, siege of San Sebastian ; passage of the Jiivelle, and Nive, and
investment of Bayonne ; pri'scnt at Waterloo.
103 Major Grantham served at the siege of Cailiz.
1 04 Major Gordon was at the capture of the Danish Islands, St. Tliomas and Santa Cruz

in 1807 ; capture of Martinique and siege of Fort Bourbon ; capture of Les Saintes in 1800 ;
and capture of Ouadaloupc in 1810.
10.5 Colonel Brereton ser\ed in the Peninsula, France, andjFlanders, from December, 1 800
to June, 1815, including the sieges of Cadiz, Matagorda (woundi'il), and San Sebastian;
battles of Barrosa (wounded), Vittoria, the Pyrenees, Urtlies, Tmilouse, Quartre Bras, and
Waterloo (severely woundetl) ; besides the actions on retreat from Burgos, at San Munos,
ni-ar Salamanca, Helette, St. Palais, Suaveterre, .\ire, and Tarbes. Brevet-Lieut.-Col.
loth Jan. 37.
IOC Major England served the expedition tothcWeser in 1805 and 0; to the Cape of Good
Hop>e anil South America in 1806 and 7 ; campaign of 1813 in the Peninsula, including the
battle of Vittoria and siege of San Sebastian.
107 Major Whitty was present at the redaction of the Danish Islands in the West Indies
; capture of Guadaloupe in 1810, and of
in 1807 Paris in 1815.
108 Major Sweeting serve<I the Candian campaign in Ceylon.
109 Major Wright was at the capture of Madeira, and served the Conmna campaign;
served with army of occupation in France.
110 Major Woixt serve<l in the Peninsula and France, from Feb. 1813 to the end of the
war, including battle of Vittoria ; blockade of Pampluna ; battles of the Pyrenees ; siege of
San Setiastian ; liattle of the Nivelle ; affairs of Vic Bigorrc and TarlK-s ; battles of Orthes
aixfl Toulouse. Served the campaign in .America, uicluding attack on Plattsburgh.
111 Major Heron served at Scylla in Calabria, and cxpe<lition from Sicily in 1807 ; cap-
ture of Martinique, sieges of Pigeon Islanil and Fort Honrbiin, 1810; served in the Pen-
insula and France from 30th May, 1812 to 8th .\ng. 1814, including the affair at Osnia ;
battle of Vittoria (wounde<l) both sieges of San Seliastian and storming of the town ; passage

of the Bidassna, Xivclle,and Nive; actions on the 10th, lltb, and 12th Dec. 1813; in front
of, and sortie from, Bayonne, April, 1814.
112 Major Saunders was at the affairs of Pombal, Redinha, and Sabugal; battles of
Fucntes d'Onor; siege of Badajoz ; battle of Vittoria; sieges of San Sebastian; passages of
the BiilaKsoa and Xive, and investment of Bayonne.
114 Major Dalton served at Walchcren, and was present at the siege of Flushing.
115 Major Colcbrooke served the Walcheren campaign.
110 Major Raynes was at the siege of Copenhagen in 1807 served the Corunna cam-

paign ; exiMMlition to Cadix in 1810 ; battle of

Barrosa ; siege of Tariffa action at Seville
; ;

battled of Vittoria, PyTenees, and Nivelle ; passage of the Adour, and operations before
117 .Major Hardinge served in the Peninsula and France from 12th Aug. 1812, to 25 June
1814, including the battle of Vittoria siege of San Sebastian battles of Orthes and Toulouse.
; ;

Present at Lignv, Quatre Bras, and Waterloo.

118 Major Shii>j.ard servc<l at Walcheren in 18<«), and in Canada from March 1814 to
Dec. 1810, including actions at Chipjawa, and Luudy's Lane, before Fort Erie, and tlic
attack on Snake Hill.
Notes to the Royal Artilkry.

119 Major Lock was present at the battles of Roleia and Vimiera.
120 Major Sandilands served the Walcheren campaign. Present at Quatrc Bras and
121 Major Wright was at the siege of Copenhagen in 1807. Served the campaign of
1813 and 14 in Germany under the orders of the Prince Royal of Sweden, and was present
at the siege of Wittemlierg, capture of Hanover and Lubeck, siege of Frederick Fort, and
siege and surrender of Gluckstadt. Presentonthe 17thand 18th June at Waterloo. Medal
for the siege of Gluckstadt.
122 Captain Strangways served the campaign of 1813 and 14 in Germany, including the
battle of Gourd 16th Sept. and Leipsic ICth, 18th, and 19th Oct. 1813, for which the
Swedish order of the sword was conferred on him, he having commanded the Rocket Troop
after the death of Major Bogue killed in action. Present on the IGUi and 18th June at
Waterloo, where he was wounded.
123 Captain EjTe served the Corunna campaign.
124 Captain Elgee served in the Peninsula and France from Feb. 1809 to May 1814,
including battles of Talavcra and Fuentes d'Onor ; siege of Burgos (contused wound in the
leg) ; and investment of Bayonne.
125 Captain Anderson was at the siege and capture of Flushing and the subsequent
operations in 1809. Bombardment of Antwerp, also previous and subsequent operations.
Present at Waterloo and capture of Cambray and Paris.
126 C«ptain Manners served in the Peninsula from Feb. 1810 to Dec. 1813, including the
battle of Barrosa (wounded) j sieges of Tarifa and Cadiz.
127 Captain Schalch was at the capture of Guadaloupe in 1815.
128 Captain Armstrong served at Walcheren in 1809, and in Canada from May 1810 to
July 1815, and was present in most of the engagements, &c. including the capture of Fort
Niagara. SUghtly wounded at Fort George, 27th May 1813.
129 Captain Cookson served the Corunna campaign including the actions of the 15th and
16th Jan. 1809. Proceeded with the army to Walcheren.
130 Captain Evans served at Walcheren.
131 Captain Pascoe served in the Peninsula and France from Aug. 1809 to Feb. 1814,
including the battles of Salamanca, Vittoria, NivcUe, Nive, passage of the Bidassoa, and
other operations ; sieges of Badajoz, Forts of Salamanca, Burgos, and San Sebastian. Army
of occupation from 1815 to 1818.
132 Captain Spiller served at Walcheren, and was present at the siege of Flushing, and
the attack and capture of Ter Vere.
133 Idajor Colquhoun served in Spain from 1812 until the close of the war. Brevet-
Major 2nd Dec. 36.
134 Captain Harrison served in the Peninsula from Jan. 1810 to Sept. 1814, and was
present at Cadiz, Isla, and Tariffa.
135 Captain Charlton served in the Canadas firom 1811 to 1815, and was present in
three general actions, one siege, several skirmishes, and at the stommig of two forts. Re-
ceived a contusion at the storming of Fort Erie.
136 Captain Kendall served at M'alcheren in 1809. Present at the taking of Kandyan
Provinces in 1815, and the subsequent operations tliere in 1817 and 18.
137 Captain Wright served at Cadiz during 1810, 11, and 12, and was at Fort Matagorda
and Tariffa.
138 Captain Bridges served at Walcheren in 1809, and in the Peninsula and France from
July 1811 to Aug. 1814, including the siege of Cadiz in 1811 ; battles of Vittoria and the
Pyrenees ; passage of the Bidassoa, Nivelle, Nive, and Adour and the operations before

Bayonne. Attached to the Prussian corps d'armee in 1815, under the command of Prince
Augustus of Prussia, and employed in the reduction of Philippeville, Marienbourg and
Kocroy. Adjutant to the Royal ArtUlery, serving with the force employed in Portugal in
1826; and Brigade Major to the Royal ArtUlery in the Canadas, in 1838.
139 Captain Bent served at Walcheren and at the bombardment of Flushmg. Served in
the Peninsula from Oct. 1810 to June 1813, including the sieges of Badajoz, battle of Albu-
hera, capture of General Gerard's corps at Arroga de Molinas, besides many otlier affairs.
Severely wounded at San Munos.
140 Captain Fumeaux served in the Peninsula from Oct. 1810 to April 1814, including
the siege of Badajoz.
141 Captain Morgan served at Walcheren, and at the bombardment of Flushing. Served
in the Peninsula and France from April 1812 to Aug. 1814, including the siege of Cadiz ;

battles of the Pyrenees ; siege of San Sebastian (severely wounded) ; and battle of
142 Captain Wardc was present at the siege of Cadiz and at Waterloo.
A'otts to the Rot/dl Artillery.

143 Captain Injrilby was present at the sieses of Ciudad Rodrli:^, Fort of Sulnmanea
(\v<iiinfle<l), and Hur^os; battles of Uiuaco, Kucntes d'Unor, and 17tli and ISth June at
144 Cuptnin Cater ser\e<l hi the Peninsula from April 1810, including the siege of Cadiz.
Present at ^Nulerloo and at the taking of Canibray and Paris.
145 Captain Pi-ster was present at the siege of Cadiz, and at tlie battle of Barrosa, where
he was severely woundwl.
14ti Cuploii) ^tanway served in the Peninsula and France from Feb. 1812 to July 1814,
including the siege of San Sebastian ; passage of the Bidassoa, and tl>e Adour.
147 Captain Story servol in tlie Peninsula and France from Nov. 1812 to May 1814,
iucluiling the sieue of Sun Sebastian : passage of the Uida^suu, and the .\iluur.
148 Captain Slaile ser%'ed in the Peninsula and Fnuice from March 181'^ to June, 1814,
including the battles of Salamanca, tile Pyrenees, and Ortbes ; siege of San Sebastian ;

passage of the Kidassoa, and N ivelle.

149, 11th July, 1837.
\W Captain James served in the Peninsula and France, from October, 1812, to April, 1814,
includini; the battles of Vittoria, the Pyrenees, Nivelle, and Orthes. Served subsciiucutly
in the Anieriean War.
151 Captain Lawrence served in the Peninsula, from .\pril, 1813, to April, 1814, including
the siege of Tarragona.
lo-i Captain Uloomtield servc<l in tlie Peninsula and France, from March, 1813, to June,
1814, including the battle of Vittoria, siege of San Sebastian, crossing the Bidassoa; battles
of tlie Nivelle, Xive, Orthes, and Toulouse. Present at Waterloo.
IM Captain Trevor served tlie campaign of 1814 in lioUand. Present at Waterloo and
subsequent operations in France.
li>4 Captain Maule serve<l in Sicily, the Adriatic, and the Peninsula, from November, 1811,
to November, 1814, indudini; four engacemcnts with and capture of enemy's vessels on
boanl of gun-l>oats ; battle of Castalla ; siege of Tarragona ; and alTair of Villa Franca.
Pri-sent on 16th and 18tli June, at Waterloo.
Io.j C-aptain Palliser scried in the Peninsula and France, from November, 1812, to May,
1814, including the siege of San Sebastian, and battles of Vittoria, Ortlies, and Toulouse.
Served subsequently in the .\merican War, including the battles of Bladensburgb, and
Baltimore, anfl operations Iwfore New Orleans.
l.jti Captain Macbean served in the Peninsula and France, from July, 1812, to August,

1814, incliiiling the affair at Osma ; battle of Vittoria; both sieges and capture of San
Set>astiaii; passage of the Nivelle 10th November, and actions of tlie Nive, 90i, 10th, lltli,
and 12th December, 1813.
157 Captain Gillespie seried in the last American War, including the battle at Plattsburgh.
158 Captain Dickens serve<l in Holland in 1813 and 14, including the attack on Merxem,
and the cannonade against the enemy's ships of war in the basin.
150 Captain Tomkyns serve<l the eampaicn of 1814 in Canada, including the actions near
Fort Cieorgi, and Lundy's Lane blockade, attack, and final assault of Fort Erie.
when the British lines on the Chippawa were attacked.
\m l^aplain Williams was engageil in the actions before New Orleans, and at the capture
of Fort Boyer. Pnsent at Waterloo and capture of Paris.
ICl Captain Morgan senedinthe Peninsula and France from October, 1813, to Jmie,
1814, iucludinc the passage of the Adour, and battle of Toulouse. Served the campaign of
1814 in Canada.
\y>i Captain R. G. B. Wilson scnwl in Holland, Belgium, and France, from December,
1813, to Januarv. 181(3, including the Kith, 17th, and 18th Jime, at Watirltw.
IftJ Captain Cupiiage served in the Peninsula and France, from February to August, 1814,
including the sortie from Bayonne. Present 18th June, at Waterloo.
I(U Captain Gritfin served before Genoa in 1814.
llw Captain ISasset was emploved in rauing the siege of Bilboa, 25th December, 1836.
Pri'sent in the Held actions on 'the 10th, Pith, 14tli, loth, anil IGtli March; attack and
carrjing bv assault the town of Uemaui, P2th May; and capitulation of the town of Fon-
torabia, 17Ui May, 1837.

