SPE 90829 Transition Time of Cement Slurries, Definitions and Misconceptions, Related To Annular Fluid Migration

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SPE 90829

Transition Time of Cement Slurries, Definitions and Misconceptions, Related to

Annular Fluid Migration
Murray J. Rogers, SPE, Robert L. Dillenbeck, SPE and Ramy N. Eid, SPE, BJ Services Company

Copyright 2004, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

development can be studied.
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Exhibition held in Houston, Texas, U.S.A., 26-29 September 2004.
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
Another defmition for transition time is the use
information contained in a proposal submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as of a static gel strength (SGS) analyzer to
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
measure the time from which cement goes
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at from 100 lbf/100 sq. ft (48 Pa) to 500 lbf/100
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper sq.ft (240 Pa). It has become an industry
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to a proposal of not more than 300
standard that once cement slurries reach an
words; illustrations may not be copied. The proposal must contain conspicuous SGS of 500 lbf/100 sq. ft (240 Pa)., gas or
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
other fluids cannot be transmitted through the
cement. The faster that you achieve this
Abstract optimum SGS, the less likely
Transition time of cement slurries is a term that that the cement will transmit gas.
has been used throughout the oil industry for
many years. During this time, the term has This paper will establish a definition for
been defined, redefined and misused to cover cement transition time and discuss the
a wide range of cementing topics. This has misconception of only using gel strength
led to numerous misconceptions and confusion development to control gas migration. Test
as to what transition time really means. For data that exhibits gas tight slurries with long
many years, this term has been directly tied to transition and those with short transition
the term right-angle-set, which relates to the that allowed gas influx will be shown. Also
speed in which slurries undergoing discussed in the paper will be the advantages
continuous shear go from a pumpable to a of cements with a short transition in
non-pumpable state. Once pumping is controlling high-pressure water flows.
stopped, the profile of how cement transition
from a liquid, to a gel, to a set cement changes. Introduction
These changes can directly affect the The control of annular gas migration after
performance of cement slurries to control fluid cementing has been the subject of many
migration. studies and papers 1-6. These include practical
approaches, theoretical approaches,
With the advent of the Ultrasonic Cement mathematical modeling and physical
Analyzer (UCA), the term "transition time" of modeling, each concentrating on one or two
cement slurries was redefined. UCA's have specific causes of gas migration. The one
developed into an essential piece of thing that all these studies have in common is
equipment. Not only can they achieve the fact that they all present valid
compressive strength information, but the conclusions, and although beneficial, have all
apparatus can also provide a continuous failed in field applications at one time or
measurement of how cement sets in static another. These failures illustrate that
state. This information has shortened wait although we have learned a great deal about
on cement (WOC) time, and provides an the causes and prevention of gas migration,
excellent profile on how fast cement there is still a lot to learn. However, before
develops strength. However, the transducers we can progress, we need to make sure that
in a standard UCA only provide information we understand and are using the
after the cement develops a compressive preferred nomenclature.
strength set. With improvement in
computerization and transducers, a more The term transition time has been used to
sensitive evaluation of gel strength refer to the dynamic set profile of cement
slurries as exhibited on a pressurized
consistometer. In other words, slurries that
provided a short transition time were those
which demonstrated what is referred to as a
"right angle set" on a thickening time chart.
Fig. 1 illustrates what is meant by right
angle set. By defmition a "right angle set" is
one in which the viscosity of a slurry remains
relatively low through a majority of the test
and then rapidly sets in a 20 to 45-minute time
frame to more than 70 Beardon Units of
Consistency (Bc)4. Work performed in 1993 by
Mueller 7 demonstrated that the set profile
during a dynamic-state event is not
representative of the way that some cement
slurries will develop gel forces under static
conditions Most slurries are designed to

provide thickening times in the range of 4

hours, when the actual job time may be less
than 1 hour. Slurries that exhibit a right angle
set after 4 hours in a dynamic test, may
demonstrate a different profile if placed
under static conditions 1 hour into the test.
Once cement movement is stopped, SGS
development may occur within several
minutes to over an hour, dependent on well
conditions and slurry designs. Wellbore
temperature and pressure, along
3 SPE 90829

