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Competitive Advantage
Competitive price analysis
There are two types of competitor in the industry

 Local manufacturers
 Multinational manufacturers

ICI competes with both local and multinationals with different strategies

 Jotun paints placed their products with high pricing then any other in the market
 ICI competes with Jotun with low cost pricing strategy
 ICI provides paints with finest imported raw material at low cost


VT 4,105 Gallon Rich Matt 4620 Gallon
Premium Pentalite 3,160 Gallon Hygiene Emulsion 5,100 Gallon
Interior Easy Care 3,800 Gallon Smooth Silk 4,025 Gallon
Paintax Ultratex1160 Gallon Matt Emulsion 3,570 Gallon
Promise 2350 Gallon Premium Colour xtreme Matt5,303 Gallon
Powerflex 4,400 Gallon Mass Color Last 4,400 Gallon
Exterior Weathershield3,375 Gallon
Mass Promise 2,500 Gallon
ICI VS Local:-
 Nelson claims a highest market share in the market:
 Due to low pricing local paints have higher market share then multinationals
 ICI competes with local paints with high cost pricing strategy.
 They compete with local brands with quality but they charge more , which makes their
market is very niche
ici nelson
VT 4,105 Gallon Matt Special 3,500 Gallon
Premium Pentalite 3,160 Gallon Premium Gloss Enamel Extra
2,900 Gallon
Interior Easy Care 3,800 Gallon Interior Emulsion Extra2,300 Gallon
Paintax Ultratex
1,160 Gallon Gloss Enamel Trends
1,900 Gallon
Mass Mass
Promise 2,350 Gallon Emulsion trend1,300 Gallon
Powerflex 4,400 Gallon Premium Weather Shead 3,200
Premium Exterior
Exterior Weathershield3,375 Gallon Mass Weather Shead 2,400
Bold Gallon
Mass Promise 2,500 Gallon Premium Wall Putty Extra
1,200 Gallon
Bases Premium Dulux Putty 3,585 Drum Mass Wall Putty Bold 800 Gallon

Other variables

Brand image:

Managing Competitive information (Information collection,

Information collection
 Most of the information competitive pricing is collected through sales channel
 There are regulatory bodies in the industry but they don’t control prices
Example of competitive information collected via sales channel:-

Price increase or decrease decision

 ICI imports raw material from foreign markets,
 The increase and decrease in pricing is based about other factors such as dollar
 Local manufacturers have a competitive advantage in cost because they produced by
using local raw material
 Thus multinationals increase decrease prices more frequently than other but they keep
check and balance of their competitors.
 Any increase or decrease in price communicated with letter head and sales channels to
the market

• Strategy to counter competition

• Price competition / Price war scenario (if any)

Pellentesque fringilla mollis efficitur. Nullam venenatis commodo imperdiet. Morbi velit neque,
semper quis lorem quis, efficitur dignissim ipsum. Ut ac lorem sed turpis imperdiet eleifend sit
amet id sapien.
Maecenas mauris lectus, lobortis et purus mattis, blandit
dictum tellus.
Maecenas non lorem quis tellus placerat varius. Nulla facilisi. Aenean congue fringilla justo ut
aliquam. Mauris id ex erat. Nunc vulputate neque vitae justo facilisis, non condimentum ante
sagittis. Morbi viverra semper lorem nec molestie. Maecenas tincidunt est efficitur ligula
euismod, sit amet ornare est vulputate.

In non mauris justo. Duis vehicula mi vel mi pretium, a viverra erat efficitur. Cras aliquam est ac
eros varius, id iaculis dui auctor. Duis pretium neque ligula, et pulvinar mi placerat et. Nulla nec
nunc sit amet nunc posuere vestibulum. Ut id neque eget tortor mattis tristique. Donec ante
est, blandit sit amet tristique vel, lacinia pulvinar arcu. Pellentesque scelerisque fermentum
erat, id posuere justo pulvinar ut. Cras id eros sed enim aliquam lobortis. Sed lobortis nisl ut
eros efficitur tincidunt. Cras justo mi, porttitor quis mattis vel, ultricies ut purus. Ut facilisis et
lacus eu cursus.
In eleifend velit vitae libero sollicitudin euismod.
Fusce vitae vestibulum velit. Pellentesque vulputate lectus quis pellentesque commodo.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum in egestas velit. Pellentesque fermentum nisl vitae fringilla
venenatis. Etiam id mauris vitae orci maximus ultricies. Cras fringilla ipsum magna, in fringilla
dui commodo a.

Etiam vehicula luctus fermentum. In vel metus congue, pulvinar lectus vel, fermentum dui.
Maecenas ante orci, egestas ut aliquet sit amet, sagittis a magna. Aliquam ante quam,
pellentesque ut dignissim quis, laoreet eget est. Aliquam erat volutpat. Class aptent taciti
sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut ullamcorper justo
sapien, in cursus libero viverra eget. Vivamus auctor imperdiet urna, at pulvinar leo posuere
laoreet. Suspendisse neque nisl, fringilla at iaculis scelerisque, ornare vel dolor. Ut et pulvinar
nunc. Pellentesque fringilla mollis efficitur. Nullam venenatis commodo imperdiet. Morbi velit
neque, semper quis lorem quis, efficitur dignissim ipsum. Ut ac lorem sed turpis imperdiet
eleifend sit amet id sapien.

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