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Notes to the Royal Engineers.
1 Aug. De Butts was at the sieges of Toiilon, Bastia, and Calvi, and was favourably
mentioned by Lord Hood in his despatches on the surrender of Bastia.
2 Gen. Evatt was present at the attack and reduction of various islands, &c. in the West
Indies, and at the Helder.
3 Sir Fred. Mulcaster served in Portugal, in 1797 and 98 ; acting as commanding engmeer
at the siege of Cindadeila in Minorca, in 1798, and remained in the Mediterranean until 1801.
4 Sir Howard Elphinstone was at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope in 1795 ; served
in Egypt in 1801 as Commanding Engineer in the Indian Army under Sir David Baird.
In ISOfi was employed on a mission to Portugal. Embarked as Commanding Engineer
under General Wiitelock in the expedition to Monte Video. In 1808 embarked as Com-
manding Engineer with Sir Arthur Wellesley in the expedition to Portugal, and was
severely wounded at Holeia. Served also in the Peninsula from 1812 to the end of the
war, and was Commanding Engineer at the passage of the Adour, and blockade of and
sortie from Bayonne. Sir Howard has received an Egyptian medal, and a medal and two
clasps for Roleia, Nivelle, and Nive.
5 Gen. Durnford was present at the siege of Fort Bourbon, and capture of Martinique, St.
Lucia, and Guadaloupe, in 1794.
6 Sir John Jones served the campaign in Calabria, ifec. ; was present at the battle of
Maida attack of Castle of Scylla ; the retreat to Corunna ; expedition to AA'alcheren, re-

duction of Flushing; served the campaigiis of 1810, 11, and 12, in the Peninsula; has
received a medal for Badajoz. Sir John was shot through the ancle joint at the siege of
Burgos, Oct. 1812.
7 Gen. Thackeray was at the capture of Surinam in 1799, St. Martin's, St. Bartholomew's,
&c. &c. in 1801 directed the siege of Scylla Castle, and that of the Fortress of Santa Maura

in 1809; served with the army in Spain, in 1812; at the battle of Castalla, and siege of
Tarragona in 1813, and remained with the army until 1814.
8 Gen. Birch served in Flanders, and Holland, in 1793, 94, and 95 the Egyptian cam-

paign of 1 801 ; taking of Copenhagen under Lord Cathcart served in the north of Spain in

1808 ; taking of Flushing in 1809 ; blockade of Cadiz in 1810 and 11 has received a medal

for Barrosa. Gen. B. was shot through the thigh near Valmesada, 7 Nov. 1808.
9 Gen. Nicolls served in the last American war.
9* General Wright served in the West Indies during the war with France, from 1800 to
1805 inclusive, including the capture of the islands of St. Lucia and Tobago from the
French. Commanded the batteries at the island of Trinidad under Sir Thomas Hislop, when
that island was threatened with an attack by the combined squadrons of France and Spain.
Served in North America, Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick during the whole of
the late war with the United States, under Sir George Prevost and Sir John Sherbrooke
and with the latter officer served as Deputy Quarter Master General of the Forces in the
provinces of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Served in the island of Ceylon, having
volimteered his services in that island during the rebelUon of the Kandyan provinces ;
and, on liis return to England, visited the Court of Persia in an official capacity, and was
the means of preventing the Shah of Persia from declaring war against the Hon. East
India Company.
10 Sir John Burgoyne's services ; —
blockade of Malta, and surrender of Valetta, 6th Sept.
1800; landed in Egypt, 17th March, 1807; capture of Alexandria, 20th March; attack
of Rosetta from 7th to 18th April, 1807 ; retreat to Corunna, 1809; passage of the Douro,
12th May ; affair of Salamonde, IGth May ; blew up Fort Conception in presence of the
enemy, 21st July ; battle of Busaco, 21st Sept. ; retreat and lines of Lisbon ; siege of Bada-
joz, 2nd to 13th June, 1811 ; action of Elbodon, 25th Sept. 1811 ; siege and storm of Ciudad
Hodrigo, 8th to 19th Januaiy, 1812 , siege and storm of Badajoz, 17th March to 6th April,
1812 ; siege and capture of Forts at Salamanca, 17th to 27tli June, 1812; battle of Sala-
manca, 22iid July, 1812 advance to Madrid, and captme of Retiro Forts, 14th August,

1812 ; siege of Burgos, (wounded) 19th Sept. to 21st Oct. 1812 retreat from Burgos ; ad-

vance of the army and cross the Ebro, May and June, 1813 battle of Vittoria, 21st June,

1813 ; siege and storming of St. Sebastian, (wounded) 15th July to 13th Aug. 13 siege of

Castle of St. Sebastian, 3l9t Aug. to 9th Sept. 1813 ; passage of Bidassoa, 7th Oct. 1813
battles of the Nivelle and Nive ; passage of Adour, 23rd February, and blockade of Bayonne
sortie from Bayonne, 14th April, 1814 attack of American lines licforc New Orleans ; 8th

Jan. 1815 ; capture of Fort Bowyer, from 8th to Uth Feb. 1815 Sir Jolm lias received a

cross and one clasp.

jViites til tlte Rot/Ill Eiuiiiufrs.

1 1 Ceil. Pauley's wnicei : —

in IHtiti, in the ilefoiice of Gui'ta
afterwarila in the battle of

Muiitu ; ; in 181)8 and !), scvenil Bkinnishex, and in the battle

9ie«e of in 1807
of Corunna ; rwonnoitercd the enemy's coast under the tire of batteries, and afterwards at
the sieite of ritiKhini; Col. P. received a bayonet-wound through the thiph, and a niusket-

wound, which iujurcil the spine, in leading a storming ]>arty to attack an advanced work
occupied by the I'd iich on the Dike in front of Flushing, 14th .\ug. 1809.
I\) Col. Uoldtlnch's sen-ices: —
in 1807, expedition to Copenhagen 1809, Oporto, Tala-

vem; 1810, Busaco; 1813, Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nive ; 1814, Ortlies, Toulouse; lias received
a cross.
l.T Col. .^mold's services :

blockailc and surrender of Malta in 1800 ; the whole of the
campaign in Kgypt in 1801 ; attack and surrender of Demerara, Essctiuibo, Berbiee, and
14 :jir Wni. Gosset sened in Holland in 1790, and was major in command at the attack
upon .\lgiers umlcr Lortl E.Tmoath in 1816.
l.j Col. EUiconilv's servicer: —
siege and storm of Ciiidu<l Rodrigo, 8th to lOtli Jan.
1812 ; siege and storm of Badajoz, 17th Man-h to Cth .April, 181'2 retreat from Burgos,

18l'2; advance of the army aiid cross the Ebro, .May and June, 181:1; battle of Vittoria,
as Brigade-Major; siege and storm of St. Sebastian, l.'jth Julv to !)th Sept. 1813; passage
of Bidassoa, 7th Oct. 181:1; battle of Xivelle, loth \ov. 181:3"; Xive, 10th and 11th Nov.
and 'ind Dec. 1813; passage of Adour, '23rd Feb. 1814, and blockade of Bayonnc; sortie
from Bayonne, 14th .\pr. 1814; medal for St. Sebastian.

IG Col. Fanshawe's services: capture of Ch]h* of Good Hope in 1800; expedition to
South .America, and siege and capture of Monte Video in 1807 ; wiili the army in Portugal
in 1808 ; expedition to the Scheldt, and siege of Flushing in 1809.
17 Sir C. F. Smith's services: —
capture of Santa Cruz, St. Thomas, and St. John in 1807;
capture of Martinitjue (wounded) in 1809; senior engineer in charge of Cadiz and its
environs in the ojierations connected with the battle of Barrosa in 1811 ; commanding
engineer in the defence of Tariffa, and in the field operations which Uxl to that event ; chief
engineer at Cadiz when the siege was raise<l in 1812; affairs of the 18th, and battle of Vit-
toria, 21st June, 1813 ; VUla Franca anil Tolosa, 'itth June ; siege of St. Sebastian ; capi-
tulation of Paris, 7th July, 1815; army of occupation; has served 20 years in the West

18 Col. Harding's services: 1813, action of Castalla, May; attack of Dcnia, June;
attack of Tarratroua, June. 1815, sieges of Mauberg, Laudrecy, Marienberg, Phillippevillc,
and Roeroy, with the Prussian army.
19 Sir Geo. Iloste's services :

liattle of JIaida, and siege of Scylla Castle in 180(5 ; attack
on .Alexandria and Rosetta in Egypt, in 1807 ; taking of the islands of Ischia and Procida,
an<l siege of Ischia Castle in 1810; action on board II. )I.'s ship Spartin in the Bay of
Naples. 3d May, 1810; two attacks on Antwerp, in 1812; led the Guards in the attack on
20 Col. Wright served in the expe<lition to the Ilelder in 1799.
21 Col. Lewis's services ; —
campaign in Naples and Calabria, in 1805 and 180C ; battle of
Maida and siege of the Castle of Scylla, in July and .Aug. 1800 capture of Ischia and Pro-

cida, in the Bay of Naples, in .Aug. 180!) ; anil siege of the Castle of Ischia ; siege of the
Fort at Santa -Maura; served the cani|iaign of 1813 in the Peninsula; wounded at tlie
B!u«iult of the breach of St. Sebastian, lost the left leg above the knee.
22 Col. Ilollimiy MTved tlic cnmpiiigns of 1810, 11, and 12, in the Peninsula; wounded
in the trenches iK^fore Badajoz, March, 1812; shot through the body 26th March, 1812,
whilst storming tlic enemy's works.
23 Col. Graydon was at the capture of Martinique, in 1809, and Giiailaloupe, in 1810.
24 Col.Tlioinsou was at the cajiture of Martiniipie, in 1809 ; served on the north coast of
S|>ain, in 1812 ; and in the Netlicrluuds, in 1813, 14, and 15.
25 Sir John Smith served in Sicily from 1807 to June 1812.
26 Col. Jones was at the passatre of the Douro anrl capture of Oporto, May, 1809 ; battle
of Talavera, July, 1809; battle of Bnsaco, .'<ept. 1810; siege of Badajoz, and "battle of .Albu-
hera. May. 1811 ; siege and capture of Ciiidad R^Mlrigo, January, 1812.
27 Col. .Moody has seen a great deal of active service in the West Indies, and has been
twice wouudcil, for which he received the Brevet rank of Major, and the Cross of Knight of
the Roval French Ortlcr of Military .Merit.
28 Col. Oldlicld scncd in Holland in 1814; from March to June 1815, second in com-
mand umlor Sir James Camiichael Smith in the Netherlands; as Brigade-Major witii the
l>uke of Wellincton's army at Waterloo, capitulation of Paris, and anny of oecii|)aHon.
•K> Col. Dixon scrveil in Canada during the war, from 1812 to 15, and was sUgbtIv
wounded at the storming of Fort Sanduskv ; nieilnl for Detroit.
Notes to the Royal Engineers.

30 Col. Calder served in the expedition to Walcheren, and siege of Plushing;, in 1809.
31 Col. Slade was present at St. Sebastian in July and Aug. 1813; blockade and sortie at
Bayonne, March and April 1814 Col. Slade was one of the officers selected to accompany

the boats from Socoa to the mouth of the river Adour, and to assist in laying the bridge
32 Col. Tylden served at the siege and capture of Fort Santa Maria, 29th March, 1814
Commanding Engineer in the action before Genoa under Lord \Xi\\. Bentinck.

33 Col. Wells; ^campaign of Portugal and Spain, in 1808 mid 9, including action of
Rolissa, and the battles of Viraiera and Corunna; campaign in Holland in 1809, including
the siege of Flushing blockade of Cadiz, from March, 1810, to the raising of the blockade

in 181 2, excepting about six months absence at Carthagena, and with the army in Estra-
madura, including the action of Barrosa, and the last siege of Badajoz, in March and April,
1812 served part of the campaign of 1813, until the army embarked at Bordeaux in 1814,

including the passage of the Bidassoa, blockade of Bayonne, and the taking of a work at
Laredo ; campaign of Belgium and France, in 1815.
34 Col. English's services :— campaign of 1808 and 9, from the period the British army
landed in Portugal until the retreat to Corunna, including battles of Roleia, Vimiera, and
Corunna; end of campaign of 1813, and campaign of 1814, including battles of Orthes and
Toulouse campaign of 1815, and with the army of occupation until August, 1817.