statement in principal, concentrating on

short transition times as your primary
approach to gas control is a one-dimensional
with slurry density and additives are the main approach to a multi-dimensional problem. This
contributing factors determining how SGS's work will demonstrate that some slurries with
develop. For these reasons, the term "right short transitions can fail when tested in a gas
angle set" (a dynamic analysis), should not be migration model. It will also show that in
used when referring to slurries with short some cases slurries with extremely long
transition times (static-state test). transition times can prevent intrusion of gas,
if otherwise properly designed.
Another misconception on transition time is
the use of the initial compressive strength Given the previous defmition for transition
determination, derived from an UCA. In some time, a brief description of the mechanisms
cases, the time from 50 psi to 500 psi has been to control fluid or gas migration is needed.
used as a determining factor for how fast This paper will not attempt to establish a cure-
slurries will transition into a solid. The time all for gas migration, but is intended to
to 500 psi is important in reducing WOC time, illusrate that this is a multi-phase problem
but may have little to do with the SGS requiring a broader testing approach.
development of cement slurries. Some of the
confusion is from the fact that an ultrasonic
gel strength analyzer is available on the It is generally understood that gas
market. This instrument is called the static gel migration can occur
strength analyzer (SGSA) and will be between channels at the cement/formation
described later in this paper. Part of the interface,
confusion stems from the fact that the SGSA
can also be used to determine compressive cement/pipe interface, cement/mud interface
strength, while a UCA cannot be used to and through the cement matrix itself.
determine SGS. Assuming that the cement slurry is designed
to minimize volume reduction, the first
As described by Sabins et al, "transition time three mechanisms are a function of following
is the period during which the slurry changes good cementing practices1'4. These include
from a true hydraulic fluid to a highly viscous mud/annular conditioning, proper
mass showing some solid characteristics" 8 centralization, casing movement, good
displacement efficiency and proper spacer

under static-state conditions. From this point

design. Good cementing practices are an
forward, the aforementioned defmition will be
extremely important part of achieving a good
used when referring to transition time. In
annular seal. However, it is not the intent of
this work and others, it is generally
this work to further explore these practices.
accepted that at SGS development greater Instead, the authors believe that preventing
than 100 lbf/100 sq ft (48 Pa), gas or fluid flow through the cement matrix requires the
intrusion into the gelled cement can occur. use of a fit-for-purpose cement. Designing
This is considered the start of the transition such a cement requires focus on multiple
time and is the point in which full hydrostatic slurry properties that include the following:
pressure transmission is restricted. In an 1. Stabilized slurry — which includes zero
effort to prevent shallow water flows, free fluid and minimal particle
Mueller 9 proposed a program to calculate the segregation.
initial transition time based on downhole 2. Low fluid-loss — normally fluid losses
parameters. This provides a mathamatical below 50 cc's in 30 minutes is
approach to calculate the critical gels at recommended.
which fluid intrusion can occur. The transition
3. Short transition time — although a
time ends when the SGS increases to 500 desirable property, concentrating on
lbf/100 sq ft (240 Pa). At this point, the slurry transition time solely can provide a false
developed sufficient gel strength to prevent sense of security.
fluid or gas migration into the cement
4. Minimize volume reduction — Several
column. In subsequent work, Sabins and papers 2 on gas migration discuss
Sutton 10 proposed reducing the transition time
' 3
' 11

volume reduction during the plastic-

between 100 and 500 lbf/100 sq ft to less state, which is controlled primarily by
than 40 minutes. This suggests that reducing the slurries fluid loss and is relatively
the transition time will minimize the time for small. More than 95% of the hydration
fluid or gas intrusion into the cement. volume reduction occurs after initial set.
Although the authors agree with this The entry rate for gas or fluid can never
4 SPE 90829

be more than the total cement volume

losses rate.
5. Reduced internal slurry permeability —
Although Sutton and Ravi 2 present a
good case that slurry permeability has
a direct relationship to fluid loss, in our
work we noted variances in the
permeability during the initial
hydration of the slurry. These
variances may be attributed to the type
of fluid loss additive used or to an
increase in permeability during the
induction period. We observed that the
use of materials which reduce
permeability of the cement can help to
minimize flow paths for gas or fluid.
Figure 2 demonstrates this increase in
permeability. The fluid loss for this
slurry was approximately 12 cc's using
a convensional fluid loss cell and API
procedures. During the hydration of the
slurry, the permeability appeared to
increase. There was also a simultaneous
increase in filtrate production, causing a
voulume reduction.

