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July 13, 1527 – John Dee is born in Tower Ward, London

1535 – 1542 – Attends Chelmsford Chantry School

November 1542 – Enters St John’s Cambridge

1545 – Graduates with his BA

1546 – Becomes an original fellow at Trinity College upon its founding

1548 – Graduates with his MA from St. John’s Cambridge; Studies at Louvain

1553 – Serves as rector at Upton-upon-Severn

1555 – arrested for casting horoscopes for Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth. Is tried before the Star
Chamber but s exonerated. Turned over to Bishop Bonner for “religious examination”

1564 – writes Monas Hieroglyphica.

1582 –

meets Edward Kelley

1583 –

meets Albert Laski, moves to Poland with Kelley

1584 –

1585 –

1586 –

1587 –

Kelley tells Dee that the angel Uriel had ordered all men to share their possessions inlcuind their
1588 –

Dee’s wife gives birth to a son who may be Kelley’s

1589 –

after ending his friendship with Kelley, he returns to England

1608/9 – dies at Mortlake

1659 – Meric Casaubon publishes Dee’s diaries

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