35 Col. Blanchard was at the blockade and sortie of Bayonne ; served afterwards in the
American war ; and was present at the taking of Washington the operations and engage-

ment before Baltimore field operations and engagement before New Orleans taking by
; ;

assault the lines on the rigiit bank of the Mississippi, and capture of Fort Bowyer; joined
Sir James Kemp's division in France, 22d June, 1815.
36 Col. Emmett's services, &c. —
sieges of Badajoz in 1811 and 12; passage of the Nive;

Bayonne, Orthes, Toulouse; at New Orleans, at the attack on the American lines, and every
affair on that expedition; at the siege of Fort Bowyer; slightly wounded at Badajoz in
1811 ; and on the advance towards Orthes; very severely wounded at the assault of Badajoz
in 1812.
37 Col. Ward served with the army in Sicily in 1811 and 12; was present at the action
of Castella, attack of Denia, and siege of Tarragona in 1813; served with the army in the
Netherlands in 1814.
38 Col. Gordon's services : —
attack on the Castle of Scylla, June, 1809; siege and cap-
ture of Santa Maura, March, 1810.
39 Major Barney was at the defence of Tariffa, and subsequently at several captures in
the West Indies.
40 Major Jones served in the expedition to M^alcheren in 1809; served the campaigns of
1811, 12, 13, and 14, including the actions and sieges of Cadiz, Tarragona, Badajoz (1812),
Vittoria, St. Sebastian, passage of the Bidassoa, Nivelle, Nive, Bayonne; wounded leading
the Forlorn Hope, first assault of St. Sebastian.
41 Major Bonnycastle was at the siege and capture of Flushing, August, 1809; served
with the army in Nova Scotia during the war with the United States, 1812, 13, and 14.
42 Major Marsliall was slightly wounded at Ciudad Rodrigo, 16th January, 1812;
severely wounded twice by musket-shots at St. Sebastian, 31st August, 1813, when lead-
ing the advance of the column of attack up the great breach.
43 Sir George Gipps was wounded on the left arm at the assault on Fort Picurina, during
the siege of Badajoz, in 1813.
44 Major Barry was severely wounded by a grape shot, 31st Aug. 1813, when leading a
party to the breach at the storming of St. Sebastian.
45 Col. Reid was severely wounded in the knee, repulsing a sortie at Badajoz, 10th May,
1811 ; in the leg during the assault of Ciudad Rodrigo, lyth January, 1812; in the neck
during the assault of St. Sebastian, 28th July, 1813.
46 Major Ord served in Spain during 1810, 11, 12, 13, and one half of 1814, including
the sieges of Cadiz and Tarragona.
46"= Major Waters served in the Peninsula from April 1812 to September 1814. Was
at Cadiz when the siege was raised in the former year. In 1815 he was present in tlie
actions of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. He led one of the columns to the assault of
Peronne on the 26th June 1815, and was at the capture of Paris.
47 Major Matson served the campaigns of 1813 and 14 in Spain and France, and after-
wards in the expedition to New Orleans.
48 Major Yule served in the American war in 1814, and was at Chippewa, 5th July, 1814,
and Niagara, 25th July, 1814.
49 Major Philpotts was favourably noticed in Sir Gordon Driunmond's despatch of the
attack on Fort Eric, Sept. 1814.
Notts to the Royal Enffineers.

M Mi^or Selnr}i> *^ ot the attack uf liiiadaloii|K-, lU Aug. 18IA.

.jl Major Gosstit wn'c<l iu Canaila in 1)<1.'1 aiid 14.
:,i .Major \Vliinyatt4 was at the battle of .^Ijjricm, iTth .Vug. IdlO.
oi* Major KoIh' joinej the 4th divUiou of the anny in the Peninsula in 1813. In 1814
he wa-t eiu|ph>yi'<l in tlie operations of tlie passage of the .\ilour blockade of and sortie

from llayoime. Aftereanlg iu the ex]>editioa to Xew Orleans. In Ittlo, IC, 17, and 18,
with the .\miy iu France.
.13 .Major \V right was wounded by a mnsket ball throush the thigh, lith Oct. 1821, at
Zante, iu an attack luaile by the Gre^'ks upou a Turkish niau-of-wur.
J4 Major Hivers landed at I'luuagis, Dec. 181:), and joined the li^jrbt division, Feb. 1814 ;
took charge of a divLsiou of the boalK titled out at S'oeoa for the passage of the .\duur ; then
joined the force for the siege of Uayonne; embarke<l for America in 1814.
oo Major Thomson was attachetl to the Prussian army in 1810, and served at XIaubery,
Laudrecy, Phillipville, and Roorui.
M Major Wortham served the campaigns of 1813 and 14 in Spain and France, including
the siege uf St. Selustiau, from -JUtli August to 9th Sept. 1813 battle of Orthes, -27th Feb.

1814 ; battle of Touluu.««, loth .\pril, 1814; served with Uie army in America, from 14tli
Sept. 1814, to 24tl> May, 1816, including tlie attack of the .\niericau Lines before New
Orleans,8tli Jan. 1810, and the siege and capture of Fort Bowyer from 8th to lllh Feb. 1815.
57 Captaius Jebb, Smyth, anil Portlock, siTvefl in the last American war.
a Captain Kay served in Hollaud and the Netherlands, iu 1814 and 10.
.. '
' 11 7

Royal Marines.
I.IKI T. I 1st 1 lEir.
4^ W. Moulilun Burton 22 4 Aug. 00 21 Dec. l»4 S April -24
Alinihaiu H. Gordon 23. 5 Jan. 01 18 July 05 18 Dec. 24
ffDavid Marlay II ditto 4 Aug. 05 5 Jan. 26
A William baker 14 ditto 15 ditto 21 Jan. 26
A J.Monlrcsor Pilchor24. 15 ditto ditto 11 Feb. 2()
Thomas Stevens 15 ditto ditto 1 1 Mar. -M
I Hichard Kdwards 10 April ditto 16 May 26
1 David Anderson Gibsonc 15 ditto ditto 31 July 26
9 DavidJ.Hallingairio. 1 July 03 ditto ditto
Uinjainin Biince .... 2 ditto ditto ditto
John Hovkis 2); 4 ditto ditto ditto
Donald Cami)bcll 27 .. .
5 ditto ditto ditto
John Rawlin>;s Corvton 6 ditto ditto ditto
Hu),'h Mitchell ... .'
9 ditto ditto ditto
9 Giles Meech 28 ditto ditto ditto
C9 John Wilson 29 .... 10 ditto 13 Sept. 05 ditto
Robert Mercer 11 ditto 18 Oct. 05 ditto
C Willian Laurie 3 Nov. 1 Mar. 06 •^^ Sept. 26
Samuel Burdon Ellis .... 1 Jan. 04 29 Ai)r. ()(i 15 Nov. 26
C Robert Gordon ditto 13 May Ot; 31 Aug. 27
I C ©Alfred Burton 30.. . I Feb. 7 July 06 ditto
I George Elliott Balehild . 23 April 12 Mar. 07 20 Nov. 27
3 James Whylock 25 April 24 ditto 31 Aug. 27
2tS C Thomas 'Wearing 31 .. 5 May 24 Apr. 20 Dec. 27
i^ I> James I'niacke 32 . . •28 Aug. 21 Aug. 31 Aug. 27
5 Stephen Giles 3 Oct. 13 Jan. OS ditto
5^ CliarUs Gray 10 ditto 24 Apr. OS ditto
(i Herbert Bowen Mends . 23 ditto 27 May OS ditto
5 Robert Ford 6 Nov. 27 July 08 20 Apr. 29
5 (ieorge Batt Bury 10 ditto ditto 30 June 29
7 James Irwin Willes 33 . 12 ditto ditto 15 Oct. 29
7A 'I'homas Waters 30 ditto ditto 22 July 29
6 Frederic Layton 9 Jan 05 ditto ditto
6 Henr\- James Gillespie . . U Jan ditto 27 ditto
6A David M'Adam 19 April ditto 7 Dec. 29
7 John (ieo. Richardson 34 . 18 Sept. 14 Feb. 09 1 Mar. .31
•M Samuel (iarmston3o .... 27 Sept. 24 Aug. 09 16 Apr. 32
{)John Harvey Stevens36 28 ditto 2 Sept. 09 ditto
6 William Tavlor 30 ditto 4 ditto ditto
7A M'illiam Ford 37 3 Oct. 2 Nov. 09 ditto
RicliardCliarles Steele 3S 5 ditto 11 Jan. 10 1 June .32
7 tJ Charles Comiitoii Pratt! 14 ditto 14 May 10 12 Oct. 32
lOA Henry Delacombe .j
Ivatt . 21 ditto 30 June 10 ditto
9 George Hunt Corjton ..! 9 Nov 05 22 Sept. 10 ditto
9 John Ashmore . .
19 ditto 19 Dec. 10 ditto
9f, Clwrles Fegan 39 1
30 ditto 26 Jan. 1 30 Sept 33
9 9 G. Bruce Puddicombe !
31 Dec. 20 April 1 12 Oct. 32
R. Lyde Homebrook

9 . . . 8 Feb. 061 9 Jan. 12 ditto

Thomas Scott 40 '

i I ditto 15 ditto 7 Jan. 34

Robert Lconarde 41 . . ., 27 ditto 3 Mar. 12 28 Apr. 34
'If Thomas Rees Thomas .
19 April 4 July 12 27 ditto
II Arthur Morrison
8 May 3 Sept. 12 ditto
II James Shute 21 June .'JOJan. I.i ditto
II Charles Robinson 42 .... I Aug. II May 1:3 ditto
II William Lewis Dawes 43' 22 Aug. 14 July 13 ditto
II J<dm Alex. Philips 2(; ditto 17 ditto ditto
8 Frederick Spry 1 April 07 5 Apr. 14 ditto
8 William Jolliffe 4Alay 18 ditto ditto
A William Calamy 44 18 June 14 June 20 24 Sept. 35
C James Fynmore 45 . . . 1 Sept. 08 4 May 22 15 Nov. 3(j
3 George Siiurin (>ditto 6 Dec. 22 6 Dec. 36
3A Richard William Pascoc 12 ditto 10 Mav 2.3 '23 May
3 Roger Sawrv Tinklar 14 ditto 20 June 2.3 26 ditto
Tliomas Suliock 46 16 ditto 22 Sept. 23 10 July
V..:>ra' service.
Vmi** S«nic«.
Yean' Service.
— ;

Royal Marine Artillery.

Lieul. -Colonel.
9 Charles Mcniies (IG.) K.H., 10 July. 37.
Capitt ins.
David A. (iilieonc, 31 Jiilv, 2<!.
9 J. Harvey Slovens, (3(ij IG April, 32.
Richard C. Steele {3K), 11 June, 32.
First Lieutenants.
Thoma.s Hollowav, 9 Dec. 33.
John P. N. F. Clapperton. 10 Julv, 37.
Henn,- C. Tate, 10 July, 37.
Hamnet Parke, 10 July, 37.
Second Lieutenants.

James D. Simmie, 15 Sept. 27.
Deuuli/ AdiutaHt-General. —
John Owen, C.B. & K.H., {Lieul.-Cul.)
[Jan. 3S.
As.tistanl Adjutant-General.— i Wilson {Capt.) 31 May, 34:.

George Varlo, 23 Aug. 05 ; '2n'd Lieut. 18 June, 93 ; 1st Lieut. 24
April, 95 ; Capt. 15 Julv, 0.5.

And. Kinsman, 17 Jan. 21 2Hrf /,i>u/. 12 Nov. 93; 1.^1 Lieut. 24


April, 95 Capt. 24 July, 03; Breiet-.Major, 4 June, 14.


John Lawrence, 20 Julv 30 '2nd Lieut. 6 July, 03 Lieut. 15 Aug.

; ;

05; Capl.3\ Julv, 2»'i.

George Hookcv (73), 23 Mar. 36; 2nd Lieul. 27 Jan. 06; 1st Lieut.
« Aug. 11; Capt. 12 Oct. 32.
Peter M. M'Kellar, (l.t/ Lieut.) 11 Julv, 34.
Thoma."! Hurdle, (!.«/ Lieut.) 15 April, 34.
Thomas Stephens, (l.s7 Lieut.) 10 Julv, 37.
William Wood, (\st Lieut.) 10 July, 37.
T. Browne Grav, (Is/ Lieut.) 26 April, 38.
WilUam M. Hcriot, (1st Lieut.) 16 June, 3S.
Henry WUliani Parke, (l.*/ Lieul.) 14 Aug. 38.
Tho. ^. Dwyer, (Ut Lieut.) 2.i Feb. 39.
Charles Miller, {1st Lieu!.) 10 July, 37.
Henr^- Bennett, (\sl Lieul.) 10 July, 37.
Henrj- Savage, (1st Lieut.) 9 Dec. 37.
George Watson, (1st Lieut.) 22 May, 38
Daniel Quarrier, (74) 10 Jan. 17.
Henrv Parkin, 25 Sept. 22.
Isaac'Rvall, 2yMav, 28.
William' Rae, (75) 5 Feb. 38.
William Cowling. 10 Oct. 22.
J. D. Simmie, 15 Sept. 27.
Alexander Blyth, 21 Nov. 29.
William J. Hunter, 1 Aug. 32.
Arthur Kift, 6 May, .34.
Isaac Dias, 22 Dec. 34.
John Baird, 23 Apr. 39.
Ba rrack- .Ma.iters.
Thomas Shcppard, 8 March, 26; '2nd Lieut. 4 Mav, 93; \st Lieut.
Capt. 1 Nov. 01
18 Dec. 94 ; Bretcl-.Major, 4 Jimc, 13. ;

Thomas Moore. 16 Aug. 27; '2nd Lieut. 14 Jan. 01 1st Lieut. 15 ;

Aug. 05 Capt. 21 Nov. 10.