Test Equipment Description

The cement slurries examined in the
laboratory for this work were subjected to a
variety of tests. Those tests included
standard API HTHP thickening times, and
Fluid Loss testing, as well as non-API gas
migration model, and SGS testing.

Thickening Time: All HTHP slurry thickening

times were performed following API RP-10B
testing standards, on HTHP pressurized
consistometers using API test schedules
appropriate for the simulated well depth
and specific temperature gradient.

Fluid Loss: The HTHP slurry fluid loss tests

were all
performed following API RP-10B standards in
standard HTHP
SPE 90829 5

regulator is greater than 300 psi, then the

regulator allows fluids (either cement filtrate
stirred fluid loss cells, at temperatures or Nitrogen gas) to leak off. Once the test cell
reflective of the wells for which the slurries is filled with cement slurry and the desired
were being tested. temperature and pressure conditions
simulated, the test can be run.
Gas Migration: For testing a slurry's
resistance to internal gas flow during setting, The gas flow test model actually records
a gas flow test model similar to one (automatically, via microprocessors) the
described by Beirute and Cheung 6 was (static) fluid loss, transition time, and
utilized. An operational diagram of the permeability of the setting cement. As well
actual test cell is illustrated in Figure 3. This as all pressures, the volume of any cement
gas flow model is equipped to measure the filtrate and/or whole gas that passes through
permeability of the cement while being the cement is also recorded. Additional
subjected to pressurized gas intrusions pressure monitoring ports in the cell allow
from the reservoir. In the subject test cell, for the recording of the actual pore pressure
three distinct pressures are applied to the of the cement slurry as it cures. This
cement slurry during the test. particular pressure reading is critical during
the test, as a gas tight slurry will typically
The hydrostatic pressure that would normally show a gradual decline of the slurry pore
be transmitted to the top of the cement column pressure as the slurry sets and no longer
by the fluids above the cement (such as drilling transmits the simulated hydrostatic pressure
mud and/or cement spacers) is simulated by of the fluid above the cement
mineral oil from a pressurized storage top. However, in instances where gas is
vessel. This oil is pushed to the top of a actually working through the slurry matrix,
traveling piston, which in turn rests on top of the slurry pore pressure will typically cease
the slurry in the test cell. Normally, 1,000 psi is its decline over time and begin to rise again,
used to simulate the hydrostatic head on the as high-pressure formation gas forces its way
cement slurry. The travelling piston contains into the setting cement slurry matrix. At the
a small port in its center and is fitted with a same time, data recording will typically
325/60 mesh stainless steel screen across its indicate excess slurry filtrate being forced
face that makes contact with the cement from the setting slurry, and in some
slurry in the test cell. On the backside of the instances, whole gas will be detected
traveling piston, the central port is flowing through the slurry and out of the test
connected to a 0.25-in. diameter stainless cell.
steel tube, which is 10.0-in. long. This tube is
used to introduce the second of the three As originally discussed by Beirute and Cheung
pressures. 6
, in order for a slurry to be considered gas
tight in a test with the model, the slurry pore
In this case, it delivers pressurized nitrogen pressure needs to continue to decline until
gas to simulate the effect of a reservoir gas the slurry is fully set and there should be no
being injected into setting slurry in the annulus gas flow through the setting slurry. Figure 4
of a well. The screen across the face of the illustrates the results from the model with a
travelling piston is used to simulate a high- slurry that maintained low permeability
pressure, high-permeability gas zone. For during transition and resisted flow of the high
testing, a constant pressure of 500 psi is used pressure gas. Figure 5 illustrates a test
to simulate this high-pressure interval. where the slurry was not able to resist gas
flow and therefore the test was deemed a
The third pressure used in the test is failure.
introduced to the cell via a port in the bottom
of the assembly. This bottom port is covered Since the original development of the model,
with the same type of 325/60-mesh stainless field results with slurries designed to pass the
steel screen as the face of the travelling gas model have shown good correlations to
piston. Once again, nitrogen gas is utilized results obtained from field applications.
via this port and screen. A pressure
regulator, is utilized to hold a constant 300 Static Gel Strength: As previously
psi to simulate a lower pressure, high- mentioned, currently there are not any
permeability formation. The performance industry recognized standard methods for
of the regulator is similar to a check valve. If the determination of SGS in oilfield cement
the pressure on the test cell side of the systems. However, ISO is evaluating three
6 SPE 90829

different types of laboratory test devices in a standard for our testing, which is roughly
order to attempt to develop such standards. equal to one complete rotation in about 23
One of the test devices being evaluated is an hours. It is the drag of the slurry on this very
ultrasonic test device (SGSA) that uses slowly turning paddle that is used to compute
interpretation of ultrasonic transmissions the SGS. Typically, once a slurry has obtained
passing through the cement slurry to an SGS of 500 lbf/100 sq ft (240 Pa), the test
determine the developing SGS. is considered to be finished and is terminated.

A second device being evaluated is a vane

device. This device is essentially a "Vane type Data Presentation:
rheometer" that operates with an Although the authors have observed numerous
intermittent shear. Unlike other equipment examples of slurries that support their
available to measure SGS, the vane device is findings, four designs were chosen to
limited to about 800 psi pressure. demonstrate the typical misconceptions with
regards to transition time as defined
The third device works in a very similar fashion previously. These slurries are:
to an HTHP consistometer, in that the slurry is
brought up to bottomhole pressure and 1. Portland Class H + GMR + DA + EA +
temperature over time, while being FWC mixed at 16.2 ppg in fresh water
continuously sheared at a rate consistent with
slurry placement in a well. After being 2. Portland Class H + GMR + DA + LTR +
conditioned under bottomhole conditions for KC1 mixed at 15.7 ppg in fresh water
a time approximately equal to that required
for placement in a well, the test device then is 3. Portland Class H + GMR + DA + FLA
transitioned over into the SGS test mode. In mixed at 16.5 ppg in fresh water
this mode, the SGS of the slurry is
continuously monitored over time by means of 4. LSC mixed at 15.8 ppg that provides
a special paddle immersed in the slurry inside low fluid loss properties.
a pressurized vessel. The resistance on the
paddle rotated at a continuous shear of Slurry 1: Represents a multi-functional slurry
0.26°/min, is measured by a strain gauge. designed to provide a short transition time,
control fluid or gas intrusion and exhibit a
For this work, all SGS determination was right angle set on the HPHT consistometer. This
preformed with a device that functions in the design is considered an ideal case scenario,
same manner as the third type of tester since it addresses most of the causes of gas
described above. This modified piece of migration, as previously discussed. The slurry
tabletop laboratory equipment functions composition is a blend of Portland cement
both as a standard HTHP consitometer, as containing additives that provide gas
well as a SGS analyzer. Figure 6 shows the migration reduction (GMR). These materials
entire machine. In the thickenong time mode, aid in fluid loss control, free fluid prevention,
it can actually function as a fully capable bonding and internal slurry permeability
HTHP consistometer. However, in SGS reduction. GMR additives can consist of a
testing, this mode is typically used only to broad range of materials such as latex,
simulate the polyvinyl polymers, silica fume blends, etc.
This design also included a cement
shearing of the slurry during placement into dispersant (DA), an expanding additive (EA)
the annulus of a well. As described and a free water control additive (FWC).
previously, once the slurry has been
conditioned in the placement simulation mode,
Basic testing criteria for this slurry used a
the device is then switched over into the SGS
bottomhole circulating temperature (BHCT) of
testing phase of the test. Figure 7 shows a
110°F (43.3°C), an initial pressure of 400 psi, a
close-up of the control panal, which by means
final pressure of 2,900 psi and a ramp rate of
of a microprocessor instrumentation column and
20 minutes. All slurry preparation and
a thin lanyard, as shown on Figure 8, takes
conditioning was done according to API RP 10-
over the very precise drive of the paddle
B specifications.
from the large motor used in the
consistometer/conditioning mode. This For Gas Flow Testing, the slurry was mixed and
instrumented column controls the rate of ramped up to
rotation of the paddle. Although capable of bottomhole circulating temperature
vaiable rotation rates, 0.26°/minute was used as (BHCT) on an
SPE 90829 7