Riibert John Little, 12 Sept. 29; 2nd Lieut. 4 Julv, 03; 1*7 Lieut.
15 Aug. 05 ; Cpt. 31 Julv, 26.
9 Ambrose A. R. Wolrige, (76) 5 June, .32 ; •2ud Lieul. 4 July, 03
1st Lieut. 15Aug. 05; Capt. 31 July, 26.
Scarlrl — Facings Blue. Artillery Blue — Facings Red. Agent, Messrs. Coi. & Co.
Notes to the Corps of Royal Marines.

1 Colonel Wingrove was at the taking of the Cape of Good Hope in 1795 ; the battle of
Trafalgar in 1805 ; the taking of Genoa in 1814; and was on board the Boyne when that
ship singly engaged three French ships of the line and three frigates off Toulon in 1814.
"2 Colonel Lewis was present in Sir Richard Straehan's action, No. 1805 ; action in
South Beveland ; commanded a battalion in America, and was present at Baltimore, and
many skirmishes in the Chesapeake in 1814.
3 Colonel Lawrence, prior to entering the Royal Marines, served four years and a half
as Midsliipman in the Royal Navy. In 1793 he served at Toulon ; landed at Fort La
Malgue and Fort Mulgrave during the siege. In 1798, at the capture of a French squadron
of three frigates and two brigs off Toulon. In 1806 battle of Trafalgar; the ship in which
he served, the Colossus, lost 200 in killed and wounded. In 1810, at Cadiz during the
siege; was the senior captain of the expedition against Malaga. In 1814 and 15, served
off New York on the American coast, until hostilities finally ceased.
4 Colonel Jones was at the defeat of the French Fleet by Lord Howe, 1 June 1 794
and by Lord Bridport, 23 June, 1795. On board La Revolutlonare when she captured
the Unite, 12th April, 1798. Wrecked off Brest in 1804, and detained a prisoner of war
until 1814.
5 Colonel Adair's services Battle of the Nile ; siege and capitulation of the Castle of

St. Elmo, Naples, and town of Capua in 1798 ; blockade of Malta, and surrender of La
Valetta ; blockade of Cadiz, and present at an attack made by Spanish Gun Vessels when
becalmed under the batteries of that town ; on board H. JI. S. Genuix, at the capture of
iff Diane, French frigate ; served at New Orleans.
C Col. ConoUy served in Lord Bridport's action, 23rd June, 1795. In 179n, served
in the Mediterranean, including the evacuation of Bastia, capture of Porto Ferrajo, and
destruction of Martello Tower in St. Fiorenzo Bay. On board H. M. S. Excellent in the
battle of Cape St. Vincent. Capture of Admiral Brice's squadron off Toulon in 1798. On
board Hannibal, in the battle of Algesiras, wounded and taken prisoner. On board
H. M. S. Penelope, in the action off Flushing and Ostend, IGtli May, 1804. Present at
the siege of Copenhagen, and capture of Danish fleet in 1807, and at Nyebourg in 1808.
In 1812, on board his Majesty's ship Hamadnjad, when attacked by French pri-
vateers ; debarked with detachments at Schevehng, and took possession of the Hague.
During the above periods he has been very frequently engaged with the enemy in affairs of
gun-boats and batteries, &c. &c., Has received a reward from the Patriotic Fund.
7 Col. Boatty's services :landed at the attack of Santa Cruz, Teneriffe, when Lord Nelson
tost his arm ; Battle of the Nile ; siege of St. Jean d'Acre (wounded) ; was favourably mentioned
in Sir Sidney Smith's despatch, and is the only officer now serving who participated in that
celebrated defence. In 1 803 he was at the capture of the Harnwnie privateer, and the
surprise and destruction of Fort Dunkirk, Martinique. The publication of the despatches
connected with tliese events, in wliich he was most favourably mentioned, procured him a
patriotic sword of the value of 501. Captain of Marines in the Coiirinjia.r, at tlir capture
of the Marengo and Belle Poule in March 1805 ; and in t\ie Donegal, Capt. P. ,MaU<ih]i, when
the small squadron under his command attacked two French frigates undei" tlic batteries of
La Hogue, near Cape Barfleur, 10th November, 1810. Helias been engaged in other affairs
of minor importance, and was selected for the duty of accompanying Sir G. Cockbum with
Napoleon in the Nortltumberlatid to St. Helena.
8 Colonel Parke was present in Duncan's victory near Camperdown, 11th Oct. 1797;
commanded two companies of Marine Artillery in Spain in 1812, and three companies in
America, from 1813 to 1816, including the attack and capture of the entrenched camp at
Hampton ; besides the above, he has been twelve times engaged with the enemy in boats
and on shore.
9 Col. Owen's services :
— Battle of Camperdown ; defence of the island of St. Marcou
bombardment of La Hogue ; boarding and capture of India ship Chance under the
batteries at Mauritius; burning of French frigate La Prcnncuse ; boarding and capture of
ship Sea Nymph in harbour of Port Louis battle of Trafalgar ; and, although wounded,

was, nevertheless, the first person on board the Spanish 80 gun ship Argonauta ; capture
of Copenhagen ; deatruction of Le Bobuste and Lion, French sliips of the line, Cctte
Notes to the Corps of Royal Marines.

destrnrtlon of • French privateer lirlg in the port of Ncca>-a ; captnrc of B convoy at

Lanfniilia, the battories beiii? tirst carrieil by the Marines ; destruction of the ForU of
AlcAsis and Lan^iilia hy the Marines untier his cnniinand, after having; chanjed with the
hai/onrt and lUfnited a battalion of the J-'rcnch o2rf of the line, of a rery tuperior forre.
Commundttl a battalion on the North Coast of ^pain, iucludin;; the actions of Alza, 6th
June; near Fontarabia, llthjuly; and at Heniani, lOth March ll<37, w lien the Royal
Marine!) rvnderol such important services to tlie Queen of Spain and her Allies.
10 Colonel Wriirht's Ser\ices:— En}raj;e<l in most of Lor«l Nelson's attacks on Rota and
Cadiz in 1707 : liattlo of the .Nile; cuni|>ai)rn of .Vaplc* in 171(t) ; surrenderor Ovo and
Novo, Fort St. Elmo, Ciij'im, and Uuata ; cutting out of the Guiep at Vigo ; Ejrjpt in 1801 ;
and battle of Alsriers in IHIO.
11 Colonel Aslett was present in the battle off Campenlown 11th Oct. 1797. Has been
repeatedly in action with the Flotilla off Boulogne, Havre-<le-Grace, but was employed
princi|>ally blix^kading, Cadiz. Brest, Rochfort, CarthaKena, and Toulon.
I 'J Sir Francis Lee was at Copenha^'en ; siege of Cadiz and various affairs of boats in the

East Indies, and on the French coast.

13 Colonel Mercer was on boani the Topnge when she engaged two French frigates off
Corfu, and in the boats of the Topnge cutting out the enemy's armed vessels at Santa Maura
in IHOl) ; also in Albania in cutting out on various occasions.
14 Colonel Wra. Walker was employed from 180i to \<iOi> at the taking of St. Lucia,
Tolieiro, Demerara, and Ikrbice ; wmmdcd at the storming and taking of the battery called
Petit Auce tl'Alleti ; pres<'ut in various attacks on the enemy's batteries, on a frigate and
brie under fort Edwartl, Martinique.
15 Colonel .M'Callum was at tlic capture of the Victorin French privateer in boats under
his command in lt<(.K); battle of Trafalgar forcintr the Dartlanellcs and destroying a Turkish

s4^iUidron in ll*07. Employed on various occasions in cutting out and destro}'ing enemy's
1(1 Colonel Menzies commande*! a detachment of Royal Marines landed from His Ma-
jesty's ship Calcutta at Port Jackson durine an insurrection of convicts, JIareh, 1804 ; by
his promptitnile and exertions the town of Sydney and indeed the colony was in a great
measure preserveil ami tranquillity restored. In 1800 he commandcil one of the boats of
Hw Majesty's ship Jlinerva, cutting out five ves-sels from under Fort Finistcrre. Com-
manded and headed the marines at the storming of Fort Finistcrre, being the first who
cntire<l the Fort. In the barge alone of His Majesty's ship Minena (oO miles from where
the frisate lay at anchor) was at the capture by boanling of the BuetiuDicha privateer
(three times the force of the boat) after a sharp conflict, in which several were killed and
wounded. This attack was planned by Colonel Menzies. In the boats of the Minerva
cuttinsT out the Spanish vessel of war, St. Joseph^ from the Bay of Arosa, on which occa-
sion he landed aiid made prisoner the Spanish Commodore who dcliverc<l him his sword.
Commanded the marines at the taking of Fort (iuadia. Slightly v^'ounded cutting out
the French privateer La Moselle corvette from under a battery in Basque Roads.
Capture of Fort Camarinas and vessels from under its protection. Received a sword of
honour from the Patriotic Fund.
17 Colonel Murton served in the North Sea, and the Helder expedition in 1799; served
in the l-jiyptian erpolition and the East Indies in ll<4tl
; the West Indies (slishtly woimde<l)
in 1X04 coast of France, and encaged with the enemy's flotilla and batteries in 18o.j ; the

Mediterraneiin in 1806, eniraged in cuttinir out the enemy's vessels from under batteries;
and was voted a sword from the Patriotic Fund ; in 1809, coaft of Spain, and aiding the
Gaerillas ; served in Holland in 1813.
18 Colonel Fengusson served at the capture of Rear Admiral Perree's sqnadron from
Etrypt when in pnrsnit of the French and Spanish fleets in June, 1709. Blockade of }Ialta
and capture of Admiral Perry's squadron Lr Gen^reu 74, Ville de Maneilla, &c. with a
reinforcement and snpplies for the relief of tlic earrison. ^^'as wreckefl and severely in-
juretl on Ixiard II.SI.S. Queen Charlotte when Immt off Lcvhoni in IWX), only four saved
out of a detachment of nearly 20U marines, including supernumeraries, in all upwards of 700
per«nn» perished. Served at the siege of Genoa and Savona. Destruction of the fort of
Port E«]ieiie, and guns carrictl off by H.M.S. Santa Dorothea in 1800, to which ship he
then belon'jed. Scrve<l in Egypt nndcr tlie command of Sir Ralph .\bercromby in 1801
(medal). In 1800 at Maida. Defence of Gaieta and surrender of Tropea; took possession
of the latter town with his detachment. Served acain in Ecypt with tlie expc<lition under
^lajor-Genrral Fraser in 18<!>7. lie lias been repeatedly engage<l in severe boat actions,
and against batteries, and debarked with detachments aiding in capturing and destroying
»hips and convoys on the enemy's coast.
10 Coland Swale served in Holland in two ceneral actions in 1799 ; in I8O0 accompanied
the csprdition to Quiberon Bav, and was at the taking of a fort and two batterica at the
Notes to the Corps of Royal Marines.