atmospheric consistometer. Once conditioned and a low temperature retarder (LTR). In this
and stable at case, the GMR was not of sufficient quantity or
type to prevent gas influx.
temperature for 20 minutes, the slurry was
transferred into a pre-heated cell jacket (of
same temperature). As described in the Basic testing criteria for this slurry used a
equipment section, a pressure of 1,000 psi was BHCT of 138°F (58.9°C), an initial pressure
used to simulate the hydrostatic head. of 550 psi, a final pressure of 4,900 psi and a
Pressures of 500 psi and 300 psi, respectively, ramp rate of 40 minutes. All slurry preparation
were used to simulate high and low-pressure and conditioning was done according to API
zones. Although these pressures can be RP 10-B specifications.
altered to simulate actual well conditions, it
The Gas Model test was conducted first,
was found that these parameters provide a
using the same procedure discussed
standardized test procedure under a worse
previously. Figure 12 shows the results of this
case scenario. The slurry was then kept static
Gas Model test.
at temperature and pressure for the duration
of the test, normally 24 to 48 hours. The The SGS of the slurry was then tested as
parameters discussed above, along with the described in the equipment section of this
fluid loss, volume reduction and gas volume, paper with the temperature and pressure
were automatically monitored and recorded ratings listed for Slurry 2. In this case, the
for the duration of the test. The data was slurry was conditioned for 4 hours to
transferred to a computer where it was simulate total job time. After conditioning
plotted against time as seen in Figure 9. the motor was switched to SGS mode, as
The SGS of the slurry was then tested as described for Slurry 1. The results of this
described in the equipment section of this testing is shown in Figure 13.
work. The slurry was ramped up to pressure
Slurry 3: In this test, the authors investigated
and temperature while being sheared at 150
rpm (such as it would be in an HPHT the ability of a slurry that exhibits an extremely
thickening time test). After conditioning for 2 long transition time to control annular gas
hours, (which is the time to mix, pump and migration. This slurry consisted of a blend of
displace the slurry), the top-drive motor was Portland cement containing a GMR, DA and
turned off and the secondary motor was fluid loss additive (FLA). The fluid loss of
activated and attached to the strain gauge to Slurry 3 was controlled to less than 50 cc's/
initiate SGS testing. A lanyard attached the 30 minutes. The combination of the low fluid
strain gauge to the paddle, which pulled it loss to control volume reduction and the GMR
through a rotation of 0.26 °/min. The force to reduce the matrix permeability of the
required for that rotation was then monitored slurry during hydration, has been shown to
through the data acquisition system and aid in preventing gas migration.
plotted on a chart recorder. As mentioned
previously, the time from 100 lbf/100 sq ft (48 The test criterion used for Slurry 3 was
Pa) to 500 lbf/100 sq ft (240 Pa) is the measure identical to that used for Slurry 2.
of transition time. Figure 10 exhibits the
results of this test. The Gas Model was conditioned and run similar
to those tests previously mentioned for Slurry 1
This fmal test of the slurry was a and 2. The result of the gas model for this
thickening time determination on a slurry is shown in Figure 14.
conventional HTHP consistometer to record
its set profile. The same pressure and The SGS or transition time was run using the
temperature parameters were also used for procedure described previously in this work.
this test. The consistency of the slurry was Job time for this specific design was 3 hours
measured and the test stopped when it prior to starting the SGS test. The result for
reached 70 Bc. The results of this testing can this test is shown in Figure 15.
be seen in Figure 11.
Slurry 4: The fmal slurry design was chosen to
Slurry 2: Represents a multi-functional slurry
exhibit the typical misconception that SGS
design that exhibits a satisfactory transition development (transition time) and a "right-
time, yet allows gas intrusion when tested on angle-set" demonstrated on the conventional
the Gas Model. This slurry is similar to Slurry HPHT consistometer are related. In this
1, with the addition of Potassium Salt (KCL) example the slurry used is known as a liquid
storable cement (LSC) system. Although
8 SPE 90829

initially developed for use in remote locations, from 40 Bc to 70 Bc. This set profile would be
its unique properties have established a considered a 'right angle set'.
broader market in many parts of the world.
For some specific jobs, a long transition time The slurry provided a pass scenario for all
is the main requirement requested by the three catergories evaluated. Although, this
operator. The composition of this slurry was a may be desirable it is not always practical
mixture of Portland cement, a combination of considering the varability and quality issue
silica flour (325 mesh) and sand (100 mesh), with the numerous cements on the market. It
cement plasticizer, retarder, FLA, anti settling is important not to dismiss a specific design
agent and an intensifier, for activation. that has a long transition time, if the slurry is
still capable of passing a gas flow test.
For this application the slurry was ramped to
a BHCT of 180°F (82°C) in 1 hour at an initial Figure 13 of slurry 2 demonstrate an excellent
pressure of 700 psi and a fmal pressure of transition time of 33 minutes from 100 lbf/100
7700 psi. The slurry temperature was held sq ft (48 Pa) to 500 lbf/100 sq ft (240 Pa).
constant for 1 hour to simulate job time. After Although the transition time exhibited by
this period the slurry was ramped to BHST of slurry 2 is considered satisfactory to prevent
222°F (105.5°C) over a 3 hour period. This is fluid or gas intrusion, it can be observed in
following guidelines established by the figure 12 that the slurry exhibited gas
operator to simulate actual job conditions. migration 71/2 hours into the gas flow test. It
also should be noted that the slurry design
Since this is a special slurry design it is exhibited less than 40 cc's fluid loss in the
not mixed in accordance with API standard fluid loss cell. In the gas model more
procedure. A standard laboratory procedure than 85 cc's of filtrate was produced for the
has been established to provide mixing duration to the test. The last 20 cc's of
instructions that more closely simulate field filtrate was made during the onset of
applications. This procedure has been used hydration, which has been observed in many
successfully, to mix and store LSC, for over 8 failed tests over the years. A possible
years. The thickening time profile is shown in explanation for this is that the rapid volume
figure 16. reduction caused by increased permeability
during initial hydration allowing gas influx
The transition time was conducted using the into the matrix of the slurry.
procedure established earlier in this work. A
condition time of 2 hours was used prior to Slurry 3 is a classic case of a gas flow test
initiating the SGS mode. The result of this test that passes (figure 14) and a transition time
is shown in figure 17. that fails (figure 15).. The slurry pore
pressure drop started at approximately 41/2
hours into the test, and continued for 10
As noted in figure 9 for slurry 1, the hydration hours before stabilizing. The transition time
of the slurry began to occur about 4 hours into chart demonstrates what is considered to be a
the gas model test. At this time the filtrate very slow gel strength development. Basically
production leveled out at approximately 40 it took 4:19 hours to go from 100 lbf/100 sq ft
cc's. The pore pressure of the cement slurry (48 Pa) to 500 lbf/100 sq ft (240 Pa).
continued to drop for 7 hours after the initial
pressure drop was noted. No influx of gas was Slurry 4 was a special case in which it was
recorded during this 24-hour evaluation. necessary to design a slurry to provide an
extremely long transition time. This was
Figure 10 of slurry 1 exhibits the transition time accomplished by use of a special LSC system.
of this slurry design.. The SGS development Figure 17 shows the results of the transition
from 100 lbf/100 sq ft (48 Pa) to 500 lbf/100 sq time or SGS test. It can be noted that the slurry
ft (240 Pa) was 47 minutes. Although at the obtained 100 lbf/100 sq ft (48 Pa) within 30
upper limits of what would normally be minutes after switching to the SGS mode.
considered acctable by the authors, this However, it took nearly 24 hours to reach 500
design provided satisfactory SGS results. The lbf/100 sq ft (240 Pa). This slow gel
last figure 11 is a scanned image of the development would not have been
thickening time chart for slurry 1. The slurry anticipated under accepted ideaology, given
exhibited a thickening time of 3:30 hours. For the right angle set exhibited in
the first 2 1/2 hours of the test the slurry
exhibited a consistency of 10 Bc. Once it began
to set it took approximately 15 minutes to go
9 SPE 90829