MorWon and destroying a brig of war and other vessels. Present under Lord Keitli at the
fall of Genoa; also at the landing in Egypt, and the actions of the 13th and 2181 March,
1801. In 1802 at the attack of Porto Ferrajo. Capture of the Cape of Good Hope, and a
French frigate in 1806. Landed at Buenos Ayres, entered the city after a sharp contest in
the field, and captured in his retreat with his detachment, two brass field-pieces, in the
face of a superior force of the enemy. Served in the breaching battery before Monte Video,
until the place was carried by assault. Assisted at the cutting out of two Danish schooners
of war and the destruction of several of their gun-boats in 1810. Medal for services in
20 Colonel Joseph Walker served at Copenhagen.
21 Colonel Thomas Peebles' services —
In action with Spanish gun-boats in tlie Gut of

Gibraltar in 1799, and recapturing the Lady Nelson cutter by the boats of H. M. S. Queen
Charlotte. Blockade of Malta in 1800, and capture of Admiral Perree's squadron. On
board H. M. S. Queen Charlotte when that ship was bunit off Leghorn, 17th March, 1800.
Debarked in command of the marines of H.M.S. Santa Theresa and Mutine in a success-
ful attack on the town of Finale, and relief of the Austrian garrison. Stormuig the Prima
Galley (on the night of the 20th May) chained to the mole head batteries of Genoa by the
boats of the fleet under Captain Beavor, R. N. Siege and bombardment of Genoa in con-
junction with the Austrian army, and surrender of the city and French garrison under
General Massena. On board H. M. S. Minotaur at the capture of Le Pax and Esmeralda
Spanish ships from under the batteries of Barcelona, 1801. Wounded in H.M.S. Caro-
line's boats off Ivica in action with a French zebeck and Spanish packet. Blockade of
Leghorn and defence of Elba, and attack on vessels in the Mole of Leghorn by the boats of
H. M. S. Caroline and Salamine. Served in the blockading fleets off Brest, Rochfort and
Cadiz, frequently engaged in boat actions on those coasts. 1805. On board H. M. S.
Blanche in the West Indies severely wounded and made prisoner in the action between that
ship and a French squadron under Commodore Baudine. Served subsequently in the
West Indies, and also in the Archipelago in 1830. Served several years on the staff as
adjutant and deputy judge advocate. Has received a reward from the Patriotic Fund.
22 Major Burton served in the Baltic, coast of Spain, and West Indies, in 1801 and 2 ;
North Sea and West Indies in 1803, 4, and 5 in the North Sea, and wrecked in the West

Indies, in H.M.S. Astrea, in 1808 Adjutant 2nd battalion on the coast of Spain in 1812 and

1-3, and during the whole of the campaigns in America in 1813 and 14; has been frequently
engaged with the enemy in boat affairs. Brevet-Major, 28th June, 38.
23" A. H. Gordon, Brevet-Major, 28th June, 1838.
24 Captain Pilcher served in America in 1812, 13, and 14.
25 Capt. Ballingall prior to entering the Royal Marines, served as a Midshipman at Co-
penhagen in 1801 ; landed at Vimicra, 21 Aug., 1808 ; was a volunteer in the boats of the
Resistance at the boarding and carrying La Muuchey French man-of-war schooner, under
a constant fire of grape and musquetry ; the commander fell by the hand of Capt. B. 26
Feb. 1809. Served as a volunteer at the cutting out of four French luggers laden with sup-
plies for the French army, from the harbour of Santa Clara, north coast of Spain, on tlie
night of the 27th Feb. 1809, under a galling fire of musquetry, and defended by two bat-
teries which commanded the entrance ;landed at the head of the Marines from the Resist-
ance, carried a battery of four guns ; and assisted in the capture and blowing up of a French
man-of-war schooner, and destroyed her convoy, laden with supplies for the French army,
10th March, 1809 ; was subsequently at the siege of Cadiz ; and in 1832 in the castles of
Naupoli de Romania, with an allied garrison during an attack on that city.
26 Captain Hewes served on boai-d the Raiiibow, of 24 guns in the West Indies and
was in a severe action with La Ncreide, French frigate of 44 guns, off Cape Tiberon, and
beat her off; employed on the coast of Catalonia and Corsica, and present at the cutting
out La PatJTj Genoese vessel armed with four guns, and moored to the batteries at Ger-
aglio, near Cape Corse ; he was at the attack on Leghorn in 1813, by Sir Josias Rowley,
and present at the capture of Genoa by Lord Wm. Bentinck.
27 Captain Campbell served at Walchcren in 1809.
28 Captain Meech when embarked in the Emerald frigate, was engaged on the 13th
March, 1808 in the attack on the Forts of Vivero Harbour (Coast of Spain), and in the destruc-
tion of the French Corvette L' Apropos. He was slightly wounded, and was presented
with a sword from the Patriotic Fund. In 1811 and 12, he served in the 1st battalion
(Royal Marines) iii Portugal, and on the north coast of Spain : and in 1814in the expedition
against New Orleans.
29 Captain Wilson served in the battle of Trafalgar, and was sent with a guard on board
the Ildrfonzo (a Spanish ship of the line), and while he was thus situated the Ildefonzo was
separated from the fleet and driven near to Cadiz and, notwithstanding the circumstance of

but thirty Englishmen being then on board, and Lieutenant Wilson the only commissioned
Nuies to tUe Corps of liuyal Marines.

Riifilloh otflcer with five bundml

Spftnlonb, tlie prize was nevertheless one of the four pre-
Bfrved for His Majfsty's rscrvice. He served at the reduction of Les Saintcs Islan<l!> in tlio
\Vo»t Indies in the expedition to Walchercn
; at the sieiie of Cadiz
; in PortiiCTl in 1810

iiud 11 ; in tlie action botwiin the Macedonian and United Slates, and in the expedition
aioiinnt New Orleans and he was one of the only two sunivinR otticers from the wreck

of the Jioreas frij^ate. Served as adjutant of the Oliatluun Division.

30 Cuptahi Alfri'd Burton previously to enlerin^j the Koyal Marines served sevenil years
in the navy us Midshipman, ui the North Sea, llaltic, anil Mediterranean and in the militia ;

as Knsii-n." In 1(<04 t'apt. B. served in the Norlli Sea, and oft" t'udiz in IHI)."), Traliilfrar ,

1WI7, »i<i;e of Cniwnliapen ; 180!t, Walcheren ; from 1*10 to 1813, Cadiz, coasts of Spain.
I'orlUKul, and Krunec; at the attack on the forts and harbour of Courutfeux, north coa.ils of
France, 19 July, 1815. Since the jwacc, he has served on the coast blockade in tlie West
ludii'S, and Mciliterranean.
31 Captain Wearing was woandetl at Trafalgar.
32 Captain Uniaeke was in the general actiim with, and defeat of, the combined fleets of
France and Spain, 'i'ind July, 1805 ; tlie Spanish linc-of-battle ship L'Firmv havin*^ struck,
he was ordered to hoard and take possession of her, with forty marines, and had charge of
sevenil hundred prisoners until their arrival at Plymouth, from wliich period until May
1814 he was ou active service, particularly on thecoast of Spain, the West Indies, and iliir-
ing tlie whole of the expedition to America. At the capture of the New Orleans flotilla in
1814 he was wouudeil, and one of the few survivors iu the Banre of the Sea Horse, with
Capt. Lockyer, who led the boats of the squadron, boardeil and carried the American Coiii-
inmlore, with the loss of the Lieutenant, both Midshi|inien, and several of the crew killid
and every uulividnal wounded, ('apt. Lockyer (who received three gun-shot wounds, and
tlie Lieutenant fourteen alongside of him) bore testimony to his conduct ui his public Dis-

patches ui the following words ; " First Lieut. Uniaeke, of the Uoyal Marines, (who is in
general a volunteer on these occasions,) was most severely wounded, and gallantly sup-
jwrted me. For this event he was presented with 50/. from the Patriotic Fund. In the
years I82.S, 4, a, and C, he served on the South .\merican station ; and in 18:)4, ,'>, 0, and 7,
on the East India station. Has been repeateiUy engaged in battery and boat ac-
tions, and during the whole period of his servitude he has received the marked approbation
of his coimnanding ofticers.
itj Captain Willes's services Sir Richard Strachan's action, 4 Nov. 1805; West Indies,

1808 to 181'i, including the capture of the city of St. Domingo in 1809; South Beveland, win-
ter of 1813 ; Operations in the Chesapeake under Sir George Cockburn Capture of Wash- ;

higton; Advance to Baltimore, in 1814; Capture of Cumberland Island on the coast of

Georgia, and of the town of Saint Mary's, 1814 ; Coast of Africa, 1817 ; East Indies, 1832 to
1 835. Various boat and other services.
34 Capt. Ilichardson served with the sqnadron under Sir R. Keates, to intercept Jerome
Bnonajiarte. Joined General Whitelockc's forces at Monte Video landed with detach-

ment of marines, and was brigailc<l with the otii, 3t<th, and 4.5tli rdcinent under command
of tlie Hon. Lieut. -Col. Deane. Attached to Sir John Moore's auxiliary force in Sweden.
Joined the sipuulron under Sir James Sanmarez in pursiut of the Hus^iun fleet to Roi;ers-
wick. Severely wounded in the action nith the Danish flotilla in Kcoge Bay, near Copen-
hagen, 20tli Oct. 1808. Served at the blockailing of the Texel; with the Walcheren ex-
pcilition, and at Flushing and Borslin. Engagcil Marshal Suchet's anny passing along
coast. Landed with detachment to assist Spanish troops in dislo<Iging the French garrison
occupying Strong Tower, Bay of Rosa, and blowing up tlie castle. Scr\ ed at Cadiz during
its boinliardment, and when the siege was raised. Has received a reward from tlie
Patriotic Fund.
35 Captain Oannston was at the taking of Fort Koupan, Isle ofTi-mour, in 1811 cap- ;

ture of Java, in 181*i ; attack of Palcmbang, isle of Sumatra, and Sainliass, isle of Borneo;
Algiers in 1810. Present at the Sortie from llilboa loth May; the ailvance on the 'i8tli
May and was wounded at the defence of the lines of San Sebastian (ith June, 1830.

30 Captain Jidin Harvey Stevens served in the West Indies, Sec. in 180C and 1>»I)7,
during the cxiiedilion to Walcheren in 180!), an<l was engaged in several flotilla atl'aiis on
the Schehlt. Served also at thesuccosful defence of Cadiz and of Taril'a in 1810 ami IHI I ;
was cugagtil in several detached operations, particularly in one i^f a severe character on the .

river Guadalqoiver. In 1813 was eniployeil on tlie coast of .Vinerica, where he was eiigiigeil
in an attack on Craney island, and at the taking of Hampton and Ocraeoke under Sir
Gi-onre Coi'kbiini. Served in Canada at the taking of Oswiro, on which ix-casion he waa
mentioned in Sir (iordim Drummond's de»|>atclies. Kngagol during a sue weeks' siege of
Fort Erie, and was intrusted with tlicconstruction of a UeM-work for the defence of tlie
right of the position ou Chippewa Creek, which was menaeeil by a very superior force. In
18lti he was on hoard the Quern Chiirlotle at the attack on Algiers under Lord Exuiouth,
iO\ y-v
Notes to the Corps of Royal Marines.

by whom he was detached to Are carcasses at the enemy's vessels withhi the Mole. He was
also present at the demonstrations before Algiers under Admiral Sir H. B. Neale. Capt.
Stevens is now superintendent of the Marine Artillery Laboratory, which establishment
originated in his proposition, and was organized by him.
37 Captain Ford served at the island of Anholt, in 1811, and at Nyburg ; he was at the
rupture of three Danish luggers from under the batteries.
38 Capt. Steele was the officer of Marine Artillery, in the JStna bomb, in Basque Roads,
at Lord Coehrane's action in 1809, also in the bombardment and siege of Flushing and other
operations in the Scheldt in the same year; commanded the artillery in the defence of the
island of Anholt, 27 March 1811 ; adjutant to the Brigade of Marine Artillery serving under
Sir Sydney Beckwith, on the coast of America, and at the taking of Hampton, &e., after-
wards to the end of the war in Canada; served in the north of Spain, from April 183G to
March 1838, took part in all the operations, including the battle of Hemaui.
39 Captain Fegan was at the taking of the fort and town of Guadia ; capture of the
enemy's convoy under batteries near Marseilles; destruction of French forts near Port
Vendre ; tile taking of Zante, Cephalonia, and Cerigo ; capture of enemy's forts and convoy
at Pezzero, in the Adriatic ; action in the Bay of Naples, 3rd May, 1810, when Sir Jahleel,
Brenton, iu the Spartan, defeated the whole of the enemy's squadron, and captured a brig of
war ; at the capturing an enemy's convoy from under the batteries of Terracino, in 1810
and at the destruction of several American privateers in the Bay of Fmidy, by the
40 Captain Scott was at tlie destruction of two ships of the line in the Bay of Cette, 2Gth
Oct. 1809 ; in action with the French fleet off Toulon, 19th July, 1811 ; in the action at
Navarino, 20th Oct. 1827.
41 Captain Leonard was at the storming of the enemy's works at the Island of Santa
Maura, and at the siege of the fortress until its surrender in March, 1810. Served in three
boat actions when belonging to the Magnificent. When in the Perlea he was in action with
one line-of-battle ship and two frigates, off Toulon, from eight until three o'clock, Nov. 1811.
In a boat action, and about the same time, engaged with the batteries and three armed
schooners at the entrance of the Petit Pass, off Toulon.
42 Captain C. Hobinson sen-ed at the siege of Copenhagen in 1807, and was engaged
in the in-shore squadron with the Danish flotilla and crown batteries. In the action with
and destruction of the French squadron in the inner roads of ALx, 12th April, 1809, in the
Valiant, the senior officer's sliip actually engaged. At the siege of Flushing, and the sub-
sequent operations m the Scheldt in 1809. On the coast of France in 1810 and 1811 in
boat affairs. In the 1st battalion of Royal Marines throughout the campaign of 1813 in the
Chesapeake, commencing with the attack on Cranie Island. In the same battalion in the
defence of Lower Canada in the winter of 1813 and in 1814 principally employed on the
outposts of the army on the American frontier. In 1814 in command of a company of the
1st battalion Royal Marines in the capture of Cimiberland Island, and the attack and cap-
tui'e of the fortified post and to^\Ti of St. Mary's, Georgia.
43 Captain Dawes was at the siege of Copenhagen in 1807.
44 Captain Calamy has served in every quarter of the globe, and in the actions of Ny-
burg, Flusliing, Isle of France, Java, and several minor affairs with gun-boats, &c.
45 Captain Fynniore, previously to entering the Royal Marines, served several years as
midshipman in the navy ; served in the expedition to Buenos Ayres ; the battle of Tra-
falgar; and Algiers, in 1816.
46 Captain Sullock was at the capture of Les Saints, West Indies, and at the destruction
of French frigates in 1809 ; capture of Guadaloupe in 1810 ; engaged in boats on the coast
of France in 1811 ; served with battaUon in Holland, in 1813 and 14, and in America in
1814 and 15, including Bladensburg, Washington, and Baltimore.
47 Captain Searle served at Walcheren in 1809.
48 Captain Henry was at the capture of Anholt, May, 1809; at Fort Mobile, 1815; the
victory of Algiers, August, 1816; and was frequently engaged with boats in the Baltic, and
with the American troops in the Floridas.
49 Captain Graham served in the expedition to Walcheren, and in coast operations in
Spain and Portugal, and at the defence of Castro ; at the attack and capture of Hampton ;
attack and capture of the fortified town and position of St. IMary's, Georgia.
50 Capt. Dusautoy served at Walcheren ; was at the capture of Genoa ; and in two par-
tial actions with French fleets off Toulon and Marseilles.
51 Captain Wesley served in a battalion formed from the JIarines of the squadron under
Sir Alex. Cochrane at the reduction of Guadaloupe and other French West India Islands in
1810 ; in several successful boat affairs under the batteries of Rochelle and Isle d'Aix in
1811 ; in coast operations (Spain,) and in the first battalion of Marines m Portugal 1812 ;
at the attack and capture of Hampton, &c. in the Chesapeak, under Major-General Sir
Nt'tes to the Corps of Royal Murines.