figure 16. The thickening time chart exhibits Standardization

a slurry that produced a consistency of less KC1- Potassium Chloride
that 8 Bc for over 40 hours and then increased lbf - Pounds Force
to 70 Bc in 10 minutes. This is considered a LSC- Liquid Storable Cement
true right angle set. Figure 16 and figure 17 LTR - Low Temperature Retarder
are a good indication that right angle sets Pa - Pascal
and short transition times do not necessarily ppg- Pounds per Gallon
correlate to each one another. psi- Pounds per Square Inch
sq. ft.- Square Feet
Conclusions SGS- Static Gel Strength
From the investigations and results discussed in SGSA - Static Gel Strength
the paper, the authors propose the following Analyzer UCA - Ultrasonic
conclusions: Cement Analyzer WOC -
Wait on Cement
1. Even though the SGS can be critical
for the prevention of shallow water
flows in deep water cementing
operations, data does not indicate that
the SGS is singularly critical for
preventing gas migration through a
hydrating cement slurry.
2. The occurrence of a "right angle set"
in a slurry during HTHP thickening
time testing does not necessarily
equate to the same slurry possessing
rapid development of SGS, or yielding a
particularly high SGS.
3. Gas migration model testing does not
support the theory that Ultra-low fluid
loss control in a cement slurry is
singularly critical for preventing
gas migration through a hydrating
cement system.
4. The slurries that were deemed to have
successfully passed the gas flow model
used in this work also exhibited low
permeability throughout slurry
API- American Petroleum Institute
Bc- Beardon Units of Consistency
BHCT - Bottom Hole Circulating
BHST - Bottom Hole Static
oc- Degrees Centigrade
cc- Cubic Centimeter
DA- Cement Dispersant
F- Degrees Fahrenheit
FLA- Fluid Loss Additive
FWC - Free Water Control
GMR - Gas Migration Reducer
HPHT - High Pressure High
ISO International Organization for
10 SPE 90829

Acknowledgement of Cement Slurries Between the

The authors would like to thank BJ Fluid and Set States", paper SPE
Services for their support and permission to 9285, presented at the 1980 SPE
publish this paper. The authors would also Annual Technical Conference and
like to thank Scott Bray and Chris Perez for Exhibition, Dallas, 2124 September,
their assistance in generating the data used 1980.
in this paper. Additional thanks are extended 9. Mueller, D. T., "Redefming the
to Doris Porter and Harold Brannon for their Static Gel Strength Requirements for
assistance in fmalizing and proofmg this Cements Employed in SWF
paper. Mitigation", paper OTC 14282,
prepared for the 2002 Offshore
References Technology Conference, Houston, 6-
1. Stewart, R. B. and Schouten, F. C., 9 May, 2002.
"Gas Invasion and Migration in
10.Sabins, F.L. and Sutton, D. L., "The
Cemented Annuli: Causes and
Relationship of Thickening Time,
Cures", paper IADC/SPE 14779,
Gel Strength, and Compressive
presented at the 1986 IADC/SPE
Drilling Conference, Dallas, 1012 Strength of Oilwell Cements", paper
February, 1986. SPE 11205, presented at the 1982
SPE Annual Technical Conference,
2. Sutton, D.L. and Ravi, K.M., "New New Orleans, 26-29 September,
Method for Determining Downhole 1982.
Properties That Affect Gas Migration
and Annular Sealing", paper SPE
19520, presented at the 1989 64 th
Annual Technical Conference,
San Antonio, 8-11 October, 1989.
3. Sabins, F. and Wiggins, M.L.,
"Parametric Study of Gas Entry
Into Cemented Wellbores",
published in the SPE Drilling and
Completion, September 1997.
4. Grant, W.H. et al, "Simplified
Slurry Design Increases Wellsite
Success", paper SPE/IADC 16135,
presented at the 1987 SPE/IADC
Drilling Conference, New Orleans,
15-18 March, 1987.
5. Pornpoch Tiraputra, et al,
'Overcoming Shallow-Gas Drilling
Difficulties in the Gulf of Thailand",
paper IADC/SPE 87179, prepared for
the 2004 IADC/SPE Drilling
Conference, Dallas, 2-4 March,
6. Beirute, R. M. and Cheung, P. R., "A
Method for Selection of Cement
Recipes To Control Fluid Invasion
After Cementing", paper SPE 19522,
published in the SPE Production
Engineering, November, 1990.
7. Mueller, D.T., "An Investigation of
The Static-State Properties of Right-
Angle-Set Cements" prepared for the
Southwestern Petroleum Short
Course, 1993.
8. Sabins, F.L., et al, "Transition Time
SPE 90829 11