Sidney Beckwlth, la 1813 in commandof n dlrl^Ion of frim-buats on Ijikc rimmplniu;

tmplovfd in the tiliH-kado of the Amcricnn flotilla at Platsbnrp ; at the defence of Iji Cole
Mill (Canadal a.< ailjntnnt to a battalion at tlie attack of the fortifled tomi and position of

St. Marj's (Cieoniia) in 1814 ; in repelling an attack of AlKcrine pnn-hoats in 18i4; serred
as adjntant in In-laml and Me<litcrranean ll<33, 4 and 5, and as ailjntant to tlio battalion of
Marines in the North of !*pain, at the battle near Ileniani, Sec. in 1K3(! and 37.
52 Captain I'tirk was actively employed in the Waltic dnrin^; ISIO, 11, and 12. From
1R13 nntil the peace, sened on the coast of America, ami the West Indies, inelnding the
attack on Cranie Island, anil Umded at the faking of Hampton, in the Chesapeake.
tA Captain Cater was eno^aged in several affairs with gun-boats in the Italtii', in 1810. In
1813 he was at the destruction of a Frencli frigate uncUr the t>atteries near Clierbourg, anil
at the counter revolution in Holland, 21st Nov. 1813. From 1818 to 1821 ut flie capture
of tt number of Slavers on the coast of Africa. Servcfl in the north of Spain, including the
sortie from Billjoa, lOtli May ; the advance of the 28th May ; defence of tlie Lines of San
Sebastian, Gth and 9th June"; and attack of Lines, Ist Oct. 18;iC.
54 Captain Law was in the action with, and capture of tlie Chesapenhe by the Shannon, 1st
Jnne, 1813 at the capture of Fort St. Elmo, and the batteries at Naples," 2Ist May, 1815.

55 Captain Miller was at the destruction of tlie Danisli line at Copenhagen in 1801, under
Lonl Nelson; in 1809 at the taking of Ischia and I'rocida; destruction of French gun-
boats, by boanling, in the Bay of Naples; capture of La Lagire, French privateer, of ten
guns and 125 men, and her companion of one 24-pounder aiid twenty-five men by hoarding.
In 1810, at the cuptiu-e of the enemy's convoy from under the batteries at Terracino. In
command of the marines of the squadron at the island of Lissa, Nov. 1811, at the capture
of the French frigate Ln Pomone. Was at the capture of a Portuguese pirate of 1 8 guns
and 98 men, and several slave ships in 1810.
5(i Captain Toby sened from 1810 to 12 inclusive, on the Coast of France. From 1813
to Ifi, with the 1st 1>attaIion (Royal Marines) in America, and on the Lakes of (^anada.
Since the Peace, he has served in the Mediterranean, on the coasts of .\frica, and South
.\merica. He has l>een frequently engaged in boat actions with batteries, kc. &c.
57 Captain Beadon sened off the coast of France, from 1811 nntil 1814, including various
boat actions; in 1815 at the capture of Naples and Gaieta. Severely engaged with pirates
in the West Indies in 1824.
58 Captain Thomas Fynmore was at the capture of a French privateer schooner of 16
guns and 9(i men, besides other boat scnicein 1811. In the partial action with the French
fleet off Toulon in 1814. Was landed at ^lohon in command of a guard to protect the
pemon of the Spanish governor from the threatened violence of the Walloon guards. Sent
to the city of Florence in 181.j, to place himself under the directions of General Count
Nugent, commanrler-in-ehief of the .-Vustrian army, as extra aide-de-camp, and was at the
taking of the city of Naples. In 182:) be was sent up to the city of Lima to protect
English merchants' property against the attacks of the Negro slaves during the civil war.
The 20ih Oct. 1827, was at the battle of Navarino, for which scnice be was promoted by
His Ri>yal Highness the Duke of Clarence, but in consequence of belonging to a gradation
corps the ai)pointmcnt was afterwards cancelled. Sened with the Freneli army at the
redaction of the town and fortress of I'atras and the Morea castle ; sened aftcnvards in the
West Indies, North Sea, and off Oporto iluring the civil war between Don Pedro and Don
Miguel. In 18.'V1 joined the Roval Marine Battalion at Lisbon, commande<l by Colonel
Adair, C. B. In April, 1837, embarked on board H. M.S. Cantor (36), on the 10th Oct.
was landcHi in command of his detachment on the Albanian coast to attack Pirates. Served
on the S. E. coast of Spain from 4th Jan. 38 to .» Jan. 30.
59 Captain Brown's services —
attack on French forts at Ciota June 1812; attack and

capture of the town of L'Escalia, in the Bay of Rosas, 1812; partial engagement with
the French fleet, near Toulon, 1813 ; attack of Algiers ; destniction of Greek pirates at Porto
Bono, Isle of Candia, June, 1826.
on Lieut. Carr sene<l in the North Sea, coast of France, North and South America, Cape
of Ooo<l Hope, ie. ic. from 1812 to 1815.
01 Lieut. Ilnnlle was at the attack on the forts and harbour of Courageaux in 1815 ;
battle of Navarino in 1827.
(!2 Lieut. James Wood serveil from 1812 to 1815 at the Texel, Flushing, Cherbourgh,
Basque Roads, north coast of S|iain, and San Sebastian. During the war he sened also in
Ihe West Indies, St. Helena, and Madeira.
03 Lieut. Dwycr serve*! in tlic blockading squadrons off Flushing, the Texel, and
off Brest. Since the peace he has served in the East and West Indies, aiul the Mediter-
64 Lieut William Woo<I served in H.M.P. Aij/er, at the capture of the French frigate,
La Crrrt.
Notes to the Corps of Royal Marines.

65 Lieut. Parke's services : —

Co-operation with the Spanish forces and Legion near San
Seljastian, and under Espartevo in raising tlie siege of Bilboa.
(iO Lieuts. Stransham, Anderson, and Miller, were at the battle of Navarino in 1827.
07 Lieut. Logan's services : —
Co-operation witli the French army in the Morea. Pre-
sent at the siege of Patrap. Co-operation with Spanish forces and legion near San Sebas-
68 Lieut. Fraser landed for the protection of British property at Lima, during the reyo-
lution in Dec. 1835, when in possession of the rebels. For his conduct on that occasion, he
was presented witli a piece of plate by the merchants.
09 Lieut. Brittaiu was presented with a sword by the merchants of Bombay, for services
performed against pirates in the Straits of Malacca.
70 Lieut. Parker was wounded tlirough the arm at Prescott, in Upper Canada, 13th
Nov. 1838.
71 Capt. Hookey served as Volunteer 1st class, in His Majesty's ship Prince of Wales,
from Jan. to Dec. 1805, and was in the general action of the 22nd Dec. 1805. Served ir.'
the West Indies, from 1806 until 1809, including the capture of Les Saints, and Martinique,
and several actions in boats cutting out French vessels, and destrojnng batteries, &c. From
1809 to 1811 served on board H. M. S. Thehan, blockading the French flotilla at Boulogne;
several times in action with them. Assisted in the boats cutting out a large French lugger
at Dieppe. From 1813 to 1814, served on board His Majesty's ship Daphne, in the Baltic,
and was several times in action with Danish gun-boats in the Belt.
72 Doctor Quarrier was at Algiers in 1816.
73 Doctor Ptae has served in every quarter of the globe ; eight years in the East Indies at
one period, and was at the destruction of the Dutch squadron in Surabaya in 1808. He has
been in frequent engagements with batteries, aud in the cutting out of numerous vessels, and
in many boat-actions.
74 Captain Wolrige served in the year 1809 with Lord Cochrane in Basque Hoads ; and
in thesame year was engaged in action witli gun-boats in the Baltic. From 1810 to 1812
defence of Cadiz and Tarrifa. Severely wounded at South Beveland in 1814, and received
a reward from the Patriotic Fund. Present at the battle of Algiers in 1816.


Years' Serv

Yean' Serr.
tired allowancM, Chelsea Pensions, Widows' Pensions, Compassionate allowances, and Naval Pen-
sions, &c., to all persons resident at tlie several stations. They contract and pay for Provisions
required on the spot for the supply of the Troops, and for land and water transport. In the West
Indies they pay in detail the Assistant Commissioners and Stipendiary Magistrates under the
Provisions of the Slave Compensation Act at some stations tliey perform the duties of Naval

Agents. In Canada, Nova Scotia, and Jamaica, they pay the Ecclesiastical Establishments, and
at the former they have the custody and issue of Indian Presents, and charge of the Locks and
Collection of the Tolls on the canals connected with the St. Lawrence. la New South Wales and
Van Dieman's Land, they supply Provisions, Clothing, and Stores, of all descriptions for convict
services. They enter into contracts for Ordnance Stores, Building Materials, &c., on the spot, and
provide and pay for supplies for Army Hospitals, superintend the issue of provisions, forage, fuel,
and light in kind made by Contractors, and issue such articles of Provision as are sent out for the
use of the Troops from England. Their duties are blended with the Army, Ordnance, Navy, and
many other branches of the public service. They are under the orders of and responsible for the
execution of their duties to the General or Officers commanding at the various stations, and
receive their instructions from the Board of Treasury, with whom they correspond through the
Secretary on all points of service on which they are engaged.
See Report of Commissioners appointed to enquire into the expediency of Consolidating the
Civil Departments of the Army, dated 21 July, 1837.

The following is the authority for its present organization


Commissary-in-Chief's Office, 19 March, 1810. His Majesty has been pleased to command
that the following regulations should be established and acted upon in all future Promotions and
Appointments in the Commissariat.
That the Gradation of Rank, be " Commissary-General," " Deputy Commissary-General,"
Assistant Commissary-General," " Deputy Assistant Commissary-General," '* Clerk." No
— —
person to enter but as Clerk, to serve One year before eligible for Promotion. Deputy Assistant
to serve Four years, or Five from entrance as Clerk before eligible. — Assistant, Five years as
Assistant, or Ten years from entrance as Clerk before eligible. —
Deputy to be Three years in that

rank before eligible. Service to be counted as actual service on Full Pay. No person to be
appointed Clerk previous to the age of IG.

The comparative ranks are Commissary-General as Brigadier-General. Deputy as Major, after
— — —
Three years, Lieutenant-Colonel. Assistant as Captain. Deputy Assistant as Lieutenant. Clerk
as Ensign. See Army Regulations.

^p. Denotes those who served with the ,irmy in the Peninsula. ?li3!l. Those who were attached
to the troops who were present at Waterloo ; but as a Non-Combattant Department, they had
no Medal.

Note. ^The periods of Full and Half Pay service and dates of first appointments aa Treasury
Clerks, not being gazetted, cannot at present be inserted, as this iiiforniution can only be
obtained from the records of the department at the Treasury, where application has been made
for this purpose ; but it will be published hereafter if granted.

Directors- Oeneral.

IP Sir Junes M'Origor, Dt. M.D. 13 June, UM

GeorRC Heuny, M.D. 1 Juni', 17!t5.

Inspector*- General.

9 Thomas Draper, 24 Feb, 37.

9 Donald M'Leod, M.D. 1 June, 37.
Jo9<>ph Skey, M.D. 15 Feb 39.

Deputy- Iiupectort- Genernl.

Rob. Moore Pcilo, M.D. 25 Sept. 03.
Sir James Pitcairn, M.D. 22 Oct. 03.
H Ha.'h B.ine, M.D. 1 Nov. 27.
9 Jas. GiUkrest, M.D. 5 Xov. 29.
John Arthar, M.D. 22 July, 30.
J. Vnuiihaii Tliompsnn, 22 Julv, 30.
9 Jolm Murrav, M.D. 22 July, 30.
^ Kre.1. Albert Loinsworth, 22 Jnlv, 30.
^ Theod. Otirrlon, M.D. 29 Jan. 36.
9 *Sl Arth. Stewart, M.D. 9 Dec. 3(1.
9 Thomas Kidd, M.D. 27 Jan. 37.
John Davj-, M.D. 8 Xov. 27.
9 to J- FrtKl. Clarke, M.D. 4 Sept. 28.
9 John Shortt, M.D. 1 June, 38.
• 9 Brinsley Nicholson, .M.D. I June, 38.
• 9 Charles St. John, M.D. 4 Jan. :».

James Elliot, 1 June, 09.
Wm. Hacket, M.D. 25 "Hot. 08.
Alex. Stewart, M.D. 13 May, 24.
Wm. Monro, 22 June, 15.
9 John Glasco, 8 Feb. If!.
James Barry, M.D. 22 .Nov. 27.
John RoTicrtson, M.D. 10 Sept. 29.
Geonre John, 29 Oct. !t4.

F™. Arth. -Macann, M.D. 13 Jan. 14.

9 Henry Franklin, 26 Slav, 14.
9 *B -i-Armjtronsr, 7 March, 16.
9 Colq. Grant, ,M.D. 16 April, 12.
John Pickerintr, M.D. 29 June, 32.
9 Daniel Scott, 17 Oct. 34.
Alex. Melvbi, 10 Dee. 23.
George Mann, 3 July, 00.
9 Mont. M. .Mahonv, M.D. 3 June, 13.
Michael W. Kennv,'l3 Jan. 18.
Chas. Whvte, 24 Aug. 20.
9 John UnhtlHidv, 15 Oct. 12.
9 Pct.r Su.ith, 22 March, 31.
Andrew SmiUi, .M.D. 7 Julv, 37.
Wm. Dawjon, .M.D. 3 Apri'l, Xi.
9 Samuel Jevs, M.D. 2 Slav, 22.
Geo. Barclay -M.D. 23 Dec. 04.
9 Walter Henry, 1 June, 20.
9 JjM Thomas Smith, 13 Julv,'

Joseph Famden, 23 July, 2a.

Andrew Fergusson, M.D. 28 Nov. 34.
Tho^ SpcDce, 12 July, 9^.

Edmund Stark:e,8 Oct. 07. Joseph Schembri, 14 Oct. 13.
Jonathan Courtenay, 31 Auj;. 09. J. WooUey Simpson, 18 May, 15.
^ John Carter, 11 March, 13. Fra. Matthias Bassano, 18 April, 25.
Geo. Hume Reade, 9 Sept. 13. Geo. AUman, 28 Feb. 28.
Assistant- Surgeons.
Henry Fisher, M.D. 28 No¥. 11. Peter Robertson, 4 Dee. 35.
Tliomas Rhys, 25 May, 15. George Galland, 18 Dec. 35.
N. Morgan, 28 Sept. 15. Archibald Stewart, 19 Feb. 36.
F. Hopkins, M.D. 14 April 18 T. Graham Balfour, M.D. 29 Apr. 36.
Dugald Lament, 14 April, 25. William Dick, M.D. 13 Mav, 86.
Michael Ryan, M.D. 16 June, 25. R, Beresford Gahan, 17 June, 36.
J. F. Niiison, 30 June, 25. T. M. Fishboume, M. D. 22 July, 36.
Rob. D. Smvth, 6 Oct. 25. Lawr. Jameson, M.D. 12 Aug. 36.
John C. Barker, 24 Nov. 25. A. Mackmtosh, M.D. 30 Sept. 36.
H. L. Stuart, 15 Dec. 25. George Chapman, 21 Oct. 36.
Wm. Scott M'Credie, 12 Jan. 26. Andrew Ferguson, 23 Dec. 36.
Peter Robertson, 12 Jan. 26. WilUam Denny, 13 Jan. 37.
J. Forrest, M.D. 9 Feb. 20. Hugh Mackey, 17 Feb. 37.
John Gillice, 8 March, 27. Luke Kelly, M.D. 5 May, 37.
Alexander Thom, 8 March, 27. John Grant, 9 June, 37.
William Hall, 8 May, 28. Chas. Stewart, M.D. 7 July, 37.
D. T. Pitcairn, 29 July, 30. James Shirrefs, 4 Aug. 37.
Alexander Campbell, 29 July 30. David Edward, 11 Aug. 37.
Michael Nugent, 29 July, 30. Alex. Douglas Taylor, 15 Sept. 37.
Jas Clephaue Minto, 29 July, 30. Robert Atthill, M.D. 3 Nov. 37.
Robert Allan, 29 July, 30. Tho. D'Arcy, M.D. 29 Dec. 37.
Jas. MaJtland Hadaway, 29 July, 30. Wilham Home, M.D. 12 Jan. 38.
Adam Thomas Jackson, 29 July, 30. Geo. Alex, Cowper, M.D. 30 Mar. 38.
John Caw, M.D. 29 July, 30. William Twining, 6 April, 38.
John Stewart, 29 July, 30. Charles Ross, 6 April 38.
P. Daly Murray, M.D. 29 July, 30. G. Stewart Beatson, M.D. 13 July, 38.
George Archer, M.D. 2 Nov. iJO. Frederick Baillie, 19 Oct. 38.
William Odell, 9 Nov. 30. Frederick Foaker, 19 Oct. 38.
John Loftus Hartwell, 1 Feb. 31. Simeon H. Hardv, M.D. 2 Nov. 38.
Robert Wood, 31 Aug. 32. W. St. John Bovle, M.D. 30 Nov. 38.
Charles Stewart 26 Oct. 32.
Still, W. O. Mackenzie, M.D. 4 Jan. 39.
J. Mitchell, M.D. 13 Nov. 32. W. L. Langley, M.D. 11 Jan. 39.
Edward William Burton, 21 Dec. 32 J. G. Wood, M.D. 11 Jan. 38.
John Marshall, 29 Mar. 33. C. Dawson, 11 Jan. 39.
John Robt. Tavlor, 31 May, 33. Cha. Godwin, M.D. 18 Jan. 39.
James Miller, M.D. 7 June 33. Wm. Buchanan, 8 Feb. 39.
Grigor Stewart, 12 July, 33. B. U. Hamilton, M.D. 22 Feb. 39.
David Dyce, 15 Nov. 33. T. J. Coghlan, M.D. 29 March, 39.
T. Ross Jameson, M.D. 10 Jan. .34 N. O'Connor, M.D. 5 April, 39.
Thomas Alexander, 10 Oct. 34. Wm. Sail, 10 May, 39.
J. C. Cameron, M.D. 27 Mar. 35. G. W. Powell, M.D. 7 June, 39.
J. Gamett Courtenay, 10 April, 35. T. R. Dyce, 7 June, 39.
John Sinclair, 24 April, 35. G. B. Frj', M.D. 5 July, 39.
Francis Robert Waring, 8 May, 35. H. Mapleton, M.D. 12 July, 39.
Robert Lawson, 15 May, 35. M. M'Bridc, 12 July, 39.
Edmund Dowell, M.D. 26 June, 35.
^Jonathan Croft, 16 April, 12. ^ William Ivev, 26 Mav, 14.
^ Wm. Henry Clapp, 15 Oct. 12. Charles WameV, 7 Sept" 15.
\3George Pratt, 3 June, 13. Thos. E. Pierce, 17 Jan. 22.
^John Dunn, 9 Sept. 13. Matthew Wreford, 3 Sept. 29.
N.B. The dates of Commissions, and services of the medical officers, will be given in the
next Number.




hxtiin M<ittn& in 6ciinnl,
No. 16, Cornhill, and at the East-India Rooms, No. 8, St. Martin's Place, Charing Cross.

Parties proceeding to India. From the extent of business transacted in this
biMch of the Agency, arising from an intimate knowledge of the most eliaible Ships
and Commanders, Passages are negociated on the most advant;tgeous Terms, com-
bining both economy and comfort, without any charge to the
parties. Flans and Prices
of uU Ships may be had, or sent, on application. Baggage collected, shipped, and
i r
insured. ^

Overland Route to India. — Information of the various Routes, and Letters of

A^ j" '*'* principal Continental Cities, as well as on Malu, Turkey, Greece, Egypt,
and India, may be obtained ; together with reference to various estimates of expense,
and extracts of letters from officers who have recently travelled
by the various Over-
land Routes to and from India.
Plans and Particulars of the undermentioned Ships may
r i be had on application
ri at
either Office.
500 tons. Capt. Liddell. To sail Aug. 15th.
Vt^ iY'^'-'-'^'^'™-''
The Mary Ank 500 ... . Capt. TARBf t. To sail Aug. 20th.
^'•"'^ ^^ Argyll 750 ... Capt. Bristow. To sail Sept. 1st.
The Trie Briton

800 ... . Capt. Consitt. To sail Sept. 3d.

Ihe Lady Flora 800 ... . Capt. Ford. To sail Sept. 15th.
POO .... Capt. Campbell. To sail Aug. 15th.
TheNViNDSOR 800 .... Capt. Nisbet. To sail Aug. 15th.
TJeRicuMOND 700.... Capt. Hyne. To sail Au|. 15th.
The ExMoiru Capt. Warren. To sail A,i|. 20th.
The Ldinbirgh 1,400 ... Capt. Paterson. To sail Aug.
The \ ERNOK 1,000 .... Capt. Denny. To sail Sept. 10th.
The Marion 800 Capt. Poie.
... .
To sail Sept. 15th.
rhe W ALUEB Castle 1,000 .... Capt. Martin. To sail Oct. 1st.
The Sir Edward Paget .... 550 ... Capt. Campbell.
. To sail Aug. 10th.
The Belle Alliance 676 ... . Capt. Arcoll. To sail Aug. 25lh.
The Berksuibe 600 ... Capt. Clabkson.
. To sail Sept. 10th.
Kast- India Army Agency,
16, Cornhill, and 8, St. Martin s Place, Charing Cross-
Mr. Waguorn having established an Agency-house in Egypt, under the firm of
Waghorn and Co., a prominent branch of which is to assist passengers and travellers,
from the moment they arrive they leave that country en route to India,
at Alexandria, till

or elsewhere, those returning to India from England are hereby informed that it is essen-
tial they apply to Waghorn and Co.'s Egyptian Offices, 34, Cornhill, London, where
on making known their desire to avail themselves of Waghorn and Co.'s medium, in
passing through or out of Egypt, they will receive all the information, advice, and co-
operation requisite for their purpose, and best adapted to insure them a short stay in
the country, as well as economical arrangements. Waghorn and Co.'s establish-
ments at Alexandria, Atfe, Boulac, Cairo, Suez, and, hereafter, at every point of
ingress and egress throughout Egypt, will be at their disposal, and present them the
means of cheap, commodious, and expedi'ious transit, as well as of meeting every
want, however trifling, at the cost of the country. As a title to the proffered advan-
two guineas is to be paid on registering at the offices in Cornhill ; where-
tages, a fee of
upon the following accommodations will be accessible to them. Mr. Waghorn's
Guide from London to JNIarseilles and thence to Egypt, can there also be procured.
At Alexandria. —
They will receive the best information relative to the hotels,
&c. ;they will have free and gratuitous access to the Casino, and reading-rooms, at
Waghorn and Co.'s expence they will be furnished with boats, servants, and all

other requisites, to enable them to proceed to Cairo with comfort and economy.

At Atfe. Waghorn and Co.'s factors will receive, with every proper attention,
persons duly accredited by them : and their luggage, when not unusually cumber-
some, will here be carefully transported to the Nile, gratis ; they will also provide
them with one or more boats, and, in the most expeditious manner, aid them with
every other requisite assistance.