Class H + FLA + Retarder @ 16.5 ppg

tested at 180°F TT — 3:45 hrs FL — 12
cc's FW - Zero
"Interrelationship Between Critical
0 5 10 15 Cement Properties and Volume
DC VOLTAGE Changes During Cement Setting",
paper SPE 20451, presented at the
1990 SPE Annual Technical
Conference, New.
Figure 2 — Gas model chart showing the Figure 1 — Right Angle Set
rapid filtrate increase during cement
hydration GAS FLOW MODEL

1000 pSI Oil


lifgh Pressure 500 psi Transducer 
0- Nitrogen
Supply w
i i a0

Control Panel
__-11. Display


300 psi
300 psi Back
Low Pressure
Nitrogen Pressure
Zone Supply
-— Direct to Excel
13 SPE 90829

1000______________________________________________________________________________________ 1,1

100— 1000 au
10.0 lloo
1 .----.0
I MO Filtrate ------
FiltrUte -

Temperature ----6"1---- Temperature

, I
. . .

r t:

a ' Gas. Flaw

0 • O e

. 1 —
• ' 4— Pore Pressure . :
Water . 2
2 ..____
Displaced 40 1 At —
— by Filtrate
II, Pore P
. . - - - - - - - . of


SO '
20 s ,
14 SPE 90829

Figure 6 — Tabletop HTHP consistometer conversion to SGS tester.

15 SPE 90829

Figure 7 — Microprocessor instrument panel Figure 8 — Lanyard assembly used to

used for modified tabletop SGS tester converte the SGS tester to gel testing

Figure 10 — SGS chart for Slurry 1 _1,1,1u111,

500 lbf/100 sq ft

100 lbf/100

Figure 9 —Gas Flow Model chart for Slurry 1

(Passed) Start SGS test
mode L
16 SPE 90829

Figure 11 — Thickening time chart of Slurry 1

Figure 12 — Failed Gas Flow Model chart for Slurry 2

SPE 90829 17

Figure 13 — SGS chart of Slurry 2

Figure 14 — Gas Flow Model chart of

18 SPE 90829

Slurry 3 (Pass)
19 SPE 90829

500 lbf/100 sq ft — Folded Chart -

approximately 90
HI III minutes of chart not
1 1 shown.


1 i I1
I 1 I.

y • 100 lbf/100 sq ft --- -

20 SPE 90829

- _ __ Start of SGS test


Figure 15 — SGS chart of Slurry 3 (Long Transition Time)

SPE 90829 21
05:2E: a
H1 fiS:n
Right Angle Set

Folded Chart - approximately 37

hours not shown

kC) C



sq ft



111111111 ••



Figure 16 — Thickening time chart of Slurry 4 (Right Angle Set)

approximately 19 1/2
hours not shown
Figure 16 — Thickening time chart of Slurry 4 (Right Angle Set)

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