At Boulac. On arrival at Boulac, the port of Cairo, Waghorn and Co.'s in-
tendant will be in readiness to see their luggage promptly and carefully forwarded to

At Cairo. They are requested to proceed at once to Waghorn and Co.'s office,
as they will there meet with cheerful and efficient attention to all their wishes, and
receive every information and assistance they can desire, or which may be best calcu-
lated to meet their intention, as to a short or lengthened stay, and that upon the most
convenient and economical footing. The means of conveyance to Suez are there
always at hand. Guides to the different places and objects of antiquity or curiosity
will be placed at their disposal and precautions will be taken to prevent their

suffering extortion, for want of proper information and support. A reading-room,

with the latest papers and periodicals of Europe, India, and elsewhere, is attached
to that establishment. Three light carriages and two spring vans have been lately
purchased for the convenience of LADIES in crossing the Suez Desert; but ten days
notice at 34, Cornhill, with a deposit of 10/. is necessary in case the party should
not come at the exact time appointed by them. Travelling chairs also are always at
hand for CHILDREN if required.

At Suez. The travellers who go through Waghorn and Co.'s agency are entitled
to apartments at this place, gratis ; and there are many other facilities which will be at
their command along this point of the Desert.
Mr. Waghorn confidently assures all parties, that the course herein suggested is
the best adapted for the travellers' convenience and interest; and he begs them not to
be deluded by any thing they may have heard or read, previously to their arrival in
Such are the arrangements at present; and these will be continued till, after a few
months, it may be hoped, a better system can be devised, and enable Waghorn and
Co. to offer improved facilities of transport, by the canal of Mahmudie, the Nile, and
the Desert ; as well as various other arrangements, calculated alike for dispatch, com-
fort, and economy. And Mr. Waghorn feels he need only appeal to the proofs he
has already afforded, of untired devotion to the cause of India steam-communication,
to insure to his undertakings the support of every public-spirited traveller passing
along the line thus gradually organizing, and which, but for his exertions, perhaps,
might not, to the present day, have been called into existence.
Egyptian Offices, 34, {late at 71), Cornhill.
1st Augmtj 1839.



a reiired Officer in the H. E. I. Company's service and lale Commander of Cadets
<n Calcutta.

" Its intrinsic merit and luerulness cannot be too highly praised. It contains,
in a
very small compass, all tlic information with which it is necessary, that
a young
Cadet or Assistant Surgeon should be acquainted. We trust llial the encouragement
with which it is sure to meet, will induce the Author to employ a good type, and
able paper in the next edition he prints. He is evidently a practical man, and writes
on a subject which he thoroughly understands." United Service GuiitU.
" A litile Tract full of sound mstruciion; and which, tliough composed
as a Guide for East India Cadets, will be found of the greatest value
to all persons
embracing the .Military Profession. It is a Mentor ever)- person should put into
hands of a son entering tlie .\rmy indeed, those embarking in the Civil Service,
gather from it most profitable counsel."— A'uiu/ and Military Gazette.
" An useful volume, that will be invaluable to tlie class to whom it is
Sunday Times
Capt. Kerr takes this opportunity of informing the Public that he has established
himself as an India .\rmy and Colonial Agent, (with Mr. Alexander, who
has for
years conducted a Agency) for the purpose of negociating Passages,
Parcels, procuring Supplies, &.c. &c., and transacting all matters of Agency,
either at
Home or Abroad; and trusU, from having been well known whilst holding many
official situations in Benjsjl, that he will receive the support
of some portion of the
Indian Army, and the Public in general, needing the assistance of an
Agent. Capt.
Kerr can give references to Officers of the highest rank, both in England
and in India!
The Annual Subscription to the Reading Rooms, attached to the Agency, is
' £l
per Annum.
Jndiim Army and Colonial Rooms, Carlton Chambers, 8, Rfgent Street,
and 6, Leaden/iall Street.


A HIGHLY fashionable and peculiar Handkerchief Scent, possessino-
'-^ extracu from the most fragrant flowers, and forming a Perfume at once
durable and refreshing. In bottles, at 2s. 6d. and 4s. 6d. each.


So exceedingly useful in Head-Aches, Fainting, &c., and particularly reviving in
crowded rooms. In neat stoppered bottles, enclosed in Morocco Cases, 3s. each.


These Powders, possessing absorbent as well as aperient properties, are superior to all
others in heartburn, indigestion, bile, or acidity of the stomach, arising from a too
use of wines, spirits, or highly-seasoned viands ; they may be had recourse to as
agreeable and efficient saline remedy, the fixed air they contain rendering them
rttfreshing as Soda Water. In red boxes, lined with tin-foil, 2s. each, (warranted to
keep in any climate).

Prepared and Sold only by THOMAS WHITE, Chemist, 24, CornhiU, London.

N. B. —The Essence ofEglantine, and the Aromatic Pungent Essence, can be

obtained of any respectable Chemist or Perfumer ijj the Kingdom.



TACLES, upon unerring principles, respectfully informs the Public that his
prices are less than half those usually charged by other Opticians.
Patronized by the Nobility, Clergy, the Principals of the British Museuin, and
strongly recommended by most distinguished Members of the Royal College of
Physicians and Surgeons.
Apair of best Convex Pebbles, fitted to the purchaser's own frame, 5s.; Con-
caves, 7s. 6d.; Convex Glasses, Is. ; Concaves, 2s.

Best Brazilian Pebbles, in gold frame.. . . £l 15 for Ladies.

Ditto ditto double joints 2 5 Gentlemen.
Ditto ditto standard silver 15 Ladies.
, Ditto ditto double double joints 16 6 Gentlemen.
Ditto ditto finest blue steel frame .... 15 Ladies.
Ditto ditto ditto double joints 16 6 Gentlemen.
Ditto ditto tortoiseshell frame 10 Ladies.
Ditto ditto best black buffalo horn. .. . 7 6 Ladies.

The above are all o-lazed with the clearest Brazilian pebbles, composed of pure crystal,
which is acknowledged by Oculists to be the most pellucid and perfect substance that
can be used for Spectacles.
Country and Foreign correspondents may be suited either by sending the glass last
used, or part of it, or by stating at what distance they can read common type, spe-
cifying the length of time they have used spectacles.

Glaziers' Patent Plough Diamonds, 12s. 6d.


Superior Eight-inch Wheel £2 5
Ditto, Rosewood, inlaid with Pearl 4
Portable Pediment Barometer, which may be sent to any
part of the Kingdom, without injury, from £2 5s. to 6
Most Improved Mountain Barometer 5 10
Ditto, Marine, from £3 10s. to 6



taining practical
Treatise on the
RULES that
Human Eye, (Price Sixpence) con-
N. B. May be procured by any Bookseller in the Kingdom, or of the Author, 83'
Fleet Street, London.

WEST'S IMPROVED STANHOPE LENS, mounted Gold, Silver, or Metal,

from 5s. 6d. to 20s. the prettiest Trinkets, and decidly the most unique Microscope
ever invented
—power 4,096. Observe, " WEST, INVENTOR," is stamped on the


SONS, Clothiers and Outfitters, Nos. 62, 63,
and 64, llouudsditch, London. Dress Clotli Coats, 31s. (3d. Shirts, Under
Clothing, Trunks, Sea-Bedding, and Cabin Furniture. Ladies Outfits prepared.
Lists on application.


LADIES and Gentlemen proceedingto India, Naval and Military

and Assistant-Surgeons, may be completely fitted out,
Officers, Writers, Cadets,
baggage packed and shipped, and Cabins furnished and
their passages engaged, the
arranged in a manner combining real utility with economy and despatch, by


N. B. — Every information given respecting the sailing of Ships for India or elsewhere


• in general,
and Co. solicit the attention of the Nobilitv and Public
that when purchasing the PATENT E\ER-P()li\'tED PEN'CIL
or LEADS for the same, to observe if the names of S. MORDAN & Co., Makers
and Patentees, are on the body of the case; this will insure a Solid Gold or Silver
Pencil Case that may be relied upon and prevent much disappointment aud vexatious
interruption when used.
S. M. & Co. beg to draw attention to their


which are of a very superior and improved manufacture, and are giving universal
satisfaction they may now be had of all respect.ible Stationers throughout the United

Kingdom, neatly packed up in dozens, with Holder to each Pen, avoiding that un-
pleasant task of taking out the Pen when done with.

S. M. & Co's 1.MPR0VED MEDICINE CHESTS, with air-tight Glass Stoppers,

without increasing their price, which may be purchased of all respectable Chemists
in the Kmgdom. Also their Locks that defy the most ingenious and notorious burglar
to pick or open, thus affording positive protection to every description of valuable
property, Wills, Deeds, &c. This description of Lock is in general use at Newgate,
>\ hilecross Street, and many other Prisons. S. Mordan and Co. are Locksmiths and
Pen and Pencil Makers to the Government Offices in General.

To the custom of periodical visits to the Sea Coast, in situations usually exposed
to the sun's most fervid rays, and destitute of. the cool and delicious shadows of the
sylvan retreat, we frequently trace many cases of Cutaneous Malady. Solar heat
produces upon the delicate Skin a species of inflammation, which, upon subsiding,
leaves a permanent stain of inveterate tan, or sprinkles of freckle ; in other instances
a discolouration inclining to rei/ness and swelling, afterwards easily excited to assume
some one of tlie multitudinous forms of eruption. There exists no doubt, that these
evils are materially aggravated by vapour, or by sea-bathing, which latter,
though salubrious as a tonic, cannot be otherwise than unfavourable to the suscept-
ibility of the Female Complexion to injury from stimulating and acrid causes. The only—
efficient preventive against these unpleasant liabilities of the SKIN & COMPLEXION is

Alt Auxiliary of vital importance to the support of Feminine Beauty !
By its use, the effects of atmospheric influence upon the skin are entirely neutralized,
and that constant healthy action of theminute vessels promoted on which depend —
continued delicacy of texture and tint; thus the great characteristics of early beauty
are protracted to a period which could not otherwise be considered as within the limits
of possibility.
Tlie distressing and unsightly varieties of Cutaneous Eruptions are also promptly
eradicated by the Kalydor. Spots, Pimples, Freckles, Discotourations, and Sallowness,
yield to its specific qualities, and are succeded by a smoothness and transparencn of
the skin, giving rise to the most pleasurable sensations.
LADIES TRAV^ELLING, or temporarily subjected to any deviation of equable
temperature, will lind in the Kalydor a renovating and refreshing auxiliary, dispelling
the cloud of langour from the Complexion, and immediately affording the pleasing
sensation attending restored elasticity of the Skin. The ARMS, NECK, and HANDS,
also partake largely of the advantages derived from its use, exhibiting nrfe&ac!/ of ap-

pearance heretofore scarcely attainable even with the most sedulous care and attention.
— Price 4s. 6d. and 8s. 6d. per bottle.


Ensures a luxuriance of growth, and restores the Hair when lost during protracted
illness, orsubsequent debility. Its nourishing qualities are also evident in preventing
the Hair from becoming Grey thus demonstrating renovation of vitality in the roots as

a prominent result of its use. It is the most elegant, agreeable, and efBcacious application,
both for realizing and sustaining, in the utmost perfection, a Beautiful Head of Hair.

NOTICE. Each Bottle is (with a Treatise on the Hair, 31s<e</(7io« J enclosed in a
wrapper, on which are engraved the words " Rowlands' Macassar Oil, "and the Name
andAddress,in RerfjOn Lace-work, thus,— A. ROWLAND &SON, 20, Hatton Garden,
Counter-Signed ALEX. ROWLAND.
The Lowest Pr.icE is 3s. 6d. ; the next 7s. ; or Family Bottles, (containing 4 small)
at 10s. 6d., or Double that size, £l Is.

The great esteem in which the Public have long held this delightful powder precludes
the necessity here of entering into a minute detail of its merits, and the singular
advantages it so eminently possesses over most of the common powders sold for the
Teeth. It is sufficient to observe, that Rowlands' Odonto is a pure Preparation of the
most efficient vegetable matter, which not only has the property of rendering the above
beautiful organs of the mouth dazzlingly white, but of strengthening their organic
structure, and fulfilling the delightful object of giving fragrancy to the breath.
NOTICE.—The name and Address of the Proprietors, A. ROWLAND &
20, Hatton Garden, London, are engraved on the Government Stamp wliich is pasted
on the first and last Articles also printed in red, on the Wrapper in which each is

enclosed. — Price 2s. 9d. per box, duty included.

Many Shop-keepers sell Counterfeits of the above, composed of the most pernicious
ingredients. They call their trash the " genuine," and sign A. RotvlamlSon, omitting
the "&,"recommending them as being Cheap .'.'.' —
Be sure to ask for "ROWLANDS."

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